The Dan Bongino Show - This Could be a Deal Breaker in the Debate Tonight (Ep 1358)
Episode Date: September 29, 2020In this episode, I address the critical question about tonight’s presidential debate that could determine the winner. I also address the latest Hollywood and media effort to rewrite the Spygate scan...dal. News Picks: Can Biden keep his cool during the debate? Nancy Pelosi is already preparing the Democrats for post-election chaos. What happens if one of the presidential candidates cannot take office? More evidence that Brian Stelter is the dumbest man on television. A new movie about the Spygate scandal, and meant to rescue Jim Comey, botches key facts. Trays of mail, including absentee ballots found in a ditch in Wisconsin. Joe Rogan is a target of the woke SJWs at Spotify. Copyright Bongino Inc All Rights Reserved. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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get ready to hear the truth about america on a show that's not immune to the facts with your host
dan bongino that was a great start to the show i'm like yo but joe and there's a slight delay
between me and armacost it's very very slight but very so i was like you ready you're yeah i'm
i mean you ready yeah are you ready? Three, wait, we counted down?
That was weird.
That's never happened.
We've only been doing this together for five years.
So that was very, wouldn't you agree, Joe?
I know you never talked before the intro, but that was a little weird.
We're usually better coordinated.
Yeah, I picked that up, yeah.
That was strange.
All right, a lot to talk about today.
Obviously, the big story is the debate happening tonight.
My prediction, it will be the most watched debate
between any two people on any topic
in the history of humankind.
That is not hyperbole.
I predict 88 million tune in.
We'll see.
We'll have the numbers tomorrow.
Watch, 88 million.
Got that.
Got some really troubling video i
wanted to cover yesterday from project veritas of uh suspected voter fraud everybody says doesn't
exist uh got that also have some more uh the hollywood piling on with the media now with this
stupid jim comey movie which is an embarrassing failure today's show brought to you by express
vpn protect your online activity from prying eyeballs today. Don't wait. Get a VPN.
Go to slash Bongino.
Finally, welcome to the Dan Bongino Show.
Producer Joe, how are you today?
Fine, sir.
Well, I'm doing well, and it sure is nice to be back.
And I apologize to everybody for yesterday.
We had a little bit of a, or I had a little bit of a technical difficulty right before showtime.
So, here we are.
Dave, the audience loves you.
I'm sure they totally forgive you. I didn't even think, but I did hear Joe yesterday. We just could, are. Dave, the audience loves you. I'm sure they totally forgive you.
I didn't even think...
But I did hear Joe yesterday.
We just could...
For some reason, he couldn't record.
So, we got all new equipment
ready to rock and roll today.
For those of you asking about
the tumor thing in my neck,
I don't have any news yet.
The waiting is kind of excruciating,
but when I find out, of course,
you are the beloved audience
who have been with me forever,
you will be the first.
I just don't know yet.
So, the waiting game is not fun,
but we're hoping for good news. So, we'll get to that. All right, let's get today's show. Today's show brought to you by the beloved audience you've been with me forever you will be the first and I just don't know yet so the waiting game is not fun but you know
we're hoping for good news
so we'll get to that
alright let's get
today's show
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Welcome on board. Good to have you.
All right, let's get to the show.
The bell is back.
It's hard to reset without the bell.
Yesterday without the bell, it took me a minute to get into Dan Bongino's show mode.
You did a good job of faking me, though, dude.
Oh, thank you.
Thank you.
You heard in the background.
That's great.
All right.
8,000-pound rhinoceros in the room.
Forget about the gorillas.
The debate tonight.
So I'm not going to spend a lot of time on this because debate predictions are like predictions
about anything else.
They're worthless until after the event. I think the bears are going to win the super bowl
50 50 shot it doesn't matter like if they get there and win great so we'll cover it tomorrow
after it actually happens i'll be on fox news tonight after the debate with hannity talking
about it as well but just a few quick things on it that i think are important i want to get to the
key question for biden but before i get to that I just want to show you this video I had yesterday, but didn't have time here again. Again, I'm sorry to have to keep playing these for you. But ladies and gentlemen, the man is running for president of the United States, the most powerful position in the history of humankind. Right now, you have the power to basically annihilate the entire globe and cause a cataclysm if you're not mentally all there here is joe biden
again in an interview having to be coached by the media who is totally protecting him forgetting
what he's talking about halfway through the interview again check this out appreciated for
example the paycheck protection act you know one percent of the money's gone out. One percent. One percent of the that's not the paycheck.
The the the the the bill for small for major for small businesses.
Mainstream lending. One percent's gone out. Again, ladies and gentlemen, I mean this.
It gives me no joy to report on these things. But you tune into my show every day to get the facts.
And the facts are Joe Biden has a serious cognitive deficit right now.
It is transparently obvious.
We'll see if the media tries to cover for him again tonight post-debate.
And I don't think it was a mistake to play down Biden.
A lot of people are speculating now, we shouldn't have played down Biden's cognitive abilities
because if he even shows up tonight, he wins.
Ladies and gentlemen, I don't buy that at all.
I was interviewing with Michael Knowles yesterday.
He was filling in on Ben Shapiro's show.
And I said, no, no, it's time for us to go for the jugular.
The man's running for president.
It's all fair game.
Everything with Donald Trump is fair game.
Joe Biden's fair game, too.
Washington Examiner is a great piece.
And I think this is the key question, getting back to how I opened up the segment.
The key question for tonight, I think you all need to keep in your heads.
It's not so much if Biden shows up. He'll answer the question, even if he stumbles through it.
He'll just lie about it. He makes it up anyway. Biden lies about everything.
I think what would really damage Biden tonight and could be this positive in a debate,
I think what would damage him is if he loses his cool. You've seen it over and over again with
Biden. When Biden's confronted about his legions of lies,
he's not a good guy.
I don't want to hear he's a good guy.
You're listening to the wrong show
if you think Biden's a good guy.
His family's corrupt.
What he's been up to is corrupt.
What he did with his son is corrupt.
The scandals he's been involved in are endless.
He plagiarizes stuff.
He is not a good guy.
He lies repeatedly.
He lies about the lies he lied about when he lied about them. He is not a good guy he lies repeatedly he lies about the lies he lied about
when he lied about them he is not a good guy but he has had a tough time keeping his cool the
washington examiner covered this story will be in the show notes today uh check it out slash newsletter is where you can access and subscribe to the show notes um democrats
hope the first debate will be biden's to lose but can he keep his cool by Emily Larson, the Washington Examiner?
Yes, that is the question.
Joe Biden, when confronted.
Joe, do you have to come on, man?
Whenever he's confronted with a question he doesn't like, you get the standard Joe Biden.
Come on, man.
Come on, man.
Joe Biden says it better than I do, Joe Biden. Come on, man. Come on, man. Joe Biden says it better than I do, Joe Biden. Come on, man. He
gets pissed. Can we say that? Yes, he does. Now, some have said, well, that's an indicator. I've
heard Rudy say that that's an indicator of some cognitive disorder he may have. It may very well
be. I'm not diagnosing him on the air. I'm in no position to do that. I'm simply suggesting that
he's got a history of doing this too, though.
Biden's used to having his butt kissed.
Because, ladies and gentlemen, he's been in office for 47 years.
I ran for Senate, didn't even win.
And even when you're running, donors and stuff kiss your butt.
And the anticipation you're going to win, why?
Because everybody in D.C. is catered to because people want favors.
It's the saddest, grossest part of the whole business.
For 47 years, this guy has had lips surgically attached to his rear end from people who need
That's why he's like he is.
Think about it.
Put yourself in this guy's shoes.
He's not, he's actually,
I'm sorry. He's not a smart guy. He's a substandard intellect at best. And even that's being generous.
He's definitely below the median and below the average when it comes to IQ.
He's not a smart guy. He's in over his head and he has people put yourself in his shoes, right?
his head and he has people put yourself in his shoes right consistently smarter and more accomplished than him kissing his butt so he's not even socially smart enough to figure out
that hey i might not be as smart as this as this guy i maybe should listen to him that's not what
was going on in biden's melon in his 47 years in congress in the senate excuse me what was going
through biden's melon is look at these idiots in here with me.
Look how smart I am.
Putting himself at the top of the totem pole, putting himself on the throne.
Look at this.
I'm a superior intellect to this trained Harvard neurosurgeon, whatever, who's coming in here kissing my butt.
That's what Biden thinks.
So when you challenge him on stuff he gets upset because like how dare you
challenge the king yep that's why he's like that that's why joe joe worked to talk for you know
how politicians are they get greased and people shake their hands hey hey buddy hey they come in
oh it's disgusting why do you think these people run for office millionaires
billionaires who run for office constantly everyone both parties i'm not giving anyone a pass
because they like to have their butts kissed and feel like the king on the throne
biden does not like when he's confronted as the king he's been the king for 47 years. So the question, can he keep his cool tonight?
I don't know.
I will be back here tomorrow to tell you if he keeps his cool, but I don't think he can.
I don't.
I think when Trump confronts him about his corrupt son's dealings over in foreign countries that were enemies of the United States and big checks cut to him by enemies of this country, I think he loses it.
We'll see. One more thing. Here's his running mate on the ticket, Kamala Harris, in a brief
bit of video before I move on to this voter fraud story and Nancy Pelosi catching on to what's going
on right now. Nancy Pelosi is a bit ahead of the game. Pay close attention. I want you to just
watch this brief video of Kamala Harris, who is, they're hiding her too.
I love that Trump calls Biden, hiding Biden,
because he's true.
He's hiding in his bed.
We all know that.
He's hiding in his basement.
We never see him.
He doesn't want to answer a question
because anytime he does,
you have the video we just showed you on MSNBC
where he can't actually answer the question.
The host has to help him.
But did you notice Kamala Harris
has seemingly disappeared too?
Well, this is why.
Because Kamala Harris appeared in an interview with Lawrence O'Donnell.
Stop the hammering.
Look that up.
Go to his search engine.
Lawrence O'Donnell, stop the hammering.
Stop the hammering, O'Donnell, right?
And you'll see Kamala Harris, when asked the question about potentially packing the Supreme
Court, God forbid Joe Biden were to win.
She doesn't want to answer that question either.
Watch her do a dance around this question.
This is really like super cringe.
Check this out.
If Judge Barrett is confirmed and the Democrats have control of the Senate next year and the White House and the House of Representatives, should the Supreme Court be expanded?
year and the white house and the house representatives should the supreme court be expanded you know what let's i think that first of all joe's been very clear that um he is gonna
to to pay attention to the fact and i'm with him on this 1000 pay attention to the fact that right
now lawrence people are voting. Huh?
I'm looking for the answer there.
Was there an answer?
Of course it wasn't.
That was the biggest tap dance I've ever seen.
And of course, you know, stop the hammering guy.
That just gives her a total pass on it.
They want to pack the court,
add justices to the Supreme Court,
add justice to the appeals court again.
That's exactly what they're going to do, which would make this country descended to complete total chaos. That's why she won't answer it. That's why they're hiding her too, because Kamala Harris, for a woman with the CV
she has, which is impressive when you look at it on paper, Kamala Harris is an awful candidate and
an even worse interview. Like, no way. She's got all this experience. Senator, Attorney General of California.
She's a horrible interview.
She can never answer a question.
She was so bad, the Democrats didn't even like her.
What Trump said about her in the primary,
where she dropped out before Iowa, is absolutely true.
She came out with a bang.
Oh, look at this.
Kamala Harris, the next big thing everybody was celebrating
media 15 14 13 12 10 8 7 5 4 3 2 1 9 0 i got more votes in the democrat primary i think
than uh kamala harris did which is to say zero she's terrible too keep that in mind with the debate tonight look out for biden's temper it's bad and getting worse
and if he loses it on the stage which i'm telling you he will because he cannot control himself it's
going to be very bad for him it's not the lies he lies all the time no one cares about biden's
they don't i wish they did but they just don't all right let me get the story number two today
because this is important i was going to get to it yesterday but was a yesterday was a really obviously loaded news day yesterday show did very
well we appreciate especially on rumble where uh we appreciate all our new subscribers
slash bongino that's where the video is available this show for free we put a lot of work into it
so so project veritas which is becoming a um a uh wart on the butt of the Democrats.
He can't get rid of these guys.
It's James O'Keefe's operation.
This guy keeps cracking stories here and there
that just drive the Democrats absolutely mad.
He's all over the place with these people.
And they just really, at this point, must sincerely hate him.
So hat to Project Veritas, James O'Keefe's group.
Here is a snippet of a video
taken in Minnesota. Now, I obviously can't independently confirm this yet. There's no
reason I have to. I know the Minnesota police is investigating this, so no reason I have to
believe it's not authentic, but we'll find out. But this is, I mean, to call this a tactical nuke right before the election is maybe understating it. This is a video of a guy
bragging about massive voter fraud in Minneapolis, which is in Minnesota for the liberals,
which is a swing state in this election where Trump has shown some significant gains lately.
He could win Minnesota. He didn't last time. He could win it now. Here's video of a guy basically bragging about voter fraud, how they pay people for their votes.
They just take their ballots in some cases and they just basically vote for who they want.
The ballots aren't even filled out. Get ready. Get ready. I thought voter fraud wasn't real.
Check this out. There was video. You can see the video. There was a video out and about
that he has the ballots in his car. Right. And talking about the only way you can win You know, folks, I've run for office where do they pay the money the minute we sign the thing the election that's what you can do
you know folks i've run for office and there's this thing joe's heard of it they call it on the
democrat side not on i've never heard of it on the republican side i'm not saying it's not possible
i'm just saying i'm in they have this thing called walking around money yeah you know walking around money where the money walks around uh is that what we're
talking about here yeah yeah and walking around money means a lot of things to different people
you have certain influential community leaders who walking around money may walk around to them
walks right to their front door whoa crazy next thing you know it's like i'm all in for candidate
bag of donuts that guy's the best
money just walked around right to my thing this is kind of weird how this always seems to happen
with democrats you know ilhan omar minnesota congresswoman who again this is i can't confirm
this video these are all allegations but they're pretty serious and the video looks pretty authentic
if it's not we'll tell you that later on.
But it looks pretty authentic, right?
You got a guy on tape, nobody disputes exists,
bragging about paying people for empty ballots that they then fill out later,
and the people are alleged to work for Ilhan Omar.
That's kind of weird, isn't it?
Ladies and gentlemen, you better be ready.
I've warned you.
By the way, can I make the announcement now?
We should, right?
About the interview, Paula?
Probably a good time, right?
I've been warning you for the past couple weeks about the coming coup.
And why I'm talking about this now in this Project Veritas segment is,
ladies and gentlemen, you better be prepared for an extended legal fight after this election.
There is nothing a lack of preparedness will do to benefit you.
Because I get a lot of emails, Dan, stop scaring us. I preparedness will do to benefit you because i get a lot of emails dan
stop scaring us i'm not trying to scare you i'm trying to do my best to inform you about a
potential eventuality that could happen there's no sense going into a football game and winging
it because you might get sacked during the game as the quarterback, but it could hurt. No kidding. You better know what's coming.
I have the author of the piece,
The Coming Coup,
that talks about the Democrats' chaos plans
after the election, Michael Anton.
I have him.
We're going to be interviewing him today.
We'll launch the interview either Friday or Saturday morning
during the interview show,
but we'll be interviewing him today.
I'm pretty sure you're going to want to watch that either Friday or Saturday morning during the interview show, but we'll be interviewing him today.
I'm pretty sure you're going to want to watch that about the Democrat,
an intimate knowledge
of what the Democrats' real chaos plans
after the election are.
Why do I bring all that up?
In light of this,
why do I have a note here?
Better be ready for a legal fight
and a street fight.
Because folks,
there are going to be states
where we are going to have challenges over ballots.
We already know voter fraud exists. Whether this case is 100% authentic or not, we don't know yet.
I suspect it may be. You're going to have fights over signatures. You're going to have fights over
postmarks. You're going to have fights over voter fraud. You're going to have fights over voter ID,
hanging chads, dimple chads, dimples, chads, dimples, and chads.
Votes that are missing, votes that showed up, votes without secrecy sleeves, secrecy sleeves without votes.
You're going to have a legal fight, and you better get ready for some extended chaos here.
This is not a joke.
I like how I tied this in today.
Self-praise stinks, I know. I tied this in today self praise stinks I know
Pelosi knows this
sadly the speaker of the house
I wish she weren't
I wish we had a Republican in charge
rather than this failed politician
but Nancy Pelosi knows
that there are some
there's a significant chance
there could be post election chaos and a lot of confusion due to things like the fraud I just showed you.
Secrecy sleeves, post-marketing.
She knows there's a potential that a state may not be able to get its presidential electors in on time.
And if that were the case, it would go to the House of Representatives.
I want to explain to you her strategy in a minute.
Let me get to my second sponsor, because if it's her strategy, we damn well better be thinking about it too. And I don't want
to hear any, don't scare us. I'm not talking to you. I'm just, I'm not trying to scare you. I'm
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street, the lawyers, the, uh, you're ready for this potential street fight they're talking about.
You need to be ready.
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go today all right so nancy pelosi knows what's going on i i'm warning you she is really read in to the potential that there could be an electoral college tie, 269 to 269, or that a state, due to a failure to be able to find a winner, whether it's through fraud, disputes, legal suits, that a state would have to send some representatives via the House of Representatives,
whatever it may be.
There could be some chaos and we could have someone not get to 270.
A tie is the unlikely but more likely scenario of all those
because there are built-in measures into the Constitution
to make sure that this chaos is resolved by December 14th
when the electors pick the President of the United States.
Come back to me.
You got the ad up there.
So just to be sure here,
Pelosi knows there could be some failure
to get to 270.
268 was 269, 269,
which ladies and gentlemen,
is a possibility.
They're preparing for it.
Have you heard anything from your reps about this?
Because we should be too.
How do I
know this? Check out this Fox News article. I want you to read this. It's in the show notes today,
an important read about Nancy Pelosi. Pelosi urges colleagues to prepare for 2020 presidential
election reaching Congress, meaning there is no one who reaches the 270 presidential elector
threshold. Say it's 269, 269. it's a tie. The election then goes to the
House of Representatives, which with each state casting one vote, majority wins. So you need 26
states to cast their votes. Now, you have to understand this process here because it's important.
Comprehension of the battlefield ahead is important to be able to handle abnormalities
that happen very important the states if it is kicked to the house of representatives because
neither candidate reaches 270 just again play with the scenario that's it's a tie for now 269 269
which isn't that unlikely unlikely but not totally out of left field. It's happened before where a presidential hasn't happened in, gosh, 100 plus years.
But it has happened where the House of Representatives, the U.S. Congress has picked a president.
Each state's delegation gets one vote.
That's it.
It's not each Congress.
Excuse me.
It's not each congressman in each state.
So Florida, where I live, has a delegation of 27 congressional representatives.
The majority of those congressional representatives, just by slightly, but it doesn't matter, the majority of them are Republicans.
this makes sense. Assuming all of the Republicans cast their shit for the Republican, Donald Trump,
and the Democrats cast their shit for the member, each state gets one vote, but obviously the representatives are the ones who are going to decide it. The Democrats cast their shit, say,
for the Democrats, Joe Biden, the Republicans would then outnumber the Democrats. Florida would cast
its one state vote in the House of Representatives for Donald Trump
because the Republicans, if they all, which we assume they would vote for the Republican,
they would win.
Makes sense.
You need 26 states.
So here's where it gets interesting.
And this is where Pelosi's all wired in.
26 states right now, even though you might say, well, Dan, this sounds like real trouble for us.
Follow me here. Because Democrats are the majority in the House of Representatives. Nancy Pelosi is
the Speaker of the House. Is she not? So how is it that 26 state delegations, a majority,
have a majority Republican if the Democrats are, in fact, in the majority in the House of Representatives.
It's very easy to explain.
You have states like California and New York where the delegations are overwhelmingly 85, 90% Democrat, and they have rather large delegations.
California was, what, 51 or 53 reps or something like that?
large delegations. California was what, 51 or 53 reps or something like that. New York, which is the fourth biggest state in the union, is overwhelmingly Democrat. I don't know what
they have, 25 or 27 or so. Meanwhile, in Republican-leaning states like Florida,
which are just leaning Republican, the states are just barely Republican by one or two members.
So do you see how the Democrats can rack up the numbers,
but the numbers are really stuck in Illinois,
New York, and Chicago?
So the rest of the states,
which are more balanced and kind of swingy,
still have enough Republican reps
where their delegation can tilt to Republican side.
I hope I didn't confuse anybody there.
No, no, no, that was pretty easy. But this is a critical thing where their delegation can tilt the Republican side. I hope I didn't confuse anybody there.
No, no, no.
That was pretty easy. But this is a critical thing because whoever,
you know, I heard a great line.
Charlie Hurt, who's a fantastic commentator on Fox,
works with me over there where he's a contributor as well.
Charlie Hurt said, you know,
we haven't taken the constitution out
for a test run in a long time.
Sit the gas, Joe.
See how this thing
goes wow the engine works haven't started like we haven't really tested these constitutional
mechanisms out in a while what if there is a dispute in this state is that december 14 deadline
going to hold for the electors electors how's this going to work are the courts going to get
involved i'll get to in a minute what happens hopefully by the end of the show what happens
if god forbid a candidate doesn't make it to the election I don't want to talk about this it's macabre dark stuff
but I'm not going to leave you unprepared what happens if the case if the case goes to the house
of representatives I don't know we haven't done it over 100 years well now you know each state gets
one if your state is dominated by republicans or just majority majority Republicans are probably going to vote for the Republican. And most states are because the Democrats are, are, are, I'm sorry, I haven't,
I rarely put my phone on, but obviously I'm waiting for a call about, you know,
kind of this little thing. So if you hear my phone ringing, forgive me, I just hit it on silent
there. Wait, you know, kind of an important call, right? So, but we have the majority of delegations
now, now you have that part down. Democrats are the majority in the house, but we have the majority of delegations. Now, now, you have that part down. Democrats are the majority in the House,
but we have the majority of the states
when it comes to majority.
Yep, gotcha.
Here's where this gets really funky
and where Pelosi's onto something
you need to be onto too.
You know, I know a lot of people,
because I've spoken to a few,
and I shouldn't say a lot.
I don't want to be dramatic.
Precision matters, right?
And I hate hyperbole.
But when I used to work out in the gym, especially during
midterms, I work out of my house now, I would talk to people and they'd be like, ah, you know,
midterms, midterms, I don't like any of these guys. I just want to vote for Trump. I didn't
hear that just one time. I heard it a lot, often enough where it troubled me. And I said to people
often, listen, I'm with you. You know, what's the golden rule of the dan bongino show joe joe and i have
said it only a thousand times right that the republicans are probably not the answer to all
of your problems but the democrats are most definitely the cause of pretty much all your
problems so i'm not giving you a pollyannish vote republican all your problems will be solved
they won't i'm just telling you if you want your problems to get worse, and then you want new problems on top of the problems you
already have, definitely vote Democrat. They're 100% your guys. They'll hike your taxes. They'll
take away your healthcare, late-term abortion. You'll have street chaos, defunding the police.
That's all their wheelhouse. So if you like that, they will make your problems worse.
So getting back to this, I've told people often in midterms you got to go out and vote republican even if your guy pretty much sucks
sorry the other guy sucks even worse what does that have to do with this ladies and gentlemen
the house of representatives swears in before before the vote in the House for the presidency
if this gets kicked to the House of Representatives
because nobody got to 270.
So what does that mean?
Well, it means that even though we dominate
the state delegations now,
we don't dominate, we're slightly ahead.
I don't want to be dramatic.
26 delegations lean Republican,
just slightly ahead,
but enough to win the presidency.
That might not matter after the election.
If you don't vote down ballot,
why do you think Pelosi's doing?
Let's go back to the Fox News.
Maybe we have a screenshot from that.
I forget.
I was talking so long.
I love this piece.
I'm sorry.
I didn't even get to the screenshot.
According to the 12th Amendment,
congressional delegations decide the next president,
again, in the unlikely event
that neither candidate wins a majority in the Ele college 270 going into the election trump as the
upper hand this is party controls more state delegations 26 versus the democrats 22 even
though democrats outnumber republicans and total representatives all right we dress that but here's
part two oh oh oh but because congress doesn't declare election results until
after new members are sworn in november's results could theoretically allow democrats to win enough
state delegations prior to congress certifying the election results on january 6th you better go vote
not just vote for the president, Donald Trump,
if you're a Republican,
but you better vote down ballot too.
Folks, share this segment, please.
Drew, can you cut this segment?
It's funny how I talk to producer Drew.
He's not even here.
He cuts the show after.
Drew, can you cut this segment?
We'll put it on Rumble as a separate segment. slash Bongino.
Please share this.
Please. No problem, man. as a separate segment. slash Bongino. Please share this. Please.
No problem, man.
Vote down ballot two.
Vote it.
We got to, Joe, we got to do it.
You got to vote.
Don't just go in and say, here's my Trump package.
The guy who gave me this thing, by the way.
Don't go in and vote no matter how you do it, touchscreen or whatever you may do.
Say it's pen ballot, which that's how we do it down here in Florida.
Say Donald Trump and say, I'm good.
You're not good.
You did not do your job.
I'm very sorry.
I don't mean to insult the audience that I'm not trying to do that.
And I know 99% of you had no intentions of just voting for the presidency and walking out.
But if even 1% of you in a swing state said, I did my job.
The rest of these Republicans suck.
They may suck, but you didn't do your job because those same Republicans you think suck
may be voting for the president, not you, because they may not get to 270.
You got to vote down ballot, please, please.
With humility and the greatest of respect, a line I use often because I mean it, you have got to vote down ballot.
Do not forget.
Do not say, ah, that's quick.
I'm running out of time.
Do not make sure you vote down ballot.
There's this thing in an election called drop-off.
Drop-off means you get, say, I don't know,
100% of people who show up vote for the presidency.
Then 90% vote for the second race,
which is typically the Senate
or whatever race
is a priority in that state. Then it's
Congress. Then you have locals and then city council
people. Go all the way down.
All the way down. Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding.
Don't leave one race open.
Please don't make that mistake,
ladies and gentlemen. It's critical. Pelosi knows
this. That's why the headline of
that article. Pelosi's saying the quiet part out loud. She's lobbying behind the scenes, telling all of her
Democrats, we need to raise money to get Democrats elected to the House of Representatives. Why?
Because we may be picking the next president. Are Republicans doing the same thing? I hope so.
Or are we sticking with it? We don't want to scare people like we're in trouble.
Or are we sticking with it?
We don't want to scare people like we're in trouble.
Stop the insanity.
We're in a really critical time. This is no time to play candy ass with each other.
Oh my God, don't scare them.
You're going to frighten.
We're all grown adults.
Republicans and conservatives are really tough people.
We're cops, we're military folks, truck drivers, carpenters, school teachers, everything.
We deal with stuff all day.
We can handle it.
But someone should be telling people and going on the networks and everything, someone from
the Republican side saying, hey, guys, this is a possibility.
It's a strong possibility.
Therefore, if you don't vote for your Republican congressman because you don't like what he
did, whatever, he showed up at your kid's birthday party and had a few too many tequilas.
I don't care.
This may be the guy picking the president.
Very important.
By the way, I got to tell you, before the show, I was not, do you notice, Paul, I didn't
put a lot of emphasis on this article.
I didn't think I'd find this article as interesting as I did while I'm doing it.
I'm not kidding.
I actually have more stuff here I really need to get to through and i spent a lot of time on this because i ran
for office and i know what people i know it i know it i ran in a race where republican won the
governorship of maryland and we lost that race in a sliver because people who voted for the governor
at the top and about joe remembers it like it was yesterday didn't go down and vote for me and we
barely lost we lost by one point i was like gosh if they just would have went voted voted pen put that thing in there we would have
been there but it didn't happen all right i'm gonna break it up a little bit i want to get
this next story about uh joe rogan you're like joe rogan some of you may not know joe rogan is a lot
of you do he's the only the most popular podcast in the entire cosmos, as far as I know.
He does phenomenal numbers.
But I just want to talk about this Joe Rogan story
as a warning.
A warning is something I've spoken about on the show.
Joe, remember the story I covered, you know,
a couple of times years ago about the conservative economy,
how we all better be prepared
for an entirely conservative economy because of boycotts?
Yes, yes.
I'm not kidding.
Yeah, I remember.
Financial services, servers, app stores, everything, because the liberal boycotts yes yes i'm not kidding yeah financial services servers app stores
everything because the liberal boycotts joe rogan's learning that the hard way um now um here
we go legal and strict but i want to get to my next spot but the article thank you paul for
giving me the tease we'll tease this a legal insurrection cancel culture social justice
worries and spotify demand censorship of network's newest star, Joe Rogan. Ha!
The woke crowd trying to attack Joe Rogan is only one of the toughest guys on the planet.
We'll see how that works out.
Let me get to my next sponsor first, though.
I always appreciate your patience.
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Thanks, Policy Genius, for sponsoring that during the show.
Appreciate it.
All right.
So back to just Rogan quickly before we get back to the debate and everything going on.
Got a lot of energy today, shockingly.
Not really a big of energy today shockingly not really a big
morning energy guy but i had uh made a point of discussion on the show a long time ago about
especially being in this business how the boycott pressure from the left can get overwhelming
um i'm not kidding there's a lot of things joe and i and paula and drew as part of this show
we deal with behind the scenes that we
don't talk about yep the reason we don't talk about is because i don't like to make the show
uh personal if i don't have it just not this is not a show's not about me it shows about
issues and issues that matter to you through my eyes obviously it's the nampon geno show but
we deal with a lot behind the scenes and if we talked about every single story
it would be the subject of discussion every day we waste a lot of your time but the pressure from
leftist lunatics uh blue check mark psychos and basement dwelling malamar eaters i love malamar
spot i should knock mal but they're so i grew up with malamar's dip a bit of milk they're so good
uh they're not a sponsor of the show either spot for malamars
my father used to give me that
and the Stelladoros
the fudge with the fudge thing in the middle
the Stelladoros are my favorite
my dad used to get them on Sunday mornings
before we'd go home
we used to go out to my dad's on the weekend
but these leftist snowflakes
they sit in their mom's basement
and all they do all the time
is boycott people
so Joe Rogan who again is the most popular podcaster in the world by far I don't even think there's a close second they sit in their mom's basement and all they do all the time is boycott people so joe rogan who
again is the most popular podcaster in the world by far i don't even think there's a close second
rogan signed an exclusive deal to distribute the video portion of his podcast with a company called
spotify the deal was lucrative it was reported to be upwards of 100 million dollars which is a lot
of money uh that's quite a chunk of change.
Rogan's been a great business guy.
He has all kinds of business interests elsewhere as well.
But he's finding out now how difficult it is in a supposedly free society to make money and earn money
with liberals trying to shut you down.
Now, this relates to a story I discussed yesterday,
how the real argument behind Amy Coney Barrett's potential appointment to the Supreme Court,
the real problem the left has right now is the left has three avenues for destroying your life
through their pernicious ideology, right? Destroying your life by taking your money,
taking your kids' education, taking your healthcare, taking your firearms. So they
have three routes to do that, right? They have the policy route, which is number one, right?
So they have three routes to do that, right?
They have the policy route, which is number one, right?
They could legislate away and propose a constitutional amendment to get rid of the Second Amendment.
The left rarely does that because basically, as I said yesterday, their ideas suck.
Everybody hates them, and they know they won't get majority support.
Sometimes it happens, like with the dreadful Obamacare, where we needed the Cornhusker kickback and all these shady side deals.
But typically with things like abortion and social issues on the left,
they don't have Avenue 1 because they don't have public support.
So they go to Avenue 2, which is the courts where they have politicians in black robes
pretending to be judges, do the dirty work for them and basically fabricate new constitutional
rights like abortion, which doesn't exist anywhere in the constitution.
Joe and I checked on the search feature on the app.
We can't find it.
Joe hasn't found it.
I had Paula tried.
She's the tech savvy one here.
No, no, no one can find it.
But the judges find it, which is remarkable because they're supposed to be the legal geniuses.
So that's the second round.
That's why they're upset about Amy Coney Barrett, because if there's a conservative majority
on the Supreme Court, Avenue 2 is effectively foreclosed to them
because they won't have the Supreme Court to go to.
Uh-oh, problem.
But Avenue 3 relates to this story.
Avenue 3 is social pressure.
If they can't beat you at the ballot box
and beat you in the courts,
they'll just bankrupt you
and beat you in the free market, air quotes.
They'll pressure your advertisers. They'll boy bankrupt you and beat you in the free market, air quotes. They'll pressure your advertisers.
They'll boycott your show.
They'll fabricate quotes you made or take them out of context.
They'll accuse you a bit of conspiracy theorists.
They do it all the time, despite the fact we were actually right about Spygate.
The pressure is overwhelming sometimes.
This show won't change.
I've saved a lot of money.
We do it for a reason. And if it ever does, the pressure is overwhelming sometimes. This show won't change. I've saved a lot of money. We do it for a reason.
And if it ever does, the pressure gets overwhelming,
we'll just go to a subscription model or something like that
because we're not going to cave to that.
Rogan's being pressured right now.
And that's why I can't emphasize to you enough.
It's the reason, by the way, not to keep bringing it up,
but it's important that I got involved with Parler,
which is your only alternative to Twitter right now.
We have millions of users and it's growing. That's why I got involved with Parler, which is your only alternative to Twitter right now. We have millions of users and it's growing. That's why I got involved with Rumble, which is
the only real player and alternative to YouTube right now. That's not going to censor you.
Because I've said often before I even knew about Parler or Rumble, before Parler even existed,
I said to you, we are going to have to build a conservative economy. And I put my money where
my mouth is. They can't boycott you on Parler
because we're not going to take you down.
They can't boycott you on Rumble
because we're not going to take your videos down.
But what's next?
This kind of stuff.
The social justice warriors at Rogan,
even though Rogan signed with Spotify,
the employees at Spotify are threatening to strike.
We're going to go on strike if we can't edit Joe Rogan's content.
This is a warning to everyone out there.
And Rogan's a smart guy.
He can make his own decisions.
I'm not lecturing Joe Rogan.
He's the most successful podcaster on the planet.
I'm just telling people out there are conservatives, libertarians, Republicans, and even sane Democrats.
The blue checkmark basement dweller crowd of liberals
will not let you say what you want.
They will strike.
They will threaten their companies.
They will sell their stock and everything.
So choose wisely before you choose where to go and where to place your content.
That's why I picked Rumble and Parler and not Spotify because I don't want a deal.
And to be fair, Spotify hasn't done anything about it yet, but I would not be surprised at all if Spotify tried to get out of this deal
because their lunatic employees want to edit content for a show they don't control.
That's insane.
Oh, that's right.
They deleted some of Joe.
They wouldn't upload some of Joe Rogan's old videos.
Good point.
Paula, throwing it in for the show.
There you go.
She's giving me the damn Bongino.
Very good.
It's true.
Choose wisely.
And I'm just warning you, the next phase of this, it's going to get even worse.
If they can't beat you because they can't get the Parler app deleted
or they can't get Rumble deleted off the internet,
what are they going to do?
They're going to attack you in the App Store.
The App Store controls everything.
Android App Stores and Apple App Stores.
They'll try to get you deleted there.
That's why we need our own App Stores.
And if they can't delete you in the App Store,
you know what they'll do?
Go down the chain, folks.
They'll attack your server company.
Don't host them.
Don't host
And if they can't attack you there,
where do they go next?
Think it through.
You all know.
Credit card companies.
Don't process transactions at
Don't do it.
Don't you dare.
That guy, he's a conspiracy.
He said Spygate was real.
It was.
Doesn't matter. He's a conservative. He said Spygate was real. It was. Doesn't matter.
He's a conservative.
We're going to need companies that don't discriminate in their financial dealings either.
So to anyone out there listening who's a big billionaire or whatever, you should think about that.
Servers, app stores, financial transactions, all of it.
They will find you all the way down the chain.
And again, I think Rogan's figuring that out now,
finding it out the hard way.
Man, this show has flown by.
My gosh, we're 45 minutes in.
That's insane.
I haven't got to all my stuff yet.
Okay, got one more spot.
I always appreciate your patience.
Great sponsors.
This is, but this next video coming up, this is terrific.
This is, no, I, oh my gosh.
How do I say this without losing my marbles in a volcanic meltdown here?
They will not give up on the Russia hoax.
They just won't.
And these media and Hollywood lunaticsatics who were some of the dumbest
people among us will not give. I got a video of literally the guy whose famous movie is a movie
called dumb and dumber commenting on the Russia hoax. It's hilarious. That's coming up next.
Last sponsor are good friends at LifeLock. I had my identity stolen. I've told you about it.
It really was terrible. Okay. They went out and bought a
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And oversharing personal information on social media.
As I said, on my Facebook, there are no prizes.
There's this Indonesian crew that goes on my Facebook page,
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I block them, but sometimes they stay up for a little while
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There's no prizes.
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Don't give your credit card information to my Facebook page. We do not
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web, other things. If they detect your information, they'll send you an alert. I get
it on my phone. I get a text, which I'm getting a lot of now, which is making me a little worried,
by the way. None from LifeLock, though, which is good. I got one a few weeks ago. We had someone
who checked our credit. It was legit. I called Paula because she knows everything. I know nothing
about my own credit. Paula knows everything. She's like, yes, it's good. Had to take a word for it. No one can
prevent all identity theft or monitor all transactions in all businesses, but you can
find out if your information's on the dark web. How? Get a free dark web scan today at slash Bongino. Pick the plan that's right for you and save up to 25% off your first
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And 25% off with promo code Bongino.
Go today, get it for your wife, get it for your kids.
Don't let their identities get stolen either.
All right.
So back to this.
This is very frustrating, obviously.
And I don't like to, again, beat a, not a dead horse.
This is now a decaying horse.
The horse died about three years ago.
It's now decaying. The skeletal structure may be left, but they won't give up. I just want to show,
I'm going to end this segment too, showing you something else. I have this, more proof
how dopey media folks really are. So here is, you know, not a very bright person,
Nicole Wallace at MSNBC who pretended to be a Republican when she thought she could make a few bucks
now pretends to be a liberal at MSNBC.
She's interviewing
a dumb and dumber guy,
Jeff Daniels, who is playing
Jim Comey in a just
disastrous Showtime show
full of errors, a movie
called The Comey Rule, which
is a...
I haven't seen it because I refuse to watch it,
but Jerry Dunleavy has a great breakdown. I hope to get to here before the end of the show
about how many errors there are in this Showtime movie about the Spygate thing.
So Jeff Daniels, the Dumb and Dumber guy, plays Jim Comey. So instead of just,
and I have no problem with him acting, he played Jim Comey all he wants, he's just reading a script.
But that's not what he does here. He decides to go on MSNBC and Joe,
dumb and dumber guy, Jeff Daniels, is now
an expert on Spygate and the Collusion
Hoax. Of course, because he's an actor.
He knows, what do you know? Dopey audio
guy, me, former cop. I'm just an idiot.
We're two morons. What do we know? We only wrote
three books on it, talked about it for three years.
But Jeff Daniels knows more because he's the
dumb and dumber guy. And he's on with dumb and
dumberer, Nicole Wallace.
And listen to this exchange about the Russia hoax and watch Daniels.
He does this trick.
Paula noticed it right away where he sits sideways in the interview like
because he's too important.
He's an actor.
Of course,
we smarter than all of us.
And when you sit sideways in an interview,
it's to let people know your attention
is only halfway there.
That's the trick.
You body language people,
you know what I'm talking about.
You sit sideways like,
I'm only paying attention to you out of one ear
because my other ear,
I have to pay attention to other things
like my cat and the litter box
and things I deem more important than you.
So Daniels doesn't even give her the respect
of looking at the camera,
but he's clearly,
clearly a scion of intellect on the Russia hoax. Watch this embarrassing cut and watch
Nicole Wallace, totally fangirl here. Check this out. Do you think that there is an explanation
that is known to all of us yet for why all the lies about Russia?
of us yet for why all the lies about russia it's not known to us yet no no it's not known to us yet but if it were a good script uh they would kick it back because the bad guy's too obvious
i mean look i mean it's just a badly written bad guy. I mean, it's so transparent.
The fact that I believe it was the New York Times today wrote an article about Putin extending, reaching out to maybe call a truce on the cyberspace thing with, you know, America, though admitting nothing.
That's that's Putin getting into the lifeboat on the Titanic.
Yeah, yeah.
What are they talking about in Helsinki?
What were, you know, all the stuff.
I mean, there's all of that.
The tax returns that he won't show us.
It's so obvious.
And where is he getting the money?
Where did he get all the money? And, I mean, all roads, as Speaker Pelosi said, all roads lead to Putin. And,
you know, time's running out. This is a bad movie we're living through. That's what this is.
If it weren't so life and death, it's a bad movie. No, no, it is a bad movie. Just the one you're in.
It's not the bad movie. The movie you're in is actually entirely factually inaccurate. But you
didn't know any of that because you're the dumb and dumber guy. I love when he says things too. And Nicole Wallace, who really is factually challenged,
she's not very bright, Nicole Wallace at all. He says at one point, like, you know,
where's all the money from? Like, we're going to look at his tax return. I thought the New
York Times just wrote a whole story on his tax returns. Did you, hold on, let me see. Do I have
still a screenshot of that? I may have kept it. No, I said a screenshot yesterday in yesterday's
show, the New York Times story. There's a may have kept it. No, I said a screenshot yesterday in yesterday's show.
The New York Times story.
There's a highlight at the bottom.
Yes, we found no evidence of any connections to Russia.
I did.
Did he miss that?
This is the New York Times, like their paper, the lefty lunatics paper.
Did he not?
Did he miss that story?
I'm just.
And Joe, you notice the sideways?
Yeah. Did he not, did he miss that story? I'm just, and Joe, you noticed the sideways? And you notice how at one point he seems to like look down at a computer like,
hey, hold on, you dunce.
You're not important enough to me, even though you're MSNBC.
Hold on, let me check my email.
Oh, what do we got?
Hey, we got my Raycon earbuds.
Let's check that.
Let's put to me.
Want to listen to some tunes?
I downloaded some new songs.
He doesn't even have time for her.
And she's like he he he
he fangirl in an embarrassing embarrassing exchange the hell was that i i have no idea
i'm listening to him i mean embarrassing for both of them he's a moron he doesn't know anything
about the case she's supposed to be some credible anchor at msnbc who was a never trump republican
she's really a liberal and she doesn't even have a basic grant she can't get out of her own way to be some credible anchor at MSNBC who was a never Trump Republican.
She's really a liberal.
And she doesn't even have a basic, she can't get out of her own way that she's interviewing the dumb and dumber guy.
Let me just say to actors, seriously, not sure.
You work for, I respect what you do.
And not all of them are, you know, some of them are very talented.
I'm not, you know, not all of them are liberals or a lot of actors, believe me, because I
get emails a lot that that are you know in fact
conservatives but i'm really sorry like i don't really want your advice on the russia hoax i i
don't i just don't when i want carpentry advice i go to a carpenter when i need an architect for a
plan i go to an architect when i need an engineering diagram i go to an engineer. When I want advice on the Russia hoax, I don't go to Jeff Daniels,
the dumb and dumber guy, who ironically is in a movie called The Comey Rule on Showtime,
which is littered with basic inaccuracies and neither him nor Wallace. Let's go to this piece.
The great Jerry Dunleavy at Washington Examiner. And I do mean the great. He gets a
double great today because he does terrific work and was all over the collusion hoax before many
people were. He's got a great piece in the Washington Examiner. I need you to read. Now,
why? Dan, why are we giving any daylight sunlight to this stupid Showtime movie with the dumb and
dumber guy? Why? Because ladies and gentlemen, people are watching this movie and they think it's real. Great piece in the Washington Examiner.
Showtime's the Comey rule badly distorts crossfire hurricane investigation.
Ladies and gentlemen, people who are influenced easily, let's say, are going to watch this movie
on Showtime. They are. We can't just make it go away. And they are going to watch this movie on Showtime. They are.
We can't just make it go away.
And they're going to believe the movie is, in fact, real.
It's not.
Let's just get through some basic facts here.
The movie screws up.
Basic facts, like a basic internet search.
You can figure it out.
Here's the most glaring one.
Here's screen cap number one here about Mike Flynn.
one. Here's screen cap number one here about Mike Flynn. The movie seems to hint and intimate here that Mike Flynn was in Russia in 2015 at an RT thing while he was a member of the Trump campaign.
General Mike Flynn later became Trump's, keep this up, he was in Russia 2015 dealing with Putin.
Well, he was in Russia 2015 at an RT dinner, which nobody ever found anything wrong with,
all he reported
to his superiors.
But he wasn't part
of the Trump campaign.
Quote, Jerry Dunleavy.
One, there's no evidence
this conversation they allege
in the movie between Flynn
and Putin ever occurred.
Kind of a big one, right?
And at that time in 2015,
Flynn was not even a member
of Trump's campaign.
Kind of a basic fact,
the movie screws up, which he didn't join until February of 2016. Yeah, Flynn was at the RT gala, but Flynn
has insisted that he and Putin merely exchanged a few pleasantries at the table and nothing more.
But that's not what the movie shows. The movie hints that this 2015 nefarious meeting,
RT dinner, where Flynn was paid a speaker's fee to go.
He had this big conversation with Putin and Putin, you're on the Trump campaign.
He wasn't on the Trump campaign until 2016. I don't even know what you're talking about.
But people who watched the movie will believe that.
No, Putin, backdoor deal.
Flynn, Flynn was on the Trump campaign.
Do you even do homework?
That's just not true.
You just made that up
so what happens when the dumb and dumber guy gets involved here's another one there's this
conversation where they pretend Comey and McCabe are all wired and the DNC has been hacked folks
it says quote an alleged conversation between Comey and now fired deputy director Andy McCabe muddles the timeline related to the Russian hacking of the DNC and Clinton campaign chairman Podesta.
In a scene in the movie that appears to be at the FBI sometime in March of 2016, McCabe tells Comey, this is the movie, there's been a cyber breach of the DNC.
Looks like the hack went all the way up to Podesta.
The malware led us to a string of code we've seen emanating from Russia.
Okay, none of that's true.
We still don't know if the DNC was even hacked.
The strong likelihood is that they weren't by Russia.
And that code emanating from Russia, even the company that determined that,
CrowdStrike, from the next screenshot, had a recant later.
even the company that determined that, CrowdStrike, from the next screenshot, had a recant later.
By the way, how could that have a conversation about the DNC, air quotes, hack, happen in March of 2016,
when one, the FBI didn't even look at the servers, CrowdStrike did, and didn't even inform the FBI until June of 2016?
Had to give the three finger ruski there.
Quote. So, Joe,e keep in mind this conversation supposedly
happened in march of 2016 yes but the fbi would not be informed of those hacks until many weeks
later crab strike publicly accused russia of hacking the dnc in june of 2016 which is
march that's joe correct just check me here that's after, Joe, correct? Just check me here. That's after March, right?
Yeah, it is.
You're checking it?
You go to your like a flipper calendar,
whatever you have there.
My fingers, yeah.
WikiLeaks published tens of thousands of emails
on July 22nd, 2016.
The FBI announced an investigation
on July 25th, 2016.
Again, basic timeline stuff.
The movie gets wrong,
but for effect and to propagandize people,
what did they tell you? Yes, it happened in March of 2016, which it didn't.
There's a lot in here. Let me go to one more. I mean, how many times are we going to have to
debunk this stupidity that the Republicans paid for the dossier first? Folks, I don't know what
to tell you. That's just not true. The Washington Free Beacon,
which is a conservative-leaning outlet,
did pay for oppo research on Donald Trump.
They had nothing whatsoever
to do with the Steele dossier.
Here, in the movie, of course.
But they want you to believe that
because they want you to believe, like,
Trump was so corrupt,
even the Republicans were into this dossier thing.
From Don Levy's piece. In another scene in the movie, Bill Price, even the Republicans were into this dossier thing. From Don Levy's
piece. Another scene in the movie, Bill Price step from the FBI dramatically announces to the
investigative team that the FBI has received steals now discredited dossier and price step
in a movie falsely claims that quote, the original financier of the dossier was a Republican never
Trumper and the funds to finish the dossier then came from the Democrats.
Ladies and gentlemen, that is just false.
That is made up hooey, garbage, wazoo emanating material.
That is just 100% false.
But it's in the movie.
So liberals who aren't smart enough to do their own homework will watch a movie on Showtime
with the dumb and dumber guy and fangirl Nicole Wallace.
And they'll believe that's actually true. Republicans paid for the dossier. Let's go
to the last screenshot from the piece where Dunleavy just, again, facts get in the way of that.
In actuality, Steele was not hired by Fusion GPS until Clinton campaign lawyer Mark Elias
of Perkins Coie hired the opposition research firm. Ladies and gentlemen, there's a money trail here.
We know the Democrats paid for the dossier,
not the Republicans.
It's not hard to figure out.
There's a money trail.
Checks have been cashed.
We have the money.
So why would they put that in a movie?
Again, because they want to make the Democrats look good
and make Trump look really bad
by hinting that Trump was so corrupt with Putin, even the Republicans were concerned about it.
It's not true.
There were Republicans involved in the dossier, McCain's crew and everyone, but they did not pay for the dossier.
Just making this up.
There's one last one.
I don't have a screenshot from, but I just want to bring it up quickly where they talk about the uh anthony
weiner hillary clinton email debacle remember anthony weiner disgraced former congressman
democrat from new york within his computer because his wife was huma abedin from the
clinton campaign well when they seized this computer for all kinds of stuff you know what
i mean which is pretty gross they found a bunch of of Hillary's emails. Well, the movie reports,
yeah, yeah, they found them at the last minute, so they couldn't do anything about it. They found
them in late October 2016. Folks, again, that's just not true. The emails were found in September,
and the FBI knew about them at headquarters no later than the third or fourth week in September.
It's just not true. They weren't found at the last minute right before the election.
You're just making that up.
You're just making it up.
But again, people who watch the movie will believe it.
Let me just leave with this one final segment again,
because the highlight of this, I want to be their takeaway from this segment,
is that Hollywood and the media know nothing about this Spygate collusion hoax at all. Nothing.
And yet people on the left take them as authority figures and they pretend to be authority figures
despite having done no homework or no research on the topic at all. Unlike us who focused on
this for four years. You want proof? Great piece by Newsbusters, which will be in the show notes.
Please read it. About the gold medal winning dunce of all media types,
Brian Stelter, George Costanza.
He went on promoting his dopey book
on Hugh Hewitt's show yesterday
and Hewitt exposed him
as the total fraud he is.
Newsbusters, Tim Graham.
Hugh Hewitt exposes Brian Stelter
on collusion, the Steele dossier,
and Avenatti.
So Stelter, who talks about the dossier
and the collusion hoax all the time as if it's
real, gets busted. Yeah, big guy. This is a transcript from the newsbusters piece. So Hugh
Hewitt says to him, hey, Brian, you know, just basically answer the question. That's a deflection
that the primary subsource of the dossier was revealed to be a Russian agent. He says the
dossier is discredited. There was no collusion. These are factual matters. That's my problem with hoax.
That's a nuts book.
Stelter says, well, I'm reflecting.
I'm a media reporter.
I'm not a Steele dossier reporter.
Is this guy joking, Costanza?
Is he kidding?
He has been promoting the collusion hoax
and the dossier forever.
So Hugh Hewitt now calls them out
based on what we presented to you in yesterday's show,
the new material,
that not only was the dossier fake,
but a suspected Russian agent
provided some of the information for it.
In other words,
the Democrats were colluding with the Russians.
Stelter says,
I don't know anything about that.
I'm not a dossier reporter.
I'm a media reporter.
You sure about that?
Hat tip Greg Price from The Daily Caller.
Cue Brian Stelter, Costanza,
trying to be a dossier reporter
when he thinks it's convenient.
Check this out.
We've got multiple investigations
through Mr. Mueller,
through congressional and Senate committees.
And CNN itself has been so hot
on Russia, Russia, Russia, on the dossier.
CNN's been obsessed with this dossier for over a year now.
And now that we know the DNC and the Clinton campaign paid the same firm for said dossier,
which is completely unverified, we can't get you excited.
Parts of it have been verified.
If you look back at your whole year.
That is misinformation that you're spreading on my program, Kelly.
Hold on.
A lot of it has not been verified.
Much of the dossier.
Hold on.
You just said the entire dossier is unverified. That isn't accurate. It has not been verified. it has not been verified. Much of the dossier... Hold on. You just said the entire dossier is unverified.
No, no. I said it has not been verified.
It has not been verified.
But the important...
Pieces of the dossier have been verified.
By the way...
And when you say it's unverified,
you actually mislead the American people.
No, no, no, no, no. Don't start with that.
Carter Page actually confirmed another part of the dossier on Friday.
Don't start with that.
You know that entire dossier has not been verified,
and yet the interest in covering...
Parts of it have not been verified. Are you comfortable with that? Parts have been verified. And yet the interest in covering-
Parts of it have not been verified.
Parts have been verified.
Are you comfortable with that?
By the way, we don't even care about the dossier here.
Let me tell you something.
Then let's look at all sides of the coin.
You believe this fraud?
This is the biggest dunce in the business.
When he gets confronted by Hugh Hewitt,
an actual investigative, I don't
mean to insult him by calling him a journalist, but someone who reports on facts. When he gets
confronted about the inconvenient fact that the dossier he's reported on for three years
is actually a potential product of a suspected Russian agent. The FBI knew was a suspected
Russian agent. When he gets confronted, he goes, I'm a media reporter, not a dossier guy.
And then when he wants to showboat with Kellyanne Conway,
he does an entire segment
on how he knows so much
about the dossier.
No, no, parts of it
have been verified.
That's factually incorrect.
There's only one part
of the dossier
that's ever verified.
That Carter Page
took a trip to Russia,
like I did,
and like Joe did as well.
That's it.
So maybe we should go
on Brian Stelter's show
as potential collusion agents
with Russia.
What a phony.
And people on the left, you take these morons seriously?
I'm very sorry.
I'm very sorry if you do.
I'm not kidding.
You should be embarrassed.
These people are morons.
Come here for the facts.
What else?
I'll have to get to that tomorrow.
All right.
I'm shocked. Shockingly, I got through most get to that tomorrow. All right. I'm shockingly,
I got through most of my material today.
Yesterday we were loaded up.
Tomorrow will obviously be a loaded show with post-debate coverage.
Come here first,
I am going to have a lot for you.
We'll pick out the highs and lows.
I suspect Biden again,
we'll lose it at some point tonight because he just doesn't have the
capability to get through this thing and handle the energy of Donald Trump. Hey, thanks for tuning in. I really appreciate it. Again,
when I get some news, I appreciate all your concern about my health. That means a lot.
I will let you know. Please subscribe to our video show. We're trying to get away from YouTube, slash Bongino. The video is available there for you. Of course, it's free. Please
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I'll see you all tomorrow.