The Dan Bongino Show - The Bongino Brief - July 9, 2022
Episode Date: July 9, 2022The David Dinkins Effect is explained, as it pertains to Joe Biden and the Liberal Media Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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Dan Bongino.
Welcome to the Bongino Brief.
I'm Dan Bongino.
I want to remind you about something about one, how off, obviously how awful Brandon
in the White House is right now, otherwise known as Joe Biden.
We know that.
But I want to remind you about something I've been discussing on the show for a very long
I call it the David Dinkins effect.
The David Dinkins effect is this.
Dinkins was the mayor of New York City when I lived there.
He was one of the worst mayors in the history of any big city anywhere in the United States. He was so bad that even though the city was eight or ten to one Democrats or Republican, they elected Rudy Giuliani after David Dinkins because the city was in such bad shape with Dinkins effect is this the media is obviously liberal we get that that's not like
breaking news okay uh but the liberal media will never ever ever stop defending liberalism it
doesn't matter how much cancer it causes how many hosts it kills how many forests it burns down
how many civilizations it destroys the media is in love with liberalism they will do anything
defend the liberalism when you enact liberalism like Dinkins does, therefore they have two choices,
right, Joe? Because you're going to enact liberal policies like Dinkins are going to do what?
They're going to eat the city alive because liberalism is a cancer, right? So in order to
save liberalism, the Dinkins effect is this. The media will always throw the person under the bus
and make you believe it was the person, not liberalism
that did it.
Don't ever forget that.
You'll see it over and over and over again.
The Jimmy Carter presidency.
Oh, it's just Carter.
He was weak.
It wasn't Carter.
It was that Carter did a lot of liberal stuff.
He actually did some conservative stuff too, believe it or not, but that's not, it's, they'll
always blame the person.
They eventually turned on Dinkins, the media, not because they wanted to do the right thing, because they had to save liberalism and say Dinkins did it.
Don't ever forget that it is the oldest trick in the media book.
And once you see it, you will never unsee it.
The irony of this is these disgusting people in the media will throw under the bus the same people they backed up in order to save liberalism.
And you're seeing it right now from Joe Biden.
Joe Biden did exactly what liberals want, Joe.
Exactly what he wanted.
They wanted.
He spent a lot of money, been threatening tax hikes.
He's been threatening oil companies, threatening the Green New Deal.
Everything the liberals have wanted he has done and instead of
the media who love liberalism selling oh you know selling biden how great he is they are now throwing
biden under the bus because the liberalism they wanted is the cancer and is destroying the host
right now the wall street journal has an amazing piece on this and it shows you it proves a couple
points number one numero uno the dinkins effect is real. The media
is now doing the transition where they're going to start to blame Biden and make pretend liberalism
isn't the problem. You got it. That's really important. Point number two, Joe Biden has
probably the worst political instincts of any politician in modern American history.
Hands down.
Bill Clinton understood this.
Bill Clinton left office even after her in the White House with her.
You know what I'm saying?
Bill Clinton left office.
If you don't know what that means, don't ask your parents yet until you're at least 18.
Everybody else knows what it means.
Justin's still a little confused. It's good. You're still young. Okay, don't ask me, yet until you're at least 18. What? Everybody else knows what it means. Justin's still a little confused.
It's good.
You're still young.
Don't ask me, please.
We go to church.
I don't get it.
But Bill Clinton left office with 60% approval.
His political instincts were to not do liberalism.
They were to not do liberalism.
Bill Clinton gave a speech.
Look it up.
The era of big government's over. That's a a speech. Look it up. The era of big government's over. That's a Clinton
speech. Look it up.
And he left office
with 60% approval because he knew the liberals
would drive him off a cliff after he tried
liberalism. Remember Joe in his first term? He
tried Hillary care, all this stuff with
the military. And then Dick Morris
came in and said, hey, Bill, Bill, daddy
yo, that's not the way it's going to work.
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Liberals suck.
It's a cancer.
Get away from them and you'll be popular.
And he was.
Biden has no freaking political instincts at all.
He's a moron.
I'm telling you, he's a moron.
He does whatever liberals want.
Wall Street Journal, great piece. The Beltway's case of Biden remorse. The Democrats and media who pushed his agenda are now blaming the president for failure. There it is. There it is. There it is. That's that. But Leo DiCaprio giphy you see from that Hollywood movie. Right. But he's pointed at the screen. There it is. That's the Dinkins effect right there.
But he's pointed at the screen.
There it is.
That's the Dinkins effect right there.
Biden, go do liberal stuff.
We love liberalism.
He does liberal stuff.
It explodes.
Blame Joe Biden.
Dinkins effect.
Here, from the piece.
Go down the list, there's a quote.
Go down the list of progressive policies Biden embraced only to see them backfire.
Assaults on fossil fuels contributing to $5 a gallon gas.
School lockdowns and woke instruction inspiring a parental revolt for school choice, the threat of taxes and regulations, even as economic
growth slows to a trickle in the last six months.
You'd be angry too if you did everything progressives asked.
It all turned snake eyes, and then the same progressives in the media blamed you for the
There it is.
Leo DiCaprio, Giphy guy. Snap for the results. There it is. Leo DiCaprio,
Giphy guy.
Snap in a couple.
There it is.
Guy has no political instincts.
Any savvy Bill Clinton like Democrat would have picked on,
picked up on exactly what liberals were doing and pushing him off a policy
clip with liberal policies.
I can't possibly work taxes,
attacking the oil business,
printing money we don't have.
And they would, of course,
corrected like Clinton did.
Biden has none of those instincts.
The bad news is it's going to get worse.
We've got to deal with about two more years of this.
I'm convinced we'll recover.
I am.
I don't just say that to virtue signal.
I have no time for that kind of nonsense.
I think we will recover.
I think a political revolution is around the corner,
oriented in the direction of liberty and freedom.
But Biden has zero political instincts, folks, and things will get worse.
It's because he loves having his ass kissed by the liberal left or the only people left
who pat him on the back because they know he's the useful idiot they've always wanted.
The irony here is that the media and the far left
will continue behind the scenes to rub his shoulders. And then in public, as they do what
he wants and they destroy the country, because that's liberalism's goal, they'll blame Biden
for the destruction to avoid the political repercussions. And Joe Biden's too dumb to see it.
And so are his advisors. Too dumb to see it.
Dick Morris, go back and work for Joe Biden.
Maybe we'll save the last couple of years of the country from this guy and his moronic behavior.