The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz - Local Hour: Dan Does Journalism Again
Episode Date: March 5, 2025Dan returns to his old-school reporter ways over a considerable scandal surrounding the Miami Heat. Also, what's Walton Goggins' Deal? Today's cast: Dan, Amin, Chris, Billy, Jeremy, and Jessica. Learn... more about your ad choices. Visit
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Shadow Show.
Shadow Show.
Shadow Show.
Shadow Show.
Shadow Show.
Shadow Show.
Shadow Show. Shadow in it shadow shadow in it shadow in it
Chris I'm a little scared here today because it's a wild Billy Wednesday and
I have been reporting heat news all morning and I haven't had time to know
what was happening in the meeting so can you get me caught that's a bad set of
ingredients me not having no idea what's going on and Billy's in charge today.
Well, you've been reporting, nothing has come out.
So you haven't been reporting, you've been asking,
you've been poking around.
No, I've been doing the reporting
so that I can report in a few minutes
something that is heat news.
But what are you looking at me like that for, Jeremy?
What heat news?
I can't wait until after the shadow show.
Well, he's doing the I'm but as a report aid but but what what has what do I need to know
about today's show what do we have today what oh my god I have so much it's the
wildest of Billy Wednesdays he has a cheese conundrum Jess thinks Jimmy
Butler's good Amin wants to talk about Kyrie there's just so much to talk about
I'm out on Red Foods.
I mean, there's just everything.
There's a ton to get to.
Like red coloring in foods?
Red velvet?
Like an apple, a red apple.
Can you eat an apple?
I'm not gonna get to it all now.
I'm just teasing the topic.
We're gonna tease it for later,
but Amin and I were also working on a list of characters
we most wanna see die in White Lotus
and least wanna see die in White Lotus.
White Lotus has so many filler episodes.
The whole show. Way too many filler episodes. The whole show.
Way too many filler episodes.
We can get to filler episodes later because like.
It's a slow burn, Billy.
How about we just do a four episode season
where something happens every episode,
not one where I'm just watching the guy like.
You don't appreciate the craft.
You don't think that anything happened?
No, I don't.
I'm not, look, I didn't come to a museum, I came to Max.
I'm not here to watch art.
I'm here to watch a show.
Entertain me, Mike White, okay? I watch you on Amazing Race. Let's pick up the pace a little bit. So we have that character development
Two words a 23 develop the college baseball Billy says Jeff. Conan is Dwayne Wade. I mean
That's true. We'll get to that later for that as a fact their career parallels are crazy walk around shirtless a lot. I
Watch the first four episodes of Paradise.
Oh, are you in?
Dude, I'm so in.
Can't wait to talk about this, oh my God.
Been waiting weeks for you people to learn what TV is.
Amin has thoughts on Mina Kimes.
And Adrian Brody.
I know, she was texting me about that.
It's nonsense what you said.
I can't wait to get to that.
I can't believe you agreed with Trump on Pete Rose. That too. Yeah, that was she was texting me about that. It's nonsense what you said. I can't wait to get to that I can't believe you agreed with Trump on Pete Rose that too. Yeah
That's one we can get into later if you'd like damn cuz that was crazy
Dan's Jeremy's right fever see writing all of these guys like this is good around the horn
Sad day. I knew that one though. I'm reporting. I mean, I'm not writing any of this shit down. We're not doing any of this.
Oh, oh.
Excuse me?
Just says you're not a journalist once, and all of a sudden, here we are reporting news.
One day later, right?
I thought journalism died yesterday.
And finally, Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner might get back together.
Let's start the show. This is the Don LeBattor Show with the StuGuts Podcast.
I mean, in my career covering the Miami Heat,
I have never had so many people in an organization
reach out to me from different pockets of the
organization in order to have something clarified. Can you please play the sound
of Dwyane Wade and I don't know why Dwyane is doing this and I don't know
what the reaction to it has been anywhere but this sound went viral last week
on Dwyane Wade telling the story of when it was
that LeBron James decided to leave Miami.
This was the first moment where I had an inkling
that LeBron may not be back.
One thing you don't do is fuck with LeBron cookies.
No, no, no, no, no, no, this is serious.
Like he loves chocolate chip cookies. Like chocolate chip cookies and ice cream he loves, right? No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, but you know, he have his cookies. So we get on the plane and we play cards
at the front of the plane, we play cards, and then at some point, Bronco be like,
hey, bring me those cookies.
And there's one day, he was like, hey, where my cookies at?
And they had to come up there and whisper in his ear
and tell him there were no more cookies on the plane.
Oh yeah.
That **** sat back.
Away from the game?
He pushed that table, that card's back,
he sat there quiet, doing his head like this.
I was looking, I'm like.
It was too much micromanaging at that point.
Like you're talking about a team
who's four finals in a row.
You don't need to micromanage us.
I don't know what the truth is there.
That may indeed be Dwayne Wade's truth.
The Miami Heat could not more vigorously deny all of this.
Dwyane Wade, that story is not true.
Wait, he just said, I don't know.
I don't know what the truth is.
I am getting from too many different sources
too much differing information from what it is
that Dwyane Wade is alleging there.
There's more reporting than this, right?
This is the reporting cookie gate?
Jeremy thought you were going to report
that Pat Riley had cancer or something.
Like he was freaking out back here.
I was panicking.
Jump to conclusions here.
We didn't say the C word, we just said, is Pat Riley okay?
Well the C word's cookies, Dan reported that.
Well that's one fact that's the one fact. That's wrong
It was not cookies. Oh, so it did happen, but it wasn't cookie. It was ice cream
He did say he loves his cookies and ice cream it was ice cream. It was not cookies Pat wasn't the coach
He didn't travel doesn't know what the food is on the flight
It was the nutritionist not Pat Pat. And this one, this
It's not great leadership.
Everyone knows, this is what I was told, everyone knows that Pat would have eaten those cookies
himself because of how much he loves chocolate chip cookies. So the story just has no truth
to it. So I ask you guys, what's happening there? Is Wade just making stuff up for the
store? Didn't like the micromanaging and is making up a story or?
I think he confused the cookies and the ice cream, right?
This is a clear case of just forgetting which dessert
that LeBron loved that was actually confiscated.
The story remains the same,
the heat micromanaging LeBron James,
but at the end of the day,
there's a difference between cookies and ice cream.
Can we eradicate at the end of the day around here? No. Look, at the end of the day, there's a difference between cookies and ice cream. Can we eradicate at the end of the day around here?
Look, at the end of the day,
sometimes you need filler words.
This nutritionist needs to stand down.
You don't, you don't though.
That nutritionist needs to stand down.
Okay, we'll jump on you every time
you have filler words, Dan.
That is ridiculous.
You need filler.
White Lotus, I mean, has shown us
you just need filler sometimes.
Get to eight episodes.
Let's throw in a three or four, nothing happens.
Weird incest situation going on with White Lotus this season.
What? Yeah, there is.
I don't know what the hell's going on. I don't know who's going to kill who.
There's a lot of filler in that show. And I'm not talking about the episodes being long
Yikes. Judgy. Sergeant Semantics at work here, right? It wasn't cookies, that's a lie!
The way you're lying!
It wasn't cookies, that never happened with cookies.
Happened with ice cream.
Like, come on, man.
No, the story didn't happen.
Then why did we just spend that?
According to the Miami Heat.
I don't know what's true there.
You tell me what's true.
I'm not a journalist anymore.
You just told me that it wasn't Pat Riley,
it was the nutritionist, and it wasn't cookies,
it was ice cream, and now you're saying
it wasn't ice cream.
I'm telling you that it couldn't have been cookies.
The story as it's told could not have been cookies.
It could not have been a cookie story,
according to my sources.
I've got more sources on this story
than I've ever had on a story.
It's confusing to me the number of people who are reaching out and telling me that Dwayne
Wade story, that didn't happen.
That's not true.
So the extra detail isn't just, hey, the story didn't happen.
And if the story happened, it couldn't have been cookies.
It would have had to be ice cream.
And Pat Riley would have stolen him because everyone knows what a sweet tooth he had.
Okay, let me turn it to Big City Lawyer here.
Give me the suspenders on.
Now, you see, Dan Leventhal, you just told us that Pat Riley loves his cookies.
But you also told us a moment ago that Pat Riley wasn't traveling with the team.
So how could he have eaten the mystery cookies
on the plane, Mr. LeBron?
He would have if he had been on the plane.
He wasn't on the plane.
Well, I don't know that a defense to murders,
I would have killed this person if I had the chance to.
I am so out on this nutritionist.
It's their fault that LeBron left.
So Dan, put your name on it.
Dwayne Wade's a liar.
Say it, report that.
No, you can put your name on it. No, I'm not doing any reporting. I on it. Dwayne Wade's a liar. Say it, report that. No, you can put your name on it.
No, I'm not doing any reporting.
I tend to believe Dwayne Wade on this situation.
I think that something happened here
and you're just coming out here saying,
a lot of people have reached out to me
and said there's nothing to see here.
Move along, Dwayne Wade's full of it.
I don't know what's true, I don't know what's not true.
It sounds like you picked a side on this one.
I'm reporting the other side.
One side has been told the other side from every crevice of the organization is denying
that that story is true you choose your truth I'm giving you both truths the
Miami Heat believe that in this one instance Dwayne Wade appears to be
lying I think choose your truth is exactly why we're in a lot of the
problems we're in.
Redirect, Your Honor.
Dan Leventhal, what is the slogan of the Miami Heat?
I don't know what the slogan is.
You don't know what they pride themselves on.
Yeah, culture, yes, culture.
How would you define culture?
Would you find a lot of dissonance in culture,
or would you find a lot of unanimityance in culture or would you find a lot of unanimity
unanimity okay
you are telling me that you have multiple sources
from an organization that prides itself as speaking as one
that's correct
you are an excellent attorney sir i i i've fallen under your questioning. The suspenders.
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and 3.2 carbs per 12 ounces. Don LeBretard. While there's nothing official
and conversations are still ongoing. Was that a fake Schefter? I tried.
It was pretty good.
It was excellent.
I feel like there's legs.
I tried at the beginning and then I lost confidence in it.
It was good.
You got this.
There's nothing official, and conversations are still ongoing.
It is trending towards Nick Sirianni, remaining the head coach of the Eagles.
This is the Don Lebatardar Show with the Stugarts.
I'm curious, the rest of you, how it is that this is going to end in Miami.
Like, what are your thoughts as Jimmy Butler is 9-1 at Golden State.
They win in New York last night. Golden State looks great
and doesn't
need very much from Jimmy Butler to look great and so in a ten game sample
Jessica's fallen in love with Jimmy Butler because Jimmy Butler can now
wreak vengeance on all of Miami and can be the winner of culture as the cult
vigorously defends Pat Riley's right
to eat whatever sugars he pleases.
Yeah, I really don't have a lot of skin in the game
and the NBA, but.
Just kicking us when we're down.
The Warriors winning a championship with Jimmy
would be really, really, really funny.
Just to watch Jeremy.
I think it'd be kinda cool.
Oh, stop it.
No, I mean, it would be cool.
Oh, the Lakers. Watching Jimmy get to play 30 games
and then go on another 30 game run.
Like, this is the perfect thing
to get the maximum Jimmy Butler.
I was having a disagreement with Amin most of last season
because it seemed obvious to me
that the young people were going to take over the league.
But the idea that the Lakers and Golden State
could get back into the game with steph and uh... lebron
uh... get back in the game
because their teams appear to be
generally good and old right because i don't know what you guys are
when you're watching these games ameen uh... luca and
lebron last night uh... they win by twenty against new orleans they make it
look easy
luke has not been efficient and i haven't seen these particular numbers
lebron plays thirty four minutes and is plus seven
luke a place thirty three minutes in his plus thirty seven
i didn't watch the game but i assume that when luke was out there by himself
without the run
yes at the lakers look like the finals matches they look they look a lot better watch the game but I assume that when Luca was out there by himself without LeBron, the
Lakers looked like the finals maps.
They looked a lot better, yes.
Without LeBron out there, correct?
Because Luca's played nothing but inefficient games so far and they've played low scoring
offensive games but right now I'm guessing just from looking at box scores because I'm
not watching those games, I'm guessing they're still playing through LeBron and Luca's trying
to figure that out, correct?
Box score wise, I'll tell you, Dan,
to support your theory on Lucas dominance.
Lakers have a pretty storied history.
A lot of players done a lot of things.
He's the first Lakers player ever to in one game
score 30 plus points, dish out 15 plus assists,
grab five plus rebounds, make five plus threes,
and be plus 30 or better in the same game, ever.
In the history of the Lakers.
I was confused by the box score. I'm going to say it again.
LeBron, 34 minutes plus seven.
Luca, 33 minutes plus 37.
Did it mean that when LeBron wasn't on the floor, Luca put up 30 straight points?
Well, no, he didn't put up 30 straight points but the team performed at a more appreciating rate than when LeBron was out there with him.
Because Luca is a good deal better than LeBron. No I wouldn't go all the way. At this
stage in his career Luca's a good deal better as an offensive player than
LeBron. I mean that is no indictment of LeBron. I think it's I mean it's when you
talk about plus minuses, right,
that's not necessarily a, especially raw plus minus.
That's not a good metric for who's the better player.
There's a ton of factors in there,
who was on the floor with you,
who was on the floor against you,
and how you were used in those moments.
But yes, we can say that the team performed better
in those non-LeBron minutes, which is a big thing
because if you think about where the Lakers have struggled
in the past handful of years,
same place where the Warriors had struggled,
which is when LeBron or Steph are not on the floor,
things go wrong.
And now both of those teams have acquired someone
who has essentially not only negated that negative,
but turned it into a positive that's even greater
than when those guys were on the floor.
You guys do realize, right, that the only way
for drummed up storyline drama that the NBA needs
to carry some momentum into crowning a
champion that feels a little more fulfilling than Boston or Denver winning
is LeBron and Steph getting back in the game actually making a run and making a
seven game series out of no we'd we'd still like to have the league I just
don't think of either of those two teams as being anywhere near as good as what Oklahoma City is.
Oklahoma City is the best team.
They have no weaknesses, there are no,
if this happens, then they could really,
we're doing that with a lot of teams out there.
Well, if they can get this out of so-and-so,
with Oklahoma City, it's like, nope, we're ready.
We've got it all.
Everything you could ask for, bigs, guards, wings,
three point shooting, get to a free throw line,
defense, versatility, they have it all.
Now, even experience, which was a thing last year
where we said, I don't think they're quite ready yet.
Now they've got that as well.
Cleveland, similarly, I think,
pretty much has everything answered there.
Everyone else, we're doing some sort of mental gymnastic
Right now the as it stands
There's a high likelihood if the Lakers stay at two that they're gonna play the Warriors in the first round
Which would be two versus seven assuming the Warriors get out of playing
the only way that could get mixed around is if either the
Lakers fall to three
or the Warriors end up being the eighth seed
instead of the seventh seed,
in which case they'd have to play the Thunder
in the first round.
But I wanna get into the Jimmy Butler of it with you guys
because Golden State went from being something
that was middling, was around 500.
Lost below middling.
Steph obviously needed help to,
obviously an injection of something
that has made them nine and one.
And Carl Anthony Townsend played last night.
So, and New York was at 100 something.
Like that's not that offensive team.
Mitchell Robinson is back.
Like the Knicks are formidable
and they will be a different team in the playoffs
when they are healthy but you're
seeing what from Golden State you're seeing something that when we talk about
teams being ready young teams being ready historically something like Golden
State is exactly the kind of thing that knocks off a young team expected to win
a championship that hasn't played in any game sevens
that any of us have thought about.
The team that gets knocked off there
is run by people like Jimmy Butler, Draymond Green,
Steph Curry, who have played in 400 of these.
You play against the old Caged Lion,
the old cornered tiger, right?
And it's got one tooth and it's all scraggly,
but then you get in its reach and it gets you by the neck.
And that's what absolutely the Warriors,
and to an extent the Lakers are as well,
is that in the regular season, Dan,
a lot of people make a big deal about your regular season.
What was your net rating?
What was your offensive rating?
But the reality is that's built off of the corpses
of a ton of bad teams.
Like everyone's got it.
Every good stat you see from any team,
a lot of it is built on, yeah,
we beat up on the bad teams.
When you get to the playoffs, there are two things
that happen, number one, there are no more bad teams,
for the most part.
Number two is during the regular season,
we're going from game to game and changing game plans.
Basically, like once we're done with the next game,
boom, we're done.
We're thinking about the Bucs tomorrow.
And there is a kind of a transience of our attention span.
But we'll get to playoffs.
Everybody in organization, players, coaches, scouts,
we're all just worried about you.
You're our opponent.
And so what ends up happening is things that happen
in the regular season don't really matter as much. All that matters is can you counter and can you continue to adjust a great example of this was?
However, long ago was Oklahoma City versus Portland
Oklahoma City had beaten the Blazers three times out of four times in the regular season and so
Conventional wisdom say okay see higher seed. Okay, see it'd been Portland three out of four times
They're gonna win and But Portland matched up great.
And that was the Damien Lerner way bye bye series.
Because the matchups and because the lack of adjustments
Oklahoma City made.
So similarly, when you talk about what's
going to befell maybe the Cavs or maybe the Thunder,
it would probably be a team like this.
It's the meme of the old man that said,
call an ambulance, call an ambulance.
But not for me, that's exactly what the Warriors are.
What's Walton Goggins deal this episode?
Like we don't really know what's going on.
He needs to get to Bangkok for some reason.
He's interested in like the owner of the hotel,
but it seems like he's more interested
in the owner of the hotel's husband potentially.
But who is the husband?
I think they're trying to make you think
that the husband perhaps is involved in his deceased
father's death.
There's a lot going on.
Oh, is that what it is?
So how interested are you in the fan theories?
Because I haven't looked into any of them yet,
which is maybe why I'm so confused,
but those will probably confuse me even more.
Then we're just releasing snakes.
What's up with the snakes?
I can't figure out if his girlfriend's teeth are real or fake. They are real and they're spectacular.
Yes. A bit distracting at times. She's amazing. She's been great but there's a lot going on.
I loved the first episode when the one woman was like I love your teeth. Yeah I couldn't
believe it. I couldn't believe that. It was so good. Anyway so Goggins you think that
the husband. Well there's a lot of theories. Perhaps husband is a Nemesis of some sort and he's seeking revenge. Perhaps her husband is his father that he thought was dead
That's that's what I think it is
perhaps none of the above because sometimes the show gives you ten red herrings and then none of them really end up mattering and then
Something completely different happens by the end of the there's a whole will they won't day with the massage therapist who that's going on there
Will they Dan? Then I put on juju can put on the pole will they that little't they with the massage therapist too that's going on there, will they? Dan, Dan, can I put it on, Juju,
can you put it on the pole, will they?
That little friend group by the way.
Lots of knives, lots of knives.
Go to writing.
Oh, they hate each other.
They hate each other.
They really do, but they think that they love each other.
They don't.
But they're realizing, ooh, do we have anything in common?
Honestly, probably the most relatable relationship
on this show, I think, right?
Yeah, I've seen a lot of people say that.
Sad admission, I think we can almost relate
to that group, right?
Right, like you have friends that you don't see that much,
you all have your own lives,
you all live in different places,
you've all kind of gone your own way,
and then you're like, we need to do a girls trip,
and then you all do a girls trip one year,
and then you're like, oh my God,
I actually don't really like you that much.
Yeah, I hate all these people, yeah.
We've grown apart.
I relate more to Walton Goggins.
I wanna release snakes. Really? I hate all these sheeple, yeah. We've grown apart. I relate more to Walton Goggins. I wanna release snakes.
I'm trying to figure out, like,
cause I mean we know because of the way
that the first episode starts, right,
that someone comes in and there's just like
a mass shooting is what it seems like is going on, right?
Or some, yeah, some sort of shoot out.
During meditation and yoga,
someone is shooting a gun and then I think,
doesn't a body float through? And that's where the episode starts.
Spoiler alert.
Yes, spoiler alert.
Well, no, that's the opening scene.
It's the first scene.
If you're familiar with the show at all,
the opening scene of the first episode of each season,
a dead body floats somewhere,
or there's like a reveal that someone has died.
In the first season, it was,
oh, there's a body going on the plane.
And then the whole season, you're like,
who's the dead body leaving the island?
So you're wondering the whole time who it is.
And then they just throw all these characters at you
for like eight episodes.
And then the last episode, there's finally something happens
to Billy's point.
There's a lot, it's a slow burn.
That robbery is gonna be connected to something
down the road, 100%.
I think it was a hoax.
Inside job.
No, it's something that's one of the red herrings.
By who?
The security guards?
Perhaps one of the employees who was distracting
the security guard was in on it,
or perhaps the woman who was in the changing room
who is in a relationship with Greg slash Gary.
Maybe she's in on it. Perhaps, perhaps.
They're in a real relationship.
She's French from Canada.
Goggins was like, she's obviously an escort,
and his girlfriend was like, no, they're in love.
She's the best character, right, Goggins girlfriend?
She's the best.
She's number one on my list of people
I least want to see die.
Ooh, what if the dad, the dad that now we see
in the preview for the next episode,
spoiler alert, is going to be like addicted to pills, his wife's pills, which he keeps
saying no to, but then he's going behind her back and taking any.
You know what I call him?
Kenny Wins business partner.
I remember Kenny Wins name.
I have no idea what his name is.
Yeah, that Kenny Wins situation is going to be dicey.
I call him Malfoy because he's Malfoy.
He's Lucius Malfoy.
I don't want to give, you know, Kenny Wins business partner any advice, but like the
solution is don't go home. You're fine
Do you're in Thailand you got away with it? Just stay there stay on vacation forever?
I have another fan feel like Gary Gregg
I have another theory for you that I saw if you this there's no spoilers in this because we don't know what's gonna happen
Yeah, we're only in episode 3 but however and nothing happened
Nothing is nothing ever nothing ever guy goes out. He makes secret phone calls
That's the whole show so far. He's he's embroiled in some sort of maybe have a thing going on there
It's these fortune acres like top of his wiener. Yeah, he's he's number one on the long characters
I most want to see he's a weirdo and he's also he's also two through five. Here's the thing about him
I'm sorry, but here's the thing about him
I saw a video how how proud he was to get the role,
and he was telling his mom and his sister,
like I got the role, and they're all crying and so happy.
And then he found out what the role was,
and he was like ugh.
No, and then it's, you see the top of his wiener
in the first episode, and if I'm in a show,
and you're seeing the top of my wiener in the first episode,
the last thing I'm doing is telling my mom and my sister,
come and tune in, you know what I mean?
Also, Mike White must be a basketball fan or just
Interested in sports in some way because he made them all Duke people and it's very unflattering
Oh, then Carolina except for Parker Posey who's a Carolina fan anyway
I digress the theory was in the first episode she mentions that they normally vacation the Caribbean
But this year they went to Thailand and so perhaps
She's aware that her husband's into financial crimes
And she's already stowed their money away
in the Cayman Islands on previous vacations
and now they're going to be staying abroad
because they can't get extradited
from Thailand question mark.
The daughter that's there to kind of do
like the book report or whatever,
she seems like the only pure character on the show right?
Yeah, her and Amy Lou Woer.
That's the concern right?
You think there's skeletons there though?
There has to be a twist with her.
The security guard who got hit on the head. Nah. He's the pure right in their skeletons there
Yeah, he's a sweetheart
Or Belinda I like Belinda Belinda's always pure which one's Belinda Belinda is the one who's
in the first
The day I love it hard show with Stu gots is sponsored by better help
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Don Lebatard!
I don't like smelly either!
Women stay home in the kitchen where they belong.
This is the Don Lebatar Show with the Stugats.
["The Stugats Show Theme"]
I just want to point out that before Dan claims
he's doing reporting journalism, taking notes,
he was just furiously scribbling on his paper the whole time
Well, there's cookies to report on so I was getting more heat information there. I also just wanted to get rocky road my
names right on what it is that we're referring to
Escort sex worker and a means choice was a woman of the night, which I have not heard since my father
Was trying to explain it to me as a child. I was I don't know 41 years old and my father
He had a flat a wall for that conversation. My father said a lady of the night and I didn't know what it meant
I didn't understand. I was too young to understand. Does anyone still refer to it the way that Amin just did?
They're just whores.
A woman.
No they're not.
A woman of the night.
I agree with you Amin.
They use the word escort in the show,
which is why I said escort,
but I think sex workers, what people say.
Most people say hookers.
Definitely don't say woman of the night.
Hookers is what they say.
Really, that's bad.
Well, but I had not heard it,
but I had not heard it since my father said it,
and Amin's aging caught me a bit off guard.
Oh no, let's be clear, I don't call the women of the night,
I think it's a funny way to euphemism the term.
So like, they're not trollops,
because trollops just do the work for free, correct?
Yes, yes, exactly.
The other thing I wanted to ask you about the derailment
is I was, and I gotta think the audience
is gonna side with me here,
your cynicism's about three old friends
getting together and hating each other
and that being relatable cannot be the experience
of old friends everywhere.
Oh Dan, your naivete is so cute.
It can't be the experience of old friends everywhere. Am Dan, your naivete is so cute. It can't be the experience of old friends everywhere.
Am I wrong about this?
100% is.
Just women.
I just watched it happen to people in my family.
Okay, actually.
Also what?
Just women.
No, I think it's, have you never like lost a friendship over your life because you've
grown apart from someone?
Of course, no, but I wouldn't go on a trip with those people. Like, I wouldn't discover that on a trip.
Right, I think these people are very wealthy
and they're in denial that they aren't friends anymore
or at least don't have anything in common anymore.
And they're also, again, very wealthy
so they can afford this all-inclusive trip
to tie in together.
I would never go on a trip
with anyone I considered a good friend
who I have outgrown.
But Dan, you're saying that as someone who knows
you've outgrown certain people.
Imagine a friend group, you guys live in different places
so you don't see each other all the time,
but you're in a group text.
So you're always talking all the time,
you're like, hey, we were best of friends once upon a time,
but because we're apart,
we don't have those social in-person experiences,
we are growing apart.
So one of the friends is going to church, it might be Maga, right? One of the friends is a
Hollywood actress and she's having a great time, and the other one is going through a divorce,
right? And so we all, we're in contact all the time, we're of course we're friends, but because
we haven't spent that time together, restaurants and bars and all those things, we're growing apart.
So we're like, you know, we should rekindle it.
We haven't hung out in so long together.
Guess what?
We're going to Thailand.
And then you go, and as you're talking,
you begin to notice things, right?
You notice things and slash you've had opinions
that you've kept to yourself because it was in the group chat.
You didn't wanna put in the group chat like,
oh, your husband left you because of this.
And yo, since you went to Hollywood, you think you're different and
yo, you're banging now.
Old age, I thought, was at least in part something with friendship that you discard them along
the way until you've only got the ones you want to travel with later in life.
Like that's what old friends are, I thought.
But those are friends since seemingly it looks like middle school, high school age, they've
grown up together,
they've gone on to live their own individual wealthy lives
and maybe the last time they got together,
five, six years ago, things were a little different
in what their lives were
and in what the lives of everyone was.
And now, five or six years later,
some things have changed and opinions have changed
and now you don't have those friends, Jeremy.
What are you trying to, the other thing, Dan,
is I don't think they're old.
We did this old, they're not old people.
They're younger than you.
They're younger than me.
They are, these are women I believe to be,
probably they're late 30s, so,
old enough to that there's been time apart
from one another, but not quite old,
like to the point where you're saying
well look I've excommunicated all the people
I don't want in my life.
Late 30s struck me as old friends.
Like if you've had friends into your late 30s,
you've had friends for a long time.
I don't know that.
I mean it depends when you met them.
Like if they're from childhood into the 30s,
they've been friends you know,
essentially their entire lives.
If you're, look Billy, I can't even imagine
who you'd travel with, but I would've.
I wouldn't travel to Thailand with my family.
Like, I'm not getting on a flight that long,
get out of here, you're crazy.
So you are of this age, and if I said Billy went
to Thailand with some old friends, those are.
If I would've Thailand, I committed crimes.
That means Kenny Nguyen, as in business with Billy.
If I'm in Thailand, find my Kenny Nguyen.
All right, so you're simply not gonna entertain
the hypothetical. I'll be Bobby.
I'm gonna pull out the Greg Gary situation.
Yes, Ann, Dan, I'm here for you.
Yes, I don't want you here anymore.
No one wants to be my friend, I get it.
Chris, Cody, if you were to go on a trip to Thailand
with some friends right now, those people,
what are the chances that you would look across
at any of them and be so distant from knowing that person
that you would learn on that trip
that you had outgrown that person?
It's funny, because I just met up with a friend in Germany
in Epcot that I hadn't seen in a long time.
And we hit it right off.
It was like we never missed a day, honestly.
One of my oldest friends, he now lives in the Orlando area
and it was great. We had like six hours together,
our family, our daughters were running together.
It was like the highlight of the trip.
Yeah, but six hours is different
than what these women are doing.
That's true.
So you was in Germany.
It was in Germany, Italy.
We saw the world actually.
I don't understand what part of this you can't relate to.
Oh, it's not even that I can't relate to it.
I just disagree with your universal consensus of,
we all agree, right, that if old friends do this,
this is totally relatable.
And I'm just like, is it?
I mean, it was partially for joke,
but that's real life.
People's friends move away.
Not everybody lives in the same city forever.
And you don't, as life goes on,
and their careers advance, and the families grow, and whatever, you don't stay in life goes on and their careers advance and the families grow
and whatever, you don't stay in touch with them
as often as you did and sometimes you just say,
you know what, it's been 10 years,
let's hang out to rekindle the old times
and then you find out, wow, everybody's life
has changed a lot and I don't know if these are
the same people that I was friends with.
We're not in college anymore where it's easy,
you just live down the street from a bunch of people
that are your age and it's just, you don't,
like you commiserate over a chemistry class.
Like, life's happened now.
Do we avoid politics?
But that's the other thing.
We make it through.
That's the other thing.
There's a lot of times where you're like,
I don't even wanna risk knowing what the politics are.
Let's talk about nothing.
I just make jokes from 15 years ago
so we leave this all having a good time.
I wanna know as little about you as possible right now. You know who else has grown apart?
Dan in journalism you walked in here
eager to break heat news and
All it was was the mildest of corrections over a podcast episode that quite frankly as someone who works in basketball
That one escaped me because I don't think it really made waves like that. No. Nobody
cares about this. Tread lightly on this one I'm telling you because this is Dan's
MO he's gonna drop a bomb with like a minute left in the segment like he
started out with the cookies so that you do this and then you say something silly
or stupid and then boom egg on your face because he drops the real news right as the hour is about to end,
and then you're like, oh my God,
I can't believe you let me put my foot in my mouth
and say that, and then he's like, reporting, Jazz Hands!
And then it's like some big thing.
Just be careful, we've been down this road before.
Journalism died.
It would be amazing if I then did Jeremy's dark report
at the end, like hey, how great is that?
Let's make it abundantly clear, not my dark report,
just my fear.
There's time, four minutes still.
You know, but I actually came in here wanting to talk about,
I actually came in here wanting to talk about, I actually wanted to come talk about
the mortality of Jimmy Johnson and Pat Riley.
They're both?
You understand our thinking then, right?
Because we were prompted with that
and we're like, we're gonna do this,
and then you're like, hold on,
I've been doing a lot of reporting this morning
and I wanna do a big mortality episode.
I'm like, okay, well, someone's dying.
I whispered at Billy's ear, you're right, you're right.
That was an off air hypothesis of mine
that I've been working on for a little bit.
But it would be in poor form if the punchline
at the end of this was the reported news
that somebody we care about is sick.
I am not going to do that.
What is happening right now?
This is insane.
No, it's happening.
But you would do that.
This is even worse.
I would not do that, that is untrue.
Dan, this happened once before.
Martin Shadid-Harvard?
No, the day that his brother passed,
he was in here joking with us the entire morning
like if nothing was wrong and then just did it on air, and we're like, what?
Yeah, we were like joking around in the kitchen.
And we felt terrible, obviously. So that's why we're all treading lightly,
because we're like, we don't know how this segment's going to end.
Well, but you're going to be disappointed either way now.
Well, I'm never going to be disappointed if someone's staying alive.
No, but you're going to be disappointed if someone's staying alive.
No, but you're gonna be disappointed
because it's not gonna be this heat news
that you crave of somebody important dying.
I don't want that news is what I'm telling you.
Well, but it seems-
Not what I want, but I know your tricks.
No, they're not-
I know your tricks, old dog.
You evidently don't know my tricks.
Nah, you're holding off until tomorrow.
I know these tricks.
You're hoping that these people stay alive long enough
to not be found out.
Please stop this music.
I'm not gonna report that anyone is dying
or that anyone is sick.
And now I'm not gonna report anything
at the end of this segment.
I'm gonna try and regather myself
because this is all taking a dark turn
that White Lotus, Sunday nights on Max,
we are talking.
Can you guys do a show with me instead of against me?
You don't want this show.
No, I want the joke that Billy made in your ear
if it's gonna distract me. you're gonna if you're gonna
Do that okay, if you're gonna break character
Look the last time you guys did this is the single best joke in the history of this show if you had made it no
No, the last time this happened was while Jessica was fishing and
it it it's the I
Jessica was fishing.
And it, it, it's the, I wish that that joke that you told Amin
that made him break character then
had been said on the air.
This one's way, way, way more radioactive.
This one's worse than that one?
This one was told to me by someone else
and I was like, I'm not doing that.
So I gave it to Amin to see if he would do it.
Okay, but it can't distract me
when I'm in the middle of talking about my mentors
in this business and coaching and mortality. Like it can't distract me when I'm in the middle of talking about my mentors in this business in
Coaching and mortality like it can't be that it can't be so loose on Wild Billy Wednesdays
That the joke you make in a means ear distracts me while I'm talking about the possible death of people well, Dan
I think we took a negative turn here. Maybe it could be something positive that you want to break for us
The ice cream had sprinkles.
Oh my God.
Is it a wedding?
That's so beautiful.
They're gonna renew their vows.
Chris and Pat, right?
That's her name, Chris.
Ron and Rhonda.
Ron and Rhonda too, yes.
Dan and Valerie.
We're just doing a vow renewing thing.
Chris and Christine.. Dan and Valerie. We just do a vow renewal. Kristin, Christine.
Spoh and Bam.
I saw that Jessica accused me of being
the most likely in our group to do a vow renewal.
That's probably true.
Jessica is?
She has to do the vows first.
Dan was the most likely.
And it wasn't an accusation if it's just a suggestion.
Like yeah, I think.
No, I think you got, I think.
I'm guessing a group of people who would say
that their spouse isn't their best friend
because that's always a lie
that your spouse is your best friend.
I would assume that that group of people would think
renewed vows is corny.
Vows to?
That it's a corny thing, I would think. I would think. No? I think it is corny. Vows to? That it's a corny thing, I would think.
I would think.
I think it's corny.
I might feel differently later down the road.
I think vows seems like one of the stops
on the train track to divorce, right?
Oh yeah.
Like this is the last gasp.
I would think it's the opposite of that.
Gotta save it.
The only person I ever knew to renew their vows
was my grandparents after like 50th wedding anniversary.
And at that point it was way too late to get divorced.
I think celebrating your love is beautiful, Dan,
but you don't really want me on your side.
Well, no, you're a romantic.
I am.
I am a romantic as well.
But what is that on the poll?
Renewed vows on the train tracks to divorce?
It's one of the stops on the train tracks to divorce.
Are renewed vows one of the stops on the train tracks. It's one of the stops on the train tracks. Our renewed vows.
Our renewed vows, one of the stops on the freight train.
Terrible train track.
The question was, Dan, if you had to choose which one's got to go,
Pat Riley or Jimmy Johnson.
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