The Dan Bongino Show - What Is The World Health Organization Up To? (Ep 1773)

Episode Date: May 20, 2022

In this episode, I address the brewing controversy over the latest move by the World Health Organization.  News Picks: Durham trial: Baker '100% confident' Sussmann told him he was acting alone. ...Pro-Maskers May Be Laying The Groundwork To Bring Back COVID Restrictions. End of life doctor describes the process of dying.  Copyright Bongino Inc All Rights Reserved Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Growth is essential for every entrepreneur. At BDC, we get that. And the businesses we support grow at double the average rate. Accelerating the pace. We're on it. BDC. Financing. Advising. Know-how. Get ready to hear the truth about America on a show that's not immune to the facts with your host, Dan Bongino. So, folks, this car wreck pileup of an administration just keeps generating a trail of wreckage behind it. Like nothing we've seen in modern or even not so modern American history. I'm going to explain to you what's going on with the media now as they start to turn on biden you may be saying to yourself oh they're doing it because you know they want to do the right thing and report on the baby formula shortage and the damage of inflation no no no no you'd be
Starting point is 00:00:58 wrong there's nothing to do with doing the right thing i've seen this before many times i'll tell you what they're really doing. Loaded show. Today's show brought to you by ExpressVPN. You don't like big tech and the government spying on you? Get a VPN. Go to slash Bongino today. Don't wait.
Starting point is 00:01:15 Welcome to the Dan Bongino show. I've got that. I've got, they're preparing. They're preparing. They've got their domestic terrorism bill ready to rock and roll house voted on it the other day the catch is the domestic terrorists are going to be you they're already using useful idiots in the media stay tuned big show for you today if you're in
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Starting point is 00:02:12 customer service department to speak with an expert who can help you. Make sure you go to to order their free catalog and decals. That's to order a free catalog and decals and to learn more about this great American company. All right, Joseph, it's Friday. It's Friday! Gosh, you don't know how much I look forward to hearing Friday. These are long weeks. And man, those two days off make a big difference for rejuvenating the Dan Bongino cerebral gray matter.
Starting point is 00:02:42 Those axons and dendrites need a little refuel, right? So this car wreck pile up of an administration, as I said, just continues a suck fest like we haven't seen in modern times. The left-wing media is now starting to turn. Now, before, again, before you say to yourself, oh my gosh, you see Dan? Because there's a question about this coming up later in the show in the questions section.
Starting point is 00:03:08 I know you told us, you know, left-wing media lies. They do lie. But eventually they do random acts of journalism and it's not because they're good and decent people. It's because of what I'll call the David Dinkins dilemma. I'll get to that in a second. it's because of what I'll call the David Dinkins dilemma. I'll get to that in a second. The David Dinkins dilemma, because once you see it,
Starting point is 00:03:30 you cannot unsee it, okay? The David Dinkins dilemma. First, when you lose Mika Brzezinski from MSNBC, you don't get more radical left than them. When you lose Mika, it is over. So here's Mika Brzezinski from MSNBC. She's got the Sagino on, surgeon general and name only. The most disgraceful human being to ever occupy that position, Vivek Murthy, right? Just a genuinely awful human being obsessed with censoring people.
Starting point is 00:04:05 Remember him? We've got to seek out and destroy disinformation on COVID. You mean yours? The guy's a censorship fiend. He's a totalitarian. So, of course, he doesn't want to actually... He's so obsessed with censoring social media
Starting point is 00:04:18 using COVID as a disguise, right? That he forgot about real problems like the baby formula crisis where kids could die if we don't fix it right mika brzezinski had our failed human being sagino on vivek murty and uh here's how this went down didn't end well for him check it out i'm i'm missing something here i i'm not feeling an intensity do. Do you want to know where there is not a baby formula crisis? In Poland, on the border, where they took in almost four million people in three months. And there's enough formula there. There's food. They've set up housing.
Starting point is 00:04:57 They've been able to do all of this, by the way, with the help, with the fundamental help of the U.S. military. So my question is, why isn't there the same mobilization here in America for this crisis? I mean, mothers are being told to go to websites or to drive hours or to try formula that might make their babies sick. Are we really here? And what is solving the problem, not in a matter of weeks, but when are we going to see formula in the mouths of babies in America without any stress in terms of getting it? Well, Mika, I understand.
Starting point is 00:05:32 I don't even bother because he doesn't even know what to do. He's like, oh, man, we got a white bee. He doesn't know what to do because he's stunned because he's so used to going on MSNBC. I mean, you're so wonderful. You're so, oh, gosh, we love you. You're doing such a great job. You're so fantastic. How did you guys knock those problems down like that?
Starting point is 00:05:56 Please, though, please. T.O. Shows like Time Out. No, no, sometimes we have to do that when we screw up the show. No, no, I mean T i mean to for the show show this is not being done out of any sense of journalistic integrity or goodwill i'll explain what i mean to say i have more examples here here's msnbc again about the baby formula shortage this is msnbc interviewing another left-wing outlet, the BBC's Katty K. Katty K.
Starting point is 00:06:27 And Katty K's like, what the hell is up with these idiots and the baby formula thing? They saw this coming for months. Here, check this out. The idea that the United States of America is having to import baby formula from Switzerland because mothers are running
Starting point is 00:06:43 down to one can or even less to try and feed their babies. They literally cannot feed their babies. And this is in 2022. The world's biggest military, the world's biggest economy can't get baby formula to people just seems I mean, frankly, it seems kind of unbelievable. If somebody had told this to me a couple of months ago, I would have never believed that this was going to happen. This headline started cropping up two or three weeks ago. And two or three weeks ago, there wasn't very much attention being paid to this.
Starting point is 00:07:12 The first stories I saw about it back then, I thought, I hope the White House is on this because this has the potential to blow up in their faces politically in a very big way. And of course, much more importantly, it is causing huge amounts of stress uh to parents notice the first thing she mentions katie k is what joe the political problem for the white house and she's oh and by the way most importantly he mentioned she does say most important i'll give her that say but she mentions it second is yeah most importantly you know like kids could like die and stuff like that sounds kind of bad jo Joe, bad, right? That's just checking. That's a really- Yeah, kids die. Yeah, bad.
Starting point is 00:07:46 Yeah, that's really bad. Yeah, bad. Bad. Thank you. Thank you. Just had to double check on that. But notice he mentions the politics first. Now, folks, I saw this in New York City.
Starting point is 00:07:55 Let's call this the David Dinkins dilemma, the triple D. David Dinkins, for those of you who don't know, didn't grow up in New York, was the mayor of New York City. He was a one-termer. He was black, and he was beloved by, you know, the left loves racial politics, of course. The right really doesn't care about your skin color. You know, that's a leftist phenomenon. But the media just loved the David Dinkins story. He was a far leftist, right?
Starting point is 00:08:27 So David Dinkins comes in in New York City as the mayor. And it's a historic moment for them because, again, they're obsessed with judging people by the color of their skin, which is a strange leftist. They're just infatuated with it. And they have been forever. So he's an icon of the New york media at the time the problem is he's a leftist and leftism is a forest fire they said in the beginning of the show it's a car wreck david dinkins new york city explodes riots crime the economy collapses it is a it. It's what Joe Biden's doing now.
Starting point is 00:09:08 When you implement car wreck policies, shocker, car wrecks happen. Let's ice over a road and put Crisco on top of it. And gosh, let's all look at each other puzzled when cars start slamming into each other like bumper cars. That's the left. They ice the road and Crisco on top of it, and they wonder why the car wrecks happened. So what happened with David Dinkins is things got so bad at one point that after Dinkins lost to someone you may know, Rudolph Giuliani, who took over as a Republican,
Starting point is 00:09:41 the media realized that in order to, this is, pay attention here, the media realized that in order to, this is, pay attention here. The media realized that in order to save the liberal far left movement, they would have to make Dinkins seem like he was uniquely incompetent and not that liberalism was at fault. Does that make sense? Yeah. That is, I hope so, because this is critical. You understand this and you don't confuse this with Mika Brzezinski and MSNBC all of a sudden growing a pair and doing actual journalism.
Starting point is 00:10:13 They need to save liberalism first. They don't care about Joe Biden or Hillary Clinton or anyone else. They care about liberalism. So in order to save liberalism, because Americans are now seeing liberalism like New Yorkers did up close and personal, and they're like, gosh, this really sucks. Inflation, a border crisis, crime out of control. Man, I may have to start to rethink this liberalism. The media message now is going to be focused exclusively on Biden's failures, and they're going to blame them on Biden. In other words, they're going to be focused exclusively on Biden's failures and they're going to blame them on Biden. In other words, you're going to say it's not liberalism here, folks, which it is. Big government created this baby formula crisis. The FDA shut down a plant. The FDA was slow to
Starting point is 00:10:57 get involved. We have tariffs, by the way, big government, Republicans and Democrats, tariffs and labeling requirements are ridiculous requirements on formula while babies are running out of food this is a big government problem in other words liberalism is really really cool but joe biden doesn't know how to work it right yeah exactly it's the old or gee says it sometimes too it's the old we'll get them next time approach it's it's not socialism that's not the problem it's the people we'll just we'll get them next time man yeah but in order to save that they've got to disconnect the bad people from as joe just aptly summed up the good policies air quotes of socialism it's not socialism joe biden's just a numb nuts you're gonna see this now watch listen beam in i'm telling you once you learn to recognize it you will never ever see
Starting point is 00:11:57 politics the same way again because you'll see people oh look the media is finally no no the media is protecting liberalism watch how they talk about it do you notice they don't indict liberalism and big government policies they'll start to go after the people like mika did oh man why didn't you guys wreck caddy k why didn't they recognize this because government can't because it's incompetent the david dinkins dilemma i saw it new york where they eventually started writing really negative stories man david dinkins dilemma. I saw it in New York, where they eventually started writing really negative stories. Man, David Dinkins, that administration was terrible. They weren't blaming liberalism.
Starting point is 00:12:32 They were blaming him. Watch. They are obsessed, obsessed with protecting him. All right, moving on. So Jennifer Granholm, our energy secretary, another failed human being. So because the Biden administration is seat now, there's a there's a David Dinkins dilemma in reverse to people in the Biden. Biden's very dumb. OK, but the people he just is. I'm sorry, folks, but the people around him are not. They're smart.
Starting point is 00:13:03 They're not right. They're wrong, but they're smart. And you mistaking them for being stupid, the people around him, is going to cause us to be stupid. And we don't want to do that. The people who are around him are smart. They understand the David Dinkins dilemma. And they know the media is going to eventually turn on Biden. So Biden, understanding the blame is going to fall on him and not liberalism, has to find a way to pass the buck to someone else. And that's why you have scenes like this that unfolded on Capitol Hill with Senator Josh Hawley, a Republican, and our disgraced energy secretary, the laugher, Jennifer Granholm, who laughed when asked about the whole gas price.
Starting point is 00:13:42 He had a way to lower gas prices. Here she is trying to pull a stunt on Josh Hawley. I love the word stunt, by the way. This is a little stunt-a-roo. Josh Hawley asked her about gas prices, which were rising way before Vladimir Putin invaded Ukraine, by the way. That's just a fact. So blaming the gas price hike exclusively on Vladimir Putin is ridiculous. He surely has a
Starting point is 00:14:07 role in it, the invasion, but prices were going up dramatically way before that. So because they know the Dinkins dilemma, watch Granholm try to pin it on Putin and take the blame off the Biden administration and Josh Hawley's having none of it. Check this out. This is good. Six dollars a gallon by the month of August. Is this acceptable to you? No, it is not. And you can thank the activity of Vladimir Putin for invading Ukraine and pulling us with all due respect, Madam Secretary, that's utter nonsense. In January of 2021, the average gas price in my state was $2.07. Eight months later, eight months later, long before Vladimir Putin invaded Ukraine, that price was up over 30%, and it has been going up consistently since. What are you doing to reverse this administration's policies that are drawing down our own supply of energy in this country
Starting point is 00:15:05 that are throttling oil and gas production in the United States of America. What are you doing about it? With respect, sir, it is not administration policies that have affected supply and demand. How can you say that when the price of gas was up over 30% from January to... Answer my questions. And it's my time, Madam Secretary. So why don't you answer my question? From January to August, the price of gasoline was up over 30%. In my state alone, it has been a continuous upward tick since then. And here's what your president did when he first came to office. He immediately re-entered the Paris Climate Accord. He canceled the Keystone Pipeline. He halted leasing programs in ANWR.
Starting point is 00:15:45 He issued a 60-day halt on all new oil and gas leases and drilling permits on federal lands and waters. That's nationwide. That accounts, by the way, for 25% of U.S. oil production. He directed federal agencies to eliminate all supports for fossil fuels. He imposed new regulations on oil and gas and methane emissions. Those were all just in the first few days. Are you telling me that's had no effect? The administration knows what's going on here. They know they suck. They know exactly what they did. Josh Hawley just laid out a dispositive case how the administration's policies are impacting the future price of oil and gas and the future price of oil and gas and
Starting point is 00:16:25 the present price of oil and gas because it's a futures market smoothed out by options contracts and things like that and derivatives and granholm of course has no response other than we didn't do it it was it's the beavis and butthead other kids approach if you've never watched that cartoon from uh the 90s that was on mtv it's one of the funniest things you've ever seen. These two dopey kids, Beavis and Butthead. When their neighbor, Mr. Anderson, used to catch them doing stuff, they'd go, that's other kids. This is Biden administration. It's the, that's other kids approach.
Starting point is 00:16:57 We didn't do it. It was Putin. Holly, really? You did this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this. I don't know. this, this, this, this, this, this, this. I don't know. Now, showing you, by the way, and prove positive that this administration is uniquely, you know, I hate that word along with literally. I hate it because they're literally uniquely the most overused words. But this administration is uniquely unqualified, just surrounded, surrounded by people who are just totally incompetent when it comes to leadership.
Starting point is 00:17:36 Here's another interaction yesterday up on the Hill that tells you all you need to know about this administration. Joe Manchin, Democrat, Senator from West Virginia. Again, a Democrat for liberals watch. You don't know that. Joe Manchin asks our interior secretary, Deb Haaland. He says, hey, listen, you guys issued a memo today, basically shutting down some leasing on these lands. Look at Deb Hyland. She is the secretary of the interior. You saw this, right? She has no idea. She's like, oh, really? I don't know because I'm here right now. She's in charge. This is it. Again, Biden's political people know what they're doing. Again, Biden's political people know what they're doing.
Starting point is 00:18:32 The people in charge are some of the worst, most pathetic, spineless leaders you have ever seen. She knows damn well about this memo. She just doesn't want to get called out here. Watch this. Secretary, I don't know. You all just put out a statement. U.S. Department of Interior just put out a statement. And the statement basically says, a proposed program is not a decision to issue specific leases or to authorize any drilling or development.
Starting point is 00:18:50 This is from y'all's office. So it looks like you all shut everything down. Did you know you all put this out? I am sorry. I am sitting in this hearing and not. My God, somebody, it shuts it down. It shows what your intent is. That's a Democrat.
Starting point is 00:19:13 That's a Democrat. How does a Democrat senator know more about, I know, how does he know more about a memo from the Secretary of the Interior than she knows herself? How does that happen that happens when joe biden's the president and he appoints kareem jean-pierre deb highland uh i mean the kamala harris's vp just uniquely incompetent people. No leadership skills at all. All right, let me get to my next sponsor. And then I want to get to these very same buffoons who are right now leadership inept,
Starting point is 00:19:55 but know exactly what they're doing. Know exactly what they're doing. They're doing this, destroying this place on purpose. I'll discuss it on my Fox show this weekend too. They're doing this on purpose. I interview Mark Levin. He just goes off on this. Enter the New York Times here who is helping them do what the only thing they can do right now because they know they're destroying the country. They want to desperately stop conservatives from reporting on them. So censorship's their only tool. Coming up next. Don't miss it. So censorship's their only tool. Coming up next. Don't miss it. Next segment's very important. Today's show brought to you by Patriot Mobile. So DHS tried to create a department designed to combat disinformation, you know,
Starting point is 00:20:34 code for free speech they don't like. Want us to wonder what's coming next. Free speech is under attack. That's why I'm proud to partner with Patriot Mobile. They're America's only Christian conservative cell phone provider, and they're passionate about free speech and your constitutional rights. They offer the same nationwide coverage as the major carriers, so you get the same great service plus the peace of mind that your money is combating the left's attempts to silence you. Patriot Mobile has plans to fit any budget, and their 100% U.S.-based customer support team provides exceptional customer support. Patriot Mobile shares your values and supports organizations fighting for religious freedom,
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Starting point is 00:21:38 slash Dan. Or call 972-PATRIOT. Check them out today. Thanks, Patriot Mobile. So again, these same buffoons who claim claim folks deb highland knows exactly what was in that memo okay claim not to know uh how the gas prices are going up like jennifer granholm um claim not to know about memos from their own office vivek murthy who's like yeah i don't know what's going on with the baby formula you know exactly what happened.
Starting point is 00:22:06 Just cut the crap, please. All right. These very same people and the useful idiots in the media, they need to censor you. They need to censor you because they sense a growing problem that the democratization of information via social media folks, not to beat this point to death, because I've said it before, if you're a listener to the show, but you got to understand I'm only 47 Joe's a little bit older than me but back in the back in the day as they'd say if CBS NBC and ABC if the nightly news did not report on a story or it wasn't in the New York Times or Washington Post it didn't't happen. It didn't happen. If there was a shooting in New York that was a local, you'd see it on the local news. It was a local tragedy.
Starting point is 00:22:53 We would rarely, if ever, hear about it on the nightly news because it was a half an hour long. They didn't have enough time. The era of 24-hour news and social media where you can go to Twitter or Truth or whatever platform and instantly see an updated feed to the second, to the actual second of what's going on, has democratized news and made everybody a reporter. The problem is the overwhelming majority of suckfest stuff that happens in the country reported on Twitter is due to liberal policies. Crime, home invasions, robberies caught on video in stores, you know, people taking pictures and video of gas prices. This is all liberal suckfest stuff. They need to censor you.
Starting point is 00:23:45 Liberals can't have you seeing what they're doing. They're not used to this. They had decades of Cronkite and Brokaw and Jennings where they do all the silencing for them in the New York Times. So they've got to shut you up. Enter tragedy in Buffalo and useful idiots follow right along. Folks, the House voted the other day on a domestic terrorism bill. I covered it yesterday.
Starting point is 00:24:11 Tucker covered it last night. Make no mistake. This is an effort by the United States government liberal wing and morons like Adam Kinzinger, the single dumbest member of Congress right now, surpassing Adam Schiff by far, they voted on a bill to target you and call you domestic terrorists just like they did school board parents. Now, you enter the New York Times, you always need useful idiots like David Leonhardt. Man, is that an inappropriate last name for this guy? It's not like Lion. This guy is a snake. David Leonhardt knows Man, is that an inappropriate last name for this guy? It's not like Lion. This guy is a snake.
Starting point is 00:24:47 David Leonhardt knows exactly what he's doing. He writes this piece at the New York Times. The rights violence problem, the Buffalo killings are part of a pattern. Most extremist violence
Starting point is 00:24:57 in the U.S. comes from the right. Ha! That's a... That's a... This is hilarious. David... David, David, David Leonhard. Yeah, you're right, David. It's just crazy that right-wing violence, Antifa, BLM,
Starting point is 00:25:17 the blood flowing down the streets of Chicago, New York City, and big cities, all run by right-wingers. Chicago run by conservatives for decades now, of course. Yeah, yeah. By the way, this disgusting filth, David Leonhard, who's exactly that, who wants you targeted by a domestic terror bill and is the useful idiot communists warned us about forever. David Leonhard knows exactly what he's doing.
Starting point is 00:25:42 David Leonhard is filth. David Leonhardt wants you targeted. So he lies. He openly lies. One, the Buffalo killer was not a right winger. He was a homicidal maniac who deserves universal condemnation and was attacking Fox News in his manifesto. And by the way, there's one thing we definitely know about the manifesto, that it was laden with anti-Semitic content, which is really ironic because that's kind of a left-wing thing. Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, the BDS movement. Notice how this piece of filth that the New York Times, yeah, kind of leaves all that out.
Starting point is 00:26:30 Every communist murderous regime needs useful idiots. Enter the New York Times every single time. And spineless losers like David Leonhardt. Now, folks, this is a global effort to suppress and silence you. You understand how the David Leonhardt, who is not a member of the media, but claims to be, is contributing to the efforts to silence you by labeling you as dangerous right-wingers. You see how he plays into the useful idiot mold they needed? Go right to morons like this every time. idiot mold they needed. Go right to morons like this every time. But do you see what they're trying to do? They're trying to silence you a couple of ways under the guise of being medical
Starting point is 00:27:12 misinformers and being dangerous political right-wingers like the Buffalo guy, even though the Buffalo guy was spouting anti-Semitism celebrated by the left. Well, we covered a story last Friday about the WHO. The WHO, the World Health Organization, a failed organization that grossly misled people during the early days of the COVID pandemic. The WHO is now updating their international health regulations, and Tucker covered it last night, which is good because the rest of the country needs to see it. You can listen to Friday's show if you want to hear our coverage of it. Tucker, I talked about this new World Health Organization treaty,
Starting point is 00:27:52 which, by the way, one of the tenets of it is to attack medical misinformation on social media and use a globalist organization to do it, i.e. to censor conservatives from speaking out. Let me give you the short one, the short version. But they're also going to have compliance committees that can enforce their orders and edicts. Listen to Tucker cover it last night. It's pretty good. Check this out. You should know that none of this is going to be optional. Thanks to an amendment from the Biden administration, the treaty contains a
Starting point is 00:28:19 provision for a compliance committee. Ooh, there's always the stick. It provides that every member country in the WHO must, quote, inform WHO about the establishment of its national competent authority responsible for overall implementation of the IHR that will be recognized and held accountable. Under this treaty, WHO members must enforce orders from the WHO. They have to act as the heavies for the WHO. And if they don't, they'll be sanctioned. The White House is going to be the muscle for the director of the World Health Organization. So who is the director of the World Health Organization? Well, that would be a former member of Ethiopia's Marxist-Leninist party called Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus. He once led the Ministry of Health in Ethiopia. He's not
Starting point is 00:29:05 a physician, but as the head of the Ministry of Health in Ethiopia, for political reasons, he covered up three cholera outbreaks, the opposite of what he's supposed to do. You guys starting to see the pattern here? So conveniently, as if on cue, the World Health Organization is pushing for their own ministry of truth, demanding that if social media isn't censored in the name of medical misinformation, which really means silence conservatives, just so we're clear. The WHO wants their own ministry of truth, and they want international compliance committees to enforce their edicts and orders. Did you notice, because no one's put two and two together yet, I think other than this show, if I have, correct me, that right around the same time the Biden administration was pushing for our own ministry of truth, wouldn't that work out just perfect? World Health Organization doesn't want conservatives speaking out about vaccine problems or anything like that.
Starting point is 00:30:08 They relay a message to the DHS Ministry of Truth. The ministry comes and kind of winks and nods to social media companies to have you banned. Gosh, it seems like the timing was just perfect. It's all a big coincidence, folks, I'm sure'm sure surprised no one's put that together yet who ministry of truth dhs ministry of truth who scary poppins kind of weird right scary poppins also had a lot of international connections with this kind of stuff too. So just kind of strange, right? All right. Let me get to my next sponsor here. And coming up, folks, this food shortage problem, I can't warn you in strong enough terms, may very quickly turn into a food scarcity problem. Stay tuned. I got that story
Starting point is 00:31:02 coming up next because we're not going to let this go. From the kitchen to the laundry room, your home deserves the best. Give it the upgrade it deserves at Best Buy's Ultimate Appliance Event. Save up to $1,000 on two or more major appliances. Shop now in-store or online at Exclusions apply. Okay, back to the show. So why do they need to shut you up so badly? The WHO, Scary Poppins, the Ministry of Truth, the new domestic terror board that they're trying to push. Why do they need to shut you up? Because again, reporting on what they're doing
Starting point is 00:31:38 usually means reporting on bad news because liberals can never produce good news because liberalism is a rotting, metastasizing cancer on the country. And that never produces good news. Food shortages, folks. Probably the biggest story of our time. It reminds me of one of my favorite movies, the campy but ever watchable World War Z. World War Z is about a zombie breakout, the end of the world, zombies attacking and killing everyone.
Starting point is 00:32:09 I love it. It's a corny movie, but I've seen it probably close to 25 times, right? There's a scene in the movie where Israel prepares early and there's this thing called the 10th man where he's supposed to agree with the other nine. Bottom line is Brad Pitt, who's the character, man, how did you see this zombie thing come in when everybody else was like laughing
Starting point is 00:32:27 how stupid of an idea was and the guy says to him well nobody thinks something's going to happen until it does now I reference back to the beginning of the show Katty Kay from BBC on the MSNBC interview saying who the hell would have thought there'd be a baby formula shortage in the United States? She's right. And I can tell you for a fact, for a fact that if a month or a month and a half ago, I were warning you on this show that you were looking at a potential baby formula shortage, left wing nuts would be like, he's trying to scare people. Nobody thinks anything's going to happen until it does. Now, I am getting out ahead of this story, and I don't care what they call me, a conspiracy theory or not, because if you think the baby
Starting point is 00:33:21 formula shortage is bad, remember this has been said often. You're only four missed meals away from total chaos. The hell? Export bans abroad threaten to push sky-high food prices even higher. Folks, we're now getting to the point now where some of the world's biggest producers of food, India and others, are now no longer exporting food. They're keeping it for themselves. Now, you want a food price problem, which is bad enough. Prices are going up dramatically.
Starting point is 00:33:51 Have you seen what a pound of bacon costs? You want a food price problem to become a food scarcity problem? Because let me tell you something, ladies and gentlemen, those are two completely different problems. One of the questions I think coming up later is, how do I get prepared for this if I don't have a lot of money? I understand. We'll get to that a little later in the question.
Starting point is 00:34:14 Also, folks, we cannot trust these people to tell us the truth. They are prepping us for a new fear porn campaign because they will use fear when fear benefits them. Here, hard evidence again. Daily Caller, here we go. May 18th, pro-maskers are laying the groundwork, maybe laying the groundwork to bring back COVID restrictions. They're already going with, there's going to be a massive summer wave.
Starting point is 00:34:39 Ladies and gentlemen, I've got news for you. We are stuck with COVID. There is going to be a summer wave for eons. We have to learn to live with it. We are stuck in this endless cycle of failure where these cloth masks, which do almost nothing to stop you from getting the virus. We keep relying on failed ideas in this Biden administration, liberal Democrat cycle of failure because
Starting point is 00:35:05 they cannot get out of the stupid black hole. That's through masks. Did they work last time? No. Again, I will apply the money ball rule to everything in life. He's a good hitter. Why doesn't he hit good? If masks work, why aren't masks working?
Starting point is 00:35:20 Why do we keep doing the same stupid things over and over again? Well, because of this. Just the news article. All this is in the newsletter today. Primary source of COVID misinformation is the feds. Scientists and scholars tell the Surgeon General. Endless cycle of stupid, folks. It's never going to stop. Speaking of endless cycles of stupid, folks. It's never going to stop.
Starting point is 00:35:46 Speaking of endless cycles of stupid, our failed president, who has become an international, cosmic, intergalactic laughingstock at this point. The country can't survive two and a half more years of this guy, folks. It's just not possible. I'm serious. This is going to be real trouble. He's in South Korea, and he's talking to president yoon you know who he's not talking to joe he's not talking to president moon no because there is no president moon but there is a president yoon but of course joe biden who you know once in a while you'd be like okay it, it's a verbal faux pas, who again, my my my operating premise on Biden has been what he cannot get through a single speech without embarrassing himself and saying something dumb.
Starting point is 00:36:33 Here he is in South Korea talking to the fictitious president, President Moon, who doesn't exist. between the Republic of Korea and the United States of America is a linchpin of peace, stability and prosperity for a region of the world that we seek. So thank you all very much. And President Moon, thank you for everything you've done so far. Appreciate it. This is the least of its screw ups. At least he corrected himself on this one. Guy cannot get through a single speech. There is no president move. Now, oh man. All right, here's what I got coming up. It's important.
Starting point is 00:37:14 An update on the Clinton case. The Clinton-Sussman case. I'm going to keep it brief because until we get outcomes and people wind up in handcuffs, I'm not going to get too crazy. But I just want to give you a quick update on my show tomorrow, Unfiltered. Please check it out. Set your DVR, 9 p.m. tomorrow. We've been number one for 10 weeks in a row. Thanks to you. Please help us keep up the streak. Here's what I got. I got the great one, Mark Levin on. He talks about how
Starting point is 00:37:41 this socialist model is working here right now. You need to see it to hear it. It's really good. I got Lauren Boebert. That's going to be terrific. I've got a UFO skeptic. You know, we have the rebuttal. We're going to call this the rebuttal kind of, because we have a lot of people talking about this UFO story, just assuming these things are extraterrestrial.
Starting point is 00:38:01 So I thought it's only fair to the audience, right? I want to hear the other side. Sounds fishy to me that they could be extraterrestrial, but let's hear the other side. So we got a skeptic coming on. That'll be fun. And my monologue is an important one. Are you being spied on? And by who?
Starting point is 00:38:17 And it may not be by who you think. So check out Unfiltered tomorrow night, Saturday, 9 p.m. Eastern time. Set your DVR if you can't make it live. It's going to be a good show. Okay. Saturday, 9 p.m. Eastern time. Set your DVR if you can't make it live. It's going to be a good show. Okay, an update on the Clinton case. The Sussman, Michael Sussman, who was the Hillary Clinton associated team lawyer who promoted basically the collusion hoax,
Starting point is 00:38:34 went to the FBI with it. Now, the government is prosecuting him. John Durham is the prosecutor and is saying Michael Sussman went to the FBI and lied. He said he was working alone when in fact he was paid by Hillary Clinton to go to the FBI with this stuff. Okay. That's the case in a nutshell. It's not complicated folks. Hillary Clinton finds herself and her team in a really, really bad spot right now. Covered this on the radio show yesterday, but just quickly, Jerry Dunleavy, who's been done
Starting point is 00:39:00 great reporting on this, by the way, the Washington examiner will be in the newsletter, who's been done great reporting on this, by the way, the Washington Examiner, it'll be in the newsletter. Durham trial. Baker, he was the FBI lawyer who got the information. 100% confident Michael Sussman told him he was acting alone. Folks, you see the problem now the Clinton team has going forward? The FBI lawyer, Jim Baker, who received the information from the Hillary Clinton connected lawyer,
Starting point is 00:39:26 Michael Sussman, they have two different stories. Hillary Clinton, so team Clinton is saying, hey, we didn't send Sussman, he went on his own. Jim Baker's saying that's total BS. Sussman's saying, I told him I was working on behalf of Hillary Clinton. Jim Baker says, BS, you told me they were working on it. So here's the problem they have going forward. Team Clinton and the FBI, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, are going to start knocking heads and it's going to get ugly. Team Clinton's going to say this hey we hired this lawyer Michael Sussman right it's not our fault that we brought this information about collusion to the FBI and that the FBI are idiots
Starting point is 00:40:13 are you tracking where I'm going with this the FBI now in court is going to come back with another story team FBI is going to say hey we were duped by these liars who wouldn't leave us alone and kept coming to us with fake information. Long and short of it is going forward, someone's going to look really bad, if not both of them. And Hillary Clinton and the FBI are going to find
Starting point is 00:40:37 themselves at serious loggerheads. I'll keep you updated on what happens in that case moving forward. Okay, folks, the meltdown over 2,000 mules continues by disingenuous, bad faith actors on the left who are not serious people and certainly not serious journalists. The latest is NPR's Tom Driesbach, who tweeted out this about Dinesh D'Souza. Dinesh doesn't want to talk to Tom Driesbach. These are bad faith actors. Dinesh will respond on his podcast. So Tom Driesbach goes in to try to destroy the film because that's what they want to do. Just like Philip Bump, who's a hapless buffoon. We know that. And others. The left wing is losing their minds. Why? Because they want to
Starting point is 00:41:22 cheat in elections moving forward and they don't want anyone highlighting the massive malfeasance that happened with ballot boxes and mules in 2020. It's no more complicated than that. But I was thinking this morning, how do I cover this? And I thought, it's hard to cover because you have to understand what Tom Driesbach and others, there is no amount of evidence that will convince them of the truth that 2020 the malfeasance is there recorded in the movie for any no amount of evidence will convince them and here's what i mean when you're a bad faith actor like these guys who they have no intention of entertaining the evidence in the movie what they want to do is pick nits okay there may be some uh there are a couple of issues in the movie with some claims made by some of,
Starting point is 00:42:06 now not regarding a thing, but some of the, they rented a building here instead of there. It has nothing to do with the conclusion of the film, nothing. But it doesn't matter. These are bad faith actors. Now showing you they're bad faith actors, right? Here's what I mean. These same idiots trying to discredit 2000 Mules, where they use cell phone geo- geo tracking to follow ballot mules from ballot harvesting centers to ballot boxes.
Starting point is 00:42:29 Those same people say geo tracking is no good. Really? Because, Joe, I don't know if you remember correctly, but these same idiots, these same left wing dunces told us that there was a mysterious ping from Michael Cohen's phone who was Trump's lawyer. Remember that in Prague? You remember that? We talked about it ad nauseum. By the way, a cell phone ping, not a single credible journalism outlet has ever verified happened. A single ping from Prague and that Michael Cohen, when he was in Prague, arranged the collusion hoax with the Russians. Keep in mind, that was one cell phone ping. So it's strange.
Starting point is 00:43:09 We can start a four-year witch hunt of Donald Trump based on a collusion case, based on a single cell phone ping. But 2,000 multiple pings from mules going from ballot harvesting centers, at least five to at least 10 ballot boxes, definitely no good. You see why you can't? This is why, Dinesh, do not answer these idiots.
Starting point is 00:43:30 These are bad faith actors. They didn't rent a building on the Mississippi State University. It was actually outside. This is what they do. These are bad faith actors who are useful idiots. Here's another one. No, it's not. I'm not going for the cow, but so with the Hunter Biden case, right? We have the actual written receipt signed by Hunter Biden for his laptop, right? Billed to Hunter Biden with Hunter Biden's phone number
Starting point is 00:44:06 and the left was like, definitely not Hunter Biden's laptop, Russian disinformation. So the Hunter Biden receipt was no good. Yet allegations from a guy who heard, I'm not making this up,
Starting point is 00:44:22 who heard from a guy who heard from another guy that there's a pee-pee tape no one's ever seen of Donald Trump getting peed on by Russian hookers. Run with that. Definitely run with that. Good for Dinesh. And I'll say to anyone else involved in this film, friends of mine too, do not respond to these people anymore they're bad faith actors they're interested in election fraud propagating election fraud covering election fraud they're just bad actors i just proved it a ping from michael cohen's phone collusion a p-tape definite collusion a receipt by hunter biden signed by Hunter Biden. No, no,
Starting point is 00:45:06 definitely not his. Geo-tracking to over 2,000 mules from ballot centers, 10 of them to about five of them to ballot harvesting centers. No, no, not good enough for us. Stop. Just stop. Watch the movie for yourself,, And you'll come to any reasonable person and be like, wow, they really did scam us in 2020. Don't pay any attention to these people. The Bill McCarthys of the world. These are just bad faith actors with no character at all. Okay, last story. It's kind of an economic one, just fast.
Starting point is 00:45:41 But folks, get ready, man. Start preparing yourself. Diversify your portfolios now. It is really important. Wall Street Journal, more subprime borrowers are missing loan payments. Is that from May of 2007? No, that's from 2022. Joe, does this sound familiar? Subprime borrowers, mortgages, housing credit, that happened before? You think it did, right? I'm not crazy. He's even old enough to remember that one. Right. Me and Joe are older.
Starting point is 00:46:08 Yeah, that kind of happened. Kind of strange how we get in. Remember we talked about at the beginning of the show with masks and everything else, and just the cycle of failure because history repeats itself because left-wing media types keep protecting liberalism and throwing people under the bus?
Starting point is 00:46:22 Here, you see right there in the journal. People are going bankrupt now, forcing households to choose between paying for essentials and paying their monthly loans. Folks, keep voting for liberalism and you're going to keep screwing over your wives, your kids, your family, everything. Just keep doing it. Keep doing it. You did this to yourselves. I have warned you. I've done everything in my power in the eight years Joe and I have been doing this podcast. For eight years, I have warned you about what you are doing and you continue to do it. All right, let's get to the questions. It's time for questions for Dan. all right question one not that question that question hey dan p larson 1311 through all your years in jujitsu and mma training what was your favorite submission you liked while uh while rolling folks my favorite submission the way i should well i shouldn't say the one i got the
Starting point is 00:47:22 easiest the submission while rolling was from my back back, from the guard, me operating the guard, is the arm bar. I always found the arm bar easy to get. Arm bar is when you basically do an arm crank on a guy. It's easy to get because they almost put their head there for you to get. But I don't think the arm bar is the best move in the street. And I'll tell you why, simply. What are you going to do? Are you going to break the guy's arm?
Starting point is 00:47:51 I mean, at some point, you're going to have to let him go. If you break his arm, man, you're going to run into a lot of trouble. So what I like better in the street, if you're defending your life, is carotid obstructions. Because there's a period of semi-consciousness where if you do, say, a triangle choke, whatever it may be, you can get away. This guy's trying to kill you. You know, an arm bar is kind of like, you know, it's hard to do that. And it's kind of gruesome.
Starting point is 00:48:19 But the arm bar was by far the easiest. Ask anyone who's rolling me. I can pull an arm bar on just about anyone. Not at any time. Brown and Brack Belt's probably a little savvy, but I can pull arm bars pretty good. So a good question. Hey, Dan, Jack Tron.
Starting point is 00:48:38 So my cousin's at Disney today. Last night, I urged her not to go and got backlash from my family. We're all conservatives, but they thought I went too far in trying to ruin their trip. Do you think I went too far? You know, I thought about this to go and got backlash from my family. We're all conservatives, but they thought I went too far in trying to ruin their trip. Do you think I went too far? You know, I thought about this question as I put the question.
Starting point is 00:48:49 I'm like, what do I tell Jack here? I think the time to address it, Jack, if you want me to be candid, was probably before the trip. Once the decision's made, I don't think you ruined anything. I mean, you know, I respect you. I do, sincerely, for speaking up. You got a lot of guts, and I don't disagree you ruined anything. I mean, I respect you. I do, sincerely, for speaking up. You got a lot of guts. And I don't disagree with your decision. But humbly, I think the time to do it is before the trip.
Starting point is 00:49:11 I mean, once they're there, it's kind of over, right? But yeah, don't go to the end. Listen, folks, stuff happens. I'm not going to pretend to you that I have been entirely pure of spirit. It's hard. It's hard. Because so many companies are left-wing folks it joe you probably find the same thing it's almost like impossible to get away from
Starting point is 00:49:32 it yeah you're like you you know the other day like i needed a product for a mobile ekg and i'm like searching the company like you know blm all of a sudden to see if they're you know they're connected to any of these like nonsense it's hard yeah, the time to do it is probably before they leave. So good question. Broken hearted mom. Hey, Dan, is there any vote from the house or Senate required to enter into WHO healthcare treaty? Is there any legal recourse for free States to reject lockdown demands by the WHO if we
Starting point is 00:50:02 enter that treaty? Any treaty has to be ratified by the Senate. Two-thirds. It's as simple as that. And let me tell you something. If you're not calling your senators now saying, hey, is this a binding treaty? If it is, if that's what you plan on doing, that's in the Constitution, where are you going to vote? Oh, we're not going to vote. Okay, that's not a binding treaty. The problem is they don't really care about binding treaties as we saw with the iran deal big problem next question at this is a got 81 wa hey dan a lot of us little people working paycheck to paycheck there's no little people by the way i get what you're saying but we don't have the luxury of investments what do you suggest as an alternative to get ready for a possible famine that could
Starting point is 00:50:45 potentially be coming? I teased this question before. Folks, this isn't a joke. Again, I'm not trying to scare you, but you don't need to be rich. And even if you are paycheck to paycheck, you can get some really cheap food and stock up. We have Patriot supply, which is, you know, that's a three month supply. But if you can only afford a couple of weeks, it's better than nothing. There's some things you can also buy on the cheap, you know, powdered milks and stuff. Listen, it's not the best tasting stuff, but you know, powdered milk and things like that. But when you're in a crisis, if God forbid one happens, number one, you have to be thinking two things, shelf life and calories. That's it. Who cares about the taste? It's about staying alive.
Starting point is 00:51:31 There's also a lot of canned goods, which can be cheap. You can get canned, there's fish that's canned. There's meat that's canned. Listen, again, we're not talking about five-star cuisine here. meat that's canned. Listen, again, we're not talking about five-star cuisine here. We're talking about staying alive. But I would dedicate a half of a paycheck to picking up at least a couple of weeks worth of that stuff, powdered milks, canned meats, and stuff like that, stuff that can get you through a crisis. It's important. Hey, Dan, Roar-Pargia, I don't even know how to say that. Which of the swing state legislatures have done the best job of combating election fraud? Florida and Georgia, no question. No question.
Starting point is 00:52:10 That's why I told you elections do matter. The Democrats cheat. Gosh, just watch 2,000 Mules. It's obvious. But what are we going to do? Just let them keep cheating? The idea is we got to fix it. Georgia's done a lot.
Starting point is 00:52:20 Getting a hold of these ballot boxes, instituting ballot ID. Florida the same way. So this is how we do it, state by state by state. I'm not giving up. I'm not giving up. I'm sorry. I'm not giving up. All right. Hey, Dan, Sandra81376, how hard would it be to go back to backing the dollar with gold? I'm not a liberal, but I am math stupid. Dumb it down for me, please. I promise you're not insulting me. It wouldn't be impossible. The Constitution delegates those authorities to the Congress with regards to our money. And to go back to the gold standard wouldn't be difficult at all. we don't we're in such inflationary crisis that uh i'm not sure there'd be enough political will to do that and by the way when you're on the gold stand the reason it controls
Starting point is 00:53:13 a hard gold standard just quickly the reason it controls the printing of money is if you have it pegged to the amount of gold you'd have to go mine more gold to produce more money which is hard to do what do they have to do to produce more money now joe just produce it they just get a couple keystrokes you have to go mine more gold rowan mcbriarty hey dan sometimes you use msnbc the washington post and other liberal outlets as sources but then you tell us they're lies and most of the country doesn't trust them is it just that every now and then they have a random act of journalism and how would you know if it is? Thank you, Rowan. Perfect question. I opened up the show and answered you at the beginning. So I'll just summarize again. Lefties will always, they are always lying.
Starting point is 00:53:56 Whenever they tell the truth about liberalism, they're not telling the truth about liberalism. They're throwing a person under the bus like Joe Biden or David Dinkins to about liberalism. They're throwing a person under the bus like Joe Biden or David Dinkins to protect liberalism. So you have to be careful. Listen to the cuts. Go listen to Mika Brzezinski and them again. Notice how they don't indict big government. They go after the administration's incompetence. You see it every time. Once you learn to pick it out, you'll never forget. All right. That's it. All right, folks, I will see you tomorrow on my show on Fox unfiltered 9 PM, Saturday night. Please don't miss it. And, uh, see you all on Monday. Good day, sir. You just heard Dan Bongino.

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