The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz - GBF- Super Week: Funny Marco, Simms, Annie Agar, Dolphins, Stellato

Episode Date: February 6, 2025

Stugotz and Billy are joined by Lucy, Funny Marco, Raheem Moestart, Braxton Berrios, Chris Simms, Annie Agar, Rachaad White, Eric Dickerson and Sean Stellato while set up on radio row in New Orleans f...or the Super Bowl. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You're listening to Giraffe King's Network. Hey, it's Lucy. And have you ever heard of Gold Belly? It's this amazing site that I order from all the time, where you can get the most iconic, famous foods from restaurants all across the US, and they will ship it free to your door anywhere in the country. I ordered some buffalo wings and I'm personally quite excited for them to arrive and they
Starting point is 00:00:28 look very delicious. Gold Belly will ship you Philly cheesesteaks from Jim's or Pat's in Philly, the original buffalo wings from the Anchor Bar in Buffalo, and even Kansas City's most legendary barbecue. And if the pizza near you sucks, they will ship you New York pizza from John's on Bleecker or Chicago Deep Dish from Luminati's, or even New Haven or Detroit style pizza. And if you're truly gluttonous, they will ship you Guy Fieri's famous Trash Can Nachos, which I kid you not are the ultimate game day centerpiece. So if you're looking to host an epic Super Bowl party, or any party for that matter,
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Starting point is 00:01:39 Offer ends March 3rd, 2025. Terms and conditions apply. Invest with RBC Today. God bless football, Billy Gill. God bless football, Lucy. God bless football, Stu Gotts and all our listeners. Why are you being so shy? Look at you. I'm not shy, you can't see me, it's audio.
Starting point is 00:02:10 I look very confident everyone. Yes. The most confident I have ever seen you look. Wait, did you say confident or competent? Yeah. Both. Okay. It's been a long day.
Starting point is 00:02:21 It has. It has. Well for you guys, not for me. You were shopping today. I did, but that's hard work. Yeah. Yeah's been a long day. It has. Well, for you guys, not for me. You were shopping today. I did. But that's hard work. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:27 I guess. Is it really? Yeah, you have to walk a lot. You have to carry bags. That's heavy. Make sure you pick out the right things. And if you get the wrong bags, like just like the placement, it's a whole nightmare.
Starting point is 00:02:36 I'm so happy that you guys didn't have to deal with that. Yeah. Well, it's such a cross that you have to bear. Yeah. It's hard to be the hardest worker at this company, but I make it work. Yeah, you do. You bought me marijuana socks. Thank you. I did!
Starting point is 00:02:50 I'm very excited about these. You got me wolf socks. Billy loves socks. You know they call Billy, Billy socks, right? Yeah, everybody knows that. I've always said that. I've always heard that. I don't know why I'm holding this up. This is just on audio. I held it up to a camera. Because it's been a long day. Super Bowl week, radio, right? I was gonna say, I think we're coming off to the listener as a bit delirious because we're just kind of stopping mid-sentence,
Starting point is 00:03:11 not really carrying a conversation at all. That's okay. Yeah. Lucy, are you enjoying New Orleans? Yeah, I'm having fun. It's pretty easy to enjoy your time when Venmo is paying for you to have so much fun. And we have had a great time. I've bought a lot of things. Yeah. I've seen a lot of people.
Starting point is 00:03:27 Yep. I've walked a lot. Yeah. I've lived a lot of lives since I've been here. I met one of your best friends. I mean, that was, yes. You did. You met John B.
Starting point is 00:03:38 Yeah, John B's great. Oh, he's the best. I love me some John B. OK. We would love him, too. He's a top five friend for me. I got to tell you. Hopefully I'll meet John B one day. You can meet him today. He's out. Oh I love me some John B. Oh, I love him too. He's a top five friend for me I gotta tell you John B one day. He's really him today. Yeah, great. Yeah, he's right there with funny Marco really
Starting point is 00:03:51 You and funny Marcos friendship is one that I don't understand and why expecting why? Because sometimes you got to ask the guy the right questions and just listen and then you find connection points with that person and I wasn't Expecting to find connection points with that person and I wasn't expecting to find connection points with Funny Marco, but I ended up finding connection points with Funny Marco. The connection point that you found with Funny Marco that you have told me, because I wasn't here yet for that interview.
Starting point is 00:04:15 I don't understand how in the course of a 10 minute conversation would come up. Like I don't understand how in 10 minutes you guys bonded over having ADHD. And I gave him the recommendation of trying Adderall because he's never tried it. It's a burden living with it. And so he and I connected on just how difficult it is to live like that where your mind cannot rest. And so that's where we found our connection point.
Starting point is 00:04:39 I don't know. I thought it was fascinating and funny, by the way. This took a serious turn. It did. So Lucy, I'm going to let you in on something that's two gods has been doing behind the scenes. That is not nice No, no, no, so you see these three? Yes, so these hats to gods when I got here explained to me are the gold silver and bronze hats Yes And what he's been doing is depending on how he feels the went, he's asking the guests to sign the hat and he's ranking the guests as in front of
Starting point is 00:05:08 their faces without them knowing he's ranking how their hits went on the show. Only me, Billy, and the audience knows. It's funny. So the listeners, do they know which hat is which? They don't. Yes. They should know by now. Well, they do now. Yes. They may know by now. So this is my tier one, tier two, tier three hat. The tier three hat has not been signed yet. It hasn't been signed yet. But so that you're aware, there have been people that have walked away that she got to not ask to sign a hat.
Starting point is 00:05:33 Yeah. So they didn't even medal. I assume those were tier three people, if I'm going to be honest with you. Well, combination of tier threes and people who were in a rush to get to the next interview. Yes. But the rush to get to the next interview,
Starting point is 00:05:46 if it was a big enough name, he didn't let bother him at all. Because we got rap signs and he'd go five minutes past the rap sign anyway. So he's not too concerned with the whole going to the next interview situation. Also, I've been surprised to see who he's asked to sign this one and this one. Because he's asked some people to sign this one. Like name names, come on. No, you know? Like, name names. Come on. No, I'm not going to name names.
Starting point is 00:06:06 But if they were good enough. It's Stellato, right? Stellato. If they were good enough. No, he was good. He was good, yes. You know, do you know Stellato? I can't read any of these.
Starting point is 00:06:15 Well, that's another thing, is that I was asking him who signed this, and he doesn't remember who any of them are. Yeah, no. He doesn't remember who they are either. The Old Spice Man is on here. We met the Old Spice guy today. The actual Old Spice guy. Oh, I know who you're talking about, the commercials?
Starting point is 00:06:29 Yeah. OK, so we're sitting here, and we're talking to Cam Jordan. And he's promoting Old Spice. And he has this little box that's like a fortune telling box with the Old Spice guy in it. You ask it a question like a Magic 8 ball, and then it answers yes or no questions. And while we're talking to him, the Old Spice guy
Starting point is 00:06:44 is just standing right behind us, and we're turning like, wait a minute. So of course we have to invite him onto the show. And he's shirtless, as the Old Spice guy always is. But he had a shirt, yes, just tied around his neck. Yeah, he had a shirt, but it was tied around his neck. He had a cape. But yeah, the Old Spice guy was just here walking around.
Starting point is 00:07:00 And we didn't address it on the air. He has a cane. He has a cane? Yeah, he walks with a cane. Yeah, he does. But it's not like for aesthetics. It's like a necessity, I guess. Yes.
Starting point is 00:07:08 Which takes away a little bit of the whole shirtless on a horse thing. But he stole the interview, by the way, from Cam Jordan. Yeah, oh, no, he definitely did. Cam Jordan got nothing in. We were just talking to the Old Spice Guy the whole time. So was Cam Jordan. He was only interested in talking to the Old Spice Guy.
Starting point is 00:07:20 Does he have a name, or did you just call him Old Spice Guy? No, the Old Spice Guy. Didn't ask. Right. Never ask him. Just called him the Old Spice Guy the entire time. He signed my hat as the Old Spice guy. Does he have a name, or did you just call him Old? No, the Old Spice guy. Didn't ask. Right. Never ask him. Just call him the Old Spice guy the entire time. He signed my hat as the Old Spice guy. Did he really?
Starting point is 00:07:29 Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. No, he put his name. Oh, yeah. It just says Old Spice. Yeah, who knows? The hero Old Spice. Yeah, it doesn't matter.
Starting point is 00:07:34 Yeah. His name's Old Spice guy. Someone has a beautiful signature. That was Eric Dickerson, I believe. Eric Dickerson. Yeah, he signs a lot of autographs. Beautiful signature. Well, yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:42 Wow. Yeah. Tier one. I mean, if I'm going to be honest with you, that could have gone in the middle. Oh, Billy, he was good. Come on. Very ticker-sick. Well, it's time to ask Lucy to sign a hat. Well, you can't ask her to sign a hat now because she knows.
Starting point is 00:07:54 Be careful with that hat. I don't know if you want to look on the inside of it, but that thing is filthy. Lucy is only a tier one today. That is a very dirty hat. You're going to have to wash those hands. It's a tier two hat, Lucy. But why is it dirty? Well well because I've worn it so anyway, so here's I would you sign my? Tier one hat because your tier one always to me. Yeah, I'm wondering if tomorrow you're gonna remember which is her signature I'm gonna go through this with you and see who you remember. Do you know Sean Stilado? No the agent no
Starting point is 00:08:18 So he's the agent Tommy Vito He had a name either. I thought it was just sort of Tommy DeVito's agent. Oh, I didn't know he had a name either. I thought it was just sort of. Tommy DeVito's agent, yes. So here's the thing. We talked to him today, and he was wearing a blue suit with red pinstripes. And we were asking him about the suit. I don't know how we got to it. We were asking about the suits, and he's like,
Starting point is 00:08:35 I had it made because I thought the bills were gonna make it to Super Bowl. He's like, so, I had it made a month ago, expecting the bills to be here, and I already made it, so I'm gonna wear it. He's like, inside, You can't see it? It's all lined with Super Bowl logos and the Bills. He's like, are you ever going to wear that again?
Starting point is 00:08:49 He's like, well, hopefully I make it next year, and I'll just have the inside relined. That put him on tier one. It did. That is so good. He's met the pope. Yeah. That doesn't surprise me at all.
Starting point is 00:08:58 He was incredible. The pope has met him. Yes. Well, the reason that he met the pope. I think it's a lot of use it that way. Hey, Pope, you met me. So last year, by the way, he has an agent, just so you know. The agent has an agent?
Starting point is 00:09:10 Yeah, the rare agent with an agent. The agent who doesn't need to give away 15% of his money has an agent. He's an agent. I wonder, and I didn't want to ask him, because I didn't want to upset him, because he was so nice. And then afterwards, he's like, let's take selfies.
Starting point is 00:09:22 And I was like, OK, sure. What are you going to do with this picture? But whatever. I was going to ask him afterwards he's like, let's take selfies and it's like, okay, sure, what are you going to do with this picture? But whatever. I was going to ask him if he's ever had a situation where like he had some agenting duties that he didn't want to do, so he just kind of passed it off to his agent, you know what I mean? Like, hey, go take care of Tommy DeVito's stuff.
Starting point is 00:09:34 I'm not going to have the Pope. Exactly right, I'm in Italy. And then he complained about his trip to Italy to meet the Pope because he said he couldn't play golf. Like, buddy, you met the Pope. I would like to hang out with him socially. Uh, I think you would for 30 minutes or so. Well, we can.
Starting point is 00:09:49 He invited us to a basketball game. That is true. A football game, yes. You keep forgetting about what we're doing. I don't know why I keep doing that, because I can't imagine him playing football. It's weird. I'd like to go to the sock store with him. Really?
Starting point is 00:09:58 He forgot socks today. He didn't wear socks today. He didn't wear socks. I have extras. We've got to find him and give him socks. He can have dead socks. We've got to find him. He just can't have my marijuana socks. Yeah, we. We gotta find him and give him socks. He can have damn socks. He just can't have my marijuana socks. Yeah, we gotta find him and give him socks
Starting point is 00:10:08 because he was walking around, he's like, as he was leaving, I swear to God, as he was leaving, he said to us, Rookie move, I forgot to wear socks today. I don't know if I've ever forgotten to wear socks before. The thing is, he was wearing like Jordans also. I don't know why you would ever instinctually put your feet in sneakers without socks.
Starting point is 00:10:26 Yeah. But if we see him, we could give him socks. I think he'd like that. He would love it. He invited us to some golf thing that he's doing in August or April or something. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:34 You come and we'll see. You got his number. Yeah. August or April. I think it's April. I think I wrote it down. Actually, I did write it down. It's 424.
Starting point is 00:10:41 Hey, what do you do now that the college season is done? I don't know. Shop. OK, good. Very good. Billy, who do we have now that the college season is done? I don't know. Shop. Okay, good. Very good. Billy, who do we have on the show today? We have on Funny Marco. We have Chris Sins. We have Braxton Berrios. We have Raheem Mostert. I was on a flight with Braxton Berrios and Raheem Mostert,
Starting point is 00:10:55 and I was as awkward as you could be. What did you say? I didn't say anything to Braxton. That's not awkward. Well, no, I didn't say anything to Braxton. The one I didn't say anything to Braxton. I didn't even know he was on our flight. Until a baggage claim, and I saw a little kid
Starting point is 00:11:08 taking a picture of him. I'm like, that's Braxton Berrios. Raheem Mostert has been on the show with us 50 times, at least. And I was so awkward, because I was like, I'm not going to say anything to him. I'm not going to say anything to him. And then I went and I introduced myself. I'm like, hey, I'm Billy.
Starting point is 00:11:21 And he's like, I know who you are. And then I kept going, I'm like, no, but I'm Billy. And I do the show. It's you guys. You're like, Billy, I know who you are. And then I kept going, like, no, but I'm Billy, and I do the show. It's two guys. He's like, Billy, I know who you are. Right, he wanted Billy to be normal. Yeah, exactly right. And he gave me so many opportunities
Starting point is 00:11:31 to just be a normal person. Like, I know who you are. You don't have to introduce yourself. And I just kept giving more and more of my resume to him. And then I left. So there was no substance. You telling him, hey, no, but it's Billy. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:11:43 I know Billy. Yeah, it's weird. Well, he'll never forget you now. Well, he didn't forget him to start with. I gotta be honest with you, I think he did. No, he didn't. No, he didn't. But he invited us on his boat.
Starting point is 00:11:52 He owns a deep sea fishing team. Yeah. And by the way, didn't even know it was a thing. By the way, Braxton Berrios, like, if I wasn't following football, I would never think that man is playing football. He's my size. It's crazy.
Starting point is 00:12:04 I mean, OK. Better looking, though. He's my size. It's crazy. I mean, better looking though. Well, no, definitely better looking. I told him that I hope that David Swirth and Travis Kelsey broke up so he could be the it couple. Oh, wow. Well, no, I think that he still wouldn't even be the it couple because of Josh Allen.
Starting point is 00:12:18 Oh, yeah. I didn't ask about that. They're like number three. Yeah, this isn't going well for him. Right. Yeah, he doesn't really have a shot. And they're engaged now, and that's probably for life. Yeah, well. You never know.
Starting point is 00:12:32 You never know. 50-50 chance. People get divorced all the time. Do they? That's what I've heard. I wouldn't know anything about that. Hey, are your parents divorced? What?
Starting point is 00:12:42 Coin toss. That doesn't sound like my parents do that. Who are we going to? Hey, are you parents of Horst? What? Coin toss. That doesn't sound like my parents do that. Who are we going to? We need to find, now I really want to find him. He's not going to let me get to a guest. No, because now I really want to find Stilado just to give him socks.
Starting point is 00:12:54 You want me to text him? Yeah, he can literally have Dan's socks. No, we can't like. We just won't tell Dan. I mean, we'll see him. You should text him, ask him, are you still here? OK, well. You text him, be like, are you still here?
Starting point is 00:13:01 We have socks for you. I have. Yeah, he can have Dan's socks. You would love him for like, seriously, like 30 to 40 minutes. Yeah, I really feel like, you're still here. We have socks for you. I have. Yeah, he can have Dan's socks. You would love him for, like, seriously, like 30 to 40 minutes. Yeah, I really feel like we'd be good friends. If I'm going to be totally honest, it could be exhausting.
Starting point is 00:13:14 Long term. Want to be his friend? Yeah, yeah, long term. Well, then maybe he's like, maybe he's more of an acquaintance. Maybe, but once you give him socks, I feel like you guys are bonded. Yeah, you're friends for life.
Starting point is 00:13:25 Dugats, I don't know if you can see this, this is kind of this Dugats experience here on Radio Row where you're talking to him, but he always has an eye out for someone else. I texted Stilado, that's why you just asked me to do it. No, I know, I'm just saying, he's always kind of looking around. Well, I'm looking for Stilados,
Starting point is 00:13:37 we can give him socks. He must have left, because if he was here, we'd still see him. Yeah, that's true. Those are very nice socks, are those dance? These are, well, so Rose got them for me me and I told her I didn't like them. Why would you do that? No, no, no, listen. I told her I didn't like them before she bought them for me.
Starting point is 00:13:52 How did that happen? Well, so we decided that we were going to buy each other socks as a gift. Uh-huh. That would like, I thought she would like, she thought I would like. Uh-huh. I got her a great sock that joked about Jesus and drinking and she loved them. And then she looked at these, showed these to me and was like, oh my God, these.
Starting point is 00:14:09 I was like, I don't like those. And then she bought them anyways. And then she immediately bought them anyways. That's why she bought them though. Yeah. So hug. Next time say you love them. Don't.
Starting point is 00:14:18 No, cause I think she still would have bought them. I heard that she wants to drink a scorpion later. She, New Orleans is not a good city for her, I think. Oh. I think that there are... This place needs more rules, because Rose just lives her life. She tried to sing at a piano bar last night,
Starting point is 00:14:32 where there was a performer already. Okay, so I got a text saying, come out to where we are, Rose is about to sing. Which, I got in kind of late, and I gotta be honest with you, that wasn't gonna be the thing that got me out. I just assumed you were at like a karaoke place. No, we were not at a karaoke place. We were at just like a bar and they had a guy playing the piano who I hope isn't listening
Starting point is 00:14:55 to the show because not the best, but he tried really hard and the vibes were high. Was he bad at playing the piano or bad at singing? I mean, he was tucked away in a corner. It was crowded. It was hard. Was he singing? playing the piano or bad at singing? I mean, he was tucked away in a corner, it was crowded, it was hard. Was he singing? He was singing. He was singing, yeah. And so, Rose asked him if she could sing,
Starting point is 00:15:10 and she is a good singer. Annoyingly so, because she doesn't stop singing, because she knows she's a good singer. Is she a good singer for real? No, she's a really good singer. It just is so annoying, because she knows she's a good singer, so she's always singing.
Starting point is 00:15:24 But this person was paid to sing there last night. Yeah, this person was paid to, or he had his Venmo up so people could send him money. And Rose was like, can I sing with you? And she can't play the piano, so he was like, no. So I think she gave him a song request and she sang like backup vocals. What was the song?
Starting point is 00:15:42 I don't know, but she was just standing next to him, singing every 30 seconds some backup line. And then someone else was allowed to sing. And she got pretty upset because she didn't get to sing. And you had to Venmo him $20 to be able to sing. Oh. And I offered. I said, Rose, there's no better use of this Venmo money
Starting point is 00:16:03 than to let you sing. Of course. But then she said no. Yeah. That's a principal thing at that point. It all fell apart. Yeah, I think so. I said, Rose, there's no better use of this Venmo money than to let you sing. Of course. But then she said no. Yeah, that's a principle thing at that point. It all fell apart. Yeah, I think so. But she's always singing.
Starting point is 00:16:12 Yeah. All the time. All right. Are you gonna miss your weekends with Rose? Yes. No, you liar. I am not gonna miss the Wicked soundtrack. Right, yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:24 Over and over. And we're not listening to the Wicked soundtrack. Right. Over and over. And we're not listening to the Wicked soundtrack. Have you asked her to stop? Yes. No, and I think people don't understand is we're not listening to the Wicked soundtrack and she's singing along. We're listening to music I wanna listen to
Starting point is 00:16:35 and she is simultaneously singing a different song. Huh. She's singing music that we are not playing as we're listening to music. Is she trying to get you to put on what she wants to hear or she just wants to sing that? listening to music. Is she trying to get you to put on what she wants to hear? Or she just wants to sing that? Yes and no. She wants to sing, and she wants to listen
Starting point is 00:16:49 to the Wicked soundtrack. But we have a strict no Wicked soundtrack. Because if you say, Rose, you can put on whatever music you want, she's going to put on a song from The Little Mermaid. And you're like, that's nice. Just to annoy you. We don't know if we want to listen to that. No, not just to annoy her.
Starting point is 00:17:02 I think Rose just likes The Little Mermaid. No, she really loves it. You know people like certain things a lot of study left Yeah, sorry did you tell him we had socks for him I did not what'd you tell him I just said you still here He said I left up, but I haven't responded you just right back. Oh, we had some socks for you If you still needed them, he's not gonna come back No, I know But then he'll say why you take The same way Rose singing at a bar was not going to get you to go out last night,
Starting point is 00:17:27 socks aren't going to get you to go back here. No, he's not going to come back, but he'll know, and then he'll be like, wow, that's too God's. He's really a good person. Oh, that's nice. He already thinks that. Is that a voodoo doll? Yeah, I got a voodoo doll today.
Starting point is 00:17:36 Oh, good. That's my second. I have two. Does this have a name? Yeah. This is, um... Dan? This is, uh, Bowman James, is, uh, is, uh, is, uh, is, um, is, um, is, um, is, um, is, um, is, um, is, um, is, um, is, um, is, um, is, um, is, um, is, um, is, um, is, um, is, um, is, um, is, um, is, um, is, um, is, um, is, um, is, um, is, um, is, um, is, um, is, um, is, um, is, um, is, um, is, um, is, um, is, um, is, um, is, um, is, um, is, um, is, um, is, um, is, um, is, um, is, um, is, um, is, um, is, um, is, um, is, um, is, um, is, um, is, um, is, um, is, um, is, um, is, um, is, um, is, um, is, um, is, um, is, um, is, um, is, um, is, um, is, um, is, um, is, um, is, um, is, um, is, um, is, um, is, um, is, um, is, um, is, um, is, um, is, um, is, um, is, um, is, um, is, um, is, um, is, um, is, um, is, um, is, um, is, um, is, um, is, um, is, um, is, um, is, um, is, um, is, um, is, um, is, um, is, um, is, um, is, um, is, um, is, um, is, um, is, um, is, um, is, um, right, Funny Marco is with us. Now, you asked me, you sat down, you said, which one?
Starting point is 00:18:08 Which Marco do you want? I thought there was one. I thought it was just Funny Marco. But apparently, there are how many Marcos are there? Seven. Seven of them. Can you name them? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:16 One of them is like Marco. And then I got Ricky. And I got Taylor Swift. Right. I'm a Swifty. OK. Are you? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:24 Patrick. Yeah. Patrick, too. Patty. I'm a Swifty. Okay. Traveller Kelsey. Yeah. Patrick. I'm a Patrick too. Patty. I'm on my homes. Yeah. And then you got Marco Summers.
Starting point is 00:18:30 Right. What happened to Pacheco? I thought there was a Pacheco there. Yeah, Pacheco a little injured right now. Yeah, a little injured. I'm fighting through it. I am told that you are someone who likes to ask awkward questions of people.
Starting point is 00:18:43 Is that, so I'm thinking maybe at the end, if you just want to ask me a series of awkward questions. Oh, yeah, I definitely could. I will really try to get to know you. Yeah. You're a Chiefs fan, man. Yeah, I'm a Chiefs fan. I've been a Chiefs fan since Trent Green. Right.
Starting point is 00:18:56 Marco, I got to be honest with you. Like what you just said to me right before we started taping, hey, it's just another game. It's the super. You're a spoiled Chiefs fan is what you are, man. This is not just another game. It's the super. You're a spoiled cheese fan is what you are, man. This is not just another game. It's the biggest game in the history of games. Yeah, but it doesn't feel like a big game.
Starting point is 00:19:13 Like, I feel like because we already know what's going to happen. Right. It's like why? You know? Yes. Yeah. Yeah. It's that like, you know, it's just like when you eat, you just know, OK, it's like you getting excited to get in the shower, like you know you just got to get in there. Right. Yeah. It's just like that. You got to do it. So you already know the outcome, right? Yeah. So it's hard to get excited about something where you're doing 38. But really, 41. That's gonna be the last game. Yeah, you should have lost that game. Wow shit is not How did funny Marco become funny Marco it became funny Marco I went up to who you are
Starting point is 00:19:56 I feel like sometimes when you are a person that deal with any type of struggles Sometimes you get picked on for that but sometimes except them and understand that this is a part of life that I'm born with so I feel like once I learned my struggles that I was at and nobody could make fun of me I was able to be funny too you know I'm saying so you can't let me down like you know so that's that so anybody in the world that's out there if you're dealing with anything that you feel like it's hard just sometimes accept it you understand this is how I made and don't let nobody tear you. Embrace your imperfections is what you're saying. Wow, that's a big word.
Starting point is 00:20:27 I wish I knew that. You know that word, Marco. See, look. You see? Look, I told you. Imperfection. Yes. But you're saying embrace those.
Starting point is 00:20:37 Yeah, embrace it. Yeah. Almost make fun of those. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Like stop taking yourself so seriously. Exactly. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:42 And has it helped you? Yeah. On a personal level, has it? And what do you love most about doing it? Because you're helping a lot of people, right? I say now I'm at a point I do stand up to as well. So when I actually talk to my audience, I'm sharing them who I am and what I go through.
Starting point is 00:20:54 And also letting people know no matter what race you are, we all go through the same thing and just different reasons. You know what I'm saying? So understand that love yourself and put God first. And that's the most important thing that's going to get you there. Were you picked on? I say, yeah, because I struggle with reading and spelling. So what the thing is, I always say the word wrong and people laugh at me.
Starting point is 00:21:13 But it's funny. But I deal with this. I'm dyslexic and also ADHD. So with those things. So you and I are similar. I just want to be honest with you. Yes. But I've embraced it. Like, I had a whole career out of this thing to your point. Yeah. So what that means. So when somebody. I'm just gonna be honest with you, yes. But I've embraced it. Like I've had a whole career out of this thing, to your point. Yeah, I did too, yeah. So what that means, so when somebody takes me.
Starting point is 00:21:28 You and me are the same. Look at that. Like I don't like spelling. This is not me, you know? I don't like spelling. I'm allergic to spelling. Yeah, I don't like spelling or reading. But again, I know the basics.
Starting point is 00:21:38 I know the basics, but don't just give, don't give it to me, you know? Like let somebody else do it. And some people are good at that, you know? I'm good at other things. Yes, yes. That at that, you know? I'm good at other things. Yes. That's that. You embrace your strengths.
Starting point is 00:21:47 Yeah, that's it. So do you find that doing what you do? Because I told you, like right before we came on, I watched last night for the first time. I was laughing. I have no idea why I was laughing. But as someone who is ADHD, it has to feed that a lot, right? Being able to do it the way you do it, right?
Starting point is 00:22:05 And it feels good, right? Yeah, yeah. It's something I always wonder. It's like me, when I go to sleep, right when I lay down, I start thinking about the stuff I haven't done. Your mind's racing. Yeah, so it's always that.
Starting point is 00:22:14 And I'm like, what do I do to slow it down? I do want to slow down sometimes, because I overthink. When I'm cleaning up, I clean the bathroom. I'm like, oh, yeah, my bed not made. Then I make the bed. I'm like, oh, snap, I need to get back to the bathroom. I get to the bathroom. I'm hungry. I get food, and I'm done up, I'm cleaning the bathroom. I'm like, oh yeah, my bed not made. Then I make the bed. I'm like, oh, snap, I need to get back to the bathroom. I get to the bathroom. I'm hungry.
Starting point is 00:22:26 I get food, and I'm done cleaning. Right. It's a horrible way to live, though. I would see. But to your point, no. And I'm going through it as well. But to your point, just accept it. It's the way you're going to live.
Starting point is 00:22:36 Because some people are not. Don't stop fighting it. When you get a girlfriend, she's like, why are you not finishing your tasks? I'm not a task finisher. I cannot finish the tasks. Do you take Adderall for your ADHD? I want to.
Starting point is 00:22:45 I actually want to. You've never taken it before? No, I haven't. But I heard it's the thing. So I was diagnosed with adult ADHD. I took Adderall for the first time. And my wife calls me. She said, what are you doing?
Starting point is 00:22:55 I said, I'm cleaning the house. I could stop moving. I'm taking out the garbage. I'm doing the dishes. I'm doing all this while I'm working. But I will tell you that it really helped. So the thing is, they said, they were like, OK, if you take it, will you be you?
Starting point is 00:23:09 And I'm like, oh, that's a good question. Like, would I change? Would I not think how I want to think? Would the creativity go away? You'll be a smarter version of yourself. I'm not saying you're not smart now. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But it's just open a new side.
Starting point is 00:23:19 So I do a show with this guy, Dan Lebutard, and he's the smart guy on the show, the pillar of journalism, right? He's way smarter than I am. But for the first month that I was taking Adderall, fans were emailing in saying, wait, what is that? It's still got smarter than Lebatard. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, wow.
Starting point is 00:23:35 Right? See, I said I want to go again. I want to find me my nearest doctor and go for it. I do want to do it. All right. I'm telling you, tell me. That's all I can tell you. You're promoting yourself and your comedy tour.
Starting point is 00:23:44 I love that, by the way. I mean you also have a 2025 chief champs tattoo on your leg. Yeah, I'm assuming you're right. You already have it there cuz you know what's gonna happen I gotta show you the video of it. Are you really I went to the casino to and put my put my thing What do you been getting into and why you pull up the video like I know my tattoo. I got show you my tattoo Okay here Wow So that's the 2025 even though the game hasn't been played yet you have so much confidence that you also I got I love you man I do I love I got three of them I love you too I got three tattoos in the cheese when I if I don't get them
Starting point is 00:24:19 they gonna lose right so I had to get them you know wait so so so the first two Super Bowls you got the tattoo before the game. Yeah, before the game. I already get it before. So naturally, you have to do it again, right? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Now, what happens if they do lose?
Starting point is 00:24:31 No, it's not no if. It's not no if. This is my other one. It's on my leg. What if they lose? I mean, but we can whisper about it. Oh, wow. Yeah, that was right before.
Starting point is 00:24:39 Man, that's like a sleeve. Yep, and that's the bottom of my leg. So that's before we had got it. That is very cool. And that was February 7 right before the Timestamp did yeah Yeah, let him know. Um, are you enjoying all your success man? Yeah, I am Yeah, and especially being from Kansas City Kansas City. We don't have a lot
Starting point is 00:25:00 So we all we got is barbecue in Kansas City Chiefs. So this is really a big break for us. So I feel like this is dope. I do wish the Super Bowl could stay in Vegas. Right. Why? Because Vegas was just a great experience. Yeah, it's cool. Not saying that, but it was just like there you can, hotels, enough hotels.
Starting point is 00:25:18 There was a lot of, you know, big casinos. And it was just, and you met a lot of players because I got to meet Baker Mayfield. And they were just all in the room. You know, they were out, like, you know, big casinos and it was just, and you met a lot of players because I got to meet Baker Mayfield and they were just all in the room, you know, they were out, like, you know, out, it was more of a city where you're more comfortable walking out and stuff. So, Baker Mayfield was really great
Starting point is 00:25:32 and that was like dope, man. I really like Baker Mayfield. I wish he can come play for the Chiefs and be behind Patrick Mahomes. Behind Patrick Mahomes, yeah. Yeah, it'd be good, yeah. Why would Baker do that though? To get a ring.
Starting point is 00:25:42 Because you like him to get a ring. Yeah. To get a ring. Is you like him to get a ring. Is there an athlete you've met or a celebrity you've met that you were in awe of? You were like, oh my god. I say. It can't be Baker. It's got to be.
Starting point is 00:25:53 We got to aim bigger. Let's aim bigger. Steph Curry was great to run into. Do they notice you? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh, that's so cool. Oh my god. Chris Jones.
Starting point is 00:26:02 Chris Jones is really like on the animal on the field. When you hear him, he's like, yeah. I'm like, that's so cool. Oh, my God. Chris Jones. Chris Jones is really like on the animal on the field. When you hear him, he's like, yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm like, that's your real voice. And he's just like, yeah, it's me. He's like, I'm Chris Jones. Not very intimidating, right? I'm like, yeah, that's your real voice. That's the guy who's got 18 cents in here?
Starting point is 00:26:18 Yeah, yeah, yeah. He's like, yeah, that's me. I'm on the field. I'm a different person. I'm like, wow. Oh, Mike Tyson. Oh, my God, I was scared. Oh. Did you see the clip? So, no, I did not see the clip. Oh, my God. We have had Tyson on our show several times. I was like wow. Oh Mike Tyson. Oh my god I was scared. Oh did you see the clip? So no I did not see the clip. We have had we have had Tyson on our show several times and he has threatened to kill my co-host. Oh my god. He told me to get up and I got up. Mike Tyson scared me. Well Mike Tyson tells you to do something. You do it. I got up. Yeah. Yeah. So how cool is that like
Starting point is 00:26:40 Steph Cartlain, people are recognizing you for what it is that you're doing in your wildest dreams You could not have imagined that when you first got started Yeah, I feel like it's so I put some and you probably said when I put so much pressure on myself I feel like it's so more to do yeah, and I'll just be grateful what I am getting I feel like it's so more to be grateful for so I just always like working and not and Some people ask me like I told my friend if I had a chance to get a billion dollars in one day, or I can get a billion dollars for sure for working what I'm doing, I'm going to take the working route.
Starting point is 00:27:08 So you would take the working billion dollar over the free billion dollars? Yeah, I do. I'm trying. I think I take the free billion dollars. I don't know. See, but then it's born after that. Yeah, I guess you're right.
Starting point is 00:27:17 It's just you get into that. Yeah, but the billion dollars will allow you to create whatever it is you want to do, work with. Yeah. But then it's like, you get it. So it's just like, I don't have to work no more. Right. And it's just like, you know, some people are not
Starting point is 00:27:29 feel like it's a Geminis thing. Every Geminis actually keep going. And also people that's creative too, outside of the Geminis, like you, just kind of being in that field of creativity. Like, I love to leave a mark. I love to leave memories with people. And leaving something with people is the most important thing, because we're not ever going on.
Starting point is 00:27:47 So to be grateful for life is very, very important. So the wanting to do more, the next thing, is that a... It's a gift and a curse. I was going to ask you. Yeah, it's a gift and a curse. That's what I feel like with me. I feel like I'm not growing up. Because you want to turn your mind off, man.
Starting point is 00:28:00 Yeah, yeah, yeah. But you can't turn your mind off. Yeah, because even when I sleep, I'm still up. You know? Right. Yeah. Yeah. Do you can't turn your mind. Yeah, because even when I'm sleep, I'm still up, you know? Right. Yeah. Yeah. Do you watch? Do you look at your video? Do you watch back at your video? I don't like watching myself. Really? You don't like what I do either. No, I don't. See, I don't like listening to myself. Me either. I don't. So I do stand up and people like listen over to this and it's so hard. I can't. Yeah, but that's how you perfect it. I think. Exactly. If you have the willingness to go back and listen and be honest with yourself. You can actually get better moving forward. I only watched one interview of my life over. Wow.
Starting point is 00:28:28 Wow, that's crazy, right? Yeah. The comedy tour, tell us about it. It's getting people to know me. And I also like that I cater. Because you feel like they don't know you behind the YouTube. They know a part of me. Right.
Starting point is 00:28:39 They don't know you. But they don't know I'm a good person. They don't know you the way I've gotten it out here. Yeah, I know. It's really a real-life energy thing So again certain people be like and cat Williams said this he was on a podcast with the old bond He was just like when people meet you they feel like they already know you speak He said because I'm putting out the real me yeah on this side and some people can't do that
Starting point is 00:28:56 And I feel like I put the real me every time I meet anybody so you've done stand-up though, right? Yeah, I'm still I'm on tour right now. Does it make you nervous when you do it? I first did because I didn't like talking around a lot of people. And now that I'm just like, it's my gift and it's my calling, that's what I'm doing. Like you gain confidence, right? Yeah, I did. You stack confidence, you stack success on top of success,
Starting point is 00:29:14 and suddenly you're speaking from millions of people, right? Yeah. Isn't that funny how that works? Yeah, it is. I want to play a game with you. Promote the tour, by the way. Tell people where, if they want to see you. I think I don't remember dates. I don't. I never know where I if they want to see you. I think I don't remember dates.
Starting point is 00:29:25 I don't. I never know where I'm going. Same here. Same here. I don't know. Listen, you and I are best friends. Yeah, I don't. And they'd be like, I'm at.
Starting point is 00:29:33 Can I do a show with you? You definitely, yeah. I want to come on your show. No, you do stand up. I know, but I can wing it. I mean. Yeah, that's how I feel too. And you get in there and you just winging it all day.
Starting point is 00:29:43 I want to ask you a series of questions. It's a game called Marco or Mark No. OK. And then you ask me a series of awkward questions. OK, I got you. I got you. Let's go ahead. Peeing in the pool, OK?
Starting point is 00:29:52 Marco or Mark No? Marco. Marco, yeah, you pee in the pool. Who doesn't pee in the pool? I'd rather pee in the pool than the shower. Yeah, exactly. How about peeing in the shower? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:59 Yeah, Marco. Yeah. Ah! This is going to be a bit farting on a plane. Marco, Marco. OK. Can you do it? Which one?
Starting point is 00:30:09 Farting on a plane. I farted on a plane? I haven't got Mark, no. I ain't got that, because I feel bad, because I know they're going to know it's me. Right. And it's just going to be bad. And you're too honest.
Starting point is 00:30:19 Yeah, yeah, yeah. You might. Marco would fart on a plane and say, it was me! Yeah, yeah, I can't do that. That's Mark, no. That's Mark, no. Ketchup on a hot dog plane and say, hey, it was me! Yeah, yeah, I can't do that. That's Mark Knott. That's Mark Knott. Ketchup on a hot dog. On a hot dog, no, but dip in hot dog, yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:31 You're OK with that. All right, ketchup on steak. No, barbecue. All right, I almost divorced my wife because she got ketchup with her steak. Yeah, yeah, no, I can't be with that. No, no, no. I'm not going to ask you who's going to win the game
Starting point is 00:30:41 because you already have a tattoo telling us who's going to win the game. That's it. Do you have any awkward questions you wanna ask me? I wanna know what does it take to be a great dad? Cause I know you won. How do you know I'm a great dad? I just know it.
Starting point is 00:30:55 What does it take? What does it take? You gotta put the time in, man. It's got to be real time. So it's gotta be like, your kids can't feel that while you're spending time with them, you're really not spent, your kids can't feel that while you're spending time with them, you're really not spending, your mind is drifting off elsewhere.
Starting point is 00:31:08 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Now that's hard for people like me and you. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So the way I do it, I just put the phone away. Because the phone triggers all the bad stuff. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Like the notifications, the text, the work, the this. YouTube.
Starting point is 00:31:18 So just being in the moment with your kids and being there with your kids and making sure they know that this stuff, that what we're doing right now, you and I, this ridiculous bullshit, is not nearly as important as spending time with them. My next question is, how do you handle being a person that say yes, and then when it's time for you to get a yes, it's kinda, you don't really get that back. I don't handle it well.
Starting point is 00:31:38 Yeah. Yeah. It's a great question, man. I know it. I say yes to everything, and then I ask for one thing, and that's my relationship with Levitore. Yeah. I told you. I know it. I know it. Um I say yes to everything and then I ask for one thing and and that's that's my relationship with Levitore. Yeah, I told you. I know it. I know it. I know you look. Listen, I'm gonna leave Levitore. You and I gonna start a show. Yeah, no, we are. Look.
Starting point is 00:31:56 The big boys. Growing up. Alright, man. I hope you get to celebrate. I hope you get to celebrate. I hope you get to celebrate. Well, you will. We will. We will. You're already celebrating. The hope is out. I don't ever hope for nothing.
Starting point is 00:32:10 I love that the game's already been played in your mind. Yeah, it is. It is. 3141, remember that. Mark my words. I thought it was 4138. What'd I say last time? I'll be tripping, OK?
Starting point is 00:32:21 And I lie, too. I lie so damn good. So do I. I believe it. Well, you lie so good, you believe it. I'm going to hug you right now, man. I am going lie to you. I lie to you. I lie to you. I lie to you. I lie to you. I lie to you. I lie to you. I lie to you. I lie to you. I lie to you. I lie to
Starting point is 00:32:33 you. I lie to you. I lie to you. I lie to you. I lie to you. I lie to you. I lie to you. I lie to you. I lie to you. I lie to you. I lie to you. I lie to you. I lie to you. I lie to you. I lie to you. 31 years. Right out of the womb right? Right that's it. So yeah go ahead. Okay make sure you guys check out this episode make sure you follow them make sure you like comments to shop this is the best show ever in
Starting point is 00:32:55 the whole wide world they also had great people here from Shaq from Michael Jordan everybody's been on and this guy is great when this is the one person that you should sit down with. Thank you bro. What's your name again? It's the guts. Oh You remember mine we've never had We never had Michael Jordan on the show Never had Michael the show we never had check. I don't know. We did have Shaq on the show Shaq doesn't like me sends me threats, direct messages. Okay, yeah. I mean, because you that guy. Right, because I'm that guy. I love you, bro. That's it. I love you. Funny Marco, man. This
Starting point is 00:33:31 is. Back to you guys. This has been unbelievable. And then behind the scenes, wrap it up. So that's what we're going to do. We could have win all day. Listen, this is my new co-host, LeBretard. Bye. Back to you, Dan. Stugaccio, I want to tell you a story. I'm serious here. My wife and my two daughters, they begged me to buy a Peloton. So I bought a Peloton and then I watched that Peloton sit in my office and stare at me. So you know what I did one day? I looked at it and so I decided to get off my ass and I jumped on the Peloton because
Starting point is 00:33:59 no one else was using it and I paid for it. I mean, so why not? Then I realized eventually that they bought it for me. And I gotta tell you, way more challenging than I could have ever imagined. Peloton coaches are walk in the walk. I love the coaches. I do the Grateful Dead one. It's fantastic.
Starting point is 00:34:14 They have a sub three hour marathon runner, military trained athlete, a former college basketball player, and so many other well-rounded coaches on their team. All this experience really shows in their classes, which are never short of challenging, especially for me. So I jumped on it that first time, it was challenging, more challenging than I thought. Then I wanted to beat the bike, and so I kept jumping on it, and I absolutely love it.
Starting point is 00:34:35 I mean, I'm the only one who uses it, but again, they got it for me. I mean, I had no idea. That's a little passive aggressive, don't you think? Find your push, find your power with Peloton at ["I'm Very Forgettable"] I'm very forgettable.
Starting point is 00:35:03 He pulled up to me last night when we landed at the airport because we had the same flight. And he's like, hey, Raheem, it's me, Billy. He's like, hey, Raheem, I'm Billy. I'm looking at him like, Billy, you act like I haven't seen your face a thousand times. Like we haven't chit-chatted a thousand times. I almost didn't do it, if I'm going to be honest with you.
Starting point is 00:35:27 Because I saw you earlier in the day. I saw you like at a check-in or like at the gate or whatever. And like, I'm not going to say that you're not a man of the people, but you're there with a hoodie on. You didn't seem to want to be bothered. Nah, I was in the zone. I'm not going to bother him. He's a busy man.
Starting point is 00:35:40 He's an NFL star. Right. He doesn't know who I am. Is that what was going on? You were in the zone. I mean. No, honestly, I was just, I was listening to some good star. Right. He doesn't know who I am. Is that what was going on? You were in the zone. I mean, honestly, I was just listening to some good music. Right. I was just relaxing. Yes.
Starting point is 00:35:49 I was just doing my thing. Yeah. You know, like, I was already, honestly, I was already frustrated. Oh, yeah. Oh, and so Raheem's wearing some glasses. He's here on behalf of GoDaddy. We'll get to all this in just a second.
Starting point is 00:36:00 We all have to put these glasses on, right? Is that the deal? I mean, I'd love a pair. Look at this, dude. OK. Boy, you looking good, bro. Look at these glasses. What glasses are these?
Starting point is 00:36:11 So these are Walton Goggin goggle glasses. Walton Goggin is an actor, and he created these glasses. We can get into it, all that stuff, but yeah, man. I'm looking good, huh? You are. Not as good as you. And certainly definitely better than Billy. but yeah, man. I'm looking good, huh? You are. Not as good as you. And certainly definitely better than Billy. I mean, damn.
Starting point is 00:36:28 Why did he give you so much crap? You see what I'm dealing with? This is why I go up to people. What do you mean? He has to deal with a lot. This is why I go up to people, like, you don't know who I am. I'm just a lowly person. The only reason I went up to him to even say hello
Starting point is 00:36:40 was because other people were talking to him, and I was like, OK. No, you actually saved me, though. I'm not going to lie. OK. Oh, we got you out. No, you actually saved me though. I'm not gonna lie. Oh, we got you out of something, huh? It seemed to be going on a little long, if I'm gonna be honest with you. He saved me. It was going on a little long and I was like,
Starting point is 00:36:53 just come in here and interrupt real quick on the way out. He's like, hey Raheem, I'm Billy. I'm like, I don't know what it is. Maybe it's because you thought you were incognito with your glasses on. Right. I'm like, Billy, bro, what did is. Maybe it's because you thought you were like incognito with your glasses on right? Yeah, I'm like Billy, but what I say to you I was like I know who you are And I still to be honest with you. I still wasn't sure wait so at what point did you approach Rahim? Was it after the flight it was out of land? So I wonder if Rahim saw you and noticed you why he didn't come and say hi to you
Starting point is 00:37:21 He didn't see me. I didn't see you though. You're saying at the point of contact. That's when he noticed you. It was the absolute last second possible. I had already grabbed my bag and I was on the way out. I was waiting for my bag. Hey, I just wanted to say hi, whatever. And he's like, I know who you are.
Starting point is 00:37:37 And I still continue to explain. I'm like, yeah, I do. You know, with Stu God, I know who you are. But really, we've had multiple conversations. Yeah. Like 10. But he has a thing. I've seen you on Zoom.
Starting point is 00:37:50 We've communicated on Zoom. But we blew you off multiple times to play golf. We never did that. No, I did that. You invited us one time to the clubhouse to hang out. We didn't go to that either. I did that. We're not going to put that on you.
Starting point is 00:38:01 That's all right. All right. I appreciate that. Yeah. Our old buddy Ray Mustard is with us. What are you doing with GoDaddy? Tell me about it. Yeah, so GoDaddy, I partner with them.
Starting point is 00:38:12 So believe it or not, guys, I have a fishing team. What? Really? I'm part owner of a fishing team. Wow. You guys ever want to go out? Yeah, let me know. What do you fish?
Starting point is 00:38:21 Blue marlin. We go out deep sea fishing, man. Really? Out of Fort Lauderdale. OK. Yeah, Fort Lauderdale. Wait, so what's you fish? Blue marlin. We go out deep sea fishing, man. Where do you go out of? Really? Out of Fort Lauderdale. OK. Yeah, Fort Lauderdale. Wait, so what's a fish? Like, you compete against other fishing teams?
Starting point is 00:38:30 Yeah. So I joined SFC last year. So they did the catch. It was like the celebrity fishing tournament. And I joined out with Alvin Kamara. And we ended up purchasing. So he bought a team in New Orleans. And I bought a team that was North Florida and it's the East Coast Remix England Club okay so
Starting point is 00:38:52 with GoDaddy they have a platform it's called GoDaddy Aero and it's an AI technology that helps small businesses promote and elevate their business so that's why we're wearing the shades because Walton Goggins, goggle glasses, he used GoDaddy Aero to help his small business in his shades. So I ended up doing that as well. Very cool.
Starting point is 00:39:17 And so I'm partnering with them. And yeah, it's pretty cool to help my fishing team, but also help my personal website and everything. Do you go out and fish with the team or now? Not yet. I was supposed to a couple of weeks ago, but I ended up getting busy. What's going on over here with you?
Starting point is 00:39:36 Yeah. But I'm OK. I got it right. What's the fish? So you don't fish? You're just the captain of the team? No, owner of the team. Owner of the team? Owner of the team?
Starting point is 00:39:45 You oversee the team? Yeah, but I do fish. I mean, how about we get a rod in the water, Raheem? Let's go. Yeah, let's do it. Yeah, it's the same guy that I was supposed to be going out there golfing with me, right? Exactly.
Starting point is 00:39:53 I'm going to tell you, I'm going to join you and go fishing. Yeah, all right. Let's do that. But I'm not going to be there. Here's the thing about fishing, though. Once you get him there, he can't leave. He's on the boat. Oh, that's fine.
Starting point is 00:40:01 I'm not good at fishing, man. Really? Yeah, I can't, like, hook the worm. I can't do any of that stuff, man that and not hooking worms when you're catching Other fish yeah, yeah Just live little small fish Yeah, you got to use the small fish and all you get the big fish. I'm sorry. I forgot I'm talking to the captain over Yeah
Starting point is 00:40:22 big deep-sea fisherman over here I forgot I'm talking to the captain over here. Big deep sea fisherman over here. So yeah, man. It was a match made in heaven. I was presented the opportunity to own a fishing team, and I decided to just jump right on in. And yeah, it's been fun. Did you like fishing before?
Starting point is 00:40:37 Because I imagine you get a lot of opportunities like that. He surfs. He loves the water. I love the water. Anything that has to do with water, I'm in it. I'm doing it. So I ended up, when I was younger, I did my first sport, honestly, was fishing.
Starting point is 00:40:50 We'd go out and do bass fishing in a local pond. And then I would go over to the jetties off the beach and fish for some good fish. So yeah. Yeah, man. Are you a catch and release guy? Catch and cook guy. Yeah. Really? Oh, yeah. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Wow. Yeah. You enjoying this week? You love New Orleans. Yeah, I'm enjoying
Starting point is 00:41:11 this week. Love New Orleans. Been here. Foods great. Yeah. Yeah. Foods great. Yeah. And people are really nice here. I know the hospitalities. I'm like Florida. Florida has its perks though. There's ups and downs. I know. There's fishing teams. Yeah, fishing teams. So yeah, but it's all good, though, man. How frustrating.
Starting point is 00:41:30 This season had to be frustrating for you. We haven't spoken to you because you had that injury week one. Then we didn't see you for a while. You led the NFL in touchdowns last year. So kind of take us through the emotions of what this season was like for you. Yeah, no, this season was very tough personally. You know, I was going through injuries, but I was shaking back, but it just felt like,
Starting point is 00:41:50 you know, nothing was on the same page on the offensive side and from a team standpoint. But, you know, that's just how it goes, right? That's how it goes in NFL. But, you know, you have your battles, ups and downs throughout the season. And look, we lost some important games early on and we were just trying to play catch up the entire year. And yeah, we didn't get the job done, but that's how it goes, man. Tariq Hill is a good friend of yours. Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:42:19 He was really frustrated right after the season. He said what he said, okay? So we don't need to kind of go over it. But do you have confidence that Tariqil wants to stay with the Dolphins? Yeah, no, he wants to stay. Yeah, being a competitor, right? You're in that spot where you want to win. You want to be successful.
Starting point is 00:42:36 He already has a Super Bowl. He won. He knows what it takes to get to that level. And with us, it was tough because we're looking at the scoreboard. We were watching the Broncos play. The Jets had the Broncos game up the entire game. We're like, all right, they're up 30-0 against the Chiefs
Starting point is 00:42:55 last game of the season. They're going to the playoffs. And we can't do anything about it. So from that standpoint, it's just frustrating watching that. And still having to go out there and play and compete and put our best foot forward. And at the end of the game, you know, when he makes those comments, man, he just,
Starting point is 00:43:12 he just bummed out. It's the competitive nature. I would have said those things, you know, but I don't have enough courage to go up there and say that like he does. But I don't think people realize how raw the emotion is right after a season's over. Yeah, I mean, that's super raw. That's super authentic though.
Starting point is 00:43:28 That's how he feels. He's disgusted about the way the season played for himself. This is the first year he hasn't gone to the Pro Bowl. I want to make you an offer here because last year I told you guys we've got to get Raheem on. He's like, I don't want to bother him. He's been hurt and I don't want to bother him. It's a rough year and I was like, it's fine to get Rahim on. He's like, I don't want to bother him. He's been hurt and I don't want to bother him. It's a rough year. And I was like, yeah, it's fine. It'll be fun. We'll talk to him.
Starting point is 00:43:47 Like, don't worry about this. Coming from me, who didn't even want to say hi to you. But I was, yeah, well, so this is what I'm thinking. Since you just said, you've thought a lot of those things. You haven't had the courage. I want this to be an open forum for you to come on whenever you want, just to vent and say
Starting point is 00:44:02 whatever wild crap you want. You know what I mean? Don't be afraid. Right after the game just call in, just let loose, say whatever is on the top of your mind. We'll put a disclaimer on it, he doesn't really mean the things he's about to say. Maybe we'll give you like a 24-hour window where you could backtrack, it's just like we know what you had to say. I'm gonna come on and be like, Billy can you believe this guy? Yeah exactly right. I can't believe it. A couple hours then we could take it out if you really don't want it but I feel like we'll be your open forum to vent whatever you want. I appreciate it. Nah you guys always open that door for me I appreciate that.
Starting point is 00:44:36 I'm gonna definitely take you up on that offer though. There's some things I could say right? You can say whatever you want. Get you in trouble. Billy promised to clip it. Hold on a second. I don't know about that. First of all, let's get a new contract and then let's start saying some wild stuff. Be on your best behavior until you get a deal and then we're good. I got one year left on my deal. That's why best behavior.
Starting point is 00:45:02 We told you to hold out last year. That's exactly right. Why told you to hold out last year, remember? Yeah, you did. You did. Listen to us. You did. Why didn't you hold out? You needed to cause more problems last year. Exactly right. But I got a restructured deal.
Starting point is 00:45:14 Yeah. I got more guaranteed money. So it was only right. You made a mess. Yeah, nah, I want to keep it. For me, I got to play the longevity role, right? That's always been my game plan. It sucks sometimes when you have to deal
Starting point is 00:45:32 with the certain status at the moment, but you got to look at the longer picture. I'm going into year 11 now. That's crazy, by the way. Right? Crazy. I'm saying it, I'm spewing it out of my mouth over and over again, and it's just like, it's
Starting point is 00:45:46 crazy. And I mean you had injuries but you still seem to be in really good shape. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm in good shape. Like you're walking around, you don't see the power at all. He's also sitting next to me. Yeah, well that's true too. Yeah. Nah, honestly, you know, I just, I like taking care of my body a little bit more.
Starting point is 00:46:00 Yeah. That's the best thing I can do, especially in off season. You gotta take care of your body. How much longer are you thinking you wanna play? I mean, I got like, whenever these wheels fall off, that's why I tell everybody, it could be four years, three years, 10 years from now. 10 years is probably, if we're being honest,
Starting point is 00:46:16 10 years is probably a bit much. 21 years in the NFL, ready bag is crazy. If you're running the ball and you're 41 years old, I'm pulling you off the field. Yeah, yeah, please pull me off. 10 more years. Yeah, yeah. No, I'm pulling you off the field. Please pull me off. 10 more years. No, honestly, I don't know yet. We'll see.
Starting point is 00:46:29 We'll see what's in store. But I'm confident that I can still continue playing for a while. I was thinking about this while you were talking. I'm a little worried about the fishing situation, because dolphins have had a troubled pass on boats in the past. I don't know if you're aware of this.
Starting point is 00:46:44 So Larry Zonka got stuck at sea one time, like in the Bering Straits or something. They had to come and rescue him with a helicopter. He did, for real. I think Rob Conrad was out, like, on a boat by himself, fell off the boat. No, the boat was drowning. He had to swim to shore.
Starting point is 00:46:57 Yeah, well, yeah, so he had to swim to shore. I think he fell off the boat. Was this all during the season, though? No, no, no, this was post-career. Oh, oh, oh, oh. So I want you to be aware. OK. Maybe buddy system do something.
Starting point is 00:47:07 Don't go out by yourself on the boat. Maybe be careful when you're out fishing, because the franchise does have a history of problems on boats. Well, guess what? I know two guys that's going to join me. Wow. Yes, go orders. Go orders.
Starting point is 00:47:20 Yeah, exactly. So we can't. I'm glad you guys warned me. Yes. Because you guys warned me. Yes. Because you guys are gonna be with me now. I like it. We will make sure you're okay. Y'all gotta make sure I'm good.
Starting point is 00:47:31 If you're drowning and Stu Gotts is there to save you, just choose drowning. You can swim, you can swim? Of course not. Okay, all right, all right. No, no, what do you mean I can't swim, Billy? He's not a lifeguard, he's not gonna save you. I don't need no lifeguard,
Starting point is 00:47:43 I just need somebody that's capable of swimming. Cause he goes down then I at least I know I'm Capable of swimming. If the three of us are on a boat together, you're the one saving us. Right. Just so you're aware We're more of a liability than a help to you Oh, shoot It's why Billy was so comforted on the plane with you because he felt like if something happened you would have pummeled someone like Billy's Not gonna start the fight, but you could start the fight. And then Billy jumps in and takes care of the business. I did tell him that.
Starting point is 00:48:08 I was like, I'm weird. So I was like, if something happens on this plane. We're all weird, Billy. Raheem's up there. He'll probably be the first one in. I could be like guy number three or four to come in and kind of like maybe like after things are somewhat taken care of, I can go and break things up.
Starting point is 00:48:21 Are you talking about fights on the plane? If anything goes down, I don't know. Everyone's getting unruly on planes these days. Yeah. OK, but listen, I'm a de-escalator. That's what I'm going to do. I'm going to de-escalate the situation. But if it comes down to me having to operate something,
Starting point is 00:48:36 like the plane, I'm going to be first. I'm going to shoot my shot. And we're going to figure this thing out. But you think you're going to fly a plane? We're going to figure it out. OK. And I'm going to need somebody to help guide me. I can be the co-pilot.
Starting point is 00:48:47 He has the confidence that you will never have. Yeah. I've never in my head thought if something goes wrong, I need to fly this plane. I can handle it. Where he would throw these glasses on, and he would fly that plane and land that bird. But planes today are really just, I feel like.
Starting point is 00:48:58 Or if you whip me, I'm going to make sure that we get our parachutes. Oh. I like you. I'm going to be the first one to try to grab a parachute. Hold on. No women and children first? You know what?
Starting point is 00:49:10 That's actually a good rule. I mean, don't be so. This is why you need to come on with us after, because this is what it would have been. You say that to someone else. But then I'm on a plane. But I'm on a plane with random people, and I got family back at home.
Starting point is 00:49:25 I got a baby girl. Hey, we're expecting our fourth, by the way. I was going to congratulate you on that. Baby girl. Baby girl. You got a forest-weighed girl. Look at that smile on your face. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:33 I'm excited. So if anything happened on the plane, I got to make it back home. When? When do you do? August. Beginning of August. That's terrible timing.
Starting point is 00:49:42 You're going to disappear for like six months. What are you doing? Maybe eat it on purpose. You timed this out at, huh? Maybe. Maybe I did. Look. August beginning August that's terrible. Well appear for like six months. Yeah, maybe Maybe I did look wait, you can't see my This is why this is why when you want to say things you come to us first Yes, like if we didn't save you there the headline would have been Raheem most are colon women and children. He's cold-hearted Yes, I don't know cold-hearted He's got to get home to his family, man. My wife is expecting, so I got to make sure.
Starting point is 00:50:08 Right. I'm going to try to save as many people as I possibly can. Of course. By trying to fly the plane. But then you're, if you realize. But if I can't do it, then I realize that, hey, look. Parachute. It makes sense.
Starting point is 00:50:18 Come on. Wow. Get together. Yeah, we got it. We got a lot of them. Co-owners of the fishing team, yes. All right. Quick question on the way out here. We'll talk about what you're doing. We'll it. We got it. Co-owners of the fishing team. Yes. All right. Quick question on the way out here.
Starting point is 00:50:25 We'll talk about what you're doing. We'll go daddy one more time. Had the Dolphins fired Mike McDaniels head coach? What do you think the reaction? Had they? There were rumors. People were talking about it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:36 What would have been the reaction in that locker room? I don't know. Really? That's a really good question. I couldn't even tell you. Like, I don't know if guys would have been happy Or sad or in between I couldn't tell you honestly. Crazy right? Yeah. Yeah, I couldn't tell you. Probably split a little bit, right? Yeah
Starting point is 00:50:53 It'll be a split locker room. But in fairness to him, I think that would be the case with most head coaches Yeah, it would be. Like you can't please everyone. No, you can't please everybody. Right. That's the business. Except Andy Reid Yeah, yeah. He seems to're tired of the Chiefs man Yeah, I want to see a three Pete though. Do you really I do I do I do you have friends on either? I'm sure I'm certain I got yeah. Yeah, who's your best friend on either team? Um My best friend on either team I Mean man me and say Kwon are are really cool with each other. Right. Yeah, you know, because we're running back.
Starting point is 00:51:27 But yeah, I mean, I don't know. You don't want to see him win one? He's had enough of a great season. He doesn't need to see one. I'll tell you everything. Get out here, Saquon, like enough. No, I want him to win one. After everything that he's been through, you know, the Giants not wanting him.
Starting point is 00:51:41 Right, crazy. And then he goes over to the Eagles, you know Yeah arch nemesis rival type, you know story He deserves one. Yeah, he did great, but that line I mean, yeah Oh, we got to wrap it up. They tell us right now. I mean, we're him you would run for 4,000 yards behind that line Yeah, I mean Jesus Christ. Yeah his backup running back at four carries for 77 yards. Yeah, he was snapping One more time on the way out. We love seeing you man. Yeah, what are you doing? We'll go daddy Hey, we're promoting you man. What are you doing with GoDaddy? Hey, we're promoting. They took a hiatus from the Super Bowl commercial, so they're back
Starting point is 00:52:11 and they're doing the GoDaddy Aero, which is an AI technology to help businesses, small businesses. Alright, we love you man. Love you guys too, appreciate y'all. Congratulations on your fourth, and we know you're going to bounce back next year. Absolutely. Oh, yeah, I got to. Contract year. And you tell this guy, every time he sees me, does not introduce himself.
Starting point is 00:52:29 Hey, I'm Billy. I'm going to forever. Stop. When we go on your boat, I'm going to, hey, I'm Billy. You invited me on the boat. I might just throw you off the boat. He lacks confidence. You're going to have to save me.
Starting point is 00:52:38 Yeah. Oh, my goodness. All righty. Appreciate you guys. All right, man. We'll talk to you soon, buddy. Absolutely. OK. Super Bowl week, Radio Row,. All right, man, we'll talk to you soon, buddy. Absolutely. OK.
Starting point is 00:52:46 Super Bowl week, Radio Row, Chiefs and Eagles coming up on Sunday. Braxton Berrios is with us right now. He was also on Billy's flight. Billy, who wasn't on your flight? It wasn't my flight. It was Braxton's flight. No, no, no.
Starting point is 00:52:57 It was a good flight. Right, yeah. Nice up and down, no turbulence. Yeah, no turbulence. Quick. Yeah, it was quick. Yeah, very, very fast. We just had Rahe Rahim on and Billy knows where he very well, but Rahim, you know Billy doesn't think that Rahim would recognize them. So Billy didn't say hi
Starting point is 00:53:15 You walked right by he was hard to miss you See made the you made the conscious decision just So you made the conscious decision just to move on past. I didn't want to bother him. He was wearing headphones. He seemed like a busy man. That's fair. That's fine. You were a man of the people, honestly. I didn't even know you were on the flight. I saw you at baggage claim after,
Starting point is 00:53:31 and I was like, I'm not going to bother him. I saw a kid took a picture with you. I'm a silent killer. Yeah, you were in there. I don't know, put your business out there. But then he goes and just has an Uber or whatever, like waiting and just kind of blending in with the commuters. He's back to burials, dude.
Starting point is 00:53:43 I blend. That's what I do. A million. A million. I'm guessing there's a lot of people. I don't mean this disrespectfully, but I'm guessing there's a lot of people who have no idea just based on size, right? That he's a football player.
Starting point is 00:53:54 Billy, you're bigger than Braxton Berrios. I mean, how does that feel? You are taller maybe. You beat the crap out of me. That is good looking, though. Honestly, kind of like I'm a failure. No, I wouldn't say that. Like, with this body type, I should have been able to do something besides
Starting point is 00:54:07 You had some tools you did Like that's I mean like that's What do you want me to say? You said you were a failure. I said, not really. And then I'm trying to give you something. That's fine. You know what? You're right. You're right. You're a failure. I'm trying. He tried.
Starting point is 00:54:32 I'm trying. I'm trying. Sit next to me, a radio row. Yeah. IR code. Tell us what you're doing with IR code here, radio row Super Bowl week. It's actually really cool. Brand new app. Just launched the feature. It's actually really cool. Brand new app, just launched the feature, it's called Live Plus, but essentially it meshes
Starting point is 00:54:50 the physical and digital worlds. We've gotten a society where gamification and instant gratification obviously is what rules our lives. So to give you an example real quick, say you're watching the Super Bowl, and this will be able to do actually at the Super Bowl as well, but you're watching the Super Bowl and say Patrick Mahomes is on the screen.
Starting point is 00:55:05 And so you pull up the app, you don't have to touch anything. It automatically scans who's on the screen, which would be Patrick Mahomes in this case. And immediately pulls up his fantasy stats, right? His live stats. It pulls up his official merch if he has a foundation or charity. So essentially it's a way for fans to interact in a completely whole new way. And this also goes for advertisements, which half the people watch the Super Bowl for the ads. And it's the same thing. If you see McDonald's, it'll go there. So it really blends the worlds together.
Starting point is 00:55:39 So it's just an app you hold your phone up to the screen? Yeah, exactly. So if I had mine on me, I'd show you. But it's just an app, and essentially it uses your camera. And it has back end that recognizes whatever it is you're looking at. So say for instance, also a cool use case that I'd like to talk about. Say I liked your shirt, right? I do like his shirt. Do you really?
Starting point is 00:55:58 Because we just had a guest on who mocked him for his shirt. No, they didn't. Saying you look like a game show host. It wasn't great. Why are you laughing? Because that's wrong. That you look like a game show host. Yeah, it wasn't great. Why are you laughing? Because that's wrong. That's for sure.
Starting point is 00:56:07 That's wrong. That's wrong. But say I like your shirt. And it's kind of hard for us to go up to guys and be like, hey, I like your shirt. Where'd you get it? So you're over there. And I can just pull it out.
Starting point is 00:56:15 And I can scan it. And it knows exactly what shirt it is, sends me to where to get it. And now I can do that exchange without you ever knowing that I liked your shirt. Wow. Yeah, so there's a lot of use cases. But it's really cool.
Starting point is 00:56:24 And obviously, with Super Bowl, the live sports part of it is awesome. I love it. It takes human interaction out of the equation. You don't have to talk to me anymore. Yeah, basically. Just scan their shirt. Learn everything about everyone without talking to them ever. I mean, that's where it's going.
Starting point is 00:56:37 Yeah. It's sad, right? Yeah. I have to talk to people. This is so much better. Yes. Yes. But if I had the app, I could have scanned you on the airplane.
Starting point is 00:56:43 I'd be like, oh, Braxton learned all about you and then talked to you. That would have been cool. If you said something, it would have been cool. The shirt you're currently wearing, which is really, really nice, right? Thank you. I appreciate it.
Starting point is 00:56:51 I can't imagine how expensive this is. More than my house. Did you scan it from someone else, though? No, I did not scan it. I found this one. You did? Yeah, I did the leg work, and I found this one. You don't do your own shopping.
Starting point is 00:57:01 Yeah, I do. No, you don't. I do. I really do. Look, I tried it twice. I tried it twice, and this is like a year ago, year and a half ago, shopping. Yeah, I do. I do. I really do. Look, I tried it twice. I tried it twice. And this is like a year ago, year and a half, but whatever. Tried it twice.
Starting point is 00:57:08 And I just like, it just didn't work. I'm like, I could do that. Like, what am I wasting money for? So you tried to have like a stylist twice? Yeah, yeah. I tried. I tried. It just didn't do well.
Starting point is 00:57:20 I didn't like it. No one's picking this outfit after you. You have to pick it out yourself. Yes. Yes. That's what I'm saying. It's got the converse on. Yeah. No one's picking this outfit out for you. That's what the best one's saying. You have to pick it out yourself. Yes, yes. That's what I'm saying. Right.
Starting point is 00:57:26 It's got the Converse on. Yeah. Do you have one? A stylus? Yeah. Look at what I'm dressed. You know I don't have a stylus. Get out of here.
Starting point is 00:57:33 What a silly question. Can I stay here? Can I stay here? What do you do? Can I stay here? The entire day. Yes. Would you like to?
Starting point is 00:57:40 I would love to. We gotta aim some of this towards him now. Our style? What's wrong with me? No, nothing. I just feel like he's getting picked on. I mean, this is the problem. That's my role here. Really?
Starting point is 00:57:50 Yeah, I'm a punchy. You're the comedic relief. He woke up this morning, he chose the shirt. That's true too. You did. I mean, I look pretty good right now. Yeah. Looks like Lulu.
Starting point is 00:57:58 Yeah, a little Lulu. You don't think you actually look good. You don't think he looks good. I'm a young 50. I'm a young 50. Young 50. You don't think he looks good. I'm a young 50. I'm a young 50. Young 50. You say so. Can I ask you a question?
Starting point is 00:58:10 Not to get too personal, but this whole situation with the That's what he's here for. With Travis Kalcyon and Taylor Swift. I feel like you very easily could have been in the It couple in the NFL. And they're really kind of making things hard for you. You really messed it up, right? Yeah, what happened there?
Starting point is 00:58:26 Timing was kind of crazy. Horrible timing. Kind of crazy. Horrible timing. They set the bar so high. I know Travis, maybe, who was like, hey, we should one up. We should really take this over. They did.
Starting point is 00:58:38 They won. Congrats to them. Fortunate. We hope they break up. I don't know if there will ever be another one of the stature, to be honest with you. That's going to be hard. Obviously, you had Brady, Brady and Gisele at the time,
Starting point is 00:58:53 and Russell Sierra, pretty good. And then you have Travis and Taylor, which is pretty incredible. You guys were lined up to be that couple. We want them to break up. It's OK. It is what? We want them to break up.
Starting point is 00:59:02 That's kind of sad. I'm just saying for you, not for me. I was going to say, are you married? You are married. I'm married, yeah. OK. I mean, it is what? We want them to break up. That's kind of sad. Well, why? I'm just saying for you, not for me. Yeah, just so you can. I was going to say, are you married? You are married. I'm married, yeah. OK. Just rooting against everybody else, huh?
Starting point is 00:59:10 Just so you can move up a spot. Yeah, no, I want you. So he can tell his wife, see, we're better. I want, no, I want you and Alex to get up there. I know, I appreciate it. And be like the eight couple. I appreciate it. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:59:18 They've had their time. They had a couple years. Like, enough is enough already. Yeah, but I think it's going well. They seem to be happy. Yeah. Yeah. I know, you're not a big fan.
Starting point is 00:59:24 That's fine. I fan. That's fine. Barrios, is the you back? Oh, God. Hey, no. What do you mean, hey, now? That's not an answer. No, it's not. Well, it's not an answer. But you can't say it's back. Well, look, I do not. No, no, no. Let me explain.
Starting point is 00:59:41 You've got to get in the playoff before that conversation. Now with the 12-team playoff. Right. And look, they did everything this year to set them up, and then, you know, they faltered in the last game of the season, didn't go to the EC Championship game, which put them out, or the second out of the playoff. So I do think they're on the right track.
Starting point is 00:59:56 I think they have the athletes. They finally have, like, the size, you know? And, but no, to say it's back, like, you know, let's go, like, maybe two consistent back-to-back playoff appearances. You don't have to say it's back, like, you know, let's go maybe two consistent back-to-back playoff appearances. You don't have to win it. But you have to at least get in it a couple times, and then you can have that conversation. It's so funny. That conversation is funny because it's impossible. It's impossible, no.
Starting point is 01:00:16 It's like Kelsey and Taylor Swift setting the bar so high that you can't surpass it. Those Kane teams back in the 80s and the early 2000s set the bar so high, they'll never be back to that. No. Well, I don't think you don't have the capacity these days. Right? Yes. You have so many teams that are good and that can make the playoffs.
Starting point is 01:00:35 Back then, you had what? Eight teams that entered the year that had a real, real shot. The level of the top and the bottom was, I think, so much larger. And now there's so many athletes, and you have good coaching. And I think the margin of error is a lot smaller. So I think it's just really hard to be that dominant.
Starting point is 01:00:55 Well, it's also hard, I guess, just because NIL has leveled the playing field somewhat for some schools. There's other schools that obviously are now not going to compete at all, because they're never going to have access to that money. But there's other schools that obviously are now not going to compete at all. Because they're never going to have access to that money. But there's other schools that now can compete with the Alabamas every year because they have money to spend. And the Portal makes it hard to kind of build year after year because one year to the next you can go anywhere.
Starting point is 01:01:16 That's the thing. I think the NCAA first and foremost did an absolutely horrific job of managing that. I think they realized that players needed to get paid. There should be some type of compensation. But I don't think they wanted to go through the necessary steps to make that in a good, clear, fair way. And so they just opened the floodgates. And you said, have fun, do your thing. And I think, like you said, some teams that maybe
Starting point is 01:01:39 weren't able to compete now because they have the money can, but a lot of those middle tier teams, they can't do anything. And the worst part about it is, yeah, the fundamentals and the foundation. You don't get to develop players anymore. But also, and this was told to me by a college kid, which I didn't think about until he said it,
Starting point is 01:01:57 the kids who are staying at that school have zero leverage to negotiate NIL. You have to either threaten to go into the portal or go into the portal to get your top dollar. Because if they have you here, they're going to say, oh, we have to pay out these guys. They need leverage. They need leverage.
Starting point is 01:02:12 And if you stay, you have zero leverage. And I think that's the sad part for these kids who actually are trying to do it the right way, but honestly are not able to if their biggest goal in life is to maximize NIL. Because you can't. You have no leverage. How do you think you would have navigated that? I, it's hard.
Starting point is 01:02:30 It's crazy. It sounds easier that you didn't have to deal with it. Even though you cost yourself a ton of money. For sure. For sure. Look, I'm glad it wasn't like it is back then. Because I do think, what do you tell an 18, 19-year-old kid, you know, not to go follow the money, but maybe it's not the best thing for its future?
Starting point is 01:02:48 Like, it's hard to hindsight 2020 that. Of course. I'm glad I didn't have to deal with it. I would not, I absolutely would not have been the person who enters the portal every year. I can't stand that. Now kids come out and they have four different colleges that they came from.
Starting point is 01:03:01 Like, I think it's bad for the game of football and for the college sport of football. I mean, you don't even have that in the NFL, right? You don't have renegotiations every single year. No, but I'll tell you where it's good is the fact that a kid like Kyle McCord, who's at Ohio State and he's benched, so now he can just leave, go to Syracuse,
Starting point is 01:03:16 lead the NCAA in passing, and maybe be a second or third-round pick. Where in years past, if you know this, Kyle McCord would have been just stuck in Ohio State. Yeah, no, absolutely. And I think the not sitting out a year transfers absolutely should have been a thing. And so I'm glad that changed from when I was in school. But I think they really actually got to look at it and rework it. All it is, it's legalized boosters. That's it. Like people, Reggie lost his husband, thank God they gave it back to him. Yes. But it's like, it's all legalized boosters.
Starting point is 01:03:45 How laughable is that now? It's unbelievable. It's like, wow, he made $100,000 10 years ago, and you stripped his Heisman from him. We enjoy the time with you, man. I know you want to stay, but you have to run, because your handlers are telling you you have to go on to the next table.
Starting point is 01:04:01 So one more time on the way out, IR code, feel free to come back whenever you want. You're going to do this for a living, aren't you, when you're done playing football? I've heard I had a face for radio, so I would love that, actually. One more time, IR code on the way out. Tell us what you're doing.
Starting point is 01:04:12 Absolutely. Go download it, A. But no, I think it's just really cool. It's a different way to interact with live sports in a way that nobody ever has before. Yes. And for us, again, to interact with fans and an audience in a different way.
Starting point is 01:04:27 So please go download it and actually use it. Check it out at the Super Bowl. Do you know what I would do for your face? Wow. I'm going to scan your face. What would you do? That was a follow-up. Anything.
Starting point is 01:04:37 Listen, Braxton, I love you, man. I appreciate that. Thank you. Love you, too. Yeah! He was looking for that. Thank you, buddy. Enjoy the rest of your week, man.
Starting point is 01:04:45 Thank you, guys. All right, man. Hey, it's Lucy. And have you ever heard of Gold Belly? It's this amazing site that I order from all the time, where you can get the most iconic, famous foods from restaurants all across the US, and they will ship it free to your door
Starting point is 01:05:00 anywhere in the country. I ordered some buffalo wings, and I'm personally quite excited for them to arrive and they look very delicious. Gold Belly will ship you Philly cheesesteaks from Jim's or Pat's in Philly, the original buffalo wings from the Anchor Bar in Buffalo, and even Kansas City's most legendary barbecue. And if the pizza near you sucks, they will ship you New York pizza from John's on Bleecker or Chicago Deep Dish from Luminati's or even New Haven or Detroit style
Starting point is 01:05:25 pizza. And if you're truly gluttonous, they will ship you Guy Fieri's famous Trash Can Nachos, which I kid you not are the ultimate game day centerpiece. So if you're looking to host an epic Super Bowl party, or any party for that matter, go to and get free shipping and 20% off your first order with promo code GBF. That's code GBF for free shipping and 20% off your first order. Billy Sims is, I mean, he is peacock preening around the hard stage right now, shaking hands, kissing babies, saying hello to everyone.
Starting point is 01:06:15 And you know what he's doing? This is ridiculous. He's being mean to you. That's what he's doing. It's like he's running for office or something. He's going and he's shaking everybody's hand, talking to everyone. It's unbelievable. You don't know half those people you said hello to. You don't know any of these people. He's going and he's shaking everybody's hand, talking to everyone. It's unbelievable. You don't know half those people you said hello to.
Starting point is 01:06:26 I know I don't know. You don't know any of these people. That's why I went and said hi to them. That's ridiculous. That's what nice people do. No, you're trying to get in now. Can you put your microphone on? Who's the guy in the green shirt over here? Michael? Michael Golik, as I call him?
Starting point is 01:06:38 Okay, you know that name. You know him, yeah. The other guy's like, I know faces, but I don't know their names. No, you're there saying hi to everyone. I was told then, I don't know if you're going to confirm it. I was told that you came with a private car and your own security yet again. So we saw you opening night and you had security and that was opening night, you had to get in and out of the stadium.
Starting point is 01:07:00 I was told you had private security yet again today. Today? That's what I was told. I did not. I don't know what you're talking about. You got out's what I was told. I did not. I did not. I don't know what you're talking about. You got out with a group of people, did you? I heard. From your car.
Starting point is 01:07:09 Well, me and Mike Florio. It was just us two. I must took Florio in detail. How you got Florio with his security is kind of crazy. Let me just tell you, if Mike Florio is my security, we're in deep shit. He had sunglasses on. He had something in his ear.
Starting point is 01:07:21 He looked like security. He did. He did. He's always on the phone talking to somebody. He'll be on our show, live show, and he'll be texting people. And I'll say something, and he'll say what I just said. He just thought of it. And I go, Mike, I just said that.
Starting point is 01:07:36 And I go, yeah, could you pay attention to the f***ing show, please, and stop texting your buddy about what little Caesar's dumpling you're going to eat later or whatever? Get the hell out of here. Yeah. Maybe he's trying to get information for the show. I don't know what he's trying. He is, but he's trying to get some information for, you know, like copy paste, copy paste,
Starting point is 01:07:55 snarky comment later article on DFT. Wow, jeez. Shots fired. Wait, how are you feeling though? Seriously, you got the Black Plague? No. Thanks for coming to the town and wait red virus here in New Orleans You have every right to say that let's let's go way back though because Billy he really severely sprained his ankle walking
Starting point is 01:08:12 Your thoughts Chris Nothing about you says athlete so I mean nothing dare you I know I mean, you're not used as athlete, so I mean, nothing. I dare you. I know. I mean, you just sprained your ankle walking on a flat, fucking place. Well, no, I was on a sidewalk and I, look, the truth is I was carrying my daughter. I was gonna be, we were gonna be late to school, so I was like speed walking and stepped off the sidewalk. It's like a whole roll, terrible.
Starting point is 01:08:36 Oh, yeah. Yeah, but you know what I did? Right. Because I'm like a big tough guy. Yeah. I powered through it. I said, if I stop, I'm not gonna be able to get going again. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:08:44 I need to just keep walking straight through. Walk walking out. Don't let it get stiff and tight I can't be the guy that falls while holding their child and all the other parents get some awareness Really gets them like when you talk about see you I get you don't know about Trevor Lawrence You can't see the coverage, but you can't see the big hole that you're about to walk into and sprain your ankle I mean, holy it's fair. He's looking for sympathy, but Billy, he doesn't have a spleen. Right, right. And sympathy from him? I mean, you don't give me any sympathy.
Starting point is 01:09:12 Why would I give it to you? I thought that we had really turned a corner. So did I. We only did a little bit. You know what I almost did, Chris? And I was telling Stu Gatze. What? I didn't do it.
Starting point is 01:09:22 But I swear I was going to do it. I was going to bring your jersey and hang it from this screen. He really was. And then I did it. I'm like, well, you know, he's a big NFL legend. I'll just find a jersey of his somewhere in a store while I'm over here. Yeah, it's all over the place. I haven't found a single one.
Starting point is 01:09:35 We went to every one. Sold out. So weird. Sold out. What a pivot. He should have been a politician. Sold the f*** out. You know what I'm noticing?
Starting point is 01:09:46 You went back to the haircut from a couple years ago. You said that your wife and your mom told you not to get it anymore. Yeah, yeah. Last year I think at the Super Bowl, my sister and my wife were on me like, oh, you have such beautiful hair, grow it out. And like, I mean literally to the point where I'll be on live TV and my sister will comment, like text me and be like, can't you just grow your hair out? And I'm like, I want to be like, I mean, literally, to the point where I'll be on live TV and my sister will come and text me and be like, can't you just grow your hair out? And I'm like, I want to be like, can't you just say something nice while I'm on TV right
Starting point is 01:10:10 now? Like, just get over it. Like, even today, she texts me, she's like, the shoes she just saw me wearing yesterday, she's like, your feet look huge in those shoes. I'm like, thanks for the compliment all week. Thanks. Thanks for checking in. Can't you say something?
Starting point is 01:10:23 Do they ever notice the nice things about you? The good things about you, right? Sometimes. My mom's good. My mom's good at that. My dad is actually good at that. But they're mom and dad, so they're supposed to be, I guess, to a degree. But yeah, the haircut thing, like the screw that.
Starting point is 01:10:37 I'm doing what I want to do, right? And it's so much easier and better on TV. That's where, like, when you have to get up and be on a show at 7 a.m., it's easy to comb and it's clean and it doesn't look too crazy on the screen. Billy, he blew us off last week because he's such a busy guy, but he called me right after. What do you imagine Chris Simms is like in a parent-teacher conference? Is that what you're doing? It was like a little visit to a school.
Starting point is 01:11:02 It wasn't like a parent-teacher conference, but it was a visit to a school. it wasn't like a parent-teacher conference but it wasn't like to a school children well yeah I mean they know I mean everybody knows about me and they know though I'm a very smart delinquent I think I've crossed that line where you can be both and like people are like man it's amazing he's pulling it off yeah so yeah we were you know checking out a school my my son's getting ready to go to high school. And as you know, in this world now, well, my daughter's going to college. Oh, boy. Yeah, did you forget about that?
Starting point is 01:11:29 It's over. Wait, I have two kids in college. It's not over. Yeah, I mean, but you look very much the part of someone that has two kids in college. Right. He looks cool. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:11:39 And young. And young. Yeah. Right. Thank you, Noly. I appreciate it. So do we like the school? Do we get in? Are we going to kind of throw our weight around? We don't know if we got in yet. I'm young, I'm young. Thank you, Billy. I appreciate it. Do we like the school?
Starting point is 01:11:46 Did we get in? Are we going to kind of throw our weight around? We don't know if we got in yet, but we're not throwing our weight around. That's not how The Sims family works. But they know The Sims family. Well, they do know The Sims family. Right. I will say they kind of like somewhat reached out a little bit through the great bind.
Starting point is 01:12:01 Oh, recruiting. But we'll see where it goes. See this guy running for office? That was Racini. We don't talk to you. She's Jersey. I know Racini. I stick with Jersey always.
Starting point is 01:12:10 You get Florio for texting, and here you are just waving through the face. I know, but you guys. It's Super Bowl week. Let's focus. Let's go. Focus on what's going on here. I don't even know what the fuck I was saying right now.
Starting point is 01:12:20 I don't even know what we asked you. Yeah, you're talking about your kids. So I'm not kidding. How was the school? He'll figure it out. They recruited your kid. That's what we were saying. Yeah, yeah. He'll your kids. So I'm not a kid. How was the school? He'll figure it out. They recruited your kid. That's what we were saying.
Starting point is 01:12:27 Yeah, he'll figure it out. He's definitely, you know, Greenwich High School, where we are, they have a good program. There's a few, you know, two private schools that are involved in it too. So we'll see where that goes. Billy, imagine being that famous with that last name and schools are calling you. Can we have your kid? Well, a lot of them too. It's not that great too.
Starting point is 01:12:42 Sometimes they call you and I go, well, they just, you know, want our name and more donations and everything else. It's not that great, too. Sometimes they call you, and I go, well, they just want our name and more donations and everything else. That's what they want, right? Let me clear up any confusion. That's all they want. I feel like I was in one private school for a little while. Once they realized they weren't just going to get a free-flowing open bank account from the Sims
Starting point is 01:12:58 family, they were kind of like, ah, yeah, you guys can hang around here if you want, but we don't really care about you at the school anymore. Nice. It's Greenwich, man. They're really care about you at the school anymore. Nice. It's Greenwich, man. They're used to just money falling out of people's pockets. It's a different world. Oh, they dropped a million dollars right here.
Starting point is 01:13:11 We'll put that in the school fund. I think, Billy, I think it's the richest town, is it not, in America? I think some metrics or whatever, but Greenwich is. It's up there. We've talked about the people. Yeah, remember, he has a small house, and he doesn't have a gate. All your big hedge fund, a lot of them up there. We've talked about the people on our street. Yeah, remember, he has a small house and he doesn't have a gate. With no gate, yeah.
Starting point is 01:13:25 All your big hedge fund, a lot of them were there. And, you know, I mean, yeah, houses are sold in town for $185, $190 million. Wow. It's like Star Island in Miami. Wow. It's that kind of stuff. It's that same kind of group of people. Yes.
Starting point is 01:13:37 It's the top of the top, right? Carping you. And I'm the smallest fish in that island. Those are the gated houses, right? Well, no, you find out people in that town, they're like, wow, they live there? That's an incredible house. Right.
Starting point is 01:13:51 They haven't been there in 14 months. They've been in their other seven houses. And you're like, what? Like, I found out the other day, like, you know, Princess Diana, she was married to Dodi Fayyad, right? Yeah. Going by a house close to the water, man, that's an incredible house. Oh, that's the Fayyad, right? Yeah. Going by a house close to the water, man,
Starting point is 01:14:05 that's an incredible house. Oh, that's the Fayyad's house. They haven't been here in two years, but it's theirs. Like, that's what we're talking about. How often do you go to your house? I'm every day at my house. How embarrassing. Exactly. It is in my town.
Starting point is 01:14:18 It is in my town. The Sims are scary. The Sims, they never leave. I have a great feel. I actually had this conversation the other day because I'm at this point in my life where I have some friends that can't hang with me. They can't spend money or want to quite live as lavishly as me. But then I have another group of friends where I can't hang with them.
Starting point is 01:14:40 They're always inviting me to places and I'll come to this house and I'm like, guys, I got to work one. I know Wall Street, you make a to this house and I'm like I guys I got to work one I know like Wall Street you make a call and you make a million dollars, but I got to work actually I don't know what the hell you guys do for a living right and I can't afford for like the fifth weekend in a row Understood just go and like spend money and have fun. It's amazing draw the line The feds will be at their door at any moment, Chris. Holy crap. You're fine. What was that? The feds will be at their door. That's exactly what they're up to.
Starting point is 01:15:09 Stay away from those friends. Wait, but how about the group of friends that can't hang with you? Perhaps you've been very successful in life. You have some money. How about you take care of them? I try. You pay for the trip.
Starting point is 01:15:19 I try. I do. And they don't want it. Well, I try. Well, then also, too, how many things can you pay for? Right? It comes to a point where it's like, damn, last week when we went to dinner, I had to't want it. Well, I try. Well, then also, too, like, how many things can you pay for? Right? I mean, it's like it comes to a point where it's like, damn, last week when we went to dinner,
Starting point is 01:15:28 I had to pay for it. This week when we went to dinner, I had to pay for it. We went here to a game and stayed in a hotel. I had to pay for it. They start to expect it. Right. So that's where it's like, again, you just can't drain your bank account all the time.
Starting point is 01:15:40 Check him out, PFT with Florio every day on Peacock, the Unbuttoned Podcast as well, Football Night in America. If I could just go back to the championship game for a second because we haven't spoken to you, because Billy's been sick and he hurt his ankle and you were being recruited by schools. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 01:15:53 It wasn't your fault. He was bullying principals to let his kids into school. Did you feel bad for Josh Allen after that loss? Yes. You did? I did. I felt bad for Josh Allen when, just late in the game overall, I could just see the, what do you want to say,
Starting point is 01:16:07 the nervousness, the angst of like, gosh, here we are. I mean, we're down here. Here he goes. He's going to do it again. He's driving down the field. Here we go. Right, that's where I felt bad for him. Because of course, you know, he's such a phenomenal player. He does everything. He carries the team. He played good that day. He probably didn't play his best.
Starting point is 01:16:27 And he would say that too, I think. But yeah, it's just it's a tough one because as we've talked about so many times like he Lamar Joe Burrow, their Super Bowl winning quarterbacks. Yes, they are. They just it's it's tough and we know it's hard. And of course, they're going against a team that is as special as we've ever seen. And I did. I really feel for him.
Starting point is 01:16:47 The Eagles. I feel like the Eagles have the better team here, top to bottom. But they have the Chiefs obviously have a legendary guy, the most important position in the sport. And so I don't know what to do with this game. I've got to be honest. The first game was so good.
Starting point is 01:17:01 But the Eagles do have the ability to keep Mahomes off the field with Taequann Barkley. Definitely. The Eagles are better than the last Super Bowl. The Eagles are better. I think the Chiefs are slightly less. I do think that. What you talked about is right.
Starting point is 01:17:13 I mean, if it gets down to the very end of the game and it's a one score thing, it's like, well, I'm not betting money against Mahomes. I get that. But are the Eagles good enough to not let it get to that? Are the Eagles good enough to kind of bucks the Chiefs in the Super Bowl and make it to where, no, it's more than a one score game late in the game. You can't win today. Sorry.
Starting point is 01:17:32 Like there's, there is definitely a part of me that sits here and thinks, can the Eagles win by 10? Right. Didn't do that. I wouldn't be shocked. The Eagles, as you guys have heard me say for the last 10 weeks, it's not close. They're the best team in football. They're one of the best teams we've seen in the last 20 years of football.
Starting point is 01:17:49 But it's a team that also is pretty special. They might be here. The Chiefs might be just a little bit. And that's where Andy, Mahomes, and Spags kind of iron even it out. And my theme of the game all week, Stu Gotz, is brains versus brawn. It's the Eagles that are just like,
Starting point is 01:18:08 f*** you, we're big, this is what we do, you can't stop it. And the Chiefs are like, we're gonna break out of the huddle and do a dance move and spin around and shift and go over here and on defense, spag nose and have all these f***ing crazy blitzes and s***. And the Eagles are just gonna be like,
Starting point is 01:18:21 no, we're right here and we're ready to play. Like, what are you doing? We're just coming at you that way. And I'm not trying to disrespect the brawn of the Chiefs or the brains of the Eagles, because it's not that far off in that department. But that is kind of how I look at the matchup. It does seem like the Chiefs are always going to get got,
Starting point is 01:18:38 and then they just never do get got. I've never seen anything like it. It's the craziest thing. They have the guy. Never. I've never seen, I said this last year the craziest thing. They have the guy. Never. I've never seen, I said this last year, because when they got into the playoffs, I was like, the Chiefs aren't going to the Super Bowl last year.
Starting point is 01:18:49 I was like, it's not happening. I've never seen a team, and I know we talked about it last year, that played B- football and they just went, it's the playoffs, we're going to play A-plus football now and go to the Super Bowl. That doesn't happen. Right? And to your point here, this doesn't really happen. Like we just keep finding a way.
Starting point is 01:19:07 It kind of looked like the other team was better, but we won today. They kind of outplayed us, but we won the moments. And to just do that all the way to the Super Bowl, again, I call myself an historian. I don't remember too many teams with that type of formula getting to the Super Bowl 1 or, of course, to the Super Bowl 1, or of course winning the Super Bowl. Well, it might be a dumb question. So like, if you're the Eagles, and you have that lead, and then it starts slipping away, and you see the Chiefs start doing what they do, does that ever get into your mind? A hundred. It has to. A hundred. It's going to get in their mind here. There's two parts of the game. It got to Joshua's mind. Yes. Yes. It's, AJ Brown actually referenced it after the first game. He said, because they had dominated,
Starting point is 01:19:48 remember the Eagles really the whole year going into the Super Bowl. Nobody really challenged them the last 10 weeks of the year. And that was the first close game they were in. And I think AJ Brown, after the Kaderius Tony punt return down there, about the five yard line, right? He said, he was like, uh- oh, this game's going to be close and they're good in close games.
Starting point is 01:20:07 It is definitely going to be in their head. Can they overcome that? There's two parts of the game. The start of the game is going to be big because the Eagles are going to have to worry about managing emotions a little bit. The Chiefs are going to come out. I'm going to just say this.
Starting point is 01:20:20 I think they're going to come out. We've been here, we're relaxed and just doom, doom, doom, doom, doom. And they're going to, I feel like they're going to come out. We've been here. We're relaxed. And just doom, doom, doom, doom, doom. And I feel like they're going to try to jump on the Eagles. Just another Sunday. Just another Sunday. And the Eagles are going to be like, we're nervous. It's the Super Bowl.
Starting point is 01:20:33 What the hell's going on? And I think that's a big moment, just to not let the game get away from Philadelphia right there. And then like you said, you just got to try to avoid that moment where my homes has the ball, and they're down a score or the games tied Because that will get in their head and they're gonna go. Oh, here comes the inevitable force It's the Clutch's quarterback in the history of the game and here he comes. I can't believe I'm saying that right after Brady to say
Starting point is 01:20:55 It's crazy him is crazy I remember Jimmy Johnson telling me in Levitard that the winning is in the margins. It's in the details Exactly attention to detail right and I still can't figure out why teams are driving down at the end of the game, knowing and leaving Mahomes time at the end of the game, because Mahomes doesn't do it that way. No. If he's got five minutes left on the clock,
Starting point is 01:21:13 he's taking all five minutes. You're not getting the ball back. It's you can control the game, but they win the moment. Yes. That is where they are incredible situational football. We had so many of those years with the Patriots, too, where we were like, it kind of feels like they're getting out
Starting point is 01:21:26 played, but in every big moment, they kind of pull through. And now they're winning by three or seven. How is that possible? Yeah, that, to me, it is a not only a culture it's put into you, the coach is constantly talking about it, but there is nuance in like how to win these games. You start to, you know start to understand whatever it is. Oh, I can't take a sack here.
Starting point is 01:21:49 I've got to throw it away. The little things that we've talked about. And it is the little deal. Go back to the AFC championship game. Spags holds a blitz in his pocket that he hasn't done the whole game. With the second best cover corner in football. And you're a quarterback and you're going, wait, they haven't brought a corner blitz
Starting point is 01:22:09 the whole game. They're not going to blitz the best corner they got on a passing situation. Not now. Right. To bring that in that situation. That's again, where I get to the spags, the chief's brains and their situational awareness. And they're like, oh, I'm going to hold this back for a big moment late to screw them over. That's where they have a special touch. The Mario Davis told us yesterday that he was shocked. He goes, I've been playing this game my entire life.
Starting point is 01:22:35 He goes, I'm telling you, it's one of the great defensive calls of all time. And I was shocked when I actually saw a play out. So Josh, exactly. That's where when I heard people started to go, Josh, I would could have fixed the protection, I was like, absolutely no quarterback in the history of football would have figured out that blitz.
Starting point is 01:22:50 Peyton Manning, Bart Starr, so the people that were trying to say that on TV and stuff, I was like, you're just a hater, and you can't even watch the game. Like, stop. Just don't even talk anymore. Like, what are you talking about? Nobody sees that blitz.
Starting point is 01:23:04 That was incredible. That's where the spags magic is. Spags, to me, in the last Super Bowl against the Eagles, he won that Super Bowl with similar type of stuff. And I think if they want to win, because I'm just telling you, I'm leaning Eagles. I could tell. Yes.
Starting point is 01:23:18 I mean, you said by 10 before. He's going to have to take those chances. Yeah, no, I mean, because- You're wondering if they can win by 10. I'm wondering. Exactly right. Like, could I- I think if the Chiefs win, they win close. Eagles win. They potentially could be like a 14-7. It's got to be like 30-20-8. Yeah, no, I mean, because- You're wondering if they can win by 10. I'm wondering. Exactly right.
Starting point is 01:23:25 Like, could I- I think if the Chiefs win, they win close. Eagles win. They potentially could be like a 14-7 thing. It's got to be like 30-28. Yeah, something like that. It's got to be something like that. That's kind of how I feel, right?
Starting point is 01:23:33 Yes, right. He's the best coordinator of all time, right? Spags? I love Spags. It's up there. I mean, it's definitely up there. I mean, there's some others that I think if we sat here for a few minutes and I hummed and hawed, I could come up with, but he's on the short list.
Starting point is 01:23:44 And as far as big game D coordinators, to do things that are outside the box or that are just like things you wouldn't think of or the guts, the absolute cojones he has to call some of these are incredible, incredible. It's been cool to see, I think, with the Chiefs over the past like five years, not even just if they three people, but over the five years, they used to be a team that relied on the big plays,
Starting point is 01:24:06 on the flashy plays, and now because they don't have the pieces, they've kind of changed the way that they're playing and they're still just as dominant. That's where I go into, Mahomes is the greatest I've definitely ever seen through the first seven years. Because the whole thing started with your first year in, just carry us, go ahead. We need 350 and three touchdowns every game.
Starting point is 01:24:25 And he was like, oh, no problem. Touchdown. He was awesome, right? But then I think they looked at it like, we're not going to be able to sustain this high flying and have Tyree kill just the best receiver in football. I also think they looked at it and went, our quarterback's pretty good.
Starting point is 01:24:41 I think he can cover a few holes in the offensive side of the ball. Let's start putting some more resources on the rest of the football team so we can maintain this. And it's not always just about, we got to win a shootout with Patrick in the passing game, right? Because that's kind of what they were early on.
Starting point is 01:24:58 Yeah. Right? That's how they lost to Brady in the AFC championship. It was a little bit like, they can't run. It's all my homes I'm going to throw and make magic every play. But that's to me what's cool about them because it's here in the same dynasty, right? In the same six year span. It's like the first part was the greatest show on turf and now it's like we're
Starting point is 01:25:17 going to play defense situational football, be good on third down, not make a lot of negative plays. And that to me is also where Mahomes is amazing because he's become surgical that way. And that's where they're refreshing the fact that it's a different style. And I like too, Billy, that off of New England, which was very much like we're detailed,
Starting point is 01:25:37 we're organized, we're on to Cincinnati, I'm going to uncover a rock and get a player in Germany and I'm going to find a white slot receiver that I've never seen before. And I'm going to do this defense that you've never seen before. A lacrosse player. And I'm going to do this defense that you've never seen before, like all this crap, right? The Chiefs are kind of just like, let's go out and have fun.
Starting point is 01:25:51 Look at this play. Look at that play. Hey, paparazzi, come on in. Taylor Swift, who else? You want to come on in? I think that's so cool, because that doesn't go on in the NFL. Yeah. Most times, you know, like, coaches,
Starting point is 01:26:02 we talked about this before. They're like, they're literally like, now don't say anything the other team won't like. Let's not have any distractions. Let's not bring that whole crew into the stadium. And you go to their practices, I tell you, I tell people all the time, it's one of the funnest things you'll see in football.
Starting point is 01:26:20 It's so unique in that they work so hard, but they smile and have personality and laugh doing it, and that's rare. We'll get you out of here in a second. Yeah, you're all good. Listen, we have all these guests on this week. This is still the best part of our week. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:26:33 Me love you long time, too. I mean, we love him, Billy. We love him. It's a love-hate relationship. Love you guys. But I do have one final question. OK. If Nick Sirianni wins this Super Bowl,
Starting point is 01:26:42 is he the greatest Eagles coach of all time? Oh, geez. Well, it's not a real long list, so... It's him and Andy Reid. Take for meal, maybe? It really is. I do think Nick Sirianni gets a little bit of a bad rap. I mean, this is his second Super Bowl in four years.
Starting point is 01:26:55 It is. Listen, I know he doesn't win every press conference, but there's things about this Eagles team, and every great team takes the personality of their coach to a degree. And some of the things that I admire about the Eagles are Nick Sirianni. Yeah. You know, the thing I was just telling you about, hey, this is what we do, f*** you, we're gonna get it, right? That's Nick Sirianni.
Starting point is 01:27:13 That is, right. He's literally like, hey, f*** you, Eagles fans, f*** you, Chiefs fans, I'm out of here. Right? So that's where I think he's amazing that way. I love that attitude. It's great. How do you behave yourself at NBC? I barely do. I'm breaking barriers down there. Yeah. Breaking barriers. Wow. I do. How do you behave yourself at NBC? I barely do.
Starting point is 01:27:25 I'm breaking barriers down there. Breaking barriers. No, but he's a real trailblazer. Can you imagine Sirianni doing that? Hey, f*** you, Philly fans. That's what we do. That's who they are. He's already done it. He says, oh, you think you're going to stop us? No, they're not going to stop us. What are you talking about? So their physicality, their in-your-face attitude, I do think is a lot him, and I give him respect for that. As far as NBC, sometimes they got to put a disclaimer on the end of the bottom of the show and say bad language is coming your way. No joke. Like literally we are live on Sky Network, Sky Sports in London, and they put on the whole show, bad
Starting point is 01:28:03 language sorry for your inconvenience, but be prepared. He does let it fly. I watch that shit. They'll look at me and the... or Florio will be like, man, I mean, that's like the second time you said the F word. And then like two minutes later, he'll say the F word seven times in a sentence. And not even bat an eye or say anything about it. But he'll be like, man, you're really throwing around the F word a lot. And I'm like, what? You just... you don't even bat an eye. He was texting. He was texting his lunch order.
Starting point is 01:28:26 Right, right, right. What do we do with Jalen Hurts if he wins a Super Bowl? Well, I mean, Dan. That's two in four years that would be beating Patrick Mahomes and coming close to beating Patrick Mahomes the time before.
Starting point is 01:28:36 Yeah, no, listen, Jalen Hurts is definitely one of the top quarterbacks in football. Now, you know me, it's not gonna be top five, but I have no issue, no bones about it. He's top 10. All right. Mental toughness is as good as it gets. Work ethic, right?
Starting point is 01:28:52 Having the right demeanor on the football field, special. Good decision maker. It's the best thing he's doing right now. Yeah. Right. His ability to move tough as hell. He bought into handing the ball. He definitely did. Took the ball out of his hands. He did do that. He bought into handing the ball. He definitely did.
Starting point is 01:29:05 Took the ball out of his hands a little bit. He did do that. He also didn't play good for... They weren't like, hey, we want to throw for 109 yards and squeak out this game. See, this is where I don't like the excuses for Jalen Hurts at times. This is what I get from Philly people.
Starting point is 01:29:16 Well, they were... Oh yeah, they wanted to play a nail-biter against Carolina. And they wanted to, hey, throw for 105, and let's play a close game today. Hey, we don't want to look good in the Packers-Rams game. Don't play that good. Like, well, come on, everybody shut the f*** up with that crap. He didn't play good, period. He did have some injuries, and I do think because they ran the
Starting point is 01:29:35 ball so much and they're simple on offense. To me, if he plays like he did on the championship someday, they're going to be hard to beat this weekend. That's period. And he is, listen, a damn good quarterback. I don't know if you're looking for me to say all-time great, but I think people start to throw him into those kinds of conversations
Starting point is 01:29:51 once you win a Super Bowl. And you've been to two. He's been two in four years. Exactly right. PFT with Mike Florio, check it out there. I'm Peacock, the On Button podcast as well. We appreciate it, man. We love you. You know it.
Starting point is 01:30:01 I'll see you later in the week, right? Of course. No, Billy, we're doing this again on Friday. Friday? Yeah, Friday. Good, we can talk JFK then. You're right. We can get, man. We love it. I'll see you later in the week, right? Of course. No, Billy, we're doing this again on Friday. Friday? Good, we can talk JFK then. You're right. We can't get to JFK. We didn't get to JFK.
Starting point is 01:30:11 You dropped the ball. No, we're saving it for Friday, dude. We've got time. We're pacing ourselves. Obviously, the closer we get to the game, the more JFK we're going to talk. Great. That makes sense for us.
Starting point is 01:30:20 They open up the files. Don't get sick or something, and then you can't make it ready. I have the sniffles. Watch out for the potholes in Yeah quarter. Wait sometimes live show tonight. You're doing a live show I don't have a problem with that. Oh, we were there last night picks podcast. Don't tell for real I'm going to pick the Eagles. I have to keep it quiet. I'm the game behind them I can tie them. Okay, and I feel like he's kind of a sandbag and son of a bitch that would be like well He's gonna pick that so I'll just that. So I can't lose. You
Starting point is 01:30:45 got to let him pick first. Well, I know. Yeah, right. Right. Yeah. I know. So I got to go first. I don't think he will. Okay. I think he's going to go home and the chiefs. I don't think he can get over that magic. All right. Have fun with the with the show tonight and we'll talk to you on Friday about JFK. How's it going for you guys? It's going great. How about you? Good. Really good. I just got here for you guys? It's going great. How about you? Good. Really good. I just got here on Radio Road today, so haven't really gotten to Lay of the Land yet.
Starting point is 01:31:10 Are you doing a bunch of interviews and stuff? Today, yeah. Today and tomorrow. So listen, you have to come out. That's why Tuesday's very important. Lay of the Land is very important. Yes. Where do I go?
Starting point is 01:31:19 Where am I going? Who's situated where? Then when it gets crazy like today, you're already. Who'd you get on? Have you gotten anyone on yet? I've been going on other ones, so I was on Series XM a couple times. situation where it's crazy like today you're already. Who'd you get on? Have you gotten anyone on yet? I've been going on other ones, so I was on Series XM a couple times.
Starting point is 01:31:29 Nice. Yeah. But have you gotten any guests on for you? I haven't. We haven't done any of that yet. We might do podcast stuff later, but today's more so coming on. How's the sports reporters? So cool.
Starting point is 01:31:41 How did you end up there? I don't even know it was Paige. Really? Yeah. Paige got you on the Sports Reporters? Well, Jordan Schultz, who was coming on the pod for me, he was on the Sports Reporters. And it was like 45 minutes before the show. And he was like, hey, Shefter and I really,
Starting point is 01:31:55 we need another person on. We want you to come on. And Paige was like, you have half an hour to prep. Are you good? I was like, sure. I don't have enough time to freak out so let's just do it. It was wild. It was very cool. Do you freak out before you do stuff like that? Like before you do shows?
Starting point is 01:32:10 You know, I just want to be prepared. I want to be as prepared as possible, especially when you're on with like Schefter. Right. And it's more so like, you know, I write all my own stuff and my own content so I want to have jokes ready and you know. But sometimes it just comes, you know, it'll be in the moment. So yeah, I think it went pretty well, hopefully. They didn't kick me off, so. Do you ever feel like there's too much preparation? I mean, sometimes it's- Yes. Yes, right? That's the thing.
Starting point is 01:32:31 Right. That's the thing, because if it seems too scripted, especially with comedy, you can't script comedy. So sometimes in my meeting videos, I won't write out jokes. I'll just have an idea of the joke I want to do, and then I'll start filming it, and hopefully the joke kind of just comes as if it's a response to what I'm saying.
Starting point is 01:32:45 So yeah, there's the thing of being too prepared. So Billy and I were both guests on your great podcast, The Offensive Line. And you said to me right before we started that the episode that I was on was your favorite episode that you started doing the show. And now I feel like Billy is very upset with this. Do you know why I said that?
Starting point is 01:33:04 It was because we roasted the Jets so heavily. And it was so fun to make fun of him. That's why. I was going to say, I feel like you just say that to everyone. So that's why you made it to him. Well, I didn't say it to him, though. I didn't say it to you, though. Billy did come off it saying he really enjoyed it, though.
Starting point is 01:33:21 I had a great time doing it. We had fun. Yeah. There's a lot of ranting. You can rant in the show and take shots of people. Right. So it's the offensive line for a reason, guys. Did we do yoga in the show or something?
Starting point is 01:33:32 We did a jet. It was like a way to, like a therapy session. She was asked, right, how do I deal with the misery of being a jet fan? I told her she wanted to do yoga, breathing, and all that. I said, I just smoke weed. Yeah, yes. Right.
Starting point is 01:33:44 Yes. It helps. I had the same experience with you, the head sports and all that. I said I just smoke weed. Yeah, yes. Yes. Which it helps. I had the same experience with you. You had Sports Report where I got like 30 minute notice. Because your original guest was having a baby that day. That's right. We've had that happen twice. I was an emergency guest replacement.
Starting point is 01:33:55 Who was the original guest? I think it was Peter Rosenberg. It was Peter Rosenberg. We had two. Because Peter did have a baby. I couldn't remember if it was him or the other guest. Two people had babies and canceled the stay up. The day that they were going to come on my pod.
Starting point is 01:34:06 So basically, I'm Tyreek Hill, guys. I'm creating children, apparently. The podcast is creating children. I don't know. Weirdest thing I've ever experienced. It was wild. Yeah, so I appreciate you filling in. It's somewhat selfish of these people, honestly,
Starting point is 01:34:18 to have babies. Right? During football season? Yeah. What the hell is that about? Nine months, this day? You have to do it? I know.
Starting point is 01:34:23 I mean, plan better, people. It's nine it. I know I mean plan better people nine months You know what you know what's coming the same thing about having weddings and for during football season can't stand Oh, you get well give me some other rules of yours. You have any other rules you're right You could not have a wedding don't have a social If you have a birthday wait Don't have a birthday Don't get engaged. I will not be there. How has the building of the podcast been going?
Starting point is 01:34:48 Because it's really, like it's taken off, right? Thank you, yeah I think so. It's been great, it's so fun to have different people on because you get different opinions, like we've had some comedians on, obviously we've had guys like you in the industry, we've had former and current players. It's just fun to get different perspective of the same games that we're watching every weekend. It's important for you to try to be,
Starting point is 01:35:05 because a lot of this stuff sounds the same if you listen. But you're going out of your way to kind of sound to be different, right? You know, I found that the difference with my podcast is like, I do. I roast the people. And I'll roast people that come on the pod, as you guys know, who come on the pod.
Starting point is 01:35:18 And it's different in the industry, because a lot of the time, we're trying to get things like interviews with people. So you want to be, obviously I'm nice to people, but I'm not too low to take a shot at you if your team's losing or if something happens. So yeah, it's been fun so far. Have you found yourself in a position where,
Starting point is 01:35:34 I mean, I'd be that much because maybe one day I want this person on my podcast. Let me scale it back a little bit. Yeah, I try to keep it tasteful, obviously. And I'll always, hopefully, the comedy, like I said, is so hard. You have to have it well-timed. It can't be too far, because then it's just an insult
Starting point is 01:35:50 and not a comedic side to it. So I think I'm hoping I'm learning that as I go in the industry. And you can always pick up real quick on if the guys are good at it. You guys are great with it, right? Some people either wouldn't pick up on the comedy or wouldn't know that it was a joke
Starting point is 01:36:03 or would take it personally. So it's really reading the room and reading the person that's coming on. And I never want to not do it because I'm worried like, oh, it's gonna hurt their feelings or you know, if it's a good joke, I'll make the good joke, but I also not gonna offend anybody in the process. But you're right, it's a fine line because sometimes trying to be funny if you're not doing it correctly, it feels like you're being mean. Yeah, exactly. And I never want to force it or anything.
Starting point is 01:36:27 That's why I pitch myself as not a comedian. I'm a sports reporter. I'm an influencer or content creator. And then if comedy comes along with it, then people are like, oh, that was kind of funny. It doesn't happen often. Where do you want this great career of yours to go? That's a really good question.
Starting point is 01:36:40 Like a job interviewer? No, I'm just wondering. I think Annie is really, really talented. I think her podcast is very, very good. It's different. And our show is different. And so I'm just wondering where she sees herself. Do you see yourself like network TV?
Starting point is 01:36:54 I can see you doing just about anything, to be honest. Yeah, I would love like a night, like an SNL-type show, you know, like a nightlife-type show. I feel like that's where my content fits, because I'm giving information to people, but it's still got that kind of darker humor, I guess, or dry humor that would fit a nightly show. So I'm good with whatever.
Starting point is 01:37:13 In the meantime, I love social media, because it's such a personal connection with your fans and with your followers. And it's the way we consume everything now. Like even this kind of stuff, you cut it up, you put clips on social media, because that's how people get those little 13, 20 second videos that they watch every day.
Starting point is 01:37:28 So yeah, I like the social media side and maybe we can branch off of that, but didn't really think about that too much. I guess I'm thinking about my future now. Geez. I'm sorry, I was trying to promote you and tell you how great you are. We're gonna get back to that therapy session.
Starting point is 01:37:39 Listen, you're terrible, you're not going anywhere. Geez. Whoa. I'm gonna roast you on my show. What are you talking about, offending people? Jeez. Did you see Jason Gelci's nightly show or no? I did.
Starting point is 01:37:51 It just started, right? Yeah. I think it's a short run. I think it's just through the Super Bowl. It gave me game show vibes. Yeah? Did it feel like that to you? I haven't seen it.
Starting point is 01:37:59 It was just the set. No, that's not a negative. Like, it just. No, it's hard to do. I would love to do a game show. Oh, god. Hosting a game show would be it just. No, it's hard to do. It's hard to do. I would love to do a game show. Oh, god. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:38:06 Holding a game show would be a dream. Yeah, imagine. It would be so fun. Yes. People tried to do that, too. Like, Ellen does a lot of stuff on her, or did a lot of stuff on her shows. That was all game show.
Starting point is 01:38:12 Right. Yes. Yeah, I think the one I saw was the Philly Fanatic came and got Kylie in the middle of the show. So yeah, it looked great, though. I mean, I think their brand, same with the Mannings, too. Like, they're kind of doing the same thing. This comedic night show. Yeah, the goofy show.
Starting point is 01:38:29 So yeah, I spin off of that. But I think the focus is so much on social media for me because that's obviously where I started. It seems like people are kind of bored by this matchup. It's odd. I've been here for a couple of days now, but there's not the excitement that would normally be for a Super Bowl.
Starting point is 01:38:41 Wasn't it like Deandre Hopkins was on his phone on media night or something? I think the players are bored. Yeah. Especially the Chiefs. Eagles, Eagles not so much, because a lot of the rookies I talked to, they were like, man, this is so cool to be here.
Starting point is 01:38:53 And they didn't experience the two years ago, right? So I think for them, it's great. But the Chiefs are just like, yeah, Ben, they're done that. Yeah. Let's just get to the game. If you're a third year player on the Chiefs, this is all you know. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:39:04 Yeah. And I heard they love know. Oh, yeah. Yeah. And I heard they love the ref questions, guys. I think we should ask them more about that. I think people love them. But the refs definitely favor them. But they do. But obviously they do. It's obvious, right?
Starting point is 01:39:14 I ask all the questions you want. It's right there. They do. What I said is if you tell somebody don't think about an elephant, what do they think of immediately? An elephant. So think about the refs knowing don't make a controversial call
Starting point is 01:39:24 and don't make a call for the Chiefs. What are they going to think of? I can't make a call. But then you're going. So think about the refs knowing don't make a controversial call and don't make a call for the chiefs. What are they going to think of? I can't make a call. But then you're going to be thinking about the chiefs and all the penalties against the Eagles. It's just going to, I don't know. It's a mental thing. It's a very mental thing.
Starting point is 01:39:34 I like the idea of the two of you hosting a game show together. What would it be? I don't know. I know. He doesn't. He's not. I mean, I thank you.
Starting point is 01:39:41 I guess. I don't think that that's. She's roasting you. I don't think that that was a compliment, I'm going to be honest with you. He's got the, no, the game show shirt is definitely not a compliment. Listen, I'm going to be honest with you.
Starting point is 01:39:51 This is not, I planned out what I was going to wear. This is not my plan. Today, I had cold sweats in the morning. Right. And the other show was like linen. And I was like, I can't wear that shirt because I'm going to sweat through it. And then I'm going to have like sweaty pits.
Starting point is 01:40:02 And like, it's a whole thing. So I had to switch it up. I'm wearing like a fishing shirt today. then I'm going to have sweaty pits. And it's a whole thing, so I had to switch it up. I'm wearing a fishing shirt today. Whatever excuses you want to come up with. You wanted to look like you were straight out of Miami Vice. We get it. You know what? It's OK.
Starting point is 01:40:11 You know what? I don't want to host a game show with you. Wow. Look what you did. Next time you need a guest in five minutes. Wow, yes. Next time someone has a baby. Next time someone has a baby.
Starting point is 01:40:23 Stop procreating people. Check out her podcast, the offensive line, Andy Agar. We appreciate it as always. I look forward to coming on again. Of course. Thank you guys. Stu got here for my friends over at DraftKings.
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Starting point is 01:41:47 See DK ng co-slash audio You join yourself here man You enjoying yourself here, man? Yeah, just chilling, man. Just chilling. Yeah. Lauren will be my PR lady. Right. My uncle, my team. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:42:08 You know, it's a blessing, you know, to be here, man. Are you first time to Radio Row? Uh, what? By the way, it's not really Radio Row anymore, okay? Like, radio's dying a slow death. It's all digital row now. Yeah. So, yes.
Starting point is 01:42:20 Bunch of podcasts and stuff now. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, but you're enjoying it, huh? Yeah, for sure, man. Grateful. Bless to be in this position. All right, cool. Tell us but you're enjoying it, huh? Yeah, for sure, man. Grateful, blessed to be in this position. Tell us what you're doing with Psychobunny this week. Yeah, man, Psychobunny, we did a deal. They looked out.
Starting point is 01:42:33 I was interested in them. Never really heard much about them, but somebody brought it to my attention. And man, I like what they had to offer. So they looked out, gave me some clothes and stuff like that to rock and support and trying to create this relationship. And obviously, they got me looking good out here.
Starting point is 01:42:48 Yeah, you do. Handsome. Yeah. Trying to put it on, man. Right. How does this work with Psycho Bunny? You just call him like, I need some clothes. Man, I wish it.
Starting point is 01:42:57 Nah, it kind of do be that easy. No, I'm just playing. Really, my marketing guys and stuff like that, they kind of reach out to people for me. But sometimes, I've been doing my own research and I'm real like a fly swagger guy. So sometimes I reach out, like you said, in DMs and things like that and just say,
Starting point is 01:43:11 hey man, I really like what you guys got going on. I feel like I can represent you guys well and myself. And I say, a lot of people say I can really talk. And they'd be like, yeah man, let's talk about it and get them to connect with my marketing people. Then next you know we all talking, and the deal is done. I like that you're still doing that.
Starting point is 01:43:28 You're still DMing people yourself. It's so good. It's so good. I'll send you my people now. Yeah. Yeah, I like to DM a lot of people. Like, I just DMed checkers. I just did a deal with checkers.
Starting point is 01:43:36 Oh, OK. I worked the drive-through. The video is going to drop here soon. And it was fun. Went to a local checkers in Tampa, worked the drive-through and stuff like that. Did you really? Yeah, but it was all based off of, you know,
Starting point is 01:43:47 DMing them and I was big on Checkers growing up. Obviously me and my brothers, my three other brothers, so it was smooth, man. No, I'm not in a relationship. There's no better fries than Checkers. Are they the best fries, Checkers? Oh yeah, the best fries ever. Really?
Starting point is 01:43:59 McDonald's? I mean, no. Checkers fries are better? Yeah. Really? Yeah, 100%. Rashad? Yeah. For real? Have you never had Checkers fries? Yeah. I have, but I've had McDonald's? I mean, no. Checkers fries are better? Yeah. Really? Yeah, 100%. Rashad? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:44:06 For real? Have you never had checkers fries? Yeah. I have, but I've had McDonald's fries as well. Different animal. Yeah, when I left work in the drive-thru, they gave me like a free large fry. I appreciated that.
Starting point is 01:44:15 That's it? Wait, hold on a second. That's all you got, Rashad? No, I mean, you know, I can't speak on the number we got, but you know, life is good. Life is good. How many people recognize you when you're going through the drive-through?
Starting point is 01:44:28 A lot of people, honestly. A lot of people are surprised, you know, but a lot of people ain't seen this look of me, like, wearing my glasses and stuff like that. Like, normally I don't wear them and stuff like that. Right. They were just like, hold on. So, you know, caught them by surprise.
Starting point is 01:44:40 But the video should be good, though. You know, I'm good with talking, I'm good with interacting with people. You know, I'm with the fans in Tampa. interacting with people, you know, other fans in Tampa. Were you trying to mess with them a little bit, have fun with them? Yeah, for sure. For sure.
Starting point is 01:44:48 You know, I mess with a lot of people all the time. Like, a lot of people don't, you know, really, like, if I'm walking around and stuff like that, like, people know who you are, but a lot of people are obviously scared to talk to you and stuff like that. But then sometimes when people do, they be like, you know, you look like Rashad White. Like, and then it kind of keeps going.
Starting point is 01:45:01 And sometimes I just be like, no, I look just like him. The running back pretty much. So I like to mess with people. Then I just be like, I feel bad. So I'm like, nah, I look just like him. The running back pretty much. So I like to mess with people. Then I just be like, I feel bad. So I'm like, nah, that is me, man. Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you, ma'am. Stuff like that.
Starting point is 01:45:10 But yeah, because I like to go to the gym, LA Fitness. I like to hoop with some guys and stuff like that. Be careful. Don't say that too loud. I'm a big contractor. You got to know. You got to know what you're doing. Don't get hurt, man.
Starting point is 01:45:20 That's all I'm saying. Nah, you got to know. Yeah, for sure. It ain't 5 on 5. I like to get shots up. You know, football, you know, it's been an argument for a land of time. Football players think they can play basketball. Basketball players think they can play football.
Starting point is 01:45:32 So I like to still keep my jumper loose. And you see that? You see that form right there? You can play basketball, guy. Yeah, I'm fine. I got a little bit. You can play in the NBA, couldn't you? So a lot of people be like, oh, you Rashad?
Starting point is 01:45:42 And stuff like that. And I'm like, no, no, that ain't it. Yeah. What'd you think about Lucatrade? Man, man, that was crazy, man. Crazy, right? Yeah. And you want to know what's crazy?
Starting point is 01:45:52 I had just went because my family live in Dallas. So I had just went to Dallas with my uncle and stuff like that. I was looking at some properties and some commercial real estate. And we went to the game and said, Coraside and Luca, obviously he didn't play. He'd been out for like 15, 16 games with the Cavs. He never plays, right. Yeah. I guess that's why he got traded.
Starting point is 01:46:10 Good job. Man, oh, we were just like, damn, when he come back, man, they gonna be really good though. Like, they really got a good squad. Like, when they come back and the lively, Derrick Lively, he had just got hurt, yeah, too, man. Like, when they come back, they get their team back, they gonna be, you know, nice, but then that happened.
Starting point is 01:46:26 I'm like, and it happened when I like, because I'm on Easter time. Yeah, overnight. Yeah, people woke up, they were like, what? 11 a.m., 12 a.m. at night. I'm at 11 p.m., 12 a.m. at night. I mean, my boy was talking about it on the phone, like, hold on.
Starting point is 01:46:38 He was like, he thought he was being like, you know, pranked or something like that. Right. You know, people just talk on social media, but if Shams reported it, he'd like, Shams must have got hacked or something like that. Right. In no way, you know, people just talk on social media. But if Shams reported it, he'd like, Shams must have got hacked or something. Everyone thought that. Because we'd never seen a trade of that magnitude in the NBA.
Starting point is 01:46:52 Thanks, sir. It's crazy. You love the NBA. You love hoop, huh? Yeah, I love hoop, man. You know, you got to watch basketball at a certain time, though, you know what I'm saying? I'm not trying to say guys don't play hard every night.
Starting point is 01:47:01 But yeah, for sure after football. And then, you know, just when the stakes get higher. Right. The stakes get higher. Sure. The seeding, you know, is coming down the wire. Who's your team? I'm not really like a team guy.
Starting point is 01:47:13 I'm more been like, I was just fans of like players. I like to study games. So regardless of football or basketball, I really like to just study game and be fans of players and stuff like that. So I've always been a LeBron James fan. So you can kind of say, yeah, I follow him, but I never really like rent the team or something like that.
Starting point is 01:47:28 I've just always been, you know, I'm LeBron James guy, just like that. So I just like guys, you know, game. I respect game. We love Baker Mayfield on this show. Billy loves Baker Mayfield. He's been on the show with us before. That has to be a fun guy to play with.
Starting point is 01:47:41 In a normal fashion, like obsessive. He just say, I don't know. I just kinda like, hey, do you not like Baker Mayfield? Are we gonna make him happen now? He just say, I don't know. I just kind of like it. Do you not like Baker Mayfield? Are we going to make him lose here? I mean, I like you, Billy. I love Baker Mayfield. No, I like Baker, you know?
Starting point is 01:47:50 Like, it's just, I feel like with Baker, you're always in it. You also like with Baker, you're always a throwaway from being out of it. But you're always in it with Baker. I feel like he changed that. Yeah, he has been a little careful this year. Yeah, turnovers ain't been a problem in Tampa. He changed that. You know, good situation, you know? a little careful this year. Yeah, turnovers ain't been a problem in Tampa. He changed that. You know, good situation, you know.
Starting point is 01:48:08 He just cares, though. He just seems like a good teammate. That's all I'm saying. That's all we're saying. Yeah, for sure. Play hard, this thing, man. Obviously, I mean, we got to give respect and credit when credit is due, man.
Starting point is 01:48:17 I mean, a guy coming off of two amazing years, and I'm pretty sure he going to have another third one back to back. You're an NFL running back. When you watch Saquon Barkley, do you marvel at him the way we do? Man, you just respect game. Really? You respect game. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:48:30 And that's all you can do. I mean, we don't be like, oh, exaggerated like y'all, but yeah, you'd be like, dang, man, like he's just a ball player, man, he different. You know? Right. Yeah, that's just how real and how you was raised. Like real ball players, real competitors. You just be like, man, like, you know?
Starting point is 01:48:44 Yeah. Certain intents and certain things you can't teach. And everybody, what you realize about watching other guys, like everybody game is different. Right. Everybody game is different. You're from Kansas City, huh? Yeah, I am. You grew up a Chiefs fan?
Starting point is 01:48:57 Yeah. Yeah. You like this run? Man, the run been, I mean, they didn't draft me, so I wouldn't say I really like it, but I respect it. What I could say is, though, for the city, yes. For being a hometown native, yes. Just going through all the trials and tribulations,
Starting point is 01:49:14 all the different quarterbacks. Because they love the Chiefs there, right? Yeah. Yeah, you know, they like die hard. They were one of the best fan bases I've ever seen growing up in my life. Mahomes, ridiculous, huh? The greatest ever?
Starting point is 01:49:25 I wouldn't. I mean, I play with- You're not going there yet. I like that. Yeah, I give credit where credit is due, man. Baker's up there. Like I said, they can hear me. I play with the greatest ever,
Starting point is 01:49:34 which I was grateful for my rookie year. I played with Tom Brady my rookie year, last year in Tampa. So I played with the greatest ever, but Mahomes is on his way. So this is interesting, because Mahomes is trying to do something that no quarterback has ever done in the history of the NFL, which has
Starting point is 01:49:49 win three straight Super Bowls, right? And people are saying that will put him in the discussion with Tom Brady as the greatest ever. But here's what Brady has that Mahomes can never get back. Head to head, Brady beat him. Yeah, for sure. You guys beat him. I mean.
Starting point is 01:50:01 Yeah, you won't ever get that back, but man. It's a crazy take. You can tell him it's crazy. It's not crazy. Three in a row, no one's done before. I'd rather win head to head. I mean, but you went through in a row just because no one done before.
Starting point is 01:50:14 I wouldn't say that makes you the greatest ever. Man, there's still time and stuff like that. You got durability. You got to take into account a lot of things. Obviously, two stats and stuff like that. But like, yeah, like, it it's my homes like 1b. Yeah, but you still got 1a. Yeah, when they comes out before B Oh, yeah, I love that you just you go to brands that you like and then you get marketing deals out of them So it's great. They don't come to you. You're going to them, which is awesome I'll be tell us one more time about psycho bunny on the way out. We appreciate your time a man
Starting point is 01:50:43 Yeah, man I just want to thank psychoo Bunny for supplying these clothes and things like that that I have on today, obviously, making me look good on radio row or digital row, whatever we want to call it now. Digital row, yeah. You remember that. Appreciate the partnership.
Starting point is 01:50:58 And I'm obviously looking forward, happy for looking forward for it to grow. Right. What do you think of this man's outfit? He's about to walk in. Let's see if we can get a reaction from you. Hold on, Billy, do you know who's walking in? I do know, yeah.
Starting point is 01:51:09 Stiletto, Tommy Devino's agent. Yeah, man, that's different. He can use some psycho bunny. Yeah, he's different breed, but it's all good. He can use some psycho bunny. Yeah, yeah, tell him to give me a call. Yeah, make some mid-choice there. I appreciate y'all.
Starting point is 01:51:24 We appreciate you, man. Enjoy the rest of the week here, man. No problem, man. All Yeah, make some good choice there. I appreciate you. We appreciate you, man. Enjoy the rest of the week here, man. No problem, man. All right, thank you, Rashad. Guy spilled pasta sauce all over my leg. Right. Locking in here. What do you mean a guy?
Starting point is 01:51:34 Listen, radio show Super Bowl week, that's what it's all about. He was a fake. He had an actual dish. Right. And it, sauce, but it was a string, and then he pulled it back. Right.
Starting point is 01:51:44 He got me. I said, dude, what if I was Joe Pesci in Goodfellas? Wait a minute. But you're not though. No, I'm not. But who knows? You never know if I gotta turn into that animal, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:51:54 Yeah, but it's an odd response to someone dropping pasta sauce on you. What if I was Joe Pesci? Wait a minute, is someone just walking around pretending to build pasta on people here? No, outside, coming in. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You gonna take him out later, or what are you gonna do, Stilado? Why you're on pertainance to build boss on people here? No outside on this coming in. Yeah. Yeah Yeah, you take it out later. What do you do stilado? I got a guy that handles that
Starting point is 01:52:10 He does wear a leather jacket How many guys do you have to handle things for you? You know what everything's aboveboard, but I definitely got a team around me Yeah, yeah Got cousin Vito and uncle Angelo All that good stuff. I'm trying to get situated with these things. I think we're good. I think you got to take the hat off.
Starting point is 01:52:31 I don't think that's happening. You know what? My hairdresser, she screwed up. So she gave me a monk haircut. So I'm going to hold off. I'm just kidding. Are you comfortable, though, right now? Yeah, I'm good. I just you know what?
Starting point is 01:52:42 I just did this with one of the Boston stations. All right. Yeah, I feel good. How'd that go? I'm sure that was. You know what, I just did this with one of the Boston stations. All right. Yeah, I feel good. How'd that go? I'm sure that was a thrill. Boston, I mean, they're always very nice. Zolac, he gave me the heisman many years,
Starting point is 01:52:54 and then finally, I said, he reached out. I was like, all right, you know what, I don't have no grudges or anything. Right. I said, it is the hometown, even though I kind of immigrated more to New York. Sure.
Starting point is 01:53:08 But New York has been great. I love New York. Yeah. Your suit is great. I appreciate it. I got a really good Vincenzo jersey guy. Right. He did it up.
Starting point is 01:53:18 It is Bill's theme color. What? Full of this. We thought the Bills were getting here. Oh. Jeez. But I know. But at the end of it. You might want to wait for the outcomeills were getting here. Oh, jeez. I know.
Starting point is 01:53:26 But at the end of the day. You might want to wait for the outcome before you do that. Yeah. This isn't something that gets turned around in a week. Yeah, it doesn't. You know, it was a month out. At the end of the day, it's not as bad as a tattoo, right? Right.
Starting point is 01:53:37 How many mama-Lukes? They end up getting tattoos on them with a logo. What are you doing? Right. You can take the suit off. Yeah. Suit can come off. And it's got the Super Bowl logo inside of it. Nice.
Starting point is 01:53:48 And you know what? It's the Bill Steem, and it all goes in hand. What are you doing with PXG? You know, PXG is a great partner. You know, obviously, the whole balance in Zen is important to me, in self-care. PXG turns me from a free agent to a first-rounder in terms of golf that club I mean it does a lot of the work. I have pxg's by the way. They're fantastic. They are yes. They are absolutely
Starting point is 01:54:14 It's the secret weapon right? I mean it's just in their golf pro that when I went in I mean he held my hand he he really completely transformed my swing, my speed, but I feel like the PXG's the secret weapon. I got a guy, obviously, for other things, but PXG's my guy for golf. And I have a huge draft party every year. So up at the Ferncroft Country Club in Millington, 18 holes, celebrity golf.
Starting point is 01:54:44 Years past, I lost a lot of balls. This year, I think with the PXGs, we're going to get it done. But some of my guys, Tommy, Kam Lewis, have also used the clubs, and they love it. And it's helping them drastically. Are we invited? 1,000%. Wow.
Starting point is 01:54:58 Wow. OK. April 24th. You guys can set up. This is great. Yes. April 24th. April 24th.
Starting point is 01:55:03 Seriously. Seriously. OK. You guys can set up either, I mean, if you want to play a little bit, I mean. He now, this is great. Yes. April 24. April 24. Seriously. Seriously. OK. You guys can set up either, I mean, if you want to play a little bit. He wants to play golf. He has no interest in actually working. I want to play and work.
Starting point is 01:55:12 Play and work. Play and work. That's a bet. All right. 424. I like that. 424. We can get the details.
Starting point is 01:55:17 We'll exchange info. And you've got to bring the cannolis, though. I'll bring the cannolis. I love a good cannoli. I do. Well, Mike's Pastry, which is the mecca of Boston bakeries, they do most of the desserts. Then we have Tuscan Kitchen, which is great.
Starting point is 01:55:34 I'm a big foodie. I have to chase Billy's smile and his looks any time he makes a look. He was making fun of me when I told you I have PXG clubs. I don't know why. You're going to find out now. I told you I have PXG clubs. I don't know why. I'm gonna find out now. I just, I think it's, you're an agent, but you're cutting your own deals as well,
Starting point is 01:55:50 which is incredible. Well, Tommy DeVito asked me, he said, are you the only agent that has an agent? And I'm like, it's incredible. I said, Tommy, I said, you know me, there's no way that I would let some, I gotta do. I mean, it's almost like a condition with negotiating. Like certain people, you guys love what you do and I feed off negotiating.
Starting point is 01:56:12 I mean, that's so important. But yeah, I mean, look at the whole viral thing has been amazing. Not, you know, for my clients, because the Rolodex off the field went to another level. Right. And it's been great for certain guys, maybe that didn't have Tommy's folk hero status, you know, that are really talented and have unique brands but don't get the exposure.
Starting point is 01:56:35 So yeah, there's been a lot of some collaboration. I'm working on a TV project as well. Oh, wow. And I'm excited about this is going to be. Your agent's working on it. Yeah. So hold on a second. So because of going viral, you've
Starting point is 01:56:46 had brands reach out to you that then you could use for your clients. Yes. That's crazy. So good. Yeah, it has been. It has been. I'm very fortunate.
Starting point is 01:56:54 One Nectar, great brand right here. Yeah. This thing, I'm going to give you that. This is going to be a secret weapon. What is it? It's a little caffeine right there. You travel, you don't know what type of espresso you're gonna get down here.
Starting point is 01:57:06 Right, right. You know, so this isn't gonna disappoint. Just a little caffeine you pop in with your PXG putter. You walk around, you put it. You didn't forget about PXG there. That was very well done by you. You tried to weave them together. I saw the wheels in motion, like,
Starting point is 01:57:23 how am I gonna weave this together? I just did. I looked at 12 in motion, like, how am I going to weave this together? I just did. I looked at 12 o'clock and said, oh, no. I got to undercut the linebacker on this dig route to get to the other side so Tommy can feed me. How did you go about meeting the pope? You know what?
Starting point is 01:57:39 So good. Like I mentioned before, I mean, your grandmother had a sauce. Right. You were, I mean, it's like an Italian thing. You don't disclose. But a couple things. I was on the red carpet last year, the ESPN honor, excuse me, NFL honors.
Starting point is 01:57:54 And I had a young girl interview me, and she asked me a bunch of questions. One question was like, if you could change closets for the day, who would it be with? I said, the pope. And I said, I'd love to be, I love his look. I love to be able to annoy the Pope's look you should address like That's based in Italy she was phenomenal and the stars aligned but you know my job It's so action-packed. Yeah, a hundred miles an hour all the time, but sitting know my job it's so action packed. You know 100 miles an hour all the time but sitting in St. Peter's Square I was
Starting point is 01:58:28 able to really take a step back and really reflect. St. Sebastian is my patriotic saint of athletes. I'm sitting next to a priest and he's like I had my tie on with my medal of St. Sebastian. He's like have you been to the catacombs of St. Sebastian and I was like what's that?. He's like, have you been to the catacombs of Saint Sebastian? And I was like, what's that? And he's like, it's where he was executed and his tomb and blah, blah, blah. 30 minute cab ride after the pope, I go there.
Starting point is 01:58:53 And I go through 2,000-year-old tunnels. And I go to where he was executed. And then I go back through tunnels and up and just had a cleansing moment there for everything that went down for Tommy, million to one, you know, did what he did and having a chance to have an audience with the Pope. And then St. Sebastian is a saint I've prayed to, I give coins to all my guys. I know I'm going off a little bit on the Pope, but it was just, Italy is just, it's a breathtaking
Starting point is 01:59:23 euphoria. Were you nervous? You know what? I was, because I had an entire conversation with him in Italian. Right. So I didn't want to butcher it. Right.
Starting point is 01:59:32 And I don't speak fluent Italian by any means. Sure. But enough that, and I gifted him a Wilson custom football that had the Vatican coat of arms on it. Of course you did. Right. I had to go. Not a PXG club or anything?
Starting point is 01:59:43 I shot an actor over there. Yeah, you know what? I gave him, I actually. Wouldn't it be great if you gave him a set of clubs? I would have. That's this year. We're going to have to talk to him. Invite him to the tournament. Yeah, there you go. You can sit down, we can talk to him.
Starting point is 01:59:51 We'll talk forever. But I gave him that regalo. Oh, yes. He was very... we locked eyes and Adam Schefter put it out, which was cool. Right. My mom and dad were just blown away. Of course. That was quite just a surreal moment. But yeah, it was pretty sweet. But I didn't get the golf, obviously, over in Italy,
Starting point is 02:00:16 which was kind of a bummer. Right, but you met the pope. Yeah, exactly. Me, Sean, come on. That's a bummer. Find the positives. Yes, that is. And the photo that was taken was you know, was just like it was epic.
Starting point is 02:00:28 Right. It was really crazy. Crazy. Crazy, crazy, crazy. Can I ask you what you got? What did you talk about with the Pope? You know, I said great to meet you, your Holiness. You know, I am what I do. I'm a sport, a sports agent for football Americano, right? And that my grandparents were born in Italy and I had a Regalo a gift and he just said thank you for doing what you do with glorifying God with your work
Starting point is 02:00:56 Hmm, and it was just there was pretty pretty special. Yeah, that's cool It was cool because you know you you think about it the agent cool. It was cool, because you think about it, the agent business, it's like the Tower of Terror. It's so high, low, and it's- I'm telling you, Drew Rosenhouse has never met the pope, OK? I call Drew the OG. So Drew's the pioneer. I don't know.
Starting point is 02:01:18 He's done well. But you know what? Like Mahomes and Brady and all the greats. You create your own path. Right. You try to follow your bliss and service your guys. And if you have an American Idol moment, it's just crazy how it all transpired. But I've been the same guy.
Starting point is 02:01:39 Everybody's like, oh, this is an act or whatever. And I've been wearing fedoras. My grandfather, Pasquale, I wear it in his honor. We're just seeing it now. You've always been like this. Always. If you go through the IG, that's what my wife was getting
Starting point is 02:01:51 a kick out of. You know, people were just, you know, the trolls, whatever, saying whatever. But just like when you're playing, you know, you don't listen to the noise. You just go in there locked in, and that's it. Control what you can control. You said you love the art of negotiation.
Starting point is 02:02:05 Like you love to negotiate, and I'm wondering, who's the toughest negotiator that you've ever come up against? You know, the Patriots, I had a lot of guys with the Pats. I had 14 guys win rings with the Patriots. Wow. And they, you know, their roster, if you looked at it, when they were winning Super Bowls,
Starting point is 02:02:22 Brady took the hometown discount. They seldom ever really overpaid a player So I would say the Patriots in the Dallas Cowboys really yes Because Dallas you have layers with Jerry with Steven with Adam. Are you dealing directly with Jerry? Everything's funneled up to him. Okay. Yeah, so I did that with Alfred Morris and that really took a lot of digging deep and really just coming up with a game plan, sticking to it and sometimes you gotta go
Starting point is 02:02:54 that better, best alternative to a negotiation which is having, because look, I mean they got all the resources, all the bells and whistles. Of course, right. But we come in there with some unique moves ourselves that we're able to hit them and negotiations. And I thought it was a, I thought we definitely, they met some concessions and at the end of
Starting point is 02:03:14 the day, we got it done. But obviously there's times when leverage, as we know how important that is. Yeah, it's everything. It is. Market value. And so it's always trying to be a cheerleader or convey a lot of those quantifiable traits that you try to bring value to that a lot of teams might not say, OK, hey, we don't put a big premium on this,
Starting point is 02:03:38 but that you're not getting the statistics. Although, analytics can't be used, but there's value in all the areas. But whether that or even negotiating on little things. Yeah, you just like to negotiate. I just like to negotiate. It's something, I don't know, I've really gravitated to through the years.
Starting point is 02:04:00 And I think my guys really see the value in that. That I'm not gonna leave a nickel on the table. Yeah. They appreciate that. Yeah. And not try to do it in a way where the next time around, you're going to get air-holed. Right.
Starting point is 02:04:13 You showed respect for Rosenhaus earlier. We'll get you out of here on this note. Sean Stilano with us on behalf of PXG. If I gave you a PXG club and I said you could take it to one agent that you despise, who would that agent be? Wow, that's a great question. I mean, I had an agent that stole a player, Andy Sims.
Starting point is 02:04:32 Probably at first I wanted to challenge him to a three round celebrity boxing match. But I mean, someone, a GM said you would have put him in the hospital and you don't know if he would have left. But I'd probably say him. I mean,'s you know it is what it is. I don't I don't count. Man you did not waste time. I didn't think we were going to get an answer. Yeah. Give us a name. It's been sitting there for a while. You know what it is what it is. I don't count the losses count the wins and it's unfortunate things like that happen but it is what it is. I'm in a good place.
Starting point is 02:05:05 You know, I got the great guys on the bus. You met the Pope. Yeah, that's what I'm saying. I know you're endorsing PXG. Yeah, if there's you have an agent, if there's anything that's ever went wrong in any and I truly believe there's an experience in all those things, of course, to grow. Yes, you get better. And at the end of the day, you
Starting point is 02:05:25 know, I believe God puts the right people in your right, in your life at the right time. And that's what I, what I've been able to do. And, you know, Tommy's been just an unbelievable client, but I got a lot of great clients, you know, Fatou Melifano is another third round pick with the Lions. You know, he's getting ready for next month. Just that could go on. And I'll, Andrew DePaula are talking about, he's getting ready for next month. Just that could go on. And Andrew DePaula are talking about, he's my Jerry Maguire story. Three time Pro Bowler, the best long snapper in the NFL. Awesome.
Starting point is 02:05:51 And blue collar kid too, just humble. And that's the guys I want to be around. But it doesn't matter how many times I get to meet the Pope, I'm still the same guy, grew up, three of us, three bedroom house, slept in a cot. And I got the right core values, and I got a good village, a good team under me. So we'll see where this thing goes, man.
Starting point is 02:06:12 A good bunch of guys. A good bunch of guys. Yes, yes. I see you got a good book right there, Stu Goss. I do, yeah, it's my book, man. That's my book. Stu Goss' personal record book. You want to sign it for me or anything?
Starting point is 02:06:21 Yeah, I'd be honored. I want him to sign it for me. When do we think we're going to wear this Bill suit again? Or is this a one-time suit situation? No, I'm going to wear it next year when they get to the Super Bowl. But he might do the line. You have the Bills getting there next year? I do.
Starting point is 02:06:36 Because the Chiefs don't? I just don't understand. I feel like I'm in a music video or something. I'm getting ready to start reruns. But I just think it's crazy. It's like fourth and one. I mean, that was clearly a first down. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:06:50 I was sitting directly across. Right. I mean, I don't want to blame it on the refs cause there's other. But you're blaming it on the refs. I mean, that's what you do. I think David Portnoy, El Presidente, he came out. He had a perfect narrative that he put out.
Starting point is 02:07:03 Yeah. But I think he lied. He said he'll never watch the NFL again. I don't think that's the case. Unfortunately. But he definitely, he definitely. Watched it. We've all said it, listen.
Starting point is 02:07:13 We do this for a living. I'm telling you, I've said crazy things that I don't mean, all right? I don't care about the Jets. Nearly as much as people think I do, okay? Oh, the Jets. I did see some funny video about a Chinese guy. He was getting kicked in the private by a hit.
Starting point is 02:07:29 He was wearing a cup, and they just kept on kicking and kicking and kicking. And they said, this is a Jets fan. That's what it feels like to be a Jets fan. I was like, jeez, I love full disclosure. You keep kicking me in the balls. Loved the Green Lantern, Wayne Corbett. That was one of my guys I tried to emulate my game after.
Starting point is 02:07:44 Yeah. He was a talented guy. Your football game? Yeah. You could pull up the highlights. They don't lie. Oh, really? Yeah. They could. You know, I had a little I had a little game. I'm playing tomorrow night in a celebrity flag football game with Terrell Owens.
Starting point is 02:07:56 Odell Beckham, Jr. Right. All for the receiver. Yep. Slop receiver. Tracy McGrady. Nice. Three. Yes. What is this game? Where is it? Yeah. When and where? Yeah, I'm a big fan of the Capslaw receiver. Tracy McGrady, RG3. What is this game? Where is it? Yeah, when and where? It's going to be at, damn I'm going to have my phone.
Starting point is 02:08:12 It's at a high school, local high school stadium. Tomorrow night, 7 o'clock. Celebrity Sweat puts it on. Super Bowl week. You guys are down. If you're down, I promise we won't disappoint. Okay, maybe we're down. I promise we won't disappoint. OK, maybe we're down. I think we might be down.
Starting point is 02:08:26 I'll text you if you need tickets. I put them down. They'll be under your name. All right. And yeah, we'll. Yeah, be courtside. I can interview everyone and all that. I'll make sure.
Starting point is 02:08:36 Without a doubt. OK. Now, D-d'O-V-E-C. What? D-d'O-V-E-C. I don't know what that means. Where's your family from in Italy? My family?
Starting point is 02:08:44 No, he's going to laugh at this. No, you're going to love this. I'm Jewish. Didovese? I don't know what that means. Where's your family from in Italy? My family? No, he's going to laugh at this. No, you're going to love this. I'm Jewish. Ah, man. Jewish, Italian, Asians, everybody. It's all about family, it's about fashion. That's exactly right.
Starting point is 02:08:57 It's about faith. So I got the nickname from Hank Goldberg when the Sobranos came out. John. Johnno. We're going to call him Johnno. Johnno, there you go. I'm anointopranos came out. John. John-o. We're going to call him John-o. John-o. There you go. I'm anointing you as Paisano today.
Starting point is 02:09:09 I'm no longer Jewish. I mean, just like that. How about that? Amazing. So you got the nickname? From Hank Goldberg. From the hammer. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:09:17 It was the name of Tony Soprano's boat. Remember? They just asked me, I do, Wichita ESPN asked me what was my favorite Sopranos episode. Yeah. I said- Not the last one. I said my my favorite Sopranos episode. I said, which one? Not the last one. I said my least favorite one was the last one. I said there was so many of them.
Starting point is 02:09:30 I remember a funny one I got an ab workout. Vito sat in the chair and broke it and it was rolling on the ground. And it was pretty funny. You are a piece of work, Ilana. You know what? I do remember when Tony, I appreciate it, brother. I do remember when Tony Soprano was on the golf course, the junior junior was going down south and he
Starting point is 02:09:51 started talking about sushi and that was actually a hit from both sides of the rough. Yes. Jesus. I might need I might need one of these. Take it. Take it. This is my Sienna Sicily. We're going to go gold. Take them. Okay. Listen, get to us on the basketball game. Perhaps we'll be there tomorrow night. Football.
Starting point is 02:10:09 But the football game. Look me in the eyes right now. I love you. I love you. You had me at hello. There you go. Thank you, buddy. Enjoy the rest of your week, man.
Starting point is 02:10:17 No doubt. Okay. All right. You flight a little delayed I heard, right? Oh, yeah, a little bit late coming out of there. They not know that you're on the flight? Oh, yeah, a little bit late. I'm not Did not know that you're on the flight. Oh Take off on time. I just want to get there safe. That's my yeah, but don't you say hey listen the greatest running back of all time It's like
Starting point is 02:10:40 You think you're the best running back of all time No, my god, oh, J Simpson really oh best running back of all time. No, no, no. My guy, OJ Simpson. Really? OJ. Wow. Greatest of all time to me. That's why I played the position. Right.
Starting point is 02:10:50 Because of OJ? Because of OJ, yeah. So you're watching him as a kid, and you said, I want to do what OJ does. That's exactly it. I want to play the position. They had me at a slot receiver and all that, and slot back. I'm like, I don't like this.
Starting point is 02:11:00 I want to be running back. Oh, you're too tall. When did you know you would be good enough to play in the NFL? Like at what age? Was there a moment? You know what? I think it was probably my, I think it was my junior year in college.
Starting point is 02:11:12 Right. Yeah, matter of fact, my good friend Harvey Armstrong, he played for the Eagles. And he came, they came back to play the Cowboys. Right. And they said, Eric, he said, man, they're talking about drafting you. I'm like, really? I mean, I was shocked. I'm like, really? He said, yeah. I'm Eric, he said, man, they're talking about drafting you. I'm like, really?
Starting point is 02:11:25 I mean, I was shocked. I'm like, really? He said, yeah. I'm like, he said, you might be a number one pick. I'm like, so what did they get? I mean, I had no idea. And I met Wilbur Montgomery. And I don't forget when I saw him.
Starting point is 02:11:36 I'm like, man, he play, I can play. He was small. And I like Wilbur. Yes. Great player for the Eagles. Great player, great player. So that's kind of the time I thought I had a shot to play. Yes. Great player for the great player. Great player. So, you know, that that's kind of the
Starting point is 02:11:47 time I thought I had a shot to play. What are the gets? Yeah. A lot of money. Yeah. It wasn't a lot of money but it was a lot of money to me back. Yeah. Back then, it was a lot of money. Yeah. Yes. You see the money now. You're like, oh Jesus. But
Starting point is 02:11:59 you know what? I'm not envious of those guys. I'm happy for them. Uh they deserve it. I know how tough that game is and you know what it does to you. Yeah Do you have a good relationship with say Juan? Do you know say go on at all? I don't know him I don't I talked to him. I talked to him after He had his last year to get to two thousand yards. I got his number from from a guy that I know that Works for the Eagles. Yeah, and so I gave him a call. I see me the man. I called him I talked to him. I told him I say man. I said, you know, I had a great you had a great season
Starting point is 02:12:24 Right told him I told him my AP story. Yeah, I said I talked to him, I told him, I said, man, I said, you know, he had a great season. I told him my AP story. I said, I talked to AP, he had 2000 yards. I called him the next day and I said, AP, great season. He said, thanks, Eric. I said, man, let me ask you a question. Don't you have a game, you got the most yards in the game? He said, yeah, 295. I said, oh, yeah, you want everybody to break that record?
Starting point is 02:12:41 He said, no, I said, exactly. So, man, you know, I told him great season. And, you know, my thing is that I saw what Shady McCoy said that I said that it should be an asterisk by that. That's bullsh-t. I never said that. I mean, I would never say that because I know how hard it is to get 2,000 yards. Oh, because of the 17 games and all that?
Starting point is 02:13:03 Yeah, I don't believe that. I mean, OJ did it in 14. I did it in 15, one extra game. So I mean, I don't play that game. I mean, 2,000 yards is 2,000 yards. I don't care if it's 19 games, it is what it is. But did I even want him to break it? No.
Starting point is 02:13:15 You were happy to decide on him. No, no. I have a 12-year-old son. I'm not saying he's gonna play pro football, but man, he is some kind of athlete. I mean, I saw that when he was four years old. He's some kind of athlete. Right. And he told his mom last year, she was in the car with him.
Starting point is 02:13:31 She said, I gotta tell you what Dallas said. They were, she said, my dad has a record doesn't he? She said, yeah, what is it? He said, 2,000 yards. He said, 2,000 yards? She said, I'm gonna break that record. I said, okay, now that would be what I would want. You'd be OK with that?
Starting point is 02:13:47 Oh, my gosh. I mean, I'd be a big cheerleader. That'd be perfect. Perfect. That'd be perfect. That'd be perfect, yeah. Do you think your kid's going to play football? Does he like football?
Starting point is 02:13:56 He loves football. He does. But I don't let him play tackle yet. Really? No, I let him play. I let him play flags, 7-0-7. But I don't let him play tackle. I just don't think he's not.
Starting point is 02:14:03 He's not ready? He's ready, but I don't want him to play. I think ninth grade, eighth and ninth grade, he's in sixth grade right now. OK. I think ninth grade would be a good time from the start. Wait, but you seem like, is there a conflict here because the game is brutal? And that's why.
Starting point is 02:14:18 That's why. So is there a conflict with you letting him play in general? Or are you OK once he gets to a certain age? In general, I don't really want him to play to be honest with you. I mean but he wants to play because he wants his mom and I got into a little argument about it. She wanted him to play like man like right right now. I'm like no. She's like well so-and-so says I'm like who the hell is so-and-so? Right. Well you know he played in college I'm like I played college too?
Starting point is 02:14:40 How does that conversation? I said listen to me. A hall of famer. I'm arguing with her. You know he's gonna be I said he's not gonna be behind. He's a good athlete. So then I said okay I said let me break it listen to him. I'm serious, I'm arguing with her. I said, he's not going to be behind, he's a good athlete. So then I said, OK, let me break it down to you. I said, you know how you panic. I mean, she's a panic mom. I said, imagine him getting hurt. I said, when I turned to you and said Dallas, I said, you'd be on the field, over the fence.
Starting point is 02:15:02 And she said, yeah, you're right. I said, no, I said, he's not ready. I don't want that for him yet. I said, and I did not. Now, he talked to me about it. I said, son, let me explain. I said, Dallas, you're 12. I said, OK, you're going to play football 12, 13, 14, 15, 16,
Starting point is 02:15:16 17. OK, that's grade school to high school. I said, now you play college. 18, 19, 20. I said, that's all that foot. I 19, 20, I said, all that foot, I said Dallas, that's a lot of, I said, they're not pulling flags, they're hitting. Right, especially your position.
Starting point is 02:15:31 Yeah, and that's what he plays, and he said, that's your right, and that was the end of it. He said, I'll play when you say I can play, and that was it. Well, that's a weird age too, right? Because some kids are growing faster than others, so you could be the same age,
Starting point is 02:15:41 but you're totally different sizes, body types at the time. Yeah, I just don't, you know, the head injuries and stuff. Yeah. You know, I mean, look, I know what is done. I mean, I'm not the same guy I was. I know I'm not, you know. And so, I mean, like I just got the thing I got, you know, I got on set to Parkinson's.
Starting point is 02:15:57 So, you know, and I'm not forgetting stuff. So, I mean, I just call it like I see it. I don't want that for him. I mean, my mother hated football. She hated it. She said, Eric, I just call it like I see it. I don't want that for him. I mean, my mother hated football. She hated it. She said, Eric, I hate that sport. The only thing is, say, you make it look so easy, son. I say, but it's not.
Starting point is 02:16:11 And you know, she said, them hits, that's not normal. She said, that's not normal. That's not normal. It's not normal, but it is what it is. But if he wants to play when it's time, again, I didn't play. There'll be a time where he can make his own decisions. He can make his own decisions. You did make it look like effortless, man.
Starting point is 02:16:25 You did. I mean, Eric, you're the greatest running back I've ever watched on a football field. Oh, thanks, man. Thank you, I appreciate it. But, you know, and like I say, my guy was OJ. That's why I played that position. You're with the NFL alumni this week on three for obesity.
Starting point is 02:16:41 Tell us what you're doing there. Just talking about, you know, going to the doctor, you know, getting checkups because I can, I can speak for black men, us, especially black athletes. We have a tendency, they don't want to go to the doctor. And I got to tell you, me, I go to the doctor. I mean, my wife knows, I've driven myself to the ER before. You're a hypochondriac. My heart don't feel like it's beating right. I'm serious. I stay in the hospital and she says, well yeah, I'm in the hospital. You have made a best friend, Billy. Hold on, you just went missing one day? It's like, where are you? And I got in the hospital. She said, well, yeah, I'm in the hospital. You have made a best friend, Billy. Hold on. You just went missing one day.
Starting point is 02:17:06 It's like, where are you? And I got in the hospital. She knew. I said, I'm going to the ER. And then she hadn't come. I said, well, yeah, I'm in the hospital. Check me in. I'm like, what?
Starting point is 02:17:12 I said, they're checking in. I said, they're going to run some tests. OK, you want me to come over? I said, no, I'm good. So I'm big on that. I mean, I have hypertension. So there's certain things that you have to do to take care of yourself. Trying to eat right, even though I don't eat right all the time, I have hypertension so you it's certain things that you have to do to take care of yourself
Starting point is 02:17:28 Trying to eat right even though I don't eat right all the time. I got a sweet problem But other than that man, I try to work out. I mean, I'm 64 years old You look good and play but I can't play no football. Trust me. I can't take them hits But you look great though, man. Thank a young 64. It's not is it? I don't know I look in the mirror. I'm like who the hell is this old man? I broke in my house And I'm like, who the hell is this old man? I'm broke in my house. Yeah. Wait, how often are you driving yourself to the doctor? Like, did the doctor ever say, Eric, get out of here?
Starting point is 02:17:47 You're fine. No, it's not. It's not. I'm going to tell you, it's at least maybe once every other year I go for something like that. Billy. I love it. Billy's there every week, just so you know.
Starting point is 02:17:57 Hell, you know. Yeah, he lives there. He lives in a hospital. Look, if you're tuning up your car every 3,000 miles, why not a good checkup every once in a while? Thank you. You know what I mean? It's like, OK, if you just drive the car, every 3,000 miles, why not a good checkup every once in a while? Thank you. You know what I mean? It's like, OK, if you just drive the car, drive the car,
Starting point is 02:18:08 the oil is running, and the car's like, dee dee, the lights are flashing. The body tells you, hey, I'm hurting over here. You can't breathe. I've got a bad headache. It's giving you warning signs, and you've got to take care of it. I love that your wife took someone else's opinion besides yours on your son's football career.
Starting point is 02:18:28 I love that. One day I'm out there with my dad, we're playing football. And I'm telling him, I'm telling him, hey, dude, I said stop making all the cuts, just make a cut and go. And he said, well, mama said, I said, why mama don't play no football? Do you know what your dad does? I swear, man, hey, let me tell you, he don't, man, he think his dad, it don't even matter. I love it because, you know, he's so nonchalant, he's real laid back, but daddy, you know, it's like, I try to show him something. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know, I know, I know. I'm like, okay, okay, okay.
Starting point is 02:19:01 They know everything. Yeah, they know everything. He listen to you before he listen to me. I'm telling you, I guarantee you. I mean, my kids will listen to Billy, but it looks weird. Right, yeah. Anyway, we appreciate your time, man. Thank you.
Starting point is 02:19:13 Have a great week down here in New Orleans. One more time on the way out, if you want to talk about it, NFL alumni on three for obesity, what are you doing? Once again, making sure that you go get checkups, go to the doctor, And this is very important. I mean, I got to say it's important to make sure you eat right. Because, you know, guys, you know, at a certain age,
Starting point is 02:19:31 the body don't work with it. It doesn't work like it used to. It doesn't digest like it used to. It doesn't digest like it used to. You got that right. So take care of yourself. What's your candy that you get? Your go-to sweet?
Starting point is 02:19:40 Cakes. I got a cake. I was like, pound, pound, cake. Oh, this is a bad town to like cakes. Isn't it? Is it a bad town? It's a bad week for you. If I lived here I'd be like, I'd eat up the whole town. Schedule a doctor's appointment for Monday, Eric.
Starting point is 02:19:55 Because it's going to be a long week. We appreciate your time, man. Thank you so much.

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