The Dan Bongino Show - The Democrats are Walking Into a Trap # 991 (Ep 991)

Episode Date: May 30, 2019

In this episode I address the trap being set for the Democrats after yesterday’s Mueller press conference. I also address the latest media fake news story about Trump. Finally, I discuss the left’...s attacks on a philanthropist.  PLEASE CLICK HERE TO HELP COMPLETE THE AUDIENCE SURVEY! News Picks: Yet another blow to the credibility of the FBI and Christopher Steele. Andy McCarthy’s latest piece about the impeachment trap.  Mueller appears to be lying about this key component of his investigation. Mueller may have handed Trump re-election. Chick-Fil-A is under attack again.  New Mexico governor asks for federal help on border after pulling troops from the border. Copyright Dan Bongino All Rights Reserved. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 get ready to hear the truth about america on a show that's not immune to the facts with your host dan bongino all right welcome to the dan bongino show producer joe how are you today after a late night last night yeah good to be here saw my son graduate last night yes sir from high school big congrats brother big congrats we love little jo. Congrats, little Joe. Big shout out to our hundreds of thousands of listeners. We love little Joe. He's a good man. Thank you. Hey, just a quick administrative.
Starting point is 00:00:31 Yeah, man, of course. You got it. He's my buddy there. A couple administrative things. One, a big thank you. The survey we put out yesterday, the demographic survey of our audience, it was not in the show notes. Huge mistake on my part.
Starting point is 00:00:43 I take full responsibility. It was, however, on the website. And I'm not even going to say how many, but tons of people responded. Just so you know, in the corporate world, if you send out a survey on email and you get like a 1% response rate, it's like, hey, thumbs up. Ours was off the charts. Thousands upon thousands of people. And it wasn't even in the show notes. It will be today.
Starting point is 00:01:08 I promise you. We are not collecting your personal information. I'm just trying to get an idea of what my audience looks like. The survey will be in the show notes today. Thanks to everyone who found it on the website yesterday. It'll take you two minutes or less to respond. We deeply appreciate it. And I want to send a big thank you
Starting point is 00:01:26 to Media Matters. You may say Media Matters? You mean those lunatic leftists who sit in their basements all day playing video games and watching Fox News? Yes! Yes! Media Matters, we have made their must-watch show list.
Starting point is 00:01:42 They tweeted out clips from our YouTube show yesterday. And Paula, am I making this up? You know what, Paula? We need a snapshot, that little great thing on YouTube. And our audience is through the roof because I retweeted their tweet about our show.
Starting point is 00:01:58 So thank you, leftist lunatics on Media Matters. We were about 25% above our regular audience yesterday. Thanks to you. Keep tweeting at Media Matters. We were about 25% above our regular audience yesterday. Thanks to you. Keep tweeting at Media Matters. Keep it up. I will retweet your content if it's good.
Starting point is 00:02:14 Thank you very much, Lunatics at Media Matters. All right, I got a lot to get to today. Yeah, I mean, I don't know how many things. Let's get Bongino. Let's promote to our people his content, that is YouTube stuff. Wow, you got me there. Don't do that again.
Starting point is 00:02:28 Ever. Ever again. You want to talk about ownership of the libs? This is how you live rent-free in their heads. You get them to tweet your content and advertise your show. Don't dare do that again. Ever. don't don't dare do that again ever and they're like and i love their promotion like watch this complete meltdown by damn i'm like yes see the full meltdown on our youtube channel Good shot. A lot to get to today.
Starting point is 00:03:05 The disgraceful Mueller press conference yesterday. Awful stuff. I'm going to get to that. And what you may have missed yesterday, Mueller relying on ambiguity. All right, today's show brought to you by our buddies at GenuCell. Hey, you ever say I wish this double chin would just go away? Yeah. Double chins, sagging jawlines, and turkey necks are real problems.
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Starting point is 00:04:32 his, I guess you could say, storied career. If you're a Mueller fan, we'd be leaving out a lot of the unstoried stuff that happened, but Mueller is going to end this career on a real low note what bob muller did yesterday at the press conference was a disgrace now i covered most of it so i don't
Starting point is 00:04:52 need to relitigate most of the i pointed out yesterday what is it i have my notes from yesterday's show about four or five things from it that were takeaways but the one thing I wanted to double down on now is what he did with this OLC guideline. Let me play this first. I'm going to play a video for you. And I want to set it up, though. The Office of Legal Counsel are like lawyers for the Justice Department. That's the best way to say it. They provide guidance. The guidance is not law. It is guidance. That's why it's called Office of Legal Counsel Guidance, okay? The OLC guidelines and guidance indicate that you cannot indict a sitting president. Copy? Now, Mueller's playing a little trick with this.
Starting point is 00:05:38 And Joe, I'm going to need you today as the ombudsman. If it gets complicated, stop me. But the trick, when you understand what he's doing, you'll see why Mueller's not a good guy. What Mueller's doing is sleazy and shady right now. Bob Mueller's relying on a bunch of ambiguity, knowing the left-wing media and their liberal hacks will take that ambiguity he leaves out there and runs with it. Here's what I mean. He says something completely different in private than he does in public. In private, he has told Bill Barr that the reason he didn't charge the president in his Mueller report with obstruction is not due to the OLC guidance that says you
Starting point is 00:06:18 cannot charge a sitting president. Does that make sense? He has already said that in front of multiple witnesses, multiple times to the Attorney General. Right. Did you not charge the president, Bob, because the OLC says you can't charge a president? No, no, that's not why I did it. Now he comes out in a press conference yesterday and says something completely different.
Starting point is 00:06:39 This is a side-by-side, it's about a minute cut, of what Mueller said yesterday and what Mueller told Barr and multiple witnesses before that to show you Mueller can't possibly be telling the truth. If we had had confidence that the president clearly did not commit a crime, we would have said so. We did not, however, make a determination as to whether the president did commit a crime. determination as to whether the President did commit a crime. The introduction to the volume two of our report explains that decision. It explains that under long-standing department policy, a President cannot be charged with
Starting point is 00:07:17 a federal crime while he is in office. That is unconstitutional. Even if the charge is kept under seal and hidden from public view, that too is prohibited. The special counsel's office is part of the Department of Justice, and by regulation, it was bound by that department policy. Charging the president with a crime was therefore not an option we could consider. Crime was therefore not an option we could consider. On March 5th, we specifically asked him about the OLC opinion and whether or not he was taking the position that he would have found a crime but for the existence of the OLC opinion. And he made it very clear several times that that was not his position. He he was not saying that. But for the OLC opinion, he would have found a crime.
Starting point is 00:08:16 He made it clear that he had not made the determination that there was a crime. OK, let me be crystal clear on what's. Yes. Thank you. Let me be crystal clear on what's happening here. The Democrats and the liberal media lunatics are framing this now as a he said, she said, or he said, he said. Yeah. In other words, they're saying, look, Mueller would have found a crime here of obstruction. He said it yesterday. And the only reason he didn't is because the legal counsel guidelines prevent him from charging the president. Therefore, the media in their activist role jumps to the conclusion that the president committed a crime.
Starting point is 00:08:54 And the only reason Mueller didn't charge him is because the Office of Legal Counsel has said you can't charge a sitting president you tracking me yeah but that is absolutely not what he told bill barr and multiple witnesses at the doj including rod rosenstein who is no friend of trump's right he literally signed a pfizer warrant to spy on the trump team okay multiple so it's not a, he said, he said, well, the media is going to say it's bars word versus Muller's. It is not. It is Muller's word versus bar versus Rosenstein. And by the way,
Starting point is 00:09:37 as you can see from this statement from the department of justice issued yesterday, the department of justice is actual opinion and multiple people at the Department of Justice. The attorney, just as the official statement of the Department of Justice yesterday, the attorney general's previously stated that the special counsel repeatedly affirmed that he was not saying that, but for the OLC opinion, he would have found the president obstructed justice.
Starting point is 00:10:02 The special counsel's report in his statement today made clear that the office concluded it would not reach a determination one way or the other about whether the president committed a crime. Here's the key line. There is no conflict between these two statements. You may say this is now really confusing. Of course, there's a conflict. Mueller in public just said yesterday, or the only way to read what Mueller said, and Andy McCarthy has a terrific piece up about this today,
Starting point is 00:10:35 the only way, it'll be in the show notes, to read this, I gotta remember that, take that down, the only way to read this, because I didn't put it in originally, Gotta remember that. Take that down. The only way to read this, because I didn't put it in originally,
Starting point is 00:10:49 is that Mueller is giving a dog whistle, like Joe said yesterday, he was right, to the press to say Trump obstructed justice and the only reason I didn't do it is for the OLC guidelines. That is not what he has said behind closed doors. It is, the statements do conflict muller is not telling the truth he's playing this strategic ambiguity game where whenever he loses the narrative then and what is the narrative what is muller trying to do he is trying to to foster a narrative that Donald Trump committed a high crime and misdemeanor
Starting point is 00:11:28 and that Congress needs to impeach him as his second dog whistle yesterday, Mueller, when he said, well, there's a congressional remedy for this. He wants this guy impeached. He hates Trump. He is not a good guy. So what does he do behind closed doors? He realizes, follow me here, please. He realizes he has no case for obstruction.
Starting point is 00:11:53 Even my wife was a little confused about this yesterday. She knows this case better than anybody. She listens to me all day, literally. We live in a, you know, house isn't that big. We're around each other all day. That's a good thing, by the way. I'm not complaining. She looks good today, by the way.
Starting point is 00:12:08 It looks great. You look fantastic. It's my favorite new shirt out there. We need the Paula cam. It's true. But even she was a little confused about this yesterday. She's like, I don't, I don't, I don't get this. Like, why is Mueller playing this game?
Starting point is 00:12:23 Why not just charge him in the Mueller report and then let the Democrats impeach? Great question. And I'm because if she didn't get it yesterday, then I know some of you don't get it. In other words, if Mueller hates this guy so bad, Dan, like you're saying, why not just write in a Mueller report like Ken Starr did in his report on Bill Clinton that he believes the president obstructed justice and would be charged with a crime. But that's not what he's doing. He goes behind closed doors to Barr and says, I'm not going to charge
Starting point is 00:12:54 him with a crime, and it has nothing to do with the fact that the OLC guidelines say he can't. In other words, we don't have the evidence. Why is he saying two different things? I'm sorry, Joe. Are you going to say something? No, no. I'll tell you what, though. We did talk about this, and you called this about, what, eight shows ago.
Starting point is 00:13:10 Yes, I know. And I know you remember this. Right on the button. So forgive me for some of you. I'm repeating this twice. But I think a lot of people don't get what he's doing. Here's the reason he is not recommending charges for the president. It has nothing to do with the OLC guidance. Forget that.
Starting point is 00:13:26 Tell your liberal friends that's a nonsense talking point. He has already told multiple witnesses behind closed doors. That is not the reason he didn't charge the president. Forget it. What he said yesterday is a lie. There were multiple witnesses that he's lying. You can't say Bob Mueller lied. I just did.
Starting point is 00:13:43 He's lying. It's he said versus them. All of those people saying that's not what he said behind closed doors. The reason he is not charging the president, despite his vitriolic hatred for the man, is because he doesn't want to be humiliated in court. How would the president wind up in court? humiliated in court how would the president wind up in court ladies and gentlemen if bob muller recommended charges for the president of the united states in his report like he's afraid to do there is zero question that the democrats would do what in response joe impeach yeah they're gonna impeach now despite the fact that the report
Starting point is 00:14:25 exonerates trump right right and he's been exonerated of obstruction by the department of justice they still want to impeach which i'll get to in a second this piece of legal insurrection by the way which is a gift to trump in some respects now once impeached, the president can absolutely be charged. So follow me here. Mueller understands then, as special counsel, if he recommends charges for obstruction, he has no evidence to back up in a legal way to make this case prosecutable. He has no case, and he knows it. As Rudy Giuliani said, the president would likely be impeached
Starting point is 00:15:06 may may be convicted by the senate because you have so many republican rhinos who hate the president too and then what would happen joe olc guidance wouldn't matter because he wouldn't be the president he'd be removed from office which would mean he'd have to be charged. He knows Mueller, then he would have to go to court. Follow me. And he would lose this case in the most catastrophic, embarrassing way. And then what would happen? You'd have a bunch of American voters with their pens scratching their heads going, wait, let me get this straight. this straight. We just impeached the president we all elected on a charge that was thrown out of court and left out of court in five minutes for obstruction of justice. It didn't happen.
Starting point is 00:15:50 Mm. Mueller would become a historical laughingstock. I am deeply sorry if this is in any way convoluted. I promise you I'm not erring in the explanation of it. It's the only way to explain this. But you need to understand the gamesmanship of what's going on, the Game of Thrones behind the scenes here, because these are not honest brokers. They are not doing the right thing. So just to backtrack, Mueller does not have the option of recommending charges.
Starting point is 00:16:22 It has nothing to do with the OLC stuff. He's already told people he's just lying. So the only way to, for Mueller to save his broken, tarnished reputation now, because he basically hates the president, wants to hurt him by impeachment, politically that is.
Starting point is 00:16:39 Right. The only way to do it, but to save his reputation and not have to go to court and try this loser of a case and become a historical embarrassment is by using Joe's word from yesterday. And he was right is by using dog whistles. So what does he do? He yesterday goes out,
Starting point is 00:17:00 despite having said the opposite to bar behind closed doors, he goes, well, you know, the OLC thing basically got in our way. Wink and a nod in the goofiest way possible, right? Knowing the liberal media, the activists that they are, and the lunatic fringe Democrat party,
Starting point is 00:17:18 I don't know how anybody can be a Democrat anymore, will then run in front of the cameras, which they did in seconds, Joe. After this was over in seconds and said there it is there it is you had jerry nadler like this did you see jerry nadler reading from the statement he was like oh yeah president trump committed a crime and then they start asking him questions and he doesn't even put the paper down. He goes, like I said, President Trump committed a crime. He was so nervous,
Starting point is 00:17:50 Jerry Nather, because even the audience is laughing at him because he knows he doesn't have a case either. He deserves a Motley on that one. The guy's an embarrassment. A total farce. Even Motley thinks he's a joke. He couldn't for a second
Starting point is 00:18:06 act in an extemporaneous manner he was a wreck trump's been accused oh he was a total wreck trump has been accused of the worst crimes possible right this morning before we came on the air he goes out in front of the cameras he's headed out to the air force academy he took questions for what 20 minutes no notes right off the top of his head, no problem at all. And yet the left, Trump's the idiot. Now the reading from his statement, shaking in his boots. They don't have a case. They have no case.
Starting point is 00:18:35 So Mueller puts it out there with a wink and a nod. Hey, I really did have a crime here, but I couldn't do it for OLC rules. Even though I told Barr the opposite. I know you liberal media types and democrats will pick up what i'm saying trump really committed a crime and you should really impeach but don't come back to me for answers i'm gone by the way i'm running off into the sunset i'm not taking any questions you go mr b you go. That is so cowardly. Oh, cheap, cheap, cheap. So cowardly. Joe, you have Barr in front of the cameras now, multiple times, up on the hill, under
Starting point is 00:19:11 oath. Trump in front of the cameras. This guy's the most transparent president we've ever seen. You don't have to like him, but you suggest that he's not transparent. Stop humiliating yourself, please. The guy's in front of the camera all the time. And yet the one guy who could clear this up, Bob Mueller. Bob, why did you tell them the OLC thing had nothing to do with you
Starting point is 00:19:31 not charging the president with a crime and then dog whistle to the press that you would have charged him with a crime yesterday despite for the OLC? Those two statements can't be true. Why are you lying? I'm not answering any questions. I am the almighty Bob Mueller. It's ridiculous. This guy is getting away.
Starting point is 00:19:49 He leaves it ambiguous. Yep. Let me tie that up then. Okay, cool. He leaves it ambiguous and gives conflicting statements. OLC got in the way. OLC didn't get in the way. Because he understands, Joe, that this is a media Rorschach test.
Starting point is 00:20:08 He knows that when he leaves it ambiguous and doesn't give a clear explanation, which is what his purpose was yesterday, to be ambiguous, that the media will interpret it. How, Joe, in the worst anti-Trump way possible. And he was saying, you know, this guy's not dumb. He was saying, I won't-Trump way possible. And he was saying, or knows this guy's not dumb. He was saying, I won't get in your way either. I won't get in your way. Cause I'm not talking about it. I,
Starting point is 00:20:31 yes, I am gone. I will leave the ambiguity, ambiguity, ambiguity, ambiguity. Gosh, spit it out.
Starting point is 00:20:39 Bongino up to you because I know you hate Trump. Yes, I know you will assume, which will make an ass out of you and me, has been said. I know you will assume I meant I had a crime, but I didn't charge him if I dog whistled this OLC thing, even though I didn't, because I told Barr that. And I know this will be the media. This was all about a soundbite for the media, knowing ambiguity works against Trump because the media hates him. That's it. Good one, Dano. Good one. Ladies and gentlemen, it's the only
Starting point is 00:21:08 explanation for what happened. Now, I got more on this. It's important. I'm going to get to it in a second, especially how this impeachment thing is, because they're going to run with it now. It's very, I don't want to say with 100% certainty, but I would be leaning 51% right now that they are going to move towards impeachment.
Starting point is 00:21:25 Hold on, I got more on that. Today's show also brought to you by my buddies at Brickhouse Nutrition. This is one of their best products out there. I love Brickhouse Nutrition. If you have not yet tried foundation on this show, you're making a big mistake. Go to slash Dan.
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Starting point is 00:22:48 because I got a lot more to get to. Legal insurrection, Bill Jacobson, who's really terrific, a great blog over there, had this piece up about this impeachment process. The title of the piece will be in the show notes today. Mueller breathed life into Democrat impeachment push and may have just reelected Trump. You know, ladies and gentlemen, this goes to show you how this blew up in their face
Starting point is 00:23:09 yesterday badly. What is he saying in the piece? Folks, Nancy Pelosi is, listen, I am not a fan at all of Nancy Pelosi's politics. Please don't misconstrue what I'm saying. I leave my email open for a reason, but the only emails I don't like are when people email me about things I didn't say. Why are you patting Pelosi on the back? I am not.
Starting point is 00:23:32 Let me be clear on this. But I respect my political opposition when I know they are good at what they do. I'd said this about Obama repeatedly. You say, oh, Obama's an idiot. He's a real stupid. know that he's not he was very smart and tactically shrewd and the underestimating of barack obama got us a huge loss to you know from romney in the midterms we chronically underestimated this guy's ability
Starting point is 00:24:00 to change public opinion i bring that up in light of Pelosi because, listen, Pelosi is very, very tactically savvy. Mueller hurt her yesterday badly. Ladies and gentlemen, I'm telling you, I'm getting this from a bunch of people. Let's call them denizens of the swamp who are intimately familiar with the workings up on the Hill. Nancy Pelosi, there were two people furious about Mueller yesterday.
Starting point is 00:24:31 Bill Barr, because Mueller lied about what he said about the OLC guidance. Mueller, again, Mueller didn't charge Trump because he couldn't charge Trump. He had no case, not because of OLC. He lied about it. Right. But secondly, the dog whistle about the OLC muller is not as tactically savvy or politically savvy as pelosi muller thought he was doing the democrats a favor look i'll give you this dog whistle there was a crime and i just didn't charge it because olc impeach ladies and
Starting point is 00:24:56 gentlemen pelosi doesn't want to impeach because she knows it is going to blow up in her party's face. She knows this. She is not dumb. She is wrong politically. Ideologically, she's on the wrong side of nearly every issue. She is not stupid. Why will impeachment not work for her? Because the impeachment talk, I don't want to say was dying down because the radical portion of the Democrat party is never going to let it go. The Rashida slaves, Adam Schiff's, the, you know, loony Eric Swalwell's.
Starting point is 00:25:30 They're not interested in reality. They're just going to push for impeachment no matter what. But the what's that guy, Max, in the Staten Island district, I forget his last name, Democrat in a Republican district. The Connor Lambs in Pennsylvania. I forget the guy's last name. I'm sorry, Max. No disrespect intended. But I see them on Fox a lot, and they try to tow the moderate line
Starting point is 00:25:49 because they're congressional representatives in districts that lean Trump, lean Republican. They don't want anything to do with impeachment. It is a total loser. A poll I just saw, only, what was it, 19% of Americans support impeaching the president. Do you understand this is a loser? The problem is that same 19% are now Democrat primary voters choosing the next Democrat nominee for the presidency of the United States. in the United States.
Starting point is 00:26:23 So all of these candidates, Kamala Harris, Looney, Swalwell, de Blasio, Buttigieg, all of them, Beto, they all have to push for impeachment knowing it is a loser in the general because they have to get past the primary first. Ladies and gentlemen, there is a big difference between what happened i had this uh debate last night with chris han on the laura ingram show on fox han was actually right about one thing
Starting point is 00:26:53 he's like listen impeachment is is bad no matter you know it's just not a good thing and no one should wish for it but he goes i don't think impeachment is going to help Trump. He's right and he's wrong. Yeah. Listen, ladies and gentlemen, of course, being impeached in the House of Representatives. Remember, being impeached doesn't mean you're removed from office. Right. Being impeached is the equivalent of an indictment. Right.
Starting point is 00:27:16 You can go to trial, but the president doesn't go to trial in the courts. He goes to trial in the Senate presided over by the chief justice of the Supreme Court. the courts. He goes to trial in the Senate, presided over by the chief justice of the Supreme Court. Folks, they don't have the votes in the Senate to remove the president from office. Pelosi knows that. That's what happened with Bill Clinton, who was impeached. They lost the trial in the Senate and they looked ridiculous, even though Clinton actually committed crimes. The difference here is Clinton actually committed crimes. Trump did not. Mueller did not recommend any charges. Ken Starr did.
Starting point is 00:27:54 Do you understand the difference? Think of how bad this will be. Yes, no president wants to be impeached. Han's correct about that. But his second point, Joe, that this is going to be a total loser for the president, a catastrophe. I'm not so sure. I think Jacobson may be right. No one wants to be impeached. But Bill Clinton, listen to me, was impeached on crimes that Ken Starr actually recommended in his report. In other words, he said this guy committed these crimes on this
Starting point is 00:28:26 date, here's the evidence. And it still blew up in there. Bill Clinton left office with 60% approval because the American people don't like elected politicians trying to remove other elected politicians for purely political reasons.
Starting point is 00:28:43 That's why. Why will it blow up in their face even worse now? This is where Han is wrong. Because there is no underlying crime. There is no collusion. That's over. It was a hoax. Mueller said it was a hoax.
Starting point is 00:29:03 It's over. Number one. And number two, on this obstruction charge they try him on, how are they going to, Mueller didn't even charge him, recommend charges on obstruction. Right, right, right. You think the Senate's, they will never get past that in a Senate trial. Every single witness at the trial. Sir, you keep saying the president obstructed justice yet a $40 million investigation with 500 search warrants and millions of emails didn't actually uncover any obstruction charges. Why do you know something Bob Mueller didn't? The case would be
Starting point is 00:29:34 humiliating. Mueller would look like an idiot. The Democrats would look like idiots. Democrats would look like idiots. They would lose so badly it would be embarrassing. That's why Pelosi's freaking out right now. Because she fully understands that they've got a big problem. The impeachment stuff was finally starting to wane just a little bit. And what does Mueller do? Bob Mueller, super patriot, to the rescue.
Starting point is 00:30:06 As Joe said yesterday, dog whistle. I would have charged him, but that OLC thing got in the way. That's not what you told everyone else, Bob. And then what happens? You go, dog whistles, that's right. And all of a sudden, the impeachment, here we go. There we go. Reaching the asymptote again.
Starting point is 00:30:25 I mean, they cannot control themselves. This reminds me of this impeachment thing. This is one of the most predictable acts of political suicide I have ever seen by the Democrats. This trial will be humiliating. It reminds me of the Ren and Stimpy episode where they tell him, don't touch the red button, it'll destroy the world. And the whole time, you got to touch the red button.
Starting point is 00:30:47 They cannot avoid touching the impeachment red button. It is an act of pure political suicide. So yes, impeachment is not a great thing. But politically speaking, I do not believe it would be the catastrophe. I'm not recommending they do it. I do not think it would be the catastrophe that some of these hacks think it would be. It will blow up in their face. All right.
Starting point is 00:31:14 I'm sorry, folks. I had a lot. I know I covered it yesterday, but there's so much. I'm getting emails from so many different sources. I just want you to get a full scope of what's going on. Yeah. Hey, one quick last thing. You know what, Joe? We talked about it. I'm sorry. I didn a full scope of what's going on. Yeah. Hey, one, one quick last thing, because I, you know what, Joe, we talked about, I'm sorry, I didn't tie it
Starting point is 00:31:28 up as well as I wanted to. What I had mentioned two weeks ago and what Joe was referring to is, remember, the reason Mueller did not make a decision and punted the decision on obstruction to Barr, Barr and Rosenstein, who said the president didn't obstruct justice, we're not, we're moving on, is because Barr wrote that memo before he gets into the attorney general seat indicating that it's not obstruction of justice to fire Jim Comey the president could fire who he wants for whatever reason he wants he's the chief executive so track me we discussed this a couple weeks ago but Mueller thought he was being politically savvy punting to bar because now he knows again and that the ambiguity that the fact that bar made the decision not to charge trump
Starting point is 00:32:12 as the attorney general which is his by the way muller knows the media the hacks that they are will now say well bar had already come into this with his decision he wrote the memo before he got into office saying the president can't be charged for obstruction. You get it? Yeah, boy. I'll tell you. Don't forget that. Yeah. Mueller tried two things, the two stunts. Punting the bar, knowing the media will blame Barr for being political because
Starting point is 00:32:35 he already wrote that memo because that's what the media does. And secondly, dog whistle OLC, even though I can't really say OLC, knowing the media will say, look, crimes were committed, OLC got in the way. That's all that happened yesterday. Understand that, you understand this whole case.
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Starting point is 00:33:55 find out the best value for you, Nobody wants to shop for life insurance. That's why made it easy for you. Nice. Okay, moving on i wanted to give you some inside perspective about a story that um again is fake news but the media is very good at fake news that's actually the one area of expertise uh you saw this john mccain story yesterday the uss john mccain i didn't see it uh it was in yeah it's in
Starting point is 00:34:24 the wall street journal the story i haven't been a you know secret service agent in my prior career i hate to say that i don't want i'm not jamming it down anybody's throat but i have a unique um skill set i used to do this stuff here's the story uh it's according to the wall street journal apparently the white house wanted the uss john mccain, out of sight during Trump's Japan visit. Ladies and gentlemen, the story is not accurate. The White House did not want it. So just to be clear what we're talking about, President Trump just got back from Japan.
Starting point is 00:34:55 This naval ship, the USS John McCain, was supposed to be somewhere in the background. According to the Wall Street Journal story, we all know President Trump did not get along with John McCain. That's not breaking news. They did not like each other at all. President Trump spoke out about it this morning. According to the Wall Street Journal story, the White House, I should say,
Starting point is 00:35:20 to be precise about their headline, wanted that John McCain removed, I guess he didn't want his name in the background, he didn't want the president to see it. Ladies and gentlemen, that is not accurate at all, according to my sources and the sources of many others. Now, somebody may have wanted the John McCain removed or the name John McCain covered up. I'm not denying that, but it was not the president. It was not the president it was not the president i just want to be crystal clear and i am i will take this story to the grave now what probably happened here according to my peeps right when you do an advance, an overseas advance, a security advance for the president, there are three tenets, three core components to the advance.
Starting point is 00:36:10 The Secret Service, the White House staff, and the military. WHAMO, the White House Military Office. For a number of reasons. We use a lot of military assets overseas. There's military liaison. The military runs things like the president's food supply that's run by the navy navy folks who check the food communications are run by the military the white house communications uh uh the waka people let remember waka i always say that there was a fozzie bear
Starting point is 00:36:37 but the waka folks so the military has a significant role here's what probably happened here because i've seen this before on advances where I was the lead. I was running the operation. There was probably a younger staffer out there looking to impress. When you go out on these advances and the president has a pretty vibrant travel schedule. So I'm going to give you some inside baseball. When the president travels a lot, a lot of the more experienced travel advanced folks out of the White House staff get strained and stressed, so they can't go on every trip. So what starts to happen is they start to pull people with less experience.
Starting point is 00:37:19 They can pull people out of HUD, out of HHS, whatever it may be, and say, listen, we need you to act as White House staff on this overseas trip, okay? They're probably inexperienced. Someone was probably trying to impress the actual White House travel office person, the experienced staffer who they may have been calling back to. And somebody probably recommended to someone in the military, hey, you know, these two don't get along. You may want to remove this. I am positive that's what happened. I've seen it.
Starting point is 00:37:55 I've seen some of the dumbest requests you have ever seen come out of these trips where young, inexperienced staffers do absolutely ridiculous things ridiculous things on trips and either the secret service lead or the white house military office lead will be like hey joe staffer we're not doing that so i mean i can tell you one story in indonesia where the guy's requests were so ridiculous that the Indonesians came to me and said, don't even have this guy around. Get him out of here. He was seriously. I was like, I can't get him out of here.
Starting point is 00:38:32 The White House staff makes these decisions, not us. It's not security related. Folks, the story is a big nothing burger. It was probably an inexperienced staffer just making a bad call. The president said it today during the presser on the South Lawn. Oh, thank you, Paul. And his tweet, I'll read his tweet to you. The President Trump's Twitter account.
Starting point is 00:38:53 I was not informed about anything having to do with the Navy ship USS John S. McCain during my recent visits to Japan. Nevertheless, FLOTUS, First Lady, and I love being with our great military men and women. What a spectacular job they do. Folks, he's not making this up. There is absolutely no way that decision went up to the president of the United States. And forgive me in the Wall Street Journal if you didn't, you know, I don't mean to insinuate that they said the president had a direct role in this. They said the White House.
Starting point is 00:39:18 So technically, they could be right. It's a lower level staffer. But when you write that in a headline, it insinuates that somehow like this was some high level decision it was not folks i'm telling you i could tell you a thousand stories about dumb ridiculous decisions made by the staff and you're like dude we are totally not doing that okay sorry it's not gonna happen i'm the staff you're not the staff right one staff are running around in the republican administration telling people he was secret service because they wouldn't listen to him because his decisions he was making were so dumb no i'm not kidding they compete overseas
Starting point is 00:39:56 we're overseas and the guy's like hey one of your agents is telling me to do this with the mags and stuff i go what agent i you know i'm like i was the site guy i didn't say i didn't no no i didn't say to do that and they're like that guy over there i'm like that's not an agent that's a staffer they're like oh but he's got the earpiece i bring him over he's quaking in his boots i'm like hey you gave me you know the dreaded i'm like did you tell them to do that tell me your you were Secret Service? No, no, no. I said I was with the Secret Service. No, no, you're not with the Secret Service. You are with the staff.
Starting point is 00:40:30 You should have seen the guy, like, sweating. It was hysterical to watch. They do that all the time. He was doing his best Jerry Nadler, you know? Doing his best Jerry Nadler. Oh, Jerry Nadler. I mean, gosh, Jerry, you didn't do yourself any favors just stay away from the mic dude it was pathetic it was the sorriest thing i have ever seen my gosh man so weak and the guy asked him a question he reads from the exact same statement yeah we heard that are you gonna
Starting point is 00:41:03 have an extemporaneous thought this entire time all right last read of the day and i want to get to some other big story by john sullen hey we got a new sponsor i am really ecstatic to have on board folks uh tommy john i have been a fan of tommy john i kid you not for a very long time i've been wearing their underwear forever love them all right bye bye my wife my wife loves him too so do i love them because my wife loves him she's the man that i'd be diplomatic on this i'd prefer not to but i love my wife to death and I don't want to get divorced after the show, but she loves Tommy John. Can we, is that okay, Paul, to say? Yes.
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Starting point is 00:43:39 Welcome on board, Tommy John. I can't tell you how happy I am to have you here. slash Dan for 20% off. Okay. John Solomon had another fascinating piece out yesterday. We love John. John has just been all over this case in the Hill. This will also be in the show notes today.
Starting point is 00:43:58 It doesn't require a lot of deep analysis, but it does add to the case that's been ongoing in this show for well over a year and a half now that the FBI used the source in their case to get a warrant to spy on the Trump team, Christopher Steele. That was garbage. He was a bunk source and he was crap. John Solomon at the Hill yesterday, did the Brits warn about Steele's credibility before Mueller's probe? Congress has evidence. Now, the story is pretty fascinating, but it's very simple to explain. After the Trump election, in the transition period, Joe, sources, according to Solomon's, John Solomon's sources are telling him that a note was hand delivered to people on Lieutenant General Mike Flynn's staff, who was Flynn at the time. Flynn was the incoming National Security Advisor for the incoming president, President-elect Donald J. Trump.
Starting point is 00:45:01 This handwritten note said, listen, Steeles do do not basically do not trust this guy multiple people have seen this note now Nunes and others are desperately trying to get their hold of this note Solomon seems to indicate it is sitting somewhere in a safe, but that it will be exposed. But ladies and gentlemen, this is another nail in the coffin of the FBI story that they had, like I discussed yesterday with Jim Comey, probable cause to investigate Donald Trump. Probable cause means your evidence is verified based on a verified source. How many nails in the Christopher Steele credibility coffin do we need? Probable cause means your evidence is verified based on a verified source. How many nails in the Christopher Steele credibility coffin do we need? The Brits themselves apparently passed what we now know to be some form of official intelligence in the form of a note to American counterparts saying, this guy is not reliable.
Starting point is 00:46:02 We now have a note. Written evidence Steele was unreliable. We have the notes taken by the State Department official, Kavalec, who's interviewing Steele before the FISA. He can't even remember his own Cohen-Prague story. He indicates
Starting point is 00:46:18 his information's coming from Russian disinformation specialists. He tells the State Department before the FISA, I need this information out before Election Day, indicating his motivations were political, not intelligence oriented. Folks, what else do you need? I don't FBI that your source was garbage and yet you stamped verified and signed the application anyway knowing your case was bedrocked in a dossier as Andy McCabe's already said they wouldn't have a case without the dossier produced by a guy who was either lying or being lied to by disinformation specialists. The United Kingdom apparently warned us. Now, behind the scenes, what do you think is really going on here, Joe?
Starting point is 00:47:18 Again, this is the John Solomon translator for a moment. I think Solomon knows the whole story. I've said that from the start. Yeah, you have. What's really happening here is notice the timeline. President Trump is elected president-elect in November. He doesn't take office until mid-January of the following year. It's a transition period.
Starting point is 00:47:40 Nothing mysterious about that. We already know. We know this. it's not in dispute anymore according to the guardian cnn and others that the united kingdom assisted u.s intelligence agencies in spying on the trump team we know that we have the articles we've put them up a hundred times that's not in dispute anymore we know that okay probably happened, Joe, is on election night, the UK folks are like, oh, look, the guy we just spied on is now president. What do we do now? So somebody gets the bright idea to say, listen, we better do a big mea culpa.
Starting point is 00:48:21 Somebody better. Now you get it. You see where I'm going with this? a big mea culpa. Somebody better, now you get it? You see where I'm going with this? Somebody write a letter and we will hand deliver it making sure they get it that we don't trust
Starting point is 00:48:32 this Steele guy. What do you mean? You mean the same Steele guy you did trust while you were spying on the Trump team during the campaign? Yeah, yeah, that guy. In other words, look, look, we're covering our own butts here. We don't trust this guy. Well, you did a few months ago.
Starting point is 00:48:47 Somebody was trying to make a wrong right. Do you get what I'm saying? Yeah. Call in the FBI. Call in the CYA. Yeah. You know, the CYA. Very good.
Starting point is 00:48:56 Very good. They're trying to CTA, cover their ear. You get it. They're trying to, because they're going to go back. Oh, no, look, we presented a note to the Trump team saying we didn't trust them. OK, it doesn't absolve you of being, you know, central figures in a spying scandal for months before that. But that's what's really going on behind the scenes. Now, when the memo is exposed again, these things are all.
Starting point is 00:49:21 In a normal, sane world, bombshell-type information. But sadly, this case is so devious and disgusting that even things like this, that you mean the United Kingdom passed a note saying don't trust the source that was being used to spy on the Trump team? That's not a big deal? No, it's not a big deal in this case
Starting point is 00:49:40 because this case is so full of bombshells and the Democrats have hidden so much that the story Solomon put out yesterday is not even on the front page anywhere. UK warns. Source, the United States is using a spy on their president. It's not good. That's like a major headline in a sane world.
Starting point is 00:50:00 But we don't live in a sane world anymore. Okay, one more note. from yesterday's Washington Post, Jim Comey out, but I just wanted a hat tip to my buddy 279, by the way, great point today. We covered this part where he talks about Ms. Sud being a Russian agent and Jim Comey's Washington Post article yesterday.
Starting point is 00:50:20 And our buddy 279, our great source, he said, listen, you missed something yesterday on this. He says, this is from Comey's op-ed yesterday at the Washington Post. He said, I just need the opening sentence.
Starting point is 00:50:30 He said, in April 2016, he's talking about an advisor, George Papadopoulos. Papadopoulos talked to a Russian agent in London. Folks, he's talking about Mifsud Comey. Our buddy emailed me this morning. He's like, you know, it's obvious what Comey's doing right now. Comey keeps claiming Mifsud is a Russian agent, despite the fact that the evidence is overwhelming that Mifsud,
Starting point is 00:50:55 who spoke to Papadopoulos, is a Western intelligence asset. In other words, was involved in the framing of George Papadopoulos and the setup of the team. Because Comey's defense later on is going to be, hey, I was told by the CIA and others this guy was a Russian agent. I'm not going to backtrack on it now. Go ask them.
Starting point is 00:51:14 Nice pick up. Nice pick up. 279er. You are the man, Daddy-O. Nice job. You are absolutely right. I agree with you a thousand percent, and I neglected to bring that up yesterday. This is Comey's opening defense if he is prosecuted for either leaks or for intentionally misleading the court.
Starting point is 00:51:42 Comey's defense is going to be, I'm not backing down from this, Ms. Sood was a Russian agent thing, because that's what that guy told me. Brennan or Clapper or Cohen, these other guys. I'm sticking to it. You get them to back down from the Russian agent thing first. They told us that. Nice point, buddy. Well done.
Starting point is 00:51:59 Alright, I just needed to quickly get that in there. Alright, last story of the day, but it's a good one. Showing you there is absolutely no bottom to the depravity of the left there was a piece up in the wall street journal about this unbelievable guy this guy uh robert smith and the title is by jason riley who i love his work at the Wall Street Journal. The piece is Who's Afraid of Robert Smith's Philanthropy. That's the title if you want to look it up. Robert Smith, who happens to be black, which is, again, entirely irrelevant on this show, but to the left means everything because they love identity politics,
Starting point is 00:52:38 is an extremely successful man who's the example of the American dream. I mean, his his company he has made millions upon millions of dollars his story is really an incredible one so robert smith was asked to speak at a historically black college morehouse while he's giving his commencement address at morehouse he does something really amazing i mean keep in mind this guy has a history of philanthropy in the past too it doesn't sound like he needed to do this at this event to prove his charitable bona fides. He says, you know what? To all the young men and women here at the graduation at Morehouse, again, it's a historically black college, I am going to pay off your student loan debt.
Starting point is 00:53:18 And everybody's looking around like, what? I mean, you know, folks. Wow. That's pretty incredible. Yeah, it really is. Now, Joe, can we, right? I mean, can we, you and I are rational, sane folks. I mean, can you find a negative in that? I'm serious. Like, try to dig out. Is there anything malicious or malevolent or?
Starting point is 00:53:41 I can't either. So I'm thinking, like, when I'm reading Riley's piece yesterday, because I was going to put in yesterday's show, but Mueller's presser happened. I'm thinking, well, who's the titles? Who's afraid of Robert Smith? I'm thinking, well, why would anybody be afraid of Robert Smith?
Starting point is 00:53:55 What did he do wrong? Well, from the Wall Street Journal piece, again, there's no bottom to the left's department. They will attack anyone for any reason at any time if you disagree with their agenda. From the piece, they talk about now how, listen, the left is, just keep that up for a second, the left is now attacking Smith saying, well, listen, we can't be relying on people like this guy, Robert Smith and billionaires to bail us out. The government's going to fix
Starting point is 00:54:21 everything, man. And this is like a bad example for you're like are you guys and ladies really this sick all the time so from the journal piece reilly writes the reality is that tuitions have risen mainly because the government is subsidizing them and schools know that most students won't have to pay for the full ride more federal funding of higher education will exacerbate this problem not solve it And if higher tax receipts from, quote, the rich, is the objective, then history argues that top marginal rates ought to be lowered, not increased. After those rates fell under Coolidge, Kennedy, Reagan, and George W. Bush,
Starting point is 00:54:56 both the amount and share of taxes paid by top earners rose. Bingo, Jason Reilly. Nice work. That is an evisceration of the left's talking points. So let me tie up what I'm saying because I put them in kind of disparate little boxes here. Generous, extremely generous human being, Robert Smith, gives a commencement address, pays the student loans of all of the attendees they're off or agrees to. The left then attacks this guy saying, well, that's not what we should be relying on. We should be relying on the government.
Starting point is 00:55:36 And by the way, Robert Smith, the millionaire donor who did this, he should be paying more taxes to do it and they should tax him and that's the solution. Erroneous. Thank you, Vince. Yes, totally erroneous. Riley eviscerates those two points. Raises taxes.
Starting point is 00:55:58 Riley points out what we've pointed out on this show for, gosh, four years now, that the historical evidence that raising taxes on the rich indicates two things will happen. You will raise less money. When you have two, you got to get the right finger right first. Please. You will raise less money and the percentage of taxes paid by the rich will go down. That can't be. It is.
Starting point is 00:56:22 Look at the evidence yourself. That can't be. It is. Look at the evidence yourself. Coolidge, Reagan, Kennedy, George W. Bush lowered taxes on the rich and both the percentage of the tax load they paid and the amount of taxes raised went up. Do you get what I'm saying, Joe? Riley's making the point that you want to raise more money for the government to pay off tuitions instead of them donating privately
Starting point is 00:56:50 by raising their taxes, knowing you're going to raise less money. So you can throw that solution out the window. But again, don't let that simple fact and that data point get in the way of your stupid argument. Secondly, you think more government intervention in universities and
Starting point is 00:57:06 colleges and student loans is going to help? It is precisely the fact that the government is involved in the financing of higher education that it is so expensive. What are the two areas, right, where costs have outrun inflation and the Democrats are constantly complaining about costs being out of control. What are the two? Number one, healthcare. The biggest government footprint of all.
Starting point is 00:57:36 Almost 40 plus percent of healthcare is paid for by the government. You introduce a third party payer, prices go through the roof. You separate the patient from the doctor, nobody knows what they're paying, prices go through the roof you separate the uh the patient from the doctor nobody knows what they're paying prices go through the roof where else well of course universities the government took over the student loan system you separate the student from the college and you get the government involved you have the third-party payer problem over and over
Starting point is 00:58:01 the government involvement in the system is why college is so expensive. It's not going to solve it. So both of their points are ridiculous. So a big hot tip to Robert Smith. Thank you for your generosity and philanthropy. Thank you to all the wealthy Americans who give away a lot of their money. You guys and ladies out there are doing the right thing. The government's not going to fix this.
Starting point is 00:58:22 It's just going to make it worse. It's really gross. All right, folks. Thanks again for tuning in. I really appreciate it. Yesterday was our best day ever. Again, big hat tip to Media Matters. You guys are awesome. If you'd like to promote the show today, please do it. But keep our sponsors in there. We do have copyright stuff. So if you mess with our show too much, but if you put the clips in there, I will retweet. You guys gave us our best day ever. Very nice. And please take the survey. Today, it will be in the show notes.
Starting point is 00:58:48 I promise we are not storing any personal data on you. It's just basic demographic questions. Helps us keep our costs down in marketing. Lets us know who's listening. We had a tremendous response to it yesterday, despite our screw up, mine. So thank you so much. You're the best audience in this business.
Starting point is 00:59:04 I mean it. The best, bar none. Thanks.. So thank you so much. You're the best audience in this business. I mean it. The best, bar none. Thanks. I'll see you all tomorrow. You just heard The Dan Bongino Show. You can also get Dan's podcasts on iTunes or SoundCloud and follow Dan on Twitter 24-7 at DBongino.

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