The Dan Bongino Show - The Bongino Brief - May 22, 2021

Episode Date: May 22, 2021

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Dan Bongino. Welcome to the Bongino Brief. I'm Dan Bongino. Again, 50-50 the audience on the UFO story. I get it. Some of you think, I read your comments. I, you know, even though I can't stand ScrewTube, I read them on ScrewTube.
Starting point is 00:00:15 I read them on Rumble, which is awesome. I read the emails. I read the social media stuff. I try to read everything. Guy reads them too, because the show is for you. The audience is totally split in the UFO story. 50% of you think they, I got this comment a couple of, Dan, stop wasting our time with the UFO story. It's a big scam. They're throwing the UFO thing out there right now because they're about to launch some big assault on our constitutional liberties. It's all
Starting point is 00:00:38 a scam. That's about 50%. The other 50% are, Dan, this is the biggest story of our time. This is huge. We better stay on this or it's going to go away. I have to make a judgment call. Quick segment here. Because I am erring now, and I may be wrong, towards the latter. I'm not kidding, folks, that this could be the biggest story of our time. And I have a feeling that the government is about to tell us something. I could be wrong, but knowing my time,
Starting point is 00:01:10 a decade plus with an SCI level clearance in the government, I didn't see any UFOs. I'm not trying to be weirdo about it. But you start to learn a lot of things. And the way the government works is pretty typically, the emotus operandi is pretty clear. Drip, drip, drip, drip, drip, boom. They drip it out so it doesn't all hit you at once.
Starting point is 00:01:34 Here it is, UFOs again. Why all the UFO stories? Barack Obama. Obama's back. Here's a quote. New York Post article will be in the newsletter today we don't know exactly what they are
Starting point is 00:01:48 Obama says UFO sightings appear real guys ladies again why now why is all this happening now Armacost found this little gem
Starting point is 00:01:57 we used on the show before this is from a couple months ago for those of you who think this is some big hoax John Ratcliffe is a hero to the right in the maga movement he was a high level intelligence official former congressman he was all over the spy gate thing he was all over the impeachment hoax john ratcliffe has been a hero
Starting point is 00:02:16 to the right he was a higher up in the trump administration in the intelligence infrastructure in other words he knows pretty much everything and knows where the bodies are buried. Before any of this stuff started to break, Ratcliffe gave a wink and a nod on the Maria Bartiromo show. If this is some hoax to distract us from the liberal agenda,
Starting point is 00:02:38 then why would a MAGA guy like Ratcliffe be the first one to sound the alarm? Folks, it doesn't make sense. You don't believe me? Two clips from this interview he did with Maria Bartiromo. Keep in mind, this is months ago. First one, he starts talking about this report that's coming out soon. I keep saying, are they about to tell us something? Is that what's in this report? Listen, listen to him yourself. We have lots of reports about what we call unidentified aerial phenomenon. And this actually is a program that's been in place for a few years in terms of a task force that has been there under the National Defense Authorization Act.
Starting point is 00:03:14 But as you correctly point out, Maria, there's now a report that will be issued by the Pentagon, by the Secretary of Defense and the Director of National Intelligence. I actually wanted to get this information out and declassified before I left office, but we weren't able to get it down into an unclassified format that we could talk about quickly enough. But frankly, there are a lot more sightings than have been made public. Some of those have been declassified. When we talk about sightings, we're talking about objects that have been seen by Navy or Air Force pilots or have been picked up by satellite imagery that, frankly, engage in actions that are difficult to explain, that movements that are hard to replicate, that we don't have the technology for, or traveling at speeds that, you know, exceed the sound barrier without a sonic boom. So in short, things that we are observing that are difficult to explain. And so, you know, there's actually quite a few of those. And I think that that information is being gathered and will be put out in a way that the American people can see. We always,
Starting point is 00:04:17 when we see these things, Maria, we always look for a plausible explanation. You know, weather can cause disturbances, visual disturbances. Sometimes we wonder whether or not our adversaries have technologies that are a little bit further down the road than we thought or that we realized. But there are instances where we don't have good explanations for some of the things that we've seen. And, you know, when that information becomes declassified, I'll be able to talk a little bit more about that. Folks, this is a stunning clip. I'm serious. I'm not kidding.
Starting point is 00:04:58 This is the former DNI director of national intelligence to Trump under Trump. I promise you he's not in on some leftist conspiracy to distract you to enact a liberal agenda. I promise you that. I know Ratcliffe well enough. He's not in on some scheme. Why would he say that? Think about the other takeaways there. There's a report coming out. It has classified information. He's willing to come back and talk about it. In other words, he knows what's in it and is apparently so disturbed by it, he's willing to go back on the air after he comes out and talk about it again. And notice what he did. I don't know if you caught it. He says something very specific there. Did you catch it? Some of you did. Notice how he eliminates a certain subset of possibilities. He says, you know, sometimes we see things, could be weather, could be other anomalies.
Starting point is 00:05:48 And he hints that that's not the case here, that we have explanations for that, but not for this. He didn't say, you know, sometimes you see this weather and that could be what this is in this report. That's not what he says. That's not what he says at all. He says, we do see this weather and that could be what this is in this report. That's not what he says. That's not what he says at all. He says we do see this kind of stuff, weather, radar blips, whatever it may be.
Starting point is 00:06:10 That's not this one. Only the biggest story of our time. Here's part two where, again, in case you think, oh, maybe this is a sensor problem or it could be a spoofing thing. We talked about that yesterday. Maybe. Here's Ratcliffe again, about a 30-second cut, saying, nah, it's not just one sensor.
Starting point is 00:06:36 It's not just radar, this, whatever. It's a lot of sensors picking these things up. Check this out. There have been sightings all over the world. And when we talk about sightings, the other thing I will tell you is it's not just a pilot or just a satellite or some intelligence collection. Usually we have multiple sensors that are picking up these things. And so, you know, again, some of this are just they're unexplained phenomenon. And there's actually quite a few
Starting point is 00:07:06 more than have been made public so i think it'll be healthy for as much of this information to get out there as possible um so that the american people can see some of the things that uh that we've been dealing with okay well that what that is pretty extraordinary. Listen, I know Maria Bartiromo pretty well. I left Maria's response at the end there. Joe was probably wondering, why did you send it to me cut like this? There's a reason. Because Bartiromo's like, what?
Starting point is 00:07:37 Listen, there's no better news person in the business than Maria Bartiromo. None. None. There just isn't. And when she's sitting there flabbergasted like, did he just say that? Not just one censor, folks.
Starting point is 00:07:51 He's very specific. Multiple censors have picked up things we can't explain. It's not weather or anything else. There's a classified report coming out soon. Yeah, I'll be back when you see it. I'll leave it at this. Are they about to tell us something? The Dan Bongino Show.
Starting point is 00:08:12 If you'd like to hear more, subscribe to The Dan Bongino Show wherever you get your podcasts.

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