The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz - Hour 2: The O.J. Reaction Pod

Episode Date: April 11, 2024

We react in real time to the death of O.J. Simpson with both his attorney, Carl Douglas, and, for some reason, Stan Van Gundy. They help us dissect the complicated analysis of O.J., the person vs. the... case, his family left behind, and the racial dynamics at hand. Then, Stugotz delivers another Top 5 of Names That Connote Prayer, we deliver our boring Jokic Stat of the Day, and Stan Van Gundy makes a bold claim about Luka Doncic. Plus, it's time to pat ourselves on the back for a job well done, and JuJu creates a new show on our YouTube channel. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You're listening to Giraffe King's Network. This is the Don LeBattor Show with the StuGuts Podcast. We've got a bit of a traffic situation right here. We've got Carl Douglas and Stan Van Gundy both at the same time because we have breaking news and one of the items of breaking news we have is that Carl Douglas's background kicks the ass of Stan Van Gundy's background. There's no question about that. Oh my God, what an ass kicking. You've got some sad hotel, some sad corner of a hotel.
Starting point is 00:00:43 What city are you in? Is that Boston? That looks like sad, sad Boston in the corner. that hotel some sad corner of a hotel what city you and is that boston that looks like sad sad boston corner. I'm in boston yes I am. That's what it looks like you're in a sad boston hotel and carl's coming to us is this los angeles carl? It is beautiful downtown Los Angeles. Carl's getting ready for work he's done 50 years of civil rights pioneering in law. It's an odd pairing. It is an odd pairing so stan just wait and by the way
Starting point is 00:01:08 lebatard by the way carls resume kick your ass to solve right that on but not my right but my background is very nice carl's background is very nice you look like sad repressed boston from a bike on and i'm but carl i wanted to bring you in here real quick because we're trying to put into some context the news that oj simpson
Starting point is 00:01:32 has passed away and you were introduced to us i believe in the oj documentary that ezra edelman did that you somehow stole how are we to take inventory of the entirety of this life? How are we supposed to meet the moment of now when at the end, OJ Simpson was seen as someone who had gotten away with murder? Dan, it's a complicated analysis. OJ was one of my heroes at USC. Over the course of my 44 years of being a lawyer, he was probably one of the most famous clients I ever represented. I was also a lawyer for Michael Jackson. And while I am shocked and saddened by his passing, certainly all of America will likely compartmentalize the complex nature of his history and his career. I Pray and offer my condolences to his four children who I'm sure are suffering from his loss
Starting point is 00:02:36 You handled that nicely at the end because I don't know in such a polarizing case that I can meet the moment immediately after the death with anything other than a trilogy but there are still people alive who are grieving the death at this very moment that if Carl Douglas is shocked by this there are people I don't know whether you loved OJ Simpson or not I don't know whether you guys had that relationship but there are many people grieving right now and some people would say bleep that that got got away with murder my job
Starting point is 00:03:12 as a criminal defense lawyer is to represent my clients to the fullest and i'm proud of the work that me and nine other lawyers performed in nineteen on behalf of OJ Simpson. I understand that the results of his trial has polarized much of America. I understand that probably for the rest of my life, my name will be linked with him. But I'm proud as an American lawyer of the job that me and my team performed on his behalf. And I will live with the consequences proudly
Starting point is 00:03:52 of that verdict no matter how controversial it may be for most of America. Look at that smile, he hit the dismount with. Stan, do you have any thoughts here? How am I, I find you, Stan. Your brother, I believe this is where sports met uh... stand you have any thoughts here how my i i find you stand out your your brother i believe that this is where sports met uh... met murder uh... because uh... his brother jeff vangundy was in the middle of the series with the houston rockets that was
Starting point is 00:04:16 interrupted by o.j. simpson's a fugitive now everyone gather around your television i was outraged by uh... you were outraged because they're breaking into cover that's right how could you was the third quarter uh... stand what do you think of what it is the carl douglas just had to say there well i agree with all of it and just a couple of thoughts will one is that i think that we too often want to just categorize people as either good or bad.
Starting point is 00:04:46 And in reality, we're all a mixture of both and we're not one or the other. Look, I'm a Bay Area guy in California. OJ Simpson was somebody I idolized, you know, when he came up as a football player and then following through his acting and the commercials and look, things are complicated. And quite honestly, I don't know what happened on that night. You know, we can all have our opinions. And
Starting point is 00:05:17 then the second thing is Carl and that defense team should be proud because in our system everyone is entitled to the strongest defense they can get and as somebody who has at least nominal involvement with people in the criminal justice system working at a prison and things like that you know I think a lot of people we have a lot of people in the system who haven't gotten that type of defense and have been unjustly convicted and incarcerated. So I applaud people like Carl. And you know, Dan, what's regrettable from my perspective, because being raised in Los Angeles, OJ Simpson was a hero for most of us in college. But there's an entire generation of Americans who don't know anything about his football career or how great of a running back
Starting point is 00:06:14 he was. And regrettably, all that they will know or remember from OJ Simpson on this day were the tragic events of June of 1994. That is, I think, regrettable. OJ Simpson also, at the end, is viewed by, I would think, a majority of Americans as someone who got away with murder. You are not defined by your worst act. No one would want to be, but if that is the viewpoint at the end of your career, I don't know how many people want to hear today that with like me
Starting point is 00:06:47 oj simpson is literally my portal to loving sports the first time my father took me to watch anything in person was at the orange bowl to watch him be a running back for the buffalo bills it's literally the first sports thing i saw and then that career one of the most Interesting in the history of American pop culture He was a great player at the end of it What a lot of people are seeing and only this is that today the Goldman's will come out and this will all be Reopened for them and they will not handle this with grace. They will, I would assume, they will urinate on his grave because they're grieving too.
Starting point is 00:07:31 Well, but Dan, first of all, I would say when you said a majority of Americans think he got away with murder, that's probably true because we're a majority white country, but I'm not sure that the majority of black Americans Believe that I know plenty of people. I'm not gonna plenty of well-known people I'm not gonna throw their names out there and put them in the middle of controversy But I know plenty of them a couple who knew OJ well as an athlete who don't think he did it intelligent people who watch that trial and don't think he did it. Intelligent people who watched that trial and don't think he did it.
Starting point is 00:08:07 So it's more polarizing than people just thinking he got away with murder. And I think Carl made the point when he first spoke here today that I think was good in his grief for OJ's children. I think the one thing we could all agree with, his children had nothing to do with anything that happened in Nicole Brown Simpson. And this is not only a rough day for them,
Starting point is 00:08:34 but as you say, it's gonna open up the wound and make it even harder for them. And as someone who has recently gone through my kids losing a parent, this is going to be a very, very tough time. And I'm glad Carl brought that up. And hopefully, all of us, regardless of whatever we think about that case,
Starting point is 00:08:55 can have some empathy for OJ's family. Stan, I agree 100%, despite everything that people may think, despite all of the lingering bad feelings that I'm sure exist, despite how the racial dynamics that were present then in 1995, regrettably, are still present today in 2024, there are four children who have lost their father, and we must never lose sight
Starting point is 00:09:27 of that fact. There's also the families of the victims who now are going to have to relive the trauma of this trial, I think, while this is all being brought up today. So I think we should also feel empathy for them because, you know, obviously that's difficult too. And I think there's a lot of complicated aspects to it, like you said, Carl, because there is the case and then there is the person himself. And one of those things I think is incredibly complicated.
Starting point is 00:09:56 And one of them, I mean, I feel like we're kind of tiptoeing around something here, which is that O.J. Simpson, to a lot of people, represents someone who brutally abused and battered his wife even before she died. So I just think we should probably hold some space for her family as well. Indeed, indeed.
Starting point is 00:10:18 But as well for particularly many black and brown citizens in this country, the OJ Simpson trial reflected a racial break, if you will, and it highlighted, I think, some of the inequities that Stan mentioned that are still present in terms of the inability of many defendants to properly be able to mount a defense. OJ had millions of dollars at his disposal
Starting point is 00:10:49 and he was willing to use that money in his own behalf. And only because he had so much money was the defense able to match the awesome power of the prosecution. All too often in public defender agencies across this great nation of ours. There is a lack of money or resources so that defendants can mount a credible attack against the prosecution that comes at them.
Starting point is 00:11:15 But of course, Jessica, we must always remember that two people lost their lives at a time that was far too short for them and we must always remember their families and their losses as well. Absolutely. Carl, and I commend the work that you did as a defender because that is a right in America, I believe, and one that is often abused. Roy, did you have something here for Carl? Yeah, Carl, I have a legal question here. The Goldman family and Fred Goldman are still owed money from OJ from the civil verdict.
Starting point is 00:11:50 What happens now? I doubt, Roy, that there will ever be a legal mechanism that will enable them to receive a penny if they have not gotten anything in almost 30 years. OJ's funds were protected because he had a pension, both from the Screen Actors Guild and the NFL, which basically allowed him to receive upwards of $20,000 a month during the entirety of, since 1995, I am sure.
Starting point is 00:12:23 And because the Goldman have been unable, despite tremendous attempts over the years, to get compensation for their verdict, I doubt in his death that they will be able to do any more now. Carl, I know that you're very busy. Thank you for the time today. You've always been a good friend to the show.
Starting point is 00:12:43 On your way out, because I don't know what this day is gonna be like for you. I imagine you're going to be jostled because this is gonna bring back a time in your life, a different time in your life. A generation ago, you've been very close to America shaking around racially and elsewhere what legally around everything. OJ.
Starting point is 00:13:06 So tell us here at the end, uh, eulogize him, uh, would you for us on the spot as someone who was adjacent enough to handle something like this. OJ was an American icon in several different respects. Not only was he a great athlete, he was also one of the first athletes that were able to cross over into the commercial world of Hollywood and New York. And he set the stage before Michael Jordan, before Tiger Woods for athletes to make millions
Starting point is 00:13:50 and indeed billions because of their popularity across the face of this great nation. Regrettably, that stellar career was marred by this trial. And forever, I'm sure, in the minds and the legacies of many, that stain on his career will remain. Rest in peace, OJ. My love to your sons and your daughters. Carl, thank you for the time, sir. That glove didn't fit, Carl. It's always a pleasure.
Starting point is 00:14:20 It's always a pleasure, guys. I've been away too long. I love you guys. We love you too. The glove didn't fit, though. It didn't fit, Carl. The glove didn't fit. I've been away too long. I love you guys. We love you too. The glove didn't fit though. It didn't fit, Carl. The glove didn't fit. All those attorneys, everything else.
Starting point is 00:14:29 I've talked to you about this, Carl. The glove didn't fit. The glove didn't fit. The glove didn't fit. Absolutely right. Didn't fit. Ridiculous, the whole thing. Absurd.
Starting point is 00:14:36 Asinine. Carl, thank you for being on with us. Oh, it's a pleasure, buddy. Stay well. The Dan Libetard Show with Stu Gotz is sponsored by BetterHelp. It's time for a self check-in. How's your social battery doing right now?
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Starting point is 00:15:29 Find your social sweet spot with BetterHelp. Visit slash D-L-B today to get 10% off your first month. That's BetterHelp, H-E-L-P dot com slash D-L-B. Don LeBattard! Mustard mixes with mayonnaise better than ketchup does. What? What? Yes.
Starting point is 00:15:49 No. What you've just said is appalling. What you've just said is an offense to anyone who's ever eaten. Stugatz! Ketchup. Oh my god. I don't like it on anything, but. What?
Starting point is 00:15:59 Ketchup? You're un-American! This is the Don LeBatt Show with the StuGuard. I believe that is the strangest onboarding of Stan Van Gundy that we've ever done. And we've had some strange ones. We yelled at him about his background and then we told him I don't know if he already knew the news or not but then we just did a news program, broke out around Stan Van Gundy. Oh, Stan was ready to go. He really was.
Starting point is 00:16:26 This is one of the great things about you, Stan, is you can go history professor, sociology guy. You're a very versatile basketball creature. You looked riveted right there. We were entertaining you. Well, no, but I remember the case vividly and I remember the aftermath. I was working with Bob McAdoo with The Heat and Bob and OJ were good friends
Starting point is 00:16:51 from their time in Buffalo together when Bob was playing for the Braves and OJ obviously was dominating the NFL for the Bills. And so getting his perspective on things was a lot different. And it was, I don't know if my first time, maybe Rodney King was the first time, but certainly one of the first times at OJ trial where it really opened my eyes to the racial differences in how we just view the criminal justice system. I mean, I always knew it, but where it really became vivid to me on the look. And that's why I said what I did.
Starting point is 00:17:33 To this day, and I know the people, there are a lot of Black Americans who think that was a just verdict. And, you know, so, yeah, while certainly the vast majority of white America thinks that OJ Simpson got away with murder, that's not necessarily the view that where you, obviously a left leaning Marxist, isn't that where you started to become woke? Like right there, just talking to black people about, oh, I didn't know that about our justice system. Well, I would just say my entire life experience of being in basketball is probably what made me woke.
Starting point is 00:18:24 And certainly when you get to the NBA, but even before that in college, I mean, the majority of people you work with are, you know, from a different background than mine. And so when you care about those people and you get to know them on a deeper basis and learn their thoughts and perspectives, it certainly opens up a different way of thinking than what I would have otherwise.
Starting point is 00:18:56 But I do remember, I remember Rodney King and I remember that trial probably like my kids when they look back from my age will you know remember George Floyd and that summer I mean they were certainly seminal events and I can remember people sitting around watching the trial I can remember the OJ trial I can remember everybody it seemed like everybody sitting in front of the TV waiting for the verdict. The OJ trial sort of pre-internet feels like the last moment America shared
Starting point is 00:19:34 around its television consuming something. I don't know if I have the history of it right. Caitlin Clark. Yes. It's true. Thank you. Other than Caitlin Clark, Yes. Thank you. Stugots always puts things in perfect. Thank you, Stan. He does. Stan, Stugots also has from yesterday
Starting point is 00:19:51 another top five list of top five athletes who canote prayer. Are you ready? He gave us a top five list that I didn't think could be any better. Canote prayer? Yes. You'll hear the names and then you'll understand. Do you have yesterday's? Yeah, this was yesterday's list. So this is yesterday's. Just give Stan yesterday's. Garrett Temple, Neil O'Donnell, God Sham God, Cantavius Caldwell Poke. Malik Monk. Kendrick Nunn. Priest Homes. So it was more than five. That was yesterday. I didn't think it could be better than that, but he says now he's got a new number five list, top five list, number five. Vom Wafer. Oh, the Union Wafer, nice. Number four. Enos Cantor.
Starting point is 00:20:47 Number three. Michael Bishop. Number two. Tim Tebow. I don't get that one. Tim Tebow created his own. Come on. Stan, are the Bucks in trouble because the Greek free went down and I think that's major
Starting point is 00:21:12 news right before the playoffs. What do you think about the Bucks chances moving forward? Sister Jean. It got worse as it went on Stu Gutz. How is that possible? He got some applause yesterday. I love that Edwin Moses. He got some applause yesterday and then the list kept getting worse.
Starting point is 00:21:31 Edwin Moses is a good one. You should have started with him. Alright Stan, to Juju's point, let's do this as quickly as we can because there's a bunch of interesting stuff in basketball. Would you agree with me that if we re-seeded everybody in a jumble, Boston would be the one seed and the next ten seeds would be from the West? No. I would say that the number two seed is Philadelphia with a healthy Joel Embiid. Thirty and eight on the year with Joel Embiid, a higher winning percentage than what Boston has. If he's healthy and in shape, I think they are the biggest threat to the Celtics in either division. I legitimately had forgotten about them because he's been out all season. But the last five games
Starting point is 00:22:18 they've looked at and if he can stay healthy, a giant if, I stand corrected. You don't believe Boston has a weakness though, do you? Or are you somebody that says, nope, empirically latent games. They might not be mentally weak, but they're not getting the shots they need late and close games. Well, I would agree with the last part. I don't really like the shots they get down the stretch,
Starting point is 00:22:41 but listen, we're nitpicking to find weaknesses with them. And we got to remember this is not the NCAA tournament where you've just got to beat them once. You got to beat them four times. I mean, I just I have a hard time seeing anybody doing that. The two teams I think are probably closest to them are Philly, like I said, and then Denver. But, and I do think they have a little problem.
Starting point is 00:23:10 Look, to combat the teams with great centers, then they've got to play Horford big minutes, which takes Porzingis off the floor a little bit more. And Porzingis is a huge part of the matchup problems they create. So I do think those two teams would have a chance. I don't think anybody else does. I think it would have to be either an injury to Boston or just a major meltdown on Boston's part for anybody other than those two teams to beat them. Stugats is bored by the greatness of Jokic.
Starting point is 00:23:47 I've been told that we have a song now to celebrate the boring, droning greatness of Jokic. Here's the start of the day from that big man, Nikola Godlike skills put on display But we're feeling so plazza Setting records all the time We've become so indifferent We're all born. What the hey. Yoke instead of the day. So this is Stugats's idea. He thinks we should give it like while yawning, like having difficulty.
Starting point is 00:24:35 We should, yes. Yes. Last night in a game they had to have, Yokech, 41 points, 11 rebounds, seven assists, three steals, shot 80% from the field, 100% from three. And by the way, against the guy Dan that people think will win his fourth defensive play of the year this year. Boring. You tell me, Stan, is he the best offensive basketball player there has ever been? Whoa. Well, you can make a case for him being the best offensive center. I think actually the best offensive player now that I have ever seen is Luka Dacic. Okay, so we've gotten there.
Starting point is 00:25:24 Did you see MJ? No, no, hold on a second. Wow. I, so we've gotten there. Did you see MJ? No, no, hold on a second. Wow. I did see MJ. I did. Stan, that's making sure. Let's go, Stan. You gotta give me the take. Let's hear it. Well, listen, I just don't think there's anything the guy can't do offensively. He's absolutely huge, first of all. I mean, he's 6'8 in big. He shoots the ball from deep. Now I wouldn't have said this even a year and a half, two years ago. He's become a more consistent shooter from range.
Starting point is 00:25:51 His range is incredible and he's been very efficient shooting the ball. He can drive the ball from the perimeter. He can score in the post and he's one of the best passers we have ever had in the league there is literally no one who can match up with him and when you bring the second defender he can pick you apart look I think when we incorporate both ends of the floor there's guys who I would say have been better players than he is right now but as strictly offensive players I think he's the best I've ever seen. He just asked you he really did that to just did that to Stan Van Gundy have you seen MJ? Listen it was a different game and so had Jordan come up in this game, maybe he would have shot the three as frequently
Starting point is 00:26:48 and as well as as Donchich did. And he certainly MJ got to the point where he shot the three well. It just wasn't a volume three point league. So maybe he would have evened him up on that part. Jordan certainly wasn't a bad passer, but he was not. Luka Doncic as a passer and he did not have Luka's size and strength. I just look, I'm not trying to demean Michael Jordan in any way or LeBron James for that matter, but Luka Doncic to me is at a different level offensively. But, Luka Donchich to me is at a different level offensively. Stan, real quickly, Adam Silver said what John Tate Porter did was the Cardinal's sin and face banishment. Do you have any opinions on what that young brother did?
Starting point is 00:27:35 Well, first of all, we don't know what he did or didn't do. So accusations are one thing, allegations, you know, but we'd have to see proof. But I do think that betting on games is pretty bad. Like the one thing you want as a sports fan to know is the integrity of the game. If somebody's messing with that or potentially messing with that, and that's why the point shaving scandals over the years have been bad. Now, I will say this.
Starting point is 00:28:09 John T. Porter is never in a position. I don't mean to demean the guy, but he can't affect the outcome of games. He just doesn't play a big enough role. So I wouldn't call it the Cardinal sin. But if you had a guy gambling and he were getting playing time Well, then you'd have a pretty bad situation Stan in fairness to Michael Jordan MJ. It's hard to pass with all those rings on your fingers Thank you, Stan. It's nice seeing you again. He's in Boston. He's doing it better than anyone is out there
Starting point is 00:28:42 Did you want to preview the game or is that promotion enough? Is there something that you want to say to... You know what? You know how these late season games are. We don't know. It's a big game for the Knicks. We have absolutely no idea how Boston will play. I don't know who they'll play, who they won't play. Okay. All right. That's fine. That's an excellent promotion. I love that. That's great. Sold! That's it. That's perfect advertising for the game of the national game of TV tonight. Holy shit that was a shitty sales job. That was so bad
Starting point is 00:29:13 he couldn't even fake it. Don't watch the game. Don't watch it. Please watch anyway! Don Lebatard. Amino Hasson. Stu Gatz. Amino Hasson. This is the Don Lebatard Show with the Stu Gatz. Stu Gatz, there were so many things that I wanted to get to today.
Starting point is 00:29:45 The Masters. Drew Holiday, The Masters is starting today. Drew Holiday, Amin, our basketball expert, called him a corpse. Just signed a four year, $135 million extension. Nine months after, it felt like Jimmy Butler kind of, man, Jimmy Butler had Drew Holiday talking about retirement. Yeah, that's right.
Starting point is 00:30:05 Yeah. Yeah. Why are you talking with your chest like that, Jeremy, as if you're Jimmy Butler? I mean, because I said it was going to happen and then it happened. But he just signed an extension. Everyone else here takes victory laps. Why can't I? He seems to have recovered, Drew Holiday has.
Starting point is 00:30:19 I like to start a motion. Ever since Amin in that jump shot situation and these pigs and porps, like he is no longer my basketball expert. I do not respect that anymore. I feel like I watch more basketball than Amin. He didn't even watch the college game. He couldn't, he was bored. Real Hoopers, where are you at?
Starting point is 00:30:38 Like starting tonight, I am gonna be going live on YouTube at the NBA games where we just talk NBA, bro. We're gonna talk about what happened in the NBA, not our opinions on their politics, not that we love Terry Rosier's lips are turning black. No, we're gonna talk about the game. Tune in, lock in with us.
Starting point is 00:30:57 I just discovered that there's a show tonight. Tell me who's on. So did I, god damn it. All right. I think you just made it up right now. So you're done waiting for these people to make you a star. You're taking over the YouTube channel. And tonight, you're going to be doing basketball analysis.
Starting point is 00:31:11 You're doing the Juju Show. No, it's not going to be the Juju Show. We probably call it the Alley-oop or something clever. But we're just going to keep it like for bulls Alley-oop, I hope. The basketball show. Oh, Andre Drummond. But look, at the end of the day, we
Starting point is 00:31:24 need a place for just Hoopers who love this show to actually congregate, and we're gonna start that tonight. Amino Hassan, we love you, salute to you, but you are no longer the expert. Wow! So you're saying that is it gonna be Tony? You and Tony are trying to claim Amin's throne because you believe you're watching more basketball
Starting point is 00:31:41 than he is. It's just gonna be real Hoopers from around the land. We might see, we never know who you might see on this show. We might see Uncle Shannon Shaw. We might see, bro, just stay tuned, lock in with us, because we're going to get the most brilliant basketball minds to come on and talk basketball. The I Love You with a salute is the greatest device ever when you're about to crush someone. It is so good.
Starting point is 00:32:02 I'm so proud of you, Juju. Salute to Tom Havister. Me salute. Juju just stoleute to Tom Havister. Salute. Juju just stole a show and the YouTube channel has just told us that he's doing a show tonight and I'm sure he will cover basketball well. I don't understand some of what's happening in football analysis where all of a sudden everyone's telling me JJ McCarthy is something special. I thought Michigan was trying to hide him all year i thought that the big story in that sport last year's that hardball parlayed
Starting point is 00:32:29 flaming cheating scandal at his alma mater into a dream job next to herbert and now he's telling me how good jj mccarthy is and i'm like yeah behind four other guys who are better like i'm not even sure if caleb williams i'd i'd legitimately think pennix is the best of all of them. Hey, hey, me three. Wait, so you want Harbaugh to come out and slam the guy that won the national championship? No, I just want to understand why JJ McCarthy is climbing so high in the rankings when I saw a quarterback that he was trying to hide all of last year.
Starting point is 00:32:58 Because he's a quarterback and teams have need at that position and out, you know, after the top three. Like there are six or seven teams who need a quarterback. The top 16 has a lot of teams that need at that position and out, you know, after the top three, like there are six or seven teams who need a quarterback. The top 16 has a lot of teams that need a quarterback. But you'll talk yourself into a JJ McCarthy if you have to. You will. As a team, as a coach, you'll talk yourself into, hey, I can make JJ McCarthy a great quarterback.
Starting point is 00:33:19 I think this happens every year and the issue is the draft is too far away. We have so much time in between the end of the college season and the issue is the draft is too far away. We have so much time in between the end of the college season and the NFL draft that you sit there long enough, four months, you can convince yourself anyone is gonna be a star. And if you stare at a picture of JJ McCarthy, I learned this from Colin Cowherd several years ago, there's guys who have quarterback face.
Starting point is 00:33:39 And if you stare at a picture of JJ McCarthy for long enough during an off season, that guy has quarterback face. Stugats, the death of O.J. Simpson here is resonating on all of the televisions. I don't know if there are a lot of people that we can name that would die and then land in this many different places because these are just sports channels that are up here but thirty years ago America pause because they thought he was a fugitive from justice and that OJ Simpson was trying to make the ride from
Starting point is 00:34:15 top of pop culture celebrity nice guy to fleeing as a fugitive from police and suicidal wondering whether he was gonna kill himself during an NBA final game, while his friend drove him around on a highway where he was just being pursued slowly by the police and helicopters. I'm certain it's on CNN also. I'm certain it will lead most national news tonight.
Starting point is 00:34:38 You know, ABC, NBC, CBS, it will lead the news tonight. And if you're asking how many athletes or how many former athletes could pass away and get the same coverage not many like you would have to be a massive superstar have to be like Michael Jordan for it to hit all those different outlets. Kobe landed this way because of the sudden shock of it this is the history of it this is not the sudden shock of it because he's of an age that you're just being hit with memories there. An assortment of generations are being hit with memories because this man was famous for 50 years
Starting point is 00:35:13 and he went from famous to infamous to vastly vastly more famous and so he dies at the end and everyone has an association with that name, knows that name, and attaches some kind of thing to it. Like it's not just, OJ Simpson died and now I don't have any emotions about that. It stirs something in just about everyone listening to this. Very few people listening to this don't know who that is and many know for different reasons. Like once upon a time, when I tell you, it's not just the whole murder trial and where it foisted race in our face
Starting point is 00:35:49 that made Stan Van Gundy look up and be like, okay, how can people look at the same set of facts so differently? How is life imprinting changing us so much that white people are watching black people celebrate what they think is a black man getting away with murder when what black people were celebrating is finally one of ours gets away and gets away from a criminally corrupt justice
Starting point is 00:36:17 system and and so the America came apart in the division of that where white people were crestfallen be feeling betrayed by their legal system as black people were telling you just around the rodney king los angeles stuff now we've been telling you for years that this whole system is is lopsided against us that if all jay simpson can't beat it you'll say it's about money and everything else but will say he can't be because he black
Starting point is 00:36:44 is a black person can never get away with something like that and i understand that but it was so obvious to white people you know i mean in retrospect i mean i believe you did it but again is that you america situation like this justices and like we've seen black people go to prison or get executed for crimes they actually did not commit so this is a huge reversal fortune for it was a huge reversal fortune for J. Simpson to get acquitted like this and
Starting point is 00:37:12 he became a symbol for a lot of different things and I don't know how to commemorate all of that without also pointing out that across those 30 years the Goldman family has been broken and bitter in front of you in a way that is totally understandable, resentful and coming after every measure of money and justice because they feel like they know the truth. I feel like we did a pretty good job. I feel like we kind of held space for all of these things. Not to pat ourselves on the back
Starting point is 00:37:47 like Jeremy just did. No, we covered the shit out of this. We had to f***ing Carl Douglas on. How many other shows are gonna get Carl Douglas on ten minutes after the news breaks? You're right, Jessica. We deserve to pat ourselves on the back. Somebody pat me on the back. We have a minute left. Do you want our top five Pixar movies?
Starting point is 00:38:01 How did you guys turn O.J. Simpson talk talk into padding ourselves on the back for our coverage? Live produce a very famous person or just leave it, but we left space for everybody's feelings It was very nice. I'm Zeta Jones and dipping below the lasers. That's the segments. We just did 12 it was She's not an oceans 12, but someone dips below the laser the French guy Lebatard if you know I'd love to end this segment with Catherine's aided Jones slipping through the lasers And so would I?
Starting point is 00:38:44 Love her in Chicago Speaking of Elliott, it's a good one. Good musical. Yes, I don't like musicals. Oh, Catherine's a little young. You don't like musicals. She did. Spirits, ladies, just the Blues Brothers. That's it.
Starting point is 00:38:54 You ever see Joseph? No, Joseph was good. Joseph.

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