The Dan Bongino Show - The Democrats Fell Right Into Trump’s Trap (Ep 1318)
Episode Date: August 10, 2020In this episode, I address the explosive revelations regarding FBI malfeasance in their attack on Trump. I also address some stunning misinformation about the coronavirus that’s making the media rou...nds and the Democrats’ falling into a political trap set by Trump. News Picks: This article explains why most of Trump’s weekend Executive Orders are legal. Maryland murder suspect was freed due to coronavirus before allegedly stabbing 63 year old to death. This new study shows “little risk” to children of spreading the coronavirus. A major Spygate player turns whistleblower with this stunning admission. Newly declassified document shows the FBI misled the Senate about the Steele dossier. Some positive signs emerging in the polls! Dentists warn that prolonged wearing of face masks may be causing “mask mouth.” Another bombshell on Maria Bartiromo’s Fox show. Copyright Bongino Inc All Rights Reserved. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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get ready to hear the truth about america on a show that's not immune to the facts with your host
dan bongino you know i get a lot of feedback on shows but rarely do i get the volume of feedback
overseas i did on my show about what's happening in the new uh police state of uh melbourne
australia and experiment police state tactics They have basically used the coronavirus, a very serious virus, no doubt, but as an excuse to just destroy people's
civil liberties. I'll stay on this story to all our Australian listeners. I am on it. I promise
you, I am with you. My heart, my head, my soul is with you. What's happening over there is a
disgrace. People getting locked up, people getting harassed by the police, people not allowed out of their house, absolutely disgraceful. I'll try to give you a quick update
on that during the week. I've got a couple of surprises coming later in the week. You're going
to want to pay attention to Friday's show. Let me wink at a nod now. It's going to be a very,
very important show, not for the reasons you think it's important, but loaded show today.
Got that trap. Trump set a trap for the democrats
i told you about this last week here was the trap here were the democrats here's the democrats
falling in the trap that happened and i got a spy gate update teddy show brought to you by express
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bongino welcome to the damn bongino show producer joe how are you today fine sir man i'm doing well but i'll tell you what judging from the stuff you sent me to
pull this is going to be one heck of a show yeah yeah it is this is we may have to go over today
folks gonna be a loaded show so let's get right to it today's show brought to you by our friends
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All right, Joe, let's go.
All right, baby.
So let's get to this first.
So on Friday's show, I warned you.
I warned that the Democrats are just not.
I'm sorry.
I'm not talking about voting Democrats out there.
I don't mean to stereotype a group of people, but the Capitol Hill Democrats
are really just dunces, dunces. I mean, they could have listened to my show on Friday and I warned
them that the president was setting a trap for them, which they dutifully fell in. I warned them,
not to give them any help, just to show you how dumb they really are. He was setting the clearest
trap possible by proposing a number of
executive orders on student loans, on unemployment payment continuation, and other things as well,
including a payroll tax suspension. Distinction will be important in a minute. And I warned him,
I said, Democrats, if you don't get to the table right now and negotiate with the president,
he is going to wreck you again because what's going to happen? He's going to enact it himself, whether you agree with that or not. And that's a fair argument to
have. And you're going to be forced to do what? Sue the president about keeping people from
unemployment benefits? Joe, Joe, Joe, did we not warn them? Oh yeah. Did we not? Yeah. Did we not warn them? Oh, yeah. Did we not? Yeah. Did we not tell them, get back to the table, Democrats?
Trump is going to smoke you all out.
And they fell right in the trap.
So what happened?
So President Trump, like we said he was going to do,
enacted a couple, assigned a couple of executive orders
on things like student loans, unemployment benefits,
and a payroll tax suspension.
Again, important, which I'll get to in a minute i'll
describe exactly what he did and now the democrats find themselves in a position of having to argue
against the continuation of unemployment benefits uh during a massive recession right oh joe joe
only the most predictable own in human history i warned you idiots you didn't listen so of course
what happened he did it and chuck schumer had a hissy fit he goes on abc news with george
stephanopoulos and is now arguing well it didn't go far enough well what did you do you did nothing
so trump just steamrolled you zamboni you, right railed right over you,
and now you're left saying what?
Well, we could have done more, but didn't?
Here's Chuck Schumer whining with George Stephanopoulos
on, was it ABC?
How this, it doesn't go far.
Keep in mind, they were proposing nothing
because they wouldn't come back to the table
and negotiate seriously.
Check this out.
Well, let me first say, George,
that overall we have this huge crisis,
the largest economic crisis since the Depression,
the greatest health crisis since the pandemic.
And unfortunately, the president's executive orders described in one word
could be paltry, in three words, unworkable, weak, and far too narrow.
The event at the country club is just what Trump does,
a big show, but it doesn't do anything.
And as the American people look
at these executive orders, they'll see
they don't come close to doing the job
in two ways. One,
what they proposed, and
second, what's left out.
This is great. One, if you're watching the clip on our
YouTube channel, slash Bongino,
did you notice something, Joe? Did you notice Schumer's looking at
notes? Ah. Did you notice that?
Watch the YouTube show.
He has to look at his notes because he doesn't even know what's in the executive order.
He has no idea.
He's like, these executive orders suck.
Hold on.
Did you watch them?
He has to look at the notes.
They suck so bad he doesn't even know what's in them.
So Schumer's argument now is we did nothing.
Trump did something. And it doesn't go far enough compared to the nothing we did.
Schumer, zero, nothing.
Trump, maybe, I don't know, four or five out of 10 on this thing.
Schumer, zero.
Schumer's arguing his zero is greater than Trump's five.
He did nothing. Now, Schumer and Pelosi, again, trap.
Here's the trap down here.
Here's Trump up here setting up the Democrats. says hey hey walk forward there's a little cliff there okay
this was only the most predictable political own in human history i'm gonna do something
trump says and challenge you idiots to do something else because you're doing nothing
now and they've
done nothing so schumer's only argument here is well it doesn't go far enough compared to the
nothing we did you don't believe me here's another clip of schumer who's who gets asked
shockingly by a reporter joe incredibly who has a moment of uh you know journalistic interest you
don't see this much with reporters who says to schumer at this quickie presser well you guys didn't do
anything so isn't this better than nothing and listen to schumer have a hissy fit meltdown this
is terrific check this out given the stalemate uh in congress can you understand the president
it's not a stalemate in congress it's that our republican friends refused to meet in the middle
we said we'll meet you right in the middle.
And they said, no, we want it our way or no way.
I said what I said about the executive orders.
I says what I said.
What I says.
What I said just said about the he can't even answer it.
Do you hear the reports?
Joe had to work some magic with that. Cause remember it's not.
I know exactly.
Joe had to like boost that because the guy's talking in New York city traffic,
the reporter Schumer's on a mic,
the reporter's not,
but if case you missed it,
the reporter clearly says,
isn't what Trump did better than nothing.
I says what I says,
what I say,
he doesn't have an answer Schumer because trap Democrats.
I said, he doesn't have an answer, Schumer, because trap Democrats, only the most predictable political own in modern American history.
I'm going to sign an executive order and I'm going to challenge you guys to take away people's
unemployment benefits.
And they didn't because they're really stupid.
Now, what exactly did Trump do?
Specifics matter.
Details matter.
We do actual reporting on this show unlike elsewhere.
Well, let's go through it.
The best piece I saw was in the Wall Street Journal,
which kind of sums up three core tenets of the executive orders
called Trump's executive orders.
Handily enough.
He escapes Pelosi's political trap but uses Obama's pen and phone method.
What they're talking about here is Pelosi was trying to set him up.
Pelosi, master political tactician.
Chris Wallace on Fox this weekend wrecked her on that, by the way.
Pelosi, so we're clear on what happened here.
Pelosi thought she had Trump penned in, pun intended.
Pelosi's like, if we don't get what we want,
$3 trillion in new spending,
no litigation protection for businesses,
they don't want any litigation protection
for businesses at all
because they're in the pocket of the trial bar,
the trial lawyers.
Pelosi figured, Joe, make sure this makes sense
or else the rest won't.
Pelosi figured Trump's got an election coming up,
obviously the presidential election in just what, 80 something days now.
If I hold out on giving you the American taxpayer relief during the economic COVID crisis,
Trump will have to come to the table to get you relief. And I'm holding all the cards because
we have the majority in the house. Gotcha. That was Pelosi's trap. Copy? Trump
basically took Pelosi's trap
and threw her trap into
his trap for a double trapper
ruski. And won because
he said, okay, well, I don't have to negotiate with you.
I'm going to sign executive orders instead
and then make you block them.
What's that? You like that?
The double trapper ruski?
What's that? The flipper? Yeah, Paul isul is right the dipsy do flipper ruski i tried that stunt on paul and we were dating it didn't work the dipsy do flipper ruski you know when they get mad at you
and you get mad at them because they're mad at you thinking what you did won't be bad because
you're pretending you're madder than they are you the dipsy do it didn't work she caught right
onto the dipsy do so what did trump do is it legal
we're getting that question a lot hey dan we all spoke out against obama's executive orders
we should be speaking out now obama's exact listen not a fan of executive orders let me be crystal
clear but you're asking me a very simple question is it legal you're not asking me is it right i
don't like executive orders. Period. Full stop.
Everybody got that?
You can cut the tape right there.
Don't like them, wish we wouldn't do them.
That's not the question I've been asked.
I've been getting emails all weekend, is what he did legal?
Well, let's go to screenshot number one from the Wall Street Journal piece about the first
big tenet of this, which is a payroll tenet, which is a payroll tax deferment.
They're not canceling your payroll taxes.
He's basically saying you don't have to pay them
until a certain point,
but then they're going to have to be repaid.
Let me, here's how the Wall Street Journal describes it.
So he says, the president's resort to executive orders
is a separate issue
and it's worth considering all four in turn.
The deferral of payroll taxes for Americans
earning less than 104,000 a year
is through December 31st
and it poses no legal issues.
Again, I'm not asking you if it's right.
Is it legal?
The answer is yes.
It goes on.
Congress has already deferred the employer portion,
and under the law, Mr. Trump can defer the 6.2% employee share.
Here's the rub, folks.
Canceling the payroll tax, your Social Security FICA stuff taxes, right?
That payment requires an act of Congress.
Canceling, in other words, telling you, Joe, you don't have to pay it at all.
That's not what he did.
Trump deferred it.
So the deferment will have to be repaid.
See how he puts Biden in a box here, Trump.
This makes the tax cut a limited economic stimulus because employers and employees
aren't going to change their behavior if they know they have to repay the tax in 2021
here's the catch trump says he'll offer legislation if re-elected to cancel
the repayment biden has not promised to do the same, folks. Again, I'm not arguing if this is right or wrong.
I'm giving you the mechanics of it so you can make a decision.
Trump now has Biden in a box.
He took the Pelosi trap, did the dipsy-do flip-a-rooski, dumps his trap on the Pelosi
He now signs an executive order saying, you will not have to pay if you make under $104,000 a year, the Pelosi trap. He now signs an executive order saying you will not have to pay
if you make under $104,000 a year,
the payroll tax.
You'll basically get a 6.2% raise in your check
till December 31st.
The simplest way for me to phrase it to you.
But that money will have to be repaid later.
He's saying, Trump, if reelected,
I'm going to cancel the repayment
and I'm going to work on some legislation, which he would need.
They would need congressional approval, no doubt.
Biden's not saying that.
So now you have a choice, folks.
You want to pay back that money to the government
so they can waste it after the election?
Or don't you?
Talk about a trap on a trap in another trap.
So Trump wins.
By the way, is it legal?
Yes, it is.
Look up 26 USC 7508.
26 USC 7508.
By the way, passed and pushed through in the Clinton administration, which gives the Treasury Secretary the power to do this.
There's no question it's illegal.
Is it right?
I just said I don't like executive orders.
I wouldn't have done it that way.
Is it legal?
You may not like that it's legal, but it is.
In contrast to Obama's executive orders orders where he just makes things up.
Here's the second tenet of this, uh, core of the Trump executive orders, this evictions
and student loans. Uh, Trump's executive order basically says, listen, we're going to do
something about people being evicted during the Corona crisis. And we're going to stop
people from paying interest on the loans. But how does he get around the legality of it?
Quote, Wall Street Journal, the EOs, the executive orders extending relief on rental and homeowner evictions and interest on student loans are modest and also within the law.
The eviction order, what Trump signed this weekend, is essentially a command for agencies to, quote, consider what can be done.
The loan relief order is within Congress's grant of authority.
be done. The loan relief order is within Congress's grant of authority. It's only for three additional months through the end of the year for debt held by the Department of Education. Again, entirely
legal under 20 U.S.C. 1085. I have an article by Twitchy in the show notes today that shows you a
Twitter thread where they lay out these laws. That's 20 USC 1085. It's actually highlighted for your
liberal friends who will insist, Trump doesn't have the authority to do this. I'm not asking
you to like it. I'm just telling you it is absolutely legal under 20 USC 1085 to defer
that interest. It's right there in the law. You can read it yourself. May not like it,
but it is what it is. This one will be a little more problematic.
The third tenet of it was the extension of unemployment benefits where Trump is essentially
taking some money that was assigned to FEMA and reallocating it towards unemployment benefits.
They're going to have a problem with this one. Let me get to this last one here. Screenshot
from the Wall Street Journal. It says, Mr. trump's worst order would be to redeploy up to 44 billion from fema disaster
reliefs fund to finance extra jobless benefits by 300 a week plus 100 a week if states choose to
match it with previous relief money now this one he could find himself in a bit of legal hot water. But again, I don't like executive orders, period,
full stop. Is it legal? I don't know. He'll have a tough time and they'll probably get sued.
Who's going to sue? Who's going to sue? The Democrats? You remember Friday's show,
Trap, Trapperuski, Dipsy Dooski dooski flipper ruski you want to be nancy
pelosi in the house of representatives suing in the middle of the corona crisis
over re-partitioned and reallocated money that is going to people's unemployment benefits
i'm just asking you know what trump may lose in court probably will lose in court on this one the other
two he's fine the other two are perfectly legal the uh evictions the student loans and the payroll
tax deferment entirely legal they will get laughed out of court this one they'll probably win
you got an election coming up you want to do that the answer is the democrats are so stupid up on
the hill that they probably will they probably
will sue and go to court to stop unemployment benefits good luck hope that works out for you
uh let me just hit up on obama quick a couple things about obama
you know ladies and gentlemen obama's done this frequently where he's entirely reinvented the law
and that's why i don't like executive orders because we're going to get a liberal president
again one day he's going to do the same thing but remember when he reallocated that cost-sharing
money in Obamacare and wasn't allocated by Congress? Yeah, remember that? Where were the
Democrats on that one? The answer is nowhere. They were quiet. Remember Obama's issue in a
work permits under DACA? No authority to do that whatsoever under an executive order. Matter of
fact, so little authority to do it, Obama's actually on tape saying he can't do it. Remember that? I can't do it. I can't do it. I need
Congress. Remember that? Yeah, yeah, that one, when he did it anyway. And finally, oh, the payroll
tax. Remember when Obama suspended the payroll tax? I had video on it, but it's from another
outlet and I can't, it's actually, I don't want to use it. It's actually Obama on tape saying,
yeah, we're going to suspend the payroll tax and it's really great. So liberals,
whereas we're principled on this, don't like executive orders, wish this would be handled
a different way. Ours, one, in the first three cases are actually legal. And in the fourth case,
don't like it, but go ahead and sue, have fun. But your opinion on executive orders is meaningless
because you did nothing about the cost-sharing executive order, nothing about work permits on DACA, and nothing about the payroll tax when Obama's in office.
So please, mouth, no credibility whatsoever.
All right, got a lot more to get to.
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All right, let's go.
So I've been warning you about this fight coming to your door.
When I say this fight, I mean the fight for the future of the country.
I don't mean that hyperbolically.
I don't mean it to scare you.
I mean, anyone out there under the impression in the new Donald Trump era,
where we finally started to take the gloves off and fight back against the tyrannical left.
Anyone under the mistaken impression that, you know what? I'm just going to stay quiet during this whole thing and maybe
the fight will pass me by. You, my friend, are absolutely wrong. Showing you again how this
fight will come to your door because it's at my door every single day. Here's a local newspaper,
the TC Palm, writing about a story about the high school in my neighborhood. High school coach
decided it'd be a good idea to get the team, using the high school in my neighborhood high school coach decided it'd
be a good idea to get the team using the high school logo by the way to put on black lives
matters t-shirts at jensen peach high school sparking a school district investigation tc pop
you know black lives matter you know the marxist group yeah you know the group where the founder
you know that one joe joe's like that one yeah yeah that one that's right yeah remember matrice
colors yeah yeah that one the one we play the video all the time?
The Marxist group.
You know, the Marxist, Marxism,
hundreds of millions of dead bodies,
gulags, that concentration camps,
that kind of thing.
Yeah, the Marxist.
Yeah, those.
So Black Lives Matters founders,
yeah, they're a Marxist group.
They're trained organizers, right?
That group.
And the group that calls for dead cops.
Not just dead cops, but now.
You know, what do we want?
Dead cops.
We want them right now, not tomorrow.
Yesterday, we want dead cops right now you know what do we want dead cops we want them right now not tomorrow um not yesterday we want dead cops right now yeah that group so the football coach uh this guy down here in jensen beach high school uh you can uh you can check that article i think
it's a good idea to use the high school team logo and throw it on there i'm wondering if we would
get the same treatment by the way joe if we decided to put a the local jensen beach high school logo
on with a maga shirt on it you think we we'd, just Joe, I'm just asking,
you think we'd get the same treatment?
Oh, no, you know that, man.
Of course not.
We'd all be in prison tomorrow morning.
We'd be in a gulag over in Siberia somewhere,
like the Marxists.
They would love that too.
So we'll see what happens to the football coach
over here in my neighborhood.
Again, I don't put this out there to highlight my area.
I'm just trying to tell you, ladies and gentlemen,
this fight's coming to your door.
And if you're thinking to yourself,
this is my kid's high school,
like their football coach or whatever,
and you have a similar problem around you,
and you think, well, maybe if I stay quiet,
they'll leave me alone.
No, nobody's going to leave you alone.
No one.
I wish they would.
You know, we all deserve a little bit of peace in our lives at some point.
But as that famous quote I always use by Bernard Malamud in the book,
The Natural, we all live two lives, the one we learn from
and the one we live after that and the true
path to happiness is only through suffering you're gonna have to suffer a little bit too
these fights are coming to your door i spoke out put it on my facebook this weekend and i'll be
following up make sure with the school district that if i want to put a blue lives matter shirt
up you know for cops and people who put their lives on the line every day for our community.
If this is allowed to stand, I'm going to ask if we can do that too.
Why not, right?
Can I use the school logo?
Apparently every other political message, you know,
dead cops, Marxism groups, that's okay.
So I'll be following up with that too.
Other messages too, by the way.
If it's A-okay to use the school logo,
maybe I'll just put it on the show with a big MAGA thing, right?
Why not?
It's okay.
So we'll be following up with that. Rest assured. I don't say it on the show with a big MAGA thing right why not it's okay so we'll be
following up with that rest assured I don't say at any fights all right uh moving on because again
as Joe said before the show and he's right he gets a sneak peek at the content this is a loaded show
so to put you in a little bit of a good mood today on Monday hopefully a very good mood
folks I lined up these stories this way for a reason. I
try to keep some kind of a narrative going and a flow. This fight is coming to your door. That was
kind of the downside. Nobody likes a fight, right? Nobody wants a fight. Everybody wants peace and
harmony and happiness, but you can win. We've been demoralized and dejected. You get beat up a lot.
Anytime you speak out, you're a racist and it's the phobic, phobic, phobic, phobic, phobic, you know, you don't like that. And you get tired of it. You
can win these fights when you speak out collectively. What am I talking about?
Remember the Democrats, Joe, just a week ago, the Democrats saying we got to keep those schools
shut down. Oh yeah. But Mr. Democrat, there's not really a lot of evidence that kids are
transmitters of the coronavirus in schools. And it's the fatality rate is, you know, four times less than the than the flu.
I think we should send the kids back to school.
They have to kind of learn and stuff.
And the Democrats were like, no way.
Keep the kids locked up in solitary confinement until we can give the teachers union all the money they want.
Remember that argument?
You bet.
Well, what kind of happened with that argument well we were a
little bit ahead of it i told you that in montgomery county maryland otherwise known as occupied
montgomery county maryland the bluest county in one of the bluest states in the country parents
erupted and were like hell to the no my kids going back to school. Blue County, for liberals, that means Democrat.
Democrat County in a Democrat state,
they were like, no, no, no, my kid's going back to school.
Listen to this video.
This is Chuck Schumer again, a threefer,
a rare threefer appearance for hapless Chuck Schumer
on the show.
This is Chuck Schumer at the end of last week.
Joe, apparently doing a total one 80 on the school closings thing,
because you all spoke up and said,
my kid's going back to school.
Check this out.
Opening up the school safely.
If you don't open up the schools,
you're going to hurt the economy significantly because lots of people can't go to work.
Well, you're going to hurt the economy significantly because lots of people can't go to work. Well.
I need you to laugh a little bit because, again, we're on terrestrial radio now,
and I think after seven seconds of silence, it kicks to a best of.
But I'm taking a minute here to...
Paul, was that clip Donald Trump? i'm just saying i'm getting a
no but joe that was definitely chuck schumer right yeah that was because call me crazy joe
but just two weeks ago and three donald trump said the same thing and the media was destroying him
right like we have to open up the schools the kids are not really big transmitters of this
and there's not going to be any way to open up the economy i'm just i'm just yeah yeah i'm check that i remember he did say that yep yep and you do yes you do and the democrats
said we were crazy that we wanted to kill kids and stuff that's right you want all the kids dead
and the teachers too and the administration and even the janitor everyone needs to be dead you
guys definitely want everybody dead that was the line right you know as greg gutfeld said in our
interview that what is the prison of two ideas that you can't simultaneously handle opening schools and mitigating risk at the same time if
you want to open schools you want people dead the prison of two it's a great way that's great
gutfeld's big hat tip to him the prison of two ideas also known as the prison of ignorance
because you don't understand life is not about black or white decisions. The whole ethics curriculum in any college or in any business
is based on the 99% of life, Joe, that's gray,
where there is no easy answer.
And there isn't here.
There's always a risk, always, to anything.
There's a risk sending your kid to school where they catch the flu
and, God forbid, get really sick. There's a risk they could go to school and catch the neurovirus
and get you sick. There's a risk they could go to school and something could happen on the
playground. The question isn't how do we stop all risk, it's how do we deal with it. But in the
prison of two ideas liberals want and impose on us, shut the schools down or you want people to die. They lost. Lost.
You lost.
Do you understand what it must have taken for Chuck Schumer to have to come out and face plant like that knowing that was going to go national right away?
We got to open up the schools because of the economy.
They were saying the exact opposite.
You won.
My awesome, dedicated, superb, patriotic, sharpen your knuckles,
fighting, ready to go for 2020 audience that said, no, my kid's going back to school.
And you reached out to your legislators. You emailed your congressman, your congresswoman,
you emailed your senators, you emailed your governors, your state delegates, your city
councils, your county councils. And sure enough enough after two and three million emails from constituents people were like
hey this position keeping the kids out of school is probably a loser no time for victory laps though
yeah maybe a little go take a look maybe half a lot you won because we were right now of course the
democrats can't deal with us being right and when i say right i mean not that there's no risk this
is ladies and gentlemen this is a deadly virus there's can we please just like we have to put
out basic facts because liberals are dunces and they don't what they'll do is they'll sound clip
the show this is a deadly virus for
people with comorbidities, people in older age groups, even people in younger age groups with
specific comorbidities. It's not a joke. It's not something that's funny time. This is a deadly
virus and a plague that's affected the whole world and the economy. The question is virus or no virus.
It's here, period. The question is how do we deal with it? And the answer is clearly not to shut
down schools. We won that debate because we understood from the start that although kids
can get this, they are not immune. They may be partially resistant to some of the worst symptoms
of it. They are 100% not immune. Kids in general, some kids are because they've already had it, and some kids
may have some degree of immunity from a
similar type of coronavirus,
but kids in general are not immune.
You can 100% get this, and some will get sick.
But the
risk of them transmitting it, again,
speaking collectively, to adults
is very, very low.
The Democrats didn't want that.
Didn't want that.
What do you mean, Dan?
They wanted kids to transmit it?
They wanted you to believe
that kids are transmitters.
Folks, there is no evidence out there
that kids are super spreaders.
They can transmit it.
There's no doubt.
Are they the super spreaders
that are going to get it at school
and bring it home to their parents?
Very, very unlikely based on a number of studies out there that actually use genetic mapping
to find out where people got it from.
And the likelihood of getting it from children is extremely low.
Joe, the left can't have that.
Even the Wall Street Journal of all places played into this.
And I'm going to get to drudge in a second because, you know, the drudge report have that. Yeah. Even the Wall Street Journal of all places played into this. And I'm going to get to
Drudge in a second
because, you know,
the Drudge report
is a total embarrassment.
Again, full disclosure,
my competitor,
Bongino Report,
is a news aggregator too
that actually does
the truth,
unlike Drudge.
But Drudge,
which still has
a large following,
there's no denying it,
Drudge is all in
on hysteria now.
So the Wall Street Journal
bought into this
kid super spreader
hysteria look at this headline i want you to play attention to this headline because the headline
you would think would match up in the article just checking right you write a headline about
guy robbed bank you expect to read mister about a guy robbing a bank pay attention to this headline
let me read it wall street journal latest research points to children carrying and transmitting coronavirus.
Whoa, what?
Oh, it does.
Even the Wall Street Journal.
Joe, so you're reading the headline, Joe.
The latest research, so apparently there's research out there showing children can carry and transmit the coronavirus.
Ladies and gentlemen, it's huge.
Maybe we should shut the schools down, right?
Maybe Chuckie Schumer a couple weeks ago was right before he wasn't right,
then unrighted and rewrited himself again.
So clearly somewhere in the article, Joe, based on the headline,
the research has shown that children are transmitting this.
I'm just asking, right?
Yeah, you'd think.
I mean, sometimes I need Joe to ground this in some common sense here.
So let's look at the article where it says that.
It says, and some researchers, this is the same article, folks.
Some researchers found children carry high levels of COVID-19's genetic material in their upper respiratory tract,
which doesn't mean they are transmitting the virus, but that they potentially could.
Wait, wait, hold on.
Let me read that again.
So again, the headline research, latest research points to children carrying and transmitting
Let's read that last part, which doesn't mean they are transmitting the virus, but that
they potentially could.
Hold on.
I'm going to take a break.
I'm going to have a fuzzy, unfuzzy mic show.
I'm sorry I'm stepping away from the mic.
I know radio listeners hate that, but I just,
the Wall Street Journal, which I enjoy a lot, to be fair,
but you think you may want to put that in your headline,
that that's actually not what the research says?
That it could potentially, they could potentially,
of course they could potentially transmit it.
No one's denying that.
But the headline seems to say that research says they are,
like this is like a huge, huge problem, Joe.
Kids, you got to keep the kids out of school.
They're the super spreaders.
Now, the journalists say that in the headline,
but again, the headline is not what the article actually says.
It says, well, we don't really have a lot of evidence of that,
but they could do it.
I could do a lot of things.
I could be Captain America tomorrow
if they invent the super suit, inject it in my veins.
Muscles explode.
I'm, what's it, Steve Rogers?
I'm throwing Captain America throws his mighty shield.
I'm doing that.
But none of that's happening because it hasn't happened.
Although it could potentially happen
when the super serum comes out.
I'd love to see it.
Sign me up.
But it hasn't happened.
So don't report in the Wall Street Journal
that Dan Bongino is in fact Captain America
because he's not.
He's not.
He loves America,
but he's definitely no captain.
And given my arthritis,
I am definitely not throwing any mighty shields.
It is not happening.
The shield's throwing me.
But it could happen.
You may say this can't possibly get any worse,
this article, given the headline.
Children are transmitting it.
Oh, no, it does.
Check this one out. Yeah, given the headline. Children are transmitting it. Research. Oh, no, it does. Check this one out.
Yeah, yeah.
Okay. I'm going to kind of, for you
YouTubers, can you believe this? Because I know you're on YouTube
or reading ahead here. You watch. You believe this?
The radio listeners
are like, what does it say? What does it say?
The study didn't show children
were able to transmit the virus.
Yet the findings suggest children are likely capable of spreading the virus.
Holy smokes.
What are you going to do?
Do you have the Donnie Brasco drop?
I think I do.
That was the perfect time for that.
Here it is.
What are you going to do?
Play it again. What are you gonna do play it again what are you gonna do play it again what are you gonna do i don't know donnie we haven't used that in like
forever i don't know what we're gonna do i don't know headline research children are spreading and
transmitting what coronavirus implies that article the Research. Children are spreading and transmitting coronavirus.
It implies that.
The study did not show they're transmitting coronavirus.
Now, of course, you go to Drudge, which picks up the hysteria right away because the Drudge report's an embarrassment.
Here's the Drudge report.
There you go.
That's a screenshot of my actual phone,
Latest research points to children carrying and transmitting dot dot dot well
of course he wants to get you to click on coronavirus folks again i i have a obviously
a business interest we don't hide them um in bongino report which is the alternative to drudge
is mayhem if you're looking for sanity please use bongino report we'll give you the truth
unlike the drudge hysteria.
Matt, maybe you want to put in your headline that the actual report said the opposite,
that the study didn't show that, and they could potentially transmit it.
Like you could potentially be a conservative too, but you're not.
I wonder where this story was at Drudge, by the way, before I get to my next sponsor.
I didn't see this one up there.
Is this on Drudge?
The Times UK?
You may want to check it out.
Maybe you should put this up at Bongino Report.
Pupils pose little risk of spreading COVID.
The Times UK, not a right-wing outlet, folks.
A study suggests there is little evidence the virus is transmitted at school, according
to a scientist who backs reopening.
I'm just, where was that story?
Was that right below the Drudge story?
Or what about in the journal?
I'm just asking.
I mean, did you cite that?
It may have been in LinkedIn, the journal one.
I mean, check it out.
Again, I like the Wall Street Journal.
They do great work.
This headline was grossly irresponsible.
I'm very sorry.
Where was that story? That children pose, quote, little risk? Nowhere, because the Democrats are
fully invested in school hysteria. All right, I got one more about trade-offs. I'm going to get
to it in a second. Let me just get to my third sponsor today, Paint Your Life. And then we got
a lot of spiking. It's going to be a loaded show. It may go a little long today, but bear with us.
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Check it out. or text DAN, D-A-N, to 64000. All right, getting back to the
show. So just showing you again how trade-offs, trade-offs are real, ladies and gentlemen, sane people know this. There are no black or whites.
There are no, as Gutfeld says, Greg, the prison of two ideas. You send the kids back to school,
then you want people to die. That's two stupid ideas that are obviously,
there's a huge gray area in between.
Everything in life is on the margin.
You don't ask in the winter black or white questions like, do you want the heat on or not?
You ask how much.
The margins, the degrees, everything's about a degree.
How much of one compared to how much of another?
How much cold are you willing to accept in contrast to how much money are you willing
to spend on heat?
That's how you reach a middle ground, what sane people do.
Everything in life is on the margin.
Treating these situations during corona as if there are no trade-offs,
shut down the economy or you want people to die, is really stupid.
And making other decisions like,
what do you want, prisoners in prison to die with corona?
Of course we're going to let them out. Leads to other tragic, disastrous situations like this.
Look at this Fox 5 article.
This one's tough to watch or look at.
Fox 5.
Maryland murder suspect was freed due to COVID concerns
before allegedly stabbing a 63-year-old to death.
So again, when you're stuck in that prison of two ideas,
prisoners in prison during corona, what do you want them to die of corona?
Instead of suggesting, well, maybe we should try to work on the situation with the corona in the
prison and mitigate it, but letting these prisoners out, one, may spread the coronavirus into the
population, and two, may lead to things like prisoners committing crimes again,
like allegedly murdering this woman.
The story will be in the show notes. One more quick one will be in the show notes you want
to see here, but there's an article at BizPak, too too I saw. It's up actually at about masks. Again, trade-offs.
You can make a decision if you want to wear a mask. Fine, I have no problem with masks. Again,
I only have problems with government mandates. You think a mask is going to save you? That's
great. If you have a business, you want people to wear masks in there, it's fine. That's your
decision. But it's an interesting article in my show notes today, slash newsletter,
if you want to subscribe to the newsletter.
That is the show notes.
How dentists are seeing an uptick in what they call mask mouth.
What is mask mouth?
They're seeing a huge, I know, I had to read the article twice because I thought I was
reading it wrong.
Apparently, Joe, when you wear a mask all day, you breathe through your mouth more. When you breathe through your mouth more
with a mask on, I don't know, Donnie, I don't know. You don't have to cut that. I know you
hit that by accident, but you can leave it in there because I love Donnie. What are you going
to do? And he said, it's worth a four. It's worth four. But what happens with mask mouth is because
you breathe through your mouth, you dry out your mouth. I'm not a dentist. I'm not pretending to
me. I'm just telling you it was in the article. The dry mouth and the lack of saliva incentivizes bacterial growth leading to more
cavities. So dentists are, so you can read the articles in my show notes today. Dentists are
seeing a huge uptick in the, uh, in oral disease and oral problems in people's mouths because they're
wearing masks all day. I'm not telling you not to wear a mask. I'm just telling you the prison of two ideas.
Wear a mask or you want people to die is again, a stupid prison you put yourself in.
There is a large gray area in there that is worth talking about.
We will continue to talk about it on our show while liberal shows can continue to stick
themselves in the stupid prison.
We're not doing it here.
Okay, this is funny.
This is really good stuff.
This is just kind of one of those mental health breaks
in the middle of the show
because it's always loaded with material.
Here's President Trump on, was it Saturday,
signing the executive orders or Friday, whatever it was.
He's up in Bedminster in his club in New Jersey.
And some of the club members came in and sat in the back
or stood in the back of the press conference. And of course the media, you know, the media folks out there
were like, well, these people are here and they're not wearing masks. So president Trump had probably
the greatest comeback. I think I've seen in his three and a half years of presidency. Watch this
one speaks for itself. Check this out. Yeah, Check this out. Thank you, Mr. President. You said that the pandemic is disappearing,
but we lost 6,000 Americans this week. And just in this room, you have dozens of people. You're
not following the guidelines in New Jersey, which they should not have.
No, they don't have to. It's a political activity.
You're wrong on that because it's a political activity. They have exceptions, political activity, and it's also a peaceful protest.
So when you happen, and as you know.
Moving on. Gotta love this guy sometimes
I know it drives liberals crazy
You really gotta love this guy
No no they're okay it's a peaceful pro
Do I have any gadgets in here?
We haven't used this thing in a while
Let's see is there a
Someone sent me this a long time ago
Let's see. Is there a fun? Someone sent me this a long time ago. Is it?
Let's see if there's a.
Someone sent me this sound.
Not exactly high tech sound effects, but nonetheless.
Peaceful protest, folks. All right. Let me get on to some serious stuff. So Spyg nonetheless, peaceful protest, folks.
Alright, let me get on to some serious stuff. So, Spygate,
huge, huge breaks. I know a lot of you listen to my show for the
Spygate Insights. I'm
not, like, teasing them to keep them at the end. There's just
so much going on, I gotta pack it in. I want to
spend some time on this. This is important.
Huge revelation this week,
and a newly declassified document emerged,
and I misspoke about it on Fox this morning
about a time I'm very, I'm going to correct it here.
I meant to say a year and I said a month.
So I want to get to that in a second,
but article in the Washington Examiner
by the great Jerry Dunleavy, who does terrific work.
Again, be in the show notes
and I encourage you to please link on it,
link to it and read it from the show notes.
It's terrific.
Lindsey Graham, declassified document
shows the FBI misled the Senate
about the Steele dossier.
Folks, this story is again, huge.
It's, I can't even describe to you
the depravity we're looking at here.
Well, what happened?
Keep in mind in January of 2017,
the FBI, to keep this really simple,
knows the dossier used to spy on Trump,
that compendium of crappy memos
written allegedly by Christopher Steele,
the pee-pee stuff,
they know it's fake
because they've interviewed Steele's sources
and Steele's source, the primary subsource,
they interviewed him in January.
Keep in mind the timeline here.
Danchenko is the primary subsource.
Danchenko is telling the FBI in January of 2017,
this stuff is rumor, innuendo.
It's, I can't verify any of this.
And then he's saying,
I didn't even say that.
Everybody tracking me?
The Bureau in January of 2017
knows their entire case,
the PP tape,
and the dossier to spy on Trump
is junk.
Got that?
Why does this briefing
that the FBI gave to the Senate matter?
Because ladies and gentlemen, it happened in February of 2018. 2018? Yeah, 2018. A year
after the FBI knows their entire case for collusion based on the PP dossier is fake
because the guy the PP dossier is attributed to has told them it's fake.
The guy Danchenko, who is Steele's primary subsource.
He's like, listen, I didn't say that.
And this other stuff was just rumor.
Let's go back to Jerry Dunleavy's piece
to describe how sick this really is.
So the Bureau, now, Christopher Wray,
third or fourth worst director in FBI history, has been the
FBI director for about seven to eight months when this briefing happens. He sends the FBI up the
Capitol Hill. You'd think they'd be like, keep this up for a second. You'd think they'd be like,
hey, Senate, be wary. We interviewed steel sources and this is all crap. That's not what
happened. Here's from Jerry Dunleavy's piece.
The FBI's newly declassified briefing document dated February 14th, 2018.
It's a document where they're getting ready to brief the Senate.
And this is what they're doing.
Claim that the primary subsource, that guy Danchenko, said that, quote,
several reports appeared to be derived from multiple sources to include the information he provided to Steele, as well as information that he had not collected. And that quote,
he did not cite any significant concerns with the way his reporting was characterized in the dossier
to the extent he could identify. Wait, wait, let me read that sentence again.
The FBI is preparing a briefing to brief the Senate a year after they know Steele's source is saying, hey, this stuff's not true.
Yet they're saying in the briefing packet that the source did not cite any significant concerns with the way his reporting was characterized in the dossier.
You understand that's an absolute lie.
That is, the source said the exact opposite, a 180.
He was concerned about all the information attributed to him in the dossier.
All of it.
Did not cite any significant concern.
That's a lie.
They're lying.
Folks, Christopher Wray, the director of the FBI, has got to go.
Did he authorize this?
Who knew about this?
You sent your agents up to Congress, up there in the Senate,
to brief the Senate,
citing that the source they'd spoken in for Steele
didn't cite any significant concerns,
despite the source expressing a number of highly critical concerns? Ladies and gentlemen, Ray's got to go. He swore
in my wife's birthday, August 2nd, 2017. Eight months later, his FBI is going up to the Senate
and absolutely lying still to this day about what's in the dossier, who said it, and concerns they had about it.
Just disgusting.
Ray has got to go.
Please, just step aside.
We know about your relationship with Sally Yates,
the extensive history you have with her.
We know about you.
This guy is swamp through and through.
He has got to go.
Secondly, I said this morning on Fox,
just a quick correction.
I said that Barr doesn't get appointed
until a year later.
I said he was appointed,
I meant to say a year.
I said on Fox this morning,
Barr's appointed a month later.
Barr's not,
doesn't take the attorney general spot
till later on, till 2019.
But one of the other reasons this is significant,
the point I got across on Fox is totally valid. The reason the FBI is lying here is because they
know if they go up to the Senate, they know it's going to leak. And they say, listen, all the
sources we used to spy on Trump are bogus. This collusion thing is fake. They know Bob Mueller's
going to have to drop his case so they lie and they sweep
all of it under the rug hoping they can nail
Trump get him out of office on an obstruction charge
and keeping all of this from the Attorney General's
office including Bill Barr
who takes the seat a year later and is absolutely
onto this scam
just gross folks just totally gross
alright I've got some
killer video one last sponsor
and I've got some killer video. The one last sponsor,
and I've got some killer video you're going to want to stay tuned for
from Maria Bartiromo's
just stunningly good show on Fox in the weekend.
She had two,
she had Lindsey Graham on about this,
and then she had Stephen Schrage.
You're like, Stephen Schrage?
That's going to be important in a minute.
Stay tuned.
Final sponsor today,
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it up today. Okay. So a little bit of background on what happened on Maria Bartiromo's show,
Sunday Morning Futures on Fox this weekend. She had a guy on by the name of Stephen Schrage, who's been on my list of interesting,
let's say, people for a very long time now. Who was Schrage? Well, Schrage was basically an
understudy for his PhD to Stephen Halper. Stephen Halper was the spy who was spying on members of the Trump team
in collusion with government intelligence entities.
Notice I didn't say U.S. government.
Them too, but government U.S. intelligence entities.
Former and present.
Halper's work intersected with Schrage's work
because they were working together on this PhD thing
where Halper was kind of a mentor to him. But Schrage organizes a conference in July of 2016. Follow
me because this is important. At that conference, that conference is the first time we see Carter
Page creep into the scandal. Carter Page is the man spied on. He was a Trump team member
who had left the Trump team, but a FISA warrant was issued to spy on Carter
Page, alleging he was colluding with the Russians. The first time they meet is at this conference
that Schrage, again, an understudy to Halper, organizes. Halper and Page meet there at this
July conference. It's important. I want to go into some video audio from this clip.
Here is Schrage, who's now saying,
hey, I'm a whistleblower.
I'm going to hold judgment
on what his intentions are yet,
but I can only take it face value.
He made his first appearance
on Maria Bartiromo's show this weekend
and had three huge fireworks explosions go off.
Number one,
remember, nobody knows the spy
spying on the Trump team,
Halper, better than Schrage.
They're working together on his PhD.
He brings up a question.
Joe, did we not say this years ago?
What is the biggest scandal in spying?
The biggest scandal is not just that the FBI, Halper, and others spied on the Trump team while they were running for office.
Political spying, that's a huge scandal.
The biggest scandal is, did you pay for it?
Was the United States government, through the Pentagon's ONA, Office of Net Assessment,
using taxpayer money to pay Halper to spy on the Trump team and to take down a three-star
general in General Mike Flynn?
Well, who would know better than Schrage,
who worked with Halper, who was on the receiving end of those ONA contracts? Listen to this one.
So let me go back to Stefan Halper for a minute. This is your PhD supervisor.
The Office of Net Assessments awarded him four contracts between May of 2012 and September of 2016.
In September of 15, he was awarded a contract valued at $245,000 to study Russia and China.
Characterize that.
Are these the kind of money, these the kind of paychecks you get for doing a report on China and Russia. And isn't it interesting that just months later, after he was awarded another contract of $411,000,
then the wiretapping of Carter Page started? Yes, I have never heard of that in an academic
setting, you know, providing that much compensation for these types of reports.
that much compensation for these types of reports.
Again, self-praise stinks, so we'll try to avoid it at all costs.
I just don't want you to think you've been wasting your time on this show.
My next book launches October 9th.
It's available for pre-order now.
Follow the money.
Barnes & Noble, Amazon, elsewhere, wherever you get your books online the chapter
on this entire scandal it's not the whole book's on it's about other things george soros connection
to this liberal movement everything that's going on what happened with the wuhan virus it always
follows the money trail but the chapters we have on this are stunning did you pay for this? I told you, I think, three years ago. There it is. Thank you, Ms. Paul.
The scandal isn't just,
did we spy the United States government
on political people for political reasons
based on a fake PP dossier?
The real scandal is, did you pay for it?
You hear Schrage there?
Again, this is Halper's understudy there,
saying, I've never heard of such a thing.
Six-figure contracts paid to Halper
during this time period.
We're spying on the Trump team
for research on Russia.
I've never heard of anything like that.
Yeah, either have I.
Remember, Halper really dislikes Mike Flynn,
apparently, based on some of the information
that is leaked, believed to be Halper and his FBI briefing.
Was Halper involved in the takedown of Flynn too?
Well, let's go into that a little bit.
Why does Halper have such an interest in Mike Flynn?
Maybe because Mike Flynn was a former intelligence official who knows exactly what's going on.
what's going on.
And maybe because Mike Flynn's buddy who worked at the Office of Net Assessments, the one that was paying Halper with your taxpayer dollars, you know, the Pentagon office.
You know, Mike Flynn's buddy was an actual whistleblower and blew the whistle about payments
from the ONA using your tax dollars to Halper.
Flynn had to be taken out.
Was he going to blow the whistle on this whole intelligence scandal?
U.S. taxpayer money being paid to target Obama's political opponents?
Halper being on the receiving end of some of those monies?
Why does Halper have such an interest in Mike Flynn? Well, Schrage was smart
enough to tape Stephen Halper. Apparently, Halper knew he was being taped. Here's another clip from
the Maria Bartiromo show, and I want you to listen. This clip's about a minute, minute and a half,
but it's worth your time. This is Halper talking about, keep in mind, ladies and gentlemen,
talking about keep in mind ladies and gentlemen this is before the washington post article before the washington post article launches about flynn's call with the russians
what should that say to you joe film you got to follow me here because this is going to be
important yeah the only people before the washington post writes about flynn's call
with the russians the one he was questioned by the FBI about and subsequently prosecuted for.
Disingenuously, I might add.
The only people who know about Flynn's call with the Russians are the Russians,
Flynn, a couple transition team members, and the FBI who listened in on the call.
Joe, whose name is not in there?
The only way Halper could have possibly found out if someone didn't tell him about the Flynn phone call, sharing classified information, by the way, would be if he read it in the Washington Post.
But the Washington Post article doesn't come out until two days after this recorded conversation.
article doesn't come out till two days after this recorded conversation. You may want to ask yourself, how is Halper so sure that Flynn is, quote, effed? They got a blank data. How does
he know that? Listen to Halper talking to Schrage two days before it became public knowledge about
the call. This is on January 10th, 2017, two days before there was a leak in the Washington Post that General Flynn was going to
be investigated about the Logan Act, and you recorded Stefan Halper
talking about Flynn. Let's roll that recording right now.
If you go to the NSC, you have to
consider very carefully
if you feel it's appropriate for you to work for Flint.
I don't think Flint's going to be around long.
I mean, that's just my guess.
Right, right.
The way these things work,
you inevitably find yourself at odds with someone.
Yeah, yeah.
I mean, you always do.
Yeah, yeah. Probably mean, you always do. Yeah, yeah.
Probably lots of people.
And when your
I wouldn't call them enemies,
but when people
who oppose you
are looking for ways
of exerting pressure,
they go to people
that they know
you're at odds with.
Right, right.
And that's how it builds
and then eventually
you get squeezed Yeah. pretty hard. And that was my kind of right. And that's how it builds and then eventually you get squeezed pretty hard.
And that was my kind of
lesson. But Flynn's reaction to that
is to blow up and get angry.
Yeah, yeah.
I don't know where he goes from there.
But that is his reaction.
That's why he's so unsuitable.
How does Halpern know Flynn is effed?
How does Halper know about the pressure
that's going to be exerted upon them?
How does Halper know that Flynn's days are numbered?
Who's telling him that?
Now, you may say he's guessing well guessing based on what january 4th which is six days before
this tape january 4th that's that's january 10th the article comes out in the washington post
january 12th so you have your timeline down on january 4th the fbs trying to close out the case
on flynn because they have quote quote, no, quote, no,
quote, no derogatory information. That wasn't a radio skip. That's me. So you understand.
So if the FBI, with all the powers, the United States government's intelligence,
counterintelligence and law enforcement apparatus could find, quote, no derogatory
information on Flynn by January 4th.
Then what does Halper know six days later?
Did someone leak that they were going to put in the Washington Post the classified details of Flynn's call?
Did they leak Flynn's call to Halper?
Ha ha.
Ha ha. Ha ha. it a Halper? Oh. Oh. Oh.
That would be a felony.
You realize that, right?
That Flynn's calls and the content of it with the Russian ambassador are highly classified.
That would be a felony.
Halper has no classification authority to have access to that data or information.
Neither does the Washington Post.
Folks, there was another gem in here.
And again, I bring it up in context of my new book because, again, self-praise really
does stink, but I never want you to think you're wasting your time here.
I warned you years ago that the real scandal number one
was the Office of Net Assessment payments.
In other words, Trump was spied on.
That's bad enough, but you paid for it.
It's highly likely you paid for it through the Pentagon
to pay some of these people.
Contracts we know happen.
The only question now is what they were
for exactly. Six-figure contract. Schrage's like, that sounds really weird. I warned you about that.
I warned you about Halper and Flynn. But one of the other things I cover in my book are people,
specifically Kathy Rumler, Steve Soma, and Anthony Ferrante, who have managed to escape
scrutiny in the Spygate thing,
despite all three of them being key players
in various portions of that scandal and other ones.
Steven Soma, who's that?
Why is he important?
What does that have to do with the spy,
Halper, and the spy potentially being paid to spy
by the government,
and then going after Flynn, a three-star general
who knew what they were up to.
What is Steven Soma?
Who is that?
What does that have to do with anything?
Well, listen to this clip.
This is the last clip from Maria Bartiromo's show.
This is a short one.
But Schrage says,
you know, there's this guy,
this FBI handler,
and I can't believe no one's talked to this guy yet.
Who's that handler he's talking about in this clip?
The guy in my book,
Steven Soma. Check this out.
The key part, and I think the real smoking gun in all this, is all these tentacles lead back to
this small group, including Stefan Halper at the center of Spygate, Christopher Steele at the center
of Russiagate, Stefan Halper's FBI handler. None of the Senate has subpoenaed these or called these
people to talk in four years. I wrote the book like a year ago. We added to it with updated information. There's a whole chapter on Soma. That's the
Stefan Halper's handler who he's talking about. Why does Schrage, who knows Halper better than
anyone, why is Schrage saying he's so important? Oh, it's in the book. You got to buy it. No,
just kidding. I never do that to you. Imagine it's in the book. You got to buy it. Nah, just kidding. I never do that to you.
Imagine that.
It's in the book.
That would be really cheesy.
It is in the book
if you'd like a summation,
but I'll tell you right here
and you can read in more detail
where it's all footnoted
in the book too.
That would be really nasty,
wouldn't it?
Pick up my book today
or I'm not going to tell you
because ladies and gentlemen,
August 10th,
the FBI opens,
August 10th of 2017,
the FBI opens up cases,
criminal cases, excuse me, 2016, August 10th, 2016, opens up criminal cases against Paul Manafort, Carter Page, and George Papadopoulos. But they don't open up a case against Mike Flynn.
We know Halper doesn't like Flynn.'s not a mystery especially after listening to these calls
which that happened after but
to be clear there's a relationship there
it's not a good one
so when the FBI doesn't open up a case
on August 10th
something mysterious happens
the next day August 11th
Halper shows up at the FBI office
at the behest of his and working with his handler, Stephen Soma, who Schrage is referencing in this clip, saying, hey, how have you not talked to this FBI handler yet?
How did Halper know to show up the next day after they don't open up the case on Mike Flynn?
He shows up the next day.
Handlers all, you know, they're all involved in this, doing their handling.
Steve Soma. Shows up the next day, handlers all, you know, they're all involved in this, doing their handling, Steve Soma.
Shows up the next day and mysteriously, two working days later,
a case is opened up on Mike Flynn after Halper volunteers some information.
Weird, isn't it?
What else appears on August 10th after the FBI doesn't open up a case on Mike Flynn,
which clearly bothered some of the people
who hated Mike Flynn?
Because remember, the headquarters division
and some of these agents who were working to take down Trump,
they weren't all talking at the same time.
What do you mean he didn't open up a case on Flynn?
We'll handle that.
Bring in Stephen Halper.
Captain Anti-America. Bring him in. Bring in, go get Soma. We'll handle that. Bring in Stephen Halper. Captain Anti-America.
Bring him in.
Bring in.
Go get Soma.
He's his handler.
He'll bring him in.
All of a sudden,
the case is opened up against Mike Flynn,
but not without this little piece of information,
this little nugget that appeared as well.
Christopher Steele's the alleged author of the dossier.
There's a relationship there with Steele and Halper
that's yet to come out.
Maybe through other proxies, but it's there. All of a sudden, on August 10th, this dossier. There's a relationship there with Steele and Halper that's yet to come out. Maybe through other proxies, but
it's there. All of a sudden,
on August 10th, this dossier shows up.
Convenient timing,
right? Small print. You don't need to read it.
Bottom line is, it mentions Mike Flynn
for the first time.
What's the date on this dossier? How Flynn
may be working with the Russians.
Oh, boy. August 10th,
You dig?
Someone in the FBI working with Halper and others in the anti-Trump cabal want to take him down.
Are clearly upset the Bureau didn't open up an official case on Mike Flynn on August 10th.
So they bring in the ringer, Stephen Halper, with the FBI handler Soma.
Soma, by the way, who Stefan Halper with the FBI handler Soma. Soma,
by the way,
who knows Christopher Steele's handler,
this agent Gaeta,
they work together in New York.
Steele's handler,
Halper's handler,
Steele produces a dossier August 10th.
Halper's handler produces Halper August 10th.
And all of a sudden,
a few days later,
August 16th,
a couple of working days later, a case is opened up to take down Mike Flynn. The details in the book are pretty horrific.
We go through it at length, footnoted to death. We put a ton of homework. That chapter was a long,
I read the Audible. That chapter was the longest one to read. Pick it up today. Highlight it,
dog ear it. You're going to love it.
All right, folks. Thanks again for tuning in. Joe and I have a nice special surprise show for you.
Don't miss Friday's show. We're going to be announcing something. I'm a little hesitant
to announce it now. It's not an interview thing per se. We're hoping to get President Trump back,
but it's not that. I'm not like... but it's something I've been promising for a while.
And we're going to finally get her done.
All right.
Or get it done.
I should say speak in proper English.
Thanks for tuning in.
Please subscribe to my YouTube show, slash Bongino.
Do not miss the shows this week.
We'll be dropping a couple of clues.
All right.
Tomorrow and subscribe on apple podcast, slash Bongino. Really appreciate it. See you all tomorrow.