The Dan Bongino Show - The Bongino Brief - Mar. 19, 2022
Episode Date: March 19, 2022Does the left really protect women as well as they say they do? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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Dan Bongino.
Welcome to the Bongino Brief.
I'm Dan Bongino.
So the left, right, the cancel culture radical left,
and I'm telling you it's cannibalistic and elite itself,
tells you all the time that they're all about protecting women and minorities.
They're the party of women and minorities, right?
Are they?
Well, it's kind of weird because a person who is a biological man,
Rachel Levine, just won Woman of the year, I believe, from USA Today.
Wow, that's kind of weird, shutting out women in the woman of the year category.
That doesn't sound like you're all about protecting women.
So Sydney Watson, who's been on my radio show before, she has a show on the place.
She's very good.
Put out this tweet, and I thought, this really sums it up about how the left claims to
protect women, but is really attacking women. And therefore they're going to run out of people to
attack soon. It's inherently cannibalistic. Here's the tweet quote. This is so spot on.
Women have nothing left that's ours. Anyone can appropriate our sex. We're referred to as bleeders and pregnant people. Biological men
beat us out of our own spaces. The word woman doesn't have any definition or meaning. And we're
expected to accept our own erasure. It's gross. Sidney Watson's obviously a woman and a proud one.
Gosh, you see right when she's talking about bleeders, here's what she was talking about with her tweet.
There's some company, Yoppy.
I've never heard of it.
And they put out this message
on one of their social media accounts.
Supposedly, it's a company targeted
where women are their target audience.
And if this is,
this is unbelievable.
Listen to this, Joe.
Most bleeders know they are impacted by their period,
but unfortunately aren't in touch with their feelings and symptoms
in the other phases of their cycle.
We are here to change that.
Think about this.
Can you imagine being defined down to your biological functions?
That's what woman, you're not a woman.
You're just a, so what are guys, Joe?
Are they peers?
Are we standing peers?
What are we?
Are we burpers?
Maybe we burp a little more than we burpers.
Are we, are we head scratchers?
We scratch our heads a lot.
Are we, are we caboose?
That's a good point.
You tend to do that more too.
You caught me off guard. Are we, are we caboose? Yeah, that's a good point. You tend to do that more too. I wasn't ready for that.
I know, you know, we're laughing about it, but we're only laughing because it's true.
So if you're a woman, it's perfectly okay to reduce a woman down to biological functions
and calling them bleeders.
You'd have no value outside of your biological functions.
Why is the left imploding on itself and attacking its own people?
Because of two reasons, and Candace Owens knocks it out of the park
in this bit of audio I'm about to play here.
She sums up what I've been telling you.
You may be saying, well, Dan, if the movement is cannibalistic,
it's going to eat itself, and it eventually has to burn out
because they're running out of victims.
They're attacking women now. They're attacking minorities. Eventually, it's going to implode on itself.
If that's going to happen, right. Then why do they keep doing it?
Candace Owens summed this up beautifully on Tucker's show. I want you to listen to every minute of this. Check this out.
Once the country was aspiring towards not being able to judge each other by the color of our skin.
Once the country was aspiring towards not being able to judge each other by the color of our skin, now we basically say, no, no, no, no.
We have to only judge each other exclusively by the color of our skin.
Same thing in the category of feminism, right?
Early feminism, we were trying to create a space for women that was separate from men.
We wanted women's sports.
We wanted women to be able to compete differently.
We had women that trained, you know, from the time that they're kids all the way up through college to trying to compete at the level to say against other women. Well, now you can just throw on a wig and say, actually, I'm a woman, too, and you can crush all of their records because it's so progressive.
It's actually regressive. We're actually erasing women. And sadly, it was the feminists that got
behind this early on. I didn't have the courage to say, no, actually, that's a man that we're
looking at. And feminists should be fighting this tooth and nail. By the way, where's Hillary Clinton? I don't want her perspective on Russia and Ukraine.
I want to hear her perspective on this category. I want to hear her perspective on the person who
ran on, oh my gosh, women are so oppressed and I'm a woman and vote for me because I'm a woman.
She seems suspiciously quiet on this topic, doesn't want to really touch this topic about men
taking the spots of women, something that is actually representing an existential crisis for these young women who I said earlier are
competing in these categories. So it's ridiculous. Bigger question, Tucker, why are they doing this?
You always have to ask with the left because it's always something Machiavellian and it gets back to
Marxist ideology over and over again. It's always about disrupting the family unit. The government
gains more power when people are confused, right? If you don't know whether you're a woman or a man, you're not going
to have a functional nuclear family unit, right? Instead, you're going to be dysfunctional.
Dysfunctional people tend to rely upon the government. That's what's happening right now.
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The government gains power when people are confused in chaos. How many times have I told
you fear and chaos are the coin of the realm for the left? Why? Because a chaotic, fearful,
fright, fright filled group of people without an orientation of where true north is, right?
They will always seek some kind of safety and stability.
That's where the leftist, the socialist comes in and tries to fill that role.
Look, mommy and daddy government will supply what you need.
We'll fill that hole in your life.
We'll supply what you need.
We'll fill that hole in your life. Now, that has been a hole in your life that's traditionally been filled by the nuclear family unit,
which consists of a biological male father, a biological mother, and children living in a home
with allegiance to some family values and sets of principles passed down from generation to generation.
The left hates that.
It's competition with government.
So they have to dismantle the nuclear family, which consists of an objective category.
Men, women, children.
They hate that.
That the family is competition with the state. And what better way to dismantle the nuclear family than to attack the very essence of biological sex?
Sex isn't tied to marriage.
Sex isn't tied to anything.
It isn't even tied to the act of of being of birthing a person.
I mean, you're a bleeder, right?
Are you a birther to James Lindsay?
leader, right? Are you a birther too? James Lindsay, almost a Joe Rogan or the Tim Pool show where James Lindsay said that socialists and communists have always had this idea of year zero
where you have to wipe the slate clean. You can't have any attachment to family or a collective US
history or anything. The left doesn't want competition with those crazy ideas of liberty
and freedom and the American revolution and all those nutty things.
It's competition for the state.
Wipe it out.
Year zero, start over.
No objective truths.
Only truths bestowed upon you by the state.
Now, this cancerous rot where women are losing in sports to men,
where women are being attacked.
They can't even be woman of the year anymore. where women are losing in sports to men, where women are being attacked.
They can't even be woman of the year anymore, where women are referred to only by their biological functions,
birthers, bleeders, the diminishment of women, the wiping out.
They can't even describe what a woman is.
This will eat itself alive.
But evidence that they are losing, the Virginia election, New Jersey election,
people are waking up.
The essence of gaslighting is to isolate people from the truth.
And the left can't do that anymore.
There's too much out there on social media.
There's too many conservative outlets.
They can't lie to you and isolate you from the truth anymore.
The truth is getting out.
How do I know?
Washington Examiner article, Paul Bedard.
Four in 10 New Yorkers want to leave the state.
They want out of the, quote, vampire state.
But additional evidence that this thing, this movement, this metastasizing cannibalistic cancer is eating itself alive as they suffer the ramifications of it.
It's imploding on itself.
And people who voted for it are now trying to escape it.
Let's hope they don't vote for it where they leave.
Here's another story I saw yesterday.
Wall Street Journal opinion piece, James Freeman.
Is San Francisco the most intolerant place on earth?
I have to tell you guys, I'm sorry.
This is the funniest story I have seen in weeks.
So apparently San Francisco, every time a conservative state passes a law they don't like, they boycott the state.
Did you know this?
So they're boycotting now 28 states, Joe.
So that's created a bit of a problem for the cannibalistic, imploding San Francisco liberals,
who, by the way, just voted out members of the school board as it implodes on itself right there.
Liberal members of the school board.
This guy says San Francisco is now boycotting most of the United States.
And the sanctions they're imposing are presenting a challenge for the city.
San Francisco can't forge the parts it needs to keep its buses running,
fix its buildings, or run its computers.
It has to buy things, lots of things from elsewhere,
and they can't because they're boycotting 28 states.
These idiots and the San Francisco government who boycotted everyone
are destroying their citizens' lives.
They can't even fix their own city because they're boycotting everything.
Showing you how this gaslighting is not working politico otherwise known as bull hitico you know what i mean as a poll despite all of the ridiculous gaslighting about a bill
in florida it doesn't exist a don't say bill, which is a debunked conspiracy theory.
There is no bill in Florida, I will say for the hundredth time, that bans saying gay.
There isn't a bill in Florida that mentions gay in terms of don't say gay.
And there's not a don't say gay bill.
It doesn't exist.
There is a bill, however, that prevents sexual indoctrination in school from kids from kindergarten to third grade.
Sounds kind of reasonable to me.
So despite endless efforts at gaslighting and trying to convince the American public here that a don't say gay bill exists in Florida.
Look at this poll. Politico. Slim majority of U.S. voters who were polled polled 51 support banning the teaching of sexual
orientation and gender identity from kindergarten through third grade while only 35 are opposed
according to paul russell it sounds like a 16 point differential doesn't sound like it's slim to me
the majority may be slim but the differential certainly not
the public's caught on to scam, ladies and gentlemen.
They're leaving liberal states. They're getting
involved locally, picking up what's happening
in school boards finally, running in local elections,
kicking out school board members,
leaving liberal states in droves.
Just please, don't come down here with that liberal crap.
The polling
is turning in our direction.
Despite the propaganda,
the left is melting down, ladies and gentlemen.
They are desperately trying.
They're desperately trying to wipe away any objective truth.
The reason the left is freaking out about not being able to teach sexually inappropriate things to kids in kindergarten through third grade.
inappropriate things to kids in kindergarten through third grade.
The reason they're freaking out that it's going to be banned in Florida public schools now is because it's an essential component of their plan.
The only way to wipe out any objective truce,
nuclear family,
biological sex,
and make you in that chaos,
seek stability in government is to start the kids early.
Because by the time those kids are in 6th and 7th grade,
they figured it out.
They figured it out that there are objective truths.
That's why they're melting down that they can't do this.
Don't ever forget that.