The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz - Postgame Show: The Dog Days of Summer

Episode Date: June 23, 2023

Hey, Joggers. Stop jogging with your dogs. Enough. Hey, Greg Cote. Get control of your dog. Enough. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 ¡Yor, ¿el que te va a hacer? ¡Tenerá un nuevo trabajo! Escuchéis lo que escuchéis, tapamos los ojos. La calle llevamos todos a cieras, pero lo más aterradores no saberen que confiar. Uy de las personas que os piden que mireis, si queréis seguir convido. Birdbox Barcelona, estreno en Netflix el 14 de julio. Te atreves a ver. I was walking in today. I take the bright line now. I'm a bright line guy. The bright line boys. Bright line boys. We're the guy. Me, Jeremy and I are a bright line AF, B-L-A-F, is what we're trying to come up with. Making a t-shirt. Yeah, yeah. So I'm walking and I like the walk. I'm enjoying it. Maybe a couple of months from now, I want to get back to driving, but I'm enjoying the train commute, walking to the station.
Starting point is 00:01:02 But today I saw something and I was just like, this is annoying me. I saw someone jogging, which that annoyed me also, but I'll accept that. A dog running with this person. So it's a person, you know, that you could just tell by looking at this person, they jog like every morning, annoying. And so they're running and they have like the leash attached to like their hip and the dog is running next to them.
Starting point is 00:01:20 And I'm thinking the entire time, what if this dog doesn't like to jog? And it's just like they've gotten the dog is running next to him. And I'm thinking the entire time, what if this dog doesn't like the dog? And it's just like they've gotten this life now where this owner every morning takes it with them. And it's like, yes, did the dog look kind of happy? Sure. But that's because he's like, what other, what else is going to do? It's like, what his life has become. I'm a dog. I run every day with this guy. It's what we do. I better accept it. I bet you the first couple of months,
Starting point is 00:01:44 this dog was like, this stinks. I'd rather go back to this kennel. They feed me every day, I get some outside time, I don't have to run. When I get outside time at the kennel, I guess what I don't have to do, run for an hour straight. This summer is about to be boiling in South Florida in a way that would make it for dogs or joggers
Starting point is 00:02:01 or people of any creatures of any kind that need breathable air. A, an asphyxiation of the lungs that's going to be very unpleasant. However, I will say to you, Chris Cody, that every single time, because I'm a dog lover, a dog lover that I have seen, somebody jogging with their dog, what I get is jealous that I don't have that relationship with my dog. Not that might make me actually run.
Starting point is 00:02:30 I would not want to run under any circumstance, but if I could run with my dog who would be properly trained, I'd want to drive my bike with my dog, but I'm afraid he's gonna break my face and my arm by running off in a direction because he's not trained enough. Like the tandem bike?
Starting point is 00:02:43 Yeah, just. Ha ha ha. Ha ha ha, it's in a passenger car. I want the dog. No, oh yeah, you've got it even better. At the dog on the back seat of a tandem bicycle. Adam in the front, yeah, whatever. You don't like this? You don't like to see.
Starting point is 00:03:00 I just think that like humans, there are some dogs that like running and jogging and some that don't and these dogs don't really get to pick their owners. So I'm imagining a scenario where a dog is has no interest in jogging and now it's just like, I guess I'm a jogging dog now because my owner runs. I bet you it's the opposite of this.
Starting point is 00:03:17 There's probably some dogs out there like jumping Charlie. My dad never takes that dog for a walk. What if that dog's a runner? That dog is probably sitting there like, damn, I'd love to go for a jog today, but my owner's a lazy piece of shit. You gotta think that because it's so hot,
Starting point is 00:03:29 the streets and sidewalks being basically boiling, that it's so uncomfortable for a dog to be running out there. Granted, this dog, you know, this is what they do. They look happy, okay? But I don't believe it. I don't buy it. I think it's just convinced itself that this is what my life is, so I better accept it.
Starting point is 00:03:43 I think if I pin that dog down, I don't know why I'm pinning a dog down. And I say, are you happy? It's all about going. Are you happy with this life? Do you want a jog every day? I just wish, I'd love to hear what they say. There's no way that this dog is just like,
Starting point is 00:03:55 super excited to go run again for a mile. It's like I could just be out in the backyard enjoying my life, but no, I'm freaking. So you've turned into like Dr. Dulittle and a dog lawyer at the same time. So you want to pin down the dog, ask them if they're jogging, and if they don't like jogging, defend them against their own. Why can't the guy just jog on his own? Take your dog for a walk, and then bring him back up there.
Starting point is 00:04:15 Kilt your words with one stone, look at this. I'm watching this dog running next to this human, and I'm just thinking the whole time. I'm like, I don't know if this dog wants to be doing that. It just seems shitty. Bigger issue. What if your dog is really fast and you're a little out of shape and that dog is taken off and talling ass and you're trying to stay with... With... I think I've been told, okay?
Starting point is 00:04:35 I don't think you want to give necessarily always human characteristics to animals. What's the phrase for that? Antipomorphic? Antthropomorphic. I think that's pretty close. But I have been told that dogs like discipline, and I think that most of them would like jogging,
Starting point is 00:04:56 but I'm willing to entertain the possibility that there are a handful of them out there saying what Roy is saying, which is, do you know how hot this is on my paws on the asphalt? I'd like to stop. I can't because you won't stop. You wear sneakers. You don't have any for me. This is unpleasant for me. I don't like jogging. I'm not a jogging. But I saw a dog in Vegas walking because I guess they have hot pavements there. So I saw a dog, like a police dog in Vegas wearing little shoes. That annoys me too. So don't do that either. Don't have a dog that you put shoes on. No, that's so cute.
Starting point is 00:05:25 And also don't make your dog jog. It's like what? I just want people to let dogs be dogs, all right? I got a dog and I want it to be a dog. Well, I want to talk, I want to talk about jumping charlie. I'm running marathons. I want to talk about jumping charlie, your father's dog, because I asked him the other day,
Starting point is 00:05:41 I'm like, you sent this dog away for a long time to boot. Big of a scam ever. And I'm like, is it any better? And he's like, not really. Dude, they paid thousands of dollars to send this dog away for a month where they got videos every day. Look, it's walk a look, it's all the stuff we're doing. And then they got the dog back and they go, here's the buzzer. This will work. It's like, you could have just given me the buzzer. I don't need this four week vacation for my dog. You could have just said, here's the little zapper. It doesn't really zap. It's like a noise, high pitch noise, whatever it actually is. But that was the
Starting point is 00:06:07 thing. It was four weeks of training. They're expecting their dog to come back fully trained. And it's just, all right, he's trained now. But if he doesn't listen, just zap him with this. That was your father told me the other day. I'm not making this up. Your father told me the other day, I have to get home early. I have to leave the show early because I mistakenly left a new shirt out and Charlie cannot be trusted to destroy that shirt. It's gone. I can't leave packages around the house. You've basically got a wild, untrained animal in your house that doesn't behave at all.
Starting point is 00:06:43 Never mind jogging, that won't behave at all. Never mind jogging that won't stop destroying things. We can't just show up to the house. My dad needs call me when you're five minutes away so we can get Charlie here, we'll put her on the couch, we'll hold the thing. So it's like a booking bronco is what Charlie turns into when we show up there. So it's like they have to like get his zapper out so we seize the zapper so they sit on the couch. It's like a whole process just for us to walk in the door because he's a crazy dog. This seems like a bad and they spent 20 grand to try to fix them. What I'm kidding.
Starting point is 00:07:12 I don't know the exactos. I know thousands of dollars, but this seems like not the kind of pet that an old person would like to have your father, Chris, you know this, your father's deterioration over the last few months of working as hard as he was working has made him very often when he's in here ostensibly doing a broadcast professionally, not know where he is. Full delirium. And somehow he's still been great recently. It's weird. But at least in part because we've gotten good formulately about doing whatever. We're great.
Starting point is 00:07:50 We're making great. I mean, it's not because he's... It's not the work he's putting in. It's not because he's a way. He's really grinding the tape in. He's like, how can I be better next show? It's not even because he's aware of where he is. The lights have confused him.
Starting point is 00:08:05 I'm not making, when I say, I don't think your father would even object to what I'm saying. Your father right now is in what I have called to his face, career hospice. I kind of want to call him right now. Just heckle him about Charlie and how much he spent on that. Let's do that. Look, I got a side business now.
Starting point is 00:08:24 I can train Charlie for that 20 that. Let's do that. Look, I got a side business now. I can train Charlie for that 20 grand. I can train Charlie. Let's ask your father these questions right now. Let's get him on the line and see if he can figure out where he is and- He's doing this mystery great stuff. And then get him on the hard network out at the end of it.
Starting point is 00:08:40 Hold on a sec. This is good. This is gonna be good. Hey, Dad, what's up? Hey, you Hold on a sec. This is good. This is gonna be good. Hey, dad, what's up? Hey, you're on the air. We're talking about Charlie and all the money. How much you spend on that to get him trained? Oh gosh, I don't even know.
Starting point is 00:08:57 I mean, several hundred dollars. That was more than that. Whatever, I don't know. You know, your mother handled all that stuff. And it has it worked. Tells me less than than it really was. How come I have to tell you five minutes before I'm getting to your house? How come this dog can't just be a normal dog when I show up? You know, I can't speak to the dog. I can't. You know, it's a hyper dog. You know, keep in mind it's still a puppy. It just turned one a couple months ago.
Starting point is 00:09:25 Oh, excuses, see the excuses are coming. Yeah, I'm just, I'm not claiming it's a well-behaved dog, but I'm claiming that a youthful dog is more apt to be jumpy and hyper than an older dog. Christopher Cody, do me the favor, please, of bringing me the telephone so I could interview your father via the phone about jumping Charlie the dog, and he'll be able to hear me even though we are doing this. Very immediately here at the height of metal arc media's entertainment
Starting point is 00:09:54 ladder. Greg Cody, as your son mentioned, you are on the air. I like your hello of yoho, like a pirate. I think that is very nice. You have no idea your son is saying it costs thousands of dollars to train jumping Charlie. You don't have any idea how many thousands of dollars it costs? No, I, you know, Erlene handles that.
Starting point is 00:10:20 Tells me probably less than it really was. And I assume it was more than she tells me, and that's the game we play. I have no idea how much I spent on the dog. I just know that it was worth every penny of it. So your wife lies to you about money, and now you're lying to us about it, because I've been told the dog's not behaving any better than the dog was behaving before. So just for the audience, just explain to us, what was all the bad stuff jumping Charlie did that made you send him away?
Starting point is 00:10:50 He would jump on people when they came into my house. And you know, that's a bad thing when the person coming into my house is five years old or a small person and all of a sudden they can be knocked over. You know, Charlie doesn't realize how big he is and so he's jumping because he's excited, but all of a sudden his paws are on your chest and it's a little bit disconcerting. It can be dangerous. So Charlie now has been trained to put something in his mouth like a dog bone or a dog toy and it prevents him or curtails him from doing that same behavior. I was just told by your son that anytime he has to come to the house he's got to call you five minutes early so you can cage the animal, tie him up and electrocute him so he doesn't jump on people.
Starting point is 00:11:44 That's not true. I ask for a little bit of a warning so I can get the dog ready. How do you do it? For a company. It does not involve caging him for electrocuting him. How do you do it? You know, sometimes we put the shot collar on him, but generally, we just are prepared to give him a dog toy or something when people are knocking on the door or he sees a car pull up and that way. He, like I say, he is trained to not jump as much because he has something to occupy his time to distract him, which is the dog toy or the bone or something like that.
Starting point is 00:12:22 What do you think a shock collar does? It distracts a dog. It's a very slight pain. I have put it on myself to make sure that it's nothing in vain for the dog. And it's a very little buzzing feeling that simply distracts a dog. It simply takes the dog's mind off.
Starting point is 00:12:44 This is the new and unimproved and levatar show with the Stugas. Gamble on by Traffkins.

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