The Dan Bongino Show - Their REAL Plan For Those Illegal Immigrants (Ep 2163)

Episode Date: January 11, 2024

In this episode, I discuss the left's immigration endgame and how they plan to bring it about.  Maryland county argues to create board seat limited to illegal immigrants NY Gov. Kathy Hochul decla...res war against shoplifters California’s Wealth Tax Arrives Copyright Bongino Inc All Rights Reserved Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 get ready to hear the truth about america on a show that's not immune to the facts with your host dan bongino all right i got an absolutely bananas show for you today aliens like actual alien video of aliens people are talking down in brazil at what new cool there you i know now joe this is joe's like forget it anytime you mention aliens, Joe's like, why did the antenna go right up for Joe? But come on, dude. The video is a little freaky deaky. Even for a guy like me, who is a hardcore skeptic.
Starting point is 00:00:35 I mean, Joe's skeptical too, but he likes his stuff. I'm like a super skeptic, and I watch his video like, what the hell is that? I got that. I got Hunter Biden. We haven't done a media segment in a while. However much you revile these idiots, I promise you don't revile them enough. Trump town hall, Christie on a hot mic. The inflation number is starting to blow up again. By the way, as I said, it's not hard to figure out. There's no way we're done with this. A lot to talk about. Big show. Beam Dream Powder.
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Starting point is 00:02:29 So let's go. Yeah. Beam me up. It's a Thursday, isn't it? Yeah, dude. It was all that was by the way, the segment where we're getting to this UFO segment key, no matter what, this is only for Joe, but it is a little freaky deaky.
Starting point is 00:02:41 Okay. First, just before we get to anything, I know the economic segments are hit or miss. Some are like, yeah, it's awesome. Some are like, I don't really care. Folks, the inflation number peaked again. Inflation's going back up, not down. 3.4% year over year. Daily Caller's got the story. Inflation soars as high prices continue to squeeze Americans. Here's the problem. I'm not going to beat this thing to death. The number that popped the other day, 3.4, it's up from 3, 3.2. It's going back up. Here's the issue. The prices never came down. So if you have a $100 price level for, say, I don't know, a War Eagle pin is $100 and inflation's 9%, the next year, the War Eagle pins $109. Even if inflation is down from nine next year to say three and inflation is cut by a third, the 3% hike is 3% of 109. It's not 3% of 100. The prices never come down. Folks, we're in a real, real bad spiral now.
Starting point is 00:03:49 And I warned you about this a long time ago. Horrible, disgusting, gross Democrats and swampy Republicans both got their hands in the till, print a bunch of money because they're ball-less, nutless losers who don't want to make hard decisions because they're not leaders. They're ball-less, nut-less losers who don't want to make hard decisions because they're not leaders. They're chumps, cowards, and they're pigs at the trough. They can't stop spending. And you will continue to get effed. The beatings will continue until morale improves. This is, listen to me. Mark my words on this.
Starting point is 00:04:19 This crisis is not going to stop. You can print money or control prices. not going to stop. You can print money or control prices. You can continue to print money and just spend them whatever you want like we're doing now, or you can get prices under control. You can't print money and control
Starting point is 00:04:34 prices. You can't. You can't. You all enjoying this out there? Keep voting for swampy Republicans and shitbag Democrats, and this is what's going to happen. Inflation's called the silent tax because that's what it is. You have a couple choices here. The economic segments, if you hate them, just tell me in the chat you hate them.
Starting point is 00:04:56 Here's the deal. We are spending money we don't have. Well, if we don't have it, where are we getting it? We're printing it. If we're printing it, where's it coming from? You, in the form of inflation inflation as money floods the economy. Either way, brother, you pay. I love you all out there.
Starting point is 00:05:10 You 41,000 people five minutes into the smart ones to the dumb mother effers out there who can't do basic math. You can continue to spend us 34, 35, 40 trillion in debt. You are going to freaking pay. 35, 40 trillion in debt. You are going to freaking pay. There is no mathematical circumstance whatsoever where bullshit fuckwad Democrats and swampy Republicans spending us into the abyss.
Starting point is 00:05:34 There is no scenario by which you don't pay for it. None. None. There is zero scenario. You will pay in taxes or inflation. That's it. Moving on. Cause I could talk about this bullshit all day.
Starting point is 00:05:54 You can tell I'm in a mood today. I'll explain. Maybe I'll explain more another time. Yeah. The country's done. I mean, we're finished. If this doesn't stop, we're finished.
Starting point is 00:06:07 It's a mathematical certainty. Prices will go up and up and up. Your wages will go down and down and down. And in 10 years, everybody go, well, what happened, bro? Oh, I don't know. We printed $75 trillion and devalued our currency.
Starting point is 00:06:22 What did you think was going to happen? It's only happened every time it's been tried throughout human history. All right, just quick. Trump's town hall was last night. There was also a debate going on at CNN with DeSantis and Haley. Honestly, folks, I didn't get to watch both at the same time. I'm kind of like done with this whole primary thing at this point.
Starting point is 00:06:38 I thought DeSantis had a good town hall himself. I didn't think Haley did that great of a job personally. I didn't see the debate last night on CNN. I don't watch CNN. So I'm going to take a pass on that. It's nothing personal. Trump's town hall was on Fox. So a few minutes of it, this Mr. Reagan account on Twitter, they'll put together this highlights. And this is like a minute of what happened on the side. I thought Trump last night, from what I saw the debate in snippets that did not see the whole thing start to finish. But from what I did see, he snippets that did not see the whole thing Start to finish But from what I did see
Starting point is 00:07:07 He looked pretty sharp last night Sometimes you know he's a little old Sometimes he looks a little tired last night Looked pretty relaxed and pretty sharp last night Here are some of the highlights of what happens About a minute check this out What about any of the people who you've run against Would you be open to mending fences
Starting point is 00:07:21 Oh sure I will I've already started like Christy better. We are going to have the largest deportation effort in the history of our country. We have no choice. We have no choice. You know, I don't get $8 million for doing nothing like Hunter. I don't get $500,000 for doing a painting. It's not a bad idea, I guess, if you can get away with it. DeSantis, I don't know what he really believes because, you know, you never know with a politician. And he's just another politician as far as I'm concerned. But, you know, I watched him last night. He's standing up with his shoes, his fancy shoes.
Starting point is 00:08:04 But, you know, I watched him last night. He's standing up with his shoes, his fancy shoes. There are questions about how much a second term of a Donald Trump presidency, second term, would be about retribution and looking backwards and grievances and how much would be looking forward. I'm not going to have time for retribution. We're going to make this country so successful again. I'm not going to have time for retribution. And remember this, our ultimate retribution is success. Folks, this is my favorite Trump. This is my favorite Trump. When he's calmer, when he's a little bit more reserved, and when he speaks about things of substance that he's done and plans on doing, this is my favorite Trump. Honestly, at this point, when we're, you know, we're constantly reflecting on other things and getting distracted, it's not really helping anymore in the general. This is, I thought he was on point last night. I thought he looked great before that. However, something big happened. So something big, Joe, no pun intended.
Starting point is 00:08:59 I did not mean that at all. Maybe I did. Chris Christie. that at all. Maybe I did. Chris Christie. What? What's so funny? Something big happened. Chris Christie decided to drop out of the presidential race. A lot of people were perplexed. They didn't even realize he was still in it. They were like, wow, that's crazy. Chris Christie's dropping out. Is Asa Hutchinson next? So Chris Christy dropped out, but here's where the story gets a little, I mean, honestly, nobody really cared, but Christy drops out of the race. And gosh, Joe, how many times,
Starting point is 00:09:32 I'm going to ask you this question now because you've been in the radio business longer than anyone. What's the rule on microphones, Joe? Always assume you've got a- I guess, sir. I've only asked Joe this question three times this week and it's only Thursday because this is what the third time we've had a broadcast a clip like clip like this.
Starting point is 00:09:49 I'm not saying it's not going to happen to me one day. We all kind of lose it. But Chris Christie's going to do a live stream. He's he's got a mic on the live stream, hasn't quote started yet. apparently doesn't know the rule about microphones. And he's talking here on the live stream, doesn't realize it's live about him dropping out on a hot mic. And he talks about the Santas calling him how now he talks about Nikki Haley, how she's going to get smoked. Ladies and gentlemen, this did not reflect well on Chris Christie and before his dropout speech
Starting point is 00:10:23 yesterday, listen to what happened. I'm going to tell you why this is important though. Check this out. People don't want to hear it, Wayne. They don't want to hear it. We know we're right, but they don't want to hear it. We couldn't have been any clearer. We couldn't have been any more
Starting point is 00:10:37 direct or worked any harder. Let's not forget she spent 68 million. Well, when you give land to China and places like that I mean look she spent 68 million so far just on TV spent 68 million so far
Starting point is 00:10:53 59 million by DeSantis and we spent 12 I mean who's punching above their weight and who's getting a return on their investment you know and she's going to get smoked and you and I both know it. She's not up to this. She's still 20 points behind Trump in the manager, right?
Starting point is 00:11:10 He's still going to carry Iowa, right? Yes. I talked to DeSantis calling me. He's petrified. He's probably getting out of touch with Iowa. Listen, I know, dude. That's definitely it. Dude, that's definitely a dude.
Starting point is 00:11:26 Here's my Motley cat. There's Motley. Throw him over here. Come on. You got a good arm. Yes. Look at that. I haven't dropped a Motley in a long time.
Starting point is 00:11:35 Thank you, Joe. We haven't had a month. That is definitely double Motley worthy. Come on, Motley. Hang on there. Hang in there. You got it in you. You got distribute your weight better.
Starting point is 00:11:44 Yes. Someone in the chat. There we go. Motley's in the chat. Someone in the chat said, Dan, demo a hot mic moment. So folks, Jim, producer Jim at the radio show can hear this right now. I don't know how it works out that he can hear me all the time, but if I didn't know that, imagine me and Joey now. Joey, you know, I'm getting really tired of producer Jim. All he cares about is smoking meats and shit like that. Like this guy's got to start focusing more on the show, man. Every day.
Starting point is 00:12:09 Right, Joe? I mean, the guy's a bum. Guy's a bum. All he wants to do is smoke meats and stuff. Then I get a text from Jim. I can hear you. Oh, shit. Dude, that's the greatest smoke meats ever.
Starting point is 00:12:21 That's the greatest smoke. That would be a hot mic moment. Jim can hear us. Like it took me a while to figure it out. Luckily, I love Jim and he is the best radio producer in the business. Guy, you going to catch this? Let me see your skill. Oh, oh, that was on me.
Starting point is 00:12:36 Folks, that was on me. That passed one way right. Boy, Guy was in the chair like almost fell on his head. I love producer Jim, but that's what a hot mic moment looks like. It's always embarrassing. It's not good. Yeah, mics are hot all the time. I will never forget being at Fox one time when a guy went in the bathroom,
Starting point is 00:12:52 I guess, with the mic on. It didn't turn it on. And everybody was like, wow, that's an interesting sound effect. It happens all the time. Here's the problem Chris Christie's going to have. Joe, I'm sure you've heard these things before. You being, quote, in the biz, right? Here's the problem he's going to have. Joe, I'm sure you've heard these things before. You being, quote, in the biz, right? Here's the problem he's going to have. Chris Christie's endorsement in New Hampshire
Starting point is 00:13:11 would have meant a lot before this. It would have. He had 12% support or something, which isn't insignificant. You want to be number two in New Hampshire, okay? You want to be the number two behind Donald Trump. Donald Trump's probably going to win New Hampshire. Maybe not, but he looks likely to win it, Right. You want to be number two. So you can say, hey, it's me and Trump now. OK, you want a one on one race. Listen, Haley and DeSantis are pretty tight. If Chris Christie's 12 percent of the vote were to go over to Haley, Haley could very well close in a bit on Trump. So now the problem Chris Christie's going to have with this dopey hot mic
Starting point is 00:13:46 moment, this guy's just incompetent folks is now, how does he endorse Nikki Haley? He's on tape saying what she's going to get smoked. So if he endorses Nikki Haley, the DeSantis team rightfully so is just going to play the soundbite. You're endorsing Nikki. Which one should we believe, Chris, that she's going to get smoked?
Starting point is 00:14:10 Or you today telling us how great she is, how she's going to win? Like, which Chris Christie should we believe? The guy screwed himself over. This is not a small, insignificant thing. Politics are blood sport. The DeSantis team would be smart. If I were the Trump team, I would just stay away from it altogether. Just leave it alone. That's why Trump said, yeah, I'm starting to like Chris Christie more. And one more thing about the Trump town hall. I don't mean it because I do. I have a lot to get to today. If you know Donald Trump, like I do, one of the things I told you about
Starting point is 00:14:39 Donald Trump that I like, you may not, but I like. When I think of his best characteristics, and I know this guy pretty well, is he is transactional. Now, I know that's used as an insult a lot, that he's not emotional about issues, he's transactional, but he is. And that's what I want in a politician, because I don't want to marry the guy, okay?
Starting point is 00:15:02 I'm not interested in that. I'm interested in a politician who understands the value of conservatism, even if it's based on a pure transactional relationship, meaning everything to him is a business deal. So when he was asked about who his VP was going to be or something, and he says, well, Chris Christie's, you know, I like him a little more now. He's not kidding. If Donald Trump's like, well, I need this guy's support to win and get stuff done, he's going to do it. Other people, oh, man, Donald Trump's a phony.
Starting point is 00:15:30 He said he didn't like Chris Christie. Fine, say that. I don't care if he likes him or not. I care about him getting votes. Should have brought that up before. He is totally, completely transactional with politics. That, I think, is his greatest asset. Everyone else gets too damn emotional about it and they wind
Starting point is 00:15:46 up losing the ability to politically persuade. Trump just views everything like a spreadsheet and I got no issues with that. This is my take. You don't have to agree. If you guys in the chat agree, let me know. If you don't, I understand too. Maybe you want someone who passionately
Starting point is 00:16:01 believes in all this stuff. I don't know. I want a guy who passionately believes he's got a plan to save the country. And if he has a political calculus to do it, he's going to do it. All right, listen, no matter how much, listen to me here, no matter how much you despise the goon media, and if it's like one to a hundred level of despising the goon media, I'm at like a 99.6, leaving a little room for growth. I promise you it's not enough. Now, they have a First Amendment right, which I value and respect.
Starting point is 00:16:32 They are protected. We need the media protected. However, that First Amendment right also protects the right for them to be stupid. I just wish, hope, and pray. I would not amend the First Amendment, of course, but I just wish, hope, and pray that one day the media wouldn't have to take us up on the opportunity to be so freaking stupid all the time because they're just disgusting filth. Our misinformation mashup today, who is our media goon of the day,
Starting point is 00:17:01 courtesy of the Associated Press's Allie Swenson. Everybody, round of applause. Thank you, Allie. We always need one goofball du jour. What happened here? Nothing pisses me off more than this. Folks, when the left-wing media and their liberal allies promote something, get caught promoting it, and then blame what they're promoting on conservatives because we noticed it. It drives me absolutely insane. So here's an AP article where she manages amazingly in this gem of a piece to promote two incredible chunks of disinformation in one article. Here's the dreadful Ali Swenson at AP. Trump suggests unauthorized migrants will vote. The idea stirs his base,
Starting point is 00:17:56 but ignores reality. Ali Swenson, this is from the other day. Oh, really? Trump suggests unauthorized migrants will vote? I'll get to that one in a second. But here she goes about the unsupported claim, which, by the way, is supported dipshit. I will show you the headlines. This is supposedly a journalist. Look at her avatar. She's like, looks like the moron she is. The unsupported claim, which Trump and other Republicans have carted out in past election years, is resonating with voters who agree that security is lacking at both the border and the polls. Experts say it can also be damaging, giving undue traction to false stereotypes and extremist ideologies such as the racist great replacement theory. Holy fuck is this lady an a-hole.
Starting point is 00:18:44 This has got to be one of the biggest lying pieces of garbage you will ever see in the media. Is this woman stupid? Let's get to the receipts here first. So let's just say, here's her hypothesis. This freaking moron or liar. There's no option C. Trump is promoting a crazy theory that illegals could vote. Trump is promoting a crazy theory that illegals could vote.
Starting point is 00:19:06 And it's being, it's, it's incentivized by the great replacement theory, which is racist, that illegals are coming here to replace lost Democrat votes. Let's address that thing one by one. First, the unsupported theory that illegals are going to vote. Ali Swenson,
Starting point is 00:19:23 time for school. You freaking moron. Headline one, Washington Times, Maryland County argues for the power to create a school board seat limited to a legal immigrant vote. Oh my gosh. Joe, remember Howard County, Maryland? I do. That's where Chuck Ecker was from. But Alan Kittleman and others, I remember Howard County. Well, Howard County, Maryland's arguing not only for illegals to vote, but Alan Kittleman and others. I remember Howard County. Well, Howard County, Maryland's arguing not only for illegals to vote, but to have a school board seat where only illegals vote. Is that a conspiracy theory? Dipshit alley is it? There you go. However much
Starting point is 00:19:58 you hate these people, you don't hate them enough. I just randomly pulled this one. By the way, I could do this all day. I just randomly pulled this one. New York, Maryland. Here's one out of California. Santa Ana residents decide whether non-citizens can vote in local elections. Did you see that? Look at that, Ali. Ali, it's called homework.
Starting point is 00:20:16 It's called homework, you freaking moron. Again, are you always this stupid? How did you get this job? What are your qualifications to lie so effortlessly to people? Dan, you seem really angry. Folks, I can't stand these people. They are disgusting human garbage. She is 100% lying to you. I just produced the actual receipts. And then she's lying to you and then blaming you for their replacement. Great replacement theory.
Starting point is 00:20:47 How do I know it's theirs? Because they wrote about it in the New York Times. We can replace them. Michelle Goldberg, October 2018. The gist of the article being the great replacement theory. I thought she said racist Republicans were in charge of. Oh, we're going to do it. We're going to do it.
Starting point is 00:21:08 I'm going to do some homework for Ali, who, again, is either unbelievably stupid. Or just an outright authoritarian liar using her platform to smear people. There's no either way. You're a disgrace. Oh, I got more on this. The great replacement theory. That's our thing. You sure about that? Take a quick break. Traditional media is crumbling. Why? Because they're hiding something, something big. People are realizing they're being lied to left and right, even by institutions they thought they could trust. But
Starting point is 00:21:40 you, you've known the truth all along. You know,'s time to prepare for what's coming. Now, now don't wait. Use for your emergency food. I use them. I have a kit for every member of my family. I have multiples. You'll save $200 on an essential three-month emergency food kit from My Patriot Supply. Over the years, My Patriot Supply has helped millions of American families prepare for emergencies. Yours should be next. Don't wait. These meals are sealed inside ultra durable packaging. The delicious meals last up to 25 years in storage, provide over 2000 calories a day. Eat right when things go wrong with these three month emergency food kits. Please don't wait for MyPatriotSupply. With $200 in savings, you can get enough for each family member. They deserve
Starting point is 00:22:19 your protection. Go to, order by 3 p.m. for free, same-day shipping. That's Folks, please don't wait. This is super important stuff. Forget the ad for a second. Get prepared. You don't know what could break bad. Hopefully it doesn't, but it could. Here, let's do some homework again for Ali Swenson. Joe, how many times have you seen this? Probably 10. Guy, what, 10 times have we played this? 5, 10? I don't know. I can't play this enough. This is what makes me sick about these people. If the great replacement theory that immigrants are replacing
Starting point is 00:22:52 American voters in the demographic makeup of the Democrat Party, if that's a racist theory, then I'm sorry, I have. Why the fuck do Democrats keep talking about it? You dipshit, Ali Swenson.
Starting point is 00:23:11 It's not me talking about it. It's them. They wrote articles about it. Why aren't you condemning them? Because you're disgusting and you're a freaking liar. AP should have fired you for this dumb ass article. Here you go. Here it is again.
Starting point is 00:23:30 Democrats love affair with great replacement theory and demographic destiny changes so they can alter the vote. Listen yourself. Coming out into the open. In a few years, we're going to be a majority brown country. White people will not be the majority in the country anymore. This will be the first generation ever in American history in which whites will be a minority of the generation at some point.
Starting point is 00:23:54 As of 2007, every year babies being born in this country, whites now are the minority. In 2044, everyone is going to be a minority. As the demographics change, as white people become the minority in the country, which is coming. Demographics is destiny. Demographics is destiny. Demographics is destiny, right? The country is changing.
Starting point is 00:24:14 I've been saying it here. Other people have been saying it here for years now, even before Donald Trump. The demographics is destiny. The white population is declining for the first time in history in America, while the number of multiracial Americans have more than doubled. So we live in a country where the demographics are changing. It's becoming less white. Correct.
Starting point is 00:24:33 OK, you'll be announcing that we're calling the 38 electoral votes of Texas for the Democratic nominee for president. It's changing. It's going to become a purple state and then a blue state because of the demographic. changing it's going to become a purple state and then a blue state because of the demographic i again i can't play this is probably the fifth the seventh the tenth time we played this it's just this is why you should absolutely thoroughly and completely disregard not only disregard what ap ali swenson and these other total dipshits have to say, I need you to assume as a base level of reasoning that whatever they're saying, that the opposite is true.
Starting point is 00:25:13 If you're playing a strict probability equation, you'll most likely be right. If they say that that rumble sign I have on my desk there is green, you should probably believe it's red because nothing they tell you is true. What about this one from the other day, Ali, moron? Here's Democrat representative, Democrat, Democrat, Democrat. Did I say that again? Is this like Max Headroom? Am I glitching? Democrat representative Yvette Clark actually saying the so-called racist great replacement theory. Hey man, we could use
Starting point is 00:25:46 some illegal immigrants in my district. I'm in a blue state. People hate they're moving out. Maybe we should replace them. Listen to yourself, dipshit. From Brooklyn, New York, we have a diaspora that can absorb a significant number of these migrants. And, you know, when I hear colleagues talk about the doors of the inn being closed, no room in the inn, I'm saying, you know, I need more people
Starting point is 00:26:14 in my district just for redistricting purposes. And those members could clearly fit here. I mean, Ali, you're going to condemn them. If Ali had any balls at all or any integrity at all. She does not. Why not write about her? Is she a racist, too? People are freaking disgusting. By the way, that's why I'm not voting for him. You know who I'm voting for. But I like Vivek.
Starting point is 00:26:42 He's been a friend for a while. I've always been open. I did some business with him in the past. I'm supporting Trump, but I think he's run for the first time. A guy who's never been involved in politics. Pretty decent campaign. I know some of you in the chat don't like him, and then folks, that's okay. I respect you guys in the chat. I totally get it.
Starting point is 00:27:00 And he's taken some positions I'm not really that comfortable with, but I think and tell me in the chat how you feel about this, because I'm really interested in your feedback. Can we all agree on this? Whether you like him or hate him or disagree with his positions or there's some questions about some things I get, can we all agree he's definitely a skilled debater?
Starting point is 00:27:20 I would say a master debater. You have to put a pause between those words. If you're, say him quick and you'll see what I mean. He has a unique skill. And I think it's because his brain is like running on a really fast CPU and the media are genuinely stupid. So it's like a Commodore 64 against like deep blue. It's really like wrestling with your like five-year-old redheaded neighbor. Like it's not going to work out for the neighbor,
Starting point is 00:27:50 you know what I'm saying? They're just stupid and Vivek isn't. This is what happened yesterday. Vivek was asked a question about, you know, whatever. And he just does this great thing where he turns the tables on the media and makes them account for their own bullshit. The Ali Swenson's of the world. This went on for a while. I only cut about a minute of it, but this is really good.
Starting point is 00:28:12 Take a look. By show of hands, who here is willing to admit that the Trump Russia collusion hoax was indeed incorrectly reported by the mainstream media. Is there anybody here able to admit that that was incorrect reporting? It wouldn't be really appropriate for us to answer the question. Why not? Why would that be inappropriate? I think it would be inappropriate. What's inappropriate is lying to the public. We're doing our job. Was the public lying to her? Did the media report on this set of facts that would provide evidence? So that's a fair question.
Starting point is 00:28:44 media report on this set of facts that would provide. So I so that's that's a fair question. I actually think that the public was lied to long after the media systematically still understood that this was the product of the Steele dossier. The Steele dossier was a piece of Russian disinformation provided by the Hillary Clinton campaign that was served up to the federal government as a basis for issuing a FISA warrant to then potentially infiltrate a member of the opposition party. If this was Bush and Cheney doing it to John Kerry, this would have been the stuff of scandal. Again, listen, I am not here. I'm part of this Bongino Army family. I am not the general. here. I'm part of this Bongino Army family. I am not the general. I'm not. I may be a captain. The general is going to be some political leader or something that takes over conservatism and is a bigger following than I do later. I'm just a part of this machine. I'm not here to tell you
Starting point is 00:29:39 to vote for it, but I don't think there's any question this guy's got a natural gift for this. He just does. I have never seen him really smoked by the media in an interview. I've seen him with some shady answers to conservative people that I wasn't crazy about, but never to the dipshits in the media. And the lady's answer back to him shows how stupid, I've told you this, I mean legitimately stupid the media are. Oh yeah, we just reported on the Steele dossier based on the facts we were given at the time. Really? So a speculative dossier
Starting point is 00:30:14 written about a collusion deal no one could prove based on a pee-pee tape no one had ever seen or heard of on a source nobody knew was a major five-year news story. But the Hunter Biden laptop dropped off by Hunter Biden, signed by Hunter Biden on a receipt issued to Hunter Biden using Hunter's phone number and address with a witness who saw Hunter Biden,
Starting point is 00:30:41 with Hunter Biden's emails and texts on the computer that had a sticker of the Biden family on the computer. That's not worthy. Lady, go F yourself. Please stop humiliating yourself in front of the whole country. However much you revile these media people and can't stand them, I promise you it's not enough. I respect and would defend with everything I have the right to a free press, period. This positively stop. But I will also use every ounce of energy in me to expose that they have used that freedom to absolutely 100% lie to you. Over and over and over.
Starting point is 00:31:28 They're disgusting. Want to see where the media is going, by the way? This is going to be here in this. You see what happened in Canada? I was given this story a few days as I typically do on things. Stay tuned. I got a big show. I got the UFO thing too. I have to get to that.
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Starting point is 00:32:33 to get that extra $30 off your order. Minimum purchase may apply. By the way, I had an Omaha Steaks disaster the other day, Joe. We left the freezer open downstairs,
Starting point is 00:32:41 so Guy, don't... Yes, I lost my Omaha Steaks. I'm like furious about it. So, because we eat them all the yes, I lost my Omaha steaks. I'm like furious about it. So, because we eat them all the time. I was really miffed. I'm like, what's dripping out of the fridge? We left it open for like five hours. GenuCell, folks.
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Starting point is 00:33:46 Every order placed is automatically upgraded to free shipping. Don't wait. slash Dan. You look great. That's slash Dan. Okay, back to the show. Do you see what happened in Canada? Ladies and gentlemen, make no mistake.
Starting point is 00:33:59 Here's where we're going here with the media too. Any independent media like this guy from, I believe, Rebel News, this guy, David, he's asking the Canadian deputy prime minister, he's getting ready to ask her a question, which is on a public street, he's violating no law whatsoever. This is up there in Canada. And this is what happened to him by what, listen, I love law enforcement, but I love good law enforcement. I'm sorry, I did protection. I don't know what this guy was thinking right here. Watch him just manhandle this reporter and then blame the reporter for assaulting him. Watch this. Why is your government supporting Islamo-Nazi?
Starting point is 00:34:47 What are you doing? You're under arrest for assault. Why are you pushing me? You're under arrest for assault. You're under arrest for assault. Police. Police. You're under arrest for assault. How am I under arrest?
Starting point is 00:35:00 You bumped into me. You pushed into me. I was just scrubbing here. I've got my credentials here and you just bumped into me. So, excuse me. You're under arrest for into me. You pushed into me. You bumped, I was just scrubbing. I've got my credentials here and you just bumped into me. So excuse me. You're under arrest. What is your name in your badge? What is your name in your badge?
Starting point is 00:35:12 I thought you'd been told you're under arrest. Why am I under arrest? Folks, again, this is what's coming here. I bring this up in the media segment because if that were a left-wing media person, the gentleman is not. If that were a left-winger like Ali Swenson promoting hoaxes and lies and garbage and agitprop Soviet propaganda like the great replacement theory is a right-wing thing, right? If that were Ali Swenson, none of that would have happened. But the fact that it's a right wing guy or someone at least associated with the right wing who asks common sense questions, you're going to find yourself in jail. This is where we're going. There'll be freedom of the press in the future. Only if you're a left wing Soviet agit prop person. By the way, Canada is totally lost. an agit prop person. By the way, Canada is totally lost. I saw this.
Starting point is 00:36:04 Did you guys and ladies see this about the ring doorbell footage in Canada? Joe, when you first saw this, serious question. Did you think when I thought like this is a scam, like it's a joke? Yeah, I almost pissed myself. Right, right, right.
Starting point is 00:36:19 I was like, get me a diaper. I needed the pad. Like this can't be real. So I thought this was like a joke thing. So I had needed the pedal. This can't be real. So I thought this was a joke thing. So I had to go back. Folks, this is real. Canada is now totally lost. The trucker thing, Trudeau, the place has gone full commie, right? I really feel bad for them.
Starting point is 00:36:36 I'm actually afraid to go up there. I'm not sure I'd come back. They're now telling people, if you have one of these porch pirates that comes and steals something off your porch, how would you know they were a porch pirate? Well, if it's your package and a person you don't know steals it, then that's theft. They're saying, no, no, you could get in trouble if you post that because these people all have rights to steal your shit. This actually happened. Watch this. Police are urging Quebecers to not post those clips online because they say there could be a case for defamation you cannot post the images yourself because you have to remember
Starting point is 00:37:13 that in canada we have a presumption of innocence and posting that picture could be a violation of private life instead he says if anything is stolen call 9- call 911. If you get some proof that somebody might have stolen something, then call the police, give the proof to the police, and then we'll do the investigation. We'll bring that person to justice and we'll file some charges. Folks, listen to me, man. If you are a conservative in Canada, we would love to have you. And if you're a liberal, please stay.
Starting point is 00:37:43 Do not come here. Country's closed. If you are a conservative in Canada, apply for American citizenship. Come down here. We would love to have you. We actually like immigrants who love America. I mean, I was part of my whole crew here. So, you know, Canada's lost. Canada is completely lost. American, blue American citizens, cities are no better by the way. So I, I'm not defending them either. All right. I want to get to this.
Starting point is 00:38:08 I got a lot to get through. Still digesting this Hunter Biden fiasco yesterday up on Capitol Hill. Ladies and gentlemen, last night I tweeted out this thing with, cause I'm just so frustrated with this. You're telling me we can't do better as a country. We've got a country of 330 million people and the worst scum family in the entire country is running the joint and just humiliating everyone now. Hunter Biden yesterday,
Starting point is 00:38:30 let's just be clear about this. Let's not beat around the bush. Let's not play cutesy time. Hunter Biden yesterday made the entire country just kiss his ass. They did. He laughed. They thought this was hilarious. Anyone telling you, Dana Perino at Fox actually had the right take. She's like, listen, if you were going to pull a stunt, it's a good one. She's right. Hunter Biden knows he is part of a crime family that is absolutely protected. He gave the double barrel middle finger to you, by the way, all of America, and he doesn't care. And he doesn't care. We can say all we want, like, oh, we'll get him later with the contempt thing. We may. But there's no question yesterday, Hunter Biden and his team are laughing all the way to the bank. They made millions of dollars, according to multiple people involved, selling the brand, influence, access to his dad. And Hunter Biden gives exactly zero shits.
Starting point is 00:39:23 He doesn't care. And Hunter Biden gives exactly zero shits. He doesn't care. He is a guy was a crack smoking, sex addicted, disgusting piece of filthy human scum. His dad is no better. They're garbage people. They make me sick. I wanted to throw up in the beginning of yesterday's show. I thank the Lord every day. I left the secret Service before I had to deal with this guy. I was on Obama's detail and had relatively little contact with this disgusting piece of garbage and his gross, disgusting family. The son's like knocking boots with the sister of his dead brother. These people are gross. The dad sniffing kids all the time, feeling women's asses and stuff. He's just gross.
Starting point is 00:40:09 Showering with the daughter. They're freaking disgusting. I had to play this again. I don't know who this was, this reporter or a guy up on Capitol Hill, but here's a better angle of a Hunter crack question. Cause these are the kinds of questions you should legitimately ask Hunter. Are you on crack today? What kind of crack do you prefer? This is great. Check this out.
Starting point is 00:40:32 Hunter, what's your favorite type of crack? Are you on crack today? Do you like shooting cocaine or smoking crack more? I'm not sure. I think it was Ivan. I may have been Ivan. I'm not sure who it was because I saw a couple of guys taking credit for it. That is just glorious. Whoever did that, good for you.
Starting point is 00:41:04 It's a legitimate question. What's your preferred methods of cocaine delivery? Crack in mainlining, smoking, snorting? I mean, this is the scumbag we're dealing with. Folks, if you only knew the stories I've been told by people, however bad, again, you think the Biden family is, I promise you it's worse. But don't worry.
Starting point is 00:41:22 Finally, a Democrat's seen the light. Seen the light. Yes, you'll never believe it. Here is a guy Joe and I know well from Maryland. The guy's human garbage, Jamie Raskin. But Joe, he's seen the light. I don't know if an angel visited him, whatever. Here he is on a liberal left wing news show saying, listen, if you're a family member or whatever, you should definitely answer a subpoena and do the right thing. I was shocked when I heard this. Check this out. The lesson is, please tell your children out there in America,
Starting point is 00:41:48 if you get a subpoena to go before Congress or you get a subpoena to go to the court, go. You have a legal responsibility to go. Just kidding. That's from 2022. He's talking about Steve Bannon and Peter Navarro. He's a scumbag. Jamie Raskin yesterday was defending Hunter Biden, doing the exact opposite of what Jamie Raskin said. Joe and I know this guy from Maryland. Again, total scumbag.
Starting point is 00:42:10 Complete piece of garbage. Everybody hated him in Maryland who had a brain. Somehow he wound up lying. Everyone get elected to Congress. The guy's a total piece of garbage, always has been. The Hunter Biden thing continues to get worse, by the way. Oversight Committee put out this tweet the other day. Remember the White House about the Hunter Biden blowhole painting? Remember
Starting point is 00:42:28 the blowhole painting, Joe? Let's pretend this is the blowhole. Oh, yeah. It's like blowing painting. This is actually Donald Trump's pen. He signed the, he said, can't insult the pen. This is a great pen. He signed an EO with this pen. He gave it to me and my family. So it's a treasured thing. Let's use this one. John, these blowhole paintings. There was a White House communication about this. They said, listen, listen, because we know that art is a great way to launder money. Why? Anybody know? I covered it yesterday because the price of art is completely subjective. So if I want to buy, say, let's just say you want to give me money, but you don't want to say on the record for tax purposes as a salary, you don't want to say on the record for tax purposes as a salary,
Starting point is 00:43:09 and you don't want to pay payroll taxes, Dan Bongino can do Dan Bongino art. You can give me a million dollars for it. Oh, I thought it was worth a million. So the White House said, well, in order to prevent that, we're going to make the identity of a lot of these buyers anonymous. So there's no way the White House would know or could be influenced. Oh, look at this. The White House found out that that agreement to keep it silent. Yeah, that was all bullshit. Hunter's art dealer said he had no communication with the White House about any agreement. Have they told you the truth about anything? Anything at all?
Starting point is 00:43:38 Here, skip the George comment. I want to, because I don't even have time for him. Go to the Peter Doocy video here. These people, ladies and gentlemen, they have no answer whatsoever about any of this stuff. Zero. Here's Peter Doocy
Starting point is 00:43:51 questioning Kareem Jean-Pierre. They have no answer for the level of corruption coming out of this disgusting White House that can't tell the truth about anything ever. Check this out. I just don't have anything else to share.
Starting point is 00:44:03 The last time he was on the Hill, he said the president was certainly familiar with what his son was going to say. I did say that. And what I'm saying is that President Biden does not help him with his business deals, but he does help him skirt congressional subpoenas. That's not even true. That is a jump that is incredibly disingenuous in that question. What I will say to you, I am helping you out. I'm helping you out. I don't have anything else to share. Folks, the disgusting kid-sniffing woman-feeling, butt-grabbing president right now is knee-deep in helping his son break the law and avoid a congressional subpoena.
Starting point is 00:44:42 And by the way, in case you think the White House, oh, the White House never said they had a deal with Hunter Biden's art network. Here's the 2021 article from the Washington Post. White House officials helped craft an agreement under which purchases of Hunter Biden's artwork will be kept confidential, even from the artist himself. Not true. Not true. Because nothing they tell you is true. Oh, and the hits just keep on coming. Here's our friend Kanekoa the Great on Twitter. Oh, look, not only was Fannie Willis involved in Georgia with a collusion scheme to prosecute Donald Trump for political reasons. It looks like garbage person Letitia James, a New York attorney general, visited the Biden White House, too. Right around the time she was talking about prosecuting Donald Trump.
Starting point is 00:45:28 Don't worry, folks, there's nothing to see here. The disgusting, filthy, kid-sniffing, woman-feeling, crack-smoking, sex-addicted Biden family, bribe-taking, blackmail people, lying, plagiarizing, false civil rights activists, loser Biden family. Don't worry, I'm sure they're telling you the truth about everything else. You understand this guy is the worst human being we have in the country right now who could possibly be sitting in that White House, not even mentioning his cognitive dementia and the fact that the guy looks like death warmed over right now. Disgusting. All right. Now, folks, this segment is, Joe, I don't usually do dedications. This isn't the Casey Kasem show. This is America's top 40. This is not. However, a lot of you find
Starting point is 00:46:14 these UFO stories interesting. Let me just say in advance, I'm a bit of a skeptic about these stories. Actually, a lot of a skeptic. Congressman Tim Burchett has me believe in there's something there. He's reported on the UAP, unidentified aerial phenomenon thing, and has me believe in that there's something very mysterious going on. However, I am still a skeptic about a lot of these stories, but I can't ignore this. This is an Air Force intelligence officer. Some of you've heard of him before. David Rush, I think his name is. He's made quite a name for himself. Here he is on a, was he on Rogan? What was the podcast he was on? He's on Rogan and hat tip Joe Rogan, the Joe Rogan experience. And he's talking about these alien life forms. And listen,
Starting point is 00:47:01 I don't know, folks, the guy does not sound crazy. I'm not suggesting what he's saying is true. I don't know. I'm just telling you, he doesn't sound nuts. Take a listen. Are we alone? Well, the answer is we're not alone. And I know that with 100% certainty, which as an intel officer, you never say 100%, but all things pointed towards, 100%, but all things pointed towards based on the people I talked to, like Harry Reid, and I use him as an example, but I talked to the highest of it would be at this point, because the phenomenon is real. It's been going on for thousands of years. People have been seeing strange things and not everybody's mass hallucinating. All right. Listen, I saw a couple of you in the chat. Bullshit. I see. I hate these stories. Listen, I hate these stories too, but the hard reality is ignoring it is silly, right?
Starting point is 00:48:06 Say it's a one in a million chance these stories are accurate. Folks, this would be the black swan event to end all black swan events. If this guy is telling the truth and there is intelligent life elsewhere in the universe, it's not a story. It's the biggest story of all time. Not even close. That's why I don't ignore this stuff. However, one story I think we can kind of put to bed and I've got a couple of friends down there who filled me in. Remember the Miami story from last week, Joe? 10 foot aliens in Miami shut down the whole block. I played it on the show, that weird TikTok. I've got a couple of buddies down there I really trust. They're like, dude, none of that actually happened at Miami Police Department.
Starting point is 00:48:46 One of the guys put out actually a video about this. Here's a quick update on the Miami mall being shut down by 10 foot aliens last week. Check this out. All right, guys. So just to address a few clips that are going viral on social media right now. First, our response to that big incident in Bayside Marketplace. What happened was there was about 50 or more juveniles that were shooting fireworks at people. There was also some looting going on. So officers that were on that scene were having a little bit of trouble containing it. So they called what is called the Citywide 3, which every officer in the city responded. That's why you saw so much police presence for that call to contain that crowd.
Starting point is 00:49:19 Now, there is now video going viral of 8 to 10 foot aliens walking around Bayside. It's actually just a person walking with a shadow. So I can confirm to you all here today, right now that there are no aliens in Miami in Bayside marketplace at the moment. So it's Friday. I hope you guys have a great weekend and stay safe. Folks. I listen. If I thought this guy was bullshitting you, I wouldn't play it, but I've got a bunch of friends who are like, dude, trust me. There were no 10 foot. There were at least 100 cops on the scene.
Starting point is 00:49:50 And they all attested that there's no 10 foot answer. No, I'm not buying that shit. No. However, Joe, this shit is freaky deaky doo. Yes, it is. Right? New York Post. 10 foot tall strange being seen traversing Brazilian island as alien rumors swirl. Yes, it is. today. I had like, I had the one arm cable lat rows. I was doing some, some a dumbbell bench
Starting point is 00:50:26 prep. I'm feeling good. I'm like, I got to see this video myself. I wasn't going to put this in. And I watched the video and I'm like, man, that does look kind of weird. Could it be people dressed up in costumes? It could check this out. This is some weird stuff. This is, by the way, there were multiple people who saw this, not just one. Look at these, look at the arms. Yeah. You didn't zoom in on that? I did.
Starting point is 00:50:51 Oh, good job, Joe. But, Steve, run that again. Folks, come on. If you're watching, if you're listening to our audio, just watch the end of the rumble. Watch this video. Tell me this isn't weird. Look at the proportions of the bodies compared to the mountain. They look like eight to 10 feet tall,
Starting point is 00:51:07 which, okay, maybe they're on stilts, but look at the arms. Look at the proportion of the arms and the head and the neck. What the hell is that? Look at that arm. What is that?
Starting point is 00:51:18 That arm looks like it's like five feet long. Yeah. Stop that right there. What the hell is that? Folks, it could, listen, Occam's razor. Okay. Could be some dudes in a suit. I have zero. It's probably the most likely explanation. I'm just telling you that thing's moving awfully funny and a lot of strange stuff has been going down. Yeah. It's, I don't know. It's a good point. He's always like, who took the video? How'd they know to be? Again, I'm not really, I don't know. I'm just telling you that is kind of a weird video.
Starting point is 00:51:53 I watched that thing and I was, what do you guys think in the chat? I mean, I'm looking at it right now on the screen because it's a second or two behind. That is a weird video, a super weird video. Hey, skip ahead to Fauci at the end. I'll get to the great reset stuff tomorrow. I don't want to give a shortcut that at all. Folks, Dr. Fauci, did you see this? So he gave some public testimony. I hate to skip ahead. Sometimes segues aren't easy, but I don't want to leave you today without playing this. All of the things we were told during the COVID thing, this is why you can't trust the media. You can't trust experts. You can't trust the government anymore.
Starting point is 00:52:26 They were all lying to you all the time. Dr. Fauci used the air of expertise to lie to you about a whole bunch of stuff. Him and this cabal of insiders that got you to believe in the six foot distancing rule, bullshit, that was used to shut down schools. I'll talk about that tomorrow. The COVID vaccine is going to stop you from getting COVID.
Starting point is 00:52:44 It won't. It came from a pangolin. It didn't. Your masks work. They don't. Everything they told you, just about every major thing they told you about COVID was a lie. Now, you would think a guy, I mean, the guy's been in medicine for what, six decades? Whether you like Fauci or not, he's clearly a smart guy. It's weird how Fauci gets so dumb when you ask him questions about what he did. It's almost like he's not proud of his actions during COVID. He was asked during testimony all of these questions that he should have had easy answers for. I mean, he is a doctor. I want you to listen to this guy pull this maneuver people pull a lot when they don't want to answer questions.
Starting point is 00:53:24 Check this out i have no recollection i'm sorry would you repeat the question what's the question again i'm not sure i think you know i don't i don't recall whether i don't recall anything from that phone call you know i don't recall your i don't recall i may have but i don't recall. I don't specifically remember. Do you recall that? I don't recall. I don't recall this. If you show me this now and ask me the question, do you recall this?
Starting point is 00:53:53 I'd have to say I don't recall. You know, I don't recall. It's possible, but I don't recall. I'm not sure. Not specifically that I can recall can recall again that's not something that rings a bell with me that i would remember i don't ever recall i don't recall ever not to my knowledge i don't i don't know if they did i don't recall don't recall specifically again i i don't recall may have occurred but i don't recall i don't recall him saying that I don't recall. May have occurred, but I don't recall. I don't recall him saying that.
Starting point is 00:54:26 I don't specifically recall. Now, I've been involved in depositions. There are a lot of times if you don't recall, you legitimately don't recall and you don't want to lie. You don't make something up. You're under oath. However, you don't find it a little bit unusual. This guy was a government employee. We're not talking about things he did in his private medical practice.
Starting point is 00:54:46 We're talking about things he did as a representative of you. Don't you think he has an obligation to keep some kind of a, you know, log or diary of like important decisions that were made knowing later on there could be litigation, government acts or something. The guy doesn't remember anything. Hat tip, Texas Lindsey, by the way, great follow on social media for that clip. Folks, you can't trust anything these people say. I'm going to get into tomorrow. How the six foot social distancing guideline.
Starting point is 00:55:14 You remember that one folks, just like masks. It was like doctrinaire. No, no. Stay six feet away from people. Stop. If we're getting COVID Joe, where do you think that came from? You have any idea? I can't recall. Yeah, that's good. I planned out with him. Very clever. See, I'm not clever. He's very good. I can't recall either. Matter of fact, almost nobody can recall where that came from because it's not based in any science at all. It was apparently just like made up. And yet it was used to shut down schools all across the globe. You're telling me our kids lost almost two years of education for a six-foot social distancing guideline
Starting point is 00:55:51 that nobody can attribute to a single shred of credible science? Yes, that's what I'm telling you. You're telling me Ali Swenson and the media routinely write articles disparaging conservatives based on lies and misinformation every single day. Ladies and gentlemen, these are the people right now. We have a choice going forward. We can do something in the election to get rid of these people and move on in a better,
Starting point is 00:56:18 more prosperous, more freedom oriented direction. We can continue to get effed and the beatings will continue until morale improves. I'm done with this and you should be too. We've got a few months to get this thing together, a few months until November to get this thing together. If you're not calling 10 friends and registering 10 people to vote, then you're not interested in saving this country. We got to get out there and do not just talk. This place is worth saving. And as Ginny Thomas said to me all the time, we're the leaders we've been waiting for. Don't wait for someone else. You do it. You do it. I run. I put my name on a ballot three times. I've been out there. I vote. I never miss an election.
Starting point is 00:56:57 I need you guys to help me out. I know you'll do it. We're going to have a really bad future in front of us. Hey, thanks so much for tuning in. It's been a great crowd today. I so appreciate it. Join us for the chat. Every day, the live show. We're getting now six figures on a regular basis. We're blowing away live streams everywhere.
Starting point is 00:57:14 It's now the biggest show. This is where we're beating cable news channels because of you. slash Bongino. Rumble. By the way, the future Rumble is amazing. Don't believe any of this BS out there. Rumble is blowing up right now, and you should be happy to be a part of it. Download the Rumble app.
Starting point is 00:57:33 We made great changes to it. slash Bongino on the desktop. Download the app. Set up an account. It's free. Join us for the chat. I greeted a whole bunch of first-timers today. I get into chat early about 10 a.m.
Starting point is 00:57:43 Show starts at 11 a.m. Eastern time. I'll see you back here tomorrow and on the radio show stream coming up in a few minutes. See you tomorrow. You just heard the Dan Bongino Show.

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