The Dan Bongino Show - What Was The FBI Doing? (Ep 1543)

Episode Date: June 16, 2021

Explosive new details surface about the FBI’s activities in days prior to the January 6th Capitol Hill incident. In this episode, I discuss the breaking details, along with the latest troubling deve...lopments in the Covid coverup. News Picks: What did the FBI know about January 6th? The Biden administration falsely claims that white supremacist terrorism is a greater threat than ISIS. North Korean defector is stunned by cancel culture in the US. Atlanta suburb wants to escape from the city. Why are liberal climate alarmists buying water front property? Copyright Bongino Inc All Rights Reserved. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Metrolinx and Crosslinx are reminding everyone to be careful as Eglinton Crosstown LRT train testing is in progress. Please be alert, as trains can pass at any time on the tracks. Remember to follow all traffic signals, be careful along our tracks, and only make left turns where it's safe to do so. Be alert, be aware, and stay safe. Get ready to hear the truth about America
Starting point is 00:00:31 on a show that's not immune to the facts with your host, Dan Bongino. You know, folks, I think my experience in a past life is going to be relevant, extremely relevant to today's show. There are some things I learned during my time as a federal agent, especially doing protection type details and investigations that are going to play into this today. There was a really, really interesting appearance by Darren Beattie on the Tucker Carlson show last night. And I want to explain what I think is going on behind the scenes at this Putin summit,
Starting point is 00:01:01 given that I did a summit with the Russians for the Star Treaty. I know exactly how they operate. Today's show brought to you by ExpressVPN. Don't let big tech spy on you. Get a VPN. Go to slash Bongino. It is an extremely packed news day today. So welcome to the Dan Bongino show.
Starting point is 00:01:17 We'll get right to that, including more of failed now politician pretending to be attorney general. What I called on my radio yesterday, who I called the Aguino attorney general and name only, Merrick Garland. More on his failures, which are getting abundant. Today's show brought to you by ExpressVPN. Did you ever read the fine print that appears
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Starting point is 00:02:33 Protect yourself today. Go to slash Bongino. Use my link at slash Bongino to get three extra months free. That's slash Bongino to get three extra months free. That's slash Bongino to learn more today. All right, Joe, let's go. All right. So this Putin summit, we have to get to this quickly because it's important. I have some background here. One of my assignments when I was on the presidential protection division with the secret service on Barack Obama's detail. I was the lead advance on a foreign trip over in the Czech Republic where Obama and Medvedev signed start to the start treaty about nuclear proliferation. It was an it was a fascinating trip to be a part of. I found that that the Czech security forces to be extremely professional. They knew
Starting point is 00:03:26 what they were doing. Some of the best I had ever worked with at that time. But something happened at the Putin Biden summit earlier today. If you'll notice, you know, going into it, you know, it gives me no joy. Listen, Putin, let's just get this out of the way right now. Putin is a killer, a tyrant, practices fascist communist tactics, and is an enemy to the United States and freedom around the world. Period. I don't know how anyone could negotiate otherwise or debate otherwise. There's barely a counterpoint to that.
Starting point is 00:04:02 Having said that, it's clear he's going into this trying to puff, you know, peacock, chest puff. You know, remember the guy from couples retreat? Yes, puff your chest. You know, he's clearly chest puffing on Biden. It's obvious. And he's taking advantage of him in the beginning. Why did I tell you that story about me working with them in the beginning? Not to chest pump myself, but to show you what happened there, give you my perspective on what I think he was doing. So Putin's a killer. He's a bully. That's what he does. He's always done that. And if he sees weakness, he will try to take advantage of it.
Starting point is 00:04:39 So what happened? They had this sit down and there was supposed to be a quick press spray. You may have saw it earlier this morning, spray being, you know, photos and stuff, you know, click, click, click, and then they get out. So the way these things work is we're typically given an equal number of U.S. press and Russian press, whoever Russia wants in the room. So if we're given, say, 12, then they're given 12. So I assume what happened, haven't done it before, is Biden and Putin sat down in the room. I think Tony Blinken was there, right? And the Russian, was it Lavrov, was in the room with
Starting point is 00:05:11 Putin. So it was just two, Biden plus one, Putin plus one. So again, you'd assume in the pre-advanced meetings, they agreed to a specific number of press on each side. Putin being the bully that he is wasn't having that. He was going to flex. Look at this. He was like, check out my pipes. Right before the meeting even started, Putin needed to flex. So what did he do? His people tried to keep the American press out and let the part of the Russian press in. Folks, it's not a small thing. I'm telling you, I've been behind the scenes and I've seen this. The Russians always want parity. When I did the start to signing treaty in the Czech Republic, there was only always three people in the room. There was a Czech security representative of me, the Secret Service
Starting point is 00:05:55 and the Russian counterpart. Whatever we got, the Russians wanted. It didn't matter if they even had the assets, they'd fly them in. in quick story so we had counter sniper coverage at the sun at the summit our snipers we had up i'm not gonna say how many but we had quite a few and we had them giving full coverage around the building the summit was in the russians wanted the same number even though they didn't even have the assets they didn't have the asset they were like no no uh let's throw out a number we want 12 we're We're at 12, but you get the point. So I said, yeah, we need 12. The Russians were like, we want 12 too. And then we said, well, we want seven poststanders
Starting point is 00:06:31 inside the signing location where Obama and Medvedev were going to sign this treaty, right? They were like, we want the exact same number. They didn't even know the posts have. I could have made the number up is the point. I could have said, no, we want poststanders, by the way, secret service agents we put on the inside to help secure the president and the shift.
Starting point is 00:06:50 The shift works around the president. I could have made the number up totally. I could have said, we want 47 poststanders inside. They would have been like, we want 47 too. It's a flexing thing. Hey, look at me. Pipes, cheers, peacock. Couples are cheeky.
Starting point is 00:07:05 Yes. That's all they want. They just want parity. Because they want to show you, hey, we know what we're doing too. I didn't find their security services that impressive, to be candid with you. I found the checks to be very impressive. But this is a Putin power play. Because I'm telling you, the number of press, just like the number of counter snipers and poststanders, was negotiated in advance.
Starting point is 00:07:29 So say it was 12 American press, 12 Russian press. Everybody in the room knew that the fact that the Russians told the American press you can't come in was a way before the meeting for Putin in his typical bully way. That's the way he is to give the double-barreled middle finger to the Biden administration and say, nope, not today. Before this meeting even starts, I'm going to tell you to go pound sand and I give zero hits with an S in front of it about what you think. That's exactly what that was. It was not a mistake. It was done on purpose. That's how Putin is. Granted, we were there. It was Medvedev's team. It was the same routine with them. Everything we had, they won. We had a security room on the floor. They wanted a security room.
Starting point is 00:08:11 It didn't even matter if they had communications equipment. They didn't care. Flex and move on Putin. Guys have chest puff and bully, and you got to just power right through him and his people. We didn't let them steamroll us, but we didn't have a choice with the checks. The checks, you know, obviously didn't want to piss off the Russians. So they agreed to most most of their demands.
Starting point is 00:08:32 But that's it. They want what you have. All right. Got a lot of content to get to today. Folks, we're in a really dangerous spot. I discussed yesterday at length, and I hope you listen to the show because it was an important one about the weaponization of our institutions, institutions that were revered in the past. Our Department of Justice shouldn't say revered, but respected at least.
Starting point is 00:08:53 Unfortunately, in the distant past, because over the last decade, they've been completely castrated and populated with a bunch of political actors, the DOJ, the FBI, and elsewhere. And it pains me to say it because as I've said often, I'll say again, I'm never going to lie to you. I worked with FBI agents when I was a Secret Service agent in the Long Island office and in the New York office of the Secret Service, and they were great. They were very competent. They were good people.
Starting point is 00:09:17 A lot of friends of mine left the Secret Service to go over and work with the FBI, and they've been there for a long time. So it pains me to see these institutions go up in front of the FBI, and they've been there for a long time. So it pains me to see these institutions go up in front of the American people, the Department of Justice, led by the agino, attorney general and name only, Merrick Garland, who is a total politician now, to go up in front of the American people like Garland did again and just make stuff up. Let me play this cut here, and there's two takeaways I want you to take from this. Here's Merrick Garland promoting again the myth, what I believe is also foreign propaganda meant
Starting point is 00:09:51 to divide us, that there's some race war brewing in the United States because the biggest threat to the homeland and our existence is white supremacy all over everywhere. Ladies and gentlemen, there's no facts or data to back up the claim that this is the most prominent threat in the United States. So pay close attention to this video clip here, Merrick Garland. And two takeaways before we start. This will lead to misplaced priorities, number one, because we will allocate taxpayer funding, FBI assets, to a threat that's subordinate to other threats. And second, pay attention to how this can be used for political targeting. Check out the Againo Merrick Garland yesterday.
Starting point is 00:10:30 Check this out. The number of open FBI domestic terrorism investigations this year has increased significantly. According to an unclassified summary of the March intelligence assessment, the two most lethal elements of the domestic violence extremist threat are racially or ethnically motivated violent extremists and militia violent extremists. In the FBI's view, the top domestic violent extremist threat comes from racially or ethnically motivated violent extremists, specifically those who advocated for the superiority of the white race. Folks, that's a bold claim, is it not?
Starting point is 00:11:08 I mean, it's the Attorney General of the United States who has the awesome power to dictate the priorities of powerful agencies like the FBI, ATF, and other entities out there. He's saying something in front of the world stage, not in private, that he believes white supremacist groups are the biggest threat to the homeland. Now, again, I've discussed this topic often, but it is worth repeating because it is so important.
Starting point is 00:11:32 Having seen the federal law enforcement infrastructure from the inside, I get how some people out there, some, not all, conservatives are kind of hip to this stuff, but some moderate Republicans and moderate Democrats, they know this is false. They know on its face that it's laughable, that this is not the biggest threat to the United States. We have China, Russia, ISIS, Al Qaeda, terror groups, AQAP. We have terror groups all over the world that would annihilate us tomorrow. So we know this claim to be false. But there are some people down the center of the aisle who will say to you, because I've heard it, oh, whatever. It's just posturing. He's the attorney general. This is really no big deal. I'm not kidding. They've kind of implied as much in their conversations. They imply that because they can't produce any evidence that this is true, that white
Starting point is 00:12:16 supremacy is the biggest threat in the United States to our homeland. Folks, it's not harmless. It's not just a guy, no propaganda from our attorney general and name only. It's not. This has very real consequences, which could get people hurt or killed. I told you the two things to pay attention before we went in. I'll tell you them again on the way out of that video. This is what people are policy.
Starting point is 00:12:44 Ladies and gentlemen, Merrick Garland, what he says is the attorney general is policy. That's policy now. Well, did he write it down and build it into the FBI handbook? He doesn't have to. He's the attorney general. He gets to dictate the allocation of manpower and money as to where we are going to prioritize our law enforcement and intelligence opportunities within the FBI and DOJ. And he's telling you all right there that he is going to allocate those resources towards a white supremacist terror threat that he says needs primacy is number one. But what does that mean? Ladies and gentlemen, the FBI is barely as big as the NYPD personnel-wise. The NYPD might be bigger. The numbers fluctuate. Think about that.
Starting point is 00:13:34 The New York City Police Department has roughly as many personnel as the FBI that covers the entire country. They only cover New York City, a sliver of the landmass of the entire United States. This is zero sum. When Merrick Garland goes out there and says, we are going to allocate money and people towards a threat I just told you is the top threat, even though we all know it isn't, it's a threat. It's not the top threat, even though we all know it isn't. And you have, say, 20,000 FBI agents. I don't know how many there are now, 20, 25 actual agents, maybe a little more. And you say we're going to dedicate one-tenth or one-twentieth of the workforce to this threat and not to al-Qaeda, then those are people not investigating al-Qaeda.
Starting point is 00:14:23 This is very real. Some commentators, I don't mean to knock other people. They all have their area of expertise. But I've been there. I've done this. This is not just, oh, it's just Merrick Garland posturing for Biden. No, no. These are actual agents not getting paid to investigate ISIS and Al-Qaeda
Starting point is 00:14:41 and getting paid to basically investigate a threat. We're having a hard time finding threats to investigate. This is real. When I was a young agent, I'll never forget this. Sorry, got an itch on my neck there. When you come out of Secret Service training, they stick you on Treasury check cases. Folks, they're the dumbest cases ever. Dumbest in that we should be doing so much more. We protect the president. They should have left
Starting point is 00:15:09 that to the IRS or someone else. But for some reason, the secret service at the time didn't want to give it up. I love the service, but it was just stupid. They call them T-check investigations. What would happen? You know, whatever. Joe Gee gets a tax, their tax return check back. Treasury sends them a thousand dollar refund. Right. They've overpaid in their taxes. You know, you'd get it every now. They usually do it electronically. But back then, all of it was done via treasury check. Folks, criminals knew right right around the window of time. The treasury would mail out refund checks. It's like a certain window of time when people do their taxes. So they would go mailbox diving, steal the checks, sign them, and cash them. We would waste more time on these dopey investigations for a $500 treasury check. Leave that to, you know, the IRS or others or the Treasury Department or TIGDA or whatever it was. Why were we doing that? And the answer is because someone in the director's office at the time thought it was a good idea.
Starting point is 00:16:04 The Secret Service would investigate Treasury checks. I have no idea why. They deemed it a priority. Therefore, what were we not doing? We were not spending time on protective intelligence cases, presidential threats, critical infrastructure, and other important stuff. There is a real penalty to this. I cannot emphasize this enough. I believe it's the value of this show in relationship to other shows out there that haven't seen it from the inside. It's not a knock on them. They
Starting point is 00:16:32 have very specific areas of expertise I don't have, and their shows are valuable for other reasons. It's not a knock. I've seen it. When Garland says that, you lose assets investigating ISIS and al-Qaeda. But second, the second part, not just misplaced priorities, penalty to Garland's ridiculous white supremacy is the number one threat speech, is folks, this can be abused for political targeting. This white supremacist label has become a label applied to things where the relationship to a race motive is almost non-existent. How many times have you heard about the January 6th incident up at the Capitol? Ties to white supremacy when no one can seem to produce any evidence that there was actual white supremacy involved.
Starting point is 00:17:23 Folks, that's a problem. We should investigate what happened up there. But tying it to a racial motive when you don't have any evidence of an actual racial motive, is that a political gesture? Or is that a law enforcement one? And do you see how this can be applied to anything?
Starting point is 00:17:38 Certain candidate runs for office they don't like. All of a sudden, the FBI's investigating white supremacy. He talked to a guy who knew a guy who talked to a guy who was on Capitol Hill January 6th, white supremacy. You see where this can go? Hey, you have a bunch of FBI agents now, follow me, who have nothing to investigate
Starting point is 00:17:58 because these attacks by white supremacists, thankfully, are so few and far between, so they have to go find stuff to do. They're in their office trying to impress their boss. Now all of a sudden they get a tip from a guy who says, hey, candidate Joey Bag of Donuts is running for office on Long Island. I heard he put a parlor post up, which linked to a Twitter post, which linked to a Facebook post by the friend of a cousin who was at January 6th.
Starting point is 00:18:25 The FBI guy's like, I got to make a case. Merrick Garland said white supremacy, number one. So they start investigating this guy. Do you see how this goes down the road to tyranny like that? Lickety split? Right, like Frank, good point. Remember Frank Fugazi, the FBI assistant director who goes on MSNBC? We played that cut last week.
Starting point is 00:18:46 You don't understand. Trump put the flags, and he says half-mask should be half-stab. On August 8th, 8-8 is short for Heil Hitler. And we were like, wait, what, dude? It's a perfect example. He doesn't have evidence of this mass white supremacist conspiracy to take down the United States everywhere. That is the number one threat. So they just make it up.
Starting point is 00:19:11 Folks, the FBI agents I work with are just people. When they're told by their boss, go find white supremacists, I promise you, they'll find them. They'll find them. Even if they have to, air quotes, find them. Now, I never make a point on the show without backing it up with solid fact-based evidence. I had my editor-in-chief of, our alternative to the liberal drudge report.
Starting point is 00:19:44 I had him put together a piece at about the white supremacist threat, and I wanted to see the actual data. How is it that our government agencies are piecing together a series of data points to conclude that white supremacy is the number one threat in the United States? I'm genuinely puzzled because we don't seem to see anywhere in local police departments mass outbreaks of white supremacy anywhere. So where are you getting this data? I'll get to that
Starting point is 00:20:10 in a second. Let me get to my second sponsor. And then I want to move on and show you the real world consequences of this misallocation of assets and political targeting right now going on right now. Folks, listen, let me be blunt. The first thing that goes in the breakdown of order is the food supply chain. When the economy falls apart, you're going to start seeing bare shelves if it does. God forbid that happens to you. Everything in your life you care about, you insure. Your health, your car, your teeth. How can you not insure your food?
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Starting point is 00:21:23 That's Do it'll find this special offer. That's Do it now. Crises don't give warnings. Go to today. Thanks by Patriot Supply. So again, on this show, how we're never going to waste your time like the left, and we're not going to lie to you like the left does, there's a piece I'd like you to read in my newsletter today,
Starting point is 00:21:42 slash newsletter, if you'd like to access it. It's free, of course. It's called Biden falsely claims white supremacist terrorism is a greater threat than ISIS and Al Qaeda by my friend Matt Palumbo. How do they get these numbers? Because one of the things the left does, ladies and gentlemen, is they won't say anything publicly that they can't massage certain statistics about. When I say massage statistics, believe me, I mean that in the nastiest way possible. They are not using numbers in the way the numbers should be used. They are using the numbers to tell a story they want to be told. So how did the DHS and government entities, Department of Homeland Security, our Homeland Security,
Starting point is 00:22:27 get to this conclusion that the quote most persistent and lethal threat in the United States is white supremacy? A fact, again, most of you are like, that sounds insane. China, Russia, ISIS, Al-Qaeda. Here, from Matt's piece. First, they give the quote
Starting point is 00:22:43 from the DHS report in Matt's piece. Here's the quote. American domestic violence extremists, racially and ethnically motivated violent extremists, specifically white supremacist extremists, will remain the most persistent and lethal threat to the homeland, reads the key passage of this DHS report. DHS report noting that from 2018 to 2019, white supremacists conducted half of all lethal attacks, eight total among domestic violent extremists resulting in 39 out of 48 deaths that year from domestic extremism. Oh, wow. All right. That sounds interesting. 2018 to 2019, we had this, these eight attacks resulting in 39 out of 48 deaths.
Starting point is 00:23:24 You know, what's interesting Again, the timeline they use. Go back to the piece. You'll see it continues. For reference, the 2016 ISIS-inspired Pulse nightclub massacre alone killed 49 people, more than all white supremacists combined in both 2018 and 2019. You see what they do? You see how politicized people in the DHS and the intel community politicized. They're not doing what they should be doing. Producing unbiased intelligence for people in the public. And secret intelligence for official use only on the inside. For policy makers to make decisions.
Starting point is 00:24:00 That's not what they're doing. It's in reverse. Follow me. The way intelligence is supposed to work, obviously, is nonpartisan professionals go out and gather unbiased intelligence. They then put that intelligence together. They generate opinions. Is this real? Is that real? Is this fake?
Starting point is 00:24:20 Is this propaganda? Is this, you know, a foreign misinformation, disinformation campaign? They come to some consensus opinion. They give the information to lawmakers and the president. That's not the way it's working now. The way it's working now is you have the president and politicians who are supposed to be getting information from intelligence officials and making decisions, making decisions in advance and giving it to intelligence officials to generate intelligence. You have Biden and his identity politics focused insider cabal of feckless idiots, Merrick Garland and others making stuff up, saying to the intel community, the FBI, hey, guys, wink, wink and a nod. White supremacists are our biggest threat. You get You left out 2016. You also left out that 9-11 incident
Starting point is 00:25:26 that killed more Americans due to an Al-Qaeda-sponsored attack than what we've seen in an entire century. In one single attack, the most deadly single attack we've seen on American soil ever. It's convenient when you leave that out. And what's the result? Again, you have not only misplaced priorities and political targeting from lying to people and telling them that the biggest threat is white supremacy.
Starting point is 00:25:59 I'm not saying it's not a threat. I'm telling you, triaging, it is not the biggest threat. They are massaging the data because you don't only have misplaced priorities and political targeting possibilities. You also have a reverse intelligence flow, which I cannot express to you enough how dangerous that is. The fingerprint, the hallmark of every tyrannical regime and fascist regime throughout human history has been a reverse intelligence flow. Every single one where political leaders to make political points, what have they done? They've gone to their intelligence officials and they've said, I need you to draw this conclusion, not the other way around, where intelligence officials, and they've said, I need you to draw this conclusion, not the other way
Starting point is 00:26:45 around, where intelligence officials are producing intelligence to have conclusions be drawn. You understand how dangerous that is? Folks, this has led to some real-world consequences. I'm going to play this video here, and I'm going to get to exactly how what I just told you, misplaced priorities, the allocation of assets and political targeting, I believe could be happening right now. Darren Beattie was on the Tucker Carlson show last night on Fox News. Darren Beattie is a reporter. He's talking about how the FBI may have had informants, either paid informants, working informants, or potential FBI assets within the FBI inside of these groups, some of the groups that were involved in this January 6th incident.
Starting point is 00:27:40 And what Beattie has to say here is fascinating. Check this out. And what Beattie has to say here is fascinating. Check this out. I believe the key that unlocks the truth to one six is the following question. To what extent were the main militia groups imputed to the one six so-called capital siege? To what extent was their infiltration of those groups by undercover agents or informants? infiltration of those groups by undercover agents or informants? And to what extent, when we see the unindicted co-conspirators who occupy senior positions in those groups, to what extent are those people being spared prosecution on account of a prior relationship with the federal government? Those two questions create a thread. And when we pull that thread, the ugly truth of that event and perhaps even
Starting point is 00:28:26 the country we live in will be exposed. Fascinating piece, no? Did the FBI have a number of informants inside these groups? You may say, well, Dan, you know, if these groups were plotting something, then, you know, maybe that would be good to have, right? Well, it brings up an interesting question, right? The FBI have these same informants infiltrating ISIS, Al-Qaeda. They have these same informants infiltrating BLM and Antifa that burned down American cities. Again, ladies and gentlemen, it's about the allocation of assets. Why were
Starting point is 00:29:06 people allowed to burn down the courthouse in Portland, but people thrown in solitary confinement for the incident on January 6th at the Capitol? Where were the FBI assets? Are you putting your... Is that okay? Is we accepting the whole Portland courthouse burning
Starting point is 00:29:23 thing? More on this in a minute. Let me get to my next sponsor. Our friends at MyPillow. By now you've heard me talk about MyPillow. Use it, love it, sleep on it every night. I love all their products. They're super comfortable.
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Starting point is 00:30:54 Click on that radio listener square, use promo code Dan. 800-951-7163, promo code Dan. Check them out today. I love their products. All right. Sorry, folks. Stuff's spilling everywhere i don't want to lose my hunter biden material sorry i had to get away from the mic i know that drives people crazy as it should i think i'm getting spammed right now on the watch this this is i think someone who got a hold of my number she's it's it's a person's telling me
Starting point is 00:31:23 it's my mom i'm serious this is happening in live time okay let's try a trick what's your maiden name ha let's see let's see if they get this one right i'll see if they answer all right but getting back to the show and the important stuff so if the fbi managed to infiltrate these groups they claim are involved in the, you know, these are allegations still, the January 6th incident at the Capitol, then why can't the FBI dedicate the exact same assets to breaking up Antifa and BLM that burned down American cities and tried to burn down a federal courthouse in Portland?
Starting point is 00:32:01 Folks, I'm asking questions that are serious. Liberals should be asking these questions too. Why is it that this group became a priority? How is that? The group involved with January 6th, what were the decisions made there? Because when that group's made a priority with a zero sum assets, there's only a limited number of FBI personnel and there's an extremely limited number of undercovers and informants. Why pick that specific group first and let the other groups burn down American cities? If that's not a fair question, I would love for you to answer me why. Here's the article by Darren Beattie's site Revolver, which is very good. It'll be in my show notes and I encourage you to read it. Describes more of this, how the FBI may have had assets inside of these groups.
Starting point is 00:32:50 The piece is titled, Unindicted Co-Conspirators in January 6th Cases Raised Disturbing Questions of Federal Foreign Knowledge. Now, unindicted co-conspirators. This is an important point here. Still hasn't answered, by the way. Oh, you again went over. Not that stupid. Thank you. Unindicted co-conspirators appear often in criminal complaints and, you know, informations as well.
Starting point is 00:33:16 Those are types of charging documents. If I'm charging Guy or Joe with a bank robbery, I put in the criminal complaint, the fact pattern that led me to believe there was probable cause to arrest them. I saw them at the bank. They walked in with a gun. There's a videotape with them handing a bank teller. It's all evidence of probable cause you would put in a complaint.
Starting point is 00:33:36 In the criminal complaint, you typically lay out, you know, the subject one, subject two. But it's interesting. You'll see unindicted people in there who may have been involved in the bank robbery, but their names aren't in there and they're not indicted. In other words, the FBI is not seeking prosecution against them. But why? If there were, say, five people involved in the bank robbery and four of them are being indicted, but one of them is an unindicted co-conspirator why did that one person get off well from the
Starting point is 00:34:07 revolver piece he explains why it's done pretty well he says broadly speaking there are three primary reasons to see an unindicted co-conspirator in a criminal complaint first and he's right grants of immunity happens all the time i'll get to that in a second. Second, pragmatic considerations. Third, evidentiary concerns. He says grants of immunity are traditionally only issued as a result of a plea deal reached between a defendant and prosecutors, specifically in exchange for agreeing to testify against the big fish in the conspiracy. A little fish may remain an unindicted co-conspirator and never be charged. He's absolutely right in a piece. That is the number one reason. The number one reason you'll see an unindicted co-conspirator in these charging documents. Someone flipped, folks. It's as simple as that. Somebody flipped. Someone in this group who, say, was a co-conspirator in a bank rob, the driver or
Starting point is 00:35:01 whatever, says, listen, man, I'm just a driver. I'm not going to jail. I'll give you everything. What happens after that? Was it used to get back? There'd be a cooperation agreement drawn up. It's an actual agreement. The lawyer for the co-conspirator will sign it. The government will sign it, say you agree to do this, this and this. And then there'll be some kind of a plea agreement. That's what that is later on. And whatever that person does is written, taken down a letter, like the FBI, for instance, will say, hey, the driver said this, gave us this information, which led to this, this information was like, gave us the address that led to this. The judge will read that.
Starting point is 00:35:41 And then they'll, you know, they'll typically get a bunch of either they'll be not indicted at all, or, and they won't be charged at all, or they'll take a plea for a lesser charge. But there are other reasons as well that people might be unindicted co-conspirators. Some of them may be FBI informants. Therefore, they're not going to indict them. Again, ladies and gentlemen, I'm just asking you about priority. I'm not suggesting to you that plots to take down the government from any side of the political aisle are not dangerous. They are. I'm not suggesting to you we shouldn't investigate to the moon attacks on police officers.
Starting point is 00:36:19 I don't care where they come from. They should be. care where they come from. They should be. What I'm telling you, tying it back to the beginning and Merrick Garland is, how is the FBI determining what is a priority and what isn't? Or is it based on political targeting or actual law enforcement data? Because I'm reasonably confident the case I just laid out to you is there is no data to back this up, that this is in fact the top priority or should be the top priority of the FBI. You doubt me still that the FBI at the upper levels has a real problem with political targeting and not fact-based, nonpartisan, unbiased law enforcement? Well, Guy mentioned Fuglisi before, Frank Fugazi, who was an assistant director of the FBI who suggested that we should
Starting point is 00:37:05 start locking up politicians or implied as much in an appearance on MSNBC. We played it last week. You heard it yourself. This guy was in the FBI. Here's another guy who was in the FBI. He was the acting director at one point, ran the whole outfit. One of the most powerful men in the country, one of the most powerful men in the country, Andrew McCabe. I haven't seen an appearance hit, what they call them in the media, hit in the media business. I haven't seen a hit in a long time on the media where a guy outs himself so clearly than Andy McCabe does right here. I want you to notice what he does.
Starting point is 00:37:43 Andy McCabe's pretty confident that the January 6th was an insurrection. They were going to take down the United States. He's confident about white supremacists and all that other stuff. But when asked about the Bernie Sanders supporter who shot up the ball field and nearly killed a couple members of Congress, including Steve Scalise, and actually asked them if they were Republicans or Democrats first, Andy McCabe seems a little unsure and confused about what the motive was there. You want to talk about a guy whose priorities are screwed up? He ran the agency. Check this out. Yeah, it was an incredibly deft way to bring in that other side of the equation. I mean,
Starting point is 00:38:20 let's call it what it is. Right. I think he came right out and said, you know, our our biggest hotspot right now is racially motivated, ethnically motivated extremists. And and we all know that the broad, broad majority of those are are white supremacist people targeting people of color and immigrants and things like that. But he brought the other side of the equation into it by referring to the shooting of the congressional baseball practice. And he did it very carefully by saying a shooting by someone only who committed a shooting only after he confirmed that the players were Republican. So I think that reflects the fact that the FBI still doesn't exactly know what that shooter was up to. They never really uncovered the sort of detailed evidence that laid out a specific plot or an objective. But it is undeniable that he was targeting Republicans. So it's really, I thought,
Starting point is 00:39:15 very effective. It's undeniable he was targeting Republicans because he asked, are you a Republican? But he says right there, did you catch it? Did you catch it? I left it at that point. Did you catch what he says right before that? The FBI is still unsure about a motive. Bro, the guy asked them, are you Republicans? What do you mean? What's the motive? Are you Republicans? Bang. What do you mean? He's trying to kill people who are Republicans? You're confused and, quote, unsure about the motive? What? Are we serious? This guy ran the FBI.
Starting point is 00:39:56 He ran the FBI. We're going to go to the next story, but I want to tie this up for you. go to the next story, but I want to tie this up for you. Again, having been on the inside of this law enforcement operation we have in the federal government, I cannot think of a more destructive situation, a more dangerous situation to the Constitutional Republic than an agency that engages in political targeting, misallocates assets on political targets, and uses reverse intelligence. In other words, doesn't give facts to decision makers. Decision makers and politicians give narratives, and they generate facts to support the narrative. I cannot think of a more deadly, dangerous situation than that. All right, let me move on. I got a lot of stories to give you. I
Starting point is 00:40:45 spent a little more time on that than I planned. I'm only into story, too. So, you know, listen, having some experience there, I think it really matters that you hear from people on the inside how it goes down. Folks, liberalism is all astroturf and boogeyman politics these days. It's all it is. I love to expose them on the show because it matters. It shows you how fake and phony these people are. And if there are some persuadable Democrats left out there, again, I want to show you your entire movement, sadly, is AstroTurf. It's fake.
Starting point is 00:41:14 It's not real grass. It's fake. It's artificial. Here's a video. This is OAN, hat tip OAN, One America News. I want you to pay very close attention to those audio listeners. You can hear it as well. So Biden's at this presser yesterday and Biden keeps fiddling with this flashcard.
Starting point is 00:41:31 On the flashcard is something just staggering. You would think Joe Biden, if he's a liberal and is proud of his liberal ideas, right, that he would be advocating for liberal ideas. Here's why free college is great. You know, here's why we should up the tax rate to 142%. You know, here's why we should take over schools, public schools and not let anybody go to private school ever. You would think he would do that, but that's not what he does. Notice what's on the flashcard. Listen to this, uh, this clip by OAN. This is great. Check this out. Joe Biden fiddles with a flashcard of anti-Trump talking points during a press conference in England, Biden branching the card labeled DOJ talking points while speaking Sunday in Cornwall. The cards include a number of pre-planned answers.
Starting point is 00:42:14 That's including a claim that Trump, quote, abused power and that his Justice Department was out of control. was out of control. This is the DOJ inspector general has recently opened a review into the Trump era seizure of some house Democrats and staff data during a 2018 investigation into leaks about the Russia probe. That's hilarious. Did you see it? All of the talking points are like, make sure you highlight Trump, attack Trump, attack Trump. You saw that Joe attack Trump again. Say you don't like Trump's hair. Comment on Trump's diet. Say he drinks too many Diet Cokes. He gets two scoops of ice cream. You didn't like his suits. That was a really nasty tie. Everything's about Trump. Proving the point I have told you over and over again. What's the point? That Democrats never run on their own agenda. They run on making the
Starting point is 00:43:06 other bad guy, making the other party the bad guy, whatever they run on. They can't make a material fact-based case that white supremacy is the number one threat to the homeland now. So what do they do? They massage the statistics. And if you dare speak out, like they'll do on the show, they do it all the time. What do they say, folks? If you dare speak out and say, wait, wait, is there a case to be made for that? It's a threat, no doubt, but it's a top threat. Is there an actual, what do they say? You're a racist. You did it. You're a white supremacist too. He's a white supremacist. They're a white supremacist. Everybody's a white supremacist. That's what they do. They always make the case
Starting point is 00:43:48 about the other guy being worse. That's what, you saw his flashcard. By the way, with these Zoom cameras right now, anyone running for office, if you're going to do something like write a note on your hand or anything like that, be prepared. They're going to Zoom in and read it. Just a warning.
Starting point is 00:44:04 It's all Astroroturf, folks. Boogeyman politics. Who's the boogeyman? Oh, conservatives. Conservatives, libertarians, Republicans, even moderate Democrats. You guys are racist too. Everybody's a white supremacist. It's all astroturf. They don't believe in any of this stuff. They believe in nothing. They don't even practice their own ideas. You doubt me? Check out this Washington Post piece. This is, forgive me, I forget where I saw this on social media. It may have been Logan Hall or Greg Price. They always have good stuff. But this story is hilarious. Forget the headlines, Joe Biden won the presidency by making the most of his lucky breaks. That's not the funny part of the piece.
Starting point is 00:44:45 It's in the Washington Post. Here's the funny part of the piece. Keeping in mind, this is all astroturf. Liberals don't believe anything they tell you. They're total frauds. Remember Alinsky's rules. Make them live by their own rules to lives. Quote, Washington Post, listen to this.
Starting point is 00:45:01 For example, planners of the Democrat Party's virtual convention thought about featuring a national map that would highlight the locations of various speakers, thus countering the notion that the party was a club for coastal elites. Only to can the idea when they realized multiple be broadcasting from Martha's Vineyard. Hold on. Holding. What is that? 15 yards.
Starting point is 00:45:30 Democrats. They're the party of the little guy. The millionaires and billionaires. Hey, Arturo Bernie, you're a millionaire. I don't care. So I went to just the search engine and threw this in there. I literally put in the search engine, average income in Martha's Vineyard. The average household income in Martha's Vineyard,
Starting point is 00:45:51 as you can see on the screen, $134,968.39. There you go, folks. Democrats, in it for the little guy. It's all astroturf. It's all BS. You're just being lied to. They're making buffoons out of you all. Not you all, all of you liberals.
Starting point is 00:46:07 I mean, us conservatives were hip to this stuff a long time ago. These people are total frauds on an epic scale, an exponential scale of fraudulent activity. All right, let me get to my last sponsor. I'm going to move on to a different topic, but an important one. Some more pretty shocking information about COVID and a really, really fascinating clip by Dr. Robert Redfield, who used to head the CDC. Our last sponsor, our friends at GenuCell. Listen, the summer season's upon us. Barbecues, beaches, a lot of fun in the sun like the good old days.
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Starting point is 00:47:54 It's been a tragedy, the handling of it with the unnecessary lockdowns, the outrageous mask mandates, keeping kids out of school. I mean, this has really been a human tragedy that we haven't seen in a long time. And again, it's not just because of the virus. It's almost has really been a human tragedy that we haven't seen in a long time. And again, it's not just because of the virus. It's almost more because of the human response to the virus. Making it worse, the human response, is it was based on a series of what appear to be lies. We're just finding out new information
Starting point is 00:48:17 that COVID may have been here earlier than possible, which makes it even more important to get to the origin story. Did this come from the lab or not? Damn it, when are we going to get this answer? It's only the most important answer right now of our time. Did we hide this? This is important.
Starting point is 00:48:34 Wall Street Journal read this yesterday. From the piece, scientists analyzing blood samples taken from the National Institutes of Health Research Program identified seven people in states from Mississippi to Wisconsin to Pennsylvania who were infected with the new virus days or weeks before the first cases were confirmed in their areas. At least a couple had mild symptoms. Why is this important? Again, because it appears we were lied to again. If the Chinese government knew instantly that they had been working on a lab-generated super virus that had leaked from the lab and they had told us maybe we would
Starting point is 00:49:10 have been on the lookout and been able to scan for this early and stop these infections. But because they lied to us and the liberal media advanced those lies and still doesn't care to this day, it appears we'll never get to the bottom of what actually happened. It makes stories like this, which I read to you the other day, even more important. Wall Street Journal, intelligence on sick staff at Wuhan lab fuels debate on the COVID-19 origins. From inside the piece, researchers got sick at the lab in November of 2019. They sought hospital care from the Chinese Wuhan Institute of Virology.
Starting point is 00:49:48 U.S. Intel knew about it. Were we lied to? Could we have stopped this thing early? It appears clear now this leaked from a lab and it appears even clearer that it was a super virus generated to infect humans. Why? You just making that up, Dan? No, I'm basing my
Starting point is 00:50:06 opinion on the double CGG footprint, that code in the virus that we've yet to see in nature. Doesn't mean it doesn't exist in nature. We haven't seen it, but does exist in lab generated viruses. That's in the coronavirus. I'm also basing it on appearances on the media by smart people like Robert Redfield, a former Trump coronavirus task force upper level member who did an appearance with Fox News and in the interview said this, and he says, pay very close attention here. He talks about the difference between SARS and MERS. And even though they infected humans, something they were missing that coronavirus was not.
Starting point is 00:50:44 Check this out. There's clearly two different hypotheses that are credible. One, that this virus evolved from bats into some intermediate animal that is yet to be found and then eventually evolved into humans and then basically became efficiently transmitted among humans. And the other is that this virus actually went from a bat into a laboratory, where in the laboratory it gained the ability to become an efficient human-to-human transmitter. And those are both two hypotheses. And I guess if I'm disappointed about anything about the early scientific community is that there seemed to be lack of openness to pursue
Starting point is 00:51:30 both hypotheses. You know, it's interesting if you look at COVID, if you look at SARS, the SARS went from a bat to a civic cat and it went into into man but it never really learned how to go efficiently man-to-man and as we sit here today there's been less than 10,000 cases of SARS in over 18 years when you look at MERS which is another coronavirus went from a bat to a camel and then from a camel to man and as we sit here today it still hasn't learned how to go efficiently human to human we've had less than 4 000 cases what more damning evidence do you need where are the media on this
Starting point is 00:52:15 oh dan it doesn't matter now it already happened no it matters the reason we put people in jail for homicides rapes burglaries murders assaults and street crimes after the act is done is not because it doesn't matter. It's because we want to prevent them from doing it again. And we believe in a system of justice. What about justice here? We're just going to let this go? That is a fascinating clip there. The science is clear. SARS and MERS did infect humans
Starting point is 00:52:47 and what we know from the data it appears strongly that they evolved naturally but they never learned how to efficiently affect human being the number of cases was staggeringly low thank the lord and I'm not using his name in vain that's not what happened with the coronavirus. The coronavirus knew instantly. No, it doesn't have a conscious cell in its body, but it was instantly tailored to infect human beings ruthlessly and efficiently with spike proteins, almost uniquely tailored to affect human beings. And what is it, those ACE receptors? How'd they get there?
Starting point is 00:53:34 How'd those cleavage sites get there? How did that double CGG code get there? Are they working on another super virus right now? You think we might want to know that again ladies and gentlemen it's only the biggest scandal of our time all right one last story and we'll have to run kind of short on time make sure you tune into my radio show today by the way really appreciate it 12 and excuse me noon easter time to 3 p.m check your local radio stations if you want to hear the Dan Bongino show, by the way, call your radio station, email them, tweet them,
Starting point is 00:54:09 parlor, whatever you got, Facebook, and tell them, hey, you want to hear the show? We'd really appreciate it. It means a lot to us. That's how, you know, they're catering to you, not the other way around, just like I do in the podcast. This show is for you, not for me. I only get to listen once.
Starting point is 00:54:21 This is a crazy story by Fox News. Showing you how pernicious cancel culture and how infectious it's become in the United States. This is not a Babylon Bee or the Onion headline. It's not satire. This is a real headline. North Korean defector says, even North Korea was not this nuts
Starting point is 00:54:41 after attending an Ivy League school. Korea was not this nuts after attending an Ivy League school. Listen to these quotes. How sad is this? How bad liberal tyranny has gotten in the United States? It's a North Korean defector. You know, Kim Jong Twinkie, that guy, same guy. She defected from there and she's like, oh my gosh, it's really bad here.
Starting point is 00:55:08 The thought suppression. She says, quote, during orientation, she was scolded by a university staff member for admitting she enjoyed classic literature such as Jane Austen. The defector said, I love those books. I thought it was a good thing, recalled Park. That's her name. Then she said, did you know those writers had a colonial mindset? They were racists and bigots and are subconsciously brainwashing you, the teacher
Starting point is 00:55:30 told. It only got worse from there as she realized that every one of her classes at the Ivy League school was infected with what she saw as anti-American propaganda, reminiscent of the sword she'd grown up with in North Korea.
Starting point is 00:55:45 Nice job, Libs. Well done. You and Kim Jong Twinkie have something. You guys have run in parallel paths, parallel paths the same time. How does it make you feel that your goals and Kim Jong Yodel's goals are the exact same? Communist propaganda and the destruction of the United States. How does that make you feel? How does that really? I'm not kidding. It's a serious question. How does that make you feel?
Starting point is 00:56:20 That's all I got for you today, folks. Listen, thanks again for tuning in. I'll stay on top of this summit. Listen, we got some great solid guests. I got Julie Kelly coming up on the radio show today talking about this January 6th debacle debacle you're not going to want to miss. Don't miss the show. I'll see you all tomorrow. You just heard Dan Bongino.

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