The Dan Bongino Show - Why Were These Warnings Ignored? (Ep 1680)
Episode Date: January 10, 2022The writing was on the wall. And the warnings were ignored. In this episode, I address the scandalous comments by a Supreme Court Justice, and the left's ongoing battle with the COVID truth, despite c...onservative warnings. News Picks: One of the best pieces I’ve read in a long time about the growing fissures in America. More good news on Ivermectin. The government is worried that they can’t do more to track you if you contract coronavirus. Was this virology lab seized by protestors in Kazakhstan? YouTube tried to censor this conservative’s music video. Rumble came to the rescue. Some of the same issues we had with the 2020 procedures are still in play for 2022. The Chinese communist party is using “woke” Americans to make spying easier. Copyright Bongino Inc All Rights Reserved Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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Get ready to hear the truth about America on a show that's not immune to the facts with your host, Dan Bongino.
So the mass delusion that lives in the media have forced upon us, especially in the COVID area, is collapsing.
How do I know the mass delusion is collapsing?
Because they are doing fact checks right now.
Fact checks.
You got to put the air quotes in there about the mass delusion collapsing.
If you didn't see what happened this weekend, stay tuned.
I'll give you the,
the down and dirty update on it.
It's hilarious watching these people scramble to gaslight you in order to
save their gaslighting.
It's new gaslighting to save old gaslighting.
Let's get right to it.
I've got that including a warning about Sonia Sotomayor warning that was
given to us a long time ago by a leftist. Ironically, Sonia Sotomayor Supreme a warning that was given to us a long time ago by a leftist, ironically,
Sonia Sotomayor, Supreme Court justice who blew it this weekend. And also one of the most powerful
things I've seen this weekend, piece of video by a Nebraska Democrat speaking about school choice
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way we go bro yeah monday morning a little excited today so the mass delusion is collapsing. The vaccines, just a couple of components of the mass delusion
that's hoisted upon us, right?
The vaccines prevent COVID mass delusion.
That's now thoroughly collapsed.
And by the way, the reason the mass delusion is collapsing
is because people are seeing the delusions fake.
It's like, remember Scooby-Doo?
Remember Scooby-Doo?
They'd pull the mask off the guy, and it was always some dude.
It's like, oh, my gosh, look, it's the innkeeper.
That's happening right now.
People are like, vaccine, Joe.
Vaccines prevent COVID.
I got the vaccine.
I got COVID.
Shut your pie hole.
And then your friend gets it.
And then your mom gets it.
And your dad.
And your dad's neighbor.
And then your dad gets it. And then your mom gets it. And your dad. And your dad's neighbor. And then your dad's neighbor's neighbor.
And you're like, my gosh, the efficacy of these vaccines really sucks.
That's collapsing.
The second thing, masks work.
That's now entirely collapsed.
You're even seeing leftists out there right now, like Leanna Wynn saying, oh my gosh,
leftists, remember the Planned Parenthood person?
These cloth masks, they're just facial decorations.
Gee, welcome to the party, Leanna Wynn.
We've only been talking about this forever.
Another thing that's starting to collapse
is the effort to suppress alternative treatments,
ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, and elsewhere,
because the science is starting to break through,
and the science is breaking through.
Man, this is a lot of material.
In the first three minutes of the show, we're packing it in.
But the reason the science is starting to break through,
ironically, is due to the left's efforts to censor it.
Did you notice this? The Streisand effect? You know the Streisand effect, right? When Barbra Streisand told people, don't take pictures of my house, which led thousands of people to
then go and take pictures of the house because they were curious why she didn't want people
taking pictures of her house. The more people destroy Dr. Robert Malone,
McCullough and others, and the more people try to suppress them when they appear on Joe Rogan's
show and elsewhere, Dr. Stephen Quay and others like that, respected people, the more they try
to suppress it. Did you know the more it's going viral, which is really terrific to see.
The delusion is collapsing. Here's some evidence. I want to get this video right away. Here is CDC director Rochelle Walensky. Now, two things happen here. Brett
Baer from Fox News questions her about the just dreadful, ridiculous comments, dreadful,
ridiculous comments by Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor in the vaccine mandate case on Friday that was heard in front of the Supreme Court.
Sonia Sotomayor spewed an enormous amount
of disinformation and misinformation
saying there were 100,000 kids in the hospital.
There were 3,000.
And they're not even all there because of COVID.
Some are there with COVID.
So Walensky's forced to do a couple things here.
She has to take that back. But you notice
she never critiques Sonia Sotomayor
and she still
makes sure to
sit on a razor's edge
and keep the fear porn going because they
need the fear porn. Here, watch this. This is a
fascinating clip. There's so much here psychologically
going on. Check this out.
We have over 100,000 children
which we've never had before,
in serious condition, and many on ventilators. Now, we can find from Friday suggests there are
fewer than 3,500 current pediatric hospitalizations from COVID-19. Is that true?
Yeah, but here's what I can tell you about our pediatric hospitalizations now. First of all, the vast majority of children who are in the hospital are
unvaccinated. And for those children who are not eligible for vaccination, we do know that they are
most likely to get sick with COVID if their family members aren't vaccinated. So the most
important thing we can do for those children to keep them out of the hospital is to vaccinate them and to vaccinate their family members around them.
Understood. But the number is not 100,000. It's roughly 3,500 in hospitals.
Yes, there are. And in fact, what I will say is while pediatric hospitalizations are rising, they're still about 15 fold less than hospitalizations of our older age demographic.
You see what she did there?
She wants to make sure Sonia Sotomayor, because she's supposed to be a scientist.
She has to correct Sonia Sotomayor to admit that Brett Baer is correct,
that there are not 100,000 kids in the hospital on ventilators, sick with COVID,
various blends of illness from ventilators on down.
It's not. The number is 3,000.
And not all of them there are there because of COVID.
Some are there with COVID.
But she still has to keep the fear porn campaign going because she knows if she doesn't keep the fear porn campaign going, that the gaslighting and the lie that everybody needs to take the vaccine,
regardless if you've been infected or not, masks will continue to work.
You should ignore ivermectin. It'll kill you.
If she doesn't keep the fear campaign going, all of that stuff will go out the window.
So she has to do it. The woman is an embarrassment.
She's an embarrassment.
Sonia Sotomayor is promoting this alternate reality.
And instead of Alinsky correcting it conclusively and firmly and saying that is false.
Kids are at low risk from this. Natural immunity is real.
Masks are not doing what we said they would do.
Either of the vaccines and getting some credibility back for the CDC.
She doesn't want to do it.
It is more important to her to promote the mass delusion that they've been hoisting upon you,
that the vaccines are the only answer, that masks are working,
and that alternative treatments should be suppressed.
Now, Sonia Sotomayor, I mean, the incompetence on the Supreme Court, it's really
unbelievable. Sonia Sotomayor, can you read a book, anything? How is it in the Supreme Court
on audio? They're recording this and putting it out, right? You managed to say that 100,000 kids are in the hospital sick with COVID. You were only
off by 97,000. Let's be fair. You're only up by 96,000. What? You weren't even close.
Don't you have clerks? Is anyone going to brief you ever?
You're a Supreme Court justice.
How did you get on the Supreme Court promoting an alternate reality where six-figure numbers of kids, 100,000, are in the hospital from COVID?
We were warned about Sotomayor.
Not just from conservatives who said she was terrible,
but from the left.
we weren't.
Look at the date on this article,
October 28,
Josh Gerstein in Politico,
you know,
Lawrence tribe,
Lawrence tribes,
a big lefty.
he advised Barack Obama is a quote from the political piece against
nominating Sotomayor to the Supreme court last year, according to a shockingly frank letter.
Lawrence Tribe, a lefty, told Obama, gosh, was this true?
Bluntly put, she's not nearly as smart as she seems to think she is, Tribe wrote of Sotomayor in a 2009 letter. And that Sotomayor's benefits are in terms of personal history and demographic appeal.
This is it, folks.
This is where we are right now.
You appoint a Supreme Court justice, right?
You nominate one who is then appointed upon consent to the Senate, right?
Sonia Sotomayor, whose only appeal is personal history and demographics, not her ability to rule on the law or her smarts.
The gavel's in.
That sounds like a diplod decision to me.
But that's where we are.
That's a left for you.
Sonia Sotomayor, one of the nine most powerful legal professionals in the known cosmos doesn't even know that a hundred
thousand kids are not in the hospital for COVID and that she's off by 96,000.
The mass delusion, folks. I want you to understand why I don't want to go on without explaining this to you.
Forgive me if you've heard this often, but I need to.
I need to make sure this is tattooed in your skull.
The reason the left continues to promote the mass delusion that the vaccines are somehow preventing COVID,
even though it's starting to belatedly acknowledge that they won't.
even though it's starting to belatedly acknowledge that they won't.
Vaccines are the only answer to this.
That masks work and that ivermectin and other treatments need to go away is because of the walking dead hypothesis.
They need to keep you scared, right?
Nobody walks into a prison voluntarily.
You walk into a prison like they did in that television series,
The Walking Dead, because they were afraid the zombies on the outside
were going to attack them.
So they found that abandoned prison they thought was secured.
Nobody walks in a prison voluntarily unless you're scared.
They need the fear campaign going.
This is why they continue to pump the mass delusion.
Another one who pumped the mass delusion endlessly talking about masks and the vaccines and everything
like that is
AOC who is vaccinated.
And I believe is boosted as well.
Talked about masks.
Put your mask on,
put your mask on.
Yet AOC showed up down here in Florida without a mask on hanging out in a
state with doesn't have the mandates that she loves.
AOC sadly this weekend,
as you'll see from this New York post,
but I do mean that I don't listen.
This is not a joke.
I don't wish illness on anyone.
That's immoral and entirely unethical.
But the New York Post reports AOC is now tested positive for COVID-19.
Now, I can imagine it'll only be a matter of days before someone around her,
if not her staff or herself, blame Ron DeSantis for this.
But that just goes to show you.
Folks, here's the reality,
because I won't play into a mass delusion.
There's nothing AOC could have done.
You can't see the virus.
It is a respiratory virus.
It's very difficult sometimes when you're around people.
There's not a big red flashing light over their head.
Look, you're entering a coronavirus contamination zone.
That's not the way this works.
There is nothing she could have done.
It's not coming to Florida that mattered.
She could have caught it in New York just as easily.
Matter of fact, places where they have,
and I don't want conservatives to fall into this trap.
Oh, look, unmasked AOC in Florida got COVID.
No, AOC could have gotten COVID anywhere.
Los Angeles and New York with these strict mandates are having a
far worse problem with coronavirus
hospitalizations and deaths than Florida.
So clearly, it has nothing to do with
mandates or masks, because if it did,
places with mask mandates and
vaccine mandates and lockdowns
would be doing better, and they're not.
It's not her fault.
However, what is her fault is her endless promoting
of mitigation measures
vaccine mandates and mask mandates
that clearly don't work
she is pumping a mass delusion
making sure you voluntarily
walk yourself into the prison
and lock the door behind you
because you're scared of what could be on the outside
so AOC continues the fear campaign Florida, Florida, oh my gosh, Florida. She came
to Florida. How scared? Think about it, right? If she really believed in this fear campaign,
the fear campaign, why isn't she walking into the prison herself? The ideological prison of the mind
where people feel like they can't go out without a mask. And if there's not a mandate, they're all
going to get sick and die. Even though when they have
mandates, people are getting sick and dying. If she believes so much in masks and that Florida
is such a dangerous place because of its lack of mandates. And why'd she come down here?
You ever ask yourself why you walked into the prison, why you're locked up in your house,
why you as a liberal, you're supporting all these mechanisms that hurt and impact your life.
But AOC, the one telling you to support them,
doesn't support them herself?
Did you ever wonder that?
Is that not fair game?
Again, it's not her fault she got coronavirus,
but it is her fault that she continues to pump
this mass delusion onto people
that it is now crystal clear, clear as day,
she does not believe herself.
Reality hits hard.
I wish her well.
I hope she gets better.
She apparently has some symptoms too, which is not good because the symptoms are really nasty.
I've lived through it, folks.
It's no fun.
It's just a real disgrace that these people continue to do this.
Pump the mass delusion up your wazoo.
Now, the AP did a fact check on this mass delusion.
You know what?
I'm going to get to that in a second.
Showing you that, again, proving the point,
the AP, one of the greatest cell phones ever,
not cell phones, self-owns, O-W-N-S,
one of the greatest cell phones ever,
they tried to debunk that we're
living in a mass delusion
by continuing to pump the
mass delusion. This actually
happened this weekend.
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So, they're terrified, the liberal media.
Liberal media, the libs slash media, because they're the same thing,
but they are technically two distinct groups.
You have media people, and you have liberal activists,
although the bleed over is significant
because media people,
they get paid by media operations,
can be liberal activists too.
They're terrified that the gaslighting
is going to be exposed.
It's why they lose their minds
every time conservatives point out hypocrisy
by Nancy Pelosi with her maskless fundraising gala.
You guys remember that one?
And AOC down here in Florida,
no mask, despite
criticizing Florida and pumping up the value of masks. The liberal media knows the Saul Alinsky
rules apply. And the Saul Alinsky rules are clear. Alinsky, who wrote Rules for Radicals and was a
leftist activist, always said, make your political opponents live up to their own series of rules,
because when they can't do it, which AOC won't down here in Florida with no mask,
it shows they don't believe in the rules
and it discredits the rules they want to,
again, hoist onto your back.
The liberal media is worried.
They're worried right now that they're being exposed.
So the AP, which is at the top of the totem pole
of liberal media activists,
dedicated an entire fact-checking column to
dismissing an interview that happened on the Joe Rogan show with a doctor who talked about
this mass formation psychosis, which is really a fancy term for basically mass gaslighting.
Gaslighting being telling a lie, telling a lie often, telling it confidently and isolating
people from the truth.
Why would you lie, lie often and isolate people from the truth?
Because you want them to believe something that's not true.
That's why you want them to believe masks are the solution.
The vaccines are somehow preventing COVID, even though, again, they folded on this a
little bit because it got to be too ridiculous.
This is why you do things like this.
You want people to believe in alternate reality.
The fact that this guy addressed it and everybody was putting in search engines, this is why you do things like this you want people to believe in alternate reality the fact
that this guy addressed it and everybody was putting in search engines mass formation psychosis
psychosis which could break the delusion drove them nuts so the ap uh angelo fischera and josh
kelledy humiliated themselves this past weekend and did a fact check air quotes, fact focus,
unfounded theory used to dismiss COVID measures. This,
this is,
this may be the single greatest fact check air quotes I have ever seen in my
Suggesting people are living under a delusion because their delusion isn't
panning out.
And you fact check that people are suggesting that the delusion is real by gaslighting people into believing the delusion isn't real.
Good job.
I'm actually impressed by your second and third order thinking right there.
Very good.
Dismissing concerns about gaslighting by.
Gaslighting people.
Whatever you want to call it. Mass formation, psychosis, delusions, gaslighting. yes whatever you want to call it mass formation psychosis delusions gaslighting
it does exist it's existed throughout human history involves the depersonalization effect
but people are so scared because politicians get them so frightened you're gonna die of corona
remember that poll we did the left thought was there was a 30, 40% chance of hospitalization or death or something from coronavirus.
40% was it?
You get people so scared, right, that they will do anything and forfeit their freedom.
They have to keep that up.
That's the depersonalization effect where they stop thinking about their individual problems and they focus like a laser on one thing.
I'm going to die from Corona.
They will do anything, anything to stop
the pain, anything, the pain of fear. AP's worried that once the delusion's exposed,
like the Mysterio character in that Spider-Man thing, right? Oh my gosh, it's just drones.
They're terrified the whole thing's going to fall apart. Hilarious, AP. Here's another article I read this weekend, which I really, really need
you to look at. It'll be in my newsletter today. Please subscribe to the newsletter, sign up for
it. It is free, no cost. We will not spam your inbox. It's slash newsletter. Please,
I find these articles out there and I really would like for you to read them if you can.
The Epic Times. Again, part of their mass delusion is making you
believe vaccines and masks are the only answer. They do not want you to talk about alternative
treatments like ivermectin. There's an article in the Epic Times by Joseph Mercola. I don't have
time to go through the entire article, but there's a lot of hard science in there. It says more good
news on ivermectin. You can link to it in there. And I asked the question, given all the science they have in there about the potential efficacy
of this drug when it comes to the treatment of coronavirus infections, both in the acute and
chronic stage of it, how long can they continue to hide this information on ivermectin? How long?
How long will this continue to be suppressed?
I'm getting word that quietly a lot of leftists behind the scenes when they catch coronavirus
themselves are asking their own doctors for ivermectin. Kind of like AOC telling you to
wear a mask in Florida is a dangerous place despite not wearing a mask in Florida, the
place she called dangerous, right? Make them live up to their own rules expose them all
folks i took ivermectin i took ivermectin hydroxychloroquine some of you have asked
for my protocol i repeated it i had a very severe case of coronavirus it was bad
i'm not exaggerating it was rough for the people who were on the show. No, I was in really bad shape.
I had to skip my Fox show.
I didn't even miss a show when I was doing chemo.
I took ivermectin.
I took hydroxychloroquine.
I took a Z-Pak.
I took phenofibrate.
Talk to your doctor.
This stuff may not be appropriate for you, but I did talk to mine.
I took vitamin D, melatonin, zinc, quercetin, and a good chunk of vitamin C.
I continued to eat and hydrate myself.
And folks, I got better in 36 hours.
Why me?
I had the monoclonals too, to give you a full scope, monoclonal antibodies.
But if that cocktail could get me better from 103 and a half fever,
and being really, really sick in only 36 hours, then why is it only me?
Why only me and people who are connected can get it?
Why is that?
Why can't you get it too?
By the way, I'm not connected to any medical people or anything like that.
The point is everyone should get access to these life-saving drugs
if you need them and your doctor deems them appropriate.
Speaking of the mass delusion,
it's not just on coronavirus and vaccines and masks
and the suppression of information about ivermectin.
It's not just there.
And by the way, again, for the thousandth time,
I'm daring YouTube to ban this
because we mentioned ivermectin.
Please ban my account.
I've been begging you to do it forever.
I've already stood strong against these vaccine mandates.
I've been taking principal positions for a long time on this stuff.
You heard me talk about what's going on with Cumulus and everything.
I am not backing down for anything.
YouTube, ban my account.
We will continue
to talk about ivermectin and the non-efficacy of masks and the declining efficacy of these vaccines
and i don't care i'm daring you to ban this i've been forever they won't they may actually at this
point who knows but they're afraid because of rumble but that doesn't absolve you of the
responsibility not legal responsibility,
but the responsibility morally to know what you're talking about. These endless fear campaigns about
the global warming and climate change, how the earth is going to end and we're all on the razor's
edge of destruction. This is just nonsense. It's hyperbolic nonsense, which feeds into the fear campaign I discussed before to get
you to voluntarily walk into the prison. This time, not the prison of the mask and the vaccine.
This time we're talking about the prison of give up your access to natural gas and nuclear power,
whatever it may be for windmills everywhere, right? Totally impractical things like this.
They want your heating bill to go up 100, 200 percent and you to take that responsibility on you. But Harrison Ford's not doing it. What is he doing? Is he downgrading his house? Is he living in an apartment? Is he riding around a bicycle all day? I think it was stupid, but at least I'd respect him.
very disappointing.
if you would give the opportunity is right in front of you left this right now.
I know you won't take it.
I'm going to get this Michael Anton piece at the end of the show.
this is really good.
It's a must read.
I know you won't take it,
but the opportunities in front of you right now to build a bridge to the
conservative and Republican movement.
It's there.
You have power in the presidency.
You have power in the house and power in the Senate.
You have an effective majority with Kamala Harris.
I'm begging you, I'm imploring you to consider strongly
that the opportunities in front of you right now
to acknowledge conservatives are right on masks,
acknowledge they were right to be skeptical
of the efficacy early on of the vaccine,
which was clearly overstated,
acknowledge we are right, that there is some science, maybe not conclusive, but some science
on ivermectin.
Acknowledge we are right that, yes, we should take care of the environment.
This is our planet.
God gave it to us, and we should take care of it and be good stewards of the planet.
But that does not mean we should bankrupt the entire globe in an effort to somehow take
001 degree off the global temperature
in the next few years it's impractical if you would acknowledge that he would build massive
bridges and i bet there were some solutions we could come to some mutual agreement on
or some there are no solutions some maybe partial fixes they're not interested in any of that
your science deniers according to to Harrison Ford, very disappointing. Anti-maskers,
anti-vaxxers. I'm not anti-anything. I'm pro-truth. And that drives the left crazy.
That's why they've doubled down their attacks on me. That loser, Eric Osnard, or whatever the hell
his name is, from that New Yorker. And then some guy, Lenny Green, in the New York Daily News this
weekend had a total meltdown that there's a New York station that's then some guy, Lenny Green in the New York Daily News this weekend had a total
meltdown that there's a New York station that's carrying my radio show now. He was horrified.
Leonard, oh my gosh, Dan Bongino is spewing misinformation. These people are just total
losers, man. They're obsessed with me because this show is about the truth. All right, let me move on.
I had a new segment on my show, Unfiltered. It's called unfiltered on unfiltered. And it's a me,
no prompter.
sometimes you need the prompter because of the length of the segment,
the ins and outs are kind of reminders,
but we have a new segment on my show,
my Fox show unfiltered,
excuse me,
called unfiltered.
I feel this.
Believe me,
there's zero prompter.
It just says like,
talk about whatever you want.
And I did a thing on school choice this weekend.
I'm not going to play that cut.
You can watch the show and check that out.
But something else hit me about School Choice.
It's one of the most powerful videos I've seen in a long time.
But some people, the delusions being broken,
the whole Mysterio drone army faking the alternate reality,
people are starting to see the drones and wake up.
A great video coming up next about the power of education
as an opportunity
and a way up and a way out.
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be alert, be aware and stay safe.
So, yeah, I did this new segment, which I'm really enjoying,
even though it's only been the first week called unfiltered on a filter,
where I just riff on like I do on the podcast on the show.
And we really enjoyed it this weekend.
We had a blast because no one knew it was coming, even the Fox people.
And I spoke about school choice.
School choice matters to me.
I get it.
I get it.
I totally understand this isn't the hottest topic every single day.
But it matters to me because the greatest untapped resource we have in this country is our human capital.
And hundreds of thousands, if not
millions of kids are being left behind with a substandard education.
And they're not being part of that human capital pool in the United States because we can't
fix their schools because the Democrats keep getting in our way.
Some Democrats.
Hat tip.
I don't know this guy, but I want to salute him.
He is a Democrat showing I am willing to reach across the
aisle. Are you willing to do the same when it's to fight for our kids, for truth, for real justice
for these kids? Here's a Nebraska state senator and a Democrat, Justin Wayne. There's a school
choice bill in Nebraska, and apparently some Democrats, again, are trying to get in the way
of people in Justin Wayne's community getting a good education.
This is a Democrat. He's had about enough of this.
I want you to watch this. Check this out.
My community can't wait anymore.
So here's my offer to all of the people here who have kids.
Here's my offer.
Here's my offer. I will vote to kill this bill.
If you send your kids to one of the kids schools in my district that we're waiting to turn around.
If you do that, Senator Day, Senator Kavanaugh, John Kavanaugh, I know Michaela will.
Everybody get on the mic. Let's make that promise. Let's transfer the kids. So as we spend six, seven years in elementary school, changing a school, your kid be a part of that promise. Let's transfer the kids. So as we spend six, seven years in elementary school,
changing a school, your kid be a part of that change. And when they fall behind,
when they don't have the resources, allegedly, when they're dealing with suspensions and things
like that, then we can all go through it together. Listen, Justin Wayne, I don't know you. Obviously,
we have some significant differences politically.
If you're a Democrat and I'm a Republican,
but we don't have a significant difference on one thing.
Our kids matter.
All of our kids, white, black, Hispanic, Asian, Muslim, Jew, Christian,
Hindu, Indian, Native American doesn't matter.
South American, Central American, I don't care.
You are a citizen of this country.
You deserve a shot.
Your kids deserve a shot.
You have an ally in me.
You're welcome on my show if you'd like to come on.
Just have your people reach out.
Our email's on the website.
You have my full support.
He brings up a pretty great point, no?
You guys don't want school choice for everyone?
Send your kids to the crappy schools our neighborhood kids are forced to go to.
Yeah, that'll fix it.
That'll fix it right away.
Make them live by their own rules.
You sensing a theme to today's show?
None of this is by accident.
All right, moving on.
Get ready for a full court press, folks,
on election hijacking.
Nancy Pelosi is doubling down.
There's a two-step program here they have
to hijack elections moving forward.
Moving forward.
Two-step program.
Number one, they have to decimate and destroy voter ID. That
is a must. My father used to say that growing up. Daniel, that's a must when I had to do something.
I love my dad, but that used to drive me nuts. First step, the must, they have to destroy voter
ID. You can't cheat as easily. You can cheat, but it's not as easy with voter ID in place where
people have to produce an ID to actually vote, Okay. The Democrats do not want election integrity. They hate it. It's why they
abhor why they can't stand. They would, would vitriolic deep blood boiling hatred.
They hate voter ID. So step one, destroy voter ID. Step, to hijack elections. They have to expand the potential voter pool,
even if the pool of possible voters are not even eligible to vote
because they're not even citizens of the United States.
Come on, Dan.
This sounds like an exaggeration.
Hijacking elections.
We always bring the proof, man.
I'm not going to waste your time.
Cue up video one for me, Guy.
Here's Nancy Pelosi this weekend,
who now that they see public sentiment
has turned dramatically on voter ID.
They've got to dial it back.
There's nothing they can,
they cannot let voter ID pass.
It will, listen to me, mark my words,
it will change the country.
The cheating regimen will go out the window.
It'll become really, really hard
to cheat. So Pelosi's got to dial up the temperature. So what does she do? She magically
ties January 6th to the Democrats' new election hijacking measure, which would destroy voter ID.
Now, if this isn't a stretch, I don't know what is, but expect more of this in the
coming days because they're trying to push their measure this week, their election hijacking
measure, John Lewis Voting Rights Act and H.R. 1, with Biden traveling around the country telling
you a voter ID is racist. Check this out. What the Republicans are doing across the country
is really a legislative continuation of what they did on January 6th,
which is to undermine our democracy, to undermine the integrity of our elections,
to undermine the voting power, which is the essence of a democracy.
He says they're going to talk about January 6th up to 2060.
No, they're not.
At least 2080.
Dude, you're off by, come on, Joe, right?
At least 2085, 2090.
I mean, come on, guy.
Give me a break.
I mean, right.
They will compare January 6th to anything.
Puppy adoption.
There was a puppy on the lawn during January 6th.
No more puppy adoption. There's nothing they won the lawn during January 6th. No more puppy adoption.
There's nothing they won't do to get.
January 6th will be compared to everything.
Tax bills, voter bills, health care bills, school choice bills,
regulatory reform, energy policy, health care policy, anything.
They are obsessed with January 6th.
But the more important point is notice how she does that.
If you believe in voter ID and election integrity is notice how she does that. If you believe in
voter ID and election integrity, notice how she flips it on its head. You're the one trying to
destroy the integrity of elections and you're the one who's a front to democracy. This is unbelievable.
Talk about a dipsy do flip a room. So step one, you're darn right. Step one, destroy voter. Step two, expand the voter pool,
even to people who are not legally eligible to vote,
including illegal immigrants.
No, that's not happening.
Here's even Jake Tapper, right?
Jake is confronting Eric Adams.
It would be good for him.
The mayor of New York City, by the way.
But hey, you want illegal immigrants to vote in New York City, by the way, about, hey, you want illegal
immigrants to vote New York City elections? Gee, that doesn't sound fair to citizens. This happened.
Check it out on CNN. You announced last night that you're going to support a law passed last
month in New York City, which will allow roughly 800,000 legal non-citizens to vote in local
elections, provided that they've lived in New York for at least 30
days. You previously called the bill problematic and expressed concern about giving a right to
vote to non-citizens who have only been here for a short amount of time. I think there are a lot
of Americans watching right now who might share your concerns and also have more broadly questions
about the idea of people who have not taken a citizenship test, prepared for that test by
learning about the U.S., who haven't sworn an oath to the country, getting to vote. Why did you change your mind?
And why is it acceptable for non-citizens to vote in an American election? No, I did not change my
mind. I supported the concept of the bill. The one aspect of that I had a problem with and I
thought was problematic was the 30-day part of being in the country for 30 days was the
place that I had questions. And I said that with my colleagues. I'm a big believer in conversation.
We have to start talking to each other and not at each other. And after hearing their rationale
and their theories behind it, I thought it was more important to not veto the bill or get in
the way at all and allow the
bill to move forward. You believe this? So think about it. You come here for, say, a six-month
period. You overstay a visa. He brought up a good point. You could vote in six months, depending on
the election schedule. You could vote on a primary. If there's a runoff in a state, you could vote in
a runoff. I don't think they have it in New York City. It may be a plurality. And the general election, all the entire time,
not being even a citizen of the United States of America.
Eric Adams, by the way, the new mayor of New York City,
the guy's a joke, okay?
Let's stop pretending he's going to be better than de Blasio.
He's little mini de Blasio.
He's de Blasio with like him trying to be an heir.
De Blasio wasn't even like a cool cat. He was just
a loser. But Eric Adams tries to be
like the cool guy. I'm going to go out hanging at night
clubs, be like the New York City. This guy is
going to be worse than de Blasio.
Mark my words.
All this crap he's
talking about, cleaning up the city.
The minute, the minute
said this on Fox and Friends this
Joe, we're doing a time check.
Monday, January 10th. Flag it.
Almost 10 o'clock.
I guarantee you, the minute there's a use of force incident in New York City,
white police officer, black subject,
that the media picks up on and says is like racial or whatever,
whether it is or not,
all of Eric Adams' commitments to cleaning up New York City guaranteed go out the window.
Guaranteed go out the window.
Even de Blasio had some issues with illegals voting in the New York City election.
Oh, Eric Adams is going to clean up New York.
He's a change agent.
You fell for that.
That's hilarious.
This is reason number 3,000.
Wait, let me check.
Yes, 3,762.
I'm keeping track.
Just kidding.
Not to vote for Democrats ever.
They are liars.
He's going to be a change agent.
Yeah, okay, sure.
Real change agent.
You think it's a good idea
by the way
if you're the, let's just say you were
the elected mayor of New York City
and you just take office.
You think it'd be a good idea
to hire your
brother as the deputy
commissioner of the NYPD
when his prior line of work was
as the assistant director of parking
at Virginia Commonwealth University? No, that didn't happen. Oh, he did this weekend. Look
at the New York Post. This is Eric Adams again. Change agent, New York. Eric Adams
defends his brother's NYPD job, says he'll protect him against white supremacists.
Large contingent of white supremacists
who've taken up residence in New York City.
You didn't know that, folks?
New York City.
They all go there.
Gravitate to New York City.
White supremacists.
Big problem around there.
You're right.
Huge problem.
Adams' brother, who was a retired NYPD sergeant,
was listed as the deputy commissioner,
a deputy commissioner on the NYPD roster.
Bernard Adams, who is the assistant director for parking currently at Virginia Commonwealth
University, where he's worked since 2011, confirmed to the Post that he's set to oversee
governmental affairs.
I'm sorry, I can't. Can you just, I just i mean guys for a second imagine if if if donald trump right
donald trump had hired don jr as like director of the secret service or something can you imagine
holy moses holy moses you've got at least least, at least his kids, by the way,
at least have some business experience running a multimillion-dollar opera,
at least.
Like, his kids are actually really smart and know what they're doing.
I wouldn't even have a problem with some of their, you know,
appointments to these positions, and I didn't with Ivanka and Jared
if he wasn't.
But this guy, the parking guy, he's now a deputy commissioner of the NYPD.
And you guys talk about the Trump family.
Ivanka, Jared, at least they were running businesses.
At least they were, whether you liked them or not,
at least they were running businesses.
At least they were running businesses.
At New Balance,
we believe if you run,
you're a runner,
however you choose to do it.
Because when you're not worried
about doing things the right way,
you're free to discover your way.
And that's what running is all about.
Run your way at slash running.
Speaking of nepotism, which again, the Democrats only seem to hate when it's the Trump family.
They only seem to hate that when it's the Trump family, right?
When Eric Adams does it, oh, I don't know.
All of a sudden his brother was the parking guy.
He's more than qualified to be deputy commissioner of the NYPD.
And Hunter Biden, he was definitely qualified to negotiate international oil deals,
even though he has no experience in international organizations, transnational business.
He has zero experience in Ukraine or the natural gas industry.
Hunter Biden is definitely the guy, right?
Speaking of nepotism, remember this story about, put it up in the New York Post, that
this, the photo that appeared with Joe Biden and his dad, Hunter, excuse me, excuse me,
Hunter Biden and his dad, Joe Biden.
They showed up in a photo, this story, it'll be in my newsletter, with the business partner
from Kazakhstan.
They went out to dinner.
Hunter Biden was doing business with the security chief guy,
Karam Masimov.
They took a picture with his dad, even though Hunter Biden insisted,
and Joe Biden insisted, that the dad had nothing to do with it.
Here's an email from Hunter Biden.
Here we go again.
This is like every time we do this, guys, like the Austin Powers thing.
Here's an email, a laptop.
That's not my bag, baby.
No, it's your bag.
So Robert Biden, Hunter's his nickname, showing laptop. That's not my bag, baby. No, it's your bag. So Robert Hunter is his nickname.
Showing the picture of Massimoff.
So Hunter Biden to his friend Rob Walker.
Yes, also standing with Massimoff, he writes,
Prime Minister of Kazakhstan-close friend.
So there he is.
He's in a photo with this guy Massimoff saying it's a close friend.
Why does that matter? so there he is he's in a photo with this guy massimoff saying it's a close friend why does
that matter because kareem massimoff one of the security chiefs in kazakhstan was arrested this
weekend uh this past weekend for treason during the ongoing troubles in kazakhstan
was massimoff a good guy a bad guy i'm not claiming either he could be a he could have
even though uh the current president he been, even though the current president,
he may have moved against the current president.
I don't believe any one of them have their hands clean here,
but the point is the guy who has his hands,
the most dirty is Hunter Biden,
who seems to have his mitts in all of us.
Kazakhstan's in deep trouble,
by the way,
the Russians are sending troops in there.
This is really not a good development this weekend.
It's been collapsing under massive civil unrest. And here's a story I saw was sent to me by a listener that I want you
to keep your eyes on. Again, this will be in the newsletter today. I need you to read this. slash newsletter. Kazakhstan apparently has a virology lab in Almaty.
Well, there have been claims on both sides, but there have been claims that the bio lab
and the virology lab,
sound a little bit like the Wuhan thing,
were seized by rioters.
Now, the Daily Mail piece, Kazakhstan,
you can see is denying that the military laboratory
was seized by rioters after Russia claimed
the possible pathogen leak,
as country's health ministry says that more than
160 have been killed during protests in the country. Folks, listen, this story could be big
trouble. A bioweapons lab, a military facility in a country that is now in the process of collapsing,
potentially being under the possession of rioters who probably have zero expertise in managing a
bioweapons lab.
This is one of those stories.
January 9th, 2022 is the print date.
Read it.
It'll be in my newsletter today.
And I hope we never mention this story again.
I kid you not.
I hope and pray this is the last time we hear about this story.
Because this reminds me early on when my wife was telling me,
showing me when she was, this is right before Guy came on board. My wife was telling telling me dan i think this thing in wuhan is going to get ugly with the slab look at
some of the videos i will never forget just quick story i hate to get off on purpose but very fast
my wife very early on knew something was going on with the uh delta with the excuse me with the
coronavirus and wuhan very she followed it She's obsessed with this kind of stuff.
Candidly, I thought, I don't know.
I don't think anything that bad is going to happen,
but we should keep our eye on it.
She orders a bunch of stuff from the local Walmart.
Food, toilet paper, all that stuff.
The guy shows up downstairs in the delivery,
and he says to my wife, I'm not joking,
do you know something I don't? And wife was like nah just suspicious i on my life that happened she was
onto this early on i hope it's the last time he mentioned that story all right i saved the most
important story for last and i probably should have got to it first but there's so much to talk
about i wanted to make sure i'm not constricted on time on this right because i had to get through
the other stuff.
Michael Anton is back.
We're going to try and get him on the radio show this week.
Michael Anton is one of my favorite writers out there.
He writes at the American Mind.
It's a piece he put out on January 4th, not that long ago.
I really need you to read.
The newsletter is loaded today.
It's called Blue America's Messaging Problem,
and it's something we've discussed often on the show.
Folks, there's this phenomenon developing right now where the left is growing more and more
aggressive, more and more violent in many cases. And no matter how many times we encourage on our
side nonviolence and a peaceful resolution to the country's just massive political problems,
the left will continue to accuse us of fomenting a civil war,
despite many cases, the left directly calling for violence. As I pointed out with the democracy
integrity project, Michael Anton points out this disparity in messaging and his new piece called
blue America's messaging problem, where the left gets increasingly violent and aggressive with
their rhetoric on us and any attempt to expose their violent and aggressive rhetoric as potentially instigating
a real fracture in the United States that could turn ugly.
They point to us as fomenting violence.
This is what they do.
It's the 180 we talked about in the beginning of the show.
It's a massive gaslighting effort.
We will attack them, the left is saying. We will attack conservatives relentlessly.
We will pursue them wherever they go. We will take their civil liberties away. We will attack
their states like Florida. And anything they do to fight back, they will say, quote, how dare you?
You're an insurrectionist. You're fomenting civil war. Here's a quote from Anton's piece about how
this messaging problem can't possibly continue.
It's now becoming transparently obvious that the left, the radical left, not all, but the radical left are two things.
And unquestionably two things.
Extremely aggressive and definitely racist with their CRT nonsense.
They can't.
The message problem can't.
Let me just read this from the Anton piece.
It's very good.
He says, from the blue states from
the blues perspective why not just let the baddies go why not just let us go right if not in a
national divorce then at least do radical federalism where the federal government shrinks
and the states do their thing in other words he's saying in the opening paragraph the obvious if the
left hates us so much and even though they're racist they claim we're racist and even though
they're super violent and aggressive they claim we're racist, and even though they're super violent and aggressive, they claim we're violent and aggressive,
then why not just let us go and live on your own?
He says blues, he calls them,
have an especially hard time answering this one.
It's not obvious why anyone would insist on living forever
with people they vehemently insist are despicable,
are born irredeemably rapacious, racist, and oppressive,
and can never reform.
are born irredeemably rapacious, racist, and oppressive,
and can never reform.
Yet nothing more quickly drives a blue-to-mouth frothing rage than the mere suggestion that the two sides of the partisan divide
try to put some distance between one another.
They say, how dare you, they shriek.
You're an insurrectionist.
You are fomenting civil war.
Let me explain this to you.
What's going on here?
Why is it that the left claims we're irredeemably racist,
we're insurrectionists, we're violent, we're aggressive,
when in fact they're talking about themselves?
And yet when we say things like,
let's move towards radical federalism,
where we shrink the federal government to its strict constitutional role
and let the states do what they want.
Oh, that's insurrection.
You're fomenting a civil war.
Are we?
How is that exactly?
We do have a constitution that provides for states' rights and a difference of opinion on how states should be governed.
What's wrong with that?
How is that a civil war exactly?
You can't explain that.
But what is the main driving ethos behind the left
and why they will never, quote, let us go?
Have you ever thought about this?
You ever thought about this?
Really, processes?
Ladies and gentlemen, the left's entire guiding ethos,
their entire meaning for their life,
the Hot Pockets liberals in their mom's basement
playing video games all day, right?
Their entire guiding ethos is this, subjugation.
There is no meaning to their lives
if they're not subjugating others. That's not us. We believe in family and friends and community and
church and faith. Our life has meaning outside of our politics. The left has no meaning outside
of politics, nothing. Their entire lives are identity politics, protest, social justice,
fake social justice campaigns. They have nothing else. Their entire guiding ethos to their socialist mentality
is the subjugation of others.
But what does the subjugation of others require?
Requires two things.
Subjugation and others.
You can't be in charge of an island with no one on it.
Right? You can't be the charge of an island with no one on it right you can't be the monarch of no one you get what are you the monarch of wilson the volleyball tom hanks the left on the island
and castaway wilson you have to be in charge of people if your entire guiding ethos you're a
socialist is to subjugate others and to control the proletariat and attack the bourgeoisie whatever
it may be,
you need to have groups of people to subjugate. And the fact that we want to separate from them and get away from them and escape their subjugation drives them crazy. Don't ever forget the leftist
needs those two things, subjugation and people. When you take one of those variables out of the
equation, the whole thing falls apart. That's why they will never, ever let us go. Ever. This is a great piece by
Michael Anton. It's lengthy. It's worth your time. Blue America's messaging problem. We'll
try to get them on the radio show this week. Read it at my newsletter. Hey, thank you so much for
subscribing to my Rumble account. We are escaping the big tech tyranny every day with Rumble. Thank you so, so much.
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