The Dan Bongino Show - This May be the Finest Media Appearance I’ve Ever Seen (Ep 1442)
Episode Date: January 25, 2021In this episode, I discuss the devastating new report issued about the 2020 election. The findings are eye-opening. News Picks: The devastating report about interference in our 2020 election, whic...h was discussed in the show today. Watch Rand Paul absolutely destroy a fake news activist on the topic of election integrity. Media hacks finally wake up and tell the truth about President Trump’s management of the CDC. Liz Cheney must resign her leadership position within the GOP. The buyer’s remorse has already begun, only days into the disastrous Biden presidency. The hypocrite-frauds at Amazon are fighting mail-in voting in a union election. Tucker Carlson reveals a stunning email ordering immigration officials to release illegal aliens immediately. Copyright Bongino Inc All Rights Reserved. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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get ready to hear the truth about america on a show that's not immune to the facts with your host
dan bongino so senator rand paul put on an absolute master class and how to handle the
media and their attempts to silence us from discussing anything other than what they want
us to talk about which is how wonderful joe biden is maybe we should give him neck massages or
something rub his head we're not going to do that so i've got those clips coming up for you today i've also
got you know i don't adjectives are stunning astonishing whatever i don't know how to
describe it but a new election report out by phil klein's group this amistad project
i've got about six screenshots from this report about the election that I don't know, I found pretty stunning. And some relatively sober analysts on social media found
it stunning too. Today's show brought to you by ExpressVPN. Ladies and gentlemen, get a VPN today.
Protect your online activity from prying eyeballs. Go to slash Bongino. Don't wait.
Welcome to the Dan Bongino Show.
Let's get to it.
I got that.
I've also got some more on our experts,
how government experts have totally failed us,
and yet they've focused their ire on Donald Trump.
So don't miss that.
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So ladies and gentlemen, there's no bell this week. I'll explain to you a couple of weeks from now, what's really going on, especially if the show looks a little
bit different to you. But a lot of work went into it. Thank you to my good friend, Reed, Paula and
Joe and Drew for being so understanding. But I promise you in a couple of weeks, there's a reason
I can't explain it. I'll explain to you what's really going on. All right, let's get to this Rand Paul segment. So Rand Paul was on George Snuffleupagus' show on, what is it, ABC or whatever? You know George, he was the old
political operative for Bill Clinton who now pretends to be a journalist. And listen, I got
no personal problem with Stephanopoulos, right? He's a political operative. I do have a problem,
however, with Stephanopoulos pretending that he is somehow some independent
nonpartisan journalist. That's an utter absurdity. So he was on with Rand Paul and Rand Paul dared
to bring up serious constitutional questions about changes that were made to election law
prior to the 2020 election that a lot of people are very concerned about.
Well, that didn't go well for Stephanopoulos, who expected Rand Paul
to fold relatively quickly. I got three cuts from this interview. It's that good. I was going to
play the whole thing straight through, but it's six minutes long, so I had to cut it up. So check
out video one. Here's Rand Paul again, a masterclass in schooling the media who is not going to be
dissuaded from asking questions. Check this out. This election was not stolen. Do you accept that
fact? Well, what I would say is that the debate over whether or not there was fraud should occur.
We never had any presentation in court where we actually looked at the evidence.
Most of the cases were thrown out for lack of standing, which is a procedural way of not actually hearing the question.
There were several states in which the law was changed by the secretary of state and not the state legislature.
To me, those are clearly unconstitutional.
And I think there's still a chance that those actually do finally work their way up to the
Supreme Court. Courts traditionally and historically don't like to hear election questions.
But yes, were there people who voted twice? Were there dead people who voted? Were there
illegal aliens who voted? Yes, and we should get to the bottom of it. I'll give you an example.
In my state, when we had a democrat secretary of state she refused even under
federal order to purge the roles of illegal voters we got a republican secretary of state
and he purged the roles it doesn't make a difference and those i have to stop you there
there no no no election is perfect but there there were 86 challenges filed by president
trump and his allies in court all were dismissed. Every state certified the results after investigations, counts,
after investigations, counts, and recounts.
The Department of Justice, led by William Barr, said there's no widespread evidence
of fraud. Can't you just say the words, this election was not stolen?
What I would suggest is that if we want greater confidence in our elections
and 75% of Republicans agree with me, is that we do need to look at election integrity
and we do need to see if we can restore confidence in the elections.
There you go.
Do you see what's going on now, folks?
Listen, I fully understand and get that there are various degrees of seriousness to arguments
made about what happened in the 2020 election.
I get that. I think we've been clear on that from the start.
Space aliens didn't come down and interfere in the 2020 election.
However, there are very legitimate questions the media does not want you to ask.
Why is that? I thought they were in were in the arena of fact finding and journalism.
For instance, what Rand Paul said is accurate. Rand Paul had said that there were last minute changes made not through legislative chambers in very specific states to election law.
And it seems that the media wants to make that all go away.
And my question to you in the media and to leftists, because they're the only ones who want to silence legitimate debate, is listen, it's it's it's there are two sides to every story.
And on one side, we're saying, well, what if we made last minute election law changes in states like Texas and Florida that were Republican leaning that basically shut some Democrats out of voting at the last minute, even if the effect was unintended?
But it happened. Wouldn't you want us to ask questions about that?
the effect was unintended, but it happened.
Wouldn't you want us to ask questions about that?
Isn't it a goal, a goal for all of us in the legitimate, free, fair, constitutional republic
with a free and fair media?
Isn't it a goal for all of us
to want to have faith and fidelity
and some loyalty to the process we believe in?
Why is everybody so eager to shut everyone up?
I'm genuinely confused about this here's part two the media desperate again to silence you
part two of this interview with rand paul where stefanopoulos again pretending to be a journalist
just admit you're a partisan activist there's nothing wrong with that i'm i listen i was an
activist i was a candidate i'm a conservative opinion maker
i have conservative opinions there's nothing wrong with that but i'm honest about it
just stop pretending to be a journalist here's stefanopoulos again on a show that pretends to
be doing journalism questioning rand paul again and trying to silence him from bringing up
legitimate questions about the process that happened in 2020.
Check this out. Well, 75 percent of Republicans agree with you because they were fed a big lie by President Trump and his supporters who say the election was stolen. Why can't you say?
Well, I think I think you make a mistake. Hey, George, George, George, where you make a mistake
is that people coming from the liberal side like you, you immediately say everything's a lie instead of saying there are two sides to everything.
Historically, what would happen is if I said that I thought there was fraud, you would interview someone else who said there wasn't.
But now you insert yourself in the middle and say the absolute fact is that everything I'm saying is a lie.
Well, because, Senator, I said what the president said was a lie because he said, hold on a second.
He said the election was stolen.
This election was not stolen.
The results were certified in every single state after counts and recounts.
You're saying that absolutely it was, you're saying there was no fraud and it's all been investigated.
That's just not true.
It's not what I said, sir.
I said the Department of Justice found no evidence.
Let me finish my point.
You said something that was not true.
You say we're all liars.
You're just simply saying we're all liars.
I said it was a lie that the election was stolen.
I said it was a premise that you're right and we're wrong.
Well, let's talk about the specifics of it.
In Wisconsin, tens of thousands of absentee votes had only the name on them and no address.
Historically, those were thrown out. This time they weren't.
They made special accommodations because they said, oh, it's a pandemic and people forgot what their address was. So they changed the law after the
fact. That is wrong. That's unconstitutional. And I plan on spending the next two years going
around state to state and fixing these problems. And I won't be cowed by liberals in the media who
say there's no evidence here. You're a liar if you talk about election fraud. No, let's have an
open debate. It's a free country.
I thought that's I thought that's what we did here in the United States.
I thought we were allowed to do that. I thought we were allowed and permitted by, you know, things like the Bill of Rights.
God given big are big are God given rights. I thought we were allowed to ask questions.
We're not we're not anymore. Why is why is the left gone full totalitarian?
I want to I want to say to the leftists and totalitarian i want to say i want to say that
the leftists and the people in the media trying to silence open debate um you really do disgust me
i think i've been fair about this from the start i don't have evidence to show you number wise that
i can conclusively prove this election was stolen in 2020 i don't i don't think i've ever said that
i'm actually pretty crystal clear of no i I don't have that evidence. However, I do have evidence that there were a lot of abnormalities in 2020, which are making a lot of sane, rational
Americans question a lot of things about our elections. Why are you so eager to silence
everyone? I don't understand the beach ball under the water. Why are you pushing the beach ball
under the water so hard? Is Rand Paul not bringing up legitimate questions? Constitutional processes?
Absentee ballots where processes were changed in the last minute, which made a lot of Americans
question what happened in very specific districts? Why is George Stephanopoulos so eager to call
everybody a liar?
Ladies and gentlemen, here's the third part of this interview, where again, he talks about how the media just is inserting themselves into the story, Rand Paul that is, and not letting anybody speak openly about what happened or trying to silence everyone.
And that's not working out quite well because Rand Paul seems quite upset about it. And I have to tell you, I said to someone yesterday who sent me this clip, this may be one of the single greatest media appearances I've seen in the last five or six years by someone who's just refusing to take it anymore.
Rand Paul. Check this out.
There is there is no widespread evidence of election fraud that overturned the results. That was stated as well by the Department of Justice, led by President Trump's attorney general.
In Wisconsin, there were counts and recounts.
Actually, it was never studied.
Even that's not true.
Even that's not true.
Even that's not true.
William Barr said that directly.
Barr said that.
But there was, yes, he said that, yes.
That was a pronouncement.
There has been no examination, thorough examination of all the states to see
what problems we had and see if they could fix them. Now, let me say, to be clear, I voted to
certify the state electors because I think it would be wrong for Congress to overturn that.
But at the same time, I'm not willing just to sit here and say, oh, everybody on the Republican
side is a liar and there is no fraud. No, there were lots of problems and there were secretaries
of state who illegally changed the law and that needs to be fixed.
And I'm going to work hard to fix it. And I won't be cowed by people saying, oh, you're a liar.
That's the problem with the media today is they say all Republicans are liars and everything we say is a lie.
There are two sides to every story. Interview somebody on the other side, but don't insert
yourself into the story to say we're all liars because there are not.
You know. We're in a really dangerous place right now.
Folks, I can't explain to you in strong enough terms.
How behind the scenes is far worse than what you're seeing in the public eye right now.
The pressure being exerted on people to not speak, to shut their
mouths, to render themselves prisoners in an ideological prison, and to not dare ask legitimate
questions. Like, why did we have such significant roll-off in 2020? Why did we have so many people
in various places that voted for the top of the ticket, but not down ballot races.
Is it not fair to ask that?
Maybe there's a good, legitimate answer to that everywhere.
I hope there is.
No one should ever hope there was voter fraud.
The entire republic would collapse.
Has anyone asked in detail and done an analysis of why signature verifications, the rejection rate was so low despite an expansion of absentee and mail-in balloting?
Does that seem to make any sense?
Has anyone asked why we allowed bureaucrats and secretaries of state to make unquestionably unconstitutional changes to voting law at the last minute?
Granted, we did have an outbreak of the coronavirus.
That's not up for dispute.
But the coronavirus outbreak happened long before the November election.
We had months to figure it out.
Why the last minute changes done without state legislatures, which didn't allow the system time to absorb all the shock of these new mail
mail-in ballots. Don't we all want this? Don't we all want free and fair elections we can all
believe in all the time? Why would we not want that? Folks, I'm going to roll from that into
this next story because I read this yesterday and I have to tell you it was jaw dropping.
The report I'm talking about is titled The Legitimacy and Effect of Private Funding in Federal and State Electoral Processes.
Folks, let me be crystal clear. Despite that rather dry title, this is not about private funding like corporations donating to PACs and people donating to candidates.
It's about actual private corporate money going to influence how states affect their election laws
and what worked out to be money going into turnout
in Democrat areas and not Republican areas via state laws.
Doesn't that sound a little dangerous?
I'm just asking.
I'm just asking.
We're not allowed to ask questions anymore.
I'm just asking questions.
Any Democrat or media person should be asking too. I'm going to get to that report in a second. Let me get to my second
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All right, let's get back to this report.
for 20% off. All right, let's get back to this report. So ladies and gentlemen, this report,
again, covers private money used and into state governments that it appears influenced the election. Now, how is that? That doesn't sound like that should be able to happen, does it?
I want to read to you first portions of the executive summary, which again, if you made it
past page eight of this report without your jaw hitting the floor i'd be stunned listen to this this is how it starts off it says the 2020
presidential election witnessed an unprecedented and coordinated public private partnership
to improperly influence the 2020 presidential election on behalf of a particular candidate
and party huh what funded by hundreds of millions of dollars from Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg and other high tech interests, activist organizations created a two tiered election system that treated voters differently depending on whether they lived in a Democrat or Republican stronghold.
That doesn't sound right. Private monies dictated city and county election management, contrary to both federal law and state election plans endorsed and developed by state legislators with authority with legislators with authority granted by the u.s constitution
moreover executive officials and things in swing states facilitated through unique and novel
contracts the sharing of private and sensitive information about citizens within the states
with private interests some who actively promote leftist candidates and agendas um
that's pretty astonishing ladies and gentlemen
that private money the allegations in this report private money
money from corporations was used to influence state governments to influence turnout and legislative proposals in Democrat areas that
would enhance turnout, but not in Republican areas? Keep in mind, this is not about PAC money.
This is not about donating to candidates. This is about money given to governments
to enhance turnout in Democrat areas over Republican areas. Let's be crystal clear.
to enhance turnout in Democrat areas over Republican areas.
Let's be crystal clear.
Let's move to screenshot two from this report.
By the way, you read the whole report.
The link to it is in my show notes,
my daily newsletter, slash newsletter.
Please subscribe free.
Read the whole thing.
It is worth your time.
Here's screenshot two.
They talk about in-person voting and how all of the controls that are
present for in-person voting, something I think there's agreement among with sane people. When
you're in-person voting and you have to present an ID, we know it's you. We can walk you through
the process, make sure you signed your ballot, make sure it's done properly. So the first paragraph
starts about that, but here's where it goes awry here. It says, accordingly, state laws have basic
common sense laws protecting the integrity of the absentee, advance, or mailed
ballot. Beginning in the spring of 2020, left-leaning organizations filed a massive number
of lawsuits to challenge these voter integrity laws. Lawsuits sought to set aside witness
requirements, identification requirements, deadlines, delivery requirements, ballot deadlines,
signature requirements, application requirements, and even argued that the Constitution required all return
ballot envelopes be postage prepaid due to COVID.
Okay, folks, we understand COVID happened.
We understand exceptions had to be made, but those exceptions had to be done the appropriate
right way through legislative chambers.
Do you really think it's a good idea to go to mass mail-in
balloting while simultaneously at the same time suing to dump signature verification laws
voter deadlines you think that's a good idea this report exposes all of this
here's another part of it that again gather your jaw from the floor after reading this this is where it gets really
really weird soon after the investigators here witnessed the rumblings of a previously sleepy
501c3 organization called the center for tech and civic life whose previous annual revenues
never exceeded 1.2 million so we'll call call them the CTCL. How do they
enter into this report? Well, the CTCL began sending agents into states to recruit certain
Democrat strongholds to prepare grants requesting monies from the CTCL. For example, the CTCL inked
a $100,000 grant to the mayor of Racine, Wisconsin in May of 2020, directing
the mayor.
Wow, this is interesting.
Private money and private groups are directing the mayor to do something, directing the mayor
to recruit four other cities, Green Bay, Kenosha, Madison, and Milwaukee, to develop a joint
grant request to the CTCL.
This effort results in the city submitting a Wisconsin safe election plan on January
15th, 2020 to the CTCL.
Gee, that's really weird.
You have cities now, private entities funding a group, the group now pairing up with cities
to give money and grants to those cities to make sure that turnout is
enhanced only in democrat areas ladies and gentlemen that sounds a little dangerous doesn't
it that sounds a little dangerous in that what if say let's say a group the left hates so we switch
this around a little bit what do you say like a group the left hates like the coke brothers not a
group those are private citizens the coke brothers donated a billion dollars to make sure that governments pass laws that would enhance turnout in Republican
areas of the United States and depress turnout in Democrat areas.
You'd be a little upset.
I'm just guessing.
I'm just going to guess you'd be a little upset about that.
Is that a fair assessment?
Oh, it gets worse.
Oh, it gets worse. From the report, the provision of Zuckerberg's CTCL funds allowed these Democrat strongholds to spend roughly $47 per voter compared to $4 to $7 per voter in traditionally Republican areas of the state. moreover this recruiting of targeted jurisdictions for specific government action and funding runs contrary to legislative election plans and invites government to
play favorites in the election process again i thought that was a bad idea
the wisconsin safe election plan was not authored by the state
and considered state election integrity laws as obstacles and nuisances to be ignored or
circumvented moreover the ctc i'll retained the right in the grant document this is insane folks in its sole
discretion to order all funds returned if the grantee cities did not conduct the election
consistent with ctcl dictates so now we have what billion dollar corporations
donating a bunch of money to private entities private entities then using those grants
to give money to democrat governments democrat governments which change and uh and and alter and and and
soften around the edges laws um and procedures designed to enhance the democrat vote at the
expense of the republican vote that sounds like a really awful idea well what are the some of the
things the ctcl managed to implement in these five cities we just discussed in wisconsin
going back to what they say,
and this plan violated state law,
at least in the following fashion.
They go through them one by one.
I'll just give you three here.
Here's one.
The CTCL plan circumvented voter identification requirements
for absentee ballots by attempting to classify all voters
as indefinitely confined due to COVID.
And later, after the Wisconsin Supreme Court criticism
by ordering election clerks not to question the claims.
Second, the plan initiated the use of drop boxes
for ballot collection,
significantly breaching the chain of custody of the ballot
and failing to maintain proper logs and reviews
to ensure all properly cast ballots were counted
and all improperly cast ballots were not counted.
Third from this report, it initiated the consolidation of counting centers,
justifying the flow of hundreds of thousands of ballots to one location and the marginalization of Republican poll watchers,
such that bipartisan participation in the management, handling and counting of the ballots was compromised folks again am i telling you that there's direct evidence here that
this election was stolen that's not what i'm telling you i don't have that evidence to tell i
don't but do i have evidence that there definitely was some mismanagement in this election that's
going to cause long-term problems if we don't get this fixed right away and independent media folks
of sane and rational mind should be looking at this and saying wait that doesn't sound right
if we're going to allow both private entities private money and corporations to essentially
buy off governments with grants that they can
take back if the governments don't do what they wish to enhance turnout for one party and not the
other don't you think we're flying into the danger zone here and i don't mean the top gun theme song
there why are you not concerned about this again why are you not concerned about ran paul's points
that we brought up in the beginning
of the show about last minute non-legislative changes that violated state law and the constitution
changes to the election that may have had significant impact on how it was conducted
why are you not concerned about that because your guy won i ask you this if donald trump had won
and the republicans and state legislatures around the country at the last minute changed laws that they felt suppressed votes in Democrat leaning counties, wouldn't you be kind of pissed?
Now, do you see why totalitarians in the left and the free media are trying to, in Soviet style, Pravda fashion, shut everyone up around them?
The harder you press,
the more I will discuss what I need to
discuss on this show to get the truth out of it.
Because I will not stop asking questions, and the
truth matters.
No matter what.
No matter what you think you're going to do, you
will not stop us.
We will talk and get the truth
out there, because the truth matters.
Showing you, by the way,
how hypocritical these companies,
these corporations,
that want to fund groups
to influence state governments
to enhance the vote of one party,
but how these very same groups,
when we start asking questions to them
and these private corporations,
they seem to fold in in hypocritical manner.
Look at this Breitbart story.
It'll be in the show notes.
Amazon, Amazon, you know, the ruthlessly attacked parlor.
Amazon, an unquestionably left-leaning company.
Amazon fights against mail-in voting in a union decision affecting Amazon, by the way, to preserve, quote, vote fidelity.
I thought we're not allowed to talk about that. I thought we're not allowed to talk about that. I thought even daring to question mail-in voting was some kind of a historical sin punishable by
what? Boiling people alive. And yet it's interesting when a union vote that's going
to affect Amazon's bottom line happens and the unions want to vote by mail in voting.
Amazon says, no, no, we're not doing that because it's going to mess up the integrity of the election.
That's really weird how you care so much about a union election, but you don't seem to care at all.
Oddly enough, you don't seem to care at all.
About an election that's only going to affect the future of the country.
That's really strange.
That's really strange.
Amazon's very upset about mail-in balloting when it comes to their factories
and having to spend more for union labor.
But yeah, when it comes to the future of the country,
Amazon, Facebook, and others,
they seem to be on the left side of the ledger.
Where, no, no, mail-in voting for national elections is A-OK.
And if you dare to ask questions, we're going to make sure we kick you off the platform.
Folks, I want to talk next.
I'm going to get to a spot, but I'll give you the headline of this.
I want to talk next about this article at the Wall Street Journal.
I'm going to move on because there's a lot to get to today.
Last week, we had a really well-received segment on the Thursday and Friday shows about the schism between the left and the right and how there is no meeting in the middle anymore.
I wish there were, but there isn't.
The left believes government experts are smarter than you, that you're stupid.
They've said it.
You're the deplorables, the great unwashed, the smelly Walmart people, as the FBI discussed
when they were talking about the Trump case, talked about all the people who support Trump.
You've obviously been called a litany of really disgusting and grotesque terms, white supremacists,
racists, all this stuff.
None of that's actually true, but you're called it every day. And it's really tough to take because you know,
it's false. And the most, they're the most offensive things you can call someone.
But I discussed last week how the left and the right, there's just no meeting in the middle.
The left believes that if you would just shut up because you're deplorable and stupid and let
government experts take care of things with the world is a perfectible place. Yet we believe in what Thomas Sowell calls the constrained vision of humankind,
that we're all sinners and allowing other sinners who are fallible to have power over our lives
rather than having a robust individual liberty is guaranteed to fail because the people have
the same flaws we do, even the so-called experts. So I want to discuss this article
in the Wall Street Journal that nails it. I did not intend this. It came out this weekend, yesterday or so. I read it and I
thought this is going to be great for the show because it discusses exactly what we mentioned
last week. It's called Trump and the failure of the expert class. I'm going to get to that next
with a couple of screenshots about how the experts, the left, want you to turn your life and forfeit
your life over to have failed you greatly.
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All right.
Getting back to that piece.
So, folks, this is why being a conservative and a libertarian and a good, strong principles based Republican matters, because local accountability matters.
And when we start voting for people in national elections and those national elections, these experts take power over our lives.
We don't have the ability. Local elections matter. And I want you to look up the principle of
subsidiarity. Subsidiarity says this, anytime you can delegate management to someone else,
you want it at the most local level for two reasons. One, your vote matters more. If your
tax rates and everything else outside of a national military, a court system, we
get that there's, you know, federalism does have a role, obviously, for the federal government
that most power should be delegated to people who are local at the closest and the lowest
level of management possible because your vote matters more.
I always use the example of an HOA.
If there's 30 homes in an HOA, your vote means a whole lot in the HOA.
Your vote in a presidential election, although you must do it critically, just as a matter of pure math, doesn't mean as much.
Also, accountability. Your HOA is accountable to you because there's 30 of you, so if five of you
get upset about something, you could vote out the members of the HOA board. So they're accountable.
That doesn't happen in national elections where these experts are ignoring us completely because
they think they're smarter than us and they think we're all idiots.
Here's the first screenshot from this piece where they absolutely nail it.
The failure of the so-called experts.
They say, quote, the failure began with the country's top consultants and pollsters.
These are the pollster failures.
Again, experts in the election who totally let us down.
Candidate Trump did almost everything lavishly paid political consultants would have told him.
He listened to them and did tell them not to do, and he won.
He did almost everything, and he won.
The most respected pollsters, meanwhile,
predicted a landslide for Hillary Clinton.
America's best and brightest political adepts
turned out to know very little
about the elections they claim to understand pollsters they're the experts right dictating public policy by what the public believes
and don't believe hey we took a poll it said this we took a poll it said that it's amazing that the
pollsters and political consultants were paying all this money to you
again as a piece just said trump did everything they told him to do and did everything he told
him not to do and he still won do you get the whole point of that that it was a 50 50 shot what
a political pollster and consultant told you to do it winner because trump did everything they said
and everything they told him not to do and he still won and yet we're supposed to turn over again our lives forfeit our lives over
to the so-called air quotes experts experts who had a 50 50 shot of getting it right that sounds
like a coin flip to me save yourself the money on the consultants here's another area the experts completely blew it. The foreign policy geniuses.
It says the theory that made sense
only if you couldn't grasp
the obvious reasons
for Mr. Trump's victory,
namely that Hillary Clinton
was a terrible candidate
and that Obama-era progressivism
had become sufficiently unpopular
in the Midwest
to throw the election
to the nationalist candidate.
Somehow it was easier
for smart and accomplished people
to believe that a TV celebrity
and a political neophyte
with attention deficit issues
had entered into a diabolically
ingenious pact with a foreign dictator
in which the dictator helped him
pick up just enough votes
in the states he needed to win.
So we had the geniuses in the media.
I'm sorry, this was,
I had that backwards.
We had the experts in the media
telling us that Trump was involved in an assault on democracy
and that he had somehow colluded with Vladimir Putin to win the election.
In utter absurdity, any sane person would have thrown out the window immediately.
But note it, folks.
Note it.
Note it.
Write it.
Tattoo it on your brain.
It was the experts in the media.
It was the foreign policy crowd that I'll get to next.
Again, it kind of parlayed, no pun intended.
Tell you that story one day too.
From the Russian collusion hoax,
where all the geniuses told us this absurd theory was real
and people believed it.
And we're supposed to put our faith
in what Thomas Sowell would call the unconstrained vision.
The unconstrained vision that we have these really super smart people that are so brilliant.
They are unconstrained by human limits that if we turn our lives over to them, the same people who blew the polls, who blew the political consulting, who told us the collusion hoax was real.
We're supposed to place our faith in them for our lives, our health care, our kids' education. It's ridiculous. Here we go with
the foreign policy geniuses and experts that failed us. It says, quote, America's foreign
policy elite didn't perform appreciably better. For decades, they insisted that peace between
Israel and the Arab world was impossible without a long-term solution to the Israel-Palestinian
problem. It was an axiom no longer even up for
debate, folks. Don't you dare even ask. Yet Mr. Trump followed through on a promise long made,
but not kept by the U.S. government to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.
Foreign policy experts the world over predicted hellish payback from the Arab world.
But the recognition went forward.
The U.S. Embassy moved,
and the payback consisted of a day's worth of inconsequential protests.
Again, ladies and gentlemen,
the danger going forward of an ever-expanding
federal government and anti-subsidiarity
moving the management of your life, your taxes,
your business, your kids' education, your healthcare,
moving the management of all of those things
critical to your very existence and livelihood and life,
moving them far away from your local town,
government, city council, and state,
and into the hands of a federal government
dominated by so-called experts who can't seem to get everything right. How is this not a recipe
for disaster? And then in turn, after they get everything wrong, daring to silence you,
which is what they're trying to do to this show now, for daring to ask common sense questions we should all be asking.
Here's the last one, where when we turned our lives and businesses over to experts at the national and state level, when it came to managing the coronavirus, what happened?
Catastrophe happened.
And I'm going to get to the consequences of this disaster next.
Last cut from this wall street journal piece the trump administration made
its share of mistakes during the early stages of the pandemic although its chief failing was
the president's lack of rhetorical clarity but the outstanding failure of the 2020 pandemic was
the experts belief that only this the only only sensible response involves sustained closures of businesses
and schools by any set of criteria outside the self-contained system of public health best
practices the lockdowns failed they purchased minor slowdowns in the spread of the virus at
the cost of punishing economic destruction untold dysfunction, and mind-blowing public debt.
Folks, I said to you again on a very popular show last week, we did very well last week,
thanks to you, and I deeply appreciate it. One of the other things we brought up was,
I'm seeing an increasing number of articles going to places we don't want to go,
articles going to places we don't want to go about how the country is breaking up it's rupturing at the seams we have groups of people who don't talk to each other we have media
people who want other media people silenced we have media people who want any outstanding
outside of what they consider mainstream analysis silenced bankrupted we cannot continue like this
and i discussed how the options going forward
are getting increasingly dangerous
and have to be avoided.
And one of the options I'd mentioned to you
that I think would work
for getting to some kind of public
smoking of the proverbial peace pipe,
some public rapprochement here,
would be a shrinking of the proverbial peace pipe, some public rapprochement here, would be a shrinking of the federal government
and delegating powers, constitutional powers,
which are supposed to be delegated to the states,
back to the states.
Let the locals in the states handle their business.
What are the consequences of turning our lives over these government experts? They're
dramatic, ladies and gentlemen. Here's number one. The experts told us you got to close down
the schools. They're going to be mass pools of infection for the coronavirus. People are going
to die everywhere. Get your kids out of school, send them home. Well, ladies and gentlemen,
we found out now that none of that's actually true that kids are not in fact super spreaders matter of fact it's unlike the flu
where kids can be super spreaders and frequently are and is very dangerous for children that
science and the data which i thought we all believed in but the media silenced for so long
just like they're trying to silence anyone daring to discuss anything involved with the 2020 election
now now everybody's starting to recognize that the science
said otherwise that unlike the flu actually it's very rare for children to get deadly thank god
infections of the coronavirus not unheard of but rare and that they're not in fact super spread
but yet you see this article in the chicago ton times show chicago sun ton sun times tongue
twister because we actually believe this stuff the chic Chicago's teachers union votes to refuse in-person work.
Defy the Chicago public school's reopening plan.
These are supposed to be teachers unions in it for the kids.
Now do you see the danger of forfeiting power over your own life and understanding that
you live by the constrained vision of humankind?
People are sinners.
People are sinners. People are sinners.
They will make mistakes.
It doesn't mean there isn't good in people.
It means that sadly, there is a lot of evil out there.
And the power of evil grows
as you give people power over your lives
because power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely.
Lord Acton, all great men are inherently bad men.
Yet we've turned the power to educate our kids over almost exclusively to public schools which have a monopoly over our money and can now say no in-person learning for your kids you are out
unless you have the money like the wealthy few to pull your kids out of schools and send them
into private schools everyone else
you're screwed the chicago's teachers union says no education for your kids you're going to do it
from home but it's not working from home it doesn't matter you turned your power over to us
we were the experts and we are in fact going to punish you for it
well what are the consequences to that well folks the consequences are very real
they're very serious and they're very deadly here's an article i pulled from the new york times
it's one of the saddest things you're going to read today
a surge of student suicides pushes pushes las vegas schools to reopen it says firmly linking teen suicides to school closings is difficult but rising mental health
emergencies and suicide rates point to the toll the pandemic lockdown has taken erica green
new york times
i got goosebumps talking about this because it's it's so emotional and it's so sad.
Ladies and gentlemen, there are consequences to putting your faith in government experts.
Taking the power and sovereignty over your own life, your own neighborhood,
and instead of giving that power and sovereignty in certain arenas to local folks
where there's accountability and your vote would matter more liberals and totalitarian leftists and their media allies have forced upon
us a narrative where no no turn that power not locally over to folks but turn it over nationally
to experts and smart people you mean the same smart people the same smart people that told us
we should close schools?
That now that we've closed schools and locked down the economy,
we're in the middle of a mental health emergency
where suicides are going through the roof?
Kids who will never take another breath of oxygen
because we put our faith in experts that absolutely failed us?
You think maybe we should have left that decision up to locals
to make that decision locally and let the parents decide, you think?
Maybe we should lean more now towards the limited, constrained view of humankind that not every expert has the answer.
And maybe the sphere of influence that matters most is a sphere of influence in your own household.
folks i got more because there are more consequences to placing your faith in national government experts who failed you and they're happening right now let me um let me get
to my uh my last sponsor today but the next one's devastating too and i feel really bad for the
people um in new mexico new mexico what does that have to do with anything? Don't go anywhere. We'll get to that next. I do. I feel bad.
And I think trying to dunk on them right now
is a bad idea.
Remember, 43% of people in New Mexico
voted for Donald Trump.
Don't forget that.
I'll get to that in a second.
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them. All right. Getting back to the show. Folks, there are real consequences to this.
There are real consequences of ceding
sovereignty over our own lives to people in the federal government at the national level.
Joe Biden has only been in office now, gosh, what, a week? I don't even know. I'm losing track of
time. So much stuff is happening. It's like drinking from a fire hose every day. A week,
and we've already seen buyer's remorse. from the ap the assertion i've noticed by the
way today in some of these stories i use the chicago sun times and new york times and ap
in case you think i'm trying to gaslight you by oh these are just conservative outlets complaining
no they're not these are left-wing outlets associated press headline susan montoya brian
biden's pause on oil caused for big concern in new mexico
over 50 percent of voters in new mexico voted for joe
biden did you think joe biden in the election was kidding when joe biden hinted that he was
going to attack the oil industry those were not his exact precise words but ladies and gentlemen
you saw during the debate him get nailed that you know, nailed to the wall by Donald Trump about his threats to move against the oil and gas industry.
Well, ladies and gentlemen, New Mexico, roughly 30, 40 percent of New Mexico's state budget comes from certain royalties from the oil and gas industry.
from certain royalties from the oil and gas industry. Now, all of a sudden, you're seeing New Mexico voters and Pennsylvania voters who rely on fracking in Pennsylvania start to say,
wait, wait, we voted for Biden. We didn't think there were going to be any real consequences.
There are always real consequences when you cede sovereignty over your own life to people you
believe are unconstrained experts in the federal government who will screw you at the first opportunity. Why? Because Joe Biden is a man. He is not a God. He is not a Messiah.
He is susceptible to the exact same pressures and the exact same foibles and fallible
personality components we all have. He wants to be loved and he wants to be loved by the left,
which hates oil and gas. So he moved as soon as he could to impress people on the left because he cares about power
and he cares about being loved. Adam Smith style. You may say, Adam Smith, he was a free market
capitalist. No, Adam Smith, the desire to be lovely is a very real thing and to be loved.
to be loved now you know i i said before and i meant it i saw a lot on social media people like duncan on new mexico and pennsylvania ah you got what you asked for with joe biden folks i don't
think that's right i'm sorry that's not right yeah 50 of people who voted for Joe Biden in those respective states got what they asked for. But what about the 43%
of people in New Mexico who voted for Donald Trump?
More than that in Pennsylvania. They didn't ask for this.
They didn't ask for this.
Maybe we should dunk on the Democrats in New Mexico and be careful.
Again, I'm not lecturing anybody. I'm just saying I don't think that helps
us right now.
Large swaths of these states understood
the damage Joe Biden was going to do
to their states via his attacks on the oil
and gas industry.
The others just didn't listen.
But it goes back to that
quote, democracy.
When you get to vote, you get the results good and hard, right?
Sorry if I'm not telling you the exact one,
but now you're getting it good and hard.
For the Democrats, unfortunately, everyone else was of, again,
sane and rational mind in New Mexico and Pennsylvania
and understood the
attacks coming their way they're suffering the fallout and i genuinely feel bad for you i do
the warning signs ladies and gentlemen were everywhere however
showing you again the hypocrisy and how they're putting your faith in government experts who will
lie to you look at this one remember there was a travel ban by Donald Trump
at the beginning of the outbreak of the coronavirus.
Remember that?
Here's Joe Biden's tweet.
We'll throw this up on the screen.
This is from March of 2020 when Joe Biden was a candidate.
He didn't like travel bans to stop the spread
of the coronavirus back then in March of 2020.
Matter of fact, he tweeted,
stop the xenophobic fear mongering.
Be honest.
Take responsibility.
Do your job.
So there's a couple of things in this tweet that are fascinating and I'd like to point out,
showing you how when you put your faith in fallible human beings,
they will always let you down and turn on a dime when they think it'll benefit themselves and their desire to be lovely to their constituents in their search for power.
First, Biden seems to have a real problem
with the term China virus.
And so did the media.
Oh my gosh, it's a virus from China.
We can't call it the China virus.
That's fascinating because when you see this next,
and he doesn't like travel bans apparently.
Here's NBC News.
Just in, President Biden's expected to impose a,
wait, travel?
Does that say travel ban on Monday?
It does.
That's really weird.
President Biden expected to impose a travel ban on Monday
for most non-US citizens traveling from South Africa,
two White House officials say.
Biden's also expected to reinstate restrictions
affecting travel from the UK,
Ireland and parts of Europe. Hmm. So there's two things I'd like to bring up. One, how Joe Biden
is obviously a total fraud and a hypocrite. He didn't seem to appreciate travel bans when
President Trump was in office. Because why? Because he thought he could appeal to his left
wing base by attacking Donald Trump. But the minute he got in office and understood the danger from unmitigated travel into the United
States by coronavirus variants we don't yet fully understand, what did he immediately do? He
instituted a travel ban. I thought travel bans were bad. I thought they were bad. And I thought
we weren't calling the virus by its country or location of origin. I thought that was now racist
and xenophobic,
which is fascinating because if you read the media coverage today, what are you going to hear
nonstop talk of? The South Africa variant, the UK variant. So just to be clear, if it's a variant
of a coronavirus, COVID-19 from China, don't dare call it the China virus because that's definitely
racist and xenophobic
or whatever word they make up,
But when it comes from the UK
or South Africa,
definitely call it the South Africa variant
or the UK variant
because that makes perfect sense
if you're a moron.
Getting there?
Look good? Check out the video today folks
I want to see if you can catch certain things slash Bongino
seriously watch the video of the show
I want to see how many of you email me
some of you will catch on quickly
especially my long time listeners
don't worry Joe is okay
producer Joe is a-okay
he's listening right
now. Hey, Joe, take yourself off mute. Just say hello so everybody knows you're okay. Can you
just say hello to everyone? Hey, hello, everybody. I'm here.
I don't mean to laugh. This is a serious segment, but I don't want you to get worried. Joe is okay.
Stay tuned over the coming weeks.
We'll brief you in on everything that's going on
with the Dan Bongino Show
and all the efforts we make
to get this show on the air every day
and not miss a single episode.
Despite the tidal wave
coming ashore of negativity directed at us.
All right, getting to this next one.
On a serious note,
again, showing you that there are consequences to putting your faith in government experts. Here's a Blaze article. Tucker Carlson reveals email sent to ICE officers after Biden's deportation order. Release them all immediately.
So again, government experts told us the coronavirus was so deadly, we had to shut down our economy.
Bankrupt, I don't know, maybe 10, 15% of American small businesses.
Honestly, it's probably a lot larger the number, but I'm trying not to be hyperbolic.
Take kids out of school for two years, basically destroying their academic potential later in life.
But we have to do all that.
But let's make sure
that people who come into the country
who we have not checked,
have not come through the legal process,
have entered the country, in fact, illegally,
and are in detention,
let's just release them all immediately.
That's a new Biden missive that went out
that nobody seems too concerned about, ladies and gentlemen, nobody at all, despite conservative media.
These are the consequences to putting your faith in government experts.
Here's another one.
Wall Street Journal article by Heather McDonald.
Taking stock of a most violent year.
Some blame the criminal mayhem on the pandemic,
but persistent cop bashing emboldened criminals.
The experts, you know, told us, hey, listen,
defund the police.
They're attacking people who are minorities, Experts, you know, told us, hey, listen, defund the police.
They're attacking people who are minorities, randomly shooting people, hunting them down in the streets.
It's time to defenestrate our police departments.
And don't worry, we'll all be safer for it. The experts told us this really smart people, did they?
It's interesting when you look at the numbers of what happened from the journal piece, you find out that crime and murder is now exploding in our inner cities.
And sadly, tragically, who is it affecting the most?
Our minority population.
Where there are 2,000 more dead black Americans now
in some of these inner cities than there were just last year.
Because leftist experts and smart people, air quotes, smart people, told us defunding the police and attacking police departments was the way forward.
It was going to lead to a more just and fair society.
It's not so just and fair if you're dead.
Let me get to one last piece in Reuters.
Reuters, and again, ladies and gentlemen, I'm trying to use mainstream and left-leaning outlets for this section to show you how even left-leaning folks in the media are not going to be able to
avoid the truth much longer. Putting your faith in the central government full of candidly very stupid people
pretending to be smart is a recipe for disaster. Remember we were told how Trump mismanaged the
CDC, how it was such a train wreck, the CDC only because of Trump. Now we're finding out as emails
start to come out from Reuters who conveniently waited till, you know, after the election. That's just really weird.
Special report how the U.S. CDC missed chances to spot covid silent spread.
I thought Trump did that.
I thought that was Trump's fault.
You know, we have an interesting screenshot from the piece here.
And it describes how critics widely assume the CDC fumbled key decisions during the coronavirus
outbreak because Donald Trump and his administration meddled in the agency's
operation and muzzled internal experts. We were told that, right? Remember that,
that Trump did it? Trump got involved with the CDC and pushed them and screwed them over and
everything. Well, that's not really the case. Now even Reuters is saying, hey, well, the matter is
now the subject of a congressional inquiry. Yet Reuters has found new evidence that the CDC's
response, the CDC, the experts, folks, to the pandemic was also marred by actions or inaction
by the agency's career scientists and frontline staff. Remember, the smart people and the experts.
At a crucial moment in the pandemic, when Americans were quarantined after possible exposure to the virus abroad, the agency declined or resisted potentially valuable opportunities to study whether the disease could be spread by those without symptoms, according to previously undisclosed internal emails.
Other documents and interviews with key players were included too.
You understand what this means?
While the media has now wasted a year attacking Donald Trump for his response to the coronavirus,
we now find out due to a congressional inquiry and emails being exposed that it wasn't in
fact Donald Trump.
That when some of the administration were pushing to test people from Wuhan,
who were brought back from Wuhan, who were asymptomatic for the coronavirus,
and who wanted to test people from the Diamond Princess, the cruise ship that had a lot of infections, that the CDC got involved and said, ah, you know, I don't think we should do that.
I think that's a privacy issue there, you know, testing them when they're asymptomatic,
even though the government, excuse me, the Trump administration and others said, well, we can offer them an opt-out,
but maybe we should test them. The CDC experts, some of the same experts, by the way, in the
federal government and the others who told us, don't wear a mask, it's terrible, and then wear
a mask or you'll die.
They said, no, I don't think we need to test them.
Let's just let the folks from Wuhan do their thing and the people from the Diamond Princess not showing symptoms.
Let's not do that.
We're finding this out now after a year of blaming Donald Trump. All right, folks, I appreciate you tuning in today. it was a lot of material for one show
i just i can't warn you in strong enough terms
get ready for what's coming i am not kidding these people on the left have gone full totalitarian
any questioning of their alleged expertise, which we just dismantled,
will be met with calls for silencing, calls for censorship, calls for firing of people,
calls for bankruptcy, calls for investigations. We're entering a really dark time and the only
way to fight back is to stay informed. And that's what I hope to do for you. That's why I refuse to
miss a show.
Thanks again for tuning in. Please subscribe to the video version of the show, slash Bongino. Sorry if it was a little abbreviated today. And also, if you wouldn't mind, check us
out at It's your news aggregator. It's like your morning newspaper. Check it out
every morning. Bookmark the website, for the best conservative news of the
day. We really appreciate it. I'll see you all tomorrow.
You just heard Dan Bongino.