The Dan Bongino Show - You’re Watching Their Collapse (Ep 1726)

Episode Date: March 16, 2022

In this episode, I address the catastrophic meltdown on the Left over this new law.  I also explain why the Russians are struggling to advance their war efforts.  News Picks: Russia is having majo...r logistics problems in Ukraine.  Crazed Russian MP calls for a nuclear strike on the United States. Lincoln Project clown hilariously compared himself to freedom fighter in Russia. Despite the lying about the Florida Parental Rights bill, a majority supports it. Did China steal a sensitive spying tool from the NSA? Copyright Bongino Inc All Rights Reserved Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 At New Balance, we believe if you run, you're a runner. However you choose to do it. Because when you're not worried about doing things the right way, you're free to discover your way. And that's what running's all about. Run your way at slash running. Get ready to hear the truth about America on a show that's not immune to the facts with your host, Dan Bongino. You know, what the hell is going on with the Republican Party?
Starting point is 00:00:45 My gosh. I mean, you used to hear all these things. There's a uniparty. There's a uniparty. And people would be like, there's not a uniparty. There are two parties, Republicans and Democrats. That's a conspiracy theory. No, no, there's a uniparty.
Starting point is 00:00:58 I'll have evidence for you coming up during the show today. Republicans are, what is with the party right now? Did you catch Dan Crenshaw on Fox and Friends this morning going at it with Rachel Campos Duffy again with the bio lab story is a Putin propaganda talking point. Holy Moses. Dan, just take the Republican label of, you know, the whole freedom of speech, advocate for truth,
Starting point is 00:01:24 freedom and liberty. Liberty and freedom can't exist without truth. whole freedom of speech, advocate for truth, freedom and liberty. Liberty and freedom can't exist without truth. If you're not interested in the truth, just go become a Democrat. Why are you wasting everybody's time? And he thinks if he says it really loud to Rachel, like it's really going to make sense. Biolabs is a Putin talking point. We really, we need a coherent message, and it's time for people like him
Starting point is 00:01:46 to just exit the party immediately. Maybe there's a senator down here, too, in Florida, too. Not Rubio, the other one. Welcome to the Dan Bongino Show. I've got a loaded show for you today. I've obviously got an update on Russia, what's going on, Russia, Ukraine,
Starting point is 00:02:01 what's going on with the Russian truck logistics, which is a huge story. They've got all these fancy equipment, Joe. They got no trucks to bring it in. Idiots. Logistics idiots, thankfully. I got that. And I'm going to start the show today with liberalism being a cancerous rot to humankind. I warned you it was cannibalistic. I'm going to show you this right here coming up. repeating arms, 200 models is to go to Henry and order their free catalog. The catalog is a great guide to showcasing their made in America firearms. Plus you'll get free decals, a list of dealers in your area and a great newsletter.
Starting point is 00:02:51 Henry's are backed with a lifetime warranty for 100% satisfaction. They're made in America or they won't be made at all. And if you have questions, you can call the reward winning customer service department to speak with an expert who can help you make sure you go to to order their free catalog and decals. That's to order a free catalog and decals and to learn more about this great American company. I didn't even have to say let's go.
Starting point is 00:03:17 Joe's like, I know. Let's move. We got to go. Thanks, Joe. All right, let's go. So in reverse. Yeah, thanks, Joe. Joe's got to keep using the producer. He's got to keep this thing on target. So we go. In reverse. Yeah, thanks, Joe. Joe is going to keep, he's the producer.
Starting point is 00:03:25 He's going to keep this thing on target. So before we get to updates on Russia, liberalism, I've told you over and over, it's obvious, is a metastasizing, rotting cancer in the collective human body, right? But what I've repeatedly aired on this show for the last seven years is that radical leftism is inherently cancerous
Starting point is 00:03:48 and it's cannibalistic too. It eats the organism from the inside out. It's cannibalistic in that it not only eats itself, but it eats others up too. And here's the thing with cannibalism, right? With cannibalism, if there's an island of 10 people and they're all cannibals, eventually it's only going to be one person left, right? It eats itself. It can't. I've said to you when it comes to identity politics, CRT and otherwise, it's horrible. It's awful.
Starting point is 00:04:13 We're fighting it. We need to fight it. It's existential for us that we fight it, but it can't continue. Eventually it'll burn itself out. This cancel culture left this rot. Here's what i mean how it eats itself alive and you're watching it happen now in live time you're watching it implode on itself like a submersible 40 000 you know uh leagues under the sea
Starting point is 00:04:40 so the left right the cancel culture radical left and i'm telling you it's cannibalistic and elite itself tells you all the time that they're all about protecting women and minorities they're the party of women and minorities right are they well it's kind of weird because a person who is a a biological man rachel levine just won woman of the year, I believe, from USA Today. Wow, that's kind of weird, shutting out women in the woman of the year category. That doesn't sound like it. We're all about protecting women, USA Today. So Sydney Watson, who's been on my radio show before,
Starting point is 00:05:15 she has a show on the play, she's very good, put out this tweet and I thought, this really sums it up about how the left claims to protect women, but is really attacking women, and therefore they're going to run out of people to attack soon. It's inherently cannibalistic. Here's the tweet.
Starting point is 00:05:30 Quote, this is so spot on. Women have nothing left that's ours. Anyone can appropriate our sex. We're referred to as bleeders and pregnant people. Biological men beat us out of our own spaces. The word woman doesn't have any definition or meaning. And we're expected to accept our own erasure.
Starting point is 00:05:53 It's gross. Sidney Watson's obviously a woman and a proud one. Gosh, you see right. When she's talking about bleeders, here's what she was talking about with her tweet. There's some company, Yoppy yeah i've never heard of it and they put out this message on one of their social media accounts supposedly it's a company targeted where women is their target audience and they if this is it this is unbelievable listen to this joe most bleeders
Starting point is 00:06:22 know they are impacted by their period but unfortunately aren't in touch with their feelings and symptoms in the other phases of their cycle we are here to change that most bleeders wow think about this i am a father of two daughters i have a obviously have a spouse who is a woman and proud of it even though the left can't define what a woman is. Can you imagine being defined down to your biological functions? That's what woman, you're not a woman. You're just a, so what are guys, Joe? Are they peers? Are we standing peers? What are we? Yeah. Peers. Are we burpers? Burpers? Maybe we burp a little more than we burpers. Burpers? Burpers maybe? We burp a little more than we burpers.
Starting point is 00:07:06 Are we head scratchers? We scratch our heads a lot. Gassers? Are we caboose? Yeah, that's a good point. You tend to do that more too. Yeah. You caught me off guard. I wasn't ready for that.
Starting point is 00:07:20 You know, we're laughing about it, but we're only laughing because it's true. Right. I know, you know, we're laughing about it, but we're only laughing because it's true. Right. So if you're a woman, it's perfectly okay to reduce a woman down to biological functions and calling them bleeders. You'd have no value outside of your biological functions. So yeah, notice they don't call guys standing peers, right? Gassers is just none of that.
Starting point is 00:07:42 Now, why is this? Why is the left resolutely committed to degrading women minorities attacking them keeping kids out of educational opportunities not giving them school choice uh provoking uh economy-wide inflation which hits minorities worse than anyone as we covered yesterday why is the left imploding on itself and attacking its own people because of two reasons and candace owens knocks it out of the park in this bit of audio I'm about to play here. She sums up what I've been telling you. You may be saying, well, Dan, if the movement is cannibalistic, it's going to eat itself
Starting point is 00:08:13 and it eventually has to burn out because they're running out of victims. They're attacking women now. They're attacking minorities. Eventually, it's going to implode on itself. If that's going to happen, right, then why do they keep doing it? Well, there's a purpose. Candace Owens sums up nicely here. And it's something we've discussed in this show.
Starting point is 00:08:30 Joe and I, you know it for seven years, that the left is obsessed with two things. They're obsessed with putting people in boxes because what they want to do is pit the boxes against one another. The left can't ever run on anything themselves because their ideas are stupid. Give us more of your money. Give us your health care. You send your kids to crappy schools. That's not an agenda. Okay?
Starting point is 00:08:49 So the left's only way to win elections is to pit people against one another. Blacks versus Asians. Whites versus blacks. Union versus non-union. But, but, but, but, but. They got to stick these people in the boxes. The left insists that they have to define what the boxes are. They will tell you what a woman is and what a woman isn't.
Starting point is 00:09:13 You won't define those boxes because they have to wipe out any objective truth. Because if there's objective truth, men and women, that means there's a God and a creator and things were meant to be a certain way. That'll get in the way of the government and government power needs subjectivity. They have to tell you who's worthy and who's not. Candace Owens summed this up beautifully. Those exact points last night, discussing this topic of bleeders and other stuff on Tucker's show. I want you to listen to every minute of this. Check this out. Once the country was aspiring towards not being able to judge each other by the color of our skin. Now we basically say, no, no, no, no. We have to only judge each
Starting point is 00:09:53 other exclusively by the color of our skin. Same thing in the category of feminism, right? Early feminism. We were trying to create a space for women that was separate from men. We wanted women sports. You wanted women to be able to compete differently. We had women that trained, you know, from the time that they're kids all the way up through college to trying to compete at the level to say against other women. Well, now you can just throw on a wig and say, actually, I'm a woman, too, and you can crush all of their records because it's so progressive. It's actually regressive. We're actually erasing women. And sadly, it was the feminists that got behind this early on. I didn't have the courage to say, no, actually, that's a man that we're looking at. And feminists should be fighting this tooth and nail.
Starting point is 00:10:29 By the way, where's Hillary Clinton? I don't want her perspective on Russia and Ukraine. I want to hear her perspective on this category. I want to hear her perspective on the person who ran on, oh, my gosh, women are so oppressed and I'm a woman and vote for me because I'm a woman. She seems suspiciously quiet on this topic, doesn't want to really touch this topic about men taking the spots of women, something that is actually representing an existential crisis for these young women who I said earlier are are competing in these categories. So it's ridiculous. Bigger question, Tucker, why are they doing this? You always have to ask with the left because it's always something Machiavellian and
Starting point is 00:11:02 it gets back to Marxist ideology over and over again. It's always about disrupting the family unit. The government gains more power when people are confused, right? If you don't know whether you're a woman or a man, you're not going to have a functional nuclear family unit, right? Instead, you're going to be dysfunctional. Dysfunctional people tend to rely upon the government. That's what's happening right now.
Starting point is 00:11:21 That's what you're seeing this push for. Amen, Sister Kansas, Cand for. Amen. Sister Kansas, Candace. Amen. You nailed it. The government gains power when people are confused and chaos. How many times have I told you fear and chaos are the coin of the realm for the left? Why? Because a chaotic, fearful, fright-filled group of people without an orientation of where true North is, right? They will always seek some kind of safety and stability. That's where the leftist, the socialist comes in and tries to fill that role. Look, mommy and daddy government will supply what you need.
Starting point is 00:12:04 We'll fill that hole in your life. Now, that has been a hole in your life that's traditionally been filled by the nuclear family unit, which consists of a biological male father, a biological mother, and children living in a home with allegiance to some family values and sets of principles passed down from generation to generation. The left hates that. It's competition with government. So they have to dismantle the nuclear family, which consists of an objective category. Men, women, children.
Starting point is 00:12:40 They hate that. That the family is competition with the state. They hate that, that the family is competition with the state. And what better way to dismantle the nuclear family than to attack the very essence of biological sex? Sex isn't tied to marriage. Sex isn't tied to anything. It isn't even tied to the act of birthing a person. I mean, you're a bleeder,eder right are you a birther too she explained that beautifully right there the government profits off chaos what sex what shit what's family remember that year zero james lindsey almost joe rogan or the tim pool show
Starting point is 00:13:21 where james lindsey said that socialists and communists have always had this idea of year zero where you have to wipe the slate clean. You can't have any attachment to family or a collective U.S. history or anything. The left doesn't want competition with those crazy ideas of liberty and freedom and the American Revolution and all those nutty things. It's competition for the state. Wipe it out. Year zero, start over. No objective truths, only truths bestowed upon you by the state. Now, this cancerous rot where women are losing in sports to men, where women are being attacked, they can't even be woman of the year anymore, where women are referred to only by their biological functions, birthers, bleeders.
Starting point is 00:14:11 The diminishment of women, the wiping out, they can't even describe what a woman is. This will eat itself alive. Look, I've covered this topic yesterday, but evidence that they are losing, the Virginia election, New Jersey election, people are waking up. The essence of gaslighting
Starting point is 00:14:26 is to isolate people from the truth. And the left can't do that anymore. There's too much out there on social media. There's too many conservative outlets. They can't lie to you and isolate you from the truth anymore. The truth is getting out. How do I know? Watch the Examiner article, Paul Bedard. Four in ten New Yorkers
Starting point is 00:14:42 want to leave the state. They want out of the, quote, vampire state. We covered this story yesterday, but additional evidence that this thing, this movement, this metastasizing cannibalistic cancer is eating itself alive as they suffer the ramifications of it. It's imploding on itself and people who voted for it are now trying to escape it.
Starting point is 00:15:00 Let's hope they don't vote for it where they leave. Here's another story I saw yesterday. This cannibalistic leftist enterprise. Wall Street Journal opinion piece, James Freeman. Is San Francisco the most intolerant place on earth? I have to tell you guys, I'm sorry. This is the funniest story I have seen in weeks. So apparently San Francisco, every time a conservative state passes a law they don't like, they boycott the state.
Starting point is 00:15:25 Did you know this? So they're boycotting now 28 states, Joe. So that's created a bit of a problem for the cannibalistic, imploding San Francisco liberals, who, by the way, just voted out members of the school board as it implodes on itself right there, liberal members of the school board. This guy says San Francisco is now boycotting
Starting point is 00:15:41 most of the United States, and the sanctions they're imposing are presenting a challenge for the city. San Francisco can now boycotting most of the United States and the sanctions they're imposing are presenting a challenge for the city. San Francisco can't forge the parts it needs to keep its buses running, fix its buildings or run its computers. It has to buy things, lots of things from elsewhere. And they can't because they're boycotting 28 states. These idiots and the San Francisco government who boycotted everyone are destroying their citizens' lives. They can't even fix their own city because they're boycotting everything. Pollution.
Starting point is 00:16:10 Pollution. On itself. Collapses on itself. Here's liberal New York. There was a hockey game last night up in New York, a Rangers game. Here's the liberal lunatic governor of New York who took over for, she's even worse than Cuomo. Here's Kathy Hochul. She was supposed to drop the puck at a Rangers game. This went on, by the way, for a whole minute. Here's about 10
Starting point is 00:16:35 seconds of Kathy Hochul getting booed like you've never heard before. This is in liberal New York. Check this out. Please welcome Governor Kathy Hochul. New York. Check this out. Please welcome Governor Kathy Hochul. Joining Governor Hochul at Center Ice Ducks Alternative. Folks, what more evidence you need. This is collapsing on itself. San Francisco is boycotting itself out of business. Four in ten New Yorkers
Starting point is 00:16:58 want to leave. Liberals are attacking women who can't compete in sports and can't even win woman of the year anymore as they define women down to bleeders. Inflation's exploding, which is impacting minorities more than anyone. Just look at the polling. Just look at the polling. It's imploding on itself.
Starting point is 00:17:45 And the essence of gaslighting, the only way to make this work, this myth, this fairy tale that the left is the party of the little guy, women and minorities, despite attacking all of those people endlessly and ruthlessly, keeping them out of good schools, destroying any economic opportunity, destroying their big cities, is you have to isolate people from the truth. You have to hide the truth that the liberals really hate minorities. They can't stand women. They hate objective truth. They hate big cities. They've destroyed them. They've decimated them. They're doing nothing to fix them. Showing you how this gaslighting is not working.
Starting point is 00:18:01 Politico, otherwise known as Bull Hidiko, you know what I mean, has a poll. Despite all of the ridiculous gaslighting about a bill in Florida, it doesn't exist. A don't say gay bill, which is a debunked conspiracy theory. There is no bill in Florida. I will say for the hundredth time that bans saying gay. There isn't a bill in Florida that mentions gay in terms of don't say gay. a bill in Florida that mentions gay in terms of don't say gay. And there's not a don't say gay bill. It doesn't exist. There is a bill, however, that prevents sexual indoctrination in school from kids from kindergarten to third grade. Sounds kind of reasonable to me. So despite endless efforts at gaslighting and trying to convince the American public here that a don't say gay bill exists in Florida.
Starting point is 00:18:45 Look at this poll, Politico. Slim majority of US voters who were polled, 51%, support banning the teaching of sexual orientation and gender identity from kindergarten through third grade, while only 35% are opposed, according to poll results. Sounds like a 16-point differential. Doesn't sound like it's slim to me. Majority may be slim, but the differential's certainly not.
Starting point is 00:19:10 The public's caught on to this scam, ladies and gentlemen. They're leaving liberal states. They're getting involved locally, picking up what's happening in school boards finally, running in local elections, kicking out school board members, leaving liberal states in droves. Just please, don't come down here with that liberal crap.
Starting point is 00:19:26 The polling is turning in our direction. Despite the propaganda, the left is melting down, ladies and gentlemen. They are desperately trying. They're desperately trying to wipe away any objective truth. And one thing about the fictitious, debunked, discredited, don't say gay bill conspiracy theory, there's no such thing. The one thing you should take away with this, I saw this when Lindsey said this this morning and he's correct,
Starting point is 00:19:56 is the reason the left is freaking out about not being able to teach sexually inappropriate things to kids in kindergarten through third grade. The reason they're freaking out that it's going to be banned in Florida public schools now is because it's an essential component of their plan. The only way to wipe out any objective truce, nuclear family, biological sex, and make you in that chaos, seek stability in government is to start the kids early. Because by the time those kids are in sixth and seventh grade, they figured it out. They figured it out that there are objective truce.
Starting point is 00:20:39 That's why they're melting down that they can't do this. Don't ever forget that. Okay, here's what I got coming up. Zelensky is addressing Congress now. He's talking about putting more pressure on Russia. We're covering it. It's actually airing right now. He's addressing a session of Congress right now,
Starting point is 00:20:57 and he's asking for tools to respond to counter Russia. We're going to update that. And I've got an interesting update in the war and Russia coming up next, how the Russians screwed up basic, basic logistics, basic logistics. Introducing TD Insurance for Business with customized coverage options for your business. Because at TD Insurance, we understand that your business is unique. So your business insurance should be too. Whether you're a shop owner, a pet groomer, a contractor, or a consultant, you can get customized coverage for your business. Contact a licensed TD Insurance advisor to learn more.
Starting point is 00:21:38 When doctors, clinicians, and government officials collaborate with our country's innovative pharmaceutical companies, the side effects include improved policies that speed up the delivery of medications to those in need and better overall health for all Canadians. Okay, moving on. So like I said, Zelensky is addressing Congress now talking about a need for more equipment and more pressure to be put on Russia. I mean, I don't blame him for asking for that. He is the Ukrainian president. We just have to be very judicious in how we decide to move forward.
Starting point is 00:22:11 Now, showing you how this is not going well for the Russian side, and it's starting to worry me because as this situation deteriorates, there's a military analyst I hear on TV a lot. Forgive me, I forget his name. And sometimes he sounds a little war hawkish, but he did say something the other day that had me concerned that these are really the desperate hours that that that going forward as Putin's the food crisis amongst his soldiers kicks in. They started looting.
Starting point is 00:22:39 Now the logistics meltdown that Putin's going to get desperate. And what I'm afraid of is as he gets desperate, he's going to take advice and incoming from seriously crazy lunatic people inside Russia. You think the possibility of nuclear war is non-existent? It's not. The chances are low. Panic kills, so there's no need to panic. But I would be anxious about this, and so should you. Why? Look at this article in Daily Star by Ewan Glade. Headline. Twisted Russian MP, his name is Yevgeny Fedorov, urges Putin to fire a nuclear missile at the United States to, quote, send a message. He claims America wouldn't retaliate if they fired a nuclear ballistic missile at them. And they're claiming casualties would be about 10,000.
Starting point is 00:23:32 This is real. You can read the it's in my read this article, please. In my newsletter, Bongino dot com slash newsletter. If you want to sign up, it's free. Read the article. He's suggesting they fire a nuclear weapon at Nevada because he's claiming that's where we've tested nuclear weapons. Well, it's true, but we've claimed that it would be a message and that we wouldn't retaliate.
Starting point is 00:23:53 Folks, this guy is a Russian MP, a Duma member. Yevgeny Fyodorov. Now you wonder why I talk about this stuff on the show. Knowledge is power. Ignorance is not bliss. These are some of the crazy people who are getting in his ear. And I sincerely doubt we wouldn't fire back, which would create another escalating nuclear cascade,
Starting point is 00:24:21 which would be a disaster. Yeah, you're right. He probably is watching Joe Biden and thinks we would do nothing. Now, folks, I have repeatedly over and over, and we'll say again, we have to do every single thing in our power to avoid escalation in this war. But any, any implication of weakness here that we wouldn't fire back is extremely dangerous and is escalatory in and of itself. They better damn well believe Joe Biden would fire back
Starting point is 00:24:55 because it's the only thing keeping them from firing. That's what kept us out of a hot war with Russia, with Reagan. The assurance of mad, mutually assured destruction. You fired us, we're firing at you, we're both dead. They better believe we'd fire back. This is why they're getting desperate, though, folks,
Starting point is 00:25:13 and I get worried about Putin doing something crazy like this or launching a tactical battlefield nuke at Ukraine. This article on IO News, Russia hampered by shortage of trucks in Ukraine after spending billions on state-of-the-art weapons.
Starting point is 00:25:26 Read this piece. It's in the show notes to the newsletter. They spent all this money on these SU, the, these, uh, Sue 34 bombers and hypersonic missiles. And they got all excited about it yet.
Starting point is 00:25:38 They didn't buy enough trucks. It's this, uh, this, uh, a military expert says they don't have the ability to get the supplies around. They don't have the ability to operate a full air support system to suppress anti-air fire,
Starting point is 00:25:51 and they don't have enough smart guided bombs to use the bomber effectively because they have too few trucks to go with and they've already lost a number of trucks too. Logistics, folks. Logistics. That's why in the Secret Service service the transportation guys do logistics the transportation guys do logistics because most of the time one of the key components is logistics is transportation like trucks can have the best battle a battle plan in the world
Starting point is 00:26:20 folks and best weapons you got but if you can't transport your troops and you can't transport your missiles you don't have much of a battle plan thank god for stupid people like the russian battlefield commanders thankfully idiots all right you know i said yesterday and moving on a bit here and it's important that folks, I'm worried about the United States first, and you should be too. The domestic threat here to our freedom and liberty is growing. Tucker did a great segment last night on how something, you guys remember this, how I warned you all that the COVID restrictions and lockdowns were nothing more than a tune-up for what socialists want later.
Starting point is 00:27:05 Absolute control, the wiping out of objective values, project year zero, project socialism moving forward. It was a test run. See how much we can get away with. Inject yourself with this substance. Wear a mask. We've talked about this over and over. And the problem I've been warning you about over the last few days is in light of everything going on with Ukraine and Russia, a very serious, tragic, ongoing situation, we have Republicans here, the Crenshaws and others, and the Adam Kinzingers and people like that, who've decided
Starting point is 00:27:35 it's a good idea to turn on and attack the domestic population for just asking for the truth. The truth requires objective values. The left hates that. Problem's gotten worse. I was coming out of the gym yesterday. I was trying to take a little bit of a break. And it was right after I did a locals video.
Starting point is 00:27:55 I do these thoughts from the gym on locals. And someone sent this to me and I couldn't believe it. I had to check twice to make sure it was real. We have a Senator down here in Florida, Rick Scott. He's a Republican, or I thought he was. And this is an actual tweet. You can see it's his verified account. He says, no company should be broadcasting Russian state-backed propaganda.
Starting point is 00:28:18 Putin and his thugs are violating the sovereignty of a free nation and committing a blatant act of war against Ukraine. violating the sovereignty of a free nation, and committing a blatant act of war against Ukraine. Rumble video should immediately sever all ties with Russia, all caps, now. As you know, I am an investor in Rumble because I believe in free speech, and I found this perplexing.
Starting point is 00:28:40 One, we don't have ties with Russia. We are a free speech open platform for content creators on the video side to produce content. To produce content. Does he not understand that? Kevin McCarthy's on there too. Do we have ties to Kevin McCarthy, the minority leader in the House? This is an allegedly Republican member of the united states senate i want you to understand what's happening here doing what adam kinzinger and dan crenshaw are doing right now turning their
Starting point is 00:29:14 their their ire on on a company by the way that relocated to sarasota rumble in his state brought jobs here and attacking them for presenting an open platform for free speech. So just to be clear, Rick Scott, you think the path forward here out of this is to emulate leftist totalitarian tactics by squelching free speech? You think that's the path forward? And you use lies to do it, that we have ties to Russia? Disgraceful. Disgraceful, disgraceful.
Starting point is 00:29:55 As I've said to you throughout the show, gaslighting requires isolating people from the truth. Censorship is a tool of the left and the totalitarian. And clearly Rick Scott and Adam Kinzinger and Dan Crenshaw now too. Here's Adam Kinzinger, a known loser. He's been a loser for a while, so nothing surprising here. Rick Scott caught me off guard. He's a totalitarian now. Wasn't aware of that one. Be phoning against him.
Starting point is 00:30:18 Hopefully he's primaried. Adam Kinzinger, career zero, so nothing new here. Celebrating the fact that a pretty good news network, OAN, OAN got the boot from Time Warner, which is a disgusting move by Time Warner. You should let them know about that. Adam Kinzinger, hashtag bye bye OAN. Here he is, just like Scott apparently in Crenshaw, using leftist tactics to attack platforms that just speak with an opinion you don't like. This is the new Republican Party. The uniparty of idiots. This is what happens, folks.
Starting point is 00:30:56 This is what happens with gaslighting. You have to isolate people from the truth. That's why the left and apparently Rick Scott, Adam Kinzinger, and Dan Crenshaw love censorship so much. Speak out. You mentioned bio labs. You're a Putin puppet. Disinformation. Next thing you know, it'll be recommended everybody be kicked off YouTube. That'll be next. I'm going to show you what happens next when censorship and gaslighting kicks in and psychosis develops amongst the population. I'm going to show you something on a Florida beach. Don't go anywhere.
Starting point is 00:31:26 You'll see what I mean. Take back your free time with PC Express Online grocery delivery and pickup. Score in-store promos, PC Optimum points, and more free time. And still get groceries. Shop now at Okay. So this is what happens when pervasive gaslighting is allowed to happen. People destroy themselves. They destroy their lives.
Starting point is 00:31:50 They destroy their kids' lives. They lock their kids out of school. They stick their kids in masks despite no evidence it's working to do anything to prevent transmission of coronavirus. They sit in their houses and they eat their lives alive. They implode on themselves. Here is a photo from WFLA. It's a Florida television station.
Starting point is 00:32:09 It's a photo from a video. It's a beach in Florida. It's spring break down here in Florida, excuse me. And everything is crowded down here now. The beach is packed. You can see it right there. Good for you all having a good time on spring break. Now, this went out in
Starting point is 00:32:25 a tweet, and I want you to pay close attention to the first three replies. People lost their minds, showing you they're so gaslit they would rather die and rot in their houses with their kids never leaving home than actually going out. This is from a guy, Odin's twin brother, clearly a left. It's awesome. Just in time for the new variant. No worries, though. DeSantis doesn't count Taurus who get COVID in the state stats. Here's another one.
Starting point is 00:32:50 These are crazy people. Queen of Babel. Within two weeks, all these folks will have COVID. Some will get long COVID and have lifelong illnesses. Some will die. Some will get chronic illnesses
Starting point is 00:32:59 as a result of COVID. Some will never recover. Majority of the latter category will be vaxxed. These people are nuts. These people are crazy. Here will never recover. Majority of the latter category will be vaxxed. These people are nuts. These people, here's one more. These are the first three. I didn't even have to go. These are the first three. Here's Laurie Murphy. I'm sure COVID is loving this. Watch this space. People are nuts. They want to rot and die in the house. And as I told you in the beginning of the show, this is what a cannibalistic cancerous movement looks like. It eats itself. It rots. It kills its own people. They're going to sit in the
Starting point is 00:33:33 house and die lonely, awful, solitary lives. And they're going to destroy the lives of their kids too, because that's what they do. All right. Getting back quickly to how this incoherent mess on the left is causing us a real problem in this country. You're sensing a theme today. Nancy Pelosi, this is kind of like a, I would call it a comic relief moment, but it's really genuinely not funny. Nancy Pelosi is the speaker of the House. She decided it'd be a good idea to riff yesterday on this Russian convoy invading Ukraine. And remember, the world can see this. So it goes back to principle number one. You never got in trouble for something you didn't say. Pelosi and Biden should just stop talking publicly about the Russia-Ukraine crisis, because every time they open their mouths and speak, they embarrass
Starting point is 00:34:25 us in front of the world. And I believe they incentivize Vladimir Putin to engage in further adventures. And that's why I'm hoping they don't comment on this nuclear comment out of Russia. It's only going to get worse. Here's Pelosi yesterday, this incoherent, weak mediocrity talking about the Russian convoy. And I want you to pay very close attention because she's, she's really, she's barely coherent claiming like she's going to do a John J Rambo and she wants to go herself. Huh?
Starting point is 00:34:52 Here, check this out. When I see that, that those tanks at 40 miles of tanks, I'd like to take out those tanks. I mean, I think that they're them having more planes might be be useful, but I'm not a military strategist. We hope that we will be able to get to a place.
Starting point is 00:35:14 I hope. You asked me how. I hope that we can get to a place where the MiGs, which are the kinds of planes they've been trained on, can go to Ukraine. kinds of planes they've been framed on can go to Ukraine. The F-16s, especially if we have an excess of them, can backfill for Poland. What is she even talking about? What is she even talking about? Does she even know what she's talking about?
Starting point is 00:35:38 The MiGs, which are the planes? They've been what? And I hope they can like, they're the planes. Oh, Joe, they're the planes. The MiGs, they're planes. They've been what? The F-16, you didn, the F the F 60. You didn't know you were just, Joe just learned that from Nancy Pelosi and the F 16s.
Starting point is 00:35:51 They go to back. They're like planes too. And if I went over there, I want to like take it to him and shake my fist at him. Please stop talking. Please stop talking. You incoherent messes on the left. Please stop talking.
Starting point is 00:36:06 Don't tell me I'm not bipartisan in my criticism. I just filleted a bunch of phony Republicans too. But please, on the left, please stop talking. This is the same incoherent crowd on the left, by the way. They can never formulate a coherent idea. And when they formulate a coherent idea, they're total hypocrites about it. This one is just, this video is just comical. Hat tip, the great Tom Elliott at Grabian.
Starting point is 00:36:32 Here is a quick supercut of Democrats on the exploding fuel crisis in the country, where gas prices are through the roof, approaching $8 in certain parts of California. And don't worry, Joe, the Pelosi, Democrat, Kamala Harris, Joe Biden, Pete Buttigieg theory on rising gas prices is stop being poor, you peasants, you smellies, you dopey, hasty Walmart shopping deplorables. Stop being poor. Come on. What's wrong with you? Just go get a Tesla. What's wrong with you? Just go get a Tesla. What's wrong with you, idiots?
Starting point is 00:37:10 Here, check this out. If you drive an electric car, this would not be affecting you, clearly. There's no sound or fuel. How many barrels of oil does the U.S. consume per day? I don't have that number. So how do I know it's actually working? What is the grand home plan to increase oil production
Starting point is 00:37:27 in America? Oh my god, that is hilarious. Perhaps if you let the market work in this respect, people will feel pain. They'll take a second look at that Ford F-450 gigantoid truck. They'll reconsider a Tesla. I'm willing to pay $4 a
Starting point is 00:37:43 gallon. Hell, I'll pay $15 a gallon because I drive a Tesla. I'm willing to pay $4 a gallon. Hell, I'll pay $15 a gallon because I drive a Tesla. I have a Chevy Bolt. That is my car. I lease a Bolt and I lease solar panels. So I drive on Sunshine Girl. Record-breaking prices at the pump nationwide. One of my favorite topics, electric school buses, electric school buses that have big batteries underneath it. Yes, we are very excited about electric school buses. Some prices are as high as seven a gallon. You usually can smell it and you can hear it. You can hear the guzzling sound. Oh, cow. Stop poor, peasants. Just buy an electric car.
Starting point is 00:38:28 That's the same left. Same left from Pelosi. You know, they have Migs. They have planes. Same people. Same people melting down on Twitter because a bunch of kids were at extremely low risk of any serious complications from a virus we're never going to get rid of. Daring to go on spring break and hang out at the beach. God forbid that happened.
Starting point is 00:38:49 Melting. COVID. Die. Adam Kinzinger. Bye-bye. All the same group. All the same group of leftists. Kinzinger is nothing but a devout leftist, too.
Starting point is 00:39:00 Spent his entire life. Disgrace. Disgrace to everyone in the United States Congress. He's a disgrace to the Democrats, too. They're probably embarrassed by him as well. Metrolinks and Crosslinks are reminding everyone to be careful as Eglinton Crosstown LRT train testing is in progress. Please be alert, as trains can pass at any time on the tracks.
Starting point is 00:39:24 Remember to follow all traffic signals. Be careful along our tracks and only make left turns where it's safe to do so. Be alert, be aware, and stay safe. Okay, so I saw this yesterday. You know I'm a big advocate for school choice because unlike the left, I actually believe in big R God-given rights for everyone. People who are poor, people who are rich, people who are middle-class, people who are black, people who are Asian, people who are white, Muslim, Jew, Christian, male, female, doesn't matter to me, city, urban, farmer, architect, pilot, I don't
Starting point is 00:39:59 care. The essence of a constitutional republic is the guarantee of big R God-given rights, care. The essence of a constitutional republic is the guarantee of big R God-given rights and opportunity for everyone. The left doesn't believe that. The left wants to crush opportunity, especially for minority students in struggling schools where they want to make sure the doors are locked behind you and minority students are kept in public schools that suck. So here is a Democrat from the state of Georgia, Elena Parent, ironically named Elena Parent. Doesn't seem to give a damn about parents at all. Here's her in a video. She objects.
Starting point is 00:40:30 I'll put the tweet up in a second. But she objects to school choice. She wants to make sure your kids stay in crappy schools. She wants to lock the door behind. Why? Because Elena Parent's kids go to private school. And she didn't like the fact that that was brought up beforehand. She's one of these just stop
Starting point is 00:40:45 being poor people you don't have to send your kids to crappy schools you stop being poor send your kids to private schools like me come on peasants you smellies here's elena parent gets called out kids go to private school it's not true that all three of my children go to public schools in north georgia i assume the senator knows of what he speaks. And I'm going to ask this not to get personal, but is it true that your children go to a private school? That seems like it is trying to get personal. Well, I wanted to ask a question pertaining to that. Are we, really?
Starting point is 00:41:17 My question is. She doesn't like that question, does she? Kids go to private school. Yet she tweeted this out. A voucher bill would have diverted $6,000 a student to private schools. Private schools your kids go to private school. Yeah, she tweeted this out. A voucher bill would have diverted $6,000 a student to private schools. Private schools your kids go to? And how is it diverting? It's their money.
Starting point is 00:41:32 So parents who pay for the schools with their tax dollars are diverting it if they take their tax dollars to a school that works? This is Elena Parent. Fraud. Phony. You see how the party implodes on itself and eats its own? Ladies and gentlemen, if the Republicans are the party of the rich, then why is it Republicans like me? My kids go to a charter school.
Starting point is 00:41:53 My other kid goes to a private school. Why do I care? No, no, I'm serious. For a moment, can we just digest that? School choice is largely a Republican issue, even though some sellout Republicans have sold this out. But largely, it's definitely a conservative issue and a libertarian issue. School choice. Why are we fighting?
Starting point is 00:42:11 I thought we were the party of the rich. Why do I care? My kids don't go to public school. Why do I care? You ever ask yourself that? You care because you're running for office. No, I'm not running for office. I don't need your votes.
Starting point is 00:42:23 I'm not running for office. I don't need your money, I'm not running for office. I don't need your money, your donations, nothing. Why am I doing this on my show? I thought we were the party of the rich and the fat cats, and you were the party of the little guy. Then why is it that we're the party of the little guy trying to give them educational opportunity and people who are poor, minorities,
Starting point is 00:42:39 who aren't getting a good education, and you're standing in the way, ironically named Elena Parent, while your kids go to private school. Why is that? That's weird, right? Why is that? Maybe you're lying as you implode and attack people you claim to represent, women, minorities,
Starting point is 00:42:53 kind of weird, right? Gaslighting. You see Rick Scott, Adam Kinzinger, and Dan Crenshaw want to isolate you from the truth too, joining the Democrats. Censorship. That's how you get to believe stupidity like this that the democrats are the party of the little guy he calls him a constellation of frauds you're right the big dipper of frauds all right folks that matters to me okay as i've said to you often there's a jason riley thing
Starting point is 00:43:22 about school choice he wrote an article years ago. There are 20,000 public high schools in the country. 2,000 produce half the dropouts. That's it. 2,000. 10% of the schools produce half the dropouts. If you're black, you've got a 50% chance of sending your kid to one of those dropout factories. Tell me again how we're the land of equal opportunity.
Starting point is 00:43:42 And the left is doing that. We have been, and I always will be a warrior for this cause. And it doesn't affect me one bit, but it does affect me because it's my country. And I give a damn about these kids. They deserve better. Elaine, a parent clearly doesn't. Okay. I saw this story, a bit of comic relief here. Yeah. The free beacon has a story about Rick Wilson. I don't know if you know Rick. He is a body odor advocate. He is a big lobbyist for body odor. And apparently Rick Wilson from the Lincoln Project,
Starting point is 00:44:11 also known as the Lennon Project, he had the cojones yesterday to imply his bravery was equal to that of the Russian TV personality who walked onto the screen despite the threat of death and imprisonment on Russian state TV with a no war sign. This brave woman, this freedom fighter in Russia who took her life into her own hands, was imprisoned afterwards and objected to Putin's war on Russian state television. Rick Wilson from the Lenin Project, again, body odor advocate.
Starting point is 00:44:46 If you're ever around Rick, you know exactly what I mean. Rick seems to think his bravery is on par with that. Read this article in the Free Beacon. Lincoln Project schlub compares himself to courageous Russian anti-war activists. Wilson's decision to, quote, walk away from the tribal campfire of the GOP, saying, I left the GOP, I'm now an anti-Trump, pro-Democrat lunatic. He's equating that bravery with the bravery of this woman. Well, him walking away resulted in immense personal wealth. The Lincoln Project raised almost $100 million from left-wing billionaires and activist groups,
Starting point is 00:45:22 among others, during the 2020 election cycle. Investigative reporting from the New York Times suggests Rick Wilson and his fellow co-founders funneled a significant portion of that money to themselves. In 2021, Rick Wilson paid off a $200,000 mortgage and finally settled a $400,000 overdue tax bill. I sent Rick a link to a Walmart site one time that sells antiperspirant using the aluminum substance. Rick should try that out. That's who Rick Wilson is and the Lennon Project guys.
Starting point is 00:45:56 That's what they're all about, sellouts. By the way, Rick Wilson really needs to talk to those significant others around him about the situation he has. He knows what I mean, right? A lot of people know. That's who Rick is. Left loves him because the left will implode on itself and pay off people, even if they are former Republican sellouts,
Starting point is 00:46:15 because that's what they do. Anything they can get to destroy their own people. Final article today. This is interesting. I want you to read this. It's in the show notes. It's an important piece. So China claims, this is in the US Sun, claims Israel Salas Rodriguez is the author. China claims it's captured a US NSA spy tool dubbed Trojan horse that can control
Starting point is 00:46:37 global internet equipment and steal info. Ladies and gentlemen, this is a deeply disturbing story. The gist of the story is this. For those who are familiar with Unix and Linux, it hijacks that system and essentially hijacks the computer. Now, with the growing sophistication of spyware around the world, I had Morgan Wright on my Fox show, an expert in internet security. He was on this past week or the week before on Unfiltered, my show that airs on Saturday. And we were talking about this, the proliferation of non-click spyware remember the pegasus story pegasus is that nso program that all you have to all they need to know is
Starting point is 00:47:16 your phone number you don't have to click on anything they send you the email or a text and that's it your phone is infected they can hijack the camera, the microphone. You have a homing beacon. Your emails, they own your phone. It's their phone, everything. This is going to be a growing problem in the future because as these tools are developed, like the NSA apparently developed this,
Starting point is 00:47:38 it's called Nopenn apparently, that this kind of stuff is going to get out. Your online security is going to be key moving forward in the future. And the United States has a lot to worry about if this stuff gets out there. It could be very dangerous. All right, folks, that's all I've got for you today.
Starting point is 00:47:55 Deeply appreciate your loyalty to the show. I've got my friend Matt Palumbo on the radio show later talking about George Soros' role in Ukraine. And please subscribe to my podcast on slash Bongino. I would really appreciate it. I'll see you on the radio show later. You just heard Dan Bongino.

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