The Dan Bongino Show - This DHS Memo Is Terrifying (Ep 1702)

Episode Date: February 9, 2022

The latest DHS memo is an overt attack on our Rights. In this episode I address the memo, and the potential ramifications.  News Picks: What is the “blue stack”? And how do they work together censor free speech? Leaked email suggests there was a plot to get warrants against unmasked students.  A frightening DHS bulletin emerges.  The boycott beatings will continue until the right imposes costs for cancellation attempts. Copyright Bongino Inc All Rights Reserved Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 At New Balance, we believe if you run, you're a runner. However you choose to do it. Because when you're not worried about doing things the right way, you're free to discover your way. And that's what running's all about. Run your way at slash running. Get ready to hear the truth about America on a show that's not immune to the facts with your host, Dan Bongino. I got two. I have two stories.
Starting point is 00:00:46 Shouldn't open the show laughing. Two Fact Checker Cloud Show stories today that are going to really tickle your fancy, I promise you. Showing you how far we ventured into the propaganda realm. Did you hear about the crack pipe story? I got that and another one coming up. Also, we're starting to figure it out. I've got some really heartwarming video coming up at the beginning of the show showing how patriots out there, conservatives, freedom lovers right now are figuring out how to use the tactics the left has used forever to move their needle,
Starting point is 00:01:14 to move our needle, to move the freedom train back into the freedom station. Do not miss this show. It's going to be loaded today. Today's show brought to you by ExpressVPN for peace of mind online. Protect your data, get a VPN. Go to slash Bongino. Welcome to the Dan Bongino Show. I've also got a piece today. You know what the blue stack is? You don't know what the blue stack is
Starting point is 00:01:37 and how they do what they do to make sure you're silenced. You may want to pay attention to this tablet mag piece we're going to talk about today. It is worth your time. If you're looking for a firearm, I wholeheartedly recommend Henry Repeating Arms. They make 200 models of rifles, shotguns, and revolvers in a wide variety of calibers and finishes. Plus, they have new releases throughout the year. And trust me, folks, you just can't beat their quality. The best way to learn about Henry Firearms is to order their free catalog to check out their line at home. Plus, you'll get two free decals, a list of dealers in your area, and a great newsletter.
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Starting point is 00:02:39 All right, Joe, let's go. Here we go, Dano. Joe featured, yes, sir, we yes sir we do featured heavily in the opening heavily because he is a huge rock love him so thank you for that so patriots around the world not just in the united states but around the world australia new zealand canada europe even france france is figuring it out patriots around the world are starting to figure out that the streets can be a tactical weapon in the fight for freedom the left figured that out a long time ago folks streets what do you mean you lift up the asphalt no no we're not leftists who actually did antifa lift up the asphalt what it, during the 2020 election and started attacking people with the brakes?
Starting point is 00:03:28 No, no, no, I'm not talking about that. That's leftist stuff. I'm talking about taking to the streets, showing your presence in the streets so that the media and the left can't ignore you. Folks, there is power in organizing in the streets. The left has figured it out a long time ago. We are starting to figure out that if we take their tactics and use them to advance freedom and liberty, that all of a sudden they get in a panic and they're in a messaging chaos moment right now.
Starting point is 00:03:55 I'll show that to you later as well. They're in total messaging chaos. They don't know what to do about the Ottawa truckers, the freedom rallies around the world against these mandates. They don't know what to do about parents at school boards. They have no idea. Here, I want you to see this first, what I mean. So the tyrant running Canada right now, Prime Minister Trudeau, one of the most incompetent government leaders in the history of humankind, in the history of the known cosmos, as a matter of fact,
Starting point is 00:04:23 Justin Trudeau, no life experience whatsoever. A goon of the highest order. Justin Trudeau decided it would be a good idea through his surrogates in the Ottawa Police Department over there in leadership, which is doing a god-awful job. They said, listen, you're not allowed to bring gas and gas cans to these truckers. You know, you can't do that.
Starting point is 00:04:47 So the citizens around Ottawa, you patriots, and I love you for it. They said, really? We're not allowed to bring gas. Cans are illegal now. Gas cans. That's kind of strange. We're going to give you the double barrel family friendly middle finger. And we're not only going to bring gas cans, we're going to bring a whole lot of them and
Starting point is 00:05:04 arrest us all. How does that sound? This is what taking to the streets looks like. Take a look at this. You like that? Oh, man. Yes. There you go.
Starting point is 00:05:14 That's what it looks like, folks. As you listen to the audio, about 10-second video. Check us out on Rumble. Don't miss it. It's right at the beginning of the show. Please. It is a line of patriotic Canadian citizens walking up with gas cans in hand saying,
Starting point is 00:05:29 not today, not tomorrow. And yeah, you're darn right, next week doesn't look good either. It's not just taken to the streets. We're all figuring out right now. That's why the left is in a total messaging panic. Oh my gosh, it's an insurrection in Ottawa. They're playing Plinko.
Starting point is 00:05:45 They're grilling up microwave pizza. You can't grill microwave pizza. You have to grill it. Here's some Virginia students figuring it out. Not only are we learning the lessons of the streets to take to the streets, and God bless you for doing it, we're also creating another generation right now of patriotic, freedom-loving American citizens. These kids who will never forget what these leftist tyrants did with them with masks, with closing down their schools. They will never, ever forget it.
Starting point is 00:06:15 And the left is in a panic, and they don't know how to get this back right now. Here's some video from Loudoun County. I saw yesterday circulating on social media of some Virginia students in Loudoun County delivering boxes of affidavits to the Loudoun County school board. These young men and women doing this will never forget the lessons they learned, that it's the streets and it's the organizing principles and assembling and speaking out that matters. Take a look at this and chin up, chest out. I'm telling you, the tide is about to turn on these tyrants, folks, and the messaging chaos and their fear shows that they know it too.
Starting point is 00:06:52 Here, check this out. You are being served a legal document. You are being served a legal document. You must take it. You are being served a legal document. You must take it. You are being served a legal document. You are being served a legal document. Folks, they're panicking. They are panicking. I see it. This is my entire life is dedicated to diagnosing and researching what these leftist tyrant totalitarian anti-freedom activists are up to. They are so easy to predict. tax the rich, fair share, healthcare equity, all of these messages, you've heard equity in general,
Starting point is 00:07:53 you've heard these, right? They are coordinated messaging strikes. Joe Rogan's a racist. None of this stuff is actually true based in fact at all, but they're coordinated messaging strikes. When you see scattershot messaging coming from the left, I'll show you in a minute, don't go anywhere, please, important show. When you see scattershot messaging coming from the left. I'll show you in a minute. Don't go anywhere. Please, important show. When you see scattershot messaging, one guy saying one thing, one leftist nut saying another thing, another leftist media nut saying another thing, you know they're discombobulated. They don't know what to do. They can't agree on how to fight back. Joe, we've done this before.
Starting point is 00:08:21 I'm going to show you evidence now. But here, here's one example of it. And this goes under this list that is. Irony alert. Here's Justin Trudeau, totally kneecapped here, does not know what to do messaging-wise. He starts attacking the truckers. He goes on with this whole, they didn't play the whole thing, talking about swastikas, making this whole thing up. This swastika thing had nothing to do with the truckers at the rally.
Starting point is 00:08:44 They're just making this crap up this is what they do right here's trudeau talking about what appears to be his own lockdowns but he's really talking about the truckers here listen to this individuals are trying to blockade our economy, our democracy, and our fellow citizens' daily lives. It has to stop. Wait, was he talking about individuals in the government? Oh no, he was talking about the truckers. This is how you know they are in complete messaging chaos.
Starting point is 00:09:23 When they say something that could be very easily turned around to apply to individuals in the government themselves they don't know what to do so just to be clear blockading the economy now is a bad thing because that's what you did oh no no no when we did it it was good it was benevolent when they do it it's evil and they're nazis carrying swastikas irony alert right no irony you want to see an epic irony alert here i have never in my life seen a tweet seen a tweet sum up where we are right now on the left and the total messaging chaos with the left and the media is part of the left please let's not even we don't need to relitigate that we all know that the media are full-blown left they're not serious people right
Starting point is 00:10:08 here is a tweet by the associated press there's a picture of neil young in this tweet which uh which i find quite hilarious but let me read the tweet to you first from the associated press talking about the spotify incident again this falls under the irony alert thing like facebook and twitter spotify is learning the limits of deflecting responsibility for what is said on its platform podcasting has few standards for policing content so the company is treading new ground with fans and critics of joe rogan there's a picture of neil young at the bottom of the tweet so let's just sum that up for a minute this is an epic epic self-owned like i've never seen just to be clear joe you have
Starting point is 00:10:55 the associated press tweeting about policing content on twitter a censorship platform that censored hunter b Biden election information before the election and rigged an election to make sure you couldn't vote with a full portfolio of information. So tweeting about policing content on a lefty platform that rigs elections. And then beneath it attached is a picture of Neil Young and our self-described artist, musician, who was on a tour years ago called the Free Speech Tour. If there isn't a, am I, Joe, am I crazy?
Starting point is 00:11:34 If there isn't a tweet that sums up the irony alert of where we are right now, I don't know what is. Now, I don't know what is. Press tweeting about policing content on a censorship platform featuring a picture of Neil Young, a guy pushing for censorship who once had a tour called the Free Speech Tour. Unbelievable. Oh, no. Sadly. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:08 Sadly, very believable where we are now with these media people. The hilarious thing, Joe, is they tweeted that without any sense of like, hey, we're the media, right? Should we be tweeting about policing content? No one at the AP caught that at all. No one. Yeah, not one person. Now, listen, this is one of the best. I love that you signed up for my newsletter.
Starting point is 00:12:24 I appreciate that. But these are the moments where it really helps. This an article that is my father you say daniel that's a must do he used to tell me tell me i have to do something the must you gotta it's a must daniel he said all the time my dad this i used to hate when he says you probably hate it when i say this but this please is a must read i'm begging you to please read this article it's called the blue stack strikes back hat tip our buddy m buddy Mitchell who submits content sometimes. I like Mitchell because he doesn't email us every day. He emails us when something's good.
Starting point is 00:12:51 So I know to take a look. This TabletMag article, The Blue Stack Strikes Back. So let's go into what the blue stack is and how they work and quote, strike back. This article will be in my newsletter today. It is the first submission in it. If you go to slash newsletter, please sign up. It is free. This article is right there.
Starting point is 00:13:13 It's by Zaid Jilani. What is the blue stack, folks? This describes perfectly the process by which the new totalitarian symbiote, government, big tech, academia, the entertainment community, and the organized activist left all collude to enact totalitarianism and censorship. He lays out the state, that's the blue stack, those entities I just addressed, right? So first he talks about, just three screenshots from this piece, but they're critical. He talks about how the blue stack works
Starting point is 00:13:48 to create a censorship push and to get information pushed off the internet and elsewhere. He says, quote, first, these activists create a panic about misinformation or offensive speech. Second, the social media platforms try to meet them halfway by introducing measures like warning labels. Third, the activists realize they've drawn blood. See why you can't apologize?
Starting point is 00:14:16 And they continue to push for outright censorship. Finally, the social media platforms give in and remove the offending voice from their platforms altogether that is exactly how the blue stack works activists and i don't want to leave out experts too when i'm using air quotes experts remember the national security experts that said the hunter biden story was disinformation. Oh, remember the 270 so-called medical experts that said Joe Rogan needs to be censored for medical misinformation. You see how they create a panic? Brilliant. Brilliant. Let's go to part two of this piece about the blue stack. Remember who they are? The entertainment community, academia, government, the left-wing
Starting point is 00:15:08 media, activist groups, the Soros-funded operations. They're all working together to emulate Chinese communism and censorship here in the United States, and it's working for them. Believe me, it's working. That's why the parallel economy is flourishing. Here, they go to part two here. Quote, American elites, unlike their Chinese counterparts, have never had the ability to imprison people for wrong think or derank undesirables in a social credit system. They haven't had the ability to put people in jails, but he's getting that.
Starting point is 00:15:40 Hold till the end of the show on that one, because that may be next. Oh, yeah. Oh, oh yeah they go on but the alliance again talking about the blue stack between the media progressive activists certain government officials and bureaucrats big technology firms and other powerful institutions like business and banking now allows them to shape events through what tablet wesley yang is called the vertical messaging apparatus when a politically inconvenient story appears at an inopportune time one about say the corruption of the democratic presidential candidate's son the blue stack takes unified action to quickly suppress it oh yes that's right the experts and activists put out a letter saying the hunter biden story was definitely russian disinfo had
Starting point is 00:16:34 the hallmarks excuse me of russian disinformation stories suppress biden wins the election strange final piece of this talking about how this tactics the same tactics they used against rogan 270 medical professionals said rogan needs to be censored 70 intelligence officials or whatever say this is russian it's all a lie it's all a lie it doesn't matter the last part he talks about how they use this tactic on hunter biden he says dozens of former officials from the intelligence community can sign a letter baselessly insinuating that the hunter biden story was just russian disinformation the mainstream media can publish it and then social media companies friendly to or fearful of the democratic party can collude to limit access to the original reporting. This is the blue stack.
Starting point is 00:17:25 This is the censorship symbiote. This is the Eddie Brock venom symbiote of censorship and totalitarianism happening right now. What's the off-ramp out? I cannot emphasize to you enough. Rumble, Substack, GiveSendGo, these other platforms, Truth Social coming out, away and totally disconnected from the leftist censorship economy. And if you don't think
Starting point is 00:17:50 potential investigations of you using the criminal infrastructure are next, you better damn well stay tuned. I got that story coming up too. Folks, on the other side of this break here, I want to show you, I mentioned in the beginning the show's lined up the way it is very specifically i said to you in the beginning i can tell they're
Starting point is 00:18:12 now panicking they're creating a new generation of activists and kids they're terrified what's going to happen now they're seeing them right now organized for freedom and liberty and use the streets a tactic they had an almost monopoly on until the Tea Party revolution. They're panicked and you can sense it in their messaging chaos. I'm going to show you in a minute what I mean, how they can't seem to agree on a talking point with a montage and an op-ed. It's critical. Please stay tuned. Please. The search for truth never ends. Introducing June's Journey,
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Starting point is 00:19:51 It's an insurrection. It's an anti-vaxxer. They don't know what to do. But first, I wanted to put this up quick. Here is a ridiculous op-ed by a guy who should just leave public life forever after writing this. The beclowning of this guy. I mean, the self-beclowning.
Starting point is 00:20:08 Here's a guy by the name of Gary Mason, whose name will live in infamy from this point on. Apparently writes at Global or The Globe and Mail or I've never heard of this place before. Thank you. And he's trying to make the claim here that freedom, Joee freedom is like a white supremacy thing or something is that kind of right joe just checking is that kind of racist that's what is he suggesting dude yeah blacks and minorities and people of color and indigenous people don't like freedom as it's not gay racist that's not racism checks that's not race he says a little bit joe you agree right yeah yeah yeah joe's saying big time joe and gee did he say a little bit joe say no no
Starting point is 00:20:45 big time definitely right i have an assignment joe on this one big time race i'm kidding he's being sarcastic you all get the dream here we go gary mason should leave public life forever after humiliating himself says this about the ottawa rally see the messaging listen for the messaging chaos here maga hats and trump signs jo. They've been ubiquitous at the Freedom Convoy occupation in Ottawa, which has attracted donations and political support from the U.S. Oh, my gosh. It goes on. Listen to this horror.
Starting point is 00:21:17 One man rode a horse, Joe, through the downtown streets carrying a flag emblazoned with the word Trump. Oh my, oh my gosh. Speak too much. It goes on. It gets even worse, man. I know, I know. It's hard to take.
Starting point is 00:21:34 You need a break? Let us know. It's a tape show. He goes on. The word freedom could be found on most signs being touted by the protesters. This is definitely hate speech. He says, for many, it's a word that's become code
Starting point is 00:21:52 for white identity politics and the far-right's weapon of choice in the culture war. Dude! Dude, come on. I got to tell you, I'm a little disappointed here. I appreciate that you don't like to wear out the sound effects. You know what drives Paula crazy. I know where you're going.
Starting point is 00:22:13 If that's not a... I mean, that's at least a double mother. I don't usually call for it. I'm sorry. I gotta like... There it comes, brother. And you're right. I'm not even joking.
Starting point is 00:22:26 This isn't an act, folks. I really, this is, I look for this stuff. Thank you, Joe. I appreciate it. Joe uses full discretion over the mutley. I had a call for it. This, do you see it? You see the chaos here.
Starting point is 00:22:40 They don't know what to do anymore. They don't know how to describe a tactic they've used for years people taking to the streets except we're actually peaceful and they're not they don't know what to do so they're just randomly pulling stuff trump hats freedom signs white supremacy code culture war insurrection siege plink, pizza, I'm not joking. If you listen to my radio show, you know what I mean. Dogs and cats living together. Yes, yes, yes. That's it.
Starting point is 00:23:13 They don't know what to do. That is our messaging chaos little stinger every single time. Here, watch and listen for it here. It's even more evident in this video audio clip. Hat tip Grabian, the great Tom Elliott over at Grabian. Here is a media montage of the messaging chaos here where they can't seem to decide. Is it a racist rally? Is it a white supremacy thing?
Starting point is 00:23:35 Is it a siege? Is it an insurrection? What is it? They can't say they are in total chaos. Check this out. Sedition, insurrection, a threat to democracy. This city is under siege. They are now calling it an occupation.
Starting point is 00:23:49 Alarming situation there in Ottawa. The police chief is calling it a nationwide insurrection driven by madness. This is kind of our insurrection by air horn moment. I think it's part of the globalization of Trumpism. Canadians know where I stand. There hasn't been as much violence as some had perhaps projected, but that does not necessarily mean that it has been peaceful. Reports of severe vandalism and criminal behavior.
Starting point is 00:24:12 Streets are clogged. The honking is incessant and deafening. This pandemic has sucked for all Canadians. Residents that I have spoken to who say they feel terrorized, intimidated. Residents say they feel like hostages. Residents in that area say that they are being held hostage, that this freedom has essentially, this freedom convoy, as they call it, has essentially imposed a lockdown on them.
Starting point is 00:24:35 Some protesters harassed a soup kitchen. These anti-vaxxers actually took food from the mouths of the homeless. Hungry, yeah. Because they're so put upon. There have not been any violent outbursts. However, horns have been honking for 12 to 21 hours a night. The small fringe minority of people who are on their way to Ottawa or who are holding unacceptable views that they're expressing.
Starting point is 00:25:03 Folks, that goes on. What is it, Joe? For like another minute? Joe, I had to cut it because it's a show. That goes on for another two minutes and candidly probably could go on for another ten minutes. If you want to watch the full thing, follow Tom Elliott Grabien
Starting point is 00:25:18 G-R-A-B-I-E-N on social media. He puts these clips up all the time. It's one of the best accounts out there. You see it. You sense the chaos now because every day it's a litany of bad news. And I get it. We're just like enough is enough with this guy. I know a lot of you are ready to kind of like, I get it. Believe me, I do this for a living. And sometimes you're like, when are things going to change? And you're like pounding the desk, like, my gosh, don't they see what they're doing?
Starting point is 00:25:45 I'm telling you, things are changing. We will always fix it in the end. The bottom is near if we haven't hit it already. People are figuring it out. And you can always tell by the left's response, knowing we're figuring it out. Whenever they nail it and they all speak to a common talking point, you know they're not too concerned
Starting point is 00:26:09 and they think they've beat us. You know, Kavanaugh's a rapist. Remember you heard that from like, you know, 50, 60 people and then at the end it became all kinds of different messages. Kavanaugh's a drunk. Kavanaugh missed school.
Starting point is 00:26:21 That's how you know they're panicked. You just saw it. Freedom, insurrection, freedom's white supremacy, siege. Is it violent? No, but it's horn honking, and that's violent. That's glorious to watch. Glorious. All right.
Starting point is 00:26:39 Let me move on. So I want to play something for you, folks it's not just regular you know average joes like us out there who are figuring it out you know i've had a uh i the last few weeks have covered a sensitive topic with me the pope francis and what i what i believe to be his leanings now towards socialism and uh totalitarianism because he uses buzzwords like social media, misinformation, that stuff. I'm deeply concerned. He's one of the most powerful people in the world, Pope Francis. He's not just a spiritual leader, folks. I mean, he is, but his voice carries a lot of weight. So the left has been using what he's been saying as a vehicle to enact socialism and
Starting point is 00:27:21 totalitarianism under the guise of misinformation. In other words, the left saying, we don't like the information you're giving, so we're going to try to censor it using the blue stack. Now, Pope Francis doesn't understand the blue stack, apparently, and how the blue stack works to suppress free speech and God-given rights. But ladies and gentlemen,
Starting point is 00:27:39 this is why I will never leave the Catholic Church because the Catholic Church is ours. It's ours. It's ours. It's not the Pope's because we do have some people standing up, some people standing up who see the threat. I want you to listen to this. This is a father, Martin father, Marty,
Starting point is 00:27:56 as they call him. So that church, a local church that, that I go to father Marty's a freedom fight. And he doesn't care about the consequences. He gave a powerful homilies last week. I wasn't there to see it because I had a quarantine because of COVID. But I'd like you to listen to about a minute and 30 of it
Starting point is 00:28:17 where this was his message from the pulpit about freedom and misinformation and about God's truth, which is the only truth that matters. Check this out. The definitions of misinformation and about God's truth, which is the only truth that matters. Check this out. The definitions of misinformation and disinformation are spin and lies. It is not misinformation or disinformation to question the narrative. It is not misinformation or disinformation to request evidence of the narrative. I could go on for hours, each of you can as well,
Starting point is 00:28:57 on all of the terrible ways that misinformation and disinformation has been falsely labeled. For example, for nearly 50 years now, it's been crammed down our throats that the justification for abortion, the justification for taking the life of an innocent from the womb, is my body, my souls. We've been hearing that for almost 50 years now. But now, if somebody who has legitimate health reasons
Starting point is 00:29:26 for not getting the vaccine says, my body, my choice, they're instantly condemned as a mass murderer, or much, much worse. Just last week, we heard in the second reading that we are called to rejoice in the truth. But how can we rejoice in the truth when it is being blasphemed as misinformation and disinformation? The result of this has been had a strong fit. You see it? You feel it? I can feel it.
Starting point is 00:30:10 I got goosebumps. I can feel it happening. It's happening everywhere. People are starting to see the damage of this new totalitarian culture being hoisted upon their back. And you're watching the revolution happen in live time. I got to tell you, I'm honored to be a part of it. The fact that I've become public enemy number one to the left only tells me I'm doing something right. It only makes me want to redouble my efforts. Thanks, Father Marty, for speaking out at great risk to yourself.
Starting point is 00:30:44 And he knows exactly what I mean. But he did it anyway because it matters. All right. I've got a lot more coming up, including the paralysis of the fact checkers here. They don't know what to do either. They're totally paralyzed by Joe Biden because all of the nonsense he keeps doing. So they have to continually degrade their own credibility and go deeper down the rabbit hole to try to attack people like me and try to prevent Joe Biden from accumulating any more negative political capital. And I have to tell you,
Starting point is 00:31:16 it is hilarious to watch them just sit there and dangle. They don't know what to do. Metrolinks and Crosslinks are reminding everyone to be careful as Eglinton Crosstown LRT train testing is in progress. Please be alert as trains can pass at any time on the tracks. Remember to follow all traffic signals. Be careful along our tracks and only make left turns where it's safe to do so. Be alert, be aware, and stay safe. We have this little thing. We're going to do it for this show too.
Starting point is 00:31:51 Jim and I on the radio show, this thing called Fact Checker Clown Show. So it's Fact Checker Clown Show time here again. Again, showing you how I've now become public enemy number one. If you're saying to yourself, my gosh, I'm starting to see Dan's name in just about every leftist site now. Yeah, yeah. That's because of what we've done with Rumble and this parallel economy we've helped create. It's driving them nuts. It's driving them mad. They don't know what
Starting point is 00:32:13 to do. So here's our good friend, Bill McCarthy again. I'll show you a picture of Bill. Bill's about, I don't know. I don't know. Bill looks like a very young man. I'm not sure his life experience is commensurate with what he thinks his intellectual aptitude is. But that's for a whole other day. So yesterday, he reaches out, old Bill, and he says, hey, look at this. We're going to run a fact check on that graphic on your Fox show. I said, wow, that's interesting. You are?
Starting point is 00:32:38 That's pretty funny because we already corrected the fact check on Monday on the Fox show. Did he miss that? Guy, did you miss that? No. that? Guy, did you miss that? No, Guy, Joe, did you miss that? No. No, you saw it, right? It did happen. I'm not crazy, right?
Starting point is 00:32:51 I wasn't doing peyote or anything like that. No, you're cool. Okay, we're good. You're good. Yeah, thanks, buddy. Yeah, we're, all right, okay. Joe goes back and forth between we're good and we're cool. Good to know.
Starting point is 00:32:59 Where I stated that the fact check and the graphic that made it up was, quote, hilariously wrong. Sounds like we kind of fact checked ourselves that wasn't good enough for for young bill bill had to dig right in so i saw this on politifact yesterday politifact this is politifact they call themselves they said dan bongino is a screenshot if you want to see it on rumble before they changed it of course san bongino stated on february 5th 2022 in a tv segment the quote puts quotes so i stated this in quotes actually quotes twice it's one that i didn't even realize it the top 10 most unhealthy u.s cities are san francisco seattle portland oregon san francisco san diego honolulu, Washington. You get it. It goes on and on. I stated that?
Starting point is 00:33:47 Guy, did you hear me state that? Joe, did you hear me state that on the show? No, I didn't, Dan. Yeah, it's weird because I was there. Matter of fact, so was Guy. Guy was there too because Guy does some of the production here. It's kind of weird. I don't remember saying that.
Starting point is 00:34:08 So we emailed Bill back and said, yeah, you know, Bill, given that you've now engaged in actual malice by knowingly lying about what I stated, because I didn't state anything of the sort ever during that segment, I don't know what he's talking about. All of a sudden, Bill did a little edit. It's kind of weird after that, how that edit appeared right away once we sent him a notice that we were about to file some legal action again. Here's old Bill now. Dan Bongino stated on February 5th, 2022 in a TV segment graphic. Oh, you got to throw that in later. Really weird.
Starting point is 00:34:38 But notice, he still has quotes up as if someone actually stated that. So we'll see what our next step is. I haven't yet decided um but it's obvious and obviously an example of actual malice in media and what they do to try to defame people um here's bill probably understand why they're bill looks like a young man but he's got a lot of experience folks um bill was an intern and uh graduated duke and with public policy and he has a certificate guys in public policy journalism oh yeah he's like man this guy looks really smart he does it clearly a genius um you should
Starting point is 00:35:12 probably look up all those laws about actual malice and stuff like that so he claims that i stated that about these unhealthiest cities so i i thought maybe it's just me because if this you know were to go to court i'm sure they'll try to say no stated means all this different stuff and it means this and that so i went to the dictionary collins dictionary and i looked up the definition of stated just to be sure joe that i'm not reading this thing wrong right no pun intended says definition of stated stated Stated in American English. Even gives you the pronunciation.
Starting point is 00:35:47 Stated. It says fixed or set as by agreement or declared, especially in specific terms. Expressed. Did I declare that? Did I express that in specific terms? remember saying any of that kind of an invented fact check no so i thought okay maybe i'm just reading this whole thing wrong joe so i looked up oxford languages here synonyms for stated because maybe i didn't state it. Maybe I, oh, express. Did I express those words? Nope. Did I voice those words?
Starting point is 00:36:28 Nope. Did I utter those words? Nope. Did I say them, tell them, declare them, affirm them, assert them, aver them, or announce them? Nah, I didn't do any of that either. We'll see what our next step is with old bill i think bill's got himself in a weird corner now doesn't he and bogino stated those things so i have a little challenge to bill i will publicly apologize to
Starting point is 00:36:57 young bill on the show if bill can show me stating verbally any of what he put in quotations on there and we'll see who's checking facts or not i doubt bill will be able to do that because bill knows he made it up but we'll see how he answers the challenge if i stated that we'll see how he responds after we sent him that legal email that we were going to pursue some legal action because all of a sudden bill wasn't so brave anymore that we were going to pursue some legal action against him. All of a sudden, Bill wasn't so brave anymore. Let's do a little edit here quick and pretend no one notices. Okay, sure. Good job, Bill.
Starting point is 00:37:31 All right, moving on. A lot more there, folks. You have no idea. Poor Josh. Why, Josh? You guys have no idea. All right. So a lot of times we get viewer feedback,
Starting point is 00:37:47 especially in the form of questions. And by the way, I know it's only Wednesday, but if you would like to submit a question for this week's Questions for Dan's segment, you can always comment on the Rumble videos, preferably the Thursday videos, but you can do today's too. And I always put out a post on my Locals account.
Starting point is 00:38:02 I'm at the Bongino on the Locals app. Questions and submit them. But sometimes we get lovely feedback from leftists too. I rarely put out a post on my Locals account. I'm at the Bongino on the Locals app questions and submit them. But sometimes we get lovely feedback from leftists too. I rarely put it up, but this one's good. So I wanted you all to see it. Here's an email we got from a Jeremy Hutchison. Hutchison to Dan Bongino. Subject, go back to New York.
Starting point is 00:38:19 This is a quote from Jeremy Hutchison. We're going to call this lovely liberal love letters, all L's. Can we do that as a segment, Guy? Can we do a stinger for that too? Yeah, we got to do it because I get a lot of these and sometimes they're kind of funny. But I don't want to steal Dana Lash's segment. It was her idea. Dana Lash does the hate mailbag and Dana's got a great idea going.
Starting point is 00:38:38 And then she uses the advertising funds. It's a branded segment to go and buy ammo to go shoot at the range. That's Dana's idea. But this is kind of of funny we'll just do these once in a while this jeremy hutchinson says we don't like you down here acting florida is your hit with an s in front of it folks this is the actual words i'm you can't even spell your right i'm this is apparently has an issue with the English language. We've been living, you scumbag New York boys, coming down to our Florida and acting like it's yours.
Starting point is 00:39:18 Go fly your New York flag in Texas. Florida crackers don't need your BS in Florida. You ain't from here. So go back to New York. Thank you, Jeremy. That is our edition of lovely liberal love letters for the week. Sent to Dan.
Starting point is 00:39:35 Thank you, Jeremy. And by the way, I'm just liberals. You're free to send us email. Just understand when you send it, it could be part of the show. I just want you all to know that. So thank you,
Starting point is 00:39:44 Jeremy, for your addition of lovely liberal love letters to Dan. We'll make that kind of a regular segment. And yes, and we, well, yes, he said it right, Joe. So incredibly eloquent and well spoken. Oh yeah, yeah. Thank you. Well done.
Starting point is 00:39:57 Maybe hook up with Bill McCarthy. You guys could do like a whole English thing and he can tell you what state, he can tell you what stated means and all like that. You guys can work that out. So I'll tell you what, I don't throw off the last, let me get to the last sponsor first folks. I just want to,
Starting point is 00:40:12 I'm going to, I appreciate your patience with the sponsor, but I want to get through this next. Again, a story yesterday. So bad for the Biden administration. You may have heard it so bad. I could tell within seconds that the fact
Starting point is 00:40:26 checkers were going to go out there to run cover for Biden. I could tell within seconds, even though the story is true and they acknowledge it. I could tell in seconds, but stay tuned. We'll get to that in a second. Good show today. Sorry. Self-praise thanks, but I'm loving the show. Mama, look at me. I'm going really fast. I just got my license. Can I borrow the car, please, Mom? Kids go from 0 to 18 in no time. You'll be relieved they have 24-7 roadside assistance with Intact Insurance. Mom, can we go to Nana's house tomorrow?
Starting point is 00:40:57 I want to go to Jack's place today. I'll just take the car. Don't wait up, okay? Kids go from 0 to 18 in no time, don't they? At Intact Insurance insurance we insure your car so you can enjoy the ride visit or talk to your broker conditions apply so i saw this story yesterday and as with most stories i wanted to apply the bongino rule so i gave it 24 hours to simmer to make sure it was correct and i saw a lot of credible media outlets
Starting point is 00:41:24 notice i said credible start to pick up the story and i thought my gosh this story sounds really damaging the biden administration funding a 30 million dollar program that included as a component of it uh crack pipes and i thought i listen even me who has no faith whatsoever in the biden administration i'm not kidding i said no no no this has got to be a hoax like there's no way this is real so i started looking it up waited a little bit and i saw this story on fox which describes exactly that program sam dorman fox news crack pipe distribution funded by HHS, Health and Human Services. Prioritizing, quote, underserved communities, says a report.
Starting point is 00:42:13 Quote, the Health and Human Services Department is rolling out a 30 million dollar grant program that will fund the distribution of items like crack pipes for smoking illicit substances, according to a new report. Folks, the story's authentic. Now, again, I kid you not. In my head, I'm saying it will only be seconds before the fact checkers are out there trying to run defense for the Biden administration for funding a program. One of its subcomponents is the funding of crackpipes. So I, of course I go right to where I go all the time. I haven't gone to PolitiFact yet. We already did a segment on that clown show
Starting point is 00:42:57 over there, but where do people go? They go to Snopes. So I just put in a search engine, Snopes crackpipes. Now, instead of Snopes saying, yes, this is in fact a real program with a subcomponent, that's not what they say. Snopes attacks the story and acknowledges later on, they say the story is that it's mostly false or whatever their designation is at Snopes. But then down down if you read three four paragraphs down weird joe it says that the program is actually real that it does provide smoking kits but don't worry joe it's only a sub component of the program oh okay so it's only a sub component of smoking pipes for like cracking stuff that's their fact check you can't fact check. You can't make this up. You can't
Starting point is 00:43:48 make this up. We are living with Pravda. Pravda, the United States, I knew it. I knew it would just be seconds before the fact checkers were on this. Now, just know this story is accurate. It's not wrong in the interest of providing accuracy. Now, by the way, just so you know, I'll get to that point in a second, but fake book has an algorithm because this story is so damaging to the Biden family for a number of reasons, if you know what I mean. If you post about this, I can almost guarantee you, you will get caught up in a fact check algorithm, if you know what I mean. If you post about this, I can almost guarantee you, you will get caught up in a fact check algorithm, even though the story's true. But in the interest of authenticity, because we're not journalists, we actually do facts here.
Starting point is 00:44:35 It's not the whole program, but the million dollar, $30 million grant program is real. And this distribution of smoking kits is in fact a subcomponent of it. That story is real. Post about it. Watch what happens on fake book as it automatically trips into Pravda mode to try to protect Joe Biden again. Tell me again why we don't need to get off these programs and tell me again, these fact checkers are serious people. don't need to get off these programs and tell me again these fact checkers are serious people and i thought to myself i was arguing with geraldo last night on hannity as i do on tuesday night sometimes you know he was backing this program up and listen i say to people with drug problems and drug users uh all the time um you know you'll always have a home here always i've got friends
Starting point is 00:45:24 with serious drug problems. But ladies and gentlemen, I am not going to pay through my tax dollars to make smoking crack easier for you. It's a point I was making to Geraldo last night. And the other point I was making is how we live in two Americas right now, which is the gist of the segment on my show that that fact checker kid attacked. We live in two americas right now there's a freedom loving anti-censorship america and a totalitarian left pro-censorship america there were two countries right now folks i wish we weren't but we are and i thought there's no better example than this story smoke crack you can be the recipient of a $30 million grant program to get free smoking kits,
Starting point is 00:46:08 yet dare not to get the vaccine for whatever medical reason. You're prone to blood clots. You've had a bad experience with vaccines in the past. And there are lefties seriously arguing if you should be denied healthcare, some actually doing it. No, they're not, Dan. Oh, here we go. I just put this in a search engine, too. I put the question in a search engine. Should the unvaccinated be denied healthcare? You know what's crazy, Joe? An article came up called, Should the Unvaccinated
Starting point is 00:46:36 Be Denied Healthcare? The exact title. The exact title. Boom. Right there. As hospitals reach capacity, the ethics of who is prioritized in triage gets murky. It does? I thought hospitals, we treat the sick, not the sick we don't agree with politically. Call me crazy.
Starting point is 00:46:53 Joe, were you nuts? I thought that, you know, do no harm. Man. Hippocratic oath. Just sick. You're supposed to be sick. That's it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:02 The only criteria, right? Right, Joe? That's the only criteria? I'm just checking. I'm like, Joe's been alive a lot longer than me. You just got to be sick that's it yeah yeah the only criteria right right joe that's the only criteria i just checking i'm like joe's been alive a lot longer than me you just got to be sick you don't have to go in there and show your party affiliation your democrat card your union card you don't have to show any of that you don't have to bring in crt documents you just show i'm sick thanks joe for clarifying not anymore not anymore now i i thought joe before we before we go i was gonna wasn't gonna say say it, but this is going to create
Starting point is 00:47:26 an interesting conundrum from the lefties seriously considering about treating people who are unvaccinated, just let them die or whatever. What if they're crack smokers who got a free smoking kit from the government? Do you treat them then? And they have COVID and they didn't get vaccinated. Now the left's like,
Starting point is 00:47:41 what do we do now? how do we figure this out political narrative we hate unvaccinated people but we really love joe biden and snoops told us it wasn't real crack smokers what do we do i don't know it's kind of your problem see how we don't have these problems on the right we just kind of treat sick people whether they're liberals or communists or whatever we just don't let them die. You see that? You see how we do that? And you have all these problems on the left. You wonder why you hate yourselves all the time?
Starting point is 00:48:13 You're always pulling your hair out every day, foaming at the mouth while you're angry at the world. Because you have these little conundrums in your head all the time. Don't treat the unvaccinated awful. What if they smoke crack? Joe Biden gave them a crack pipe. What do we do luckily i don't have any hair so i don't have a problem now i'd said to you in the beginning of the show that this censorship thing was getting dangerous and that the left hasn't yet figured out a way to emulate the chinese communist party's
Starting point is 00:48:42 imprisoning tactics of their political opponents they They've emulated the censorship tactics. Let's not even confuse that. That's absolutely true. We discussed it in the beginning of the show, the blue stack. Now, you may be saying, yeah, we're safe for now. We'll probably get banned from social media, all that other stuff that happens, shut down our businesses, boycott it, and all that, but at least we won't find ourselves in jail. Really? Here's an article at Like I said, read the newsletter today, slash newsletter. This is by our good friend, Matt Palumbo. DHS terrorism bulletin warns of a terror threat from people, quote, spreading false narratives that undermine trusted government. This is another one of those
Starting point is 00:49:22 stories, folks. I said to Matt, Matt, do not write this on my website until we're absolutely sure it is true, this DHS bulletin. Oh, it's true. It's true. Matt says one part of the bulletin stands out when it comes to who this DHS bulletin is targeting. Here's a quote from it. While the conditions underlying the heightened threat landscape have not significantly changed over the last year, the convergence of the following factors has increased the volatility, unpredictability, and complexity of the threat environment, Joe. One, the proliferation of false or misleading narratives, which sow discord or undermine public trust in government institutions. What the did you just read? Thank you. Perfect timing.
Starting point is 00:50:14 Perfect timing. What? I don't even know how to describe that. The DHS, Department of Homeland Security, is citing some threat environment memo and calling out false or misleading narratives which sow discord or undermine public trust in U.S. government institutions.
Starting point is 00:50:39 Call me crazy. I thought we had this First Amendment thing. Folks, it's not a joke. No, this is beyond serious. I've warned you over and over that Overton window keeps moving. We're now at the point now where the Department of Homeland Security, along with the FBI, who thought it would be a good idea to create a terror tag for parents who show up and protest at school board meetings, we now have the Department of Homeland Security putting out a memo
Starting point is 00:51:07 that may indicate a shift in resources towards investigating you. You think we're making this up? Read the piece yourself. It's a screenshot of the memo. And to the members of Congress and the Senate up there, if there aren't hearings about this tomorrow morning, then you guys have failed. And I get it.
Starting point is 00:51:30 You can't control entirely the committee hearings. But if you can't do it because they won't let you do it, then you should hold your own hearings outside of Congress and do them yourself. This is a disgrace. Should not be one dime of funding that goes to DHS until they explain this. This is the second biggest controversy of the Biden administration. The first was Jen Psaki calling for censorship from the platform. The second is this, DHS talking about political narratives that undermine trust in government, also known as free speech.
Starting point is 00:52:01 All right, folks, we got to run. Thank you. I really enjoyed today's show. It means a lot to me. And thank you to Father Marty again. One small request again, please sign up for my Rumble account. We added 100,000 new subscribers to my Rumble account. 100,000 in about eight days. That is ridiculously good.
Starting point is 00:52:20 And I can't thank you enough., R-U-M-B-L-E, slash Bongino, slash Bongino. Thank you so much. Thanks for your support. See you tomorrow.

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