The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz - Hour 2: Cocaine Shark

Episode Date: July 30, 2024

Greg ranks Ron Magill's animal encounters. Dan reveals that he fired off an angry text recently. And who on the crew is invited to Greg's yacht party? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You're listening to Giraffe King's Network. This is the Don LeBattor Show with the StuGuts Podcast. Our friend Ron McGill is here. Again, I suggest to you if you want to give to his charity, I promise you that it goes straight to helping the animals and your money will be used maximum efficiently by somebody who knows all of the people who care about animals the right way.
Starting point is 00:00:36 His Substantive Endowment, you could just check it out on Google if you wanna help Ron McGill out, help the animals. Greg Cody, the last time he was here, Ron, he did not do this in front of you because he's not brave that way, but he was questioning your story from Africa and how close you were to actually dying. He doesn't believe that that was a thing that was as real as it seemed. I don't want to speak for him, but if you want to confront him to his face, here he is
Starting point is 00:01:03 right now, Greg Cody. I wouldn't call it a confrontation but it's true that until I heard this with my own ears it was hard it was a buffalo right it Buffalo yeah it and I heard about it rampaging through a tent or something like that and it go through the tent and I wonder can you just tell the story again for myself and those wait a minute that's not a confrontation I mean, can you just tell the story again for myself and those who didn't hear it? Wait a minute, that's not a confrontation. I mean, he can tell the story again, but you were questioning the story. I found it hard to believe that Ron McGill, after a distinguished long career confronting wildlife, that this was the most danger, in the most danger he's ever felt.
Starting point is 00:01:42 I want to hear that with my own ears. Well, it was close to the most danger he's ever felt I want to hear that with my own ears well I was close to the most danger I think I told you about the time with the elephant in the Angorogor crater and the hippo on the Nile River those are my top three but the third you this is the bronze medal this would be tied for for a little bit of a time so you have to put them in order well done ronald silver on the other way around and i'd say that we've got a rehear all three stories and i think you have to pick a one two and three tell the elephant story again uh... was doing a study on elephants in must which is male elephants that are at
Starting point is 00:02:21 the peak of their hormone or driver there they're very unpredictable, very dangerous. You've seen these elephant attacks, so quote unquote attacks where they go after trucks and things like that. That happened to me. I was down in the bottom of the Angorogoro crater. I was photographing an elephant in must from a safe distance. We always turn the engine off when we're photographing. We don't want the vibration of the truck not just to shake the camera to make a fuzzy
Starting point is 00:02:44 picture but also not to disturb the animal. So we turned the truck off and I'm photographing this elephant and then all of a sudden I realized he saw me, didn't really like me being there and started coming after me. I told the driver, okay, let's go. We had a safe enough distance where you can get away. He went to start the engine and the battery was dead. So we couldn't go. I knew this elephant was coming.
Starting point is 00:03:03 I continued to photograph him as he came at the truck. When he got to the truck, for those of you who are familiar with these vehicles, they are open to the top. It's a Toyota Land Cruiser with an open top where I was standing on the seat taking photographs through the top of the roof. I then went down on the bottom of the truck and held on to the bottom of the seats anchored to the floor of the truck. The elephant came up to the truck, put his tusk under the truck, and started to try to tip it over. He was rocking it back and forth. It was rocking back and forth off its wheels,
Starting point is 00:03:31 but it didn't tip all the way over. He then stopped doing that, and as I'm still holding on, praying for my life at the bottom, I realized a whole big shadow came over me. This elephant was so large, he literally stood over the top of the land land cruiser and Looked down at me. I actually got a picture of him actually doing that and then
Starting point is 00:03:50 His trunk came over the top and I'm just holding on with something He's just gonna grab me pull me out of the truck and whip me around like a wet rag And his trunk came and actually touched my the top of my head and just kind of went That's more like I'm really, you know, soiling my pants. Oh. And then all of a sudden, he stopped doing that and I just,
Starting point is 00:04:13 I'm just waiting, I'm just waiting, I'm thinking, what's he gonna do? And then I felt the sunlight on my face again, I looked up and he was gone and he was just walking away. So I don't know what happened there. The difference between this and the buffalo is that the buffalo would not have stopped if he had gotten to me, or she.
Starting point is 00:04:30 It was a female buffalo actually. We were walking down at nighttime. It's six o'clock in the morning. I'm going to each tent with our guide to wake everybody up to get ready to get on the game drive. It's dark and there's very little light in the camp area and it's an open camp so animals are coming through all the time. Dan can testify I was walking with Dan and his wife Valerie as we were heading back and
Starting point is 00:04:50 there's a big elephant literally right there in the walkway and we looked at okay Dan let's just back off back off everything was fine the thing flared out its ears put out the trunk and basically telling us that's enough don't get any closer and you know we backed off so Dan can you know verify that these animals are in camp they are in camp so we're looking for this buffalo we weren't looking for the buffalo or we're looking to make sure there aren't any buffalo and we missed this one a lot of times we depend on the eye shine we're using a flashlight because the eye shine will show up right away it comes out like a flashing light but this buffalo was asleep sir our eyes
Starting point is 00:05:21 were closed and we came around the corner she was asleep behind the bush and we started her she startled us she was asleep behind the bush, and we startled her, she startled us. She got up, snored it, and charged right at us. We were about 15, 20 feet away from the tent that we were going to wake up guests of ours. And we used our flashlights. And Mark, Matt, who was the guide with me,
Starting point is 00:05:40 actually used a flashlight better than I did, because I was a little bit more tense than he was. But we used the flashlights, kind of like a matador uses a flashlight, harder than I did because I was a little bit more tense than he was, but we used the flashlights kind of like a matador uses a cape to say, here, here, come this way, this way, this way. And he charged the flashlight. At the very last second, we dropped the flashlights right in front of where the tent was,
Starting point is 00:05:55 go to the side and it charged the tent. It ripped through the tent, its head, its horns went through the tent, knocked all the furniture up in there. One of our guests, the wife of one of our guests was in bed. She's screaming. I'm yelling to please be quiet, quiet, quiet. And the other guest was actually sitting on the toilet at the time. So basically he probably finished what he was doing very quickly.
Starting point is 00:06:17 Horrifying. Horrifying. Holy crap. Holy crap. I'm not making any of this stuff up. Fortunately, the buffalo decided to go to the right instead of the left. If it had gone to the left, we would have been totally exposed. And I'm pretty certain it would have severely injured,
Starting point is 00:06:31 if not worse to both of us. All right, tell us a third story and then I will award the medals. And stop calling them tents. I mean enough. I was doing, I was photographing river hippos in the Nile River and I wanted to get a different perspective of the hippos.
Starting point is 00:06:49 So instead of shooting them from land out into the water, I went out into the water in a little motorized canoe and was getting low down in the water to try to get that perspective of the land behind the hippo with the water. Hippos generally speaking give us a system of body language to tell you that they're not very happy with your water. Hippos generally speaking give us a system of body language to tell you that they're not very happy with your presence. It starts with them kind of raising their body a little bit out of the water. The next one will be they kind of raise their head out of the water. The next one be they yawn really loudly. Okay. When I say loudly, they're widely, they open their mouths very wide and they present those massive tusks.
Starting point is 00:07:24 That's the last threat. And then they'll vocalize. So there's usually three or four steps before they actually will charge. Well, I was photographing this one hit ball, I'm down looking through the eye piece of my camera and I'm photographing and this hit ball decided to skip steps one through three and just lunged at me
Starting point is 00:07:41 like a killer whale out of the water. And this hit ball was coming to get us. Fortunately, my guide had the motor on, on the canoe and zoomed away, but that hippo was porpoising after us and got to as close to within about, I would say 15, 20 feet. Now you say 15, 20 feet is a long way.
Starting point is 00:07:57 It's not a long way when you're in a little dugout canoe with a little engine on it and a massive hippo is coming out of the water, out of the water after you. Fortunately, we got away. I was able to get one of my favorite photographs of all time. I'll send it to you guys for the next show so you can see it. It's the very moment that hit boat lunged out of the water at me.
Starting point is 00:08:14 I wish I could say I was as good a photographer that I said, oh yeah, I'm going to get this picture. Boom, I took it. No, I didn't even realize I took it. What happened was that damn hit boat scared the shit out of me and when it lunged out of the water, I must have tensed up and pressed the shutter by accident and the camera did all the work. So it was one of those things where I was a photograph by accident but it's still one of my favorites. Oh crap! The bronze medal goes to the
Starting point is 00:08:36 elephant. You're crazy. The silver medal goes to the buffalo. The gold medal goes to the hippopotamus. Wow. No, I have to disagree with you. I was there. Did you set it down? Ron, you're wrong. You're wrong. Forgive me, but Greg Cody loves when his ignorance is right. He was not there.
Starting point is 00:08:57 He knows nothing. He's more right than you. That's his move. What are your rankings, Ron? My ranking is, I've got to go tie Elephant and Buffalo and then the Hippo. No ties. No ties. No ties.
Starting point is 00:09:11 Then I'm going to go with the Buffalo because the Buffalo would have killed us. The Elephant had the opportunity to do that. It did not, even though it scared the bejeebers out of me. The Elephant could have killed me. It chose not to. That Buffalo would not have chosen to ignore me had it gotten to me, it would have killed me. So the buffalo is number one, elephant is number two, hippo is number three. Sounds like recency bias.
Starting point is 00:09:31 Listen, in all fairness, Greg, I will tell you that on this trip, Dan did call me wrong McGill. Not Ron McGill, but wrong. How about buffalo? They finally won something. Jessica, what do you have for wrong McGill? There's nothing wrong with the bronze. First of all, just want to appropriately celebrate the bronze medal winner. Ron, I've been watching a lot of the Olympics and they're surfing in Tahiti. How great is the threat of a shark attack at a surfing event like this? I mean, it exists, Jessica, but it's not a great threat.
Starting point is 00:10:06 It's the same threat of saying, you know, listen, you have a threat of getting hit by a car if you're crossing the street. You know, it depends what street you're on and where you're crossing, but the bottom line is, sharks are there. So the threat of course exists, but the bottom line is how many surfers
Starting point is 00:10:21 have been surfing out there for how long and how many shark attacks have there been? So when you put those numbers in perspective, the likelihood is very, very little. Hey, Rong, I was, I've recently seen those posters, right? Those missing animals posters where it's a bird, right? You've seen those and you just crack up. It's like, oh, you gotta find the bird.
Starting point is 00:10:39 So I was at a partner's cousin's house the other day and they have a couple of birds and apparently, one of them, soon after it could fly away, after the wings grew back, it flew away. And this person put out posters and it just so happens that this bird was nearby a friend's house.
Starting point is 00:10:56 That friend found a way to capture the bird, brought it back to the proper owners. And so my question is, is this bird pissed off that the one place it landed happened to be friends with its owner and is now back in the cage? No, on the contrary. You know, the bird, the fact that it was able to be caught
Starting point is 00:11:14 will tell you that it is in fact habituated to human beings. That bird being a pet depends on humans for food. It probably flew away thinking, oh, this is gonna be paradise and said, hey, wait a minute, where's all the food I'm used to getting for free given to me on a silver platter as if I'm in a catering place here. These animals that may have some type of wild background
Starting point is 00:11:32 still become dependent on the people who care for them. When we had the hurricane here at the zoo, Hurricane Andrew, I'll never forget it, our aviary was destroyed, all those birds flew away. And they all flew away. But you know what, within a few days, they flew back. They flew back saying, hey, you know what? It's like, I remember as a little kid,
Starting point is 00:11:48 I got really ticked off at my parents. I said, I'm running away. I ran away. That lasted about four hours. I got hungry. I said, you know what? It's a little easier at home. So I went back.
Starting point is 00:11:55 And animals in a lot of ways do the same thing. You know, dogs sometimes will get out, they'll run away. And then all of a sudden they come back on their own because they start realizing, home is where the heart is, brother. Did you pack up like a little blanket and put it on the end of a stick like they do in the cartoon?
Starting point is 00:12:08 No, I was young and stupid. I was just really pissed off. I said, I'm leaving. And my father said, great. And you know, he just looked at me and I'll never forget it because he actually was gonna make it harder. He says, okay, but you gotta leave everything here
Starting point is 00:12:18 that's not yours. I said, fine, I'm leaving. I said, no, no, no. My father said, stop, take your clothes off. I bought your clothes. And then I said, I can't run away naked so that would be dumb. Yeah, my dad was smart that way. Chris Primm – Wrong. I read something recently that sounded so ludicrous. I need you to verify or refute the truth of it. I read that crows are able to say aloud numbers at the level
Starting point is 00:12:42 a toddler might. One, two, three, four, et cetera. They can certainly say the numbers. It doesn't mean that they know what the numbers mean. It doesn't mean that you can say, okay, crow, say five, now point to the five coconuts. That's the difference. Crows can mimic sounds very well. Ravens, minor birds are kind of a similar type of family.
Starting point is 00:13:04 They're one of the best sound reproducers in the world. So crows can speak? Crows can, yes they can emulate sound and say things like numbers. What kind of savage is the crow Ron? Because I will occasionally see bird parts on my balcony because I didn't realize that crows destroy other birds. They do, they raid nests, they eat eggs, they eat chicks, they are thugs, they're gangsters. But having said that, they're also probably the smartest bird in the world. Crows are generally believed to be the smartest
Starting point is 00:13:36 of all birds. I just want you guys to know that Chris Googled counting crows and is not getting any answers, just getting a bunch of banned information. Yeah, Mr. Jones. Wrong, we wanted to talk to you about cocaine sharks. Apparently there were sharks that were caught off the coast of Brazil,
Starting point is 00:13:54 and they tested positive for cocaine. Yeah, well, you know, the bottom line is, I think we all know that sometimes these drugs get ditched in the water when people are gonna get arrested or confiscated, so that those drugs are being ditched in the water when people are gonna get arrested or confiscated so that those drugs are being diluted in the water and they're certainly being absorbed by these fish that live in that water.
Starting point is 00:14:11 So it's not unheard of to think that. I don't know how widespread it is. Yeah, I'm seeing all this great, it's gonna go crazy on social media, I'm sure. But the bottom line is anything you throw in the water that can become diluted in the water can be absorbed by these animals. It's like line is, anything you throw in the water that can become diluted in the water can be absorbed by these animals.
Starting point is 00:14:26 It's like, listen, if you're not a smoker, but you live in a house with somebody who smokes all the time and has blown smoke in the house, you're gonna have smoke in your lungs. That's the bottom line. He is animal apologist, Wrong McGill, always able to defend the behavior of cocaine using sharks. If I saw a brick of cocaine,
Starting point is 00:14:44 I wouldn't stuff my face in it. I mean, no chance the sharks just like to party. Thank you, Rong. Appreciate your time. Good seeing you again, sir. Good guys. Have a good week, guys. Take care.
Starting point is 00:14:56 Hey there, loyal listener. As you know, in listening to this show, we've been around for almost 20 years. It's going to be 20 years in September. And a lot has changed over those years. Not just the cast but the locations we've been doing it from. We started out in Miami Gardens, went to South Beach, and now we're in downtown Miami. A lot has changed. One thing that hasn't is the great taste of Miller Lite and the support Miller Lite has had for this show, which
Starting point is 00:15:18 I'm very fond of. Another thing that hasn't changed is that it's less filling. So what is the best thing about the original light beer? Miller Lite sparked this debate way back in 1975 and we still haven't settled it. For me, it's the undebatable quality, great taste, and only 96 calories. You don't have to choose what's best. Miller Lite has great taste and is less filling. Tastes like Miller time. To get Miller Lite delivered right to your door, visit slash Dan, Or you can find it pretty much anywhere. That sells beer.
Starting point is 00:15:47 Celebrate responsibly. Miller Brewing Company, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. 96 calories per 12 ounces. Fewer cows and carbs than premium regular beer. Don LeBretard. Yeah, very fast. Imagine if someone told you you couldn't have a Corvette. Stugats.
Starting point is 00:16:01 I'm a grown ass man who's not filthy rich. I can't afford a Lamborghini. Well, I probably can but This is the Don LeBattar show with the Stu Gatz I believe that we have a profoundly lax environment around here that is much different than most businesses and one of the reasons that I believe this Stugatz is because I often say things ten and a dozen times without anybody doing them. It happens all the time and yesterday I would say that I fired off as angry a text as I will ever fire Off when I just asked an assortment of people
Starting point is 00:16:50 Hey, do I need to fire somebody or are we gonna get a gas bag of the week that I've been asking for? For a dozen weeks now should I be firing Frankie or Robert? Who do you guys want me to fire? Frankie works in security, Robert who is IT, just to make an example of who should we fire around here, because it seems basically business 101 person on show asks for something as easy as gas bag of the week. Can he get it after asking for it 12 times? Well, if you noticed Dan, Lewis is not here today. So sorry about that. Did you fire him? gas bag of the week, can he get it after asking for it 12 times?
Starting point is 00:17:25 Well if you noticed Dan, Lewis is not here today. So sorry about that. Did you fire him? I did not fire Lewis. I like Lewis. It better to be the security guy or an IT guy, somebody else, just to send a real warning to everybody. Pablo.
Starting point is 00:17:39 I really mean business about I need a gas bag of the week. Yeah, you needed to soften that threat with all due respect. Do I have to fire somebody? No offense. No offense. It came out hot. Dan, I feel like you want your cake. What's this saying?
Starting point is 00:17:55 You eat it too. You want to eat your cake and have it too? Because there's a standard we have. Eat your cake and have it too. We have a standard around here. So I feel like the work has been being done, has been done. We have a standard around here, so I feel like the work has been being done has been Done we have a standard around here Yeah, the work has been done to get you a gas bag
Starting point is 00:18:10 But sometimes I get a few nominees and I'm like guys Dan's not gonna like this one So that's why you know like and we're gonna do one today and hopefully it meets your standard Chris I find it hard to believe with all of the people being paid to give I find it hard to believe with all of the people being paid to give sports opinions that are bad all over the country, that we can't find a paragraph every week from all of the stupid things being said. It seems impossible for me to believe that with a company's worth of resources,
Starting point is 00:18:39 many, many people working for us, we can't just dive into the mainstream and find the occasional shitty gas bag salmon. Worst case scenario, just use my Michael Phelps blurb every week. I had 22 bad takes just last week alone. Well, I do think that Greg Cody had a great nominee for gas bag of the week, not Michael Phelps, your take on the US Olympic bronze medal winning team. That would be something that I would nominate,
Starting point is 00:19:07 but do you have something better than that, Chris? We do, we have a clip of Matt Rule talking at some sort of Nebraska media day about the Big Ten and them having automatic playoff bids. This has imaging though, correct? This has some imaging to it so that we can set it up? We'd listen to it and then we either say who is the gas bag.
Starting point is 00:19:27 We don't know which one's the gas bag. I think the imaging needs to be before gas bag of the week. We'll work it out. Maybe it'll take us another 12 weeks. We've been doing this for 20 years. We don't know how to do it. I gotta fire somebody, clearly.
Starting point is 00:19:38 I gotta fire Robert in IT. Pablo. Gas bag of the week. That's all the imaging that all of the all the imaging all of metal arts production went into and here is just mat rule being a gas bag i think fourteen from this week should get in and get in every year because that this is the best week this is the nfl college football on my mind stretches from
Starting point is 00:20:02 coast to coast different time time zones, different weather. That's not to diminish any other league. The SEC is amazing. These other leagues are great, but the challenge in the Big Ten is gonna be, it's gonna be really difficult. Oh. Oh.
Starting point is 00:20:14 Oh. Oh. Oh. Look at all of you just staring back. I'm gonna have to fire somebody. I'm gonna have to. Yeah. It's just obvious.
Starting point is 00:20:22 I'm going to have to. Oh. Who do you wanna take health insurance from the most? I just need to set an example. I just want a gas bag. I just want a gas bag of the week. That's all I need. Well, Greg, congratulations.
Starting point is 00:20:34 You're the gas bag of the week. Yeah, congratulations, Greg Cody. I accept. Gas bag of the week. Greg's after. So, rule wants four automatic bids into the playoff for the Big Ten? What a joke that is. Here's a rule, finish above 500. Here's another rule, make it to the pinstripe ball
Starting point is 00:20:55 before you start talking about the college football playoff. And Matt Ruhl should be wearing a ski mask on the sidelines in Lincoln. Yeah, but the Big Ten and SEC having more bids to the playoff was something that was on the table. And obviously the reason is that you get more money for more playoff appearances and they want to solidify themselves as head and shoulders above the other two power conferences. So I'm not surprised to hear a Big Ten coach advocating for this. Why do you have him in a ski mask?
Starting point is 00:21:23 Because he's stealing money. He went five and seven last year. Three and six inside the Big Ten coach advocating for this. Why do you have him in a ski mask? Cause he's stealing money. He went five and seven last year, three and six inside the Big Ten. He ain't sniffing the playoffs anytime soon. Sounds like he's your Gas Bag of the Week. He is. New rules with Stu Gotts. I like this where you,
Starting point is 00:21:37 that's a better segment than Gas Bag of the Week. Here's a rule. You just rip, yes. You giving Matt Rule new rules is something that I would like to hear. That has book potential, Stu. It does. I'm on it. Isn't that a Bill Maher segment?
Starting point is 00:21:50 Yes. So? But it's not spelled R-U-H-L-E, new rules. All right, we're good. Isn't that R-H? R-H-U-O-H. As usual. Greg, I want some help. I mean, he's 16 and 34! 16 and 34 in his last four seasons coaching at the NFL level and in college. And he's telling us what the rules should be?
Starting point is 00:22:13 Here's a rule. Matt rules shouldn't be telling us any rules. I like this. This is a good segment. This is so much better than Gas Mag of the last few weeks. In Gas Mag of the week. I'm sorry. Greg Cody has a new
Starting point is 00:22:28 segment that he would like to debut today. Dumb move of the week. Totally different from Gas Bag of the Week. This needs some of its own imaging as well. Can I get some examples before I choose one? Because surely our production staff has not
Starting point is 00:22:44 actually created something ready to do dumb move of the week. Can we rename it wrong move of the week? Because for that I have imaging. That's nice. Great. Angelic. Yeah. Biblical, religious, churchy.
Starting point is 00:22:55 Don't think I can do better than this. Alright, so this is the first one. That's nice. Great. Angelic. Yeah. Biblical, religious, churchy. Don't think I can do better than this. Alright, so this is the best we're going to do. What is your wrong move of the week, Greg Cody? Well, here's the Las Vegas Raiders. You know, struggling and scrambling to be the second or third best team in a division dominated by the Kansas City Chiefs. Okay, and here come the Raiders in the middle of their training camp mocking Patrick Mahomes. Not just mocking him in general, but mocking him, taking a very personal shot.
Starting point is 00:23:36 We all know Patrick Mahomes has a rather distinctively unusual voice, right? Speaking voice. Well, they mocked his voice using a Kermit the Frog puppet as a prop I'm here and I just think that's the wrong move to not only tweak the quarterback who's dominating you but to do so in sort of a cringy way Kermit the Frog here I love Kermit I would be flattered would you know it's so mean yeah if someone said you spoke like Kermit. I would be flattered. Would you? Even though it's so mean. Yeah, if someone said you spoke like Kermit the frog, that would be flattering to you? No.
Starting point is 00:24:08 You're right. Every time I see... But Kermit's so cute! What happened there? Every time I see the voiceover of Patrick Mahomes yelling, I'm here, and it's Kermit saying, I'm here, I'm here. It cracks me up every single time. If I was the Raiders, yeah, I'd give him a pass on that one.
Starting point is 00:24:22 Here's a rule. Don't poke the bear, all. If I was the Raiders, yeah, I'd give him a pass on that one. Here's a rule, don't poke the bear. All right, there you go. Seriously, what are you doing? He already beats them anyway. What difference does it make? Poke away? Yes, he does do a good amount of beating
Starting point is 00:24:37 of the Raiders and of everybody. Is he? everybody. Izzy? You are so wrong! Hahahaha! Hahahaha! Hahahaha! Are you invited to Greg Cody's yacht birthday party?
Starting point is 00:24:54 That is a fantastic question, Greg. We haven't sent out invitations yet. Yes, Izzy, you are on the list. Thank God, I was going to say. We haven't sent out invitations yet. I've been so nervous about asking this question because I wasn't sure and just that, this makes me feel so much better.
Starting point is 00:25:10 I've been on pins and needles all day. Do I get a plus one? I'm not confirming or denying that anyone is or isn't, or Izzy, on the invite list. What is happening here where you're not confirming anything and Chris Cody is just telling Izzy Yes, and easy celebrating, but it's your birthday Get in line on that one my wife and my son are
Starting point is 00:25:34 Shepherding and ramrodding this whole thing because that's what you've told us to do. You've sent me many attacks Please tell me who I'm inviting like I you you You're trying to get yourself away from all of this. Okay, I'm just trying to insulate myself from post-invite criticism. How many people do you want there? How many people could fit on the boat? He has said 100 to 150 is about as far as he's willing to go with the open bar.
Starting point is 00:25:56 So I like the idea of you, like a committee, figuring this out. You gather like 250 names or so that would want to attend your birthday, and then you announce who's actually being invited. Well, I think part of his problem is though then The boat has to be the one as big as China's was at the in the opening ceremony You got 400 people on 400 athletes on it. What is the not? What is the capacity of the boat? I?
Starting point is 00:26:17 Think we've been told a hundred to 125 people would would you know we don't have to be too crowded It's not about the open bar thing I just don't want to you know feel we don't want it to be too crowded. It's not about the open bar thing. I just don't want to, you know, feel like I'm crammed into a, into a, a light boat. If you want, I can just bring my boat and we can just hang out on the side if you need like some extra space. We'll just play the same music. That's not a bad idea.
Starting point is 00:26:36 And we'll throw hors d'oeuvres down at you. Lehman can bring his kayak. His what? Kayak. Oh, I thought you said his pie act. Let's see, making an apple pie at my party? No, we're going to have... Okay, we need to see that.
Starting point is 00:26:49 Lehman's pie act, please. Just hold on a second. Let me explain. Let me find out what he meant here. Were you of the opinion that what Jessica was offering you is that on your birthday, her boyfriend would come with an act that involves pie? Yeah, that's what he said. He can bring his pie act. That's what she said. birthday her boyfriend would come with an act that involves pie. Yeah, that's what you said. He can bring his pie act. That's what you said. That's what I heard.
Starting point is 00:27:10 But you're sharp as a carpet tack. You are not delirious at the end of the show. No. You thought that Lehman, her boyfriend... Yeah, I know him as Lee. What is the act? You gotta understand, Dan, back in his early days, that was the entertainment. That was a guy with seltzer water and a pie to the face and it was ha ha ha. Back in the Vaudeville days am I right?
Starting point is 00:27:30 Yes. Yeah, we may have a pie act on the boat. We're gonna have a lot going on. I may have a guy rolling cigars. We don't know yet. You know, there's a lot to be determined. What is it? September 21st. Let me check the calendar. Oh, Drea- what? I might have a work commitment that weekend. Get out of it! Okay. Her boss is sitting right next to you. It doesn't matter. He'll be in the party if I invite him. I'm sure. You know who's gonna be there? Fired Robert and Frankie who I fired for
Starting point is 00:28:02 the gas bag of the week. They're gonna be eating my hors d'oeuvres. Juju, do you know, you don't know yet whether you're invited or not or have we confirmed that you are invited? I'm pretty sure I'm not invited after the old hospital bed Instagram snafu. I think I got myself uninvited after this. He came and yelled at me and I haven't looked
Starting point is 00:28:19 in the eyes since. Okay. No, you were instantly forgiven for that. It was an honest mistake. Is he invited? Juju was, outside of Dan and Stu, was one of the first two names said. Like, when it was going to be just like the smallest group ever, my dad said Juju after Dan and Stu. Thank you, brother.
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Starting point is 00:29:41 Don LeBretard. He called me on my own podcast. He called me full of shit claiming that I'm faking interest in the solar eclipse. You do this you love to just get excited about everything. Okay Junior. Stugatz. I had to school you and explain to you. He was gonna take you to Augusta. When I was 17 years old Alan Sherry and I used to haunt the Bueller Planetarium. This is the Don Lebatar Show with the Stugats. If I may, without getting overly sentimental here, I will tell you that Izzy Gutierrez is
Starting point is 00:30:17 someone who grew up in this market. I don't know that there's a lot of anything professionally that makes Izzy as happy as you on this show. This is your 70th birthday and for the last five years, while dealing with mortality stuff and worried legitimately about your cough and telling your son routinely, hey, tell your dad all the things that you feel about him so he knows them and he feels them. You're turning 70 in 70 man there shouldn't really be any limits on this party like you should blow it out it should be a giant party that celebrates all of your
Starting point is 00:30:53 narcissism all of your fun and all of the glorious you that is seven decades of Cody you shouldn't spare expense and you shouldn't stress it like it shouldn't be a source of stress for you who my gun invited a chris or lean help me out here like you should think you should throw this party in a big big ass way no i i i it's going to be pretty big scale honestly and and i'm not going to limit it by you know i don't pay this much for an open bar i mean that's not even a factor
Starting point is 00:31:23 uh... money the size of the boat is it and money is not because i know your wife is not as cheap as you like you are the cheap one uh... well cheapish uh... she would describe you as a cheat your son would describe both your sons would describe you as cheaper cheapish yeah he's cheap i like this game you know that you'veish. Look, there's a lot of close calls in any situation. In my neighborhood there's close calls.
Starting point is 00:31:50 You know, I'm going to invite this neighbor and this neighbor. What about the one down the street that I talk to twice a year? You know what I mean? There's just a lot of close calls. Speaking of close calls, we haven't had one in a while with Greg, have we? Because he sounds great, he looks great, he does not look like he's approaching 70, he's going backwards here.
Starting point is 00:32:10 What's the secret, Greg? I'm a Benjamin Button of my era. No, my health is better than it's been in years. I'm finally on a system of medication that is really controlling my asthma. So mocking works. Whatever helps helps. I take mocking works. Well, whatever, whatever helps helps, you know, it's, I take, you know, eight, nine pills a day,
Starting point is 00:32:29 but I'm not complaining. He sounds so much better now than he did when he sang two tickets to paradise that we played yesterday. Oh yeah, that was, yeah. Can we get that again? I didn't hear it. Let me hear it again.
Starting point is 00:32:39 It was during the pandemic and it was the start to the show and Stu Gotts didn't hear it. From boring mediocrity to dominance so near You know why? Cause we've waited so long Since Merino We've waited so long Those were the fainting days
Starting point is 00:33:17 You're better now though. Nine pills. To a ticket to paradise Won't you grab a mask And believe tonight What stopped the fainting? The nine pills. Now I'm thinking fainting days To the tune of glory days. Work on that, Yeti. There you go.
Starting point is 00:33:44 Ouch, that merino. It's so painful. It hurts my throat. So you had... The COVID reference, grab a mask. Yeah. Leave tonight. Just to be clear, you had Jessica's boyfriend
Starting point is 00:34:08 coming on to the boat with a bunch of pies? Yeah, bring your own pie, B-Y-O-P. Not making them on the boat, he's bringing like a cooler full of pies for a pie act. Yeah, if it's a pie act, you tell me, how's it gonna work? I'm picturing like, it's like a pizza dough, and you're rolling it out and spinning it on your finger
Starting point is 00:34:29 and kneading it out in the air. I know you're an accomplished baker. I assume that Lee is too. He's going to make a pie live on the boat, and we're going to appreciate it. Going to have a couple charts. Yeah. I'm imagining Lee coming to Early,
Starting point is 00:34:41 what do I say to these pies? We'll have a pie table. That actually reminds me of something that we were gonna ask Ron McGill. There was this video that was going viral of a fish with a dog's face superimposed over the fish's face. Super real.
Starting point is 00:34:56 That was fake? So I had that. What? I pulled up this video on my phone the other night and I showed it to Lehman who goes fishing all the time and I was like, what would you do if you caught this fish? And he turns to me completely serious and goes, I think that's fake.
Starting point is 00:35:17 Oh my goodness, I was such a fish fan after seeing this. It seems very obviously fake. It's obviously fake, it's a dog's face. I'm watching it on my phone. It's little. I was offended that he thought it was, like, he thought I thought it was real. It literally looks like willow. You're going to hook a willow with a fin on it and a tail?
Starting point is 00:35:39 I just drooled again. Definitely throwing that one, babe. Chris Cody, I want some assistance from you on something because the Greg Cody show featuring Greg Cody, a podcast that is very popular because Greg Cody goes to all the depths of his narcissism. For about a month now, your father in his way has been sending me in that gravelly voice of his the worst Joe Biden impersonation I've ever heard. Like, there are a lot of bad ones out there,
Starting point is 00:36:10 but none is worse than your father's. We played some of his impersonation. It's as bad a show as we've done in about 10 years. The one minute of your father trying to do this Biden impersonation, he's now trying to sell me on the latest appearance of his gravelly voice of Joe Biden calling into the Greg Cody show featuring Greg Cody podcasts. And I don't want to play it. Well, he tried to call Joe tried to call me.
Starting point is 00:36:38 He got my voicemail and my wife is always making fun of my voicemail because I say hey everybody Like a bunch of people are calling me when obviously it's only one person calling me So anyway, I go. Hey everybody my voice comes on beep and then Joe Biden is leaving a message from a raucous bowling alley Which is really strange. That's interesting. Yeah, so it's weird But I don't want to play it and juju cannot can you make a ruling for me here? Yeah, his voice is falling apart the last time we did this I maintain is the worst minute of show We've done in a decade that has plenty of bad minutes. It works You you want to make a ruling on this? This the way that I would set it up is Joe Biden was calling you from a bowling alley
Starting point is 00:37:22 That's what I just said I think said it. I think since it's such a sensitive topic and you know, I care about sensitive topics, we should do it. Hey GC, it's Joe. I wanted to reach out to you ever since this business about me dropping out of the race, you know, I'm okay. I'm not gonna let you know I'm okay. I'm great. The weight of the world is on my shoulder. In case you're hearing, I'm at a bowling alley right now. I tell you, I've got all this free time now. Jill reminded me I'm still the president. I'm gonna be heading back to the way. Right now I'm at Scranton at a bowling alley.
Starting point is 00:38:07 I stink, but it's okay. Air Force One park in a bowling alley. Parking lot, but you see I'm thrilled to hear you're on the Levitard show for the second time this week. That's so great. It's nostalgic for me because you know I used to run with Wow Bill Cody. I was the only person who called him Willie other than his brother-in-law George Lanotte who had restless leg syndrome. He would be sitting in a bar having a couple of scotches and his leg would be tapping like a woodpecker. But listen, I want to assure you one thing. Just because I dropped out of the presidential race, I'm still in it to win it. And let me tell you something, I endorsed the woman who's gonna be the first female president in United States history.
Starting point is 00:39:08 Because I have all the faith in the world, and Camaro Harris. That was a nice message. It peaked at Scranton. That bowling alley was raucous. Sit around the kitchen table and Scranton. Chris, I have known your father for a very long time and I heard it in the Willie and the United States,
Starting point is 00:39:31 the slur, that's about nine Miller lights. At least seven. But if somebody told you, hey, this is an impression of an American president about seven or eight Miller lights in, you would know exactly who that was. Thank you. Thank you very much. I got Air Force One parked at a bowling alley.
Starting point is 00:39:51 I'm not gonna say anything for fear of getting mansplained about what an impression is again, which is what happened last week when I said Chris' Biden was not very good. No disrespect, by the way. Yeah, with all due respect. It's pretty good. Come on, Jess.
Starting point is 00:40:08 Not terrible. You guys want to go have a fight-off? You and your dad against each other? You can't compete with me. Sitting around the kitchen table and scrantin'. My dad says to me, Joey, we spent way too much time sitting around the kitchen table. All he's got is scrantin'. That's all he's got. Sitting around the kitchen table. All he's got is Scranton.
Starting point is 00:40:25 That's all he's got. Sitting around the table and Scranton. Scranton. It's not good. Hey there loyal listener. As you know in listening to this show, we've been around for almost 20 years. It's going to be 20 years in September and a lot has changed over those years. Not just the cast, but the locations we've been doing it from.
Starting point is 00:40:45 We started out in Miami Gardens, went to South Beach, and now we're in downtown Miami. A lot has changed. One thing that hasn't is the great taste of Miller Lite and the support Miller Lite has had for this show, which I'm very fond of. Another thing that hasn't changed is that it's less filling. So what is the best thing about the original light beer? Miller Lite sparked this debate way back in 1975 and we still haven't settled it. For me, it's the undebatable quality, great taste, and only 96
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