The Dan Bongino Show - The Bongino Brief - Jul 10, 2021
Episode Date: July 10, 2021Two tenets of Critical Theory and Critical Race Theory you need to understand. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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Dan Bongino.
Welcome to the Bongino Brief.
I'm Dan Bongino.
I've never seen it better explained
than the two big tenets of critical theory
and critical race theory.
Better than this one example, this one piece.
It's in the Hill.
Jonathan Turley.
The rise of a generation of censors.
Law schools are the latest battlement.
Law school is the latest battlement over free speech.
Folks, this is serious.
The article is a serious article that highlights a very serious problem.
But within the piece is a paragraph that perfectly encapsulates two tenets of critical theory and critical race theory.
You need to understand and the why. Why liberals are are doing this the gist of the piece is this that law schools now are censoring
any opposing thoughts when it comes to topics they deem controversial controversial excuse me like
transgender rights or whatever it may be law schools now now are banning or outright censoring any opposition.
Well, folks, what's the problem with that?
Well, ladies and gentlemen, where do you think our judges and lawyers come from?
Law schools.
You're going to have a generation of judges who are never going to see the pro-life arguments,
never going to see the pro-Second Amendment arguments,
never going to see the religious liberty arguments when it comes to transgender rights or whatever it may be. They're never going to see the pro second amendment arguments never going to see the religious liberty arguments
when it comes to um transgender rights or whatever it may be they're never going to see any of that
they're only going to get one side and when you only get one side there only is one side
but that's not the way courts work there's a defendant and a plaintiff
courts are two-sided they're adversarial by nature. That's why they're courts.
We're going to have an entire generation of lawyers who have no legal knowledge whatsoever about issues that matter to conservatives.
Religious liberty, the Second Amendment, freedom, all of it.
So Duke was going to have a debate, a symposium about transgender rights and activism and the legal consequences of both.
Well, a website above the law, like a Steven Seagal movie there, above the law said, no, no,
no, we can't have that. And I'm going to read this paragraph and you're going to see two big tenets of critical theory are highlighted, really the sad tenets, but highlighted beautifully in
this from the piece. The above the law criticism of Duke was illustrative of the new anti free speech movement that's now taking hold in law schools and legal publications.
Academic freedom and free speech are denounced as tools to, quote, marginalize others.
Patrice sums up why both the student editors and the Duke faculty must be condemned.
both the student editors and the Duke faculty must be condemned. Quote, a vigorous and open exchange of ideas is valuable only to the extent it improves the academic mission of improving the
human condition. Is transgender skepticism within that field? It shouldn't be, but here we are.
In other words, you're entitled to free speech so long as you cannot be accused of, quote, marginalizing others.
There it is.
This piece sums up perfectly two big tenets of critical theory and critical race theory that are being jammed down your throat.
And I'll explain to you the why right now.
Tenet number one of critical theory and critical race theory.
That knowledge, knowledge, facts, facts, data,
that knowledge is a construct of power.
You'll hear me say it now.
You've heard me say it a thousand times.
Because without that, without that idea,
critical theory, it totally collapses.
Because they can't debate on the merits of critical theory.
They can't.
They can't cite specific examples of some
white oppressor holding them down, a class and a cabal of white oppressors holding them down.
So what they do is they use these flowery words without specific definitions to never get lost
in the granular detail. And when they do get lost in the granular detail and they try to argue
something where the facts say otherwise they just say no
no no those aren't real facts you're just manipulating the facts to obtain and keep
power therefore knowledge is a constructive power they don't want quote a vigorous and
open exchange of ideas because they'll lose we believe in big r god- God given rights for everyone They can't
So by you asking a direct question
A systemic racism
What system exactly has been racist towards you
So we can call it out
They won't cite it
Then they say no no no
You demanding an open exchange of ideas
That means you're the oppressor
And your challenge is only meant to solidify
Your position as an oppressor of me
You're like wait wait, what?
What are you even talking about?
A vigorous and open exchange of ideas is now their enemy.
That's number one.
Number two.
Again, encapsulated in this paragraph beautifully.
They need a permanent class of victims.
You see it here.
Academic freedom and free speech from the hill piece
are denounced as tools to quote, marginalize others. You get it?
Free speech and the exchange, vigorous exchange of ideas are only quote, tools to marginalize
others. Well, the marginalized, it's what? Marginalized is a synonym for what? Victims. But if you don't have a permanent victim class, you don't have people who are marginalized. Therefore, there's no tool to marginalize you and critical race theory falls apart.
create a massive class of victims who are marginalized through free speech. You see how the tools all fit together? Vigorous and open debate has to be stopped because it's only a tool.
It is a tool, the use of knowledge and debate to victimize and marginalize people and create
a permanent underclass. But for that, you need a permanent underclass. Union workers, minorities,
Asians, Muslims, everybody's a victim. They can't function without a permanent underclass. Union workers, minorities, Asians, Muslims, everybody's a victim. They can't function
without a permanent underclass of oppressed people who are victims. This is where PC culture comes in
and this is the reason they tell everyone, blacks, Hispanics, immigrants, everyone,
the other side's coming for you. They want you to believe you're the victim because they need
a victimizer and that victimizer is the white person in critical race theory. You get it? Is it all tied together
now? Not a specific white person, the general white male patriarch, not a specific white person
because they can never point anyone out. Fear. Everything is based in fear there's always a victimizer trying to victimize you
the loss of liberty throughout human history this is why socialists absolutely love critical theory
the loss of liberty throughout human history has always been preceded first by a fear campaign
somebody is coming for you and will protect you. The nice part about critical
theory and critical race theory for the socialist who wants to take away your liberty and they need
fear to do it is they can constantly pump you full of critical race theory and never have to
prove their case because a, quote, vigorous and open exchange of ideas isn't valuable and it's just a weapon to marginalize others.
What are the solutions to this? Number one, get your kids the hell out of public schools as soon as you can. Folks, do whatever you can. My mom was very poor. She worked the checkout counter
at Finest. Finest was a supermarket in Queens, New York, right about 64th Lane and Myrtle Avenue.
She worked there for years. We did not have a lot of money. We did whatever we could to scrape
together some nickels. I know it's not easy. I lived through it myself. Do whatever you can,
like she did, to get the kids out of public schools. We went to a Catholic school. There
are charter schools. There are charter schools. There are
private schools. There are a number of options out there. Seek whatever scholarship you can.
Seek whatever you can. Step one, evacuate the public schools and mass.
They have become nothing more than liberal training zones. Nothing.
They have become functionally useless in this country.
Mark Levin proposed this a long
time ago, June 15th, 2021.
He said, hey, mandatory body cameras
for teachers, not just cops.
Why don't we have cameras in the classroom?
Oh my gosh, you can't
say that's invasion of privacy.
It is.
Those are public schools paid for by our tax dollars.
There's cameras everywhere else.
My dog, when she goes to doggy daycare, Lucy, there are cameras in there.
We're not allowed to hear what you're teaching our kids with our money paid for by us.
They're our kids with our money paid for by us they're our kids
the answer is hell to the no we will put those fight everywhere to get those cameras in the
classroom i want to see and i want it recorded i want to see what you're teaching my kids
number three it's happening right now it It's an article from May, just about
a little over a month ago.
New conservative PAC targets school board elections.
There's where it's at, folks.
Both money,
volunteerism, time, and activism
should be directed towards your local school boards.
There's a bunch of PACs
out there that are now starting to figure out we've
neglected school board elections for a long time
and the left has taken advantage of that no more finally there should be no government money
directed towards anyone teaching racist critical race theory here's a defense contractor this is
from christopher rufo's social media page he's saying in his reporting that raytheon's one of
our defense contractors is teaching this stuff as well.
This critical race theory.
That white people should, quote, step aside.
That they that they should learn about others disadvantages and identify their privilege.
This is a defense contractor.
If this is true about Raytheon, according to this reporting, those contracts should be pulled or not renewed.
The government should not be teaching people how to
be racist under any circumstances.
The Dan Bongino Show.
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