The Dan Bongino Show - The Great Reset Is Really Not Going Well (Ep 1822)

Episode Date: August 3, 2022

In this episode, I address the exploding crisis in China and I ask a critical question about Pelosi’s Taiwan trip. Also, I show video and audio of people fighting back against the “great reset.”...  News Picks: Beyoncé Caves to Woke Mob, Removes Word 'Spazz' After Accusations of 'Ableism.’ Emerging crime capitals of America: These cities have the highest murders per capita. Houston Gun Buyback Didn't Go According to Democrats' Plans. Nobel economists were dead wrong on inflation: Don’t expect an apology. Biden Admin Now Redefining Meaning of "Low Gas Prices.” Laughable democrat hypocrisy about tax hikes. Nancy Pelosi is looking for a prosecutor? For what?  Copyright Bongino Inc All Rights Reserved Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 get ready to hear the truth about america on a show that's not immune to the facts with your host dan bongino can't start the show like that's hilarious you could leave we actually can't start the show like this this may be the weirdest outfit ever jo Joe's giving me a countdown and he's like, three, two, one, let's freaking go. Joe.
Starting point is 00:00:33 I'm glad you did that. Yeah, we need it. Listen, we need recording a little early today because I'm taking my daughter to school. Isabel comment on that. A lot going on.
Starting point is 00:00:44 China, Pelosi, inflation, Manchin getting wrecked. A ton of stuff. The Great Reset, not going well. Stacked. I love watching Joe Manchin, this big phony, get wrecked on TV, by the way,
Starting point is 00:00:55 and continue to destroy any semblance of credibility he had left. If you're in the market for a rifle, shotgun, or revolver, you want to go with the best in the business. And as far as I'm concerned, that's Henry Repeating Arms.
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Starting point is 00:02:07 later. It's only my podcast today, which I hate to miss because I love doing it so much. You know, it's a tough day for me, but I saw something yesterday. I'm going to talk to my daughter about it in the car tomorrow if she doesn't listen to this podcast first. I saw a study out yesterday that they took a survey and they found that the people who dream big, dream big, wind up living their entire lives disappointed. And it's interesting because that's advice I've given my daughter and I'll give her again today while I'm driving her up there. Folks, the world's a tough place. I'm not a philosopher. I'm not Plato. I'm not a poet. I'm not your psychologist. But that's some of I'm not a poet. I'm not your psychologist.
Starting point is 00:02:46 But that's some of the dumbest advice you can ever give people. Dream big. Don't dream big. Dream small. Accomplish big. There's a big difference. I'm dead serious. Dream big is great.
Starting point is 00:02:59 You want to be an artist? You want to do all kinds of things? You know, Joe wanted to be a famous musician like the Rolling Stones once. I hope I'm not speaking out of turn, Joe. Joe's a very talented musician. Yeah, cool. Joe wound up changing the world in a different way. We have the world's second biggest podcast. You know why? Joe had a lot of dreams, but he did big things. I use his example because he's here. I had a lot of dreams too. I wanted to be the director of the secret service. You know, I wanted to be a congressman. That didn't work. Dreams are great, but accomplish big things. The do matters. I saw that yesterday. That advice of my daughter. Accomplish big. Dream small. You'll get there. Enough of that.
Starting point is 00:03:39 I'm not anybody's pop psychologist, but I hate that advice. Do what you love. Don't do what you love. Do what will what you love. Do what will feed you first. And after you feed yourself and pay your rent, then go accomplish big things. I'm right. Justin, you're in college. That's the dumbest damn advice you can ever give anyone. Do what you love. I love painting. Okay. Good luck. You're going to be able to pay your rent. No. This show is already starting out crazy. Maybe the craziest start ever to a show. Okay.
Starting point is 00:04:10 So a lot happened yesterday. Manchin, I'm going to get to the China stuff. Obviously important. A lot going on over there with China and Pelosi. The threat level moving up even since yesterday dramatically. Joe Manchin just cannot stop lying. The man has lost any sense of personal dignity at this point I use that term often
Starting point is 00:04:28 because at what point do you say to yourself okay enough's enough you know I have family I have friends I just don't want this all on video for the rest of my life looking like a buffoon all the time so Manchin's pushing of course this massive tax hike which by the way is going to cost us tens of thousands
Starting point is 00:04:43 if not more of manufacturing jobs it's a massive tax hike on America it's a massive tax hike, which by the way, is going to cost us tens of thousands, if not more of manufacturing jobs. It's a massive tax hike on America. It's a massive tax hike on the middle class. It is a grotesque expansion of government savings. It is an expansion of the AOC type Green New Deal program. That's what it is. It's in there. It's in the bill. You can look at it yourself. So Manchin keeps getting busted lying. So I want you to do it. Manchin does what every coward does when they get caught in a lie, especially when it comes to the economics of a proposal. They cite experts. Now, the fact that the experts on these things are typically wrong, and I'll prove it to you coming up in a second, is irrelevant.
Starting point is 00:05:18 I got two pieces of video. First Manchin, and then Cui Jean Pierre, both citing experts because they know what they're saying is really stupid. Whenever they cite the experts, remember Friedrich Hayek's fatal conceit, the pretense of knowledge, the conceit that you know something someone else doesn't, despite the fact that experts are mostly wrong. Watch Manchin get wrecked by Harris Faulkner yesterday. I'm looking at the Penn Wharton budget model, which you, Senator, have been known to watch. It examined the details of the Schumer ManMansion deal. And actually, it said something very different than you just said. It said that the impact on inflation, this is a quote, the impact on inflation is statistically
Starting point is 00:05:55 indistinguishable from zero through 2031. Penn Wharton modelers are saying, we don't agree with those who think deficit reduction will lead in a straight line to lower inflation. But that's what the Democrats claim for their bill. So it can't, so both things can't be true. And this is something that they're studying. So are you wrong or are you not giving all of the hard truth to Americans about what this is going to cost them in terms of inflation? Let's say maybe they're wrong. Okay, there's other ones that say absolutely different than that. Moody's has said different.
Starting point is 00:06:30 And you have the Bob Hardison budget policies. They've said, Maya McGinnis and her group came out. We had 17 Nobel laureates last year when I said inflation is real, it's going to be here, and it's going to hurt us immensely. They said, oh, no, no, it's going to be transitoryory and 17 of the brightest in the country so let me here we go he cites experts while attacking experts while citing the expertise of other experts to say experts we should listen to them about the bill now the fatal conceit the pretense of knowledge here's where sense it's common otherwise known as common sense would kick in. Joe Manchin is proposing hundreds of billions in new taxes to combat you not
Starting point is 00:07:10 having enough money to pay for stuff due to inflation. So common sense, which isn't very common, especially on Capitol Hill will dictate if you have a problem paying for stuff, the logical end game would be to make you more productive so you can make more money to buy more stuff, not to take more money from you via the government and higher taxes, and to take that money and spend it on Green New Deal boondoggles,
Starting point is 00:07:33 which will not benefit you one iota. But he cites experts, of course, because experts know better. The problem is experts haven't known better. They told you there was no recession coming. We're in one now. They also told you inflation was transitory. It's not. Here's Karine Jean-Pierre doing the same thing.
Starting point is 00:07:53 The citation of experts. This is what we talk about all the time on the show. Summed up in two sound bites. The stupid smart person problem. Cite expertise from so-called smart people with degrees who are really dumb and say things that defy common sense. Like we've got an inflation problem. Cite expertise from so-called smart people with degrees who are really dumb and say things that defy common sense. Like we've got an inflation problem. So let's tax people. That'll solve it. And then let's crush manufacturing businesses, which need to produce more stuff to soak up the money causing the inflation problem. Let's crush the manufacturers too.
Starting point is 00:08:19 So they produce less stuff, creating even higher inflation. Well, that doesn't make a lot of sense, but the experts said it. Here's Creech up here saying the same thing. Do you have any evidence that this is going to lower inflation in the short term? Look, I just listed out 126 top economists who said that it's going to do that. I have a quote.
Starting point is 00:08:38 They didn't say in the short term. They just said generally. Well, I'm just saying that it is a step forward. We do believe that if you lower costs for Americans, that matters. That is incredibly important, because when you think about inflation it's, you know, it's about increasing prices. So you're going to, to combat increasing prices and Americans' inability to buy stuff, you're going to take more money via taxes and attack the manufacturers producing stuff they need.
Starting point is 00:09:15 But believe me, to increase up here, that makes perfect sense. So she cites experts. So conveniently, I actually put this show together backwards today, unintentionally. I was going to use this article anyway, and then a couple of people sent me these cuts. They were like, hey, check this stuff out. I thought, this is a perfect fit.
Starting point is 00:09:30 The Hill, Carl Schrimm. Nobel economists were dead wrong on inflation, but don't expect an apology. He notes that these idiots seem to have looked some common, well, he doesn't call them idiots, some common sense stuff. I'll get to the screenshot from this piece in a minute. Nobel laureates, meaning these are the smart people, they're really the stupid smart people, couldn't figure out that if you pay people more money to stay home than they would make when they work, then people won't go to work because they'll lose money rather than just
Starting point is 00:10:03 staying home. I know this is bold, fellas. I know this is a bold idea. This is earth-shaking in the figurative sense to everyone on the show. Like, yeah, that's really? So it took a bunch of Nobel laureates and they said, okay, well, let's at least make the remunerative package to these people. The amount of money they're going to get from the government during the COVID lockdown. Do you follow me, fellas?
Starting point is 00:10:28 Let's give them an amount of money that likely will be less than they'd make if they got back in the job market, right? So that would incentivize them at least to go to work so they could make more money, correct? Well, as Carl Schramm notes in his piece, the experts missed just a little thing here. They seem to have overlooked it. Previous COVID benefits had often exceeded what tens of millions of workers regularly earn. Oh, my God. The verdict is in these people are a-holes. You didn't you didn't know that? You didn't know that there was a prior package that cumulatively adds up? That's like saying I gave Joe a paycheck for his last two weeks and mistaking it with his annual salary. These are experts.
Starting point is 00:11:12 These are experts. You get what I'm saying here, folks? They were like, no, no, no. This last package, the American Rescue Plan, that's not going to cause an inflation problem. People will go back to work and produce stuff, and that stuff will suck up a lot of money in the economy, right? Yeah, you know why they'll go back to work? Because the amount of money in the American Rescue Plan isn't enough.
Starting point is 00:11:34 It isn't more than their salary. None of these idiots thought that some of these people had already got money from the prior two portcullis bills that made it less effective for them to go back to work and they would have lost money. What would the world, what would we do without experts? Why do they always miss
Starting point is 00:11:53 the obvious thing right in front of their freaking faces? By the way, the Jolt's report came out. Job openings, largest drop we've seen in a very long time job openings down 605 000 jobs that is extremely bad news now if you don't think we're in a recession because as media hacks and goons and losers keep saying, well, the job market's
Starting point is 00:12:26 still strong. Gosh, I pray to the Lord it remains that way. Jolt's report doesn't look like it's going to stay that way long. What are you going to say about a recession going forward when we have a potential another quarter of negative growth and the joblessness rate starts moving up and job openings start collapsing too, because people aren't hiring. It's transient. I can't get enough of these recession videos. I'm going to play for you one more. I cut it at about 30 seconds.
Starting point is 00:12:51 It goes on a while. So this one's kind of short, but here again is the same media experts in the media is supposed to be independent journalists, getting expert opinions and using those expert opinions to formulate thought pieces. Here are these idiots in the media again here. First, you're going to hear them in the beginning with the proper definition of a recession, two quarters of negative growth. Then here, just a quick compilation at the end.
Starting point is 00:13:12 Them again, trying to change the definition to save face. What would we do without experts? Check this out. A recession is when the gross domestic product retreats, recedes for two consecutive quarters. That is the economic textbook definition of recession. A recession is just two consecutive quarters of economic decline. Using just GDP, that's really what Brian Deese is talking about, is potentially antiquated. Every single time since 1948 that you've had back-to-back quarters of negative growth, you've had a recession. But that may not necessarily be the case this time. Actually, that's a misconception that two consecutive quarters of negative GDP growth means a recession. Two negative quarters of GDP growth does not necessarily mean
Starting point is 00:13:54 that we're in recession. Technically, this is not a recession. It's not really a recession. I could watch these videos all day. I'm sorry to keep throwing them. I can just watch them all day. I could watch these videos all day. I'm sorry to keep throwing them out. I could just watch them all day. It's rare you see such a salient, in-your-face example of human beings claiming to be smarter than you. They're the media people who are going to tell you what the facts are. So willing to throw away their credibility and flush it down the toilet bowl over an issue.
Starting point is 00:14:29 You understand all of them, and they don't even care that they're now digitally recorded for posterity's sake. Now, when we have a recession in the future and the Republican administration, I'm redefining it too. They can do it. So can I. And I'll be able to go back to them and go, no, no, no. It's kind of weird how you said that that's not a recession anymore. They'll change their minds again. They don't care. No human dignity at all. All right. Let me get to this because this is important. Yesterday, obviously, it was a, I wasn't kidding with the title of my show. This could change American foreign policy moving forward. During yesterday's show, I covered Nancy Pelosi's trip to Taiwan. Now, we've discussed all the backstory, why I think she's there,
Starting point is 00:15:01 why I think it's a bad look for her and her husband. But I'm not sure what the strategic purpose of this trip is for the United States. I have an idea why Pelosi's doing it. Pelosi, I don't trust as far as I can throw, and that's not very far. Nancy Pelosi's husband is heavily invested in a lot of stocks, have to do with semiconductors. Semiconductors are produced in Taiwan. Pelosi may not run again.
Starting point is 00:15:24 Pelosi, you know, I get the whole unity thing. I'm obviously team America. I don't want to see anything happen to Nancy Pelosi or anyone else. I'm not an idiot. Having said that, I'm not an idiot either when analyzing the politics of the situation. Let's not pretend this is all being done out of goodwill. She may not run again. She may lose her speakership.
Starting point is 00:15:41 She may be done in Congress. Maybe wanted to go out with a bang. I don't know. Having said that, I'm not into Nancy Pelosi's personal politics. I'm into the safety and security of the United States, and I'm still not sure what the strategic purpose of the trip is. There's a couple of questions I wrote down here. What specific outcome were you seeking with this trip to Taiwan? There's nothing we can't do in Taiwan that we haven't been able to do the day before. We navigate through the waters. It always creates a little headache, but we do it.
Starting point is 00:16:15 We've said we would defend Taiwan while saying we're not going to defend Taiwan. So I don't know what changes there. We've always had ambiguity there. Biden's just taken it to the next level by openly talking about it. It's always assumed behind the scenes we would defend Taiwan. What was the purpose of the trip? I really, I leave my Facebook page open for messages to the audience. I'm not being silly with you. I don't like asking questions that are the answer or else what's the point of the show. But in this's so it's such an important pivotal moment in american history i'm starting what i'm starting to wonder i need your help what was the point of this for her and what was the point for the united states
Starting point is 00:16:53 again i get her purpose semiconductors going out with a bang i understand what how it benefits her how does it benefit us she's the Speaker of the House of Representatives. What do we get from this? Here, Brady Knox from yesterday. Chinese live fire exercises commence around Taiwan as U.S. warships deploy. The situation is very hot over there. The live fire exercises have expanded dramatically since the last time this happened i think it was 95 96 live fire for the liberals means actual ammunition not dummy rounds this is
Starting point is 00:17:35 serious we have u.s assets over there in the water and you have to remember every time one of these rounds is fired and there's a u.s. asset in the region, the opportunity for a miscalculation of the enemy's intent goes up dramatically each time. It's the very definition of geometric growth in the mathematical sense. One round over the bow, two rounds over. After a while, believe me, that heightened state of alert, you may miscalculate. They may miscalculate. Hit a ship, then what do we do? What was the purpose of the trip? What outcome were you seeking?
Starting point is 00:18:17 Are we setting up Taiwan? These are fair questions to ask. Like we set up Ukraine with that Budapest memorandum? With a wink and a nod that we were going to protect them when we didn't. This is why I don't like foreign interventions that don't directly involve the immediate national security interests of the United States. They don't have a short-term plan. They don't have a long-term plan. We led Ukraine to believe we defend them too. That's why they gave up their nukes.
Starting point is 00:18:45 We didn't do any of that. We provided some weaponry. Regardless of your position on that, I don't think we should be there. I've said that many times. But we are still the United States of America, and our word should mean something. What is she doing? These are fair questions to ask because other people are watching i'm going to get to that in a second i'll tell you exactly what i mean she's setting us up to back down again and each time we
Starting point is 00:19:12 back down and incentivize another megalomaniac regime to do something stupid it's coming up in a second stay tuned including the great reset that's not working out too well either. Okay, here's what I mean. Nancy Pelosi is setting us up for another back down. Every time we back down and turn around and walk away because we didn't have a strategic endgame to this visit. No one can tell me what the point of Pelosi's visit there is. No one. It's a statement.
Starting point is 00:19:42 A statement about what? We're dealing with a nuclear-powered enemy. What the hell? it's not about making statements what is this the wwe you're talking about a nuclear powered military one of the most powerful in the world you want to make a statement statement for what fox news iran declares it can use nuclear weapons, nuclear missiles, excuse me, to turn New York into hellish ruins. We got the death to America crowd now threatening the nuclear attack, New York City.
Starting point is 00:20:17 What was the purpose of Pelosi's visit again? Listen, folks, no one's more pro-America than me. I put the politics aside with this stuff. I hope she gets home safely. I wish the Taiwanese the best, the freedom fighters over there. But no one's yet explained to me again what the strategic endgame outside of her personal political goals this Pelosi trip was about. All right, folks, you know I I've been all over the great reset. The great reset is this idea that we can use these global crises, COVID and others, inflation,
Starting point is 00:20:50 economic crises around the world to reset society. The great reset is a real thing. They've written books about it. The globalists have written books about it. Klaus Schwab, who runs the WEF, World Economic Forum, talks about it all the time. Their goal is a totalitarian, top-down driven globalist society. When it's top-down driven, it works like a triangle, like a pyramid. At the top are a group of elites, the anointed ones. They've anointed themselves, of course. And from that, their edicts, they filter down into a flattened base of people who go out and carry out their orders. I mean, it's really not a complicated version of authoritarianism. That's what it is. The Great Reset crowd is looking for that.
Starting point is 00:21:32 The globalism is their thing. It's the opposite of subsidiarity. Memorize that term. Check it out in your local dictionary or online today. Subsidiarity. The idea conservatives and liberty lovers have is that all management should be done at the lowest level possible. Management should be done at the lowest level possible because your vote matters more. And because your vote matters more, those politicians at the local level in
Starting point is 00:21:54 your town are more accountable to you by simple math. It's one out of a hundred votes in your town or your HOA. It's one out of billions of votes. If you were voting for a global world leader, like the president of Earth, Stacey Abrams. Some of you get that joke. You get what I'm saying? That's what's the opposite of subsidiarity, authoritarianism and globalism. Now, the Great Reset crowd needs chaos to institute the Great Reset. Chaos is their coin of the realm. Chaos creates a need. chaos creates a need for what for sanity safety and security nobody likes chaos except the great reset crowd because people will crave safety and security and they will throw they will then overthrow the system they have now
Starting point is 00:22:37 and listen to anyone the most powerful people in charge it's happening in the netherlands right now with the dutch revolt. You'll see in Not to Be. Not to Be is the non-satire site. The Dutch farmer revolt keeps ramping up and it's insanely important to your life. They want to institute Green New Deal type taxes in the Netherlands, which are going to bankrupt farmers and threatening to take their land if they don't comply. The farmers are saying, you pushed us too far, double-barreled, family-friendly middle finger. We're not giving you our land. This is a great reset initiative.
Starting point is 00:23:12 They use, I didn't explain that well, just quick. They use chaos as a vehicle to break down the systems we have now, hoping you'll clamor for authoritarianism and safety in the future. Make sense? Very simply stated. Yes.
Starting point is 00:23:26 One of the vehicles they do that to create the chaos is to attack the food supply. That is what this is. They are starving people. And the farmers have said, we've had enough. They are not giving up their land as a note in this piece. By the way, the tiny nation of the Netherlands, did you know this is the second largest exporter of agricultural products? They put food in Prince. I guess liberals are reading to the rest of the Netherlands, did you know this, is the second largest exporter of agricultural products? They put food in prints, I guess liberals are reading.
Starting point is 00:23:47 To the rest of the world? Did you know that? They had to put that in there. Food, just in case. Well, you know, it could be other products too. Yeah. What's that? It's a big deal.
Starting point is 00:23:57 Yeah, it's a huge deal. It's a huge deal. If you need chaos to break down the system we have now, so people will clamor for an authority figure to bring back safety and security, what better way to create chaos than to attack the food supply? This is the Great Reset Plan. Here's a couple videos for you. This is not going well. These Dutch farmers are like, eh, double barrel.
Starting point is 00:24:19 Check this out. Hey! Yeah, that's not really going well. That's not really going well for them. Dutch farmers have had enough. You know, Guy brought up a good point. Joe, remember that old adage we brought up often? You're only, what, four missed meals away from the complete collapse of society, framed in different ways over time? Folks, that's true.
Starting point is 00:25:12 Wait till your kid comes to you after your fourth missed meal with no food on the horizon and says, Daddy, I'm hungry. How quickly you think the standard world order you're used to is going to stand after that. People start breaking into their neighbor's houses, death and destruction. I don't want to repeat the whole story, but I'll never forget being in the Secret Service in Argentina, talking to that cop who told me what it was like when their economy collapsed. And they caught a doctor on the street, one of the local doctors who was like mugging someone. Go to that New Zealand video. Cue that up if you would mind.
Starting point is 00:25:45 Here's another video, New Zealand. They're going to start taxing the birth. What is it? The birth of cows? This is going to end well too. Here, check this out. Attack the food supply. Best way to create chaos.
Starting point is 00:25:55 Check this out. While belching is widely considered to be rude, livestock don't seem to care. All day, every day, they burp. But it's not the act of burping that's the problem. It is the methane that they release into our atmosphere. The average cow emits a whopping 220 pounds of methane gas a day. Well, New Zealand is doing something about it by taxing burping livestock. Mike Drolet explains. With a population of just 5 million, New Zealand's carbon footprint
Starting point is 00:26:28 is relatively small. Its hoof print, however, is through the roof. And now in a world first, New Zealand farmers will have to pay a tax for every one of the methane emitting 10 million cattle and 26 million sheep that roam the scenic countryside. The farmers will be able to mitigate their tax burden if they lower emissions by modernizing their operations. Where the program could fail is if farmers pick up and move their operations to another country. When you shut down farms and they go someplace else, then that doesn't mean that the demand for these products
Starting point is 00:27:02 that these farms used to produce all of a sudden ceases to exist. The demand is still there and will be satisfied by somebody else elsewhere in the world. And that means that emissions will simply shift from one place to another. Cal Burps. Cal Burps. I cannot think of a better way to institute a state of chaos to break down the current order, produce an eager yearning for authoritarianism than to attack the food supply. You don't eat. You don't care about who the local warlord is at that point.
Starting point is 00:27:37 Chaos. That's their currency. But you can only push people so far. Folks, this Great Reset stuff is not really going well for them. You know why? We have an information machine on our side to call it out for what it is. Let me get to my next sponsor. I'm going to go back to this because there are other ways.
Starting point is 00:27:58 Let me just describe just quickly what we're going to get to. This Great Reset requires attacking the food supply. It, of course, requires a war on energy. I mean, that's mandatory. You can't have people filling their gas tanks and driving around. That means they have the freedom to drive around. We've got to control them. You'd also need a war on safety in the streets. I mean, what better way to create chaos than to create actual chaos through criminality, right?
Starting point is 00:28:20 Tie it all together for you. Coming up in a minute. Don't go anywhere. I got more. Okay. tie it all together for you coming up in a minute don't go anywhere i got more okay no great reset of course would be complete without an attack on our energy supply which is happening right now you see that globally you see it with attacks on keystone attacks on amar the north slope uh they won't allow drilling in the gulf they're suspending permits uh nipa permitting rules you're seeing this not that i'mA permitting rules. You're seeing this, I'm just describing the
Starting point is 00:28:45 United States. You're seeing this around the world. Germany, which is engaged in one of the most grotesque acts of energy suicide I've seen in my entire life. Germany, which is being held hostage by Russia, or they're going to be frozen out. Russia basically has them by the short ones right now, is threatening not to deliver them the gas they need to stay warm in the winter. You know that warm in the winter thing, Joe? It's really good to stay warm in the winter. You know that warm in the winter thing, Joe? It's really good to be warm in the winter. Yeah, I like it. Because the alternative means cold in the winter, which also means death.
Starting point is 00:29:11 And it violates the golden rule of the show, the Dan Bongino show, which is don't get dead. Now, the Germans had a way to produce some energy, which was their nuclear plants, but they decided to decommission them. Why? I don't know. I don't do stupid. I have no idea what the German government was thinking. I have no idea. So this war on energy is happening all over the world., I haven't used the piece for my own website in a while. I don't
Starting point is 00:29:33 write that. Matt Palumbo does, but he does a great job. Matt wrote this piece calling out the hilarious Biden administration for taking a victory lap over, quote, prices matt notes in the piece biden administration now redefining the meaning of low gas prices they love that redefining the words he notes his gas prices have drifted from all-time highs in the past few weeks and are now roughly 420 a gallon nationwide by the way a 76 increase since biden took office, the Biden administration has begun measuring gas prices from their peak to push the absurd narrative that they're lowering gas prices. Corrine Jean-Pierre told reporters with a straight face yesterday that more work remains. But the fact is we are currently experiencing the fastest decline in gas prices in over a decade. Oh, that's great.
Starting point is 00:30:27 gas prices in over a decade oh that's great matt notes what she doesn't mention is about the fastest decline over a decade is that the bite administration also provided uh presided over the fastest increase in gas prices in nearly three decades you see how that works you see how the stunt the fliparoo works what great reset on a very serious note would be complete without attacking people's energy supply systems energy is freedom no no this isn't some like overly melodramatic a moment like you know that movie world war z when brad pitt tells a guy movement is like movement is la vida whatever i was always like that's kind of a weird line no no it's true. Energy is actual freedom. You don't have energy in your vehicle via petroleum-based gas in your car. You don't have the freedom to move around. It's not complicated.
Starting point is 00:31:12 And there's nothing the authoritarians hate more than freedom, hence the war on energy too. Chaos. It's a coin of the realm. Every great reset, of course, course needs chaos chaos requires that you chaos the the essence of chaos it is it disrupts your status quo so much that you'll have this just insatiable craving for normalcy again even if it requires overthrowing the system you have now and craving authoritarianism i can't repeat that enough.
Starting point is 00:31:45 It's important. You understand that none of this is being done by accident because people say to me all the time, I don't understand Dan, why is it these liberal cities are promoting chaos in the streets? They want to see people get killed. They want to see the chaos. If people get killed,
Starting point is 00:31:59 that's just the casualty of war to them. You doubt me. Well, how are you one doubt everything always doubt everything because i bring the receipts fox news article audrey conklin the emerging crime capitals of america these cities have the highest murder rates per capita so i looked at the chart of these cities and we went through and looked through each and every one what do these cities all have in common new orleans number one at 36.8 uh murders their murder rate baltimore number two birmingham st louis milwaukee cleveland rochester philadelphia
Starting point is 00:32:35 atlanta kansas city washington richmond oakland this is per hundred thousand their murder rates per hundred thousand what do they have in common? Every one of those cities is led by a Democrat. Most of them led by far left Democrats. You think that's by chance? You think the top 10 murder rate cities, by the way, you may say, well, what happens when we go down a little further?
Starting point is 00:33:01 When you go down to about the top 30, four of them have Republican leaders. Four out of 30. Four. About a little over 10%. But all of the top cities are led by Democrats. Chaos. What better way for a great reset than street chaos? But don't worry, folks.
Starting point is 00:33:22 I've got an idea. I'm sorry. it's not funny but this i said you like the story too justin right but he read it i hear them putting the shirt this is this is i don't usually do stories that are like funny i'm not the funny guy what are you funny i'm here to abuse you like goodfellas right i saw this don't worry folks we could do something about the crime right we can just um we could do a gun buyback. They work really well. You know, they solve the crime problem everywhere. You know that, Joe? Gun buybacks, because all the criminals
Starting point is 00:33:49 show up and give back their guns. What actually happens is all the good guys show up. We don't want their guns anymore to give back their guns. Nobody else shows up. But this gun buyback was unbelievably successful. You've got to read this article. It's hilarious. Town Hall, Spencer Brown.
Starting point is 00:34:03 So Houston Democrats, Houston, wasn't that on there? Was that on the chart, by the way? Was that on one? Is that there? Isn't it in the top 10? No, it was on something I saw the other day, Houston. Houston Democrats hosted a gun buyback event and one clever man took full advantage. This was a really successful event. So one man showed up to the gun buyback event with dozens of 3D printed firearms. Houston authorities had no choice but to accept them and hand over gift cards in return.
Starting point is 00:34:32 The real kicker? It only cost the man $3 to print each firearm, of which he made $62. And he received $50 per 3D printed gun for a total of nearly $3,000 in gift cards. There you go, Houston Dems.
Starting point is 00:34:52 Solving that, you're a regular Wyatt Earp out there. Good job, fellas. Well done. You really nailed that problem. Gun buybacks. Like I said. gun buybacks. Like I said, max, marry up street chaos with stupid smart people. And this is the kind of thing you get. As I said, in the beginning of the show, since it's common, it's not common sense because it's not out there. It's missing. It's missing.
Starting point is 00:35:22 All right. Let me get to this piece. What the hell is going on here? Daily Wire's got a piece in the newsletter today. I need you to read. It's the last article in today's newsletter, slash newsletter. If you'd like to take a look, it's right there. Folks, I've been getting increasingly worried about our government losing its horizontal
Starting point is 00:35:43 and vertical checks and balances system. We have equal coexisting branches of government that are supposed to act as a check and a balance of one another. The problem is because the legislative branch is not interested in actually legislating. They've turned over a lot of their power to the government bureaucracy under the president. Sitting in the EPA and the SEC. Why is that? I don't want to get overly complicated. I want to explain this simply.
Starting point is 00:36:15 So if I screw this up, email me and let me know so I don't mess it up again. The founding fathers thought the legislative, judicial, and executive branches of our government would act as kind of like, there'd be friction, not open warfare, obviously, but friction. The legislative branch would jealously guard their power, the power of the purse, the power to write laws. The executive branch would guard its powers, right? The judicial branch would guard its powers. It's not what happened. They never expected such weak wuss bags to get elected. Now the legislators, the congressmen and senators don't want to vote on anything because they don't want to get voted out if it's an unpopular bill. So what they do is
Starting point is 00:36:47 they let the EPA, the SEC, and the three-letter agencies, the FCC, the FEC, do everything for them so they don't have to do anything. But the one thing
Starting point is 00:36:59 that they all want their mitts on, all of those elements of our government, is they all want their mitts on, all of those elements of our government, is they all want their hands on the ability to get their own private star chamber prosecution forces. Now, that is not the way the government's designed to work. Those prosecutors work for the Department of Justice, who reports to the president. So what the hell is Nancy Pelosi doing with this story at the Daily Wire? Luke Rosiak, who is a great reporter. This is a big story. Spread this around. This is not a small deal. Capitol Police seek to hire their own prosecutor overseeing allegations against
Starting point is 00:37:36 congressmen and trespassers. Pelosi wants Pelosi and Schumer want their own private little prosecutor here? Now, it's not technically who it would report to, but this is unquestionably, as Mike Davis, who runs the Article 3 project, said, this is clearly unconstitutional for Congress to have federal prosecutors on its payroll and working for them. Think about what we're saying here. Pelosi and Schumer have their own little
Starting point is 00:38:06 prosecutor team. Mike Davis notes, it violates the separation of powers. Federal prosecutors work for the president and the executive branch. And every prosecution by Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer's army of prosecutors is subjected to serious constitutional challenges and reversals by the Supreme Court. What are they up to here? I owe you an answer. Folks, here's what I think this is really about. Again, I deeply appreciate the guy who said that my show was very prophetic, that everything we talk about comes true. Not everything, but a good amount of it does. It's because these people aren't hard to read. What did I tell you guys about January 6th? What did I tell you guys about the purpose
Starting point is 00:38:45 of the January 6th hearing? It was to interfere in the 2022 election and it was to keep Trump from running again. And it was going to be used by the Democrat House and Senate for that matter, even though the House is running the committee, to intimidate Republicans from getting involved in the election.
Starting point is 00:39:04 What does that have to do with this Daily Wire story about Nancy Pelosi and the Capitol Hill police seeking to hire their own prosecutor? Power corrupts folks. Absolute power corrupts absatively, positively. They're loving this thing. And they know the January 6th committee is going to have to wrap up soon. So now they're thinking, gosh, we had this January 6th committee. We scared the crap out of a whole bunch of Republicans.
Starting point is 00:39:28 We interfered in the 2022 election. It's just spectacular how much damage we cause. How do we make this permanent? I've got an idea. Let's get a permanent prosecutor in our office. Thanks, Chuck. That's just brilliant. That's just brilliant.
Starting point is 00:39:53 That's exactly what's going on here call your congressman ask him yo what's up with this big problem all right my last story of the day this is a big day taking my daughter to college i'm a little sad i'm gonna be honest with honest with you. I am, uh, because candor matters. It's a beat me up a little bit. We're not going to have an empty nest. We still have my youngest daughter, but she's been with us 18 years. It's really hard to take. So kind of a sad day. I'll let you know how it goes. Um, tomorrow I'll definitely obviously be back. I'm just flying back tonight. So see how it goes. My eyes may be all red tomorrow. It's not like I was crying or anything. I always tell you my story, my story. What's my story about liberals, right? Liberal cancel culture. Liberal cancel culture is cannibalistic by nature. They will eat themselves
Starting point is 00:40:36 alive. Okay. It's figurative. Cannibals are literal, but you get the point. Cancel culture is by nature cannibalistic. Why? I'm sorry if you've heard it a thousand times, but tell them what you're going to tell them, tell them and tell them what you told them. It's the best way for you to remember all this stuff. Because conservatives got tired of being victims of this a long time ago and started flipping them off. We built parallel economies. We built rumble. We built social media sites like truth. We just don't have to listen to these idiots anymore we can stay on twitter and facebook if we choose but it's by choice we don't need to be
Starting point is 00:41:10 there anymore we already wrote them off they can't cancel what they can't cancel you cancel man you excuse me you cancel me on youtube i just moved to rumble you didn't do anything we didn't go anywhere so what happened is when as conservatives started to flip them off with the double-barreled Who's to rumble? You didn't do anything. We didn't go anywhere. So what happened is when his conservatives started to flip them off with the double-barreled family friendly, liberals crave that power. They love that power. The power to be able to cancel someone must be for a loser like a leftist liberal stuck in his mom's basement watching porn eating Hot Pockets all day. That's real power. His life is meaning. Well, he got the Hot Pockets.
Starting point is 00:41:44 After the Hot Pockets is done, he gets to cancel famous, powerful people. So we started ignoring them. So where did they turn? On themselves. They started eating each other alive. Did I not predict this? Guys, did I not predict this years ago? Just 5,000 times. Here's yet another example. Beyonce. You know Beyonce. Oh my God, Beyonce. Don't mess with the Beyonce people. Beyonce caves to the woke mob. Beyonce, I thought she was like a hero to the left. Removes the word spaz after accusations of ableism. I don't even know what the hell that means. They're just making up words. Justin said they're just making up words. No one even knows what that means. Removes the word spaz. Beyonce. Beyonce, who is an icon to the left.
Starting point is 00:42:29 You know, girl power, let's go. I told you they would eat themselves alive. It's happening. But that's not the point of me putting this story up here. What, to tell you how cancel culture eats itself alive? It's going to get worse. I'm being serious as a heart attack here too you have a problem with the word spaz have you listened to rap music have their life have you heard how many n bombs are in there f bombs how many b's and Hoes. Have you listened to that?
Starting point is 00:43:07 Beyonce had to pull the word spaz out of the song. Good luck telling Ice Cube and Dr. Dre to pull every word straight out of Compton. Straight out of Compton, another crazy. I'm a bad, and the boo won't jump. Because I don't, I'm a make, a book won't jump. Cause I don't, I'm a make, not from the records from like the revenue that I know the song.
Starting point is 00:43:33 I used to sing it growing up. Those are the only words you can actually say. Wait till the cancel culture. People get ahold of that. We don't care. We gave up on those idiots a long time ago. Good luck. Ice Cube. Dr. Dre.
Starting point is 00:43:50 Is MC Ren still alive? I don't even know. What about Yella? Is he still out there? I don't even know who's alive. And I know EZ's not here with us anymore. But good luck. Good luck. Oh, forget it. Eminem. He doesn't even meet any other category.
Starting point is 00:44:05 Forget it. They're done after that. It is over. Good luck, fellas. Have fun with that. You cave to it. You supported it. Now, you reap what you sow.
Starting point is 00:44:20 All right, thanks again for tuning in, folks. I really appreciate it. Sorry for going a little short today, a couple minutes, but it's a big day for us. Please subscribe to my podcast. I really appreciate it. It means a ton to short today, a couple of minutes, but it's a big day for us. Please subscribe to my podcast. I really appreciate it. It means a ton to us. You're keeping us on the top charts.
Starting point is 00:44:29 And thank you. Thank you. Thank you. It means the world. Please subscribe on Apple, Spotify, and most importantly on Rumble at slash Bongino. It's free.
Starting point is 00:44:37 We deeply appreciate it. Thanks a lot. You just heard Dan Bongino.

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