The Dan Bongino Show - The Two Issues We Must Fix If We Want To Save The Country (Ep 1465)

Episode Date: February 25, 2021

In this episode, I discuss the two things we MUST do to turn the tide on the left. These two things should be the centerpiece of every conservative campaign.  News Picks: The GOP finally moves on ...election reform.  Deplatforming alert! Go-Daddy too? Cancel culture is creating billion dollar opportunities for conservative entrepreneurs. Breaking news about the Spygate scandal.  Amazon supports censorship of books. North Dakota House passed a bill banning mandatory face masks.  Illinois lawmakers want to cancel this video game because of a spike in carjackings.  Copyright Bongino Inc All Rights Reserved. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 get ready to hear the truth about america on a show that's not immune to the facts with your host dan bongino listen don't even bother running for office in 2022 or 2024 for that matter if you're not going to focus on these two things don't i'm not trying to be disrespectful to my fellow conservatives libertarians and republicans out there i'm just being serious. You're not going to help us, the mission, the conservative cause, or the country at all if you don't focus on these two things and you think, ah, that's not really my bag of donuts. You better make it your bag of donuts like today. So what are these two things? Voter integrity, free and fair elections, election reform, however you want to frame it. Lick your finger, get a focus group, see where the winds are going. I don't care. That's number one.
Starting point is 00:00:50 And cancel culture. All other arguments after that are terrific. Taxes, school choice, love them. Love them all. But they will be irrelevant because you won't have a country left if we don't focus on these two things. Your voice matters, though. I'm going to get to that thing. Things are changing and people are waking up. Did we not call this? Did we not? Guys, guys, ladies, did we not call this? Thank you. I'm getting a thumbs up from Guy. Joe, don't say it. Joe, I cannot introduce Joe. So Joe is not there. We called it a couple of weeks ago. We called it. We said, call your legislators and your Republican officials, donors, whatever now, and tell them,
Starting point is 00:01:25 if we don't make election reform a focus in 2022, then don't even get involved because you're wasting your time. It's starting to change things. I'll get to that. Today's show brought to you by ExpressVPN. Stand up to big tech
Starting point is 00:01:35 and their surveillance of you online. They're selling you. Get a VPN today. Protect your data by going to slash Bongino. And thank you ExpressVPN for generously providing VPN service to producer Joe and producer Guy. What a nice gift.
Starting point is 00:01:53 Now they can protect themselves online. Joe was very excited. Were you not? Now you can talk a little bit, Joe. Sorry. Thank you very much. Joe was very, so was Guy. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:02 See, now they can protect themselves. Yeah. All right. Welcome to the Dan Bongino Show. Let's get right to it. So I got that. Your voice does matter. Things are changing.
Starting point is 00:02:08 I've got some killer video. Ron DeSantis, the governor of Florida, the excellent governor of Florida. Just, this guy totally gets it. I've also got a video from Project Veritas on tape now. Cancel culture. And Project Veritas handling it terrifically of Salesforce. If you're using Salesforce, your antenna, ding, ding, ding, should be going up right now. All right, today's show brought to you by MyPatriotSupply.
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Starting point is 00:03:07 I could probably get it for free for them. I pay for it because I'm so concerned about ensuring my food supply because you ensure everything in your life that matters, right? Your home, your car. How could you not ensure your food supply? It's crazy. I've arranged for you to save $70 on their popular four-week kit of delicious, nutritious food that gives you 2,000 calories a day.
Starting point is 00:03:25 Four weeks of food is the minimum you should have for every member of your family, by the way. Get one for each of them. This kit makes it easy. Go to and make the smartest decision of your life right now. Don't wait. Get a four-week kit for every member of the family.
Starting point is 00:03:38 and save $70 per kit. I got my supply of emergency food. It'd be a shame if you didn't have yours. Go today. All right, Joe, let's go. There it is. The Rush Limbaugh Bell leading off the show today. So your voice matters, ladies and gentlemen. I had recommended to you a couple of weeks ago, I have witnesses. I said, you need to call your legislators, your local house of delegates member, whatever they call them in the state, state representative, state delegates,
Starting point is 00:04:04 city council members. I don't care. Anyone you know running for office, the tax appraiser, the property appraiser, the sheriff, I don't care. Your congressman, congresswoman, your senators, call them and email them all and tell them, I will not volunteer or give you a dime in money or do anything to get you elected if you do not get involved with efforts to stabilize our elections and stop this cancel culture that's going on. Those are the two things that matter. We're not going to have a party left. Now, I know there's a lot of people out there upset. I get it. Candidly, folks, I see it. I see it. I'm just going to be honest with you. They tell you to never talk about this stuff,
Starting point is 00:04:44 but I don't care about any radio rules. I do what I want to do. The listenership has been a little bit suppressed. Luckily, not relative to others. Right, Joe? I mean, we're actually moving up in there, ironically, which is crazy. We were number nine in the country last month. We're number eight now, which says to me that people are upset and they're tuning everybody out they're just tuning us out less than everyone else if that makes sense maybe i explain that to you get the idea that's how it works yeah yeah it's simple math right but folks i need you to i i'm saying i'm trying to say this respectfully because you matter to me more than anything. I'm not kidding.
Starting point is 00:05:27 You really do. It's not some virtue signaling BS. I need you to get up off the mat. Most of you are, dusted yourself off after a really devastating election, but I really need you to get up off the mat. You're fighters. I get it. You've been hit hard.
Starting point is 00:05:45 I was watching Creed 2 last night. It's a scene where he gets his ribs broken and he goes back out and fights, which I dispute. If you've ever had your ribs broken, I don't think you could have it, but whatever. Let's just pretend we're in the movies. He goes back out there and fights. You got to dust yourself off because you matter. Your voice matters. You can make a difference. Here, I'll prove it to you. I'm not telling you this is something we should start popping corks on the champagne. Joe, it's over. Look what we want. I'm just saying your small steps matter. And I'm not suggesting it was only me who incentivized people to move the RNC in this direction.
Starting point is 00:06:17 It was others too. Fox News Report in the show notes today. slash newsletter to subscribe to our newsletter show notes. Read this article. The Republican National Committee, the RNC, to press state and local election officials on election security measures. Voters are watching, Ronna McDaniel says. I'll get to a screenshot from this for a second. Folks, why do you think they did this? Again, I'm not suggesting we pop the corks. Look, it's all over. For all I know with the RNC, this could all be lip service. The point is, Joe, it's a start.
Starting point is 00:06:51 And we should celebrate it a little bit and incentivize more of this. The RNC is saying what I've been telling you and you've been complaining about. We got to fix these elections. And they're clearly interested, at least in starting to do something now listen if we're going to be debbie downer all the time ah it's all fake and whatever i i can't stop that all i can tell you is at least it's a start here from the fox news article this is an exclusive they got the rnc is quote aggressively engaging with state and local officials requesting information about what states are doing to clean up their voter rolls as part of their effort to restore confidence in the election systems and promote transparency and election integrity.
Starting point is 00:07:31 This didn't just come out of thin air, folks. This was you calling people up and telling them to get busy. Here's the second paragraph on this. The RNC launched a new initiative to bolster election integrity and will begin issuing public records requests to election officials across the country inquiring on a variety of election administration practices in states like Arizona, Nevada, Pennsylvania, Michigan, North Carolina, California, and Georgia. Again, should we start celebrating? No. But should we be content that our actions and our push for these Republican officials to do something about elections is at least a first step in getting them to do something? Yes, this is good. These public records requests, because again, I know some people are just upset. They're like, ah, this is all BS.
Starting point is 00:08:26 No, no, a public records request isn't. You know why, Joe? They have to comply. The people they're making, the RNC, say, goes to the state of Pennsylvania, and using public records laws says, we want access to voter files and this stuff. It has to be provided.
Starting point is 00:08:42 What the RNC does with it, who knows? I'm not a huge fan of the establishmentarians and the RNC in general, but folks, it's a start. I refuse to come on the show every day and constantly put you in a bad mood just for the sake of generating clicks. I don't do rage media, contrary to how the left wants to paint the show. When there's something to be angry about, I'll tell you. But keep the pressure on. They can't ignore these public records requests.
Starting point is 00:09:18 Information about Pennsylvania ballot counts not matching up with certain voter files. That's the kind of stuff we want to know before the midterms, no? Your voice matters. Your voice matters. Listen to me, please. Take it to heart. I'd love to do that thing they do, but my elbows don't work. You know what they probably think? I can't do it. Yeah, Paula's doing it for me. You know what I'm saying? If you grew up in a street kid, you know what I'm saying? Watch your mouth, brother. I can't do it because I can't reach my own heart anymore because my elbows don't work. But I mean it. Your voice really matters. They're afraid of you.
Starting point is 00:09:49 I don't mean afraid of you fear like the left means, like a politically aggressive, violent thing. It's something I'm talking about. They're afraid of you because they're afraid of losing power. Because your votes keep them in power. So does your money. So does your volunteer time. It's your party you built it your efforts take it back
Starting point is 00:10:09 don't ever forget you built this keep the pressure on two issues that matter horse blinders election reform and cancel culture we can get to everything else later once we win now who gets it who gets it better than anyone i have to tell you this guy is flying up my charts if my charts matter at all i guess they do if you're listening um i rank right now outside of um someone with the last name trump if i was ranking 2024 candidates for president right now i i gotta put at the top one or two governor ron desantis of florida yeah you just have to he just gets he's a born leader so desantis ron desantis from florida excellent governor in a state I live in. Full disclosure, I'm not, I hate to, I know Ron.
Starting point is 00:11:11 I'm like, I know people. Nobody cares. Nobody cares who you know. I'm just saying I do. I have done some speeches for him at events in the past. It's only fair to put that out there. It has nothing to do with this. I haven't spoken to Ron DeSantis since he won the governorship or texted or communicated in any way. Look at this video. Here's Ron DeSantis again, understanding what I just
Starting point is 00:11:30 told you. Two things, the deuce, election reform and cancel culture. DeSantis gets it. Listen to this quick 30 second clip of Ron DeSantis at a speech the other day. When the COVID-19 pandemic hit, a lot of states use that as a pretext to be able to do hastily new forms of voting. We didn't do that in Florida. We had a system. We had confidence in the system. We knew it was safe, and we did it. We were not going to be sending out unsolicited mass mail ballots because, as we've seen, there's problems with that so the result yeah and when people tried to sue us uh we told them pound sand we're not going to change what we're doing you know what's crazy about ron des? Paula, you can attest to this one. I need some backup on this. Ron's a great speaker and a born leader. He just is. But his wife, Casey, is an even better speaker than he is. We were at an event one time. His wife was the warm-up act for the crowd he's great ron don't give me but i think after casey spoke ron came out
Starting point is 00:12:46 was like i'm just gonna wrap it up folks and let and let casey's got his speech stand like his wife is even better the family is just i don't know if it's some ron desantis like maybe he sweats off some kind of like ron desantis uh virus or gene or something and his wife and all the kids and it makes them all born leaders. But the DeSantis family are just rock stars. His wife, Casey DeSantis is a total stallion. She's amazing. She gives speeches and it's like, darn,
Starting point is 00:13:17 something in it, there's something in it. Maybe they're piping a chemical, Joe, into the DeSantis governor's mansion. No, because he wasn't even a governor then. The DeSantis household and mansion. No, because he was still, he wasn't even a governor that did the Santa's household and they're all drinking it. I'm not kidding. His wife, look up her speeches.
Starting point is 00:13:30 She's she's absolutely terrific. Ron gets it. And if you're a conservative, a libertarian or a Republican thought leader, activist, politician, bureaucrat donor, and you don't get it,
Starting point is 00:13:46 and you think this is about anything other than election reform and cancel culture in this upcoming election, please step aside. I'm begging you as a friend, with the utmost respect, please step aside, because you're filling the spot of a candidate and some other person who understands the existential threat to this country by cancel culture and shady elections. OK, please step aside. Now, let's point to someone who doesn't get it. You always got to have that yin and yang, right? Little seesaw effect. You know, the lever.
Starting point is 00:14:24 What is it? You always got to have that yin and yang, right? Little seesaw effect. You know, the lever. What is it? Your simple machines, your levers, your pulleys, your inclined planes, the wheel. Like, where does that come from? In fifth grade, I had to do a report on simple machines.
Starting point is 00:14:35 It was great. You never realize, like, how many different places these things appear. Levers and stuff like that. Inclined planes. Paul was like, what the hell are you doing, man? But, you know, in that little seesaw, when Ron DeSantis goes up, I think the universe has a natural balance, Joe. So as good conservative leaders emerge to balance the essence of conservatism,
Starting point is 00:15:00 they have to have a crappy conservative, air quotes, leader emerge as well that says something dumb on the same day, right? Or within this, that's, right, Joe? It's a balancing of the cosmos thing. I just think that's how it is. Call me crazy, but I think that's how it is. So Ron DeSantis gets it. Here's someone who doesn't. This is a quick soundbite. It's going to start with Kevin McCarthy, House Minority Leader,
Starting point is 00:15:17 who was asked a question by a reporter. It's a little low. Joe had to work with it a little bit, but he's good like that. And one of the reporters says to the House Minority Leader, leader hey do you have any beef with president trump speaking it's c-pack so mccarthy answers and then the same reporter points to liz cheney who just will never get it and liz cheney gives an interesting answer herself and mccarthy's there joe right like uh kind of put me in a bad spot there old old Liz. Not so good. Okey dokey.
Starting point is 00:15:45 Check this out. Just for our group, if you want the leadership, especially Congresswoman Cheney, do you believe President Trump should be speaking or former President Trump should be speaking at CPAC this weekend? Yes, he should. Congresswoman Cheney? That's up to CPAC. I've been clear in my views about President Trump and the extent to which following January 6th,
Starting point is 00:16:06 I don't believe that he should be playing a role in the future of the party or the country. On that high note... Joe, can McCarthy be any more uncomfortable? I mean, you want to talk about cringe moments in politics. He's like, okay, on that high note, we're going to exit stage left. I mean, he doesn't know what to look at his face as Cheney's talking. Folks, McCarthy is no conservative, right?
Starting point is 00:16:41 Let's be crystal clear. McCarthy is as establishment as establishment gets. Even he's uncomfortable with Liz Cheney. Liz Cheney, she is a congresswoman from Wyoming. Wyoming is like 99.999% Republican. There's seriously like one Democrat in the entire state of Wyoming and nobody can find this person either.
Starting point is 00:17:07 They live in the woods out in the cabin, like Grizzly Adams style. They're out to people or it's like a search for Bigfoot. They know this person exists because the state is 99.9999 repeating decimal. So there's got to be one Democrat because it's not 100%. They can't find this person. It's the search for Bigfoot. It's like Nessie. The Loch Ness Monster.
Starting point is 00:17:32 They keep going in the lake. And nobody can seem to get a really clear, high-def shot of the Loch Ness Monster, right? You have the footprints for the Bigfoot. You put the little cast in there. You get the Bigfoot cast. But nobody gets a genetic sample of Bigfoot. Bigfoot the little cast in there. You get the Bigfoot cast. But nobody gets like a genetic sample of Bigfoot. Bigfoot doesn't stop by for dinner. At Loch Ness Monster,
Starting point is 00:17:50 you get these shady, shadowy pictures, but nobody sees high depth. That's the search for a Democrat in Wyoming. You can't find them. Liz Cheney's the congresswoman and they don't even like her there. So just to be clear, Liz Cheney, who's not even liked in a state that they still can't find the alleged Democrat, the one they can't find this person.
Starting point is 00:18:15 She's not popular there, Joe. And yet she's opining how Trump shouldn't talk at CPAC because he should have no role in the party if they're January 6th, despite getting how many votes, Joe? 75 million votes? Joe, call me crazy. Do you have Jay Zabacus out there? Remember, where's that even go? We have not used Jay Zabacus in so long.
Starting point is 00:18:37 Nobody's even going to remember. You have to be like a serious old school listener to remember. A guy named Jay said this in Zabacus one time. I'm just going to check, Joe. On Jay's Abacus, what is a higher number here? Is it Liz Cheney's 11 Republican votes in Wyoming? It's maybe 12. Maybe she's got 12, but I'm not sure.
Starting point is 00:18:56 That finding that 12 person is like finding the Democrat in Wyoming. You're searching for Bigfoot. Is what's more important for you? Simple math. Get the Abacus out. Jay, I don't even know if Jay's still alive. He sent us that abacus. If you're not, Jay, Lord rest your soul.
Starting point is 00:19:09 We love you. Haven't heard from you in a while. But seriously, what is a larger number? Get ready. Move the things around. Yeah. Is it the 12 Liz Cheney votes in Wyoming or the 74 million Trump votes for president? Take your time. Take your time. or the 74 million Trump votes for president.
Starting point is 00:19:25 Take your time. Take your time. I'd use the Jeopardy sounder, but it's copyrighted. We're getting thrown off our video. What is it, Joe? What is it? Using that imaginary. I know. I know.
Starting point is 00:19:34 I know. It's hard. I know. I know. I PET scan Joe's energy. Joe's, the cerebral cortex of Joe's brain right now. It's absorbing sugar left and right. What's a bigger number?
Starting point is 00:19:45 Yeah. All signs point to Trump. All signs point to Trump. All signs. The verdict is in. All signs point to Trump. Yes. Thank you, producer Joe Armacost. You're quite welcome, Daniel.
Starting point is 00:19:58 Someone, really, Jay Zab, that is an old, we have not used Jay Zab because in probably like two years. Yeah. That was a big staple of the early show. You got one guy who gets it, Ron DeSantis, and then you get another woman who doesn't, who even makes establishmentarian
Starting point is 00:20:16 McCarthy uncomfortable. He's like, any more questions? Please, no. Someone give me the Apollo Theater, you know, guy at the end with the hook and pull me off the stage. On that note, I'm going to get it. He is the guy's Terry.
Starting point is 00:20:30 I'm surprised he didn't start crying as Liz Cheney was talking. Election reform and cancel culture. If you're interested in doing the Liz Cheney and focusing on Donald Trump, I don't like his tweets. Yeah, yeah. Okay. So you don't like his tweets. Yeah, yeah. Okay. So you don't like his tweets. We now have open borders. There's a massive tax hike coming. Conservatives are being canceled and put out of business. We have a guy who supports partial birth abortion who could be the HHS secretary. But Liz Cheney, good point. Take your 12 Wyoming voters. Yes. And let's go after Donald Trump. His tweets were mean. Priorities, Joe.
Starting point is 00:21:10 It's all about priorities. Buffoonery. Buffoonery. I'll get to cancel culture next. But don't worry, Joe. Liz Cheney's worried about Trump's tweets. Cancel culture. It's not even real.
Starting point is 00:21:24 It's all fake. It's a hoax. All right. Cancel culture. It's not even real. Cancel fake. It's a hoax. All right. Cancel culture. Let me get to my second sponsor. I'm sorry, folks. I just can't. I can't get past the buffoonery in this party.
Starting point is 00:21:36 Again, I give you the good and the bad. The RNC is doing some good things on election reform. And then we get Liz Cheney out there. I don't think Donald Trump should ever roll in the party. 75 million people think a little different, Liz. Jay Zabacus is pretty clear on this. All right. If you only saw the conversations before the show today.
Starting point is 00:21:57 Things are different in the whole ecosystem now of conservative content creation, right, Joe? Yeah, man. What the hell is that? Oh, yeah. Is that my breakfast this morning? That was gross. All right. Today's show? I'm just pissing on my mouth. That's gross.
Starting point is 00:22:06 All right. Today's show brought to you by our friends at SimpliSafe. If you have 30 free minutes, you never have to worry about a break in at your home ever again. We don't. It's how quick and easy it is to set up a security system from SimpliSafe. We have it here. You know my background was in security before.
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Starting point is 00:23:44 Secure your home. That's simplisafe. Again, get that URL right and go today. Secure your home. That's slash danbongino. Go today. All right, thanks, SimpliSafe. We appreciate it. So moving on to number two, I told you there are two issues, right? The deuce, elections, election reform, and cancel culture. Cancel culture is getting worse, a lot worse.
Starting point is 00:24:04 I'm convinced, by the way, that cancel culture will eventually burn itself out. It reminds me of, I was kind of chatting with producer Guy this morning, and I said, there's an old Herb Stein quote, famous economist, father to Ben Stein, Bueller, Bueller, remember? And the dad said, what can't continue won't. Now, he was using it for economics. In other words, you can spend money and go into debt and deficit only so long, Joe,
Starting point is 00:24:34 before you go bankrupt because what can't continue just won't. You'll eventually go bankrupt and people will stop lending you money. Right. But that applies to a lot of things. I mean, I know it sounds like a very simple, you know, not deeply philosophical, axiomatic truth,
Starting point is 00:24:48 but it's deeper than that. Cancel culture can't continue. Won't continue because it can't. Eventually, you run out of people to cancel. You get it? That's the whole thing with cancel culture. You've canceled people. And eventually, you run out of people to cancel.
Starting point is 00:25:07 There's just not enough high profile people out there with big social media followings, big audiences. There's not enough of them out there that if you were to cancel a significant swath and there's any alternative to cancel them, so you have to constantly search for new targets that are less and less significant. It will burn itself out because it has to. Now, the question is,
Starting point is 00:25:31 how long is that going to take? And what do we do to fight back, to speed up the canceling of cancel culture? Well, number one, we have to create an entire, I can't say this enough. Gosh, I feel like I'm beating a dead horse with you all. And forgive me if you've heard this over and over. But you got to tell people what you're going to tell them, tell them and tell them what you told them. It's the only way to remember it. We have got to create a fortified parallel economy.
Starting point is 00:26:01 Everything. We have to create it all on our own. everything we have to create it all on our own server farms dds providers email providers domain name registries cdns crms abcdefgs apis you name an acronym we need to build it and the irony of cancel culture, number one, is that it will burn itself out because you run out of people to cancel. It's like canceling a football team. What, a football of 11 guys on the field?
Starting point is 00:26:32 And you've canceled 10 of them. Eventually, you don't have a football game. But there's only one dude left. What's he going to do? Throw the ball to himself? Oh, you know, Tom Brady. Then run down. You can't do it.
Starting point is 00:26:43 It will burn itself out. But the ironic benefit number two is they are single-handedly creating a billion-dollar opportunity for conservative entrepreneurs. There is a great, great, great piece. I know I got to do the video. I'll get to that in a second. But in Just the News.
Starting point is 00:27:06 The John Solomon site, Just the News. This is an article by Natalie Middlestad. Liberal censorship opens lucrative door for conservative entrepreneurs. They interviewed this social media star, Rogan O'Hanley. He says billions of dollars should be made by providing providing conservative alternatives. Folks, I'm telling you, it is happening right now. It will burn itself out, number one. We need to speed that process up. We need to cancel cancel culture quick. But by doing it, not only will it burn itself out over time, but in the short term, if you are out there and you are a conservative entrepreneur like me, I have investments in Parler, in Rumble, in other alternative parallel ecosystems, right? I'm telling you for a fact, there are multiple people out there building out entire tech universes where cancel culture will render itself entirely irrelevant.
Starting point is 00:28:07 You're not going to be able to cancel them. There's only so much I can say, but they are creating billions of dollars in opportunities if you are a conservative entrepreneur. What do I mean? I want you to watch this video by Project Veritas. They strike again. James O'Keefe strikes again at Project Veritas. He's got everyone. He's got video on Facebook, video on Twitter, all of them just basically openly admitting they're into cancel culture now. But now James O'Keefe's group,
Starting point is 00:28:34 I'm telling you, James O'Keefe and Project Veritas, the most feared guy in America right now. No doubt, and I mean that as a compliment, James O'Keefe. In light of the events of January 6th, it's recognized a much broader range of messages has the potential to incite politically motivated violence, given what we saw. And so, as I mentioned, we've engaged with RNC to communicate that no messages on behalf of President Trump and no messages questioning the validity or integrity of the election are allowed on our platform under the guidelines that they may that may incite violence okay they just played that i did not give any cue for that so everybody's taking over my show right now people just doing stuff it's like it was my show it's a damn bongino show like everybody thinks this is their own thing now that was that i'm just messing with it it's okay mistake i gotta give you the hand sign you know and i give you like the it's like that it's like, you know, whatever the unbendable arm, we used to call it
Starting point is 00:29:29 the secret service. We take the unbendable arm. Like when you walk in a president to a crowd, you put the arm out, the knife hand, and it separates the crowd because people don't want to touch you, right? No, that was a video project Veritas obtained of Salesforce. So if you're using Salesforce, what do they do, Paula? They do like customer service kind of stuff? Customer like a CRM, is that what it is? If you're using Salesforce, be warned. That was the CEO of Salesforce on some obtained video
Starting point is 00:29:57 that Project Veritas got basically saying, you dare talk about election reform and any of that stuff? You're out of here, buddy. And they canceled Project Veritas. All right. I know it stinks in the short term. I know it. It does.
Starting point is 00:30:11 We've been canceled by, who was that who canceled us? Who was that guy? The t-shirt company, right? What was that? Teespring. Yeah, they canceled us. Great. We found another t-shirt company immediately.
Starting point is 00:30:22 We actually been working on getting rid of Teespring. Who was the other one who canceled us? You rememberbrain yes outbrain if you're running ad widgets on your site use outbrain i'd get away from them as soon as possible but if you're using salesforce listen you're a business you do what you want but if you are a conservative who believes in freedom, freedom of speech, capitalism, I would get away from Salesforce. Statorowski, like today, the Salesforce guy, let me just be clear. The Salesforce CEO has no expertise in election reform, politics, anything like that. They do CRM stuff, customer relations stuff for companies. Salesforce.
Starting point is 00:31:06 No expertise. The guy's not running for office or anything. He is telling you on his own internal video, the Project Veritas guy, why they canceled Project Veritas too, their account. What questions you can and can't ask. That sounds awfully totalitarian to me, doesn't it? Joe, am I thinking about this the wrong way? I mean, just straighten me out if I'm wrong.
Starting point is 00:31:22 So you got a guy who is no... You think I'm on... Okay, I'm just checking. I want to make sure I'm, just straighten me out if I'm wrong. So you got a guy who is no. You think I'm on? Okay. I want to make sure I'm not just wandering off. And so you got this dude, this Salesforce CEO. Again, no expertise. So he's not running for office himself. He sells a sales product, Salesforce.
Starting point is 00:31:41 And he's opining about what you can and cannot talk about. Or they refuse, they're going to discriminate against you. It is discrimination. It is. He's submitting it's discrimination. We're not going to let you talk about these things. And if you do, we are going to discriminate. We're going to treat you differently than others. It's discrimination. Is it illegal discrimination? No, not by law. But is it discrimination that's wrong and unethical? Yeah, obviously. People are being treated differently
Starting point is 00:32:09 because of their political ideas. I just talked about election reform, about what we banned from Salesforce. I'm sure we'll be, I don't even think we use, we ever use Salesforce for anything? No, never, good. Okay, so they won't, they'll preemptively, I'll send this to notice today,
Starting point is 00:32:23 don't try to use Salesforce later. I'm just telling you, there are companies out there, we will be highlighting in the future, who provide alternatives to Salesforce. And Joe, they have this shocking business model. Get ready, get your nitro pills out. I don't want you to have a coronary infarction event. I don't even know if that's a word.
Starting point is 00:32:40 I heard it somewhere on one of those like Grey's Anatomy type shows years ago. But whatevs, dude, here's their business model. Get ready. The Salesforce alternative that's emerging right now. They say, listen, we are going to provide Salesforce CRM services, and we really don't care what you think about politically. Revolutionary.
Starting point is 00:32:59 Revolutionary idea. Man. I can't even reach my heart. It's crazy. What is that, Elizabeth? Elizabeth, I'm coming for us old timtimers out there what red fox what and i talk about a funny guy right there right folks i'm being funny sarcastic maybe silly maybe not funny who knows but isn't this crazy that that's actually a revolutionary idea in this sick, deranged cancel culture we live in?
Starting point is 00:33:27 That you have to pick the CRM, Salesforce-type company you work with based on what your political ideology is? Is this crazy? You're like, gosh, where do we live in? North Korea? No, this is the United States. I'm telling you now, if you're doing business with these companies, Outbrain, Salesforce, Teespring, and others,
Starting point is 00:33:49 you have to make your own decisions. I can't tell you what to do. I'm just telling you our experience and the experience of others like Project Veritas. I would highly recommend you reevaluate that stat. Stat. Well, it's not just them. These articles will be up in the show notes today, by the way. This one too. You need to read this. slash newsletter, please. Sign up for my email
Starting point is 00:34:10 list so I can get around these crazy totalitarian anti-free speech lunatics and talk to you directly. Legal Insurrection, one of the best blogs out there ever in the history of blogs. Mary Chastain, new article, Legal legal insurrection deplatforming alert go daddy joe is now quote investigating websites it hosts or registers for connection to the capitol hill riot yes this is really crazy who's involved with this a george soros connected group accountability is demanding go daddydy deplatform. Even groups such as Turning Point USA and Women for America First. You mean like mainstream Republican groups like Charlie Kirk's group, Turning Point USA? They're to be deplatformed now because a George Soros affiliated group said so?
Starting point is 00:34:58 Oh, yeah. From the legal insurrection piece. Not making it up, folks. This is not some fable or fairy tale. This is the real McCoy. Quote, legal insurrection., not making it up, folks. This is not some fable or fairy tale. This is the real McCoy. Quote, legal insurrection. GoDaddy. You working with GoDaddy?
Starting point is 00:35:10 You have your domain registered there? I would highly recommend you seek other alternatives, folks. GoDaddy told The Hill that it's initiated an investigation. An investigation, Joe? They're using their Soviet friends maybe to do this. Are there interrogators involved what kind of investigation is this i'm just curious or is it does it involve some kind of like uh torture devices or what kind of investigation is this go daddy's are there
Starting point is 00:35:35 former federal investigations involved are there going to be go daddy subpoenas they're initiating an investigation into sites it hosts or for which it acts as an internet registrar for folks linked for links to the capitol hill riot after reports by a soros connected partisan group man i couldn't have butchered that sentence any worse it's not just supposedly violent groups that are targeted political groups such as turning point usa are targeted as well as uh as well in this pressure campaign against GoDaddy. Turning Point. I know Charlie Kirk, a mainstream Republican activist group that focuses on college campuses.
Starting point is 00:36:14 They're being targeted by GoDaddy. Ladies and gentlemen, again, there are others out there. Epic's one of them, right? Paula, Epic's a domain registry. Is that what they do? There are other domain registries out there like Epic that don't discriminate based on your political ideas. I highly recommend if you're with GoDaddy
Starting point is 00:36:30 that you reconsider that approach. It's probably a very, very, very bad idea. You have to make your own decisions. They're conducting investigations now, Joe. Sounds very Soviet to me. Yeah. Right? You're being investigated by GoDaddy. Guy guy's gonna show up with a commission book right oh i wish i had my old secret service commission book is it on the wall somewhere no i had you yeah yeah yeah give me that
Starting point is 00:36:56 throw that can you put that come on bring it you look i know you come on check that out bring it over make your appearance here it is so we got this from i'm gonna have to block out who this is. Here's what I'm going to show. Go daddy. Go daddy. I'm here. You flip open your commission book. The go daddy police are here, folks. I'm not going to tell you this, but Lucy ate the bottom of this patch. You see that? That's a Lucy. Lucy eats everything. We caught her eating shoes. Paula has an expensive pair of shoes. They're not expensive anymore. She ate the whole thing. Go daddy police. We're here, folks. We're here. We're going to take you down to the station. There's a station?
Starting point is 00:37:28 Go daddy. Yeah, yeah. It's in Silicon Valley. We're going to put you in an interview. Here we go. Go daddy. Bye, daddy. You laugh.
Starting point is 00:37:36 It's happening. Yeah. It's happening. It's happening right now. I'm not making this up. Here, for all you video gamers out there and all you young kids gee you were a video game guy right you like video games back in the day am i not supposed to share that on the air you're a little uncomfortable with that or sorry folks i can say that cool thank you just getting used to gee he's only been here a couple weeks i I don't know what makes him uncomfortable. I really don't care. You're part of the show.
Starting point is 00:38:05 Sorry, open season. Guy was a video game guy. All you young, you know, hip cats, you know, Joe, the young hipsters, they love cancel culture,
Starting point is 00:38:15 liberals, because it's cool to be a liberal. You know, it's not cool to believe in freedom and liberty and be a conservative. It's not cool and edgy by their definition.
Starting point is 00:38:22 It is by mine. We're the new renegades, right? But you're a video game guy. You're like, I love liberals. They're all so great and wonderful. And this cancel culture thing is like really cool. I'm micro-aggressed and what all the dopey words are for all the keywords of the day.
Starting point is 00:38:40 Well, look, now they're coming for your video games, cancel culture. Now they're like, oh my gosh. I didn't, what did I tell you? Cancel culture cancel culture was gonna what did i say when i opened the set what did i say what did i say i said cancel culture was eventually going to implode on itself because you run out of victims here's a new victim the hill illinois lawmakers seek a ban of grand theft auto video game following a rise in carjackings. Here's just the suggestion. If you are that morally inept that you played a video game called Grand Theft Auto and you thought to yourself, I really feel like going out and carjacking someone right now.
Starting point is 00:39:17 Your problems are probably not the video game. Just throwing that out there, folks. I played John Madden football growing up on Sega or whatever the hell it was. You're probably laughing because I don't even remember what I played it on. Commodore 64. Who the hell knows? My brain is mushed these days with all the nonsense going on. But I don't remember going out and like running onto an NFL football field,
Starting point is 00:39:43 taking a, you know, and then trying to drop back and pass a ball to the wide receiver. I'm just saying, if you're carjacking someone, it's a really, really bad idea, and I don't think the video game had anything to do with it. But you know what? All you young cats out there that you think it's really, you know, cool. Cool's not even a cool word anymore, but whatever. I grew up in the 80s.
Starting point is 00:40:01 If you think it's cool, awesome and mint was another word. If you think it's really mint to be a part of cancel code, mint, you're probably like, that's a stupid word. This is so mint. I'm part of cancel culture with all these cool liberal celebrities and stuff. Then look, you're next. What an idiot. You didn't think they were coming for you?
Starting point is 00:40:15 Sorry you were that stupid. Really, I'm sorry. I feel bad for you that you got suckered into believing this. How cool and edgy and mint you were. Because you couldn't figure out that eventually the totalitarian tyrants were using you as a useful idiot and they'd come for you in your video games. Here's one more in the show notes today. Amazon back again. If you're still using Amazon, why are you doing that? You can get everything else you need on the internet elsewhere. Yeah, it's a little more difficult.
Starting point is 00:40:47 Requires you to make a few more clicks. We in this fight or what? Get rid of Amazon. I haven't ordered. I had a couple of things on that auto renew. We have to cancel, but that's it. Amazon, we spent a lot of money on a lot. Like my wife would come to me with the credit card bills and be like, what the hell?
Starting point is 00:41:03 Like, what did you buy a car on Amazon? Like, seriously, dude. Like, where's the, done, done, bye, bye now, bye. Amazon, just the news article, quietly ends sales of books that labels hate speech. We're back to the book burning stage again. The book burning stuff. So advanced, Joe. Such an advanced, highly intellectual society we've become. We're back to book burning, what they did in like the 1600s. The Salem witch trials will be advanced, Joe. Such an advanced, highly intellectual society we've become. We're back to book burning.
Starting point is 00:41:26 What they did in like the 1600s. The Salem Witch Trials will be next, Joe. Remember the Salem Witch Trials? If they float after they dead, they weren't witches or whatever it was. Like it was a lose-lose. You right? Remember that? Didn't work out well for you. That'll be next. That'll be next.
Starting point is 00:41:42 Alright, it's getting late. I gotta get to my third sponsor. My gosh. I spent a lot of time on that. Alright, here's what I got coming be next. That'll be next. All right, it's getting late. I got to get to my third sponsor. My gosh. I spent a lot of time on that. All right, here's what I got coming up next. If you can get away from these people, these liberals, you must. This was a Guy suggested story.
Starting point is 00:41:56 Good work, good work. I usually think of it all in my own head. I'm not really good with taking other people's advice on the show, but this was a good idea. You'll see what I mean in a minute. They had took a poll of Democrats and Republicans. It's not going to end well for us. I promise you.
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Starting point is 00:43:49 Thanks, Helix Sleep. So this segment is called, If You Can Get Away From These People, Do It. I have it written in all caps. Get away from, I know, who are these people? I'm talking about the crazy liberals. He sent this story over and I told him, if you're going to get into podcasting
Starting point is 00:44:09 and conservative content creation, TV shows, radio, whatever it may be, can I give you a piece of advice? Anybody can read the news, right? Anyone, it's pretty easy. Just read the news. They have that all the time. Listen to the local news at six and everybody just reads the stories.
Starting point is 00:44:22 If you really want to produce conservative content, content people appeal to, you got to find narratives and storylines. You can't just read a story. So Guy sent me this fascinating story about a poll that was done of GOP voters priorities and Democrats voters priorities. And ladies and gentlemen, this poll is going to scare the hell out of you. I'll get to the results in a minute. But I thought, what's going to be the narrative that's going to weave through this segment? And it's this, what I just said. If you can get away from these people, these radical liberals, you have to do it.
Starting point is 00:44:56 You have Florida, you have Texas, you have the Southern states, South Carolina, North Carolina. If you can get away and escape these crazy liberal states, Illinois, New York, and California. Liberals, please stay where you are up there. We'd rather you not move down. I can't stop you. It's a free country.
Starting point is 00:45:12 I'm not a totalitarian like you. But I'm asking you as a friend, please don't move down to Florida. I personally don't want you here. I don't know what kind of weight that carries with you or not, but I'd rather you stay in New York. But conservatives, please come down here. We need you. We need reinforcements. Please get away from these people. I'm just going to play this video and scratch my head afterwards, and maybe you'll
Starting point is 00:45:33 see the connection. Here's a video that's been making the rounds on social media, one viral. I'm just going to let it speak for itself. If you're white, yes, you are racist. Even if you think you're woke, we all benefit from oppression. Pretending you're not racist only makes racism grow. I'm just going to leave that one right there. That apparently is a video from a tiktok person gave the axe hand on that one
Starting point is 00:46:11 so let's move on in the if you can get away from these people please do it uh there's a reason I'm not at a loss for words I'm just intentionally not saying words that I know are words creeping through my cerebral cortex right now
Starting point is 00:46:37 Paula knows why that's a pretty fascinating little musical performance there Joe the music isn't that great though I mean really needs to work on that that tune That's a pretty fascinating little musical performance there. Joe, the music isn't that great, though. I mean, it really needs to work on that tune. If you're white, you are a racist, and you are a wokester, and you are not racist or racist person because you're white.
Starting point is 00:47:03 The person singing that, if you're watching on Rumble, I'm about to cry right now, happens to be white herself, herself but that apparently has escaped her and she's calling herself a racist in her own video not smart enough to figure that out i guess um here's that poll we were talking about so they asked gop voters what concerns you most? What are the big problems for the country? And you'll notice the problems GOP voters care about and want solved are actual substantive problems. Number one, illegal immigration. Number two, lack of support for the police. Number three, high taxes. If you're watching on Rumble, you can see the chart right here. This was an Echelon poll, by the way, to give the hat tip. High taxes. You'll see it's all important stuff.
Starting point is 00:47:44 Socialism, Antifa, violence, China, legal abortion in the third trimester, election fraud, tech company, censorship,
Starting point is 00:47:51 discrimination against Christians, all substantive issues. Now, remember the narrative weaving through this segment. If you can get away from these people and move, please do it. Why? Because when we put up the chart about what Democrats care
Starting point is 00:48:07 about, you're going to notice this, that while you care about issues based on polling, you know, data, science matters, and all liberals keep saying that. They, the liberals, don't really care about issues. They care about you. Look at their chart. Here's what they care about issues they care about you look at their chart here's what they care about number one donald trump supporters number two white nationalism number three systemic racism number four right now we get at least one issue that, you know, it's actually, you know, an issue of some sort. They can policy. Gun violence. Americans lacking health coverage.
Starting point is 00:48:51 All right. Domestic terror. Police brutality. Discrimination against LGBTQ Americans. Sexism. Voter suppression. Student debt. And then capitalism, too.
Starting point is 00:48:59 So they don't like economic freedom either. Their number one issue, 82% of them, is you. Donald Trump supporters. Folks, this goes back to my axiomatic truth. I don't know if it's Dan Bongino truth number one. I don't have them written down, but I should. But it's definitely one of my Dan Bongino rules of the road. The left thinks you are bad people with ideas.
Starting point is 00:49:30 We think the left are people with bad ideas. That's changing a little bit now as we see their true colors. They really hate you. Just read their polls. It's not speculation on my part we care about issues economic freedom cancel culture
Starting point is 00:49:51 high taxes what do they care about? you they will never leave you alone they are obsessed with you get away from these people while you can if you think you are a racist get away from these people while you can. If you think you are a racist, get away from these people stat. The third time that word has reappeared in the show today.
Starting point is 00:50:12 Like yesterday. If you don't have some business or substantial tie to these states where these lunatics live, people answering this question, you know, number one, what's your number one issue? Donald Trump supporters. They are obsessed with you. You have to get away from them. Do everything in your power to get away from them and move around people who actually care about economic liberty. All right. Here's what I got coming up next. I, this Spygate story that broke today. I know a lot of you are tired of the story and I understand that, but I'm not,
Starting point is 00:50:42 because I'm not going to let the move left win with its move on strategy. Oh, we're moving on. We're moving on. No, I'm not moving on. I'm not. That's what they want. You understand that was their thing. Drag it out. So then people say, oh, nothing happened. We're moving on. I'm not moving on. I'm sorry. I'm not moving on because it's only the biggest scandal in human history. I got a quick story on that. You're going to want to read it in the show notes too. Let me get to my final sponsor today. Speaking of great sleep, our friends at Bowling Branch. If you dream of comfortable sheets at a price that won't keep you up all night, look no further than Bowling Branch. Our sheets are so unbelievably comfortable. You will never know peace and serenity in your sleep until you slept on Bowling Branch sheets. They make the softest organic sheets on the market.
Starting point is 00:51:24 And here's the thing. It's like a fine wine. They get better with every wash as they age. Better, better. And comfort isn't their only standard. They use only 100% sustainable raw materials. As their first fair trade certified manufacturer of linen, you can feel as good about your Bolland Branch sheets as they feel on your skin. We have the signature hem sheets from Bowling Branch. They're a bestseller for a reason. They come in seven beautiful colors in all sizes from twin up to California king. They are buttery soft, lightweight, organic cotton
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Starting point is 00:52:30 Use promo code bongino, B-O-N-G-I-N-O. Try these sheets out. Send me an email. You're going to love them. Use promo code bongino. All right, getting back to the show. So showing you the power of cancel culture
Starting point is 00:52:45 and the liberal disinformation machine, which is powerful, it is. And denying that it exists is just a disinformation in and of itself. Liberals do have a coordinated disinformation and misinformation machine, and they use big tech to do it. Here's a hilarious example.
Starting point is 00:53:00 This is an actual screenshot from my phone today of how a hoaxopedia, otherwise known as Wikipedia, Wikipedia, how they describe Spygate. This is an actual screenshot. Spygate, parentheses, conspiracy theory. Spygate is a conspiracy theory initiated by President Trump in May of 2018 that the Obama administration had placed a spy in his presidential campaign for political purposes. Don't worry, Joe. Don't worry. It's a conspiracy theory. This is all made up. Don't you worry at all. Stand easy, as they used to tell us in the police academy
Starting point is 00:53:31 on the mustard deck at 90 degrees sitting in Manhattan melting. Stand easy. Well, kind of throws a little bit of a monkey wrench into the whole conspiracy theory thing. We just had some uncovered documents. Yes, I care whether you folks do or not. I care about spying. I know a lot of you do.
Starting point is 00:53:48 New documents now reveal a wider ranging operation to spy on the Trump campaign headline, John Solomon, just the news. Story will be in the show notes today. Please read it on slash newsletter. Huh? Wikipedia, Scamopedia told us that this is a conspiracy theory. So a secret FBI informant is now revealing that they were spying on the Trump campaign. That can't
Starting point is 00:54:12 be, Joe. Wikipedia clearly said this is a conspiracy theory. This is strange. So here we go. We have an actual FBI informant here saying this. So quote, once secret reports show the FBI effort to spy on the Trump campaign, I thought that was a conspiracy theory, was a far wider than previously disclosed effort as agents directed an undercover informant to make secret recordings, pressed for intelligence on numerous GOP figures, and sought to find, quote, it's a quote, liberals, that means someone said this, anyone in the Trump campaign with ties to Russia who would acquire dirt, quote, damaging to Hillary Clinton.
Starting point is 00:54:51 Just underlining that there for the liberals here have a tough time with facts. So they wanted anyone in the Trump campaign and FBI informant, otherwise known as a spy was directed to get quote anyone in the Trump campaign. That can't be folks. Hoaxopedia told us that this is all a conspiracy theory. That's really bizarre. Oh, there are more gems in this Just the News piece. Here's a couple other bullets from it. Immediately after the FBI
Starting point is 00:55:17 opened the collusion probe, they narrowly focused on the foreign lobbying of a single Trump campaign aide named George Papadopoulos. Agents pressed Halper, he was working for them, Stefan Halper, as a spy, for information on more than a half dozen other figures, including future AG Jeff Sessions, foreign policy advisor Sam Clovis, campaign chairman Paul Manafort, economic advisor Peter Navarro, and future national security advisor Mike Flynn and, and campaign advisor, Carter Page. You know what's really crazy, Joe? This is really just bizarre. I mean, call me crazy here.
Starting point is 00:55:50 But so the FBI is a spy, Stefan Halper. They're pushing to spy on people. And this list of people they're pushing him to spy on, they all have one thing in common, Joe. Think it through. Take a minute. Take a minute. Slow down.
Starting point is 00:56:01 Slow down. I know you didn't eat this morning. Brain functions on sugar. You know, can't use you didn't eat this morning. Brain functions on sugar. You know, not, can't use stored fat or anything like that. Blood sugar's low. Processing speed is slow. But they all have one thing. Can we pop that up again?
Starting point is 00:56:13 They all have who? Manafort, Peter Navarro, Mike Flynn, Carter Page, Jeff Sessions, Sam Clovis, George Papadopoulos. What do they all have in common? Are they all Greek? George Papadopoulos, I would assume, is Greek. No, no, I don't think Mike Flynn is Greek. Just checking. I think he's Irish.
Starting point is 00:56:30 I don't know. I haven't asked him. Maybe Scottish? Not sure. So it's not that. Is it that they're all English speakers? Maybe. Maybe that's it.
Starting point is 00:56:37 That's it. They're all English speakers. That's why they were targeted. Actually, the FBI informant said no. They were all targeted because they had one thing in common. They worked for the Trump campaign. Oh. But don't worry.
Starting point is 00:56:48 Don't worry. Joe, come on. Stop speculating. Stop getting ahead of yourself here. Don't get ahead of the skis. Stop speculating. Wikipedia says it's all a conspiracy theory.
Starting point is 00:56:59 It's all a conspiracy theory. All right. Stop your nonsense. You're spinning everybody's wheels. You're wasting my time. Part number two of this little gem. Poor Joe. While current FBI director Chris Wray has insisted the Bureau did not engage in spying on the Trump campaign.
Starting point is 00:57:16 Oh, don't worry. Chris Wray said so. Halper's taskings include many of the tradecraft tactics of espionage, including the creation of a fake cover story saying he wanted a job at the Trump campaign. Secret recordings providing background on targets, suggested questions to ask, and even contact information for potential targets. Man, that sounds awfully like spying to me. Yeah, man. But you know liberals, Joe. They're in love with the euphemism game.
Starting point is 00:57:43 They're like, no, that's not spying. It's, uh, what do you call that? It's undocumented surveillance. They're not illegal immigrants. They're undocumented Americans. This is undocumented surveillance. They love the euphemism game because it plays to idiots. It plays to people who are liberals who play video games.
Starting point is 00:58:07 You didn't realize like liberals would come after their video games next. You were, you were played like a useful idiot, just like you're being played by scamopedia. This is all a conspiracy theory. The spying really, we have a spy admitting they spied and said they wanted to spy on anyone in the Trump campaign using spy tactics.
Starting point is 00:58:24 A guy who was a spy paid like a spy to do spy stuff in spade and said they wanted to spy on anyone in the Trump campaign using spy tactics. A guy who was a spy paid like a spy to do spy stuff in spade and spy tradecraft, but definitely not spying. Definitely not spying on the Trump campaign because Scamopedia said so. So we'll end the show with this gem. Guy spruced it up a little bit. I've used the screenshot a thousand times, but he got real sharp and made it all fancy now. The show, look at this. We used to have like this run-of-the-mill operations.
Starting point is 00:58:48 Me and Paula, like a crunch schedule, just throwing screenshots from my phone. Now everything looks professional. Look at this stuff. I know that was. It was bad, right? No, your stuff was great. We just didn't have a lot of time. I'm in trouble.
Starting point is 00:59:01 Date night is definitely out this week. No, your stuff was. I'm really in a pickle here, someone rescue me please oh do we have a little bit of extra help now so i this screenshot from my phone has been super spruced up so i like it here's jim comey actually admitting you like this is nice right yeah and it's march 20th 2017 congressional testimony um which we already knew because it happened in 2017, which for the liberals listening, that's almost four years ago,
Starting point is 00:59:29 just in a couple of weeks. Wikipedia hasn't figured this out yet, that they were authorized to spy on, in fact, the Trump campaign. James Comey said it himself. He says, I've been authorized by the DOJ to confirm that the FBI, as part of our counterintelligence mission,
Starting point is 00:59:42 is investigating the Russian government's efforts to interfere in the presidential election. And that includes, I'm going to read this slow for the liberals, investigating the nature of any links between individuals associated with the Trump campaign and the Russian government. That was there in 2017. But yeah, don't worry. Scamapedia said scamopedia said no no that's not true there was definitely no spying um on the trump campaign don't worry folks and you fell for it if you're a
Starting point is 01:00:14 liberal i'm really sorry what a scam hey i gotta give a shout out i promised i don't do shout outs often but my nephew j James, loves the show. He's a great kid. I love him to death. He's a big sports fan, huge sports fan. He wants to be a sports broadcaster. So I told him I'd give him a shout out yesterday, and I'm sorry, James. I just got overwhelmed with something, but you deserve a shout out. James, my nephew, big time, super fat shout out to you from the old DB machine here. Love you, brother. You're a good kid.
Starting point is 01:00:49 I hope he's happy. My brother was like, you better do the shout out tomorrow. I loved it. I love you, James. I really got crossed up yesterday. Forgive me. Maybe we'll be doing more shout outs in the future. Our audience deserves it.
Starting point is 01:01:01 Thanks for tuning in, folks. I really appreciate it. That was a loaded show today. A lot of material. I will be at CPAC tomorrow still haven't figured out what I'm going to talk about what is it? 4?
Starting point is 01:01:11 is it 4 o'clock Paula? I'll be driving up there with Paula tomorrow so speaking of 4 I'll figure out in the car Guy asked me this morning too what are you going to talk about I'm like I don't know
Starting point is 01:01:19 I'll figure it out in the car it's best that way I'm more passionate when it's like on my mind that day so don't miss that and please please subscribe
Starting point is 01:01:27 to our video show slash Bongino we are almost at 1.5 million subscribers we really appreciate it slash Bongino
Starting point is 01:01:35 it's free subscribe watch the show there thanks for tuning in see you tomorrow you just heard Dan Bongino

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