The Dan Bongino Show - The Bongino Brief - May 7, 2022

Episode Date: May 7, 2022

More disinformation is coming from Disinformation Czar Nina Jankowicz Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Growth is essential for every entrepreneur. At BDC, we get that. And the businesses we support grow at double the average rate. Accelerating the pace. We're on it. BDC. Financing. Advising. Know-how. Dan Bongino. Welcome to the Bongino Brief. I'm Dan Bongino. So, folks, this Disinformation Board, you know, the new minister of truth, Nina Jankowicz, this board put together by the Biden administration to attack and censor conservatives in our new totalitarian state.
Starting point is 00:00:31 The Constitutional Republic is now dead. More video is now emerging of Nina Jankowicz, our disinformation czar, the queen of disinformation herself. This is turning into a not just a United States embarrassment, but a global embarrassment. Imagine Joe, think about this for a minute. Right. Imagine being the constitutional republic we are. Right. And trying to be a beacon of freedom and liberty around the world to tell people, you know, we respect big individuals, big are God given rights and we limit our government. We don't infringe on that. And then your own country, you establish a minister of truth and a disinformation czar. Can you imagine that? Our credibility is now zero, non-existent, zero. It's gone. Here, this gets even more ridiculous. Here's Nina Jankowicz
Starting point is 00:01:17 claiming ridiculously that, you know, the deep state that targeted President Trump, that leaked everything President Trump said to humiliate him in the media. Don't worry, folks. She says it doesn't exist. And I want you to apply my 180 degree Flipper Ruski theory here. What's the 180 Flipper Ruski theory? Whatever Democrats tell you something isn't happening. Reverse the story because it means it is and they're trying to hide it. Here's Nina Jankowicz claiming there's no such thing as the deep state she's now a part of. I'm talking about the deep state and things like that, which is a thread among conspiracy communities here in the United States, that there is a secret cabal here in Washington working to undermine the American people. It couldn't be farther from the truth as someone
Starting point is 00:01:59 who works with and around public servants every day. All right. The Dipsy do 180 flip a risky theory. That means there is absolutely a deep state. The Dipsy do 180 flip a Ruski theory. That means there is absolutely a deep state. They're targeting you and she's a part of it. This is the disinformation queen right now running the disinformation ministry of truth. We've got to stay on top of this story. If you have yet to contact your congressman or congresswoman, if you have yet to do it, do it today. It is not too late. We cannot allow this to stand, period. There will be no constitutional republic with a ministry of truth. There will not. Here she is again, ridiculously claiming that CRT doesn't exist, that it's a fabrication of
Starting point is 00:02:37 Republicans spreading disinformation. This, this was so, this is such an obvious piece of disinformation. I'll show you on the outside, on the other side of this, this clip, how ridiculous this woman really is. Check this out. Critical race theory has become one of those hot button issues that the Republicans and other, you know, disinformers who are engaged in disinformation for profit. Frankly, there are plenty of media outlets that are making money off of this to have have seized on. And I live in Virginia and in Loudoun County. That's one of the areas where people have really honed in on this topic. So she lives in Virginia. She's clear to say she lives in Virginia. You all heard it. You guys hear it. Everybody hear it. She lives in Virginia. And don't worry, Joe. Critical race theory is just a fabrication of Republicans.
Starting point is 00:03:28 And don't worry, Joe. Critical race theory is just a fabrication of Republicans showing you again the 180 dipsy do flip a roof theory. If Nina Jankowicz says that this thing isn't real CRT, it means what it is real. And it's targeting Republicans and Republican parents here. Fox News article from October of 2021. Now, Nina Jankowicz, our ministry of truth czar, could have just put in a search engine CRT, Virginia Department of Education, and she could read this headline herself. The Virginia Department of Education website promotes CRT. Despite McCall, former Governor McCall's claims, it's never been thought there. Let me read that again. Disinformation minister.
Starting point is 00:04:02 Virginia Department of Education website promotes crt so you could just go to the website see that's how that works folks if you have not called your congressional representative i beg of you please do it and demand two things an immediate defunding of this abomination to this country and number number two, an investigation and hearings the minute we take control of Congress in 2022, the minute we take control of whose dreadful idea this unconstitutional abomination was. More in a minute, but first.
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Starting point is 00:05:16 Make sure you go to to order their free catalog and decals. That's to order a free catalog and decals and to learn more about this great American company. Thankfully, we've got decent people out there like Rand Paul, been concerned for a very long time about the disappearance and evaporation like an Alka-Seltzer tablet of liberty and freedom
Starting point is 00:05:36 in this country in favor of tyranny where we're finding ourselves right quick. Here is Rand Paul questioning our DHS secretary, failed human being Al Mayorkas, asking him yesterday, hey, listen, this disinformation minister, you know, the one who spouts disinformation herself, is this going to cover public health? Check this out. I've said a million times that cloth masks don't work. YouTube takes me down. They're a private company. I can have that beef with them. What about you? You're going to look at that. I
Starting point is 00:06:11 often say that natural immunity from having had the infection is equal to the vaccine or better. You're going to take that down there. Well, first of all, those are very specific. Senator, first of all, it's not for us to take it down. And second of all, we are not. Are you going to put information out there saying that I'm spreading disinformation? Senator, we are not the public health experts to make those determinations. So public health won't be part of the disinformation governance board. No COVID disinformation. Yes or no?
Starting point is 00:06:38 Senator? Yes or no? Is public health going to be part of your censorship group? Yes or no. Is public health going to be part of your censorship group? Somebody allow me, because you're you're presenting hypotheticals that are vague. And I just gave you a very specific one on cloth masks. I gave you a very specific one on immunity from previous infections. Notice how he won't answer the question. This failed human being occupying the DHS secretary office right now, this tyrant.
Starting point is 00:07:04 Why won't he answer it? Because it's true. Because he wants to be able to use the law enforcement power, the Department of Homeland Security, like the tyrant thug he is. He wants to use that office to threaten you from a law enforcement perch. If you dare ask questions like if masks work, then why aren't masks working? The money ball theory of masks, right? Masks work. Why aren't they working? If the vaccine stopped infection, why haven't they stopped infection? You will not be allowed to ask that
Starting point is 00:07:36 under this DHS going forward. Tell me again how we live in a constitutional republic. Now, I'm just wondering, are we going to be able to talk about things like this? Because there's been some news on the vaccines and other COVID news you'll probably want to hear about that I'm sure the DHS is looking at right now with Nina Jankowicz, disinformation queen. The sewage fountain of disinformation she is, Nina Jankowicz. Here, did you see this? Just a news article. MIT study finds COVID vaccines significantly associated with a jump in emergency heart problems. Wow, that sounds like something we should be concerned with.
Starting point is 00:08:12 Here's an actual quote. This is called science. So Alejandro Mayorkas, this is called science. I'm sure you're looking at banning this, Nina Jankowicz. I'm sure you'll try to wipe us off the internet. But here's an actual quote. While not establishing causal relationships, the findings raise concerns regarding vaccine-induced undetected severe
Starting point is 00:08:30 cardiovascular side effects and underscore the already established causal relationship between vaccines and myocarditis, a frequent cause of unexpected cardiac arrest in young individuals. The study says. We're going to look into that or is that disinformation? Like Nina Jenkiewicz says CRT is, despite it being on the Virginia website, the county she claims to live in. Kind of weird, right? What about this?
Starting point is 00:08:52 Is this going to be in there? I thought this was a conspiracy theory. By the way, I'm out of conspiracy theories. So if you would, crowdsourcing is really, really a great asset of having an audience of millions of people. Can you all send me new conspiracy theories? Because the old ones are all coming true. Remember when we said it was only a matter of time before the government starts tracking you.
Starting point is 00:09:09 Remember how I opened the show? Privacy is the essence of a free country. Yeah. Yeah. Privacy. You thought you had privacy, New York post CDC bought cell phone data to track vaccination and lockdown compliance as a new report.
Starting point is 00:09:21 Turns out they use geolocation data from millions of Americans phones to track compliance with lockdown orders and vaccination efforts, according to newly revealed documents. I thought that was a conspiracy theory. They had detailed counts of visits to pharmacies for vaccine monitoring. Are we allowed to put that out there or is that going to be disinformation, too? I'm just I'm just checking. Al Mayorkas that show tune singer jankowitz can is that a lot out there or is that part of your disinformation were you watching you listening to us right now the disinformation ministry of truth are we allowed
Starting point is 00:09:56 to put that out there is that okay folks again please can you send over new conspiracy theories because all of the old conspiracy theories sadly are coming through right now i told you the essence of a constitutional republic and a free society is what that there is a distinction and a hard line not a soft line between the private and public self you have a private self and a free society where you shouldn't be monitored because they can't monitor you because there are constitutional restrictions on the government monitoring you. Those are gone. Because we now live in a flowering Chia Pet tyranny where the tyranny Chia Pets being watered every day.
Starting point is 00:10:36 Happening every day, folks. They're not backing down here. I don't want you, listen, we've had a couple successful messaging wins about the Minister of truth and talking about this and getting information out about how dopey this woman is and how ridiculous and unconstitutionally immoral and unethical this idea is. But they are not backing down and we can't back down either. I want, I need you to call your congressperson and immediately ask to defund this thing and to hold investigations in 2022 here here's proof here's biden uh the other day talking about trump supporters and
Starting point is 00:11:13 notice folks he did this very very deliberately he attached the extremist level uh label excuse me to the mega crowd he did this deliberately. Why? Come on. You know the answer. Think this through. You already know the answer. There is no way this is by accident. The disinformation board was founded under the DHS, not the FCC, the DHS. Why? Department of Homeland Security. They want to unleash the national security infrastructure just like they did on Trump on you. But the only way to do it is going to be to tie in the extremist level, extremist label, January 6th, all of that. This is very deliberate what he said. This is not an accident.
Starting point is 00:12:02 Listen to this. Check this out. What happens if you have a state change the law saying that that that children who are LGBTQ can't be in classrooms with other children? Is that is that legit under the way that the decision is written? What are the next things that are going to be attacked? Because this mega crowd is really the most extreme political organization that's existed in american history him labeling the mega movement as extremist is a very deliberate step there is a reason the ministry of truth was put in the department of homeland security it was not an accident it wasn't put in the Federal Communications Commission. It wasn't put in the SEC.
Starting point is 00:12:47 It wasn't put in the Bureau of Indian Affairs. It was put in DHS to combat extremists. That was not an accident. The Dan Bongino Show. If you'd like to hear more, subscribe to The Dan Bongino Show wherever you get your podcasts.

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