The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz - GBF- Super Week: Wrapping up Radio Row
Episode Date: February 8, 2025As Radio row begins to die down, Stugotz and Billy welcome in Malcom Jenkins, Victor Cruz, Andrew Whitworth, Justin Pugh, Adam Devine, Deuce McAllister. Adam Devine, Trey McBride and Gerald McCoy. Lea...rn more about your ad choices. Visit
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God bless football, Billy Gill. God bless football, Stugats. Thank you, Mikey. Billy.
Yeah. I have a source who tells me that you spent a good deal of time at a casino in New
Orleans and you didn't bet a single penny. Everyone took Chris Felica's bet on red and
they won a ton of money.
And Billy just sat there and watched
and was laughing when others lost money.
I don't know who your source is.
That's diabolical.
That's diabolical.
I'm not going to tell you.
I don't reveal my sources.
I can't.
That's not true.
I was not laughing diabolically as someone was losing money.
And I'm assuming I know who the source is,
because I was walking around the casino
with one other person.
So unless that person has told multiple people,
this person probably went and told you directly
what was going on.
And I was not laughing diabolically
as this person lost money.
In fact, I would argue I helped this person walk away
with a decent amount of money.
Because this person went and played blackjack
and lost all of the money that said person
had intended to gamble in four hands.
Boom, boom, boom. Gone. All the money was gone.
Four quick losses in blackjack. Four straight hands.. All the money was gone. Four quick losses.
Four straight.
Four straight hands.
All of the money was gone.
Then we were walking around, and it was a bit of a who's who
last night at the casino.
I'm not going to lie.
Every night.
And just like, it's funny because if you're walking
around, and you're here on Radio Row, everyone has a big
entourage and all this stuff, and you can't get in contact with all these
people at the casino everyone's on the same level for the most part right unless
you're like in the high rollers room which by the way we got a peek into the
high rollers room we saw who was there see me no you weren't there last night I
wasn't there last night you told us that you were going to eat with a family member so
I did my my niece.
Anywho, so this person loses four straight hands of Blackjack, loses all the money, then
sits down at a slot machine right outside of the casino and within three rolls, nearly
no, more than triples the amount of money they put into the machine.
And I'm like cash out right now.
Like, cash out.
Because he went and he lost and lost, and then won $9,
and then lost and lost and lost.
And then you look at it, and it's like almost $400.
That thing just goes up from like $80 to like $400.
I'm like, cash out right now.
Because that's what you would do.
You would cash out and walk the hell out of there, right?
No, I probably would have ended up losing it.
But because it wasn't my money, I was like,
I'm going to be the voice of reason here.
I'm like, cash out right now.
Person cashes out and says, you know what?
I'm going to go and I'm up right now.
I'm going to go and I'm going to put $80 on red.
And I was like, OK.
Well, because the bear told us to do that.
Person goes over $80 on red. Well I was like, okay. Well, because the bear told us to do that. The person goes over, $80 on red.
Well, yes. There was other reasons, but multiple people
had told this person red. So walks over, puts $80 on red,
one spin, boom, hits. Doubles of money.
I go cash out right now. Just cash out.
Let's just get out of here. Get out of here.
You're up like $500 something today.
You went in. You started out very poorly.
The fact that we're in this position is great.
Cash out right now.
Right. But did you place a single bet while you were there?
I didn't. And you know what's funny is,
I don't think that this person intended on placing bets.
See what he did there, Mikey?
No. It's worse than you think.
It's 100% worse than you think. John Gruden's over think. It's 100% worse than you think.
John Gruden's over there.
It's 100% worse than you think.
Yeah, I don't know if you know, he's doing media now.
No, I do know that, but I've just, I don't know.
Yeah, so.
I haven't seen him in a while.
Well, he does, he's everywhere.
It looks good.
He's been everywhere this week.
Okay, I haven't seen him, I'm sorry.
So it's worse than you think, it's worse than you think
because this person went to the casino not intending, I don't think, to gamble and said,
I have cash if you want. And I'm like, okay, yeah, bring some cash and I'll Venmo you because I'm going to gamble.
I want to get out of the thing. So the money in part was taken, I believe, so that I could gamble.
And then once I got there, I was like,
I don't like the social interaction of the gambling.
I was like, I need an empty table.
I just said that to another show earlier this week.
I need an empty table.
Just me and the dealer, and that's it.
Everyone else, get out of my way.
Well, the problem is that is my nightmare.
Oh, I love it.
I won't sit at an empty table.
Well the problem is,
the problem is that I don't know what I'm doing,
so I don't wanna be the guy who is, you know,
holding up the table and upsetting people.
Coach Prime, what's up, how's it going?
What's up, Deion?
Hey, that's how you say, we got Deion on this show.
Yep, Super Bowl radio. Yeah, we got him, put him in the, Deion? Hey, that's how you say, we got Deion on this show. Yep, Super Bowl radio.
We just say Coach Prime.
Yeah, we got him.
Put him in the montage.
And you make sure that you say Coach Prime, because that's what he wants to be called.
We got Burrow, too.
Yeah, twice.
So, anywho, I wasn't feeling it because I knew he's like, why don't you sit down, why
don't you play blackjack?
I'm like, no, because I'm going to be the person that plays it wrong and upsets the
entire table that's playing.
Even though, if we're going to be honest,
it was an empty table, and I could very well have easily
sat down and played blackjack.
But I didn't play blackjack.
I'm going to be real with you.
I wasn't feeling lucky this week.
Between the ankle.
You're not feeling well, right?
The ankle.
You're holding that roll.
Wait a second.
You're not feeling lucky.
You just got Coach Prime on the show.
That is true.
And Joe Burrow twice. Joe Burrow twice. We got Coach Prime. But last night, I wasn't feeling lucky, you just got Coach Prime on the show. That's that is true. Joe Burrow twice.
Joe Burrow twice, we got Coach Prime.
But last night, I wasn't feeling lucky.
This wasn't feeling like my week.
So I said, you know what? All right.
I'm just going to cut my losses.
I have the injury. I have the ailment.
I have I'm walking around Mikey.
I'm wearing my glasses. I pack.
I rationed your style.
I rationed my contacts so that I would have the exact amount
for this trip before I ran out of contacts and had to reorder.
And I'm leaving with extra contacts
because I had to wear my glasses because of the stye.
Because when I take off my glasses,
I look like I was punched in the eye.
So yeah, this wasn't a trip.
For somebody who said they weren't feeling lucky,
that sounds like a win again in your book.
No, it's not a win because I'm walk around looking like I got punched in the face.
So I had very few wins on this trip.
So I said, you know what, gambling, probably not the best interest.
It's just going to add to the losses.
I was feeling like a sad boy walking around.
So I was like, you know what, I'm not going to add insult to injury here.
If you don't feel it, I think you made the right decision.
If you're not feeling it, you don't gamble.
I wasn't feeling it. Yeah. I understand.
Walked around and saw. Tell me who you saw. Come on, tell us who feeling it. You don't gamble. I wasn't feeling it. Yeah, I understand. Walked around and saw.
Tell me who you saw, come on, tell us who you saw. Who cares?
Well, I don't wanna put our friends in.
Like Jason Kelsey, he was there.
I know Jason Kelsey.
No, we saw Puka there.
Okay, Puka.
I brought high rollers in for Puka.
Well, of course.
Yeah, high rollers for Puka.
Good luck to our boys.
They had bowling in the high rollers room?
Maybe it was the high bowlers room.
I don't know why I'm pointing, this is just audio.
Yeah, it's just audio, but you pointed.
So the high bowlers room, Puka was there.
Was Jason Kelsey in that high roller room?
Jason Kelsey...
Man of the People?
No, Jason Kelsey was walking amongst the commoners.
Let's... he likes a crowd following him.
Let's be 100% honest on this situation.
If you're part of the crowd that is watching
Jason Kelsey play craps, do me a favor and get a life.
It was everyone. It was everyone in the casino.
Seriously, leave the man alone and get a life.
No, leave the man alone, nothing.
He eats that **** up.
Sorry. I saw it on a Tahoe.
Someone who spent his life as a somewhat anonymous offensive lineman
and now has found all of this fame and fortune. He loves all of the attention.
He was commanding the entire casino and he knew it and he loved it.
Miles Teller was there and was just hanging out next to him, completely incognito,
just standing there next to him the entire time.
Yeah, just talking to him.
Remember when Miles Teller was going to join us every week
to pick games?
I do with Golik.
Yeah, Golik did ask him.
He did.
Yeah, he had communication with him.
Well, Golik.
He said no.
Well, you know why he said no?
I gave Golik the number. You know why he said no? I gave Gollick the number.
You know why he said no?
Because Jason Kelsey came around.
And now he had a new Eagles lineman that he could gravitate towards.
It's all happening to Gollick, you're right.
I tried to warn him about this with Notre Dame.
It happened with the Eagles.
We saw that coming.
Second Super Bowl, it's definitely, you know, I tried to warn about Notre Dame, he didn't want to listen to me.
Because Golek's teams in Philadelphia were some of the best teams to never win a title.
So you're right, and that team was legendary, but once they won a Super Bowl...
Well, now they have new, better teams to never win a title.
Correct, yes.
No, but Golek went by the wayside.
And apparently, Miles Teller just has a kink for linemen.
It's weird. I don't know what's going on.
He just likes equals linemen. It's weird. I don't know what's going on.
He just likes equals linemen to hang out with.
You know who else we saw?
We saw Jackson Mahomes there, too.
Did you really?
So much bigger than Patrick.
So much bigger than Patrick.
Jackson Mahomes.
Was Rayola there?
You know what?
Maybe Rayola's brother was there doing something.
Oh man, I'm upset I didn't go now.
Yeah, it's fine.
Miles Teller, Jason Kelsey.
And to be honest with you, I think it was kind of early.
I'm not a late bird.
So I think it was early. I'm sure it picked up as we were going.
Well, Funtime was there later. I'm sure it was getting busier.
It was getting busier. It's picked up here, man. It's going to be hard getting
out of here. I learned that the people don't socialize on my time. You know what I mean?
I was walking around Bourbon Street. What, the hours of 8 a.m. until 8 p.m.?
I was walking around Bourbon Street at like 730. I'm like, this is a ghost town. Where
is everyone? Billy, they don't start going out until midnight here.
This is a busy town.
This is an old night.
You are the oldest young person I have ever met.
So this is a quick intro.
Yes, I'm out.
Yeah, thank you.
We didn't even tell them about Papa G roaming around,
radioing around.
Mikey, so Rob is going around doing stuff
for Bounty or someone.
And Papaji was there.
Goons isn't.
I was looking for Goons.
Goons is not here, I don't think.
Goons wasn't there.
But Papaji was walking around.
And Mikey, I just, I'm sure they're gone now,
because I was like an hour ago.
But I just wanted to go up, not talk to Gronkh,
bother him or anything.
I just wanted to go up to Papaji and just be like,
hey, Papaji, how's Gordi's back?
How's Gordi's back doing?
How's Gordi's back doing?
Good seeing you just give Gordi our best.
You know what I mean?
And that's how you kind of get in with the Gronkhs.
Even though if I'm going to be honest with you.
I think we're in with the Gronkhs.
I don't think it played out exactly how Stugots wanted it to,
but I'm quite pleased with the way that it has played out.
I love Gordy.
I love Gordy too.
And I love Chris.
I love Chris too.
I didn't think I was gonna like anyone
as much as I like Chris, but here came Gordy.
I wanna love Rob, I just haven't had the chance yet.
So I mean.
But I love Bobby Goons.
But I think it's good for Gordy for us
to have Gordy be our favorite, you know what I mean?
Yes, yes, cause I think Gordy is the family favorite.
Everyone loves Gordy.
I think honestly Gordy of the friends group that go out,
everyone's always talking about Gordy.
Everyone loves Gordy.
Gordy's probably our favorite.
I get it.
Maybe Gordy doesn't need us to have him be our favorite.
Listen, Gordy starts going at it too in the morning, Billy, just like...
If Gordy is here, his hours are certainly much different.
You know what I could do?
Everyone's hours are different than yours, Billy.
I think I could just start getting up an hour earlier
than I normally do, and then I'll be out at prime time.
There you go. You know what I mean?
What's prime time? So, eights?
Well, no, I wake up at five.
If I just start getting up at four,
I could catch people on the tail end of nights out
Billy's wild is that a four in the morning and I'm like you look great
Just you know oh man. What's in the cup?
Hey happy Saturday, yeah, yeah Super Bowl Saturday. It should be Super Bowl Saturday. It's not they play it on a Sunday the the
the the circuit, seeing old friends, being bothered by the media. I do love seeing all my old friends. Right.
And it's even cool now because most of them
have shows and stuff.
So that's a whole new thing now.
But it's pretty cool.
That's very cool.
Tell us what you're doing here.
It sounds very cool.
Phillips Auction House for the Game of Art.
What's going on there?
Yeah, so I have a lot of passions.
And I love to bring those passions together.
One being sports and art.
And I see no better city to represent that.
Like, if you look at the heroes of this city in New Orleans,
it's the artists and the athletes.
And when those two worlds combine,
there's an opportunity to create real change.
So what we're doing to the game of art
is bringing in athletes in Phillips Auction House
to educate us on...
Oh, there he goes.
There he goes.
Y'all already know what's happening. But Phillips Auction House is coming to educate us on, oh there he goes. There he goes. Sit down over here mascot. Y'all already know what's happening. Let's go.
But Phillip's Auction House is coming to educate artists,
athletes on how to collect and get into
whether it's fine goods, watches, jewelry,
but art specifically.
I'm also flying in about seven renowned artists
that I've made friends with to again,
have conversations about the impact of art in sports.
And I've directly been impacted by guys like Larry Fitzgerald,
who are collectors, the legacy of Ernie Barnes,
who was a former football player who turned into a painter.
So it's a really cool thing to bring that all together here
at the Super Bowl.
It's a dangerous game when you're introducing people
and educating them on the art, especially headed
into an auction, because then they know exactly how much
these things are worth.
I feel like if I'm you, what I want to do is I get the art,
and then I educate them after the fact.
I'm telling them, this is why this is so valuable.
This is why this is such a good deal.
You know, I think there's a...
This is why you shouldn't have let me get this for this prize.
I like to share, you know, and so...
And I can't collect everything.
Yeah, well...
I can't collect it all. It's not Pokemon.
That's true. Right? So I think there's room. Yeah. Well, no. I can't collect it all. It's not Pokemon. That's true.
So I think there's room for everybody to get into space.
But I first want people to even just understand
the power of art, how I think artists in there,
the way that they look at the world,
is what we need to change communities.
And like I said, New Orleans is no better city to represent that.
Who's your favorite artist?
Ooh, Tabarra Strand.
Okay, he's mine too.
Tell us how you know about him.
I met him, I went to his studio and his art is all about hidden history,
it's about the stars and astrophysics, but then also about game theory.
And he has a lot of things, a lot of intersections of sports and life and his art.
And so I resonated with it greatly.
He's a renowned artist.
He's actually coming here.
I'm taking all of the artists to the game with me.
Oh, really?
So it's going to be a fun weekend.
Can you take us?
Can you make art?
You got to make some art?
I can't make art.
All I can do is talk.
I can barely do that.
Which do you like to do more, teach people about art
or teach artists about football?
Oh, that's good.
You know, those have been some great conversations
when artists want to talk about ball.
But I think I enjoy teaching athletes about art
because it gives them another platform
or another example of a discipline.
It's somebody who can do something physically
with their body and manifest something that when you watch it or view
it it changes your life. I think athletes are looking to do that. We do that in our
sport. Sure. But when it comes to our voices we're in leveraging our
platforms. I think we can learn a lot from how artists communicate their
thoughts into the community that can be life-changing. Do you create anything or
you just collect? I create something. You dabble in photography. Like literally when I came into the league,
Larry Fitzgerald was one of my mentors. He was a guy I looked up to and trained
with and I saw how he was a photographer and he would travel the world and take
photos and I fell in love with the camera as well, following artists like
Gordon Parks and just what it means to capture a history and moments in a
photograph and how powerful that can be.
I dabble with my camera every now and then.
Photography is tricky because a lot of people think
it's just you push a button and the camera does all the work.
Really, there's a lot more that goes into it.
Well, that's what amateurs do.
They think you just push it and it just takes a bunch of pictures.
When it's really got to be the right place, the right time,
then afterwards...
Little luck involved.
Well, no, not so much.
There's luck, but it's the preparation, too, to put yourself in the right spot, to know exactly luck involved. Well, no, not so much.
There's luck, but it's the preparation, too,
to put yourself in the right spot to know exactly what it is
that you're looking for.
Like if it's wildlife that you're taking pictures of,
sunset landscapes.
But there's a little bit of luck, right?
Because you don't control the sky, you don't control
the animals, like even sports, right?
My favorite is a boxing ring.
You see the boxing ring surrounded by photographers,
but you only know a couple of key shots.
So you had to be sitting in the right seat,
at the right vantage point, and snap the picture
right when the punch was getting thrown to get that thing.
And there's definitely training, there's discipline
and understanding of photography, but there is luck.
And that's where the beauty and the value comes
when you can create those moments.
Malcolm, Becky, you want to apologize to me, man?
There's some luck in apologizing.
I'm just saying.
Some people just dismiss photography
and say you just push a button and the camera does all the work. And some luck. Yeah, There's a lot of fun. Some people just dismiss photography and say you just push a button
and the camera does all the work.
And some luck.
Yeah, there's a lot to it.
You want to hear a flex?
So Malcolm sits down and he puts down his bourbon
and we're like, we want to make sure to promote the bourbon.
He goes, don't bother, it's sold out.
Oh, really?
I didn't say don't bother,
but we're still talking about it.
I'm assuming you're going to make more though.
We're going to make more.
Yeah, for sure.
Somebody's going to promote it.
This bottle was a special edition
we did with Kinsey Distilling Company that's in Philadelphia.
And we did it specifically for the Super Bowl
run with the Eagles and to commemorate the last run
that we had.
So you'll see a bunch of football references
on the labels, the helmets, got my signature on there.
I love a good cocktail.
I felt like it was only appropriate, especially here
in New Orleans, to release a bourbon that
was limited edition.
And the fans, like I said, loved it.
It was only available in Pennsylvania.
And the bottles flew off of the shelf.
So that is awesome.
Yeah, we'll continue to do it.
It's a project I love.
I'm sure we'll do some more runs.
So hoping everybody stays tuned.
What's the piece of art that you own that you're proudest of?
That means the most to you.
I would say Gordon Parks is a photographer.
Another one of my favorites, yeah.
Very lucky guy, Gordon Parks.
He did his work in just capturing images,
like specifically with Muhammad Ali.
He followed him.
And a lot of these photos you've probably
seen of Ali training behind the scenes praying,
this is all Gordon Parks.
And the way that he was able to showcase poverty
in some of the remotest places in our country
and put them on the main stage was impactful.
And his choice of using a camera as a weapon
to fight against poverty and racism is inspiring.
You have your eagle colors on right now.
Of course, of course.
It's a beautiful suit.
I appreciate it.
It really is.
But I've been saying all year that the Philadelphia fans, they don't deserve Nick Sirianni. Oh. Whoa. Like if
Nick, they don't because they want to fire him after every single loss. And I realize that's how
Philadelphia fans are from New York. I'm very well aware of that area of the country and how
they cheer on their teams and don't cheer on their teams. But Nick Sirianni has now been to the playoffs.
He's the only Eagles coach to do this.
I'm sure you know this.
First four seasons, two Super Bowls, almost beat Kansas City the first time.
Has a good chance of beating Kansas City this time.
I maintain that if Nick Sirianni wins this game,
he will go down as the greatest Eagles coach in Eagles history.
And he will.
And that's saying a lot considering Andy Reid
going there.
Andy Reid, it is considering a lot.
Doug Pearson won a Super Bowl.
I know.
But the amount of success he's had, and I think it's the way that he's doing it, right?
His personality is like none of the other coaches that we've laid out on that pedigree,
But that's why Philly should love him.
He is Philly.
We do love him, but he's like a brother. When it's not going right, only we can talk about him.
Nobody else can say anything. It's like your brother, right? Yeah, it's like my brother,
but I think everybody in Philly understands what his leadership has meant to this team.
They take on his personality, which is very much in line with Philly in our disposition for almost
anybody who steps in our stadium. That fan base is crazy.
I love it, man.
I love it.
Do you really love it?
There are times maybe when they go over the line.
My first game as an eagle, we were down 21-0 to the Jackson
Field Jaguars.
And we got booed all the way into the locker room.
And I laughed.
I'm from Jersey.
I understand.
I told my teammates I was booed too.
Look at us, right?
We got 21-0.
We ended up winning that game.
But it's one of those things you know
that they're going to be the most passionate fan base
no matter where you go.
So they have the right to boo because they've
been so dedicated and so ten toes down for this team
that only them, they have the right to speak up.
And they're knowledgeable about the game.
Mahomes annoying?
I mean, what do you think?
Listen, I can't find greatness annoying. I think what he's doing is. But he's getting in your way. I mean, what do you think? Oh, listen, I can't find greatness annoying.
I think what he's doing is getting in your way.
I mean, I don't know.
Listen, I tell everybody Peyton Manning was in my way.
Tom Brady was in my way.
That never stopped me from winning the Super Bowl.
So I think it's easy to respect what he's doing in Kansas City
and Andy Reid.
I think it is it's a generational talent
that we're watching.
Oh, but this weekend, that's going to change. A lot of people are saying that, like a lot of guests
that we've had on.
Some people have said the Eagles by 14.
Yeah, two scores.
Yeah, two scores.
Like people think it's a dangerous game.
That's a dangerous game.
Yeah, yeah, it's dangerous.
You don't want Patrick Mahomes hearing that.
No, I'm not right, exactly.
I think it'll be a tough game.
I think it'll be close.
I think it's going to be a wild fourth quarter.
If there's anything Patrick Mahomes does well is take over fourth quarters of games with
his legs, his arms and Andy Reid always has answers. So I
do think it's going to be one of those things where the Eagles
can dominate for the majority of the game, but they're going
to it's going to come down to that fourth quarter. I love
Jason Kelsey. So I'll say this on the front end. Okay, but I
don't think I don't buy it when Jason Kelsey tells me he's
rooting for the Eagles in the Super Bowl. Do you?
Yes, I believe that wholeheartedly.
No, no, no. He's got his brother on the other side.
He played against his brother in the Super Bowl.
I know, but I think when you retire, the last thing you want is to see Saquon have the year that he had the offensive line be better than it was.
I think Jason Kelsey is securing what he means to the Philadelphia organization.
Yeah, like him when you do that. Where he doesn't need to hate on the success
of his current team.
I don't think any of us thought that him missing out
of the lineup, that the backup center would play
as well as they have, their offensive line has done well.
But trust me, I think Jason's very secure
in his standing amongst the Philly greats.
I understand that, but it's a natural reaction to have
if once you leave the team, you don't want the team to be better.
They get better.
I mean, and he was also the secret for the tush push for all
these years.
And tush push is fine this year.
Listen, he laid the foundation for all of that, you know, and I
think he's going to go down.
Like, think about how great you have to be to be an offensive
center and be one of the biggest faces of a franchise.
A household name, too, yeah.
So that's, he's done more for not only the city, this team, be an offensive center and be one of the biggest faces of a franchise. A household name, too.
So he's done more for not only the city, this team,
but for the sport than I think anybody at that position.
What do you remember most about winning Super Bowls?
When they're over.
Man, I think the best part of when it was crazy.
It's a huge relief, right?
It's a huge relief.
You just think about how poised you
have to be the entire year.
You go through challenges.
You're dealing with injuries.
You're dealing with the media.
You're trying to keep all the nerves out.
And then you finally execute and get it done.
And there's nothing left to do but celebrate.
It's the biggest relief that I've ever had.
I've had players tell me they wish that game would
start Sunday at 1 o'clock.
Waiting around until 618 is like torture for them
You know, I mean, but you know what? It's we grew up dreaming about these moments, right?
You'll wait. Yeah, right. So it's like you it's so much anticipation
And then you got to trick yourself in these moments to act like it's just any other game, right?
It's act like the rules are the same the game is the same the feels the same the balls the same
But we all know that the stakes are not the same.
Listen, whatever you want to promote here,
the bourbon, it's sold out, but you're going to make more,
probably more importantly, Phillips Auction House
for the game of art.
I'll go ahead and promote that one more time.
Yeah, so Saturday we're promoting,
in partnership with Phillips Auction House,
to raise money for the Malcolm Jenkins Foundation,
bringing in artists at the game of art,
connecting artists with athletes.
So that'd be a great, great event this weekend.
But also one of the things that I've been really,
really passionate about is helping athletes
empower themselves and empower their money
and their business.
We work really, really hard on our bodies and our games,
but when it comes to business, sometimes we take a backseat.
And so it's just been really about opening up opportunities.
So anytime I've done anything in business,
whether it's in franchising or it's in sports ownership,
I also create a vehicle to allow athletes
to come along with me to learn first and foremost,
but then also to co-invest.
Because we understand business is a team sport
and we know team sport is better than everybody.
And I think athletes oftentimes,
when it comes to business, try to compete
because we're so competitive.
And it's unnecessary.
The people who do it the best all work together.
And so that's been a huge part of my platform recently,
is empowering athletes to go into business together
and understand how to be the CEO of their own team.
Malcolm Jenkins, you're a good man.
Thank you.
We appreciate your time.
So I love you, man.
I love you too, brother.
Thank you, brother. I appreciate that too, brother. Thank you, brother.
I appreciate that.
I'm looking forward to seeing some of your art soon.
I have art.
No, we have art.
I did a bit.
Flimramp, where I drew a bunch of pictures,
and I told people how much they were worth.
To Billy's point, I set the market.
That's how you have to do it.
That's how you got to do it.
I'll sell you a piece.
We'll talk later.
I'll have you.
I'll get in touch with your people.
Thank you so much. Thank people. Thank you so much.
Thank you.
Thank you, Malcolm.
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football for you Victor is it
better than football harder for
football just so you know we
were talking about harder before
yeah before we got started
Victor is a Ted handicap after
four years of playing I was
complaining to him that he's
already better than me I've been
playing my entire life. It's you
know it's crazy so we just
tried to burn a Davis a little
while ago he's how much harder
acting is that football too
yeah yeah yeah big time I think acting golf anything that doesn't come as a natural ability like golf
I mean football for me. I've been playing since I was what seven eight years old, right? It's an innate thing
You know run jump catch golf has and even acting is so much more in your head
Like obviously there's a technique to golf and a technique to swinging the golf club
But once you have that down as an athlete, that you have an awareness of your body,
you're gonna get the swing down for the most part.
You know what I mean?
But it's just the mental aspect of it
that's so daunting that you got.
Now I understand why golfers,
they make a mistake on the professional ranks.
They make a mistake and they stay the same.
They may have a small reaction,
but they understand that they have to flush it
and focus on the next shot
And focus on the next task at hand and that's the hardest thing for me to do because I want to just throw my frisbee my club
Into the water. What's the angriest golf has ever made you the angry?
I've never gotten that that mad but I definitely I have no doubt that that sport has made you angrier than football ever
And I get internally angry like you just see me like get quiet and go in a shell and I'm not as talkative and social anymore
And then I have a beverage and it's all good
but like it definitely those moments of just
introspectiveness and I just get so mad cuz I'm like I play way too in my head I go
I play way too much to duff this shot that I just tried
Yeah chip or this pitch shot or this driver or whatever it is
I'm like I'm out Chip or this pitch shot or this
driver or whatever it is. I'm
like, I'm out here in this
course way too often to be
messing up this shot. But to
your earlier point, the
professional golfers know those
things are just going to happen.
It just gets and I've learned
this recently. Golf is about
minimizing the mistakes. Yes,
not trying to be great. It's
good sometimes. Yeah, pause
your friend. Bogies can be your friend.
That's exactly right.
What are you doing with Captain Morgan down here?
Doing some fun stuff with Captain Morgan.
I think this is our fourth year maybe doing this now.
Well, first of all, the fan of the year aspect of it,
which is always dope.
I get to meet a lot of dope fans and a lot of dope people
that make the NFL what it is.
I think the players do what they do and we play the game that we love,
but the fans really make this thing go
and make this thing tick.
So to meet them and for them to crown
the ultimate fan of the year tonight at NFL honors
is gonna be a dope experience.
And then on top of that, there's always a party, right?
They do a big party on Saturday night, Rum Street.
We're changing the name of Bourbon Street to Rum Street.
And Captain Morgan's throwing a huge party they're renting out a an
establishment down there we got T-Pain performing we got you know Captain
Morgan flowing everywhere obviously 21 and older to enjoy go to follow the for all the information and I'll see you there you guys just gonna
tell them Victor invited you show up at at the door, and you're good to go? I will not be there to vouch.
What do you mean?
You guys are on your own.
I'll be inside enjoying myself.
I'll be working the door.
Did you get anyone's permission to turn into Rum Street?
Yeah, I don't think so.
Or you're just doing it on your own.
I think that's on Captain Morgan.
They're just going to plaster the street.
The Gulf of America situation.
Victor, it's funny, because a lot of people seem,
it's the weirdest thing. Because it's a funny because a lot of people seem.
It's the weirdest thing because
it's a great Super Bowl matchup.
It's two great teams and people
seem bored by the matchup
because we saw it two years ago.
Yes, but it was one of the
greatest games we've ever seen.
Absolutely weird. It was and
what the Eagles are one passing
appearance away from
potentially winning that thing.
I know. So it's uh I think we're
going to get a phenomenal game.
I think obviously there's a lot of storylines in this game with Saquon
Barkley and the Eagles and what they've done, obviously avenging what happened
two years ago and the Kansas City side obviously going for three in a row and
seeing history for the first time and can Patrick Mahomes start to cement
himself as the goat winning three in a row for the last five years.
It's going to be an incredible game and incredible matchup overall.
And I'm excited for it, personally.
Can you believe your New York Giants, let's say,
say, won go inside?
That's what we're doing.
We're just doing that right now.
Can you believe that?
Honestly, I'm sorry, buddy.
I love you, man.
What are you doing?
Rum string.
I mean, come on.
It's one thing to see him go.
Which, that happens in the NFL, right?
But, jeez, Luis, the way he went and where he went,
just like when he left, it's like there's one gut punch. And then where he went just like when he left is like there's one gut punch and then where he went
It was just like I got enough. I don't have any more guts to punch guys. I'm going golf. Yeah
Exactly, but but as a person man, I couldn't be happier for him. I think as a player
He deserved this opportunity to play on a team that can contend for a Super Bowl and to be in it his first year there
it's really special for him and his family and his teammates so I want him to have 300
yards rushing but lose the game.
Have a good game but lose.
Good friend.
Very good friend.
We asked Ed Reed because I maintain that Ed Reed is the coolest guy in this place you're
the second coolest okay you're on the battle stand, okay?
But I'm wondering what are the keys to being cool because Billy and I need help in case you haven't noticed.
Well, the key to being cool, I don't know if there's a template or a list for things to being cool.
I think it's just about being yourself, chilling, not worried about what's going on.
It's all about the energy. You got the energy. You exuded out to the people.
Don't let the energy use you.
You know what I mean?
Just chill, relax, and let it flow.
I wish we were cool.
I could never wear those shoes.
You got great shoes on today.
I would never wear those shoes.
But he doesn't give a bleep about it.
Yeah, I got blisters and the whole thing.
And you look good on them.
The key is lotion.
I have to make sure.
Because if you wear this type of shoe,
see how oiled up this ankle is?
Because it could be ashy.
It could be a problematic thing here where the ankles are out
and you're wearing this type of shoe and they're ashy.
And that's not good.
That's not cool at all.
So the fact that we've got the proper amount of lotion
on this ankle here is a big deal.
So lotion and oils.
Lotion and oils. There we go. Perfect.
I didn't know what he's going to do with that later on.
No, look at my ankles.
It's written down here.
That's not cool.
There's a little bit of ash on there.
There's a ton of ash on there.
Real ashes, though.
I see.
What do you miss the most about the NFL, man?
Oh, man, I think two things.
One is just game day.
Like, there's nothing like preparing for battle
with your brothers in the locker room,
getting ready to go out there and put your best foot forward,
applying what you did all week, and putting it out there
on the football field.
And then just my teammates, man, just that camaraderie.
When you win a Super Bowl with a bunch of guys,
they become family immediately.
You know what I mean?
For life, right?
Guys that I talk to to this day that I won a championship with and it's uh it's just a beautiful thing to have
and uh you know football is really just brought everything full circle for me.
One more time here Victor on the way out we do appreciate the time my man.
Tell us what you're doing with Captain Morgan. Yeah man Captain Morgan um obviously the NFL fan
of the year ultimate fan of the year will be crowned tonight at NFL honors, which will be fun to watch and see who will be crowned the ultimate fan.
And I've met some of these fans.
These guys are insane.
They're phenomenal.
You actually met them?
I've met a handful over the years as well.
They are rabid, rabid fans of their specific teams.
And then Rum Street, returning Bourbon Street to Rum Street.
We got a bar.
No one's permission.
No one's permission.
We're doing it rogue. We're doing it. It's all on us. And we got T-Pain
performing. Come through. Everyone that's 21 and older, please go to follow the and get all the information and figure out how to get into, you know,
that party on Rum Street. Don't hit me up because I will not be able to get you in.
Yeah. If I make eye contact with you, I will be going to hang me up because I will not be able to get you in. Yeah. If I make
eye contact with you, I will be
immediately looking the opposite
way. Okay. That's very kind of
you. How would they get a hold
of you? Yeah. Someone going to
see me. Don't look at me. Don't
look at me. I can't do it. I
will enjoy your time down on Rung Street. Hopefully you get someone's permission.
We appreciate the time.
No problem at all.
Victor, I love you, man.
I appreciate that.
I love you too.
Oh yeah, my man.
If we have eight minutes, Billy might spend his entire eight minutes on this thing.
I love it.
I mean, that's a cool looking thing.
I'm not going to say I've done a lot of stirring, but I never know what they are.
I do the eating. That counts.
You been having fun, man?
Oh, dude, it's been a blast.
Yeah, it's fun.
Fun city.
I'm just mad for this.
The eating is just as important as the cooking,
because if you cook and no one eats, what's the point of cooking?
People don't appreciate the eaters as much as they appreciate the chefs.
I'm just as valuable as the chef.
Or you.
Cooking for nobody if no one's eating. So you're just as valuable appreciate the chef. I'm just as valuable as the chef. Or you. Cooking for nobody.
If I'm not eating, they won't.
So you're just as valuable as the chef
because you're eating the food he prepares, right?
What would they be cooking for if people weren't eating?
Would they exist?
Exactly right.
What comes first?
There's not equal value, though.
Classic chicken or an egg situation.
Why am I fighting with Whitworth about this?
What the hell is in your hand right now?
Explain to the audience what that is.
This is a bowl paddle right here.
When you cook it, when you're boiling up
your crawfish and shrimp, this is what you stir it with.
Stir it in the pot, baby.
We're in Louisiana.
Come on, you're in Louisiana.
Yeah, exactly right.
I'm sorry.
I get with the plan.
Forgot where I was.
That's right.
I forgot what I, what are you doing?
What are you doing with Pepsi Super Bowl boil?
They're putting on the very first Super Bowl boil.
Nice. That's happening tomorrow at Waldenburg putting on the very first Super Bowl boil. Nice.
It's happening tomorrow at Waldenburg Park.
So it's going to be an awesome opportunity.
Two of the best bowlers in the city, Mr. Shrimp and Crawling Seafood,
going to compete against each other.
I'm going to get a chance to do the most important thing.
Obviously it's important if you can cook it.
It's really important if you can eat it.
A lot of people are saying that.
The chef and the eater, they're partners, right?
Yeah, we're going to have some ice cold Pepsi's
and enjoy some good crawfish and shrimp bowls.
Whitworth, how mad does this make you?
I don't know what your handicap is.
We see you every summer out in Laetahoe.
Victor Cruz was just sitting down with us,
and he was telling us that after four years,
four years of golf, his handicap is a 10.
I know.
That's impressive.
And I said, that's better than me.
I've been playing my entire life.
That's awesome.
That's impressive. I know, but frustrating, right? Yeah, you know, honestly, I've got That's impressive. And I said, that's better than me. I've been playing my entire life. That's awesome.
That's impressive.
I know, but frustrating, right?
You know, honestly, I got to see it.
Are you a ten?
Everybody is.
You're not believing them.
Listen, guys say they have handicaps.
Listen, I'm not saying pictures are liar.
I just like to see it when the competition is up.
I want to see it in a tournament where you play your own ball like American Century.
Yes. You know, that tells us a little more about what your handicap is. What have you been doing here in New Orleans?
What do you been getting into just got in last night?
You know just kind of getting you know what it is catching up with everybody. It's awesome, man
Just see guys you didn't even you hadn't even come across your mind
You're gonna run into this person or that person from your past and man
It's been awesome just catch up with people and you know obviously tomorrow be a lot of fun but this event but that's what this
week's all about man the fellowship around the Super Bowl this game that we
all love. It's really interesting because a lot of guys they struggle post post
NFL careers with just adjusting with with retirement and so but you seem to
handle it very very well I don't know if what you're doing is as satisfying as
playing in the NFL but the transition the transition has seemed to be an easy one for you.
Is that fair?
It has.
I mean, I think I just I love people.
I love the game of football and getting a chance to still be around it in that way.
And that's something that's changed my life, my kids life, my wife's life.
Obviously, we've been our viewpoint in life has been dramatically increased
of just all the things we've got to be a part of
that's so cool.
And then now to stay close enough to the game
on Thursday night football,
still get to talk about the game of football.
And I always say like just those two and a half hours
before every game,
just seeing guys and coaches and people that have been
a part of your career.
That's one of the coolest parts.
So cool.
And so it's been a lot of fun, man, to retire
and to have kind of what you'd call a soft landing,
to find the space for you to continue Chapter 2 is a blast.
And so developing those relationships
has been probably one of the things I've enjoyed the most.
Well, and it's also been really cool to see from afar,
just because timing worked out perfectly for you, right?
As you go, you do Thursday Night Football,
and you get to create something from the start.
And you guys have made something that's really fun.
And then you can kind of just dictate how you want it to go because
it's not something you're joining like you're joining like an NFL live or
something like that that's been around for years like this is how we do things
you guys are kind of creating the format for other people to follow. Yeah it's
fun when you're in something like that where you're starting out with each
other and you're establishing what you're kind of you know people want to
use this word culture but I just you want to establish those boundaries of who you are
and your relationships and you know the culture of really what Amazon is gonna
be and Thursday Night Football is gonna be. You know I relate to it very similar
like in the sense of in 2011 when it became Andy Dalton, A.J. Green, Gino
Atkins, Carlos Dillon, this young talented football team and here you are as the
older statesman, the captain, you kind of kind of find where everybody fits and how
do we go to achieve and we went on that run to go to the playoffs for multiple years in
a row and then I went to LA and it's Jared Goff and it's Todd Gurley and it's
this young team and this 30 year old head coach that you're older than and
it's like alright how do we like all find our vibe and like how we go chase
success together and kind of get to know one another and what that looks like
it's no different I get off the field yeah you're not playing football but
you're still like alright on a weekly basis we're traveling together
staying in hotels play you know going to games covering games I don't I've never
been on TV I don't know when do I talk when I'm not talking about it yes it
just it's a blast so it's like a new adventure a new challenge and
establishing those relationships which has been unbelievable and so much fun. And who knew, I mean I don't know if you knew,
fashion icon.
We didn't even know you were a fashion icon.
That's what I had shaken.
No doubt I thought so.
Here we are, I'm gonna be the guy,
hoodie, blazer on top, fashion icon.
It was in there somewhere, we just didn't know it was there.
Yes, we just didn't know it was there, that's right.
I think we look back about 20 years ago,
people would be really mad that they worried
about what I'm wearing, what I look like.
So, to be a fashion icon is unbelievable.
It is actually fun how mad people get.
Why do they get mad at that?
You are just racing the game of football with your hoodie on.
And then it's like on the flip side,
they're like, this is my husband's gift.
Oh, dude, it's hilarious.
And then the other, it's like, I'll get 50 tweets of that.
And then it's 50 tweets of like, what brand is it?
I need it.
I'm getting it.
This is my husband for Christmas.
So it's just funny how it's so either side.
It's like either people absolutely love it,
or they are like, man, you are ruining TV coverage.
You have a hoodie on.
How about you be comfortable?
I mean, right?
Listen, the number one thing I want to do,
and you said this, like, hey, man,
it looks like it's been easy.
It's not that it's been easy.
It's just my only goal when I got into this was,
I just want to be me, like, who I am.
And if people like that, great.
I don't have to say something to get people's attention or I don't need to go on TV to get people to react to something
I'm saying even if I believe it or not
I just say what I believe in I try to be myself and if people like it great if they don't oh
Well, oh well, what are you smiling at? I just I radio row. I just kind of take
Dog just walked by the free wings about he Bounty's giving away, which is like Mad
Dog, you're a multimillionaire.
You don't need to go get free wings.
No, he does.
It's incredible.
There's so much going on.
Are you getting free wings?
I mean, I'm about to find out.
Don't fill up.
You have the Pepsi boil coming up.
I know.
I got to be ready, man.
This is a big deal.
I mean, I just realized that one of these two restaurants is going to be very upset
with my decision.
So there's a lot of pressure. It's stressful. Is there any way that you kind of like sit on the fence on this one?
Maybe let someone else make decisions
Worth look like a guy who's gonna let someone else make decisions. I'm gonna probably just choose the one I like. Okay. Well, I'm good
Matthew Stafford, what do you think he's going to do here in the offseason? Well, I mean obviously I think he wants to be in LA
I know how friendly you are, but no no, obviously, I think he wants to be in LA. I'm not putting you in a bad spot,
because I know how friendly you are, but.
No, no.
Obviously, I think Matthew wants to be in LA.
I think he wants to figure it out.
But obviously, last year we saw, I
went up to the very last minute trying to figure out that.
And I think both sides want some clarity
on that whole situation.
Like, hey, are we going forward for a couple more years
I think Matthew feels like he can still play ball
at a really high level.
I think he was playing that way at the end of the year for sure. So I think
it definitely is in the best interest of both to get it figured out. But I don't
know that there's a whole lot of Matthew Stafford's out there in the world. So
definitely that situation. I think the Cooper Cup situation obviously makes it
a little tougher to figure out what's going on there and you know and how they
move forward. Do you guys root for, do you personally root for Jared Goff? That
trade worked out for both teams perfectly. Yes but you guys root for Jared? Do you personally root for Jared Golf? That trade worked out for both teams perfectly, yes, but you're rooting for Jared Golf. Jared
is like a little brother. I love him to death and went to his wedding this summer. Massively
a huge fan of Jared and Kristen and the human beings they are. So definitely rooting for
them at all times. All right, fashion icon Andrew Whitworth, tell us one more time about
Pepsi Super Bowl boiled. Yeah, first ever Pepsi Super Bowl boil.
It's going to be tomorrow, 12 to 2 at Waldenburg Park.
You know what?
We're going to have some Pepsi, some crawfish, some shrimp.
I'll give you a chance if you come by.
You can stir with this thing.
Wow, really?
It's fantastic, buddy.
You know, the key is, is do you soak or do you sprinkle?
That's the question.
People want to know when you're a crawfisher.
Crawfish bowler is do you soak or sprinkle?
Yes, you guys. That's a big. I sprinkle. I tend to sprinkle. You're a sprinkler. Oh, you're a crawfish or crawfish bowler is do you soak or sprinkle? Yes, you got that's a
Sprinkle I tend to
You're gonna be able to keep that thing when you head out, you know what?
It's nice. He wants to keep it back to his question
Do I care if somebody's get if you think they're gonna be able to take this?
I don't know how the hell you're gonna get that through security, but good. I don't know what the Pepsi people have planned
But there's zero chance.
Is there a guy in this building that can take that from you?
Is there a single person at Radio Row
that can take this from Whitworth?
I would like that.
That'd be a fun game.
Let's try it.
Ed Reed, can he take it from you?
He's done.
Andrew, we appreciate it.
And enjoy the rest of your week, buddy.
Appreciate it, brother.
All right, man.
So you got in last night.
Got in last night.
Straight to beers with the boys.
Who are the boys?
What boys are we talking about here?
So when I was with the Giants, one
of the guys in the equipment room was Jack Marra.
He was obviously family's involved with the team.
But he's one of the best human beings on planet Earth.
So I met him, said what's up to him.
My buddy Mike ran into another a former player friend of mine
So it was just it was good. We just catch up with everybody. You're here for 48 hours or 72 hours
You're like I have to maximize I have to see everybody. Yep, and
It's a lot though, right? It's a lot. It is yes. Plus you have to do this, you know, well, I love this
I know you I love talking job out of you. Yes, I love
You know, well, I love this. I know you.
I love to get out of you.
Yes, I love.
Can I curse on here?
You can.
I love talking with the boys.
Like, this is what I live for.
I just moved.
Moving to Florida.
You guys are Florida guys.
Yes, we are.
Where are you moving?
West Palm Beach.
Oh, wow.
Bright line right to Miami.
Miami, yes.
No, I don't live in Miami.
No, no, no.
They all live in Miami.
I live about an hour and They all live in Miami.
I live about an hour and a half north of Miami.
So I'm closer to you than you are to our studios.
All right, well, then we've got to find some good.
There's some good Cuban food up in West Palm Beach.
Why are you moving there?
Family's there.
Get back closer to the East Coast.
I'm going to be doing some stuff up in New York.
I'm doing an education program partner
with the NFL this off season. So I've got some stuff rolling. You up in New York. I'm doing an education program partner with the NFL
this off season.
So I got some stuff rolling.
You love life, man.
You have to.
You're right.
You got to get in in the morning.
Better than hating life.
I know.
But he really attacks life, it seems like, Billy.
Some people are introverts.
They don't like talking to people.
I'll talk to anybody.
To a fault.
My buddy would be like, dude, we're wasting time. I'm like, no.
This guy that we're talking to right now
is the most important person we're
talking to at the moment.
Yeah, but that's a blessing and a curse.
Because a fan could come up to you,
and all of a sudden, you're in a two-hour conversation.
It happened on the way in.
This guy started yelling at us.
And he's like, he said MVP.
And I thought he was getting on me for my MVP prediction.
Like, I've been talking about Saquon
should potentially win MVP.
So I'm like, oh, this guy is going to say something to me. Right. I thought he was getting on me for my MVP prediction. Like, I've been talking about Saquon should potentially win MVP.
So I'm like, oh, this guy's going to say something to me.
And he's like, no, I'm calling you the MVP, man.
I'm trying to get you on.
So we ended up talking.
I was late to my first one.
I show up late here.
So real life example.
It's OK.
How do you get out of these things?
How do you get out of the small talk?
You get in, but you realize, OK, you
were the most important person, but now someone else is gonna be the most important.
Yeah, I straight up tell you, we're done.
Oh, wow.
Oh yeah, I'm a very honest person too.
I'm a type of guy, you laugh at everything
or you don't laugh at anything.
You talk, and hey, I gotta go.
Hey buddy, it was nice meeting you.
See you effing later, I'm going to the next interview.
20 minutes too late, you do that.
You're too nice of a guy. It's better that way. You guys are a'm going to the next interview. 20 minutes too late, you do that. Yeah. You're too nice of a guy.
It's better that way.
You guys are a little more to the point.
Is that the?
No, I'm the opposite.
I'll be there three hours.
No, same with me.
I can't get out of conversation.
That's why he was asking, how do you get out?
Because we're locked in with conversations,
and you don't want to be mean.
You don't want to just walk away.
No, no, you can be honest.
I guess.
Well, that's hard for me.
You know who's great at it is Austin Eckler.
Austin Eckler we have on every single week.
And he is a very nice, genuine guy.
And we would talk to him.
And he is very regimented.
And he is going to stick to the schedule.
So Stugatz is not the best at wrapping up interviews.
Sometimes he'll get friendly.
He'll want to throw in an extra conversation,
an extra question here or there.
And Austin's like, all right, good seeing you, boys.
And then, boom, hits the zoom, and he's out of there.
On to the next thing.
I interviewed him.
I did a show this year, and I interviewed Austin.
He's incredible.
The amount of stuff that guy's got going on.
He's great.
So much.
He's so set up after football.
Whenever he stops, he has so many different things going.
And you know why?
It's because he wasn't a highly drafted guy.
He always counted out.
He always thought about life outside of football.
I want more people to have that mindset.
It took me a while to get that myself.
So that's something that I'm hopefully
going to work on in the future.
He's grateful for it.
He appreciates it because of his path,
because he was undrafted.
Austin was undrafted.
He's shaking hands, kissing babies.
He knows how to leverage the NFL in his situation.
No doubt.
What are you doing with Muggsy?
Muggsy is a brand that I've worn throughout my entire career.
It's got the four way stretch.
As a big guy, I've never had jeans that fit.
I was always wearing the hand-me-downs and this and that.
So Mugsy came on board.
They sponsored one of our episodes through the season.
There's the night football.
They had the fleece line jeans.
But I'm here today supporting them.
I'm rocking the Canadian tuxedo.
I'm sweating a little bit.
It's a little humid down here in New Orleans.
But it's a great brand, great people.
Happy to be doing it.
Wait till you get a summer of West Palm Beach in you.
I mean, we might not be wearing the denim jackets as much
in West Palm Beach, but.
Cut them off.
Cut off the sleeves.
Go Belichick.
Exactly right.
What would Belichick do?
Sleeves off your life.
Yes, yeah.
That's absolutely right.
So share your opinion on Saquon Barkley with us,
if you don't mind, and why he should win the MVP.
Look, he is going to have the best running back
season of all time.
He would have broken the record in less attempts
than Eric Dickerson, right?
He had 30 attempts to get 140 yards.
He was going to do that.
He's going to go and break Terrell Davis' record
of all time rushing yards through an entire season.
And with my prediction, they're going
to also win the Super Bowl.
So I think that Saquon Barkley is
the most important player to this Eagles team
than anybody else.
Because you can make the argument,
it's always a quarterback award.
They touch the ball more.
Yes, all those things are true.
And I truly believe that it's going to be Lamar Josh Allen.
But I think Saquon actually is the MVP.
So that's, I guess, the argument for people
who are arguing Josh Allen over Lamar Jackson, is that he's the most valuable to his team
which is what you're saying about Saquon. And it's it's an historic season how
can you have a guy that breaks a record that stood for 40 years and he didn't
get the chance to so I actually think because he didn't break the regular
season he's only gonna break the entire season he won't get it. So I'm gonna try
this out on you because I asked Mina Combs this last week and and she didn't
know how to answer it. OK.
In a weird world, if the Eagles had to choose one player
to not play in the Super Bowl this Sunday,
would they choose Jalen Hurts or Saquon Barkley?
So the quarterback touches the ball in every single play.
You have to have Jalen Hurts.
He's going to be able to conduct the offense.
The quarterback is the most important position.
Yes. My boy, Jay Gruden, I do a show with Jay Gruden.
He's quarterback everything.
But if I was building a team and you said, hey,
you have the first pick, and you're
starting a new team tomorrow just for next season.
Just for next season.
I'm taking Saquon over Jalen Hurts.
But in the Super Bowl, you need your quarterback.
I can't just insert Kenny Pickett.
But if I can get Saquon, and then I
can go get, insert the next quarterback
that I would take later in the draft,
I'd go on Saquon first overall.
It's a weird way of saying Saquon is not
as valuable as people.
I'm trying to fight your argument here,
because of course you would take Jalen Hurd.
You need that guy.
And the Eagles have been to a Super Bowl without Saquon
But they haven't been to one without Jalen.
If you asked me how I would build a team,
I would only give a quarterback a certain percentage
of the cap.
No team has won a Super Bowl paying a quarterback more
than 18% of the salary cap.
I like that.
So if you can manipulate cap, which the Eagles can,
or you can get a rookie salary quarterback,
that's how I think you build a team.
I would pay eight defensive linemen
before paying anyone else.
The Eagles and the San Francisco 49ers
build their teams the best way from the trenches out.
And you look at Brock Purdy, everyone's like, well, what would you do with Purdy?
I wouldn't pay Purdy.
I would go, I would.
That's really interesting because we just had Joe Montana on.
He's like, well, you have to pay Brock Purdy.
I mean, but you wouldn't because.
Quarterbacks hate me.
So you just want the quarterback on the rookie contract essentially.
I would say to Brock Purdy, I will tie your salary to the cap and do a percentage.
I'm always going to give you 18 salary to the cap and do a percentage.
I'm always going to give you 18% of the cap.
It's going to go up.
You're actually going to get a pay raise every year.
I just don't know if teams would tie salary to the cap.
Well, that's why Baker is so valuable to the Buccaneers.
So valuable.
Because Baker is getting half of what
Dak is getting essentially now.
And maybe that goes back to your Josh Allen argument.
That's why he's so impressive.
I don't know what he's making in terms of percentage of cap.
But I think there's all sorts of analytics out there.
The Browns swung and missed big on it.
You see him trying to pro-raid Deshaun's contract.
That's the worst contract ever in history, not even
in football, in America, in democracy,
since the Louisiana Purchase.
I got to tell you, man, really, probably one of the few people
to make that comparison.
Tell us more about the Louisiana Purchase.
I have no idea.
So actually, don't cancel me if I said something.
Yeah, but we're in.
We're here.
We're here.
You have to go way back in time.
Yeah, just really just emphasize my point, right?
It's like, do you know anything about?
I guarantee I'm getting canceled.
It's the first time in the history of Radio Row
that that's been mentioned.
Just so you know.
You know what I'm going to do?
I'm going to sneak it into every interview.
Will you do that?
Muggsy, Louisiana Purchase.
You get the show.
You guys are awesome.
You get the show.
Well, I had a blast the last time I came on.
I know.
So did we.
You're a handsome fellow.
I got to be honest.
I'm jealous of you.
I just saw a picture of me back with the New York Giants.
And the guy goes, is my buddy Jack.
And he's like, your wife bought low.
You were not looking great early on in your football career.
I lost some.
The TV 12 method.
But you're coming on, man.
Yeah, part of the Louisiana Purchase
is you have to make sure you commit to the healthy.
Buy when the price is right.
All right.
So it seems I want you to try to do this with the Louisiana
Purchase reference when you tell us
why you think the Eagles are going to win
this Super Bowl because a lot of people are taking the cheese.
It's hard to pick against the Eagles, but it seems like you're going to the Eagles.
Well, the first thing that I will say is since the Louisiana Purchase,
we've actually legalized sports gambling in Louisiana.
And one of the things is the cheese aren't an underdog in this game.
Right. The cheese are a favorite.
If the cheese were an underdog, I'd be scared.
Wait, was the question why the Eagles are going to win?
Well, it was how do you get Louisiana Purchase?
That was my first objective.
Good job out of you.
The Eagles are the more talented roster.
If you go down the roster, and you're
like, besides quarterback and tight end,
and maybe even at D-Tackle, the Eagles have them now.
They're better everywhere.
They have more talent on the field.
My biggest fear is the Chiefs have one man,
and one man that has proven me wrong time
and time again.
That's Patrick Mahomes.
It's team versus position.
Greatest guy at the most important position in sports.
Would you say San Francisco was a better team than the Chiefs last year?
Talent wise?
I would say the Eagles two years ago were a better team than the Chiefs.
But Patrick got it done.
And if it's a one possession game, I would not bet against Mahomes.
Which is why, say, respectfully should not be the MVP.
The quarterback position is just too important.
You're right.
Maybe we need to take that away.
I talked him out of it.
Look at that.
Well, I don't think he's going to win.
I'm a realist at the same time.
I think he should win.
But I think it's probably going to be Josh Allen.
Billy is looking up things.
I'm seeing like, Louisiana Purchase.
Just to see like how much you should push this story.
Yeah, I appreciate that.
A very quick scan, because I started out,
I'm like, I think it's OK.
It was from the French.
And I'm going down, I'm like, I don't know about this.
It's like NFL player, I'm wearing the Canadian tuxedo.
I'm sure I'm going to get canceled for that.
Then I'm going to get canceled for the week.
Like any history, like I just.
Yeah, stay away from history.
Just talk some big scale. But you always have Mugsy. So promote him one more time on the way out, man. Like any history, I just. Yeah, stay away from history. Just talk some big scale.
But you always have Mugsie.
So promote them one more time on the way out, man.
Mugsie, we love you.
You've supported us throughout this entire journey.
As a big guy that's gotten small, right?
As someone whose wife bought low on their stock.
If it wasn't for Mugsie, I'd never have jeans that fit.
They got the four-way stretch.
They got the jackets.
Look at you.
Now, go get your Mugsie today.
That's all I gotta say.
That's the last thing I'll say about that.
We appreciate your time, and enjoy
the rest of the week, man.
I'll be back.
No more history lessons from him.
No, no, no, no.
Weave it into every single interview you do today, please.
I actually am going to check in later in the day
to make sure no one topped that one.
If someone beats that, I'm going to be pissed.
Look, this is what you're competing against.
The Old Spice guy from the commercials
that rides the horse has come and just sat down
in that seat twice.
Really? Yeah. He's wandering around. Just so you guys know I was coming to hang out regardless.
Mugsy came in and saved the day at the last minute so I was gonna lose money
coming here today and instead Mugsy's like let us take care of that.
I was wearing Mugsy no matter what. Tell Mugsy that you have some short
friends over here that want sleeveless denim jackets. There you go.
Exactly what we want. Look at us. Yeah tell them we can work the Florida line for them.
We will start the Florida line.
Let's do it.
We get on the Brightline, cruise down Business Cash.
You zip off the pockets.
I'm in.
Or the sleeves.
You zip them off.
Yeah, just in case.
I like that.
Just in case you got to go somewhere else
and it's a little bit chillier.
Yeah, of course.
Are we playing golf down at West Palm?
What are we doing here?
I don't know the courses.
I'll get you on a couple of courses.
All right, we'll go.
You are welcome back here any time. Just sit in on anything you want the entire here? I don't know the courses. I'll get you on a couple of courses. Unbelievable. You are welcome back here anytime.
Just sit in on anything you want the entire day.
I might just crash one later.
Thanks guys.
Thank you, man.
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Hi, I'm Lucy. Hey Lucy.
Nice to meet you.
How's it going?
Nice to meet you.
I try not to have wings in my teeth.
I just smashed a handful of wings.
They're giving out free wings over there.
They're going like this.
Bounty wings?
You seem way too excited about that.
I mean, I love Radio Row.
I love a convention center.
I love Super Bowl week,
but there are free wings everywhere.
That's what Radio Row is all about.
This is what it's all about.
This is why I got into the biz right here.
Free wings.
Are you enjoying your time here?
It's so much fun, man.
I, you know, I, this is the first time I've really done the Radio Row in like a real way. things. Are you enjoying your time here? It's so much fun, man.
This is the first time I've really
done the radio row in a real way.
And it's a blast.
I'm running on two hours of sleep
and with just 3,000 milligrams of caffeine.
They're giving out slime over there.
Oh, yeah.
Do you want us to give you a toy?
I know.
Free slime?
I know. It's the greatest. And the? I know. Free slime, come on.
It's the greatest.
And the slime hat, too.
Oh, come on.
You can get that anywhere else.
That is a goal of mine for my career,
is I want to get slimed Nickelodeon Kids' Choice Awards.
You could recreate it over there.
They have enough little slime that I
think if you asked nicely, they'd let you do it.
Listen, Adam, all your dreams can come true right here.
Yeah, it really is.
I'm a fitfluencer now.
This was a dream of mine.
Yeah, fitfluencer.
Yeah, so I kind of, yeah, I do it all.
I act.
I sing.
I'm a fitfluencer.
I'm working with Circle.
I'm in a Super Bowl commercial this year.
Wow, look at you.
Yeah, that's why I'm here doing the whole thing.
Am I basically Shaq now?
Basically, yeah, more or less.
Basically, yeah.
Yeah, same stature.
Yep, yep.
And Circle Water, it's this incredible thing.
You put the cartridge in and you're able to dial up
the flavor.
It's the number one selling home goods item
in Walmart's history.
Can you believe that?
Wow, okay.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
So in the- This is a master class of promotion right now.
He's not even here for them.
He just loves Circle so much with all the-
We're not talking about football.
We're talking about my Circle commercial.
I'm delivering 100,000 Circle water bottles
on Super Bowl Sunday.
So you might get a Circle water at your doorstep
while you're watching the game.
Yeah, I'm exactly like Santa Claus.
And Shaq combined. Look at you. Man, I'm incredible. I'm like a water at your doorstep. I'm exactly like Santa and Shaq.
Man, I'm incredible. Really
hyping me up. Thanks. Well,
you're doing it. Yeah. Are you
a football fan? I am. Yeah.
Yeah. Yeah. Who's your favorite
team? The Chiefs, which is it's
an embarrassment. That's too
easy, man. I'm from the Midwest. I'm from Omaha. It's right down the street, Kansas City.
So I'm not like a diehard, though.
So I can't say I'm fully in.
But it would be incredible to see a three-peat, you know?
As an Omaha resident, what do you think of Council Bluffs?
They call it the armpit of America.
It's awful.
It's the worst.
Yeah, it's the worst over there.
But it's also so close to Yeah, it's the worst. That's the worst over there, but it's also so
close to Omaha that is basically Omaha. So it's so weird that you like cross and
it's like in a completely different world. That's right. It's Iowa. It's worse
than... Okay, that's disrespectful. No, actually I like Iowa. I'm from Waterloo. He loves Iowa. I went to the University of
Iowa. We're all Hawkeyes here. We love Council Bluffs.
Yeah, Council Bluffs isn't it?
No, no, no, no.
Why are you objecting to this? What's going on?
Council Bluffs?
It's a terrible town. Like everyone in the world will know this.
You know where you've heard of meth, right?
That's where that comes from.
Matt seems to be big in the Midwest.
Big, big.
The more I head into the Midwest, the more I hear.
Math is a big thing.
I don't know why.
I think it's a, we're big in, you know, we're crafty.
We're crafty people.
Yeah, sure.
You're able to make it yourself in a bathtub.
So that's why it's like a.
Look at you guys, go-getters.
It's like an arts and craft project.
That could explode in your face.
Chemistry, yeah.
Had the Super Bowl commercial come about.
It was fun.
They reached out to me.
They're like, who seems like the most hydrated man working
in Hollywood today?
Yes, yes.
Yeah, they reached out to me.
It was fun, man.
Peter Berg directed it.
He's a huge director.
So that was cool.
And I just loved the premise, I thought was really fun.
And my chance to be in a Super Bowl commercial and to align with my core values of being a fitfluencer.
I'm like I've got to do this.
When did you know that the fitfluencer life was for you?
As a young boy, you said one day.
When I rolled this up and saw this.
I was like I've got to capitalize on this. This guy's jaw was like, I gotta capitalize on this.
This guy's jaw just dropped to the ground
after seeing that.
I mean, it was shocking.
We didn't have you being that big.
That's my only muscle is my right arm.
I don't know why.
I don't know why.
You're funny.
I don't know how to transition from that.
There is no, no.
He wanted it to be uncomfortable for you.
And it sucks because I was going to ask you about your wife
being in the Camp Rock franchise.
And I feel like it can't go from that to a kids movie
You can.
You can.
So I know that your wife was in the Camp Rock.
He left you no choice.
I'm so uncomfortable right now.
It's so rock and roll.
And it's so cool.
And I do this for a living.
So I feel really bad about my current choice right now.
But I know your wife was in the Camp Rock franchise.
You were in the Pitch Perfect franchise.
So two musical franchises.
Who do you think is the most intense fan base
out of those two?
I don't know, Camp Rock, they're pretty wild.
Like, girls will be shaking when they meet my wife,
which is pretty insane.
But for me, they will come up to me
and just start singing at me, which is off-putting, too.
We have someone here who planned on coming up and singing
to you, and I said, let's not do that.
Well, he can.
I want to try it.
I will be off-put by it.
Yeah, because I'm not a real singer.
I just got cast in the movie.
I don't know what the hell I'm doing.
So it is weird when someone will just come up to me
and just start singing a song.
And I'm like, am I a judge on The Voice?
Or do they want you to sing back?
Like, is it a duet?
I think they want to harmonize.
Yeah, and I'm just not quite about that life.
I'm tempted to have Rose come over here and sing to him.
No, you don't want that.
Why not?
She was like, I'm going to do it.
I was like, let's just.
I know, but it's Radio Row. It is Super Bowl week. I was like, I'm going to do it. I was like, let's just.
I know, but it's Radio Row.
It is Super Bowl week.
I mean, this is the time to do it.
Come on, this is the time.
Let it fly.
All right, I'm going to have her do it.
The thing about Rose, who works with us, is she sings songs,
but she doesn't know the words to any of the songs.
So yesterday, we were in the car,
and she was singing Country Roads by John Denver.
But she didn't know it was Country Roads.
She thought that the song went bad and rouge
So then she started just singing song. It's all in Baton Rouge. No, no She was singing country country roads just saying Baton Rouge over and over again. Yeah, and then she was saying
California and then just throwing in different states. She seems like she's heard of songs
Yeah, she's just not aware how any of the songs actually work together. Let's yeah put her on the spot
She's coming. I how any of the songs actually work together. Yeah, put her on the spot.
We need you to sing.
Can you sing a little something?
Yeah, sing in Baton Rouge that you showed us yesterday.
So Rose, go ahead and do it.
You were planning on doing this anyway.
Lucy said it was a bad idea.
Just so you know, Adam's here.
I'm excited for this.
This is what Super Bowl Radio Rose is all about, Rose.
Here's your big opportunity.
Alright, sing Baton Rouge.
Oh yeah, Baton Rouge, please.
Baton Rouge, here we come.
No, I do sing, but my voice is gone today.
Yeah, that's it.
Well, you know Baton Rouge isn't in California, right?
No, I know.
And we've been there.
The thing is, don't you think it's an art when you create your own lyrics? No.
It's, uh...
If you're a songwriter, yes.
If you're a songwriter when you're creating a song.
I'm just recreating something and I'm giving it my all.
And what I love about you, Rose, is you were willing to just come on, put it out there
for the world to hear that beautiful song, and thank you for doing that.
No, no, thank you.
Thank you whenever you want.
I can sing whenever. No, no, thank you. Thank you whenever you want.
I can sing whenever.
No, this is it.
If it's up to me, this would be the entire show.
But it's not up to me.
It's not up to me.
There you go.
Yesterday, I got a lot of compliments.
And they were like, you have a voice of an angel.
Yeah, you really do.
Thank you for putting up with that.
That was beautiful.
That was beautiful.
Wasn't that it?
Was it beautiful?
Yeah. You know when I said it was off-putting for me? Yes. I'm sorry. Thank you for putting up with that. That was
beautiful. That was beautiful.
Was it Adam? Was it beautiful?
Yeah. Yeah. You know when I
said I was I was it was off
putting for me. Yes. The
opposite with that for whatever
reason. Whatever reason that
just hit home. Uh alright. One
more time on the way out.
Promote Circle. What you're
doing with them. You're an
influencer. I'm a I'm a fit
influencer. I'm not an
influencer. I'm sorry. My apologies. Thank
you. I used to be an actor.
This is what I do now. Okay. I
mean, check it out. You're
going to see it on the Super
Bowl. It's it's pretty
incredible. Go to drink circle
.com if you want a circle to be
delivered at your house on
Super Bowl Sunday. Alright,
man. This was a lot. There's a
lot of fun. We appreciate it.
Sorry about Rose. I love you, man. Thanks, man. You got it. Let's say it back. I love you
You asked a little too soon I was about to say you were
Right. All right pleasure guys. Thank you. Thank you. Appreciate it. Yeah
Just today your last day you still have more to do?
Last day. Last day, Billy. Deuce is hosting this thing.
Ah, you know.
I've been going since last Friday.
Sometimes you say, I'm Deuce McAllister. I'm going through Thursday. That's it.
And I was about to ask you what is today actually? you know, it runs together, but it's good though.
They're all blending together for you?
That's exactly right.
I mean, Billy's right though.
You're Deuce McAllister.
If you want to stop, pause, whatever, you should be able to do
so, you know.
It's good though.
I mean, it works out.
It works out.
It seems like the Super Bowl is really like, it's really wearing
on you.
I got to be honest dude. Well, I mean, one, you still have family and so my kids, they still have school.
So you have all that to deal with.
Yes, yes. And so a lot of my buddies that are in town, they're like, you know,
hey, let's go hang out, hang out. Hey, look, man, I got carpool in the morning.
I gotta go grab my kids. And so it's just like, oh right, yeah, you stay here.
That's exactly right.
So we're from Miami and the last time the Superbowl
was in Miami was in 2020.
And of all the Superbowls that we've covered,
I've told people, I was like, that was the least fun.
Because when everyone comes to your hometown,
they want you to go out and do this and do that.
It's like, if we're traveling, that's fine,
because all my responsibilities stayed at home.
When it's a home Super Bowl, I still
have to take out the trash on Tuesdays.
I still have to do everything.
I have to go home.
I have to eat dinner.
I can't be out until 2 in the morning going and socializing
with people.
That's not real life.
Kindred's parents, the two of you, yes.
And people don't understand.
And they're thinking, wait, what do you mean? I was like, yes, this is what I have to do. It's real life. Kindred's parents, the two of you, yes. And people don't understand. They're thinking, like, wait, what do you mean?
I was like, yes, this is what I have to do.
It's real life.
You know, they don't stop it just because, hey,
the Super Bowl is here.
It's still, I was telling you, I mean, you got carpool.
They got activities that they got to get to and from.
And you know, yes, you have other means to be able to do it.
But it's just like, I can't disappear for a week,
because the Super football is-
You got responsibilities, man.
Yeah, yes.
They're like that.
Well, are you coming to my game?
Or are you taking me to practice?
Well, I'll be at one of them.
I can't maybe do both of them.
Wait, so what kind of pickup guy are you?
Like, in terms of, are you a guy who gets to the school
like an hour earlier than you probably should,
so you can be first in line?
Or are you getting there late? No, I'm probably the late person as far as getting to the school. Really hour earlier than you probably should so you can be first in line or you get in there late?
No, I'm probably the late person as far as getting to the school.
Yeah, it's just...
Really? Wow.
You have some that are there and it's like there's no way that you can just sit here
45 minutes before school even gets out just to be first in line.
I mean, it's like I'd rather go in and check them out early than maybe to go in and sometimes just wait and wait
and wait until, yeah, it gets interesting.
I feel like you need to treat them more like football.
You need to get yourself some like blocker parents
that they go and they like clog up
the different lines for you.
And then boom, you just sneak in and out.
A gap for him to shoot right through.
If you know, and most parents do,
particularly that pick their kids up, it's a social event
for some parents.
And so it's like, hey, we got a job to do.
It's get in, get the pick up and move.
But no, that does not happen.
If I'm being honest, there should be a special spot for Deuce's kids where only he has access.
You're Deuce McAlister.
Yeah, no, it doesn't work like that.
You're here with us on behalf of the
NFL Alumni Association on three weight health hike campaign.
Tell us about that.
Yeah, it's a pretty, pretty unique campaign.
And it's really about the health of not
only former players, but individuals in general.
And so a lot of times we get caught up in the hustle and the bustle as far as going and you kind of forget hey you know my health is important as
well and you hear the phrase health is wealth and you know I think that's
definitely important and so just for a lot of the former athletes not being
afraid not being ashamed even myself living in this great city of New Orleans
I've gotten in trouble of eating too much and you know not exercising and
taking care of yourself
But you know just trying to encourage not only former players
but individuals in general that there is an opportunity to be able to go out there and be healthy and
You know just make sure that they're taking care of themselves
And so there's a couple of obviously you have some different things programs out there
And you know just being able to have that that circle of trust so to speak and sometimes
Individuals just to push you a little bit
to say, hey, look, man, let's go walking, or let's go talk.
And then so just to have that encouragement.
And so the NFL Alumni Association,
you can go to the website and check out some of the things
that they have, and it's just really taking care
of yourself a little bit better.
This seems like a tough city to eat healthy in.
It can be.
Every place you go, people are like, you gotta eat here,
you gotta eat there.
You know, what happens is I try one spot, right?
And then I, and so, and I'm full.
And then I walk like four spots down and I'm like, man,
I want to try that thing.
And I do.
You did one positive thing there by walking there.
I mean, because when you jump in the car,
when you jump in the car, it's like, hey, you didn't burn anything off.
But at least if you walk it off a little bit,
you can kind of, I don't want to call it tricking yourself.
But knowing that you're getting some type of exercise in.
And you're correct.
We do have a little bit better options.
But I mean, if there are a little bit.
Have worse food, dudes. And that's part of the problem I mean we can
create ways like wait you're cooking at how we can create ways of dishes to be
able to make them taste a little bit different and until that's why I said I
get in trouble I get in trouble and so it's something that you have to stay up
on. Deuce you are a great great running back and I'm wondering as a former great
NFL running back when you watch Saquon Barkley, are you in awe of him?
What's happening there for you?
You're happy that he's getting to showcase it.
I mean, because you saw it going back even to Penn State.
That it's not being wasted.
Well, yeah.
I mean, just because now, on a national level, people kind of see you like, man, this player's
pretty good.
And not to say that that wouldn't happen in New York.
But, you know, if you don't go to consistent playoffs, people kind of say,
ah, you know, he's he had a good year, but he had done it consistently.
And so for him to be able to put it together and kind of what he went through
with New York, having to go to the Eagles and being in this position.
And it hadn't just been a regular season situation.
It's been something that he's done in the playoffs as well.
And so to get to the second and third level and have those explosive plays, It hadn't just been a regular season situation. It's been something that he's done in the playoffs as well.
And so to get to the second and third level
and have those explosive plays, I
think that speaks to the offensive line,
because that's definitely a part of it.
But then as well, he's got to make people miss.
He's got to be able to break tackles.
And he's been able to do it so far in this playoff.
The running back and the running game in general
has made a resurgence this past year.
It was kind of down for a while, but I'm sure you're happy to see it come back, right? It's as important as ever now in the running game in general has made a resurgence this past year was kind of down for a while but I'm sure you're happy to see it come back
right it's it's it's as important as ever now in the NFL to have a running
game well in the NFL it's ebbs and flows as well sure a lot of times defenses
were taking away you know you were seeing eight in the box but you know
with with the evolution of the passing game and the high high high numbers as
far as passing yards you know you see defense and say hey look you're gonna have to run the ball and you may not be built to run the football.
And you had a commitment from the offensive coordinator to say, hey, look, we can turn
around, we can give it to the backs and the backs have been able to make it pay off.
And so I'm happy for it.
And to those guys, you're going to have to do it again because I don't think that one
year proves that having an elite run game for those OCs to say,
hey, look, we need to invest back in it.
I still think this is a passing league
and you have to have a quarterback
to be able to win in this league.
But to be able to see some of the success
that the backs this year have had has been impressive.
Deuce, we really appreciate the time.
You're a good man.
NFL Alumni Association on three, weight, health, height.
Tell us one more time here on the way out.
You're almost there, man.
It's almost over the entire week.
No, no, I mean, it hadn't been too bad.
It's always good to see former players that you played with
and even some of the current guys just to encourage them
and tell them, you know, to keep pushing on.
But, you know, for us, just encouraging guys,
particularly our athletes that have retired that,
from a health standpoint, to make sure that you're taking
care of yourself because health is wealth, and without that body, it's hard to be able to do something are athletes that have retired that from a health standpoint to make sure that you're
taking care of yourself because health is wealth and without that body it's hard to
be able to do some of the things that you like to do and you take the hits but at the
same time if you're not healthy enough to be able to play with your kids and when they
have stuff going on that's kind of what it's about and so you know just making sure that
we know that message and we can kind of lean on that message.
You felt like you got out at the right time, body-wise, physically.
You feel good?
Oh, I mean, I'm fine.
I know there are a lot of guys that either played with me
or before me that may not be in that same position until,
you know, from I was probably, me and a lot of guys,
hey, if I could have got in this new CBA,
it'll be a lot different.
I mean, the tour days are, I don't wanna,
they don't have them anymore.
I mean, you look at the padded practice,
it's all monitored.
And that kind of hurts the game as well.
Because from a fundamental standpoint,
you don't get to do some of that stuff.
And so it's all regulated by the new CBA.
I only honed in on that because Jason Kelsey, who I think wishes he were playing because
he'd beat another Super Bowl, he was fighting that decision. Do I come back and play? Do
I want to be able to pick up my kids and my grandkids later in life? And he obviously
chose to retire.
Mentally, he can still do it. It's physically.
Yes. And whether or not it's worth it, you know, in the
end. Correct. Deuce, we
appreciate it, man. You're a
great host. Thank you. Alright.
Thank you, guys. Stu Gatz here
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Pro Bowl.
Pro Bowl.
Pro Bowl.
Pro Bowl.
Pro Bowl.
Pro Bowl.
Pro Bowl.
Pro Bowl.
Pro Bowl.
Pro Bowl.
Pro Bowl.
Pro Bowl.
You, what'd you get in?
I got in yesterday, but I was at the Pro Bowl last week,
so I've been from Orlando straight down to here,
so I'm on a little bender right now.
Oh, really?
Crazy time of the year.
I want to hear more about the bender.
No, no, it was a lot of fun, man.
Just being here at Super Bowl is so much fun.
Billy, were you going in on the Pro Bowl games?
I thought that's where you were going.
I love the Pro Bowl games. It's so much fun. Yeah, Billy were you going in on the Pro Bowl games? I thought that's where you were going. I love I love the Pro Bowl games
It's so much fun
No, I think they're weird
Now the Pro Bowl the Pro Bowl fun man I can see how the people hate it but it is what it is
Do you hate you can't hate it? No, I actually enjoyed it. I mean, here's my first one ever
So just being right guys, it was a it was a joy. It's like field day. Like, back to like high school.
That's exactly what it's like.
Field day for you guys now.
You're like jumping on things.
Catching things with crazy gloves.
And then you get a little flag football at the end to finish it all up.
But it's not the Pro Bowl you grew up watching is the larger point.
You don't see the Sean Taylor hitting the punter.
None of that stuff.
That's what I'm talking about.
Sean Taylor hitting the punter. the Sean Taylor hitting the punter. Yeah, right. None of that stuff. That's what I'm talking about, yes.
Sean Taylor hitting the punter.
Because Sean Taylor was always playing football.
Yeah, yeah.
That's what he was doing.
No switch for him, yeah.
What do you do?
We have these beautiful hats here, man.
What are you doing with Branded Bill?
Yeah, Branded Bill's a great hat company.
They're based out of Arizona, right in my backyard.
But the customization of the hat is what I think is cool.
You can put whatever logo you want, make your own logo,
put it on there, and order anywhere from 12 to as many
as you want.
And it's going to take a couple weeks to get to you.
Super quick, super efficient, and great quality.
They're golf hats, too, if you like to golf.
They're in 3,000 different pro shops all over the country.
And it's just a great hat company, company great quality and they do everything the right way
It just dawned on me as you were saying that if you like to golf you look like a golfer like I'm that you're a scratch
golfer aren't not a scratch
I'm a decent golfer, but I'm not I'm trying to get this scratch scratch, man. It's hard to be a scratch go
What's your handicap? I'm like a 10 so I'm not quite long. Have you been playing though?
I just started when I got to Arizona. I hate you guys
I'm like a 10, so I'm not quite. How long have you been playing, though?
I just started when I got to Arizona.
I hate you guys.
Victor Cruz came on.
I mean, no, I've been playing my entire life.
I'm like a 20.
Victor Cruz started three years ago, and he's a 10 already.
Yeah, that's about what I did.
I've been in the NFL for three years,
so I've about played for three years now.
And never taking a lesson, man.
I just go out there and swing the damn golf club
and try to have it straight.
I know.
I know.
Life's so easy for you, G.
What else comes easy?
Yeah. What's hard for you?
You know, this football thing, man,
trying to catch the ball and not get tackled,
that's kind of hard.
You were a pro bowler, you did just fine.
The thing you actually do for a living,
that's what comes hard, come on.
No, but there's a lot of good things, man.
I love Arizona.
There's a golf course on every corner in Arizona,
so it's hard not to get good at golf there.
Yeah, there is.
TPC Scottsdale, you play it?
Yeah, there's the waste management's going on right there. So there is TPC Scottsdale. You play it.
Yeah. There's the waste management's going on right now.
So that's a surprise.
You're here.
It's a bigger party over there.
No, this is a, this is way more fun than that.
So no doubt about it.
Travis Kelsey, you watch him.
Do you see what is the greatest tight end of all time?
Yeah. I think he's a tremendous man.
The, the, the, his ability to get open
and find different zones is so cool to watch.
And I just love taking any bits and pieces I can from him, man.
He's such a tremendous athlete.
Who were some of the other guys you you kind of grew up watching
where you try to pattern your game after after them?
You know, I'm I'm I'm from Colorado, man.
So I'm a Shannon Sharp guy, Broncos guy.
And Shannon Sharp was a huge I was a huge fan of him.
But, you know, George Kittle's another guy I love watching.
Mark Andrews is a stud.
And yes, T.J. Hkinson is another really good tight end.
Man, there's so many great guys right now.
There really are.
It's so much fun because the position is changing and it's evolving and it's cool to be a huge
part of that as well.
It is.
I think Billy was trying to convince people that Kittle might be the best tight end of
all time.
Is that what you were saying?
No, hold on a second.
No, no, no.
No, he's great.
We love George. This is my argument for George Kittle. Is that what you were saying? No, hold on a second. No, no, no, no. No, it's great.
We love George.
This is my argument for George Kittle.
OK, when you think of the greatest tight ends ever.
Man, this is Radio Row.
There's Cam Jordan just running around
on a scooter in the middle of the hallway.
That's what it's all about, man.
Very distracting.
Right, we love it here, man.
There's so much stimuli here.
Yeah, I know.
Look at this.
So this is my argument.
OK, Rob Gronkowski and... Look at him. He's doing an interview. Look at him behind us now. So good.
Billy lost his train. So Rob Gronkowski at Travis Kalse everybody says greatest
tight ends ever right? Yes. Who has George Kittlehead throwing him the ball over these past years?
That's a good question.
Because you don't have Patrick Mahomes.
You don't have Tom Brady.
That's funny you say that.
But you know what, George is a really good tight end.
His ability to catch the ball and get yards after catches
is some of the best I've ever seen.
One half the time they're using him to block.
And he's in there blocking his butt off, man.
He's a great run blocker, and he does everything
the right way, man.
I love it.
I get to play against him twice a year every year.
So it's so much fun to compete against him.
Are you going to the game?
Yeah, I'll be at the game with the Walter Payton
Man of the Year stuff.
I'm super excited to be a part of that
and to be at the game this Sunday, man.
It's going to be so much fun.
If you weren't going to the game,
how would you experience the game?
I'd be sitting on my couch, you know,
making some wings, some burgers, some a bunch of food.
And I'm just going to be sitting there enjoying it all
and watching the game.
You would do 18, and then, you know.
Yeah, yeah, maybe get 18.
Because the late start, right?
It's a late start, right?
I'm over in Arizona, so we're back a couple hours.
So I'm going to get 18 in and then probably get out,
you know, watch the game.
What can you tell us about Nick Rollis,
your defensive coordinator?
Because we regularly have his brother, Mike Rollis,
on the show.
I know it sounds odd, right?
We have a wrestler on every week, Mike Rollis.
Nick Rollis is brother.
And he picks football games, obviously,
as you do with a former professional wrestler.
And he would kind of get mad at us sometimes
because we would get on his brother because there's a stretch there
We're giving up a little bit of points, but then you guys got right back on track and honestly
We're pretty good towards the end of the year. So what do you think about Nick Rawlis?
I think he's a really good coordinator him and JG are kind of in lockstep together, but I always give him a hard time
I said man, you can't find a guy. You can't scheme it up to cover me over there on on defense, man
Can you find someone that can thinking but no, Nick's a great guy, man.
He does everything the right way and I love playing against him every single day in practice,
but I really think he's a great coordinator and the defense is going to make a huge step.
He's also like 30 years old or something, which is insane.
It's crazy, I had a tight end that played with him in college and it was like there were roommates in college
and he was still in the NFL and Nick was a coordinator. I'm like what in the world this is uh this is insane.
Crazy how you coaches are. Yeah, no Nick's a great great coach and I'm excited to see where he takes a defense next year. Did your brother go to Colorado? Yeah, he went to Colorado State. Yeah, not Colorado. Not Colorado. You don't really. Yeah, we're college. You don't like Deion, huh? Yeah, no. They're the rival school, man. We don't like those guys.
But Deion, are you surprised like Deion's doing this
and doing it this well?
No, I think it's really cool, actually.
Yes, because Colorado was the worst football program
in America before he got there.
And then I really do think it's cool to see
what the change that he's done,
the recruits that he's brought in,
and he's really changed the whole dynamic of college football
and it's really cool to see,
but I am a fan of what they're doing over there
But I just wish it was at a different school besides Colorado. Yeah, I understand that is Kyler Murray the greatest athlete you've ever seen
Yeah, you think about this a guy who was first overall pick in football. He was ninth overall pick in baseball
And he's good at everything. He does you play ping-pong. He's good. You want to play chess. He's good
You want to do this that guy. He's so good at everything.
It's like, god dang, man, can we beat you at something?
He's just good at everything.
If you play 18 against him right now, who wins?
I'm getting him in.
I don't think he's hitting the ball very far.
I wouldn't be surprised, though.
You're right.
He's a baseball player.
You're right.
I wouldn't be surprised at all.
All right, one more time here.
We appreciate your time, my man.
Brandon Bill on the way out.
These are good water hats. These are great on the way out. These are the good water hats.
These are great.
They actually float.
I like the air.
If you drop it in the water, I'm pretty sure it floats.
What I like is the ventilation right here.
Yeah, and it's hot in Arizona, so you need that to cool your head down.
It's hot in Miami too, that's where we're from.
By the way, there's only one way to learn if they float or not.
Just buy a bunch of them and test it for yourself.
And then if it doesn't come back, we've got another one. If it doesn't float, talk to someone else, not us.
I think we just promoted it together.
Yo, man.
Unless you want to do it one more time, feel free.
I like that.
That's good.
That's great.
All right, man.
We appreciate the time.
Enjoy the rest of your time down here.
And good luck with the golf game moving forward.
I want to play you sometime.
Yeah, absolutely.
Thank you so much for having me on.
All right.
I love you, man.
Yeah, I love you too, brother.
Thank you, brother.
I appreciate it, man.
Look at you walking around here. No sponsors. Just being Gerald McCoy. Spread love and joy. That's all I
want to do. I'm sorry that I couldn't get y'all's day started with a lot of spark this morning but
midday, which I need, I'm like a Celsius or a five-hour energy, you need that shock to get you going.
I'm like the NOS button in Fast and Furious movie. Uh-huh. You feel me?
We do feel you.
Yeah, I just want you to keep going.
Yeah, man.
That's why I'm here, baby.
It's a little afternoon pick-me-up,
because you're right.
It's good to start the day with joy.
You're like a shot of coffee.
Listen, I'm telling you, I work on network TV now.
We got an eight-hour show on Sunday.
And four hours in, I know I'm, oh my gosh.
Yeah. We have those six hour days. We have the London games and you need that.
Yes. That's all I'm trying to be. You need you. Yes. That's all I'm trying to be.
Do you give them like a speech halfway through? Like, let's go. Not today. Tell your body, not today.
Let's go. Big claps from a big body. Let's get it. All right.
I love that batman necklace, man. Oh. Oh thanks man. I'm an open nerd.
Really? Yeah.
Give us ways, I think people would have a hard time
believing that you're a nerd. No I am man.
You're a nerd at heart? I am a true nerd.
Yeah, no. It's not a game to me.
It's not a game to me.
It's not a game to me. I do this.
I have a 6'5 Batman in my
man cave in Tampa.
My whole man cave is comic books and yeah.
I don't mess around.
What's the limit for your nerd-dom?
Like there has to be a...
Okay, so there is limits to my nerd-dom.
I wanna stay right here by the way the entire time.
That you being a nerd, this is great.
Yeah, there's limits to my nerd-dom.
So I have to spread it.
Can't just be full nerd to where I can like indulge cause I have to take the studying of my nerd-um, so I have to spread it. Can't just be full nerd to where I can indulge
because I have to take the studying of my nerd-um.
The studying portion of my nerd-um
has to go to my career, which is football and being
an analyst and stuff.
However, everybody has interests and hobbies.
And that's mine, man.
I love it.
But do you have a line?
Is there anything you won't buy?
Because we saw Batmobiles were on sale this year.
I actually was bidding on a Tim Burton 1989 Batmobile.
I put it on hold, and somebody came and stole it from me.
But I was one of those people buying a Batmobile.
Wait, how does that work, though?
If you put it on hold, how can someone steal it from you?
Because what they did is they said,
we're going to put you at the top of the list because nobody was bidding on it. Yeah. Because I what they did is they said we're going to put you at the top of the list. Right. Because nobody was
betting on it. Uh huh. Okay. And they said we're going to you know if you fly out to Arizona we'll walk you through you can you
know walk through. Yeah. We'll even let you test drive and all that. It was mid season. I didn't have time to just up and go to
Arizona. Yeah. So right. You know season starts to end and I hit the guy up. I'm like, hey, you know, here we go
Yeah, that's the time. He's like, oh we sold it. I'm like, well, dang you could have text me like
You got five minutes
Come on a bi-week or whatever
Yeah, so I'm saying but I was being on it and it wasn't as expensive if you think man
What they usually do is they take a Corvette body, and they just build around it.
And you know, it's street legal.
They make it street legal.
And you've got to check the laws of where you're in Texas.
It is legal to drive a Batmobile.
So hold on a second.
Now you have to wait till another Batmobile becomes available.
Because the ones from the Dark Knight were crazy.
They're like $3 million or something like that.
You can have that.
Yeah, you can have that.
We got toys.
Everybody has toys.
You can have that.
There's levels to everything.
OK. There's levels to everything. OK.
There's levels to toys, too.
The street legal is also an important part of this.
Yes, because if you buy a $3 million car that you can't
drive, it's ridiculous.
You can't drive it anywhere.
When you have a ranch of 40 acres,
you can't drive that anywhere.
I will say something that was cool, though,
LA Kith, clothing brand Kith, K-I-T-H, they had a Batman
collab where they had
Batman forever the car from Batman forever Tim Burton's Batman and they had the tumbler that one that's on sale
I had models of them all out which was pretty cool, man
I got a chance to go see that they had every Batman suit from every movie really
Yeah, they had them encased and the originals. It was It was pretty cool. Where'd your love of Batman come from?
I grew up, I don't know, man.
The original?
I grew up loving Batman.
Yeah, I grew up loving Batman.
And as a kid, the first Batman tapes, tapes.
Hey, new generation.
Are we talking Batman?
The one where there are the sharks,
that it was on the helicopter?
He's talking Adam West, I think.
Watch this.
Watch this.
See this?
This is how I know.
My nerdism, it's legit.
Children, these things called VHSs.
These tanks, you used to put in this thing called a VCR.
And before you can basically be in the movie,
they had these black and white films.
So the very first Batman tapes I had were black and white films.
They came out in like the 50s.
Yeah, and it was Batman.
Him and Robin used to get dressed in the back of this mob car.
And then they'd pop out and fight.
They didn't have nothing.
They upgraded to a cave.
Yeah, an mansion.
Then they upgraded.
Then we got Adam West and then we
went from there. So my love for Batman and people was like, well why so much? I relate
to Batman because if you go look at my combine numbers, they're not, you know we got the
NFL produces mutants. There's Myles Gerrits and Aaron Donalds walking around and Xavier
Worthy. He's the Flash and all this other stuff. My numbers were not great, but I was
drafted third overall. And it was because of my preparation, outworking everybody, and
my knowledge of the game. And that's who Batman is. He's around all these super power people,
but he has no power.
Yeah, he's kind of a rich guy that he has a lot of cool tools. Yeah, but he's also the captain of a team of super power beings.
Billy, are you saying-
He doesn't have a super power.
Billy, be very careful, okay? I just want to be clear.
Are you saying Batman is overrated?
No, I didn't say that. I'm not being uncareful.
You know how many times I've heard that.
We're just having a conversation.
Yeah, I've heard it.
Let me ask you something. When we're talking about VCRs, is there something that you,
I think everybody had this experience with VCR,
where you have something that you had recorded on a VCR,
and then it got taped over?
Yeah, man.
Like something that accidentally.
Oh, yeah.
Yes, I had it.
Well, I didn't have anything taped over for me.
I did the taping over.
Oh, no.
My mom was a big soap opera fan.
Days of our lives.
Oh, my god, of course, man.
Okay, so one day I wanna act.
Wait, so she taped it every day?
Yeah, she made us tape it.
Set the timer the whole deal, right?
Timers on TCR is very tricky.
So one day I wanna act,
and I told my acting coach and my agent,
if you don't get me in nothing else,
my mom passed away when I was 19,
I don't care if I'm sitting at a table.
I don't care if I'm the janitor, anything.
If you get me on Days of Our Lives,
that will be my active dream.
It was my mom's favorite show.
Oh my gosh.
And freaking incredible.
And I remember one time I taped over her,
and she was a key part in the story.
And then next thing you know, Batman animated series pops up and she's like,
wait, hold on.
How disappointing.
I know.
I know.
Tell her that storyline is still going on today.
I know.
Days of our lives.
That's crazy, man.
Oh, I know, but you know what I mean.
Yeah, it's insane, man.
So it's crazy, yeah.
Thank you for bumping into that spot right there.
I didn't know if,
I saw Stephen A was walking around.
You saw him right there, Gerald.
Stephen A was walking around.
He was right next door. Yeah, so he was over around. You saw me there, Gerald? Yeah, I think he was next door.
Yeah, so he was over here.
He came in, and then Cam just walked past him.
Well, he was in a soap opera.
I think it was in General Hospital.
He is.
He's still in it, yes.
He's a recurring character.
He's in like once every year or so.
Is Stephen A is?
Does he play Stephen A?
No, he plays, I believe, a detective.
Oh, wow.
And I think he has like a name.
I think it's like Parker or something like that.
I want to play like the young, like secret boyfriend.
This random.
Young, we got to get on it.
This random 65-year-old white lady
is like sleeping with this 36-year-old black dude
with dreads.
They're like, where did that come from?
It don't matter.
It's a soap opera.
I feel like they haven't covered that storyline yet.
I'm just saying, we come up with all these storylines,
that'll be a new one for a soap opera.
Who do you consider to be the best Batman of all time?
Michael Keaton, without question.
There's no argument for me.
And I will not accept an argument.
Jack Nicholson as the Penguin, did that do it for you?
Joker. Oh, the Joker, my bad. Sorry, I'm not a Batmanson as the Penguin. Did that do it for you? Joker.
Oh, the Joker.
Oh, my bad.
I'm not a Batman dork.
He is.
That's why.
DeVito was the Penguin.
That's right.
Penguin, he was good though.
But Colin Farrell, man, he just killed it as the Penguin.
That's why he got all those Emmys and all those awards.
Yeah, but yeah, Michael Keaton, Jack Nicholson as the Joker, him and Heath Ledger, they...
But too much Joker stuff, right?
Like, we get it. There's never too much Joker stuff, right? Like, you know, we got it.
There's too many different...
There's never too much Joker stuff.
Yeah, there's different iterations, man.
There's just some things you gotta have.
You like all the different iterations.
Like, you like...
I like all of them.
The Penguin Show, I haven't seen it.
I don't know if it's for me.
But it's winning all of these awards.
Just because it's not about...
You don't know that Batman is involved
until literally the very last second of the show
and then the show goes off.
They don't bring up Batman, Bruce Wayne, no other villain, nothing.
It's like a mob show.
It's like a really good mob show.
It's like Sopranos.
Seriously, it's just like a good mob show, but if you know who the character is, then
you'll say, oh yeah, this is the Penguin.
But it's not.
They don't even call, they make fun of him saying Penguin, but they call him Oswald the whole show.
So it's just a background for him.
It's just a great, yeah.
Yeah, it's a great show.
Gerald, is there anything else you dork out to,
the way you dork out to Batman?
Nerd out, I should say.
Nerd out?
I don't know, like nerd out to anything else?
Like I just, I'm a gamer, but in moderation.
I love combat sports, but other than that,
nah, man, it's just collective.
Whatever goes into being a nerd.
Video games, Ninja Turtles, Mortal Kombat,
stuff like that, you know,
but not really nerd out to anything else.
How has the transition been?
Do you enjoy the broadcasting?
I do. I do. It keeps you around the game.
And the same way I used to prepare for football games,
I have to do for network TV.
And I went to a broadcast boot camp,
and they told us if you don't do the work, they'll know.
So being two years in, the best compliment I can get
is people saying we see your growth, which is proof
that I'm doing the work.
And I just want to keep growing in the business.
And what happens is, which I want to talk about is,
athletes, we are under such structure.
Wake up this time, meetings this time, practice this time,
lunch is cooked for you, breakfast is cooked for you.
Depending on how late you are,
you might can take a plate to go home.
Then you got your traveling
and all this stuff is done for you.
And then it just stops.
That's tough on the mind.
Of course.
People are not praising you anymore.
You know, I don't put on this pedestal and all that.
And guys struggle with what to do to fill that time or that void.
I was blessed enough to be ushered right
into my next career so I didn't have to deal with it.
You know what I'm saying?
And a lot of athletes struggle with it.
I was just blessed enough to not have to.
That's awesome.
And what is it broadcast boot camp like?
What is that?
They teach you the ins and outs of what to expect.
So they literally taught us.
They gave us introduction, gave us examples.
Hey, this is what we do here.
You could be on the radio.
You could do podcast and you could be in studio analyst. You could do podcasting, you could be an in-studio analyst, you can
call games, all these different things.
You go through these classes and then they put you through a simulation of every facet
of media, whatever it is.
And they record it and then right after they record it, you sit down and they tell you
what you did right, what you did wrong.
And then from there, people recruit you.
My class was me, Richard Sherman, Kam Heyward,
both the McCordys.
Man, that's a hell of a class.
Yeah, we had a great class.
Right, and you're saying like, they tell you,
hey, if you're not putting the prep in,
we're gonna notice, right?
We will know.
Because I've been doing it for 20 years
and no one has noticed.
Yeah, that's right.
Well, they noticed, I just don't care that they noticed.
Right, yeah, yeah. All right, we appreciate you, man. All right, thanks, brother. All right, man, enjoy the rest that they noticed. Right. Yeah. Yeah. Alright, we appreciate you, man.
Alright, thanks, brother. Alright, man. Enjoy the rest of
your week, man. Thanks, man. Alright.
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