The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz - Hour 2: Rules for Red Eye Flights

Episode Date: November 2, 2023

Liam Neeson has a new movie coming out and the crew is PUMPED about the name. Then, the Saudis are getting away with sportswashing, we hear the Useless Sound Montage, and we learn about our new favori...te sports owner: John Textor. Plus, the Connor Stallions story has continued to evolve, we recap the Polls, and we dive into the rules for red eye flights. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You're listening to Giraffe King's Network. This is the Dunlabel Tarshall with the Stugat's Podcast. I've got the useless sound montage. I have Amino Hassan. He is now ready. His energy level is in the proper place. He keeps getting yanked from room to room, but we brought him back in here for his wheelhouse. Liam Neeson is coming out with another movie. It is out. I saw it. That's the name of the movie out. It would be a good choice. It's one word.
Starting point is 00:00:45 You know, it's movie. That's a specialty. You know this. Yes. Does anyone want to guess on what, what, what Liam Neeson. Now all these guys are doing it. We played a trailer for Nicholas Cage at his age. Denzel Washington is saying, I'll do equalizer.
Starting point is 00:00:58 We're going to Bob Oden Kirk, 55 years old, 60 years old. Do you want to be 65, 70? Yes, you can be an action star. Liam Neeson's made 10 of these. Take a guess. The name of the movie is gone. A good guess. Anyone, but no.
Starting point is 00:01:14 That's the name of the movie? No, that would be a great name for a movie. No, I got a guess. Devastation. Nope. No, you guys are going to get excited when I tell you, but no, I'm excited for him to tell you guys so I can reign on his parade. What? Go ahead. Let's do this whole bit abducted.
Starting point is 00:01:31 Um, applesauce. Extraction. Two words. No, I think extraction's been already made by somebody. How about stolen? No, kidnap. I like that one. I'm turkey. No, No. That's not taking to Retribution Allow me to urinate over it. We already talked about this month ago when the trailer for that came out We talked about it on this show. Oh, that was remember Oh somebody that movie was like remember that memory
Starting point is 00:02:02 You're talking about a Trishon? No, retribution. It's the one where he's got, gotta keep driving the car and the kids are in the back and all that. Dude, we talked about this. I got tagged eight billion times from everyone who listens to this show. Every time they saw that trailer,
Starting point is 00:02:16 we talked about this. But he's got a newer movie that we haven't talked about. One word. It's not one word. What? But the title is fire. You guys ready for this? In the land of saints and sinners.
Starting point is 00:02:28 Woo! Oh, my God. I don't need to know anything else. Liam Neeson in the land of saints and sinners. The trailer is fire. The title is fire. The man is on fire, but not to be confused with man on fire, which is terrible movie.
Starting point is 00:02:43 Right. It is great. Now, because I see your energy go down because I kind of rain on your prey. How old is he? How old is Lee and Jason? Dan, just so that you don't feel too bad, there is another movie that's in pre-production right now. Everyone.
Starting point is 00:02:58 It's called Thug. And that one, I'm like, oh my god. Listening. I want to point out to people, uh, I want to point out to people because I think it's still fairly shocking, even though I think that we're being pelted with such crazy news every day from every angle of the universe that may be normalized relations with Saudi Arabian sports is something that we're all going to just shrug now about because I talked about in Ghana and Fury and a really seismic boxing mixed martial arts business sports story
Starting point is 00:03:39 without ever mentioning. Hey, Saudi Arabia can purchase these things very easily. Now their money has been totally normalized and we just sort of throw our ethics aside on, yeah, the bone sawing of a journalist, we understand it's kind of blood money but sports likes its money and if it's got blood on it,
Starting point is 00:04:00 everyone's in complicated business relationships but the Saudi Arabia thing is working. Like what's Saudi Arabia was trying to do with its money? It is successfully doing. Oh, it's a big fat mission accomplished for the sports washing. And honestly, in retrospect, Vince McMahon was ahead of the curve and credit to him, he caught a lot of shit for it.
Starting point is 00:04:21 And now, no one really cares to think about it much more and everyone's getting in bed with Saudi Arabia. If you follow combat sports, you have no choice but to watch it. And now they've just been given a World Cup, the rare, unopposed World Cup. See, FIFA got creative with their corruption this time because there's kind of this role that the same qualifying region doesn't host back-to-back world cups. That's how you spread the wealth around the world. But the 2030 world cup is going to be held for the first time in three different continents. How convenient.
Starting point is 00:04:59 So that leaves just Asia and Oceana. And there were no other bidsids Saudi Arabia ran unopposed. So they win the 2034 World Cup them and them alone and it's working and we've become to sensitize to it. And I gotta say had that one wrong. I thought that it wouldn't creep into more and more major sports. I'm like, okay, the WWE can do it. UFC can do it. But now soccer, golf, everywhere, Premier League soccer, they're getting into ownership groups here in the United States. Saudi Arabia
Starting point is 00:05:36 is here to stay in the major sports landscape. And you will have no choice but to tune in if you want to follow these sports. So almost like unbridled capitalism might be a bad idea. Like this is this is but if you guys remember, we talked about players going from EPL and from other leagues going to play in Saudi Arabia and people pointing out how awful Saudi Arabia is on human rights stuff. And I said, it's the same thing when we talked about the work of being a cutter and human rights violations in cutter, I said, it's funny because the complaints
Starting point is 00:06:15 seem to be very myopic in terms of not recognizing the acts that have been done by the countries that we call means right. The Western countries that we call means right the Western countries had to we just look past And so and then the idea being that this Morality play has always been useful Because it's always well. We've got all the money and these are some backwater places
Starting point is 00:06:40 But once you get money Playing from everywhere now you have to play on the same level playing field of, oh, so if I have money, you just have to shut up. Oh, that's how it feels. When you're always the one with money and making everyone else shut up, yeah, this is some right, I'm good there bad, whatever. When it comes back on your shores, it feels like,
Starting point is 00:07:00 oh my God, this is what it feels like. So I say all this is say not to absolve Saudi Arabia or Qatar or any of these places for their human rights record. I say it to say, yeah, when you decided the rules were the person with the most money is the most important and most powerful. This is the arena you created. But when you make the complaint of unbridled capitalism, what is it result in? Well, if you're Wall Street at E-Tub journalism and now E-Tub Hollywood, and in this case what we're talking about,
Starting point is 00:07:30 is a country that ate up an actual journalist with a bone saw like to, and there are other atrocities, but that's the one immediately around that, everybody everywhere started taking their money and sports needs to go into streaming services and everywhere else, sports will take wherever the oil wells are,
Starting point is 00:07:47 literal oil wells that are financial, but the part about this that causes me the most despair when Mike Gryon points out with me, like, hey, Saudi Arabia bought its way into the game and they did, but they did it with not just human rights atrocities, the ones that are coming next because their oil is something that we're so dependent on, and we are clearly and obviously alarming all of the world scientists who are like, hey, if you continue to use oil this way with this kind of naked capitalism, we're going to
Starting point is 00:08:19 start losing pieces of the earth much faster than any scientist ever thought because we're that dependent on this oil money in every way in corporate media In government where you're not getting the leadership that you deserve because Biden is bought to where the New York Times and the Washington Post are also Failing you here because oil has bought everything you at this point to you politically speaking you need Saudi Arabia and you need to hope that bringing in Western culture in these events somehow makes Saudi Arabia an odd, and I use this term loosely, but a stabilizing force in a very volatile region.
Starting point is 00:08:56 It's almost as if their issues with other countries like Qatar have like a mutually assured destruction element to it that you just hope, uh, uh, uh, mutually assured destruction element to it that you just hope, well, if we're going to back a horse in this region, let's just keep pumping money into it and hope against hope that the Western culture will prevail. That was always the argument that WWE made when they first went over there. Yeah, no women were on this card, but look at the progress. Now we have two women wrestling on the card. And we have two matches that you can point to. Her too is a gaki in there. No, but I'm just saying the argument and the concessions
Starting point is 00:09:32 are such that if you're naive about things, you can mark them as as progress. So it's, there's a reason why the United States still has a partnership with Saudi Arabia, despite Saudi Arabia funding 9-11, but you can't afford our country simply cannot afford to not do business with this country at this point. The unfortunate part of trying to hope that Saudi Arabia will be a settling force in the Middle East is that they are quite literally the opposite of that at all times and have been basically forever. And in the present issues in the Middle East, they're kind of literally playing with fire in terms of what's going on with Israel Palestine.
Starting point is 00:10:16 And you know, the US is having to try to work with them in the same capacities, but it Saudi Arabia in expecting them to be any level of progressive because we're there like touting our like really that you know it's got to be a cynical approach to that. It's a flawed plan and basically the plan hinges on the enemy of my enemy. It's the plan is just money man. Right. We were just talking geopolitically. Yeah geopolitically? It's, the plan is just money, man. Like, it's, it's, it's, it's, we were just talking geopolitically. Yeah, geopolitically, it's still money. It's still, it's, it's, that's the reason why. It's because there's a financial stake in it.
Starting point is 00:10:55 Not, if Saudi Arabia were Sudan with not as nowhere near the amount of natural resources to make it valuable. It wouldn't have any sort of leverage. The whole purpose of all of this. That's what I'm saying. Like, you can either have morality, you can have unbridled capitalism. You can't have both.
Starting point is 00:11:14 And so we walk around championing capitalism is great. And we don't need to check some balances. And we don't need any of that stuff. And the market knows the best and whatever. And then when the market says, yeah, they're willing to pay then when the market says, yeah, they're willing to pay us this much. Like, oh, not them.
Starting point is 00:11:28 What's too late for that? You already decided that you don't care about civil rights. So yeah, you'll skip civil rights in this country. You'll show your hypocrisies at every turn. Exactly. So it's too late at this day to say, oh, you know, we're not gonna do it. Then why?
Starting point is 00:11:44 You've been doing it this whole time. Now, the thing I do on a point now, I don't know if you guys have talked about this, Tyson Fury, did you see that video where he's being interviewed and he says, I go to England, they treat him like a king in Saudi Arabia and in his own country, he gets no fanfare. He was complaining, he was talking about how it is
Starting point is 00:12:01 that Saudi Arabia bought him and he spoke on behalf of Saudi Arabia. They roll out the red carpet because they want, they found with celebrity like Cristiano Ronaldo, they've used Messi for marketing campaigns. You normalize Saudi Arabia this way by treating celebrities who then say things like Dyson Ferry, which is this is so great. Keep in mind that a lot of the players that are playing in the Saudi league that took the Saudi money, or he actually living in Saudi Arabia because of the laws being prohibited to their lifestyles. They live in a neighboring country and travel into Saudi Arabia so they don't break any of their laws.
Starting point is 00:12:37 So it reminds me really quickly of the first episode of the shop. It's LeBron, it's John Stewart, it's Snoop, it's a bunch of guys. And they were talking about how there's no racism in Europe because when we go to Europe, everybody always treats us great, whatever. But I'll come back here. It's awful. And I'm like, that's because that's you. That doesn't make that place good.
Starting point is 00:12:57 There's plenty of awful racism in Europe. Just they don't, they're not racist to LeBron James. Thanks. With LeBron, who has an ownership sake at Liverpool, would know better. It was Snoopax, I think we said that LeBron was co-signing, which I've what? Yes. Snoop was like, oh, I go to France, everything's always great. I'm like, I've been in France, man.
Starting point is 00:13:14 My parents used to live in France. Like it's the privilege of celebrity is the greatest of all. Oh, it's crazy. It's like, oh, it's a great, it's a great country. What are you talking about? To be Lebron and Don Lebertard. The for some reason,
Starting point is 00:13:28 would do a Gary Stevens impersonation of the offensive coordinator of the Miami Dolphins and the University of Miami. Go ahead. Do you want to do that for the people? You're Gary Stevens impersonation. You want to give people some of that 30 years in the main gigs? Spookats! What? Who needs me? Oh, that? What? Give that my whole life. You're going to go to Buffalo and win with Bernie Parmaly?
Starting point is 00:13:53 Who needs me? This is the Dalé Batar Show with the Spookats. Another batch of useless sound has finally arrived. It's come through the dungeon Billy Gill is dragged Taylor down there. It's awful down there. It's hard to go down there grab all the shitty sounds from football. There's so much of it. And Billy has had his career derailed by this particular gauntlet that he has to go through
Starting point is 00:14:24 every week. It's dark. It makes his his mood unhappy i think his children live in a darker house because he's got to go visit this place to get the useless sound so he got it to us right at the finish line this week we're headed into more useless sound this week and everyone's gonna be previewing chief stolfens that's all gonna be useless let's hear this week's useless sound. We got to get better in every aspect. I felt like our guys really earned it in all three phases. Yeah, it was a big win, but like I said, it was just one. You know, there's still a lot of football left to be played. It was week seven. We got ten more, so this one means nothing if we come out and lay in the egg.
Starting point is 00:15:14 The ball found the open players. This team moves really well when I'm able to get the ball around to our playmakers. Yeah, he made a big time playing the big time moment. That's a couple of players making plays for us is what that was. You know, play makers make plays. Everybody talks about, you know, top-knows. Can you get back up when you get ahead? All right, if you get ahead once, you know,
Starting point is 00:15:32 so I get up twice. All right, three times now is tough. We had a great week of practice. We knew that we could come out and win this football game. We did the things you do when you win. We got to guys, you know, guys who were winning the win and adaptance of adversity, different type of weather, long flights, it's just crazy, but I believe our team, Scott's a limous
Starting point is 00:15:53 for us, you know, we've got to find a way to fight within all of that care. My mom always says get the lead, keep the lead. Yeah, it's a national football league, so it came down to one yard and just missed it. We missed our finish in this league and it's a mile. You know, we have a lot of guys playing and, you know, we're scrapping and clawing. It's when we roll closer right, we get a chance to reset, reboot. Better to win ugly than lose pretty. I felt like the guys deserve to win today.
Starting point is 00:16:20 Obviously, I didn't do my best job today. They're holding themselves accountable. I'm holding time all in myself accountable. A lot of it's the other guy, so it's not just me. This was a plea phase win. Offense defense special teams. Did things that we needed to do, put ourselves in position, gave us an opportunity. They made the most of the opportunities of those field positions.
Starting point is 00:16:39 We did everything we needed to do to win, and we took advantage of the opportunities that we had, and we had a short field we scored. I love the way we played today. Sorry I distracted. I love me just a crisp clean pair of shoes. I just want to win, man. Like, yeah, the yards are awesome. Great thanks. You know, yes, but couldn't care less. Like, I just want to win. That's all I care about. Multiple keys today. I think that the guys got to stick to the game plan. We feel like we failed you know our own expectations today in terms of playing our best and that's something that we're gonna have to watch the film and be better at.
Starting point is 00:17:12 When the real estate battle, we'll have to actually look at the film so exactly what happened. Play with a chip on their shoulder. We'll look at the tape and I know there's good things on the tape so we'll get better from the good and the bad. Stay hungry. It's light is up and down. When the meals on the tape so we'll get better from the good and the bad. Stay hungry. It's life's up and down. When the meals on the plate eat. For zero excuse for us, come on and lay a leg like that. That was horrible.
Starting point is 00:17:33 Stick to the game plan. When the real estate battle, meal on the plates. Yeah, when it's there, you got to eat. Yeah, you have to eat. Mm-hmm. Billy Gill is doing commentary on FIU football. The last two games he's gone out to. They've been down 21 nothing in the first quarter. Is he being bad on purpose? Is that the joke? He is going, he's doing cliches and doing useless sound. Is he is he dropping useless sound
Starting point is 00:17:59 in the broadcast because it's not helpful because nobody wants it. Like what's he doing there? To try to beef up this segment, to try to beef up the useless amount of time. There wasn't enough of it because, okay, well God bless football is burying him. I do feel bad for, why do you laugh? I just say, I did that he's being buried alive by a podcast.
Starting point is 00:18:18 I mean, he is. No, he's got to chase two gods around. Do you know how hard that is? I do, but in my mind's eye, I'm imagining Billy and Agrave and to got over him with a shovel. Yes. Ha ha. You just fake laugh after fake laugh. That's that. And that's you know, do gods doing that work? Have him farming and watching someone else. Yeah. Very. Yeah, buddy. Like yeah. That is what is happening there. Can we get to though? Because God bless football has been,
Starting point is 00:18:43 it is growing in numbers and is getting more and more popular because the messy sprawling awful of Billy Gill enabling to got to something that people enjoy. But what I wanted to get to was a video that Mike has been dying to unveil I'm hoping upon the audience about Bota Fogo and an owner going crazy. There is an American owner. There's more American ownership creeping into the domestic Brazilian league. And there was a controversial match in that league last night
Starting point is 00:19:14 where team blue, a 3-0 lead. And there was a suspect red card. And following the game, the American owner of Bota fogo was interviewed and he was quite a bit emotional. You're clearly very annoyed but everything that happened here why you have to say. The whole world saw that is not a red card he got the ball first. If it's even a foul I'm not sure it is not a red card he changed the game this is
Starting point is 00:19:40 corruption this is a theft please find me at an although but you need to resign tomorrow morning. That's what needs to happen. This championship is about to come a joke. Nobody deserves this. These players from Palmares, they don't want to win this way. We don't want to lose this way.
Starting point is 00:19:55 It's like five games in a row. Gentlemen, you play the good game. It's not your fault, but this is fucking corruption. This has to change. And in Aldo, you need to resign for the good of the game. It has to be over now. This is theft. Finally, you can red card me. Right. It's my stadium. I'll still be here. I'm gonna turn that to happen in the end. The player is awkwardly walking by. Good job. It's not a fall. Mark Cuban pales. Mark Cuban's tried that. It won that good. Mark Cuban's done that when he lost a championship to Dwayne Wade. He tried
Starting point is 00:20:33 to do that, but he didn't do it like that. He was telling the commissioner to resign multiple times said, find me suspend me, red card me. I own the building. I'll be here tomorrow. And also good job, guys. Yes. And as the team walks off the field, well, I own the building. I'll be here tomorrow. And also good job, guys. Yes. And as the team walks off the field, well, Mike didn't mention, yeah, it wasn't just that they were up three. Oh, it's that they also lost an injury time. Like in the 99th minute, it was furious. He was fear that last goal was to make great player for Real Madrid,
Starting point is 00:20:59 who's still playing for Palm Eris at a brace. I mean, there is good soccer being played there. And American businessmen have realized that, oh, in Brazil, we can beef up this league and make a lot of money because of natural talent by selling players over there. So hopefully that's not the last of passionate American post games we see. Please, more of those. I love his leather jacket, by the way. Can we pull that up? Just like the Jack Del Rio collection. Oh, right. Yeah, this dude is pimpy with that jacket on it. Why can't we get John Texter?
Starting point is 00:21:28 More what a name interviews like this. One thing I wanted to talk to you guys about, there was a poll one after that. Look at this picture. Yeah, I mean, he's an unhinged leather jacket wearing, shouting, man shouting, corruption and theft. John Texter also sounds like the fake name you give when someone says, you there on your phone, let's your name.
Starting point is 00:21:49 John Texter. Can you guys tell me if you saw this poll because there were two interesting things in a poll that tie into a conversation we were having a segment to go about how things have changed in fandom. There are two places where I was surprised by a couple of numbers that came my way from an altman, I guess, salon poll, that 60% of sports fans, 60% are having trouble accessing
Starting point is 00:22:20 what they deem essential sports viewing. So the majority of your sports audience is too old with the technology to do what is a relatively simple thing. So far, finding Amazon on Thursday or finding is Ohio State football on peacock. I think I could figure it out, even though I am one of these people. You can figure it out as you're wondering aloud.
Starting point is 00:22:44 Yeah, well, I'm not watching a high or state football on peacock. I didn't need this study to know this because most sports fans that would call themselves sports fans, that's an older base. And out of the older people on our show, yeah, it tracks. I have to go to Brazil to what's a football game? What about John Textore? Is that Doc Rivers? That is Doc Rivers. That is Doc Rivers. Oh, I'm an old man. I'm it's all it's all
Starting point is 00:23:09 guys. No, it's white, Doc Rivers. Did I sound more people? It is old. There you go. You're getting there. Doc Rivers. Where do I find my sports? I am just trying to watch the football game and and you're telling me I have to go all the way to the Amazon. What? What what what doc? and you're telling me I have to go all the way to the Amazon. What? What? What cocked? The other number, though, and tell me if you find this any more surprising, because a lot of people, that got traction with a lot of people, but I didn't think it was the most, I didn't think it was the lead part of that story.
Starting point is 00:23:36 To me, this was that 56% of young people are now identifying with sports celebrities more as fans with their fandom than they are of teams. That Jimmy Butler is bigger than the Miami. Now I know we know this. I know that we know that stars rule generally, but I don't think we think of it quite as clearly as young people saying, no, I'm going with this brand. And if this brand moves around, like this is an interesting evolution, I would say of the player empowerment movement where you build the brand so much that it becomes bigger in fandom than the team. That's a bit of a sea change with your customers.
Starting point is 00:24:15 I got to this huge argument with people because I'm trying to explain to them that no matter how good the kings are now, there's a large population, present in that population, that probably warriors, that's like, no, not us in Sacramento. We're Sacramento strong. I'm like, I'm not talking about you. If you were 10 years old in 2015 and you saw Steph Curry play and meanwhile, whatever the hell was happening in Sacramento was happening, there's no way now as an 18 year old, as a 19 year old as a 20 year old, you're like,
Starting point is 00:24:44 no, I'm back to being a Kings fan. It's logical. When you talk about 56%, I would summarize that for basketball, that number is like 80%. Well, nobody cares about what they live or what team they're dead. This is the part that's the change though. If you start covering football and basketball as the soap opera and the transaction all over in a way that neglects baseball, I gave you a set a few weeks ago that ESPN and FS1 went from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. never talking about baseball and just talking about all the
Starting point is 00:25:15 storylines and the drama and the brands and the guys and the guys with the big social media followings. And so you make football players stars, Kelsey's a star, my homes is a star. You make them brands. Kelsey pops into the podcast business. Hey, look at that. It's $15 million on worth a year. Just invented this with my brother because I'm a star now. The players taking some of this money away from the fandom of I enjoy my team, not an individual player. That's interesting to me. I'm telling you that this has been the case in the NBA forever.
Starting point is 00:25:47 In the 80s, people who grew up in Cleveland, Jason Jackson grew up in Cleveland. He's a Laker fan growing up. How does that happen? Because the NBA has always been selling stars over teams. This is a new phenomenon to the NFL, to baseball, to basketball. You know how many balls Jordan fans
Starting point is 00:26:04 that grew up within New York? Like this is nothing new. Yeah, it might be a little skewed too. And that it's been a weird year for champions and that I believe now with the Rangers. That's three major sports champions that won a championship for the first time in their team history. So you're not actually having these really strong brands win the title at the end. It's not like the Lakers and Yankees are in the conversation. You have nuggets, Rangers, golden nights. These aren't strong brands nationally. I do enjoy in the macro of just like being amazed by sports and sports business and how much business gets produced by sports. Of course, the end result of all of that would
Starting point is 00:26:43 be Dwayne Wade, LeBron, Tom Brady, all getting into legitimate ownership because they're like, well, it's going to, we led, we ushered the change of we own our money, our brands, our media empires. Now let us into ownership. Yeah, but is social media also changed a lot of this in that run, although has more followers than any individual team. If messy becomes an inner Miami player, inner Miami, all of a sudden has more followers than any other American sports team. The individuals are the currency right now. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I totally forgot to do this. The segment.
Starting point is 00:27:15 Don Lebertard, Mike Marty shot in Heimer Pass to a still got. Why do you sound so high? Did you say that? I was wrong. I was not excited. I was not excited. I was not excited. I was not excited. What happened?
Starting point is 00:27:30 I was merely pointing out that a browns legend has to hold on. That was unbelievable. I was just trying to hide him and I was just holding on. Hold on. And maybe the greatest coach to never win a Super Bowl. Okay, wait a minute. Let's just everybody. Let's settle down. Shut it all down.
Starting point is 00:27:47 This is the Dan Lebatars show with the Stugats. I know it's getting a decent amount of coverage. I also know that we are spending a lot of time sort of immune to scandal of all kinds. Never mind sports scandal. I'm talking about people leaning into the I'm shameless and your scandal no matter what it means to you. I'm not resigning. Scandals aren't even bad anymore for brands, whether they be in politics or other places, but sports still a little bit of the sacred cathedral stuff. And man, you've got coaches and now leaders, pressuring, pressuring the power. Hey, what Jim Harbott did here is not just cheating and stupidity. It's not just brazen.
Starting point is 00:28:47 It's not just that you can see his record got a lot better. As soon as this wildly named Connor Stallion emerges with his spy gear from the Austin Powers movies, now we seem to have some sort of, is it proof Mike video that Connoror Stallions, the espionage king for Michigan State who writes manifestos and has 500 pages worth of, I can beat you with my being on Jim McElwain sideline at Central Michigan and in disguise with glasses that actually have, is it lasers on them?
Starting point is 00:29:22 That is a recording light that is on his sunglasses right there. You can tell, like, I don't know. It doesn't look suspicious at all. I know from this video, it looks like that could be a reflection, but there is video of him right before that blue light goes on. And you can see it there. And these ray bands that record have that functionality. So, yes, he is wearing sunglasses that record while he's on the CMU sideline.
Starting point is 00:29:45 He is recording Michigan state signals. It should be noted, you mentioned that the record Michigan's record is better after Connor Salinge joined them. Before Jim Harbaws Michigan had a winning percentage of 69% afterwards, 91%. It also should be noted that Jim Harbugh's worst season at Michigan came the season before Connor Stallion joined the SAF, which was 2020. You remember what happened in 2020? pandemic.
Starting point is 00:30:12 No one was in the stands because of the pandemic. So there's a lot of circumstantial evidence here in the big 10, which does have a fair amount of autonomy. When it comes to whatever the NCAA wants to do here, the big 10 has a first time commissioner in power. And all the other schools now are making a big sync about this. I think rightfully so because it impacts their jobs as well. When lost records, directly correlate to employment in big 10 schools. And they are, the Big Ten is facing a ton of pressure from all of these schools that are victims in this scheme to do something drastic about Michigan's cheating,
Starting point is 00:30:53 because yes, while you can say anecdotally, this happens, there's a gamesmanship. This does not happen. No, no, this happens in terms of sign stealing. I don't know, this happens in terms of sign stealing. You see games change when linebackers pick up on subtle cues, whether it be a quarterback touching the towel. There's a gamesmanship element to this, quite like there is in baseball. And the reason why the Astros scandal transcended stuff is because you're using trash cans and recording devices
Starting point is 00:31:20 and buzzing devices allegedly. Well, you have a guy with ray bands that are recording as you said straight out of an awesome powers movie. You have him dressing up in toss. So good. I like the idea of someone being like, Hey, if you want to seem natural, put your hand on your chin and just the other one across your belly and just look like you're really looking at some blue lights into the sky. The, the still of him fist pumping as central Michigan has a positive play is also my favorite because it's
Starting point is 00:31:47 He's method isn't this on the coach next to him who didn't recognize that there was a fraud I said that yesterday You're gonna say you're here you know how the athletics is weird like that man a bunch of people find their way on the Side line they were making that argument yesterday, but I'm looking at it right now and that looks like an accomplice Like the guy kind of those guys next to each other must know each other like that other guys in that argument yesterday, but I'm looking at it right now. And that looks like an accomplice. Like, if the guy kind of goes guys next to each other, must know each other. Like that other guy's in on it because you can't sit next to that guy with blue lights coming out of your eyes. You're hand on your chin. Some go right. Flex. Like, come on. That person
Starting point is 00:32:18 next to him is also guilty of something. He knows something. It's 8 p.m. He's a hit on it. They should have known when they saw a young white guy with a goatee. No one has a goatee anymore. That guy is in disguise. It's you've got to be kidding me with this controversy, though, because I've told you before, Mike, these commissioners, they're kind of dopes. Like they, especially in the big 10, they're basically just vehicles for what the schools want. But you'll get pushed around by a James Franklin because he doesn't like Michigan because you're a first time commissioner and all these important people who are the highest paid employees in the state
Starting point is 00:32:55 are telling you I want our ball out. I think something pretty unprecedented in terms of punishment in season is going to happen to Michigan here because we've never seen a quite this brazen. A lot of the people are like, yeah, it's one thing to do it. It's another thing to be this brazen and get caught so easily because of how brazen it is. Because it dumb. Maybe that's what I'll do in Germany.
Starting point is 00:33:19 I'll try to get on to the chief's side line as a dolphin, you know, I'll be like, with glasses on and you just see me behind Andy Reid. He's so great if you get the boarded. Yeah, get the boarded in Germany. Please be careful. He'll be careful. Please be careful. Wait, whatever you do, that's a big deal.
Starting point is 00:33:33 If you stand behind Andy Reid, no one will notice. Yeah. I like that joke. You want? No, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. You're not my bad. You're not my bad.
Starting point is 00:33:42 You're not my bad. You're not my bad. You're not my bad. You're not my bad. You're not my bad. You're not my bad. My bad. My bad. Zagaki. Look, man. Sometimes you sound like Zagaki when you're not to the audience. You're so deep. Come on. It's uncommercial. Pokemon. It's fine. It's a play on for me. Okay. Can we get to before we get out of here?
Starting point is 00:34:02 The polls we need to get to the polls and an update on the polls. I just heard Chris Cody say shit, audibly behind me. No, I just got to pull up my screen. I got him. I got him. I brought you by Dollar Shave Club. I beg raisers, epically affordable, find them in stores or online. I don't like this type of thing.
Starting point is 00:34:20 I have to type my password into my laptop. It's like it's my laptop. Chris, I won't use the fingerprint. Yeah, it's your dog. You haven't set up a fingerprint? Your password into my laptop. It's like it's my laptop. Chris, I won't use the fingerprint. Yeah, it's your dog. You haven't set up the fingerprint? Your dog, my Trist. Chris, I will try to fill a buster for you here. I got it, I'm ready, Dano.
Starting point is 00:34:32 Briefly. No, no. Are you a handholding? Yeah, I'm a handholding. The honorable, oh shit. Yeah, yeah, yeah. The honorable Chris Cody has the brawl. Are you a handholding couple? This is really split. Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, for you got a hand for a couple of days gets me my boy a couple of paces but after a while like you'll stop getting sweaty sure but you got to do it a little bit you got to do it to do it you get me I'm on the back that's
Starting point is 00:35:11 the move I like when my wife holds like one finger where why is he asking that he would not ask that he would not he's not dirty. Come on. I'm an adult. I know lovers land with alas. Like the rest of you is row buck jealous of sears. 89.8% say yes. My little soda pop. Hold someone's finger. Beast? Don't pull it though. How do you done? Can you buy a house out of a catalog? 54% say yes.
Starting point is 00:35:51 Should you? More unnatural smile. Rhonda Santas or Jason Garrett. Yeah. Oh my God. 75% Rhonda Santas. Wow. That's right though.
Starting point is 00:36:02 Is the God Bless Football podcast responsible for all football losses nationwide? 95% say yes. Greater fall from grace. Rich Rodriguez butch Jones. Oh, that's a big one. That's a big one. 64% Rich Rodriguez. Rich Rod had a he had it going for a second there. Those are the polls. Oh, wait, from last week, did Chris Cody play center for the dolphins last week 78% said yes, okay There are a lot of people who look like you Chris Cody. I see more than anyone on our show people spotting off Don't eat no one loves the character of racist Joe's the gang anymore than any time I hear Josie I just have to say
Starting point is 00:36:43 Joe is a gang, keep more than any time I hear Joe's the I just have to say racist. Racism. I know racist. Racism. Racism. Plenty of black friends. Colleagues. I admire Chris Cody is about to take a red eye flight to Germany.
Starting point is 00:36:54 He's about to. I'm tired right now. My flight takes off at 6 p.m. and it lands at 7.45 a.m. the next day in Germany. Perfect. It does, it's perfect, but I need to be able to sleep on this flight. And I am tired right now, so we're working well. Well, I mean, is a veteran traveler? I mean, is a veteran traveler for Red Eye flights?
Starting point is 00:37:13 The Washington Post has put together a list here of the rules for Red Eye flights. Are you guys ready for the rules? I don't know how you feel about this, but I mean, you're our expert here. This is your wheelhouse. You've seen this list What are your thoughts before I tell the audience the list? I read the article and I am staggered that someone was paid
Starting point is 00:37:32 American currency to write this all right rule number one. Don't act like this is your living room couch Number two dim the lights and lower the volume Number three no pajamas and absolutely no bare feet. Number five socks, why can't I? Why can't I put pajamas on? Let him get through the list. Number four, no stinky midnight snacks. Number five, don't hog the bathroom for your nightly routine. Number six, handle your snoring seat mate tactfully. Number seven, no talking or playing with the window shade. Who's talking to the window shade? That seems like two rules right there that they tried to say in which into seven.
Starting point is 00:38:14 Hello, window shade. What they already had, window shade and dim the lights. Look, window shades are down, ladies. How's it hanging? It's also dark outside. Well, no, because as you're flying there, then you got some point people are asleep, but it's light outside because you're flying. It's true. No one ever asked the window shade how they want to be put. I love the new planes where it's a button.
Starting point is 00:38:32 I don't like those. No, because the pilots take it upon themselves to just dim everybody's windows. So you don't have the operator error. I just, it takes too long. I hit the button and I'm waiting for it like fogs very slowly. I'm my gun. I'm just gonna get to it, get to it. I like how I was like, this is not a rule for a red eye flight, the bare feet. This is a rule for flights. As his stinky snacks, don't care what time of day it is. Don't bring microwave fish up on that point.
Starting point is 00:38:56 The handling the snoring seat made tactfully. We were talking about this earlier, Chris. You just kinda gotta make physical contact but make it look accidental. Yeah. Yeah. But you know, it's just do that. You can do that.
Starting point is 00:39:09 I'm saying, if I'm on the window and I got to go pee and the person is sleeping on the aisle, you don't want to obviously nudge them or actually wake them. So you want to wake them accidentally on purpose. No pajamas in the words of Tony. Shut up. I'm going to do what I want, man. I'll wear whatever the hell I want. Why did they care when I'm a feeder covered?
Starting point is 00:39:27 I don't care if you have a camera. Give him a bit of lippy. He goes from zone. How many times are you going to wake up your seatmate accidentally, though, that's only one time you're boring? That's a one time move. You can elbow, I'm sorry about that. That's a shame going to the rib for me.
Starting point is 00:39:42 I can endlessly. If it's the go to the bathroom as Chris asked, then you get one of those. I can ruffle through my backpack with the best of them. Oh, sorry about that. That's a chicken wing? That's a chicken wing? That's a chicken wing? That's a chicken wing? That's a chicken wing? That's a chicken wing? That's a chicken wing. Oh, sorry about that. That's a chicken wing? That's a chicken wing? That's a chicken wing?
Starting point is 00:39:50 I can, I endlessly. If it's the go to the bathroom as Chris asked, then you get one of those. I can ruffle through my backpack with the best of them. Yep. Wait a minute. Tony is saying a chicken wing? That's a chicken wing to the rib. Because you know how you're fighting for space, right?
Starting point is 00:39:58 That's a violent, real estate acquisition. The chicken wing is extending while you're going through your bag. I'm trying to get some so lean here. No, if you're snoring, I'm gonna hitch with a chicken wing between the third and fourth rig. No, no, no, no, no, you can't, you can't be that avert. You might as well just tap them on the shoulder. I might. You're boxing out. Somebody, you're snoring, I'm gonna hit you with a chicken when we're in between the third and fourth rate. No, no, no, no, you can't be that avert. You might as well just tap them on the shoulder. I might.
Starting point is 00:40:07 You're boxing out somebody, you're marked this mark. I have a good spot. You know how it is, Dan. You sitting those tight seats. Dan, you gotta get your elbows in there, make sure people respect your space. I can't be having a foot go through my stall here, like Chris Cody.
Starting point is 00:40:19 Curled tell. Oh, God. Girl tell. Nah, God.

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