The Dan Bongino Show - Title: The Bongino Brief - With Friends Like Kellyanne Conway, Who Needs Enemies?

Episode Date: August 17, 2024

Exposing efforts by Kellyanne Conway and others to sabotage JD Vance. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 In these crazy times, there's peace of mind and security. But think about this. You're not financially secure if all your eggs are in one basket. Gold and silver can be an excellent way to diversify your savings. Through my friends at Birch Gold Group, you can own physical gold and silver in a tax-sheltered retirement account. Text DAN to 989898 and receive a free, no-obligation information kit. This is the one thing you can do to help secure your family's savings.
Starting point is 00:00:33 Text DAN to 989898 message and data rates apply dan bongino welcome to the bongino brief i'm dan bongino yesterday we blew up the interweb yesterday when i exposed to you that a bunch of people not just one but associated with lobbyists and trying to get more Ukraine money are very upset about the selection of J.D. Vance. I'm trying desperately to avoid distractions from now until the election. The problem is the distractions are becoming a distraction. You get what I mean?
Starting point is 00:00:59 So we have 80 days left. So I'm taking it on my own because we have the most powerful army in conservative politics. We just do. We're going to shut this shit down. And if it doesn't get shut down, we're just going to continue to expose it every day until it stops
Starting point is 00:01:15 because in a war of attrition, we win, you lose because we just have a bigger audience. So if you want to continue to play around and screw around and try to sabotage the Trump Vance ticket I'm going to make sure I expose exactly who you are and who you're working for so yesterday I said to you that good quality sources of mine are very upset that Kellyanne Conway and people in that orbit are apparently doing what they can to sabotage J.D. Vance out there on the circuit and leaking stories.
Starting point is 00:01:45 And these sources are really good. And I'm not giving my sources up. Forget it. Many people thanked me yesterday for exposing Kellyanne Conway and these efforts and others. Not the only one, by the way. So some jerkwad named Kurt Bordello, whatever the hell his name is. I've never heard of this guy. I don't think his parents have either. Kurt Bordello, I guess he's pretending to be a Republican, says, you know, I'm no defender of Kellyanne, but this is an open threat that could only lead to violence. Holy shit.
Starting point is 00:02:14 Listen, fuckwad, let me tell you something right away. Nobody, and I mean no one, and I mean no one, and thank you to all the people who defended me on Twitter, no one has spoken out against political violence and actually worked against it as a secret service agent for Democrats and Republicans more than me while you were sitting there with your finger up your ass, okay? So you can shut the fuck up, okay?
Starting point is 00:02:33 You can go sit down in a corner with your dopey dunce cap on and shut up with your stupid left-wing talking points. Nobody has spoken out more passionately against and actually worked against it repeatedly against political violence than me. You know exactly what I was saying. And you put this out there. I don't know who put it up to you, who put you up to it to shut me up. Inspiring violence by telling her it is a warning and it was a warning against this. So now you want to F around Kurt Bordello or whatever the hell your name is, you dipshit. Now we're going to talk about it twice because you tried your little left-wing
Starting point is 00:03:09 tactics to shut me down. Lead to violence? Are you insane? Are you on drugs? Are you always as fucking stupid or is it just like a Thursday, Wednesday thing? I'm warning these people out there now. If you're going to sabotage the ticket, I am going to expose who you are. And if you say, oh my gosh, that's going to be, you're just doing the left-wing tactic. And now we're going to expose what I'm talking about because of you. So Kellyanne and others, you can thank Kurt
Starting point is 00:03:40 for opening his stupid mouth and saying something so freaking dumb. Anyone out there want to go out and compile the thousand plus times I've told people, you engage in any political violence, you're not welcome on my show. This is what left-wingers do. This is exactly what they do to shut you down.
Starting point is 00:03:58 It is a warning. It was a warning against this. Kellyanne Conway, Politico, becomes the latest DC power player linked to Victor Pinchuk. Folks, you know who Victor Pinchuk is? So let's go over this slowly and show you exactly, because folks, you know, listen, I'm not,
Starting point is 00:04:19 I promise you, okay, this always makes me a little uneasy. I'm not trying to sell you any of these books. I don't care. Get them from the library. Borrow them from your friends. I genuinely don't care. I'm one of the few guys who's asking you intentionally, don't buy my books.
Starting point is 00:04:33 I don't care. I'm just trying to tell you I have been on this for a long time. This is why Kellyanne Conway worries me. I'm going to show you what I mean in a second in my book. Kellyanne Conway is working for Victor Pinchuk. Here it is in Politico right here, Bullshitico, but they're not wrong. She's got a contract with the Pinchuk Foundation, which runs through November 14th, election season, comes with a $50,000 a month retainer fee. Kellyanne Conway will advise Victor Pinchuk on the current state of views on Ukraine.
Starting point is 00:05:08 Oh, look, they note that J.D. Vance's name in there too. Kellyanne Conway was no fan of J.D. Vance. Now you see where all this negative stuff is coming from? Do I have to put this together for everyone out there, including Kurt Bordello of whatever, this freaking moron? What is he, some kind of swampy D-bag? Politico also notes that Victor Pinchuk
Starting point is 00:05:31 has long been making cameos in U.S. politics. Holy shit, he donated millions to the Clinton Foundation. Now he's got Kellyanne Conway under contract. Oh my God, thank you, Kurt Bordello. Thank you for toying with us yesterday with your dumbass left-wing talking point. You're inspiring violence. No, you're inspiring stupidity, dipshit.
Starting point is 00:05:53 Pinchuk? So Pinchuk's paying Kellyanne Conway. He's supposed to be on our team. And he's also donated millions upon millions of dollars to the Clinton Foundation. Matter of fact, the Clintons were so eager to hide their relationship with Pinchuk, which I've been exposing for years, by the way.
Starting point is 00:06:09 This is why this topic is like front of mind right here. That when there was a bunch of emails exposing a dinner Pinchuk had with the Clintons, the Clintons did everything they could to make it go away. Matter of fact, the Washington Examiner did some good work on this right around the time I was. Put that headline up if you would. Emails show Clinton denied and then met with a Ukrainian donor. Crazy. Who was that? Victor Pinchuk, who gave up to 25 milli to the Clinton Foundation.
Starting point is 00:06:38 Darn, that's so weird. They were trying to hide their email. It's the same guys. It's almost like I told you in my book to remember the names and follow the money. Hunter Biden and George Soros. Funny you say that, Guy. Because I wrote a book called Spygate. And look, Victor Pinchuk has his own chapter. You can actually look. Here's page 18. They note that Sergei Leshenko,
Starting point is 00:07:10 one of the guys, by the way, who started the whole PP tape hoax, Russia collusion thing, did you know that? He's Ukrainian. Did you know that? His name's Leshenko. Leshenko has a history of Viktor Pinchuk.
Starting point is 00:07:20 Wow. Turns out that he got some money when his tax returns were leaked. And the money, however, didn't come from Pinchuk. The Pinchuk Foundation received the money from George Soros' International Renaissance Foundation. Oh my, what the hell? How is that? Soros, Pinchuk, Leshenko, Russia collusion, pee-pee hoax? So you're telling me the guy that started the whole Russia collusion thing, this guy Leshenko Russia collusion pee pee hoax so you're telling me the guy that started
Starting point is 00:07:45 the whole Russia collusion thing this guy Leschenko you're telling me he has ties to this guy Pinchuk and Soros who's now paying Kelly and Conway
Starting point is 00:07:54 Kurt Kelly should really thank you really because you know what I was going to let that go I was going to let but now we're not now we're not
Starting point is 00:08:03 more in a minute, but first. Hey, before Birch, I didn't really endorse any gold companies. I didn't think there was a need to own gold, so I wouldn't recommend it to my listeners. That's just the facts. But now with all the insanity going on, folks, I'm glad I did really well on my Birch Gold purchases. You know, the endless printing of money, skyrocketing national debt, global chaos, and yes, an election in November with big ramifications. So I buy gold, and I've been buying gold from Birch Gold for some time now. It gives me the peace of mind knowing
Starting point is 00:08:29 if the bottom falls out of our economy, I have something of value to anchor me and my family. If you want that same peace of mind, you can protect your savings by diversifying into physical gold, the coins or the bars, from Birch Gold, B-I-R-C-H. And they'll ship it fully insured directly to your home. You already have home and auto insurance.
Starting point is 00:08:45 Consider adding financial insurance with an investment in gold. To get started, just text Dan to 9898 to get a free info kit on how it works. Moving some of your savings to gold is one thing you can do to help provide real financial security for your family in case you ever need it. Text Dan to 989898 today. Message and data rates apply. So weird, too. I got a whole chapter in a book called
Starting point is 00:09:06 Follow the Money. You can borrow it from the library. Don't buy it. I don't want your money. Borrow it. Follow the money. The first chapter is called Insane in Ukraine. Where you can go over the entire Ukrainian connection.
Starting point is 00:09:22 How they've been buying off U.S. lawmakers for years. Does not mean they deserve to be invaded. Does not mean Russia's the good guy. Does not mean we don't have an interest. It doesn't mean any of that. It just means J.D. Vance, why I support him, by the way, is well aware that we have a very checkered history with Ukrainians interfering in our politics. The Ukrainians started the collusion hoax, folks. Leshenko, who knows Pinchuk,
Starting point is 00:09:51 and was getting money from the Soros Foundation. It's in the book. Just read page 18 of Spygate. It's all footnoted, folks. It's all footnoted. There's 30 pages of endnotes. I've been writing about this forever. So the same guy, Pinchuk, is paying off Kellyanne $50,000 a month up into the election for some Ukrainian interests and is a big Clinton donor. Why was he a big Clinton donor?
Starting point is 00:10:22 Let's go to Newsweek back in 2015. Newsweek. Not some right-wing rag, folks, okay? Left-wing lunatics. Why was Victor Pinchuk so interested in the Clintons? Well, Victor Pinchuk, it turns out, the Ukrainian that's paying off Kellyanne Conway, he had this steel company. Put that up on the screen. That steel company, it turns out, had a series of shipments
Starting point is 00:10:47 to Iran that may have violated sanctions back in 2011 and 2012. Shipments to Iran that could have caused Victor Pinchuk and his company a lot of trouble. Who could have helped them out in 2011 and 2012? Does anybody remember? You guys know who was in office back then? That was the Obama men with the Clinton. Is this a... So when I say follow the money, I mean follow the money.
Starting point is 00:11:25 This doesn't mean this in a figurative sense. It's in a literal sense. Follow the money, I mean follow the money. This doesn't mean this in a figurative sense. It's in a literal sense. Follow the money. Here it is. Just go to page 18. You can read the Pinchuk chapter yourself. Thank you, Kurt Bardello. Told you a lot of people be upset today, but you can rely
Starting point is 00:11:48 on your good friend, Dan, who gives zero shits about any of these losers like Kurt Bardello, whatever the hell his name is. You tell me not to talk about something, I talk about it twice. Now, if you want to keep going, we can go into more tomorrow into kellyann's payments and stuff like we can do that we can do that if you'd like now does it make sense why you're seeing all these leaks in the paper republican anonymous sources are saying jd vance is terrible really it's funny because everybody i know in the republican party seems to love him he slayed it on the weekend show he's been doing amazing it's incredible how it's only these select operatives. Does that make sense? J.D. says, you know, maybe we should look into what's going on in Ukraine before we get more money.
Starting point is 00:12:30 There's a lot of corruption over there, too. Again, they don't deserve this. I am in no way a pro. I am the most anti-Putin guy. I actually spent time in Russia, and we were victims of their nonsense, okay? Me and a partner of mine in the Secret Service. We were victims of their nonsense, okay? Me and a partner of mine in the Secret Service.
Starting point is 00:12:48 But you see how when you question this massive defense industry symbiote here with the government, anyone like J.D. Vance, the lobbyists and the money comes in, and all of a sudden you start seeing the left-wing media, who, by the way, profits off war too. You see the left-wing media, oh, J.D jd vance big trouble
Starting point is 00:13:06 trump team's quietly whispering they need to get rid of him nobody's whispering that no one is with nobody is whispering that you want to keep going we can keep going and yes it is a warning and no fuck sticks this has absolutely nothing to do with political violence, you pieces of shit. No one, nobody, nobody has condemned political violence louder than me. You want us to put together a big hour-long...
Starting point is 00:13:36 No one. And I don't give a damn about your politics. Once you cross that red line, there's no going back. your politics. Once you cross that red line, there's no going back. And I'll warn everyone again, you want to keep going, we can keep going. Because I know a lot more
Starting point is 00:13:53 too. But if I didn't have other priorities, I'd do the whole show on this. And notice I brought in a bunch of left-wing sources there so nobody can say, oh, Bongino's just making this up. He's a conservative lunatic. Really?
Starting point is 00:14:07 I cited for you Politico and Newsweek. That's who Pinchuk is. Is anybody curious why he's paying Kellyanne Conway? Ask Kurt Bordello. Ready to move on now? I don't want any friends, folks. I'm serious. Not interested anymore.
Starting point is 00:14:37 I don't want you guys as friends. That's it. This job is not easy. I'm not a snowflake. I'm nobody's victim, but it's not. Because you get tempted a lot. I'm only human. You get tempted to want to be part of the in crowd
Starting point is 00:14:48 and go to the dinners and all that stuff. I don't want to do any of that shit. All I care about is the truth. I'm desperately trying to avoid distractions. But I'm telling you right now, we are not going to win this election if the internal sabotage continues. There is, and by the way, let me just say one last thing.
Starting point is 00:15:04 I'm sorry, before I move on. I don't want to belabor this. Nothing happening here is illegal. It's immoral and unethical, but it's not illegal. You are free to take lobbyist money from whoever you want. But you are not free to pretend to be one of us. Or you sabotage the campaign. You're not.
Starting point is 00:15:24 The Dan Bongino Show. If you'd like to hear more, subscribe to the Dan Bongino Show. be one of us, but you sabotage the campaign. You're not.

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