The Dan Bongino Show - The Bongino Brief - July 2, 2022

Episode Date: July 2, 2022

Refuting the latest testimony from Cassidy Hutchinson during the "Star Chamber" hearings Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Dan Bongino. Welcome to the Bongino Brief. I'm Dan Bongino. Rarely does my prior line of work and expertise fit in so appropriately for a moment like this. There were a lot of allegations lobbed at the January 6th Star Chamber hearing. I'm going to discredit thoroughly
Starting point is 00:00:16 a lot of the nonsense you heard. So, oh my, I'm sitting here listening and Kellyanne Conway's husband, George Conway, whose only claim to fame, I think, is being Kellyanne Conway's husband, George Conway, who's only claimed to fame, I think, is being Kellyanne Conway's husband. He had tweeted out yesterday about Cassidy Hutchinson, former aide to Trump chief of staff, Mark Meadows, who testified yesterday at the January 6th emergency hearing. Joe, it was an emergency. We had to get this stuff out. I was sitting here with I was on the air as it was happening on my radio show and and I'm watching and I can see it kind of in the closed captioning and I'm hearing it during the breaks and I'm saying to myself, okay, what's the emergency? I don't really get it. Now, George Conway had tweeted out, everyone will remember where they were when Cassidy Hutchinson
Starting point is 00:01:01 testified yesterday. Yeah, yeah, I remember it. I was sitting here in the office. And the reason I remember is because the testimony, a lot of it didn't seem to comport with reality. It was an emergency hearing. Had to get that out, fellas. Emergency hearing. It was such an emergency. Now, I was waiting for her to come out with some smoking gun, Joe,
Starting point is 00:01:20 that she had found a high-powered rifle in the White House that Melania was planning to use at the Capitol or something. I mean, really, that she had found a high powered rifle in the white house that Melania was planning to use at the Capitol or something. I mean, really, I was waiting for some stunning bombshell. And what did we get yesterday? We got what appears to be again, a bunch of fairy tales, including fairy tales about the secret service and everything. So now folks, listen, you know what I did in my prior line of work? I want to just establish bona fides immediately.
Starting point is 00:01:50 The Secret Service has a number of different entities. So if you're on the Presidential Protection Division, which is obviously a specific division that protects the president, Presidential Protective Division in the Secret Service, you may not know much about the vice president's detail. That may sound strange, but you may not. I mean, you know how to do protection. Obviously, you're an agent. You're all trained to the basic standards. But I don't know much about what they call NAVOBS, the Naval Observatory, where the vice president lives. I've never been there. What do you mean you've never been there? You're a Secret Service agent. Why would I go there? I've worked in the White House with the president.
Starting point is 00:02:26 I kid you not, I know nothing about it. I know people who work there. They've told me about it. Don't know it. So if there were to be a story out there about an infiltration at the Naval Observatory, I can give you kind of better commentary than the media people because I know how protection works. But I can't give you intricate, detailed commentary about NAVOBS because I've never been there. I've been outside. I'm a general idea of the over you get my point the reason i say this is because i have very specific on top of specific information right about the transportation section section
Starting point is 00:02:55 of the secret service otherwise known as ts what we call it why because i was there twice i was an agent there and i was the whip, which is kind of a quasi supervisory position. You run the section, you do the scheduling, you assign people and you report to a GS 14 supervisor, but you run the section. It's like I said, it's not an official supervisory position, but you're running the show. It was the greatest honor of my time in the secret service to be the whip in TS. I'm not kidding. It's a prestigious position. I was honored to take it. It meant the world to me. Probably one of the great honors of my life. Sorry, I didn't mean it, but it's important we understand that. I was there for two years. I know about the limos. I know how it works.
Starting point is 00:03:37 Having said that, we're going to address a couple of things that happened yesterday. Political playbook, as you know, I go to them for what left-leaning lunatics are talking about. They put out this morning in their email, these are the stunning, Joe, stunning revelations. I'm glad you included that, Guy, in Hutchinson's testimony, Cassidy Hutchinson, aid to Mark Meadows, right? And note the headline, January 6th panel may have found a smoking gun. Well, they may have found something smoking, but it definitely wasn't a gun. have been a turd but i'm not sure it was a gun so here's what they found smoking that trump knew some supporters in january 6th were armed and didn't care okay that headline i'll go into the rest of it in a second but that that's so ridiculous absurd, hyperbolic, and stupid that I don't even understand how even the lunatics at political playbook, Liza and Eugene Daniels dared to put that in there.
Starting point is 00:04:35 Trump knew they were armed and didn't care to assert such a ridiculous thing. You'd have to be in Trump's head. Um, and you'd have to assume that what people are saying about trump despite the fact that they're not under cross-examination is 100 true so they note that in hutchinson's recounting trump was talking about the rally on the ellipse he wanted it packed so they note that hutchinson said they were warned by the secret service that some trump supporters were choosing to watch from a distance because they didn't want to go through metal detectors and have their weapons including ars and handguns confiscated the president was allegedly unmoved quote this is what uh what hutchinson said the president she's recounting what she says trump said i don't effing care that they have weapons they're not here to hurt me trump said
Starting point is 00:05:20 according to hutchinson okay then political playbook notes. If true, that means Trump told the crowd to march to the Capitol, fight like hell, knowing some were armed. Holy Moses. I'm going to play this audio. I'm going to listen to you. Now, I want you to listen very carefully to how this aid to Mark Meadows, Trump's chief of staff, frames this conversation and how Politico leaps to the conclusion that Trump knew they were armed. It doesn't say that anywhere in here, by the way, and that he wanted them to go to the Capitol armed.
Starting point is 00:05:53 The same guy who said march peacefully and patriotically. Listen to Cassidy Hutchinson very carefully how this is couched in very careful legal terms and how Politico gives you this ridiculous headline. Check this out. When we were in the offstage announced tent, I was part of a conversation. I was in the vicinity of a conversation where I overheard the president say something to the effect of, you know, I don't effing care that they have weapons. They're not here to hurt me. Take the effing mags away.
Starting point is 00:06:23 Let my people in. They can march the Capitol from here. Let the people in. Take the effing mags away. Let my people in. They can march the Capitol from here. Let the people in. Take the effing mags away. Do you notice how she, did you guys catch it? She says, oh,
Starting point is 00:06:32 I wasn't really part of the conversation, but I was like there and I heard it. And he said something, Joe, here's the key line. And she knows Cassidy says, Cassidy Hutchinson says, he said something to the effect of,
Starting point is 00:06:45 to the effect of. Yep. To the effect of. So did he say it or not? Listen, I'm not trying to be too cute by half here. Because to the effect of kind of sounds to me like a lawyer advised thing to say to make sure like you're not exactly quoting him and you don't exactly remember what happened. So you're just saying the worst thing possible. That's what that sounds like to me. To the effect of. If you're looking for a firearm, I wholeheartedly recommend Henry repeating arms.
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Starting point is 00:08:53 I can tell you for a fact, every single president and their staff wants events packed, just like Trump wanted the Ellipse packed on January 6th. Every single president and staffer complains about the magnetometers. Listen to me. I get it. I'm not trying to be, you know, pretend to be some objective guy. I'm trying to be as objective as possible.
Starting point is 00:09:16 I support President Trump. I have. I understand that. I get it that some people portray these comments as biased. I understand that. I'm telling you, take it or leave it, that what I'm telling you is 100% true.
Starting point is 00:09:29 I am not going to risk my credibility for anyone. Every single president, every president and their staffers complain about the mags and the flow rate. Every one of them. Every one of them. I was with President Obama when he went to, at the Prudential Center, I think it was, where the Devils, the New Jersey Devils play. He was doing an event for John Corzine and he was running for governor in New Jersey.
Starting point is 00:09:57 The staff complained about the magnetometers there, too. We don't have enough. Meanwhile, the event was short. We had a bunch of wasted magnetometers. They always complain about the mags. we had a bunch of wasted magnetometers they always complain about the mags every single president to leap to the conclusion that to the effect of because president trump was complaining about the flow rate at the mags which again every single president and staff does all the time that trump wanted armed people to go attack the capitol is the single dumbest thing politico has ever put in its piece.
Starting point is 00:10:26 But this is what you can expect from the fake news. Totally fake news. That's not even the worst part. Here's their takeaway number two. Smoking. I told you something smoking. It ain't a gun. May not want to get up on that smoking object.
Starting point is 00:10:48 Don't get too close. May not like the smoke coming off it. Here's their takeaway number two at Playbook. They're talking about this motorcade story. Allegedly, according to Cassidy Hutchinson, President Trump wanted to go to the Capitol in the SUV. So I'll talk about that in a second, too. That's important.
Starting point is 00:11:11 And because the Secret Service did not have the manpower and didn't have it secured, they didn't want to take him there. So Cassidy Hutchinson's alleging that he said that I'm the president. Take me to the Capitol. Now, I'll play her testimony here in a second. He said that I'm the effing president. Take me to the Capitol now. I'll play her testimony here in a second. But she's alleging also that she was told by Bobby Engel, who I know well, and Tony Ornato, who I know well, work with them in the New York field office, work with them repeatedly on the president's detail. I know these guys very well.
Starting point is 00:11:39 I've known him for decades. She's alleging that the president, President Trump, then grabbed the steering wheel president president trump then grabbed the steering wheel of the of the uh of the suv grabbed the steering wheel joe so you'll take me to capitol i'll drive there myself the car jack the secret service that's unbelievable here's cassidy hutchinson relaying the story she alleges she was told check this out so once the president had gotten into the vehicle with bobby he thought that they were going up to the capitol and when bobby had relayed to him we're not we don't have the assets to do it it's not secure we're going back to the west wing the president had very strong
Starting point is 00:12:19 a very angry response to that um tony described him as being irate. The president said something to the effect of, I'm the effing president. Take me up to the Capitol now. To which Bobby responded, sir, we have to go back to the West Wing. The president reached up towards the front of the vehicle to grab at the steering wheel. Mr. Engel grabbed his arm, said, sir, you need to take your hand off the steering wheel. We're going back to the West Wing. We're not going to the Capitol. Mr. Trump then used his free hand to lunge towards Bobby Engel. And when Mr. Renato had recounted this story to me,
Starting point is 00:13:06 he had motioned towards his clavicles. And was Mr. Engel in the room as Mr. Renato told you this story? He was. Now notice the to the effect of again. To the effect of. Effect of. Kind of like, I'm not really telling you the real story, but there's some effects laden in there.
Starting point is 00:13:26 She does the same thing here she did in the first story about the magnetometer. Takes what's likely a true story. I'm telling you part of it is likely true. Based on my experience and sources, the president was probably upset about the mag flow rate. But to take the mag flow rate complaint, which every president complains about, and to then posit that he wanted armed people to go to the Capitol, it's such a ridiculous, stupid leap
Starting point is 00:13:53 that I'm stunned people like even George Conway, who's not that bright to begin with, would take this at face value. She does it again here. I'm telling you that the president did probably want to go to the Capitol. Okay, probably did. But to then take that story when you weren't there and to tell from that and to posit from that story that he physically attacked the Secret Service and someone told you that.
Starting point is 00:14:32 you that i'm telling you based on various data points the story can't possibly be true let's go through it piece by piece here's an article in the complex it says trump allegedly tried to grab steering wheel lunge for agent's throat. So stupid. Throat, Joe. Choking the Secret Service. Ah! They're going. I can't see it, dude. It's so dumb.
Starting point is 00:14:51 No, I can't see it. So stupid. But if you know Bobby Engel, you know how ridiculous his story is. He was the SAC, Special Agent in Charge of the President's Detail. They cover another thing Hutchinson said per NBC News, that Tony Ornato, who is a Secret Service agent, who was the Deputy Chief of Staff, right? Bobby Engel, you got to get all the positions here straight.
Starting point is 00:15:14 Hutchinson is an aide to the Chief of Staff, Mark Meadows. Tony Ornato is a Secret Service agent who's the Deputy Chief of Staff. Bobby Engel, Robert Engel, is the special agent in charge of the presidential protective division. So now you understand who the players are. Bobby Engel would have been the closest to the president that day. Tony would have likely been in the White House in his office. So Cassidy Hutchinson says, Tony proceeded to tell me that when the president got back in the beast,
Starting point is 00:15:40 he was under the impression from Mr. Meadows that the off the record moving to the Capitol was still possible and likely to happen, but that Bobby had more information. Okay, well, what's the problem with this story now? Okay, here is video and you need you to watch this on Rumble, folks. I'm sorry. I know some of you listen, but I need you to go to Rumble and watch this very specifically. slash Bongino. Here is video the day of January 6th after the president left the stage. And you'll notice what Cassidy Hutchinson says Tony called the beast. I'll address that in a second. What the media calls the limo, the beast on only the media, right?
Starting point is 00:16:16 You notice the president didn't leave in the limo as we would, as the media would call it. He left in what the Secret Service calls the Camp David package, or what regular, I guess, average folks would call the SUVs. Look for yourself. See it? You'll see this car backstage.
Starting point is 00:16:37 You'll see that. Now, I want you to pay very close attention. That's the presidential seals. You'll see it. That's that. Did you see with the flags on it? That's the presidential seals, You'll see it. Did you see with the flags on it? The presidential seals is only the car with the president. Notice every other car does not have the seals.
Starting point is 00:16:51 It's just the one with the president. Now, again, this is the kind of thing, if you're an agent, you'll notice these little details. If you're not, you'll miss them. Those presidential seals, I have them right here in my office right here, seals from the last trip I did. I have the seals and the license plate from the car. They're magnetic seals. They come off the car, not painted on. They only go on the car the president is in. It doesn't matter if it's a Tesla, an SUV, or a limo. Those seals go on the car. There's a little carve out for them where they go. The president is in the SUVs. He's not in the limo, what the media
Starting point is 00:17:27 call the beast. The story can't possibly be true. Tony Ornato, who is the deputy chief of staff, who is a secret service agent. It's a strange arrangement, whether you agree with it or not. That's a topic for another day, but Tony's a good guy. Tony was an agent. He knows the Secret Service better than anyone. He was the sack of the president's detail, special agent in charge before Bobby Engel. Are you telling me that Tony Arnauto told Cassidy Hutchinson that the president
Starting point is 00:17:59 got in the wrong car? You see my point, fellas? He didn't get in the lim he was in the camp davids right that didn't happen how else do i know that this story didn't happen that tony did not tell cassidy hutchinson that the president got in the beast because folks if you listen to my show on a regular basis you know nobody in the secret service calls it the beast joe how many times have we said this it's like my bet noir it's like my right wouldn't you agree it's like it's it's probably i this story i've said so many times it candidly probably annoys
Starting point is 00:18:37 joe just like i used to reference the black swan all the time not enough beads on the abacus yeah no there's not enough beads on the abacus to count how many times I have. We don't call it the beast. Nobody calls it that. There is zero chance. Tony Ornato mistook the vehicle. The president got it, number one, and then called it something. Nobody calls it.
Starting point is 00:19:00 That is a media thing. Whenever the media mentions the beast and they say a secret service agent said it, I know they're lying. We don't talk like that. These are media people. The one with the Delta 6 fiber and the dev group hit the beast and hit the Jackal 46. What are you talking about? Did you just read that in a book? Nobody talks like that.
Starting point is 00:19:29 I have a very special set of skills, as Liam Neeson said, and I wanted to make sure you heard it from me here today. The Dan Bongino Show. If you'd like to hear more, subscribe to The Dan Bongino Show wherever you get your podcasts.

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