The Dan Bongino Show - The Bongino Brief - Jan 08, 2022
Episode Date: January 8, 2022What does creeping tyranny look like? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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Dan Bongino.
Welcome to the Bongino Brief. I'm Dan Bongino.
This is the Hello, Captain Obvious story du jour.
So we had warned you that paying people not to
work stunner fellas you pay people not to work what are they gonna do they're not gonna work
lefties were like i heard austin goulds be on fox no we pay people not to work that's not doing it
that's not stopping people from reiterating the workforce really because now as if we needed a
study to tell us the obvious.
So we're paying people not to work.
And the number of people out of the workforce is at historic highs.
Liberals are like, I don't get the connection.
Joe, they're sitting there like, we're paying people not to work.
And labor force participation is historically low.
They're like, gosh, what could be doing? This is how dumb these imbeciles we live with that call themselves liberals are.
What could possibly be doing
it is it a solar flare is it an invasion from klingons what could possibly be doing it i don't
know i have no idea so i had said to you you know having studied psychology and economics and finance
and my mba don't ever mention your educational credentials. It's a joke, but it's true.
I said, it's probably an incentive to not work
if you're paying people not to work.
And leftists were like, conspiracy theory.
Okay, Wall Street Journal,
pandemic jobless benefits and work.
A new study shows the enhanced unemployment payments
reduced employment.
I mean, imagine waking up every morning as a liberal. Imagine that, being like,
why am I such a moron? Why am I so dumb? I don't know. Why are you so dumb? Is it genetic? Nature
nurture? Diathesis stress? I don't know. I don't know why you're so stupid. Here. So they did a
study using data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. So it's government data. Liberals
love government, right?
They did them using their monthly household survey.
They estimated in this National Bureau of Economic Research study that early termination
of these two unemployment programs was associated with a 14 percentage point increase in the
flow from unemployment to employment in July and August among 25 to 54 year olds using February to June as a control period.
stutter fellas.
When you stop paying people to not work,
wait for it,
they go back to work.
Which I can't believe.
I can't believe it.
And the government data says that this is stunning.
I'm Elizabeth.
Give me the nitro pills.
I can't.
if you're a leftist,
these Austin Goolsbee economic types who go on TV and they embarrass
This is a shocker to them.
This is stunning.
Yet where the conspiracy theorists and nuts, right?
It's us.
That's the hello, Captain Obvious story of the day.
When you stop paying people and you discontinue these unemployment programs, people go back to work.
I don't want to overwhelm you with coronavirus stories, but it's not the coronavirus story is
never just about coronavirus. It's about misinformation. It's about big tech tyranny.
It's about the slow evaporation of your civil liberties. It's about exposing the left for who
they are. They're never just about coronavirus. So what does tyranny really look like? Slow
creeping tyranny? Because tyranny rarely happens overnight.
You got to loosen up the population first,
give them body blows to freedom, right?
Get them to believe that freedom really isn't their thing,
that the government has the answers.
If they turn over in a zero sum fight for freedom and liberty,
their freedom and liberty to government,
that government's going to take care of them,
even at the expense of their liberty.
And they want to make that trade sometimes,
but it takes time to get them to do that.
No one voluntarily walks into a prison no one unless you're scared
here's what creeping tyranny looks like story in my newsletter today slash newsletter
read it privacy threat a doctor says the minnesota medical board is seeking the records of the
patients he gave ivermectin this dr Dr. Scott Jensen thinks he's being politically targeted
for doing this crazy thing, Joe, called practicing medicine
because he prescribed a regime-unapproved medication, ivermectin.
So now the Minnesota Medical Board is looking for his records.
What else does tyranny look like?
Not just attacking your political opponents because
you don't like their politics because the ivermectin fight is not a science fight it's a political fight
in order to turn a country into an orwellian nightmare you have to change the language
sometimes almost overnight well miriam webster just did just that miriam webster has now changed
the definition as we covered before of an anti-vaxxer, a noun they say, to a person who opposes the use of vaccines or regulations mandating vaccines.
So just to be clear, Miriam Webster, the useful idiots in this new totalitarian bent on the left, Miriam Webster is now suggesting that even if you support vaccines and the use of vaccines,
if you support them, but you say, you know what?
I don't think forcing people to do it's going to be, you are an anti-vaxxer.
Now, I've discussed this a lot, the changing of the language and why they do it like that.
They don't even tell you.
They do it like that for a reason.
Told the story a thousand times.
It was on the radio one morning, filling in WMAL.
I find out that,
and I forget which word it was,
gay or homosexual.
They said that one of those words
is now considered homophobic.
And I was,
I remember this was like five,
six, seven years ago.
No, maybe longer than that.
And I'm on the morning show.
I'm like, they just changed that overnight.
And they've just,
why do they do that?
They do that to stigmatize you and go,
look, that guy's a homophobe,
just for speaking like people spoke at the time.
That's what they're doing here with anti-vaxxer too.
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Want to know what tyranny looks like?
New York Post.
New York City will now consider race when distributing life-saving COVID treatments.
The city will, quote, consider race and ethnicity when assessing individual risk,
reads this agency's guidance, which adds that longstanding systemic health and social inequities
can contribute to an increased risk of dying from COVID-19.
Want to get COVID treatment in New York? You better be the right race. Want to know what tyranny looks like? That's what it
looks like right there. Changing the language, sticking people in political boxes, attacking
your political opponents under the guise of science, that's what creeping
tyranny looks like right here.
We'll be on the creeping stage, folks.
We're waltzing right into the tyranny ball right now.
Scary stuff.
All right.
So on this note, so while I was gone, there was a profile, you may have heard of it, written
about me in the new
yorker by a guy named evan osnard or something like that yeah evan's a rather silly individual
he's intellectually not that bright i spoke to him on the phone he's quite stupid i had an enjoy
enjoyable time dismantling him on the phone but i noticed one thing when i interview you may say
too why'd you interview with this guy well the same reason I told him and he quoted me in the piece,
because he's a,
he's a dip wad and I knew he was going to write a hit piece,
which I was accurate about.
So I figured I might as well take a couple shots at him in his own piece,
which I did,
and knowing that my platform is far larger than his anyway.
So I did speak to this guy and it was kind of enjoyable listening to this moron.
He's not particularly bright.
His parents must be horrified to have spawned such a zero.
By AOC standards, Joe, maybe he wants to date me with the hit piece.
I don't know.
I have no idea.
It's kind of maybe a little weird.
I don't know.
So Evan Osnar wrote this piece.
I got a couple emails about it.
People were kind of laughing about it.
So we're doing a profile on Evan Osnar, too, coming up, which is going to be fascinating.
He's a pee-pee hoaxer.
I don't know if you knew that.
Yes, he's a collusion truther, collusion hoaxer.
He's Biden's biographer.
So as I said in the piece, his lips are surgically attached to the ass of Joe Biden.
He's also a CNN contributor. You know, the, uh, Jeffrey Toobin, Chris Cuomo, uh, uh, uh, who is it?
Uh, the producer at CNN to the guy accused of like sexually assaulting or
sexually propositioning young girls and stuff.
So he's a CNN contributor, um, a Biden ass kisser.
And he's talking about misinformation
and the media ecosystem?
Cash them checks, Osnard.
So in the piece, the only reason I bring it up
is because Osnard's a fraud,
and we'll be writing a profile on Osnard.
It's going to be pretty fantastic.
We'll have a nice caricature of Osnard, too.
We're going to be drawing up to
osnard who's a peepee hoaxer but he did something really disgusting and it's kind of a even for
i've had this hit piece written on me a thousand times by the way the hit pieces you know
despite the fact on this show that we've repeatedly uh over and over jones in serious
you've been with me the longest so it's a serious question how many times on this show have we said to people that violence is an end game is not not the answer because there's no
turning back that's once you breach that red line there's no how many times do we said that a
thousand maybe i don't know maybe more i mean yeah we've only been saying it since 2015 it's so much
so that you know if we said it once or twice we'd remember um we don't even
remember because we've said it so often right right because it's true once the red lines breach
there's no turning back once the bloodshed and killing starts you don't go back and say well
you're writing bad twitter pieces that's not the way that works we've only said that again a
thousand times it doesn't really matter you You know, I've confronted that.
I had that huge fight with the BLM guy on my show, Unfiltered, who was actually calling
for violence where we called him out.
None of that matters to the left.
See, the left, what they do is people like Evan Osnar, they love violence, the Antifa,
BLM violence, because it's a tool for them to enforce conformity.
So the way they distract people from their love affair with violence and
Antifa and BLM and the left and Biden and their fascination with violence and
what they think they can achieve by doing it is they do this epic gaslight
where they just do what they take,
what they're doing and they blame it on you.
So in one of the most disgusting things I've ever seen in an article,
even for a piece of filth
like evan osnard whose parents must be horrified to spawn this loser just look at him
he tries to blame me for the death of ashley babbitt which i've got to tell you even for a
piece of filth like this worthless life loser just take a look at this guy. He's a pee-pee hoaxer. I mean, he's a moron.
It's really disgusting.
And his logic is that Ashley Babbitt
had retweeted some of my tweets.
He's a journalist.
Now, if that's your principle, right?
Because you think he has, but he doesn't.
The guy's a dip- dip like you've never seen.
And you're like, believe me, I talked to him.
This is a really genuinely dumb person.
You should have heard him on the phone, stumbling, mumbling like an idiot.
When I called him out on the mask science, he had no idea what he was talking about.
The vaccine said the guy is genuinely dumb.
It's not an act.
His logic and principle here is that I am somehow implied. I was responsible for the death of Ashley Babbitt because she retweeted me.
But that's fascinating because the guy who shot up the ball field, who was a Bernie Sanders reporter and nearly killed Steve Scalise, he was a big Bernie Sanders guy.
He was doing a lot more than retweeting.
Bernie Sanders responsible for that what about the
waukesha guy who ran down the people at the parade who was promoting a lot of blm stuff is blm
responsible for their deaths we're gonna ask evan osnard that in the profile we're doing on him
um he won't answer because he doesn't have the balls. He's just a chump.
But why now? I got the question. Why is the media now made you the new boogeyman? The new boogeyman
are me, Tucker Carlson, and Greg Gutfeld right now. We are the new boogeyman because we're
starting to show these people that you don't need the left at all to speak truth to power.
The left wants you to go through them as gatekeepers.
When Rumble went public and the parallel economy I've been building started to explode, I've
got news on that, by the way, coming very shortly on my next project.
I became their target because Evan Osnard is upset that he's nothing but an afterthought
who will never be remembered other than for a dopey name like having Evan Osnard as a name.
He's upset about that, but I don't have to go through him.
Here's Evan Osnard, the New Yorker, promoting the pee-pee hoax.
New Yorker, Trump, Putin, and the new Cold War.
What lay behind Russia's interference in the 2016 election and what lies ahead?
February 24, 2017, Evan Osnard.
He's a pee-pee hoax.
He's embarrassed.
I exposed him.
And they're horrified that I'm building an entirely new free speech parallel economy.
And that they were the conspiracy theorists and the promoters of violence the entire time.
So in an extinction burst of behavior, they try to take it out on me.
I'm their new boogeyman.
Get ready.
2022 is going to be fascinating.