The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz - Local Hour: Lucy's Bumble BFF PowerPoint

Episode Date: February 1, 2024

Amin and Mike face off to kick off today's local hour. After the crew complains about how much they hate running, Chris Cote claims he can power walk around the studio for the rest of the show, makes him do just that. Then, Lucy has a Bumble BFF date tonight and shares the key to her success: a detailed PowerPoint explaining why you should be friends with her. Plus, the Heat snapped their 7-game losing streak last night, so Dan, Mike, and Amin lead a conversation about their recent struggles and the potential need for Bam Adebayo to take a leap offensively, and it turns out Jeremy does know a lil' sumpin' about the Miami Heat. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You're listening to Giraffe Kings Network. This is the Don Lebatur Show with the Stugatz Podcast. We are one week away from our live show in Vegas and we are about to inundate Las Vegas with Metal Arc media members. I should probably warn the audience that the release schedule next week is going to be a little bit different than what you're used to. If you're used to your pods in the morning we are not getting up at five o'clock in the morning Vegas time to churn out the normal stuff that we churn out. I have hair and makeup at five a.m. I literally do. This doesn't seem fair.
Starting point is 00:00:54 And I'm not waking up at five a.m. I'll be at the tables till five a.m. and stroll in. Understood. So just, I'm just telling the audience before they get mad that the schedule is going to be different than it usually is. I'm assuming that Stugatz is headed out this weekend. I'm assuming that more than half of our company will be there by the weekend. Amino Hassan is in today and I wanna get him agitated a little bit off the top because his energy level
Starting point is 00:01:20 hasn't been very strong in the morning at the start of the morning and the way I'm gonna get him agitated is the following Magic Johnson has praised the NBA's 65 game eligibility rule by writing fans were upset after spending money to see their favorite players not play so my friend Adam Silver So my friend Adam Silver Action and implement the new rule good for the league and local TV partners sponsors the NBA and the fans Directly contradicts. I mean what it is that you said yesterday when you were made insane by the idea that they've made this rule
Starting point is 00:02:07 That makes players rush back from injury so they could play 65 games and get some of the incentives in their contracts. Mike blink first. Um, yeah, I think didn't help his energy level. No, not at all. Didn't really work. Not at all. Because I think he wants to talk about the hand, the, when you put a team signal down, that's what him and Mike mean. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:21 They have a little beef with that right now. I think a much more pressing local issue for sure than Magic Johnson and his gobbledygook tweets. Now, I wanna talk to Mike because Mike, I wanna understand, what is it that makes you so infuriated when you see someone put up the U upside down? Well, cause I saw your reaction to me giving you the finger and at first you were like, what is this all about? I don't like it when people give me the finger
Starting point is 00:02:43 and that's exactly what an upside down hand gesture is. That wasn't my thing. If you don't have a hand gesture, and you want to wade into the topic of putting hand gestures upside down, you need to see yourself out of that conversation because you don't know what it feels like. You don't.
Starting point is 00:03:02 You've never been on the receiving end of an upside down hand gesture because you don't have one. But you've been on the receiving end of an upside down hand gesture because you don't have one. But you've been on the receiving end of a middle finger and you don't like the way that that feels. Let me tell you something, brother. It's the exact same feeling. I didn't feel any with such a way about him giving me the finger.
Starting point is 00:03:17 How convenient. I was just playing staring contest. That's what I thought we were doing. And I won because he blinked several times. This person writes in and this is always fun players need to take Better care of themselves and their bodies Players need to stay in condition all year round What are you looking for can you pass me those cue cards that you have right there? What are you looking?
Starting point is 00:03:42 It's not a cue card. I don't have any cue Can you pass me those cue cards that you have right there? What are you looking? It's not a cue card. I don't have any cue What is it? What are you saying? Index card? What? It's not a cue card. It is? It's not really semantics. Cue cards are giving you lines to say. Well, guess what I'm about to write down. Lines to say like stay in shape good conditioning Don't get hurt.
Starting point is 00:04:07 All right, got it, continue. That person looks like what? This person who is claiming, does this person, the person who is writing that, is there any chance that this person is ever in better shape than an, than any NBA player? Any NBA player, a single NBA player?
Starting point is 00:04:24 NBA player, is there any chance they're better shape than anyone in this studio right now? I know the no I know how I'm setting those come on. That's not fair to our audience. There are fit people They're just not NBA not that people in our audience. I think very vascular, you know taking a lot of steroids potentially No, no, you don't think so. I don't think this, I don't think someone who says this is anywhere near any sort of shape. I feel like that person is bald with a beard, but jacked because they think that they can stay in better shape than an NBA player.
Starting point is 00:04:56 Like the Seahawks coach? Like Clint Hurt? Sure. Usually it's like someone that looks like Boog Shambi, someone that's never done leg day, but their calves are enormous. No, I got a guy with thick Coke bottle, rim glasses. I've got those athletic shorts that we wore
Starting point is 00:05:18 in high school in the 90s. There was like Champion Cotton that were terrible. They just soaked in sweat and a T shirt that doesn't quite fit. So there's a little bit of under a gut poking in. But why does it matter that is a valid criticism in some instances, no matter the type of shape that you're in. No, that's not valid. Players need to take better care of themselves and their bodies. Players need to stay in condition all year round. That's not valid criticism of NBA players. That's total bullshit. That's not you don't understand
Starting point is 00:05:45 what kind of shape these human beings are in. Like what do you think they so off season go crazy? You think these you think these people just show up and play in basketball games and they're not like spending all of their time meticulously. You've been on the road. You've been on the road with some some players. Are there players that don't take their body conditioning seriously and don't work out throughout the off season? That don't work out? No, there are no players that don't work out. There are players that, to use the term work hard,
Starting point is 00:06:16 play hard for sure, but don't, just don't just show up and play basketball and go home, not since like 2004 probably I I just can't I think the science has gotten a lot better in the last You know 25 years, but when John Amici was playing I've seen that man at that size Run at 9.0 on a treadmill for 50 minutes and get off and not be like breathing Particularly hard at that size He was probably close to 300 pounds like I don't I don't think that when people are watching
Starting point is 00:06:53 Basketball and I mean you're rounded all the time so you could speak to this expertise that that people understand the amount of body mechanics who surround these guys to aid them with the repair and and and just to improve their bodies all the time because how the hell could they do any of what you're watching unless they were in like unbelievable shape and especially by the fourth quarter when you're you're just exhausted and there's the human limit like none of these guys play 48 minutes because of how hard it is that the human body can't do that repeatedly to be clear I'm not doing the thing where it's like where you criticize an NBA player and then they say oh what what have you done?
Starting point is 00:07:34 Can you do it? Oh, you can't do it then shut up because that is an invalid criticism because the idea is that you're not competing against me Not and be a player you're competing as other guys who are doing it. This person, however, is saying that they're not doing it at all, that they're not staying in shape. They're not conditioned, well conditioned. And that's just patently ridiculous. So yes, Mike, you're right. We shouldn't be comparing them to sloth on the couch, but sloth on the couch is in fact patently incorrect. But even for people that work out during the off season, there are different tears and you can see it. I mean, there are several noted world famous soccer players that whenever the international break rolls around, they find a way to gain 15 pounds in 10 days away.
Starting point is 00:08:18 And then they lose it instantly. Namar, I think had like a 48 hour granted. He was wearing a bomber jacket that made it seem like he was a lot heavier than he was, but he had to put out an Instagram story saying, why are you saying that I'm fat? Look at this, and then he reveals six pack abs. They go on these wild fluctuations over there. I just want to salute anybody that runs because running sucks. I hate running. I look, I'm an average bill.
Starting point is 00:08:41 If I take my shirt off, I might surprise you. But when it comes to cardio, no thanks. No thanks whatsoever. You get the shin splints, you breathe heavy. If you haven't ran for a while and you start getting back into it, you realize quickly why you stopped. It's a terrible thing.
Starting point is 00:08:56 I think the thing about running that scares me now as a soon to be 45 year old is the constant fear. It's no longer like, oh my shins are now, it's like, oh, I'm about to rupture my Achilles. Oh, there goes my, like I have a constant fear anytime I'm like running or anything that's not like the elliptical, the elliptical I can do that forever.
Starting point is 00:09:19 Oh, for days, the best. I wish there were ellipticals on the streets. That could just elliptical by on your body on the streets that guy You guys are doing this wrong you got to do the power walk Jogging is it's out of touch. I try that the strut you know what I'm talking about where you get like the I do But Chris I forget I'm telling you can go for days, baby. You just nice and easy Ready for what all you gotta do is get the heart rate up baby. That's all we're trying to do here. Don't you forget at some point, like I power walk sometimes, and then I forget that I'm power walking,
Starting point is 00:09:47 and then it turns into a regular walk. I'm like, oh, wait a second. No, no, no. Make sure the hips need to go on side to side. My strategy is to do a dead sprint for about 30 seconds, and then spend 90 minutes recovering from the sprint, but I've gotten the heart rate up. So I just cut right to it.
Starting point is 00:10:01 Rather than build up, just shock the system in a very unhealthy fashion. I could power walk around this office for the entire show do it Why do you keep saying things do you think you want to just Want to walk in circles power walk Thanks Chris Staff is down go ahead appreciate you Appreciate you. Do me a favor, Chris. Just, no, just do it. Just do it for the remainder of this segment. I want for you to just power walk
Starting point is 00:10:30 in circles around this studio the entire time and then sit down. Yes. In here, just power walk in here and then sit down and I want to get, I want to get your thoughts on some sports thing. Uh, see how wind did you are. I like the idea of Chris hitting the parachute like before he's jumped out of the plane. Just like rather still in the door. Well, fill that cord. Put it on the pole. Please, juju. Do you ever power walk and then forget your power walking and then just turn into a regular
Starting point is 00:10:59 walk and also just does running suck. Also put on the screen so people know what Clint Hurt looks like for me. He, he used to be the Seattle Seahawks defensive coordinator. Now he's a defensive line coach, I think at Washington. And that's what we're saying. That's the guy who's writing in and saying players need to take better care of themselves in their bodies. Players need to stay in condition all year round. By the way, I would hire that person upon his entry into the interview room for defensive line coach. I'm gonna say for any job. Literally any job. Yep. My job. Go ahead.
Starting point is 00:11:35 Big Clint hurt guy just based off optics alone. He's a former Miami hurricane and he was rumored to be a defensive coordinator candidate and just seeing the candidates. I wanted them in here. Is there a better name for a defensive long-distance hurt? With two Ts, he'll hurt you with two Ts too. It's not even a single Ts. It's like a Ts for twice. I'll hurt you and then I'll hurt you again. Stugaz here, when you love someone you protect them in the best ways you can. That's why I recommend Simply Save Home Security. It's an advanced system that
Starting point is 00:12:03 protects every inch of your home and backed by 24-7 with professional monitoring for fast emergency response for less than a dollar a day. Guys, I have had Simply Safe in my home for many, many years now. I swear by them, the peace of mind it gives me when I am away. The fact that I could see everything happening
Starting point is 00:12:21 in and around my house is amazing. Simply Safe offers everything you need for whole home protection. HD cameras for indoors and outdoors. The system is easy to set up yourself without any special tools or know-how required. Don't want to do it yourself? Not a problem. You can get one of their expert technicians to come out to your house and install it for you. Right now you can get 20% off any new SimplySafe system when you sign up for the FastProtect monitoring. Just visit slash DLB. That's slash DLB. There's no safe like SimplySafe. Don Lebatard, Kensli Janssen. I gotta be careful here. Well, not just either. Let me start
Starting point is 00:13:03 again. Stugatz is the closer. Comes in, ninth inning, closes the just either. Let me start again. Stugats! He's the closer. Comes in, ninth inning, closes the game out. His name is Kenley Jansen. He has blamed his recent... This is the Don Lebatar Show with the Stugats! Presented by DraftKings Fantasy Sports, check out what DraftKings has to offer this season with code Dan because life's more fun when you're in on the action. DraftKings, the
Starting point is 00:13:31 crown is yours. Gambling problem, call 1-800-Gamper, agent eligibility restrictions apply, FOIA, or prohibit it. See for details. I am impressed by Lucy for a number of different reasons, but the latest is how aggressive she is being about taking action on finding friends. She is not going to let Miami come to her. She is going to go and see if she can find people in Miami worthy of her friendship in a way that I would not be brave enough to try. I could not go on friend dates. Yes, so tonight, big news, I have a Bumble BFF date, which is just a regular date,
Starting point is 00:14:06 but you just wanna be friends at the end. And I'm very nervous, her name is Alex, we're going for a walk, so this conversation's been very helpful in preparing for that. And so basically, I've talked about it on the show before, but it's just a dating app. My profile is a PowerPoint on why you should be friends
Starting point is 00:14:22 with me, and it always works. Can we see it? Can we see it? Can we see it? Sure, it needs to be updated. I would love a full PowerPoint presentation. I'll have to explore it from the video drive. But yeah, so I'm going on a friend date tonight. I'm excited.
Starting point is 00:14:35 I'm a little nervous. Because if you go on a regular date and it doesn't work out, you're like, ah, well, the spark wasn't there, whatever. If you go on a friend date and it doesn't work out, you're like, you don't want to be my friend? You just don't like me? You don't want to hang out? So I'm a little nervous, but I'm excited.
Starting point is 00:14:49 I'm going to make friends. Dan, have you heard Lucy's, well, I don't want to say horror stories, but failed friend dates on Bumblebee? I have not. Yeah, no, we've heard about some of those. I just really commend Lucy. It's hard.
Starting point is 00:15:02 She doesn't really have any Miami contacts, which she's doing over the weekends and foster caring a dog for a day seems utterly heartbreaking and kind of masochistic Because I can't kind of what masochistic is that how you say it? You said it right the second time I'm sorry. I had a little bit of spit in my mouth. I apologize. I mean, it's always there for you It's right. No, he's been very helpful this segment, especially at the time when he was writing. So the, I'm very unsettled with you doing the U upside down. So please seriously stop. Yet she takes care of these dogs that are in shelters
Starting point is 00:15:37 and she spends a whole day with them. And then he's slowing down by the way behind. Yeah, that's a tough one. He's three minutes in and he's already slowing down and he says he's getting dizzy. And then by the end of it, by the end of her day, she goes back to the shelter and returns the dog. The dog doing dog things doesn't wanna leave her custody.
Starting point is 00:15:57 Doesn't wanna leave cars at all. And she has to wheel this dog back into the shelter. And she ends up crying because how could you not? and she goes she's got to keep doing this every weekend because she says It's super rewarding and I get that but the trauma of actually returning the dog and breaking up with a new dog every weekend Seems too much to overcome every week I think she's gonna fall in love with one of these dogs and end up Just with a responsibility that she didn't want to undertake because she travels too much. It almost happened with Zeke. You guys, I was so angry when you were like, what you're
Starting point is 00:16:31 doing is bad and you're hurting these dogs. And it's, I did not like that take. And then this weekend I felt it a little bit when I dropped Zeke off, who was the sweetest dog in the world. He's available for, available Miami-Dade, Shelter and Doral. He has different color eyes, one's blue and one's brown. He was so sweet, he would not get out of my car. He absolutely knew what I was doing. He did not want to like leave any sort of door.
Starting point is 00:16:55 Like he was so like not wanting to leave. And then when I took him into the shelter, he just laid on the ground and wouldn't move. And it was so sad. And I was like trying not to cry. And then one of the nice ladies into the shelter. He just laid on the ground and wouldn't move. And it was so sad. And I was like trying not to cry. And then one of the nice ladies at the shelter was like, Hey, girly, what you're doing is great. You got to keep doing it.
Starting point is 00:17:13 It's, I took Zeke out. He doesn't even remember me. So he probably will forget you. And that actually did make me feel a little bit better. But Zeke, I was close. He was such a good boy and he's available for adoption. If you want to adopt him, reach out. I'll pay your adoption fee. He was such a good boy and he's available for adoption. If you want to adopt him, reach out. I'll pay your adoption fee. He was such a good boy.
Starting point is 00:17:26 Whoa. Reach out directly to you also. We can put some information on to help the people who are doing good work here locally on helping. There are a lot of dogs who need care in South Florida. That was Chris Cody levels of extending yourself unnecessarily. Why would you pay for the adoption fee? She wants to help. She's interested. What do you mean? Why would she pay for that? She's interested in helping these dogs and if they she can incentivize some
Starting point is 00:17:50 caring people to take care of these dogs she's willing to pay for. Do you want someone who's like, hey adopt this dog? I don't feel like paying the fee. What if I pay the fee? Maybe. Like that's not the level of commitment I think you want from someone to adopt a dog. You want someone who's like hell yeah, I want this dog. How much is it a cost? Do you take cash or credit card? That's not the situation that we're in though. There's a there's a problem with Demand the supply is plenty strong. You see what I'm saying though Like if you're unwilling to pay the fee does that someone who's going to be committed to well Are you saying that poor people or people who are struggling with money don't have commitment to animals because I don't think that that's true. I feel like often it's the opposite.
Starting point is 00:18:33 I'm saying that if you can't afford to adopt it, how can you afford to upkeep and maintain it? Maybe you love so much that you're willing to make the sacrifices because you found a dog, this dog. I fell in love with her dog just seeing its face. And now she's saying it's also sweet, that it's a sweet animal that didn't wanna leave. I don't know how someone can just do that every weekend, the pain in bringing that dog back. I would fall in love with a dog that's sweet with me.
Starting point is 00:18:59 And I spend two hours with a dog. I wanna adopt every dog that doesn't have a home. Chris Cody, you're slowing down a good amount. You are slowing down. Lucy, I wanna ask you more questions though about the dating friendship app. Is this an entirely pure thing? Are you sure that some people are going to see you
Starting point is 00:19:20 wanting to date friends and take it differently? They might not think that you want to be friends because this is a dating app, it's not a friendship app. So it's technically on Bumble, which is a dating app, but Bumble has different sectors. They have like Bumble for dating, they have Bumble BFF, which is specifically for friends. And then they also have Bumble networking.
Starting point is 00:19:41 I don't know who's networking on Bumble, but that's not the point. But Bumble friends, it's pretty clear, like you'll see like on other people's profiles, they're like, hey, I'm looking for friends who are like this. It's, I think it's pretty wholesome. I've only had one time where I've gone on a friend date
Starting point is 00:19:56 and like the intentions were off and it wasn't like, oh, she wanted to date me. She wanted me to join her multi-level marketing scheme. And so that was kind of tough. She was really pushing this vegan haircare brand. And I did not sign up. I was pretty desperate for friends though. So I was very proud of myself for not investing in this brand. But that's the only time that's ever happened for them. All the part I found that people on this app are pretty pure.
Starting point is 00:20:18 All right. We're going to go to, we're going to go to her PowerPoint in a second. But Chris, would you introduce this since you've quit after eight minutes on the power walking? Can you introduce better than running though? Can you introduce this in your winded voice? Please the PowerPoint presentation that that Lucy is doing to interview friends. Here's Lucy interviewing friends Nope, no, no, that's not that you said introduce friends. Nope. No, no, that's not the I thought you said introduce. Okay. All right. Good work by you. Here's a PowerPoint that Lucy has on her bumble profile for bumble friends. Why you should be my friend a PowerPoint
Starting point is 00:20:55 presentation by Lucy and a lovely photo there. He's very tall in that picture. I know it's fake though. Then she moves on to say a little about me. I literally just moved already two words in and literally you're fitting right into Miami. He just moved from Miami I saw Adam Sandler getting sushi once I did I work in sports fun and skilled at PowerPoint Duh, I own a jukebox. I do never been to the Grand Canyon never been I have an extra tooth We know that about you my apartment complex has a pool, I'm ordained. I own a jukebox.
Starting point is 00:21:30 I do, it's very cool. We're two slides in and I already wanna be best friends. Wait a minute, testimonials. Are these testimonials, are these real or did you fake these? No comment. ChadGPT says, Lucy is the best friend I've ever had. She offered me her kidney, I didn't even need it. Couldn't recommend enough, 10 out of 10.
Starting point is 00:21:48 One of my friends. Five stars, every Uber driver I've ever had. Lucy is so fun, apologies for the fire alarm. Lucy is so fun and funny. She didn't even pay me to say this, unless you say she did pay me to say this, she paid well, an anonymous friend. I've never met anyone that commits to a bit more than Lucy.
Starting point is 00:22:07 That's a really good joke writing there. Lucy, it might be a problem actually. A friend that definitely exists. And then some helpful photos of you with friends to prove that you are real friends. Those are real. Those are real. The testimonials are fake, but the photos are real.
Starting point is 00:22:22 I didn't say the testimonials were fake. You said no comment. I said no comment. So you don't know anyway to prove that. The top photo was friends I didn't make on BumbleBFF, but the bottom photo was a friend I did make on BumbleBFF. All right, next slide, we move on. Okay, I'm sold, what now?
Starting point is 00:22:36 Swipe right, or you can follow on IG. Let's grab a drink or food. We can watch sports if you're into that. If you're not, that's okay. I'm just reading this, it sounds just like you. We can do other stuff, like go to concerts, or do some wholesome shit, like go to the movies, or do something crafty.
Starting point is 00:22:52 The possibilities are endless. Genuinely wanna be best friends. And that is my friend Shannon that I met on BumbleBFF, who's awesome, and that's Gabe from Good Luck, Charlie, a Disney Channel show. Wow. You, that did not deserve that level of wow. You are getting what kind of activity
Starting point is 00:23:09 with this net you've cast, because it's a good net that you've cast here. I'll just say, anytime I swipe on someone, they always swipe me back. It's pretty good because people see my sense of humor, and I gotta say, the profiles on BumbleBFF, they're not as engaging as mine. So people are like, whoa, she's different, she's funny.
Starting point is 00:23:26 Those testimonials, man, she's a great friend. So usually when I swipe on someone, they swipe back. And I usually, for the most part, I'm pretty like, okay, we've swiped, let's just go hang out right away. But if people don't show the sort of initiative with me, I'm like, look, I put together a whole PowerPoint. You gotta work a little bit too. So I had great luck with this. I used the version of this PowerPoint me, I'm like, look, I put together a whole PowerPoint. You got to work a little bit too. So I had great luck with this.
Starting point is 00:23:46 I used the version of this PowerPoint when I lived in LA. That's how I met half the friends on that slideshow and it killed, it crushed. I was getting left and right. This one, it's been a little bit slower, but I'm back and I'm hoping that Alex and I are great friends after tonight. Yeah, Miami's a tough market
Starting point is 00:24:02 because different personality type. You'd be an outlier here, a little quirky compared to well, quirky through the Miami prison, but you're a fine because there really isn't anyone like you in Miami. I think that's for a reason. Culturally, I'm not exactly sure what the reason is, but you are a great friend. Chris Cody, Chris Cody, have you, have you found that Jeremy nearby there felt instant remorse at how eager he was about shouting wow that way? I had to feel no remorse. That was adorable.
Starting point is 00:24:33 I wasn't asking you, Jeremy. I want to make it abundantly clear. I was very excited that you met the guy. You see, I'm addressing you here. I'm very excited for you that you got to meet Gabe from Good Luck Charlie. I was so drunk and I saw him at the bar. I was like, I gotta talk to Gabe. Yeah, as you should. Name Meatball from the Bachelorette and I was so drunk that I was like,
Starting point is 00:24:53 I gotta get a photo with Meatball. And those are the only two celebrities I ever took pictures with. Wow. Gabe from Good Luck Charlie and Meatball. Chris Cody, why did you quit power walking after eight minutes? My knees started to hurt. Don Lebatard. Oh, I think Larry Fitzgerald's on the green right there.
Starting point is 00:25:11 Stugats. That's Alfonso Ribeiro. Now, how do you think that Larry Fitzgerald's the son? The son. Oh, the son. To be fair, to be fair. All right. Alfonso Ribeiro has a great ass. This is the Don Lebatard Show with the Stugats.
Starting point is 00:25:32 Nobody. And I mean nobody beats a Miami Heat eight straight times. Amin was at the game last night. Jeremy was at the game last night. There were betting odds being set on Jimmy Butler The favored team to land Jimmy Butler in a trade and the favorite Amin is the New York Knicks
Starting point is 00:25:58 What kind of Disreputable Gambling house who put something like that on their books Jimmy Butler is someone that Kendrick Perkins is saying needs to get out of here because his window is closing. That felt like a plea from noted former self that Kendrick Perkins. And I do wonder as I watch the Miami heat produce those seven straight losses in a as I watch the Miami Heat produce those seven straight losses in a way that's confusing to me and that Bam Adebayo's mid-range jumper is confusing to me. Like he came out of the box, you were, you were, you stopped calling him a dris. You started calling him Bam. And I do believe,
Starting point is 00:26:39 because we've said it around here enough, that Bam is essentially what he's going to be. He's not gonna be a whole lot better than whatever this is. This is his prime, they are using up his prime, and I don't think you're going to get the leap that you need here, I mean, which is him being better than Jimmy. Him being your more important player than Jimmy, him being the one that you trust more than Jimmy, him being your more important player than Jimmy, him being the one that
Starting point is 00:27:05 you trust more than Jimmy. Like the team, if Jimmy's gonna be in a position where they're gonna put this kind of mileage on him, and obviously he's still great, but he's no longer in his prime and they've beaten him up over the last few years, the only way that in in house they can fix what would be the providing of the next step is For someone to overtake what Jimmy already is correct And that's not probably going to happen ever with bam Well, I think a couple things first of all bam does do those things maybe not on the offensive end But defensively for sure, he does something
Starting point is 00:27:45 that is irreplaceable on their roster. But they've been bad defensively over this stretch. They've been worse, yes, but they would be infinitesimally worse if he were not there. So infinitely worse. Yes, infinitesimally. Smaller, yes, they'd be. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:28:01 You're right, no, he's right. I'm sorry. I should be purged. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Well, you misspoke? I didn't even misspoke. It was a shame. It wasn't even a misspeak. It was weird. It was like I used the wrong word because I didn't quite know what it meant.
Starting point is 00:28:18 Perhaps don't stop the show in a stretch. Well, I'm not stopping the show. It's live programming. It's just live programming. I know. You should just keep it moving. I'm just acknowledging my good friend down at the time who has a way with words was very very gracious and helping me there infinitely worse if bad Not a bio we're not there. I digress however because
Starting point is 00:28:39 Offensively I think what a lot of people say well he his efficiency is down but I think what a lot of people say, well, his efficiency is down. But what's happening is the thing that we've been begging for for years, which is play with force, play with aggression. And for me, that's the leap we were looking for. I wasn't looking for him to all of a sudden start hitting fadeaways everywhere. Just look for him to want to look like, yo, I'm trying to score. Can you give me some examples? He's full that though, in the playoffs where he's want to look like yo, I'm trying to score. Can you give me some examples? He's pulled that though in the playoffs where he's just putting up like shot putting shots up kind of just let me get on
Starting point is 00:29:10 The sad sheet to show I'm aggressive right without without actually yeah Kind of like Duncan Robinson pulled that move to in postseason's past where he'll just fire away from the outside Just so you can't hold that against him I would say the thing with Bam that's been interesting over this stretch where they've been struggling is that he made such an adjustment at the start of the year where that mid-range jumper, like you mentioned, was so efficient and so good. And then I think it was against Brooklyn,
Starting point is 00:29:35 where they started double-teaming him at the top of the key. And essentially the heat over the last couple of weeks have been trying to figure out what their offensive adjustment needs to be to get Bam in space to actually be able to operate well. That coincided with Jimmy Butler coming back into the lineup and them having to play together. And they really, even last night at times, are clogging the paint for one another because Bam can't play in that same space at the top of the key that he's been so efficient in to start most of the season. So right now, their sort of redundant skill sets and playing around the rim have been
Starting point is 00:30:10 the biggest issue for him offensively. The good news was that last night, there was so much ball movement, they ended up taking away two assists from the team, but they had 38 assists on 42 field goals. And that was in part because Bam was working as a playmaker alongside both Terry Rosear and Tyler Hero, setting him up, providing lobs, getting him in a different space offensively, which was certainly helpful. You mentioned the net.
Starting point is 00:30:36 Yeah, thanks. I know the heat a little. I've got a stat from Legion Hoops that I was surprised by. Maybe you guys aren't because Bradley Beale has missed so many games that I was surprised by. Maybe you guys aren't because Bradley Beale has missed so many games that I was surprised to learn that the sun's big three has already played more games together than Kevin Durant's nets. Big three James Harden and Kyrie Irving. I couldn't believe that. It's a shocking because Bradley Beale hasn't played.
Starting point is 00:31:02 You would ask me, I would have said Bradley Beale's played 11 games this season. If that, let me ask you this question. I mean, because you mentioned BAM, and I'm curious how often in your career you've requested this thing from a player, which you're doing what all of us are doing. BAM, look at you physically. You're stronger than everyone out there. Your skill set is something that you shouldn't be stopped going to the rim.
Starting point is 00:31:31 You should be getting, maybe not Joel and B type free throws, but there's not a way to necessarily stop your strength. How often have you seen that in a player, requested some more aggressiveness from a player you believed be physically stronger than others at the rim and you don't get what you want that that player forever becomes somebody who doesn't execute what you think is his strength which is his strength. I don't know it's not physical for me. I think he's a good player who in order to make the
Starting point is 00:32:01 leap to be in a great player, that comes with the burden of aggression even on nights when I don't have it. And real aggression, not like Mike said, the bailout aggression, like, oh, I took 20 shots. What do you want me to do? Like, no. I need you to try and turn the corner. I need you to try to get to the front of them.
Starting point is 00:32:17 I need you to influence the defense into reacting in a certain way that then either allows you to score or allows someone else to be wide open as we saw last night. Now, when you talk about that, not necessarily due to the physical, but due to, I need you to be more than just a guy out there. This happened quite a lot.
Starting point is 00:32:36 I think Ben Simmons is the guy I said that about. I think Ricky Rubio is the guy I said that about. Years ago before I probably had the credential to say, no, LeBron, I think it's LeBron. At the credential to say no LeBron at the beginning and he didn't do anything in the post he wouldn't go in but that's different from like not being aggressive all together I think a guy a little bit before my time of credibility I would say it would be Rashid Wallace like this dude was talented enough and when you ask the
Starting point is 00:33:01 power fours of the day Tim Duncan Kevin Gard Kevin garden, had Dirk Navecki, like name your peers Rashid's on everybody's list. But Rashid wanted to be one of the guys. And that to me is like, yeah, it worked out for him because he got into the perfect situation where he was one of a lot of guys. Isn't it a little different because Rashid played on teams where even though he was outstanding, he was still a role player within the unit. And I think Bam kind of occupies that space, whereas Jason Tatum has this,
Starting point is 00:33:30 this in him a little bit where he goes missing during key stretches. And then he'll explode other games, but he's the guy, he's the alpha. And it's a huge problem if he goes missing where bam, he could be, you could argue he's playing within his role. Yeah, I would say for Rashid, that was his choice. He wanted to be that, right? And being a superstar on some level requires a level of indifferent selfishness.
Starting point is 00:33:57 You need it. You have to kind of be a little bit of a jerk in that regard. And if you're too nice and you're too like, I just wanna play basketball the right way, you end up like Rashid Wallace, all the talent to be the best power forward in the league. But I just want to do the right way and play the right way and fit in with the guys. And so he becomes a super role player. In essence, I think the same thing we're talking about, bad matter, bio is like in order for the heat to really take that next step. We all say
Starting point is 00:34:23 the same thing. This dude needs to develop that FU. It's my team, get on my back. But there is a little bit of reticence. It really falls back into, let me just be one of the guys. It hasn't happened yet. It's not going to happen. But I'm telling you, and Jeremy, I want you to jump in here. I think this year he's been trying it.
Starting point is 00:34:41 Now it becomes, was he skilled enough to take that desire to also combine it to become star? I think you're exactly right. If you look at the first portion of this year when the Heat got out to being, I think it was eight games over 500, Bam was a huge part of the reason why, particularly offensively.
Starting point is 00:34:56 He was aggressive with a purpose. He wasn't just filling up the stat sheet, and it was once teams made that adjustment defensively that he's now in the process of figuring out what his adjustment is coming back. But when you add Jimmy Butler back to the lineup, a guy who is sort of the alpha dog, who now at this point in the season is ready to take over
Starting point is 00:35:16 and actually have a higher usage rate, the heater nine in three when Jimmy has a 25% usage rate or higher, like he still is that guy. And so Bam, who's also stepped in this year to the captain role Without you Donis has them there He's really in charge of sort of making sure that this all works and he's the rock of everything They do defensively it means mention it if you look at the heat numbers when Bams on the floor versus when he's off the floor Their defense falls off a cliff
Starting point is 00:35:43 So he's responsible for so much over there whether they're in man or zone switching or playing, you know, individually on the best player of another team, that when you're asking him to also go take potentially 20, 25 shots, that's when the efficiency is going to drop off. But it matters more whether he and Jimmy come playoff time can play off of one another. But you guys do need to understand that when what you're going up against is, oh, Boston has taken its pieces and added Porzingis and Holiday. Philadelphia has the MVP. Milwaukee adds Damien Lillard. Miami saying, bam, can you please keep getting better? Do we have to add the nicks to that? Lissa teams? Yes. I think they're there.
Starting point is 00:36:28 But, but, so, but the nicks make it. The Anna might be there too. But nicks, the nicks made moves that aren't Josh Richardson. So did the Pacers. The nicks made moves. You can't just keep asking Bam to keep getting better. He's at his ceiling in his prime. Like how much better is he going to get?
Starting point is 00:36:45 Because not just the top tier added veteran pieces that are finished products that you know will make them better in poor singes and true holiday and Dame Lillard, even though he seems to be on the decline slightly. The mid table teams like the Knicks and Pacers ad from Toronto, OG and Siakam. And you're out there trying to save your season with Terry Rose here. Like you're not even trying to save your season with Terry Rose here. Like you're not even failing on the top whales at this point. The mid tier talents that can help you are not as good.
Starting point is 00:37:12 It sounds exactly like 12 months ago. Yep. This exact conversation we had 12 months ago. This was taped 12 months ago. We are rerunning this segment. We're already at the Super Bowl in Las Vegas. This is an actual segment from 12 months ago in the minute, right before the first round of the playoffs.
Starting point is 00:37:30 But my point stands on this. Just want to say the Jets are going to the Super Bowl with Aaron Rodgers. Yeah. The heat in this condition isn't the team that you want to be playing in the playoffs, correct? They're going to have to do something. And it's going to have to be more than Rosear.

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