The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz - Hour 1: Were You In Your Skivvies?

Episode Date: June 26, 2023

Ben Rhodes of Pod Save The World joins the show to explain what happened in Russia over the weekend. He tells us how the biggest challenge to Putin in the last 20 years came to be, the ways this embar...rasses the Russian military, and questions what happens next in Russia and Ukraine. Then, Mike is furious with the UM Athletic Director for his latest hire, Kevin Durant enters Twitter spaces to defend his honor, and Tony graces us with a Tony Top 5 on the NBA Draft. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You're listening to Giraffe King's Network. This is the Dunlabel Tarshall with the Stugat's Podcast. He's Ben Rhodes, he is co-host of Pod Save the World. If you want to hear from his co-host Tommy Vittor He was on last week's South Beach sessions. I want Ben Thank you for joining us for you to give me some insight as to what it is this happening in Russia over the week now A weekend where it would appear we had a 24 hour Who here can you explain me what happened? Sure?
Starting point is 00:00:43 who here can you explain me what happened sure uh... there's a guy you give me a progusion right who runs a private military mercenary forces and really called the vognor group and vognor putin is often used different kind of fiefdoms different warlords to serve his interest and over the course of the last several years the vognor group is become more and more powerful they kind of do a lot of Putin's dirty work for him.
Starting point is 00:01:05 They run his disinformation campaigns. They've been part of his wars in places like Syria. And since the beginning of the invasion of Ukraine last year, they've really been on the front lines, grinding it out, and some of the toughest fighting. And their estimates that they had 25,000 fighters, some of whom were hardened mercenaries, some of whom were convicts pulled out of prisons and thrown at the front lines. And for the last several months, Pregozion, who has been a Putin ally in the past,
Starting point is 00:01:30 has been complaining louder and louder and louder that he wasn't getting the support he needed, that he was not being given ammunition by the Russian Ministry of Defense, that the generals who were in the normal chain of command were essentially leaving his men hung out to dry, treating them as cannon fodder. And this finally reached a boiling point a few days ago,
Starting point is 00:01:49 when he went on telegram and rushed in social media and announced that he was launching a military rebellion, and that he was going to march for justice, he was going to march on Moscow. And he took over a very large city in Russia, Rostov, which is a million people. It's also a little logistics sub for the war in Ukraine. And he marched to within about 150 miles of Moscow. So this was big piece of business. Then mysteriously a deal was announced, in which he would disappear
Starting point is 00:02:15 to Belarus, a neighboring country, and exchange for essentially being given amnesty, and his men being given amnesty. And so nobody quite knows what happens next, but we know we just watched the biggest challenge to Vladimir Putin in over 20 years. We know that we just saw kind of a huge embarrassment to the Russian military, that the Wagner guys were able to take over the city and make it near Moscow. And so there's a lot of open questions
Starting point is 00:02:41 about what happens next in Russia, and what happens next in Ukraine. I have a number of questions for you. I just think that if you, at any point in my lifetime, do something like this to Putin, you don't get your freedom 24 hours later, you don't get immunity, you don't, you get dead. You get dead is what ends up happening. So please explain to me what kind of showing of weakness this is because the
Starting point is 00:03:05 Ukraine, the war has been a bit of a disaster for Putin. Here's why it's some weakness for Putin. First of all, because this guy, right, when he was in this march for justice, Putin went on television. And he said this guy's a traitor, he needs to be detained, he needs to be thrown in prison. And for, and the whole Russian nation saw that, right, That's on every channel. And for this guy to get a deal a few hours later, in which, you know, he's not in prison, in which he's allowed to go to another country,
Starting point is 00:03:32 that's not what Putin told people was gonna happen, right? And so, in addition to just the embarrassment of Russians kind of fighting against each other, the Wagner guys were shooting down Russian helicopters. In addition to that embarrassment, Putin didn't kind of do what he said when he went on television. Now, like you said, people who've crossed Putin have had a history
Starting point is 00:03:51 of being poisoned, of quote unquote falling off of balconies. So we will see if that catches up to progression, if he's allowed to live in exile. But that's a thing, that's a thing, right? Falling out of hospital windows is a thing in Russia whenever you counter Putin or poison is a thing. For 24 hours, what do you imagine? Is someone who knows strategy and is sophisticated? The amount of window deaths does to me seem a little suspicious because it's pretty high. I mean higher than usual. Yes, a lot of people fall off a balcony.
Starting point is 00:04:26 This is a thing that has happened in Russia. Powerful oligarchs, people with a lot of money. Now, what Pagotian has, it's different as he has an army, right? He's got 25,000 guys that report to him. The other thing that was embarrassing to Putin is the people in Rostov, the city that Wagner took over, they were cheering for Pagotian, and those images went around the world too. But I have to think that Progoshin is probably going to be trying to go pretty deep into hiding here as he plans his next move. He's the kind of guy who would have once made people fall off the balconies, right?
Starting point is 00:04:57 He's the kind of guy whose men might have once poisoned people. So he knows exactly what Putin is capable of doing, and the question is whether he can avoid that fate. Ben, why does he have to go into hiding if he's gotten the go ahead from Putin that everything's going to be okay? It seems inconsistent. Either he's going to get thrown off the balcony or he got a new hotdog stand that he can go run. But either way, he should know his fate. Is there a chance that Putin changes his mind? Is that the issue? There's a chance, right? There's a chance here. I mean, you know, Wagner's beef, right?
Starting point is 00:05:27 Pregozion said his main beef was less with Putin than with the Russian military and these guys that he's been fighting with. There's a chance that Pregozion got a check cut. He's got some money wire to him somewhere. We haven't seen him. So the only reason to say he might be going to hiding is after being very visible on Russian social media in the height of this rebellion, he's not been seen or heard from since. By the way, neither is Putin who has plenty of places to keep him going to duck and cover
Starting point is 00:05:52 if things look like they're going to lahot, like they were in Moscow. So I think right now, Pregozion is a guy with an army who's calculating his next move. And I think the other thing Putin worries about is, do you take those 25,000 guys off the battlefield in Ukraine? Well, then that makes Russia a week or two, and he wants to figure out a way to keep those guys in the fight. So, right now, like everybody's calculating their next move, and I'm not sure, honestly, that anybody knows exactly what happens next.
Starting point is 00:06:17 Putin, Progoshin, or certainly those of us watching this from the outside. Can you tell me any more about this army of 25,000 men? You just said convicts and whatnot, but these have to be some of the most rugged people in the universe. These are tough guys. So Wagner, like they fought in Syria on behalf of Putin, they fought in Libya. They've been in parts of Africa where they control, you know, diamond mines and other natural resources.
Starting point is 00:06:41 So some of these guys, the core guys, these are like their version of special forces, right? These are their version of, you know, I don't want to say seals because they're not that capable, but these are highly trained guys. That's some of the Wagner contingent that's been fighting in Ukraine. Now, how they got to 25,000 is that they were taking hardened criminals and throwing them at the front lines. And so there's the guys who've been treated like cannon fodder and the Wagner forces who have been in the toughest fighting, kind of grinded out block by block fighting in Ukraine. And then you've got some highly trained guys that kind of make up the inner circle around
Starting point is 00:07:16 progoshin. And I'm sure that Russia again doesn't want to lose those guys in the fight, but in order they want those guys marching on Moscow either. And so there's maybe all kinds of negotiation happening behind the scenes right now. How many of those 25,000 people know what they're actually fighting for? I was just thinking they've got it. And how does that work? They're coming, they're criminals, they're hardened, they've been all over.
Starting point is 00:07:39 Do they actually know who they're reporting to and what they're fighting for? So there's two pieces, right? Who they're reporting to is interesting, because they're reporting to Pagotian, right? So it's as if there's a Secretary of Defense and a chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff in the US military. It's as if that's one military and then there's a whole separate one. They do not report to the, up the chain of command to the Russian Minister of Defense. This is kind of Pagotian's private army and the past on behalf of Putin.
Starting point is 00:08:03 But in Ukraine, one of the interesting things about Purgosian is that over the course of the last few months, he was saying the generals are incompetent. They don't know what they're doing. This is not working out in Ukraine because essentially, Putin is being poorly served by the normal military. But when he did launch the rebellion, he kind of took a shot of Putin and said, nobody knows what the hell is going on in Ukraine. Nobody knows why we're here. And he kind of said a shot at Putin and said nobody knows what the hell is going on in Ukraine. Nobody knows why we're here.
Starting point is 00:08:25 And he kind of said the quiet part out loud. We've heard a lot about this really low Russian morale because all these troops have been sent to Ukraine have no idea what they're doing there and what the end goal is here. And I think Progoshin kind of lifted the veil on that one too. And I think he was speaking for one of the reasons why he's probably getting cheered on the streets of the Russian city of Rostov is a lot of of Russians, you know, it's hard for us to know what they think because it's such a closed country, but a lot of Russians seem to not really know what the hell is going on and why they're in Ukraine too.
Starting point is 00:08:54 So I think he's exposed some of the morale issues in the Russian military that's already suffered over 200,000 casualties killed and wounded. And it's probably speaking for a lot of people who are like, Hey, nobody knows what the plan is here and what the angle is here. You were with Obama when America shot Ben Laden. So before we get to that, I just want to know when this news spreads in your circle of friends and you hear what's happening in Russia with a coup attempt, what starts circulating? Well, you know, what starts, you know, because I'm friends with some of the guys who are still in the Biden administration, what starts circulating is, first of all, astonishment,
Starting point is 00:09:34 none of us have seen anything like this. Putin's been the most powerful guy in Russia in 23 years, known as Everett challenged him as directly as this guy did. And then I think people start wondering, like, what's the end game here? Does, does, does Progoshin really think he can take over Moscow? Whose interests might be served by this? Everybody in Russia is kind of corrupt on the take. Is this a guy just trying to get a bigger piece of the pie
Starting point is 00:09:56 in terms of money and power and influence? Or is this a guy who's really going at the king here? He's really going at the Kremlin. And it seems like he, he, he pulled back. He wasn't really going at the king here. He's really going at the Kremlin. And it seems like he pulled back. He wasn't really going at the king here. He was trying to make a porn. He was probably trying to get a deal. He may have wanted to get out of the meat grinder of the Ukraine war too, right? But I think honestly, like people have been seeing this for a while. They've been seeing Pregozion popping off. They've been seeing him making threats. And
Starting point is 00:10:20 my circle, we've been sharing that information back and forth with the Russians, by the way, you're always wondering, is this some kind of information operation? Are they trying to pull one over on us? But once we saw Putin coming out and condemning this and calling it a muni, then you know, okay, this thing is real. And so clearly this is a real thing that happened. This is a real military rebellion. Shots were fired. You had tanks in the streets in Moscow, something we haven't seen in a very long time. But now I think everybody is trying to figure out where does this go next? Where does Putin say next? Where does Progoshin pop up next? Does Putin fire as generals? Who might be the next person?
Starting point is 00:10:54 I'll tell you one of the things that people are circulating in my circles is, is there another person who might make a run at Putin? Now that there's been this crack in the regime, does somebody else try to? Does anyone else have an army? 25,000. Does anyone else have an army of 25,000 mercenaries and criminals? No, the generals.
Starting point is 00:11:15 If you ask me, how might food never go? It's probably not going to be a bunch of college students in Moscow. It's going to be a bunch of stern-faced generals who might show up on TV one day and said, Vladimir is an accident, right? And so the military itself could fracture. There is another guy, by the way, who has a bunch of troops, and he's a church in World
Starting point is 00:11:33 Lord, and Ramzah Mkadeerov, who's a need and bigger lunatic than Progoshin. And keep in mind, these are bad guys. These are guys that have committed atrocities, right? These are sanctioned by the United States. But between the military and some of these World Lords, Kuhn has kind of kept it this way, right? These are sanctioned by the United States. But between the military and some of these warlords, Putin has kind of kept it this way, right? He didn't want anybody to get powerful not to challenge him, so he creates these different kind of corrupt fiefdoms. Well, now what happened is one guy got powerful not to challenge him, and the question is just somebody else to do that.
Starting point is 00:11:57 It sounds like there's going to be a merger. I understated it. You've got chaos in this war scenario correct this couldn't so far for potent the ukraine war couldn't have gone a lot worse without losing it already correct pretty much i mean they still hold they still control chunk of ukraine but he thought that there were going to be tanks russian tanks and key the cap of ukraine in the early days of this war here we are sixty months later there are russian tanks in the streets of Moscow to try to keep an invading army of Russians out,
Starting point is 00:12:29 right? So that's not going well if you're put. Last thing before I let you go just because I'm curious, the most interesting thing that you remember from being in the room when Bin Laden was shot was? The most interesting thing is that Bill McCraven, who ran the operation for the Seals and the Special Forces, he was kind of narrating the operation, right? And so he's giving a play-by-play, literally, it's like a radio announcer. And when the first helicopters were going into the Bin Laden compound, one of them clipped the wall. And for a split second,
Starting point is 00:13:02 we thought the worst thing was happening, that a helicopter is crashing. We're gonna lose some seals, lose some Americans. But he was totally calm, totally unflappable. He said, don't worry, these guys have been trained for this. They know how to land this, they know how to get this done. And it was only a few minutes after that that he announces a Dronomo ID. Dronomo was the codename for Bin Laden.
Starting point is 00:13:23 And then within, you know, let's say a few seconds, Dranamo KIA killed an action, right? And so I'll always remember is this completely unflappable voice of Bill McCraven, communicating essentially, our guys know what they're doing that done this before, even when something goes wrong, even when you're all freaking out in the White House situation room, because I just told you
Starting point is 00:13:41 a helicopter was going down, no worries, our guys are cool, they know how to deal with this. And then within minutes, they've got Bin Laden. out in the White House situation room because I just told you a helicopter was going down. No worries. Our guys are cool. They know how to deal with this. And then within minutes, they've got the Lawton. Did you find it odd that the rock was also in the situation room? You know, I never know how the rock got this information. Like, we kept this tight. We didn't leave anything.
Starting point is 00:13:57 Well, because he was a part of SEAL Team 6, everyone knows. It never got out. And then all of a sudden, the rock announced to the world, I think, Bin Laden's death, like, before Obama did. And I was like, where does this guy, what kind of intel does the rock have? I like a guy who announces big news first. I bet.
Starting point is 00:14:10 Especially deaths. Thank you, Ben. And thank you. We appreciate it. All right, take care, guys. Good talking. Estoy en Barcelona y las criaturas están por todas partes. A raíz, blu, que la dais. Escuchéis lo que escuchéis, tapados los ojos. La calle vamos todos a ciedas, pero lo más aterrador es no saber
Starting point is 00:14:33 en qué confiar. Uí de las personas que os piden que mireis. Si queréis seguir convido. Es treno en Netflix el 14 de julio. Te atreves a ver. Down Lebatard. Off-handed, a mí, en Chris, antes de comenzar a jugar, parece que ese Tony-guy se estuvo muy bien. Y me he dejado la harta más de la vida en mi vida. ¡Estú, Gats! ¡Estuvo muy bien!
Starting point is 00:15:01 ¡Tú, Gats! ¡Estuvo muy bien! ¡Tú, Gats! ¡Tú, Gats! ¡Estuvo muy bien! ¡No, no, no, no! You're pretty easily. That guy. That's easy. That's so hard. Take it off. It's a monster. I'm really, really. It's crazy. It's crazy. No, you know what I've realized? No, you're so.
Starting point is 00:15:11 People love putting their athletic and securities on me. Don't project that shit on me. You suck. Not my problem. Chris Cody leaves a game early. Oh, let's support Chris Cody. Whatever the f***ing belly does. Let's support that.
Starting point is 00:15:23 My mind has got a buffalo. oh let's go to buffalo! Let's give him a hug! Tony, you totally proved that you weren't in all on him, thank you! This is the Don Lebathar Show with this Tugat! This was a story that I saw about nine days ago. Metal art media jumped into action and nine days later I got Rubik's cubes here delivered to the office because not since my childhood and I thought about these things and I thought about them the other day nine days ago as I mentioned.
Starting point is 00:16:01 Wanted to talk about it for nine days waiting for these Rubik's cubes to get here so we could all fiddle around with them. You seem to have a dime store generic brand. Yours is not an authentic Rubik's cube. Yours is an imposter. This looks like from a carnival, the thing that you get with the claw. We don't Rubik's shame around here. There's plenty of different Rubik's cubes. But the reason all of this came up is because there was a video of someone
Starting point is 00:16:26 finishing a Rubik's cube in an unfathomably impossible time of like three seconds. And I've never gotten more than two walls and I played with this throughout my childhood. But before I get to that Rubik's cube story because I do want to get to it, I have to, and I'm sorry I have to do this, but my Brian is unhinged.
Starting point is 00:16:46 He's emotional. College baseball, David, I don't think that Miami invented it, but college baseball helped become popularized. And did he, yes, P.N. as well, through University of Miami baseball a million years ago, college baseball has mattered in this town before we had other sports in this town. And you know that Mike Ryan cares about the University of Miami program. And he is beside himself with Fury because the athletic director for the University of Miami who has usually been just an empty suit, almost my entire life of just shuffling papers around
Starting point is 00:17:17 and grabbing it money and doing it poorly. Everyone but Sam Jankovich, maybe, maybe Paul D, he was a lawyer, he had to be a good AD because they needed legal counsel, they were always getting getting in trouble and they were doing a lot of bad things so he was just a lawyer who named himself a D but the position in sports usually goes to career bureaucrats who climb their way up a shitty ladder of sports bureaucracy to get to the top of I'm an athletic director not interesting but I'm a power broker and I'm going to meet with a guy with an orange jacket
Starting point is 00:17:46 and talk to him about business. Mike is furious right now. Florida and LSU are playing in the College Baseball World Series. College Baseball has a lot of buzz around it. It's fun. LSU's got guys who are throwing 100 miles an hour. LSU is like dominated NIL, and the University of Miami has fallen behind.
Starting point is 00:18:04 They hired Gina DeMari to be there. Code, she was just a former player. And now Mike, Mike has lost it. Mike. You know, DeMari was hired by Blake James, who had a fundraising background. Paul DeMari was a huge booster and supporter of the program that made for a very complicated dynamic. Got his son, the job to run the program. The historic program was run by a donor who got his son the job to run the team. And now he's been let go or was let go last year. He didn't, he wasn't let go. He stepped down.
Starting point is 00:18:32 And I think that there's plenty of ways for. He was let go. I don't, I think he stepped down. And I think that there were, there's plenty of ways that Gino Demari can still help the Miami program. And I do expect him to still be around the Miami program, offering such assistance, call the Keynes connection.
Starting point is 00:18:50 But this is the first real search that Dan Radikovic, the new AD, new ish, came over from Clemson, had- Who you badly wanted? I was happy with, I was, not, wasn't my first choice. You know my first choice, my first choice was Jim Fervola just because I like an ask-kicker Why laughing? Why are you laughing? Because Mike ride has become this he knows everything about every sport How can you be so good? He's a booster? No, but he's a booster here. He has someone who is in the Tennis knows anything. No, but it does mean that he knows things because clearly my record on the University of Miami speaks for itself
Starting point is 00:19:23 I know plenty, but you have inter Miami you have Miami you have the heat you have the panthers you have the marvelous how can you be a jack of so many trades no one do you lose in your mind i just know a lot of people but uh... any who um... this is dan reddick oviches for search for a uh... a major coaching spot now that you know tomorrow is stepped down and down and he promoted from within. JD or take a not a sexy name. Another former player. Another former player, presently on the staff.
Starting point is 00:19:53 I think if you could point to one of the biggest ails that Miami has is that they haven't been able to develop any pitching at this level. They stopped using steroids. That's a big thing too. Okay. I mean, he's right about that. Okay, but For those that don't know private institutions in college baseball have an uphill battle in competing against the LSUs of
Starting point is 00:20:14 The world What Wake Forest did was Really quite impressive. They got within an out Of advancing the college world series. What ended up doing them in is they ran up against a highest paid pitcher that was in the transfer portal and the highest paid position player that was out of the portal ended up having to go ahead run.
Starting point is 00:20:36 So I really was impressed with what Tom Walter did. Tom Walter was a coach of the year. Is that the new math we're doing in this sport? Now with statistics, it's not what somebody's on base percentage was. Is how much did the team pay to the rights to this scored run? But being at Miami is a private institution and they have scholarship limits against like some of the perennial powers that they're going up against. I think it was essential that they got somebody with private school experience.
Starting point is 00:21:02 Chris Pollard from Duke was Dan Reddicova, which is top choice. Tom Walter, the reigning coach of the year, really wanted the job was in the mix. But unfortunately, Miami didn't reciprocate the interest that Tom had. Dan Reddicova struck out, no pun intended, on his top choice. He couldn't convince his top choice to leave Duke. And now he does his very unpopular move of promoting JD or Tanya. Unpopular with you. Unpopular with a lot of folks. Who were they? Who were they? A lot of folks. Check Twitter. People that care deeply about. Look, this program has a deep, deep following and they regard this player, former player, former pitching coach as part of the problem, not part of the solution.
Starting point is 00:21:45 Right. And so Dan Reddikovic throughout his tenure. And this is one of those things that I've tried to, I've been on a press with Dan Reddikovic and see God here. But you, you give these things time. But Reddikovic on several administrative aspects has it impressed me with some of the decisions that he made. His first move at the gate was higher for high price lieutenants. His head of fundraising, he hired from Air Force. That's actually one of three schools that don't have any NAL. Like, he hired a fundraiser without any base knowledge about
Starting point is 00:22:19 name, image, and likeness. His main move was to ask big donors to help fundraise for a building. When the school could directly fund that building, the school can't directly fund NIL. They're not operating in a state that can. It took several months for Atticovich to finally pivot and say, no, no, donate to NIL. So why are you laughing, Samson? Because I remember not to do the Rubik's cube and it's making me smile. I, uh, I also have gotten a side, uh, but my, you get one side you're doing it wrong.
Starting point is 00:22:50 I don't want to tell you that. Dan, you got one side. If you get one side, you're doing wrong. You're even looking. You have to do it. It's algorithms. You have to memorize. Well, how, how are you best?
Starting point is 00:22:59 Uh, what is the best that you have ever done? Well, I think that you need to do the cross first. If I remember correctly, like, you need to to make sure because you work around the centerpiece because the centerpieces don't move. So whatever the center tile is, that's what that side has to be because you can't move the centerpiece. And then I think if I remember correctly, you have to do a cross first and then you work the corners out. But can you do it? Have you done it successfully? Well, no. I mean, I watched a YouTube video and I memorized it. So, like, if that counts, then yes, I had this fascination, like, 10 years ago.
Starting point is 00:23:29 So you cheated. I didn't cheat. I learned. You can't do it without knowing. The YouTube is not cheating. Well, but I thought you were following the steps. Then I asked you a question. If you go to school and someone teaches you information, then when you take the test, you remember the information. Did you cheat? No, you learned. I did I thought that you were Basically getting a tutorial on YouTube that you were following step by step. Oh, yeah, that's how you learn That's how you learn you memorize the things the reason why we're all talking about Rubik's cubes is someone set the record
Starting point is 00:23:57 We have video of that record being set right now. What's his name? Johnny Johnny apparently who works here is good at Rubik's cubic and solve them on did one of them in eighteen seconds which i think is a lie that they were telling very confused by the word johnny's danie's brother okay that's not interesting in any way helping thank no he never is and this person who was on the screen who's name i do not know was loud to watch it and look at the cube for about 10 seconds and then solved it in a just staggering amount of time. Yes, 3.134 seconds. Look at the reaction.
Starting point is 00:24:28 Yeah, I mean, it's amazing. It's amazing. It's a kid was mind blown. Yes, I mean, that is mind blowing. It is mind blowing. That's ridiculous. It gets video. Three seconds.
Starting point is 00:24:36 Well, this video is pretty useless coming in at the end after it's already been done. But we have interrupted what is a mic genuine rage at the athletic director at the University of Miami. Well, he's just been really unimpressive. I've been hiring ahead of fundraising from a school that doesn't know anything about NIL. Dan Reddikovic hasn't displayed a high NIL acumen to me. He's had to be convinced by powerful boosters
Starting point is 00:25:02 like you're funding the wrong thing. This is how this works. You can fund a building. So for his first search, he really hired somebody that's gone over like a lead balloon. It's been really disappointing. But back to the Rubik's cubes, we got all thinking about has anyone actually solved the Rubik's cube here in the studio and we've had mixed answers on that. It's hard.
Starting point is 00:25:26 It's always been hard. So what we decided is we have two people that are very hungry for microphones around here in Taylor and Mike Fuentes. And we're giving them to the rest of eternity to solve a Rubik's Cube. And if one of them solves it, they get to sit in the shipping container for a show.
Starting point is 00:25:46 Just, I'm not giving them a whole show. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, we don't even have to give them the microphone, but they can just sit in. I'm not giving them a whole show. They can sit in for a couple of hours. All right, fine, a couple of hours,
Starting point is 00:25:57 which is basically a whole show, but either way, they're not gonna get it because we're giving them to all eternity. Yeah. So right now, they are sitting on a couch where they'll remain for the next seventy years trying to solve this rubik's cube so they can get into this studio david what is the best you have ever done it rubik's cube you were just
Starting point is 00:26:15 delighted and interrupted michael ryan on what was going to become a diet drive that he's now regretfully pulling back on actually we will he shouldn't be because we just almost witnessed the best coup of this hour. No, no. We almost did. Mike Bryan turned on the University of Miami's leadership. Yeah, I just haven't been impressed with Dan Reddick-Ovich. You turned on everybody. I'm not turn. I waited a year. And this search to me was an important hire because I love UM-Baseball and I think he really messed it up.
Starting point is 00:26:46 And I've been my tongue on a lot of things that have concerned me about his tenure. All of the things. And if he got this right with either his top choice in Chris Pollard or Tom Walther from Wake Forest who did an amazing job over there and wanted to be here, I would have been happy and I would have swallowed all the other things and just chalked it up to Dan Radikovic learning the new scape landscape of college athletics, but this has been not a great experience and I'm not crazy about him as RAD right now. There's one that's on the corner that I need to get like over one, but I can't and I don't know how to get it because stuck and I just need it over one side. Dan Radikovic sounds more like Dan Bada Kovic.
Starting point is 00:27:21 I just need it over one side. Dan Radikovic sounds more like Dan Badakovic. No cami, hold that's the wrong one I hear. I'm gonna take the loser game show, sir. I'm gonna make glasses on this. Look at this. How do you do rukes here without your glasses on? Look at this situation, Tony. I have here, this one has to,
Starting point is 00:27:41 the blue one has to be here and the white one has to be here. It's exactly in the same spot. They're reverse exactly how do you do it Mike I'm not spending a dollar making you a fan of a team of mine because it is a dollar not well spent you're very very critical and it's not thoughtful when it comes to university Miami I can guarantee you I'm good to have supporting the program because you're a booster yeah you say with a question mark no I'm a booster and I help the program because you're a booster. Yeah, you say with a question mark. No, I'm a booster and I help the program. Like a John Ruiz type booster. I help like Aruiz. I like Aruiz. We've got so many Ruizes in South Florida. It's like Goldberg.
Starting point is 00:28:18 Could we we couldn't even have six as a group right now. If we spent the entire segment, we wouldn't get six sides totaled between all of us. The important question is, who played for the brewers and the Yankees? Don Lebertard. That kind of thing. I love that song. Is that a bassoon?
Starting point is 00:28:40 What is that sound? It's a tuba. Is it a tuba? I believe it is a tuba. Are you sure? Yes, I'm sure. I would be very interested to find out. Really?
Starting point is 00:28:51 Let's get a musicologist on. I think it's a bassoon. I love woodwinds. Who do we know that's... Who's the music version of Run McGill that we could have on? I think it's a buffoon. To hear that sound and to idea it. Stooots!
Starting point is 00:29:04 I mean, I heard that and I think I was the butt of that joke. That was Billy. No, no, prior to that, I'm going into college and order here. Yes, keep up, Dan. Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah We're going to see that lebertar show with this two-gat. There are a couple of sports things that we have to get to before I get out of here today, which is one of them is Aaron Rogers and the comedic perfection of as soon as he gets to the jet saying, you know what, I need hallucinogens, I need to advocate for psychedelics.
Starting point is 00:29:43 My reality is something that I'd like to be different. I like my reality what it was with the Packers, but now I'm going to advocate actively as the quarterback for the Jets before throwing for a pass on behalf of mind altering drugs. That is comedically perfect if you're a Jets fan. But not as perfect as Kevin Durant showing up in a Twitter space argument. And it's KD is not top five is the group where he's just entering to argue basketball with people. And I think people will call him sensitive and say he shouldn't be doing that. I want to advocate on behalf of all athletes doing this.
Starting point is 00:30:22 Joining the group chats that you have with your friends and just eviscerating people with their genius because they're smarter than you about basketball. But I just love that he's searching the internet for every crevice and darkness where someone's saying something bad about him so he can correct them. Who would do that?
Starting point is 00:30:40 What I like so much about Kevin Durant now, he's actually waited a sout on this because it was whack, what he was doing before, and I think I know what changed. He stopped doing it with burners. He's doing it now just his normal handle, and matter of respect for that. Burner thing wasn't cool.
Starting point is 00:30:58 It was whack, but you're doing this on your official channels? That's funny. I've circled back on the petty mess and now I'm with it. It is a new role for him because these guys are all aging. The league is being taken by youngsters. Kevin Durant is the old man fighting the internet over how great he is. You can't do better than that on funny where,
Starting point is 00:31:20 hey, I tried to do what you guys wanted me to. I was chasing LeBron the whole time. It's hard to chase LeBron. He's pretty good. You know, when I did that, I went to a team where basketball would me to I was chasing the brown the whole time it's hard to chase the brown he's pretty good you know what I did then I went to a team where basketball would be easy and then I want a couple of championships oh you don't want that any either all right I'm gonna just be better at the end I'm gonna fight the whole internet because I'm better at basketball than any of you I'm arguing with I think it's sad Kevin Durantz becomes sad to me he could have been one of the greatest of all time not top five
Starting point is 00:31:43 but now he's just sort of nothing he might be one of the greatest of all time, not top five, but now he's just sort of nothing. He might be a top five scorer for all time already. You could say that. Yeah. Yeah. And unlike other people in that conversation, he's an efficient one. Well, in that conversation, or just Twitter people. I usually score is code for inefficient score that you like to take a good. Kevin Durant is one of the purest best scores top five in the history league. No argument. The argument that he's entering is people saying he's not top five of all time. And okay. Fair enough. I mean, okay.
Starting point is 00:32:14 All right. He's okay. He's seven. That's too bad. He's going to have to settle nine. Okay. That's what I even look a little bit why is he doing it? That more I shouldn't the why. Because he's correcting fools one at a time. But who cares? Well, he does clearly. But why? What's the, what's the opposite of the game?
Starting point is 00:32:33 Whenever I do something, I want to know there's an object. What's the win? To embarrass others? Inside a Twitter space? You're never gonna embarrass people on Twitter. Like you're never gonna win them over here. And you're just gonna lose that proposition. You don't think this could just be fun for him?
Starting point is 00:32:49 Like, it's gotta be fun to go on and eviscerate people with your basketball knowledge. Do you know you're just sitting there taking the hate all the time? Like, I think at this point, instead of viewing it as like, oh, it's so sad, it's like Dan just said, there are these two different versions
Starting point is 00:33:01 of Kevin Durant that already existed. One that was chasing LeBron James and one that was, you know, now told by Stugato, you have no rings because of the warrior. So he's looking at these different paths. He's gone, nobody thinks I'm great. I'm just going to fool them with, you know, my- He's picking his skivvy's answering one person at a time. Is that what we're picturing right now?
Starting point is 00:33:21 I mean, just whenever he's bored bored he goes on the internet fights with people like and it's probably been challenging to his mental health over time and i don't give a bleep anymore like now go and fight whatever becomes of it in terms of content he doesn't he's not hiding anymore in the in the eggs in the burner accounts is just saying okay i'll go fight you in public whatever but is it what you do when you're on your twitter no you but no but you do this when they don't say you don't there's people have
Starting point is 00:33:44 numbers next to their name. And you say, oh, I really care what you think Johnny 6969 dashed in. Yeah. And big fat white face. Don't forget big fat white face. Are you in your skivvy? All I'm doing on the internet is fooling around. Put are you in your skivvy's, Dan?
Starting point is 00:34:00 Stop avoiding the question. Put it on the poll or your mother's basement. At Levitard show, put it on the poll, do you call or have you ever heard anyone call underwear skivis? Yeah, there's only two places on earth that people lodge complaints on social media and the internet.
Starting point is 00:34:17 It's either in their skivis or their mom's basement. But he thought it was clever. He kept going back to it again and again as if it was clever. No, it has to it again and again as if it was clever. No, not as if it clever. It's just descriptive. What's up? What does it matter whether he's in basketball shorts or not? He's fiddling around on the internet the way people fiddle around on the internet. Not everyone's in a jacket all the time like you.
Starting point is 00:34:35 I'm not in a jacket all the time. You'll FaceTime me and I'm often shirtless watching content in my skiffies. Tony, what I wanted to get to was something we didn't get to last week, which was the NBA draft. We didn't talk about it at all. Not not. I mean, our coverage was not great on this show. But now you're going to condense top five.
Starting point is 00:35:01 You're going to give us all of the things that we missed, all of the things that were important. The top five things from the NBA draft, four days old, but these are delightful leftovers. These are the first show since those. Chinese food, four days later in the fridge, you still want to eat it, right? Pizza. David, are you okay? Because now it's getting louder and louder, the way you're coughing, sneezing, hacking,
Starting point is 00:35:23 snorting. You've been disruptive that your timing has been off during the show. How long is pie good for in the fridge just as an aside? Well, I have the best thing to eat after four days in the fridge. Well, I have key lime pie that I feel like I've probably waited too long, but it's key lime pie and I love it. How long is too long though? I think a couple of weeks, no, 10 days. That's way too long.
Starting point is 00:35:47 On a high. On a high, because we could find something frozen, something you could freeze to or something. No, it's not frozen. I had half a slice of the key lime pie, and then I put it in the refrigerator. I should toss it. Garbage.
Starting point is 00:35:58 How long you had it? Well, I'm not even cons- it was gifted to me. It was a second hand gift. It was given to my parents, and then they gifted it to me So throw on an extra couple days there. You put things in your fridge in an order I do that of oldest to not of what you need to eat next. I do it like back to front or left to right What are you doing Tony? You see what he's doing?
Starting point is 00:36:17 I get to music. We all see what he's doing He's trying to get the way of Tony. He's not gonna happen to know Wow, I love to it. It's the return of Tony. He's not gonna have a dinner. Wow, I love to. It's the return of Tony's top five for Billy haters and capitulators everywhere. Before we get to it though, just how long has it been? Do you think Billy? Because am I embarrassing myself by saying seven to 10 days?
Starting point is 00:36:38 You're good on a key line pie. I mean, it's still in my fridge and I eyeball it every day and say I should probably get this. It's a whole pie versus a slice scenario. If you've got the whole pie of 10 days, if you get something for Christmas, you're telling me that's got to be out of the fridge by New Year. No, New Year's Eve. No, holidays are different. No, but David is saying, David is saying a pie, get it out of here after a couple of days.
Starting point is 00:37:01 It goes down each shelf one per day. Well, so hold on a second. Every day you reorganize your fridge, you move things down. Number five. Wow, taking control. You guys hear that? This is close to very second.
Starting point is 00:37:16 There's some cords and melodies coming together in Utah. How many shelves do you have? Shut up, Billy. There's cords and melodies coming together in Utah. Let me read you. Let me read you the the day six, everything's out of there. The starting five for the Utah jazz, Kianti George, Ocha, Ajibbi, Laurie Markinin, Taylor Hendrix, Walker Kessler. Guys, that's keeping here in Utah. Danny, Ange, is it an ear or an eye? We're keeping an ear. It's the jazz.
Starting point is 00:37:43 We're keeping an ear on Utah. Okay, it's not, it's not to go to ear or an eye? We're keeping an ear. It's the jazz. We're keeping an ear on you tall Okay, it's not it's not I know we're keeping an ear on the you tall jazz You see what kind of music's happening over there. I think they're starting to get some I think the the eye in the ears Should be okay see if we're doing young teams not Danny I remember the new Orleans jazz. That's why that the Utah jazz. I do not did you know that I did? Keep going number four. Thank you Jordan Hawkins like the Lakers from Yukon, best shooter in the NBA draft, DMV stand up. That is an odd choice for number four. Minnesota from all the things Jordan NBA. He saw him played, right Dan? All the things, he's better than Juan Wic. Shade. Easily. No, no, no, no, no, it's better than
Starting point is 00:38:24 Juan. No, no's better than Juan Wick. No one is better than Juan Wick. Is he a Latin action star? No, there was a top tier in the NBA. And I believe he fits them old. I'm seeing Luca, I'm seeing YoKitch with Juan Wick. That's because he's extremely slow in plotting. Yes, the evolution of the sport is towards slower.
Starting point is 00:38:41 YoKitch is the new copycat. We're gonna go low for bread slow. Yeah, but that low for bread is 7-1. This low for bread is 6-6. But that's still pretty big at the position though. At what position? Yo-Kitch is not, does not have a cool name like Juan Wick. That's also true.
Starting point is 00:38:57 Number three, spurs. Get over yourselves. We knew where you were going. You didn't have to take all five minutes. I'm waiting for one time for an NBA team and NFL team and MLB team somebody to have one second run off the clock And that person sprinting up here. Here it is. Here's a woman. Y'all the spurs played it out. They did that. Five minutes. Come on We got things to do the whole first round by the way three and a half hours What are we doing? Can you pass me the ball just briefly? I know it's your top five
Starting point is 00:39:22 I see a lot of people tripping over themselves now to come over to the, oh, Wembe's not that good side of the street. Stay over there, we don't want you. We called this. You saw that workout video? I saw a lot of misses. Yeah, I didn't see a make. The one make was out of frame.
Starting point is 00:39:38 You though are the critic haters delight in that you are taking this from two angles. One, can the seven foot five guy dribble like a six foot four guy? You can't turn it over, bro. You're seven four. And, well, he'll be seven five by the time we're done with talking about this, because he's still growing. Turn over, bro. But then the other bet you're making, and you're going to take a victory lap on this one that's unseemly, is when he gets hurt, because people like this always have foot problems. Yes, yes, you're gonna take a victory lap. It's an informed opinion.
Starting point is 00:40:12 Instead of just a greatest most NBA ready prospect of all time. Let's look at the frame and let's look at the body of work. I'm not here to project at Stain Antonio's job. But right now this player can shoot very thin knees. They're probably got a buckle under one back down. And it isn't a kill. He's there waiting to happen. How'd you see that he knows everything about everything? He doesn't have thin knees. I got one word.
Starting point is 00:40:38 Well, is it one word? It might be two. Either way, plan or phase yet. Number two. Number two, speaking about NBA ready guys, I'm pushing all of my chips to the middle of the table on one guy in this NBA draft. His name is Scoot Henderson. I think he's going to be the best player out of this draft. Portland's not going to have Dame for much longer. He's going to be able to take that that man tool for one of the best players in the league. I think Scoot Henderson's a really good guy. The
Starting point is 00:41:03 Thompson twins went into the gap. You know, they did that too often. They did and that helped them. A good guy is your analysis. You're analyzing. You're doing a top five and Scoot is a good guy is what you're doing with number two. Number one.
Starting point is 00:41:15 Number one. Way too much dick in the NBA draw. Grady dick did get. Not only Grady dick Dan, I've got something else. Play it. But I tell you I like dick. Okay. Grady dick. Fat Joe. What are we doing here? Dic did get not only greatie dick Dan. I've got something else play it That Joe I mean what are we doing here? What do you mean? What is he doing? You got to go full name there do you yeah? It's a guy's name it gets confusing grow up
Starting point is 00:41:42 That's right gets confusing you never know right grow up. Oh, grow up. Oh, Joe is that beard painted on yes That's paint. Yes, I mean I Who choose who's to say is it tattooed or painted

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