The Dan Bongino Show - Troubling New Evidence That Justice Is Dead (Ep 1542)
Episode Date: June 15, 2021Justice is dying. The examples are everywhere. And it’s the same deep players killing justice. In this episode, I discuss the troubling details behind the treatment of the January 6 prisoners as com...pared to the kid gloves coddling of ANTIFA and BLM. I also show how the same deep-staters are behind these scandals. News Picks: Reporter goes off script on live tv and claims she’s being muzzled in this viral clip. Jon Stewart steamrolls Colbert and explodes on the Wuhan lab leak. Some teachers are openly advocating to teach racism in the classroom. Merrick Garland is worse than we imagined. Senator Johnson is speaking out about the outrageous treatment of the January 6 prisoners. Teen influencer speaks out against abortion. Arizona AG fights back against the DOJ. Copyright Bongino Inc All Rights Reserved. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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Get ready to hear the truth about America
on a show that's not immune to the facts
with your host, Dan Bongino.
Justice doesn't mean a damn thing
if there are two different standards for justice.
Folks, this is going to be a tough show to swallow today.
But the justice system in the United States is dying a very slow but extremely painful death.
We have the January 6th situation with these prisoners now.
We have the situation with the phone records now of congressmen and congresswomen. If you
haven't heard that story, there's an interesting angle that you probably haven't heard.
We also have the subject of elections in 2020, where the Democrats seem to think it's okay to
interfere in elections. And then when we try to do things to stop their interference, they call
it election interference. Doesn't sound like justice to me. Today's an important show.
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Welcome to the Dan Bongino Show.
I've got a stacked show for you today.
There's going to be some really kind of troubling information for you,
tying some of the deep state players together at the end.
This is going to open your eyes.
Clockwork Orange style.
I promise you.
By the way, a big happy birthday to my mother-in-law, Miriam,
who is one of the most wonderful people I ever met.
She's also going in for surgery today, folks.
So I'd appreciate any prayers you could offer up would mean a lot.
It's going to be a pretty serious surgery on her birthday.
But she's a great woman.
And I appreciate everything she's done for both me and my wife. And a big shout out to the Club 45 folks last night. Packed house, my first speech in a long time. About 1500 people, Club 45 in Palm
Beach. Thank you to Larry, Sue Snowden, and that whole crew out there. You guys are awesome. I
appreciate it. All right. Today's show brought to you by We The People. Listen, it's getting crazy
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All right, Joe, let's go. Here we go. Here we go. Folks go folks again justice doesn't mean a damn thing if there are
two separate standards for justice the whole idea of having justice is you have one standard
correct am i crazy anything anyone's missing here on the liberal side of the fence if have you if
you have a set of rules laws and regulations that only apply to republicans then they're not rules
laws and regulations right they're just a bunch of subjective standards used to attack your political opponents.
Therefore, they are not law.
The Justice Department is dying.
Justice in the United States is dying right now because when you have two separate standards,
you have no standard at all.
You can't have justice that is blind only to Democrats.
Oh, we don't see another.
And all of a sudden Republicans are like, like I told you, clockwork
garden style.
They see everything.
For those of you who read the books of the movie.
Remember that?
Some of the younger kids like, hey, if you haven't read that book yet,
you'll get it.
Remember that with the eyeballs?
What do I mean?
Here's the great Julie Kelly. She's going to be on my radio show tomorrow. Today, I got Mike Pompeo on the radio show, which should be
fascinating. The great Julie Kelly, who has been all over this story of how the January 6th now
prisoners have been treated and how BLM and Antifa terrorists who burned down American cities have been treated. One kid gloves, one solitary confinement, still in jail.
Amazing how there's two separate standards of justice.
You know, it's incredible how sane people can say, listen, I object to this kind of behavior,
whether it's Republicans, Democrats, MAGA crowds, liberal, conservative.
I object. We shouldn't do that. That's not right.
How sane people can say that.
And yet liberals are like, yeah, but when the same behavior is done by this guy, that guy, this guy, that guy, the other guy,
we're going to treat them all differently depending on their political affiliation.
Matter of fact, even when some behavior is worse by leftists, we're going to ignore that.
And we're going to put these people in jail seemingly forever.
when some behavior is worse by leftists, we're going to ignore that and we're going to put these people in jail seemingly forever.
Here's Julie Kelly on The Great One, Mark Levin's show this past weekend, talking about
the treatment of January 6th prisoners now versus the Antifa BLM terror group.
Check this out.
What's interesting, Mark, as you probably know, is that this is the same Justice Department
actively dropping cases against Portland rioters for far worse, more egregious crimes committed last year.
This includes attacking police officers with the same chemical spray that they call a dangerous
and deadly weapon if it was used on January 6th, but not if it was used repeatedly by Antifa thugs.
Obviously, destroying federal property is not that big of a deal when it's in Portland,
because as Merrick Garland said, that happened at night, not during the day like the Capitol Obviously, destroying federal property is not that big of a deal when it's in Portland,
because as Merrick Garland said, that happened at night, not during the day like the Capitol protesters. So not. Yes. So they're not only not being rounded up, their cases are being dropped,
their records are being expunged. And this was sort of the letter that Senator Johnson and others
wrote to Merrick Garland this week, outlining, really detailing the discrepancies and the Justice Department's handling of 2020 protesters versus January 6th.
Two takeaways from that. Fascinating that the use of chemical agents against police officers and others, which I.
The use of chemical agents against police officers and others, which I.
I cannot strongly enough condemn.
The use of chemical agents against police officers, but it's really strange how in that exact same behavior was done by the Antifa thugs and BLM thugs in places like Portland and elsewhere.
It's interesting. We don't see any of them in jail. We don't see a national FBI effort to go round them up.
Why is that?
Is that because they're protected front line Democrat shock troops?
The BLM Antifa terrorists?
Folks, Democrats have always needed shock troops on the front line.
Because they need to scare you.
Because fear is their coin of the realm. Fear has always because fear is their coin of the realm.
Fear has always been the Democrats coin of the realm. How else are they going to coax you into delivering them your civil liberties and freedom? They do it through things like coronavirus. Give
up your right to assemble. And anything they can street chaos, give up your right to free speech.
We got to go after the Republicans. The fear has always been the Democrat coin of the realm.
And their shock troops on the front line have been the way that they advocate and instill fear in the population so that you need more of them to protect you.
So fascinating.
Julie brings up a great point.
Chemical weapons.
Same exact chemical agents used by BLM and Antifa terrorists.
And yet nothing seems to be happening there. Yet the January 6th people find themselves in prison still, no bail or nothing,
with a national FBI effort to go lock people up who appeared in a photo somewhere. Strange, huh?
who appeared in a photo somewhere.
Strange, huh?
This isn't covering up for anything.
So they're asking real questions.
And the more you try to stop us from asking these questions,
the more I will double and triple down.
Second thing she brings up,
yeah, the destruction of property.
Again, I condemn it completely.
Doesn't advance any cause.
But what's really fascinating about that is they tried to burn down the courthouse in Portland repeatedly every night.
And what happened to those people?
Are they in jail?
Solitary confinement?
Bail revoked?
National FBI investigation?
What is going on at our FBI?
We need a house cleaning at the top.
We have people like Frank Fugazi, that ridiculous MSNBC guy who keeps saying stupid stuff. I'm
convinced at the top of the FBI now. Ladies and gentlemen, you do not have justice when you have
two separate standards. And when the people at the FBI who have the most awesome power in our government,
there is not a more dramatic, awesome power than the ability to take a life and take your freedom.
The President of the United States doesn't have that.
He doesn't. He can't arrest you.
He can't take your life in a use-of-force situation.
Federal agents can do that.
Federal agents can do that.
It is the most awesome power in the government.
And yet our FBI that has this awesome power
seems to have forgotten that justice is supposed to be blind.
But again,
it seems only blind to BLM and Antifa terrorists right now. Folks, I told you this is going to be
a tough show. Some of them are. But I'm here to tell you the truth. I'm not going to waste your
time. If we don't have a standard of justice, we have no justice at all. And this is not the only story. That's just part
one. January 6th versus BLM and Antifa, two completely separate standards, meaning no
standard at all. I want to move on to another story. Same theme. Justice is dying. Right now.
Here's Attorney General Garland yesterday.
I mean, a guy who's turned out to be Eric Holder levels of terrible.
And now I could not be prouder that we kept this lunatic from the Supreme Court.
Oh, he's a moderate.
A moderate?
Eric Garland.
Eric Garland.
I keep saying that because yesterday.
Merrick Garland. Well, we'll call him Eric Garland. What the hell? I keep saying that because yesterday, Merrick Garland,
well, we'll call him Eric Garland, what the hell, gave another speech the other day,
says he wants to protect the right to vote, which is kind of hilarious because that's exactly what's
happening with these Arizona audits and elsewhere where they want to protect election integrity and
make sure cheating doesn't happen. But he doesn't seem to care about that. Here's Merrick Eric
Garland yesterday saying that they're going to double the staff out there to start to go after civil rights violations and voting, which they can't seem to prove anywhere.
A black and Hispanic vote is up dramatically in the United States, evidence of which we produced yesterday.
Here's Merrick Garland.
The civil rights division is going to need more lawyers.
Here's Merrick Garland.
The Civil Rights Division is going to need more lawyers.
Accordingly, today I am announcing that within the next 30 days,
we will double the division's enforcement staff for protecting the right to vote.
We will use all existing provisions of the Voting Rights Act, the National Voter Registration Act, the Help America Vote Act,
and the Uniform and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act to ensure that we protect every qualified American seeking to participate in our democracy.
So he wants to protect democracy. Folks, again, we're talking about justices dying because there's two standards.
And when there's two standards, there's no justice at all.
It's not no justice works.
But it's weird.
When he can race hustle and use identity politics with no evidence,
the black or Hispanic voter minority vote's been suppressed at all.
Matter of fact, there's counter evidence.
The black and Hispanic vote in both the midterms in 2018 and the presidential in 2020 went up dramatically.
Watch yesterday's show, folks.
I actually produced evidence unlike Merrick Eric Garland.
He wants to protect the right to vote, which is really interesting.
Because the other day he gave this speech, too, talking about Arizona trying to protect their citizens the right to vote through an audit to find out what went wrong potentially in their election to make sure everybody voted legally.
And Merrick Eric Garland had this to say.
Check this out.
We will apply the same scrutiny to post-election audits to ensure they abide by federal statutory
requirements to protect election records and avoid the intimidation of voters.
In that regard, we will publish guidance explaining the civil and criminal
statutes that apply to post-election audits. And we will likewise publish guidance with respect
to early voting and voting by mail. This is fascinating. This is, folks, seriously,
for a minute, can everybody take a step back and process what just happened with this Merrick Garland speech?
Same thing, same speech here.
On one hand, he's saying we are going to double our enforcement of civil rights violations in voting.
Despite no evidence whatsoever, there are actual civil rights violations in voting process.
None. None.
in voting process. None. None. The black and Hispanic vote is up dramatically over the last two election cycles, despite voter ID laws. I say despite because it's up. The voter ID laws
were passed in these states and black and Hispanic voter participation went up.
So on one hand, he's saying we're going to vigorously prosecute these mythical charges and then very real charges from serious American patriots who feel like there was significant malfeasance in the 2020 election.
Signature verification, dead people voting, massive shifts in vote, and they just want to check it out to an audit.
He's like, if you dare do that, we're going to go after you. How is that the same system of justice
when a taxpayer-funded attorney general
for the United States of America
is telling one group of voters
who have no evidence they've been suppressed at all,
if you can produce to me a black voter,
I will put him on the show,
a black voter who was kept from voting
because of someone who was racist
and provide proof, we'll cover the story on the show.
However, we can produce for you a number of unconstitutional state election changes
before the 2020 election, but Merrick Garland doesn't give a damn about that.
Because there are two systems of justice in this country.
Again, meaning there's no system of justice at all.
Now, the Arizona Attorney General's had about enough of uh merrick eric's crap so here's a washington
examiner paul bedard piece will be in my newsletter today watch you slash newsletter arizona
attorney general defends maricopa vote audit against hysterical justice criticism mark
bernovich check this out from the piece Brnovich has had enough of this crap.
Brnovich wrote, quote, Arizona will not sit back and let the Biden administration abuse its authority,
refuse to uphold laws or attempt to commandeer our state's sovereignty.
Yes. Yes. Good for you, Attorney General Brnovich. Well done.
It is time for the states to take back their sovereign states' rights.
You do have rights, ladies and gentlemen.
There is a constitution.
There are rights delegated to the federal government and rights to the states.
The left has a tough time with constitutionality, AP history, and all that stuff.
It's time to start taking back those rights and exercise them.
You have the right to a free and fair election in your state.
The left doesn't want that.
The left wants to sue states, attack states for completely unsupported allegations of racism and voting.
Totally unsupported.
And then when states try to ensure everybody votes and their vote counts and
there isn't a watering down of the vote by fraud,
the attorney general wants to sue those states as well.
Two systems of justice means no system of justice.
Story gets worse.
Ladies and gentlemen,
remember again what we're talking about today.
Can't have a
justice system like this we can't let it continue anymore the democrats are now super concerned
ladies and gentlemen about phone records phone records yeah apparently some officials in the
justice department under president trump based on some illegal leaking, we're seeking the phone records of some members
of Congress.
Liberals, oh my gosh, ACLU types, civil liberties, like new civil liberties, the new civil liberty
types, because they didn't care at all about Spygate when they spied on the Trump administration.
But these new phony civil liberties types, like, man, we got to stop that.
Phone records, this sounds rather draconian, which is really fascinating, because something happened with phone records a while ago that nobody seemed to give a damn about.
I'll get to that in a second. Let me get to my second sponsor.
To show you again, justice in the country is dying a very slow and painful death.
And we have to put a stop and draw the red line right now.
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So Democrats all of a sudden care about the seizing of phone records.
A member of Congress members of Congress,
check all these stories out in my, in my newsletter today, my show notes here,
Axios, Zachary Basu, Merrick Garland.
He's back again, folks.
Merrick Eric says DOJ will strengthen the rules on obtaining lawmakers' records.
This story is hilarious.
Tragically hilarious.
Here, Axios, I'll get to it in a second.
He says, why does this matter, Axios?
Because at Garland's direction, the Justice Department's inspector general has opened an investigation into the Trump era DOJ's use of secret subpoenas to obtain data belonging
to House Democrats. What's the big picture? Well, at least a dozen people linked to the House
Intelligence Committee, including Adam Schiff, Eric Swalwell, compromised Eric Swalwell, both
fierce critics of former President Trump, had records seized between 2017 and early 2018 as part of a leak investigation. Democrats in Congress have launched
another investigation demanding former Attorney General Bill Barr and Jeff Sessions testify.
I don't want it to be a screamer show here.
Unless that doesn't do you any good.
We are descending, ladies and gentlemen, into total madness.
Does this story sound familiar to you? The seizing of phone records of a member of congress
and now the media and the democrats losing their minds you don't like your phone record seized
then don't seize the phone records of republicans remember this story about devin newness republican
member of congress who had his phone records seized secret subpoenas and all that stuff. Oh, you don't
remember? Here's the great Tom Fitton from Judicial Wash talking about a lawsuit where they're actually
suing members of Congress on the liberal tyrant side who subpoenaed another member of Congress
who was a Republican. But you didn't hear much about this story, did you? Was there a big
investigation, special counsel, all this stuff going on? No, you didn't hear any of that.
Matter of fact, they're fighting it in court now.
Listen to Tom Fitton.
Hi, everyone.
Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton here with the latest on Judicial Watch's efforts to hold Adam Schiff accountable to the rule of law. over their abuse of power and getting and then publishing the phone records of private American citizens, including the president's lawyer, fellow member of Congress,
Devin Nunes and journalists and other innocent Americans.
We were in federal court and Schiff came back and said the American people and judicial watch
have no right to see any information about the subpoenas that were never done before by Congress
to get the phone records of private Americans.
But we're going to push back in court.
Do you believe this bull?
What country are we living?
So just to be clear, show up on January 6th.
Find yourself in a political prison now for three, four, five months, right?
No bail, no nothing.
Burn down a courthouse in Portland with chemical agents,
attack police officers, beat the living crap out of everyone around.
No problem at all.
You get a speaking engagement at your local liberal convention,
whatever, Netroots or whatever it may be.
Probably paid.
Who the hell knows?
Dare audit an election with significant evidence
of malfeasance and misfeasance?
The attorney general for the liberals is going to investigate,
because he is for the, he's not for you,
he's going to investigate you.
Show no evidence whatsoever of racial discrimination
in your voting?
Get charges by the attorney general, the Liberal Attorney General,
that they're going to come looking for you to find evidence that's not there,
that you're racially discriminating against voters despite the opposite evidence.
Bigger turnout.
Seize the phone records of Devin Nunes, a Republican member of Congress.
Spread them out publicly to humiliate them.
You get celebrated by the
liberal media. Adam Schiff, champion of liberty and justice. My ass.
And yet when the Trump administration, who has significant actual evidence of lawbreaking
by members of Congress, leaks that they can probably trace back and they dare
investigate it.
We're getting an investigation.
The attorney general's looking into this immediately.
Folks, justice is dead.
It is dying right now.
In your country, we are devolving into a third world republic.
What is this, Nicaragua?
You see what's going on right there? what's going on down there right now what's the difference tranquilo this story incredibly gets worse this is the second part of that Axios piece.
Democrats demanding an investigation now because a Democrat who may have broken the law possibly is being investigated.
This is just this is this is piss.
Seriously, I mean, I'm sorry.
Leave it.
I mean, I really I just.
Seriously, I mean, I'm sorry.
Leave it.
I mean, really, I just.
If the burrows under my skin like a tick.
I love this place.
I know you do, too.
But my gosh, is it falling apart?
These liberals are a damn cancer.
They are a forest fire.
They will burn down anything they touch.
And they don't care about their propaganda.
They don't care that you and I will expose them right here.
Burn down a courthouse in Portland, be a liberal.
Show up on January 6th.
Prison, death penalty.
Seize Nunes' records.
Get a speaking engagement at a liberal convention.
Show up on MSNBC.
Sees a Republican's records, yeah, it's okay.
Sees a liberal's records, federal investigation, folks.
Everybody needs to go to jail.
Now, how does this get worse?
Here's screenshot two from this Axios piece. You will never believe who's going to be in charge of this bad boy outside of Merrick Garland, this investigation.
Merrick Garland said in a statement that in addition to the inspector general, in addition is more than just an inspector general investigation.
Lisa Monaco is already working on surfacing potentially problematic matters related to the subpoenas that deserve high legal review.
Lisa Monaco, this is hilarious.
They will not hesitate to move swiftly.
Of course.
Who is Lisa Monaco?
So Lisa Monaco is leading the effort into the investigation to uncover the subpoenas
into potentially illegal activity
by members of Congress
with regards to leaks of classified information?
Lisa Monaco.
Remember, nobody cared, again,
when Devin Nunes' records were leaked.
Nobody cared about that.
It was celebrated.
And now Attorney General Garland's like,
wait, you dared investigate Democrats in Congress?
We're going to investigate you with an Inspector General.
Folks, we are turning into a banana republic overnight. And this is why I tell you the
Democrats don't care. I may cover this on my Fox show this weekend on Saturday. I may do this in
the opening segment. I'm telling you, if I do, I'm going to totally go off because the rest of
America needs to hear this. The Democrats are giving you a double-barreled middle finger, America.
They don't care.
I told you in the Saturday show
they appoint Susan Hennessey
to the Department of Justice,
a pee-pee tape hoaxer from the start.
They bring her back to the Department of Justice.
They're not embarrassed at all.
And who do they name to investigate these leaks?
Lisa Monaco.
Who was Lisa Monaco?
Disgraceful, disgraceful person who was lisa
monaco who will now be investigating these subpoenas during the trump administration of
adam ship well here from let's go to the fbi's own website this is from march 20th 2007
lisa monaco named deputy chief of staff and counselor to FBI director Robert Mueller.
Oh, yeah.
Look at that.
Check this out.
Look at that.
FBI director at the time, Robert S. Mueller III, has appointed Lisa Monaco to be deputy chief of staff and counselor to the director.
Monaco, Mueller, they're all buddies.
Remember Monaco worked for Andy Weissman, Mueller's pit bull, on the Mueller special counsel.
Remember they worked together on the Enron case?
Oh, you didn't know that, Libs?
Lisa Monaco should be embarrassed.
Lisa Monaco should be humiliated. She was a deep state spy gator.
She was deeply involved with the Obama administration, the collusion hoax.
She was deeply involved with Bob Mueller,
has a history with Bob Mueller.
Lisa Monaco involved in the collusion hoax
in the Obama White House,
the spying operation on Donald Trump.
Bob Mueller's former chief of staff
of the Mueller Special Counsel.
She's the one you put in charge.
Are you trying to humiliate yourselves?
They don't care.
They are going to stick it right to you
because the Democrats play for keeps
and Republicans play for the Washington Post editorial column.
And you can never, ever win that way.
They are fighting with glass on their gloves.
And we're fighting with 20-ounce pillows on our hands.
You know what's even more fascinating about Lisa Monaco?
How these people, again, they all know each other.
Lisa Monaco worked for Bob Mueller.
Lisa Monaco worked with Andy Weissman.
Andy Weissman was Bob Mueller's pit bull.
Lisa Monaco worked with Kathy Rumler,
President Obama's lawyer in the White House on the Enron staff.
Remember that in the Enron case with Weissman where they all got thoroughly rebuked?
Remember that?
These people all know each other.
They stick together because they know they're all loyal to the cause.
And the cause is what?
Destroying this country, making it a third world republic,
and weaponizing the government to attack their political opponents.
And they are all on board.
A little fired up after last night's speech.
I got out again in the public last night and whenever I give a speech, I wake up the next day all fired up. You know, let me get to my third sponsor because now I want to open the,
I mean, this can of worms even more. You'll never believe who Lisa Monaco took the place of
and who took her place. They just jump around in each other's positions here and there.
and who took her place.
They just jump around in each other's positions here and there.
This story gets even worse.
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So again, the point I'm trying to make here, folks, just to reset quickly,
there is no justice left in the United States. The justice system is dying.
We are now in a completely weaponized
Department of Justice
that is being used exclusively
to attack political opponents on voting,
on what happened in January 6th
versus Antifa BLM,
and on this Democrats,
on this spying scandal,
where now they're claiming Trump
was spying on members of Congress
and getting their phone records.
But the Democrats did the same thing.
And the exact same players involved are the ones running this investigation.
The investigation into this scandal with air quotes, Trump's targeting air quotes, is Lisa Monaco.
Mueller confidant.
Obama confidant.
Friend of all the deep staters.
We have to expose their network.
Who took Lisa Monaco's place, by the way?
Look at this.
This is from Scamopedia.
Scamopedia is rarely, if ever, useful.
But here's Scamopedia, otherwise known as Wikipedia.
Look at this.
John Carlin.
Who's John Carlin?
John Carlin, man, him and Lisa Monaco
seem to have a pretty tight relationship.
They keep following each other.
Look at that.
United States Assistant Attorney General for the National each other. Look at that. United States Assistant
Attorney General for the National Security Division.
Who was that? John
Carlin. Whose
position did he take? Oh, Lisa Monaco.
The National Security Division. You know, the same
division that ran the whole spying scandal,
Spygate on Donald Trump. John Carlin took
Monaco's position there. Everybody
gets promotion. So what happened next? Well,
acting United States Deputy Attorney General
who is John Carlin
who took his place. Oh, Lisa
Monaco. It's a little like
whack-a-mole musical chairs.
Johnny, Lisa, Johnny,
Lisa, Johnny, Lisa leaves,
Johnny comes in. Who is John Carlin?
These people all know each other.
They're running the investigation right now
into Trump's targeting
of scammer members of Congress
like Adam Schiff.
Because they're protecting their
You remember March of 2016? Who was
John Carlin? I'll go through this quickly because this is important.
In March of 2016,
the Department
of Justice discovered that some contractors
were looking into the fisa the uh the nsa database do you remember that march of 2016
they thought my gosh we're using civilian contractors who are using the nsa database
to spy remember that march of 2016 well what happened in April of 2016? Yeah, remember that we covered that story
at length? Mike Rogers, who was
the head of the NSA, was like, hey, you guys
shouldn't be using this NSA database for
that. So in April 2016, just a
month later, Mike Rogers, the former head of the NSA,
ordered a review.
The Department of Justice found out about that review.
The Department
of Justice is like, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.
I knew there were some problems, but we're being looked at here too.
Who specifically found out about that review of the unlawful use of the NSA database?
Oh, people in the National Security Division.
Remember the names.
I'm going to tie this up for you in a second.
Who was the head of the NSDd national security division department of justice at the
time yeah john carlin so john carlin the department of justice national security division friends with
lisa monaco now investigating the trump administration again for the 52nd thousandth time
john carlin was uh asked a few questions. Hey, you're running the National Security Division.
You're in charge of the FBI.
What the hell is going on with all these contractors working for the FBI
looking into the NSA database to spy on people?
Well, Carlin had to file a certification.
No, no, we're not spying on people.
So in September of 2016,
after he found out about Mike Rogers looking into their activity over there,
he filed that certification, John Carlin.
After filing that certification, he announced his resignation the next day.
So just to be clear, Mike Rogers, the head of the NSA under the Obama administration, says,
I think you guys are spying using this NSA database, our database.
I demand answers.
Everybody at the National Security Division panics.
John Carlin's heading it.
He has to file a response and a certification in writing.
He doesn't.
He resigns the next day.
He doesn't. He resigns the next day.
You would think Mike Rogers would be celebrated, right, for saying, hey, are we abusing the NSA database to spy?
Well, what happened to Mike Rogers?
Well, the Obama swamp rats, as you can see from the Washington Post 2016 article by Ellen Nakashima, wanted him out.
Pentagon and intelligence community chiefs averged Obama to remove the head of the NSA. Who was appointed back into the Biden administration Department of Justice in January this year?
John Carlin.
The same guy who Lisa Monaco and him play a little rope-a-dope with jobs.
All inside the government.
all inside the government,
the same Lisa Monaco running the investigation now into the Trump administration's effort
to root out illegal leaking
by subpoenaing members of Congress's phone records,
the same subpoenas that were issued for a Republican member
that the Democrats didn't give a damn about.
Ladies and gentlemen, these people all know each other.
They protect their own.
They are not protecting you.
They do not raise their right hand
to swear oath to a constitution. They raise their right hand to swear oath to the Democrat Party. The justice system is
falling apart. These people all know each other. It is an oligarchy we were looking at now. It is
not a Department of Justice anymore. The reason they keep hiring Susan Hennessey, John Carlin,
Lisa Monaco, Bob Mueller, all of these people, they have been swamp rats forever and they protect their own.
That is the Democrats.
The reason Garland's allowed to do this, keep people in jail for January 6th forever, no bail, let Antifa run free, target states for trying to protect their vote. The reason they're allowed to celebrate targeting Republican members of Congress's phone records
while investigating Democrats when the same thing happens is because the same swamp rodents
are there over and over and over again.
And they don't care what you think because they know no matter what they do, spy on a
president, let BLM terrorists burn down a city.
No matter what they do, they know they will get their jobs back.
Lisa Monaco, John Carlin, back in the government right now.
Susan Hennessey, no embarrassment whatsoever.
All right, moving on.
I do have a lot of other stuff to get to today,
including this local Fox reporter. Oh, my gosh. Do you see this? This is crazy. The craziest,
I'll get to that in a second. Crazy video. I'd never seen anything like this before in my life.
I've been in the media business a long time. I have never seen anything like this before.
Before we get to that quick and Axios story, because it's an important one.
You know, I gave a speech last night again at the great Club 45 down in Palm Beach. They're terrific. They can turn them out like no one else. And that's important, folks, because we got to
make our beds. I've talked about it often. It's from the Jordan Peterson book, 12 Rules for Life.
You want to change the world, we got to make our beds first. I'm sorry. Local activism should be,
that should, primacy, local activism first. All the other
stuff is important. Voting in presidential elections, donating, volunteering, running,
if you want to do your thing. But at the top tier of your tip of the spear responsibility should be
local activism first. It's where your vote matters more. The numbers are smaller. It's simple math
and your voice matters for because politicians and others are afraid of your vote. I don't mean afraid of you in like a liberal
vibe. That's a liberal thing. I mean, afraid of your vote and that your vote means more.
You can impact local politics more. Parents have had enough of this critical racism training. I
made it the focus of my speech last night. They've had enough. Everybody's making their bed locally.
They're showing up at school board meetings.
They're getting rid of these school boards.
They're tossing them all out.
We are not going to teach our kids to be racist.
We refuse.
But there are some, some,
emphasize some teachers out there
who've decided they want to teach racism in the classroom.
Axios story.
Teachers across the U.S. protest laws
restricting racism lessons.
Let me rewrite that title. Teachers across the U.S. protest laws restricting racism lessons. Let me rewrite
that title. Teachers across the U.S. protesting, stating they want to teach racism in the classroom.
That's the real title. Now, you know how we have big tech, big pharma, the left loves the big
stuff. Well, there's big education, too, and their business pairing with leftist grifters
and the grievous industry. They figured out there's a lot of money to be made teaching American kids how to be racist through critical racism training,
which it is. Critical race theory is teaching kids how to be racist. It's not open for debate.
I'm not debating you. Teaching kids who are white or black that you are oppressed or an oppressor
based solely on the color of your skin is racist. Thank you. Have a nice day. Beat it. I'm not debating you.
There's no debate about this.
That is the definition of racism.
If you teach critical race theory,
you are a racist, not a soft one,
a hardcore bigot and racist.
You are, you, yes, I'm pointing at you.
You teach critical race theory. You are a racist.
Read it, listen to it, and weep because it's true.
Well, the big ed industry who makes money off critical race theory in books
and all those other associated activism courses they get paid for,
they don't like this, that American parents have had enough of their kids being taught how to be racist.
So they're protesting because they want to be sure they teach kids how to be racist. Here from Axios. There were demonstrations in 22 cities
for a day of action, whatever, to raise awareness about moves to limit students' exposure to
critical race theory, which links racial discrimination to the nation's foundation
and legal system. Organizers of the Zin Education Project,
talk about,
it's hilarious,
say they want to send
a message that they won't
lie to students about
past and present racism
in the U.S.
No, nobody's asking
you to do that.
You're teaching kids
how to be racist now.
They want a day of action?
We'll do a year of action.
You think we're going to stop?
Listen, I'm telling you to the teachers out there God bless you and I mean it
we don't do virtue signaling
on this my life was changed because of
really terrific teachers
really good I was privileged
to have really really good teachers
they were awesome
in both public private
institutions all over
they were really great.
Teachers can change your life.
But if you're out there hustling our kids,
teaching them their skin color is dispositive
in determining if they've oppressed people,
if they're oppressors, if they've been oppressed,
you're a racist.
And as I said before, you're a hardcore one.
You're disgraceful and you have no business in front of our kids. I am very sorry to tell you that, but you need to go and consider a new line
of work. All right. I want to get this video in a second. Let me get to my last sponsor because
this is a, did you see this video? This local Fox news reporter. Did you guys see this yet?
Okay. Nobody's seen this. This is good. Joe, you saw good joe you saw well you saw you cut it this is like what that just happened
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because I don't even know what to say. I've never seen anything like this in my life.
Just quick background. It is a local Fox affiliate. They're doing like a weather report or
something. I don't even know what it is, but it's a live shot.
I mean, it's on the air, obviously live.
And the reporter just goes off.
Just check this out.
I'll talk about it on the way back.
Fox 26 reporter Ivory Hecker is live in Montgomery County to take a look at that aspect.
Thanks, guys.
That's right.
Before we get to that story, I want to let to let you the viewers know that Fox Corp has been
Muzzling me to keep certain information from you the viewers and from what I'm gathering
I am NOT the only reporter being too subjected to this
I am going to be releasing some recordings about what goes on behind the scenes at Fox because it applies to you the viewers I found
A nonprofit journalism group called project Veritas. It's gonna help put that out tomorrow so tune in to them
But as for this heatwave across, Texas, you can see what It's going to put that out tomorrow, so tune into them.
But as for this heat wave across Texas, you can see what it's doing to AC units.
I don't even think the funniest part about that segment is she does the weather afterwards.
She's like, hey, by the way, there's a big heat wave out here going on.
And let me show you this AC.
These people, right, Joe? These people in the, right Joe? These people
in the control room
there must have been like, wait,
what? What just
happened? Like, is that a joke?
I mean, I can't even imagine.
We'll see what comes of that
in the coming days, but
I guess
that's the coming days. But, again, she does the weather report afterwards.
She's like...
I know.
It's the most insane thing I've ever seen.
Let me get to the weather.
We've got some showers and drizzle coming down.
AC units struggling everywhere.
As the heat goes up,
we may hit a record 122 today.
We might have snow sometimes in the winter coming up
in the next few decades, maybe.
Possibility for hail sometime in the future.
Rock-sized boulders.
Who knows?
She just goes on and reports like nothing happened.
Again, I'll follow the story.
I'll keep you updated.
Honest to God, folks, I have no information other than what
I saw yesterday with all of you on social media. You'll see it in my newsletter today. Read the story,
check it out. Hey, I've said often moving on. Not a serious note. It's tough. These segues are
like impossible these days because how do you play something like that and go to any other story but we have to move on politics is downstream of culture it was kind of another focus of my speech
last night andrew breitbart said it a long time ago and it's important we keep this in mind you
know we should never deify people in the you know in the cultural movement i hate that the left does
that they put these hollywood actors and know, singers and stage performers, whatever,
they put them on a pedestal as if these people have some, you know, special analytical intellectual
abilities you don't have. Like, we really want to hear like Chrissy Teigen comment on an election.
Why would I want her? I don't understand. Like, why would I want her opinion? Right?
We should never do that. So I want to be clear.
What I'm doing here is I'm not, you know, deifying or celebrating these people and be like, oh, my gosh, we should listen to everything they say all the time.
Like, we play Bill Maher sometimes.
But it is important that we recognize, as Andrew Breitbart had said, that politics is downstream of culture. Don't change the culture first. And the dangerous cancer is eating away of our culture right now by things like critical
racism theory, identity politics, and otherwise.
The politics, ladies and gentlemen, won't matter.
They'll be irrelevant.
Whether you win an election or lose an election, you'll have losers that have been eaten alive
by the culture wars.
It won't matter.
Change the culture, the politics will follow.
I can't emphasize enough.
It was tremendous, tremendous advice.
of the politics will follow.
I can't emphasize enough.
It was tremendous, tremendous advice.
I say that because some of the people we need in the culture war
to break through that wall
we seem to have, the GOP,
our inability to crack through
onto the other side.
We're going to need advocates
and people to do it, to chip away at that wall slowly.
And the best people to do it are people who already have, let's call it street cred with the
left. One of them is Jon Stewart. We don't have to celebrate Jon Stewart. Jon Stewart's done some
nice things for police officers, and I acknowledge that. But Jon Stewart has largely been an enemy
of conservative ideas for a long time.
That doesn't mean when we see things like this, we shouldn't say, hey, this is an important moment.
Folks, listen, for as much as I love my show, my radio show, and my Fox show, I have to be candid with you because I'm not here to BS you.
We are in some ways preaching to the choir.
There's nothing wrong with that.
It's good to keep our activists informed and motivated,
but we're an activist base.
That's largely where me, Ben Shapiro, and others talk.
People like Joe Rogan and Jon Stewart don't do that.
They talk to people on both sides of the aisle.
We need people like this.
Here's what happened.
Watch this clip.
This is Jon Stewart on Stephen Colbert last night. It's a long watch this clip this was john stewart on stephen
colbert last night and it's a long clip but this is worth your time it's over a minute which we
don't like doing but about the wuhan lab leak and watch lefty stephen colbert he you can clearly at
the end he doesn't know what to do because he's lost control of the segment check this out
what do you mean by do you mean like perhaps there's a chance that this was created in a lab?
There's an investigation.
A chance?
Well, if there's evidence, I'd love to hear it.
There's a novel respiratory coronavirus overtaking Wuhan, China.
What do we do?
Oh, you know who we could ask?
The Wuhan novel respiratory coronavirus lab.
The disease is the same novel respiratory coronavirus lab.
The disease is the same name as the lab.
That's just a little too weird, don't you think?
And then they ask those scientists, they're like, how did this?
So wait a minute, you work at the Wuhan respiratory coronavirus lab.
How did this happen?
And they're like, a pangolin kissed a turtle.
And you're like a pangolin kissed a turtle and you're like no i you you're the name of your life if you look at the name look at the name can i let me see your business card
show me your business card oh i work at the coronavirus lab
i'm always on my phone messing around.
Thank you, by the way.
I just got the ratings.
That just came over on the show.
I'm not messing with you.
Thank you.
Another spectacular week for the Fox show.
I really, it just came over right now.
You guys and ladies are awesome.
Really, number one in the demo.
Thank you so much.
You're really spectacular.
Thank you so much.
We need that, though.
That's important.
We need people like Jon Stewart to crack through that
wall. That's not, again, we don't have to
deify the guy, make a golden cap,
start like chanting when we
see him. But it's
going to take ambassadors like that
who can crack across the aisle using
comedy to do it, who aren't painted
with a heavily partisan brush. Yeah, he's
a partisan.
To get to the other side, that studio audience, like, my gosh,
maybe this cultural guy, Jon Stewart, not necessarily a political figure,
maybe he's onto something.
That's how it happens.
What we're doing is not all for naught, folks.
It matters.
We did this. We finally cracked through this wall on this lab league thing where now it's making its way into mainstream culture
and people are being red-pilled everywhere here's another story i think you should read
too daily wire be in the newsletter today i don't know this this guy on i am the ratchy i don't i
don't i don't know but that just because i don't know doesn't mean i mean i don't know this guy, Nayim Darachi. I don't know, but just because I don't
know doesn't mean I'm not a YouTube guy. But teen influencer with 26 million followers tells fans
he's pro-life. Abortion is, quote, killing someone. Check this story out. This guy, Nayim Darachi,
in a series of videos responding to questions from his followers, Darachi, 19, who's a musician and an author of a book,
gave his opinions and thoughts on abortion.
He said he knew what he had to say about the controversial topic would cause a stir,
but he decided to say it anyway.
An abortion is interrupting a life, Darachi said on video,
addressing his 26 million followers.
When a woman is pregnant, if she doesn't take anything,
if she doesn't abort, the natural cycle is going to make a life emerge.
Don't sell that short.
Culture war.
Politics is all downstream.
It's important.
Listen, folks, I'm concerned here.
Concerned about a lot of things, given the beginning of the show,
which, as you can tell from today's show, has really upset me
because I've been tied to this Spygate thing for so long
and the fact that the people who did it are back causing more chaos
and there's just no penalties for them whatsoever is bothering me.
But I told you today would be a concerning show,
and I don't really have a lot of good news told you today would be a concerning show. And, you know, I don't really
have a lot of good news for you today. But we need to be educated and aware because we will turn the
tide in the future. And I'm very concerned right now that a perfect economic storm, a perfect
economic storm is brewing right now. What is a solid, strong economy need? What are the basic
needs? I don't, we don't need any detailed macroeconomic analysis. I mean, at a fundamental
level, what a fundamental level,
what does a strong, prosperous economy need? You need supply of products, right? Medicine, food,
water, housing, vehicles, services, legal services, transportation, planes, trains,
automobiles, right? Products. Products and services. The list goes on and on, right?
So number one, we have needs, products and services. Number two, what do we need?
So we need supply of stuff.
We need demand of stuff.
Needs to be strong demand.
Doesn't do you a lot of good to have a bunch of planes sitting around,
as we found out during the pandemic, if there's no demand because no one's flying.
Planes, nobody on them, don't make any money.
You need supply.
You need demand.
There are some liberals listening.
I got to go slow.
But what do we need?
Number three, we need stable money.
Because if you don't have stable money, the supply can't meet the demand. Because if you're buying
an air ticket, airline ticket one day, that's $200. And the next day, it's $2,000. People start
to wonder like, didn't I just buy the same seat yesterday? Why am I spending $2,000 now? The
quickest way to collapse an economy is to destroy its money. Folks, all of that's happening now.
Supply is being disrupted.
Demand is at peaking
at the exact time supply is being disrupted.
And our money is falling apart.
I am very worried we are walking into
a financial apocalypse right ahead of us.
I don't want to be one of these economic doomsdayers
that predicted 20 of the last two recessions. But the signs are right in front of us. I don't want to be one of these economic doomsdayers that predicted 20 of the last two
recessions, but the signs are right in front of us right now. I always bring the receipts. Here we go.
Number one on the supply side. Another Axios piece today. Why America's post-vaccine summer
is off to a slow start. From the piece. Remember, we can't have an economy without supplying stuff.
We need stuff.
Quote, the big picture,
labor shortages, scrambled supply chains,
and simple logistics
are all making it harder
for a whole range of businesses
to meet post-pandemic demand.
That's making the hot vac summer
a little harder to pull off.
Folks, some geniuses thought
it would be a good idea
to lock the world down.
We don't have chips for cars.
There are places that are running out of their food supplies.
There are places that are running out of basic, basic items
because we haven't had the ability to keep our supply chains
in a just-in-time inventory process stocked up.
You can't have a flourishing economy without stuff to sell.
Even worse,
how's the economy going to flourish
when we can't find workers
to work in the economy
because we're paying them to stay home?
Supply being disrupted.
Number two, demand.
Well, what's the demand problem, folks?
CNBC, Maggie Fitzgerald, from May 29th.
U.S. savings rate hits record 33%
as coronavirus causes Americans to stockpile cash
and curb spending.
Folks, just at the exact same time,
you want to see a perfect storm right here?
The exact same time.
We have shortages of basic items.
Cars, housing inventory at an all-time low, lumber, basic items.
We have increasing demand.
Americans stockpiled a whole boatload of cash, and we printed a whole boatload of cash,
while the economy was locked down.
So now you have Americans getting out for the summer.
Folks who've been vaccinated,
folks who've had the coronavirus and don't need to be.
You have them getting out there right now,
getting ready to spend this unprecedented stockpile of cash.
And there's nothing to buy.
Perfect storm.
Well, what do you need to finish off an economy?
Well, you definitely need unstable money.
Money whose value changes by the day,
which makes it not money at all.
What good is money if it's not a store of value?
It's not a store of value
if what it stored yesterday in value
isn't what it stored tomorrow.
Wall Street Journal, Gwynn Guilford.
U.S. inflation is highest in 13 years as prices surge 5%.
Story just came out today in the journal as well.
Adjusted wages, adjusted for inflation as they're going down.
Meaning, yeah, workers are getting promotions and getting raises,
but inflation is decreasing the value of your money by an even greater amount,
meaning your real wages are finished. Folks, I'm telling you, there's a perfect storm brewing.
We can fix it. We can stop it. But we are going to have to make some significant progress with
real Republicans in the midterms, no phonies, no rhinos. If we don't get a lid on this spending right away and the paying of people
to stay home and fix this supply chain disaster, we are going to be in real trouble. You'll remember
the day I spoke about this. All right, folks, thanks again for tuning in. I really appreciate
it. I'm sorry for the dour kind of macabre nature of today's show.
But again, we have to diagnose the problems before we can fix them.
We have to be realists.
We have to tighten it up.
We have to toughen up.
This place is worth saving.
I'm committed to that.
But we have to know what to save.
Thanks again for tuning in.
I really appreciate it.
Make sure, again, set your DVR.
Check out my new Fox show, Unfiltered with Dan Bongino,
10 p.m. Saturday night.
And subscribe to my Rumble channel, slash Bongino.
I'll see you all tomorrow.
You just heard Dan Bongino.