The Dan Bongino Show - The Deep State Strikes Back After The Disastrous Debate (Ep. 2342)

Episode Date: October 3, 2024

The VP debate was an absolute trainwreck for the libs. In this episode, I cover the Deep State's latest moves to try and move the needle again, the media's grotesque coverage of the campaigns and more... big tech bias laid bare. Jack Smith filing lays out new evidence against Trump Jan. 6 immunity  Hurricane Helene's death toll reaches 182, the deadliest storm since Katrina Google Bias Exposed: 100% Left-Leaning News in JD Vance and Tim Walz Searches Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Get ready to hear the truth about America on a show that's not immune to the facts with your host, Dan Bongino. Folks, this is such an obvious, I mean, transparent like scotch tape exercise in deep state weaponization by these scumbag tyrant weaponized government assets that if you can't see it i i genuinely can't help you you're if you support what happened yesterday with fake judge chutkin she's not a judge this woman is not a judge stop referring to her as judge chutkin this is not a real judge this is nothing more than a partisan political hacktivist communist this is not a serious person she's only serious in the destruction she can cause and what she did with jack smith who is now gone completely fascist total fascist now is i've never seen anything like it 30 days before an election in a justice system where even murderers
Starting point is 00:01:07 are presumed innocent until proven guilty beyond the reasonable doubt and given due process to respond because people are falsely accused of things all the time. They launched this ridiculous superseding indictment with a bunch of nonsense that's already been shredded and secondhand crap. Why? Because four things happened this week. Because the scumbags in the media need to distract you. Scumbags. Scumbags. That's who they are. I got a big show for you today. I'm a little pissed off today. I'm sorry. I mean, not about being here, about what happened last night is just, we've gone full fascist now with the weaponized government. It's just disgusting. Folks, you all know I can't sleep without my Beam Dream Powder. They have an exclusive discount for my listeners up to 45% off. Visit slash Bongino. Use code
Starting point is 00:01:59 Bongino. I got that and I got a lot more, including evidence again that, that J.D. Vance absolutely destroyed Tim Walz. That's one of the things they want to distract you from talking about right now. Hey, what if there was someone out there who kept a log of every single thing you did? Well, talk about the deep state. Revite told you that's exactly what happens every time you go online. Your Internet provider is allowed to store logs of every website you've ever visited and can legally sell the data to anyone. That's why I always use ExpressVPN on my devices. It reroutes your internet connection through secure servers so your internet provider can't see or log what you do online. Now, many of you might be wondering,
Starting point is 00:02:33 well, what if I'm routing all my data to a VPN? That just means the VPN can see what I'm doing and log my data instead. Fair question. Well, Express VPN is the only VPN I trust because they use trusted server technology. They were the first major VPN provider to engineer all their VPN servers to run on RAM only. It makes it impossible for their VPN service to store any data, including logs, of any ExpressVPN customer. So stop letting people keep logs of what you do online. I use it because it's nobody's business, especially the government, what you're doing online.
Starting point is 00:03:04 Go to slash Bongino right now. Find out how you can get three months free. That's E-X-P-R-E-S-S, slash Bongino, slash Bongino to learn more. All right, fellas, let's go. We're coming out firing today on all cylinders. Synthetic oil only. Folks, what happened yesterday
Starting point is 00:03:28 with the deep state is freaking disgusting. Jack Smith, who is the special tyrant to special counsel investigating the fake crime of the insurrection, Jack Smith was tasked with a job.
Starting point is 00:03:45 You may say as a special counsel in the DOJ, by the way, unconstitutionally appointed, this ridiculous human being who may be one of the worst lawyers in America, he has gotten his ass kicked in court on some of the biggest cases of our time because Jack Smith sucks. I know you're listening, Jack Smith.
Starting point is 00:04:01 We have the biggest live show today. You suck. You're a legal embarrassment. You're a disgrace. You suck. You're a legal embarrassment. You're a disgrace to the country. You're a laughingstock. Everybody thinks you're a joke. And your only chance at redeeming your shit, garbage, trash can reputation because you're a laughingstock legal joke across the board
Starting point is 00:04:19 is to tyrannically, in this fascist manner, go after Donald Trump and try to interfere in this election. So what did they do? You see this article at Politico. They dropped what's known as a superseding indictment. Let me just translate the legalese, the guy who was in the justice system for a long time. You can basically charge someone and arrest them or detain them
Starting point is 00:04:41 or bring charges via a few different documents in the government. You can do an information, you can do a complaint, or you can do an indictment. They all generally lead to the same thing, which is going to be charges, which will be a trial if you don't plea out. It's not that hard. You can also draw up a superseding indictment, which says, hey, we have some more stuff we want to give you. So the last thing you read, we're going to bring this one.
Starting point is 00:05:03 An indictment typically is a little more serious than a complaint. A complaint's easier to dismiss. When it comes to a case like this, a serious case like this, not serious in that the charges are serious, serious in that we have a tyrant using a weaponized government system interfering in an election, they'll typically use an indictment, which is a little bit harder to get rid of than dump. A complaint's kind of something you do last minute if you want to get an arrest warrant. It's what we did in the Secret Service a lot. The superseding indictment. I want you to understand, Jack Smith has gotten his ass kicked over this case in the courts.
Starting point is 00:05:37 The Supreme Court has already told Jack Smith, hey, Jack, Jack, oh man, I want to say something so bad. Hey, I'm so sick of this guy's bullshit, I can't even tell you. It's crazy when you have communists right in front of your face, right in front of your face doing commie stuff, and the media's not willing to call it out. I mean, their sole job as the fourth estate is such obvious government corruption.
Starting point is 00:06:02 He drew up this superseding indictment, which is basically just what Jack Smith says. It doesn't mean any of it's actually true. I can say anything. I can say, you know, Guy's Jason Voorhees and has killed people up at Camp Crystal Lake. It doesn't mean it's true. It means the government says it. The government says a lot of bullshit. The government said Donald Trump colluded with the Russians in a pee-pee tip. The government said George Papadopoulos was some kind of freaking foreign spy. Only assholes believe that stuff.
Starting point is 00:06:34 So Judge Chutkin, who's another disgrace to humankind, an absolute disgusting garbage person who obviously is not a judge. What did she do? She says to jack smith yeah yeah we're 33 days before an election or whatever it is you go out and put out this fairy tale document unredacted release it to the public because we want to make donald trump who was questioning an obviously flawed election we want to make it look like he stole this thing and caused an insurrection. This is the most disgusting act of election interference I've seen in a long time.
Starting point is 00:07:12 You're waiting for an October surprise. Here it is. Here's the good news. There's good news. This yes, there is put up that political headline again. This thing's a nothing burger. Read it. It's a total joke. It's an embarrassing joke. There is nothing in there you haven't heard. And here's the hilarious part. There's nothing even in there, even remotely surprising or shocking. Donald Trump was calling out basically a flawed election for what it was, a flawed election, which the Democrats have done in every presidential election they've lost since like 1492. Okay. I get it. You get the point. This is bullshit. The document is a laughing stock. It fell on deaf ears. It's not going to change a single freaking vote in the country.
Starting point is 00:07:58 All Jack Smith did in this superseding indictment, which I've seen now, all he did is change basically the word, you know, or public to private, that basically Donald Trump was acting as his private self. Really? As the chief executive of the United States, it's his job to question an election if he believes there was corruption. That's his actual job, to go and enforce the law as the president and chief executive. Jack Smith's just a bag. He's a total canoe. He's an obvious fascist and tyrant right now. He's reaching and grasping. And it's kind of hilarious because they're trying to distract you right now. It's tragic, but it's almost funny,
Starting point is 00:08:41 the desperation. You are only going to martyr this guy again, you assholes. Nobody believes you. People are laughing at you. Everybody thinks you're morons. And if we win this thing in 33 days, I am going to look back and laugh in Judge Chutkin's dopey face. Also, Jack Smith, for the freaking tyrant that he is. Imagine being this guy's neighbor, knowing you live next to a freaking hardcore hammer and sickle Soviet commie. What a disgusting piece of garbage this guy is. Imagine being this guy's neighbor knowing you live next to a freaking hardcore hammer and sickle Soviet commie. What a disgusting
Starting point is 00:09:07 piece of garbage this guy is. And you're a joke. You're a freaking joke. I make my point. Here's why Jack Smith's doing what he's doing. Disgusting Jack Smith. Jack Smith's doing what he's doing because he needs to distract
Starting point is 00:09:24 you from four things going on right now. And what I candidly believe may be the worst week in presidential election, modern history for a candidate. And that candidates Kamala Harris. I'm going to go through it one by one, but let me just lay out all four in the beginning. Cause you know, I hate teases. There's no time for it it and I don't like it. You just had on their watch a candidate and his vice president who ran on bringing back normalcy. Did they not? Liberal D-bags, did you not run on that? Biden and Harris were the chaotic Trump years. We're going to bring back normalcy, folks. We're going to be respected around the world again, as if we weren't before. And what happened?
Starting point is 00:10:07 The minute oatmeal brains and this loser vice president got in office, the world is on freaking fire. The Russians invaded Ukraine. The hooties are bombing up the Red Sea. You can't even shipping lanes are closing. And what happened? shipping lanes are closing. And what happened? The largest ballistic missile attack on a sovereign country in modern history just happened with the Iranians who Biden's got his lips connected to their, here's the Iranian ass. You see it folks. Imagine Iranian ass goo or crazy glue to the ass of the Iranians. You know, you know, gorilla glue stuff, right?
Starting point is 00:10:55 Surgically attached, kisses the Iranians asses. And they tell him, go yourself, Joe. We're going to launch 181 or 21, whatever ballistic missiles and start basically the beginning of what could be World War III in the Middle East. This is Joe Biden. This is the chaos present. So you got that, number one. Don't worry, I'll go through each of these one by one. You've got probably now the worst hurricane response in United States history. Okay? You've got the U.S. government that is a $7 trillion theft enterprise. It steals $7 trillion of your money.
Starting point is 00:11:32 That Kamala Harris is running to expand. It's the biggest it's ever been. And it can't do an effing thing right. It can't rescue people in North Carolina, in South Carolina, in Tennessee, in Florida, in Georgia. It can't do shit. Why? Because it spent all its money on illegal immigrants and FEMA. Put this one up. Hurricane, put up, put that New York poster. Hurricane Helene's death toll reaches 189. The deadliest storm since Katrina.
Starting point is 00:12:07 I was told George W. Bush screwed up Katrina. By the way, I'm no Bush fan. He did not. Weird, because now, and 189, this is going to be the deadliest storm probably in modern U.S. history. And who's in charge? Oatmeal brains and his hapless, cackling Joker vice president. They need to distract you. and his hapless, cackling Joker vice president.
Starting point is 00:12:24 They need to distract you. So commie Jack Smith, disgrace to humankind, one of the worst lawyers in America, drops a bullshit indictment so you won't be talking about this. But we are going to talk about this because we want up to you, Jack, and you're losing. What are you, Jack, are you going to take another trip to Subway? Are you taking another trip to Subway, Jack,
Starting point is 00:12:42 trying to look like a man of the people? Piece of garbage. That's what you are. Yeah, I called you that. That's what you are. Little tyrant. You've got a massive port strike. Biden's like, hey, I'm the union president. Did you see that video from Fox this morning?
Starting point is 00:12:55 They go out to the rally. They're like, hey, who's voting for Kamala Harris? No, my show didn't stop. That's the sound of what happened. I thought he was the union guy. The union guy can't broker a deal. You realize the United States is losing billions of dollars a day
Starting point is 00:13:12 as the ports are shut down? You've got both sides making ridiculous demands. No automation. That's an insane demand. No automation. And you got the other side who couldn't get a deal done. I thought Biden was a deal maker.
Starting point is 00:13:24 I thought normalcy was around the corner. I thought he was the union president. Nobody likes this guy. He's a loser. The media doesn't want to talk about it. That's three. Actually, I'm going to throw one more thing at five. So we got through three.
Starting point is 00:13:36 Ballistic missiles, worst response to a hurricane in a modern American history. A ports closure costing us billions, going to shut down our economy soon. Here's number four. And I'll throw one more in for good luck, right? This is what they don't want you to talk about. One of the worst debate performances you've ever seen. The numbers are in, the focus groups are in. Tim, tampon Tim Walls, abs double T, humiliated himself in the Harris campaign. In case you were thinking Kamala Harris is hapless, but I'll vote for her because I'm a Democrat. At least she has Tim Walz to give advice to her.
Starting point is 00:14:11 It turns out Tim Walz is even dumber than she is. You had Obama pick the worst vice president in American history and Joe Biden, who then picked an even worse one in Kamala Harris, who managed to find someone even worse than her in tampon double T, Tim Walz. I will in a second. And then one more. This is the fifth thing I just threw in before the show.
Starting point is 00:14:30 We now find out that the CBP1 app, Customs and Border Protection app, we'll call it the amnesty app. The amnesty app, okay? Because that's what it does. Cat turd. We got to get on this, my friend. Cat turd.
Starting point is 00:14:44 This is the amnesty app. That's what it is. It's basically an app. And I'm going to show you a video on tomorrow's podcast. How easy it is to just go in the app. It takes five minutes. You produce no credentials at all. And they give you what's called an NTA, a notice to appear. It sounds insane that you can basically be a terrorist in some South or Central American country or anywhere. Go to an app, put in no ID at all, make up a name, and then fly into the United States with a notice to appear. That's what it is. And then they found this out. Again, this is all this week, folks. The New York Post article, DHS threat report. This is Biden's DHS warns that migrants with terrorism ties will continue to exploit border crisis.
Starting point is 00:15:31 Folks, if you're a terrorist, you supply on CBP one to fly you right in. Just fake your name. You fly right in. This all happened this week. I didn't even mention the 13,099 convicted murderers in the United States under Borders R. Harris. We'll get to that in a bit too. This all happened this week. Now do you see why these scumbags in the DOJ and these fake judges, fake, they're not, they're hacktivists. That's all they are. Now do you see why they did this to interfere in the election? It's not going to work, man.
Starting point is 00:16:05 I'm telling you right now. I don't make predictions. Early voting is starting all over the country. Kamala Harris, look at this. 13,099 convicted of homicide. 15,811 convicted of sex assault. 425,431 convicted criminals under Bordasar Harris. You really think people voting right now are looking at this?
Starting point is 00:16:25 I'm not talking about the liberals. You're insane. This is what you want. You love Jack Smith and the communism. You think independent voters are looking at this and you don't think they realize what's going on right now? Folks, you're not prepared for what's coming in this election. Talking to lefties out there.
Starting point is 00:16:43 You're not prepared. Mike MC1234 says it. Vote early, folks. Get out there and vote. That Verizon, I had a long conversation with a tech friend of mine in my investment space yesterday. That Verizon outage, this is my opinion. I'm just putting you out there based on a couple of different things.
Starting point is 00:17:09 That may have been some kind of dry run. If the polls go down on election day, don't say I didn't warn you. The Democrats are voting early for a reason. Get your vote and bank it and bank it today if you can. Bank it today. Bank it today. Folks, the J.D. Vance interview was one of my five things they're trying to distract you from.
Starting point is 00:17:40 Excuse me, the J.D. Vance debate. It was an absolute disaster for the left. Every single thing they tried to maliciously make you believe about J.D. Vance. Oh, he's weird. He's a radical. You now believe about Double T, Tampon Tim. Everything blew up for them. This was a disaster.
Starting point is 00:18:04 Is it going to change the entire trajectory of the race? It doesn't have to. I said to you yesterday, VP debates will maybe target 0.5 or 0.25% of the vote. But that could swing the election in swing states. I want you to watch J.D. at his first post-debate appearance yesterday in Michigan talking about and hammering home the message that independent voters I think are starting to see right now
Starting point is 00:18:32 if you're still undecided. Kamala Harris is in charge. She's still the border czar. She's been in charge for three and a half years. Stop pretending you have nothing to do with the chaos. You are the chaos. Kamala Harris
Starting point is 00:18:46 is the chaos queen. Check this out. I got to be honest. I feel a little bad for Governor Walz. And the reason I feel bad for him is because he has to defend the indefensible. And that is the record of Kamala Harris. And think about this. For the past eight weeks, Kamala Harris, who never won a Democrat primary vote, has gone around the country saying that she is on day one going to tackle the affordability crisis that's making it hard for you to afford groceries, housing, and everything else. She says on day one, we're
Starting point is 00:19:25 going to make energy prices lower for American consumers. And on day one, she says, we're going to tackle the instability and conflict all over the world. Well, Kamala Harris, day one was 1400 days ago. What the hell have you been doing that whole time? Why don't you get to work instead of just talking about. time. Why don't you get to work instead of just talking about. Ladies and gentlemen, I. You're my family, OK? You are. You have my family, my nuclear family, but you guys are my family. I don't get out much. I don't. Can you guys vouch for me here outside of hanging out with Arvin, the orthodontist? I don't get out much. I don't. It's not a sob story. I'm just not a social butterfly. It's a choice.
Starting point is 00:20:07 You guys are my family. I told you guys, JD is just really, really good at this. I've known him for a while. We're not best friends. I don't mean it in a bad way. I mean, we don't drink coffee together, name droppers say,
Starting point is 00:20:21 and exaggerate their relationships. But I've known him for a while. He is just really, really good at this. If Donald Trump wins and the next four years we can turn the economy around, get us back on a solid global standing, rebuild our military, close our border, do you realize we have the chance for a 12-year run for Trump, for Vance, for Vance? I don't want to reach too far. I don't want to get ahead of this next election. I'm just telling you, J.D. is really, really good at this.
Starting point is 00:20:54 He knows and understands how to speak, how to lead, how to look the part, how to act the part, and how to talk the part. You may say, Dan, bring the receipts. That's your opinion. I got them coming up for you. I promise. I'm going to show you left-wing network coverage of focus groups after the debate. So you don't have the great part about this show. I have an opinion, but the opinion, and we always back it up with the receipts.
Starting point is 00:21:21 Stay tuned. You're going to see what I mean. Hey, you don't need me to tell you life is precious. It could all get taken away in an instant. That's why I keep a four-week emergency food kit for my Patriot supply in my home. It's got everything my family could need during a crisis. With over 2,000 calories a day, there's enough to go around during times of social unrest, government crackdowns,
Starting point is 00:21:37 or God forbid, an attack on a homeland. The food lasts up to 25 years in storage. It's ready whenever disaster strikes. I have a kit for every member of my family. Why? I live in a hurricane zone. We see these mass panics at the supermarket every hurricane season. You don't want to be walking into a supermarket with no food. Your kid's going, Mom, Dad, where do I get my food from?
Starting point is 00:21:57 You can save $50 right now on the same four-week emergency food kit I keep in my home for my family. Go to and save $50 on your four-week emergency food kit I keep in my home for my family. Go to and save $50 on your four-week emergency food kit. My Patriot Supply will send it over as fast as possible. Listen, I know my order showed up in one day. Ships free too. Get your four-week emergency food kit now at Go today.
Starting point is 00:22:21 All right. Again, anybody's entitled to an opinion. They're like a-holes. Everybody's got one, okay? Can you back it up? I told you, J.D., if a VP debate ever mattered, it was the one this week.
Starting point is 00:22:35 They traditionally don't. And the target population of still undecided voters who maybe think the Trump team is too aggressive for them, they don't like mean tweets, came away with an informed, reasonable, very articulate candidate who made a guy, what, 20 plus years his senior, look like an idiot on stage, probably more? Here's the focus group. Let's start out with CNN first.
Starting point is 00:23:00 So you can't accuse me of bias. Oh, you're only playing Fox News or Newsmax. I am not. Here is a CNN focus group by Frank Luntz, who's about the swampiest Republican you're ever going to see. I'm sure, I don't even think he likes J.D. Vance. Here's a CNN focus group after the debate on what happened. Receipts incoming.
Starting point is 00:23:20 In a post-debate focus group, an overwhelming majority said they thought that Vance won last night. Here's why. He's very battle-tested, very ready, and you can just see that he went to Yale, and he's very intelligent, and he reassured a lot of people, I think. Somebody else. He was in strong control of the facts. He ran the show. He remained steady during the whole performance, and I was very impressed with him being very sincere and authentic. He humanized himself and actually looked like a regular guy.
Starting point is 00:23:56 Aw, Dan, come on, buddy. That's just one focus group on a left-wing communist news network that hates Donald Trump. Okay, let's go to a CBS panel. This is a shorter clip, I promise. But this was a CBS panel. CBS, again. I mean, probably to the left of CNN.
Starting point is 00:24:16 They were the hacks and the goons that fake-moderated the debate. There were actually three debaters. There was Tim Walz and the two CBS losers. Here's a CBS panel after the debate, basically saying the exact same thing. Short, but worth it. Check this out. Before the debate started, two of the voters said that they were going to vote for Trump. Two said they would vote for Harris.
Starting point is 00:24:36 Two said they were undecided. But by the end of it, those two undecided said they would vote for Trump. As I says, receipts incoming. Folks, keep in mind the theme of the show. There are five things they're trying to distract you from. Do not get distracted. The missile attack in Iran as it blows up, the disastrous FEMA response,
Starting point is 00:25:03 the port strike, the debates, and the notice response, the port strike, the debates, and the notice to appear CBP app, which is basically the amnesty app. President Trump and J.D., by the way, are really smart with the media. No more debates, folks. Debates are over.
Starting point is 00:25:24 We should never, ever... Let's take it. 150K on Dan's focus group. We have 150 already? Holy shit. Man, we're not even like half an hour into the show yet. You guys are the best. We were the number one live stream in the world again yesterday with 186,000.
Starting point is 00:25:39 Almost double the next guy. That's to you. Much love. Bongino Army, man. Love you guys and ladies out there. You're the best. No more debates that's to you. Much love, Bongino Army, man. Love you guys and ladies out there. You're the best. No more debates. Listen to me.
Starting point is 00:25:50 No more debates. Not now. But here's the difference. Not ever. I asked this yesterday, but I'm going to ask it again. Poll in the chat. Bongino on the case. You are a command sergeant major in the Bongino Army, Bongino.
Starting point is 00:26:03 So I need you, unlike Tim Walls, who was a fake one, okay? I need you guys to answer this question. Here's what we should do for all future debates. If Republican presidential candidates say it's J.D. Vance in 2028, just, it could be anyone, say it's J.D., okay? J.D. gets to pick from a list of 10 conservative opinion hosts. No more bullshit fake journalists. I don't want to hear from even journalists on the right side.
Starting point is 00:26:29 I want to hear from opinion hosts because that's what winds up happening anyway. Mark Levin, you got Hannity, you got Glenn Beck, you got Shapiro, Matt Walsh. What's that? I would do it at present company. I mean, I'd be happy to do it, put my own name in though. It's kind of like, hey, look at me,
Starting point is 00:26:47 and I don't want to sound like a dick. But, yes, obviously I would do it. J.D. gets to pick 10 conservative hosts that will question the Democrat nominee. The Democrat nominee, same thing. They can pick their 10, Rachel Maddow, Chuck Todd, all obvious opinion hosts, because this is what happens anyway. No more debates like this It's bullshit This happens every time CBS comes in and goes
Starting point is 00:27:12 We're not going to fact check We're going to do journalism What do they ask? Here are the questions J.D. Vance How quickly is the world going to burn due to climate change? It's going to be five or ten years J.D. Vance
Starting point is 00:27:24 Should a woman be allowed to kill a child six or ten years. J.D. Vance, should a woman be allowed to kill a child six weeks after birth? J.D. Vance, every single question, do the rich pay their fair share? There's not a single question about the massive border crisis and actually what they did. Everything's slanted.
Starting point is 00:27:40 So if it's going to be opinion hoes, make them opinion hoes. That's why I applaud Donald Trump for giving 60 Minutes the freaking double-barreled middle finger. Did you guys see this tweet? So 60 Minutes is like, hey, man, every year we invite the Democrat and Republican tickets to appear on our broadcast as Americans head to the polls. They note that this year, Vice President Harris has accepted, but President Trump has decided not to participate. Why the hell would
Starting point is 00:28:09 President Trump sit down with freaking 60 minutes the Sir Network? Why would the Sir Network Why would he sit down with the Sir Network again? Why would he sit down with the Sir Network again?
Starting point is 00:28:29 Why would he? What is he, nuts? If President Trump accepted this, I have to tell you, I would have to question his mental capacity. President Trump's a very smart guy. Very smart guy. Of course, I'm kidding. He's a very smart guy.
Starting point is 00:28:44 Of course, he's going to tell guy of course he's gonna tell him to go screw themselves by the way october 9th wednesday next week 9 30 a.m eastern time we're doing it live we're doing it live exclusively on rumble the biggest live stream event of the year we're gonna melt down the internet melt it down october October 9th, 9.30 Eastern Time. AM. slash Bongino. Bongino Army, spread the word. Anita, get on that.
Starting point is 00:29:13 McGroin crew, on that. Be there. Tell your neighbors. Tell your friends. It's going to be the best thing you've ever seen, this Rumble channel. Maybe we'll ask them about the Sir Network. Here's President Trump yesterday. beautifully nailing 60 minutes to the wall says you know what when you guys apologize for lying about me being spied on and a hunter biden laptop
Starting point is 00:29:36 fiasco maybe i'll consider talking to you again yes good move Trump. Check this out. CBS is saying that you have pulled out of a planned interview in 60 minutes. I'd just like you to address that report, and if you indeed are not doing the interview, explain your reasoning why. Well, right now I went to, they came to me and would like me to do an interview, but first I want to get an apology, because the last time I did an interview with them, if you remember, they challenged me on the computer. They said the laptop from hell was from Russia. And I said, it wasn't from Russia, it was from Hunter. And I never got an apology. So I'm sort of waiting. I'd love to do 60 Minutes. I do everything. I mean, I do you right now, right? And you're tougher than 60 minutes, frankly.
Starting point is 00:30:27 The laptop from hell was from Hunter. It wasn't from, so I haven't gotten, if you remember Leslie Stoll, we got into a little bit of an argument on the camera talking about that and other things. And, you know, they really owed me an apology. Oh, oh, they owe him a big apology. This guy's taking no prisoners with the media right now, and neither is J.D. Vance.
Starting point is 00:30:46 No more debates, because they're not debates. They are paid hacktivist commies muting microphones and fake fact-checking people while giving the communist ticket for president a pass on every bullshit lie they tell. That's not a debate, folks. It's a communist interrogation. It's not a debate.
Starting point is 00:31:10 And there's no reason we should subject our candidates to this idiocracy anymore. I got to play this before you do. Folks, you want an encore performance of the infamous Leslie Stahl? Leslie Stahl, who really, honestly, folks should resign from media permanently. She said this will forever mark her career, that she pretends to be a journalist on 60 Minutes, which pretends to be a news program, and that they actively covered up two of the biggest scandals in political history.
Starting point is 00:31:41 The deep state spying on Donald Trump. We know the names of the spies. in political history. The deep state spying on Donald Trump. We know the names of the spies. Everybody knows it. And the Hunter Biden laptop letter where the intelligence community colluded to steal an election. That they actively covered it up.
Starting point is 00:31:54 Leslie Stahl's name will only be associated with disgrace from the second, from this second on. We will never allow her to recover our reputation. Check this out. Jim walk out of a store and he's walking with an ice cream. And the question the media asked him, what kind of ice cream, what flavor ice cream do you have? And he's in the midst of a scandal. He's not. And he's taking, of course he is, Leslie. No, come on. Of course he is. It's the
Starting point is 00:32:21 biggest, second biggest scandal. The biggest scandal was when they spied on my campaign. They spied on my campaign, Leslie. There's no real evidence of that. Of course there is. It's all over the place. Leslie, they spied on my campaign and they got caught. Can I say something? You know, this is 60 Minutes, and we can't put on things we can't verify. You won't put it on because it's bad for Biden.
Starting point is 00:32:43 We can't put on things we can't verify. Leslie, they spied on my campaign's bad for Biden. We can't put on things we can't verify. Leslie, they spied on my campaign. Well, we can't verify that. It's been totally verified. No. It's been, just go down and get the papers. They spied on my campaign. They got caught.
Starting point is 00:32:55 No. And then they went much further than that, and they got caught. And you will see that, Leslie. And you know that, but you just don't want to put it on the air. No, as a matter of fact. Leslie Stahl, a freaking embarrassment. Look at this.
Starting point is 00:33:11 So imagine being this pathetic, disgusting woman right now who she can go back very easily and look at the four FISA warrants falsely testified to, all false information, in front of a foreign intelligence spying court to spy on the Trump campaign. We have the name of the spy. You can read my books. They're all cited. You can't verify it?
Starting point is 00:33:39 You can read my book. It's all footnoted. I wrote four books on it. Unbelievable. Unreal that this woman It's all footnoted. I wrote four books on it. Unbelievable. Unreal that this woman continues to be taken seriously by communists. Even communists should be embarrassed of this woman. Listen to me, Trump campaign.
Starting point is 00:34:08 Never, ever go on 60 Minutes again until Leslie Stahl is fired, openly mocked. I mean, really, how she survived after that interview in television and kept her career is just astonishing. She should have been gone from the media. I'm not suggesting anyone fire her. I don't care. I watch the show to laugh. That's it. Nobody actually takes them seriously. Five things they're trying to cover up.
Starting point is 00:34:27 This debate performance and the hack media's role in it was one of them. Last break, and I want to get back to a lot more, including Politico. Again, just humiliating themselves, folks. The media is so worried about the fallout from this debate, I can't even tell you. Hey, probably the number one question I get from listeners is, how do I get in the conservative fight in that parallel economy? Where are my dollars going? Well, a lot of these credit card companies are funneling millions to left-wing causes and candidates hoping you don't notice. But now you have a choice. Coin is America's
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Starting point is 00:35:32 Just do us a favor. There's a how did you hear about us box. Click Dan Bongino. Terms apply. Go to slash disclosures for full details. Thanks, coin. And our last spot today, one of my favorite companies. You got a picture for them?
Starting point is 00:35:46 You show a picture of my gym. I post some workout videos once in a while because it's my social media. If you don't like those kind of things, I'm not bragging to anyone. I'm an old rotting carcass of meat that's falling apart. I just hope it inspires a few people to get in the gym. This is part of my setup. You'll notice it's from Jacked Up Fitness. I love Jacked up fitness.
Starting point is 00:36:05 This all-in-one machine is the smoothest I have ever used. Folks, I've used all-in-ones before. Honestly, they're pretty awful. We used to see them in infomercials. And here's the thing about all-in-ones. They're none-in-ones because none of them work. This is the first machine I worked. I found them on Instagram. This is how they became a spy. I went in reverse. I found them. They didn't find me, right? And I started liking their stuff because I had heard so many good things about their product. Everything works better than the standalone. In other words, you ever do pull-downs?
Starting point is 00:36:33 You do chins on the pull-down machine? This machine is clean. It is easy to use and super easy to set up. It's from Jacked Up Fitness. Don't worry if you don't know how to work out. Jacked Up also includes full-body video workouts. You just push play and follow along. Jacked Up Fitness. Don't worry if you don't know how to work out. Jacked Up also includes full body video workouts. You just push play and follow along. Jacked Up is a proud American company.
Starting point is 00:36:49 These guys are donating 900 machines to Wounded Warrior Project. It's a million dollar value. So if you're looking to take charge of your health, do what I do. The jammer, by the way, if you want to watch some of the videos, the workout videos,
Starting point is 00:37:00 go to my Instagram or elsewhere, locals. You see me using a jammer? Absolutely insane. Take charge of your health. Start working out today. Go to getj or elsewhere, locals. You see me using a jammer? Absolutely insane. Take charge of your health. Start working out today. Go to, Here's an exclusive promo code to get 10% off. Use promo code Bongino, my last name, at
Starting point is 00:37:17 Great company. Check them out. All right, back to the show. Folks, I tell you to flag it, but it's too late at this point. So I would say red flags in the chat, but it's too late at this point. So I would say red flags in the chat, but it's difficult to flag things when things are ready. Yesterday, I was going to tell you to flag it, but it's already happening. The media is now desperately trying to destroy J.D. Vance. They know J.D. Vance, and it's not. Let me clarify. The media is now trying to destroy J.D.
Starting point is 00:37:43 Vance because they thought they had destroyed him with the nonsense, weird stuff, which in itself was like a really dumb line of attack. They're not worried anymore about J.D. Vance and the Trump ticket. Do you get where I'm going with this? After the debate, they're now worried about J.D. Vance in the next 12 years. Don't forget that. J.D. Vance in the next 12 years. Don't forget that. They're now freaked out because they put a full court press into decimating this guy. And now he's the second most popular Republican in the country. And everybody sees him as this rising star in the party. They will do anything to destroy him. I was going to tell you to flag it, but they already started it. Look at this ridiculous, you to flag it, but they already started it. Look at this ridiculous, ridiculous Politico piece.
Starting point is 00:38:32 So here's Greg Price, a good guy, saying Politico says J.D. Vance's beard is toxic masculinity, while Tim Walz's bulging eyes show his passion. This is so freaking pathetic. Laughing my ass off here. Yes, J.D. Vance. This is Politico. Vance is the first White House wannabe to wear facial hair. Research indicates that voters see beards as more masculine. It can be positive to some, but to others, especially women, it can be negative, conveying aggression and opposition to feminist ideals. This is real, folks. This is real. I love Seth and the Babylon Bee, but this is not the Babylon Bee.
Starting point is 00:39:01 This is actually real from Politico. J.D. Vance's evil beard, ladies. That beard's coming for you. Be very careful. It's going to sprout like, remember that movie Cloverfield where that little beast sprouts the little like spider things? J.D. Vance is going to sprout the spider. They're going to come after you in the subway and scratch you
Starting point is 00:39:17 and your eyes are going to pop out. But don't worry. Tim Walls, who looked like Elmer Fudd looking for wabbits, don't worry. His wide, bulging, weirdo eyes and the strange faces and gesticulations of jazz hands. They know that this is real, too. Eye popping can sometimes be a sign of surprise. But for Walls, it revealed his intensity, folks.
Starting point is 00:39:35 Like during an exchange about abortion. Yes, you were right. He is really passionate about killing him babies. You were 100% correct. This is real. They will do anything to stop this guy. Anything. I want you to look at this too. CBS kicking itself in the balls. Look at this tweet. Here's Tampon Tim, like Zeus with the lightning. Tampon Tim with his magic tampon. There he is. you can shove that up there we go
Starting point is 00:40:06 tampon look at his tweet from cbs so jd vance fact-checked these two moron uh fake uh debate moderators who did not apparently know what the cbp1 app was so cbs news says during the vice presidential debate senator jd vance claimed vice president harris became the border czar cbs confirms this is false. Sir, sir, she's not the border czar, sir. It's false, folks. Did you know that? So I'm going to, here's what I'm going to do for CBS, you effing dipsticks, okay?
Starting point is 00:40:41 I'm going to do you a favor. I'm going to debunk CBS using no way, not CBS. Yeah. CBS. This is crazy. Put up that headline from CBS. CBS says that Kamala Harris is not the borders are that is in fact fake. Uh, that's interesting. They say Harris was not asked to be the administrator or to oversee immigration policy and enforcement. Thank you for highlighting that, Guy. Let's throw the... Holy shit, that's a CBS article. Guys, did you fake this? Is that photo shit?
Starting point is 00:41:11 No, it's not photo shit. Harris to lead administration's efforts to stem migration at border. A CBS news. Thank you. Let's compare these side by side. So CBS yesterday. Folks folks this is the same outlet this is the same outlet kamala harris was not asked to be the administration's borders are
Starting point is 00:41:35 state cbs so it's false or asked to oversee immigration policy enforcement cbs march 24 2021 harris to lead administration's efforts to stem migration at the border surely it's a typo Michael not early it's a typo maybe tampon tea with his magic tampon he throws it like a lightning ball like a football like Mahomes throws a football there we go tampon tea like Mahomes dropping back football. There we go. Tampon tee like Mahomes dropping back, evades the tackler, boom, zips it over to Kelsey, runs down the field. There you go.
Starting point is 00:42:12 Throw the magic tampon into the boys' bathroom. Save the day from CBS. Now, showing you how ridiculous these losers are and why you should never, ever, ever, friends don't let friends, believe the mainstream bullshit communist media. We put together again an encore performance
Starting point is 00:42:29 of a little montage of the media calling Kamala Harris the border czar, which CBS says she's definitely not, even though we wrote an article about it. Check this out. ...time vice president and border czar Kamala Harris facing some backlash. And this will be her first visit to the U.S.- the US Mexico border region since she was appointed
Starting point is 00:42:47 as the border czar by President Biden. President Biden tapped Kamala Harris, Vice President Kamala Harris to be the border czar. They were very critical of Kamala Harris, especially in her role as border czar. Kamala Harris who was appointed as the border czar. There has been so much criticism against Kamala Harris. She was the border czar. There has been so much criticism against Kamala Harris. You know, she was the border czar. I don't know what else I... Okay, I get it that the Bongino Army, you guys and ladies, believe me, I understand.
Starting point is 00:43:15 I present the receipts and you all are reasonable people. But seriously, help me out here in the chat. Forget the liberals. They know she's the border czar. They're lying because they're just hierarchical communists. But if you're, say, a loose Democrat voter, how do you watch that and take the mainstream media, the communist media, seriously again?
Starting point is 00:43:38 I just played for you clips of left-wing media people acknowledging she's the border czar with an article written about how she's in charge of the border with a fact check by CBS saying, no, no, we changed our mind. She was never the border czar. How do you take them seriously? Anyone in the chat have any, do you wonder why, how anyone watches MSNBC, CBS and takes this shit seriously? Do you notice now why they are so concerned with, quote, misinformation? Because they don't want you to pay attention to where the disinformation and lies are coming from,
Starting point is 00:44:12 which is exclusively from them. Here's what else they're trying to hide. They're trying to hide the border disaster. They're trying to hide the ballistic missile attack, the port strike, the debates, the CBP1 amnesty app allowing terrorists into the country. They're trying to hide the fact that Joe Biden just said Kamala Harris was intimately involved in the day-to-day running of the country.
Starting point is 00:44:39 Yeah, the running of the country into the ground. The reason you're suffering at the pump, at the grocery store, there's crisis after crisis overseas. The reason the borders open, there are terrorists in the country, there's a crime crisis in American cities is because of Kamala Harris. You don't think she had anything to do,
Starting point is 00:44:59 by the way, with this Iranian unprecedented ballistic missile attack on Israel? How do you think the Iranians felt when this was Kamala Harris's message to the Iranians months ago? This was, folks, this is a very detailed, strong, forceful message up there with the Brandenburg-Reagan speech. Check this out. What's the message to Iran? Don't. As President Biden said, just don't. Exactly. One word. Pretty straightforward. to iran don't as president biden said just don't exactly one word pretty straightforward no guys not that one the the the powerful speech you know what's the message to iran don't as president biden said just don't exactly one word pretty straightforward you guys that's the same
Starting point is 00:45:43 one you just played the same. There is no. Oh, I'm sorry. I have a note here. Someone said, you know, I ask people to submit content, suggestions and Facebook and Rumble. Somebody sent me said, hey, play this video. It's Kamala Harris finally doing the right thing and showing how forceful she is on foreign policy. I was a mistake. I didn't realize it was that old interview where she don't.
Starting point is 00:46:03 Don't. You have anything else to add? No, don't, don't, don't. You have anything else to add? No, don't. Don't. Don't. This is so powerful. This is what I tell my 12-year-old daughter. If she says to me, dad, can I drive the car right now?
Starting point is 00:46:14 I go, do me a favor, don't. This is not what I tell Iranian death to America people like, hey, I got an idea. Let's lob an unprecedented number of ballistic missiles into a sovereign country in the middle east let's that's the don't yeah after she's doing it now and now the funny thing is they're saying the same thing israel israel is like you know i think it's time to take out the nuclear program they're like uh don't like they don't know what else to say they don't know what this is kamala harris this is why the media, Jack Smith and fake Judge Chutkin launched this ridiculous, nonsensical document, this nothing burger laughing stock
Starting point is 00:46:53 of a document superseding indictment yesterday. Of course, after Kamala Harris said don't nothing happened. So here's the Fox report about the Iranians freaking out, having to deal with a potential President Harris. And here is the Iranians on TV saying, listen, we're going to calm this whole situation down. We definitely don't want to be retaliated against by Kamala Harris. She's such a strong force for a leader. Here's the Iranians acquiescing. Play that if you would. So they have taken cover. There is a lot coming in over Haifa right now. And what we weren't understanding was whether or not the Iron Dome, if there's an Arrow 3 system that's taken this out, what's happening. But right now, nothing's hitting the ground.
Starting point is 00:47:33 But there's so much of it. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. That might change. We have some kind of contact there. I don't know, Nate. But I know that you have the ability to tell us what's going on from even Tel Aviv. Again, we seem to have the wrong video. That seems to be a massive ballistic missile attack on a sovereign nation of Israel
Starting point is 00:47:50 while Kamala Harris said don't. So weird. So weird. This one I know is right, though, because it involves the worst press secretary easily in the history of the United States at this point. A woman who can barely spit out words in a coherent sentence. She speaks only in word salons she makes names up senator shorts she makes words up names up here she is she's asked a pretty sound question
Starting point is 00:48:11 like hey man what are you doing to stop the iranians from like blowing up the world you know they they have nuclear weapons and stuff they're right there they're like on the cusp of potentially nuclear blackmailing the entire world and kareem Jean-Pierre's like, oh, don't worry, we've sanctioned them. You have? That's fascinating. Because these sanctions that you actually are not enforcing, the Iranians are actually making more money off oil than they ever did. This is so weird. She's like, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:37 Here, check this out. So Iran, obviously we saw what happened today. They also have an active plot to assassinate one of the candidates in the U.S. election, which could be seen as a direct election interference. Is there any talk of consequences for Iran in terms of limiting their revenue, going after their oil exports? So, look, you heard Jake speak to this on what there will be consequences. You heard Jake say this. This is an ongoing situation.
Starting point is 00:49:03 He had to get back to his desk to make sure that he continues to monitor what's happening, occurring, having conversations with his counterparts as well in Israel. But. Incredible. The Iranians are making more money now on so-called sanctioned oil than they ever did. So what does that tell you? It tells you there's not really any sanctions at all. They're too busy kissing the ass of the Iranian death to America mullers. And by the way, Google is interfering in the election yet again, trying to hide from you what I just said.
Starting point is 00:49:38 These five things, one of them being the disastrous debate performance of Tampon T and the explosively good debate performance of J.D. Vance. Here's the Media Research Center, an outlet I love, Gabriela Parasau. Another one-off? Question mark? Google shows 100% left-leaning media in search for Vance day after VP debate. I'm sure it's just a big coinkydink, folks.
Starting point is 00:50:02 You understand liberals are morons, okay? You have two kinds of liberals. You have the commies that are doing all this on purpose. They love fake Judge Chutkin and fascist tyrant Jack Smith. They love what they're doing. The fact that I point out the fascism, the weaponized government, and the fake acts of judicial whatever doesn't matter to them. But there are liberals out there who are, I mean, genuinely stupid. I've debated them. I've seen them. I ran for office.
Starting point is 00:50:32 They don't know anything. Here's a perfect example of what I'm talking about. Byron Donalds, who's a great conservative congressman from Florida District 19. That's a district I ran in. I know it well. Byron's a great guy, rising star in the Republican Party. Could be a VP, a presidential candidate himself one day. Could be the next governor of Florida. Byron Donalds goes on to Breakfast Club. It is a very, very popular show. Has a large minority audience. He goes on. Charlamagne's the lead host. He goes on, Charlemagne's the lead host. One of his, I think, co-hosts, his female guest, has no idea that Kamala Harris is the cause of the inflation crisis.
Starting point is 00:51:11 I'm not kidding. If you can blame one person, it's Kamala. She doesn't know that Kamala Harris, as the president of the Senate, the vice president for you liberals out there, is the president of the U.S. Senate. I know you don't know that, but they are. They cast the deciding vote.
Starting point is 00:51:26 Kamala Harris, as vice president, cast the deciding vote on the American Rescue Plan, which did nothing but spill money into the economy that caused this inflation crisis. She didn't even know. But like us, Byron brought the receipts, even paper ones. Check this out. You're not really thriving right now. This inflation, which, by the way, was brought to us by Kamala Harris, has really slowed down people from being able to excel. By Kamala? Yes.
Starting point is 00:51:51 The vice president. Oh, Charlemagne. It's still the president. Charlemagne, listen, man. When Joe Biden wanted to do his American rescue plan, Kamala Harris was the tie-breaking vote in the United States Senate. She broke the tie that started this inflation
Starting point is 00:52:04 that has hurt so many people in our country. Everybody listening to your show. It's not true? First of all, it's true that it's a tie-breaking vote. You sure you want to go there? When you go outside, Congressman, when you go outside in your district. You sure you want to go there?
Starting point is 00:52:17 Okay, let's go there. You got notes. You got notes, Angela, right? That's fine. I have notes, too. I'm going to give it to Charlamagne. The biggest note I have today is I'm going to give it. I'm going to give it a shot. I have to give it a shot. Notice this again.
Starting point is 00:52:29 Liberals love to advertise their stupidity. Byron says, I have notes. Byron brings out the actual paper of the vote count showing Kamala Harris, which she can look up herself, but won't because they like being dumb. That Kamala Harris cast the deciding vote that you can correlate the inflation crisis with the explosive government spending in the American fake rescue plan and the Inflation Production Act. She was the deciding vote in both of them. If there was one person responsible that could have shut this thing down, it was Kamala Harris. And she didn't.
Starting point is 00:53:02 She supported it. And she said, I have notes, too. But notice, one person produced the notes. Byron Donalds. One person just talked. This is liberals every time, folks. Get ready for this one too. Because they have their October surprises that are falling flat.
Starting point is 00:53:22 No one cares anymore. No one's listening to them. There may be another one hiding there. I brought it up before, and sadly, and I do mean sadly, tragically, I think I'm going to be proven right. Folks, I told you this Sean Combs P. Diddy case was going to be a big deal because I hung around with the Clintons as a security agent. I'm obviously not a fan of theirs, but I had to do my job. When he was president, she was first lady, and they were around the entertainment community all the time. I'm not suggesting they're involved directly in
Starting point is 00:53:58 this. I'm telling you, I have zero doubt there are significant politicians and left-wingers and business people and donors who are probably going to show up in this Sean Combs case. And there are probably a lot of powerful people trying to make this go away. Receipts incoming again. Again, everything's an accusation, just like with Jack Smith. It applies both ways. Here's an attorney working on this case, a guy by the name of Tony Busby. He's got a little update on this. Sounds like something
Starting point is 00:54:31 I told you? Check this out. Even before the indictment of Sean Combs, we had received a small volume of calls and it screened a handful of cases. After the indictment of Sean Combs and the announcement that we were pursuing these claims, the floodgates opened people who wouldn't otherwise for a variety of reasons are now stepping forward to make their voices heard and to pursue justice. But no, most of these people are scared. They fear backlash in their communities. Most of these people are scared. They fear backlash in their communities.
Starting point is 00:55:07 They fear backlash in their own families. They are afraid of retaliation from the perpetrators and their associates. They are rightly afraid for their own personal safety. I expect that through this process, many powerful people will be exposed. Many dirty secrets will be revealed. Many powerful people be exposed. Many dirty secrets will be revealed. Many powerful people be exposed, many dirty secrets revealed. There were a little October surprise sitting out there right now, maybe an early November surprise. New York Post, folks, don't say I didn't tell you. Porno allegedly showing Diddy with more famous A-list celebrity being shopped around, lawyer says.
Starting point is 00:55:51 Really? Really? Better start asking questions. Let me show you one more comic relief. Remember Jim Acosta? He was always a contender in the dopey media talking head Olympics. However, he's become so irrelevant, it's hard to even include him
Starting point is 00:56:08 in the media anymore. He made a little bit of a comeback the other day. He's very offended, not about the murderers in the country due to Kamala Harris. He's very offended
Starting point is 00:56:15 that we don't pronounce her name a certain way. And even though Kamala Harris has said her own name different ways a thousand different times. Here he is with Corey Lewandowski. It's always good
Starting point is 00:56:24 to end with a good laugh. Here's Acosta, who always, the pretend being offended act is great with this guy. Check this out. I can say, Jim, I can say that 13,099 murders were led into this country. 16,000 rapists, 425,000 people in the last four years have been led into this country by Kamala Harris
Starting point is 00:56:43 and Joe Biden's own Customs and Border Protection that are running around this country the other thing too it's kamala harris i don't know is there why do you guys say kamala that is it's it's kamala harris i just jim we know that they're committing crimes against americans why why can't these individuals talk about the individuals who've been killed by illegal immigrants. 13,099 murderers have been led into this country by this administration's own accounting. And you guys don't want to talk about it. I'm Matt Acosta at CNN when I used to do hits there. He is truly one of the dumbest people. The guy is a complete goofball.
Starting point is 00:57:18 He's a total degenerate. He doesn't care about convicted murderers in the country illegally. He cares about Kamala Harris. Who was your name kamala kamal i've heard it pronounced both ways that's what he cares about because that's who he is figure that in with something you can laugh at folks don't forget october 9th next week 9 30 a.m eastern time the biggest live stream event of the year me president donald trump 9 30 a.m eastern Eastern, only on Rumble. You can watch it VOD and listen later, but you can only see it live here. If you want to follow us on Rumble, go to slash Bongino,
Starting point is 00:57:53 or you can download the Rumble app. If you like an ad-free experience, ads keep the show free, folks. We've got to pay for the infrastructure and the cloud. You can go to Rumble Premium. That's always a choice for you as well, but the show is free at slash Bongino. We just ask you to give us a follow. We really appreciate it. Also give us a follow on Apple Podcasts and Spotify.
Starting point is 00:58:10 Just search for The Dan Bongino Show. Click that follow button. Really appreciate it, folks. You all are great. Thanks for making us the number one live stream in the world. I absolutely love having you here. Adore you guys. Thanks so much.
Starting point is 00:58:20 See you on the radio show here on Rumble in a few minutes. And back here tomorrow at 11 a.m. See you then. You just heard The Dan Bongino Show. See you on the radio show here on Rumble in a few minutes. And back here tomorrow at 11 a.m. See you then.

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