The Impeachment Scandal’s Strange Connections (Ep 1111)
Episode Date: November 15, 2019In this episode, I address the ongoing soft coup against Trump through the faux impeachment and its strange ties to the explosive Spygate scandal. N...
He’s a former Secret Service Agent, former NYPD officer, and New York Times best-selling author. Join Dan Bongino each weekday as he tackles the hottest political issues, debunking both liberal and Republican establishment rhetoric.
2280 episodes transcribedIn this episode, I address the ongoing soft coup against Trump through the faux impeachment and its strange ties to the explosive Spygate scandal. N...
In this episode, I address the disastrous impeachment fiasco on Capitol Hill and the destructive fallout for the Democrats. News Picks:Sleazy Adam Sch...
In this episode, I address the beginning of the impeachment farce and the reasons it’s about to explode in the faces of the Democrats. I also address...
In this episode, I address the stunning display of left wing bias by the media in their coverage of the fake whistleblower. I also discuss the reasons...
In this episode, I address the stunning developments over the weekend regarding an effort by tech giants to suppress conservative content. I also addr...
In this episode, I address the explosive segment on liberal show “The View” where the liberal panelists lie to their audience to attack Don Trump Jr....
In this episode, I address the explosive new revelations about the efforts to punish the real whistleblower who outed the Jeffrey Epstein/ABC scandal...
In this episode, I clear the media hysteria and I address the real takeaways from last night’s elections. I also address astonishing new information i...
In this episode, I address the stunning information I believe is about to be revealed in the IG Spygate report. I also address an explosive Fox News p...
In this episode, I address stunning new details about the “whistleblower” plot to take down President Trump. I discuss the identities of key players a...
In this episode, I address the Democrats’ collapsing case for impeachment as yet another key witness blows up in the Democrats’ faces. I also address...
In this episode, I address the explosive new ties between the alleged “whistleblower” and key players in the plot to take down, and spy on, the Trump...
In this episode I address the liberal media’s hypocritical attacks on Trump after the testimony of this military officer on the phony Ukraine scandal....
In this episode, I address the catastrophic decision by Nancy Pelosi to move forward with her fraudulent impeachment and the real reasons she’s doing...
In this episode, I address the daring Special Forces raid killing terror leader al-Baghdadi and that outrageous liberal, and media, response to this s...
In this episode, I address the astounding new information surfacing about John Brennan and Barack Obama’s role in the biggest political spying scandal...
In this episode, I address the anti-Trump collaborators turning on each other to cover their tracks as Barr and Durham close in. I also address Trump’...
In this episode, I address the complete collapse of the deep-state plot to take down the Trump administration and the bizarre backup plan the plotters...
In this episode, I address the explosive new details emerging about the deep-state coverup of the Spygate scandal. John Brennan and these politicians...
In this episode, I address the media panic breaking out over the ongoing investigation into the Spygate scandal. The NY Times wrote a piece recently w...