The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz - The Big Suey: Tall, Dark, and Handsome (feat. Domonique Foxworth)
Episode Date: February 5, 2025Domonique Foxworth joins the show and begins with a motivational speech to Chris Cote before explaining why he asks for permission to "take it back to the 90s." Domonique chats with the crew about tal...king his way into parties, Amin's child's first flagrant foul, Charlie Kravitz's Dan impression and his experience with Jayden Daniels, and he leaves by imparting some advice. Then, have you ever been such a fan of someone that you've told them they changed your life? Plus, Turkey Vultures and breaking NBA Trade Deadline news. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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Welcome to the Big Sui, presented by DraftKings.
Why are you listening to this show?
A podcast that seems very similar
to the other Dan LeBattard podcast. I'm sorry, I'm not going to apologize for that. In fact,
the only difference seems to be this imaging. I have been tempted in restaurants just walking
past tables to grab somebody's fries that if they're just there that hasn't happened
to you guys. I've done it. And now here's the marching man to nowhere, fat face and the habitual liar. I wish everybody, I wish everybody could hear
the the motivational speech Dominique just gave Chris Cody. It wasn't really
motivational, it was, you're awesome dude. He was just praising me. Why'd you turn
into... I shouldn't be talking, I haven't been introduced yet, my bad, I'll be quiet, I'll be quiet in the background.
I am summoning Dominique Foxworth,
not just because we just replayed the video from last summer
of David Sampson koala-bearing him, mid-dap,
but also because Chris Cody clearly was waiting
for that external validation.
You guys talked about sack-grabbing
in a way that felt honestly inspirational.
I don't need a new, I feel like we need a new idiom
for that, like a more modern one.
Sometimes with my friends, this is a secret
that I'm gonna tell you guys.
Some of my friends, I ask for permission
to take us back to the 90s, like in a group chat.
Before I say something, I'm like,
permission to go back to the 90s.
They grant the permission, I text my group chat something that I would not say publicly
but I don't know the words for it right now.
And then we return to 2024 or 2025 now.
But I just realized with Chris, when I talk to him,
I've been noticing, like I listened to the show,
I've been noticing that Chris feels like he's become
a little bit more forceful in combat.
He's rolling his shoulders right now,
listening to you compliment him.
Yeah, and so I came on and I was like,
Chris, proud of you, man.
You seem like you grabbed your sack lately,
which I realized that's a bad thing to say
because I see Jess in the back row
and I feel the same way about Jess,
but I can't tell her.
And then it's just like.
Everyone can't be brave.
They have no balls.
I know, it's outdated.
There has to be some better idiom
for asserting yourself.
Intestinal fortitude, sir, is what you're looking for.
How about great job?
You're improving.
No, see, that's generic.
Doesn't he?
That's not what he means.
That's not specific.
Like I appreciate that you have
a lot of managerial experience,
but I do feel like some of the interpersonal things
about management, you just missed the mark
because it's like saying you're doing a great job.
Like it does not feel genuine.
It's like saying to somebody, you look nice as opposed to,
man, I really appreciate the way you've grown in your beer.
Like the salt and pepper looks really distinguishable.
We show it through salary, Dominique.
We show it through salary, through title.
You don't need to show it through sack rap.
Go on.
You do?
Dominique, you should know that David tried to high five me
when I wasn't trying to high five him. Let's put that up for Dominique to see if we can. Yeah, just so Dominique can you should know that David tried to high five me when I wasn't trying to high five him.
Let's put that up for Dominique to see if we can.
Yeah, just so Dominique can be brought in,
caught up on the show as we do substitute teacher week here.
It was, look, I'm not trying to high five you.
I'm just gesturing in your direction.
The other reason I wanted to bring Dominique in
beyond establishing the rules of consensual 90s mode, which I like.
We like to call the 20 CB on Cinephobe. The 20 CB. The 20 CB. Whenever you go back into the 90s or the 80s or earlier than that, you're going back to the 20 CB as opposed to when we're now we're in the 21st century, ma'am.
But you announced it to your group text when you're doing that the way Dominique does? We often will ask.
Sometimes it won't be something that's offensive.
Sometimes it'll be a saying or something that happens.
Is this 20 CB?
And then we get a confirmation from the group text.
Yes, this is in fact a 20 CB occurrence.
Dominique, does anyone say no when you ask them to go back?
Of course not.
So then why ask? Because it's a joke, man, you would like.
All right.
I feel like I start back over with you,
every time I see you, I start back over
teaching you how to be a goddamn human being.
It's like, we gotta start at square one.
I would like you to carry over some of the things
that I've taught you in the past.
Like last time, we made so much damn progress.
We really did. People loved you.
I loved you.
It was like, this is good.
And then we get back on here and you're telling me,
I just throw money at people.
That shows them that I like them.
That doesn't work.
And then you're like, do they decline?
No, the point is it's funny.
It's like, hey, can I go back to,
like when someone says something
that's like a little bit sensitive,
like, can I go back to the 90s?
Then you call them a slur that you would have used
in the 90s that wouldn't have been considered
a slur back then, and then you come back.
Like, and then we all laugh together.
It's like, why do I have to explain this to you?
So Dominique, I got some things here
that are not quite as offensive
than are decidedly 20 CB.
Do we need some fanfare?
Sure, these aren't top five, these are just five examples,
but give me some fanfare.
Number five, eat your heart out.
Nobody says that anymore.
That it's a relic of the 20th century.
Our hearts remain uneaten.
Eat your heart out.
No one says that anymore.
Framing the first dollar a small business makes.
I would still do that if I started a business.
I thought that was like an immigrant thing.
It's a dry cleaner thing, always a dry cleaner thing.
They just put it up where you can see it.
Restaurants do it too.
Do they?
It's in the kitchen.
Describing someone as tall, dark, and handsome.
These are all SpongeBob bits by the way.
Yeah, the last two.
It took me a long time to realize
that they weren't talking about black people when they said tall dark and handsome
I was like, yeah, and then I was like, oh wait, that guy's not dark. You know
No, they were jinxed Dominic
Letting people know that Napoleon always had his hand in his pocket
When I was a kid they appreciate that he had it tucked right there
When I was a kid. The kids today appreciate that he had it tucked right there.
Cartoons, movies, TV shows, always if you mention Napoleon, the first thing you mention
was his hand was in his pocket like that.
Don't even see it. My kids have no idea what that is.
Right? Like they know who Napoleon is. They have no idea what the hand is.
We used to be a proper empire.
And then finally.
We are again now it seems.
We are. Dicey. We are, whoa, dicey.
And then finally, hot water bottles.
Why are those 90s? You don't see them?
We have heating pads now.
Heating pads, those clay things they put in the microwave,
you heat up, the electric ones.
No one uses a hot water bottle anymore.
Again, now if you grew up like we did, Looney Tunes,
anytime someone was sick,
there was a hot water bottle somewhere, right?
But these kids don't watch Looney Tunes,
so they don't know what hot water bottles are.
Looney Tunes is how I learned most cultural references.
I had no idea hot water bottles were a thing.
You know, another thing that's very 90s,
sometimes people's shorts are a little 90s,
and then they update those shorts
and they get these new, new age.
Look at those shorts, look at that material.
That is future material.
Chris Cody is no longer rocking nineties ass shorts.
It's like a decades old callback, David Samson.
Sorry, that wasn't for you, but.
No, that's one of the great brands.
We gotta see if they can send us some clothes
for a sponsorship.
I'd like to get on that.
Wait, so Chris Cody wears the same shorts as David Sampson?
They are the most comfortable clothes possible.
Am I the only one who's?
No, I don't wear their men's shorts,
but I wear several pairs of leggings.
Do they come with pick pocket protection?
Yep, zippers.
They're zippers, but it's not great,
because the zippers actually, inippers. There's zippers, but it's not great because the zipper's actually in the flying pants
that I have.
The zipper is more of a vertical zipper
and it's a little tight to get as much in the pockets.
I'm a big pocket guy.
Let me ask this question.
Flying pants.
Aren't the Viori shorts the ones that were
in the Dolphins training camp video?
I have purple colors, yeah.
I had the black Viori shorts for the two interview.
Are we still proud of this brand now after someone?
It's not the shorts, that was just on me.
Way too much thigh in that picture.
Thank you.
Dominique, are you excited to go to New Orleans?
Cause you're not there and there's a lot going on there.
All of MetalArk is there.
They're having the time of their lives.
And when we asked you to be on the show,
we thought you were already part of what's going on,
and you haven't even left yet.
No, well, it's interesting you say all of Metal Arc is there
when I'm looking at, like, a whole bunch of Metal Arc
in the studio right there.
Thank you. The left arm.
Looking at some tall, dark, and handsome,
what Dominique's looking at.
Nah, there's only one.
The rest of you guys, not quite dark enough.
Give me a couple more days.
Yeah, I mean, I'm excited.
It's fun.
It's cool.
It'll be a good time.
New Orleans is good food.
I mean, the best thing about the Super Bowl
is normally the random occurrences
that you can't plan for.
And so my co-host of my show, Charlie Kravitz,
has been sending me all these reservations and plans
and talking about what parties we're gonna go to.
And that's just not how you do Super Bowl.
That's not how you do Super Bowl.
You show up, you talk your way into parties,
you bounce around, you bump into old friends
and have random celebrity like meetups.
And then you talk about it later on the flight back.
Like basically- Have you been asked to later on the flight back. Like Vegas.
Have you been asked to go on God Bless Football
yet with Stu Gotts?
No, no, no, no, no, no.
Well, we gotta change that.
I mean, apparently God Bless Football,
the number one football podcast in America,
award winning, as you know, Dominique.
Guys, get that off the screen.
Oh, hold on.
We're back on Chris's shorts.
God, that whole look, Chris.
This is angle.
Get this, it's a really unfair angle.
Lewis is about to get fired.
The drawstring is my favorite part.
He just the whole time.
All right, that's it, no more zooming.
Cut away.
I think you look crap.
And down a little bit more.
Thank you guys.
That's my worst nightmare.
Dominic, you like the politicking outside
of the Super Bowl party?
You enjoy that part?
No, I enjoy it now.
I didn't used to enjoy it.
So like talking your way into a party was a thing
that would give, would make me anxious in the past.
But now, like, I mean.
What's your greatest talk your way into the party?
Before you had the notoriety of being on massive television platforms,
what was your magnum opus of talking your way into something?
I mean, it's lying, mostly.
No, you don't have a specific...
Because I have a specific example.
Oh, get to it. Get to it.
You have a specific lie?
Oh, it wasn't an example of a party that I got into
that I shouldn't have got into.
Walked up and this is at the point
where I'm at my pinnacle,
Sports Nation is happening, the jump is happening,
I'm like, I'm out here, right?
And so this is, we go up to the-
I mean, you're still out here, just for the record.
Well, I'm not, no, now I'm mature, I'm wiser.
I'm like, Dominique, I just want to be late.
You showed up an hour late for the show today.
I mean, because I stepped off a plane, you know.
Doesn't matter, that's a flex.
Should have talked your way into an earlier plane.
I wish.
So I walk in and I walk up to security
and as I'm looking, I said, I know what the deal is.
Because most of these bouncers, they're all Laker fans.
And so I just got to find the one Laker fan
who looks at me and asks me why I'm hating on the Lakers.
So I see my guy, and I'm like, yeah,
and he says, why are you always hating on the Lakers?
I'm like, oh, come on, man, you know, dah, dah, dah, dah.
This is when the Lakers are terrible.
So as I'm talking, his manager comes up,
his manager is your typical Vegas manager, right?
Nightclub manager.
Short Italian guy, lots of product in his hair,
vest, works out.
Hold on, I think we have to enter
consensual 90s mode before we do that.
Want to see me?
And he's got the earpiece, right?
The earpiece, and he comes up,
sorry boss, I can't let you in, sorry.
And I'm like, oh come on man, like,
that's all I gotta do, I'm like, come on man,
and he's like, I'm sorry, even if I let you in here,
see that guy over there?
And there's a bald dude at a podium.
He said, that guy's my manager, he's not gonna let you in.
So I'm like, ah, there's nothing we can do.
And the guy I've been talking to, and this is my rule,
bouncers, bartenders, you get 15 minutes of show.
I'll ask any question.
I'll give him show.
So I gave that guy 15 minutes of show.
He pulls his manager aside and he just points back at me. And the guy unclips the velvet
robe, walk in, my buddy's like, what's going on? I just listen. We walk up to the guy at
the podium, the manager who would have said no. And he looks up and he says, why are you
always hitting on the Lakers? I was like, ah, come on, man. I gave him like five, 10
minutes of show. We're in the party. My buddy was like, that was amazing. How did you do
that? I'm like, hey man.
Why don't you try a C note next time?
Oh, no.
I'm not gonna.
That's the rule, David.
I don't pay.
I refuse. Money.
It's just money with this guy.
Don't you, don't you wanna?
I just don't wanna do 15 minutes of show.
Oh, I don't mind doing 15 minutes of show.
You care about sport?
That's about the challenge.
For a bouncer or a bartender,
I'll give him 15 minutes of show, no problem.
It's the other normies that I have a problem with.
That's right, you see me in the streets,
you say hello, you get a picture, keep it moving.
That's the most fun part.
You won't even give someone one minute of show
unless they can do something for you.
I'll give them a question.
We know Amin's policy.
Amin will do pro bono sports nation
for any bouncer or security guard,
but if you're an Uber driver who asks Amin,
what do you do?
Amin is lying his ass off immediately.
I work for Marriott.
Guest experiences, I travel from property to property
to make sure that we have consistency across all the brands.
Do you flash your chip tooth when you do that?
I haven't had to do it since I chipped my tooth.
All right, David, I'm just asking.
It's important.
We talked to Dominique, I missed Dominique.
Can I bring Dominique back in?
Because Amin said something else, Dominique,
that made me glad that you were here and available
before you get on your flight to New Orleans.
Which is that Amin was just in Arizona
and he had witnessed a special sporting milestone.
My child had a flagrant foul,
the very first flagrant foul.
Ooh, nice.
Hopefully a long career.
And it happened with five seconds left in the game
and the other team was just dribbling the ball out.
Oh gosh, and so you were very proud, I assume.
No, I had, because you know, like first of all,
it was a road game.
So I gotta demonstrate to the crowd
that I don't condone this behavior.
And I just said, why?
I just kept saying, why?
Why, like Nancy Kerrigan, why?
The guy who used to co-host Sports Nation
is despondent right now.
What's happening?
Did you start doing show?
I started doing show for all the people around me, yeah.
But Dominique, do you remember your first
unsportsmanlike conduct?
I remember celebrating when my oldest daughter
first started getting files in basketball, especially for her.
And I don't think we need to go back to the 90s for this,
but like being a parent of two girls and a boy,
like watching the way um, girls sports are played
and the way that the, their refs and coach kind of frustrated me
because they're encouraged boys in such different ways.
So I remember like when my oldest daughter was eight years old
and she busted another girl's lip
because she was trying to get a rebound.
I remember celebrating her and then taking her home
to watch Charles Oakley videos.
Because it was like the difference in that age of sports
for boys and girls, a lot of times the difference is like,
just want to like fight and try hard.
And it was like, yeah.
And they get so they respond to the way everyone else acts.
And when there's a foul in the boys' games,
it's a lot different when there was a foul
in the girls' games.
And I just was trying to encourage them
to be a little bit more aggressive and feisty.
So I did not yell why.
I stood up and started clapping like,
you all right?
All right, you all right?
Good, let's keep playing.
You get a little lip bus.
And it was probably good for her too.
Like my daughter's got elbowed in the eye last week.
You know what she did?
She got up and she kept balling.
And I was very proud of that.
Look, we're down like like a bajillion points.
There was five seconds to go.
It had all the wrong options.
What do you mean?
Be a better defense attorney for your kid.
Ah, no!
No, man, I can't.
Dominique just gave you a thoughtful way to spin this,
and you're like, uh.
I'm doubling down, because Dominique,
if it was in the middle of a game
doing a basketball activity,
I would be like, yeah, no problem.
This was literally, the kid is dribbling the ball out,
and my child just stares and says,
F this.
Just trucks.
From behind or like head on?
Head on.
And the kid was feet above the head, on the ground.
Tom and Jerry style.
I was out of it.
Tom went, oh!
That's something I would have done when I played soccer. I just, sometimes you just gotta, like,
get a little fall out.
You know, just like, ah, elbow.
And then looked at me and shrugged, like, what?
What'd I do?
I said, what'd I do?
I'm like, what are you doing?
You said it was a road game.
It was a road game.
And all the home crowd knew that you were the parent
of this player?
Yeah, cause I'd been talking the whole time.
Oh, you're that parent?
I talked to my kid the entire time.
I'm terrible.
We've got to establish some etiquette, Dominique.
What's your sports parent commandments
when it comes to talking?
I mean, I have unique experience.
So I never say.
I coach my son's football team, so that's very different.
But through my whole's football team, so that's very different,
but through my whole sports parenting career,
I just am very quiet and I don't react to anything.
Other than just clap, I don't cheer for individuals
on the team, it's just my sports parent rules.
I don't begrudge anyone who does that,
but generally, hmm.
I think it's probably-
You ever turn away?
Do you give the aggressive fist pump but you wanna be subtle with it, so you're like, oh. It's normally just a clap, like, hmm. You ever like turn away? Do you give like the aggressive fist pump but you wanna be subtle with it?
You're like, oh.
It's normally just a clap, like okay, okay, okay.
No matter how intense the game is.
And we got, my wife is a little bit different
even though she's not an athlete
and she's not very much into sports,
but she is very much into the kids' sports.
And so we've had a couple near altercations
where I had to stand up and be like,
look, this is not what we're going to do
to like some opposing parents.
Like, this is not what we're going to do.
This is 12 year old girls soccer, relax.
And then normally people respond accordingly,
but yeah, that's, I don't know.
That's the worst possible thing is I don't want to be
in a situation and maybe this is just me being
like self-conscious is like, I assume that people are looking at me. I don't want people that's the worst possible thing, is I don't wanna be in a situation, and maybe this is just me being self-conscious,
is like, I assume that people are looking at me,
I don't want people to leave and be like,
man, Dominique was real tough on his kid,
or that Foxworth guy was trying to fight
the whole opposing fans and yelling at the refs.
It's like, when you go from watching Patrick Mahomes play,
it feels kind of insane for this guy on his second job
ref-ing the game for me to start yelling at him.
Like get it together, guys do it the best you can.
I pray for footage of you guys flipping out at a game.
I just want someone to send me a TikTok of you guys.
It won't happen because mine isn't the kind that.
Tearing your jacket off.
It's not the kind that he's describing.
I don't talk to the refs, I don't talk to the coaches,
I don't talk to other parents,
I don't talk to any other kids.
I'm just telling my kid cut cut now cut now
Are you ever undermining like a play that's been drawn up? No, no, cuz I know the place. Okay, you know
I know it. I know what you're doing though. You are you're taking shots by talking to your kid
You're taking shots at the opposing team like come on, you can beat him off the dribble,
you can beat him off the dribble.
I thought Dominique was saying Amin is taking shots
literally vicariously, as in like, shoot.
Coach, you gotta isolate number nine on defense.
We need to isolate number nine, they can't guard anyone.
I don't do that, I don't tell my kid when to shoot.
I do say cut and things like that.
I do know the plays because when my kid comes home
and says, hey, we got a new play,
I said, we have a whiteboard, I said, draw it up for me.
And then you've got to tell me from every position,
if you're playing the two, all right,
now if you're playing the five, where are you,
what are you doing?
So it's just things that we do.
We watch film together.
Film of what?
All the games, it's high school,
so all the games are on film.
So like after the game, we come home and we watch film. Oh, it's high school. I don the games are on film. So like after the game we come home and we watch film.
Oh, it's high school.
I don't know why, I thought it was younger for some reason.
I was picturing 10 to 12.
No, yeah.
Like my kids are freshmen in high school playing varsity.
So there's a big crowd.
Oh, this changes everything.
Did you guys all catch that?
We were not.
Did we all catch that?
Earl Woods, Earl Woods over here.
Freshman brain varsity. Is revealing what's really happening. I stand corrected. We all catch that. Earl Woods over here is revealing
what's really happening.
Amin is engineering the next great athlete.
Not really, we're more about grades in my house.
But my thing is, that's what you gotta say,
that's what you gotta say, Amin, well done, well done.
A good immigrant parent.
If you're gonna do this, we're gonna do this right too.
Framing dollar bills and talking about grades.
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Friends it's Jer Bear and you know that I'm obviously a bit of the romantic type and Valentine's
Day is coming up.
And for me, there's only one place that I trust.
One eight hundred flowers dot com.
Every year I order stunning high quality bouquality bouquets from 1800flowers that
my wife absolutely loves. And this year I'm partnering with 1800flowers to make sure you're
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In the Levitard Studios, we received a beautiful arrangement of long stem red roses,
accompanied in an hourglass red vase.
They're timeless, luxurious, and romantic.
A must-have this Valentine's Day.
And seeing and smelling the freshness of that bouquet as I walk into work every day has me
prepared for any hate that Dan may throw my way. To claim your Double Your Roses offer,
go to slash Dan. That's slash Dan.
That's at slash Dan.
Don Lebatard!
I took my son to the barbershop to get a haircut, and my man gave out some limp dap. Oh no.
Damn, damn, damn.
I disowned him. I threw him right under the bus. I was like, whose kid is that out here dishing out limp dap?
This is the Don Lebatard show with the Stugarts. Domini, there we're sorry. I'm sorry, who's gonna win the Super Bowl?
We all are man, it's gonna be a fun game that we'll enjoy.
It'll be a tremendous experience,
watch some commercials and all that stuff.
I think Kendrick's gonna win the Super Bowl.
Kendrick Lamar, Super Bowl champion.
I think Sizz is gonna win the Super Bowl.
I don't know, my money's on Kendrick.
Oh man, Sizz has got a moment going.
Dominique, what hotel are you staying at?
What is happening right now?
Why would you ask that?
Because I thought you had this amazing thing to talk to me about.
It is.
It's the Super Bowl.
Who's going to win the Super Bowl?
The best you have?
I'd like to know.
We really just want a most down.
I don't want to do this.
What's happening?
We just had a great, we were doing something.
We were dancing.
We're having too much fun.
Dan's gonna fly back now.
Speaking of flight, Dominique.
He's listening by the way.
We all know he's listening.
I know.
That's why Jeremy wore that color green, just for Dan.
Dan was worried.
He's like, Dan said that he's happy to take vacation.
The audible sound of laughter through the glass
that you may be able to catch is Jess's reaction
to that premise.
I believe that Dan is worried.
I believe that Dan should be on vacation.
I believe that Dan has not-
He's not on vacation.
You know that, right?
He's working.
I mean, he's not working the whole week.
The whole point is to give him time, right?
He's doing this show with Dan Patrick,
which everybody in New Orleans, if you're listening,
go watch, it's at Tipitina's, which is an awesome venue.
You know, go do that.
But after that, like Dan should have a weekend to himself.
He should be, you know.
Painting the town red.
That's right.
Another thing people don't say anymore. Is that a 90s reference? I don't know
Dominic you can be our scout on the ground and let us know how much fun is being had by Dan
No, I think I think you guys misunderstand what Dan thinks is fun Dan like what you guys think is fun
Not what Dan think is fun. Dan, like what you guys think is fun, not what Dan thinks is fun.
Oh, he's in his element.
Dan is just gonna be out there searching
for some shit to go wrong,
so that he can then complain about it when he gets back,
and he'll be so happy that he had some shit go wrong.
The only thing I wanna see from the Super Bowl content wise
is Charlie doing his Dan impression to Dan. Oh, yeah
Make that happen and send that video to us exclusively please for YouTube in the draft
Charlie my co-host he flew to New Orleans yesterday
And he was on the flight with Jane Daniels. Oh
What oh my god, how excited was he?
He said that he walked, it was Jaden and his mom,
he said he walked up to Jaden and said,
you changed my life.
We know he probably said this
in the nerdiest way possible, right?
You doing Charlie impression, Dominique?
I can't actually.
If you can imagine,
the voice I imagine Charlie used
is the voice that Charlie uses to impersonate Dan,
which is also the voice that Amin uses
to impersonate Adam Silver.
Oh, a little weak voice like that?
That's exactly what Charlie's Dan impression sounds like.
You changed my life, Jayden Daniels, thank you.
It's my life.
I wanna get back to the game,
I wanna get back to the game of what do you tell the person that you're the biggest
possible fan of?
Charlie Wentworth, you changed my life.
Think about that.
We have a video that I want to play.
If success was an indication that he might have earned, all because it feels like Robert
Kraft just talking bad about him behind closed doors, that's shocking to me that no one would
be willing to.
The owners don't like each other.
Like some of them like each other.
I'm shocked that someone didn't just go hire him
just to piss off Bob.
Somebody hates Bob in there.
That's because they run this business like a monopsony.
Oh, here we go.
Dominique, it's a cartel.
It's a cartel, Dominique.
Oh, I thought you were gonna mock me.
That was you saying, Dan, it's a monopsony.
These owners, and then Dan goes,
no Dominique, it's a cartel, and Bob Kraft not getting anyone
to hire Bill Belichick, that's some gangster.
Oh my God.
That is great.
The gangster, the gangstership part is fair.
Mickey Mouse and South Park.
The last time that he did it was one of last week's shows and we've added a new
element to it. It's now the hokey wordplay. That's our new element that
we've added to it is when he does like a double entendre type of situation.
Yes. Oh I know this move. It's the move you do as a writer and you think you can
do it just speaking and it's a real heat check. It's very much like a 50 year old man trying to rap
is what it comes off as.
Can you give me an example?
The Michael Jordan, the souls of Michael Jordan,
do you know that one, Amin?
No, I don't.
Dominique, you got it.
I don't know if I can get my voice high enough.
Well, just say it, and I'll say it in the high pitched voice.
Um, when Dan was in China, he said he was walking at the Great Wall behind the souls of Michael Jordan
at the place that took the soul out of Jordan.
Something like that.
It was actually, that's actually a good example of it.
I don't like that one.
Cause that's actually really kind of cool.
The rest of them are.
Are we now realizing that Dan's kind of a good writer?
Is that what's happening right now?
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
We know Dan's a great writer, but the other times
he was talking shit to me in texts and I said agreed.
And he was like agreed and then put a space between it
and wrote agreed.
Like greedy, L-A-M.
Like nah, nah bro.
Nah bro, that ain't it bro.
That ain't it.
That ain't it.
Plus I thought Seoul was in South Korea.
Oh, that's not.
That Dan would have kicked out for a sand would have kicked a mean
Love Dan hope Dan's listening to this
Have you guys seen a person that you were an enormous fan of
and you wound up saying something like,
you changed my life to them?
Is there a thing, David,
who is the person you would most be excited to encounter?
Do you have a thing you know you'd wanna say to them?
There was an actor named Alan Alda.
Oh yeah. He's still alive.
Who was the Hawkeye in MASH. And there was an episode of Alan Alda. Oh yeah. He's still alive. MASH.
The Hawkeye and MASH.
And there was an episode of MASH called The Joker.
And when I spoke to Alan Alda about it,
when I met him, I asked him about that episode
and he didn't remember it.
And I recall being devastated.
How can it be?
And now that I've done 1,200 Nothing Personal shows,
I absolutely understand that you don't remember
things that you do.
He remembered lines at the time he recorded it,
and it changed my life.
And I said to him the next time I saw him,
I don't know if you remember,
but we talked about this episode
that you did not remember filming,
and I thought that you were crazy,
and now I realize that you're normal.
And the concept of people who pretend that they remember
everything they've done, you can't do it.
And then he said, and you are?
No, he, thank you.
Wait, so you saw him a second time
and brought up something he didn't remember the first time?
Is there anything else you learned
from the most popular television show of all time
through podcasting?
He does, wait, explain to me what you mean because he is a podcaster in his 80s.
What I mean is that you went to the star of the most watched television show of all time
at one point and said, I know what your life is like.
I have a podcast.
No, this was, you're absolutely wrong.
I'm sorry.
I didn't tell it right.
I was 20 years old.
I hadn't even started law school. I didn't tell it right. I was 20 years old. I hadn't even started law school.
I hadn't even finished college.
Don't you talk about the second meeting where you say, I was 23 years old.
Are you stalking Alan Alda? What is happening here?
I just happened to know him and you can play it.
Whatever he's Alan Alda. It's not even worth it.
We're not going to. He's he's he's got Parkinson's.
He is in his 80s and he does this really cool.
I feel like we should play it now, because I feel bad.
You should feel bad.
Look at me moving.
Alan Aldis is my acting hero,
and personally, he is an amazing person.
He's an amazing person.
He commuted back and forth from New York to LA to film MASH,
because he wouldn't move his family to LA for that 11 years.
I can't believe we're doing MASH Talk,
it's not on a Greg Cody Tuesday.
It's happening.
That's so unexpected.
Everything David says and this episode
of The Dan LeBittard Show is presented by Venmo.
I wish I was down there now.
I mean, I wanted to be down there before,
but I never wished I was down there
more than I did the last four or five minutes or so.
Like, I mean.
No, I get, like, I mean. I mean.
Now I get, like I think you guys are all tremendous.
I will have one piece of criticism
for the man in the middle chair.
Yeah, I felt that many.
Pablo, Pablo.
I'm gonna need you like at the next break.
I'm gonna need you to grab this show by the throat.
The next segment, you need to have a real legitimate
hardcore football or sports topic ready at some point.
And you throw it in there and then you spin off
of the hardcore football topic into silliness
and then you bring it back to the hardcore sports topic.
It feels, it just feels like we out here
willy nilly right now and I don't like willy or nilly.
The cons, another thing people don't really say anymore is willy-nilly, by the way.
Let's keep a running list.
Willy-nilly is making a comeback.
Making a comeback.
I think you're being willy-nilly about...
Who's gonna win the game?
I see what you mean now, Dominique.
I see what you mean now.
That's the best we got.
No, I, look, here's the bad news.
Here's the bad news for the steering wheel in front of me.
It has the word,
there are vultures circling the Elcer written on it.
And that's what I was gonna lead with the next time
we came back from break.
Nope, throw that out.
I don't know what it is.
If it's the Luca trade, the De'Aaron Fox trade,
it's whatever you want.
You gotta find something and that's what you start with.
Okay, next segment, Pablo.
All right, you got it.
They're not just vultures, they're turkey vultures.
Mm, and they're huge.
Can we get Ron, can we get Ron McGill on
to talk about the vultures?
I mean, first meatloaf, then burgers, now vultures.
I mean, what is turkey not gonna come after?
We're done with that.
Let's not come back to that.
You did it.
You can't do that any better.
He nailed it, all right?
We're done with that.
All right, you did it.
Don't bring up the vultures any damn more.
Are they healthy vultures?
I can't tell if Chris is feeding me lines
or just saying them now into the microphone for everybody.
It's hard to distinguish.
Turkey vultures, that was all me.
I can't have that.
If it's just in your ear.
Dominique, in New Orleans, there's been a lot of talk.
I do want to get a quick thing in
while we still have Dominique.
There's so much talk.
Roger Goodell coming out and talking about
how things aren't scripted, how the chiefs aren't favored.
The head of the NFL Referee Association released in a-
Scott Green.
Scott Green.
Scott Green, I've interviewed Scott Green before.
He released in a huge statement
Look at me moving
statement on episode 190 of PTFO
about how referees only cover two games per year for a team
and that you'd have to have every referee involved
in this sort of corruption
and they're the best in the business, et cetera.
As a player, and we talk to players a lot about this,
did you feel ever that there was any sort of refereeing
that in any way went either for you or against you?
No, I never felt like there was any bias.
And it's something that, I don't know,
I'm sure Amin has probably had this conversation
with youth athletes also, it's like, who cares?
It's out of your control.
So like, I've never given it enough thought
to think that they, that anyone's cheating.
Of course there were bad calls in my favor
and bad calls against us in every game that you play,
but it's something that's completely out of your control.
And I assume that maybe it's not just an athlete thing,
but I kind of feel that way generally
about the world around me.
It's like, I don't know, shit ain't gonna work out.
It's all a cop.
Counterpoint, let's storm the Capitol.
Are you saying it's a 50-50?
Get back here, Dominique. Is that your point?
It all evens out in the end? You just have to stick around?
No, no, it's probably that's true. But it's honestly, it's like, it's not in your control
and complaining about it isn't going to fix it. There are going to be issues and maybe
honestly, like the experience and the life experience that I was kind of alluding to
is like, no, it never evens out, but who gives a shit?
It's just the way it's gonna be.
David, when it comes to referees, this is what I say,
this is one of the things why I think Adam Silver
isn't as strong as he needs to be.
We've had over the last couple of years,
several instances of players and coaches insinuate
that like the fix was in.
And I said, look, man, you can call the ref look man you can call the rest stupid you can call them blind you can even say hey that ref doesn't like me
there's a personal vendetta what we cannot ever allow in our sport is to
have people question the integrity of the sport meaning these guys are on the
take doing money signs talking about they wanted them to win or whatever
that's the stuff that should not fly the league has been very soft on that and
I think the NFL is the same thing you need to kill that
Immediately not only with your players and coaches, but also with your broadcast partners, right?
If you're Fox if you're CBS NBC or ESPN you want our rights?
You can't be talking that craziness Amazon to you can't you can't talk about the refs wanted them to win. You can say he got a
superstar call. That's very different from there's a script or there's there's
some sort of nefarious kind of thing at play. But that distinction of there are
superstar calls and the NBA by the way is pretty I would say unique. It's unique
among sports where it's like every call has room for interpretation.
When in the game is it happening?
Who is committing it?
Who is the person who is on the other side of it, right?
Where on the court is it happening?
All of this stuff factors into
what makes a good call in basketball.
And in the end, I mean, look, I guess across all sports,
though, the reason why I think it's such a hard conversation
is because there is truth.
The league likes to think of refereeing broadly
as a dial to turn, right?
We're over-correcting for some things,
we're trying to make up for other things, that happens.
In the NBA, we saw it, I mean, scoring's way up.
What happened?
They interpreted the rules differently.
Mid-season, and the things changed
in the nfl there are things that are called now dominique that didn't used to
be called that way because there's an actual change
the specific though favor trading of we are work
we are rewarding
a superstar team as an entity
that's where i agree there is we're leaving the realm of
The NBA trade deadline it never stops
by a Chris Haynes
Milwaukee Bucks are trading three-time all-star Chris Middleton to the Washington Wizards for Kyle Kuzma
How about that stop the show for that?
Middleton you say Bucks. I think he Well, no, Yanis gets some help now.
He gets coups.
Moves before moves.
Ah, the move before the move.
Love the move before the move.
Oh, this is a pre-move.
Yeah, that's breaking news, all right.
Thank you, Dominique.
You got us back on track.
I deserve that.
I deserve that.
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Friends, it's JerBear and you know that I'm obviously
a bit of the romantic type and Valentine's Day is coming up.
And for me, there's only one place that I trust.
Every year I order stunning high quality bouquets from 1800flowers that my wife absolutely loves.
And this year I'm partnering with 1800flowers to make sure you're a Valentine's hero with an exclusive offer for my listeners.
Double the roses for free! When you buy one dozen, they'll double your bouquet to two dozen roses.
It's the perfect way to say I love you without breaking the bank. Trust me, 1-800-Flowers always delivers.
In the Levitard Studios, we received a beautiful arrangement of long stem
red roses accompanied in an hourglass red vase. They're timeless, luxurious, and romantic.
A must-have this Valentine's Day. And seeing and smelling the freshness of that bouquet as I walk
into work every day has me prepared for any hate that Dan may throw my way. To claim your Double Your Roses offer, go to