The Dan Bongino Show - The Bongino Brief - Jun 12, 2021
Episode Date: June 12, 2021The plague of stupid smart people. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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Dan Bongino.
Welcome to the Bongino Brief.
I'm Dan Bongino.
Folks, the most dangerous people in the world,
as I've warned you repeatedly,
are stupid, smart people.
The media is now in the process
of actually getting people hurt
with their misinformation campaigns.
I am not kidding.
Trump tweeted out March 21st of 2020.
Hydroxychloroquine plus azithromycin taken together have a real chance to be one of the
biggest game changers in the history of medicine.
The FDA's move mountains.
Thank you.
Hopefully they'll both work better.
He's talking about and putting to use immediately.
People are dying.
Move fast.
God bless everyone. He tagged the FDA, CDC and DHS. better he's talking about uh and put into use immediately people are dying move fast god bless
everyone he tagged the fda cdc and dhs well because the media is stacked with absolutely
ideological losers with no respect or dignity for their own profession who can't figure out
journalism as if it kicked them in their collective asses the media saw trump supporting hydroxy
chloroquine all of a sudden said well if supports it, we have to be against it.
Well, what does the science say?
Doesn't matter.
They didn't give a damn about the science.
These are not serious people.
These are buffoons, clowns who should be ignored at every opportunity or people are going to get hurt.
Why am I bringing up hydroxychloroquine now?
Because this is going to be the next shoe to drop.
The next enormous media scandal,
a concerted effort to crush a potentially,
potentially, potentially beneficial drug
in the treatment of patients with severe COVID infection,
the suppression of a drug,
simply because Donald Trump said it may work.
They could have gotten people killed.
Stupid smart people.
People who probably have a relatively decent IQ,
decent aptitude and achievement in their life.
They probably had scored pretty well in the SATs.
Stupid smart people.
Another reason I'm telling you,
do not trust their institutions as they are built right now.
They are falling apart, and it gives me no joy to tell you that.
Government, the media, the FBI, the court system.
Ladies and gentlemen, it is all collapsing.
It is no excuse to run away.
This is worth fighting for, and it always will be.
There is no quit, and there never will be. Not in me, and there should never be a new. But this is collapsing right now.
I just exposed academia, the science world, the government, which could have gotten people killed
with the suppression of hydroxychloroquine, the media. Now we have upper level people in the FBI,
Upper level people in the FBI, recently retired members like this buffoon.
You have Fegazi who invents this.
The dumbest conspiracy theory I've ever heard in my life is recommending on television we start going after politicians.
Can't trust anyone, folks. But proving again, you cannot trust institutions.
The IRS, somehow a massive trove of tax documents
was leaked about rich people and their taxes i don't care what you think about rich people and
their paying of taxes not interested at all the bottom line is in a civilized society you should
be able to file a tax return with the government if you're a citizen and not have ProPublica get a hold of it.
You can't trust anyone. These institutions are falling apart everywhere. Now,
it's not good enough for the left to attack institutions. They need to attack institutions. Because institutions are what gave us our.
International bona fides.
As a shining beacon on the hill.
Everybody always said.
Even when it's a Churchill.
You know given all opportunities.
The United States in the end.
Will always do the right thing.
After trying everything else.
Forgive me.
I always screw up quotes.
But you get the general idea.
It's not good enough for the left to attack institutions.
They have to attack the people within the country too.
And the only way to sick people in the country, on each other,
while they're losing faith in institutions, which will cause chaos,
is to cause a chaos in the street.
And the best way to cause a chaos in the street
is to get people to suspiciously look at one another
based on superficial characteristics like race.
These are the people on television
telling you how racist America is,
how we should investigate and lock up congressmen,
political associates of Donald Trump,
people like Fauci telling you,
waving you off hydroxychloroquine,
waving you off the lab leak theory,
the stupid smart people.
Here, last story,
because it relates to this entire theme today,
of our stupid smart people leading institutions
that are falling apart in the Wall Street Journal.
This story's important.
you cannot trust the government.
The IRS leak story is extremely damaging.
Did you hear this story?
ProPublica has gotten a hold
of some very wealthy people's tax returns
and they're threatening more leaks in the future.
Again, I do not care what your position,
I care, but for the purposes of this segment,
I don't care what your position on taxes are.
Tax the wealthy, don't tax the wealthy.
That is totally irrelevant to the topic
at hand right now your information you send to the government under the air of confidentiality
should remain confidential it is not you cannot trust anyone in the government anymore wall street
journal opinion return to the irs scandal someone leaked the tax information of individuals to serve
the left's agenda they leaked out this tax information convenient individuals to serve the left's agenda. They leaked out this tax information.
Convenient timing, right?
When Biden's trying to raise taxes on the rich, because now what are they doing?
They're going, oh, look at Jeff Bezos and Warren Buffett.
Look what they pay in taxes.
The Journal says, hey, allow us to fill in the blank.
The story arrived just in time amid the Biden administration's effort to pass the largest tax increase as a share of the economy since 1968.
The Democratic argument for a tax hike is that the rich should pay their fair share.
The pro-publica story is a long argument that somehow the rich don't pay enough.
The timing here is no coincidence, comrades.
No, I'll bet it isn't.
It's time for a major house cleaning, ladies and gentlemen.
Our institutions are falling apart because of the plague of stupid smart people.