The Dan Bongino Show - The Left’s Battle Plan for Street Chaos (Ep 1346)

Episode Date: September 15, 2020

In this episode, I address the Left’s dangerous obsession with street chaos after the presidential election. I also address the latest Adam Schiff, anti-Trump hoax to completely fall apart. Finally ...I address the most dangerous part of Biden’s post-election plans.  News Picks: Fake news CNN gets wrecked again on a fake “fact-check.” Federal judge smacks down the ridiculous Pennsylvania lockdowns.  President Trump makes a move to win states he lost to Hillary in 2016. The school shut-down lobby continues to promote coronavirus misinformation.  Why Trump is winning over Hispanic voters. Peter Strzok continues to pump conspiracy theories without any evidence to back them up.  Copyright Bongino Inc All Rights Reserved. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 When doctors, clinicians, and government officials collaborate with our country's innovative pharmaceutical companies, the side effects include improved policies that speed up the delivery of medications to those in need, and better overall health for all Canadians. Get ready to hear the truth about America on a show that's not immune to the facts with your host, Dan Bongino. So let me get this straight. They want to take money away from the police, the Harris-Biden administration. Yes, Harris-Biden, not Biden-Harris. Please stop the nonsense.
Starting point is 00:00:34 Nobody really thinks Biden's going to be president. So take away money away from the police. Take away your guns again so you can not defend yourself when you don't have police to not defend you after they take the money away from the police. So no guns, no police. While Kamala Harris tweeted out a few months ago for a bail fund to release rapists, murderers and violent criminals on the street. Again, sounds like a great public safety plan, folks, doesn't it? That's the Harris Biden 2020 plan. Want chaos in your neighborhood?
Starting point is 00:01:06 Keep supporting that nonsense. I've got that. I've got the great irony of liberalism, how wealthy folks are praying for private security in their neighborhoods, which will push the crime out into lower income neighborhoods, which again, liberalism is the greatest cancer to actual liberals. You know, they take care of the little guy. Yeah. If you mean take care of them by pushing crime into You know, they take care of the little guy. Yeah, if you mean take care of them
Starting point is 00:01:25 by pushing crime into their neighborhoods, they take care of them very well. Got that. I've also got a incredibly stupid fact check by CNN and another Adam Schiff hoax collapsing. Today's show brought to you by ExpressVPN. My savvy listeners and viewers, they get a VPN to protect their online activity from prying
Starting point is 00:01:46 eyeballs get one today go to slash bongino welcome to the damn bongino show producer joe how are you today fine sir no i'm doing well good to be here the show where the fun never ends yeah you just don't know what to make do you no? No, no, no, I don't. Every day you always surprise me with your interesting intros. Yeah, yeah, I could see that. You caught me off guard there. All right, folks, listen, I got a loaded show for you today. Today's show brought to you by our friends at Brickhouse Nutrition.
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Starting point is 00:03:43 All right, Joe, let's go. Ding, ding. All right so folks i'm i'm really uh i was gonna get to this yesterday given my appearance on fox and friends and the just dreadful catastrophic story out of la of two deputies shot in the face two heroes one shot in the jaw one shot in the forehead i'm gonna show you video however troublesome it is to watch so it it's coming up in a few minutes for those of you have kids that are watching. I know while there's an audio, you won't be able to see it. Obviously the videos without sound,
Starting point is 00:04:11 but it's brief and I'll describe to you what's happening there because you need to see it. You need to look at it. You need to stare at it. You need to embrace it. You need to see the horror coming our way. If we don't stop this unfolding catastrophe in our streets right now, today. Ladies and gentlemen, in a hierarchy of needs, if you don't have safety and security, none of it matters.
Starting point is 00:04:34 Nothing. Not food, not water. If you're not safe and you're not secure and you're dead, it doesn't matter what you eat or drink. Forget about entertainment and other lower- level needs on your hierarchy of needs for those Maslow folks out there. None of that matters if you're not safe and secure and alive. You want to worry about your kids all day? I was just reading on Parler, an account of a friend of mine who they built a area on the apartment complex for people to go walk their dogs in one of america's liberal cities because no one wants to go outside because they're afraid of being murdered raped or killed kind of a problem now so joe biden of course is
Starting point is 00:05:19 all over this safety and security issue in the street after this dreadful attempted murder on two heroic deputies out in LA. So here's Biden's tweet about these deteriorating conditions in liberal cities and these ongoing attacks on our police officers. Here it is right here. Biden taking a... Paul, it's a wrong tweet that this one is about weapons of war have no place in our communities. We need to ban assault weapons at high capacity magazines, Joe Biden. That's the wrong tweet, Paula. Can you put up the one where he says, listen, we got to clean up these liberal cities.
Starting point is 00:05:52 We got to do something about these never ending attacks in our police officers. Black lives matter. And this call for dead cops is no good. Paula, that tweet, please put that one up. Thank you very much. If you'd put that again, she makes the mistake of putting up the Biden tweet.
Starting point is 00:06:05 Weapons of war have no place in our communities. This is it. What am I missing here? What am I? The answer is I'm not missing anything. That is Joe Biden's tweet, which is meaningless after this attack on these two deputies. Now, he did put out a tweet. To be fair to this bozo about we need to condemn all violence. No, we need to condemn this violence. Violence against police officers and innocent Americans being marshaled in many cases by BLM and Antifa. That violence right now needs to be condemned. Yes, all violence is bad,
Starting point is 00:06:39 especially politically motivated violence. We get that. A third grader gets that. This is an incident where two deputies were shot in the face for the act of going to work. You need to be specific right now, and everyone needs to pick a side because this fight, sadly, tragically, is coming to your door. How many times do I have to warn you about that? So that is the Biden tweet. Paula doesn't have another biden tweet about him specifically going to bat for the cops and calling out blm and antifa for their attacks on police officers now we don't know the motivation of the savage who shot these two sheriff deputies yet we'll have to figure that out but would anybody be surprised if it had some kind of connection to the ongoing street chaos? Now, anyone? So as I opened up the show with, ladies and gentlemen, what's the Biden
Starting point is 00:07:34 Harris, Harris Biden, which more appropriately, because that's really what it's going to be. What's the Harris Biden three point plan for your safety in your communities for the fight that is unquestionably coming to your door well let's go to video number one here's tenant number one component number one of the biden safety and security plan i say that with air quotes for your shoot remember redirect police funding away from police take away your firearms so redirect firearms away from you and then bail out the criminals so they can prey on you so you have no cops or no firearms sounds like a real gem okay come on dan biden's never said he was going to redirect money away from the police okay let's go back to the videotape for the umpteenth thousandth time i don't know if that's a real number but it is now here's biden in an interview
Starting point is 00:08:20 when asked if he wants to redirect money away from the police saying absolutely check this out so my generic point is that we agree that we can redirect some of the funding yes absolutely one of the things that we also need to be doing okay uh his joe you caught that right and again did we manipulate that at all is that manipulated media no no thank you it's a clean cut to a clean question answered precisely he's uh the individual speaking is speaking through an artificially enhanced voice if you watch the video you'll see wants to redirect is it do you want to redirect some of the funding what is biden's answer absolutely he's talking about funding from police you we played the interview
Starting point is 00:09:10 in context so you understand the question now i get it some of the liberals out there of course will cover for everything this bozo says biden they'll say no no biden cleared that up later and said the opposite he doesn't want to defund the police. Well, okay, which Biden is lying? Biden, Biden. We have to do a Biden versus Biden debate again like we did two weeks ago where Biden debates himself? I'm thinking about that, given how he changes his position so often. We can do Biden v. Biden 2, the sequel.
Starting point is 00:09:39 Biden strikes back. His words, folks, not mine. Is anyone going to ask him which Biden was lying? Well, why did you say you want to redirect money away from the police? Why did you say that? Oh, I just said it for quick political gain to appease leftists. You did? Interesting.
Starting point is 00:09:58 Because are you going to do that, God forbid, your elected president, to appease the Ilhan Omar, Rashida talib more ed markey aoc base when they come to the white house what when they make demands are you going to fall down joe it's not a fair question right yeah you don't have enough guts to stand up against an interviewer now ask you a dopey question about taking money away from cops but you're suggesting when you're elected president you're going to have enough guts to stand up to the the blm terrorist lobby and the rest of the radical leftists who want to defund the police departments like ilhan omar who said it on a microphone publicly she wants to abolish the police in minnesota yeah yeah but you then you're going to have guts to stand up to them
Starting point is 00:10:39 it's is it a fair question of course it's fair question, but you're not going to get it because our media is a joke, an embarrassment, a disgrace. Okay. Tenet number one of his plan, redirect police funding. Here's number two. Again, we saw the tweet. This tweet's not a joke. We didn't manipulate it. It's Biden's tweet after these two LA deputies were shot. He says, weapons of war have no place in our community. It doesn't mean anything, weapons of war, folks. It's just a focus group tested word radical liberals use when they don't want to say anything. We need to ban assault weapons and high capacity magazines, which will, by the way, that means rifles and standard capacity magazines, for those of you who don't speak liberal or Joe Biden, assault weapons is a
Starting point is 00:11:25 meaningless term. It doesn't, there's no perimeter around it. It doesn't mean anything. It's like talking about a truck and then you mean a car. Well, I thought you said a car that looks like a truck. Hey, to me, a truck means anything. That's what you say when you say assault weapons, because there's no non-assault weapons. Just like when you talk about a truck, there are non-trucks, right?
Starting point is 00:11:43 Bikes, cars, and you have characteristics of those things that make it a truck. That's why it's a category. Well, an assault weapon is supposed to be a category because you want to ban it. Well, what's a non-assault weapon? The answer is nothing. Everything's an assault weapon, but that's why they use these terms. Weapons of war. High-capacity magazines.
Starting point is 00:12:04 What he means is standard capacity magazines, which means you will in fact be disarmed. Ladies and gentlemen, again, these are his words. They're not mine. I'm not hypothesizing. I'm not adding anything to it. I'm simply reading to you what he has tweeted
Starting point is 00:12:19 out in his social media account or whoever's managing his brain on any given day and then replaying his own words in an interview. Money away from the cops, firearms away from you. Sounds very safe. Good luck, folks. Going to be living through that Viggo Mortensen movie, The Road, soon.
Starting point is 00:12:39 Remember when he goes in the basement, everybody's screaming, ah, they're missing limbs. It's like lunchtime. If you watch the movie, you know what I'm talking about. That'll be next in the basement everybody's screaming ah they're missing limbs it's like lunchtime if you watch the movie you know what i'm talking about that'll be next in the biden administration no firearms no cops either good luck with that maybe not no cops to be fair to him less cops and less money no no he was just lying when he said that oh okay sorry finally again here's the evidence here's tenet. Let's bail out all the criminals and bad guys. Here is his vice president actual. She's actually running for president.
Starting point is 00:13:10 Everybody knows Biden's not there. Kamala Harris, if you're able to, chip in now to the Minnesota Freedom Fund to help post-bail for those protesting on the ground in Minnesota. So just to be clear, the soon-to-be president, if they win, Kamala Harris, God forbid, Biden's not going to be the president.
Starting point is 00:13:31 Again, the Harris-Biden administration wants you to bail out, this is one of her old tweets, she hasn't deleted it, by the way, the people who burned down the city of Minnesota. That's fascinating because Minnesota CBS, the local CBS, not the national CBS, these are actual local reporters on the ground, had this article up i saw which was fascinating lionel tims accused in another serious assault after being bailed out by the minnesota freedom fund i wonder if that was one of kamala harris's dollars that went there to bail out lionel tims accused in a quote another serious assault after being bailed out by the kamala harris crew this is your soon-to-be president and waiting if she wins being bailed out by the Kamala Harris crew. This is your soon-to-be president-in-waiting if she wins.
Starting point is 00:14:11 You like that plan? No firearms for you, less cops for you too. Let's bail out the bad guys to beat the snot out of you so you can't defend yourself. And even better, if you do, let's prosecute you like that lunatic in St. Louis who prosecuted the McCloskeys for daring to defend their property after violent protesters bashed down a gate to a private street and threatened to attack them. Yes, sounds very safe. Good luck. All right, I want to show this now, this video. Now, again, forgive me to our audio only listeners, but I'll walk you through this.
Starting point is 00:14:45 It doesn't have any sound, so I'll talk over it. You don't want dead air. But you need to see this. For those of you who have young kids, it's a tough one to look at, and it's about 30 seconds long. So once we start it, you may want to have them look away. Some of you have seen it already. But for anyone who has the capability, you're 16 or or older or looking at this and watching this, you need to look at this video. You need to look at it, stare at it. You need to own it and keep it with you forever because ladies and gentlemen, this is what happens. These two deputies who were shot right here, you see this? It's a female deputy bleeding all over her shirt, shot in the jaw, trying to get a tourniquet on her partner's arm, shot as well in the forehead,
Starting point is 00:15:31 bleeding all over. Notice what she's staring around for. Why is she staring around? Because she's not sure the guy who just shot both of them in the face is gone. She's staring around trying to render aid to her partner while trying to call in help. But what's the catch, folks? She can't talk. She was shot in the face. So what she's saying to Central, the dispatch to get help, is blurry because she was shot in the jaw by deranged lunatics. And what's Biden's tweet? About gun control.
Starting point is 00:16:01 And then he gives a speech yesterday while these two are recovering. Thank the Lord. Thank the Lord. Thank you, God. about gun control and then he gives a speech yesterday while these two are recovering thank the lord thank the lord thank you god these two deputies are recovering i'm that is not using the lord's name in vain i mean that from the thank you to my lord and savior jesus christ for keeping these two alive and what does biden give a about yesterday? Light bulbs and electric cars. How about a speech on these two police officers? Nearly murdered in cold blood. Can you cue that up again? I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:16:35 But you need to see this again. Everybody, look at it. You need to see what's going on. We can't ignore this anymore. This is the crap that's coming to your hometown. Look at this guy bleeding out. She's rendering aid. She's putting a tourniquet on his arm.
Starting point is 00:16:48 You could tell he's weak and could barely stand. So she puts him down on a knee, looking around like a good police officer would. There she goes, turning her head, looking for the subject as she's bleeding out too. Rendering aid to her partner, trying to call in help. There she goes. She's behind a pole here looking around again as she's bleeding out from her face again tell me as we talked about yesterday how you know all these voices are worthy of being heard
Starting point is 00:17:18 black lives matter and it's if you're not worthy of being heard anymore you have the right to speak because you live in the greatest country on earth thank god you're not worth being heard anymore. You have the right to speak because you live in the greatest country on earth. Thank God. You're not worth being heard. You're dead cops. What do we want them? Dead cops. When do we want them now? You're pigs in a blanket, fry them like bacon talk. You're talk on that guy Hawk on the Martha McCallum show, the BLM guy. Remember him? Oh, we're going to tear it all down. Whatever he said on the Martha McCallum show, You can take that literally however you want. No, no, you're not worth being heard anymore. Patrice Cullors, the founder of BLM, yes, we are trained Marxist organizers. You're not worth being heard anymore. And when is the Republican Party in mass? Not the voters
Starting point is 00:18:03 out there, because there's some good people on Capitol Hill. But the ones, the spineless losers like the Mitt Romneys of the world. When are they going to come out? When are they going to take a stand and say, no, they're not worth being heard anymore, these groups. The cops are worth being heard. Legitimate protesters who fight for civil liberties for people. Listen, cops aren't perfect. We make mistakes.
Starting point is 00:18:25 I made mistakes when I was on the job. That's fine. Everybody needs checks and balances and oversight. Legitimate protesters are always worth being heard. That's the spirit of America. These are not legitimate protesters. Some of these people are terrorist hooligan thugs that want to bring this fight to your neighborhood tomorrow.
Starting point is 00:18:44 Look at that. Look, own that. Check it out. Stare at it. Look at it as often as you can because you need to see it. Everybody needs to own this and say, this fight is coming to my door. When I say own it, I don't mean it's yours.
Starting point is 00:18:57 I mean, we don't want this. Look at this. Everybody, look at this. Put it on your Facebook. We don't want this here. They are our front lines, these police officers, between civilization and chaos. You have two choices, chaos or safety and security in a civilized, respecting, big R, God-given rights society. There's no in-between. Pick one. Pick it today. No more BS.
Starting point is 00:19:30 between pick one pick it today no more bs pick it now all right i gotta move on um before i get to that i got a sponsor here but uh i want to just talk next about the great irony of liberalism which i've warned you about in the show always is that liberalism does the greatest damage to liberals it's not a cancer only to conservatives. It destroys liberals too. And they're seemingly blind to it because they're immune to facts. I was watching a Thomas Sowell video yesterday on YouTube. It's what I like to do. My wife's like, what are you listening to? And Thomas Sowell, the great Thomas Sowell, it was a 19 minute video of him asking liberals for the evidence of their claims and them being able to produce none. Well, what's your evidence that liberalism is helping make liberal communities safer or secure?
Starting point is 00:20:06 They're not. You're destroying them because you're frauds. I'll get to that in a minute. All right, our second sponsor today are friends at My Patriot Supply. Listen, you know what's coming next. I've talked about it for days.
Starting point is 00:20:15 The Democrats have a plan for a street fight after the election. Their words, not mine. I got another article today from The Atlantic, hope to get to later, about a street battle.
Starting point is 00:20:24 They're changing their words, Joe. Street fight. Now it's a street battle. Okay. Anything violent, they love it. So ask yourself a question. Do you have enough supplies and food on hand the last 30 days? You should. You insure everything in your life that matters. Think about it, right? You insure your health, you insure your home, you insure your car. Why do you not have a food security plan? It makes no sense. Here's the harsh reality. Most Americans don't. They don't have a plan for more than a couple of days of food. Avoid the panic masses and a last minute rush in the event of an emergency. You don't need those problems. Order your four week supply of emergency food today from Don't wait. Starvation or dependency on the government are your only options when you fail to plan ahead.
Starting point is 00:21:03 Those don't sound very good. Avoid the pain of being unprepared. Go to now, today. Don't wait. Build your emergency food supply with meals that last up to 25 years in storage. That's a lot of insurance to buy. Ship discreetly to your front door. Folks that know what's coming, like me, are using today to prepare. I just got a few more. Right, Paula? She's like, did you buy another two boxes? I'm not kidding. Ask MyPatri She's like, did you buy another two boxes? I'm not kidding. Ask MyPatriotSupply to give you my buy records. They'll do it. There's still time for you to do the same. I'm not messing with you. Go to, the original Patriot preparedness company, but with me for a while now.
Starting point is 00:21:41 Okay. So again, one of the cancers and curses of liberalism is there's this mistaken assumption amongst highbrow liberals low intellectual highbrow liberals that they think liberalism helps at a minimum liberals that may hurt those also all those excuse me those awful deplorable conservatives you know those terrible the smelly wal people. It may hurt them, but it definitely doesn't hurt us. We're living the high life, man. You know, liberalism, liberalism on the totem pole of good ideas, of course, is at the top. I've warned you from the beginning that the greatest irony of liberalism is that it curses liberals too. Combine that with the great irony of conservatism is that conservatism doesn't only benefit conservatives, it benefits liberals too.
Starting point is 00:22:29 It was minority groups under the Trump administration prior to the plane and lower income individuals at the lower end of our income earning scales that were making the greatest gains under the Trump administration, the job market and the income market. Again, those are indisputable facts, ladies and gentlemen, ignore them at your own peril. And under the Obama administration, Captain Liberal Obama rips open his shirt. He's got a big L on his chest, right? Captain Liberal Obama, it was people at the lower end of the income scale who were struggling the most under Obama. Don't let that get in the way of your argument, though. Here's another notch on the bedpost of liberal bad ideas defunding the police well what's happening here you like this check this wall street journal article i was going to get this yesterday we were
Starting point is 00:23:14 loaded yesterday new york city business groups add private security as crime rises wall street journal business leaders cite quality of life concerns as firms reopen and workers return to Manhattan offices by Ben Chapman, Wall Street Journal, September 14th. Wow, that's interesting. So for those of you unfamiliar with Manhattan and New York City, you may not live there. I mean, you know Manhattan, but you may not be familiar with how it works. There are five boroughs in New York City. I grew up in one of them. My wife did as well.
Starting point is 00:23:41 She actually spent time in two of them, the Bronx and Queens. I was a Queens guy my whole life. Queens and Manhattan and Staten Island are generally the more affluent based on median income boroughs, right? So there's five of them. Manhattan is definitely at the top. The people in Manhattan who live in,
Starting point is 00:23:58 you know, near Central Park and Fifth Avenue and all these exclusive areas, even downtown, you know, all that. I don't even know all the neighborhood areas anymore even downtown. You know, all that. I don't even know all the neighborhood areas anymore. The east side, west side. It's expensive. The rent in Manhattan is through the roof.
Starting point is 00:24:12 Property's through the roof. I don't know how much anymore. Everybody's fleeing Manhattan now. But that's where all the money is in Manhattan. Don't you find it odd then that the wealthy folks in Manhattan, I'm not knocking them for doing this, by the way. Please don't mistake this for a criticism. I don't blame them one bit. Successful, wealthy folks in Manhattan, Joe, are like, wait, defund the police? They're not going to respond to my business? Okay, I'm going
Starting point is 00:24:31 to hire my own security. We're okay. So then what happens? You have what they call the outer boroughs. You have Brooklyn. You have other boroughs like the Bronx where money's not as flush, people aren't doing as well in some of those outer boroughs. Some parts of Brooklyn are very wealthy. Where does the crime go when the private security is making Manhattan more secure? The crime gets pushed out to the lower income folks in other boroughs, which by the way, are largely minority. I'm just saying folks, from the Wall Street Journal piece,
Starting point is 00:25:08 isn't this amazing how this always seems to happen? New York City business associations have hired additional security guards this summer in the midst of a surge in violent crime and a decrease in arrests by the police. Three business improvement districts in Manhattan and a neighborhood group in Queens, what did I tell you?
Starting point is 00:25:23 The two wealthy boroughs, said they've added private guards to patrol streets and public spaces. Folks, this is just, I mean, this stupidity here, not of these folks doing this.
Starting point is 00:25:32 I don't blame them one iota. No, but the lip, right, right. The liberal idea, let's defund the cops. So they make less arrests.
Starting point is 00:25:41 So rich people hire private security. So they say, so all the crime gets pushed out to our boroughs. Great job, Libs. The verdict is in. You guys are geniuses. In the totem pole of intellectual aptitude and achievement,
Starting point is 00:25:55 you guys are definitely at the top. You tell me an idea, a stupid liberal idea. Anyone, go. We need callers on the show can we do that by the way email paula today folks i'd like to know how many of you be interested in a live stream of the show a live stream well they wouldn't change anything but i would be great if we had like a live we get people call tell me a idea. I'll tell you how it burns liberals too. Tell me a liberal idea. Monopolistic public education, no school choice. That's a liberal idea.
Starting point is 00:26:32 They hate school choice. Who gets hurt most by the lack of school choice? Minority families and minority communities where a lot of these public schools are failing. Yep. But no, no, don't worry. To all the members of the minority community, liberals are in it for you. Remember, their rich kids go to wealthy schools,
Starting point is 00:26:51 either public or private, where the parents have all the money to donate and all that stuff and make their schools really nice. It's your schools they don't care about. No, no, your kid goes to that crap school. Don't even worry about me. We want higher taxes on the rich. Yet, when you ask wealthy, wealthy rich liberals because i've done this how much do you pay more voluntarily how much i'm just curious 10 more 20 more you donate to
Starting point is 00:27:13 the government you claim is some philanthropic cause the government the government that flushes money down the toilet the answer is oh no i don't do any of it i do the john carry al sharpton approach where i do everything i can to avoid paying higher taxes. Oh! Oh! So your idea is that paying higher taxes is a public good, but I don't want to do anything for the public good. Matter of fact, I want to do less. I want to pay less. It sounds like another great idea.
Starting point is 00:27:38 Healthcare? We need more Medicaid and Medicare. Do you use Medicaid or Medicare? No, man! I'm a rich liberal. What are you kidding me? I have my own concierge private doctor. That's for you idiots. Don't be liberals.
Starting point is 00:27:53 We got to defund the police. They're randomly murdering black men and women on the street every day. They are. What's the data for that? Well, we don't have any, but we definitely need to defund them. Okay, how about we defund your neighborhood?
Starting point is 00:28:06 Don't worry. We have private security. We're good. Screw those little guys, though. Forget them. You know, the Bronx and Brooklyn, those struggling minority areas. Yeah, forget them. I don't live over there.
Starting point is 00:28:19 How do you wake up in the morning as a liberal knowing you're a moron? I'm very sorry. How do you do that? Again, I'm not talking about all democrats out there if you're a radical leftist how do you wake up in the morning looking to me or knowing your ideas are stupid they're fraudulent you don't really believe in any of them because you don't live by that credo yourself and that you're actively destroying the lives of people you claim to want to help minorities and people who are poor how do you do that How do you wake up every morning knowing you're a dunce and the world is worse because of your stupid ideas?
Starting point is 00:28:54 They're the most miserable people. My wife was bringing this up this morning. They're the most miserable people you have ever seen. Thieves, hooligans, morons, and dunces. I live in a neighborhood down here in Florida. Just a couple weeks ago, there were Trump signs everywhere. Because liberals are thieving lunatics, all the Trump signs are gone. So if you drive through my neighborhood now, there's a few Bidens riding with Biden. Biden's not riding anywhere, folks. The guy can barely get out of his own way. He doesn't even leave his basement. Nobody's riding riding anywhere, folks. The guy can barely get out of his own way.
Starting point is 00:29:29 He doesn't even leave his basement. Nobody's riding anywhere with Biden, okay? There's riding with Biden signs. You'd get the impression my neighborhood's supporting Biden. Why? Because liberal thieves and raging lunatics, because that's what they are, stole all the Trump signs. I showed you the video last week on my show. By the way, we may have an update on that soon. Again, the moron who did it seemed to think stealing people's property like campaign signs is okay during campaign season. Big mistake. Huge.
Starting point is 00:29:56 Like, you want to press charges? I'm like, hell to the, yeah, I want to press charges. I'll show up to court personally. I want restitution too. Those signs cost us what 50 bucks we had two of them were they about 50 25 50 bucks i want restitution to donate back to the trump campaign to buy more signs from the loser who stole the signs i bought four more by the way how do you feel every day waking up with this rage this rage rage, rage, because you know why you're enraged
Starting point is 00:30:26 all the time and you steal people's stuff and you attack people and you're violent hooligans? You know why? Because you wake up every morning and you hate yourself. You hate yourself because you know you're lying. You're lying to yourself. You're lying to your kids. Your ideas are a lie. Your life is a lie. Everything you believed is a lie and you're enraged by it you hate yourself and it manifests itself in these extinction bursts of behavior where you go out and steal and beat other people and destroy the lives of others that's what the modern radical leftist is a plague on this society. Disgust me. All right. I got an article coming up by,
Starting point is 00:31:10 you know, speaking of radical leftist losers, the media, which is entirely collapsed in the United States. Nobody trusts them anymore. I showed you the CBS poll last week where they were like, where do you go for your information
Starting point is 00:31:19 on the coronavirus? You would think the media, right? The media, the sole job, Joe, is let's get them the facts. It's supposed to be your job, right? Facts, media, journalism, that kind of stuff. Right. It's think the media, right? The media, the sole job, Joe, is let's get them the facts. It's supposed to be your job, right? Facts, media, journalism, that kind of stuff.
Starting point is 00:31:28 Right, it's supposed to be, right? Who was at the bottom of the chart? The media. Because nobody actually trusts the media. The media doesn't even care because they're not smart enough to figure out their whole
Starting point is 00:31:35 business models collapsing because they're liars. So I got a story about a CNN fact checker coming up that's just a classic. Before I get to that, let me get to my third sponsor. Today's show also brought to you by our good friends at Policy Genius. We always like having them on the
Starting point is 00:31:47 show. Policy Genius. September is the National Life Insurance Awareness Month. But with everything going on, a lot of people don't even think they can get life insurance right now. You can get it right now, though. Do you know that? Don't fall into that trap. I can't get life insurance. Sure you can. It's easy to shop for life insurance right now. If you have loved ones, depending on your income, you should do it now. You could save $1,500 or more a year by using PolicyGenius to compare life insurance policies. When you're shopping for a policy, it could last for a decade or more. Those savings add up big. What is PolicyGenius? It's an insurance marketplace built and backed by a team of industry experts. Here's how it works. Step one, head to
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Starting point is 00:33:10 story about how the disintegration of any respectability for the media the liberal media there are some decent reporters out there fox and elsewhere who do good work uh here's a this joke of a fact checker this guy's one of the persistent clowns i go to his whenever i need comic relief on any kind of social media platform i go read uh this goofball dan dan dale at cnn i mean he works at cnn so i mean that you know you just don't take him seriously to begin with you know what i'm saying i mean it would be like renting a clown for your kid's party you're not going to ask him to hey uh what's your feeling about uh julian jane's book the origins of consciousness and the breakdown of the bicamicameral Mind, Mr. Joe Clown?
Starting point is 00:33:49 He may be the smartest clown in the world, but you really don't care about his opinion. You want him to do clown stuff for your kids. Well, CNN's the same way. You go there for clown stuff. When you want to laugh a little bit, you go to CNN. You don't go there for actual news to CNN. So The Federalist is a great piece up in the show notes. Please check it out.
Starting point is 00:34:03 slash newsletter to subscribe to our daily show notes it's worth your time The Federalist by Tristan Justice CNN erases the Bay of Pigs award to accuse Trump of making it up I wasn't going to put this in the show today but whenever I read a story
Starting point is 00:34:20 I can't get enough of I figure to myself and I may be wrong but I do have a good instinct for this and we wouldn't have the number two show in the country, I would guess. Whenever I read a show I can't get enough of, I feel like you probably would love this story too. So just a little background on this. President Trump had tweeted out a few days ago how he had received this award from this group, this veterans of the Bay of, that fought in the Bay of pigs,
Starting point is 00:34:47 obviously an issue very important to the Cuban community in Florida. So he was trying to show through his tweet that he has the support of a lot of Cubans in South Florida where I live. And he said, listen, I got this award from this Bay of pigs, this group that were veterans of the Bay of pigs invasion. So of course the CNN had to fact check that.
Starting point is 00:35:08 There's no award. There's definitely no award. So here's this Daniel Dale on Twitter. Again, if you ever need clown show humor, go to this. It's really funny. His fact checks are quite embarrassing. He says, quote, for those confused by Trump's claim that he got the highly honored bay of pigs award he got an endorsement in 2016 from the bay of pigs veterans association it's not an award he has a long history of turning endorsements and other non-awards
Starting point is 00:35:36 into awards guys a cnn fact checker so you know that's automatically bs right so he says just to be clear joe yeah cnn joe it's cnn remember that it's not a banana it's on an album cnn remember that stupid ad it's not a lemon make lemons so dan dale cnn fact checker dreaded air quotes uh saying there's no bay of pigs award how do i know that because i work for cnn we know everything so here's a tweet from the trump war room. This is weird. Joe, that is President Trump in the middle, right? Yes, it is.
Starting point is 00:36:09 He's holding up something right there. Paula, just checking. That looks like an actual award, doesn't it? So I'm getting a head nod from Paula. Joe, that is Trump holding up an award, right? So here's the Trump war room. It's happy. It's smiling and everything, right? Looking great. Nice and tanned.
Starting point is 00:36:25 Here's Trump war room's text. Here's the award. It. It's happy. They're smiling and everything, right? Looking great. Nice and tan. Here's Trump war room's text. Here's the award. It's a hand-painted Brigade 2506 shield. The media will say anything to dismiss President Trump's Hispanic supporters. There you go. Thank you, Paul. If you want to check us out on YouTube, Miss Paula was nice enough to actually zoom in on the photo of, in fact, the award.
Starting point is 00:36:47 And two people giving President Trump the award as he's smiling. But CNN said the award doesn't exist. So clearly that picture's got to be a fake, Joe. Photoshop, did you do that? Come on, Joe, stop messing with the show. Paula, no depth. Paula's nodding her head.
Starting point is 00:37:01 She had nothing to do with it. That's an actual photo. So just to clear up any confusion, this group that gave him the award showed us the letter about the actual award. But don't worry. CNN's Dan Dale told us this didn't happen. Press release.
Starting point is 00:37:16 Bay of Pigs Brigade Association. Let me just read. Even Paul is laughing at this one. It was with great satisfaction that we read president donald j trump's twitter uh mentioning the event in which the veterans association brigade 2506 presented a recognition award consisting of an emblem used by our patriots during the battle of the bay of pigs invasion cuba in 1961. Come on.
Starting point is 00:37:53 Come on. Dude, that's a... Yes. I was using your judgment, Dad. I didn't even call. I just had to say... That's it. We rarely do a triple mutley. There's only been two quadruple mutleys in the history of the show. A triple is exceedingly rare.
Starting point is 00:38:11 Maybe five to 10 of those we've had. A double mutley, usually this is definitely a triple mutley. But this is this clown from CNN. I'm telling you, if you want clown time, just read his tweets. They're hilarious. He's a fact checker. All he had to do was reach out to the group. Yes, we did, in fact, give President Trump the award. Their words, not mine, the award, they use the word award. Matter of fact, here's a photo of it. But don't worry, CNN fact checkers told us otherwise.
Starting point is 00:38:43 Paul is taking a lot of editorial leeway here if you're watching the use he's just kind of throwing stuff in there now randomly but that was good judgment on your part joe that is definitely a triple motley can't go quadruple we got to save that for special moments but yeah dan dale nice job cnn well done it's not an apple it's a banana whatever that stupid cnn remember that don't call a lemon a lemon whatever that dopey article that stupid head they did all right moving on um here is our i'm trying to do these a couple times a week um because they're so easy to find but i just don't want to bore you so i found a short one today here's a clip from biden earlier in the week here i'm trying to do these confused joe b, ladies and gentlemen, just to show to you how, I know Joe got to see it because it's a video.
Starting point is 00:39:30 They're everywhere. Ladies and gentlemen, Joe doesn't know where he is anymore. I've told you my sources are telling me the guy's deteriorating at such a rapid state right now that they're genuinely concerned about how every day is going to begin or end because they don't know if he can do the events anymore. I'm not kidding. These are legitimate sources. I've never let you down on sources, right? Here's our confused Biden video of the week where, Joe, he does the trick again. There's about a 25, 30 second clip. You know the trick, right? Whenever Biden forgets what he's talking about in mid-sentence, he interrupts he'll say something like yeah i've been talking too long or he'll interrupt himself with something else i'm gonna stop myself before i say something i don't want to say this is a trick that biden's team has taught him when he forgets where he is in mid-sentence watch him do it right
Starting point is 00:40:20 here as he's talking about drinking from faucets or something. I don't even know what he's saying. Matter of fact, he doesn't know what he's saying. That's why he stops himself. Check this out. Environmental justice so we can turn a faucet on and drink water. Breathe clean air. I'm sorry. I'm about to end.
Starting point is 00:40:38 But no, we have to live. So, I mean, we have to just give people. Imagine being the sign language guy on that. Sign language guy on that sign language guys like what's the you know i don't know sign language what's the sign language i have no idea what this guy's saying i don't know sign i wish i did i was like the universal what is he saying you get to drink from the fountain and the water green new deal fountain faucet water i don't know what i'm saying do you have come on man i don't even know what you have back there in this arsenal yeah sure here we go come on man videos priceless i'm sorry i for those of you listening at home i have to occasionally
Starting point is 00:41:38 i have to wipe my eyes i have to there's nothing around i want to wipe my eyes. There's nothing around. I want to touch my face because we got this Lucy dog who's the greatest. And I have dog allergy, so I can't touch my face. So I have to use my shirt to wipe my eyes. Come on, man. Drink from the faucet. Green New Deal. Farting cows. I don't know what I'm saying.
Starting point is 00:42:02 So let me stop what I'm saying before I say more about what I don't know what I'm saying. So let me stop what I'm saying before I say more about what I don't know what I'm saying. You know the thing. All right. The thing. It's the thing. That's his other trick, the thing. When he doesn't know what he's talking about, that's right. He goes to the thing.
Starting point is 00:42:22 You know the thing. The governing documents, the constitution, that thing. You know, the thing. The thing. Yeah, the governing documents, the Constitution, that thing. You know, the thing you're going to swear on on the other thing, the Bible. You know, you remember those words? Oh, man. All right, let me get to this quick. Back to the substance because, you know, we can obviously just rip Biden to shreds all day because he doesn't know where he is on any given day and he's running for president,
Starting point is 00:42:43 which is a darn shame for everybody involved. It's dangerous stuff. I'm not kidding. This guy gets elected. This is very dangerous stuff. Article in the Wall Street Journal yesterday, as I mentioned at the beginning of the show, we had this tragic attempted homicide
Starting point is 00:42:54 of these two LA deputies. And Biden gave a speech yesterday about the deputies. Of course not. He gave a speech about light bulbs on electric cars, telling us our cities are going to burn because of what? BLM and Antifa? No, because of climate change. So the Wall Street Journal has a great opinion piece this morning called Biden of the Climate Apocalypse. He gives a speech on wildfires and never mentions better forest management.
Starting point is 00:43:16 Of course, because he doesn't actually know anything. So Biden yesterday gives a speech about light bulbs and climate change and wildfires without mentioning the arson or anything else, which is amazing. And he repeats one of the most pernicious, persistent liberal lies you will hear that we will debunk right now, this second on the show, and you should carry with you forever. Liberal lie number one about the climate, because remember what I said about liberals? They hate themselves because they lie about everything. They have no data to back anything else up. Remember the Thomas Sowell question whenever you're debating liberals don't ever forget the question which will puzzle them every time is what's your evidence for that they'll be like what do you mean evidence evidence i'm required to produce evidence i'm a liberal i've never been
Starting point is 00:43:55 challenged on evidence so he said something yesterday biden during his light bulb speech that storm frequency and intensity it's's getting worse, man. Come on, man. Climate change, storms everywhere. Everywhere, intense storms. It's worse than it ever was. Tell me your liberal friends, if you've had them over your house, God forbid.
Starting point is 00:44:16 Tell me your liberal friends haven't told you this. Come on, the storms are getting worse. There's no evidence for this at all. Here we go. Wall Street Journal screenshot number one. Check out the work of this scientist who's done extensive work on this. They say, quote, as for climate and hurricanes, sigh. Let's repeat that there is little evidence that storm frequency and the modest global warming of the last century are linked.
Starting point is 00:44:37 As scientist Roger Pilkey Jr. has noted, hurricanes hitting the U.S. have not, have not, have not increased in frequency or intensity since 1900. That's just a lie, but that's what liberals do. Look up his work, ladies and gentlemen, there's data on this. You know, when a storm hits Florida, you can't hide it, okay? When a major hurricane is like, everybody be quiet. It's a conspiracy hide the hurricane it doesn't work that we actually have data people know when their houses blow away for hurricanes they know that joe shocker i know but your house roof gone gosh my house boy that's what happened i thought it was a thunderstorm they only broadcast coming hurricanes in florida if you live down here
Starting point is 00:45:21 for like two weeks prior to when they arrive we We have a, what do they call it? A disturbance. That's how it's right. If you live in Florida, right, Paula? You'll hear it on the news. It'll be like, it'll be on the local news. They'll say, Joe, because Joe's up in Maryland, right? We don't, luckily, outside of Hurricane Isabel, they don't get hit much there often. But down Florida, we get hit here every year.
Starting point is 00:45:40 They'll say, there's a disturbance. And everybody's like, really? There's a disturbance? And then you see where it's going to go. It's going to go to the Gulf. It's going to come to you. If it's going to go to the Gulf, people on the East Coast are like, all right, we may get a pass on this one. If it comes over to our side, the people on the Gulf are like, all right, we may get a pass on this one. We know about these things. They're on record. So if what Joe Biden
Starting point is 00:46:00 was saying confused Joe, storm frequency and intensity is getting worse because of climate change that would require storm frequency to be getting worse and there would be more frequency meaning more for the liberals listening and more intense meaning they're category fives instead of category threes now none of that's actually happening you know data and stuff that's actually not what's happening you're just making that up you need more evidence he's making this up here from the wall street journal piece check this out noah you know the national oceanic and atmospheric administration definitely not populated with far right wingers folks uh noah has said quote it's premature to conclude that human activities and particularly greenhouse gas emissions that cause global warming,
Starting point is 00:46:47 have already had a detectable impact on Atlantic hurricane or global tropical cyclone activity. End quote. Quote, folks, that means they actually said that for the liberals. The United Nations, here we go, Joe, United Nations, you know that bastion of conservative right-wing hysteria. The United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change says it too, nations you know that bastion of conservative right-wing hysteria the united nations intergovernmental panel on climate change says it too lacks evidence to show that warming is making storms and flooding worse again data facts that kind of thing so the united nations which
Starting point is 00:47:19 will take on any left-wing cause especially to humiliate donald trump or anyone else is saying well there's no evidence storms are getting more frequent or worse. We don't have any data to support that either. Along with NOAA, our National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration that actually has data on this, along with scientists who this is what they do for a living is track this stuff. They're all saying, nah, that's actually not true. But it doesn't matter. Biden will say it because Biden doesn't know it's true. Biden doesn't even know what he said. I'm surprised halfway through that statement, he didn't go,
Starting point is 00:47:46 hold on, let me stop myself before I say something I know is not true. That's what he'll be saying next to interrupt himself because he forgot what he was actually talking about. Frustrating. All right. I got another story next coming up about more media, Biden malfeasance narratives. We have to debunk because there's election another story next coming up about more media Biden malfeasance narratives
Starting point is 00:48:05 we have to debunk because there's an election coming up. And I'm sure your liberal friends, if you have any left, are on Facebook telling you again how storm frequency is worse. The climate is changing. It's causing it. And they're definitely telling you there's no problem with mail-in voting at all. Matter of fact, you're not even allowed to say that on social media. You're banned instantly for highlighting problems with mail and voting that the media talked about years
Starting point is 00:48:28 ago and is ignoring now. I got a story on that in a minute. Let me get to my last sponsor. Today's show brought to you also by our friends at Omaha Steaks. Let me get ready. My mouth waters when I'm talking about Omaha Steaks because they have the most delicious meats you have ever tasted. Their burgers and steaks are top-notch. They are perfectly aged, 100% American grain finished beef for the ultimate in tenderness, juiciness, and flavor. Every order's flash frozen, vacuum sealed, and safely delivered in a cooler with dry ice.
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Starting point is 00:50:10 Enter Bongino in the search bar. Check it out. All right. So, yeah, you know the left is in love with lies. It's kind of been a theme running throughout the show today. And it's our job to set everybody straight on the right path. Because you start to believe this stuff after a while. So, you know, right now we're being told by the liberal left, not only about storms getting worse, which aren't, but the mail-in voting, don't you worry, there's nothing
Starting point is 00:50:32 wrong with mail-in voting. That's just, why are they saying that? Because of course, President Trump has called out the problems with mail-in voting. They want to do a mass mail-in voting campaign to Democrats because the Democrats are in love with voter fraud. They just always happen. That's why they don't like voter ID. Now, mail-in voting, mass mail-in voting campaign, the Democrats, because the Democrats are in love with voter fraud. They just always happen. That's why they don't like voter ID. Now, mail-in voting, mass mail-in voting is different than absentee. Absentee, you have to go to a website. It's what I do. You have to put in your name and identifiers, request a ballot. Ballot comes to your house, you send it back. That's not what the Democrats want. They want everybody to be sent a ballot, no matter who you are. Dogs, cats, donkeys, elephants, they don't care. Everybody gets a ballot. Here's a ballot. There's a ballot. Here's a ballot too. Everybody gets one. No possibility for fraud
Starting point is 00:51:12 there. Nope. Well, what's the problem about that? When mail-in voting, i.e. our military folks sending in mail-in ballots and some of our older folks was largely a Republican thing. Older voters that tend to lean Republican and military folks. The media had a real problem with mail-in voting. They did. Yeah. Because it was a Republican thing. Weird.
Starting point is 00:51:36 Wall Street Journal had a great article about how the media just changes their story overnight depending on if the story benefits the Republicans or Democrats. Number, facts first, folks. Facts first. Wall Street Journal, Gerard Baker. It takes a super spreader to know a super spreader. The article's about how the media changes their story about these super spreader rallies and riots based on who it is. If it's a riot for the Democrats, it's A-OK.
Starting point is 00:52:02 If it's a Trump rally, everybody's going to die. But they also dig into this, how they change the narrative on voting. Check this out. This is fascinating. Voting by mail. Listen to this quote. Listen to this quote. This is clearly a presidential tweet, right, folks?
Starting point is 00:52:17 Listen, voting by mail is now common enough and problematic enough that election experts say there have been multiple elections in which no one can say with confidence, which candidate was the deserved winner. Joe, definitely a presidential tweet, right? Or some right winger. Uh, no, that was the New York times. Sorry. Sorry. Armacost didn't mean to set you up there. That was the New York times talking about the systemic problems with mail-in voting. Quote, try the New York Times. That was a front page news story published just before the 2012 presidential election. The New York Times cast grave doubt on the reliability of widespread mail-in voting, noting it was much more vulnerable to fraud than conventional voting. Weird. Quote, New York Times folks, quote, this is not Trump. While fraud in voting by mail
Starting point is 00:53:07 is far less common than innocent errors, it is vastly more prevalent than in-person voting fraud. There we go. Again, New York Times, big problems with mail-in voting and fraud folks. Why? Why? Why did the New York Times in 2012 state the obvious that mail-in voting is more susceptible to fraud than in-person voting gee why would they do that just the facts folks just the news really no no maybe there was a political motivation behind remember everything viewed through the new york times or cnn lenses why are they writing this to hurt republicans and help democrats when you start to see through all those stories, everything makes sense. Let's go to screenshot number two from the Wall Street Journal piece,
Starting point is 00:53:47 and now it all makes sense. Quote, well, times change. Last month, the New York Times ran a headline that said, Trump is pushing a false argument on vote by mail fraud. Huh? Same paper, folks, same paper. They go on, they say, it's possible, I suppose, that all that fraud the paper worried about
Starting point is 00:54:08 has just disappeared in eight years. But the real clue as to why the New York Times, along with virtually the entire media, now claims mail-in fraud is false comes down in that 2012 election news item. Quote, here's what they said in 2012. Oh, now it's making sense. So now the voter fraud they said is real
Starting point is 00:54:29 isn't real anymore. But back in 2012, they said, Republicans are in fact more likely than Dems to vote absentee. Oh, in the 2008 general election in Florida, 47% of absentee voters were Republicans, 36% were Democrats. There you have it folks
Starting point is 00:54:45 quote when voting by mail seemed to be a republican thing it was fraud manipulation now that democrats are expected to vote this way by mail in much greater numbers it's all don't worry nothing to see here, folks. Don't worry. That story we wrote in 2012 about mail-in fraud being a really big deal, it's not a big deal now. We only worried about it when Republicans mailed in their votes. Now that Democrats
Starting point is 00:55:19 are mailing in votes, we don't want you to call them fraudulent. So all that stuff, memory hole all that. Memory hole. Memory hole. I just hit the break house nutrition again. That's what that sound was. Memory. Just the facts
Starting point is 00:55:42 though, don't you worry. New York Times 2012. Big problem with mail-in voting. New Yorkork times 2012 big problem with mail-in voting new york times 2020 no problem with mail-in voting hey by the way they have no problem with any of this listen to me why do they do i get this question a lot joe people email me why do they do this don't they understand nobody trusts them anymore they don't care they don't care why does joe biden lie about climate and storm frequency and intensity? Because he doesn't care. He thinks you're an idiot and he wants to get elected and he's hoping some idiots will believe him. You're comparing the times to Joe Biden. Yes, they're the same thing.
Starting point is 00:56:15 Liberal activists trying to get power. It's the same thing. It's not a newspaper. Take these people seriously. you take these people seriously here's another clown to not take seriously so our buddy adam schiff i use that term buddy loosely that's what i call the dog now lucy i'm like come here buddy my new buddy i need buddies but he needs buddies i don't get out of my house much. I don't have a lot of buddies anymore. But Adam Schiff, our non-buddy buddy, you know Adam Schiff, the king of hoaxes, the collusion hoax, the whistleblower hoax.
Starting point is 00:56:55 Adam Schiff will embrace any hoax all the time. So Schiff has a new hoax. I covered it a little bit last week. Schiff's new hoax is that there's a DHS insider, Joe, Department of Homeland Security for the liberals listening listening who has now come out and said trump is suppressing intelligence suppressing intelligence that the russians are interfering with the election again he's ordering his dhs people to squash it to help the russians oh we all read this like he is this trump is at it again with the collusion that never happened the first time amazing so of course it's from adam shift so you can almost automatically assume it's a hoax
Starting point is 00:57:30 and i don't like to waste your time and that's why i put it at the end of the show so just be clear the whistleblower and by the way i thought we weren't supposed to name whistleblowers wasn't joe wasn't that the thing yeah that was an issue the thing yes that was the thing right but it's not a thing anymore adam schiff's got his name right out there this whistleblower is a okay so his name is brian murphy oh i know we'll be banned adam schiff put his name out there not us okay but we weren't supposed to name whistleblowers but adam schiff's got his name in the documents but this whistleblower is okay so only only other whistleblowers were not supposed to name. So just to be clear, Adam Schiff says, hey, this whistleblower from DHS, Brian Murphy, saying we have all this intel about the Russians and
Starting point is 00:58:11 Trump doesn't want it out there. And the DHS, my supervisor, DHS told me to suppress that information. Big, huge hat tip for the great Catherine Herridge at CBS, used to be at Fox News. She got a hold of this DHS memo where it's really interesting that this fake whistleblower, this is Catherine Herridge's writing in her highlights here, that this fake whistleblower who's saying his supervisor told him to suppress all this information about Russia. Well, they actually have emails, Joe. So DHS put the emails out there in this memo. And in one of these emails, this guy, Mr. Murphy, this alleged whistleblower, was emailing to other department employees in July of 2020, stating,
Starting point is 00:58:52 quick on the trigger finger, quote, the acting secretary has never given me any direction on what to do regarding these threats. The same applies to the acting deputy secretary you can leave that i see you taking notes over there you can leave it i like that stuff it adds color and show and flavor this dynamic between my wife and i's back and forth when she pulls my stuff down too quick oh that sounded bad i mean the elements to the show come on okay she goes did you just say that of course i just said that it's my show i say whatever i want I mean the elements to the show. Come on. Okay. Filthy minds. Uh-huh. She goes, did you just say that?
Starting point is 00:59:28 Of course I just said that. It's my show. I say whatever I want. So just to be clear, fake whistleblower number 72, maybe 672, fake whistleblower number 672 has said, I was told to suppress this information about this Russia threat,
Starting point is 00:59:44 except for the fact that he emailed his colleagues saying they've never given me any direction on those threats. Weird, weird how another whistleblower case promoted by Adam Schiff has absolutely no evidence behind it at all. Joe, crazy how this happens, isn't it? It is. It's insane, Dan. It's just crazy. Every time. Come on, man. Every time. Where's Joe Biden? Come on, man. Can we just stop with the Schiff hoaxes? Why do you take this guy seriously?
Starting point is 01:00:13 Anyone? This guy's a clown. We got a whistleblower. These Russia threats were being suppressed, except for the fact that he emailed everyone. They didn't tell me to suppress any of this stuff. I'm just saying, Schiff shift maybe you should read the emails first by the way i'm just gonna throw this out there again no one takes the media seriously i get that
Starting point is 01:00:34 too but i think even the media folks are tired of being humiliated by this buffoon did you notice this story went nowhere it's not because they like trump and they don't they don't really care about they'll let shift on to lie a lot but i think they're seriously worried about just liability losing money in this case maybe being sued or something after the nick sandman incident also they no one takes shift seriously you notice the story got no wind at all i hate to even bring it up but one of your liberal friends on your facebook or whatever is going to say to you, there's another whistleblower out there. Trump's suppressing threats. Really? Because that's not what the whistleblower emailed his colleagues. Did you read the emails? Of course you didn't.
Starting point is 01:01:12 You're a liberal. You don't actually read anything. All right, let me end the show with this on a good note. So for those of you being subjected to the tyranny of the dreadful Pennsylvania liberal far left governor who is turned into a lunatic, who is trying to shut down the state, crush your businesses and everything else. So the lockdowns went in front of a federal court judge yesterday appointed by Trump. So we're finally getting back to some respect for the Constitution, Joe. And man, did this guy get smacked down, the dreadful far left radical governor of Pennsylvania? This is just beauteous. So the judge's name is Stickman.
Starting point is 01:01:47 And let me just read to you quickly a brief portion of what he said about the unconstitutional lockdowns. Ladies and gentlemen, this is just fantastic. Judge Stickman, quote, the liberties protected by the Constitution are not fair weather freedoms. Yes. In place when times are good, but able to be cast aside in times of trouble, Stickman wrote. He goes on, quote, there's no question that this country is faced and will face emergencies of every sort. But the solution to a national crisis can never be permitted to supersede the commitment to individual liberty that stands as a foundation of the American experiment. The constitution cannot accept the concept of a quote new normal,
Starting point is 01:02:30 where the basic liberties of the people can be subordinated to open-ended emergency mitigation measures. End quote. Amen, brother Stickman. Now you see why reelecting Trump for you never trump lunatics out there is so important i don't like his tweets yeah you like judges like that who quote these documents like the constitution kind of important no when everybody's freedoms and businesses and economic freedom and livelihood and their kids are starving because we can't have jobs and they're all depressed because they're not in school where a judge judge says, you know, we do have this thing called the Constitution. Check it out once in a while. I love this guy. Is it a guy? I don't even know.
Starting point is 01:03:12 I don't even care. You're awesome either way. I love you. Someone, we should get a picture or put him up on the show. I don't even know. I should have checked that out. Doesn't matter. What? Can you Google that for me? Judge Stickman? Check that out. Doesn't matter. What? Can you Google that for me? Judge Stickman?
Starting point is 01:03:27 Waiting for Paula's. If we get a picture of that, put them up for her. Again, you understand why I get so upset at the never Trump crowd. We don't like his tweets. They're not presidential. Yeah. You like conservative judges. You like your taxes being cut. You like economic freedom. You like dere taxes being cut? You like economic freedom?
Starting point is 01:03:45 You like deregulation? You like protecting the lives of unborn human beings? How does all that, you like patient control healthcare? How does all that stuff sound? You like Operation Warp Speed? Vaccines in record time? You like control of our borders? I like Trump.
Starting point is 01:04:02 You want more chaos? Go for Confused Joe. Come on, man. All right, folks, thanks again for tuning in. I really appreciate it. You know, I haven't plugged, and I try not to overwhelm you with plugs for stuff, but please check out Bongino Report.
Starting point is 01:04:21 We put a lot of work into it. The traffic's been exceptional. It is your conservative alternative to the now dreadful failed Drudge Report. We put a lot of work into it. The traffic's been exceptional. It is your conservative alternative to the now dreadful failed Drudge Report, the liberal Drudge Report who has completely abandoned any semblance of reality. Check out We really appreciate it. The traffic's been exceptional. Tell your friends about it. There is a Drudge alternative out there, And please subscribe to my show, slash Bongino and on Apple Podcasts. Thanks a lot, folks. See you all tomorrow.

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