The Dan Bongino Show - Tucker Carlson on the Biden Family, JD Vance's future and more, Pt. 2 | Episode 2
Episode Date: March 18, 2025In the second part of the viral interview, Tucker Carlson joins VINCE to discuss the Biden crime family, J.D. Vance's political genius and prospects for the future, and much more. Trump’s Overtures... Toward Greenland Are Paying Off Trump Ties For Highest Approval He's Ever Had - As More Americans Say U.S. Is On Right Track Than Any Time In 20 Years Why This Elitist Dinner Party Didn't Toast the President for the First Time in Its 140-Year History Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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Great to be back with you today.
The second edition of Vince.
We've got the Big Tucker Carlson part two coming up.
Also, I've got some fun photos to show you
of our buddy Dan Bongino,
who is now officially the deputy director of the FBI.
We'll get to all of that here in just a moment.
Welcome back.
This is Vince.
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Here we go. How about...
How about yesterday, the numbers, holy cow, a first day launch where we had, what do we have, fellas, 104,000 on the stream yesterday. And so that places us at, I think it was number two on the planet yesterday
for live viewers for this broadcast right here on Rumble,
just behind Steven Crowder,
who you can watch coming up right after this program
on Rumble.
So a great start to the Vince program
and thank you for everything you've done here.
And we've got, of course,
the chat absolutely going wild
this morning already.
Ciao Vince, good to see you.
Good morning, the Bongino Army is definitely here.
People loving Dan Bongino's first day
as Deputy Director of the FBI.
Ron in DC says, you're the man, Vince.
Thank you very much, guys.
Vince's Vanguard, that's pretty funny.
I saw that that was taken off in the chat yesterday
Thank you for that. And here we go. We've got a we've got pictures
Coming into us from the FBI
I yesterday morning was 8 o'clock in the morning that Dan was sworn in to be the deputy director and how great is that?
And when he was sworn in right away, I was texting everybody I could I said I need these pictures
I really want to I wanted to air them yesterday.
Literally was messaging with one of the top communications
officials at the FBI.
Get them to me, get them to me.
But they weren't able to get them out quite quick enough.
But now we have them here for your benefit.
Pictures of, there's Dan and Cash Patel.
That's the deputy director and the director of the FBI.
Dan is in, have you noticed all of his photos
in addition to the fact that you're seeing him in a suit
for the first time in a long time?
They have all of the, like they're the FO portion of FAFO,
all of the photos.
Do we have his headshot?
Oh yeah.
Oh yeah.
That's like a Trump inspired headshot, isn't it?
Like, don't you kind of feel like when Dan sat down
for that, that he was pulling the Trump vibes,
he's like, I've got to deliver.
I mean, nobody can quite deliver the Trump photo,
which they have hanging in every single federal building
across the country right now.
Yeah, let's pull up the Trump photo.
Look how hard the Trump photo goes.
And I hate to say this, because I love Dan and Dan's photo is hard as hell, it's pull up the Trump photo. Look how hard the Trump photo goes. And so I hate to say this because I love Dan and Dan's photo is is hard as hell. It's great. It's it's not the Trump photo. The Trump photo is about as tough as it gets. Look at this thing.
And that's battle hardened Trump. That's Trump on the other side. So let's let's hope Dan can clean things up quickly and not become so worn down by the job that he looks like this at the end of it.
No, Dan's great. That's what that's what Dan looks like when he when I put the wrong clip.
That's what Dan looks like when you pull the wrong clip. That's a face very dissatisfied with how things are going.
Well, he should be. Look at him. He's starting at the FBI.
He just he's dissatisfied with how things are going right now.
And rightfully so.
He's got a lot to clean up.
He's got a lot to clean up.
And I know Haley Caranee on her broadcast last night was talking about this.
Here are the things she wants to get fixed.
Go check that out. You should.
All right. We've got part two of Tucker Carlson's interview.
Tucker, of course, came in yesterday for a live interview with us.
And it was just such a blast.
Everybody watching Tucker talk about all the events
of the world and he did a great job.
Part two, this is not much of a tease
because we're about to play it for you,
I'll just tell you this.
I think it's even better.
Part two is even better.
So Tucker stuck around, we talked about a ton of stuff,
including his relationship with the Biden family.
He knew the Bidens.
He knew those guys before Joe Biden ever became president.
He knew Hunter Biden.
We talked about that.
Now, we talked about JD Vance.
Is he going to be the next president of the United States?
And we talked about that famous photo,
which you'll see coming up,
of Tucker, Elon, and President Trump
all standing together at the White House, and definitely what I thought that that photo represented.
So, if we're ready, are we ready, fellas? Ready to jump into this?
Oh, we're ready. Here it comes. Part two of our interview with Tucker Carlson.
The Big Show continues here with Tucker Carlson in the house.
I'd like to talk about your wellness routine. Would you? with Tucker Carlson. The big show continues here with Tucker Carlson in the house.
I'd like to talk about your wellness routine.
Would you?
Would you?
It's key, you gotta take care of yourself, Tucker.
We need you around for a long time.
I need you to work on your wellness routine.
My wellness routine.
By the way, if I had a wellness routine,
which I take a sauna every day and I use nicotine.
That's good.
That's it.
But a lot of nicotine, a lot of sauna.
But if I had a wellness routine, I would never admit it.
I would never call it a wellness routine.
Would you?
Maybe come up with something cooler sounding.
But yeah, just staying in shape is good.
I like the make America healthy again thing.
I liked it, I was a big promoter of it and still am.
Oh, absolutely.
And I'm not that interested in health but I'm definitely interested in
not being poisoned. Yeah amen. And as someone who travels a lot like this is the greatest
country in the world with the worst food and I don't understand how that happened. Yeah
it's awful. It's honestly it's honestly it's awful. I will say. And it's addictive. If
you haven't seen it yet anyone who hasn't seen this go back and find Tucker's interview
with Callie and Casey Means. Yes. It'll change your life. I promise you it'll change your
life if you're not already switched on to what they're up to. And they're the guys
who are advising RFK Jr. too. And it's so important. I mean, you'll be fully sold when
you see this anyway. I can't recommend that enough.
Hey, I want to ask you, in the time we have left here, just a little bit more about the
Bidens, if I can. Because you know the Biden family.
I do, yeah. Or you've known them for years. How close were you to the Bidens?
Well, I was, I knew his son and wife and I really liked his wife. I thought his wife was was an
outstanding person and Kathleen Biden and I thought that they were our neighbors and she's
running partner of my wife's and you know I knew them pretty well and I
thought I thought he was troubled I always liked Hunter Biden yeah I you
know I had no idea what was actually going on but clearly and I will say one
thing I liked about him I mean I guess probably I'll just say it and no one spent more time
beating up on Hunter Biden than I have,
but when I knew Hunter Biden,
we're pretty much the same age, maybe you're younger.
His mother died when he was little.
He lived with his brother and his dad.
So the three of them, father, two sons.
That's how I grew up actually.
And so we had that in common
and it's such a weird way to grow up.
And we always used to talk about it.
And we both had like a kind of, you know,
there's a lot of downside, but there's also a huge upside.
He was very close to his dad.
And I always loved that about him.
I think Joe Biden was a pretty bad dad, actually.
But I do think he loved his sons in his kind
of ineffectual,
incapable, liberal way.
Like he could never say no basically.
But so we had that in common.
But you know, it was drug, no one wants to hear it,
but it was drugs that got him.
Drugs are evil.
I mean, I've done drugs, I know.
And I've seen a lot of people destroyed by drugs
and killed by drugs.
Drugs and alcohol are evil.
I think that.
Sobriety is the only answer. No one wants to say it. I don't know why no one wants to say that. It's like so I think that sobriety is the only answer no one wants to say it
I don't know why no one wants to say that it's like so forbidden to say sobriety the way you were born is
Somehow bad, but the whole society is like on drugs. It's like insane. Well sobriety requires self mastery
It's like you're not you're not farming it out to something else. It's gonna well, but we're encouraged to use drugs
That's the thing people give their kids drugs because give them amphetamines
Adderall or whatever
Give them all kinds of garbage because the doctors encourage it now
I'm not you know, you're your own master in the end
But the truth is if you're on drugs, it changes you completely and hunter Biden was like a pretty reasonable guy
He's like scamming off his dad's name and doing shady deals in Ukraine
So by the way was the whole freaking city of DC
and everybody I knew.
That's just a fact.
And now that I've left and I don't work for anybody,
I'll just be honest, I don't care.
That's a fact.
That city is deeply, deeply corrupt.
So it does bug me a little bit.
All the focus on Hunter Biden, who I've attacked a lot,
you think he's the only one?
The whole city is that.
That's what they do.
That's why they're the richest city in the country.
And they don't make anything.
They steal your tax dollars and they do it
in these kind of weird money laundering loops
through other countries.
And that's why every CIA person I've ever known is rich.
Well, how did you get rich?
It's the CIA.
But they're all that way.
But I ask about this, and first of all,
I should add this context, which is like, you have
all sorts of unusual friendships and relationships and you kind of pride, you like, you like
Well, Hunter Biden, like told a mutual friend of mine recently that I was a Nazi.
I'm a Nazi.
Oh, yeah, no, he hates me.
But but you know, he's the kind of person who blames everybody but himself, like all
drug addicts, like they all the core problem with drugs and alcohol
is they exacerbate your narcissism.
It's always someone else's fault.
Your whole life is organized around hiding
from anxiety or pain, and you're willing to
dick over everyone in your entire life
in service of your addiction.
That's narcissism.
And so they can never take responsibility for anything.
That's what I hate about them.
And he's a prime example.
But also not to get too theological,
but if you escape your suffering,
you also get off the pathway to God.
Well, you get possessed by demons.
And if you assess some of what's on his laptop,
it's not in any way fun.
He's torturing himself to death
and using other people like objects,
which are markers for evil. Of course, that's what evil is.
Is not treating other people like they have souls.
And there's a lot there.
But bottom line, Hunter Biden,
in addition to being a metaphor for the corruption
of the Biden family was also a human being who I knew,
and I can just tell you having known him,
that he was destroyed by drug use.
So having known the Bidens to some extent, obviously,
what do you make of Jill?
Like Jill-
Jill's awful.
She obviously, like for all of us-
We are serious, like totally exploitative.
She's using her husband in this awful way.
Was she always like that?
Was that easily detectable?
She's always a bitch and dumb.
Hunter hated her.
A lot of the family hated her.
She's very good looking, actually.
I don't know if it's clear now, but as a younger woman,
she's very, very unusually pretty.
And kind of second wife, right?
Left her husband to be with Joe Biden.
I'm not judging, but that's just a fact.
But kind of like the second wife out of a movie, actually.
Like mean, shallow.
How hungry.
Totally, a friend of mine showed up at their house once
wearing the same dress for an event at their house,
whatever dinner at their house,
small dinner at their house
at the vice president's residence,
wearing the same,
how many of you are wearing the same dress of woman
that Jill Biden was wearing
and Jill couldn't get over it the whole night?
She was like outraged.
She was like outraged.
She's just like a shallow consumerist like idiot
who's wound up with some kind of power
and like calls herself doctor
when having read her doctoral dissertation.
It's like sub literate.
It's actually, you should read it.
It's online.
It's like, how could this person even get a driver's license?
She's so stupid.
The education doctorate.
Yeah, it was on, it was a dissertation
on community colleges in the state of Delaware.
The best was twice. I read the whole thing.
Twice in it, it was something like this, she goes,
the demographic breakdown of the community college system
in Delaware is as follows.
It's 30% white, it's 40% African American,
it's 42% Hispanic, and it's 19% Asian.
And you're like, honey, I don't think that's even close
to 100% like she didn't understand. That's way over 100%. She's like an idiot, And you're like honey, I don't think that's even close to a hundred percent
That's way over a hundred percent
She's like an idiot, but that's fine. A lot of my dogs are dumb and I love them There are a lot of good-hearted dumb people in the world. She was like a nasty dumb person
And by the way, I know since I know them
His sister complained Val complained is a fact in
complained, Val complained, as a fact, in 2019 that he should not be running for president because he's got cognitive Parkinson's or whatever, he had a
cognitive decline and it's mean. And Jill was pushing it and Jill was saying he
needs to do this to work out his grief from Bo's death. And to be fair,
nobody expected him to become the nominee and it was only because Pete
Buttigieg was so
only like Democratic donors thought like an incompetent
gay guy who may not actually be gay, who worked for McKinsey.
I'm sorry, I missed that particular threat.
He might not be gay.
No, he was dating girls until like right before he decided
like, wait, I'm gay now.
So he picked it up as a, he thought it was a strategic asset?
I don't know if it's an affectation or what,
but he was dating women like right before.
True, that's a fact, it's like documented.
I'd love to interview them.
So I had a gay guy on my staff,
I was like, he's not even gay.
And I was like, really?
Oh, so the gay guys don't think he's gay.
Gay guys are deeply suspicious
of his commitment to homosexuality, yes.
But the point is, for someone like Pete Buttigieg,
who's just like a raw careerist,
it doesn't even matter.
It's a merit badge, like, oh, sodomy. Okay. I worked at
McKinsey. I went to Harvard. Now it's sodomy. We're there. You know, the Free Beacon had one
of the best lines ever on this. They would, when they would refer to Pete Buttigieg in their
coverage, they would say, Pete Buttigieg, who is white, but makes up for it by being gay.
That's 100% right. And like the geniuses at the DNC are like, okay, people are gonna love it. Okay,
so he's white, but he's gay.
And everyone's like, what?
This guy's a freak.
So at least he has that going for him.
You couldn't even run South Bend, Indiana.
Like shut up, son.
Isn't that weird?
Doesn't he speak like six languages or something?
Oh, he's a genius.
But wait, so if he speaks six languages,
why is the most important thing about him that he's gay?
It's the only thing that matters.
So I've always, he's never agreed to an interview with me,
but I've always wanted to ask, like, okay, so you're sleeping with these women, and then you decide to's gay. It's the only thing that matters. So I want, I've always, he's never agreed to an interview with me, but I've always wanted to ask, like,
okay, so you're sleeping with these women
and then you decide to be gay.
Like, how gay are you?
Like, how deep is your commitment to gayness?
Like, would you, just in a perfect world,
would you hook up with a girl again?
So are you really gay?
Were you born that way?
Like, tell me how this works.
Maybe he occasionally shows up for it,
just like his job at the transportation department.
Just every so often, he's gay.
But he was the great gay hope for the Democratic Party.
And when voters, Democratic primary voters rejected him, they're like, oh, shit, we can
get Bernie, who's a fraud.
But he is saying some pretty nasty things about the banks.
Can't have that.
Can't have, they'll kill you for that.
So obviously, it can't be Bernie, because maybe if he's 20% serious about disliking
billionaires, like we're going to have to murder him. So hey is there anyone else? Joe Biden. He can like pose as like a
moderate working class white guy. Let's get him. Yeah that's literally what happened. Yeah an
elderly marionette took the White House. 100 percent. I want now so we have obviously different
people in power. Thank God we have President Trump and Vice President J.D. Vanson. That's what I want
to ask you about is JD.
Talk about another guy who you really helped make sure
people knew about.
JD obviously had written Hillbilly Elegy,
had established a profile for himself,
but introducing him as a political candidate
in the Republican party,
you made that one of your missions
when you were hosting the prime time show
and you brought JD on all the time.
I was just impressed by him and I'm never impressed.
Yeah, what do you think of him?
How does he distinguish himself
from every other politician?
Because he's sincere, and he's thought it through,
and he's not afraid.
He rises to the occasion, but he actually believes something.
He's not kidding.
I don't think you could pay JD Vance to say certain things.
He's a politician working in politics,
so of course, you know, he's subject to pressures.
But fundamentally, on the things he really believes,
he's just not going to say it doesn't matter.
He'll lose before he endorses certain ideas,
because he just thinks that they're immoral.
And that's a normal human reaction,
I think that I could say that easily of you,
and no one would be surprised.
But for a politician to have actual principle is unusual.
How smart is he?
He's very smart.
He's legit smart.
He's not pretend smart.
He's not Pete Buttigieg smart.
I worked at McKinsey and I had sex with a man.
I'm a genius.
He's like actually smart.
In the way that intelligence matters,
he's got wisdom and he has powerful analytical skills.
You give him a series of arguments,
and he'll tell you what you're really trying to argue for.
And he can make his case.
Oh, man.
I've noticed that there's like random people on X.
Not totally random.
He's really smart.
But who will make some sort of claim about the Trump
administration or JD Vance.
And he'll get right in the comments.
And he will, every time, put them in a headlock
by the end of it it just by arguing his point
and making his case.
So that's the beauty of X is that it's kind of all out there
for everyone to see.
I mean, and I think it's very obvious from the prose style
and just from the way that things actually work.
JD Vance is actually writing those.
I mean, JD Vance is sitting.
He's a writer.
Well, he is literally a writer,
but you can tell when you read them,
and I happen to know for a fact,
he's sitting there with his iPhone like what?
Bam, he bangs it out.
So that's a window into who somebody is.
As a former editor, lifelong editor,
a person's writing tells you who that person is.
And if you wanna know who JD Vance is,
he's rational, he's reasonable, he's principled,
he's not mean, he's not like going for the,
one of my great faults is all of a sudden I'll make fun
of Pete Buttigieg's fake gayness.
I probably didn't need to say that. Probably could just assess his failures.
It was a little bitchy I think.
It was. It was. I'm very bitchy. I'll admit it.
JD Vance will forego the opportunity to take the cheap shot, unlike me, and will make the principal case.
And like, so if you're wondering who JD Vance is, read X!
And I think even a person who hates his ideas
will come away being like, wow,
that's a superior guy, because he is.
Does Trump like him?
Well, that's the amazing thing.
And Trump really likes him.
By the way, if Trump didn't like him,
it would be on the front page of every newspaper.
Because the dream is...
Okay, the main threat
long term is JD Vance.
Okay, he is the threat to the, you know,
to the way things are and to the stakeholder.
The threat.
Oh, the threat, excuse me.
He is the threat to the stakeholders, you know,
who've profited from the destruction of the United States.
So they want to stop JD Vance,
the attacks on him and his wife, which are ignoble and totally disgusting
Yeah are coordinated. They're obviously coordinated attacks and
They're infuriated by what he did to Zelensky. I
Revere him for what he did to Zelensky. This one's keys are criminal. He's not the legitimate president of Ukraine
he's not elected and
he has hurt the United States far more than most people understand and
JD kind of said that and they hate him for that because they know he means it and he's tough
Do you see a debate with that creepo waltz? Yeah, it was like an unbelievable
emotional self-control
Far surpasses anything I could even aspire to like how do you have that much emotional self-control?
How do you look at Tim Walls? He's got he's got some combination of a Marines discipline, which he is and
He's got a lot of knowledge. So he's not insecure about it. Yeah, so I have
Half of that like I'm not insecure at all I have a lot of knowledge, but I have the discipline of a pot smoker a teenage pot smoker
Which I was not anymore, but I was I was not in the Marine Corps
I was like
Doing the opposite. So I am in awe of it is amazing. It's amazing
So let me let's dwell on this Alinsky thing for a moment
Can we play this is a JD Vance in the Oval Office squaring off against Vladimir Zelensky?
I'm talking about the kind of diplomacy that's gonna end the destruction of your country. Yes, but if you
talking about the kind of diplomacy that's going to end the destruction of your country. Yes, but if you are not strong...
Mr. President, with respect, I think it's disrespectful for you to come into the Oval
Office and try to litigate this in front of the American media. Right now, you guys are
going around and forcing conscripts to the front lines because you have manpower problems.
You should be thanking the President for bringing into this conflict...
Have you ever been to Ukraine?
Okay. So a couple things here. one of them that I noticed about that exchange
is that it almost seemed like Trump wanted JD to handle it.
Trump was just kind of sitting back and inviting
the vice president, go ahead, handle this guy.
You can't overstate how bad Zelensky has been.
And Zelensky is himself controlled
by the oligarch who put him in place,
who owned his television show and who made him president
and who still controls him,
and I don't think he even lives in Ukraine.
But the point is, Zelensky is himself
a kind of victim in the big picture.
But that Ukrainian government has destroyed Ukraine,
has hurt this country immeasurably,
and Zelensky is a criminal
who's tried to kill a bunch of different people,
including people I know.
So there's that.
He had every right to do that, JD did.
My read on it is a little bit different.
I think that the president really wanted
to sign the mineral deal.
And I think that Zelensky had been so coached by whomever,
Samantha Power or some stupid Republican Senator, right?
Before, you know, be tough with Trump.
He just misread the room so completely that, right?
It's insane.
And I think JD picked up on that.
And I think JD sort of changed the trajectory.
This is my read on it anyway, of the conversation.
It was like, whoa, whoa, whoa, you can't talk to the President of the United States like that.
And then it just snowballed in this way.
I was in a foreign country at dinner at night,
and someone pulled that up on their phone,
and the whole table was watching this.
Like our jaws were open, like I can't believe this happened.
Yeah, and I was texting with you about this,
because actually the first thing I'd seen,
and I sent right away to you,
was when Zelensky arrived at the White House,
and he was dressed in his sweatshirt again,
and Trump straight up says to him right away, he's like, whoa, I like your outfit.
And I was cracking up.
The arrogance of that man.
To lecture us, who are paying the retirement benefits of Ukrainian bureaucrats, to lecture
us like we haven't done enough?
Get out of here, Midget.
No, it's crazy.
All right.
Well, in a moment, I want to talk to you more about JD Vance and whether or not President Trump
is gonna be there for him come 2028.
I think that'd be an interesting conversation.
I think, so, wanna get to the next item here
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All right, so JD Vance, we love him.
He's doing, I'm very excited that he's there.
Thank God he's in that position
rather than so many of these other establishment figures
who would not have served us quite as well.
Will President Trump support him for president?
That's what's on my mind.
I know Trump was asked this by Brett Baier, I think,
a couple months ago, and when he was asked,
Trump was like, well, there's a lot of great people,
a lot of great people, they're all working here,
and you know, a lot of, and kind of.
Who are the great people?
I don't know, but my suspicion.
I can't think of any.
Well, I think he's hired a lot of really good people
for the administration. He certainly has.
But as his successor,
someone who understands what Trump believes,
the Trump program, Trumpism.
You know, I think every,
Trump is a transformative leader.
Trump is, you know, in a lot of ways,
the most important president in the last,
well, certainly since Roosevelt.
In our lifetime.
Well, certainly in our lifetime.
And you know, I think people want to leave a legacy,
all of us, and great men especially do,
and the only person in the entire Republican Party
from my position who's capable of carrying
on the Trump legacy and expanding it,
making it what it should fully be, is JD Vance.
I think his loyalty is without question
and his service to Trump has been profound.
So I'm assuming that was, you know,
just like a phrase that you feel you have to use.
I sort of think he was protecting JD from-
That's probably right.
From incoming.
That's probably right.
He was like, I'm not saying that now.
The last thing I wanna do is, well, also,
I don't want people thinking about
the next presidential election.
We've got a lot of work to do.
That's exactly right. And there's a lot that will happen
between now and then.
But the look, the real battle here is between the people who
care about the country primarily and people like Nikki Haley,
who don't care at all about the country, like at all.
They don't care at all.
They really care about the fortunes of foreign countries.
And that's how they're paid, so I get it.
But the pro-America side, I think, is winning.
It's a constant battle.
It never ends.
But I think they will prevail in the end,
because ultimately, a leader is responsible for his people,
his nation.
That's how he's judged.
And so we'll return to equilibrium. Like, Chairman Xi, whatever you say about him, he's got China's judged. Yes. And so we'll return to equilibrium.
Like Chairman Xi, whatever you say about him, like he's got China's interests in mind.
Vladimir Putin, totally obsessed with the fortunes of Russia.
You may disagree with what Putin does, you may not like Putin, whatever.
He's about what's good for Russia.
Our leaders have not been that way.
And I think going forward they probably will be because there's no other way to run a country.
But ultimately the decision that President Trump
will have to make through this very important endorsement
is who's going to carry on my legacy,
who's going to be the guy.
And the most obvious person at this moment
does seem to be JD.
There's no one else.
There's no one else.
And I think already, I mean, it's
a tough gig for any vice president, this one included.
But I think already JD Vance has been,
as you saw in the clip you displayed,
a powerful partner, a subordinate partner,
not co-equal partner, he's the vice president,
but he has been a powerful partner for Trump.
I don't see any other, at this point, as of today,
any other conceivable option.
I think JD Vance will be the nominee.
Let me end here.
Fellas, can you look for, there's a picture of Trump,
Tucker, and Elon Musk standing at the White House,
all three of them.
And I think maybe somebody's wearing a MAGA hat or something,
maybe multiple.
That wasn't me.
This AI thing is out of control.
It is out of control.
It's a great photo.
I love it. And I love it for, in some ways, for its thing is out of control. It is out of control. It's a great photo. I love it.
And I love it for kind of, in some ways, for its symbolism.
There they are.
Oh my goodness.
I'm sorry, I understated the MAGA hats.
These are the cartoonish oversized MAGA hats
standing with President Trump out next to the Rose Garden
in, what is it, the colonnade in the White House.
Yeah, that was totally, it's such a long story,
I won't bore you, but I was there recently
and we were just walking from one place to another
and I saw one of those enormous hats.
I was with Elon and we found him,
I was like, oh, it was funny.
We were wearing him, just joking around.
And then we were walking with the president
to go do something and someone was like,
let me take a picture and the next thing you know,
I have a strong preference not having my picture taken outside of the room.
Especially when you're wearing oversized hats.
Especially when I look ridiculous,
which is most of the time anyway.
So it's not that, but you know.
This was a convergence of all of Tucker's worst impulses.
Every day is a conversion of my worst impulses.
So there they are.
But what I liked about that photo,
and I thought to myself instantly,
I was telling whoever was standing next to me,
I said, and I know you can take this compliment however
you want, but those are the three most important men
in the country.
Oh, yeah.
And the reason I say that, and I can see your humility already
showing up, but obviously, Elon has taken tremendous risks
in his own way and really made a, and really made a big gamble.
That's for sure.
In this last election.
He's a dice roller man.
And backing Trump.
And I really value what he's doing now.
Me too.
Trump for obvious reasons is the most important man
on the planet.
He risked his life, yeah.
And then you, the reason I say that you're up there
in the top three is because the gift that God has given you
is the ability to distill things down into understandable,
digestible concepts.
And you did that with this every single night on your Fox platform and then everywhere else
you've been.
And you've helped people think in very basic terms about the way that their lives operate.
Like, is this good for me?
How does this affect my family?
Just sort of reminding everyone to use sort of Socratic principles to confront their life. And I'm telling you, it has been
in every sense a net benefit to the country. So I really think that the three of you are
as important as it gets. And I'm so glad that they're well, I'm kidding. I'm I've spent
the last two years since I got fired trying to understand what's happening around the
world. I used to write a monologue every night,
and for the last two years I haven't,
really because I don't understand it.
So I've really taken months and months and months
and months and months and traveled around the world
to try to see if I can understand it,
and the picture's becoming a little clearer,
but I would say this is a really bewildering moment.
If you're being honest about it,
like we all pretend we know, oh, it's this and that,
but like actually, what is but like actually what is this?
Like what is this?
Yes, so I know you hear it all the time, but I'll ask you the same question. Everybody asked me about you.
When did the monologues come back? Are you ever going to do it again? And by the way, you obviously should.
I don't know. I mean, I don't even know what I'm doing for lunch. I'm not that guy. I don't plan anything.
I just follow impulses that I think, I hope, are from God.
And I make a ton of mistakes.
And I'm obviously kind of a ludicrous person in some ways.
I don't hide it.
But I try not to hide anything.
But I really have felt for the last couple of years,
like, I need deeper understanding of what's
happening, because the world is resetting completely
yes in ways that we don't perceive here and and I want to understand that
because I want to tell people what I think is true and so does everybody
else and so even if you're picking up on fragments I think people want to join
you on that journey so yeah well I think I'm you know're making some things are happening right now.
We'll see what happens, but no,
I'm entering into a new phase of my life.
That's a mysterious way to end the show.
We're sitting in Dan Bongino's studio
and he's now the Deputy Director of the FBI.
So like, who knows?
Literally anything can happen.
That's what you're saying.
Tucker Carlson, it is so fun.
Oh, it's the bet.
Congratulations, brother. Truly. Good to talk to you. Thank you. The great Tucker Carlson. It is so fun. Oh, it's the bet. Congratulations, brother.
Good to talk to you.
Thank you.
The great Tucker Carlson.
So Chad, what do we think?
Do we like having Tucker stop by?
It was great.
I really can't thank Tucker enough
for everything that he did.
And I'll talk about that in just a moment,
a little bit more,
but I just want to say coming up,
we do have some other news I want to share with you,
including a hilarious
statement from President Trump today talking about illegal aliens and how they can deport
themselves out of the country. But again, before we get there on Tucker, yeah, everyone
likes having Tucker on. Yes, love Tucker. I love Tucker. I'm sorry, I can't even read
your names. Everything's moving so fast. Love Tucker. Yeah. He was great. And I gotta say, just to give you a sense
of how all of this developed,
a few weeks ago, just ahead of the official announcement
that Dan would be stepping away from all of this,
Dan Bongino would be stepping away from all of this
and heading in to become the Deputy Director of the FBI,
he called me and he said,
Vince, can't announce it publicly yet, but it's happening.
I'm headed off.
In fact, I didn't actually know the job.
He just told me that he was headed off to a government gig
and I was speculating just like everybody else,
I think, around him.
And then he asked me to step into this role.
And so as I was getting the show set up,
right away I knew that one of the first people
I should call is Tucker Carlson. Tucker is a long-time friend. I worked for him starting in 2010 back at The Daily
Caller and have been a great friend of his and just we've collaborated on journalism.
I was on his television show a million times and he was just the absolute best. So I called
him and he said absolutely and he traveled all the way to this studio. It was not a short trip.
He took a very long trip to get here, spent a long time with us yesterday, was super generous,
had a great time talking to the whole staff here, Guy, Justin, Jasmine, Hailey, Evita,
and very impressed by this world that Dan has built. We got to walk around the studio together.
He signed the wall, right? Yesterday he signed, yeah.
He put his signature up on the wall in the green room.
So anyway, I just wanna say thank you to Tucker.
Tucker's a great guy, great American.
And I really meant it, what I said,
and I saw people in the chat responding,
that that photo of him and Elon and Trump together
standing at the White House,
I kinda felt like that was
almost like a state of the union. One of them should be a designated survivor.
That's how important those three guys are and it's just cool to see them
together and I'm so glad. Aren't you glad they're all on our side?
Aren't you glad? I am. And by the way Tucker's also not the last big guest we
have this week. Donald Trump Jr. is gonna be in the the house. We're going to have him for an extended interview.
Can't wait to talk to him.
We've got a lot to discuss there, including his dad.
What changed between 45 and 47?
What changes did he detect in his own father?
So we've got a lot to get to this week.
Speaking of his dad, President Trump, this morning, I got to say, I love the ruthless
efficiency of this White House.
I also love the comedy of this White House.
Don't you think they're the funniest thing ever?
So President Trump this morning, there's a video the White House just released of him
behind the resolute desk announcing that if you're an illegal alien here in the United
States of America,
that he has a very easy way for you to deport yourself.
Want to get deported?
There's an app for that.
Take a look.
People in our country illegally can self-deport the easy way or they can get deported the
hard way, and that's not pleasant.
The Biden administration exploited the CBP-1 app to allow more than 1 million aliens
to illegally enter the United States.
Now my administration is launching the CBP Home app to give people in our country illegally
an easy way to leave now and self-deport voluntarily.
If they do, they could potentially have the opportunity to return legally at some point in
the future.
But if they do not avail themselves of this
opportunity, then they will be found, they will be
deported, and they will never be admitted again to
the United States ever, ever again.
You're never coming in.
Using the CBP Home app to leave the United States
voluntarily is the safest option for illegal Using the CBP Home app to leave the United States voluntarily
is the safest option for illegal aliens, our law enforcement.
It also saves the U.S. taxpayer dollars and valuable CBP and ICE resources.
And all of those resources are necessary to focus on dangerous criminal aliens.
And that's what we're focused on. The CBP Home app is now available free of course.
All mobile app stores.
And I encourage those who have violated our laws
to use this option today.
Do it right and come back into our country.
Do it wrong and you'll never be back again.
Yeah, it's available app stores everywhere.
You can deport yourself.
It's like Uber Eats for being deported.
And they'll give, we'll have a promo code and everything.
So maybe one day you can come back,
President Trump announces.
So that's fantastic.
I love that, that President Trump has announced that.
And, you know, these guys on the immigration issue,
I know there's a lot of things.
We've got Dan now as deputy director of the FBI.
A lot of things that need to be dug up there.
We're waiting for so much information to come out of these agencies.
But can we all agree that on immigration, President Trump has absolutely nailed this
Nobody's pouring across the border anymore.
Every message that's going out at this moment
is it is a very bad idea for you to illegally immigrate
to the United States.
It is not going to work out for you.
And instead of sending an app over our border,
which is what the Biden administration did,
they sent an app over the border and they said,
you can sign up for this and then you can illegally immigrate
into the United States with it.
Trump's using the same app to say,
if you're in the United States,
download the app and we'll deport you.
We'll take care of things.
If you're looking for help being deported, count on Trump.
He's gonna give you a hand.
That's fantastic.
Also, speaking of President Trump announcements,
things to be dug up,
we are apparently, we're on standby now for the release of, what I'm
seeing the reports are 80,000 Kennedy files, the Kennedy files, meaning presumably just
the assassination of John F. Kennedy. Here is the President of the United States Monday
announcing that these Kennedy files are about to be imminently released. Tomorrow, announcing and giving all of the Kennedy files.
So people have been waiting for decades for this.
And I've instructed my people that are responsible,
lots of different people, put together by Tulsi Gabbard.
And that's going to be released tomorrow.
We have a tremendous amount of paper.
You've got a lot of reading.
I don't believe we're going to redact anything.
I said, just don't redact.
You can't redact.
But we're going to be releasing the JFK files.
And that would be tomorrow.
Do you have anything else to add to that, Carol?
So that's a big announcement.
They've been waiting for that for decades.
Then I said during the campaign, I do it.
And I'm a man of my word.
So tomorrow, you have the JFK files.
Yeah, the JFK files being released.
All right, so I think when we hear announcements like this,
haven't we all kind of been stung
by the first round of the Epstein files?
So your expectations right now are managed.
You know, you're maybe cautiously optimistic about this.
Maybe we'll get some answers.
The United States government has been blockading these files from being released for as long as they've
existed. In fact, right now it is federal law that these documents were already supposed
to be released. And yet administration after administration has blockaded them or the deep
state or whoever you want to blame. They aren't public. The details are not out there. President Trump says 80,000 are coming out today.
So we'll see.
We'll see.
I don't need, how about you?
I don't think you want this.
You don't want another like Epstein binder
waving outside of the White House experience
where you think a bunch of really important documents
are coming out and then nothing.
Then nothing.
So 80,000 JFK pages all set to be released tomorrow.
Congresswoman Nancy Mace giving us the siren emoji here.
Let's see what happens.
I think this is one of those areas, right,
where we might want to employ the Bongino rule
on let's just see what actually happens.
We'll formulate an opinion after we have enough time
to review because that's gonna be good.
Yeah, and I'm seeing Jenna Fogg saying in the chat,
hold, hold, yes, that's gonna be good. Yeah, and I'm seeing Jenna fog saying in the chat hold hold. Yes, that's right. Hold
We gotta wait we gotta wait to see what's happening
Hello, there are 85,000 people in the chat right now
Everyone's hanging out there. Everyone's saying to hold. I am with you. I can't I can't agree more
Hey, so back to this issue of deportation now.
We can't finish today's program without talking about
the amazing Stephen Miller.
Stephen Miller is one of the president's top aides
at the White House.
He writes speeches for him.
The guy like, he's really one of the key policy brains
inside of the Trump White House.
He was in the 45th presidency, he is again in 47.
And having known Stephen through the years,
I've met him and talked to him a bit.
We don't know each other well.
I do know that he's obsessed
with getting control of our border.
Here is, this is V2, play this clip, gentlemen.
This is Stephen Miller on CNN yesterday,
mounting a valiant defense
of all these deportations
and absolutely just suplexing CNN into the ground.
Take a look at Stephen.
So you called the judge's order just earlier today,
quote, patently unlawful, end quote,
and said that it was an assault on democracy itself.
Does that mean that the administration
is ignoring this order? and might you ignore future
court orders that meet the criteria you laid out?
The President of the United States and his administration reserve all rights under the
Constitution to conduct national security operations in defense of the United States.
The Alien Enemies Act, which was passed into law by the
founding generation of this country, men like John Adams,
was written explicitly to give the president the authority to
repel an alien invasion of the United States.
So in other words, what Stephen Miller is pointing out is the president is not just
within his authority, it is his authority to make these deportations, to get rid of
these violent gangsters, these illegal aliens, you know, the ones that were put in leg irons
and put in handcuffs and put in prison garb, brought to El Salvador, brought to a maximum
security prison, had their heads shaved, their beards shaved off, their heads held down by guards who were kitted up to the nines.
It's amazing.
It's amazing.
And Stephen Miller's saying, this Judge Boasberg, who by the way, is about as compromised as
you can possibly get, his wife is a massive donor to Democrats.
People know this?
The FEC records on this show that she has donated over $11,000 to Democrats, just on her own. Meanwhile, there's all sorts of suspicions
about her daughter and the role that she plays in services for illegal aliens. This guy is
as compromised as you can get, and he's got a huge track record, huge track record of going, yeah, you see my tweet there,
James Boesberg, $11,232 he's donated so far to Democrats,
his wife has, his family has.
And he's got this massive track record
of trampling all over the civil liberties of Americans
to include President Trump and now he thinks
he can control American immigration policy
when the president is here to protect us as the commander in chief?
I don't think so.
And Stephen Miller says, I don't think so.
In fact, here in V3, here's Stephen Miller
carefully explaining to CNN, like they're five years old,
how the Alien Act works.
Take a look.
The president and the president alone makes a decision
of what triggers that information in this country.
So do you then think we are actually at war
with Venezuela, the nation state of Venezuela? You're not hearing me and you're not understanding me.
Read the statute, Alien Enemies Act 1798. It says if a predatory incursion is perpetrated
by a foreign government, so it lists three qualifying actions. It could be an act of
war. It does say in the very beginning you have there has to be
declared war against the nation or a
that's what it's no
look at the statute is on my account on social media
it says or
a predatory incursion
or an invasion
the statute delineates three
for triggering the alien Enemies Act.
One is an act of war, which by the way, an invasion is an act of war, but put that aside.
One is an invasion, which this is. One is a predatory incursion, which this is.
So it actually meets all three statutory criteria.
Nope. Wrong.
That's awesome. That is, you gotta keep that one on rotation.
Nope. wrong.
Stephen Miller saying, look,
this is squarely within our interests
and the Venezuelan government has absolutely
hurt the country by sending these
Trende Aragua terrorists and guys who are taking over
buildings, armed takeovers of American apartment buildings.
That ends now.
No more of that.
Those these guys get ejected from the country.
Tom Homan, of course, is the border czar,
and he's also as ruthless as it gets
in the best way possible.
Love this guy.
Tom Homan, V6, was talking about this Judge Boesberg
and these deportations, and who's in the right here?
Take a look.
I don't know why any judge would want terrorists
return to the United States.
I mean, first of all, the video,
what a beautiful thing to see.
It's incredible.
Look, the President Trump, by proclamation,
invoked the authorities of the Alien Enemies Act,
which has right to do, and it's a game changer.
And we removed over 200 violent criminals from the United States, just not TDA, but
also MS-13.
Your guess is good in my mind, Lawrence.
You know, you've got some radical judge who makes a decision.
This can't happen.
That just defies logic.
I mean, who in their right mind, whether you're a judge or not, wants known publics?
TDA, a recognized terrorist organization, sent here by the Maduro regime
to create havoc to unsettle the United States, should use a fentanyl to kill thousands of
Americans, violence to American citizens, raping and murdering young women in this country.
They are enemies of this country, and President Trump treated them as enemies, and we did
exactly what we should have done. Okay, so these are normal people
with normal reactions to violent illegal aliens being in the country.
Stephen Miller is a normal person, Tom Holman is a normal person
and again they're savages. I love them.
I love them. Here's the thing, the abnormal people,
the lefties in this country, the people who are
abusing this country, they don't even know what to do with this.
First of all, you've got Boasberg is trying to bring the killers back because he thinks
that's the right thing to do.
And then here's V1.
This is CBS.
This is, you ready for demented news coverage?
Look no further than the way CBS is covering the fact that violent terrorists are now in a prison cell in El
Take a look at that.
On this St. Patrick's Day, as millions of Americans celebrate their Irish heritage,
recent events remind us that the Irish were among the first immigrants to be targeted
in deportation crackdowns.
In the mid-1800s, New York and Massachusetts enforced policies to have Irish immigrants
rounded up and deported.
The American Civil Liberties Union didn't exist then,
but if it had, it may have taken the legal position
it is taking now, suing the Trump administration
to stop what it considers to be the illegal deportation
over the weekend of more than 200 migrants to El Salvador.
Hey, you know, these guys are unbelievable.
They are so brazen and disgusting.
Everything about them.
So, am I really don't understand this correctly?
The CBS newscast and whoever that idiot is,
presents this concept that by deporting terrorists
from our country,
it's exactly like when the United States was prejudiced against Irish immigrants in the 19th century.
So they're hoping that over your Guinness on St. Patty's Day,
you're just watching CBS because you have nothing better to do, and that you will
spit your Guinness out in shock of what your country is doing.
Meanwhile, of course, all the polling shows it's really clear, everybody supports what
Trump is doing here.
Nobody's opposed to it, even by the way, illegal aliens who are not violent terrorists.
It turns out illegal aliens who are in the United States
don't want violent terrorists living in their community.
It's amazing.
It's amazing.
All right, let me end on this
because I think this will be fun.
So the left is so intimidated by Trump and Tom Homan
and Stephen Miller and their ruthless efficiency
that they now believe that Trump is going to start
deporting American citizens. That's right.
This is Whoopi Goldberg, V8.
Take a look at this.
Here's Whoopi on the view.
She's afraid she's next.
Your eyes open, y'all, because if they can just come up and take somebody because they've
made a decision that you are supposed to be that person, any one of us could find ourselves being deported
to some country.
Don't give her any ideas, girl.
Well, listen, you know, it is very clear to me
that if we don't continue to say we want,
listen, I understand you want to clean out
all the old, some bad stuff, I get it.
But why do you now have access to my personal information?
I get what the things you're trying to do.
I don't understand why you're taking my stuff, my person, not my personally, but each and
every one of you.
And your constitutional rights of free speech.
And your constitutional rights of free speech.
Yeah, Whoopi, Whoopi, we thought you all were going to leave anyway when Trump got elected.
We're just trying to help.
Yeah, that's true.
That's true.
Yeah, so here's the, let me end with a public service announcement, and this is for you,
Whoopi, specifically.
You're right.
Trump is collecting your personal information.
Elon has been personally looking through all of your communications, as difficult
as that might be, and they are prepared to launch a raid on you. You will be deported.
And I got to say, we can do this the easy way or the hard way. We can either go after
you, have an ICE raid on your house, or you can just download the app to your iPhone. President Trump says there's an app for that you can you can deport yourself
just download the app whoopee. President Trump will take it from there.
Meanwhile Stephen Crowder is gonna take it from here and I'm so glad to have you
guys 90 over 90,000 we'll touch six figures again let's do that again.
Love y'all in the Rumble Chat.
Love talking to you here on Vince.
It's just been such a wonderful time.
And again, Steven Crowder is coming up next
right here on Rumble.
I'll be back with you tomorrow.