The Dan Bongino Show - The Bongino Brief - Jul 31, 2021
Episode Date: July 31, 2021Leftist tactics for trying to defeat and destroy freedom and liberty. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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Dan Bongino.
Welcome to the Bongino Brief.
I'm Dan Bongino.
This article by Michael Anton is amazing.
The article is entitled,
from the American mind,
That's Not Happening,
and it's good that it is.
This is a manifesto
on how to break down leftist tactics.
He covers seven of the new communist's worst tactics
for trying to defeat and destroy freedom and liberty.
And when you become familiar,
you study and you understand these tactics.
You will never unsee them, ever.
You will see them every time they pop.
You will know how to defeat them. You'll know what they're doing. You'll know howsee them, ever. You will see them every time they pop. You will know how to defeat them.
You'll know what they're doing.
You'll know how to call it out.
Tactic number one from Anton, the celebration parallax.
It may be stated as the same fact pattern is either true and glorious or false and scurrilous,
depending on who states it.
In contemporary speech on any controversial topic, or to say better regime regime priority the decisive factor is the intent of the speaker if she can be presumed to be celebrating the phenomenon
under discussion she may shout her approval from the rooftops if not you better shut up before
someone comes along so michael anton tactic number one you need to memorize this, tattoo it on your brain. The celebration parallax.
Tucker Carlson talks about the Democrats using immigration to replace the voters they're losing.
And Tucker Carlson is a white supremacist, is a racist, is a bigot, should be immediately boycotted and kept off the air.
The New York Times and Dick Durbin say the exact same thing, but they celebrate it.
Yes, the demographics are not in the Republicans' favor. The New York Times,
Michelle Goldberg, we can replace them. The exact same thing. And yet it's celebrated as
a true and glorious statement. Tactic number two, the law of merited impossibility.
tactic number two the law of merited impossibility this is this is what law that basically says that didn't happen but when it did you deserved it it enforces our current caste system he says
the third purpose of this the law of merited impossibilities to enforce the new caste system
those who get to impose fresh irrational indignities on the rest of us are the upper
caste those who object or have reservations are the lower cast the latter are not allowed to harbor
much less expressed any doubts whatever humiliation the upper cast has planned for us we deserve and
must meekly accept hence when said pervy 50 year old actually does start waving around her equipment
in the girl's locker room if any parent dares object let him have it
with both barrels that thing that 10 seconds ago you said would never happen now it's righteous
punishment for the retrograde remember when it first was discussed letting men in the women's
room remember that a long time ago a long time ago like less than 10 years ago i'm being silly
yeah remember that joe and they said oh yeah this is a big thing in Maryland, by the way, when I still live there, which was a while ago.
And remember that Neil Parrott was fighting against it?
And they said, no, you hysterical Republicans, you're making a big deal out of this.
This is only for people who have undergone therapy.
There's not going to be a man who goes in the woman's room and says, hey, I feel like a woman today.
And then it just happened in California.
And the people who objected were told, you see, you see, okay,
we told you it was never going to happen.
But now that it's happening, you deserve it because you're transaphobes.
Rule number three, the law of salutary contradiction.
This law basically says, these are leftist tactics,
that that's not happening.
What you say is happening.
You conservative nuts.
But it's good that it is.
You need an example of the law of salutary contradiction?
Remember when Tucker had alleged that the NSA was spying on him,
a story we now know is true?
Well, the left said, is the NSA spying on Tucker
Carlson? That's an insane conspiracy theory, which is also warranted by Tucker's treasonous
contacts with Russian officials as he seeks an interview with Putin. The law of salutary
contradiction. That's not happening. Tucker being spied on. But it's good that it is.
Let's go to rule number four, my personal favorite. The Smales exhortation.
Remember Judge Smales?
Well, we'll get to him in a second.
If you've seen Caddyshack, you'll figure this out in a moment.
The Smales exhortation basically says this.
Democracy is great as long as we win.
If you get anything, democracy sucks, should be thrown out, you should be insulted.
Here from Anton's piece about the Smales exhortation.
He says, our masters bleed about democracy,
but they've redefined the word to mean getting exactly what we, i.e. the libs, want.
Any ostensibly democratic outcome that might result in us getting what we want
is ipso facto illegitimate.
A border wall?
You're a fascist.
Immigration enforcement?
You're racist and fascist.
Law and order?
You're double racist and fascist. Better trade enforcement. You're racist and fascist. Law and order.
You're double racist and fascist.
Better trade deals.
You're economically illiterate.
An end to endless wars.
And also somehow anti-Semitic too.
Penis free girls bathrooms.
Definitely transphobic.
Democracy's great fellas.
It's awesome. Unless you get what you want.
Then democracy.
You get none of it.
What is it based on the smells exhortation? It's based on this.
I want a hamburger. No cheese. I want a hot dog. I want a milkshake. I want potatoes.
You'll get nothing and like it. You will get nothing and you'll like it.
The smells exhortation. Funny, you'll like it. The smells exhortation. It's funny. You guys like democracy.
And then we vote for things like increasing police budgets because we like public safety,
securing our borders.
So we don't just have a suggestion.
We have an actual border.
You know, things like lower taxes, freaking.
I'm going, no, no, you can't have that.
We only meant democracy when we went.
Merry Christmas.
Once you see it.
You filthy animal.
It's so perfect.
Let's go on to rule number five, Michael Anton's piece.
The lie back imperative.
What's the lie back imperative?
Here's how Michael Anton describes it.
He says, quote, a great many conservatives are not merely willing,
but eager to play along with the lie back imperative. Indeed, whole institutions of the establishment right air quotes because
they're not right at all, do little else but reassure their ostensible constituency that the
left not only doesn't mean it's proto genocidal rhetoric, but isn't even saying it. Folks,
the useful idiots, they have to lie for the left and insist the conservatives who are supposed to be their constituency that know what the left is saying about CRT isn't true.
What the left is saying about we will replace them in The New York Times.
That's not true.
They always recruit useful idiots.
Here is one of the most useful idiots out there.
David French, who pretends to be a republican he tweeted
this out about crt we live with the legacy of the bigoted structures racist created our obligation
is to seek justice and does not depend on our personal fault and there is nothing conservative
about denying the consequences of centuries of racist harm my sund Sunday essay. He is the useful idiot on the right used to implement
the left's agenda. Once in a while, I gave him a pass a long time ago and used his stuff because
I thought he would come around and realize how dumb he really was. No, he's the lie back imperative
guy. The left is using him as a tool and he's grifting, trying to get clicks off his piece, knowing what he says is ridiculous.
You have no responsibility for this racism that happened in the past, but you have responsibility for it.
This guy said the exact opposite years ago.
The lie back imperative guy.
Second to last one.
Penultimate here.
He calls the enmity counter accusation.
He says, as the regime hacks spew vile borderline and sometimes
explicitly violent rhetoric at you they will immediately wheel and counter-attack if you
dare object don't appreciate being called evil because of your race and you are divisive dare
put up your hands to block an incoming punch that's violence you're just supposed to sit back take now where did we see this uh we did a show
on the coming coup an article michael anton wrote the article folks anton's article the coming coup
for months ago before the election was literally about a leftist group called the transition
integrity project that had threatened to street fight. Here's what
we quoted right before the 2020 election, talking about how there'll be a crisis and events will
unfold quickly. Sleep deprived leaders will be asked to make consequential decisions quickly.
Thinking through options now will help ensure better decisions. Listen to this, goes on.
Planners need to take seriously the notion that this may well be a street fight,
not a legal battle.
Notice what he,
what did note now pay attention to the rest of this.
He says a street fight.
Cause I know what a lot of you leftists are saying now.
Oh no,
He's just using that.
You know,
people talk about street fights all the time.
They don't really mean it.
Notice what he excludes.
And he says,
no, we don't mean this. we literally mean a street fight he goes
on so he says this may well be a street fight not a legal battle technocratic solutions courts
and a reliance on elites observing norms are not the answer here so notice how he's very specific
that he literally means a street fight but again the left went back to tactic number six
the enmity counter accusation you doubt me you want an example look at this dip wad at the new
york times davy alba this is from october of 2020 right after we put this that show up called the
coming coup it's still on our my rumble account if you want to check it out she says riled up misinformation stokes calls for violence on election day baseless claims
are circulating online about a democrat-led coup inflaming tensions and already turbulent
election season try to foster a street fight in a coup and then when we call you out for it on the
left accuse us of a coup media useful idiots
they're almost as useful as david french let me go to rule number seven it's an important one
we'll call this one the beatings will continue until morale improves
it's a little bit longer but it's worth reading says, this brings us to the last rule or tactic.
Deplorable Americans are loudly and incessantly said to be the worst people in the history of
the planet. Pure, unadulterated evil with no legitimate concerns, interests, or grievances.
Well, okay, then why live with us? Why treat as anathema even the most moderate, banal attempt to allow some measure of federalism and local control?
There can only be two answers.
Either our liberal masters know, or intuit deep down,
that we can live without them, but they can't live without us.
Or else they want to keep us around to administer what they view as deserved punishment.
Being neither a
psychiatrist nor a theologian, I can't say whether the roots of this behavior are psychotic or
demonic, but in this layman's judgment, it exhibits key characteristics of both.
I agree with Anton. It is psychotic. You see the moving vans lining up in California and New York
and escaping. And what do they do? They object. They scream about it. They find all kinds of
reasons as to why people are leaving unrelated to liberal policies in these big cities. Why not just
admit it? I don't understand. If you're so proud of what you've done, then why not just come out
and say, listen, we enacted a liberal, compassionate, morally upstanding agenda.
It's really terrific and we love it.
And we're really glad these racist, xenophobic, transphobic, deplorable Trump voters are leaving.
Please exit tomorrow.
See, we say that to them.
Please don't come down here because we don't want you down here.
But they don't say that to us because why?
They want to punish you.
Folks, listen, please listen to what I'm telling you.
Michael Anton is right.
Liberals enjoy it.
They enjoy insulting you.
They enjoy the power over you.
They'll call it all kinds of ridiculous euphemisms.
Oh, it's accountability culture.
It has nothing to do with accountability because they're not accountable in their own lives at all.
This has everything
to do with the power. These sick, deranged, sociopathic lunatics find in hurting, bankrupting,
and torturing you and your family. Amazing. Folks, please read the article. It's important.
It's one of the finest pieces I've seen in a long time. It is definitely worth your time.
Read all seven rules, commit them to memory,
print the piece, pass it around,
do whatever you can to spread this.
The Dan Bongino Show.
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