The Dan Bongino Show - The Most Important News Story You Haven’t Heard (Ep 1206)
Episode Date: March 17, 2020In this episode, I address the explosive developments in the Spygate hoax involving Bob Mueller and General Mike Flynn. I also address the growing fake news problem in the midst of the Chinese Coronav...irus pandemic. Finally, I address our level of preparedness in the United States. News Picks: Lawmakers are eyeing an enormous “stimulus” package to fight the coronavirus. Even during the Coronavirus outbreak, the media cannot resist lying to America. Why is NBC news spreading Chinese propaganda? Reuters stealth edits the debunked story claiming Trump sought a monopoly on Covid-19 vaccine. Obama era DOJ officials sounded the alarm about the treatment of Mike Flynn. NY Times reporters cannot stop lying. Support grows for a really dumb idea - giving every adult $1,000 of our tax money. A first hand account of what happened in Europe after the coronavirus outbreak. Copyright Bongino Inc All Rights Reserved. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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get ready to hear the truth about america on a show that's not immune to the facts with your host
dan bongino all right as always a huge news day i will update you on the corona i will update you
on the response to the corona i will do what's now becoming our daily fake news a segment exposing
the fake news on the Corona.
I also have actual other stories going on for those of you who are tired of the Corona.
Yes, there's big developments in the Mike Flynn case,
huge development in the fake Mueller probe,
a lot of other things going on.
Welcome to the Dan Bongino Show.
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Today's show is sponsored by ExpressVPN.
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As I said, welcome to the Dan Bongino Show.
Producer Joe, how are you today?
Fine, sir.
Well, you know, just like everybody else,
I'm going to buck up and kick some serious COVID ass
and get this done with.
Let's do it.
You know, we can do that.
Everybody loved the C.S. Lewis quote
at the end of yesterday's show.
So did I.
That's why I read it.
Let's not pretend that this is unique to our time.
It's serious.
It's a serious situation.
But as that C.S. Lewis quote about the atomic age, we'll get through it.
Just like the Vikings got through the threats from other Scandinavians who would kill them.
Just like in 1918, they got through the Spanish flu.
We will get through this.
All right, let's get to the show.
As always, Tuesday is a busy day for our sponsors we always appreciate your patience
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go and they're off and they're off okay story
number one because listen again i've as i've been saying over the course of the past few days the
coronavirus story is not just a coronavirus story why because the people it's affecting
99.9999999 percent of people do not have the coronavirus. But they are suffering, not from the virus,
from viruses of misinformation
and from the economic damage and fallout
pursuant to what's happened with the coronavirus.
There's a big economic story here,
a story here, ladies and gentlemen,
and the response to it.
Now, yesterday I addressed
a potential government proposal that could be big and I think
is a good idea, but we need to do it now. I shouldn't say it's a good idea. It's the least
bad idea. We're out of good options now. There are no good options. The only question now are
what are the least bad options? I am not a supporter of government intervention in the
economy. This particular situation is different because the government right now, by shutting everything down on a government mandated in many States,
some quarantines,
you have some curfews in some place,
not nationwide.
I want to put on any misinformation here,
but in some places you have a forced business shutdown.
This is obviously having an impact.
The government is doing it.
I'm not saying they're doing anything wrong.
I'm just saying businesses are losing money,
not because of anything the restaurants are doing wrong, but because there's something imposed upon them. Fact.
This may require some extraordinary measures, even if they're not good ideas, but they're
the least bad ideas. Yesterday, I addressed this idea of a Fed lending facility. Ladies and
gentlemen, the banks can get money from the Federal Reserve at any time. They can. They can
go to the window. They can get their money. They get bailed out all the time. at any time. They can. They can go to the window.
They can get their money.
They get bailed out all the time.
It's time to consider something else.
Wall Street Journal has a good piece up today.
I'm going to get this.
I'm going to get some other stuff
and then go back to Corona later
because I don't want to saturate you with this stuff.
You're getting it 24 hours a day,
but it's critical.
Wall Street Journal article today
about a proposal I think could work
to mitigate some of the economic damage.
It's by the editorial board.
Quote, financing and economic shutdown.
You can't close down an economy without a way to keep businesses and individuals liquid.
You can't, folks.
You can't shut down an economy for a month and pretend nothing's going to happen.
Ladies and gentlemen, we're all going to go into a self-quarantine for a month.
And don't worry, we're all going to come out of it scot-free.
That is not going to happen.
I've got friends in the restaurant business who are being crushed right now, many of them.
And as I read in an article the other day, a lot of restaurant owners have leases secured
by their personal assets, ladies and gentlemen.
These are our friends, our neighbors.
Meaning if the restaurants go under by no fault of their own, these were prospering
businesses just two weeks ago.
Do you know what happens?
Their houses get taken.
Their cars get taken.
They're collateralized on personal property for nothing they did wrong.
So if the Federal Reserve is going to lend money to banks and to financial institutions,
ladies and gentlemen, it's time to consider opening up what we talked about yesterday,
that government-backed facility where you can get money and at least stay liquid it's going to be at
a premium but you can stay in business and keep your employees working the fed should open that
up too from the piece again this is just doubling down on yesterday's story but it's worth readdressing
today because there were so many bad ideas out there including mitt romney's stupid let's give
everybody a thousand dollars which is the dumbest idea I've ever heard in my life. You giving me your $1,000 is about the
dumbest economic idea I've ever heard of. From the journal piece about this government-backed
lending facility to the Fed, they say, hey, and I agree with them, we don't like temporary
government roles in commerce. I don't either. Amen. But state and federal governments are essentially ordering the economy to close.
This isn't a meltdown of the mortgage market caused by bank lending.
This is a health crisis that government is addressing with command and control emergency
That's a fact, folks, however uncomfortable for even us libertarians out there to acknowledge.
Companies cannot be blamed for missing what the government also missed.
And being prepared for a pandemic is one for missing what the government also missed.
And being prepared for a pandemic is one reason Americans pay the government so much of their hard-earned income. Well said. Yeah. If the government can't handle this, what's the purpose
of the government? They didn't see this coming. The Chinese government screwed us over with this
whole thing, putting out misinformation in the beginning.
It's not the restaurant's fault.
The journal doesn't like government intervention in the economy.
I don't like it either.
And I know most of my Republican, libertarian, and conservative friends dread the idea.
Having said that, this is a government command and control decision.
It's not the fault of the businesses.
Open up that lending window.
They need the money. People have to stay employed right now, ladies and gentlemen. I got a video
from Tucker Carlson I'll play later where he nails it about China. But one of the things Tucker's
been talking about as well, and he is spot on. I don't agree with everything Tucker says,
but I like him personally. And he's right about one thing. The health and wellness fallout, Joe,
one thing the health and wellness fallout joe i'm talking to you here too because you know this yes sir from years of unemployment that could result from the economic calamity ahead if we
don't do something will far surpass that of the coronavirus alcoholism drug dependency depression
traumatic psychological issues ladies and gentlemen not working is a big deal we are
not a lazy country people here want to work a lot of them because oh you have lazy people in every
country but we have the most people who want to work here because we're america we get our butts
up and we go to work work is dignity it is It is power. We have to keep our people employed. This is not
their fault. This is not the banks making stupid bets and then us stupidly bailing them out.
These are your neighbors who had prospering businesses and helped their other neighbors
prosper by employing them who are now being put out of work because of a command and control
decision by the government. This is different.
And I know sometimes people say this is different when it's not.
Remember George Bush, we got to, you know, what is it?
We got to dump capitalism to save capital.
No, no, we don't.
This is not capitalism now at all.
This is command and control decisions based on a pandemic nobody saw coming.
From the journal piece about this government-backed lending facility,
which again, I think is a good idea.
The facility lets companies decide
if they need it
rather than politicians
picking winners and losers.
Ladies and gentlemen,
bailouts are a bad idea.
I'm sorry.
They are a really bad idea.
It goes on.
If you opened up this lending window,
again, you could go to the Fed
to borrow money
through this Fed-backed facility,
government-backed facility.
This would prevent an ugly bidding war
on Capitol Hill over which industries get relief
and which don't.
And it's designed so the government
will get its money back
as opposed to cash grants or other subsidies.
Ladies and gentlemen,
this is the way to rock and roll.
The piece goes on about the payroll tax cut.
I'll get to that in a minute, though, because there's some breaking news before we got on
the air about a proposed stimulus plan.
So I'll get to all this.
Don't worry about it.
I just want to go back and forth between some other stories, too.
Bailouts are a bad idea, folks.
Listen, I own a lot of airline stock.
It would personally benefit me right now if the airlines were bailed out.
It's a bad idea. It's a bad idea.
It is a bad idea. We have to keep them in business, no question. We have to keep them employed.
There are ways to do that that aren't bailouts because then what happens next, ladies and
gentlemen? The restaurant business. What about them? What about the entertainment business?
Oh, Hollywood. Listen, ladies and gentlemen, Hollywood is an all-bran pit and don't be leftist actors. Hollywood's, you know, Foley artists and what are you, gaffers?
And Joe, you've been in this. Yeah, stagehands. Photographers and builders. Stagehands. What do
you think? All these people in Hollywood are liberals. These people work for a living too.
Why? Do they get a bailout? Bailouts are a bad idea. Let them borrow money, keep them liquid,
keep them going, and we will get through this.
There will be a burst in economic activity when this is over. I'm going to get to that later too.
If you were going to buy a car, ladies and gentlemen, you put the decision off,
you're going to still need a car in a few months. A lot of economic activity is going to go away.
Don't get me wrong. If you skip the restaurant trip, you're not going to eat twice on the next
trip. Hey, give me two meals instead. Seriously, it's not a joke,
but it's true. Some of it is gone. I don't mean to minimize the impact, but a lot of it is not gone.
You're moving because of your job. You're still going to have to buy a house. You're just going
to move it into the next quarter. There will be a big burst in economic activity soon. We just
have to get these companies through this. We have to keep America employed. You need
to stay in your job right now and we need to propose things to do it. This is not your fault,
but bailouts are a really, really bad idea. They're not bailouts. They're just your money
exchanged to other people. Just like this stupid Mitt Romney idea. Let's give every
American a thousand dollars. Why are you giving me $1,000?
I don't need your $1,000. Why?
What do you think? This is helicopter money?
There's no money ferry.
Why are other people giving me the $1,000?
I don't need it.
Let's open a lending facility and let's
keep America employed. It matters, ladies
and gentlemen. All right. As I always say, appreciate your patience on
Tuesday. Always a stack today.
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Again, I always appreciate your patience.
Let me move on to a different story.
I'll get back to corona and some of the other stuff, but there is other things going on.
And conveniently,
a lot of these things are going on in the midst of the Corona virus pandemic,
and they're hoping nobody noticed.
All right.
That way.
You know that,
It does.
So hat tip to one of the best accounts on Twitter,
our buddy,
a techno fog at techno underscore fog.
If you're not following techno fog andog and at Undercover Huber,
I think it's at John W. Huber is actually the handle.
You're missing out on all the good stuff in a lot of these cases.
So, folks, you remember that case Bob Mueller and his dreadful team
of horrible prosecutors, Jeannie Rhee, Andrew Weissman, and others?
Remember that case they brought against the Russian troll farms?
The Russian troll farm, they're screwing with the election.
They were.
They were sending out propaganda on social media like pretty much every U.S. adversary does to try and not screw up, not only screw up the country, but screw up our elections.
But remember, Mueller was tasked with investigating Trump's collusion with Russia, not a bunch of like Russians sitting in a factory, you know, with with with an outhouse in there and a cup of week old coffee sending out stupid memes on Facebook.
I thought we were investigating collusion, not like that.
The Russians don't like us.
So as I told you from the start, Mueller knew from the latest he's appointed in May of 2017 to investigate fake collusion with the Russians.
He knows right away it's fake.
But even giving Mueller the benefit of the doubt.
At the absolute latest by July of 2017, you regular listeners know this.
Bob Mueller knows the collusion thing is a total fantasy farce debunked lying hoax.
Because he gets the texts in July of 17 from the FBI investigators.
They're turned over to him by the inspector general's office.
And he's reading the texts about this hoax.
There's no there, there, all this other stuff.
He knows it.
Also in July of 2017, the FBI interviews the translator
present at the Trump Tower meeting with Donald Trump Jr. in Manafort.
And the translator there with the Russians tells them,
no, Don Trump Jr. is telling the real story. We never mentioned Hillary or election interference.
And the translator says, and by the way, I don't even like Don Jr. Mueller knows.
So as I said to you, and we nailed it, as I discussed in my book, exonerated at length.
As I've told you, the only purpose of the Mueller probe was never to investigate
collusion because they knew there was no collusion. It was to keep the heat on Donald Trump and make
a bunch of arrests to make it seem like there was some there there, even though there was no there
there. It's kind of like investigating a bank robbery that never happened. No bank was robbed.
Accusing people of robbing a bank that was never happened. No bank was robbed. Accusing people of robbing a bank that was never robbed
and no bank was robbed,
but then arresting them for jaywalking and saying,
hey, listen, he crossed the street
when it was a green light, Joe,
and the bank was close by.
But there was no bank robbed.
But the jaywalk near the bank you you you get it
you get what i'm saying oh yeah that's muller's that's all muller was doing that's why they
arrested manafort that's why they arrested poppin opposite nothing nothing arrested flynn
they had nothing on any of these people but one of the things muller could never do
was to find an actual russian that had colluded
with trump so they just made one up they were like hey let's go uh prosecute this russian troll farm
were they colluding with trump no no no no doubt they were trolls ladies and gentlemen no doubt
they were up to no good.
Some sense of they were trying to, they were posting weird stuff.
Was it criminal?
That's kind of a stretch.
How do I know that?
Because the hapless, pathetic Mueller team last night totally dropped the case without prejudice.
Wow. That's crazy how they don't want
to prosecute right during the Corona outbreak. That's just nuts how that happens. Again, hat tip,
the great Techno Fog on Twitter. Here are some screenshots from the judicial documents. You can
see them in full on his Twitter account. So this is how they originally prosecuted Concord Management, this management consulting LLC, Joe,
that allegedly was engaged in information warfare
against the United States.
Here's the actual indictment.
The indictment, oh no, this is the motion to dismiss, I'm sorry.
They say the indictment alleges that the defendants, Concord,
engaged in what they dubbed, Joe,
information warfare against the United States.
Oh my gosh.
A systemic effort to sow political discord and influence
and influence the outcome of the 2016 election.
And it charged the defendants with conspiring to defraud
the federal agencies responsible for preventing
and counteracting improper foreign influence in the U.S. election.
Oh, my gosh.
That indictment sounds bad.
Ladies and gentlemen, there's no doubt, again, Concord was up to something.
Of course.
But this seems like the most loosey-goosey,
let me just invent a bunch of circuitous language that goes nowhere
to make it seem like they were colluding with the Trump team
to impact the election.
this case,
forgive my language sucked so bad that even the hapless Mueller probe that
had all the assets,
they had the FBI millions of dollars to prosecute.
I have no doubt.
They went after Concord to say,
we got a Russian.
Here's a Russian.
There's a Russian.
They needed a Russian.
And they got them their Russians.
This case sucked so bad.
They had to drop it yesterday.
Convenient timing without prejudice.
Let's go to screenshot two from the legal documents.
The government, quote, the government therefore has decided
that the calculation of whether a substantial federal interest is served by this prosecution has changed since the indictment was returned.
Oh, really?
And the better course is to cease litigation as to the Concord defendants.
Oh, my gosh.
What have I been telling you?
Joe, you know, me and you don't do a lot of self celebration
because I know, I know, I know it's bad. It looks bad and it serves no interest for me to do that.
But if you've been listening to this show, I warned you probably over a year ago that the arrest,
oh, excuse me, the attempted prosecution by the hapless incompetent Mueller team of Concord was
going to result in a big face plant and was only done because they
needed a scalp that had something to do with Russia. Elbow hit, bro.
You think? Okay, it's better. I got one more for you. Showing you again how incompetent Mueller's
team was. And the excuse the Mueller team's using, by the way, is,
well, if we go forward, we'd have to release national security information. In other words,
implying we got a lot of stuff on Concord. You didn't know that before? So just to be clear,
you had national security information on Concord. You don't want out an open trial
because Concord has the right to defend themselves they'd have access to it you just figured that out yesterday
now you see why we run counterintelligence investigations in the United States different
than criminal ones because sometimes ladies and gentlemen the United States has an intelligence
interest in not taking a case to open court. Mueller. Well, golly.
I didn't realize it.
There's some intelligence here.
please do your party for calling.
I was just kidding.
I didn't know you actually had,
I was just messing with you. I didn't even know. I'm not kidding. I didn't know you actually had, I was just messing with you.
I didn't even know.
I'm not kidding.
I didn't even know you had that.
I was just messing with you.
I really,
I'm not messing with you.
I was not messing with you.
Oh my gosh.
Mueller just figured out
that this was a potential
counterintelligence investigation.
one more court document.
Again, proving to you
how hapless and incompetent
this team of just complete
legal buffoons were.
The lawyer for Concord
is confronts Jeannie Rhee,
who was a lawyer on the Mueller team,
searching for crimes they knew didn't exist with the Trump team.
And Jeannie Rhee says, hey, man, we got a terabyte of information from Concord,
implying like, dude, we got a lot of stuff.
I used to do this a lot in criminal case.
I'd interview bad guys, and I'd put a videotape with their name on it in front of them.
But I would never mention a videotape,pe ever i would just leave it on the desk
why so joe i'm interviewing you for counterfeit right passing counterfeit i put a video vhs tape
at the time i put joe armacost on it at a date i leave it on the desk there's nothing on the tape
what the hell she got on me what's on exactly and then if you ask about an interview i'm like
yeah we'll talk about that
later and you move it aside they worked every time was my favorite trick this is what genie
re was trying to do we got a terabyte of information on you guys oh my gosh what do they got
look at this the lawyer for concord go ask a simple question you got that terabyte of information. He says, what language is it in?
Jeannie Reese says, well, primarily Russian.
He says, I'm not, this is not funny,
but have you translated it?
She goes, oh no.
The lawyer says, well, how do you know what's in it?
And she didn't want to talk anymore.
Oh man.
Got to start wearing bigger shirts.
My sleeves, I need them to clear the tears from my... Folks, this is not even...
It's not.
It's just so pathetic.
This case was pathetic.
If there's a CIA investigation against Concord
for malicious intrusions into our electoral process,
go for it. I am a patriot, you know, our electoral process.
Go for it.
I am a patriot.
The Russians are not our friends.
Do your thing.
But my gosh, the incompetence here was stunning.
We got a terabyte of information on you.
What language?
Have you translated?
No, no.
So how do you know what's in it?
Joe, can you cue up Barney again?
Oh, yeah, man.
We'll get him, right?
We're coming, please.
Oh, boy.
Again, folks, there are other things going on, too.
I'm not letting any of this go.
Nah, babe.
Any of this go.
None of it.
All right, I got another one later about the Flynn disgrace.
I got more of this, because I was trying to make that go away, too.
The judge in the Mike Flynn case just humiliated himself yesterday.
Again, I always appreciate your patience.
Try to front load these so we can get rock and roll.
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Getting back to some other stuff because we do have to debunk a lot of fake news. I want you
prepared out there because the news has been an absolute disgrace during the Chinese coronavirus
outbreak at the horror show. I feel really sorry for you if you're getting your news from CNN and
NBC or these other fake news outlets. But let's do some myth busting here
because there's a lot of it.
And this will kind of go right into the fake news segment.
I always have to have a fake news update every day.
Sadly, we got to waste time on this stuff.
But myth busting wise, listen,
there's been some worry out there about ICU beds.
And there should, there should be.
A lot of folks out there are doing the math and saying,
gosh, if there's a big outbreak amongst elderly folks
and they develop a pneumonia, are there's a big outbreak amongst elderly folks and
they develop a pneumonia, are there enough respirators and ICU beds to take everyone?
Great question. We should ask no matter what. Nobody gets a pass because you're a Republican
or Democrat. Having said that, the question isn't, are we going to have an ICU bed and a respirator
for every single person all the time? The question is, how prepared are we relative to others right
now? What are we doing to fix the problem? So Wall Street Journal has a sober piece we should all look at. We need the
data because the data matters. It's called America's Intensive Care Dividend. The U.S.
has more ICU beds as it braces for coronavirus cases. Again, ladies and gentlemen, I'm not giving
you the great news. I'm giving you the least bad news. And of all the countries preparedness for
ICU beds, we're the least worst. There's no good situation for people winding up in ICU. From the Wall Street Journal
piece, some critical information you need. You know, you have people out there pumping
government-run healthcare. Well, that's nonsense. Quote, some who favor government-run healthcare
pointing out that the U.S. has fewer hospital beds per person than other countries. But here we go,
ladies and gentlemen, myth busting here.
That's in part because more surgeries are performed at outpatient centers
where patients are less likely to catch infections.
Yes, have you been to Florida?
There's an outpatient surgery center on every corner.
It's like a 7-Eleven.
It goes on.
A more important metric is the number of intensive care units, ICU units.
I just said units twice.
Which have sophisticated equipment and a high staff to patient ratio.
These are crucial for patients in respiratory distress.
Now, having said that, an emailer who emailed my show, thank you for the great email, was
a nurse, I believe, said, listen, you can have all the ICU beds you want.
If you don't have the people to staff them,
you're in trouble.
That's an issue too.
May have to get some people out of retirement.
No doubt.
Again, I'm not telling you there are any good options here.
I'm telling you what the least bad options are.
But again, parroting myth,
we have to bust these myths right away.
Nonsense, liberal talking points.
These socialist run medicine countries,
they're in far better condition than we are.
Look at all these hospital beds.
Yeah, ladies and gentlemen, that's because of the outpatient surgery centers.
We don't need all those hospital beds.
Which, by the way, could probably be quickly converted into hospital beds if we were in
a national emergency.
I'm sorry I have to do this, but really, we need the facts.
And if you're watching the news, you're missing all of this.
We need to be more like the UK with their system.
You sure about that?
The piece goes on.
To prove my point about ICU beds,
a 2012 review in this medical journal found that the U.S.
has 20 to 31.7 ICU beds per 100,000 people,
compared to 13 in Canada, 7.9 in Japan, and between
three and 7.4 in the UK.
Differences in how countries define ICU account for some of the disparity, the article notes.
And the U.S. needs more ICU beds because it has a higher incidence of chronic conditions
like heart disease.
Fair enough.
But importantly, the article finds that health spending is correlated with increasing delivery of critical care.
Again, folks, the only point I'm trying to get through to you now is, do we need the availability of ICU beds, respirators, and personnel to staff them?
That's a fact.
That weakness has been exposed in this crisis.
has been exposed in this crisis.
But again, suggesting that the solution is to go to socialized medicine
where the situation, I just gave you the data,
is dramatically worse
is pretty much tip of the spear of peak stupid.
That's regressing, not progressing.
One other thing, I got an email yesterday
from someone who said to me dan you're wrong we don't
need universal testing um forgive me i may have said i didn't go back and listen to your show but
that's not what i was suggesting the quote i read was about randomized testing not universal testing
we don't have enough tests he's right he said we don't have enough reagent and forgive me if i said
it wrong i'll go back and listen later today but i'm pretty sure i the quote i read was not about
universal testing it was not about universal testing.
It was about widespread random testing in different areas.
In other words, you pick a random pocket of people showing symptoms or not to get an idea
of how deadly the virus is.
I wasn't suggesting universal.
That's impossible.
We have 330 million people.
So forgive me.
I'm issuing a correction on something.
I don't know if I have to correct or not,
but if someone read it wrong,
I have to correct it or heard it wrong. I may have said it wrong. I'll check it
out today, but that's important. Okay. Moving on to our fake news update for the day, because you've
probably heard some of these stories and even the best conservatives out there, probably my best,
I mean, people who are loyal to the cause, you might've believed some of these stories. It's
not your fault. You all are employees. You work for a
company. You own a company. You're soccer moms and dads. You're fathers, grandmothers. You don't
have time to research this stuff. This is what we do for a living. So some of you may have gotten
suckered by the litany of fake news that came out yesterday. The media has been an absolute disgrace
in this crisis. Let's go to story number one. New York Post, the great Mark Hemingway,
who I like a lot. I'll have his article up in the show notes today. There's a lot of good stuff in the show notes about fake news., or if you want me to email you these articles, slash newsletter, sign up.
I'll send these articles right to you.
New York Post, Mark Hemingway, even during the coronavirus crisis,
the liberal media cannot resist spreading lies.
Of course not.
We're acting like they have any dignity.
Like this is the least surprising headline of the day.
Mark knows that.
He's being silly because he understands
that that's what the media does.
They spread disinformation
because that's what they love to do.
So from the New York Post piece, CNN's at it again.
CNN's supposedly a legitimate news network
to really dumb people.
On the heels of the president's announcement
of a sweeping travel ban from other countries
and a declaration of emergency,
a Sunday CNN Chiron,
that's that lower third of the screen they run on news channels,
read, Trump on
coronavirus, from hoax
to national emergency. Here we go, Joe.
Yep. Here we go
again. Trump supposedly called it
a hoax, totally debunked, even
by left-leaning outlets and Facebook.
He never called the coronavirus a hoax. Hemingway goes on. The trouble is that Trump never called the coronavirus a hoax totally debunked even by left-leaning outlets and facebook he never called the coronavirus
a hoax hemingway goes on the trouble is that trump never called the coronavirus a hoax
this is an inaccurate and misleading distortion of what he has said created and propagated by a
major media outlet cnn and cnn won't stop repeating it why i mean why would that i mean
no one takes them seriously why Why would they stop repeating it?
Brian Stelter works there.
How do you take them seriously?
The dumbest guy in media.
Remember our chart?
Number one, number two, Chuck Todd.
Always creeping on that number one position.
Acosta, maybe number three.
The bronze is always up for, it's always up for debate.
They're like, there's that race.
One, Stelter always finishes ahead.
Chuck Todd right behind him.
Third, you never know.
It gets bunched up back there. Joy Reid,
Jim Acosta, and others. It's tough. That's why I'm
always hesitant to award the number three position.
Stelter is always the dumbest
guy in media. CNN hires him.
They're not a serious news
outlet. Even Sunday
after this Trump called coronavirus a hoax
has been thoroughly discredited six
different ways from Sunday
and debunked by every serious person.
They still run it
because it's not a serious news outlet.
Doesn't end there.
Washington Examiner by Beckett Adams.
NBC News is actually printing op-eds
based on full Chinese propaganda now.
Again, up in the show notes today.
NBC News spreads Chinese
communist propaganda amid coronavirus
outbreak. Not kidding, folks.
Not a joke.
From Beckett Adams' piece,
NBC News published
an op-ed, an opinion piece this weekend
titled, folks, please
hold your laughter through this stupidity,
Coronavirus in China K me under quarantine.
I felt safer there than back in the United States.
Wow, is this person a moron?
Yeah, it gets better.
The op-ed was written by a music professor,
an American music professor,
who was in China on a sabbatical.
He's not a healthcare professional.
He's not a crisis management expert.
He's not even a government worker.
He's just a guy who saw what the Chinese government allowed him to see as a tourist in China.
I'm sure the Chinese were showing him the worst of the situation, Joe, right?
Right, right.
Hey, look what we got here.
These people are all cured.
They look dead.
Are they dead?
They're sleeping.
No, no, they're not dead.
They're just a little white, but they're cured.
I promise you.
Put the mirror under there. No, not breathing. They're A- little white, but they're cured. I promise you. Put the mirror under there.
No, not breathing.
They're A-OK, dude.
And the guy writes an op-ed,
and NBC News publishes the Chinese propaganda.
Oh, dude.
Listen, again, my deep sympathies, we have to do this,
but this show is committed to getting you the truth
in a time of crisis.
I'm sorry if you believe, you know, most of you didn't believe any of this, but some people don't have the time
to debunk this. Trump called Corona hoax fake. I felt safer in China. Totally fake news.
Here's a clip by Tucker Carlson last night. Well said, who is not falling prey to this
Chinese propaganda at all. This is a virus that originated in China. It is the Chinese coronavirus. That is
what it is. I'm not going to be subjected to any pressure by any foreign government to alter my
show content. If it originated in somewhere in Florida, they can call it the South Florida virus.
It didn't. It originated in China, like West Nile, near West Nile, Ebola, near the Ebola River,
West Nile, near West Nile.
Ebola, near the Ebola River.
Ebola Zaire, near the Zaire portion of the Ebola River.
That's how we name a lot of these things.
Here's Tucker Carlson saying, nah, not on my show.
Check this out.
The coronavirus is a Chinese virus, no matter what they're telling you.
It originated in China, was able to spread to the rest of the world because the Chinese government hid the truth of what was happening early in the outbreak from the rest of the world.
They lied about it. And that caused the terrible consequences we're watching now.
If the coronavirus causes a global recession, you can blame China for that.
Again, they'll tell you on CNN that's not true. You know perfectly well it is true. And so do they.
Now the government of China is promoting conspiracy theories, spreading on social media the lie that the virus originated in here in America and state propaganda
and China is musing about cutting off drug exports to this country and killing Americans.
That's not the behavior of a friendly nation. It's the behavior of a dangerous adversary.
So is Congress ready to treat China like what it is? Yep.
That's right.
You want to be a sucker?
The liberals listen to the show and you want to promote
can't call it the Wuhan virus
that's racist. You go right ahead
and be a sucker.
I'm not.
Moving on.
More fake news.
You may have heard the story this weekend.
Folks, this is all in the past few days.
Showing you again why the fake news is the fake news.
You may have heard the story propagated by the leftist media that Trump, the dastardly President Trump, Joe,
he found a vaccine and he wanted to buy it only for the United States and no one else in the world.
He wanted them all to die.
Just us.
Headline Breitbart.
Reuters stealth edits the debunked story claiming Trump sought a monopoly on COVID-19 vaccine.
Did you see the story this weekend?
Reuters said that Trump wants a monopoly.
He told this company, only sell it to us.
Did you notice
they stealth edited the story? Oh, let me
show you what happened. First, some
entrepreneurial news outlets that actually do
news, unlike fake news Reuters, actually
called up this company
that put out this tweet.
The company that allegedly was called about
a monopoly, only sell it to us, at CureVac AG.
To make it clear again on Corona, CureVac has not received from the U.S. government
or related entities an offer before, during, and since the task force meeting in the White
House on March 2nd.
CureVac rejects all allegations from the press.
Again, more obvious fake news.
Which, hold on, hold on.
Joe, that's not the worst part about this thing.
We're used to the fake news.
Remember the Bongino rule.
If there was ever a time for the Bongino rule,
24 to 72 hours,
let a story fester before you tweet it
because it will almost always be debunked
if it reflects poorly on Trump.
Almost always, not all the time, but almost always.
If you followed the Bongino rule,
you didn't fall prey to this one.
So Gerald Beyer,
I think he's from the Wall Street Journal, I'm not sure,
but he put out a tweet pointing out that Reuters,
stealth, you know what stealth edits are?
When you edit an article, but you don't put an editor's note.
Like, hey, we changed this.
Usually do it because you found egg on your face.
Check out this tweet from Gerald Beyer.
Hey, that article was changed by Reuters, but without any kind of editor's note.
Notice what they took out.
Quote, contacted by Reuters, a spokeswoman for the German health ministry said,
we confirm the report in Welt am Sonntag.
Wow, they deleted that?
Why did you delete it and not let anybody know?
Did you just make that up, Reuters?
That quote?
Obviously, the story wasn't confirmed.
Kind of weird.
Weird. Weird. Weird.
It is, Dan.
Fake news all over.
Don't call us fake news.
You are fake news.
You not calling yourself fake news is fake news.
Oh, it's worse.
Again., our resident fact checker
and debunker of liberal myths, Matt Palumbo.
New York Times reporters just can't stop lying.
Now, if that's not the most semi-obvious headline
of all time, I don't know what it is,
but I guess Matt ran out of things to write
about the New York Times,
so he just repeated the obvious.
What happened here?
It was another story that came out that was retweeted by and tweeted by, I think, up to
five to 10 New York Times reporters saying, President Trump, Joe, this is bad.
Not only try to get a monopoly on a vaccine, fake news story, but this new fake news story
is he told the states and the governors on a conference call.
Hey, those respirators we need, go out and get them yourself, chumps.
We're not going to help you at all.
Go and get them.
So let's go to Matt's piece.
Be up at the show notes.
Worth your time.
The New York Times repeated this.
Here you go.
Quote, New York Times reporter Julie Bozeman, fake news artist, tweeted out a quote from a new article of theirs claiming that President Trump told the governors during a conference call that, quote, respirators, ventilators, all of the equipment.
Try getting it yourselves.
Attempting to portray Trump is saying that he told the governors that they'll be fighting the Wuhan coronavirus pandemic alone.
Good job, Matt, calling it Wuhan coronavirus.
I like that.
There you go.
Now, that quote is accurate.
Whoa, really?
But what happened after that sentence
kind of adds a little context,
but they can't put that in there.
Quote from Matt's piece.
Of course, that's not the full quote
because that's not what the media does,
actual journalism.
Only when the quote is cut the exact way bozeman did to give you the impression trump told the
governors to go pound sand what he actually said which is quoted in the article not in their tweets
because the tweets are where you're going to do the damage right yeah it was actually the opposite
joe here's the rest of trump's statement respir Respirators, ventilators, all that equipment.
Try getting it yourselves.
Here's the rest.
We will be backing you,
but try getting it yourselves.
Point of sales are much better and much more direct
if you could get it yourself.
Sounds kind of different
than your initial quote,
Trump gave the double-barreled
middle finger
to the nation's governors.
We will be backing you?
Isn't that common sense,
We'll back you if you can't get them,
but it's probably quicker if you can get them yourselves.
I'm left scratching my head with the gavel here going,
what's the conspiracy here.
I don't understand.
You want big daddy federal government to do everything.
Even if the States are fully capable of speeding the process
and doing it themselves?
All hands on deck, dude.
You know?
Not according to Julie Bozeman in the New York Times.
Also retweeted by Mara Gay.
Remember Mara Gay, the lady last week,
who said that Mike Bloomberg spent enough money
to give each American a million dollars
because she can't do basic math on a piece of paper. Thank God for the news right now, Joe. All the news is fit to print.
What do you guys call us? Fake news. Because you are. Almost nothing you say is true.
Listen, I'm a full total 100% advocate for the free press. I'm not suggesting any measures here at all.
But you have the freedom to be stupid, and you take us up on the offer every single time.
You're just liars, and we're going to expose you.
Here's one more.
This is the best one.
Because this festered, even you followed the bongino rule notice i
didn't cover this story because i i knew it was fake but even outside of the bongino rule window
of 24 to 72 hours this thing festered for a week and i was waiting for someone to debunk it because
i knew it was false but i didn't have the deets Do you hear this one that's been festering for a week now?
Trump is so stupid.
He disbanded the National Security Council's
Pandemic Task Force.
Oh my gosh, he did this.
This is an op-ed,
and we don't give the Washington Post any credit, by the way.
It's the Washington Post's op-ed,
it's not their news division.
Op-ed by a guy who was actually there, Joe,
Tim Morrison, who says
no, the White House didn't dissolve
its pandemic response office.
I was there.
again, if you repeated
this, I don't blame you because it took a week
to get rid of this one. The Bongino rules
wait 24 to 72 hours, not
seven days.
Now we have the truth. What is Tim Morrison right?
Well, they didn't disband anything. What they did at the NSC, the National Security Council,
was to create the Counterproliferation and Biodefense Directorate, which was the result
of consolidating three different directorates into one, given the obvious overlap
between arms control proliferation,
WMD terrorism, and global health and biodefense.
It is this reorganization that critics have misconstrued
or intentionally misrepresented.
I think it's the latter.
If anything, the combined directorate was stronger
because related expertise could be
Again, another fake news story, story entirely discredited that is being propagated everywhere
on cable news.
Trump disbanded the pandemic task force.
He didn't disband anything, you idiots.
He consolidated it into a larger, more efficient unit.
I'm going to take Brian Stelter's word for it into a larger, more efficient unit.
I'm going to take Brian Stelter's word for it or the guy who was
actually there.
Stelter, who is snuggie and
is hot cocoa right now, sending out his
dopey newsletter every day.
Trump is bad at the proliferation
of the pandemic. Shut up.
These people are so
stupid. And yeah, Joe, we're the conspiracy theorists yeah right yeah
remember this article but i say don't watch fox news god forbid you listen to right-wing
lunatics like damn bud you yeah god forbid you're right god forbid you listen to us and get the
actual truth what did i tell you in any of this that's false i just gave you quotes from the
vaccine company saying your story's false media people i just
gave you actual fact checks and quotes from trump he did not call it a hoax you made that up
what else the tourist in china you publish an op-ed who has is there no way a professional
has no idea what's going on in china at all you publish publish that op-ed. The respirators quote is fake.
I gave you the real quote
or it's cut to make it look fake.
And I just told you a guy
who was there
for the consolidation
of the pandemic team
into a larger buyer defense group.
And it doesn't matter.
You still say,
no, no, listen to us,
not Dan Bongino.
We're giving you the real news.
Good luck with that.
You're on your own.
All right. Last sponsor then. I got some
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a couple quick stories i want to motor through but they're important before i get to uh the flynn
mike flynn debacle folks i'm just giving you the history here i don't know what's going to happen
in the future if i if i did know what happened in the future,
I'd be like, was it Biff from Back to the Future 3?
Was it Biff?
And he gets the sport guide and bets all the games right,
and he's a multi-quadrillionaire.
I don't know that.
Again, I'm not your financial advisor.
I'm just telling you the stock market damage is a story,
and this is a news show and a politics show.
But the Wall Street Journal has an interesting op-ed.
I'm showing if you're just basing the future and your probability of what's going to happen, because
it's all we know, no one can predict it, obviously, on what happened in the past, which is how we do
things. It's how everything from black shoals, when you're doing financial analysis and pricing
options and things, that's how all the finance works. You can only base on what you know,
and the only thing you know has already happened in the past.
If we base that on the market,
the markets will recover or there's a high probability.
Interesting article up.
I'd like to just hit quickly.
Investors keep your eye on the long run.
Markets always come back for major disruptions.
So it may take a while.
I'm not going to go to the screenshot of the piece.
I know we put it,
but the bottom line is this after 9-11,
after the financial crisis,
after the October crisis back in what,-11, after the financial crisis, after the October crisis
back in, what, 1987, even after the Great Depression, after the Spanish flu, the market's
always recovered in the long run.
Some of us don't have the long run.
I get it.
I'm not suggesting what's happening now is not a crisis, because it is, especially just
financially speaking.
But I addressed this earlier in the show.
I said I'd hit it later.
Ladies and gentlemen, we frequently see
in acute crises like this, V-shaped recoveries,
which could happen here.
V-shaped, meaning we hit a bottom,
not U-shaped where we go down and it lags for a while
and it comes up.
With acute crises like this,
we frequently see V-shaped recoveries.
Bam, we hit the bottom, boom, we go back up.
Could happen, may, may not. But why is that? I want to redress the point I
brought up earlier in the show. Folks, not all economic activity stops and it's just delayed.
A lot of it does. If you don't see a movie that's out now, you're probably not going to see it a
month from now when hopefully when all this, we can get through this.
You're not going to eat twice in a restaurant to make up for a lost visit.
You're not.
The paper towels you didn't use for your conservative, you're not going to use extra just to throw
them out later on.
But stuff does continue.
You do have to eat.
You do have to get around.
A lot of people have to work.
And you are going to,
if you needed a new car
because your car right now is failing
and you're not buying it now,
you're probably going to buy it in a month or so.
What I'm suggesting to you is when this rebounds,
the potential is it's going to rebound dramatically
because that economic activity
is being compressed into a thinner timeline.
Economic activity that was spaced out over a month, that's now been shut down,
is all going to be crunched into when that recovery starts.
Again, not your financial advisor, not here to lecture anybody.
Just telling you in the long run, we base all our decisions on the only thing we know, the past.
And the past dictates that we will recover from this
and there will be a rebound.
Don't be caught on the other side of it.
Just a quick note,
there's some whispers now coming out today
about a relief package, $850 billion,
supposedly Steve Mnuchin's idea.
Some good stuff.
I think this payroll tax,
although listen, not a solution
for long-term investment. They want to dump the payroll tax. It basically means you'd get a raise
of between 6% and 10%. Businesses would also get some money in their pockets too because you
wouldn't have to pay Medicare, FICA, Social Security. You wouldn't have to pay that for a
while. Listen, is it a solution for long-term economic growth? No, it's not. Is it a solution
for immediate liquidity so people can see their jobs? Yes. And it's definitely worth entertaining.
We're talking about 250 billion in small business loans. Again,
might be a really good idea right now. We need to keep people employed. No question about it.
What I don't like, again, is there's a proposal for 58 billion in bailouts. Not a good idea,
It's just not a good idea.
It's not going to look fair to Americans.
If we bail out one industry and not the other bad idea,
the other stuff pretty good.
Could work.
A quick,
never Trump or update.
We forgot this guy yesterday.
We should always include him,
but David from the guy debated that politic on and humiliated on the stage when he was trying to debate me about
Spygate. Didn't even know the attendees to the Trump Tower meeting. Was embarrassed and horrified,
paints himself as some intellectual superior to the rest of us, great unwashed out there.
David Frum, never Trumper, tweeted this gem out today. He says, nobody calls the 1919 1920 pandemic,
the Spanish flu anymore.
And not because we are soft on the inquisition.
It's just not a useful way to name a disease.
that was yesterday.
Let's go back to the October 31st,
David from account tweet,
a great artist war debilitated.
He fell victim to the Spanish flu.
Not yet. 30. Uh, nice. tweet a great artist war debilitated he fell victim to the spanish flu not yet 30 uh nice
again one of the dumbest guys i mean ladies and gentlemen i debated this guy at politicon
he was clueless he was so embarrassed that what he thought to be a grunt blockheaded secret service
agent like me just humiliated him on the stage. He was sweating and begging the moderator for help.
He was talking about that interview at Trump Tower.
Gosh, Don Jr., that was so awful what he did.
I said, who are the attendees?
He had no idea.
He didn't even know because he's a dope.
But he forgot he tweeted about the Spanish flu as he's telling us all
not to call it the Spanish flu.
Everybody calls it the Spanish flu.
You proud of me again look at this get to amazing
he needs me to speed up the stories look at you all right last story of the day we got through
it amazing right the mike flynn disgrace continues and by i say mike flynn i mean what's happening to
mike flynn lieutenant general mike flynn who is now uh officially a political prisoner of the
judicial system listen he deserves a pardon.
Just do it now. Just do it now. Mr. President, if you watch my show or anybody close to you does,
please, I'm begging you, please pardon this man. This is an embarrassment. It is a total disgrace.
Let me hat tip Catherine Herridge, great reporter from CBS. This is a screenshot from her Twitter
feed and her highlights to be given appropriate hat tip and credit here.
So the judge, I believe it's Judge Sullivan in Mike Flynn's case, his excellent lawyer,
Mike Flynn, Sidney Powell's like, hey, listen, you know, you accuse Mike Flynn of lying to the FBI,
but the interview you accused him of lying to the FBI in, Joe, there's a 302. In other words,
FBI notes from the interview. they call them 302s.
That's the numerical designation
for the summary form.
Where is that?
Kind of an important point.
No, Joe,
if I accuse you of lying to me
and I'm taking notes about your lies,
and then all of a sudden my notes just,
would be good joke.
I don't know what happened.
Kind of weird.
They just disappeared again.
The judge seems, God, thank you. Seems don't know what happened. Kind of weird. They just disappeared again. The judge seems, thank you,
seems terribly unconcerned about the actual interview notes
alleging Mike Flynn lied
when the FBI told Jim Comey
to think he lied.
They seem to have just been lost.
But don't worry, Joe.
The judge said, don't worry at all.
Joe, put your fears at ease.
I want you to calm down. The judge said, Joe, worry at all. Joe, put your fears at ease. I want you to calm down.
The judge said, Joe, don't worry.
Things happen.
Things happen.
Don't worry.
You don't believe me?
Again, hat tip, Catherine Herridge.
Here's her highlighted handwritten notes from the judicial proceeding.
The judge, the government, he's talking about the FBI.
The government, I'm sure they will address that.
I don't want to focus on any other cases before the court,
but you know, sometimes throughout the best efforts,
notwithstanding the best efforts of everyone,
things happen, Joe, and documents are lost.
I mean, it just happens.
And so, but we'll wait for the government submissions.
Ah, Judge, don't worry about it.
Don't worry about it.
Nothing to worry about at all.
Things happen, buddy.
Things happen.
So just to be clear, Mike Flynn is accused of lying to the FBI.
Joe Pianca and Pete Stroke, who interview him, go back and tell Jim Comey,
we don't think he was being deceptive.
And the notes of that meeting disappear, and the judge is like, ah, ah.
Whatevs, bro.
Like Bill and Ted.
From excellent Bill and Ted's, or even better, Beavis and Butthead from the Beavis and Butthead shows.
Remember that?
What is that, Mr. Anderson, that guy who catches them in the trailer screwing around all the time?
That wasn't us.
That was other kids.
Don't worry, FBI.
It was other kids who lost it.
Things happen. Mr. President, pardon this guy. That was other kids. Don't worry, FBI. It was other kids who lost it. Things happen.
Mr. President, pardon this guy.
This is a joke and a bad one.
Please, I'm begging you. This will do zero.
Listen, unfortunately, politics is everything.
I get that.
I'm not naive to that.
I assure you, this will do no damage whatsoever to you or your administration.
The leftist lunatics and fake news specialists will lose their mind.
Oh my gosh, Mike Flynn, we should have been crucified.
Because they don't know anything about the case and they're all morons.
Police state tyrants anyway.
The serious people who actually vote will understand that this was justice.
Your pardon.
This is a joke.
This is a total disgrace at this point.
We just lost it.
You know, things happen.
Here's another gem in the show notes by John Solomon about the Flynn case.
Apparently, Sally Yates, another liar.
Remember the justice official who was the one who was targeting Flynn?
Well, letters surfaced, Joe.
Oh, wow.
Obama DOJ official Sally Yates privately told Mueller they were alarmed by the FBI's treatment of Flynn.
This letter surfaced with a few bullet points in there about the Flynn case that was written by the special counsel about their interview with the DOJ.
You tracking me?
In a discovery,
Mueller's special counsel wrote a letter
about an interview they conducted with DOJ
about what they were doing for Flynn.
And look at these little gems that were uncovered.
Mueller's team apparently accepted
Flynn's guilty plea on lying,
even though agents told the DOJ
they thought the former general was not lying
and simply had a faulty memory.
Gee, that's kind of important, no?
DOJ officials also believed
that the threat the FBI was using
to prosecute Flynn under an obscure law
known as the Logan Act was, quote,
a stretch.
Seems like a pretty major detail there.
You say that's it?
No, that's not it.
No, no, no.
Flynn was lured by the FBI into a faithful interview with agents
believing he was not in legal jeopardy,
which caused him not to seek a lawyer.
Sounds kind of bad, too.
Well, let's go to the last little nugget.
Some of the DOJ's official assessments to the Mueller team
were backed up by former Deputy Director Andrew McCabe.
Oh, holy smokes.
Meanwhile, Sally Yates went on CNN in May of 2017 and said,
quote, this could be a compromise situation, meaning Flynn
may be compromised by the Russians.
Please, Mr. President, pardon this man.
This is an embarrassment.
A national cosmic level embarrassment of the highest order.
We will not stop covering these stories, folks.
It's a serious situation going on.
We're going to get you information so you can appropriately risk and cost and risk analysis for you.
But we're going to cover what else is going on too because I'm not going to let these stories go away.
Things happen.
Yeah, things do happen.
Crappy justice happens.
That's what happened here.
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