The Dan Bongino Show - Why Is The Military Attacking Concerned Parents? (Ep 1910)
Episode Date: December 8, 2022In this episode, I address the disturbing story about the US military attacking a parent concerned about the inappropriate sexualizing of her child. News Picks: KJP mocked for claiming there was ...voter suppression in Georgia despite record turnout. Jack Dorsey calls on Elon Musk to release all the Twitter files but he could’ve done the same thing. Los Angeles is coddling criminals again. Wikipedia humiliates itself again on the Twitter files. Why a third-party run for the presidency is a suicide mission. Why the US should be wary of a war over Taiwan. Copyright Bongino Inc All Rights Reserved Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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get ready to hear the truth about america on a show that's not immune to the facts with your
host dan bongino do you guys hear about this mom in new jersey so she posts on facebook about some
grotesquely inappropriate sexual stuff going on at the kids' school, and the United States military gets involved?
This story is absolute bananas,
and just more evidence of this growing descent
into totalitarianism brought on by useful idiots
in our military media and elsewhere.
I got a lot to talk about today.
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Welcome to the Dan Bongino Show.
I've got that.
I've got the witch hunt continues.
And the constant witch hunt for new offenders is producing a generation of kids who are,
candidly and sadly, folks folks many of them are suicidal got a report even the washington
post now is starting to acknowledge what we did to our kids loaded show for you today a lot to do
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How did you feel about this story when I said this over the mom in new jersey and the
tucker thing did you did you scratch your head when you watch this clip like nah disturbing no
way really disturbing and yes yes it is pissed me off big time of course it pissed you off
especially with you know some of your yeah obviously family you know so you too they're
yeah they're getting bolder and and we see it everywhere um when i say, I'm talking about the left, the culture warriors on the left who are eager
to dismantle the family and create a bunch of division in the family.
The way they create division in the family, why would they want to create division in
the family?
These culture warriors on the left, because the family is an obstacle to them, the state
They don't want any competition there.
They need you to be surgically attached to the teat of big government and family and
religion gets in the way. It's no more complicated than that. I hope you understand that. That is why
the left has been in a war against religion and the family for decades now. One of the ways to do
that is to create sexuality situations for kids that divorce them from their parents. In other
words, look at you. You're confused about your gender.
Yeah, those fogey old parents of yours, they don't get it.
They don't understand.
Come to us.
We'll figure it out.
Look at us.
Big daddy government.
You get it?
You know what I'm talking about.
Now, this part's nothing new.
We've discussed this before.
It's this part that I think we all, as I sent this clip around this morning to be cub, we
were all like, did this really happen?
I missed Tucker's show.
Last night, I saw a little bit of it.
Last night, I fell asleep super early.
Last night, for some bizarre reason, after doing Jesse Waters, I just hit a freaking wall.
I don't know what happened.
By 8.10, I was in that Lily White's party, sleeping in the sheets.
So I missed this.
I don't know how this is upsetting because I would have picked up on this right away.
Tucker covers a story about a new jersey mom so the kid her daughter's in uh in school uh the kids in school and there's these pansexual things going on in school like these
things on the wall and everything so she has a complaint about it so she posts about it on
facebook okay this stuff is kind of inappropriate for a kid's school, right? All of a sudden, this military officer gets involved.
Here, listen to what happens next. It's the craziest thing I've heard in a long time.
Check this out. So a few days ago, a mother in New Jersey called Angela Redding found out that
her child's elementary school was advertising something called pansexuality. And she thought this
seems a little much for an elementary school. So she complained about it on Facebook.
What happened next didn't used to happen in this country and never should. And we only know about
it because of a sub stack called Chaos and Control, which broke the story. And as we read it,
we thought this can't be real, but it is. So in response to Angela Redding's post out of the blue,
an army officer at Joint Base MDL, it's a nearby military base, called Angela Redding's post out of the blue, an army officer at Joint Base MDL, it's a nearby military
base, called Angela Redding an extremist on Facebook. That officer is called Lieutenant
Colonel Christopher Schilling. Schilling then wrote on Facebook that, quote, the Joint Base
leadership have had the security forces working with multiple state and local law enforcement agencies to monitor this situation. What?
So the military responded to a mom in an elementary school complaining about the
sexualization of her own child? That's a warranted a military response under Joe Biden? Apparently it
did. Then shortly after, the chief of the North Hanover Police Department, Robert Duff,
pressured Redding to delete her Facebook post.
Let that sink in. The police and the military got involved because a mom wrote something
on Facebook they didn't like. It's the kind of story you hear and at first glance, you're like,
nah, that didn't happen. And then you realize that the media, the deep state, the government,
the culture warrior activists on the left, that they're all symbiotically involved in gaslighting Americans
into becoming useful idiots and tools of their subjugation,
that you realize that they're shaping and molding the public through gaslighting,
that speech is violence and violence is speech.
And then you start to say to yourself, yeah, this makes perfect sense.
Why wouldn't a military officer engage the United States military
and local law enforcement to attack
a local mom who's engaging in obviously constitutionally protected activities, excuse me, free speech
and a right to petition government or anyone else.
Why wouldn't she do?
But this story is insane.
They are molding like my daughter.
Your kids make this slime stuff.
It's a new thing.
These kids make slime.
My daughter makes this slime.
She makes it into everything.
Cinnamon buns, animals.
She makes this slime.
This is what they're doing to our society.
They're morphing us into a society of culture warriors who believe that speech is violence.
If you believe speech is violence, then yes, if you're a leftist, it makes perfect
sense for you to use your U.S. military connections to sick the U.S. military and police department
on a mom who objects to the sexualization of her kids. Folks, everybody involved in this,
everyone, the military officer, the police department, everybody involved in this who
sanctioned this, this clearly anti-constitutional, not unconstitutional, there's a difference,
anti-constitutional attack on a mom in New Jersey,
regardless of how you feel about her political opinions here.
Everyone involved should be terminated immediately from their positions.
Immediately, as in yesterday.
This military officer should be embarrassed and horrified.
You raise your right hand and you swear to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States, not take a dump on it.
I don't usually cover stories like this in the open of the show.
I wanted to cover something different about the deteriorating mental health of our kids, an issue that fascinates me.
Not just because of my educational background, my fascination with the subject,
but because I have kids myself and I've seen it.
My daughter telling me about friends of hers and others and friends of friends having these severe mental crises, stuff, I don't know, Joe, I got to be honest, when I grew up, it
was just, it was unheard of.
I can't speak for you, but you just didn't, you know, when I was in sixth,
seventh and eighth grade, I just don't remember hearing about students in the class who were
suicidal. It was rare. Yeah, it was rare. Not that it didn't happen. It was just, like you said,
it was the kind of thing where if it did, it was kind of earth shaking. And now me obviously
keeping touch and tabs with my 18 year old and 10 year old it's
bizarre how often i'm hearing stories like this now without going into details because i don't
want to uh it cause any more pain for anyone who's already been through it but
a neighbor of mine in a place i used to live lost their daughter came home one day and
you know found found her dad.
Obviously, there was a situation yesterday, sadly, with Senator Ted Cruz's daughter.
Folks, we have to start putting two and two together.
We have to start asking ourselves, you know, I always think of that song, The Russians by Sting.
You know, the Russians loved their children, too, and it was about the nuclear bomb.
But with this culture war, the liberals, do you love your kids, too?
I want you to look at this tweet here. This is by a guy, Alex Miguel. He's covering a Washington Post story. The CDC
found that 45% of high school students, 45% were so persistently sad or hopeless in 2021,
they were unable to engage in regular activities. Almost one in five seriously considered suicide and 9%
surveyed trying to take their lives during the previous 12 months. He said, what the heck? Yeah.
What the is right? 45% are persistently sad or hopeless. You're telling me half of our high
school students are roughly as much can't find any meaning to their lives
ladies and gentlemen what are we doing here again to the liberals to the liberals out there
engaged in this culture war do you love your kids too well why am i bringing this up in terms
of politics dan this tweet from alex m Alex McGillis doesn't mention politics.
Because ladies and gentlemen, the explanations for this, this is a new phenomenon. We have never
seen numbers like this of destruction to the mental health of our kids. Persistent psychopathologies
developing in kids who want to destroy and terminate their own lives. We haven't seen this in modern times. So clearly there is a factor, a variable playing in that
wasn't there before. There is an X or Y, whatever variable we want to use that wasn't there before.
So what is it? Has anyone put two and two together, tying it to the first story?
Put two and two together, tying it to the first story.
That this constant witch hunt for violations of your newfound cultural norms to perfection may be causing and brewing this atmosphere, this deeply troubled society where we've created a group and a core of cultural vigilantes. And we have them out there like this military officer going out and looking for people with different political opinions, sicking the military and the police on them? Folks, when I was a kid, people had a lot
of political opinions. I just simply don't recall being kind of instructed either tacitly or openly
that it was your job to go out and find people to cancel them. Create a bunch of cultural
What you're going to get is a society full of people who are angry and mercenary.
I wrote some other things down that are quite obviously
contributing to the collapse of the mental health of our kids.
This is, tautologically, the next generation, obviously.
You want a bunch of people in positions of power
of which 10% of them had looked at in their teenage years ways to take their own lives.
You think this is normal?
Here's some other things that maybe we should consider on the liberal side of the aisle.
Maybe we should consider stopping so we don't create a generation of suicidal people in positions of power later on.
Folks, this isn't the Washington Post.
I'm not making this up.
Maybe all the apocalyptic talk isn't helping.
Maybe the idea that you're telling kids that they have no hope in their future, that we've got 10 years and the earth is going to burn, burn up into a little piece of charcoal, which is obviously bull.
You can care and should care about the environment.
We should do what we can to take care of this gift God gave us, this rock we call earth.
Just like we should take care of animals when we can as well.
That doesn't mean we shouldn't eat them.
You need the protein to stay
alive. That's the way the world was designed.
You take care
of Earth too. You got to realize
that living on Earth requires us
to use resources the planet's provided
for us, which is going to produce waste.
That's the way the world works.
Find ways to manage it. Stop
the apocalyptic talk.
No wonder you're creating a bunch of suicidal kids. You're telling them in 10 years they're all going to manage it. Stop the apocalyptic talk. No wonder you're creating a bunch of suicidal kids.
You're telling them in 10 years they're all going to be dead.
This is a mystery to you?
Liberal parents telling your kids this?
Second, the race essentialism.
It's not just CRT.
It's just social, emotional learning.
Whatever euphemism you want to use for race essentialism.
In other words, the idea that the melanin component of your skin is determinative in your life.
You're black or Hispanic, you have no shot.
You have no shot.
You're a victim of a broken society.
You have no shot of succeeding.
Why would people be suicidal and depressed?
You're telling them they have no shot. Even if they did have a shot, they. Why would people be suicidal and depressed? You're telling them
they have no shot. Even if they did have a shot, they'd be dead in 10 years.
Then on the other hand, you're telling white students they were born evil.
They were born racist. One of the worst things you can call someone. There's nothing they can
do about it. Behavior is irrelevant. And they have to apologize for things they never did
because they're responsible. Gee, why are they depressed and suicidal?
I don't know.
I have no idea.
Maybe because you're telling them that the melanin component of their skin
is determinative in their life and they're either evil and they can't fix it
or they're victims.
Class envy.
Maybe another thing we should scrap.
You're teaching kids in the middle class
or kids who are poor,
not only if they're black,
that they have no shot,
or Hispanic, they have no shot,
that they'll be dead in 10 years.
You're also teaching them
they have no chance at success
because evil white people at the top
are taking away all their money and assets
and they'll have no ability
to earn a prosperous future at all
for them or their families.
Why would they be depressed? Gee, I don't know. You're divorcing them from their communities, telling them, oh, that's old fogey stuff. A Christmas fair at the church,
hey, that stuff is all goofy. You know what, Joe? I know you remember growing up. This was
the kind of thing people did. We had block parties growing up. I know now it's a hokey bunch of old fogey. Anyone's do a block party. You know what? They were a lot
of fun. Got to know your neighbors. Crazy thing. Yeah. You got to know your neighbors. And this
crazy thing happened, Joe. It was called social interaction where you look people in the face
and you sat down on those. Remember those horrible fall down chairs? They were like the aluminum
frame with that scratchy fabric. You pop one of those babies open, you crack a Budweiser,
and then you talk to your neighbors.
And you know what?
They had a DJ at the block party.
You divorce people from your communities,
you bury them in the phone,
and then you're stunned when they can't socially interact with people,
earn the enjoyment from that.
We're social creatures.
Then you wonder why they're suicidal. Then you divorce them from religion. False gods, religion,
don't go to church. Church is for old fogies. That's all voodoo stuff. Is it really? You sure
about that? Because it seems that people in my church don't believe that at all. Neither do I,
and they seem a whole lot happier than you. Folks, this is a crisis. This constant creation of cultural vigilantes resulting in a generation
of suicidal, mentally disturbed kids. If it's not the definition of a crisis, I don't know what it
is. It's like a societal original sin that you can't be absolved from. What are you going to do?
And what it does is it creates a scenario where what are you going to do? And what it does is it creates a scenario
where what are you going to do
is the response. In other words, there's no way
for you to overcome it. Yes.
It's a breaking news, by the way. It's just
happening as a podcast. Brittany
Griner, the WNBA player, has been
freed in exchange for an arms
dealer. Now, this just happened.
You're probably listening to this a little bit on delay,
so you'll have heard the news by now, but it's breaking here as I'm recording. And a fascinating part of this, folks, once you find the timing a little bit coincidental, the Russians, who were no friend of ours, the Russians were probably trying to stick it to Biden and didn't want to give him a political victory before the elections.
of political victory before the elections.
You notice they waited until the last election with Herschel Walker.
You notice him.
Don't believe me.
Do not think for a second this is by accident.
They didn't want to give Biden
any kind of political victory.
Putin, I can almost guarantee you
that's why that happened.
All right, just broke.
So we'll obviously talk about that a little more
on the radio show as well.
I've got a lot more to get to.
Let me get to my next sponsor.
I want to show you again how this everything is racist all the time, despite of the evidence
that this is all garbage and nonsense, is creating this generation of kids who believe
that the melanin component of their skin is the termative of their life.
And as Joe just said, what are you going to do?
Nothing I can do.
It's out of my control.
World sucks.
I'm going to be poor forever.
I'll show you what I mean in a second.
Karine Jean-Pierre, a perfect example of
evidence kicking them in the face that
what they're saying about racism
and voter suppression is wrong, and they just don't
care. They'll keep parroting it, no matter
what. Like a bunch of just
that machine.
Someone sent me this.
Someone sent me this. You hit a
button and it gives you a response.
There you go. Karine Jean-Pierre. Mention voting. This is fun. Someone sent me this. You hit a button and it gives you a response. There you go.
Green jump, yeah.
Mention voting.
Mention voting.
Voter suppression.
It doesn't matter.
They have a canned response.
Someone sent the sound machine.
Think about it.
It's so true.
Let me get to this.
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Here's what I mean, folks.
When you tell people that race is essential,
despite the evidence everywhere,
you get a society of people who, again,
don't feel like they can control their own lives.
One of the things about human beings
and the act of consciousness,
unlike dogs who don't know they're dogs,
they just know they're something.
The dog doesn't have any idea it's a dog.
It thinks you're a big dog.
It doesn't know.
It doesn't say, I think, therefore I am.
It doesn't understand Descartes, right?
You do.
You believing, however, that you are not an independent being and you're under the control
and you're some NPC type character in a video game, i.e. the simulation we brought up,
which I don't believe.
I believe we are in some kind of a program here, but not that we are, we control, free will is a real thing.
It's going to cause the destruction of your mental state. Here's Karine Jean-Pierre. Even
though they won the election in Georgia, the Senate election, the Senate, like the runoff
with Raphael Warnock and Hershel Walker, even though both candidates were black, even though
black voter turnout, Democrat turnout and overall turnout hit record even though both candidates were black even though black voter turnout democrat
turnout and overall turnout hit record highs and even though there's not a single example that has
been produced about a voter being prevented from voting due to voter suppression and the new georgia
voter id laws and voter integrity laws it doesn't matter she sticks right to the talking point that
voter suppression is real, even though voter
suppression wasn't real. Check this out. The White House and the president were very vocal about
Georgia's new election law when it was signed in March of 2021. The big argument from the White
House was that it would suppress voting. But there was record turnout in the primary. There was record
turnout in the general record turnout in the runoff in early voting, absentee ballots, and in-person voting. So is the DOJ going to drop their lawsuit
against the state? I can't speak to DOJ's actions and what they're going to do. The president,
though, called it Jim Crow in the 21st century and a blatant attack on the Constitution. So does
he still see it that way? I'll say this. I'm not going to speak to the Department of Justice legal actions. That's something for them to to speak to what I can say
and not not going to get into specifics of your question. But you guys, you all reported this,
that there was suppression, that that that we saw that throughout through that throughout the Georgia
election. So that is something that
was been reported on so i leave it to those reports he brings up a good point joe you know
the michael anton line that's not happening but it's great that it is you know this is the opposite
this is happening and it's great that it is in other words voter suppression is happening but
it's so great turnout was wonderful and we won mean, this is the idiocy displayed here is hard to fathom.
And to the younger people who listen to my show on college campuses, because I know the liberal people you deal with on the campus, the liberal students are still convinced, despite not a shred or scintilla of evidence that any of this is actually true, that there is massive voter suppression going on.
I want you to ask him a couple of questions. Can you produce again a single example of a voter, just one, that's all
I'm asking. Legal voter who was prevented from voting because of these Georgia voting laws.
Can you produce one? Now you're suggesting there was mass suppression. Understand I'm not even
asking you for that. I'm not asking you to produce evidence of what you're saying about mass suppression.
I'm just asking you to produce one.
Non-mass suppression.
Just produce one.
So we can both go to bat for that person, which we would,
because I am an actual civil rights advocate and activist,
and their right to vote.
Can you produce one?
The answer is no, of course you can.
Evidence doesn't matter to these people. And here's to vote. Can you produce one? The answer is no, of course you can. Evidence doesn't matter to these people.
And here's another thing.
Do you notice he's complaining there about the long lines?
Long lines, by the way, in voting areas run by Democrats, I want to add.
And then secondly, do you notice no one's yet to ask her about the long lines in Maricopa County, Arizona,
where a bunch of people turned around and couldn't vote because the machines broke on game day
when the election was being administered by the Democrat Secretary of State?
Oh, and she was on the ballot too, Katie Hobbs.
Oh, it's so weird.
Why is nobody asking Kareem Jean-Pierre that?
You see how they have it both ways? Again,
to the libs out there, I know this is hard. I know you're scratching at your eyeballs,
peeing your diapers right now. I get that. But you claim to care about long lines and voting locations, right? It's really strange how you only seem to care if it's in a Democrat area
run by Democrats. But when it's in a Republican area and the Democrats, the secretary
of state and Democrats run that border of election, but there's a lot of Republican votes
and they're actually turned around because we have them on video admitting it.
You don't seem to care much. It's almost as if you're full of crap
and you're just looking to stoke racial hatred in this country. And now you're wondering why
45% of kids are depressed. Everybody hates
you. You're black. You can't vote. You've got no chance. The rich white guys keeping you down.
Evil white people run your life. Why is everybody depressed? Gee, I don't know.
Folks, the hierarchy and the hypocrisy is everywhere too. It's just everywhere. The kind
of hatred these people are producing amongst this generation
of cultural vigilantes that they want out there searching twitter for people to cancel
and searching for conservatives to cancel and to condemn and to have you know the heretic
burned at the stake the generation they're creating leads to incidents like this the
hypocrisy is stunning.
Now, again, it's an example of hierarchy. We're in power and you're not. But I want to point this out to you. So there's a case in the Supreme Court right now about a website designer.
The website designer has said, I will serve any customer, gay, straight, whatever you may be.
I will serve any customer. What I will not do for any customer, gay, straight, whatever you may be. I will serve any customer. What I will not do for
any customer, gay or straight, is design a website using my creative abilities where I'm forced to
state a message in contrast to my religious belief. It doesn't matter what your sexual
orientation is. It doesn't make a difference. I won't do that.
The left, of course, again, diaper wedding and all that.
The left, no, no, no, no.
You have to serve everyone.
Even if I compel you to speak in a way you choose not to
by designing a website saying something you disagree with.
It's really strange because the same leftists
have almost nothing to say about this story
in the Washington Post.
Mouths are shut right away.
So there's a restaurant in Virginia.
They refuse to serve a Christian group,
citing the staff's dignity.
That's fascinating.
You cite tolerance while refusing to serve.
So the long and short of it is a family-oriented group
that wanted to go to this restaurant in Richmond, and the staff said, no, we're not refusing to serve. So the long and short of it is a family-oriented group that wanted to go to this restaurant in Richmond.
And the staff said, no, we're not going to serve them.
And they canceled the event they were supposed to have
roughly about an hour and a half before the event was supposed to start,
screwing up the entire thing.
Of course, trying to humiliate the group.
You don't want to say anything about the left here.
So the left wants, just to be clear,
they want a Christian baker and a Christian website designer
who has clearly stated that they will serve any customer.
They just will not be compelled to speak or create art in a way that disagrees with their religion.
That guy and that woman need to be punished immediately, hung by their toenails upside down.
Yet this restaurant, who has clearly stated, we won't serve a Christian group.
They're not compelling them to speak.
Do you see the difference?
Please tell me you get the difference.
This is one of the most important segments I'm going to do on this.
Nobody is compelling the restaurant to do anything other than engage in business, which is serving food. No one, if this Christian group went in there, sat down and said,
I want, as you service us at the table, I want everyone to wear a button that says,
I'm Christian and proud. I am Christian and proud, but you have no legal right to tell them to do
that. Then the restaurant would say, well, we're not going to do that. You can eat somewhere else. 100% agreed. That's not happening. They just wanted to go in there and eat. And the restaurant said, no, we don't service your kind here. That's not what the website designer said. The website designer never said anything like that.
Website designer never said anything like that.
Said, sure, I'll make you a website for your wedding.
No problem.
Oh, but you need to say this about gay marriage.
Well, I'm not saying that.
You can't compel me to say that.
They're saying, no, you will say it.
Ladies and gentlemen, there was a huge difference between service in the free marketplace
and compelled speech.
It's really unbelievable how many leftists feign ignorance on this point
or just plain are ignorant. You're such frauds. It's obvious. Oh yeah, we can refuse service.
We don't like Christian. Yeah, well, they don't want to service that message,
that specific message for a gay marriage. No, no, you'll do it.
What tyranny looks like,
ladies and gentlemen. All right, I got a lot more to get to. Loaded show today, big news day. Let
me get to my next sponsor. And folks, by the way, to the young kids out there, the Biden
administration is getting really, really good at BSing you. You guys got totally worked. Again,
use Venmo. You transfer cash online. Use any of these apps's just good luck you got worked again again you got
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Check them out.
So the young kids out there
keep getting suckered into this Biden administration.
Oh, they're there for you.
Tolerance coexists.
We're all in it.
We're all in it for this.
It's the same fight, brother.
Social justice.
Here we go.
Why do you keep getting suckered by these idiots? Remember Biden? Remember that line?
We're not going to tax anyone who makes under $400,000. That's freaking hilarious. Really sorry you fell for that one. You see, they want to start taxing Venmo transfers for $600 now.
Unreal. The IRS goes after your side hustle, Wall Street Journal. So the IRS is now demanding
the notification via 1099. Used to be for $20,000. In other words, say you're a, whatever,
I sell Guy a baseball card. If the card wasn't $20,000, it largely would escape the IRS snooping over your shoulder, right? They lowered it to $600.
Use Venmo, PayPal, Amazon Square.
Well, now you sell something on those platforms,
you're going to get a 1099K
and you're going to have to report all that to the IRS.
How do the younglings keep getting work?
Remember the Star Wars with the,
what was it, like the fourth or fifth movie?
The younglings, we have to take care of the younglings.
How do the younglings keep getting suckered?
See, I don't really care about this stuff
because I don't really use Venmo
and I pay my taxes anyway.
So it's not a big deal to me.
I don't really care about an audit.
I'll probably get audited once a year
for the rest of my life because I'm a conservative.
But honestly, I don't care.
We play it by the numbers
because I don't take chances with this kind of stuff.
However, there are a lot of young people have side hustles, sell stuff. Good luck, man. Now
you got the IRS coming after you. Sounds like something I warned you about months ago. You
guys remember the show where I was saying with this 400,000 limit that, oh, we're not going to
tax him when the 400,000 folks that's total garbage. The money is with the middle class.
on the 400,000. Folks, that's total garbage. The money is with the middle class. I know you've been told that taxes all largely come from the wealthy and they do. The top 1% plays about 20%
of the taxes. Here's the catch. 80% of the taxes are paid by the rest. That's where the money is.
Of course you were going to get screwed. How do you keep falling for this stuff?
This is the Democrats who want this, not us.
Now, here's some more gaslighting.
This is why people keep voting for this stuff.
Here's Karine Jean-Pierre yesterday.
She's asked about the Inflation Reduction Act,
which has neither reduced inflation nor has it lowered costs.
Costs are still going up.
That they're not going up at the rate they were going up two months ago or three months ago is irrelevant.
Inflation is still at 40-year highs.
Here she is touting all the reference to lowering costs.
This is just absurd.
This is how people fall for this crap
because nobody calls them out in the press room on this en masse.
It's only Fox. Check this out.
Let me just say the vice president
has been a great partner of the president
this past two years.
You know, the successes that they both have had in the clearly Biden Harris administration on getting things done for the American people when it comes to the economy, when it comes to lowering costs, when it comes to fighting inflation.
And that is something that we're going to continue to do.
OK, they haven't lowered costs. They're not fighting inflation.
Ladies and gentlemen, you're getting costs. They're not fighting inflation.
Ladies and gentlemen, you're getting worked.
You're getting completely worked.
This is obvious gaslighting.
Lying to people, lying often, which Karine Jean-Pierre does.
Lying confidently.
I don't know if she lies.
She's not very good at the lying.
And then isolating people from the truth.
The isolation you just saw in the press room, where almost nobody called her out on that.
Excuse me, Madam Press Secretary,
that's completely inaccurate. Inflation is still running at 40-year highs. Costs are not going down.
You're just making that up. This is why people still believe that this administration is in it for them. I wanted to update you in the latest in the Twitter files, by the way. The latest
developments here are hilarious. Karine Jean-Pierre, by the way. Latest developments here are hilarious.
Karine Jean-Pierre, by the way, doesn't want to talk about this at all.
Did you see this?
Watch this cringe moment.
She doesn't want to talk about this at all.
The Hunter Biden story, suppression story at Twitter.
She's now going to kick it over to the, oh, that all happened during the campaign,
so we have nothing to do with it.
Because you're responsible for the FBI now.
And the FBI had a key role in suppressing this Hunter Biden story.
Watch the squirming.
This is a classic.
I'm wondering if there was that communication there surrounding the Hunter Biden laptops.
So I can't speak to decisions made by by the campaign from here.
That is not it is a political campaign.
So I can't speak from that from here to that from here.
I'm covered by the Hatch Act.
And so I'm just not going to comment on the question that you're asking me.
Of course they won't comment.
They're trying this kind of drip, drip, drip.
Yeah, I know.
Move on that org thing.
Now, so last night, funny story.
I'm doing Jesse Waters' show last night.
And you know, you don't want to be late,
even though my studio is right around my house.
It's not far.
I don't want to be late.
So I usually get up here a little early.
And I was the A block. That's the beginning of the show, obviously. A, B late so i usually get up here a little early and i was the
a block that's the beginning of the show obviously abc you get the point right so i'm the beginning
of the show so i get up around i don't know 6 45 jesse's show starts at 7 eastern and i'm listening
to the end of brett bear's show and he has this panel on and this tweet comes up from from jack
who was the old uh the founder of twitter you you know, at Jack, he's still an equity
holder, but he's not involved anymore. And Jack decided it'd be a good idea for some stupid reason
to comment and reply to Elon Musk about Elon releasing the Twitter files about suppressing
Hunter Biden's story. And Jack, in one of the greatest self-owns I think I've ever seen on
Twitter, this guy's not that bright. He tweets to Elon, hey, basically
release everything. He says, quote,
the goal is transparency to build trust.
Why not just release everything without
filter and let people judge for themselves,
including all discussions around
current and future actions. Make everything
public now. Hashtag Twitter
file. What does this have
to do with me getting up here earlier last night?
Because Jack
could have done it himself when he was in charge and decided not to. This has got to be the greatest
cell phone ever. So Brett has a panel on and Leslie Marshall, who's a leftist, she's on the panel
and she's like bringing up this point about, yeah, this should all happen. And Elon should. And,
and Brett asked her the question was, well Jack could have done himself you got to watch her reaction she's just sitting there and likes okay this is a he
was the he could have done it too and now you're taking a shot at Elon Musk for doing what you
could have done but didn't and you think that's a win like a W in your column you look like a dope
and the media of course is going to contribute to the continued suppression of this story And you think that's a win like a W in your column? You look like a dope.
And the media, of course, is going to contribute to the continued suppression of this story because they need to continue this ongoing process of crushing conservatives on Twitter
and suppressing negative information about liberals like the Hunter Biden story.
The media is going to do everything to make this thing go away.
I've always warned you about Wikipedia.
The younglings are on Wikipedia too
and they keep getting worked over
by an obvious scam site.
Wikipedia is a joke.
It's a farce.
It's an embarrassment.
Wikipedia is run by left-wing
Ben and Jerry's eating
college dropout losers
sitting in their mama's basement.
The site is a joke.
If you ever cite to me Wikipedia, you're immediately taken as a loser and a zero and an ignoramus,
and I'm hanging up the phone on you instantaneously if you call my radio show with this.
You can say whatever you want.
Do not cite Wikipedia.
Ian Miles, he had a tweet out about this. So Wikipedia is now doing everything to
make this Twitter file story go away. Their editors have deemed it, quote, a nothing burger
and not notable. It's only the biggest political story of our time. A corrupt president engaged in
corrupt international business deals, using his son as a surrogate, who's a crackhead,
who's made sex tapes.
We're doing business with enemies of the United States. You can see these tweets up here.
Here's the editors deleting and deleting and deleting stuff, trying to make this go away.
They're trying to rewrite history. They're trying to make the biggest political scandal
in modern history go away because it involves Democrats. And it reminded
me to just briefly chat about the parallel economy. It's not enough, a parallel economy
away from cancel culture. Ladies and gentlemen, sadly, we're going to need parallel history too.
Actual history, not the fairy tales the left wants you to believe. Fact, reality. We're going
to have to create alternatives to everything, folks.
The younglings, the kids out there, they believe in this Wikipedia garbage. It's a junk site.
It's garbage. All right. Let me get to my next sponsor. Just a quick announcement first.
The shirts are back. We had sold out, but maybe a little bit of a shipping delay, but they're back. We sold the
first batch, went like that. So if you want to pick up a shirt, it's all for charity. All of
our proceeds are going to go there. It's the Folds of Honor shirts. It says Dan Bongino Show
on the sleeve. Freedom isn't free in the back. All of our proceeds, again, go to Folds of Honor.
They're back at You'll see a little thing.
Pick up your Bongino gear here.
So thank you to Paula and the team and Folds of Honor
for working over, over, over time to make it work.
It's been a huge success, kind of unexpected.
We didn't anticipate such demand.
So what I want to get to next is Tom Cotton
finally fighting back against woke companies out there.
It's time to tell them to go pound sand.
You can't come to us whenever you need government help and then use your company to screw over
the Constitution and free speech.
Double barreled for you there.
It ain't going to happen.
Folks, almost every week you hear me talk about We The People Holsters.
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slash Dan. Offer code Dan25. Thanks, WeThePeople. This is how it's done. I don't know Tom Cotton
well. I've spoken to him a couple times. I would consider ourselves close personal friends. Not
that we're not friends or anything like that. I just, I don't know him that well. But I know this
kind of stuff is necessary moving forward. He's a Republican senator. And Cotton had a Kroger's executive. So Kroger's
is looking at a merger with another supermarket chain. So Tom Cotton was sitting there, and I
guess it was a Kroger executive there. And I guess they're seeking some help on this merger from the
United States government. But Kroger, Kroger, according to some reports, was involved in some woke politics himself with the.
With some actions they took against employees trying to force them to wear these kind of woke things on their uniform.
So Tom Cotton was like, oh, that's interesting.
You guys want a little help from us now, the Republican Party, while attacking our Constitution and free speech.
Not so sure it's going to happen today, fellas. Check this out.
This situation reminds me a little bit of the situation big tech companies have found themselves in in recent years. They've come to Washington because they fear regulation from our Democratic
friends or action by the Biden administration. And they expect Republicans who are traditionally
more supportive of free enterprise to come to their defense. And I've cautioned them for years that if they silence
conservatives and center-right voters across the country, if they discriminate against them
in their company, they probably shouldn't come and ask Republican senators to carry the water for
them whenever our Democratic friends want to regulate them or block
their mergers so i i've heard a lot a lot of questioning about that today and i've read a lot
about in the news um and i'll say this i'm sorry that's happening to you best of luck
hey listen hey sorry sorry and say the verdict is in good for you tom cotton sorry this is Oh, I'm sorry. Hey, listen. Hey, sorry. Sorry.
The verdict is in.
Good for you, Tom Cotton.
Sorry this is happening to you.
Good luck.
Folks, listen, man.
Told you in the beginning of the show.
The show flows this way for a reason.
We're in the middle of a cultural war right now where the left is eager to create cultural vigilantes and mercenaries out there,
eager to cancel anyone that doesn't agree
with the radical far left divisive views on what this country should be. You want to do that? You
want your company going down that path? You go right ahead. Knock yourself out. Have a blast.
But do not come to us as a party and ask us to help you out when you can't even do the basics,
which is stay out of political targeting. Sorry,
playing a big wet one on our rumps. It's not happening.
Okay. This is one of those stories that I'd spoken about in the past,
but it's really critical you understand this. One of the questions I get a lot from people,
and believe me, I mean a lot, and I'm talking about over time longitudinally, not just like one day here or there. But a question I get all the time is, Dan, it's a
uniparty, it's two-party systems, a joke. You're correct. I've said it a thousand times. My bona
fides on that are clear. Point stipulated. Verdict is in again, you win. I get it.
They say, why don't we just start a third party?
And I tell them all the time, this is a really, really bad idea.
The better idea is to take this broken two-party system,
because of the way our politics are organized in this country,
and to take one of the parties and wrestle it back from the swamp rats.
This is Joe's favorite story.
He saw it in the show prep,
which I got to tell you,
this was,
I'll be candid with you.
This was kind of a throwaway story for me because I talk about it a lot,
but it's one of the things I put at the end of the show because I think it's
but I don't think,
but now that Joe said he's interested in it,
it piqued my interest too.
Here's why a third party would never work in the United States.
Now I hate that I'm citing Axios because
it's a left-wing site, but this story's in the newsletter, slash newsletter. It's
short. They're talking about it in terms of, here's how you know what I've told you about
how a third party would never work is real. When a third party would just split the electorate and
lead to Trump's election.
Now, all of a sudden, Democrats are warning about a third party, too.
I'm not kidding.
Trump would prevail.
Dems alarm by 2024 bipartisan spoilers.
It talks about this report about a third party candidate.
And if they manage to keep any candidate from getting to 270 electoral votes, what happens?
It may hand the election to Trump.
You may say, oh, that's a good thing.
Folks, it's not a good thing.
I'll tell you why it's not a good thing in a minute, why a third party would be a disaster.
Because people are talking about Trump running as a third party candidate.
Here's what's going to happen.
Number one, third party candidates do not benefit from the primary system.
Okay. One, you're not in the primary. Second, in many states, you have to pay an exorbitant
amount of money to get on the ballot. And third, you have no party ID whatsoever where tribal
voters, which is a lot of voters, I wish it weren't, voters who just vote D or R.
If you're an independent candidate, you're not going to benefit from any
of that. You know how much money you're going to have to put out there to get your name out there?
That's number one. Number two, on the presidential level, let's say you have a really successful
third party candidate and he or she wins, I don't know, seven or eight states and a couple of them have a good chunk of electoral
votes. Therefore, nobody gets to the 270 electoral votes you need to win. No one. Candidate Republican,
candidate Democrat, candidate Independent. Right. Well, folks, what happens? And the race gets
kicked to the House of Representatives where every state gets one vote. Folks, these states that have a
majority of House of Representative members that are Republican are going to vote for the Republican.
They've got, I know this sounds, it sucks to hear. I'm not justifying it. I'm just telling you what
is, not what should be. The Republicans in the House of Representatives are going to vote for
the Republican candidate, period.
They're not going to blow their chairmanships and their assignments.
I'm just telling you what is.
The Democrats are going to do the same thing.
There is zero chance an independent, I don't care who it is, Donald Trump, Ross Perot, Steve Jobs before he passed.
It doesn't matter.
I wish this weren't the case, but it is.
It's the same problem I'm having right now with mail-in voting.
I'm not voting by mail.
It's a scam.
Because in Florida, we just won by 20 points with Republicans voting by mail.
I'm not suggesting to you it's a good system.
I wish there was one election day in person.
There isn't.
So you have two choices.
Either play the game we have now and win like we did in Florida,
or object to the game and let the Democrats steamroll you.
That's the part I thought needed explaining.
That's what got me interested in it.
The House of Representatives?
Yes, yes, yes.
There's no way you win.
There's no chance.
These Republicans and Democrats are going to be pressured like you wouldn't believe to vote for their party guy.
The third party guy has no shot.
So it doesn't make sense to do this.
You're not going to do anything.
I'm sorry.
I know there's a lot of people out there who hate the system as much as I do.
I am with you.
I get it.
It's just it's not the way to do it.
The way to do it is to take back our party.
We've been there at times.
We have the infrastructure.
We have the mailing lists.
We have the ballot lines.
Why are we forfeiting our party, the conservative movement, to a bunch of swampies in exchange for the scraps from a table that put us at a disadvantage how does that make sense and we got enough swampies out there by the way there's
um i'll end with this story today there's going to be um a internal and this is all done by uh
committee people there's going to be an election for the head of the Republican National Committee.
Ronna McDaniel's the head now.
Listen, folks, I have nothing personal
against Ronna McDaniel.
Her, I don't know at all.
I've had almost zero communications with.
I think I DM'd her once about something
and she never got back to me,
which, you know, it's not a big deal.
But Ronna McDaniel has not been good
as the head of the Republican Party nationally. She just
hasn't. She's been terrible. She blew it in this election, blew it in the last one. And this kind
of stuff doesn't help. She did an appearance yesterday on the news. It's time to fire the
coach, folks. And I was on Fox, I believe. And she was talking about how the turnout operation
worked in this election. Worked to do what? Blow the Senate in historic fashion?
Lose a bunch of governorships?
Barely win the House despite Biden have an approval rating of like negative 4,000%?
Come on, man.
You got to do better than this.
Check this out.
We build the infrastructure.
We do the voter registration.
We are doing community centers and outreach.
We build a road that the candidates drive on.
We put the candidates in a position to win, but we don't do the messaging for the candidates and we don't do
the campaign and we don't pick the candidates. I think with the RNC's record, the cycle of turning
out more than 4 million more Republicans, of winning statewide in almost every battleground
state proves that the turnout worked. We just have to understand why one Republican won in a state and one didn't.
And that's going to come down to messaging.
And we've got to figure out why one Republican appealed to independence and another didn't.
But I think from an RNC standpoint, we flipped the house and our ground game worked.
Now, your ground game didn't work, OK?
Your ground game didn't work.
We did not win in swing states and battleground states.
What are you talking about? We lost in Georgia. We lost in Arizona, governor's race and the Senate
race. We lost in Pennsylvania. What are you talking about? Stop talking to people like they're
idiots. Folks, it's time to fire the coach. I'm sorry sorry As Guy just said, she's like 0 for 5
In elections she's been involved in
It's time to get someone else in there
This is how you start to fix your party
Instead of taking the scraps from the table
And starting a third party
From nothing
Although we already financed the party we have
No, I'll take our party back
We bought it, we own it
We knocked on the doors. It's our party.
Not doing that.
All right, folks.
Thanks again for tuning in.
Again, I really appreciate everything you've done for us lately, especially buying all
the shirts.
It's again, this is just a charity endeavor for us.
It's not a money-making operation.
Just want to help this charity outfolds of honor. is a website.
If you'd like to pick up one of the shirts, we appreciate it.
And please subscribe to the podcast.
It helps us a lot. It is absolutely free. If you'd like to pick up one of the shirts, we appreciate it. And please subscribe to the podcast. It helps us a lot.
It is absolutely free.
It takes just a couple seconds.
Go to Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and then Rumble, slash Bongino.
And just click that follow button.
It helps us stay on the top charts.
We deeply appreciate it.
I'll see you on the radio show a little bit later.
You just heard Dan Bongino.