The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz - The Big Suey: Kid's In The Car
Episode Date: October 4, 2024The football people want more Kirk Cousins talk, and that leads to not only Baker Mayfield's performance last night, but also his disguise in The Undercover and the ultimate "Look at me Louie" moment.... Then, we learn more about GBF's trip to Chicago, Nick Saban uses a new phrase to discuss Drew Brees' medical issues with the Dolphins, and Billy was ALMOST a rat. Plus, Dan, Jessica, and Amin break down the controversy surrounding Christine Brennan's coverage of Caitlin Clark and the WNBA that have led to the WNBAPA calling for her credential to be revoked. They break down her stance taken on her interview with Sarah Spain and explain how one of the core the tenants of journalism should influence her questions around WNBA players. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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Welcome to the Big Sui, presented by DraftKings. Why are you listening to this show? The podcast
that seems very similar to the other Dan LeBattard podcast. I'm sorry, I'm not going to apologize for that.
In fact, the only difference seems to be this imaging.
I have been tempted in restaurants just walking past tables to grab somebody's fries if they're
just there.
That hasn't happened to you guys?
I've done it.
And now, here's the marching man to nowhere, fat face and the habitual liar. Moving on to the football that people around here
do care about, put up on the screen here for me please,
Kirk Cousins and you can choose
whether you put him shirtless in chains on a plane
as someone who has made a lot of money at that position
without winning meaningful football games that we remember. Or you could
just put him swag surfing on the stage because he had a monster night last night for the
Falcons and he's holding off Michael Pennex. He's holding him off because he was hurt by
the Falcons drafting his replacement after giving him a bunch of money
And this is very awkward swag surfing. He's doing there. It is very but Dan
How can you say that this game didn't mean anything against a division rival?
Okay, you've been fighting tooth and nail this season to make sure that you're at the top of the division
So you can get a home playoff game eventually when you do get to
The playoffs you throw for 509 yards stat the odds completely stacked against you you throw for that many yards you score in overtime
This is like people in Atlanta are gonna remember this forever young way coup one of the greatest kickers in Atlanta history
Maybe the greatest kicker in Atlanta history nailed what?
He missed a couple doesn't matter though
He hit him when it counted.
He's won a couple of games this season.
They're gonna remember this game forever.
Atlanta's gonna remember this game forever.
This is one of the biggest games in Atlanta history.
Tony, will Atlanta remember this game
more than New York remembers?
I'm gonna lose my mind.
I'm gonna say yes.
Can you imagine people in Atlanta 20 years from now,
you remember that time?
He might be right? That Thursday night?
Look at the end zone paint scheme.
Last night was special.
Atlanta was rocking last night.
500 yards.
Tony, I did not say that this game did not matter.
I said that Kirk Cousins doesn't have many wins
on his resume outside of that playoff win at New Orleans
that you remember.
Kirk Cousins doesn't have.
He's made a ton of money in this league
without having victories you remember. Can I, just for a moment, and I know this is gonna made a ton of money in this league without having victories you remember.
Can I, just for a moment, and I know this is gonna upset
a lot of people, maybe Jeremy, maybe not,
because he's like a stack guy, whatever.
Rating for the quarterback, it drives me crazy,
because yesterday Baker Mayfield had 180 passing yards,
three touchdowns, his rating was 137.5.
Kirk Cousins had 509 yards, four touchdowns,
his rating was 114. You're telling
me you watched that game and you're like, Baker was better. Get out of here.
Baker was great.
Nah, Baker played awesome.
Baker watched a video of Mike Tyson, of a Mike Tyson fight in his locker room, apparently,
before the game to pump himself up. Did you guys see the broadcast talking about that?
I imagine he also probably went through his tweets and was looking at all the mean Colin Coward and whatever else to get ready for it and he
was slinging it all right and also Kirk Cousins standing in the pocket taking
hits he had a great game he was a great Thursday night football game and those
are few and far between. And I take that very personal anytime that Kirk has a
good game I take that very personal because it's like look guys I, I told you it was there. It's there the whole time.
We have some Baker stuff to get to.
Let's get to this Tyson video that he, uh, that he was fired up about again,
Tampa Bay with a minute 44 seconds left up three,
first and 10 at the Atlanta 28 yard line.
It is very difficult to lose that football game
when that's your situation.
But let's check in with this Tyson video.
And then before the game tonight,
he's getting himself all hept up
by looking at Mike Tyson videos.
He also before the game,
they kind of showed something that he was doing,
which I'm not.
Eli Manning started this trend where he tried out for Penn State football and he was dressed up
and then it became like this whole character
and it was a whole thing.
They're doing, isn't Hulu doing an entire series on that?
Well, with Glenn Powell.
That's this whole Ted Lassification of things, right?
But they made Glenn Powell not hot anymore.
Well, what's the point?
He was never hot. I don't think he was hot.
I think he had a
Glenn Powell was definitely hot.
No, I mean the Eli Manning character,
I thought you were saying that that was his name,
Glenn Powell.
No, no, Glenn Powell's the actor.
That he's gonna be in the show.
Well they did this thing kind of with Baker Mayfield too,
where Baker, instead of trying out for a team,
like just walked around with the fans of Tampa Bay,
and he was like just taking a tour of the facilities, whatever,
and then he has this knee brace and he just kinda looks like,
he looks like a Tampa Bay resident, let's say.
He just kinda looks like a pirate person, right?
And then he unleashes one and throws one
70 yards in the air and I wanted to see it
because I saw on social, I saw on Amazon, quick clips,
I'm like, oh, watch this, probably a five minute piece.
And then I track it down, it's 32 minutes long, this video.
Way too long, we need to tighten this up.
Let's be real, I'm gonna sit down and watch it,
but I'd rather not watch 32 minutes of this situation.
Wait a second, he's just cosplaying Gardner Mentschou?
He looks like Mentschou there.
He looks like a buccaneer,
he doesn't look anything like Baker Mayfield.
That's a good disguise.
That's a good costume right up until he throws
a football 70 yards.
Chad Powers was the name of the Eli Manning character
and it is a television series.
It's becoming something that those, that they're producing.
But you didn't see the payoff
because you didn't wait for the 30 minutes
because this character, this is a funny, you're right.
It does look like Tampa.
No, I saw this and this is what made me want to go find the entire video and then I sat
down and I was like, this is 33 minutes long, like I need to finish editing God Bless Football
and we'll get to this tomorrow or something.
No, this, no, no, I'm with you Billy, we don't need 30 minutes of that, we get it, you put
on some makeup, you fool some people and then you throw a football 70 yards and
everyone's impressed.
But Dan, I think like this, it's dumb.
It's a dumb thing.
I hate it.
And by the way, we moved on too quickly off the Mike Tyson thing.
Hit the Look at Me, Louie button for Baker Mayfield.
Ladies and gentlemen, I have an extremely sensitive fraudulence meter.
That's fraudulent behavior because every athlete I've ever seen in a locker room
when they're doing anything on their phone, how do they sit? They sit with
their back to their locker and facing everyone else and they watch whatever
they're watching. This dude's gonna turn around and put it so like, oh did you guys notice what I was watching a Mike Tyson video to hype my shut up?
That's why your ass lost because you were too busy doing gimmicks trying to show off the people
This is you you want to see what I how I hype myself up. I do it like this
I watch Mike Tyson fights ridiculous
Bucky Irving also fumbled that ball or else they would have won there's a lot of things that no bakers fault
No, no him watching that video this Baker video of him dressed up
I was I'm assuming this happened like in the offseason, right?
and they just kind of like banked this and waited because like
This takes a long time like he should be a lot busier during football season than to be you know
Getting put up and makeup for three hours and then going and doing a tour for like another hour and a half two hours
Like this seems like a waste of time and then if this happened this week, which there's no way this
happened this week, but if this happened this week you kind of start wondering where his priorities
are at, right? Just because they lost. If they won it's like this is perfect, look at this guy how he
managed this time. They had the game won! Yeah. And yet... I don't know, I mean he had a phone stand so he had to put it
somewhere. He didn't have a table in front of him. You're watching just hold it in your hand
Roy they took they took that shot probably like two or three times like big big move your phone a little bit
We're not gonna we're getting a reflection here. Yeah, exactly
Okay, get your shoulder out the way Billy I think you nailed it
I think they spent so long doing all the prosthetics and the wig and everything that they're like we got to get our money's
Worth this has got gotta have like three different
like YouTube ads in the middle of it.
We gotta do pre-roll, post-roll,
like we gotta monetize this,
we gotta get our return on investment
on this makeup artist,
cause she was very expensive.
He looks great.
I mean, if he, look, far be it from me to say,
but if he cut the hair a little bit,
I think if I was Baker,
I'd just go with this look
most of the time.
I think he looks better in character
than he does as Baker Mayfield.
It's more Tampa, this look is more Tampa
than the way he usually looks.
You say no, Jessica?
You're saying no to what Billy said.
You don't think he looks great?
It's a terrible look.
I think Baker looks great as he was made.
And I also think Glenn Powell,
the whole appeal of Glenn Powell is he is a hot A-list guy.
Why are we putting prosthetics on Glenn Powell
and making him Chad Powers?
He's hot, let me just watch him be hot.
That's why I saw Twisters in theater,
because he's just hot.
It's to make people believe that he's a great actor, right?
Take that shirt off, let me see the Mabs.
Do that workout routine from the movie with Sydney, you know what I mean, where he's a great actor, right? Take that shirt off, let me see them abs. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.
Do that workout routine from the movie with Sydney,
you know what I mean, where he's on the beach
and he's doing that thing, where he's doing the push-ups
and then he's doing this move, you know what I'm talking
about, you know that move, where you do the push-up
and then you bring the leg up, while you're holding
yourself up, we wanna see that from old Glennie.
Is that a crunch, what is that?
It's an oblique.
Yeah, it's an oblique.
It's very hard to do.
Obliques, yeah. You're doing basically like a plank and then you're like also bringing your leg up and touching your elbow
Oh, and he's doing that on the beach and sand while the waves are hitting him
But like that's the go-to and the only one that was getting wet
That's the go-to move right for the beautiful actor to make themselves ugly to prove to you
I'm a great actor.
Mickey Rourke spent the last 30 years of his life doing that.
Ha ha, I mean, it was confusing to me.
Mickey Rourke was beautiful and then went out of his way
to be less beautiful in a way that was trying
to be taken seriously.
Well, that's because he was a boxer.
You got his face messed up.
Zac Efron, right?
What's going on with his face?
He had a
fall situation I'm not buying that story all right you've been a per you've been
a poo-poo or since you got in here today like since you got in here today you're
coming after everyone and everything you're bringing a real negative energy
to this Friday yes yes you're you're you're so. Everything that's positive, you're making it dark.
Because I'm not drinking the Kool-Aid
like the rest of you sheep.
That makes me negative?
Or does it make me someone who's positive
about being independent and not falling for the banana?
There you go, unique.
Raheem Morris is saying we don't need no Belichick.
Right now, the Atlanta Falcons aren't thinking of what they missed don't need no Belichick. Right now the Atlanta Falcons aren't thinking
of what they missed out on with Bill Belichick.
Again, this is not a sustainable thing.
The Falcons are doing winning games this way, okay?
Don't make that face at me.
When I told you they've had three games
where they've got a 1% chance of winning,
a 5% chance of winning, and a% You know what that's called Dano?
And they've won all three of them
Bucking the odds. That's what they do in Atlanta the dirty birds buck the odds
Buck them
How many times does that happen Jeremy look at that
Nuck if you buck
You mentioned this can you guys get for me the Harry Douglas in a bathroom in an airplane bathroom going crazy?
Sound please. I want to play Harry Douglas who was so excited about
Nuck if you buck that he was going crazy in an airplane kind of trying to to be
quiet but also being kind of loud the former Falcon that I associate for going
after that Homer radio host in Atlantalanta and that was a not
uh... let's uh... let's go ahead and uh... play harry douglas last night after
the falcons end up winning that football game somehow
i told you all baby i was blessed with his body
eight times down
bird call
i'm on the airplane.
I'm in the restroom.
I don't give a damn.
Bird call.
Kirkcus is over 500 yards passing.
Let's go.
Division leaders.
Division leaders.
I'm tired.
I don't care.
I'm going to the game.
I'm going to halftime.
I have to leave after Matt Ryan's celebration. I'm going to play right now care. I was at the game and have time had to leave at the Matt Ryan celebration
I'm gonna play right now here in San Francisco
Or you did the flight attendants thinking here
I'm unclear on where he is exactly is he in the bathroom or outside of the bathroom?
He's sitting huge bathroom. He's sitting on the toilet. No, he's not he's in on the toilet and the phone is on the door
Really? I think so cuz that's a reflection. He's got so much toilet and the phone is on the door. Really? I think so, because that's a reflection.
He's got so much space in the left though.
I was on an A220 last week and I had to tinkle and I barely fit inside that bathroom.
It was so tiny.
This must be a 380, a Dreamliner.
I don't know what kind of plane this is, but huge bathroom.
Tony, I feel like this is a question for you, because I think you might agree with me on
When I got on an airplane, I got on an airplane. I don't know the name of the airplane, I don't know the nickname of the airplane, I feel like this is a question for you, because I think you might agree with me on this. When I got on an airplane, I got on an airplane.
I don't know the name of the airplane,
I don't know the nickname of the airplane,
I don't know the religion of the airplane.
I just get on an airplane, I sit down in my seat,
does it have three seats on this side,
two on this side, one on this side, two on this side?
Is there a random middle section here
with three or four seats?
Oh, sorry, I have hobbies.
No, I just sit on the airplane
and I hope that we get to where we get.
You close your eyes and you pray the rosary and you say, hopefully we land.
I used to do that until.
Then when you land.
You always applaud.
You got to, because that's the thing about air flight.
It's a mystery, how does it work?
No one knows.
It's heavy as hell, but yet it flies.
Exactly right.
It's science, that's what it is.
I don't know.
I don't think it's no one knows,
although I too am amazed by a tube in the sky, nope.
Nope, see, no one knows. Just like cruise ships, Dan, I'm not the barometer for whether anyone knows. And they're so tall, how don't think it's no one knows, although I too am amazed by a tube in the sky. Nope.
Nope, see, just like cruise ships, Dan,
they wait 10 trillion pounds.
I'm not the barometer for whether anyone knows.
And they're so tall, how don't they tip over
when one of them knows? Exactly right.
It's a floating building. They fall after you.
Oh yeah.
Read a physics book, Balthazar.
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Don Lebatard.
I don't think I ever got that many roses in my whole life.
Certainly not from your lovely grandfather god God may his soul rest in peace. This is the Don LeVatar Show with the Stugats!
I and we are very proud of what Billy and Stugats are doing with God Bless
Football. It is a
brand that has a lot of fun and covers football differently than mostly
everybody who's covering football. You've got Stugats and you've got the
internationally ranked fourth everywhere in the world football
insider, the Duke, Billy Gill. And for the first time they're trying something that
seems difficult and is going gonna wear them out this weekend
because they're doing a livestream
and they're doing it not in traditional studios
with people around and they're gonna be with Matt Forte.
So tell me about what you guys are doing Sunday.
And I imagine, Billy, given your general neuroses
and the amount of work that this takes,
that this is a bit of a stressful situation?
Yeah, it's gonna be fun.
That's, yeah, yeah.
We're gonna have fun this Sunday.
Come check us out.
Joe's on Weed in Chicago.
12 o'clock Central Time, one o'clock Eastern Time,
if you're gonna follow along on YouTube.
Yeah, during the one o'clock Eastern slate of games,
and also Chicago's playing at the same time.
They're playing against the Panthers, a big one out there.
What kind of surprises do you have for people who tune in on video?
We have legends, Dan.
I can't say anything.
We could say one thing.
We have a legend showing up at Joe's on Weed.
Matt Forte.
Yeah, Dan said Matt Forte is going to be there.
Yeah, that's what I'm saying.
Was he the legend?
Okay. But it could have been like other legends. You know Matt Forte is going to be there, but then you see legend and you're like, oh, is gonna be there. Yeah, that's what I'm saying. Was he the legend? Yeah. Okay. But it could have been like other legends.
You know Matt Forte is gonna be there,
but then if you see legend, then you're like,
oh, who could be there?
It's like Matt Forte.
No, no, don't, hold on a second, hold on.
Now people are gonna expect J. Coler.
Hold on, hold on.
We do promos better than anyone.
Guys, we're not promising you people
that are not gonna be there.
Let's just clear that up right now.
We're not gonna say, hey, we're gonna do this
and then not do it.
A legend will be there, Matt Forte. But like, we're gonna do this and then not do it. A legend will be there, Matt Forte,
but we're gonna not add an S on that
because if another legend doesn't appear,
then you're not sitting around.
But if Rex Grossman shows up,
you're gonna let him in, right?
Oh yeah, if anyone shows up, you're gonna be let in.
Give a mic, too.
When you guys say a legend,
it sounds like you're saying alleged,
and I would allege the bears don't have a lot of legends.
Stugats is alleged gonna show up.
Does that work?
Yes, that does work.
Also, by the way, a big weekend
because I believe there's also an MMA hangout
that's gonna be happening the day before.
That's right.
And I believe that you can still go watch the MMA, possibly.
So we've got UFC 307, we've got Alex Beheda
versus Khalil Roundtree in a banger of a main card.
Salt Lake City, which has had some really good cards,
there's still tickets available.
And you know what I use to get tickets, boys?
Game time.
Oh, game time.
The cool thing about game time is you can look on the app,
right, and then pick a seat,
and then it'll show you the exact view of where you're,
how do they do it?
How do they do that?
What technology do they have that I can sit in the seat
and then see my view from said seat?
It's incredible.
It's called cameras.
I think it's AI.
If I don't know what it is, I just say AI.
That's, you guys do that, right?
I like that.
What is that, AI?
Download the Game Time app, create an account,
and use code Dan for 20% off 20 bucks
Off your first purchase terms apply download the game time app today. What time is it?
Thank you UFC 307 MMA hangout starting at 10. We're also kind of be watching two things
We got Miami Cal at 1030 late kick for the boys
Plus we got MMA hangout starting at 10 a banger of a main, Khalil Roundtree versus the champ, Alex Behaita.
Dan, I've got a complaint I'd like to lodge.
All week long we've been promoting this event
that Billy and Sugat's gonna be in Chicago.
Everyone's excited, it's a great event.
I wish I could go.
But every time they talk about it
and Matt Forte will be there,
Jeremy in my ear says a stupid, lazy Forte pun.
Every single, and it's a different one every time, but it's always such and such such is not their Forte. in my ear says a stupid, lazy forte pun.
Every single, and it's a different one every time, but it's always such and such and such is not their forte.
Cut a minor penalty, two minutes for ruining comedy.
Who was this for?
This was me showing restraint.
I'm just doing it in the media.
No, you do this to all of us.
You're in all our ears, and it's unpleasant.
All the puns, on air, off air, it's unpleasant.
If I may make a slight correction, Dan,
all the Bears have are legends.
And all they have are players from 1985.
Yeah, I should have said this century.
Sweetness, Dan-o?
The factory line on...
I think...
Fair enough. Jim McMahon...
Gary Fensick.
Yes, fair enough. You're right.
The Bridge?
That one team...
Jeff Fisher?
Yes, that one team. Jeff Fisher.
That one team did have legends.
He's right about Jeff Fisher.
Legends was their forte.
You can't give that to your CEO.
Stop doing that shit, man.
You can't give that to himself.
It's unbelievable how loose you are with that thing
and you only use it for your jokes.
Super Bowl shuffle.
We're supposed to be careful with that thing.
I wanted to get to a couple of things with you guys
because political bumper stickers are on my mind.
I don't understand ever
and we'll never understand people who do that.
It's like, what are we doing?
I was in traffic the other day and I look over
and it doesn't matter who you're voting for,
it doesn't matter who the person is.
The end of the day, the election's gonna be over.
They're either gonna not get the post
or they're gonna get the post
and then you're gonna sit there with a loser
on the back of your car or winner,
but still it's like, oh, okay, now the election's over.
Let me go sit there with a razor blade and scratch this.
Dan, have you ever tried to take a bumper sticker
out of a car?
It's impossible.
Yeah, off of it, You gotta scrape it off.
It's not impossible, but it's annoying.
Dude, I saw this was maybe like-
Especially in the heat of South Florida.
Maybe like eight or nine years ago.
Especially with Dan's custom paint job.
Maybe eight or nine years ago,
but I saw a Dole camp bumper sticker
and I was like, come on, guy, give it up.
He hasn't been able to take it off for 40 years.
It was weathered, it was all gray,
like it started out as being blue and red,
which by the way, brings me to another thing.
We gotta have a new rule.
You gotta color code this shit.
You cannot do blue and red,
and I'm supposed to guess which side you are.
All the posters, all the bumper stickers,
if you're one party, be red,
if you're the other party, be blue.
Let me just know.
But they do have that.
No, they don't. It's the majority color though. If it's more blue, you know who you other party be blue, let me just know. But they do have that. No they don't.
It's the majority color though.
If it's more blue, you know who you voted for.
No, I'm telling you man, at least in Arizona around my house
cause you got like city comptroller.
They're trying to trick you.
Yeah and I'm like, and I try to guess from the buzzwords
that they have there, it's like strong family values.
Hmm, I think you might be Republican.
For city comptroller though?
It's crazy.
Strong family values.
County recorder, there's all these, by the way.
Why does the party of the county recorder matter?
I don't know and I don't know what job that is.
There's so many. School board.
There's so many, well at least I know
what the school board does and also that one
is political as well, go figure.
But so many of these positions, what do you do?
Why am I asked to pick who should be the next person
who does this thing that I have no idea what it is?
Now imagine city recorder but a bumper sticker
on a Nissan and you're like, well, what's the point of this?
You're a dork, you have a political bumper sticker,
you're a dork, sorry.
That probably is the city recorder
with that bumper sticker.
No, they have it wrapped probably.
It's just that guy. It was Jack Kemp's car that I was behind.
They had the Dole Kemp sticker.
He's still holding on.
Put it on the poll please, Juju.
All of these, if you have a political bumper sticker,
are you a dork?
Do you know what a comptroller does?
And is it harder to get a bumper sticker off a car
that's been in the heat for a decade?
It just stays there.
It's impossible to take off. My neighbor once upon a time had a bunch of those
like Reagan Bush 84 and I was like, okay, it's been 30 years and he hasn't been.
You can see the part where he's been trying to take it off. Get a new car.
He it's like an old school retro van. This was way back in the day though.
Like I'm gonna say this though, Tony, at least Reagan Bush 84. That's like stood for something
Yeah, it was a huge blowout win
Like you got like that one you can puff your chest out walk around about remember that time Walter Mondale got his ass handed to him
Yeah, we'll never forget that day, but we got dole Kemp. Come on, bro. Like McCain Palin
Ross Perot, I feel like we've hit so many buzzwords,
we're about to talk about Iran-Contra.
We've talked about the Sandinistas,
talked about Reagan, like what's next?
20 CB.
We're actually going to segue to something
that Nick Saban said, I don't know if you guys saw this,
but it is the strongest that he has ever said this.
He was walking with Kirk Herbstreet
on one of those casual walk-in talks that
made him appear as if they don't know the cameras are there. And one of the things that he said is
that if he had gotten Drew Brees and Drew Brees had passed the physical that he would have remained
happy in Miami. And a lot of people know that. He has said that part before. What he hasn't said before is that Breeze was ready to go
and failed the physical, and this is what he said
of the doctor, he said,
the doctor didn't know his ass from a handful of sand.
I think that was Danny Cannell's dad,
I believe, was the doctor.
Can you guys look that up?
Because I haven't heard that expression before.
And I was surprised to see him take out a doctor like that,
but understood that he would feel this way,
because Drew Brees, he then pointed out, I mean,
that Drew Brees played 15 more years, won a Super Bowl,
and this is the one that he mentioned
that made me think something particular.
And he said, Drew Brees got nine Pro Bowls.
And I'm like, oh, Saban's been thinking for a while
about what he would have been in the pros.
Saban's been thinking about that one for a minute
because he failed in the pros,
and he had to go back to college.
And the reason he failed is because he didn't get Drew Brees. nine and seven but when he mentioned the number of pro bowls that breeze had it made me know oh that dude's actually been thinking about the fact that he never succeeded in the pros the way that he wanted to what kind of pool didn't even have because if he felt that way about the doctor you know maybe he have a little pool to like overrule him in this situation.
I don't think you can overrule a failed physical, can you?
Although he did say he went to see Dr. James Andrews
where the surgery was and that Andrews cleared him.
I don't think a coach can overrule a physical though.
I was just surprised to see him take out the doctor that way.
You don't typically see that.
You always, always like,, technically, yes, Dan,
some people can be like,
to hell with the physical, we're doing it anyway.
But typically, you listen to your medical people
and you trust them and you go,
but Dan, I also want to point out,
you think that Saban's been thinking about it
and I think that they're walking with a camera crew
and he probably says,
and Ruby went to like a bunch of Pro Bowls,
they're like, cut. Hey, how many Pro Bowls did he go to? Nine? Okay, I'll count you in.
Three, two, one. And he goes to nine Pro Bowls. Oh, he's really been thinking
about it. No man, this is the magic of television editing. Well, the Dolphins as
a team as a franchise must have had bad luck with doctors because O. Jimmy Duffy
sued the team over I guess guess, what would be them
trottin' him out there with a bad toe, right?
Yeah, that was, I believe, Kanell.
Can you guys look that up for me?
Oh, and to it, by the way.
I mean, you're wrong about this.
There's no way that that was edited
in order for him to come up with the nine Pro Bowls
so that he could get the stat right.
That's not what happened.
I wish I lived life with your wide-eyed,
childlike optimism.
You just wanna believe everything that you see
on the internet, everything you see on TV.
Like, this is it, this is the most authentic version.
I wish I had that, like I can't.
Why would Nick Saban lie
in a way that's favorable to his legacy?
It's so weird.
Danny Canell's doctor was on the team of doctors,
it says online.
Yeah, so it was a team of doctors that came to us.
So it wasn't necessarily him specifically
that was the one that didn't know.
Well, he's saying that doctor didn't know his ass
from a handful of sand is what he said.
I think that might be like a Greg Cote-ism
that we are attributing to Nick Saban
because that might be something that he made up.
Because obviously you don't know his ass
from a hole in the ground.
It's kind of what you usually get. But full of of sand handful of sand. We don't find that anywhere
I googled ass from a handful of sand idiom and all that came up were pictures of butts and
free pick
Premium photo woman's ass with sand nice female buttocks sand photos
So any good my computer so you know you can stop doing that. Thank you Women's ass with sand. Female buttocks, sand photos. So this is the work computer.
So you know, my bad.
You can stop doing that.
Thank you.
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Don Lebatard.
It's a Judge Coach, sweetie.
How'd you go sail on?
This is the Don Lebatard Show with the Stugats.
I mean, why did you come in here today?
Let's find the sound for me, Billy, please, of Michael Irvin.
I think he was sitting next to Warren's app.
This is the glory days of the NFL Network where
Michael Irvin is growing going crazy on set Michael Irvin has been great at
television for a long time and he's just shouting about how we were losing
recipes and a meme came in here today saying we're losing a recipe and I
didn't know what he was talking about This is what's wrong with the game the young ladies today. They're not learning from all how
He's right though women they're going to work instead of learning how to cook
Do you want to play a game called guess what he was talking about because I looked up the context to see what he was Talking about he wasn't talking about women. He was talking about something like football related. Can I guess Billy?
Yeah, yeah, was he talking about the Colts? He was talking about the. He was talking about something like football related. Can I guess Billy? Yeah, yeah.
Was he talking about the Colts?
He was talking about the Colts.
Good context clue there.
Was that on screen?
Okay, I didn't see that.
I wasn't looking.
That's my bad.
Okay, tell me, tell me.
He was talking, I believe this is when
Peyton Manning was released or Peyton Manning was injured
and there wasn't a quarterback learning under Peyton Manning.
He was just being pushed out.
So this was a situation of no one's learning from
Peyton Manning. Same as women aren't learning recipes from their mom. We're
losing recipes. We're losing recipes. Kurt is painting with like a word. Dan, he's right
though. We are losing recipes. Let my boy cook. Let my boy cook. Yes, I wish. Oh, but he has the recipe.
I have the recipe, I do.
This is something as a father of a child
who's going through AU basketball
and going to tournaments and going to practice
at these big gyms that have like 17 courts.
And I've noticed this, and it's not just basketball,
it's volleyball as well.
And it's not just kids,
some of these are young adults as well. Dan
you played pickup ball, Tony you played pickup ball, we all played pickup ball at
some point in our lives. There's multiple courts you're shooting the shot bricks
it goes long rebound into another court where a game is going on what do you do?
Oh my bad! You yell ball ball and so we, no one's running and trips over this ball, gets your ball, gets it back,
we're all back.
When I, I'm sorry for cussing.
When I f***ing tell you.
You didn't have to cuss.
You could have avoided it.
You don't apologize for the cussing before you've done the cussing.
Just don't do the cussing.
No, I'm letting the people know that they have the kids in the car,
put the earmuffs on.
That gave them time.
You think they toss their kids out the window
in those two seconds?
Spoiler alert on the cursing.
Look, it's not hard.
None of them do it.
None of, they will literally just let it
dribble into the play
and just quietly kind of just walk over.
Sometimes they don't even come,
the volleyball people are the worst
because they practice spikes, it goes there,
they don't even try to retrieve it.
They don't even, forget about yelling ball,
they don't even try to retrieve it.
There's just volleyballs running all over the court
and I'm just trying to wonder what generation
didn't learn to yell ball?
They hit you with a little help?
A little help?
Any of that, no?
That's fascinating because I can tell you
which demographic does yell ball,
and it's the 70-year-old pickle ballers.
But I wonder if the 20-year-old pickle ballers
are yelling ball when the pickle ball
scoots across the court.
I'm guessing no, because that happens also with soccer.
Sometimes you get like indoor soccer.
And again, these are adults.
I see beards.
I see people with like bellies and stuff.
Like you guys aren't 20 or 22 or whatever.
They're like in their 30s.
They don't say ball and I'm like, what?
Like I go crazy, like I sometimes,
I as a parent sitting on the sideline,
when I see the ball, I say ball and then,
hey man, yell it out next time.
I'm talking to people's children,
now I'm wondering, I'm worried.
Whose fault is that though?
It's gotta be taught. It's gotta to be is it the fault of the generation that should be teaching the next generation how to be polite in that circumstance
That has to be learned. It's not to shout ball is something that I learned after hearing it from somewhere
That's the thing you start going to older games where you you're there like 14 years old and you're playing against guys that are
16 17 18 and then you start picking up things that they do it feels like this generation has just been
Siloed playing with their same age group and nobody's taught them the older generation hasn't been there to actually be the one giving them
The chicken wing being like this is how you defend somebody in the post when the ball goes out to the other court
You say ball it feels like we lost that I hate say this, but. You sound like an old man.
No, don't do that.
Don't do that.
Don't do that.
He's a decent.
That's what I hate to say.
I hate to say it.
That's what it is.
He has to play Pickleball.
He hated to say it, I mean.
On top of recipes, we've lost decency.
I feel like that person should be shunned from society.
Not forever, maybe just for like a week.
Like you shun them from society.
I wish there was another Australia out there
where you could shun people too, you know what I mean?
It's all the same.
Billy, what you're talking about is Thanos level shunning.
Because it's millions of them that are all doing this.
It's not like two or three.
Can I tell you a moment that I had just last week
in which I was dealing with someone who's lost decency
and I almost decided to escalate the situation,
but I was talked down from it.
And some people might call me a rat in this situation
had I followed through, but I chose not to partake in it
because I was told that karmically,
I would not prosper if I did such a thing.
Here's what happened.
I have two young children, and as a result,
I sometimes benefit from the great little dangling
stroller parking thing that you can put
on your rear view mirror.
So you have the decal and there's a special spot where you can put on your rearview mirror. So like you have
like the decal and there's like a special spot where you can park. You don't know about this?
I mean no idea what you're talking about. You guys don't know about this? Guys yes you do. Hold on a second.
You know like there's like there's like there's a handicapped decal that hangs like the blue one.
All right so there's one when you have like a newborn young children that's a green one that
hangs and then there are spots that are painted green.
And this is a thing.
That's a thing.
That's a thing, they've disappeared.
So you never really benefit.
There was like a big moment in like the,
I wanna say like early 2000s, where they were everywhere,
and it was almost like, I feel like some people
were having kids just to park closer, right?
Because they were everywhere at the time.
Now they've been replaced with electric vehicle parking
and more handicap parking and all this stuff, right?
But I was excited when my first one was born
because I said, you know what?
I can now benefit from this parking spot
I've only seen before.
I've never been able to park there.
They've all, lo and behold, disappeared.
But there's one place that still has one.
And someone mentioned it.
It was like-
Well, actually it wasn't a Flanagan's.
They painted pink in October? It was a, yes.
But this was like a sports grill.
And this was a very tiny parking lot.
And I'm pulling in and there's never parking in this thing.
And I said, I got my best friend over here.
This little parking decal here that I never use.
I used it one time that I can remember or twice.
But one time I used it,
I was going to Michael's to buy my wife
a Mother's Day present on behalf of my daughter, and a cop came
and knocked on my window while I was sitting in the car
and said, you know, you can only park in this spot
if you have a kid in the car.
And this is the most defiant I've ever been.
I turned at said officer, and I rolled down
the rear window, and I said, kids in the car.
And then they apologized to me.
And this is the most defiant I've ever been.
But in this scenario, I pull into the parking lot
and someone pulls into the child's parking thing.
And I see no decount, I go, you know,
maybe they're gonna put it up, whatever.
And this person gets out and then does,
either leaves children in the car,
which I wouldn't recommend,
or never had children to begin with in this car,
and then goes and goes on to do their business.
And I was livid.
I was like, I can't believe this.
I never use this spot.
There's no parking now.
I have to walk around with all my children and all this stuff.
And then I started looking around,
I go, hmm, I see where there a tow truck company sign
for what goes on here if we're parking illegally.
I think I may make a little call to the tow truck company
and see what happens here.
See what happens here.
And then my wife talked me off the ledge
and she said don't do that, the karma's gonna come back
and get you, that's not a good idea.
So then I said okay, I let it go but I was stewing.
Then I had to go and this is a situation
where there's like parking behind the building
but it's like a weird U-shape so I go,
I park behind the building, I do all this stuff.
And then when I'm getting out of the car,
I'm still steaming, because I have two children
that I need to get, and now I need to walk
next to this busy intersection here
to go get this food and all this stuff, right?
And I start looking, and I'm looking around,
and she knows what I'm doing,
I'm looking to see if I can find a notepad.
I was about to write a note,
and then she said, don't do that. Just let it go, let it go.
So I did let it go and I went in and we ate,
but I will tell you this,
that spot was right in front of the restaurant
where I was eating and I had my eyes locked on that car
to see exactly how long that car was there.
Because it was like a quick pickup thing,
like we're picking up donuts,
we're picking up fro you, something like that.
Like I could let it go.
That car was parked there damn near an hour and a half.
Minor penalty, two minutes rambling.
My bad, I'll go.
I'm sorry, Jess.
I was gonna ask Billy, when you saw him get out the car
and didn't bring kids out, why did you...
Hey pal, hey pal.
That was a woman, I didn't wanna scream at the woman.
Oh, yeah.
Billy's wife, instead of, I don't know the rest of you,
but going toward a fight when you go toward a fight,
and your wife.
And she's a warm-blooded Latina woman,
so she's feisty.
She talked me down.
Your wife tells you not to call,
not to call a tow truck, and not to write a note.
That's the equivalent of Billy's wife
holding him from a fight.
Holding him back?
Hold me back! Yeah, telling him not to write a note. That's the equivalent of Billy's wife holding him from a fight. Holding him back?
Hold me back!
Yeah, telling him not to write a note.
I was curious your thoughts
on this Christine Brennan situation.
She is a legendary sports columnist.
She came up with me in the business
and had to do a good deal of fighting
in a caveman world to get it where it is that she's gotten to and now she's working on a caitlin clark book
and uh... she has run afoul because of the amount of questions that she's
asking about caitlyn clark and
not quite delicate enough about sort of some of the
race and culture stuff happening in the w n b a
that is making caitlyn Caitlin Clark such a polarizing
figure and she's wandering around asking all of these black players in what has been a
league built by black players.
She's asking nothing but Caitlin Clark questions because she's writing a book and they're
objecting to some of the questions and how they're framed and she was just on Sarah
Spain's podcast and she's not really listening to the objections
She's doubling down on this is how I've always done this job
This is how you write a book and she's not listening with a careful ear to the objections of how she's doing her job
She's doing it a bit defiantly and she's doing it a bit defiantly as a pioneer who has earned her defiance
But the game has changed a little bit
I mean like what's happened here and what she's walking into isn't the world where books have been written before and she's walking
into the center of a culture war and the way that she's handling
What is the objection of black players telling her,
hey, the way you're doing this doesn't feel right to us,
is to lean right into it as this is how I do my job.
Yeah, Sarah Spane's interview with her
was really, really good.
So if you haven't really been following
Christine Brennan's coverage
throughout the entire WNBA season,
including her coverage around Caitlin Clark
not being on the Olympic team,
is something that people around women's basketball have been talking about for most of the season.
So then last week she asks DeJane Carrington if she intentionally or not hit Caitlin Clark
in the face during a playoff game and then follows up by asking her if her and Marina
Mayberry were laughing about her hitting Caitlin Clark in the face later on in the game. And
that was sort of like the breaking point. Like it was, I think a lot of
people that were kind of new to the story thought that that was the only
thing that people were upset with. But I think going back a few months, like her
coverage of Caitlin Clark has been something that people have taken issue
with. That's the last drop in a bucket that makes the bucket overflow. And it was
particularly egregious because players in the WNBA, especially black players,
have been getting harassed to an insane amount this season,
especially regarding incidents around Caitlin Clark.
There was an incident earlier this summer
we talked about with Kennedy Carter
where the Chicago Tribune editorial board
called for her to be charged with assault
for a foul during a basketball game.
Like this has been a narrative throughout the season
that has been perpetuated by a lot of people
on the internet that Christine Brennan
then sort of brought into the locker room
by asking this question before game two,
after game one of this playoff series.
And so it sort of blew up from there
that WNBA-PA doesn't want her
to be credentialed moving forward.
So she goes on Sarah Spane's podcast
to sort of defend herself,
which I will give her credit for going on a podcast and
answering really tough questions about what happened because she didn't come
off well. She basically conceded nothing. It doesn't seem like she really
understands why people are upset with her. She, like you said Dan, she's claiming
like asking questions is the job of a journalist and Sarah's saying asking questions that feed a racist narrative and stereotype about players is actually, it's
creating harm.
And as we all know, like journalists, one of the tenants of journalism is to minimize
harm is to not put people that you're covering in the line of fire and to create more of
a problem because at this point in the season, people I mean the vast majority of people are not watching that
play and thinking that was an intentional foul she meant to hit her in
the face this is just a thing that a lot of trolls are saying that then a reporter
is asking and confronting a player about well and I think then the important
thing or note is it's not just a reporter, it's someone who is writing a book about Caitlin Clark.
And so, you know, yes, it is your job
to ask tough questions.
And sometimes those tough questions are interpreted as,
hey, you're putting me in harm's way.
Like, hey, I'm just asking a question.
But the thing I find objectionable,
it's a lot of leading questions.
That's not journalism, a leading question.
She's asking questions in a way to get a specific answer.
And again, not because she's writing a column,
she's writing a book.
So she's got a narrative in mind
as far as the book she's writing,
and she's trying to get the content
and the reactions and the stuff
so that it fits with what she has in mind.
Having said all that,
I don't think she should be uncredentialed.
And I think
there is an element, there's a lot of forces at play here, right? One of them is leading
questions. One of them is there are people who are big Caitlin Clark fans, and by fans
air quotes, I mean like they just discovered this white wonder and now they are fully charged
in just championing this without even being people who watch the game at all.
But then there's another thing that's going on, Dan,
which is, I've noticed as an outsider,
there's a sensitivity around the WNBA towards the outside.
It's like, well, you're not part of this cool clique
who does this.
I'm not defending Christine Bennett,
but what she's saying when she said,
look, I go into NFL locker rooms and I talk to people
and I never have these issues,
which there is an element of truth to that.
Man, y'all seem to be really upset.
Like, oh, first take,
I can't believe they talked about it that way.
Like, they talk about everything dumb.
Welcome to the big time.
I think this is though the problem though,
is that people like swooping in to cover a player
without covering a league are going to have
a very different approach than people that cover
and understand the league and understand the actual
welfare of the players and understand that players
this season in particular have received a toxic amount of harassment,
not just on the internet, but in-person harassment as well.
And that's something that if you're covering any player
in the league, you should be cognizant of that
and not put players in harm's way
or continue to perpetuate narratives that aren't true
because you saw some tweet on the internet
or whatever it was that sparked her to do this.
Another thing, I really encourage people
to listen to Sarah's podcast because it's really, really
good and it's like an hour long
and every minute of it was great.
She asked her some really tough questions
but it was totally fair with her.
But Christine Brennan said in this interview
with Sarah Spane, it's a free country,
like four or five times.
And I think if you have to say it's a free country
four or five times when you're defending yourself,
you've lost the argument.
And that was my main takeaway.
I've never say it's a free country you've lost.
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