The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz - Hour 1: Poop City (feat. Stugotz and Dianna Russini from Radio Row)

Episode Date: February 4, 2025

Warning: this episode contains references to sexual assault and sexual violence. If you or a loved one has been a victim of sexual assault, you are not alone. Call the SA Hotline at 1-800-656-4673. Di...anna Russini is with Stugotz at Radio Row, and she's jealous that Scoop City doesn't have God Bless Football's setup. Stu tells us about his flight in, maximum schmoozing on Radio Row, Dianna's complaints, and seeing celebrities like Andrew Perloff and Ryan Leaf. He also pitches a new idea to Dianna for her podcast, and Dianna plays a game of "Would You Attend Their Funeral?" with David Samson. Plus, Dan, Jessica, and David lead a conversation on the allegations surrounding Justin Tucker and why the coverage has been lackluster thus far, but was our conversation about the topic or was it a conversation about the conversation? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You're listening to Giraffe King's Network. cozy up with the familiar flavors of pistachio, or shake up your mood with an iced brown sugar oat shaken espresso. Whatever you choose, your espresso will be handcrafted with care at Starbucks. This is the Dan LeBattard Show with the StuGots Podcast. This episode of the Dan LeBattard Show with StuGots is presented by DraftKings. DraftKings, the crown is yours.
Starting point is 00:00:47 Man, am I excited to talk to Diane here. Wow, that is overly exuberant there. What just happened? What just happened that I wasn't listening to and did not hear? She shamed me before we joined here because I don't have enough energy when she joins normally, so I wanted to make sure I fixed that. Well, she's got to be excited because she is sitting next to the number one football podcast host in American football. Three of the last four years God Bless Football has arrived. Diana it has been lovely to watch the two of you maximum stugots
Starting point is 00:01:18 and watch you two in the wild. Tell me about schmoozing out there on Radio Row. We've been watching you and it's been delightful. Yeah, we've actually scared people away from our conversations over here. I've been spending the last 20 minutes catching up with Stu. We are doing, there's no conversation about football or family. I've just been complaining to him for the last 20 minutes.
Starting point is 00:01:39 So he's trying to help me here feel better about my space here on Radio Row. She's been complaining about her set to and she is not happy with her location here on radio row and location is everything here on radio row Super Bowl week I have done a lay of the land I know where everyone is situated I had it is not happy but this is what radio row is all about right before she talked to me she was quartered
Starting point is 00:02:01 by Doug Kazarian I mean how about that. I'm still talking to Doug. I look at Stu, I go, that's it. My setup is the Doug Kazarian of setups. Like, it's just, you know. Why are we taking that, Doug? Diana, has Stugats promised you that he'll get you a better spot?
Starting point is 00:02:20 That is my setup. No, so here's my thought. There's not much I can do. Like, that's my colleague, Robert Mays. He's fantastic. He's got the football podcast on the athletic. This is not a knock on Robert. Robert had nothing to do with this,
Starting point is 00:02:32 but that's gonna be the Scoop City setup. It's facing the bathroom. Yeah, it's bad. Like I can't even grab an athlete walking by, someone trying to sell a cart, nothing. You guys, I mean, this is just prime real estate. You can see everything. Well, this is the number one football podcast
Starting point is 00:02:50 in the world. I get it, I get it. All the action here. So I think what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna have guests walk up to our set and help decorate and maybe make it a little bit more electric. I've started already. I'm just gonna hold this up.
Starting point is 00:03:04 Scoop City, you can come by. Diana, you deserve better than this. You're hustling. Oh, he does, yeah. You're in Mobile, Alabama last week. What is happening here? Who do the complaints go to? David, you've been making faces the whole time.
Starting point is 00:03:16 Are you saying, you feel like Diana spoiled or something? Why are you making faces? I just feel like the audience does not care about the setup and they care about what you say and they love you and they love your show and for you to MF your setup, it just didn't interest me. I want to hear what you have to say. No, what our audience cares about is salary cap talk.
Starting point is 00:03:35 That's exactly what it is that they care about. And by the way, leave Greg Cody alone. Is this what happens when me and Billy Gill aren't here? Everyone teams up and goes after the great, wonderful Greg Cody. I am outraged by this. Didn't I just compliment him, by the way? I'm like, I'm gonna take that crap back. And David, she just said that you bring so much
Starting point is 00:03:52 to the show when we're talking about the salary cap, which is something we should never be talking about. I really appreciate that you both are here and we're sorry to have kept you waiting. So Stugats is not entirely wrong, and he's especially not wrong, that when Billy goes out with the stomach flu and Stugatz disappears, I have been,
Starting point is 00:04:13 I'm not joking, in the last break, he will tell you, Greg Cody will, I held him to my bosom gently, and told him, you know what, you've taken an unfair beating the last two hours, because Billy and Stugots are not here and nobody is paying attention to where Greg Cody needs his feeling supported and I held him to my bosom. Yeah, awkward. And he forgave me because I explained to him, but however, the last two hours have been really good. They've been a bullying, they've been unfair. David Sampson piled
Starting point is 00:04:42 on, not good for David S sands and not good for cody david sands and hit him in the face twice with the microphone while interviewing him and thank you so got for standing up for greg cody because you're right can you tell me about the schmoozing out there can you tell me about because we were watching you guys basically it seems like you're being paid to just meet people you really want to talk to. Pretty much. And listen, I flew on a bird here.
Starting point is 00:05:08 Jimmy Johnson was in the seat right in front of me. He was watching that Mormon show. We had a couple of Heineggens. It was delightful. His texts are probably so huge. So huge. And here's what he does, Chris. He holds his phone.
Starting point is 00:05:21 Jimmy's getting old, but he looks great. He had a button down shirt. He holds the phone in his pocket on the button down shirt. Love that move getting old, but he looks great. He had a button down shirt. He holds the phone in his pocket on the button down shirt. Love that move. Oh, it's so great. That's called I'm not caring about anyone trying to reach me. You know, all of you putting it up there. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:35 Ordered two Heineggens, first order. One Heineggen, second order. Look, we really don't need to be this invasive on his privacy there. I think it was Miller Lite. Oh, it was fantastic. I mean, I'm just telling you what the man ordered. And listen, I have run into Ryan Leaf. I've seen Andrew Perloff. I have seen everyone. Wait a minute, Andrew Perloff and Ryan Leaf is not a list of everyone.
Starting point is 00:05:58 Stugots, Stugots, Stugots. like that is bare minimum effort on just dropping names on people you've seen like You're selling us Tuesday Super Bowl week. Who's there perl off and Ryan leaf? Yeah, but how about an airplane with Jimmy Johnson? I mean pretty exciting at Sean Merriman in the airport I mean where you're kicking the back of Jimmy's chair and in on the bird. I was a little bit Yeah, I you know I told told Jimmy the scariest call I make is the call I make to his house every time, damn, once a month. He laughed at that, we had a moment,
Starting point is 00:06:31 he gave me a fist bump and then he got out of there. That was it, that was the end of Jimmy. That's good coverage, I'm glad that we've sent everybody there in order to get all of the information on the drinking habits of others. Diana, is this week a bombardment of stimuli for you that you enjoy or is it stressful? Love it. Live for this. First of all, New Orleans is the best city. They should just have the Super Bowl here every single year. It's compact, it's
Starting point is 00:06:55 close, it feels just like one big party in your town. I've only been here 24 hours and I'm saying this. The food's delicious. Everyone is just happy to be here. So I just think the energy, because it's so early in the week and you can feel it already, I can't imagine what this is going to be by Thursday and Friday. And just the fact that we start the week with a bomb of Miles Garrett asking for a trade, that was music to my ears because it actually was a little slow. There wasn't much going on. So now that becomes the thing everyone's talking about here.
Starting point is 00:07:23 Well, walk us through what that means. take us through Myles Garrett exerting this means what's going to happen. It means that the Browns are gonna have to make a really hard decision and I don't think anyone thinks this is gonna be easy in fact I had somebody in the league share with me yesterday that they just think this this is this could get really messy because this isn't about a new contract in Cleveland for Miles Garrett, right? Cause we've seen players do this all the time
Starting point is 00:07:48 where they just want to get paid by the team that they're on. We saw it with Brandon Iuke, we saw it with Debo Samuel. They threaten, they stay. Lamar Jackson threatens, they stay. This is about winning for Miles Garrett. This is about him wanting to go be part of an organization that is built towards winning and getting closer to it, a place, a situation that he doesn't feel is happening
Starting point is 00:08:10 in Cleveland. And look, when you think about what he has seen from his vantage point and he's around these guys and he knows what their process is and he knows what this future is gonna look like, you can understand why he's probably not psyched about the plan that the Browns have, knowing that this probably all went off course
Starting point is 00:08:30 when they gave Deshaun Watson that deal. The NFL is a league where teams can change their fortune from one season to the next. So for him to sort of speculate that the Browns will never have a shot, that he can't win there, I think there is money at stake here. And Diane, I just would point out
Starting point is 00:08:45 to all of the great listeners here that your sources don't care where you are situated on Radio Row. Yeah. You'd be surprised. Yeah, but she cares. I mean. Here's, David, my issue with it is no one knows
Starting point is 00:09:00 where I am, who I am. This is such a saturated place and no one even knows where I work anymore. So I wanted something with just like, like even an ice cream truck. You wanted to announce yourself. You wanted to announce yourself in your new gig. Maybe I should get a band.
Starting point is 00:09:15 Like a marching band just around me. But Diana, hold on a second. Like as someone who has admired your climb through the industry and the brave things you've done, correct me if I'm wrong, because my memory has been elusive on this. Wasn't the first year setup that we had at the Super Bowl something that made us feel small
Starting point is 00:09:32 compared to what we used to have when we were at the Super Bowl, Stu Gatz? Because I was fairly awed by what we were able to do last year, at least in part, because it represented a growth that stemmed from feeling exactly the way Diana does today, which is like is like man we used to be a bigger thing and here we landed a little softer than I would have liked. So the first Super Bowl we did with Metal Arc a few years back then we were at a table right in the middle of the action that's where I like to be that's where all the
Starting point is 00:09:58 local radio stations are I have walked through that entire area I'm throwing books that like like frisbees at tables and they're promoting it for me, which I love it. Hey, they wave to me, hey, Stugats. But now we're on the outskirts, we're on the outside looking in, which I don't particularly like, but it is beautiful. That means you've graduated to one of the biggest shows and in my case, the biggest show,
Starting point is 00:10:17 biggest football show in America, in the history of American football. Diana is upset yet. She's upset because she is facing the bathrooms and the smoking area. That is not where you want to be Super Bowl week Radio Row. Perhaps in two years, Dan, she will graduate to where I've graduated to. Yeah, great. My view will be you smoking cigs, just taking down a couple heaters in between some of your interviews in the corner. But Dan's saying there are steps to this. No, Michael Pittman's at my step. I got a guest. Dan Super Bowl radio room.
Starting point is 00:10:45 I'm coming in. Jason Fitts is walking by. I'm in. Oh my god. What is happening? Oh, I love this place. Diana, I feel like a set facing a bathroom may be actually prime real estate.
Starting point is 00:11:00 I'm with you. Everyone pees. Everybody pees. Maybe they're under a little longer than that. You know what? And when they're walking a little longer than that. You know what? And when they're walking out of the bathroom, who do they see? You might have gotten the primus real estate there is, Diana, because yes, put it on the poll.
Starting point is 00:11:12 Does everyone pee at LeBittard's show? I believe that that is a like anyone who comes through that facility who has to go to the bathroom. If you tell me, hey, what can you have on Radio Row? That or the field? I think I take that. I think I take every I think I take the bathroom Tell me, hey, what can you have on Radio Row? That or the field? I think I take that. I think I take the bathroom
Starting point is 00:11:29 because that's where the guests will be at some point, at least in part to avoid Nester, Nasty Nester from Baltimore. Yeah, let's do this. I know I'm not scheduled to come on this Friday because you'll have big name guests, but maybe I'll pop on for about four minutes and just give you an update of how my week went the first time representing Scope City here on
Starting point is 00:11:47 radio row. Poop City! That's what I should change my name. Yes, that's good. That's it. Poop City. Just keep it nice. Call each other at the entire week. Yes, change all of your graphic imaging and change it to Poop City this week from the Super Bowl. I want to see the report that Sal Pal's been to the bathroom three times in the last hour. I want something like that. Maybe that's the play is to just keep track of everyone's bathroom habits and give updates
Starting point is 00:12:15 throughout. Like today I'm interviewing Kirk Cousins and Drake May and while I'm interviewing stop the interview with Kirk Cousins after I ask him what the heck is he going to do next year. Like quick update for you here. Pat McAfee just went to the bathroom for the fourth time in the last hour. Kirk, tell me more about what this experience is like. Do you have any regrets that you didn't say in Minnesota? Did you feel like you ever got a little too greedy?
Starting point is 00:12:35 Because now you're in a position where you're going to probably be in Cleveland. Yes, poop city is great and I think what you also need to do is give us invasive reports from the Super Bowl of who's in there too long. Yes. You should put a mic in there. I mean, Golo's been in there for a half hour. Yeah, who's been in there too long?
Starting point is 00:12:52 Because that's an unpleasant place. David Sampson would never use that bathroom that way. There could be nothing happening in David Sampson's life that would make him use the Radio Row bathroom. Which is why if you're Billy Gill, you got a problem. Because Billy Gill, Diane, is gonna be near you at all times like eight times a day. Yeah he's not feeling good just so you know. Billy ill. Yes. Yes. Stugots, where are we with this because one of the key things Billy does while at Radio Row is rain
Starting point is 00:13:17 it rain you in it so how problematic is it going to be or how much better is God bless football going to be because now we've got Stu gots whose can be less controlled God bless football is never better if Billy's not here that that's just not the case But Jenny is here Dan and you are familiar with Jenny 15 feet away from this place because I like to roam around radio row. I gotta see doggy. I gotta see Diana I gotta be cornered by Doug Kazari and that's what this week is all about for me, but Jenny won't let me have it. And so, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:13:47 She's an assassin. Yeah, Jenny. You were texting me about coming on, it wasn't for this, it was to come be on your podcast? Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm busy. Okay, Jenny is really in charge out there, I hope that.
Starting point is 00:14:00 Oops, she has a lot of guests. I don't know how many people. Everyone's gotta poop. I don't know how many Metalarc employees we have out there but you guys were listening when we were talking about Cooper Cup. I don't know what the main storyline is after Miles Garrett. I imagine the game storylines aren't quite in play yet. So when when it comes to Cooper Cup and that, are we so now numb to the transaction that nationally a receiver who for one year
Starting point is 00:14:27 Was a record-breaking receiver unlike almost any we'd ever seen Who connects very well with Stafford that his career with the Rams is over and it's just this overtly About money and he doesn't really want it to be over like does it matter at all that he won a championship there? Yeah, it does matter, but let's just go back to the time right before the trade deadline. I think I was actually on the show telling you about how the Rams were calling around to different teams to move him right and so he obviously found out about that. So he's known his time with LA was coming to an end. If they were showing that kind of interest, and look, the Rams came out and said,
Starting point is 00:15:07 no, no, we're not dealing him. And I think it got a little messy in terms of the communication. And David, you could speak to it better than any of us about what the best process is when you're inquiring, right? I don't think they were full on shopping Cooper Cup, but I can tell you there were three different teams that had conversations with the Rams
Starting point is 00:15:27 about their interest in trading for him before the trade deadline. And I don't think Cooper knew of it. And I think after that moment, and if you remember right before the trade deadline, the Rams weren't great. I understood why that front office was looking to move him at the time.
Starting point is 00:15:43 Obviously the other side to this is the fact that he's been there for seven years, he helped win them a Super Bowl, he's loved in that organization. So I think after that moment and since then and understanding the future for them, I think both sides know it's over and they both wanna go in different directions
Starting point is 00:15:59 despite the fact that they've had such a great time together. Every great run comes to an end. I understand that every great run comes to an end, but I also understand somewhere in our obsession with the transaction where it's OK to point out, oh, I understand how Cooper Cup would be hurt by all of that. Yes, I know it's tons of money, and I know it's business, and I also understand why he wouldn't love at the end
Starting point is 00:16:25 that the organization would chew him up like that. Even understanding that the organization doesn't really owe him anything other than a paycheck. Yeah, I don't think players think that way actually. I think that it is the exception, not the rule. I think players are very understanding. In terms of communication at the deadline, I was an executive who would communicate with my players
Starting point is 00:16:43 when we were talking about them at the deadline and just tell them the truth. Yeah, of course there are people calling on you. You're a good player. You want people to call on you in baseball. Yeah, but he wants to remain there, does he not? Diana, do you not understand why he'd be hard about this? I'm not surprised that David would go maximum business
Starting point is 00:16:59 on this, an employee is allowed to have human feelings. No, I agree, but David, what about the positions you were in when you were just interested to see what that market would be that maybe you decide not to even tell the player about it because it's just light conversation. You're just trying to get a feel. Did that ever happen? And did you think that the player would need to be told that even if it was just flirting? Yeah, there's a lot of flirting.
Starting point is 00:17:23 It's like trying to see how much your house is worth and then pretending that you're rich because your house has gone up but you're not actually monetizing it so you don't have the money. We would often say, hey, what would you give for Stanton? Like how badly would you want him? And I wouldn't go to Giancarlo with conversations like that
Starting point is 00:17:40 because you're having those talks every day. We really, with other teams on all sorts of players. I would assume that that is kind of how it is that Luka ends up happening somewhere in there in the confusion of everything that happened there. Stugats, what can you tell people because you're about to take over for the entire week? God bless football is celebrating itself
Starting point is 00:18:00 and football for the next three days in a way that I will say is gluttonous and flatulent and wonderful and and award and award-winning and so uh... you're going to basically start the super bowl party as soon as you stop now what are you looking forward to over the course of the week i am looking forward to every get first off of looking forward to seeing christopher mad dog russo because really ready around as the start so uh... it's a mad dog walks in but then we are loaded I mean I am telling you I am looking forward to Justin Pugh I am looking forward to Reggie Bush Ed Reed Vernon Davis Victor
Starting point is 00:18:33 Cruz Pooka Nakua is gonna join us Greg we're gonna play him your song. Again? I am very excited. Yes. And we have funny Marco of course. Send him to the bathroom. Diana just get jealous about the GBF guests? Is that what we just witnessed? No way. I mean, she has cousins in May, okay? I got one of the best rookie quarterbacks coming on my show today.
Starting point is 00:18:54 I gotta go prep, actually. Right, and I got Funny Marco. I mean, so. And you have Bloody Mary. You have, don't forget that if Billy Gill gets better, Bloody Mary and whatever it is you guys are doing, you guys are resuscitating Don Shula, are you not? I don't want to spoil too much here, but... I think you've said enough. I think you've said enough. Diana, are you going to play
Starting point is 00:19:10 May or May Not with Drake May? Oh, you have to. Yeah. Is that a game? Is that a thing? Yeah, May or May Not, of course. Right. All right. Thanks for the idea. Series of questions, May or May Not. That's a fine... May means yes, May Not means no. Just... okay.
Starting point is 00:19:22 Thanks for being clear. Chris, thanks for the idea. Diana, are you indeed jealous of Stu Gotts' guest list? No, you can't be. You must not be. She's jealous of my setup, Dan. That's it. That's all she is. I understand, especially as a woman,
Starting point is 00:19:34 how ugly jealous can look on you, so I'm trying to contain myself. But I'm staring over at K. Adams' set, and it looks like a palace. She's got couches. She's got a makeup artist, a hairstylist, a stylist over there. She's someone's massaging her feet right now.
Starting point is 00:19:53 An outlet over there. Look, I gotta get over this. You got a bathroom though. I am going to think about David this whole day though. It's about quality of these interviews, what I'm sharing with the listeners. No one cares if my nails are a cool color because I had someone do it for Super Bowl V.
Starting point is 00:20:13 They care about the inside, the intel. So David, thank you for you. Look, I want everyone to know, okay, and I will say this publicly, I don't mind saying it. I know this is gonna be so. Diana Rusini and poop city are gonna kick the ass of Adams all week long all All week, she'll have her couches and she'll get her celebrity guests and everybody will interact in a way That's that's fun and fine, but it won't have the information that Diana Rousini will get on poop city There I'm willing to say that in front of everybody.
Starting point is 00:20:46 All right, well, we will see you. You're really putting me to the test. It will when you go on K. Adam's show, though, right? I've never been invited. You're invited, trust me. No, you can't offer that invitation. You don't have that power over K. Adam. I don't think you realize what a rising star in the business
Starting point is 00:21:02 she is. Oh, I do. She's fantastic But her producer already asked me. Hey, can you get me not me? Can you get me Diana Rossini? You became my booker all you're the booking agent for Diana's to look at her setup. She has no one here with her She's by herself Respect! You're not just lying! She didn't say that! I deserve it. I deserve it. I deserve it. I deserve it. I deserve it.
Starting point is 00:21:26 I deserve it. I deserve it. I deserve it. I deserve it. I deserve it. I deserve it. I deserve it. I deserve it.
Starting point is 00:21:30 I deserve it. I deserve it. I deserve it. I deserve it. I deserve it. I deserve it. I deserve it. I deserve it.
Starting point is 00:21:34 I deserve it. I deserve it. I deserve it. I deserve it. I deserve it. I deserve it. I deserve it. I deserve it.
Starting point is 00:21:38 I deserve it. I deserve it. I deserve it. I deserve it. I deserve it. I deserve it. I deserve it. I deserve it.
Starting point is 00:21:42 I deserve it. I deserve it. I deserve it. I deserve it. I deserve it. I deserve it. I deserve it. I deserve it. I deserve it. I deserve it. I deserve it.'t be able to find her if she walked right past. Diana, I think we have a guest here called Urinate or Defecate.
Starting point is 00:21:51 OK, so Urinate or Defecate. Urinate or Defecate. That's a good guess. She needs to go. No, I don't need to go. Good luck. What do you guys want to hear from Kirk Cousins, since we're producing all my stuff?
Starting point is 00:22:00 I want Kirk Cousins on the show is what I want. Urinate or Defecate. Yes, we can start with Urinate or Defecate with Kirk Cousins and then just is what I want. Urinate or defecate. Yes, that we can start with urinate or defecate with Kirk Cousins and then just ask him, hey, that was pretty funny the way that happened. They gave you all that money and then your career was over after eight games. You can ask whether he pees in the shower.
Starting point is 00:22:15 Yep. Actually, how do you feel about this? I think this is the most fun game that you can play anywhere in sports. Kirk or Jerk? Nope, that's a good one. Kirk or Jerk? Kirk or Jerk is a good one, but I wanna do,
Starting point is 00:22:31 would you attend their funeral is what I wanna do with David Sampson. And I wanna see if I can play this with Diana Rusini. It's hard to play it with liars, okay? So I don't think I should play it with Stugats. The thing that makes it difficult is that people, David Sampson is very good at he'll tell you the truth even if it's uncomfortable and
Starting point is 00:22:52 So when I ask you would you attend the funeral of Glenn Geffner? What is your answer Marlin broadcaster Glenn Geffner, how long was he in your employ as a broadcaster for the Marlins? For many many years but he then went rogue against Bruce Sherman and Derek Shearer when he got fired and so I would zoom into Glenn Geffner's funeral but I would not attend in person. Wow. So he went into the middle stage from no chance to a zoom to attend Diana Rossini, do you want to play this game? Would you like to play? She doesn't know who Glenn Geffner is No, no, no, I'm not gonna ask her about Glenn Geffner
Starting point is 00:23:33 I'm gonna ask her somebody for her, Stu Gantz Okay, alright Dan, I wanna play this game because I've thought about stuff like this But I have to preface it with the answer's gonna probably be yes to anyone, is I'm an Italian Catholic that lives in the Northeast, and it's a hobby to attend funerals for my people. It's just like what you do. Like everyone in my family goes to everyone's wake. I'm like, yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:56 So do Jews, Diana, but the game doesn't call for that. I don't believe that you would, so let me ask you this question. You're saying you would go to the funeral of Jeff Darlington? I'd speak at it. No, you this question. You're saying you would go to the funeral of Jeff Darlington? I'd speak at it. No, you wouldn't. Even if not asked.
Starting point is 00:24:10 How many? What if there was a big story you were pursuing? Forgive me. No, this was- I'd go cover the story. Take a selfie, too. My bad. I did not obviously know that Jeff Darlington
Starting point is 00:24:21 was your best friend. That was not something I was aware of. Of course- I thought it was me. That ends up being a bad question. David Sampson, would you attend the funeral of longtime Marlins broadcaster Craig Minervini? Mini in the midday.
Starting point is 00:24:35 Mini? No, no. I enjoy playing cards with him. I enjoyed him. He does a good job. No, I would not. Sorry, Craig. I. Sorry, Craig. I am sorry, Greg. Would you, David Sampson, attend the funeral
Starting point is 00:24:49 of longtime Marlins broadcaster, Rich Waltz? Oh wow. No. What? No, I would not. I'm sorry that he will be dead, but I will not attend it. You guys all lie during this game.
Starting point is 00:25:02 It's unbelievable. Well, let's see, let's see. Diana, would you attend the funeral of Adam Gase? Yeah, that's my best friend. I'd probably speak at it. I would. This is an outrage. I like Adam Gase.
Starting point is 00:25:14 This is the game gets ruined when you play it this way. We're learning David's the only one that can play this game. No, no, no. What Dan is learning is that Diana is me. That's why we get along so well. Mike Vrabel, Mike Vrabel, you'll attend his funeral? Absolutely. OK, you stink.
Starting point is 00:25:30 Poop City, go where you find Diana stinking. Poop City, over by the bathroom on Radio Row. Thank you guys. I appreciate it. They're so similar. They're so similar. Stu Gantz and Diana, they're disturbing similar they're so similar Stugats and Diana are they're they're disturbingly similar I don't think Stu would go to anybody's funeral though
Starting point is 00:25:50 he would not be inconvenienced in that way well I also don't think that Diana has been going to funerals non-stop all year like I don't think that Diana actually attends as many funerals as she alleges on the air but I may have that wrong she really befouled that game the game has not worked with anybody but David Samson I'd like to play came to Atlanta to cover the Super Bowl and after beating the freeze in a race at Truist Park You got to be kidding me It's still going
Starting point is 00:26:17 That speech in Cartersville Billy is still looking that kind of awkward He did beat the freeze and can And while we're talking about Billy Gill, let me remind people that you can join the last one of the season, GBF's weekly contest, slash Smirnoff, presented by Smirnoff, the world's number one vodka.
Starting point is 00:26:36 Please drink responsibly. Dan, for the Super Bowl, are you gonna be playing this week? I will not be. I will not be participating in the listener league again this week. I hope Billy Gill is. He will tough it out no matter his state because this is a difficult circumstance that he finds himself in. Friends, it's JerBear and you know that I'm obviously a bit of the romantic type
Starting point is 00:26:59 and Valentine's Day is coming up and for, there's only one place that I trust. Every year, I order stunning high-quality bouquets from 1800flowers that my wife absolutely loves. And this year, I'm partnering with 1800flowers to make sure you're a Valentine's hero with an exclusive offer for my listeners. Double the roses for free. When you buy one dozen, they'll double your bouquet to two dozen roses.
Starting point is 00:27:30 It's the perfect way to say I love you without breaking the bank. Trust me, 1-800-FLOWERS always delivers. In the Levitard Studios, we received a beautiful arrangement of long stem red roses accompanied in an hourglass red vase. They're timeless, luxurious, and romantic. A must-have this Valentine's Day. And seeing and smelling the freshness of that bouquet as I walk into work every
Starting point is 00:27:55 day has me prepared for any hate that Dan may throw my way. To claim your double your roses offer go to slash Dan. That's slash Dan. The Dan Lebatard Show with Stu Gotz is sponsored by BetterHelp. We talk a lot about red flags, the warning signs that tell us to stay away from toxic relationships. But what if we spent more time looking for green flags? You know, the signs that a relationship is healthy, supportive, and worth investing in.
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Starting point is 00:29:16 Hey folks, it's Mike Ryan. It is big game week, and I've got just the thing to make your big game time a Miller time. From fireside conversations to football Sundays, I've got just the thing to make your big game time a Miller Time. From fireside conversations to football Sundays, winter means more moments with the coolest people in your life. Make these moments even better with Miller Lite, the great tasting light beer for people who love beer.
Starting point is 00:29:36 A new year is a perfect time for friends, family and great tasting light beer. Tastes like Miller Time Miller Lite is brewed for taste. It hits different than other light beers and when you're hosting your ultimate game day party why don't you bring out a beautiful silver platter of that amazing white can and know you will make everybody there happy because Miller Lite is the original light beer since 1975 and still the very best one. Miller Lite Great Taste 96 calories. Go to slash stand
Starting point is 00:30:06 to find delivery options near you, or you can pick up some Miller Lite pretty much anywhere they sell beer. Tastes like Miller time. Celebrate responsibly Miller Brewing Company, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 96 calories and 3.2 carbs per 12 ounces. Don LeBattard. Surely every time you're watching this, you recognize that your wife is laughing that she married Larry David. I do, yeah. He's one of the great characters in the history of television, in my humble opinion. And to my credit, my personality... In my humble opinion, followed by to my credit.
Starting point is 00:30:40 To my credit, my personality does predate Curb Your Enthusiasm. Stugats! Oh wow. I'm not gonna say Larry David patterned himself after me. Okay, you copy. All right, put it on the poll please, Jude. You did, Greg Cody, copyright Being An Asshole long before Larry David.
Starting point is 00:30:56 This is the Don LeVatar Show with the Stugats. ["The Stugats Show Theme"] There's something here I have not talked about for three days and I'm curious about how it's being covered because I don't actually know how it's being covered but I know that since Friday this has been something that's available as a talking point, and if I'd been watching all of the coverage on Deshaun Watson, I would wonder why there isn't more coverage on what's happening and being alleged on Justin Tucker in Baltimore, where it's nine women, five spas, and one would assume on the allegations, one would assume that he didn't have the great misfortune on what's being alleged of being caught every time he's doing
Starting point is 00:31:48 this so we've got something that is big and might be growing and we've also seen that the coverage does not have nearly the intensity that the Deshaun Watson coverage has had and a lot of people are gonna notice oh it's the quarterback being famous versus the kicker and a lot of people are going to notice all it's the quarterback being famous versus the kicker a lot of people are going to know is always the black guy versus the white guy a lot of people go to the first guy versus the second guy but this kind of deviants and predatory behavior is something that i'm
Starting point is 00:32:17 negligent in not talking about for three days but i also do want to see as many facts as I can, and I don't think I can lend any benefit of the doubt on these allegations when there are this many and this different and many different people and there are receipts. Like, it would go to a great — you'd be going to a great length to concoct all of this, and I think the day and age is gone where you can dismiss this as gold digging when you have multiple accusers this is a baltimore icon who is presently through allegations my guess is falling in disgrace right now in a way that's very different than the sean watson did in moving from another city
Starting point is 00:32:58 into another city as hope this is a guy who had a terrible season as maybe the best kicker ever i don't know where these allegations align with that it's secondary to what it is that we're talking about but i do know that it's not being covered with the same intensity that can't be disputed to correct i'd totally agree with you have been following this the last several days and it's very incriminating evidence and and the benefit of doubt for me goes to the multiple
Starting point is 00:33:23 women who are accusing and and the women don't know each other there's no sign of a conspiracy here and Justin Tucker we're talking about one of the few place kickers who's on a Hall of Fame path like this is arguably not withstanding the rough season he had last year this is probably the greatest kicker active if not ever and it should be getting more attention and I really wonder if his NFL career survives this I really have doubts about that but Dan we had a show on Friday I wasn't here so I I'm pretty sure you guys didn't talk about it but like you control the topics that we talked about on the show so if
Starting point is 00:33:59 you're gonna sit here and wonder why it's not getting the same coverage I think you should probably explain why you chose not to talk about it on Friday. Yeah, that's totally fair. It was a two-hour show and I wanted more information to come in and more information did come in over the weekend. But that doesn't excuse why. But the initial Baltimore Banner story was very detailed and had a lot of information in it.
Starting point is 00:34:18 I don't think you can write it off as like, well, let's wait and see what happens next. Like what happened next was that he put out a statement, said none of it was true and that it was all bullshit and then three more massage therapists came forward and said, no, this happened to us too. And one of them had like a paper she allegedly wrote many years ago talking about it to her boss. So like, yeah, that information's corroborated.
Starting point is 00:34:38 Totally fair, that's fine. But the initial reporting was also very solid. I can take that criticism and it's fair and I'm apologizing for it on the front end in not getting to it and it's an easy trick to do to castigate others for behavior that I too am guilty of. But it's hard not to notice what has happened since in the reaction.
Starting point is 00:34:59 What are you shaking your face about, David? That I don't want you to castigate yourself for not covering it. I covered it on Nothing Personal and then something else came up so I tried to cover it again. But we're in an exercise where you've got 300 minutes for a 50 minute show.
Starting point is 00:35:14 And the thing with Justin Tucker, it is a completely different allegation than what the allegations were against Deshaun Watson. Completely different. And it is Justin Tucker I don't think survives. I think that he will be let go by the Ravens because his performance tailed off this year but I don't want to compare this to the Deshaun Watson it's equal it's horrible and he doesn't deserve no woman deserves to have that
Starting point is 00:35:37 done to them in a massage but the allegations against Watson were far different and I pointed that out on the show, and I don't think maybe that was a factor in you not doing it. Well, I don't know what far different, though. I mean, I... Deshaun Watson was accused of sexual assault. Yeah, there were some different allegations also, but I think the similar thread is that in both situations,
Starting point is 00:36:00 you have men in very powerful positions that are behaving inappropriately and making women uncomfortable that are hired to work for them. So yeah, the comparison I think is fair in that it's in a similar situation, a similar setting. The number of people who go and get happy endings, obviously there's a power dynamic,
Starting point is 00:36:21 whether you're Justin Tucker, or whether you are Robert Kraft, or whether you are Mr. Anonymous going to one of the massage places. The fact is, when you go for that, when it's not the atmosphere where happy endings happen, that's when the issue happens. Because there are plenty of massage places where you go,
Starting point is 00:36:38 and everyone knows what the price of entry is. And so my thing with Justin Tucker is that he was getting massages. The thing I didn't know is, were they in those sort of spas where that's happening? Because Deshaun Watson was getting them done purportedly as sports massages, and he was then assaulting the women. And I don't know if Justin Tucker
Starting point is 00:37:00 was at one of the strip mall places. I mean, based on the reporting, no, it seems like this was a situation that none of these people wanted to be a part of. It's nine women, five spas, and one would assume it's just the ones who have come forward. I don't know if any statute of limitations is involved in this situation because most of the allegations did occur from roughly 2012 through 2016. However, we don't know yet what the ramifications are going to be. We don't know yet about possible civil suits arising from this.
Starting point is 00:37:33 When I mentioned statutes of limitations, I don't know about criminal charges arising, but we haven't heard the end of this story. Well, it would assume that it's the beginning of it, but once this story arrived as Deshaun Watson, the intensity was fierce and immediate, and then only grew over time. Here, the intensity has not been fierce and immediate. And Justin Tucker, there are a number of reasons for that, right? It can be— But Dan, I hear you, but also Deshaun Watson signed the biggest contract in NFL history
Starting point is 00:38:03 after the allegations against him. That's right. And he's more famous, but what's, and what? And so there's money involved as well, yes, and? And like, I don't know, I get your point that like we talked about it more because he's a starting quarterback, but like he got suspended 11 games.
Starting point is 00:38:22 He also is getting paid like 230 million dollars consequences here are sort of you know trade-off okay well you do understand though I mean it doesn't escape anyone's attention right why it is that black people would notice the differences between the intensity of the coverage on the two things like Like, and maybe it's money, or maybe it's the color of a different kind. I think we should 100% be covering both, and that's why I started this segment by saying, why didn't we talk about this on Friday?
Starting point is 00:38:54 I think what we've mentioned is absolutely true. It's black and white, it's quarterback and place kicker, and I think a lot of people are also very wrongly downplaying justin tucker because it did happen eight ten years ago i don't know that i think that's accurately what's the point of that though like what's what is the distinction that we're making there between bike i'd what's the statute of limit i don't think there's a statute of limitations on
Starting point is 00:39:21 some of this stuff i'm not forgiving it i'm trying to it a little bit. I think if all of these allegations were current and had happened in the past few months, there would naturally be more. That's not right Greg. It's not right. Let me stop you and just ask you to think about this. No, because half of the allegations from the Me Too movement and what they did in New York,
Starting point is 00:39:41 which was opening up the right for women to say, hey, this happened to me 20 years ago, we're gonna toll the statute of limitations and make this year open for you to allege and get some sort of, if you can, some sort of payback for what happened to you way back in the day. And so it doesn't matter when it occurred.
Starting point is 00:40:01 And often the rule of statute of limitations is five years from discovery of an act when you remember an abuse and then it starts to hold. And also there haven't been any civil suits filed in this case and to David's point there haven't been any criminal charges yet. And there may be. I mean well this is if I recall correctly on how it is that it happened with Deshaun Watson is that once the whistleblowers come forward, the way that
Starting point is 00:40:26 this tends to escalate is there is a rallying cry from an attorney where a number of different women then come forward with the freedom, permission, courage, strength to do the same thing because, I mean, if you had to guess here, what are you holding over your ears for David Samson? What's happening? We're just talking back here. Okay. I'm sitting back here saying like, I just don't know,
Starting point is 00:40:53 do we do this conversation well? I'm asking the question. Maybe that's why it's just like, if you're gonna have this serious conversation, are you moving the conversation? Are we adding to it? It's just, I don't know if we do this well. So like, I almost am glad that we don't.
Starting point is 00:41:07 And maybe we should be drawing more attention to these things. Maybe that's not a good job by us as well. It's just. What's the way to do it well? I don't know. Don't be scared, Chris. I think the way to do it well is not to start the segment
Starting point is 00:41:18 with like, people aren't talking about this when you didn't talk about it on Friday. Like that would not be how I would have started the conversation. I would start the conversation with here is another athlete that's been accused of doing something terrible and why are we constantly in the position where women are being allegedly taken advantage of in these situations and why does our society allow this to continue to happen? I was saying in general that would have been a good way to do it. I don't mean us. I'm not talking about specifically this show. I mean in general does anyone talk about this? That would have been a good way to do it
Starting point is 00:41:51 Friends, it's Jer bear and you know that I'm obviously a bit of the romantic type and Valentine's Day is coming up and for me There's only one place that I trust Every year I order stunning high quality bouquets from 1800flowers that my wife absolutely loves. And this year, I'm partnering with 1800flowers to make sure you're a Valentine's hero with an exclusive offer for my listeners.
Starting point is 00:42:19 Double the roses for free. When you buy one dozen, they'll double your bouquet to two dozen roses. It's the perfect way to say I love you without breaking the bank. Trust me, 1-800-FLOWERS always delivers. In the Lebatard studios, we received a beautiful arrangement of long stem red roses accompanied in an hourglass red vase. They're timeless, luxurious, and romantic. A must-have this Valentine's Day. And seeing and smelling the freshness of that bouquet as I walk into work every day has me prepared for any hate that Dan may throw my way.
Starting point is 00:42:56 To claim your Double Your Roses offer, go to That's Dan that's a 1-800 slash Dan. Hey folks, it's Mike Ryan. It is big game week and I've got just the thing to make your big game time a Miller time. From fireside conversations to football Sundays, winter means more moments with the coolest people in your life.
Starting point is 00:43:22 Make these moments even better with Miller Lite, the great tasting light beer for people who love beer. A new year is a perfect time for friends, family and great tasting light beer. Tastes like Miller time. Miller Lite is brute for taste. It hits different than other light beers when you're hosting your ultimate game day party. Why don't you bring out a beautiful silver platter of that amazing white can and know you will make everybody there happy because Miller Lite is the original life beer since 1975 and still the very best one. Miller Lite, great taste, 96 calories. Go to slash stand to find delivery options near you or you can pick up some Miller Lite pretty much anywhere they sell beer. Tastes like Miller time! Celebrate responsibly Miller Brewing Company Milwaukee, Wisconsin 96 calories and 3.2 carbs per 12 ounces.

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