The Dan Bongino Show - Yet Another Deep State Leak (Ep 1070)

Episode Date: September 19, 2019

In this episode, I address the latest anti-Trump leak from inside the deep-state and what it really means. I also address Elizabeth Warren’s “gotcha moment” on late night TV. I address the of failed “climate change” predictions by liberal outlets and the latest Trump re-election news.  News Picks:There are few ideas dumber than “toxic masculinity.”    The latest Washington Post “scoop” is likely another disingenuous attack on the President. Wait at least 24 hours.   Here’s a list of all of the apocalyptic “climate change” predictions gone wrong.   Elizabeth Warren dodges this question about her insane healthcare plan.    Elizabeth Warren exaggerates the numbers on medical bankruptcies.   Is the media telling the truth about Elizabeth Warren’s crowds?   Copyright Dan Bongino All Rights Reserved. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 When doctors, clinicians, and government officials collaborate with our country's innovative pharmaceutical companies, the side effects include improved policies that speed up the delivery of medications to those in need, and better overall health for all Canadians. Get ready to hear the truth about America on a show that's not immune to the facts with your host, Dan Bongino. The Bongino rule is in effect again. Wait 24 hours before making judgments after hearing a story from the another Intel community leak. Joe, wait 24 hours before making a judgment. At least 24 hours about the story.
Starting point is 00:00:44 I have a loaded lineup. We're not allowed to say stacked anymore, according to a listener. A lot of stories today, including a massive Trump fundraising call, what it means out in California. The Elizabeth Warren story from yesterday, I was going to get to,
Starting point is 00:00:59 she's totally lying to everybody about her Medicare for all plan, and it's important. The dictionary being rewritten for Zhe Zhao. So Zhe Zhao. And also, excuse me, not economic. Climate change catastrophes debunked by CEI. A great piece.
Starting point is 00:01:16 You're not going to want to go anywhere. All right. Welcome to the Dan Bogino Show. Producer Joe, how are you today? Man, I'm doing okay. We do. We have a full plate of information today. Full plate.
Starting point is 00:01:24 I was was you could tell by my i was waiting for a more and you were very sedated fine that's okay that's a okay i like that part of the show this is what makes this show uh we crack that fourth wall all the time all right joe let's get right to it today's show brought to you by my buddies at express vpn hey wouldn't it be nice if search engines and social media sites were unbiased platforms that didn't choose a side politically? That would be wonderful. Unfortunately, that doesn't happen.
Starting point is 00:01:52 Keep dreaming, folks. In 2016, the tech elites at Google bragged, bragged about donating millions of dollars to Hillary. These big tech companies have pushed their political agenda and restrict the free speech rights of conservatives are the very same corporations we're trusting to handle our personal data online. Ouch. I don't want them using my web history, email metadata, or video searches against me or
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Starting point is 00:03:35 yesterday and ladies and gentlemen if there was ever an example of the bongino rule wait 24 to 72 hours unlike the mainstream media hacks who ran with it. Please wait on making a judgment by reading this. Here's the story. Washington Post. Trump's communications with a foreign leader are part of a whistleblower complaint that spurred a standoff between the spy chief in Congress, former officials say, by Greg Miller, Ellen Nakashima, and Shane Harris. Obviously, the Washington Post.
Starting point is 00:04:03 I don't even, I mean, it's a conspiracy theory blog. So be very careful about anything the Washington Post reports. Ladies and gentlemen, what's going on here? This is now, I'll get to what the core of the complaint is in a second. But before I get to this new complaint, I want to set up the pattern. Of course, if you're a regular listener, you're probably figuring out already what's going on. But if not, I want to play this short video, a very short video. We may play this twice. So Joe, Paula, keep this thing handy. Here is Chuck Schumer with a warning when he was talking to Rachel Maddow about why you don't pick fights with the intelligence community. Check this out. You take on the intelligence community. They have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you.
Starting point is 00:04:45 on the intelligence community they have six ways from sunday at getting back at you oh thank you chuck uh chuck wasn't kidding of course uh they were talking about at the time him and uh roswell rachel maddow they were talking about conspiracy theories like trump questioning the intelligence community right around when the spy gate uh allegations surfaced right so schumer's warning trump don't go after the Intel community because they will get you back six different ways from Sunday dreaded air quotes. Now, this leak we saw yesterday in the Washington Post from an Intel official
Starting point is 00:05:13 about a whistleblower complaint is now the third one in less than two weeks from the Intel community painting Trump out to be a big leaker of classified information complaint number one remember this one they had to exfiltrate the spy the serious russian spy from russia and had to get him out of the country because trump leaked information uh to the russians during this oval office meeting and the spy's life was in danger evil trump evil trump joe we had to go get the spy
Starting point is 00:05:45 to rescue him from the dastardly donald trump we found out later of course if you applied the bongino rule you were not suckered by this nonsense that the spy was in fact exfiltrated from russia removed from russia the u.s the the russian spying for the u.s was removed from russia because of media leaks that could have led to him being exposed not donald trump again if you waited you were not suckered into that the second story which we debunked on monday or tuesday show forgive me i i don't remember i lose track of time easily on the show so much going on was the news story that obama kicked out the russian diplomats because they discovered some dastardly scheme
Starting point is 00:06:26 to crack our encryption by the Russians. It was being run out of these facilities. So right before Trump took office, Obama, the hero, the white knight jumped in and he kicked out all these Russian diplomats. Of course, if you read through the lines of the story, the encryption and the allegations of them cracking our encryption, the Russians run out of these facilities. Obama kicked these people out of. The story was from 2010. So again, if you applied the Bongino rule and thought this thing through and actually read the story to the end, you were not suckered by this either. Now we see another devastating leak and the charges are serious. Here's the first screenshot from the piece. I'll read it to you. Don't worry here.
Starting point is 00:07:05 But here's the allegation now. This is a serious one, but this is not a joke. And I don't mean to downplay it. All right. But be very careful about this story. Quote from the piece. Trump's interaction with this foreign leader. So this is a leak about a conversation Trump had with a foreign leader.
Starting point is 00:07:21 We don't know who it is yet. There's some speculation I'll get to in a second. But Trump's interaction with the foreign leader included a quote promise that was regarded as so troubling that it prompted an official in the U.S. intel community to file a formal whistleblower complaint with the inspector general for the intel community, said former officials, of course, anonymous Joe, speaking on the condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss the matter publicly. Here we go again with more anonymous sources.
Starting point is 00:07:47 So do you get the core of the allegation? I explained to you the first two, the third one. Now the new one and the timing is convenient. I'll get to that. The new allegations that Trump was talking with a foreign leader and made him some promise. So detrimental to us security that whistleblowers in the intel community
Starting point is 00:08:05 felt the need to notify people about this quote urgent concern now the complaint's being taken seriously now having said that again if you continue to read the same story joe the same story and you get all the way to the end because they always put this at the end. This is never in the beginning. This is at the end, hoping you don't make it that far. At the end, we see this portion of the Washington Post article, which is fascinating. I think it's like three paragraphs from the closing of the piece. Oh, my gosh.
Starting point is 00:08:42 It's just like, I can't believe we have to do this every day. Legal and not the show just debunking this stupidity legal experts said there are scenarios in which a president's communications with a foreign leader could rise to a level of a quote urgent concern from the intel community but they also noted that the president has broad authority to decide unilaterally when to classify or declassify information uh ladies and gentlemen that's if you got hooked by this this is kind of a problem for the whole story now i'm going to explain what that means in a second but i want to get to the timing because i don't want to lose my place as i told
Starting point is 00:09:19 you about two or three weeks ago you you can expect more of this. Chuck Schumer was not kidding. The Intel community will strike back at you six different ways from Sunday if you question them. The Intel community works for the president to supply Intel, or surprise the president with Intel,
Starting point is 00:09:39 that he can then use to negotiate with foreign governments, act as the commander in chief, or negotiate trade or treaty arrangements. The president does not work for the intel community. Does everybody understand that? I'm not, you are very smart, but some of the liberals, unfortunately, my audience,
Starting point is 00:09:59 don't seem to get basic tenets of our constitution and the structure horizontally and vertically of how our government works. The intel community is subordinate to the president. The president does not work for them. The president has unilateral authority to declassify what he
Starting point is 00:10:15 wants in the interest of the United States. And if the voters don't believe that's in the interest of the United States, Joe, what do they get to do? Vote the president out. Yeah. It's very simple. Man, how's he supposed to do his job?
Starting point is 00:10:31 The people elect a president. I'm sorry. Yeah. I'm sorry, man. Thank you. No, that was... Verdict is in. Excellent point by Joe Armacost.
Starting point is 00:10:39 How the heck is a voted, elected, constitutional president of the United States supposed to negotiate treaties engage in national security negotiations and act as the commander-in-chief if he has to go back to subordinate officers in the intel community and ask them their permission to discuss these things that's it now thank you if you think all of this is a bad idea and let me just get to quickly oh sure the timing i don't want to i've got a lot to get you on this i didn't want to make yeah you got it sometimes joe you need
Starting point is 00:11:09 to keep a checklist of things i said i'm going to talk about i don't want to miss um what's coming out soon folks the ig report which is going to expose massive malfeasance by the fbi and the intelligence community to nail donald trump Why this new leak? To paint Donald Trump as such a unique danger to the Republic by his careless, air quotes, handling of intelligence that the IC, even though they screwed up the intelligence community in spying on Donald Trump, because that's what the intelligence, the inspector general's report is going to say. I hope you all understand that. It's going to show massive malfeasance. The report is going to say, I hope you all understand that it's going to show massive malfeasance. The IG is going to show that the intelligence communities come back to that
Starting point is 00:11:49 is going to be, Hey, this guy was such a unique danger. And we had such serious sources overseas. We had to exfiltrate. And it was such a danger from the Russians on their encryption. They're cracking our encryption on this stuff. And there was such a danger from trunk carelessly leaking information that this was our response.
Starting point is 00:12:06 My bad. Nelson Muntz. But I said, that's going to be their comeback. Do you understand what they're doing? That's their comeback. Yeah. They're setting up
Starting point is 00:12:16 a trifold narrative. Trump's careless. The threat was serious. And the leaks jeopardize sources. That's the genesis of these three leaks. Now, what I find interesting, Joe, is where were these stories when the Obama administration was negotiating behind the scenes and lying to Americans when they were negotiating with Iranian mullahs on a plan to give them 150,
Starting point is 00:12:48 what was it, million, billion, quadrillion dollars of their own money back? Was it a million to 150 million of cash delivery of 150 million? I'm doing the Austin Powers thing. But 150 million in cash? Remember that? Where was the leak on that? Who made that promise from the Obama administration?
Starting point is 00:13:05 Now, reversing back to where we were. Where was the leak on that? Who made that promise from the Obama administration? Now, reversing back to where we were. There's some media speculation, of course. The same crew, Fusion, Ken Delaney and NBC, who's a crackpot conspiracy theorist. Natasha Bertrand, conspiracy theorist. You know, Rachel, Roswell, Rachel, all the conspiracy theorists who were, you know, ginning up nonsense about Trump. The theory here is that he may have made a promise to Kim Jong-un because he didn't agree with some intelligence operations going on there. Ladies and gentlemen, if you think that's a bad idea, there's an election coming up. If you don't, there's an election coming up. Again, that's all speculation by people who've been wrong about just about everything.
Starting point is 00:13:47 I'm just putting it out because you'll see it on Twitter. I'm not affirming it. There's also some theory out there. It may have been some promise to the Russians. It's all conspiracy theories at this point because nobody knows anything. All we know are anonymous sources that are routinely debunked. Folks, this is serious stuff. But I'm encouraging you to please, please obey the Dan Bongino rule.
Starting point is 00:14:14 Wait 24 to 72 hours before making any judgment. But having said that, I just want to emphasize again, this is meant to paint a narrative of Trump of how careless he is, how he damaged the source in Russia, and how the threat from the Russians was so serious that only Obama could have done something. That is how they're going to cover for the pending IG report. Mark my words. All right. Moving on, because I've got a lot to get to today. Another story.
Starting point is 00:14:42 This is, I'm trying to get to some more election coverage too. 2020 is coming up and I want to kind of paint the picture and frame for you what I think is going to happen, where we're going to go. Yahoo News had an interesting story about, you know, all these doomsday stories about how Trump, you know, he's in such bad shape, he's going to lose to everybody in the polls. He's down. It's not even possible. He's down 100 points in the polls.
Starting point is 00:15:01 It's not even mathematically possible. But interesting story by Andrewrew romano at yahoo news 2020 vision wednesday trump raised 15 million dollars in california joe california not texas in one day that should worry democrats folks having run for office and having um you know whined to joe quite a bit and Paula and anyone who knew me when I was right, raising money is the worst. It is the, they call it dialing for dollars. We have to call people from, I just refused to do it at the end. By the time my third campaign came around, I just wasn't going to do it. It's a humiliating, horrifying, awful, I would thank people on the phone. Many of you who listen got calls from me, even if you made $5 donations, but I was not going to call people towards the end and ask them for it. I just wasn't going to do it.
Starting point is 00:15:48 You know, it used to drive everyone on my campaign. Everybody does. I'm not doing it. Sorry. Raising money is really, really difficult. But to put in context, because context matters, how much money Trump raised in one day in California, of all places, to show you how grassroots support, even in liberal states, the loyalty to this candidate now for reelection, Donald Trump, is off the charts. Joe, Kamala Harris, the senator from California, raised $12 million, obviously less than Trump's $15 million. You may say, what, in one day in California? No, no. Nationwide in three months. So Kamala Harris, the actual senator from California, raised 3 million less than Trump
Starting point is 00:16:33 over the entire nation in three months. Folks, this is a massive haul. Why does it matter? Folks, money obviously matters in politics. There's nothing groundbreaking there. But just giving you some small behind-the-scenes mechanics here, you have to pay for GOTV. GOTV is important. What's GOTV? Is it a new network?
Starting point is 00:16:55 No, it's get out the vote. GOTV. Getting your vote out matters. Registering people matters. This all costs money. You need canvassers you need people to go out and and sit at gun shows and register for now you're not allowed to tell people what part's illegal what party to register for but going to a gun show and registering voters you can't turn people down there are rules to it but you can be pretty confident a lot of them are going to vote
Starting point is 00:17:23 on second amendment issues which you know we hope the president's going to stick to his guns on, pun intended. That costs money. Canvassers, door knockers cost money. Supplying water for campaign offices that are knocking in the Florida sun costs money. All of this stuff costs money. If you don't have that money, you can't effectively campaign. Ads, obviously, cost money. All of this stuff costs money. If you don't have that money, you can't effectively campaign. Ads, obviously, cost money. Targeting costs money. Geo-targeting costs money. Poll workers, money. This stuff costs money, and President Trump is bringing in a massive, unprecedented
Starting point is 00:18:01 haul of campaign funds I have not seen in my lifetime this all costs money remember ladies and gentlemen it's not who's registered to vote it's not who says they're gonna vote it's not who whines about voting or or celebrates voting it's who actually shows up and votes and it takes money to do that so there's some good news for you i've you know i always give you both sides i said to you the polling is bad news now but polling remember a couple things is a snippet in time because you know biden's winning in a poll against trump now reagan was down 11 to jimmy carter i think like two months before the election and won in an enormous landslide now everybody should panic oh we should always be concerned about the polls we shouldn't gaffe to Jimmy Carter, I think like two months before the election and won in an enormous landslide.
Starting point is 00:18:48 Nobody should panic. We should always be concerned about the polls. We shouldn't gaft them off. It doesn't do us any good to do that, but nobody should panic. The grassroots support for Trump on the ground, I think is solid. And I think the media is downplaying it. All right. I want to get to your next Elizabeth Warren video, but I want to get to a deeper, because she's lying. Elizabeth Warren is lying. And if you have the facts and the data in front of you, you can debunk her major talking point on Medicare for all. It's nonsense. All right. Second sponsor of the day, today's show also brought to you by Policy Genius.
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Starting point is 00:20:26 Okay, moving on. So Elizabeth Warren was on Stephen Colbert's show, and Colbert, who's a diehard liberal, tried to lock her down on her proposal. Here's the genesis of this. Warren is proposing this government-run, what she calls Medicare for all. It's really Medicare for none, but a government run health care plan for the whole country, which will frankly bankrupt the entire country and you personally because you are part of this country.
Starting point is 00:20:52 And Colbert calls her out on, well, are you going to raise Medicare taxes for the middle class? And check this out. Here's her answer. I'm going to debunk this nonsense in a minute. Here's how we're going to do this. Costs are going to go up for the wealthiest Americans, for big corporations. Taxes? What do you mean by cost? Yeah. And hardworking middle
Starting point is 00:21:13 class families are going to see their costs go down. But will their taxes go up? Well, but here's the thing. But here's the thing. I've listened to these answers a few times before, and I just want to make a parallel suggestion for you about how you might defend the taxes that perhaps you're not mentioning in your sentence. Is that isn't Medicare for all like public school? There might be taxes for it, but you certainly save a lot of money on sending your kids to school. And do you want to live in a world where kids aren't educated? Do you want to live in a world where your fellow citizens are dying, even if it costs a little bit of money? So I accept your point, and I believe in your point. Healthcare is a basic human right. We fight for basic human rights, and that's Medicare for
Starting point is 00:21:55 all. Everyone gets covered. But here's how I look at it. I've spent a big chunk of my career studying why families go broke. And a big reason that families go broke is health care. Oh, there's a red flag. There's laundry on the field. Laundry is on the field, folks. We are going under the hood for review. We are going to review this play. There are a ton of nuggets in that.
Starting point is 00:22:27 I'll get to all of them. And I promise, she keeps using that medical bankruptcy point in her study. It's crap. I'm going to get to that last because that's a little more nuanced and detailed, but it's still, you need to know it
Starting point is 00:22:39 because Elizabeth Warren is currently now a front runner, if not the front runner. And if we continue to allow her on television and her surrogates elsewhere to parrot this talking point about medical bankruptcies, we are going to lose. Because it's, Joe, it sounds bad. Nobody wants to go bankrupt due to healthcare. Nobody. And if this is, you know, 50% of the population is going medically bankrupt. Man, we better fix that. She is exaggerating.
Starting point is 00:23:06 But there's a couple other things I want to address in there because there's serious points. Colbert's defense of this and what he's trying to defend is he's telling Elizabeth Warren, just be honest, Liz, what was your name for her? You had the greatest name ever. He forgot. I can't even believe it. It was so good. But what he tells,
Starting point is 00:23:28 he tells Elizabeth Warren, don't lie to the American people. Just tell them their middle-class taxes are going to go up because look, we have this model of public schools and everybody will basically love that. Wait, wait, what?
Starting point is 00:23:41 Did he just, that's, that's your success story? The absurd amount of money we pay on public schools. That's your success story. That's the example you want Liz Warren to run with that we currently pay exorbitant amounts of money, 400% inflation adjusted increase in education spending across the United States, federal, state, and local level since I was born in 1974, Joe, and an absolute flatline, flatline, if not decrease in education performances since I was born.
Starting point is 00:24:21 That's your model of success? While charter schools that spend less, sometimes less than half of what you spend, have managed to increase performance on net most of the places they've been tried. Your example of why the government should run healthcare is you're equating it to the same reason why government should run public schools. Why? Because they're failing at an unprecedented high cost.
Starting point is 00:24:47 That's your... Liz, please run with that. Please run with that. And we need to do your healthcare just like we need to do inner city public schools, America. They're going to be like... The inner city people are going to be like... Because they don't know what's coming next, right? They're getting ready to cheer because liberals generally just bypass the facts and they run an emotion this
Starting point is 00:25:06 world we are gonna do it like we do inner city schools and the people are like yeah um wait what did you just say hold on i'm not sure wait hold on i'm not sure i want that that's your example that's why stephen Colbert is a comedian. I mean, he's not running for office because he clearly hasn't thought through the ramifications of what he just said. I wrote it down here briefly as in takeaways because I wanted to think this is this is really a profound appearance. The takeaway is you really believe that the government can do this better take over the health care system and your example of that is how they've performed so well in our public school system i mean is that a serious conversation the answer is you're crazy you're insane if that's the example
Starting point is 00:26:00 you're going to use to sell government takeover, a government takeover of health care to the American people. Here's the second takeaway. Folks, insisting as Elizabeth Warren is, she makes a little bit of a comeback there. And you can always rewind on either the YouTube or the audio and listen to it again yourself. She makes another point there. She kind of hints that taxes may go up. And just so you know, the data indicates this, that your payroll taxes will triple and your income taxes will double
Starting point is 00:26:28 if this Medicare for all nonsense passes. Think about that. What you're paying on your payroll taxes, your Medicare, Medicaid, FICA, Social Security stuff, that will triple. What you're paying in your income taxes will double to finance that. So when she's talking about a tax increase, ladies and gentlemen, the degree matters, right?
Starting point is 00:26:54 I always use the example of what we talk about in economics as being on the margin. What is the margin? The margin means the degree of change, right? I mean, we don't talk about in the winter, you know, heat or no heat in the house. You talk about the degree of change, right? I mean, we don't talk about in the winter, you know, heat or no heat in the house. You talk about the degree of change. I want heat.
Starting point is 00:27:09 How much? 95 degrees? No, 71. Okay, well, the degree matters. It's not, are your taxes going to go up or not? That's not the argument. Don't fall in this trap with Elizabeth. We already know middle class taxes
Starting point is 00:27:25 are going that's a fact if our medicare for all debt we know that stop it that's not the argument the argument we need to make to the american people is i get it liz taxes go what degree to what degree are taxes going up you're not telling them it's a tripling of their payroll taxes and a doubling of their income taxes so So this nonsense, Elizabeth Warren's comeback was, well, their costs for health care are going to go down is absurd. It's absurd. Ladies and gentlemen, large swaths of America go years without expending anything on medical costs at all. Think about it. Some people who don't have insurance, I'm not suggesting this
Starting point is 00:28:07 is a good plan to do this. I'm simply saying some people don't have insurance and have gone five and six years without spending a dime on medical care. Maybe they get a sore throat of the flu. One year they got to do four or 5,000 out of pocket. That's their choice in a free country. Telling people their costs are going to go down when a lot of Americans' costs are zero and some are just their premiums now, which are nowhere close to what they'd pay at a double and triple payroll tax rate. Telling them that their costs are going to go down is a lie. You will be forced to pay for the health care of other people who may choose not to pay themselves.
Starting point is 00:28:52 Plus your own health care. There is no way your costs are going down. Do you understand that? Your costs now are driven by your need and want. You want health care insurance? You buy it. You agree to the want. You want healthcare insurance? You buy it. You agree to the premium. You don't?
Starting point is 00:29:08 There's no longer an individual mandate. You may say, I'm Joe Armacost. I'm healthy. I'm not paying for healthcare. Your call. Your costs are zero. If Elizabeth Warren, by force, now your health expenditures, Joe,
Starting point is 00:29:21 are not by your want or need. They're done by force by the government. You will pay double your income tax and triple your payroll tax regardless. Your costs do not go down. There is no way. This is not going to happen. Now, finally, I included this story again. Rarely does a story make a double appearance in the show notes, but it was in yesterday.
Starting point is 00:29:42 It'll be in today, too. Elizabeth Warren's final point. So we just debunked the fact that government can do it better based on the public school model. That's just insane. We debunked the fact that your taxes are not going to, they are going to go up and the degree matters. Finally,
Starting point is 00:29:57 you're going to be forced to pay money for healthcare, whether you use it or not. That is not a decrease in cost for you. That's just complete stupidity to say that. Her final point, she's been out there parroting repeatedly. She's been saying how, oh, medical bankruptcies, everybody's going bankrupt. I did that study on it.
Starting point is 00:30:15 Well, let's look at her study. Here's an article in Forbes that I strongly encourage you to read by Aparna Mathur. It's from last year, April 9th, 2018, but it's worth your time. Exposing the myth of widespread medical, excuse me, widespread medical bankruptcies. She talks about Elizabeth Warren's study where she makes the absurd assertion that somewhere close to 50% of people in bankruptcy courts are there due to medical bankruptcies.
Starting point is 00:30:45 Now, ladies and gentlemen, there's a problem with that. Think about it. Again, this is a little nuanced, but if you have even a slight background in experimental science, you'll see the problem with that. There's a great example in the Forbes piece, Joe, of why going to a bankruptcy court and sampling people who are already bankrupt may create the false impression of mass medical bankruptcies.
Starting point is 00:31:13 It's the equivalent, Joe, as a partner says in the piece, of going into a restaurant, going into a restaurant on a Saturday night that's packed and asking the restaurant how many people love the food there. And you get a number and say it's 90% and you go out and publish your headline. 90% of U.S. citizens love the food at La Forchetta's in Stewart, Florida. Listen, I love La Forchetta's, my favorite Italian place around here, right?
Starting point is 00:31:43 It's great. But Joe, do you get where there may be a problem with your numbers? You took a sample of people who were already in the restaurant, just like you took a sample of people already in the bankruptcy courts. Making matters even worse. When this study was conducted, Joseph, it was conducted right around 2007 what happened in 2007 that may have landed a whole lot of people in bankruptcy court let's
Starting point is 00:32:15 think this through um joe and i were both alive 2000 the great recession happened joe you think now i'm not audience i, I know you love Joe. I'm not making fun of Joe. It's a joke. We mess around. Joe, you are not an experimental psychologist or sociologist, correct? Correct, Dan. He is the best radio...
Starting point is 00:32:36 Okay, thank you. Thank you. Do you think that may be one of those confounding variables, the recession, that may have polluted the results of a bankruptcy study? I'm just throwing that out there, Joe. You think that may have done that? That could be quite confounding then. Quite confounding.
Starting point is 00:32:53 The verdict is in. Joe says, yes, that is a confounding variable. Confounded. Oh, my gosh. They conducted this right during the Great Recession. Even worse, in some studies before, they made some tinkers to this, but some studies before, a lot of those bankruptcies, Joe, medical bankruptcies were due to gambling, drug addiction.
Starting point is 00:33:15 Folks, those are not medical bankruptcies by the definition you think they are. So, a couple of things. This study is garbage her assertions of these mass do people go bankrupt due to medical costs absolutely absolutely again don't because i mean i know i'm going to get emails dan i went bankrupt i'm not saying it's not an issue i want to dial back to what I said in the beginning about the taxes. I am not saying medical bankruptcies problem or not. The point is stipulated to everyone listening that medical bankruptcies in the United States are A-R-E an issue. Copy?
Starting point is 00:34:00 And are troubling for anyone. Don't mistake what I'm saying. We are arguing the degree, not the if. Elizabeth Warren is making a claim about the degree of the problem, saying it's a mass epidemic. Ladies and gentlemen, it is not. If you read the piece, you find out that when they measure it based on hospitalizations that have led to bankruptcy, Elizabeth Warren's claiming it's upward to 50%. The number, Joe, is closer to 4%, less than one-tenth of that.
Starting point is 00:34:39 Still an issue. Not nearly an issue to the degree Elizabeth Warren is trying to paint it out to be to double and triple your taxes. Folks, this is an important story. You know, a lot of news outlets covered the Elizabeth Warren quote and didn't do the deep dive. And I think it was a huge mistake because this was a golden moment for us to explain to America why she's lying. She's lying about bankruptcies, about government capabilities, about the knowledge issue in the government. They don't have the knowledge to run the health care system. They can't even run the public school system.
Starting point is 00:35:14 Ironically, about education. Finally, one final point. Emanuel Sayers and a bunch of liberal economists have already analyzed her tax plan to pay for this. Where she's saying, Joe, don't worry. I'm going to pay for health care for everybody, but only the rich are going to pay. Right, right, right. It's going to cost $32 trillion over 10 years.
Starting point is 00:35:33 You know how much even liberal economists estimate her wealth tax would, if it's not even constitutional, by the way. But if it were to pass, would raise $2.75 trillion. Again, less than one-tenth. Ladies and gentlemen, she is lying. Your costs are not going to go down. The quality of your healthcare is going to go down. It will be rationed. It is a government takeover leading to all the government problems we have with public schools you're going to see in healthcare. She's lying about the costs. She's lying about the bankruptcy data. She's lying about everything and it's our responsibility to call it out people will die that we don't even know we had that one i got more i got more i got
Starting point is 00:36:15 the dictionary we're we are now we are serious we are we are peeking out at peak stupid as i said in my debate last night in ingram you're never going to believe what's happening with the dictionary um even they are falling into this sjw garbage our last sponsor today bravo got their shirt on today bravo company love their shirts thanks for sending them bravo bravo bravo company manufacturing ladies and gentlemen if you're in the market for a rifle or a pistol this is the time to go to bra Company Manufacturing. The finest, finest rifles and pistols out there. I've had this affirmed to be by many people, including a former Secret Service agent friend of mine who loves
Starting point is 00:36:51 their firearms. Bravo Company Manufacturing. You in the market for a sporting rifle? Okay, well, don't go to Bravo. What do you mean? It's a commercial for Bravo. No, no, they don't make sporting rifles. Well, what do they make, Dan? They make life-saving equipment. No, I'm not messing around. Bravo Company's not in the sporting rifle business. They're in the life-saving rifle equipment business. That's what they do because they
Starting point is 00:37:14 assume every single rifle pistol that leaves their shop will wind up with an end user. And that end user could be a police officer, one of our military members, or an American citizen who, God forbid, needs to use that piece of equipment to save the life of himself or his family or someone else one day. This is not a sporting arms company. The rifles they make are made for precision, accuracy, functionality, and they're made to work when the end user needs it most in a potentially life-saving situation. I love these rifles. I have two of them. They are absolutely fantastic. I have never, ever had a malfunction with one. I have two of them. They are absolutely fantastic. I have never, ever had a malfunction with one. I love they are precise. They are, these are really fine
Starting point is 00:37:51 tuned equipment. They're made in the United States. Every component of a BCM rifle is hand assembled and tested by Americans in Heartland, Wisconsin to a life saving standard. They know they make reliable life saving equipment that folks, I can't say enough about them. If you want to check out more of their offer, because they always put people before their products, go to Bravo Company Manufacturing. Go to Bravo Company MFG. MFG, like short for manufacturing.
Starting point is 00:38:16 and discover more about their products, special offers, and upcoming news. Do not purchase a rifle until you go to Please. You want to see more? Go to their YouTube channel, slash bravocompanyusa. That's slash bravocompanyusa. Ladies and gentlemen, again, this is a company that makes life-saving equipment in the form of their rifles. It's not a sporting arms company. They make the
Starting point is 00:38:42 finest ones out there. I can personally vouch for the quality and integrity that goes into their products. Bravo company, Thanks for being here. Bravo. I like that. Thanks a lot for the shirt. Okay. Moving on.
Starting point is 00:38:54 So I have this story up at It'll be up in the show notes again, and I encourage you to check it out. Miriam Webster, that once did a a dictionary now is engaged apparently in social justice warrior pandering by our staff at Just in, Merriam-Webster adds the non-binary definition of they to the dictionary. Folks, here we go again. Epic fail by Merriam-Webster.
Starting point is 00:39:19 Here we go with the pronoun wars again. How people can use the i i don't know can we just agree on i don't want to get ranty but this story has upset me and you probably have figured that out because i've covered it multiple times i mean i'm being serious here for a minute folks this is not meant as some slight i have no interest in offending people who are transgender i don't what's my interest in that if if i i've had zero i'm not into this to hurt people i don't do my show to judge people
Starting point is 00:40:05 or to punch you in the gut or make you feel inferior or silly. I'm not kidding. I mean, I know this story is absurd and ridiculous, but if you happen to be one of the activists in that community who is lobbying for language rules that no human being is ever going to use
Starting point is 00:40:24 and make no sense at all. Have you ever considered where this is going to go and what the penalties are for this? So now we have the Merriam-Webster's dictionary. They, which collectively refers to a group of people, more than one. That does not mean he or she. This isn't hard to understand. They does not mean one person. And rules of language are in place, as I've stated many times before, for a reason.
Starting point is 00:40:55 Why, Joe? So we don't have the Tower of Babel. So when people have conversations with other people, the words make sense. Folks, I get it. So when people have conversations with other people, the words make sense. Right. Folks, I get it. This is a politically heated topic. But remove the they, he, she, she, Zhao, so thing for a minute. And let's talk about this.
Starting point is 00:41:13 Joe, I'm not a trick question. What is this? That is a watch, Dan. It's a watch. It's a watch. Joe, what is this a set of? Glass um glasses dan am i right so okay one more stand you understand you are right you're what what is this can you see that what is that some of the stuff you were saying that's uh that's that's a whistle dan that's a whistle it's a whistle thank
Starting point is 00:41:39 you i'm messing with joe but i'm really not. Joe knows that these are glasses because that's the word in the English language we use to refer to an item that meets these characteristics. To lenses, stems you put around your ear, little nose guard in the middle. That is how we refer to items that look like this. If someone decides in the activist community that these glasses I'm holding in my hand are now called frasses instead, nobody knows what you're talking about. Hey, can you go get me the frasses? What the hell are the frasses? The frasses, you idiot. They're French glasses. You don't know that?
Starting point is 00:42:25 These are the frassés. Go get the frassés. Everybody's looking like, what is this dude talking about? What are the frassés? And you have to say it with Joe's French accent. Give me the frassés. What are the frassés? Ladies and gentlemen, society would collapse tomorrow tomorrow go get me the cabasso
Starting point is 00:42:49 what the hell's the cabasso this is the cabasso no that's a whistle it's not the cabasso this is not a cabasso it's a whistle and if you ask me to get you the cabasso. I won't know what you're talking about. But the activist community is now asking us to keep internal memory lists of every single person's personal preference for what the whistle should be called. So one person wants this called the cabasso. One person wants it called the cabistle one person wants it called the the thistle one person wants it called the quinicill and another person wants it called milk toast and you're like what i'm lost i'm lost and of course you're lost and in order for me to have a conversation with activist Joe about the frassés and the quibissel, I have to keep a list handy, a list of Joe's terms for the whistle, quibissel, milk thistle. Now, what if Paula wants these called the blasés?
Starting point is 00:44:04 Dan, bring the blasés. Are those the frassés or the blasés? No, no, bring the blase. Are those the frases or the blases? No, no, they're the glass. I thought they were frases. They're blases. What's wrong with you? Folks, I don't have my list, Paula. I didn't know what the blases were.
Starting point is 00:44:20 I thought you were talking about the frases because Joe calls them the frases. Folks, do you understand how we are collapsing? We have reached peak Tower of Babel. Stupid. When you refer to people by he or she, you want to be called he? Fine. Just tell me as I'm talking.
Starting point is 00:44:41 I'm not keeping a list. Nobody. Folks, we are not supercomputers. Are we supposed to keep a list of every single person we meet, hear about, or elsewhere? What they want to be called? Defying the rules of common sense and collective ownership of the English language? If we don't all own it, it doesn't mean anything. If everybody has individual...
Starting point is 00:45:08 This is the one time collective ownership works when we all own the language. If you take ownership of the language yourself and start changing the rules, nothing makes sense. So two takeaways from the frassés, blasés, quenissils. Are we all supposed to keep a list of everybody's preferred pronouns? Second question.
Starting point is 00:45:33 If we don't keep the list, Joe, because we can't and it's absurd to ask us to, I'm not messing with you, Joe. What are the penalties? Are we all istaph's the phobic phobic phobic phobophobes shunning every one of us shunning public shunning yeah uh social media mobs uh jail time oh you love jail time really have you checked around the globe we're refusing to call people by their single ownership of the English language
Starting point is 00:46:06 and their claim to a preferred pronoun? Have you checked around the globe where people are talking about criminalizing this and enacting some of this? Folks, we are in Tower of Babel
Starting point is 00:46:16 territory here. Again, you think what you want. I'm really, I mean it. It may offend some people on either side. I'm not here to offend you. I'm not trying to poke you. I have no interest in, I don't, I just don't.
Starting point is 00:46:31 It's not my job. It's not my, I don't, I get no satisfaction out of offending people. I'm asking simple questions you should be able to provide an answer for if you want to change our collective language, do we all keep lists? Where are those lists kept? And if we don't abide by your lists, what are the penalties? Now, I have an example. Ironically, provided by, what's her name? Ashley Pye or something, who is an activist who supports this stuff. The use of a single ownership language where everybody changes
Starting point is 00:47:07 the rules on a daily basis, right? This was a tweet this activist sent out. Get a load of this before I show you. This is a picture. It's a screenshot from her tweet. This is a picture, Joe, of an Associated Press, which is a left-leaning outlet. And I'll read it to you for the audio, folks. This is a picture of an article by the left-leaning AP about some entertainer, Sam Smith. I have never heard of this guy. He wants us to keep a list now. On our list, we have to refer to him now as they. He wants to be called they, just like Merriam-Webster.
Starting point is 00:47:41 Him, they. So here's the AP writing about this story. Check this out. Let me read this to you. Sam Smith has declared his, his pronouns, they, them,
Starting point is 00:47:54 on social media after coming out as non-binary in what the pop star called his, his, his, his lifetime of being at war with my gender. The English Too Good at Goodbye singer said Friday,
Starting point is 00:48:08 he decided to embrace myself for who I am inside and out. The announcement was met with thousands of supportive comments. Oh my gosh. The 27-year-old Smith said, he, he, he was excited and privileged for the support. He added he was very nervous about the announcement because he cares too much about what people think but decided to go for it. The AP has now corrected that article
Starting point is 00:48:42 with the he wants to be called they. Folks, do you understand the chaos that is right around the corner if we subscribe to this nonsense i refuse put me in the in that vat with jordan peterson and others i'm not doing it like i said you in a personal conversation between me and you you want to be be called he or she, whatever. Fine. I am not taking the rules of the English language and throwing them out the window collectively to refer to anybody by a preferred pronoun that does not subscribe to the collective rules of the English language. I'm not doing it.
Starting point is 00:49:20 And nobody else should either. Because it will lead to complete, utter, and total chaos. And this war on the English language in an effort to call people, you know, transphobic, istaphobic, phobophobes is absolutely ridiculous and absurd and totally unacceptable. All right. Here's a great piece. I've had a lot more. The show is always stacked.
Starting point is 00:49:43 There's Trump in the wall yesterday back up oh stop oh joe do you have like a buzzer for that i'm sorry i should the load the show was low now now i've said loaded twice we got to get another word please send us emails of suggested words but it is the show there's such the news weeks have been so heavy lately all right see good one the cei competitive enterprise institute has a great article that's being cited everywhere. And I want to make sure I get to it to show you again how the left, not only trying to hoist upon our backs
Starting point is 00:50:13 a ridiculous Medicare for all plan they're lying about, but ladies and gentlemen, they're also lying about one of their other big agendas, the Green New Deal, or as Sean Hannity calls it. I hope he keeps doing this. He calls it the New Green Deal. I love that. Just mess with the title.
Starting point is 00:50:29 I like that he does it. I think he does it on purpose. The New Green Deal. And remember, Elizabeth Warren is setting up the Medicare for All using the lie that there's mass medical bankruptcies across the country and we have to fix this epidemic. Again, the degree she's lying about. Again, is the climate changing yes climate always changes we're not arguing that just like we're not arguing do
Starting point is 00:50:53 medical bankruptcies occur we are arguing joe the degree to which the which the climate changes and humans contribution to it clear that's what we're talking about so cei put out a piece it's very long wrong again 50 years of failed echopocalyptic predictions by my friend myron ebell and stephen malloy september 18 2018 this is in the show notes and this is one of those take a screenshot snapshot it keep it on your phone because this just goes to show you how the left arguing the degree of the problem we're gonna die remember i'm not arguing climate changes climate always changes right the left is arguing the degree joe i don't think it's a big deal i think capitalism is more than able to handle the problem and i think we're going to be fine clear the left's case is this is an apocalypse we are all gonna die tomorrow
Starting point is 00:51:55 huh so myron was bright enough to put this here so i just have there's about 20 predictions leftists and and environmental kooks that have made over the years that have completely gone off the rails. In the interest of time, I took screenshots of five doozies. So before we get to number one, remember the apocalypse now, Joe, is that we're all going to die. The globe is melting. It's heating to unsustainable levels,
Starting point is 00:52:21 and we're all going to drown or burn to death, right? Global warming is the new, yeah, exactly exactly but that's not where this started so we're told now we're all going to roast like in an oven from a hot earth but let's go to photo number one this was their uh former prediction here it is joe scientists predict a new predict a new ice age by the 21st century. Boston Globe, April 16, 1970. So, we're going to melt now, but back in 1970, we were all going to be in blocks of ice, like Captain America. Whoever Captain
Starting point is 00:52:54 gets stuck in a block of ice comes out like 50 years later. We were all going to be Cap, Steve Rogers. We're all going to be great. We never age. We come out 50 years later. Captain America's doing laps around the Washington Monument. It was great. So, we were all going to freeze back then in 1970, but now we're not freezing. Now we're all going to cook to death. It goes on.
Starting point is 00:53:11 Photo number two, failed leftist economic. Here's Paul Ehrlich, the worst, the population bomb guy, totally discredited. Here's what's going to happen here. This was from the Redlands Daily Facts, October 7th, 1970. But this was from the Redlands Daily Facts, October 7th, 1970. America will be subject to water rationing and food rationing by 1980. So, Joe, just to be clear, discredited legend scientist Paul Ehrlich, the population bomb, we're overpopulated. We are going to have to ration food and water by 1980.
Starting point is 00:53:45 This was a 1970 prediction and again we are all gonna die what's the biggest problem in america right now health wise obesity we eat too much so clearly food rationing is not so much he missed that prediction by just a tad, Joe. Like the whole way around. Just a little bit. But don't worry, Paul Ehrlich, leftists love this guy. He was a Malthusian. The population is out of control. We're all going to die because we can't produce enough food. The predictions
Starting point is 00:54:20 go on. Here's another. New York slimes. January 5th, 1978. Listen to this headline. International team of specialists. Whenever you hear, by the way, about specialists, run for the hills. Finds no end in sight
Starting point is 00:54:40 to 30-year cooling trend in the northern hemisphere. So now we're not in an ice age anymore. That one, they left that one behind now in 1978, the slimes and the specialist run, run. When you hear specialists,
Starting point is 00:54:56 okay, run. What was it? Buckley, William F. Buckley said, I'd rather be governed by the first 50 names in the phone book than the faculty staff at Harvard.
Starting point is 00:55:04 He was right. The specialist. There's a 30-year cooling trend. I mean, I thought we were all melting. But then we were freezing. But now it's just a cooling trend that's no longer a cooling trend. None of this stuff has come true. They are a big donut.
Starting point is 00:55:18 They have a batting average of zero on this. Zero. But we're supposed to all sell our houses on the water. Not Obama, of course. He just bought one. But we're supposed to sell our houses on the water because they're predicting a massive tidal wave like that movie with the Te'a Leone scene on the beach where they all get wiped away.
Starting point is 00:55:35 What's that movie? Paul and I love it. We always forget the name. Deep Impact. Yes. Thank you, Paul. We're all going to get deep impacted. So stupid, folks.
Starting point is 00:55:44 Check out this one. Another one. Al Gore. You can't do anything with that. This is Al Gore, 2008. Al Gore warns of an ice-free Arctic by 2013. Ten years ago, Al Gore predicted the North Polar ice cap would be gone. Inconveniently, it's not.
Starting point is 00:56:02 It's still there. So just to be clear, Ice, Al Gore, no more. No more Ice. That is not what happened. It's there, just like it was before. Nothing's happened. He just made it up.
Starting point is 00:56:19 Folks. What are you going to do? What are you going to do? i don't know donnie brasco doesn't even know what we're gonna do nothing they tell you ladies and gentlemen is true and to the guy who emailed me thank you and said you know i like the debunking but sometimes it no folks i'm sorry but that's been the point of this show from day one you You may have missed the memo, and I really apologize for that. My sole purpose for being on the air is to give you real facts, real data, and to show you how the left and the people in the media and academia have been misleading you for a long time. And it's to give you the ammunition you need to go fight the good conservative fight out there. That has always been the point of this show. And it always will be.
Starting point is 00:57:08 Whether it's Spygate, the environment, taxes, or healthcare policy, I promise you, and it will never stop, that if you come here, you will find the truth. Not the media drivel they put out there every day, hoping and praying you believe they're gaslighting. All right, thanks again for tuning in, folks. Please, if you don't mind, subscribe to my YouTube channel,
Starting point is 00:57:29 slash Bongino. Oh, one quick favor a friend rachel compost duffy you may have seen her on fox she is awesome she is a close personal friend i promised her i'd mentioned this terrific book i know the light's kind of in the way paloma this is a great book paloma wants to be lady freedom it is a great kids book i've read it to my kids you will love it she is a great friend of mine and a warrior for the conservative cause. It's about Paloma going to the Capitol and finding out all the great secrets about our country. Paloma Wants to Be Lady Freedom, available now on Amazon
Starting point is 00:57:54 by our good friend, Rachel Campos-Dovey. There's the cover. Please check it out. My kids love the book. You will too. And it's great to read our kids' stuff, not from this media academia nonsense, but from good conservatives
Starting point is 00:58:04 who know how to talk to our kids who love our this media academia nonsense but from good conservatives who know how to talk to our kids who love our country so thanks a lot folks again please subscribe to our youtube channel slash bongino i really appreciate it means a lot i'll talk to you all tomorrow you just heard the dan bongino show you can also get dan's podcasts on itunes or soundcloud and follow dan on twitter 24 7 at d bongino

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