The Dan Bongino Show - When is Enough, Enough? (Ep 1292)

Episode Date: July 7, 2020

In this episode, I address the explosion in violence in New York City and in other liberal run cities, along with the pathetic efforts to blame it on President Trump. I also cover the arrest of this c...onfidante of Jeffrey Epstein and the people who should be worried about it.  News Picks: Kayleigh McEnany unloads on the pathetic media during the briefing.  Violence rages in New York City as Nero DeBlasio fiddles. Illegal fireworks light up the California sky in defiance of the tyrants running the state. New gun owners say they bought their firearms because they’re afraid police they won’t reach them in time.  Companies that boycott Facebook continue to advertise on Russian social media platform.  Copyright Bongino Inc All Rights Reserved. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:40 Dan Bongino. All right, this Jeffrey Epstein case is about to explode. You know, I had some info, let's call it on this, a little while ago for those regular listeners to my show. I got that today on the show. Don't go anywhere. I also have coverage of what's probably the most significant and destructive gaslighting operation in the last 20 years. No, the last year because we had the collusion gaslighting operation before.
Starting point is 00:01:09 But the Black Lives Matter gaslighting operation by the media continues. Don't miss the show. Today's show brought to you by friends at ExpressVPN. Protect your online data today. Get a VPN now. Go to slash Bongino. Welcome to the Dan Bongino Show. Producer Joe, how are you today? Fine, sir. After our first vacation in forever. Wasn't that nice? Now we got to remember how to do the show. I know, we do. But I got to say, we have the greatest audience ever. We do.
Starting point is 00:01:33 No, I know. You texted me that. We do because I did say last week we weren't going to be doing a show on Monday. But I love you all to death. I mean it. We got tons of email. People freaked out that there was no show yesterday. They must have missed when I said that, but it was such an honor.
Starting point is 00:01:48 Paul and I, really, I'm not messing with you. We were really flattered. Everything's okay. We just took a little break. So we should have been more clear, but that's my fault. All right, let's get right to it. Loaded show today. Today's show brought to you by a friend's app, Rock Auto with the ever-increasing number of makes. Fiat, Kia, you know it, and models too.
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Starting point is 00:03:02 reliably low prices, all the parts your car will ever all right joe let's go and thank you for all the feedback about by the way i read your emails they were terrific so we're happy to have them as a sponsor okay so before we get to uh we're going to be it's a loaded show today obviously we're going to have a lot a lot to talk about because we've had four days off here. So Jeffrey Epstein's former girlfriend, I don't know what her role is with Epstein later, Jelaine Maxwell, I'm not even sure if I'm saying her name wrong. Many of you heard the story,
Starting point is 00:03:34 has been arrested, detained, and is scheduled for a hearing today on Tuesday. This is, ladies and gentlemen, from what I'm hearing, going to be an absolute disaster for a lot of very famous and prominent people. I'm not going to spend a ton of time on this, but I just want you to know for you, there we go. Regular listeners out there have known me
Starting point is 00:03:56 for a long time. I have some friends, let's call them, who have some extremely damaging information about some people who hung around Jeffrey Epstein. Jeffrey Epstein obviously is now deceased. But the people who associated with Jeffrey Epstein, the rich, the powerful, the political, they are not. They're still around. And there may be some stories to tell about the activities of those rich famous and powerful people and some underaged women that they should not have been around at all and definitely not around in the manner that some of my sources tell me you getting
Starting point is 00:04:40 what i'm saying i'm yes i'm being cryptic a reason, and I don't want you to think for a moment I'm withholding from you information I have. As I've said to my regular listeners who've known about this situation, let's say, for a few years, the reason I'm not more forthcoming with the information, ladies and gentlemen, is because it's not mine. It's a source of mine who's given me information about some very famous people who put themselves in pretty disgusting situations that they probably shouldn't have. But the details are not mine to share because I don't have them. There's someone else's who is just not at liberty right now to share all of it. When I get it, you have my word. You will be the first to know.
Starting point is 00:05:28 I'm simply suggesting to you that this confidant of Jeffrey Epstein, who was obviously still alive, she's been detained. Jelaine Maxwell likely has a lot of information she'd be willing to share. And if the prosecutors in the Southern District of New York cut a deal with, I'm sure, which I'm sure they're going to do, and hold a proffer session with her, that there may be some people she has information about who are going to be very eager to make that information go away.
Starting point is 00:05:57 They will hold, you know what a proffer session is? They call it a king for a day deal or a queen for a day deal in the case of Ms. Maxwell. Her lawyer comes in, the lawyers for the government, the United States Attorney Department of Justice come in. You have what's called a proffer deal. You go in that room with the lawyer and pretty much anything you say in there won't be used against you as long as you tell the truth. She has an opportunity to be a queen for a day and let all that stuff come out as long as she tells the truth.
Starting point is 00:06:24 to be a queen for a day and let all that stuff come out as long as she tells the truth. Ladies and gentlemen, that information could be extremely destructive to a lot of people who did some really, really bad things who are very rich and very powerful. I'll leave this on this note here. There have long been rumors about surveillance operations on Jeffrey Epstein's planes and some of these residences he had. He was very wealthy. There have been rumors for a long time of videos. There have also been rumors that some of those videos may not have been Epstein's.
Starting point is 00:07:02 In other words, some of those video operations may not have been there with Epstein's tacit approval because other people had an interest in what other people were doing around Epstein. You picking that up? Yeah. It's movie night. Yeah. It may be for a lot of people. Gotcha. And it ain't a good one. It's a horror movie, folks. Yeah. This case, Epstein may not be with us anymore,
Starting point is 00:07:34 but this case is going to be for a long time. There are a lot of rich and powerful people really sweating tonight. All right, moving on. I want to make sure I hit that in the beginning. I will definitely keep you updated when my sources are more forthcoming. I'm not hiding from you anything I don't have and haven't been authorized by these people to disclose. I promise you. and other liberal cities and the grotesque failure of leadership by the failed mayors over there who are just horror shows for humankind. The failed mayor of Chicago, Lori Lightfoot,
Starting point is 00:08:10 and the even worse, which is astonishing. You'd think it can't get any worse than Mayor Lightfoot in Chicago. It can. Mayor de Blasio in New York City, maybe the worst mayor in the history of civilized humanity since we've evolved from Neanderthals, Bill de Blasio is probably the worst mayor of any small town city we've ever seen in the history of sentient beings. So I went on Sean Hannity's show
Starting point is 00:08:37 Monday, last night, and Fox & Friends this morning, and you know, I was talking about the chaos and I wanted to get an accurate count of the shootings, the murders that had happened in New York City. And I'm not kidding. Right before I was on my phone right here
Starting point is 00:08:54 at this desk right here, sitting right here looking. And before I went on, I'm trying to get an accurate body count. And I noticed a tweet had come over on Twitter from the Daily Caller about another 14-year-old in New York City that had been shot. And I thought to myself, is this really where we're at right now? Where five minutes before you go on the air, you have to update your information about shootings because someone else has been shot? Imagine if that was your neighborhood.
Starting point is 00:09:27 Imagine that for a moment. You know, ladies and gentlemen, these aren't rounding errors. Ah, 45 people were shot. Actually, Dan, it's 47. These aren't rounding errors. These are real people. Oh, I know you know that. And I know you all are as deeply touched and moved by this
Starting point is 00:09:46 and the horror of this story as I am. But the media doesn't get that. The lib media doesn't want to talk about any of that. These aren't rounding errors. If you watch the video of the man killed in the South Bronx in broad daylight, he's walking across the street in the crosswalk with his six-year-old daughter. He is shot assassination style in the middle of the day.
Starting point is 00:10:15 Folks, we can't even play the video because we'll probably be taken off YouTube. You have to see the video. It's on Chief Rodney Harrison. If you go to his Twitter feed, it's on his Twitter feed, the full video. You need to watch it. You need to take in every single moment of it. Not if you're a kid.
Starting point is 00:10:33 I wouldn't recommend it for kids. But if you're an adult or over 18, over 16, you should look at it. Watch what the kid does. She runs. She runs out of the street, out of the crosswalk in horror. Her dad dies right in front of her. She gets on the corner and just runs. Where she went, I have no idea.
Starting point is 00:10:54 Who stopped her from running? Where did she go? I couldn't get that out of my head last night. Where'd the kid go? You don't see the video. It cuts off. It's taken from a camera. Where'd the six-year-old go?
Starting point is 00:11:06 What did she say? Anyone in the media want to talk about that? I thought black lives matter. Not that guy, apparently. What about his daughter? Does her life matter? She happened to be black, too. Where'd she go?
Starting point is 00:11:24 She knock on the door of a, what a cell phone store or bodega or whatever and say, Hey, I need help. My father just died. Did someone catch her a couple of blocks away, walking around crying? I couldn't get that out of my head.
Starting point is 00:11:36 What, what, what did, what'd the daughter do? Something goes bad with my daughters. Not that bad run to me daddy where'd she go daddy was gone ladies and gentlemen i'm not even remotely interested in what the guy did in the past or didn't you you don't i'm sorry you don't get executed on the streets in here i'm not i sometimes i get emails like that and i'm folks I delete them immediately because that's not the point.
Starting point is 00:12:08 You don't get executed on the streets of New York City in front of your six-year-old kid. Don't forget that. Where'd the kid go? Don't forget that question. Where'd she go? Her life will never, ever, ever, ever be the same. So I was going on last night and I thought,
Starting point is 00:12:30 I've had a really tough time getting this out of my head. Look at this New York Post cover. New York Post has been just filleting the failed, grotesque mayor of New York City, communist Bill de Blasio. Front cover, New York Post, crime ravaged city cries out for help. Bill, do something.
Starting point is 00:12:47 Which, by the way, is a take on an older New York Post cover. You can see in the middle, slash Bongino, if you'd like to look at the imagery. From when I grew up in New York 30 years ago, instead of Bill, for de Blasio, do something, which is on the cover today of the New York Post,
Starting point is 00:13:03 you can see a little kind of sub-pict picture in the middle that says, Dave, do something. Well, thank you, Paula. That was very good. She highlighted that for us. That was 30 years ago. Who was Dave? Well, for those of you who weren't New York City residents, Dave was the second worst mayor in the history of New York City, David Dinkins, who was also a liberal
Starting point is 00:13:25 Democrat who oversaw historic crime and thousands of people murdered on the streets of New York City. Now, disgustingly, tragically, these hacks in the media and everywhere else are trying, and liberals pretty much universally sadly are trying to blame this on trump of course now as i brought up this morning on fox and friends and i'll bring up again now was it trump who disbanded the plainclothes anti-crime unit in new york city was it him oh no it wasn't it was de blasio did that you know the plainclothes unit not dressed up in police uniforms that drive around in unmarked vehicles that report large swaths of self-observed crime? Why?
Starting point is 00:14:08 Now, again, I know for some of the liberals have a tough time with this. Why would a plainclothes police officer be able to self-observe crime? Because he's not in a police uniform for the incredibly thick watching the show who happen to be on the left who can't figure this out. We can't have plainclothes cops.
Starting point is 00:14:23 They got to be in uniform. You think people commit crimes in front of cops in uniform? No, they don't. They commit crime in front of plainclothes cops who don't advertise their police officers, who then can arrest people and stop that crime before it happens. Mayor de Blasio and his hapless police chief, Dermot Shea, who has completely failed the police department, have disbanded and taken those 600 anti-crime officers off the street. Was that Trump who did that? I'm just checking. No, it wasn't Trump who did that. Okay. Trump had no say over that at all. I'm not wrong, right? It wasn't Trump. Trump has never been the mayor of New York. Joe, listen, I know you're not as deep in the weeds with politics as I am,
Starting point is 00:15:02 but I'm pretty confident, correct me if I'm wrong, that Donald Trump was never the mayor of New York. Is that right? You're cool, bro. Yeah. Right on the money. Thank you. Just checking to make sure I'm not off here on my analysis. So President Trump, yeah, did not, in fact, remove the anti-crime police officers from the street.
Starting point is 00:15:20 The anti-crime police officers that likely could have stopped the what 44 47 shootings we had this weekend again ladies and gentlemen i am deeply sorry about my lack of precision in the shootings this is not a rounding error these are real human lives but i honestly don't know how many were shot i'm not sure if it was 44 or 47 it's hard to get an accurate count so just to be clear it wasn't trump who did okay good good that's good to get an accurate count so just to be clear it wasn't Trump who did it that's good to know that was actually de Blasio
Starting point is 00:15:50 when I warned you on this show people would die not lose their tax money not have to fight legal costs of a regulation not have to fight against Obamacare those are all legitimate political fights too, worth their weight.
Starting point is 00:16:07 But when you lose the fight over public safety, people die. So just to be sure as well, it wasn't Donald Trump that swapped out broken windows policing for bail reform in New York. Oh yeah, that was Mayor de Blasio again. Now what does that mean? Broken
Starting point is 00:16:25 windows policing was a style of very aggressive policing. Again, not physically aggressive, but law enforcement aggressive. Where if a guy jumped the turnstile, you stopped him. You didn't just let it go. We used to do that in New York. You just let him go. Ah, no big deal. You don't want to get the cops off the street.
Starting point is 00:16:42 I explained this a few times. It's worth hearing again. Broken windows policing was stop the little stuff and you'll stop the big stuff. Because why, ladies and gentlemen, the little stuff morphs into the big stuff. The guy who jumps the turnstile to get on the train because he doesn't want to pay is the guy who goes on the train and rob someone. If you lock him up when he jumps the turnstile, he's not on the train to rob someone. And one of the up when he jumps the turnstile, he's not on the train to rob someone. And one of the facts criminologists will nail home from you anywhere, if you have any doubt, is a very small portion, a very small portion of the population commits the overwhelming majority
Starting point is 00:17:16 of crime. When you lock up the guy for jumping the turnstile for theft of services and he doesn't rob the train, there's probably four or five other crimes you stopped them from committing to. When you get 100 of those people off the streets, you're talking about four or 500 crimes that didn't happen. When you get 1,000 of them off the street, you're talking about thousands of people who weren't raped, robbed, murdered, killed, or had their house home invaded or burglarized. That style of policing has been flushed down the toilet by Bill de Blasio, who has exchanged
Starting point is 00:17:48 it not only for no broken windows, but for anti-broken windows. Now let's break the windows where he's now engaged in a bail reform process where they just let people on bail out to go and rob the train. So what happens now? Old style broken windows. Catch the guy jumping the turnstile, put him in jail. He doesn't rob the train. So what happens now? Old style broken windows. Catch the guy jumping the turnstile. Put him in jail. He doesn't rob the lady. Now, Joe, you catch him. You bring him back to the cell in the precinct.
Starting point is 00:18:12 They give him a desk appearance ticket. He walks right out, jumps the turnstile again and robs the lady on the train. Trump do that? Joe, just checking again. Was that Trump? Mayor Trump? No, no. No, it wasn't Trump. You're sure? Just checking. Make sure you're sure no no no it wasn't trump you're sure okay i'm just just checking make sure you're sure yeah it wasn't him would you be willing to put your life on it
Starting point is 00:18:31 joe i bet it wasn't mayor trump yeah dan you're putting me on the spot but uh yeah do you know trick question for paulo so we took a little break this weekend we it was late at night we didn't want to watch a movie that required any thinking so legally blonde was on and they ask her that question they asked this guy a question about if aristotle said something and he answers he says the lady says would you be willing to put your life on it what about his life so joe's willing to put his life on the answer that yes it wasn't in fact donald trump that swapped out broken windows for bail reform which is anti-broken windows on a deadly serious note, I told you the exchange of one for the other
Starting point is 00:19:09 would result in the deaths of people. And tragically, I was correct. So what do you do? You know, anybody can complain about it. Well, the answer, I'll give you that. You know, I'll give you the answer in a second. I'm going to get to my second sponsor. Sometimes what you do is what you have to undo.
Starting point is 00:19:34 In other words, I get a lot of emails sometimes because I get very upset about these things. They say, Dan, I understand that. But how do we fix it? Fair questions. And I don't like it when I don't do that. But sometimes, ladies and gentlemen, the answers are very simple. They're to undo bad things. Put the anti-crime officers back on the street. Get street crime out there again,
Starting point is 00:19:52 which is citywide anti-crime. Anti-crime are attached to precincts. Citywide street crime, they're playing close. They go around the whole city. Get them back out there. Stop with this bail reform nonsense. Back to broken windows. Prioritize low-level crime.
Starting point is 00:20:09 But I've got another suggestion too where President Trump can actually help. All right, let me get to my second sponsor quick. Today's show also brought to you by our friends at Teeter. I've really needed Teeter over the last few weeks. I've had some kind of back and neck issues acting up. I think it's just a function of my old age and arthritis. But Teeter has the best inversion tables out there.
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Starting point is 00:21:45 That's slash Dan. Go today. Check it out. Love this thing. I've been using it after my workouts in my hot garage. Great. Spine. Get that thing nice and decompressed. Okay. So what do we do? And this is my suggestion to President Trump about the chaos in these cities. Folks, we announce tomorrow a series of task forces, federal task chaos in these cities. Folks, we announce tomorrow a series of task forces, federal task forces in these cities. Ladies and gentlemen, if Mayor de Blasio may not be aware of this or Mayor Lightfoot, the failed mayor of Chicago, but Chicago and New York City are in fact in the United States. I'm not sure if they're aware of that, but the United States federal government still has jurisdiction over federal crimes in those areas because last time I checked, they have not seceded and they are in the United States federal government still has jurisdiction over federal crimes in those
Starting point is 00:22:25 areas because last time I checked, they have not seceded and they are in the United States. So I wrote down a little list of the alphabet soup of agencies, the DEA, IRS, ATF, FBI, Secret Service, ICE, Customs, otherwise. They don't need anybody's permission to go in there and lock people up for federal crimes. And believe me, there are many. They should announce a series of task forces tomorrow on narcotics, illegal firearm trafficking, tax evasion, whatever it may be. I was on a financial task force when I was in the Long Island office of the Secret Service up in New York. Ladies and gentlemen, we did a lot of damage to the bad guys, a lot. We nearly shut down check kiting in that whole region because we locked up so many people. When people send in checks to credit card companies that aren't good,
Starting point is 00:23:14 and then they run up the balance against called check kiting. We almost shut that down. We were so aggressive. Announce these task force. Do it now. Have a big press conference with Bill Barr. Send them right. We don't need de Blasio's permission at all. We don't need Lightfoot's permission. We don't need anybody's permission. They can't enforce local laws. That's not what the FBI, ATF, IRS,
Starting point is 00:23:36 that's none of them. They don't do that. But there are a lot of federal laws being broken there. And I promise you, you can make a significant dent tomorrow if you start perp walking people out there and arresting them on RICO charges, gun trafficking charges, drug trafficking charges. Do it. Let everybody see you do it.
Starting point is 00:23:55 Do it on television. Perp walk everyone on TV and let them see what happens. My exact same recommendation for the statue rioters. You got to do it. I know the president has some big plans. I hope that's part of it. My exact same recommendation for the statue rioters. You got to do it. I know the president has some big plans. I hope that's part of it. Announce these task forces tomorrow.
Starting point is 00:24:14 All right. Moving on a bit, but not really moving on. The sad part about this is the media doesn't want to talk about any of this. That video of that six-year-old that, I mean, tough to watch, tragic, horrible video of a six-year-old girl. Where did she go? Nobody knows. You can't see the rest of the video. Watching her dad slain right in the streets, broad daylight in the South Bronx. People don't want to talk about that. People in the lib media don't want to talk about that because liberal media people are gross. They're horrible, filthy, disgusting people who have absolutely no desire to solve problems and
Starting point is 00:24:50 only want to leverage problems for their own political ideological advantage. It's really as simple as that. It's disgusting. It's causing the deaths of people. It's causing the destruction of New York City. I mean, if you were going to destroy New York City, I think I asked this on Fox and Friends this morning. I came down to talk to Paula. She was getting some java, some coffee. And she said, you know, Dan, that was pretty good. She actually never calls me Dan, but she says, you know, that was really good. I said, what? She said, you asked everybody, if you were going to destroy New York City, would you do anything different than de Blasio is doing? And the answer is no, I wouldn't.
Starting point is 00:25:30 Let criminals out of jail, destroy your businesses, tax people to death, attack the police, attack law and order, encourage rioting, encourage people to tear down Fifth Avenue and burn the stores. Would you do anything different? It's a serious question. To the liberals listening with an open mind, you're welcome here anytime. To the ones without an open mind, you're welcome too, but
Starting point is 00:25:49 you're morons. But to the liberals who aren't morons, that's a very serious question. If you were going to destroy New York City, what would you do different? Not much, right? But they're lying about it. they don't want to have this conversation because what's happening is if they have the conversation about the six-year-old whose father was slain right in front of her assassination style in the streets of the south bronx they'll have to admit what they'll have to admit that the people in charge while this is happening are in fact democrats yep Democrats. Yep. And the liberal media's allegiance to party activism
Starting point is 00:26:30 first supersedes everything, including human life. So what they do is they provide cover and their cover right now is, oh, this is all the fault of the police. The police are doing this. Hunting black men, causing chaos everywhere.
Starting point is 00:26:46 The cops are doing this. It's asinine. If you think the cops are the bad guys, I suggest you seek professional help immediately. They are not. There have been incidents, troubling use of force incidents. We're handling those. Those people are in jail and awaiting trial
Starting point is 00:27:02 where they'll probably lose. And they will suffer the legal consequences for their disastrous, in some cases, murderous decisions. But the police are not the problem. That is, in fact, a liberal media activist talking point to distract you from the fact that the Democrats running America's major cities have failed you completely and so have their ideology and people are dying because of it. And what they use is they use a front group for this. A front group to shock people and to shock value that the police are in fact the problem. And their front group is Black Lives Matter.
Starting point is 00:27:38 Now, anyone who dares tell the truth about Black Lives Matter, of course, is shunned immediately by the liberal media, including people who happen to be black, who would probably care about Black Lives Matter considering they're black themselves. So one of those people, and I don't know the man, I've never met him in my life. My daughter enjoys the show, America's Got Talent. But one of the people is Terry Crews. You might know Terry Crews. He's jacked like beyond belief. He's like huge. He does that thing with his pecs, which is, I don't even know how he does that. But Terry Crews, he's an actor, a funny guy. He's just a multi-talented, multifaceted guy. He is one of the co-hosts for America's Got Talent, very popular show on NBC. So Terry Crews dared to tweet out that,
Starting point is 00:28:25 listen, not all white people are bad and not all black people are good and we should judge people by the content of their character. Oh my God. Joe. You can't say that, Terry. No. Judge people by the content of your character.
Starting point is 00:28:41 Come on. What kind of crazy statement is that, right? Now, if you're a liberal that is crazy of course if you're sane that's a perfectly rational caring loving thing to say that maybe we should all put skin color aside and judge people by who they are shocker liberals don't want to hear that neither does black lives matter you say things like all lives matter like oh you're definitely a racist if all lives matter which was interesting because i was watching a debate with the hapless uh what i don't even know her name i'm sorry we say it wrong so i don't want to mess it up but she was on fox yesterday
Starting point is 00:29:14 she's a liberal activist and she was making the point that you know because white people kill white people too that we shouldn't talk about black on black, which is fascinating because we say things like all lives matter. Yes. White lives, black lives, Asian lives. They say the exact, they go, no, no, that's racist. So when we talk about black on black crime, we're supposed to talk about white on white crime too, but we're not supposed to say all lives matter.
Starting point is 00:29:36 We're only supposed to talk about black lives. If you're confused by all of this, ladies and gentlemen, you really should be because none of it makes any sense at all. Black lives matter is a scam Black Lives Matter is a scam. The group is a scam. And the liberal media is using it as a front to keep you focused on police being the problem, air quotes, and not the problem of failed policies in black communities, which have actually cost thousands of black lives, including the life of the father of that six-year-old girl, who I still don't know where she ran to.
Starting point is 00:30:12 So here's Don Lemon, the dreadful Don Lemon on CNN, one of the 10 dumbest people in media by far, who I've had it out with quite a bit, who doesn't know anything. So when he gets caught spouting his ignorance, he talks over his guests. He has Terry Crews on. Remember, Terry Crews, who dared to suggest we should judge people by the content of their character and not the color of their skin.
Starting point is 00:30:34 Gosh. So rather than Don Lemon letting Terry Crews talk, Don Lemon decides it's time to spew propaganda about Black Lives Matter and completely talks over the guests on his show. Should go on Fox, Terry Crews, where he'd actually get a fair shake. Listen to this dreadful segment by the hapless Don Lemon, one of the dumbest guys in media. The Black Lives Matter movement was started because it was talking about police brutality. If you want an all Black Lives Matter movement that talks about gun violence in communities, including, you know black
Starting point is 00:31:06 communities then start that movement with that name but that's not what black lives matter is about it's not an all-encompassing so if you're talking about um if someone started a movement that said uh cancer matters and then someone comes in and said why aren't you talking about hiv it's not the same thing. We're talking about cancer. So the Black Lives Matter movement is about police brutality and injustice in that manner, not about what's happening in black neighborhoods. There are people who are working on that issue. And if you want to start that issue, why don't you start it?
Starting point is 00:31:41 Do you understand what I'm saying? But when you look at the organization police brutality is not the only thing they're talking about i know that i agree but that's not what the black lives matter movement is about terry black lives matter is about police brutality and about and about criminal justice it's not about what happens in communities when it comes to crime black on blackon-black crime. People who live near each other, black people, kill each other. Same as whites. Eighty-some percent of white people are killed by white people
Starting point is 00:32:11 because of proximity. It's the same thing with black people. It happens in every single neighborhood. But that doesn't, again, I'm not saying that's not important that those kids die, but it's a different movement. What the hell just happened there? So just to be clear, Don Lemon,
Starting point is 00:32:32 Don Lemon's insisting that Terry Crews, who believes that everyone's life matters and we shouldn't judge people by the color of their skin, that Terry Crews should not be talking about other issues in the black community that would actually impact black lives and destruction of the family, judging people by their character and not the color of their skin,
Starting point is 00:32:51 not painting all white people as bad. So Terry Cruz actually cares about things that would improve the lot of large swaths of the black community in America. Don Lemon says, no, no, no, no,
Starting point is 00:33:01 that's not what black lives matters about. It's about police brutality so you should shut your hole terry so then terry counters with a perfectly logical argument like really don because if you go to black lives matter's own website black lives matter says what they're about and it's not all about police brutality no no no no no terry don again the dumbest guy in media has to stop Terry because Terry's saying something that's actually true. So they're all about stopping police brutality. Here's a, by the way, a quick, remember this one, this is an actual black lives matter rally. Here's two of I like bacon.
Starting point is 00:33:47 Pigs in a blanket. I like bacon. Pigs in a blanket. I like bacon. Pigs in a blanket. I like bacon. Pigs in a blanket. I like bacon.
Starting point is 00:33:58 That's their rally. That's not mine. Paul and Joe did not edit that. Drew's not going to throw in extra effects at the end when we do the video afterwards. That's not what's happening here. That's their rally, Black Lives Matter. What do we want? Dead cops.
Starting point is 00:34:12 When do we want them now? Pigs in a blanket. Pigs referring to cops, disgustingly. Pigs in a blanket, fry them like bacon. That's their rally. That's not mine. That's not the Dan bongino show rally but we're not allowed to talk about that either because don lemon said no no no black lives matter
Starting point is 00:34:31 is only about police reform and shame on you terry for putting out a positive message trying to get people to put aside grievances and put aside tendencies to stereotype people and to encourage people to be loving and caring to one another despite the color of their skin god forbid terry talks about that don's joe don lemon's got to get him back on point it's all about the police it's not about black kids dying it's not about the six-year-old running down the street where we still don't know where she went because her daddy's not there don't talk about that folks you see how I'm tying this all in together? It's important you understand this. The Democrats always need their shock troops on the front line
Starting point is 00:35:10 to keep you all distracted. But to keep you distracted from their overt, deadly failures, what's going on right now in lifetime, people are dying in Democrat-run cities, run exclusively by Democrats. The Democrats need the shock troops on the front line to keep you preoccupied with a message that has nothing to do with that. Law and order is traditionally a Republican message. The police are a convenient target. They stick BLM on the front line, Black Lives Matter, to get you distracted and talk about dead cops and wanting them now.
Starting point is 00:35:42 Don Lemon, liberal activist, one of the 10 dumbest guys in media, is there to propagandize you as well. Terry Crews, how dare you talk about All Lives Matter, anything like that. Are you kidding me? We're not going to talk about that. Destruction of the black family. Really, Don?
Starting point is 00:35:59 Really? Because Terry, again, Terry Crews says, well, if you go to their website, that's not even what they say they're about, Don. Here's, oh, you don't believe me? Here's their website, You feel free to go there yourself. Scroll about three quarters of the way down.
Starting point is 00:36:14 It's their website. Again, not mine. Just like their, you know, what do we want, dead cops rally., quote, we disrupt the Western prescribed nuclear family structure requirement by supporting each other as extended families and villages that collectively care for one another, especially our children, to the degree that mothers, parents, and children are comfortable.
Starting point is 00:36:32 Really? So you're committed to the destruction of the nuclear family in exchange for Marxist ideas like the Hillary Clinton, it takes a village? No, it takes a good mom and dad. Village is nice. I live in takes a good mom and dad. Village is nice. I live in a nice town. Good people. We get along.
Starting point is 00:36:51 A lot of political differences. No problems here. We vote here. That's how we do things. No one comes to your front door and attacks you here. The village is nice. But I teach my kids, not the village. You think Terry Crews, who looked at that, may have been a, I can't speak for Terry.
Starting point is 00:37:13 And I'm sure by mentioning his name, I'm sure he'll be boycotted into the phantom zone. God forbid we speak the truth. But good for Terry for saying Black Lives Matter is about police reform. That's interesting because I looked up their website and they seem to be really against this whole nuclear family thing. You know, the whole nuclear family that leads to stable lives and healthy and productive young children who become healthy and productive young adults later.
Starting point is 00:37:32 You know, I'm not really interested in throwing that away for the whole collective Marxist stuff. Don Lemon doesn't want to talk about that either. Now you're probably like, Dad, come on. It's their website. They're not really Marxists
Starting point is 00:37:48 talking about the collective. You know, that's Marxist terminology. Getting rid of individual liberty and freedom and big R God-given rights and scuttling that, throwing that aside for collective rights. There's no such thing
Starting point is 00:38:01 as collective rights. You understand that, right? There are individual rights. There's no such thing as collective rights. You understand that, right? There are individual rights. There's no such thing as collective rights. You can't treat people collectively equally without treating them unequally. Dan, that doesn't make sense. Think about it. If you have a collective right to something basic, food, you say, oh, that sounds fair. Dan, there's definitely a collective right to food. There is? You sure about that? So if i don't want to work i get to steal your food oh i didn't think that through of course you didn't you're a liberal there's no collective right to food there's an
Starting point is 00:38:35 individual right to work and earn income from it in a free society but you have a right to nothing other than that to be in the economy you don't have a right to nothing other than that. To be in the economy. You don't have the right to other people's property. There are no collective rights. There are individual rights. That's Marxist terminology. So you're probably saying, Dan, Black Lives Matter is not Marxist.
Starting point is 00:39:01 That was just a poor use of language. Okay, don't listen to me. Here's one of the co-founders again in response to a question about if she is in fact a Marxist. That was just a poor use of language. Okay, don't listen to me. Here's one of the co-founders again in response to a question about if she is in fact a Marxist in her group and has Marxist ideological leanings. Here's one of the co-founders of the group telling you in her own words that they are in fact community organizers and Marxists. Don't take it from me, take it from her. I think that the criticism is helpful. I also think that it might um i think of a lot of things the first thing i think is that we actually do have an ideological frame um myself and alicia in particular are trained organizers um we uh are trained marxists um we are super versed on sort of ideological theory. Don't worry, Don Lemon.
Starting point is 00:39:52 It's all about the cops, isn't it? Or maybe, Don, you could get out of your intellectual prison you're in. Maybe you would just listen to Black Lives Matter in their own words. This isn't about the police. That's a distraction to keep you distracted from the failures of far-left ideology in the city while they destroy it and rebuild it in Marxist fashion. But Don doesn't want you to know about any of that.
Starting point is 00:40:19 No, no, no, Terry. No, Terry, you have to stick on message here. This is about reforming the police. Okay, sure. Maybe you should tell Black Lives Matter that. They'd be interested to know that. no no terry no terry you have to stick on message here this is about reforming the police okay sure maybe you should tell black lives matter that they'd be interested to know that they're marxists that rally screaming what do we want dead cops when do we want them now not allowed to say that no no you're not allowed to say that i say whatever i want it's a damn bongino show in case you missed the back
Starting point is 00:40:42 all right let me get to my third sponsor today. And I want to show you a good, kind of a good video. Warmed my heart a little bit. Showing you that people are only going to have the boot of anti-liberty depressed on their neck for so long before they say to themselves, nah, I'm not taking any of that anymore. And we're going to give you kind of the double-barreled middle finger because liberty matters and God-given rights matter too. Good video. We'll get to that in a second.
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Starting point is 00:42:25 with identity theft. It is horrible. slash Bongino for 25% off. Go today. Check it out. All right. Thanks, LifeLock. I appreciate that. So a little bit of good news after that really troubling segment. I mean, folks, again, these are American citizens. These are our citizens. These are our brothers and sisters in our country. And it's no good to say, well, you know, they voted for those. Some idiots voted for idiots who are in office in Chicago and New York right now. But these people still live in the United States of America, and they're our brothers and sisters. They don't deserve to be shot dead on their streets
Starting point is 00:42:57 because some moron politician wants to defund the police. But here's a little bit of good news. I saw this on Benny Johnson's Twitter feed. This is a news feed from California.ia so i just want you to listen that check it out you can listen for those of you uh just listening on audio only i want you to when you're listening to it i'll paint the visual for you quickly there is a just sea of fireworks going off in the background as you're going to listen to these two Los Angeles reporters talking like, oh my gosh, we were told not to set off fireworks on the 4th of July.
Starting point is 00:43:31 Our monarchs, our kings and queens told us not to. What's happening here? They're freaking out these two news anchors. In the background is a wide shot, it appears from a helicopter, of fireworks going off everywhere. This is really cool. Check this out. There are massive fireworks going off pretty much in every direction that you see here. Jasmine, our local fire departments and police departments have been begging people not to do this, but it seems tonight they are not listening to those calls. Well, they're putting up new warnings on social media. I mean, they're saying safe and sane are even banned in the majority of cities
Starting point is 00:44:05 in L.A. County, not to mention the city of L.A. has a ban as well. We know many of the public shows have been canceled, so we've done stories on this. More people have been, unfortunately, setting off illegal fireworks. I mean, it is quite the sight, but this is not supposed to be happening. I mean, you could be fined up to $50,000.
Starting point is 00:44:22 Yeah, yeah, good luck. Good luck fining them. Folks, please watch that video. Yeah. Yeah. Good luck. Good luck finding them. Folks, please watch that video. slash Bongino. By the way, thank you for getting us to 500,000 subscribers. We appreciate it. It means a lot to me. We hit that benchmark this weekend.
Starting point is 00:44:34 Please watch the video. Even Paul is laughing in the background. There's fireworks everywhere. I'm not talking about one or two homes. I'm not even talking about 100. Joe, what did you say about 5,000, 6,000 homes? thousand the helicopters go but there's fireworks as far as the eye can see what are they doing oh my gosh there's a fifty thousand dollar fight for fireworks double barreled i'll use the index finger because kids are watching but you get the real one double barrel middle finger to
Starting point is 00:45:01 the monarchs out there who prefer to rule rather than govern. We don't really like that stuff. And what better day than on Independence Day in one of America's most liberal cities for the fireworks setter offers to show people who's really in charge. Remember the Dark Knight, Bane? Do you feel like you're in charge i don't think so pretty sure
Starting point is 00:45:27 the cops weren't stopping at every one of those houses sir it's a fifty thousand dollar fine for that uh firework you just love i'm pretty sure that didn't happen check out the video it's refreshing to put a little smile on your face a lot of disturbing news lately you need some good news too the american people aren't going to take this crap that much longer ladies and gentlemen everything comes in cycles. Don't forget it. There are peaks and valleys everywhere. Everywhere.
Starting point is 00:45:49 The Victorian era, the dark ages, it all comes in cycles. Pretty soon, it's going to hit rock bottom and it's going to rebound and freedom and liberty are going to make a comeback like you've never seen. People are not going to watch their kids murdered on streets, their businesses shut down, their gyms shut down, the restaurants shut down. It's just not going to watch their kids murdered on streets, their businesses shut down, their gyms shut down, the restaurants shut down. It's just not going to happen. Once the middle class starts to feel it and sadly feel it even more, there will be a revolt for liberty where people are going to demand their rights back.
Starting point is 00:46:17 Good form. Okay. All right. It always bothers me to have to do these segments about how dreadful the media is, but they are necessary because some of you are still under the illusion somehow that the media are honest brokers out there, the liberal media, interested in facts and, you know, journalisming and that kind of thing. I'm very sorry if you've been suckered and led down that path
Starting point is 00:46:38 because there's nothing but a fake wizard behind the curtain, I promise you. So showing you how insane of a media environment ecosystem we live in right now. This op-ed was, wait. I don't know if you got the joke, Paula, when I told you about this before the show. This is a real op-ed. It's not a joke.
Starting point is 00:46:57 I mean, this op-ed is real. It's not the Babylon Bee. It's not us altering that. There is an op-ed that appeared in the Washington Post. Washington Post. I don't get it, Dan. What's it? When I put up the op-ed a little bit, you beat me to the punch.
Starting point is 00:47:18 Paul is laughing. You probably hear that. This op-ed's in the Washington Post. What's the op-ed, Dan the washing washington post what's the op-ed dan get to it headline both namesakes of washington and lee university perpetrated racial terror the school should be renamed that's in the Washington Post. Do I? Okay, I'm just going to leave that right there.
Starting point is 00:47:51 I'm going to leave it alone. So anything named Washington should be renamed in the Washington Post. But people still take them seriously. I'm sorry about that. Nice job there, Washington Post. You may have missed that. Washington Post. Rename Washington, except for,
Starting point is 00:48:07 like, oh, is that named after the city? Pretty sure that was named after whatever. I'm trying to talk, I'm done trying to talk sense into any of these morons,
Starting point is 00:48:19 but you may want to reevaluate your op-ed selection in the future before you change your own name, which they won't do. You know, you see this. You know what? Let me get to a second one because I was going to get to this, but I want to jump ahead. Showing you again how the media and their.
Starting point is 00:48:35 I mean, it's not even rational. It's not logic. None of it's gone out the window. Let me just show you first a tweet by Tammy Duckworth, who is apparently one of the lead contenders for the vice presidency for Joe Biden. She is a Democrat senator. And Joe Biden apparently likes her a lot. So Tammy Duckworth, again, Democrat, she was all excited back in 2015. Look at the date on this.
Starting point is 00:49:00 It's very important. July 4th of 2015, Democrat senator, I believe she was a congresswoman at the time, was all excited. She said, Joe, she's dressed up as a historic figure. She covered herself in the stars and stripes, and next year she's going to Mount Rushmore, America. Tammy Duckworth for Illinois. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:18 So she's all excited, Tammy Duckworth, about going to Mount Rushmore. She's a Democrat. The same route, Mount Rushmore, when she was on to CNN, she seemed to have some complaints about. And now the Democrats have targeted Mount Rushmore, the great Mount Rushmore.
Starting point is 00:49:34 Because of course, the same line, it's racist like everything else. Everything's racist with the Democrats. Remember the Democrats have nothing to say. So if you remove the term racist from a Democrat's vocabulary, they would be sitting there in a corner with a dunce cap on with absolutely nothing to say as if their vocal cords had been removed. They don't have anything
Starting point is 00:49:53 else. So Mount Rushmore is now racist. Hat tip, the great Thomas Elliott on Twitter is terrific at Grabian. Here is a short video of the new montage of the new thing that's racist. The racist monument. Democrat senator and leading candidate for vice president, Tammy Duckworth, wanted to go to just a few years ago. Five years ago. That's now a symbol of America and racism because that's all they have. racism because that's all they have. Check out this month. Donald Trump chose the most grandiose symbol of U.S. imperialism on Earth to usher in a very on brand star spangled spectacle. The mother of all photo ops, Mount Rushmore.
Starting point is 00:50:37 And we know why this president just can't resist going there. President Trump will be at Mount Rushmore, where he'll be standing in front of a monument of two slave owners and on land wrestled away from Native Americans. We have to acknowledge that Mount Rushmore is sitting on Lakota land. The place Donald Trump is going to on Friday is stolen land. He will inevitably and predictably talk about our heritage. In other words, he will talk about he is the protector of white America. And to indigenous people, Mount Rushmore with four white presidents, two of whom were slave owners, is one of those symbols.
Starting point is 00:51:20 Questions have really been raised about Thomas Jefferson in particular, but also George Washington for their holdings of slaves. It's worth reminding folks that the man who carved the monument behind me had deep ties to the KKK. There are other issues. The sculptor, Goodson Borglum, was a supporter of the Ku Klux Klan. That, of course, is something in all the history books. Mount Rushmore isn't exactly the innocent ode to our founding fathers as described in our textbooks. And it's high time we disrupt that false narrative that far too many people believe. Oh my gosh.
Starting point is 00:51:54 These people are just deeply troubled. They seriously need help. They need, they need the help of a qualified mental health professional. They really, they just can't get it. There's nothing to them that's not racist. Nothing. Nothing. Mount Rushmore is not racist.
Starting point is 00:52:11 Now, their talking point on Mount Rushmore is so bizarre because there'd be a way to lead on this. Their talking point is stolen land, Joe. Definitely stolen. Ah, yeah. Now, and Kate, I know Joe is a student of history. See, Joe loves history. I do. I like history.
Starting point is 00:52:28 I'm more into economics, but I like history too. If you've studied history just a little bit, you'd figure out quite quickly that every single country on earth was founded in some act of either initial aggression or defensive aggression at some point. Just about every single one. Every country has a past.
Starting point is 00:52:48 Every country has battle scars, things they probably wish they could take back. Some of them have some really serious things they wish they could take back. Germany, United States, us. So can we just get out of the way that every single country that's been inhabited by fallible human beings in the history of humankind has some battle scars and some troubling components to it as well can we just get that out of there's not a exception to that rule anywhere right you can find me one i'm happy to hear about it so knowing that if you're thinking rationally you'll say well where's that country now and
Starting point is 00:53:25 what has it done to fix and improve itself what have they done we've passed civil rights legislation we've we had i mean we lived through the civil war hundreds of thousands of casualties but no and i don't want to focus on that. Or the six-year-old running, whose dad was just slain in the Bronx just this weekend. Because that's a problem we can fix now. They want to focus on people, some of whom founding fathers who died over 200 years ago. To do what?
Starting point is 00:53:57 Again, to distract you. Now, showing you how unprincipled this stolen land is, if their principle is anything in the United States, because none of this was by their own measure, Joe, was ours, the United States, right? Native Americans lived here, correct? This wasn't a European country, tautologically speaking. Yeah. So CNN's building in Atlanta must be on land that was stolen too, Joe. I'm just checking, right?
Starting point is 00:54:23 CNN was not here 300 years ago? No. Is that a fair analysis? Yeah, you're good. Thank you. So as the audience fact checker on this, what about Manhattan, which belonged to Indians as well? That's right.
Starting point is 00:54:38 Dutch settlers came over and gave them a pittance for it. I mean, that's technically on, by your own standards, stolen land too, right? So I have a suggestion. Joe, tell me if this is fair. If that's your principle, Mount Rushmore is a disgrace, racist scar on the country because it's on stolen land, then you're on stolen land too.
Starting point is 00:54:54 But you can fix that. See, we can't destroy Mount Rushmore. What are you going to do? Nuke it? But you could go tomorrow and you could say, CNN, MSNBC, they both have headquarters in New York. CNN's right near Columbus Circle. I used to go up and do hits there all the time. You could give that back tomorrow. Find the ancestors of the Indians who own that property. Yeah. Give it
Starting point is 00:55:20 away tomorrow. Nice gesture. Yeah. Yeah. Fair, right? Yeah. Hey, on a very serious note, Joe. Yeah, Dan. You may not agree with that premise that everything's been stolen because throughout human history, everything's been stolen from everybody else. Yeah. And it's what you do now to make things right that matters. The country in a respect rights now. Acknowledge your past, but focus on what you can fix now.
Starting point is 00:55:48 But I'd respect you for it. Of course, I don't respect you because you'll never do that because you're phonies. You're big fakes, you're phonies, you're frauds. You have expensive buildings in high real estate market areas in Manhattan, Atlanta, and elsewhere, probably around the country seeing it. I'm sure you have bureaus elsewhere, you won't give that land back to anybody. I'm sure you could trace it back to someone it's been stolen from. Why won't you do it? Because you're a fraud. You're a big fake and you're a phony and nothing you say is actually true. It's all politics and it's all leveraging and it's all distraction all the time they won't do any of that all right what do we got next oh this is an important one let me i got one last sponsor i want
Starting point is 00:56:32 to get through this story it's very important we talk about this because it involves what's happening with corona and how fake news outlets may have seriously cost people their lives i'm not kidding again which is really obviously a human tragedy of epic proportions. You may not have heard about this. All right, final sponsor today, Aslo. In 2020, every business in the country is learning how to adapt day by day.
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Starting point is 00:58:28 Okay. Thanks, Aslo. So again, in this, while we're doing this media segment about how this is not based on principles or anything like that, you know, CNN is attacked outlets like where I work as a contributor at Fox and others. Oh my gosh, Fox is the misinformation about coronavirus, which is totally false, completely made up. It has nothing to do with principles at all.
Starting point is 00:58:48 Who was really promoting misinformation and disinformation on coronavirus while it was spreading and rampaging through the United States? Yeah, the answer is, of course, as always, fake news outlets. One of them, CNN, which was surprised, air quotes Joe to find out,
Starting point is 00:59:06 that hydroxychloroquine which president trump dared to mention in a press conference when he mentioned that it could be a possible treatment for uh for uh the coronavirus infection hydroxychloroquine the media went nuts remember whatever trump says the media has to come out on the other side of and say the opposite of because the media are crazy. So CNN decided when President Trump mentioned hydroxychloroquine, it said, hey, there's some promise here. Here's a headline from CNN. President Trump is wrong in so many ways about hydroxychloroquine studies. Here are the facts. So liberal media activists, of course, because President Trump said hydroxychloroquine is good
Starting point is 00:59:46 like I said if President Trump said oxygen is good they would promptly suffocate themselves to prove oxygen is bad CO2 much much better because they're crazy they're seriously nuts like the Washington Post who wants Washington's name in an op-ed change and they're the Washington Post
Starting point is 01:00:01 they haven't figured that out because they're really dumb they're stupid people so CNN was very upset now engaged in a And they're the Washington, they haven't figured that out because they're really dumb. They're stupid people. So CNN was very upset. Now, engaged in a long political attack against hydroxychloroquine, they managed to get stupid Democrat governors all across the country to ban the use of hydroxychloroquine outside of a hospital setting. We saw some morons in Nevada, Michigan, and elsewhere. And I can't imagine, because President Trump said hydroxychloroquine was good, how many
Starting point is 01:00:27 lives were cost. Because the media decided that because President Trump said it was good, that we have to characterize it as really bad and awful. Serious question. How many people you think died because doctors were afraid to use this because the media told them it's really bad and we may come after you too. So that was CNN's other headline. Now, CNN was surprised to have to report
Starting point is 01:00:50 that they were surprised, Joe. Here's headline number two just recently from CNN, where they were stunned. Study finds hydroxychloroquine helped coronavirus patients survive better. Oh my gosh, shocker. Right? What happened? Surprised in their don't i don't know like science happened is what happened if you really want to know what you're saying i know what you're doing
Starting point is 01:01:12 there but science happened you know science would journalism ingers don't really do anymore you're supposed to trust these people? The media has totally abandoned America. Totally. They've abandoned any pretense of objectivity. And they're at the point now where if you follow their advice, some of them, you run the risk of being killed. Don't take hydroxychloroquine. CNN said it was bad.
Starting point is 01:01:42 Listen to your doctors. Don't listen to me. I'm not an MD. I'm simply suggesting to you that if you listen to some of the media reporting about how dangerous and deadly this was, and you could have benefited from it, and you're not with us anymore, you do the math. Showing you again how if you follow some of the media's advice, showing you again how if you follow some of the media's advice,
Starting point is 01:02:10 you may be causing yourself some significant danger. And if you follow the media's recommended places to live, vote for Democrats in big cities. Good luck with that. You better go get yourself a level three tactical vest living up in New York City now. Here's another genius piece of advice, and by genius, I mean really stupid. From the New York Times.
Starting point is 01:02:27 This is an actual article. Again, not the onion. Are protests dangerous? What experts say may depend on who's protesting what. That's an actual article. Trying to make somehow the point that, well, different experts will tell you, you know, if you go to one protest that's for our liberal activist causes, you may be a-okay. But if you go to other protests that are not for our activist causes, you're definitely going to get hurt there. So it's not being around people who are crowded.
Starting point is 01:03:00 It's what you say when you get there. The virus must know, Joe. The virus has this all figured out. It's got an advanced nervous system, artificial intelligence or whatever. The virus, Joe, only transmits in Black Lives Matter. Oh, no, no, excuse me, in conservative rallies for like opening your business.
Starting point is 01:03:17 Black Lives Matter rally and otherwise, if you're screaming pigs in a blanket, fry them like bacon, the virus definitely not going to spread there. Don't you worry. Smart virus, yeah. Smart, genius. yeah genius we've never seen anything like it it's like something out of an alien movie like prometheus the the trilogy or something new york times there's a serious article about that instead of just putting up a headline maybe we shouldn't pack ourselves in and scream at each other in a protest maybe that's probably not a good idea with Corona. I'm just throwing that out there for you.
Starting point is 01:03:47 All right, let's wrap up the show on this one. Had a lot to get through today. A little bit of extended show today. Some extra material because I miss you all. So Colin Kaepernick, you know, the guy who put the socks on with the cops depicted as pigs. Yeah, the guy with the Che Guevara Cuba cops depicted as pigs yeah the guy with the uh Che Guevara Cuba share you know the Marxist Colin Kaepernick ah he's a warrior for the cause yeah
Starting point is 01:04:10 sure he is true as I said to you I would respect I disagree with him but I would respect CNN and MSNBC if they would forfeit their land and give it back to the Indians it was stolen from in their words right well I'd expect cap I would respect Kaepernick too if Kaepernick would actually live by his own principles if I can I tell the story again about matthew uh whatever his name is matthew modine the actor you probably heard it a million times but when i was a police cadet in new york city the actor matthew modine 90 degrees i'd be going to the police academy with my bag you're as hot as you know out there and this actor who had a lot of money matthew modine he's a big environmentalist i would see him on his bike driving around Manhattan. And I thought, all right, I don't disagree. You
Starting point is 01:04:47 know, I don't agree with the guy. He's a liberal probably, but I get it. Like he believes in environment. He bikes, he doesn't have to. He'd probably get his own private driver. I respected that even though I disagree with him. I have no respect for CNN and MSNBC. They won't give their buildings back. And I have zero respect for Kaepernick because he is the biggest con man in US history. So let's go to Colin Kaepernick tweet number one, talking about how dehumanized he is and what a horrible place the United States. So here's Kaepernick tweet number one.
Starting point is 01:05:14 At Kaepernick7, black people have been dehumanized, brutalized, criminalized, and terrorized by America for centuries and are expected to join your commemoration of independence while you enslaved our ancestors. We reject your celebration of white supremacy and look forward to liberation for all. There's con man Kaepernick talking about how the 4th of July is a white
Starting point is 01:05:34 supremacist holiday, how he's being dehumanized. This guy's a real, he's in a lot of trouble, Joe, real victim there, Kaepernick, con man Kaepernick. What a horrible life he must have, huh? This guy's down for the cause, down for the struggle. I'd respect that if he didn't tweet this out just days after that one. Colin Kaepernick, from his account, I'm excited for this partnership with Disney across all its platforms
Starting point is 01:06:02 to elevate black and brown directors, creators, storytellers, and producers. I look forward to sharing culturally impactful and inspiring projects. We don't. I love this country. I don't know. I don't have a deal with Disney. You want to buy me? I've never gotten it.
Starting point is 01:06:20 Paula, we ever get it off from Disney? We didn't. Paula handles the business. Joe, if they ever try to buy you out, Joe, I'm just gotten an offer. Paula, have you ever gotten an offer from Disney? We didn't. Paula handles the business. Joe, did they ever try to buy you out? Joe, I'm just checking. No. Did they ever call you and say, Joe, you have personal friends with Dan Bongino. Can you grease the skids for us to get a deal with him?
Starting point is 01:06:33 You've never, I'm just checking. You've never been called by Disney? Never. Okay. No, I'm sure of that. Just want to get that out of the way. Yeah. One of the ones that didn't call, yeah.
Starting point is 01:06:43 Amazing. Amazing. But Kaepernick at Disney. Billion dollar corporate enterprise being dehumanized. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That sounds like you've really been dehumanized, all right? Million dollar deals. You're a celebrity all over the world.
Starting point is 01:06:58 Where does that happen? Oh, that's right. In the United States. A country with scars, no doubt. Scars we should always talk about openly. I don't even like the line, we're not perfect. Of course, nothing's perfect. No way, nothing's ever perfect.
Starting point is 01:07:13 The essence of being alive on a planet like this in a universe we have, it is entropy and disorder. All we can do is control the disorder as best we can. Chaos is a part of life. So is disease and sickness and poverty. I wish it weren't. But acting like the United States is a uniquely awful place. While you live the life with millions of dollars, celebrated, fed it everywhere you go, given million-dollar deals to have your voice heard on a platform, a social media platform that magnifies
Starting point is 01:07:45 your voice every single day while simultaneously claiming that the celebration of this great country's independence and the path we've taken is a celebration of racism and white supremacy is disgusting. You're the world's most grotesque con man. I'm embarrassed for you. I'm embarrassed for anyone who claims you, anyone who finds you their golden calf leader. You're a disgrace. A disgrace and a liar and a fraud.
Starting point is 01:08:11 Show us all what you're made of, just like CNN and MSNBC. Take everything you've got and donate it to your cause. You're a Marxist. You don't like capitalism. We're a white supremacist country. Your gains are ill-gotten too, right? Capitalism's done this.
Starting point is 01:08:23 Donate it all. All of it. You go first. Of course you won't. Because you're a fraud. The world's biggest con man. All right, folks. Thanks again for tuning in.
Starting point is 01:08:38 Sorry about the miscommunication with yesterday's non-show. I should have been more clear. We were taking a day off. Joe deserved it. He's been working here for five years, literally with not a day off. Paula deserves it. My wife, she produces the off. Joe deserved it. He's been working here for five years, literally with not a day off. Paula deserves it. My wife, she produces the show.
Starting point is 01:08:49 Drew deserved it. And I deeply appreciate all your emails are concerned, but we are fine. We're back. Next time I'll be more clear about vacation days, but it was really an honor. You guys and ladies were seriously concerned about us. I got, I was touched. Thanks again.
Starting point is 01:09:02 Please subscribe to our YouTube channel, slash Bongino. And we will definitely be was touched. Thanks again. Please subscribe to our YouTube channel, slash Bongino, and we will definitely be back tomorrow. No worries. You just heard Dan Bongino.

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