The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz - Hour 2: We Taught Mina Kimes How To Do TV
Episode Date: March 5, 2025"You start connecting the dots, and then you see the dog." Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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You're listening to Giraffe King's Network.
Now's a good time to remember where Tequila's story truly began.
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What are you doing here?
Anytime someone says Cuervo, I show up.
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This is the Dan Lebatard Show with the StuGuts Podcast.
This episode of the Dan Lebatard Show with StuGuts
is presented by DraftKings.
DraftKings, the crown is yours.
Buy or sell.
All right, it's the buy or sell
you've waited your whole life for. Buy or sell Jeremy All right, it's the buy or sell you've waited your whole life for.
Buy or sell Jeremy Tichet.
Here's what you need to know about Jeremy,
a Central Florida broadcast major, points for that.
A club baseball player, points for that.
He's worked for the New York Mets, Dominican Republic Externship, the Mets.
There's a mute by Solas Way.
He's also hosted a radio show.
Don't get any ideas, Jeremy.
You know what I'm saying?
And then this piece of evidence.
Now I submit to the court.
Roll it.
Baby, you light up my world like nobody else do it.
It's the biggest thing on earth.
And when you smile at the ground,
it ain't hard to tell that you don't know.
Oh, you don't know you're beautiful.
All right, he had it.
Told ya.
He did have it.
The Kentucky fraud chickens are no longer undefeated.
Holy eyebrows.
I don't think that that's very nice.
There's no need to come after.
Mike Ryan was asking me a couple weeks ago. What's going on with my eyebrows? Well
Saw an old picture of myself. That's that's the au natural right there. You sing so sensually
I want you to know that all the time. No wonder your wife is actually really hot. Yep
Thank you, Jessica Shia LaBeouf ladies and gentlemen the I see that I'll take it
But from holes even Stevens. Oh, yeah, or holes either from North
Luigi browse
You thread bro, please bro
The question I have a look at me Luigi. I was gonna play but the power went out
So the thing the soundboard has short circuited can we can we play the video please of the power going out at the end
of reality because this has happened during Dan Patrick as well we are
having trouble keeping the lights on at metal arc media religiously all the time time our pal. Oh, lights out. There's a radio. There we go. That was amazing.
So you're worried about my camera angle and now you guys can't keep the lights.
Jessica was having a whole lot of Jessica.
That was a Jessica cam and you were both scared and then horrified by the.
I mean, it was terrifying, dad.
This building makes weird noises and then sometimes the power just suddenly goes out
and the lights, when the lights came back, they were brighter than the lights are right
now. I was blinded.
And it was, as he was saying, I watch it religiously.
Vroom, vroom.
We were smote.
So I don't know,
cause I wasn't here the last time this happened,
but I know that the lights went out out there too.
Like everything went out for just a second
other than the Zoom connection.
I guess the internet stayed on.
We have backups here.
That's why we were able to stay on YouTube, the whole building lost power
for a time, but thank you to our tech team.
Robert and I came.
Thank you for failing though.
Failed it first.
That's the metal art way.
We fixed the problem.
We fixed the problem that we created.
We messed up.
It wasn't our fault the power went out.
You're blaming Robert and GQ for the whole building losing power?
Well, I mean, it didn't happen at the clue.
I can see it in GQ.
Bob never let the lights go out.
I'll tell you that.
That's true.
Bob Cobb. What was his name? Bob Hobb something? Cobb something?
Bob Cobbler.
Bob Cobbler.
He's always working on that. He's always in Buffalo working on that barn.
I wonder how that barn's doing. Bob's not in Buffalo in a barn. He's Greg in White Lotus, right? He took our money. I think Jessica has like an HR claim just based on the ISO shots that they take of her all the time. Because like the power going out just having the shot on Jessica with like bright lights while she's confused and maybe terrified. The part I don't get is why don't we ever have the camera on her when she's sneezing
though because that's what I'm always asking for and it's never on her then.
No Jason only cuts to me when I'm taking a large bite of a sandwich yawning at a very
bad moment. We all yawn okay when I'm like looking at my phone in the middle of something
Billy looks at his phone all day, all day. Whoa! Never when I'm looking at my phone in the middle of something, Billy looks at his phone all day, all day.
Never cuts to Billy looking at his phone.
They also cut to you apparently when you turn into a vampire
because the lights are on.
I heard you hiss.
It was strange.
It was a love story.
But it was very bright.
Yes, an eternal love story.
Nosferatu, I will always swear by it.
I still don't understand why Jessica doesn't get
that I was joking on that.
Why'd she turn on me here?
I mean, I was trying to support her on an HR claim.
I'm in hard money!
The thing that I wanted to ask you guys,
and I make actually this request of the people
in the sports media who cover the sports media,
go make ESPN answer why that show's being canceled.
Somebody ask the questions for why.
I just, I'm curious.
I'd like to know why Around the Horn is being let go.
I think a loyal audience deserves
at least the question being asked.
Can I do some reckless speculation?
Sure, well, but the thing doesn't work because I don't have the sounder here so
you're gonna have to wait until Chris Cody because my soundboard has gone
completely off and I don't have any access to any sound so we're gonna have
to wait until you're good. Are you ready Chris Cody? Time to throw away all
journalistic credibility and get reckless. Here is something we like to
call reckless speculation.
You're good. Thank you. You know, without the you're good, it's just a sounder and
then I'm maybe I'm putting myself at risk. Reckless speculation. It's because there aren't
enough athletes on the show. If you watch ESPN shows more and more, it's like how can we get closer to an entirely athlete cast
and slash or Stephen A. Smith.
Point of the two.
If you're not all athletes and slash or Stephen A. Smith,
then you can't do a show on ESPN.
PTI, your days are numbered.
PTI's days are numbered.
Whoa, be careful, Amin.
I don't, what are you looking, Billy?
You're just saying, oh, mortality, okay, good.
I see it in your eyes.
I didn't say that.
I saw it in your eyes.
I saw.
I mean, you had a host who was hiding
in his attic for four years.
You know, you never chose between
Jimmy Johnson and Pat Riley.
You never did.
That's true, Amin.
One's gotta go.
Thank you for being a journalist here.
Which one, Dan-o?
I'll do it tomorrow, because I never got to do anything
that I wanted to do with Pat Riley and Jimmy Johnson.
Now you guys took the show from me
and wouldn't let me have it back.
Well, no, you guys started talking about the Warriors
for 40 minutes for some reason.
Nope, he started with ice cream and cookies.
That's where we started.
You guys are gonna blame this on me
when we spent 20 minutes on White Lotus,
and you're gonna blame it on me.
That was the best 20 minutes of the day. I can give you 20 more! If we spent 20 minutes on White Lotus, and you're gonna blame it on me.
That was the best 20 minutes of the day.
That's a good one.
I can give you 20 more.
If we wanna get into fan theories, Dan.
Patrick Schwarzenegger, douche.
Why do they keep showing the weird relationship
between him and his brother?
Where do we think that ends up?
Who's the weird one?
Is it him or is it the brother?
They're both weird.
Him, cause he's the older one, I think.
The younger one, like.
He's finding himself. Yeah, like, I don't one. I think the younger one, like. He's finding himself.
Yeah, like, I don't know.
If you grow up with a brother like that,
maybe that's why you're a little weird.
Why are you feuding with Mina Kimes?
I'm not feuding with Mina Kimes.
I just called her an ingrate, that's all.
That's not, that's not feuding.
Why did you call Mina an ingrate?
Well, I saw, look, I come across these things, right,
on the internet, and they make me go, huh.
And so I don't know if you guys saw this.
Do you guys see what Mina said?
I don't know what she said.
I don't know why she's feuding with you.
I don't know why you're feuding with her.
I don't know why she's an ingrate.
She's not feuding with me, I'm not feuding with her,
but this is a quote from Mina Kimes. The show that gave me the confidence to even believe someone like me could do TV.
Pardonne Moi, Around the Horn. The only reason she was on Around the Horn was because of a little
program called The Dan Levitard Show with Stugatz and another little program called Highly Questionable.
That's not true. That is true. No, it's not
They found her on around the horn and then booked her on this show. She was on that show first
But we gave her the confidence. Is that true? I don't even know. Same with Sarah Spain and Pablo. I don't even I don't I
actually think that I
think that Mina and Pablo were called as as business journalist and as, in Pablo's case, as Sports Illustrated researcher.
I believe that we had them on first.
I don't know.
I thought so, though.
I think so, too.
Those two, not any of the others.
Now I'm gonna do some reporting, BRB.
And by the way, let's play this out.
Billy Gill, Mark, whatever your name is,
let's play it out.
Let's just assume she was on Around the Horn First.
You know what she was on Around the Horn
before she came on this show here?
Excuse me though.
She came on this show and Dan and Stu got coached her up
on how to give takes.
I'm seeing that Mina Kimes made her first appearance
on Around the Horn on March 30th, 2017.
So let's see if we can.
Pablo was on Around the Horn first, October 2012.
Look, I can't talk about Pablo
because he didn't tweet out the show
that gave me the confidence.
Is it not up to Mina to decide what show
gave her the confidence?
It's not up to her because we put in
so much work and development here.
This is the training ground.
This is where the Crucible was experienced.
I don't know what happens with crucibles.
They burn them.
They don't burn crucibles.
At crucibles, it's sort of crossroads.
This was the crossroads.
I don't know what does happen with crucibles.
Something that, whatever happens with crucibles, her crucible happened here, right?
I was there.
I saw Dan tell her, Mina, you've got to just be more relaxed.
I saw Stu got to say, Mina, you gotta just be more relaxed.
I saw Stu got to say, Mina, this is how you deliver
a hot take, you're doing it, you're doing this meandering
nuance thing, it's gotta be definitive and declarative.
And then I saw her go back to around the horn and kill it.
You know why?
Because she's a talent, she's a great talent.
But every talent needs coaching.
I know Dan Leventhal doesn't believe in coaching.
I believe in coaching, I believe in molding,ing I believe in shaping and I believe all those things happen here in the 305 on
305 day no less no one has even mentioned it we're losing recipes what's happening
with this show you guys are just letting everyone just take our shit across generations because
the women aren't cooking anymore.
Pablo said he was on Around the Horn first and on 2012.
Also, the crucible's about the Salem witch trials,
but it's an allegory for McCarthyism, I believe.
Thank you.
Oh, that was a good movie.
We got to the bottom of the saving the bacon yesterday
to the welfare.
Who saved it?
Well, so let me get it.
I texted Dan the explanation,
because he was texting us hours later.
Mike Ryan said that Ed Reed saved their bacon
at Boston College, and he also said Purple Shirt Guy
is a South Florida forever moment,
Mount Rushmore on saving the bacon.
But I asked Billy what, I didn't understand,
that I missed it.
I'm getting old, I've lost a step.
I didn't understand the phrase saving the bacon.
Do any of you know the origins of the phrase
of what it means to save someone's bacon?
I've heard of bringing home the bacon.
I've never heard of saving the bacon.
So while I was getting ready for the FIU-UM game yesterday,
I did some research and I sent it to Dan,
but I'm assuming he brought it up
because he wants me to explain to the class.
So it goes back to the time before refrigerators
were readily available to every house.
So you'd have one person per block
that would keep things cold for people,
thus they'd save the bacon.
Well that's not, that can't be real.
They had ice boxes, right?
I see an interview with Mina on our show
a year and a half before her first Around the Horn.
Say it again Chris, for the haters in the back! I see an interview with Mina on our show a year and a half before her first Around the Horn appearance. Say it again, Chris, for the haters in the back!
I see an interview with Mina times a year and a half
before she was with...
Fire up the victory lap right now.
Okay, victory lap, I mean, I think he's right.
I texted Mina, I'm awaiting confirmation.
And I'm gonna say, I think we've got it wrong on Pablo.
I don't think Pablo was on Around the Horn
before he was on here, because I believe he was
a researcher still at Sports Illustrated or only had written his very first article
at Sports Illustrated. We will get the victory lap for Amin Elhassen but where
are you Billy? Because I've been wanting to get all show to whatever it is your
cheese conundrum is because I don't know what your cheese conundrum is.
We were supposed to go over it with Samson
and for some reason it got away from us.
What is your cheese conundrum?
I was hoping to ask David about the cheese conundrum
that I have just because he's someone that would answer this.
Now, I have in my hand that I took out of my pocket
a piece of cheese.
You see this cheese?
Ooh, a Baybell.
A Baybell.
What would you call this type of cheese? It's the cheese that has like
the wax around it that you have to like peel off. A small circular thing of cheese.
A wheel of cheese that is covered by a red plastic so it
it looks like almost a ball. Yeah well it has like it's wax casing around it or
whatever it is that you take off and and then around that, it has a plastic wrapper.
Now, here's the part that's disgusting,
and this is where I have the conundrum,
and as you can see, I haven't made a decision yet,
but I'm holding it, so it's still disgusting.
I dropped this piece of cheese in the garage
on my way in, fell on the floor less than five seconds,
four seconds, I counted, one, two, three, four,
and then I grabbed it, so I was deciding,
what do I do with this?
And then I have to decide, do I throw this away,
because who would eat a piece of cheese
that fell on the floor in the garage at Bayside
while you're going to walk in?
Oh, but no, but wait a minute,
it's covered in the red wrapping.
Well, that's the thing, it has two layers of security.
So I was going to throw it away, and then I thought to myself, there's not one, but two layers of security, there's the thing it has two layers of security So I was going to throw it away, and then I thought to myself. There's not one but two layers of security
There's the plastic around it
And then there's the wax around it because how can you say I'm gonna eat a piece of cheese that fell on the floor of a garage?
People urinate in there. That's the thing
Now I have hands from other people's peepee that was on the floor that probably touched this. Wash your hands, but the covering,
it's not even the paper that's protecting you there.
The wax is protecting you.
Clean your pee pee hands and just unwrap it, the wax, man.
You could drop that in almost anything.
You could drop that practically in a toilet
and still be okay with that wax.
I don't know about that.
I don't know if this is like watertight seal,
but like the question is, is I don't,
that's what we're saying, right?
But I know if I then eat this piece of cheese,
people will then say no, you can't,
like it fell on the floor of a garage,
you should have thrown it away.
Hold on.
But there's so many starving people in the world, Dave.
I don't think you should throw that away,
and I think the wax protects you.
I think the paper protects you,
but I think the wax protects you.
We're gonna go to a mean in a second here. He is getting ready in the other
room. And oh, he looks like he's ready. Okay, I think we're gonna let him get a
little bit tired before we go to the victory lap. I'm not gonna get tired, Dan. By the way, the victory lap is brought to you by me for being right!
Okay, Mina claims over text to mean that she went on around the horn at this
around the same time she came on the lebatard show not around the same time
a year and a half Chris proved it well Chris proves it was on with us a year
and a half before her first year and a half ladies and gentlemen she was
dreaming about around the horn when we were putting in all the work now I will
say I will say only erupt the victory know man, I'm doing my victory lap.
Hey, hey, you know what you learned here?
How not to dab up Poppy.
Remember that?
Remember that was a thing?
We did that!
America didn't know your personality until that Mina.
Oh, oh, I learned how to do TV on Around the Horn.
Pshaw, pshaw I say!
Oh, oh, pshaw I say while sprinting.
The sound of him running.
No one's ever committed to that. This is how it should have been done from the beginning.
This is how Dan wants it, you know what?
We're doing something new, Dan.
I hear your complaints.
We're following your lead and not for the disrespect of the Dan Levitard show and Dan Levitard.
We're doing things the Dan way.
He wants me to sprint and be out of breath
and spit when they talk.
Guess what?
I'm doing it right now because this is the victory lap.
I was right.
Dan was right.
Mina capitulate at once.
Back to you guys.
This is what Dan's always wanted right here.
So good this way.
He's pulling up his pants.
My pants are falling down.
Just don't pan down.
You'll see my crotch.
He's pulling down his pants.
And he's unreasonably angry.
It's only he was in a costume.
Billy, what's wrong with your cheese?
I ate the cheese.
And I regret it not because it fell in the floor ate the cheese and I regret it,
not because it fell in the floor of the garage,
but because it's been in my pocket for four hours
and it was warm and not good.
I thought we were gonna get to this a lot sooner
and I didn't put it in the fridge and it was bad cheese.
What is happening with you
and your shadow show contention, Billy,
that Jeff Konine is Dwyane Wade.
I don't think that-
This is crazy what Billy was doing.
No, no.
We're just having a conversation out there,
like a regular sports conversation,
and everybody was like screaming at me.
I feel like ridiculous.
The setup was somebody compared Jeff Konine
to Donnis Haslam, legends of these teams
who are known more for what they meant to the teams
more than what they actually did on the field.
And then Billy of course had to do the Billy thing
and say no, Jeff Konine is not.
No, you're telling the story bad.
Okay, go on. This is what happened.
You guys were talking about Jeff Konine
and is he like, it was really who's.
Eudonnis Haslem. Yeah, who's the Marlins like Dwayne Wade? You guys were talking about Jeff Konine and is he like it was really Donnas Haslam
Who's yeah, who's the Marlins like Dwayne Wade and then someone's like I guess it's Jeff Konine
And then like Jeremy's like, oh are you saying something bad about my Dwayne never not never say anything
This is also not the right not Jeff Konine
So then they were saying like no, he's not even on Dwayne Wade's level. Like, Jeff Konine played for a million teams and were like, well, well, some kind of Dwayne
Wade a little bit there.
You're the one who said all of those things.
And then they were like, well, Jeff Konine was never an All-Star or an MVP.
I was like, he was actually an All-Star game MVP.
And wait a minute, so was Dwayne Wade, an All-Star game MVP.
And Jeff Konine won two championships with the Marlins, and Dwayne Wade won an All-Star game MVP, and Jeff Konine won two championships with the Marlins,
and Dwayne Wade won three with the Heat.
I was like, their careers are actually pretty paralleled.
Like, Dwayne Wade is kind of Jeff Konine.
So insulting.
If you have Wade over here,
and you have Eudonnis Haslem over here,
and you have Jeff Konine in the middle,
Jeff Konine is more towards the Eudonnis Haslem.
He's not, like, he's known, he's popular with the fan base,
but he was never the best player on his team.
He's more thought of as like a leader, a franchise great,
but not for what he did on the field.
Just kind of like, you know, being a good team guy.
I don't think Jeff Konine is the greatest baseball player
ever, just to be clear on this.
I'm just saying.
Who's a better heat player of all time than Dwyane Wade?
Like how can you- LeBron James.
Oh, stop this.
I mean, we can name a player or two
that we can argue about as it relates to Dwyane Wade.
We can name a lot of players who were better
in all of the seasons than Jeff Konine was.
I'm saying their careers had a lot of parallels
is what I was saying and I was being so,
how could you even put a coach,
heat, Dwyane Wade, all the keys under the doormat. It's specifically because you said. Parallels is what I was saying and I was being so how could you
Wait, oh the keys under the dormitory specifically because you said me and stereo Jeff. Konine is
Not you Donis haslem Jeff. Konine is
Dwayne Wade came out of your mouth was Jeff. Konine
Yeah, we drove. Yeah, we didn't there, we ended up there after we were comparing
all of the things.
You start connecting the dots
and then you see the picture of the dog.
The only difference between Jeff Konine
and Eudonnis Haslem is like one all-star game
for Jeff Konine.
Without Jeff Konine making that one all-star game,
he would be Eudonnis Haslem.
That's this is, I hate this.
I like Billy looking at his usual suspect's cork board
and making the connections between Jeff Kona
and Dwayne Wade.
But what is this spectrum that we speak of
between Dwayne Wade and Udonis Haslam?
Like the spectrum that Chris Cody is objecting to.
Because Haslam is, I think this is looking at any franchise
and going career legends, right?
Career legends for a franchise.
And the Dwayne Wade side of it is
also the most excellent player on the floor.
And the Udonis Haslem side is
the other side of what it is to be a career legend.
Leadership being your most important part
of what is giving you that.
Popular with fans.
And if we're making a sliding scale
from excellence to popularity,
probably gonna put Conan a little closer to the popularity side. sliding scale from excellence to popularity,
probably gonna put Konine a little closer to the popularity side, and that's not a knock
against Jeff Konine the player.
Dan, I'm gonna tell you right now, you love feuds.
Right now, this show that you've lost control of,
that I will help you get control back of.
Get the reins.
This show's about the feud with Udonis Hazelman.
That's a feud.
That's crazy, on 305 day, which insane like I don't know why I'm saying
Donis has him was a great player you keep going on a great player no way wait is the greatest player no
I know what you say well you keep keeping up also for this Dwayne way that Dan told us earlier
And I quote he's a liar liar
Are you guys putting me in a spot to be have Jeff Coneye and you Donis has Lamad at me and Dwayne Wade?
Cuz Dan called him a liar earlier said he made up that cookie thing just to make Pat Riley look bad who may or may not have something else going on
We'll never know if you fight any of my dad rather be mad at you, too
And now you're really in that I can't have because that means Alonzo morning's mad at you
I don't know what's true on the joint Dwayne Wade thing
I'm just telling you that the heat are saying that that's not true from every orifice and angle of every part of the organization
They're saying that Dwayne's story is not true.
The Jeff Konine and Dwayne Wade comparison
is not that crazy.
It's just a normal sports conversation
that was going on out there.
And these people act like it's blasphemy
and how could you even have a conversation?
I don't recognize you today in a lot of ways
and it's Wild Billy Wednesday.
And so that's one of the things that's unpredictable
about Wednesdays here.
Because you also were somebody who was telling us today,
and this isn't how I think of you generally,
sort of motivationally, inspirationally,
you were telling us to dream big, to dare to dream big.
And I don't know what the inspiration was for you
trying to tell all of us as sort of a slogan
on behalf of Caring It Metal Art to dare to dream big.
Well, that was just because I was thinking back
to when we were at Radio Row and we had an interview
with Matthew Barry, who you know spoke to Jay-Z,
but it wasn't about the time that he was interviewing Jay-Z.
So we were talking to him actually about being like
a big Jimmy Buffett fan
and being a Parrothead fan.
And then one thing led to another.
And I don't know exactly what part of the clip was,
but he told us of a dream that he had.
And that dream came from an experience that he had
when he was at a Margaritaville resort.
There's a lot you don't know about that, Barry.
I know.
Quite the onion.
The Flow Rider was great.
I literally looked into like how much would it cost
to get one in my backyard?
And then it's like then it's crazy expensive.
So I was like, it's well over seven figures.
Yes, yes, yes.
They told me it's one five to two.
And I'm like, really?
So I was like, never mind.
Wait, you're going to put it in your yard?
Yeah, my backyard.
I love this.
Matt, I swear, I thought you were going to say, so I got one.
No, no, no.
It's hard to justify.
No, no, come on. No, but I thought it could have to say, so I got one. No. No, no, no. It's hard to justify. No, no, wait, come on.
No, but I thought, like, you know,
could it cost maybe a little bit more than a pool?
You know what I mean?
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
You know, kind of thing.
And like, I don't know.
You were thinking the $70,000 ranch, right?
Yeah, that's right.
I thought, like, you know.
Finance it a little bit.
Yeah, you know, is that right?
You can kind of explain that away.
Yeah, yeah.
Just like.
Over a million dollars.
I mean, I have five kids.
You know what I mean?
You're always looking for, you know, at the tiny way, whatever, don't matter.
So Flowrider, for those of you who don't know,
is like a surfing simulator
that they have like on cruise ships and stuff like that.
So it's like a wave machine, essentially,
where you can like surf.
And he has the dream, or had the dream,
of putting one and installing one in his backyard
until he found out it was almost $2.5 million.
And I said, you know what?
Well, some people see this story
and they think it's ridiculous.
Dream big, Matthew Barry.
I hope you get that contract where you can put
a two million dollar surfing simulator in your backyard.
And I feel like we should all aspire to dream that big.
I think all of us thought he meant Flowrider,
the recording artist.
Oh, that's 100%. Like out of Bar Mitzvah.
I feel like you get Flowrider for like 75 grand.
No way. No way?
You spin my head round, round, round, round.
Dude, Flo Rida Mount Rushmore of treadmill performers.
You listen to Flo Rida on a treadmill?
My house.
Oh my god.
Oh, I thought you were meant like performers on a treadmill
like that band, OK GO, that did the whole video
on this treadmill.
Woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo.
The Dan Levitard Show with Stu Gotz
is sponsored by
Who's in your support system?
And how have they changed your life?
Think about that your favorite leaders, mentors, idols,
they don't all have the answers,
but they do know when to ask for help.
In a world that glorifies hyper-independence,
we sometimes forget that we thrive with support.
We're stronger, healthier, and more resilient
when we have people to lean on.
Therapy is one of the best ways to build that support system.
It helps with positive coping skills, setting boundaries, and becoming the best version
of yourself.
Here's the thing, therapy isn't just for those who've experienced major trauma.
It's for everybody.
Whether you're facing a big life transition, feeling overwhelmed, or just want to grow,
therapy can help.
That's where BetterHelp comes in.
With over 30,000 credentialed therapists, you can find somebody who truly understands you. It's fully online, making therapy accessible, affordable, and convenient.
No waiting rooms, no long commutes, just the support you need whenever and wherever you need it.
And by the way, if you ever feel like switching therapists, it's no cost to you whatsoever.
Build your support system with BetterHelp. Visit slash D-L-B today to get 10% off your first month.
That's BetterHelp, H-E-L-P dot com slash D-L-B.
Howdy folks, it's Mike Ryan.
I talk to you about Miller time all the time,
but we're in the winter time right now.
And one of my favorite pastimes is to crack open
a Miller Lite and enjoy myself some Miller time
during the winter time,
because when there's a brisk chill in the air
It just makes everything right. My friends and I who live down here in South Florida can actually sit outside because it's not super muggy
We can thoroughly enjoy our Miller time together and for you listening
I know there's a lot of things going on right now. Sports chief among them
Nothing more important than sports from basketball and hockey to game night
Winter means more moments with the coolest people in your life. Make these moments even
better with Miller Lite, the great tasting light beer for people who love beer. Now's
a perfect time for friends, family and a great tasting light beer. TASTE LIKE MILLER TIME!
And you know Miller Lite is brewed for taste. It hits different than other light beers and
at just 96 calories and 3.2 grams of carbs per 12 ounces, Miller Time is always
a good time.
Miller Lite Great Taste 96 Calories.
Go to slash Dan to find delivery options near you, or you can pick up some
Miller Lite pretty much anywhere they sell beer.
Tastes like Miller Time.
Celebrate responsibly.
Miller Brewing Company, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
96 calories and 3.2 carbs per 12 ounces.
Listen, boys, we got to talk about Jägermeister.
A go-to guy at home, at the bar, or maybe even out at the rink.
A drink so ice cold, it deserves its own video tribute at every sports bar across North America.
No trash talk, no running its mouth, we love the confidence on em.
Jägermeister sent us an ad to read on the show, but they're so confident they said,
don't do any of that normal ad stuff. Tell the listeners two things. Jägermeister is great,
but everyone's been drinking it wrong. Damn that's cold! Well how should we be drinking it?
They're so glad you asked. Ice cold at zero degrees Fahrenheit to be exact. Ice cold shots
of Jägermeister. That's it. That's all they want to tell you. So wherever you
are, if you're hanging out with friends or at the bar, call the shots. Cheers with ice
cold shots of Jägermeister. Damn that's cold! And remember to check Jägermeister out at
DraftKingsXJä Drink responsibly Jägermeister Liqueur 35% alcohol by volume
imported by Mass Jägermeister US. White Plains New York. Darn Lebertard.
Again, started on the breakfast flan.
Oh man, I've been singing the song to myself all morning
while I'm, breakfast flan.
Have you never heard the breakfast flan song?
No, hit me with it.
Okay, I wish I had some breakfast flan.
Da da da da da da da da da.
Breakfast flan.
Da da da da da da da da da da. Breakfast, Flaunt. Da da da da da da da da da da.
Where can I find a breakfast like that?
Da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da.
Da da da da da da da da.
This is the Don LeBretard Show with the Stoogats. As part of our 20 year anniversary celebration, we're letting you look behind the scenes,
behind the bit.
Here is Highly Questionable with Poppy, which I'm assuming is going to have that ingrate
mean of kind in it.
This is.
This is behind the bit.
This is behind the bit.
This is behind the bit.
We take you back to a better time in the show's history,
a time at least for me where I was happiest
because we were at ESPN.
["Spy Up"]
And like this is the true story of how it is
that highly questionable came to be.
I'm not even making this up.
This is exactly how it happened.
My father loses his job and at 57, 58, being the provider, loses his identity, shows up
at the office, all his shit is in a garbage can.
That's it.
His career is over.
It's done.
Now he's spiraling at home and my mom doesn't know what to do with him
and the guy who identifies as a provider can't just be puttering around doing nothing with no
identity, not knowing what to do. So, the idea of putting him on the television show was how
do I get my father who needs some rigid patterns, who
needs some scheduling, who's been going to work every day from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.? What
can I do to make sure that my parents are good and that retirement for them isn't me
or my family having to pick up a whole bunch of pieces because my father's going a little bit crazy. And so that was a gift to him and the contrivance and work in television that I didn't even
particularly want to do necessarily, just in order to make sure that our family wasn't
destroyed because my father would have gone a little bit nuts retiring that way. Then you did a show together at ESPN. Can you tell us how that came about?
I thought that, well, what is he talking about? Well, you know, I thought that he was joking.
I said, well, you know, I couldn't believe it. I never believed it until I was on the
set. I thought that the show was going to last for about four to six weeks.
I said, Thinny, this thing is so hard to work.
It's a terrible idea.
Clearly a terrible idea.
It'll never work.
A man who doesn't know that much about sports doing the hosting of the show in his second
How could it possibly fail?
Yeah, I figure, you know, it's going to explode like a big bomb after six weeks. Yeah, four to six weeks is what he gave it.
Great confidence in his son. He must have figured he's...
Terrible idea. My son has terrible judgment. Everybody calls you poppy. What is that like
where everybody's calling you poppy that are not your children? Well, I mean, you know, it was something that I was not really expecting.
I guess that this issue to call me Papi,
that's not a solo.
Don Salo is a very difficult name to spell.
So I said, Papi, okay, I'll take it.
If they want to call me Papi, fine, you know?
As soon as we are doing the show,
I didn't mind at all.
If there is a legacy that I could choose for our show,
it would look a lot like that,
that people on the street would call him in Spanish,
the word for father.
If that's all you give me from that show,
that's a pretty cool thing to have.
Have you been recognized on the street?
Yes, yes.
And now, not that much, not that much.
He's a has-been, he's a has-been.
He used to have some A-list celebrity,
but then he left ESPN, and now all of a sudden,
occasionally he gets half a tuna sandwich,
but there aren't that many people recognizing him anymore.
It was a good tuna sandwich.
It was a good tuna sandwich.
Highly questionable, how many funny beats?
Created by me, by The Handshake Beat.
Hell of a segment.
Ah! Great. Ah!
I got him.
It got a little, you got a little.
I got him, I got him, I got him.
Give me a big hand, Joe.
Ah, I got him.
Give me five.
Oh, no!
Ah, I got him.
He's a rookie.
He's a rookie.
Great job, buddy.
Oh, thanks.
Great job.
Ah, I got him, I got him.
Ah! No! No! Rachel. No!
I got hit, I got hit!
Oh, you!
I can't, oh.
Oh, no!
It's always the same prank.
My father only had one prank.
He would stick his hand out and then do this.
That was it.
It wasn't the height of comedic genius.
It was not ingenuity. It was not Disney originality the way you think of it. It wasn't the height of comedic genius. It was not ingenuity.
It was not Disney originality the way you think of it.
It was one move.
He's a one trick phony.
One trick pony.
That's what I did.
One trick phony is what I just made him.
And then, of course, there was my classic banana fun bit.
I saved the show with this.
Was there something with a banana?
Oh, the banana. Yeah, the banana too. I came up with that one. Was there something with a banana? Oh, the banana.
Yeah, the banana, too.
I came up with that one.
That was my original one.
That's right.
The banana phone is a poppy original.
My father one day, what is it that you did?
For some reason, you pretended that the banana,
the fake fruit on the set was ringing
and you answered the phone.
Ring, ring, ring.
Let's go.
Hello? Hey, Dan, how are Let's go. Hello?
Hey, Dan, how are you, buddy?
Everything good?
Yeah, the show went very well, yeah.
Easy and Frank, yeah, they are doing the show with me.
These guys are pretty good, yeah.
Yeah, you want to talk to Frank?
All right, hold on for a second.
Yeah, you're Frank.
I got him, I got him, I got him!
Ha ha ha ha!
I thought he wanted to talk to me.
Yeah, we were stuck and they needed something different,
so I grab it, I put it on my ear and say,
Juanito, what's going on, buddy?
That's right.
How you doing today?
You got my numbers for today?
That's right.
His bookie, his bookie would call him on the banana phone.
The important part of that though is what my father said at the beginning.
We were stuck one day.
We were stuck.
And I had to go to the magic treasure chest of comedy.
There was a banana there and I made it a telephone.
It was true.
It was true.
It was true.
We were stuck.
Everybody froze on the set and I came to the rescue.
That's right.
So heroic he should have been on a white stallion.
Yeah, that was a hell of a show, right?
It was a good show.
That was a hell of a game, see or no.
It was.
My father's favorite, si or no.
That's right.
On Fox Sports Detroit, Nuggets at Pistons.
Oh, our old friend JaVale McGee.
My father saw him in a Whole Foods down here in South Florida,
went and met him and was all excited.
I'm your biggest fan.
And JaVale McGee had no interest in my father
and doesn't know who my father is and doesn't care who my father is.
Let's see JaVale McGee.
Seven and a half and five and a half already has eight points.
Oh, JaVale, you've got to make that.
Hold on, I don't think you appreciate what just happened here.
He tried to dunk on his teammate.
And he almost did!
Brian Shaw, tune his Brian Shaw shot!
Mamadi, are you intrigued?
I'm not especially intrigued, but I do feel like every now and then tuning in to watch the Pistons to see if Stan's got a smile on his face.
Is Stan smiling yet?
No, never.
Papi, are you intrigued?
Oh, see, see, I'm very intrigued
because I always thought that Javel McGee
was my favorite player in the NBA
until I met him here in South Beach.
I didn't recognize me,
now I think that he's a mother-
He carried the show for eight years
in the middle of ESPN's lineup,
just by saying see.
I, whenever I say no, couple of times in about 10 years,
everything came to a stop.
Everything fell apart.
Everyone got confused.
The producers and everybody, right?
And also, Papi, it made the show wonderfully Hispanic.
Did you have any feelings or thoughts on that?
I felt that there was a large follow on the show.
There were Spanish speaking people, you know.
They were attracted, I guess, to my figure.
As an old man, maybe a grandfather,
used to get letters expressing their liking of the show
because of me, my accent, the way I talk, my mannerism.
So it was very rewarding that way.
I changed my tone of voice on the show, you know.
Old red light poppy would turn it on when he needed to.
Coming up on my son's TV show.
That's right.
Coming up on my son's TV show.
It sounds like my son's Stevie's show.
My son's Stevie's show.
Well, that's the idea.
I know, I understand.
It's not like I'm not familiar with your work.
My father actually didn't name me Luis Orgonzalo,
even though he was going to name me Luis Orgonzalo,
because he didn't want me to suffer the racism
I might suffer in this country from having a name like that.
So he called me Dan instead, a very American name.
And then the irony was that when ESPN needed to lock in
that unicorn Hispanic demo,
his son Dan wasn't Hispanic enough.
So he needed to get a cartoon Latin accent
to be next to him on television
so they could play see or know and feel more Hispanic.
That's a nice shirt, puppy.
Is that a new shirt?
Did you get that for here?
No, your mother bought it for me.
It's a good shirt.
She probably paid top dollar.
I never spend that kind of money,
but your mother does, so.
Is this silk?
I don't know.
I don't know.
I always enjoy doing the show
because I had an opportunity to work with Dan
and that's a father's dream to be able to work with the son
on a national TV show.
And I like it because people, they got to know Dan,
not the guy that is writing columns
or that he's talking on the radio that sounds stuck up.
Not the asshole, not the guy who's an asshole.
He wanted to show him a different side of Dan.
That's right, because Dan is a nice guy.
And people sometimes, most of the time,
they used to get your own impression of Dan.
But when Dan began working with me on the TV show,
then they got to know the real Dan.
He was there to help me.
My father from the very beginning said
that his only goal there was to help me. And in that respect, he did. Howdy folks, it's Mike Ryan.
I talk to you about Miller time all the time, but we're in the winter time right now and one of my favorite past times is to crack open a Miller light and enjoy myself some Miller time during the winter time because when there's a brisk chill in the air, it just makes everything right.
My friends and I who live down here in South Florida can actually sit outside because it's not super muggy. We can thoroughly enjoy our Miller Time together. And for you listening, I know there's a lot of things going on right now.
Sports cheap among them, nothing more important than sports.
From basketball and hockey to game night, winter means more moments with the coolest
people in your life.
Make these moments even better with Miller Lite, the great tasting light beer for people
who love beer.
Now's the perfect time for friends, family, and a great tasting light beer.
Taste like Miller Time.
And you know
Miller Lite is brewed for taste. It hits different than other light beers, and at just 96 calories
and 3.2 grams of carbs per 12 ounces, Miller Time is always a good time. Miller Lite, great
taste, 96 calories. Go to slash Dan to find delivery options near you, or
you can pick up some Miller Lite pretty much anywhere they sell beer. Tastes like Miller
Time. Celebrate responsibly. Miller Brewing Company, Milwaukee, Wisconsin,
96 calories and 3.2 carbs per 12 ounces.
The Dan Levitard show with Stu got sponsored by better help.
Who's in your support system and how have they changed your life?
Think about that your favorite leaders, mentors, idols, they don't all have the answers, but
they do know when to ask for help. In a world that glorifies hyperindependence, we sometimes forget that we thrive with support. We're
stronger, healthier, and more resilient when we have people to lean on.
Therapy is one of the best ways to build that support system. It helps with positive coping
skills, setting boundaries, and becoming the best version of yourself.
Here's the thing, therapy isn't just for those who've experienced major trauma. It's
for everybody. Whether you're facing a big life transition, feeling overwhelmed, or just want to grow,
therapy can help.
That's where BetterHelp comes in.
With over 30,000 credential therapists, you can find somebody who truly understands you.
It's fully online, making therapy accessible, affordable, and convenient.
No waiting rooms, no long commutes, just the support you need, whenever and wherever you
need it.
And by the way, if you ever feel like switching therapists, it's no cost to you whatsoever.
Build your support system with BetterHelp.
Visit slash DLB today to get 10% off your first month.
That's BetterHelp.
H-E-L-P dot com slash DLB.