The Dan Bongino Show - The Media Fell Right Into the Trap (Ep 1181)

Episode Date: February 14, 2020

In this episode, I address the bombshell Spygate article dropped by The NY Times and the subsequent head-fake interview given by Attorney General Barr. Don’t fall for the nonsense, Barr knew exactly... what he was doing.  News Picks:Breaking: John Durham is investigating whether John Brennan’s CIA misled the FBI in the Russia probe.    Attorney General Barr says he wishes Trump would stop tweeting about DOJ cases.    A Democrat shows up at a Trump rally and is stunned at what she finds.   The rise of Bernie Sanders has the Democrats in a panic.    More devastating information about the lead juror in the Roger Stone case.    Hope Hicks returns to the White House.    Copyright Dan Bongino All Rights Reserved. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 get ready to hear the truth about america on a show that's not immune to the facts with your host dan bongino ladies and gentlemen have no fear i am here today to translate the activities of yesterday what happened attorney general bill barr gives an interview on abc the left is celebrating bill barr stood up to trump oh oh, you need to wait a minute. Something happened yesterday. You may have missed. And again, the four-dimensional chessboard is invisible to the left. I have no time to waste.
Starting point is 00:00:36 Let me get right to it. Today's show is going to be a tactical nuke on the battlefield of this argument going forward in the future. Welcome to the Dan Bongino Show on Friday. Producer Joe, how are you today? Hey, it's Friday. It's a good Friday to be here. Like every Friday is a good day to be here. We had to do an abbreviated version
Starting point is 00:00:51 because I really want to pack this in today. Let me get right to it. Today's show brought to you by my buddies at BrickHouse Nutrition. It's a new year. Many of us are seeking resolutions, which we'll likely not, we won't keep sadly because we set expectations way too high. I have a simple solution for you. Feel the greens from Brickhouse Nutrition. Here is our jar here. This is one of
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Starting point is 00:02:43 opening bells we've ever had. Ladies and gentlemen, I'm going to roll through this, and I need you to understand what's happening here. Now, Bill Barr, it's funny, I got field degrees all over my formula. Bill Barr came out yesterday, and I'm going to get to the video in a little while. I just need you to kind of stand easy for a moment. Our attorney general gave an interview to ABC and said, listen, President Trump's tweets are making it hard to do my job. I'm going to get to that in a minute.
Starting point is 00:03:03 Everybody's freaking out. Everybody. Oh my gosh, is Barr turning on Trump? Oh, no, no, no, no, no. Calmate, calmate. Is that right, Paula? Calmate, is that right in Spanish? Is that how you say calm down?
Starting point is 00:03:19 No? Calmate. Okay, I'm saying that wrong. I'm sorry. I got to go to my wife there. That was actually her native tongue relax chill something happened yesterday again let's go keep the bar thing in your head but something happened yesterday in the new york times that i'm pretty sure is correlated
Starting point is 00:03:40 to what happened yesterday with bill barr but of course leftists are too smart. Excuse me, too stupid to pick it up. Most conservatives will pick up exactly what happened. Let's go to the New York Times piece. They are panicking, freaking out. Adam Goldman, Julian Barnes, Charlie Savage, alleged journalist for the New York Times. Goldman, who has been a recipient of many leaks from the intel community.
Starting point is 00:04:01 Goldman's on a byline of this story at the New York Times yesterday. It came out conveniently the same day Barr gives his press interview with the intel community. Goldman's on a byline of this story at the New York Times yesterday. It came out conveniently the same day Barr gives his press interview with the ABC News. And the headline is, the Justice Department, John Durham from the Justice Department, is investigating CIA resistance
Starting point is 00:04:15 to sharing Russia's secrets. Oh, if you've been listening to this show for two years, you know exactly what's about to happen. Yep. So now we find out, let's go to the opening line of the new york times piece we find out that trump administration officials are investigating the government's response to russia's election interference in 2016 and appear to be hunting for a basis to accuse notice how they frame this they appear to be hunting for a basis to accuse
Starting point is 00:04:42 obama era intelligence officials i.e john brennan of hiding evidence or manipulating analysis about moscow's covert operation according to people familiar with aspects of the inquiry keep this up a minute please what have i been telling you for two years folks let's just get the headline out of the way and cut to the chase john brennan i guess that keep that up didn't work but that's okay i'll go back to it can we go back to that a second all right keep it handy keep the trigger finger handy what have i been telling you for two years johnny b john brennan lied to the fbi to get them to start a criminal case at the spy on donald
Starting point is 00:05:20 trump officially do you understand that please tell me you got that right away. If you're a regular listener to the show, you already know this. John Brennan, I am sure of it, lied to the FBI or someone at that management level working for Brennan, lied to the FBI and pushed them to open a criminal inquiry
Starting point is 00:05:37 using the FISA courts to spy on Donald Trump. I'm not giving the FBI a pass. I'll get to that too. Don't go anywhere. That I've been telling you for two years. The evidence is right in front of us. The CIA was gathering political information from overseas foreign sources using John Brennan. They were not vetting it properly and they were using it to prod and push politicians in Washington, D.C. to push the FBI to open a
Starting point is 00:06:03 formal spying case into Donald Trump. I've been telling you that forever. Now we see from the headline of the New York Times piece that John Durham, the investigator looking into this, seems to understand that that may have happened. It doesn't appear Johnny Brennan was telling the FBI the truth, is now looking into it, and all of a sudden, Joe, leakers to Adam Goldman of the New York Times, who's leaked too often when they want to get a narrative out there, are trying reframe the debate please put that back up number one listen to how they're trying to reframe this reframe rut reframe brennan lied to try to get this a formal investigation he pushed because brennan can't open a criminal investigation he's an intelligence
Starting point is 00:06:41 official not law enforcement listen to how they frame it that trump era trump officials appear to be hunting for a basis to accuse obama intelligence officials of hiding evidence or manipulating analysis about moscow's covert operation no ladies and gentlemen they're not hunting for anything brennan was hunting for Trump and he got busted. And the New York Times is now desperate to reframe this as a Bill Barr attorney general witch hunt against Obama era intelligence officials. Notice how they frame that and make it sound, you know, not Brennan, who they know is a political hack. Oh, this gets better. I warned you this was gonna happen this is the i told you so show as joe said told me so before the show ironic isn't it let's go to screenshot
Starting point is 00:07:37 number two from the new york times piece mr dorham who of course is bill bars assigned investigator from the department of justice looking at the Spygate spying scandal, appears to be pursuing a theory that the CIA, under its former director, Brennan, had a preconceived notion about Russia was trying to get to a particular result and was nefariously trying to keep other agencies from seeing the full picture lest they interfere with that goal. Their sources said, OK, let's get the two quotes here and let me translate for you what that really means. So of course, the New York Times is trying to massage this
Starting point is 00:08:10 to make it look like a Bill Barr, Donald Trump-motivated political attack on Brennan, who I'm telling you, his CIA lied to the FBI to get them to formally spy. So how do they frame this? You gotta parse through
Starting point is 00:08:21 New York Times journalistic ease where they're trying to make this sound like a political attack. First, they callrennan's hoax i here's my notes notes i even haven't written down they call this brennan's preconceived notion here's what it really is it's brennan's hoax that trump colluded with russian you all understand that bro they appear to be pushing a theory joe that b Brennan was pushing a preconceived notion. No, no. Let me translate that for you. Brennan was pushing a hoax that Trump colluded with Russia. Brennan advanced a hoax. It's not a preconceived notion. Stop with the nonsense,
Starting point is 00:09:01 pseudo-journalistic garbage. Just say what you're about to say. Notice how they massage that, that Brennan pushed a hoax to the FBI to weaponize the law enforcement community to spy on Brennan's political opponent. Because Brennan was the CIA director in name only. He was really a political operative. Which Mike Flynn knew, by the way. Wonder why Mike Flynn became a target, too. Second part of that, they talk about Brennan hiding Joe from the FBI, possibly the full picture. Of how they got their information about the hoax.
Starting point is 00:09:40 All right. This all makes, I know this can't get any brennan advanced a hoax trump colluded with russia to impact the election that is exactly what they're saying there in massage language because they're going to get to their coup de gras at the end where they mention that this is all a political attack by barker that's what the new york times is here to do they're not here to do journalism either is adam goldman They are here to get ahead. They're panicking. Remember how I opened the show, the New York Times?
Starting point is 00:10:09 They're here to get ahead of what's about to come out by door, which is what I've told you forever. Brennan started the hoax and did a head fake on the FBI. Well, if Brennan, according to the New York Times, was allegedly hiding the full picture from the FBI about where he got the hoax, what evidence is there that that's true? Because you may be saying fairly enough at home,
Starting point is 00:10:37 Jim Comey, I believe, was a malicious actor as well. And Dan, are you suggesting that the FBI is free of blaming this and that Brennan just lied to him? Hey, the Russia hoax is real, guys. Remember, Brennan meets with Harry Reid, Democrat, hack, former senator, politician in August of 2016. Don't ever forget this, folks. This is how this happens. Brennan is trying desperately to advance this hoax narrative he's getting from his sources. I'll get to that in a minute too. He can't go to the FBI and directly push them to open up a case against Trump for colluding with the Russians. Why, Joe? Because Brennan knows it's a shaky case
Starting point is 00:11:20 based on nonsense intel. So what does he do? He plays six different degrees of Kevin Bacon, and he figures if he goes up to Capitol Hill and briefs lawmakers about this imminent threat, that they'll be the ones to push the FBI, and he can remove himself from the equation. I wasn't in Footloose with Kevin Bacon. Well, what happens after Brennan briefs the lawmakers about his hoax or as the new york times calls it joe his preconceived notion yes conveniently harry reed writes a letter
Starting point is 00:11:53 to jim comey of the fbi shocker and says you really need to investigate trump for this spying stuff and lays out why and his reasons why he should do it are conveniently only items that were in the Steele dossier. How did Harry Reid get that? Oh, from Brennan, who briefed him on it. You mean the same Brennan who said he never saw the Steele dossier until December? How can that be? Brennan's briefing Harry Reid in August, December is after August. Brennan's saying, I didn't see the Steele dossier until December. Brennan briefs Reid on information in the Steele dossier.
Starting point is 00:12:32 And then Reid then is dumb enough to put the information in a letter demanding the FBI open investigation. That really happened. Someone's lying. Someone's lying. Someone's not telling the truth here. How did Harry Reid get Steele's information in August if Brennan says he didn't see it until December? Reid put it on paper in August right after being briefed by Brennan. This is not hard. No. So if Brennan obviously had the information in August, we know this. It's a fact.
Starting point is 00:13:12 How did he get it? And what exactly was he telling the FBI? Because there is still a channel there. What was he telling the FBI about where he got it? Because remember, I just told you, why didn't Brandon, Brandon could talk to the FBI, there's nothing illegal about that.
Starting point is 00:13:28 Nothing at all. Brandon could pass intel to the FBI. But what was he passing to the FBI? Why wasn't he telling the FBI that the information about his preconceived notion, in other words, the Russia hoax, only existed in one place? Why was he not saying where he got it from?
Starting point is 00:13:46 It's very simple. Because he got it from Steele. Yeah. And it was all garbage. So Brennan wants to make this information sound intense and real. He gives it to Harry Reid. But when he goes to the FBI, that's not the story the CIA tells the FBI that they got the information from Steele. If I go out of order a little bit, I'm sorry. My wife and I were like, there's just so
Starting point is 00:14:12 much info here, so I will take the blame. I don't want to get, it's Valentine's Day and she is my Valentine permanently, so I don't want to fight on Valentine's Day. And I messed it up in the beginning of the show, but this is important. Let's go to the Lisa Page testimony here. Here is Lisa Page from the FBI being asked directly by Congressman Mark Meadows. He's being, when Meadows, when Page and Meadows are talking about the source, keep in mind, they're talking about Steele. Remember, Brennan is trying desperately to hide the fact that he got his preconceived notion, his hoax story about Trump-Russia collusion from Steele. Why? Because he knows Steele is crap.
Starting point is 00:14:51 He's been warned about it. So he's trying to hide it. He only tells politicians about Steele. He doesn't tell investigators because he knows he'll be debunked. So this is Lisa Page. Asked about Brennan. She's asked, hey, listen, do you think Brennan gave this information to other people, notably the CIA? Page says, well, with all due honesty, if Director Brennan got that information from our source, right?
Starting point is 00:15:16 Well, if he got that information from our source, if the CIA had another source, I'm neither aware of that, nor did the CIA provide it to us. And if they did, because the first time we I know this sounds choppy it's because she's given a choppy answer yeah Meadows and interruptions is we do know there are multiple sources page here's the money quote she says this is an FBI lawyer working at the highest levels of this case she says I do know that I do know the information ultimately found its way to a lot of different places, certainly in October of 2016. She's talking about Steele talking to the State Department there. Listen, listen, listen.
Starting point is 00:15:51 This is the money quote. Don't ever forget this. I've been playing this for a year and a half now. Lisa Page, quote, but if the CIA, as early as August, in fact, had those same reports. I'm not aware of that, and nor do I believe they provided them to us. And that would be unusual. Ladies and gentlemen, I'm telling you, the verdict is in.
Starting point is 00:16:17 She is not lying. Lisa Page is a lot of things and has been a bad actor in this case, this FBI lawyer. I'm telling you with certainty on high quality sourcing, trust me, she is not lying. The story the CIA was telling the FBI about how they knew Trump was colluding with the Russians was not the story Brennan was telling Harry Reid. They were hiding that they got it from Steele because they knew Steele was garbage. His information was crap and had not been vetted. Lisa Page is not lying. Please listen to me. She's not lying. This does not give them a pass.
Starting point is 00:17:09 I'm going to get to that in a minute. This goes on. But do not forget this critical takeaway that the New York Times is now almost proof positive, confirming while trying to massage the story and get out ahead of it. Remember the New York Times story? Durham's investigative brennan lied to the fbi yes yes yes now the only question here going forward because i've got more is not if brennan had access to Steele's information in August. He did. He's lying. He said he didn't get it until December because December's after the November election
Starting point is 00:17:52 and Brennan's dying to stay out of jail. And he's dying to save his reputation. There's no question Brennan has the Steele information that was used in the dossier. And there's no question that they has the Steele information that was used in the dossier. And there's no question that they're passing it to the FBI and disguising its provenance, where it came from. The only question is, where did he get it? Now, I'm going to throw a theory out there for you. There are a couple ways Steele could have given his information to Brennan.
Starting point is 00:18:31 Now, he could have, of course, Steele or his surrogates could have met with Brennan or the CIA and passed it themselves. Right. Ladies and gentlemen, I think that option is unlikely. Brennan is a political hack. There's no question, but Brennan's not stupid. They were going to cover their tracks better than that. Let me give you another option.
Starting point is 00:18:55 Is it possible that in the massive surveillance effort, we know Brennan CIA and some of the NSA were, were engaging in at the time on maskings, contractor requests to access emails and texts? Is it just possible that Brennan's CIA may have been reading Christopher Steele's emails too? Hoo-hoo.
Starting point is 00:19:16 Hoo-hoo. I'm just asking. In other words, what is the ultimate goal? yeah i see that movie uh what is it uh was it uh patriot games or uh no no not patriot games the one uh the harrison ford movie but they're always talking about plausible deniability it's one of those jack ryan movies they're trying to separate the president from the, this drug war, the hit he did. That wasn't Patriot games. That was the other one. I forget. Sorry.
Starting point is 00:19:47 Terrible cultural stuff, but they keep talking about an effort to protect the president, protect these leaders by giving him plausible deniability. In other words, an excuse to be able to lie. Brennan understands plausible deniability and Brennan, who is a political hack, but has been involved in these games for a long time,
Starting point is 00:20:05 certainly knows if he meets directly with Steele, it's going to create some kind of a paper trail. Remember, Brennan, the hoax that Trump colluded with Russia only comes from Steele. It's not real. Brennan doesn't want a paper trail. Brennan can't meet with Steele directly, but they certainly have access to metadata. Is it possible he's just reading Steele directly, but they certainly have access to metadata. Is it possible he's just reading Steele's information as Steele's sending it and Steele doesn't even know? And then Brennan is going over to Harry Reid and people up on the Hill and political actors and saying, you'll never believe the Intel stream we're reading. We got this former Brit, Christopher Steele. This guy was the Russian desk guy at MI6. Oh my gosh. And look at what he's emailing. Trump is colluding with the Russians. Understanding the whole time that Steele
Starting point is 00:20:51 is being paid to produce this information for Hillary Clinton. Maybe Steele doesn't even know Brennan's reading this stuff. Now, do you understand how Brennan, who is a snake of the highest order, has plausible deniability and going on TV multiple times saying, I didn't see the dossier until December. Maybe he's right. Maybe the physical dossier that was produced, maybe he didn't see it until December.
Starting point is 00:21:21 But the emails and the information that went into it, maybe he was reading that a long time before. Remember, the only question is how the hell did John Brennan get Christopher Steele's information for his Russia hoax, what the New York Times refers to as his preconceived notion he was trying to push on the FBI? preconceived notion he was trying to push on the FBI. This story is glorious because it exposes so many different things wrong with our government. All right. In the interest of time, I want to advance this story a little more. Now, you may be saying now, okay, Dan, this seems to be giving a real excuse to the FBI, Jim Comey, Andy McCabe, and these other hacks who can lisa page
Starting point is 00:22:05 stroke and others who can now say well hey it wasn't our fault my bad we were lied to by brennan who gave us this information and never told us it was from steel and then we would have known better and we would have vetted it and we would have never started this in the first place right fair enough joe right fair excuse oh no no no no no yeah it would be cool if it was true yeah right okay but i believe when the fbi did get smoked up lied to while opening the case just months after they opened the case and by the way they know sooner everybody sniffs out something's wrong they're eager to take down trump no mistake. But even if you give them a pass for that, I don't, but even if you do, you'll notice from this older New York Times piece we have that no later than January of 2017, no later than January of 2017, who's by the way,
Starting point is 00:23:00 shocker, Adam Goldman involved in this story too. Same guy, by the way, shocker, Adam Goldman involved in this story, too. Same guy, by the way, folks. The same legend reporter. Here's a New York Times story. Justice Department watchdog is preparing to deliver verdict on the Russia investigation. Look at this little nugget from the same reporter who amazingly, Adam Goldman, cannot seem to put two and two together. This is about a January 2017. Again, just a few months after the FBI opens the investigation, they're going to say they've been lied to about by Brennan. Adam Goldman, quote, Moreover, by January of 2017, FBI agents had tracked down and interviewed one of Steele's sources, a Russian speaker from a former Soviet republic. This is great. FBI officials came to suspect that the man might have added his own interpretations to reports from his own sources that he passed on to Mr. Steele, calling into question the reliability of the information.
Starting point is 00:23:50 Let me translate for you again. Reporterese Adam Goldman trying to massage a story that has an obvious punchline is a punchline is this. Even if the FBI was lied to by Brennan, which I believe they were in January of 2017, they interview Steele's main source. That's saying this Russia thing is real. The source tells them, let me just get, it's all BS. The source, I'm telling you, I reported this, what, Paul, a year ago about this January. Thank you to my source.
Starting point is 00:24:19 You know who you are. The FBI interviewed this guy who was feeding the Russia hoax to steal that Brennan's promoting. And they know in January of 2017, it's all a hoax. Comey knows this. Listen to me, folks, please listen to me. Comey is briefed on this. I know the person who did it. I know it. I know who it is. I know the person in the room shares the same name as someone close to me. They briefed Comey. The source is garbage. And they still spied on the Trump team anyway.
Starting point is 00:24:57 And they still did something else too. Appointed a special counsel in Bob Mueller just months later in May to investigate a Russian collusion hoax Brennan lied about to start a spying scandal. The FBI continued when they knew Brennan lied, they were suspect of him, and they knew the source that fed the information to Brennan to start the hoax was a liar too.
Starting point is 00:25:21 And they appointed Mueller to investigate the lie. Now you understand the tie-in to yesterday's show where I told you the Mueller probe was never, ever from day one designed to investigate Russian collusion. Mueller knows from day one, based on the FBI file he's handed, he knows about the January 2017 interview. Mueller's hired in May. Do you understand Mueller knows day one,
Starting point is 00:25:46 he's investigating a hoax and they continue to arrest people for process crimes anyway. Like I said, this story is glorious in its ability to expose the disgusting sulfur emitting swamp we live in right now. It's a shame. You thought we still lived in a republic. God, I love this country. Everything it stands for.
Starting point is 00:26:10 But the republic that your grandparents and parents fought for is dying a slow death. It's being suffocated by police state tyrants. Yep. The evidence is everywhere. I've got more. I've got the second part of this story. So the first part of the story, we can conclusively now, the New York Times trying to get out ahead of this,
Starting point is 00:26:31 Durham knows Brennan lied. The FBI fell for it, but then could have unfallen for it in January, fell for it again, willingly to stay on the Trump trail, and then fed it to Mueller to stay on the Trump trail again. By the way, all in my book, Exonerated. All of this is in there. Exonerated available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble now. Pick it up.
Starting point is 00:26:51 It's all in there if you want to be walked through this story slowly. All right, let me get to our second sponsor of the day. Today's show also brought to you by our buddies at Tommy John. Got my TJs on now. Love my Tommy John's. Valentine's Day. What better time for Tommy John's? We'll see how that works out this weekend.
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Starting point is 00:27:52 care you want to do that tommy johns i'll do that i'll take it i'll take yeah yeah no i'm doing it i'll do it paul's like no i'm on i'm doing it let's do it let's do an instagram shot one day tommy johns that means there's no bunching and no riding up tommy's so confident in their underwear, they'll even, if you don't love your first pair, you get a full refund with the best pair you'll ever wear, or it's free guarantee. It is the best pair you'll ever wear. I love them. Can't live without them. If you prefer to shop in stores, you can find them in over 1,200 retail locations, including Nordstrom's. Tommy John, no adjustment needed. Give three Fs about your underwear and upgrade with Tommy John today. Hurry to slash Dan Hurry to slash Dan.
Starting point is 00:28:26 slash Dan for 20% off your first order. Don't wait. That's slash Dan for 20% off your first order. slash Dan 20% off. You're going to love them. I love them. Can't live without them. She always gets nervous with that. Especially
Starting point is 00:28:42 Valentine's Day. It's great for date night too, Tommy John's. They look good too what's that the reds yeah she likes the reds i like the reds too that was the christmas one though but there's still i may still have red time all right enough of that let's get back to the serious stuff but we do love tommy john so the second half of this which is the narrative portion of it what do i mean the first half of this uh which is the narrative portion of it. What do I mean? The first half of this part we just did is devastating. I'm telling you, Brennan lied. The FBI fell for it and continued to fall for it because they hate Trump. Simple, not hard. The New York Times knows this. Adam Goldman's been getting leaks about this forever. This guy's not stupid and he's trying to massage
Starting point is 00:29:20 the story and he wants to get out ahead of it. That's the only reason this happened yesterday, by selling you a narrative. And the narrative is going to get out ahead of it. That's the only reason this happened yesterday by selling you a narrative. And the narrative is going to be a couple of things. Let's start with piece number one of this. This is Brennan. See, we're going all right so far. This is Brennan on MSNBC last night getting out ahead of the narrative. There's going to be two parts to the liberal narrative to make this story go away.
Starting point is 00:29:43 Number one is going to be how dare the president liberal narrative to make this story go away number one is going to be how dare the president question the analytical judgment joe of trained intelligence officials so trained they fell for a stupid russia hoax that a kindergartner would have exposed so that's going to be number one you got it number one how dare he question the intel professional analytical officers who fell for the biggest hoax in human history. You can't question them, Joe. That's part number one. Part number two of the liberal New York Times Brennan-Obama administration narrative
Starting point is 00:30:11 is going to be, this is all a Attorney General Barr political attack, marshaled by Trump. Nothing to see here. Let's impeach him again over it. Listen to Brennan. Unbelievably, in one soundbite
Starting point is 00:30:26 on chris matthews hardball yesterday msnbc put out these two fake narratives in the same appearance in under a minute 20 seconds check this out now the new york times is reporting that the ongoing investigation into the origins of the russian probe itself also appears to be driven by trump's political interests according to people familiar the uS. attorney leading that inquiry, John Durham, appears to be pursuing a theory that the CIA, under its former director John Brennan, had a preconceived notion about Russia or was trying to get to a particular result and was nefariously trying to keep other agencies from seeing the full picture. However, FBI and NSC officials, quote,
Starting point is 00:31:04 have told Mr. Durham and his investigators that such an interpretation is wrong and based on the misunderstanding of how the intelligence community functions. I'm joined now by John Brennan, former CIA director in the Obama administration, and Paul Butler, former federal prosecutor. Thank you. He's at Georgetown University. Let me ask you, Mr. Director, how do you respond to this inquiry? Well, I think it's kind of silly. Is there a criminal investigation now on analytic judgments and the activities of CIA in terms of trying to protect our national security? I'm certainly willing to talk to Mr. Durham or anybody else who has any questions about what we did during this period of time in 2016.
Starting point is 00:31:40 And so I don't know what, I have not been, I have not talked to him yet. I understand that I'm on his list of people to be interviewed, but it clearly, I think, is another indication that Donald Trump is using the Department of Justice to go after his enemies in any way that he can. I love the uncomfortable laughter in the beginning. Oh, yeah. you know the laughter they meet you know i hate giving blood and when i'm about to get blood i take i always laugh because i'm super uncomfortable that's brennan right there this is they're questioning analytical judgment what analytical judgment you mean the analytical judgment the fbi showed in january of 2017 when they interviewed the only source that was propagating this hoax and the actual source said this is all garbage?
Starting point is 00:32:27 That the Russia collusion story was a hoax? You mean that judgment? You couldn't find that guy? So just to be clear, we're now not supposed to question the CIA and John Brennan because they fell for the biggest political hoax in human history and failed to interview the main source for Steele, who when he was interviewed, told everybody this
Starting point is 00:32:51 was total hooey, garbage. How dare you question their skills there? By the way, don't you dare mistake this for an attack on people in the Reichenfeld community there. I've worked with them overseas in Afghanistan in my prior line of work. They were terrific. You may say, well, why aren't they speaking out? Because it was being run from headquarters by Brennan.
Starting point is 00:33:14 If rank and file CIA officers and analysts were involved in this case, they would have thrown it in the garbage heap a long time ago. Yeah. That's how Brennan got this thing. He kept it isolated in a headquarters division and supposedly kept it out of the presidential daily brief
Starting point is 00:33:30 to Obama. Why? Because the presidential daily brief to Obama, ladies and gentlemen, please, please pay attention to this. The presidential daily brief Obama gets every day from the intelligence community,
Starting point is 00:33:43 delivered, is vetted through channels. Nothing makes it to the Delivered. Is vetted through channels. Nothing makes it to the president's desk without being vetted multiple times. Why? So the president of the United States does not sort of war with Russia over intel on his desk that's fake.
Starting point is 00:33:58 That's not what Brennan did with the Steele information about this fake collusion hoax and the pee-pee tape and stuff. did with the Steele information about this fake collusion hoax and the pee-pee tape and stuff. Brennan sent separate envelopes to Obama outside of the presidential daily brief, circumventing the analytical chain of command. Why? Because Brennan knows it's a lie. And he knows if he gives it to his rank and file analysts, they're going to laugh in his face. The FBI interview steal sources in January and they're guys telling him this is all a hoax, but Brennan's still feeding it to the president directly. Obama, who's sucking it all up. I love this. Love it. You got more Johnny B? Now it gets better.
Starting point is 00:34:49 Back to the New York Times piece. So remember, the narrative's here. You can't, don't dare challenge CIA analysts here. These are professionals. And this is a political headshot from the New York Times piece. Listen to the way they massage this, this disagreement about the CIA the cia's analysis of the source material quote officials disagreed about how much weight to give the sources
Starting point is 00:35:11 information how much weight they interviewed the source he said it was crap and the intelligence community's eventual assessment apparently reflected that division while the fbi and cia concluded with quote high confidence that president vlad's Russia was specifically trying to help Trump the National Security Agency agreed but said it was only moderate confidence folks let me translate that for you the steel information the pp tape Trump's colluding with the Russians through Manafort stuff that only steel had that they gave to Brennan and Brennan hid or Brennan found and passed on to politicians was the only source of this. What they're saying here is that information amazingly also found its way into what Devin Nunes calls Obama's dossier,
Starting point is 00:35:56 which was what? The intelligence community assessment after the election. Remember the 17 agencies agree Putin tried to help Trump. Why is that Obama's dossier? Because that's based on false information too. The same false information Brennan fed to the FBI and lied about and that the FBI knew in January of 2017 was total garbage. The same time they put out this intelligence community assessment saying that the information wasn't garbage, that it was real. But let's not dare question the analysts at the FBI
Starting point is 00:36:31 and the intel community about information everybody knows in January of 2017 is false. There's no Trump collusion scandal. And it magically finds its way into Obama's dossier. This 17 agencies agree this is all true. It wasn't. But let's not. Adam Goldman from the New York Times,
Starting point is 00:36:55 don't dare question John Brennan's deep analytical skills. This idiot fell for a hoax. Yep. My eight-year-old could have figured out because he wanted to. He knew it was a hoax, folks. He's not stupid. He wanted to attack the president.
Starting point is 00:37:16 And when he couldn't find the information to do it, candidate Trump at the time, they just made it up. Now here's where this gets even better. Remember this little note by Kathleen Kavalec? Kathleen Kavalec in October of 2016, as Lisa Page referenced in her testimony to Mark Meadows earlier in the show. These are the notes from the meeting in October of 2016, where Page says, well, we knew Steele was talking to others. He was. He was talking to the woman who took this note on a notepad kathleen kavalec right before they sign off on the first fives that aspire the trump team
Starting point is 00:37:48 steel tells kavalec this is her handwriting that his sources in july of 2016 one of them was tribnikov it says tribnikov sources who's tribnikov oh he was the head of the russian fbr svr you mean he was a high level russian intelligence officer yes that's exactly what i mean so christopher steel is now telling people before any of this happens october's before january he's telling people that he's dealing with a high-level Russian intelligence officer who's giving him, in other words,
Starting point is 00:38:28 he's colluding with Russians to feed false information to our CIA. Why am I even bringing this up? Ladies and gentlemen, has it ever occurred to you, I know it does because 99% of my audience,
Starting point is 00:38:40 you're brilliant, I read your emails, that 1% are liberals who don't know anything. Has it ever occurred to you that if Christopher Steele was using a Russian who is an Intel operative, who's trained that just maybe Trebnick off was feeding steel disinformation because that's what he's trained to do. I'm just going to throw that out there. I'm not Jason Bourne. Okay. I'm just going to throw that out there. I'm not Jason Bourne, okay? I'm just going to throw that out there, that quite possibly a Russian intel officer trained in disinformation
Starting point is 00:39:08 could possibly be feeding Steele disinformation that the U.S. government and the State Department knows about? No, no, no. They ran right with it, folks. Why? Because they wanted to. That's right. Because they're morons,
Starting point is 00:39:23 and they hated Donald Trump. And let me throw another wrinkle in there for you, which me and others have exposed. Do you find it odd that the FBI, who employed a spy to spy on the Trump team, Stefan Halper, they activated him to go actively spy on Carter Page and Papadopoulos as a Trump team?
Starting point is 00:39:43 Do you find it a little odd that Halper's academic companion from their overseas Cambridge university was Trubnikoff? Do you find it even odder that Halper was paid hundreds of thousands of dollars by the hundreds of thousands of dollars by the U S government to produce papers? And in one of those papers he cited for his analysis in his intel trim nick off so you're paying a spy to spy on a presidential candidate who is openly admitting that his
Starting point is 00:40:19 information is coming from russian disinformation specialists and Intel chiefs? You can't make this up. You can't make this up. You can't make this up. I only put that out there to show you that the analysts and the analysis were not supposed to question the analysts were so stupid involved in this that they didn't understand that a russian who's an intel disinformation guy was giving political information to a political candidate paying to disrupt her opponent's campaign and when they interviewed the actual sources this came from they said it was all a lie and they all rolled with it anyway
Starting point is 00:41:00 but don't question the analyst judgment god God forbid. Let's go to part two of Brennan here. So Brennan says in that interview too, in the second half, he says, you know, and listen, man, this is all a political attack. You know, Bill Barr, Trump, they're coming after us. This is all politics. Oh boy. Let's go back to the New York Times and show you how the New York Times just falls right in line with this one because that's what they do here's the new york times full-time propaganda pravda like uh bs artists for the democrat party quote new york times mr dorms questioning is certain certain to add to accusations by the way this is only the new york times and washington post making these accusations but notice how they frame this it's going to add to accusations that
Starting point is 00:41:44 mr trump is using the Department of Justice to go after his political enemies like Brennan, who has been an outspoken critic of the president. Mr. Barr, here's the attack on Barr, who is overseeing the investigation, has come under attack in recent days over DOJ officials' intervention to lighten a prison sentence recommendation by lower-level prosecutors for Mr. Trump's longtime friend, Roger Stone. Here we go. Here we go. Narrative number two, tying Roger Stone, the president's tweet to Barr saying, Barr, man, this guy is definitely looking into Brennan and all this stuff I just told you because it's only politics. Nothing I just told you we should pay any attention to, folks.
Starting point is 00:42:25 Trust the analyst. This is all political. So that happened. And then Barr gave an interview, Attorney General Barr, to ABC. I was on the road yesterday. I gave a speech. I was over in Southwest Florida yesterday. And I gave a speech, and this happened on the road
Starting point is 00:42:45 and everybody was tweeting me and emailing me and panicking. Oh my gosh, Dan, Bill Barr in the interview said Trump's tweets are terrible. He's turning on, oh my gosh, we got to do some, rein him in, rodeo style. We're in deep trouble now. Oh man, you totally missed the boat on that one. Well, let's play Bill Barr and we come back it's not
Starting point is 00:43:06 always for d chess but i'm absolutely certain this was check this out public statements and tweets made about the department uh about uh our people in the department our men and women here about cases pending in the department and about men and women here, about cases pending in the department, and about judges before whom we have cases, make it impossible for me to do my job and to assure the courts and the prosecutors in the department that we're doing our work with integrity. But the thing I have most responsibility for are the issues that are brought to me for decision. And I will make those decisions based on what I think is the right thing to do. And I'm not going to be bullied or influenced by anybody. And I said at the time, whether it's Congress, newspaper, editorial boards, or the president, I'm going to do what I think is right. You want to talk about Benicio Del Toro? I'll flip you. I'll flip
Starting point is 00:44:12 you. You want to talk about the greatest flip in the last decade? This is the greatest narrative flip I've ever seen. Why were you panicking about that? Let me just quote Stephanie Grisham from the White House. President Trump isn't bothered at all by this. Of course he isn't. Because what happened promptly after this, because the left and the media are so stupid, all you got to do is put a hot dog on a stick and walk them right into the chasm. Because they'll follow that hot dog on a stick because they're really that stupid. What happened after that? Predictably, because the left is infected with prion-like TDS level six infections, parasitically destroying their brains. Anything that they perceive as an attack on Trump,
Starting point is 00:44:53 they immediately jump behind and someone becomes their new hero because they're stupid. And the left in the media immediately jumped out and said, Barr, this is great. He's our new hero. Look, he's attacking Trump. Trump is great. He's our new hero. Look, he's attacking Trump. Trump is terrible. He's got to stop tweeting. But what are they not talking about?
Starting point is 00:45:15 Oh, they're not talking about anymore the New York Times narrative that came out earlier about how Barr looking into Brennan and Brennan's big lie is a political attack. Genius. Genius. I'm sorry if you fell for that yesterday and you fell into the Barr's turning on his trap. Now, I want to be clear. I'm not suggesting at all this was in any way coordinated with the White House.
Starting point is 00:45:47 Barr's savvier than that. Barr knows he is on to, right now with Durham, the biggest political scandal in human history. That the most powerful intelligence official in the history of the world, the modern-day CIA director and John Brennan, took information he knew was fake, fed it to DC politicians who laundered it to the FBI, who then weaponized our process we use to nail terrorists, to spy on John Brennan's political opponents and Barack Obama's. It is the biggest scandal in human history. And instead of everybody now advancing the New York Times BS narrative that this is all a political attack looking at the Brennan, it's not.
Starting point is 00:46:35 The evidence trail is thick and deep and big trouble. Now, Barr goes out, gives this beauty of an interview, says, hey, I don't like Trump's tweets. They're getting in my way. And the reflexive response of the dumb media is to say, ah, this is great. Look at Barr. He's attacking Trump. We like him for today.
Starting point is 00:46:59 And they're not talking at all about Barr being a political attack. Oh, I'm breaded. Oh, you thought you were getting fastball. That wasn't even the curve. That was the circle change. You know the circle change? This guy's two steps ahead of you. I got one more. Because there's another tidbit in the New York Times piece
Starting point is 00:47:23 that says to me they're worried about something else too, and they're desperate to get out ahead of it. This one, this is just gold. All right, my final sponsor of the day, SimpliSafe, SimpliSafe. We love SimpliSafe. Listen, when you go to slash Dan Bongino, make sure you spell it right.
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Starting point is 00:49:20 That's your castle, slash danbongino today. Okay. That's your castle, slash danbongino today. Okay. Now, the last two weeks have been explosive shows where we've been talking about our operating thesis here that everybody in this DC fetid swamp has, they know each other, not a shocker, but they all have something to hide.
Starting point is 00:49:38 And as we said yesterday, they're all going to get rich or die trying, like that 50 Cent movie. There's something else they're hiding that's buried in this New York Times story. Hat tip to my good friend at Fox. You know who you are. He texted me this morning. Who found this and he's smart enough to dig right through the nonsense.
Starting point is 00:49:58 Said, hey, what's up with this one? Let's put up this last little takeaway from the New York Times piece. That's just kind of thrown in there as a throwaway. Remember, everybody knows each other, and everybody has something to hide. Quote, New York Times. They're talking about an index of messages here. So when I get to this, they're talking about hacked emails,
Starting point is 00:50:18 that the Russians hacked emails and have a bunch of messages. Other foreign governments had an index of these hacked messages by U.S. government officials. So now we go on. It says, but an index of the messages compiled by the unnamed foreign ally that gave us these hacked Russian messages show that they included emails from President Barack Obama? Oh boy. As well as members of Congress, Mr. Obama's White House counsel, W. Neil Eggleston, decided that investigators should not open the drive, citing executive privilege and the possibility of a separation of powers uproar if the FBI sifted through lawmakers' private messages.
Starting point is 00:50:58 Keep in mind, they had no such problem doing that with President Trump and then candidate Trump. So let me translate for you what that means, why that's in there, and what the real story is and what their narrative is going to be. Translation comes first. Hillary Clinton was over in Russia and emailed Barack Obama from a private server. The Russians hacked it. Why is that a problem? why is that a problem?
Starting point is 00:51:30 Well, number one, it speaks to the disturbing nature of how desperate Hillary Clinton was to keep her information from official government service, that her team was dumb enough to go over to a known adversary, Russia, with high-level counterintel and intel capabilities, and actually from a private, unsecured device, email the President of the United States. Do you understand how if there's levels of stupidity,
Starting point is 00:51:50 that's a level 10 on a 10-point scale? That's not the big problem though, folks. We all know Hillary and her team weren't that bright. After all, they tried to like hammer smash and bleach bit their systems to clean any emails so that you couldn't read them. The problem here is that's not what Barack Obama told the public, folks. Remember what I've been telling you again for two years now, based on really good sourcing.
Starting point is 00:52:18 The media is not protecting Hillary Clinton in this email scandal. What do you mean? They love Hillary Clinton. They do, but they're kind of done with her. They'll throw Hillary Clinton under the bus in a moment. Not because they like or hate her or anything. They're not protecting Hillary here. They're protecting Obama.
Starting point is 00:52:37 Obama is their golden calf. He was their de facto savior. If Obama's legacy is dismantled and he's exposed as the corruptocrat he was, the entire ethos of liberalism collapses. Obama is their Ronald Reagan. Imagine if someone told you, you know, Reagan was a Russian traitor and you found that out now. We'd be destroyed. Reagan was an icon to us. Of course, that's all.
Starting point is 00:53:04 But you get the point. We'd be destroyed. The Reagan party. Reagan was an icon to us. Of course, that's all. But you get the point. Now, when Obama's malfeasance with Brennan through Spygate and through this email scandal are exposed, it's going to dismantle any myth in the future that Obama was even a remotely non-corrupt president.
Starting point is 00:53:20 He knew about Spygate. There's no doubt in my mind and he also knew about hillary's efforts to subvert and to subvert information channels and to exchange classified information which adversaries were hacking and using against us how did he know and what's the problem well first he gave an interview a while ago a long time ago he was still in office and when asked about the hillary email scandal that hillary had a hillary had a private email not a government email and he was still in office. And when asked about the Hillary email scandal, that Hillary had a private email, not a government email, and it was unsecure, Obama said, oh, I don't know anything about it. I heard it from the news. Really? Then how come Hillary's emailing you from a private email? I got you. Don't worry. I'm ahead of you here. Some of you may be saying, well, Dan, I get a
Starting point is 00:54:00 lot of emails. If he got an email on his device, whatever it was, and it said from Hillary Clinton, if you don't actually push on the email, he probably doesn't know exactly where it came from. It could be Hillary at Maybe he was just confused. Oh, no. No, no.
Starting point is 00:54:14 No, no, no, no, no. That's not what happened. See, we have this place called WACA. Not like Fozzie Bear. WACA, WACA, WACA. WACA stands for White House Communications Agency. It's a military entity that secures all of the president's communications.
Starting point is 00:54:30 That's why it's called the White House Communications Agency. President Obama had a BlackBerry. That BlackBerry had to be whitelisted so that, you know, some spam account from Russia can't email Obama. Right. And he was only allowed to receive emails from specific private email addresses that were whitelisted into his BlackBerry. Obviously, the opposite of being blacklisted.
Starting point is 00:54:55 Who told those people to put a private email address they knew was private from Hillary Clinton in that BlackBerry? a private email address they knew was private from Hillary Clinton in that BlackBerry. There is no way in Hades the Obama administration was unaware of the fact that Hillary Clinton's emails were coming from an unsecure server, were exchanging classified information, and it was being sent from foreign adversary Saul, who was likely hacking it because she was emailing Obama direct, and the FBI and them knew about it. Now, I translated it for you. I told you what really happened.
Starting point is 00:55:36 What's the spin from the times? It's going to be obvious. It's very few ways to spin that disaster. That is lipstick on a big fat juicy pig right there there's no way to lipstick that one up so their line is going to be you would think the fbi would be interested if foreign adversaries had classified information from our secretary of state and president their line's going to be well you, you know, the White House thought this was privilege information and, you know, separation of powers and stuff. Keep in mind, separation of powers, they don't care about at all in the impeachment trial where they think they can do a fake impeachment, not even take a full House vote on it, impeach the president and demand everybody from the White House show up.
Starting point is 00:56:21 Two different narratives. When it's Obama, no, no no it's separation of powers those Obama emails that the Russians were reading the FBI shouldn't be involved they're Obama's emails no no they're the Russians emails now but that's separation of powers executive privilege
Starting point is 00:56:35 but when Trump says hey I was having a conversation with John Bolton about national security get him up get him up no executive power get in here that's the real scandal Get him up. No executive power. Get in here. That's the real scandal. I'm telling you, we are sitting on a time bomb here. And I'm begging you, Adam Goldman from the New York Slimes, I get it.
Starting point is 00:56:59 You're an opinion left-wing media hack. You're not a serious journalist. I understand that. But I'm humbly imploring you as a citizen of the United States to surgically remove your head from your rectum, put two and two together in your own reporting and dispute anything I just told you. Did Lisa Page not say that the FBI was deceived and lied to by Brennan? Do you think she's lying under oath? If you do, produce evidence otherwise. lied to by Brennan. Do you think she's lying under oath? If you do, produce evidence otherwise.
Starting point is 00:57:27 Are you telling me Brennan didn't have access to Steele's information despite the fact that the briefing he gives to Harry Reid is then put down on paper the next day that has information only from Steele? Are you telling me that the source, the FBI interviewed in January, didn't say what you said in your own piece?
Starting point is 00:57:46 The source said, which is this is all bullshit. Almost slipped there. Almost. Are you telling me Christopher Steele in October of 2016 didn't meet with the State Department and say to the State Department that one of his sources was a Russian disinformation specialist specializing in intelligence? Take your head out of your rear end and tell America the truth. Stop with the preconceived notions, the full picture, the nonsense political accusations, and just tell us the truth, man. tell us the truth man you know I didn't get to a lot of it I'm sorry
Starting point is 00:58:30 I got a bunch of stuff Giuliani and all but this was an important show I'm gonna have to get to it on Monday Paula can we do the Bernie thing though just want to switch gears for a second to wrap up the show I had a rant this weekend that last week excuse me on my show about Bernie,
Starting point is 00:58:46 right after the, it wasn't planned. Believe me, I want to talk about it for five minutes after Bernie won the New Hampshire primary. It went on for about a half an hour. And my, you know, my apologies for that. Sometimes I just, it's my show and I don't fake the funk for anybody. But I gave a speech last night and I've got to tell you i haven't run for office in a long time i don't plan on but it was good to kind of get out there in front of people it was a huge crowd in southwest florida and i walked off the stage and you know we go back through the kitchen it's very like secret servicey which is pretty cool i'm used to doing that on the other end but we walked down at the elevator and it was like a car waiting for us. And I looked at my wife and said, I know self-praise stinks and all, but that was magic in there.
Starting point is 00:59:30 If we can get the speech, I'll put it on my YouTube. She's sending it. I promise you won't be disappointed. I don't know what happened last night. I always pray before a speech. Jesus Christ, please put the thoughts in my head and the words on my tongue. And it just happened. But I was talking about this fear of where we're going with Bernie Sanders.
Starting point is 00:59:49 And in case you think my fear is misplaced, I'm going to end the show, this short clip of Bernie Sanders talking about his love affair with the murderous Cuban regime, which slayed its own people to institute a communist system, which is absolutely decimated, what would have been right now one of the wealthiest countries on earth. Listen to Bernie in his own words, in case you think my rant on that was a little over the top. I remember for some reason of being very excited when Fidel Castro made the revolution in Cuba. I was a kid and I remember reading that. And it just seemed right and appropriate that poor people were rising up against rather ugly rich people. And I remember, again, very distinctly, a very distinct feeling.
Starting point is 01:00:32 I was watching the debates. You remember the famous Nixon-Kennedy debates? That was the first time the presidential candidates actually debated. And I was becoming increasingly interested in politics. Didn't know much, but was interested. I remember sitting in the student lounge at our dormitory, watching the debate. And at that time, we can talk about Cuba now, I was very excited and impressed
Starting point is 01:00:50 by the Cuban revolution. You know how many innocent Cubans had their homes, their businesses, their wealth, and their lives taken from them by that murderous regime? That's your guy, Democrats. Chew on that one for the weekend. I'll see you all on monday thanks for tuning in good day sir you just heard the dan bongino show you can also get dan's podcasts on itunes or soundcloud and follow dan on twitter 24 7 at d bongino

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