The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz - Hour 2: Top 5 Gabes and Super Bowl Horoscopes (feat. Ricky Williams)

Episode Date: February 4, 2025

Chris tells the crew about why the shot of his life on the golf course almost led to an actual fight for him and Greg Cote. Then, after a game of Against the Spread, Gabe returns with a list of the To...p 5 Gabes. Plus, Ricky Williams demanded to join the show to explain how astrology will impact the Super Bowl including which signs are most and least likely to thrive under pressure, why the end of a dynasty could be near, and how Saquon Barkley's chart could lead him to a Super Bowl MVP. Ricky also shares times he wanted to request a trade and how his experience was with Lucy at a Texas football game. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You're listening to Gir, it's on Prime. This is the Don LeBattor Show with the StuGuts Podcast. I know you've been asking yourself, where has Gabe been? I am told that Gabe is making a triumphant return here in moments. We are going to do a segment with rising new media star Gabe. He will be before Ricky Williams picks the game. Ricky Williams has asked for the first time ever. I just can't believe it. He's asked to come on the show and do something. So first we will have the opener of Gabe, and then we will go to Ricky Williams. We have to do against the
Starting point is 00:00:58 spread and we have to celebrate that God bless football is about to kick ass all over the Super Bowl. For Diana Rossini to get there and be jealous of Stugatz's setup, that's not a normal thing. I wanted to, before I go any further though, I've been negligent in not doing this, the Cody's have gone with some employees here as a ritual of real bonding and trust. They've gone golfing with Taylor and others. And thank you, by the way, Izzy, for stepping in for David Sampson. David Sampson had to step out to do something with Danny Cannell.
Starting point is 00:01:28 That'll be a likable conversation. You're welcome. Greg Cody and Chris Cody going with Taylor golfing. What happened here? Because I was told that Greg Cody almost got into a fight. Well, no, actually, there's two things here. We have an, I played a prank on my dad that we can get to. I actually, and my dad is part of this,
Starting point is 00:01:49 I technically almost got into a fight. But let me tell the story here. So in golf, one of the worst things you can do is hit the ball up onto the group that's in front of you. So we were on a par five, I'm 250 yards away, that's a long way to hit the ball. There's a group on the green. I mean, hold on a second, hold on. I'm just, look at me win. I'm just trying, I'm 250 yards away. That's a long way to hit the ball. There's a group on the green.
Starting point is 00:02:05 I mean, hold on a second, hold on. I'm just trying to give a little context of why I hit. Was it necessary? Ain't in the picture. No, no, no, I'm saying I was 250. I didn't say the ball I hit. You're teeing off? No, no, I'm in the fairway on a par five
Starting point is 00:02:17 and there's 250 to get to the green. How far did your drive go? It was like a 400, probably like 280, 280 drive. That's a long par five, okay. There's the look at me, Louis. I'm trying to give context. It was a very long, probably like 280, 280 drive. It's a long par five, okay. There's the look in me, Louis. I'm trying to get context. It was a very long hole on the course. This is a par five, I'm trying to reach in two.
Starting point is 00:02:31 I'm hitting the three wood off the deck, all right. Is this like a straight shot or are you going like a? Straight shot, no dog leg here. So I need to hit the shot of my life to reach the green. Most of the time I'm gonna come up 20, 30 yards short here. You hitting a hybrid or like a five iron? I'm hitting a three wood. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:02:47 So it's basically, I can wait, this has been a slow round, a lot of waiting. I can wait to let those guys move, chances are, I'm not gonna hit them. So you know what, I'm gonna speed this up, I'm gonna hit. What do I do? I hit the shot of my life. I'm gonna say it, I nutted.
Starting point is 00:03:00 I nutted this golf ball. It is, as soon as I hit it, you can ask Taylor, I said, oh shit, because I was just like, I got it. And you know, there are two ways to run it up on people. You can land it 20 yards and it rolls into there, that's not as, you know, no one's really gonna get hurt there. Or there's, and the ball like lands, and you're like, holy shit, I almost just died.
Starting point is 00:03:20 That's what happened. It landed on the green. So I am like, I'm throwing up the international sign for holy shit, I'm so sorry. But. I don't believe that's the international sign for that. I think that's just a guy being held up at gunpoint. You got your arms over your head.
Starting point is 00:03:35 It was like, I was doing the thing where I grabbed my chest, arms up, chest, arms up, from 250 yards away, that's the sign for. Notice how you can do that without it looking like a monster. Both my arms, both my arms, not just one. So the guy, this is where the aggression comes in. The guy's reaction on the green, he's like a young guy, my age, you know, looks like a tough guy.
Starting point is 00:03:54 He grabs the ball, just chucks it in the water. Oh no. What? He takes the ball, and I just see the motion, just chucking it into the water. And I'm sitting here saying, look, what I just did was extremely rude. So I kinda get it, and then this is where my dad comes into the wall. And I'm sitting here saying, look, what I just did was extremely rude. So I kinda get it.
Starting point is 00:04:06 And then this is where my dad comes into the equation. I thought he had your back and came rushing into the scenario, now I'm afraid of a Don Zimmer, Pedro Martinez situation. This is exactly, I am sitting there being like, I understand it. I was just like, I'm an asshole, it was a mistake by me, I shouldn't have done it.
Starting point is 00:04:21 Greg Cody over here, 70 year old Greg Cody, once he finds out the guy threw my golf ball, puffs his chest out and is just like, I'm gonna, I had to essentially hold my dad back from going to yell at this guy on my behalf where then I would have had to be like, defending my dad. That's how rage and family bonds work
Starting point is 00:04:40 so that someone gets killed and killed by a golf club on a golf course. I mean, granted, should the guy have thrown my ball in the water? Probably not. Yes. But I understood it. I got it.
Starting point is 00:04:50 Now, that is just the reaction of fear. If something whizzes past your ear that is dangerous, you want instant revenge. And it's worse of the two options at Chris, because if it would trickle up to the green, somebody would be like, hey, hey, easy. We're still up here. But this guy's imagining it hitting him directly on the head, which probably would have killed him.
Starting point is 00:05:07 But it didn't. On the international scale of asshole-ism, okay, throwing someone else's ball into the water outranks hitting somebody else. That's crazy. Like hitting into somebody else. I think they're pretty similar. No, I agree with Greg. Like you obviously made a mistake and he had every right to be angry, but picking up your ball and throwing it into the water
Starting point is 00:05:29 is kind of insane. I've never seen someone do that before. It was juvenile. Like I'm not saying what he did was great. It just wasn't, I did enough to him that I wasn't gonna get angry at him. I was just like, you know what? We're even.
Starting point is 00:05:41 I'll drop another golf ball on the green. Like I don't give a shit. And dad, of course, steam coming out of his ears wants to fight on my behalf. Well, post-script, I ran over the guy with a golf cart. That's not true. I got two questions here because I need to hear more, first, about this international scale of asshole-ism
Starting point is 00:05:57 because we need to form whatever it is that that is. But I also need to know, your son is deeply apologetic. Clearly did not intend to do that. But I know need to know your son is deeply apologetic Clearly did not intend to do that But I know that in the instances when I am most enraged and act outside of my behavior It is at least in part usually because I've been startled by something that then scared me for example the number of fights that people have wanted to try to have with me because my dog is afraid of skateboarders and wanted to try to have with me because my dog is afraid of skateboarders and my dog just reacts very very like barks scares them and now I'm pulling on the leaves there's never any actual danger but the skateboarders are just angry and
Starting point is 00:06:35 now they're coming at me because because they're just mad and I understand I understand you get scared some people react that way and so you're apologizing for something you're deeply sorry International sign, but now he has it's not the international sign. That is not the international sign for I'm sorry I don't it It's you rubbing your nipples and and then throwing your hands in the air And I don't I don't believe you have to mouth my bad. It doesn't count as a universal symbol It doesn't count as a universal symbol. It's a long hole, long hole.
Starting point is 00:07:04 I hit three wood, like 250 yards. Chris, you gotta do the flat, like Midwest mile, and hold your hand up like... Oh, just like... Yeah, that's true. Head down with a wave, head down with a wave. Is this different by region? The pantomimed apology from a distance that might not be seen
Starting point is 00:07:21 or visible for 250 yards if someone has bad eyesight and is just mad about a whizzing golf ball. Because the other question I had is, is this the greatest of the golf etiquette fronts? Like in terms of things that you have to apologize for, is there a greater breach than hitting a golf ball into the group of people in front of you because you haven't had the patience
Starting point is 00:07:39 or the self-awareness about your game to know that that's not something we do in golf? The only thing worse would be looking for your golf ball in like a bush for like 15 minutes. Or really slow play because somebody's using an exploding golf ball. You get too many, that's another thing. You know what we should get to that right now. Let's play this video. Oh wow, there's an exploding golf ball situation. The audio here will set it up. My dad's about to tee off and you can hear me, you know, set it up for the audience what's happening here. I switched my dad's golf ball
Starting point is 00:08:08 with one of those exploding golf balls. This ball's about to explode. It's a good prank. It's a good prank. It's a good prank. It's a good prank. It's a good prank. It's a good prank.
Starting point is 00:08:18 It's a good prank. It's a good prank. It's a good prank. It's a good prank. It's a good prank. It's a good prank. It's a good prank. It's a good prank. It's a good prank. It's a good prank. It's a good prank. It's a good prank.
Starting point is 00:08:29 You're slipping along. When did you do that? You were looking at the ducks. Oh my God. I was trying for multiple holes. Every time my dad would walk up to the tee box, I was like, I need to get him. I need him. He puts his tee down, his ball on the tee, and I got to distract him.
Starting point is 00:08:43 I'm like, Dad, look at that house over there. What do you think that costs? Greg's, look at those ducks. Have you seen those ducks before? And he finally, I got him on the ducks after like three tries. So he's just like, actually, those are ugly. Those aren't ugly ducks.
Starting point is 00:08:52 Those are great. And as he's like rambling about ducks, I bent over real fast, switched his ball out for an exploding one. Oh, it was epic. We're gonna do against the spread in a second, and we do have to get to Gabe, but I do wanna ask you guys the hypothetical,
Starting point is 00:09:04 because everyone objected, everyone said, well the greater crime is throwing the ball into the lake, that's the greater crime. But if you'd hit someone in the head and then they threw the ball in the lake, would you then be more okay with it? They probably would have died. That's the point of their anger.
Starting point is 00:09:18 I think, I was kind of joking about the looking for ball, there's nothing worse than golf that you can do is fly it into a green where someone's on, where you're endangering their life. You were obviously in the wrong in this situation. There's no dispute. Which is why I did. Was the reaction appropriate?
Starting point is 00:09:34 Oh no, I see. And it was not. But I can say, okay, he overreacted a little bit, but it's not to the point where I'm gonna go, he threw my golf ball, that's it, it's happening. That's what your dad did. That's what your dad did. That's what I mean, I'm not gonna, he threw my golf ball, that's it, it's happening. We're fighting. That's what your dad did. That's what I mean, like I'm not gonna do that.
Starting point is 00:09:48 How old was this guy, was he like, He was probably my age, but he was like, he looks, like he's not someone I was excited to go run up and have an altercation with. He stole your property, at the very least. I endangered his life. You know, I think that's extreme too though. You keep making this a death, and I'm like,
Starting point is 00:10:02 Dad, from 250, you take a golf ball to the head from Okay, yes, but that's a dead-eye shot like yes, but I suppose I suppose that could indeed happen Yes from from 250. I'm just saying it's you're not hearing about a lot of golf ball deaths Chris you hit the shot of your life You hit the shot of your life fine Oh my god The reason is because as golfers we live in a society. We have a code. We don't do what Chris did I Just can't tell you how much I enjoy the idea of the shot of your life
Starting point is 00:10:42 Immediately ending in both apology and your father headed to a fight like that's not the way the emotions of all of that should go It should just be the shot of your life. Thankfully you had your rage-filled father in tow, and I need to get to this international scale of assholery. But first- And I got Uncle Dick over here just like, ah, what happened? Yeah, that's- Great, what happened? Where'd you, you hit it up there?
Starting point is 00:10:55 He didn't, like, he didn't catch any of it. That's a great dick. Did, did Uncle Dick have any reaction to the exploding golf ball? Oh yeah, I mean he was just like, ah, when'd you do that? Yeah, okay, he gets fooled by him too. He kinda has the same response to everything.
Starting point is 00:11:08 All right, let's do against the spread here before we get to Gabe. Let's hurry up and do this. Ba ba da da da da da da da da da da da da. You don't have it, you weren't ready for it? It's buffering, I hit it, but no I hit it. Ba ba da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da. Ba da da da da da da da da da da da da da.
Starting point is 00:11:24 That's right, it's time for Against the Sprats! We have to do better in a contract. And it's brought to you by DraftKings. It's Super Bowl week, we have to do better. The crown is yours. Jeremy, what do we got? I'll take over music. The Florida Panthers are on the road against the Washington Capitals. And while you might be thinking, going on the road to Washington Washington Capitals. And while you might be thinking, going on the road to Washington, a really good team,
Starting point is 00:11:48 the Panthers have won three in a row. Washington has lost three out of their last four. We're taking the Florida Panthers minus one and a half against the Sprats. Are you purposely delivering that in extra broadcast free voice? Izzy, what do you got? Yes, yes, yes, we are.
Starting point is 00:12:04 Bum ba bum ba bum bum bum. I picked the game just so I can tell Dan LeBattard how to pronounce a-men Thompson. It's a-men and a-sar. Just go a- every time you wanna talk about them. Houston is at Brooklyn. They are nine and a half point favorites. Brooklyn loses every game by double figures these days. I just want to remind everybody
Starting point is 00:12:23 that I told you about a-men Thompson first and everybody who's been glazing him ever since, you can thank me for putting him out there. You're putting that flag out there first. Houston Rockets minus nine and a half. Yes. Putting that flag out there. You said it before Stephen Adams said he's the most athletic player he's ever played with,
Starting point is 00:12:39 including Russell Westbrook. That is correct and I'm also gonna remind everybody, Stephen Adams is 31 years old. That's crazy. That is... crazy do we have anything else for this any other music the music is dead back to you down right now thank you jeremy for all of your efforts there both song and broadcaster he sings on you're welcome uh... we are going out now to rising star gave i'm told that he has a top five list uh... i don't know i gave how do you feel about your first
Starting point is 00:13:04 appearance on the show a couple of hours ago I don't know, Gabe, how do you feel about your first appearance on the show a couple of hours ago where you were given a hot take? How do you feel about how you did? Do you have any regret there, or are you happy with your performance? No regrets, I think I did pretty well. All right. In those circumstances.
Starting point is 00:13:17 Okay, excellent, so now we've got a top five list. What is this top five list as Gabe tries to climb into superstardom today on a Greg Cody Tuesday? It's his day to shine. What do you have? Top five list of what? Top five Gabes. Ah classic. Nice. Self-involved, okay. Any OLI or just we're going straight through the five? Oh I have OLIs. Alright go ahead. What is your first OLI? The Archangel Gabriel. Oh wow, OLI for the Archangel. We're still buffering. Buffer the machine. Alright, let's see if we've got... Wow.
Starting point is 00:13:48 I'll have to report you over here. Go ahead, Gabe. What else do you have OLI? And last OLI, Gabe Kapler. Okay. The enthusiasm is electric. Yeah, this is what Gabe brings to the program, the enthusiasm and energy you generally associate with a Gabe. Number five.
Starting point is 00:14:06 Number five, Gabe from The Office. So you did say Gabe Kapler, not Gabe Kaplan, right? Not Welcome Back Cotter, but the Rangers manager, the guy who's incredibly buff. Correct, correct. Number four. Number four, Gabriel Iglesias. Okay, yeah, Fluffy. He was gonna deliver Fluffy. Good four, Gabriel Iglesias. Okay, yeah, Fluffy.
Starting point is 00:14:26 He was gonna deliver Fluffy. Good job, Gabe. Okay, not a lot of Gabes out there. You can't include Gabriel in our best Gabes list. Yes, you must. No, different names. No, they're the same name. If you're doing best Thomases,
Starting point is 00:14:37 you don't wanna throw in a Tom or a Tommy. Gabe, what's your full name? Gabriel. Number three. Number three, Gabe Davis. Yeah. Hey,? Gabriel. Number three. Number three, Gabe Davis. Yeah. Oh. Hey, go Knights.
Starting point is 00:14:48 Number two. Number two, Gabe Vincent. Okay, excellent. Excellent enunciation. All right. And the final, wow, the number one, put it on the poll or we still making Gabes. Hold on a second, everybody get ready.
Starting point is 00:15:01 Number one? Number one, me. Yeah! Yeah! Wow! What a debut. So no game happening at all. I love that he had to read that off his piece of paper. What a debut.
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Starting point is 00:16:15 96 calories and 3.2 carbs per 12 ounces. Hey friends, it's Jarrah Bear here, and I'm here to tell you all about Boost Mobile, which is now a legit nationwide 5G network. So I must take a break from the jokes here for a second and put on my serious voice, because I would never ever joke about a 5G network that has invested billions building 5G towers across the country. Not even once.
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Starting point is 00:18:33 He called me on my own podcast. He called me full of shit, claiming that I'm faking interest in the solar eclipse. Well, you do do this. You love to just get excited about everything. OK, Junior. Stugats! I had to school you and explain to you. He was gonna take you to Augusta When I was 17 years old Alan Sherry and I used to haunt the Bueller Planetarium
Starting point is 00:18:54 This is the done libertar show with the Stu gods Ricky Williams is exceedingly human and demands that his human interactions be meaningful and not just be, let's get right to work. So everyone say hello to Ricky here before we get started so he can have maximum chemistry with our room here. Hi, Ricky. Hello, Ricky. All right, so you've got Jessica, you got Chris, you've got Roy, and you've got the historic situation
Starting point is 00:19:35 where Ricky has requested to come on today. Never in my history with Ricky has he ever desired to be on any of the shows that I'm on, and he certainly hasn't asked. It's always me asking him to come on, but this time he's asked to come on any of the shows that I'm on and he certainly hasn't asked. It's always me asking him to come on but this time he's asked to come on with us. Why is this Ricky? Why are you desiring to do this? This is something in our career in my lifetime with you you have never done before. Because it's the time of year where we get to predict who's gonna win the Super Bowl. Excellent,
Starting point is 00:20:02 Ricky's pickings is what we're doing here. Yes he wants to pick the Super Bowl. Excellent, excellent. Ricky's Pickings is what we're doing here. Yes, he wants to pick the Super Bowl through astrological signs. Before we do that though, I have some football questions to ask you. Is that okay? I need to- Please, no please. Well, Miles Garrett just recently here yesterday requested a trade from the Browns. Have you in your experience ever requested a trade? Have you known a teammate who has requested a trade in your time in football? was it even allowed to request a trade? Yeah, I mean, it was considered taboo.
Starting point is 00:20:29 I mean, you weren't like a locker room guy if you decided to request a trade. I mean, there were times where I wanted to request a trade, but I didn't feel like I could. So, I was always envious of the guys who had the courage to ask for what they wanted. When did you want most to ask for a trade? It had to be during one of those 400 carry seasons. Actually it wasn't. It was pretty much day one in New Orleans.
Starting point is 00:20:56 I mean, when I went to the press conference when Coach Dicker had the dreads on, that would have been hard to say. And then he'd trade for all those peaks. But. That would have been great at that press conference to get up there and be like, you know what? I see these dreadlocks on Coach Didka. I'm requesting a trade.
Starting point is 00:21:15 Why didn't you do that? It would have been so honest. And what a great beginning press conference that would have been. You know what? The dreadlocks offend me, coach. I'm out of here. I mean, but the reality was, you know, the way I felt is they own me now. They own me.
Starting point is 00:21:32 It's a little extreme. Day one. That is not exactly a dream scenario. I've talked to you a lot over the years about pressure, And I was curious in this Super Bowl, when you go through the astrological charts, is there a sign more equipped, better equipped for pressure than other signs? It's the same sign or the same astrological archetype
Starting point is 00:21:57 that makes someone a football player. So it's Mars, it's the God of War, is when the bullets are flying, who has the ability to keep their minds straight It's Mars, it's the god of war. Is when the bullets are flying, who has the ability to keep their minds straight and aim accurately and hit the enemy? And so any great football player, I think the way we define greatness in football
Starting point is 00:22:15 is who has the ability to perform under pressure. And so in Aries, Leo, Sagittarius, what we call fire signs, are the signs most equipped to handle pressure. Can you walk me through, because we were just talking about Miles Garrett here, when you thought of physical specimen, either inside of your locker room
Starting point is 00:22:34 or on the other side of the ball, where you're like, holy shit, that guy is unbelievable as an athlete. I mean, you were that to a lot of people because of your speed and lower body, but were there many you were running into where you were like that miles Garrett like I don't that that's crazy What's happening over there? We played a you played Julius Peppers one year when I was in Miami and
Starting point is 00:22:57 Jake long our tackles was was out and so just looking at Julius Peppers and how massive he was and we couldn't block them It's like the whole game was over from one player on the field. That hadn't happened to you? When was the last time that on any level had happened to you where you're running out on a field and that's what it feels like? Because Myles Garrett is a good deal better than Julius Peppers and I'd say that is no insult to Julius Peppers. Yeah, well there's maybe, maybe he is, you know?
Starting point is 00:23:24 You know, we have the generational debates, but Julius Pepp, just I never had that experience where one person on the field could really dominate the entire game. Ricky, you mentioned Jake Long. One time I was at a club in Fort Lauderdale. This was at the peak of Jake Long with the Dolphins and him and his friends were walking out of the club as me and my friends were approaching. My friends and me, a lot smaller than Jake Long and his friends and he did the thing of like, we were walking by him and he's like, whoa, big fellas coming through, watch out.
Starting point is 00:23:52 And he like mocked me and my friends. Just for how we just looked walking past his group of friends. Like whoa, big guys coming in the club. And I was just like, hello Jake Long, big fan. Yeah, that is a sad phrase. No I was just like, hello, Jake Long. Big fan. That is a sad phrase. No question, just wanted to share a little story. At the peak of Jake Long is such a,
Starting point is 00:24:10 like at the peak of Jake Long was so, just a sad time in life, walking into the club at the peak of Jake Long. Chris, are you aware that Ricky is my wife's astrologer? Spends twice, he's an instructor. You'd be surprised at how many of our listeners have come out and visited Ricky in Grass Valley. He's got an unusual relationship with an assortment of our listeners because they come out and spend a weekend with you sometimes, right Ricky?
Starting point is 00:24:38 Yeah, I've had a bunch of, we do retreats out here and I've had a bunch of people come. I think we've had almost 20 in the past year and 90% of them found me through these conversations. So it's been it's been great. They wait for me to get to know fans on a deeper level. It's great to be able to have astrological conversations with other sports fans. It's been it's been fun. Ricky, how odd is Dan with it? Does he like sit in the corner and watch you and Valerie? I'm not there. I'm not.
Starting point is 00:25:03 I mean, you nailed it. He's pretty like, pretty bad at it, you know? But I will say, Valerie's really good. Because in order to be good at astrology, you have to have a lot of curiosity. And so yeah, he sits in the corner and he waves and says hi, and then he comes in and does his joke. And then Valerie fake laughs and I smile. And then he's like, all right, and then he goes he does a joke
Starting point is 00:25:27 Fake laugh we were all picturing. Yeah You got me standing in a corner like go what you guys you guys have me standing in a corner and and you got You're creeping me out with the visual image of me standing in a corner You know how hard that is to do sitting in a corner whatever whatever just not better nearby But not involved just sort of watching? Voyeuristically like the thing that you guys are describing is a bit insulting to me. It's like Jerry Falwell jr. Esk. Yes Yeah, well you've cocked me as well. Let's just say it like let's just say that You were just saying it probably I saw it on your face. I saw it on all your faces all of you were laughing
Starting point is 00:26:01 You're all laughing read your own wife's astrology sign? All the... Yes. Well, we got a master teacher here. You got a guy. Look, your curiosity is endless on this stuff because what he's doing is trying to figure out the secrets of the universe.
Starting point is 00:26:18 But how often, Ricky, when you're here trying to pick games, you've said before that this is not that. This isn't the science of predictive behavior. So what part of the game is interesting to you or what part of the astrological impact on the game is interesting to you? Well, it's interesting to me that, you know, I used to be a pundit.
Starting point is 00:26:36 You know, I did a little football, a little TV stuff, and people would, you know, ask me to predict a game. What's gonna be the score based on what you've seen? What do you think? But from an astrological perspective, it's you've seen, what do you think? But from an astrological perspective, it's not a consideration of what do I think. When I ask the question, what is the chart saying is going to be? In the older days, they would cut open a goat or a sheep, and then they would look at its
Starting point is 00:26:59 entrails and its liver and its intestines. Based on that, they would say, this is what's going to happen, this side of the, this country or this nation is going to win the battle. But with an astrological chart, I asked a question and it's a cool technique because you, it's from the moment you ask the question, you look at the chart for that moment and it gives you the answer. And so I was thinking about what is the moment where I'm going to ask the question and what question am I going to ask? And I decided the question I was going to ask is are the Chiefs going to win again? That's the question. And when am I going to ask the question? So I said I'm just going to wait until it feels like it's the right moment to ask the question. My son, Blaze, was in town this weekend
Starting point is 00:27:37 and he came over and he said, who do you got in the game next week? And I was like, okay, this is the time to ask the question. So I went on my phone and I created a chart for that moment in Grass Valley, California, where I live. And I looked at the chart to determine who's gonna win the game. So it takes away anything I know about football and it goes straight to the stars. It goes straight to divination
Starting point is 00:28:01 to decide who's gonna win the game. And to me, that's cool. And you feel like you have the science of this. You feel like you don't even have to watch the game, that you can have a general outline from the universe through the charts of that feels predictive to you. By the way, the group laughed, not surprisingly, at the learning that your son's name is Blaze. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:26 I mean, I wouldn't choose his name. It's his middle name, but he goes by Blaze, and his mom chose the name, but it was obvious what we were doing when we made him. Do you have a daughter named Mary Jane? Marley. Her name's Marley. Marley, okay. Yeah. Another son, Keef?
Starting point is 00:28:41 I didn't choose Blaze's name, but yeah. I mean, it's a cool name, but I can't take credit for it. It is a cool name. How many of those do you want to do? Because I just did, I thought it would be funny to limp in with Doobie. His favorite basketball player's name is Bull Bull. Yeah, it's just stupid. Yes, is bowl bowl. Yeah. It's just stupid. Yes, way to go. Congratulations.
Starting point is 00:29:08 Thank you. You're going to applaud and leave the room. No. Hey. No, you don't deserve to give yourself that sound. Get out of here. You can't do that. All right, so what does the chart say, Ricky?
Starting point is 00:29:22 What is interesting about it? And take us through, take us through the details that you're using. Okay, perfect. This kind of astrology is called orary astrology, meaning you look at the hour and it gives you the answer. And in the general rules, if the chart shows 29 degrees, they'd say it's not a good time to read the chart because it means something is about to end. That's the general rule. So when I pulled up the chart, it was 29 degrees Leo and Leo is the sign of royalty. So my interpretation was 29 degrees Leo means the end of a dynasty. That's the first, to me it was clear. It was like a clear image, end of the dynasty.
Starting point is 00:30:06 Another technique you'd use is on the left side of the chart, it represents the team you're asking about. And because my question, where are the chiefs gonna win? Left side of the chart represents the chiefs, right side of the chart represents the eagles. In the chart, there's a lot more planets on the right side of the chart, which means that the eagles have more power. So another indication that maybe the eagles are going to win. And then I'd
Starting point is 00:30:31 looked and for the chiefs that there's a lot of energy for prestige and they're the chiefs. And the planet Uranus which is a planet of things changing really quickly, going back and forth, being unpredictable, was really strong also. So my interpretation is that it's going to seem like the Chiefs are going to win and then something crazy, some reversal is going to happen maybe towards the end of the game and the Eagles win and it's the end of a dynasty. Alan Taylor Do you realize that if this is correct, this will be the single strangest gambling segment ever produced by anybody in the history of gambling?
Starting point is 00:31:08 And I really badly want this to be something that we do regularly because you knock it out of the park with some sort of refereeing decision at the end of the game costs the chiefs a dynasty. You feel like you have confidence in what you're saying. You believe that this is already kind of ordained from what you're reading. It's what the chart says. Well, I mean, this is something, and the reason I reached out and I'm excited about it is because this orary astrology thing has been around forever, and I've known about it forever. But just in the past month or so,
Starting point is 00:31:39 I've taken a deeper interest into it. So I can't say I'm an expert, but I can trust myself to learn. So I feel like if I have an opportunity to throw it out there, put it out and there's something there, that it could turn into something very valuable because where astrology and football overlap, no doubt is gambling. And as I think about how to use astrology for gambling, it's not about looking at the individual's charts, because you can't go inside of someone's head and know how they're going to handle some kind of situation. But this type, this orrery astrology was specifically built to answer these kinds of questions. And even as I get better and better at this, and someone who knows football and learns
Starting point is 00:32:23 a little bit of this technique, they can use it to be able to help themselves gamble. Because the more you understand the game, and the more you understand what the chart is saying, you can see when it's saying something and when it's not. Because they're not saying that this technique works every time. But if you learn when it works and when it doesn't, someone can make a whole lot of money gambling on games. Jessica, are you assuming that most of the audience is listening to this and saying, is the Dan Lebatard show with Stu Gotts through DraftKings trying to go through the stars and Ricky Williams to tempt me to make a bet that that feels like a bit of a of a cheapening of what it is that Ricky is doing through the science and the stars to have him close to whether or not the eagles are going to win or not
Starting point is 00:33:08 i think they're still laughing at the cock jokes uh... you know they probably are what what is it what is the room that you're in right now ricky because i want to take a guess i'm gonna say a business center at a hilton now it's about it's my office upstairs in my house that looks way more antiseptic than I would have thought that the business, that your office would have looked in your house. I would have thought that it would have had
Starting point is 00:33:30 more Ricky flair. It looks like something that doesn't have a lot of personality. It's just an office. So if I showed you the rest of the office, you would change your mind. So right here I have on the wall, I have pictures of me and all my mentors. Over there is all of Nea's astrology,
Starting point is 00:33:49 merchandise stuff. We have essential oils, have my crystals right here. So just, this is the one, this is the one boring place because right back here, right behind the chairs where I do my yoga. So I try to keep this, this area. Well, Chris, Cody just said, wow, you really insulted Ricky. I'm like, well, no, I kind of know that usually if he's in his office, it's probably got a little bit of personality. Like, I wouldn't think that he would go antiseptic
Starting point is 00:34:14 and be wanting to spend a lot of time in a place that doesn't have at least something in it. I imagine that his setup is he can spin it around if he's like, I'm joining a fun podcast. I got this background. Can you do it? Can you take us, can this camera angle be moved in any way? No, you just go, you go most traditional.
Starting point is 00:34:29 This is, yeah, this is it. This is my, some people think it's one of like a made up background, but it's- Can you grab one of those books? Would you be kind enough to grab one of those books that speaks to you and just so that we can have a glimpse into just a minor, minor glimpse into what it is that your life looks like away from
Starting point is 00:34:47 the antiseptic chair behind you. The Astrology of Human Relationships is the book. Techniques for Guiding or Evaluating. I can't see what my class is. Is that a bowl of ramen on the cover? What is that? It looks like a pizza. It's neither of those things, I'm sure.
Starting point is 00:35:01 It's a snapshot of a, it's an old drawing of, all drawings of the constellations in the sky. Yeah, I have my cards, the tarot cards. Yes, cards. I have crystals. So these are healing crystals have a rose quartz right here. Crystal, regular clear quartz right here. Something called hop a some people know what hop is. Chris Cody just whispered in my ear, nonsense. The healing crystals are nonsense. Like if I stub my toe and I'm holding that, like is it less pain?
Starting point is 00:35:32 Like explain what's going on here. No, no, healing crystals are used that way. You know, if you go outside on a really hot day and you lean on a rock, right, and it's kind of hot. So stones, minerals, they're like batteries. They can hold heat or cold. They can hold energy. And so, you know, like someone,
Starting point is 00:35:53 you feel a heaviness in your stomach. And this is, anyone can experiment with this. Anytime you notice I feel heaviness in my chest or heaviness in my stomach, when you take a crystal and you put it close to that area and you can ask the crystal, can you get rid of this heaviness in my stomach. When you take a crystal and you put it close to that area and you can ask the crystal, can you get rid of this heaviness for me? And just keep it there for a couple of minutes.
Starting point is 00:36:10 And afterwards, see, does it feel better? Does it feel the same or does it feel worse? That's an experiment that anyone can do. Anyone can do that. On Superbowl Sunday when we have heartburn, we should get crystals and ask it to cure our acid reflux. If you don't have a crystal, would a like a double A battery work?
Starting point is 00:36:25 You can try it. I mean, you could, you could try anything, but just the history over time, people have recorded that crystals have. Have the capacity to hold stuff. And again, the best example is you put a crystal outside in the sun and you get, you pick it up. It's holding, it's retaining the heat. Ricky, you just said you have to ask the, uh, the crystal.
Starting point is 00:36:44 Do you actually have to talk to this crystal? You don't have to speak verbally, but you can speak mentally to the crystal because obviously a crystal can't talk. Ricky, you're always very kind when met with what feels like disrespectful skepticism. You're just very gentle about never getting insulted by it. Well, because I've been there. I've been to the point where I saw someone doing that.
Starting point is 00:37:08 I was like, that's stupid and that's crazy and that doesn't make any sense. And then part of me was like, how do you know? And so I experiment with it and I was like, whoa, I felt something. And if I felt something, I was curious and I would just go down a rabbit hole and find every piece of information I can find that helps understand how the hell that just happened. And if it makes sense, you know, I'll stick with it. If it doesn't, I'll let it go. So I can be kind because I've been there. Do you have anything else in the charts that would foretell or that we need to know as
Starting point is 00:37:38 part of this new segment, Ricky's Pickies? I love this. And it's not that people would change their bet, but if someone was like, I had that same thought, those people I'd say double down, double down. The other thing is Saquon's birthday is I think a day or two after the Super Bowl. In the chart, in the Eagles, the part that represented the Eagles was Aquarius, and Saquon isn't Aquarius. So I'd say that probably means we're going to see Aquarius, and Saquon is an Aquarius. So I'd say that probably means
Starting point is 00:38:07 we're gonna see a whole lot of Saquon. And if I were choosing an MVP, I would choose Saquon. Okay, so those are the picks right there. Him and Greg Cody. He's being very firm about it's Philadelphia as an underdog, it's Saquon, the dynasty, and what were you gonna ask him, Chris? I was wondering, we sent Lucy to a Texas game
Starting point is 00:38:27 a couple months back. How did that go? Because you guys were on the sideline together. How did that go? That was awesome. She was trying to get me, and I think she, I mean, because I know she came from you guys, she was trying to get me to run on the field.
Starting point is 00:38:39 I think she was serious. And I think you were seriously considering it too at one point, weren't you? Mm-mm. I had this awareness that every time Dan and I do something together, I always get in trouble. So, that was the end result for me. Is if I hang around Dan, I'm gonna end up in a wedding dress on the cover of a magazine
Starting point is 00:38:58 and it's just gonna give me a whole bunch of trouble. This was not my idea. This was not my idea. This was not my idea. I imagine you put Lucy and Ricky in a group text and was like, hey, you two do something together. But after Ricky was upset that I did, I asked Ricky for simply a favor to help MetalArk Media get a credential
Starting point is 00:39:16 because Lucy was having trouble getting credential to a game. So I merely asked Ricky to help me with a credential and he went the extra mile of looking for that trouble like Ricky was offended that I didn't come up with the creative idea to collaborate on trouble So like you blame it on me, but there's something about you that also gravitates toward it. So I'm guessing our science It's us. It's it's it's a we it's a we thing But just to clarify the story is
Starting point is 00:39:49 If you would have come to me first and said hey take her to the game Then no one would ever gotten in trouble but because I had to ask for the credential and get denied then it was Yes, it was by it was my idea but it was a good idea to you know, but when I showed up with with to my good friend john bianco who denied the the credential claim and lucy and the producer right next to me, I was kind of like They walked on the field behind you without credentials I will say it was awesome to like throw my weight around a little bit because you know I've got all this extra security and I was like I'm just gonna see what I can get away with.
Starting point is 00:40:26 And I just walked through and everyone's like, hey Rick, hey Ricky, hey. You violated every college football television contract by credential list. It makes me wonder if you could have just walked on the field nude and nobody would have stopped you because that field is about to be named after you, isn't it? Well, the field is the Campbell Williams field.
Starting point is 00:40:54 And I think if I walked out there nude, they would have started and they would have stopped and then they would have started again. They would have given them a second of pause, like, wait a minute. Wait a minute. They wouldn't have tackled you as quickly as they tackled any other nude person. You would be tackled more slowly than any nude person not named Earl Campbell. With a stiff arm.
Starting point is 00:41:16 It depends. If I had cleats on, it would have taken a while to catch him, for sure. Put it on the poll at Levitard Show. If a nude Ricky Williams was running from security on the Campbell Williams field Would it take a while to catch him? I'm sorry for my ignorance that I didn't know that that field was named after you already I thought it was on in route to how long has it been named after you almost five years That is terrible ignorance on my part
Starting point is 00:41:40 But you should be able to throw your weight around on a field named after you. Put that on the poll as well, Juju. Should you be able to throw your weight around on a field named after you? That had to feel good. Yeah, I did. I was throwing our weight around. It wasn't just me, it was both of us. That's a lot of weight.
Starting point is 00:41:56 It's a lot of weight. I can't believe you guys just have me in the corner watching their astrology work together. Not every man can read their wife's horoscope, Dan. Ricky, good seeing you. Thank you for being on. Good spending this time with you, sir. Yeah, thank you.
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