The Dan Bongino Show - The Bongino Brief - July 23, 2022

Episode Date: July 23, 2022

The Democrats continue to embarrass America when it comes to their knowledge of guns. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Dan Bongino. Welcome to the Bongino Brief. I'm Dan Bongino. The Democrats continue to base plant, humiliate, embarrass themselves, their party, embarrass America, embarrass common sense on the gun issue. They know nothing about guns, firearms, magazines, which they still call clips. They are not clips. They're not clips. We do not call them clips. They are magazines. Clips were actual clips where they would clip rounds in. These are not clips. They're magazines. Democrats don't know. They don't know what an assault weapon is. They can never define it. They don't know what automatic fire even means. They think it means pew, pew, pew, pew. That's they don't know anything.
Starting point is 00:00:42 Now, the thing about not knowing anything is when you don't know anything, you're better off not advertising you don't know anything. Would everybody agree? If you don't know Jack squat, the best way to show you don't know Jack squat is not by saying Jack or squat, not the Dems. I want to play this video.
Starting point is 00:00:57 This is a classic from yesterday. This is noted peepee hoaxer, representative David Cicilline. Yeah, the peepee tape guy. Yes, a guy who still believes in Russian collusion. Again, he's not as dumb as AOC, but getting close. So here's David Cicilline. And there's a hearing up on Capitol Hill about the Democrats' new proposal to steal away your rifles.
Starting point is 00:01:21 They call it, of course, an assault weapons ban. It does no such thing. It just takes your rifles away. Right. So peepee hoer, Cicilline, he's showing a picture of what is an AR-15 platform-based pistol. Now, for people who are handicapped to use the AR-15 pistol, what they do is they have an arm brace on it. And the arm brace, you can kind of Velcro and attach to your arm. So people who are handicapped can manipulate and use the firearm with one arm. It's a genius invention, but it's an arm brace. It's not a stock. It's an arm brace. It's clear as day. Matter of fact, if you don't do this, don't. If you go into an FFL and you're
Starting point is 00:02:04 a moron and you say hey take this arm brace off and put a stock on there they'll probably call the cops on you okay it's an arm brace sicilini he's never heard of an arm brace apparently don't laugh stop they have been playing it sicilini thinks it's a bump stock as he's showing the picture of the r brace of course tom massey republican you'll hear him after it tom massey who knows exactly what he's talking about has to correct this idiot here check this out i rise in opposition to the amendment what this stabilizing brace which is depicted here when a when attached here it turns this weapon into an automatic weapon this bumps that
Starting point is 00:02:52 becomes a bump stock and so it will allow that to essentially be fired like an automatic weapon that's the danger it's so I have to very strongly oppose the amendment and I yield back gentleman yields oppose the amendment. And I yield back. Gentleman yields back. Who seeks recognition? I seek recognition. My purpose as a gentleman for Kentucky is to seek recognition. To strike the last word. Gentleman is recognized. The Democrats are so zealous in their rush to ban everything related to guns and every gun that
Starting point is 00:03:20 exists that I'm afraid Mr. Cicilline has his gun features mixed up. He just described the arm brace, which is used by people who have a handicap to help fire a pistol. He just described it as a bump stock. It's neither a stock nor a bump stock. And I think it's important that if you're going to ban these things, that you actually understand what you're banning. That is the picture that he showed. Everybody needs to know is not a bump stock.
Starting point is 00:03:56 It's a, it's an arm brace for firing a pistol from the wrist. from the wrist. Not only is it not a bump stock, it's not even a stock. Folks, again, to be clear, because we do facts on the show, a stock is a triangular,
Starting point is 00:04:27 sometimes shaped piece on the back of a rifle, which you would put the butt of in your shoulder to brace it against your shoulder to fire and look down the sight line. And I'm not trying to be overly verbose about it. I think you should kind of know what you're talking about before you try to ban something. A bump stock is a stock that has some play in it that uses the momentum of the firearm after the gas is expelled and the round guns to help you manipulate the trigger faster. Okay. It's not, it's neither one of those things. If you're, is this guys, is this too much to ask? If you're going to ban something, can you at least describe what it is? Is this hard? Can you at least describe what it is? Is this hard?
Starting point is 00:05:06 Can you at least tell us what it is first? This hearing got worse yesterday. They never know what they're talking about. Is this really hard? If you're in the market for a rifle, shotgun, or revolver, you want to go with the best in the business. And as far as I'm concerned, that's Henry Repeating Arms. You'll be amazed by their quality craftsmanship and buttery smooth action that makes them a pleasure to shoot. Mine were accurate right
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Starting point is 00:05:59 That's to order a free catalog and decals and to learn more about this great American company. Okay. The hearing of course got worse from there. It is, uh, it's, it's really becoming commonplace and it's, it gives me no joy in telling you this, that the Democrats on the firearm issue just don't even know what they're talking about. Their data's wrong. They don't, they can't get the nomenclature down. They don't even understand the functioning pieces of a firearm and yet they want to take them away from you. Here's Jerry Nadler yesterday, again, who doesn't know Jack Squat.
Starting point is 00:06:29 And again, Jack left town talking about how in the United States we should emulate the Australia gun confiscation model, where they engaged in a countrywide gun confiscation called a buyback, which is really a confiscation. But he says, you know, we should do more of what Australia did. I mean, that worked really well. Here, check this out. If we did what they did in Australia, we would not need the law enforcement capability here. In Australia, after a horrific mass shooting, they required under penalty of criminal law that everyone turn in their assault weapons. They paid them for it, but it was a crime not to turn in the assault weapons.
Starting point is 00:07:09 And they collected essentially all the assault weapons in the country. Jerry Nadler, of course, doesn't know what he's talking about. Jerry Nadler is operating on the premise that Australia confiscated all the guns and that led to a decrease in what they call mass shootings. all the guns and that led to a decrease in what they call mass shootings. Well, if Jerry Nadler had done research or David Cicilline had done some basic research, but they're too stupid to do that, they would have seen this article at the Australia Institute or the legions of other articles saying this, Australia, more guns now than before Port Arthur. Did he miss this?
Starting point is 00:07:41 So, I mean, it's really not complicated. You're making an assertion that's factually inaccurate less guns in australia equal less mass shootings the problem is there aren't less guns there are more guns in australia now i i now i gave an interview on this which is a i know i'm not supposed to call my own self-praised things, but this was a classic. 60 Minutes has an Australia edition. So they came to my old house in Palm City. They wanted to do an interview with me because I'm a second amendment advocate.
Starting point is 00:08:15 After the tragedy in Parkland, they wanted to talk to me about guns. So I reluctantly agreed to it. Oh boy. And it was a classic. And let me tell you something. The guy who came over was a nice enough guy, the interviewer. But again,
Starting point is 00:08:27 Jerry Nadler doesn't know there's more guns. Now, if Jerry now that was a smart guy, he'd say there are more guns in Australia now and less mass shootings, which means more guns equal less mass shootings. That statement, that statement, although not causal,
Starting point is 00:08:40 but correlational, if he made the correlate would be accurate, but he doesn't know that Nadler or he's lying. Either did the 60 minutes, Australia guy who was off camera. He was stunned after this interaction I had with him where he was shocked when I told him the same thing. He cites Australia as a model. I was like, Hey bro, there's more guns there now than there were before. He didn't know that either. Check this out. The Marjorie Stoneman school is just down the road from here. What do you say to the students there that say that gun control is necessary? Well, gun control is a myth. I mean, we've never controlled guns.
Starting point is 00:09:17 Is now the time? Well, how? I mean, what evidence does anybody have that gun controls worked anywhere? Australia? You have no have that gun controls worked anywhere? Australia. You have no evidence that gun controls worked in Australia. There has not been a single mass shooting since the gun buyback. Okay, so, and I encourage everyone to do all your own homework. There are more guns now in Australia than before the gun confiscation. It doesn't work. You miss, I really wish I had a camera rolling in my house like a nest camera or
Starting point is 00:09:46 something you should have seen what happened after that the guy thought i was kidding i don't even remember his name he thought i was joking so i'm i'm not messing with you so i pulled it up on my phone after the interview sitting on the island in the kitchen you know a little island thingy there and i showed it to him and he couldn't believe it. His whole, he couldn't cut the interview. He had the interview. He had to put it in there. But this is 60 minutes.
Starting point is 00:10:14 Australia. You know, it reminds me of Leslie Stahl, Joe, with Donald Trump. Remember Leslie Stahl with Trump when Trump called out the laptop and she was like, sir, sir, this is was like, sir, sir, this is 60 minutes, sir. That's what this reminds you of. This guy, this guy was a nice enough guy. I'm not going to bash him personally.
Starting point is 00:10:33 He's like, Hey, just doing my job, bro. Kind of like that. But to do your job means to do some homework. You're going to come into an interview as a news outlet, 60 minutes and make an assertion about australia
Starting point is 00:10:45 as a model of success and you don't know that australia has more guns now now let me give you the liberal counter argument right away but it's not even a counter argument they don't even know this but some are smarter than this guy and jerry nadler you know nadler's just an idiot this guy was just being a curmudgeon they'll tell, less people own guns, but there are more guns because the people who own guns bought more, which ladies and gentlemen is hilarious because it makes our point even stronger. So the people who are really into guns own a lot more and the people who just don't care gave them back. And that you think that makes your point. Only if you're an idiot. All right.
Starting point is 00:11:28 Something else happened yesterday too. Something else. Well, I take that back. I don't know when this video was exactly recorded, but it made its way around social media. We're going to need an answer for this. This is serious stuff. And it's an example of why I tell you all the time,
Starting point is 00:11:41 you are not wasting your time on this show. What have I warned you about over and over and over about universal background checks? What the Democrats call background checks. If you listen to this show, you've been beaten over the head with this so much, you're spitting it out right now. The Democrats don't care about background checks. They want the background check system expanded because they want to create a list so they know who to harass for the guns. I have warned you about this over and over. You're not wasting your time here. Here's what I mean. A guy's ring doorbell system catches this interaction
Starting point is 00:12:21 on video. It's an ATF agent, according to some of the reports out there. Knocks on his door and strangely doesn't accuse him of a crime. Starts asking him about a couple of firearms he just bought. How did they know that? Oh, the background check system I've been telling you about? Watch this video.
Starting point is 00:12:44 Sir. Yeah. Okay, that's all I'm doing is you about? Watch this video. and bring them out or you can go out to your foyer here check them out by number sheer number and we're out of here okay yep okay it'll take five seconds the reason we're out here is we're obviously gun violence has been an uptick so we want to make sure we've been having a lot of issues with straw purchases so one of the one of the things we indicators that we get is somebody makes a large gun purchase and then a lot of times we've been there like oh those guns got tooken we're like and then a lot of times we've been there like oh those guns got took him like so the idea is when you purchase more than two guns at a time it generates a multiple cell report and it comes to us and we have to check them out that's all that is he did nothing wrong absolutely zero uh i noticed that you were stopped in philly though, right? With one of your guns? I, I, did I? Joe, you've been with me the longest of anyone.
Starting point is 00:13:51 Have we not been saying this since the basement in Siverto Park? Absolutely. When we first started doing this. Yeah. That's, why, folks, gosh, I'm going to vomit right now. The left doesn't care about background checks. Yeah, they do, Dan. They fight for all the time. They don't, that's not the point. It's a proxy fight. The background check is a proxy for a list.
Starting point is 00:14:12 Criminals don't go through background checks. What are you, an idiot on the left? Are you idiots? You think a criminal who goes to buy a firearm to commit a murder is going through a background check he buys it on the street you dunce so why would you want a background check knowing it's not going to stop any criminal because you want a list notice what the alleged atf agent says hey there's been a gun violence uptick in the area we're just just checking in. Listen, all due respect, you got a warrant? Thank you. Have a nice day. No, I'm serious. Have a good day now. Respectfully, have a nice day. Thanks for doing your job or whatever, but I don't do that. By the way, I don't know why they're taking part in this kind of stuff either. It's obvious what's going on. You take an oath to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States that gives that citizen you're knocking on the door the right to bear arms.
Starting point is 00:15:12 The only reason I'm restrained here is I don't know all the full details why they were there. I don't. That's why I don't get ahead of my skis. But if that guy did nothing wrong and this is just some checkup, I didn't see that in the constitution the checkup on the right to bear arms section I missed that
Starting point is 00:15:29 did you see that Joe? I didn't see that you've looked I did you've looked okay you have is that a footnote? okay thank you
Starting point is 00:15:37 just check it now the great Kerry Pickett the Washington Times has an amazing piece which is in my newsletter today b Bongino dot com slash newsletter. If you'd like to subscribe, it's free. You need to read it. She explains exactly what I've been telling you about why the Democrats want a de facto registry. Let me get to my my next sponsor. I'm going to get to that.
Starting point is 00:15:59 And then a great video from Representative Victoria Sparks. She's from Ukraine. She knows exactly why we have a Second Amendment, and she just lights these idiots on fire on the left. It's beautiful. More in a minute, but first. Listen, folks, you've seen all the headlines. This inflation's real.
Starting point is 00:16:17 It's crushing our wallets. It's infiltrating just about every sector of our economy. I mean, it's the potential for really high interest rates coming in the future. What am I investing in right now? I invest in gold. I don't advertise products. I don't use myself. For years, I wasn't a big fan of gold. I didn't buy it, so I didn't endorse it. But the economy started to really freak me out. Paula was like, hey, we need to take a look. Folks, I'm buying gold from Birch Gold now. In fact, I just bought some more. It's not too late
Starting point is 00:16:38 for you to take action too. Text DAN, D-A-N, to 989898. Get a free information kit on how to diversify and protect your savings with precious metals. With an A-plus rating from the Better Business Bureau, countless five-star reviews, and thousands of satisfied customers, me included, Birch Gold is the right investment to make now. Text DAN to 989898 and get real advice from Birch Gold today. Again, text DAN to 989898 to claim your free, no-oblig obligation information kit on how to protect your hard-earned savings with gold. Past performance, not a guarantee of future results. Message and data rates apply. So here's this piece.
Starting point is 00:17:12 It is a gloriously good piece by Kerry Pickett, who finally someone is writing about what we've been talking about forever. Maybe it's because I was a federal agent and I know the tricks they try to imbue into people to get them to do stuff, and I've seen it. It's one of the reasons I can speak so... I don't want to get my... Forget it. It's self-praise things.
Starting point is 00:17:34 Let's move on. Washington Times. GOP lawmaker calls on ATF to explain video of agents asking firearm owners for gun serial numbers. Thank you. The rep, hat hat tip round of applause for him is matt rosendale from montana good job matt yes deserves a round of applause he better start asking questions here so this guy aiden johnson who's the director of federal
Starting point is 00:17:57 affairs for gun owners america said that the incident shows how listen to his words very closely the federal background check system has been abused and turned into a de facto registry. You know, I would say it's entirely inappropriate for the government to be checking in on what a law-abiding citizen owns, you know, what lawfully purchased firearms he has purchased. The background check system has been turned into a de facto registry, allowing the federal government to check up on who owns what firearms because of atf unlawful actions yes yes yes yes those records should be expunged immediately you pass the background check there is no reason anybody should have to keep that none it is being used as a list
Starting point is 00:18:42 now do you understand why they want universal background checks? I've explained it a thousand times. I'm going to explain it again before I get to the second screenshot. If you have a firearm now and you give it away to a legally able person to own a firearm, like your son or your daughter, you're getting old, you don't want it in the house anymore. When the ATF knocks on your door, like they knocked on this guy's door and they ask for a gun, you don't even have to answer the question.
Starting point is 00:19:07 But if they forced you to or whatever, you'd say, hey, I gave the gun away. They want universal background checks because what's the follow-up question once they get it? Really? We don't have a record of that in the background check.
Starting point is 00:19:19 You're under arrest. That's why. That's why. They want the list. They want to know where every gun is all the time. That's why. That's why. They want the list. They want to know where every gun is all the time. Gosh, I can't believe we got to keep talking about this. I wish more people would wake up to this and the moderate side of the GOP. You guys all get it, ladies. Here, the second part of the Kerry Pickett piece. They released a report, this pro-Second Amendment group in January, arguing that despite being prohibited by law, they're not allowed to keep a list, the ATF, that the ATF is
Starting point is 00:19:51 maintaining a registry of guns, gun owners, and firearm transactions. The ATF responded, excuse me, the ATF, the organization said in its report, maintains nearly a billion such records. The Biden administration is encouraging dealers to supply even more. The ATF is denying to put out their statement, maintaining a list. You saw the thing on video. Folks, this is the reason universal background checks, they want them.
Starting point is 00:20:18 Stop this today. Criminals don't care about any of this stuff. All right, let me play. This is great. Representative Victoria Spartz, I think I've had her on my Fox show. She's terrific. She's from Ukraine. She's a Republican. She's up there on Capitol Hill. And she's like, listen, I'm from Ukraine. One of the reasons Ukraine is having problems right now is because everybody wasn't initially armed. There's a history in the united states of the citizenry being armed for you know to protect against this kind of stuff that's happening right now she says it a lot better than i i can here check this out this is worth your time but i want to speak on behalf of state of indiana it is a common use
Starting point is 00:20:59 weapon to protect and as a mother of two daughters, as a woman, I truly believe that is infringement of my rights. And I want to make sure that my children, my grandchildren, and grandchildren and children of my constituents have the same rights to protect them. And I think we need to remind us what really happened in countries like Ukraine right now, that a lot of people probably would love to have something, you know, to protect themselves. And we know why we won our war, you know, against kings and queens and became a republic,
Starting point is 00:21:37 because our American people had these rights. If you don't have the rights and you have a police state, or you can have bandits running the show. And I think that is very dangerous. This gives me a freedom as a woman. Nice job. You're darn right. Good job, Representative Sparks. The Democrats up on Capitol Hill totally, completely humiliating themselves yet again on the Second Amendment, the firearm issue. humiliating themselves yet again on the second amendment and the firearm issue. Embarrassing, embarrassing. Do your homework. You idiots before you open your mouths. The Dan Bongino show. If you'd like to hear more,
Starting point is 00:22:14 subscribe to the Dan Bongino show, wherever you get your podcasts.

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