The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz - The Big Suey: The Nautical Casket

Episode Date: June 20, 2023

Dan and Mike are hyper-focused on the tourism submarine that is lost while looking for The Titanic. We're all worried about Stugotz, and Billy doesn't understand how he's been put in charge of Stugotz...'s life...Is he doing whippets with Dead fans? Plus, Michael Malone sounds like Fred Durst and Chris Paul is hurt after being traded from the Suns. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You're listening to Giraffe King's Network. Welcome to the big suite, presented by Giraffe King. Why are you listening to this show? The podcast that seems very similar to the other Dan Levitard podcast. I'm sorry, I'm not going to apologize for that. In fact, the only difference seems to be this imaging. I have been tempted in restaurants just walking past tables to grab somebody's fries that if they're just there.
Starting point is 00:00:34 That hasn't happened to you guys. I've done it. And now, here's the marching man to nowhere, that face and the habitual liar. Skip Schumacher's gonna join us later in the show. He's going to come into studio to talk about the Red Hot Marlins as if we haven't bored you enough with syncing into the Beale Schmeel quicksand.
Starting point is 00:00:55 We're now going to go and attack the 11 games over 500 Marlins team. This is like the second best they've ever been at the halfway point of a season, even though they've won two championships. I can't wait to just see him in person. I've heard he's really jacked. He has ripped skip. Yes, he is absolutely that. And he's a former player who I will tell tell I don't know that you could have played today because everybody just hits home runs. And you would have had to hit more
Starting point is 00:01:23 home runs than the home runs that you hit. Not these marlins though, Dan. Not the small ball marlins. You would have fit on this team. But before we get to that, there are a couple of other things that I want to get to, including a horror that is, if it hasn't already captured the country
Starting point is 00:01:38 and the world soon will, because a submarine that was just sent out to study Titanic wreckage has been lost. And I think all of us connect with the idea of, wait a minute, I'm a tourist and now I'm randomly lost at sea. Mission specialist. And what it is that, I think Greg Cody was calling
Starting point is 00:02:00 a nautical coffin, what did you call it? A nautical casket. I prefer the word casket to coffin. I always have. Look, I would. Thank you for telling us that. I wish these people well, but what a dangerous thing you're volunteering yourself for,
Starting point is 00:02:15 not to mention pricey. Wow. A submarine? Yeah, this is, if we're talking about the same thing, this is one of these little five-person cocoons, right? It's small. I don't think of it as a casket, a coffin, or a cocoon until you get one that can be lost,
Starting point is 00:02:31 which I didn't think was a thing. I didn't think that we could just misplace something that's going to search for Titanic wreckage and that that one thing would have four days worth of oxygen in it. I would assume that something like that is safe. I think of, which do you think of as safer, right? Surgery is dangerous.
Starting point is 00:02:51 I think of surgery is more dangerous than just going down in a submarine because I don't expect most submarines to be lost at sea or to sink. I'm expecting them to, I'm trusting them. Put it on the pole. What would you rather do? Go into surgery or go down below our in the submarine. Put it on the pole at Levitard show. What is more dangerous? Surgery or traveling in a submarine?
Starting point is 00:03:15 Two miles down. Hands on the surgery, quite frankly. I think all surgery is dangerous. Not really. If I have a, you know, umbilical hernia surgery, that's minor. If they open my chest cavity and try to repair my heart valve, not so minor. Okay, yes, there are levels of surgery. They're degrees.
Starting point is 00:03:36 I'm just saying, I would rather go down on a submarine. You could also go only 10 feet deep in the submarine, yes? Let me ask you this question. How do you think more people have died? And submarines are in surgery. Submarines. I'm on it. No, kidding.
Starting point is 00:03:49 Surgery. Percentage is guys. Percentage is. I mean, this is only the fifth mission for this whole particular brand. But when you trust a tourist outfit, like you're assuming you're coming to... Did you see the details about this submarine?
Starting point is 00:04:03 It's controlled by a PS3 controller? Hell no, I wouldn't trust that. You kidding me? I wouldn't fly over the Grand Canyon and an helicopter. Get out of here with that. I've been captivated by this story. There's just something about the Titanic, a hundred years approximately after it's sinking and we're still doing tourist tracks down to the bottom of the ocean to see this majestic
Starting point is 00:04:24 wreckage. And right now, there are people missing, and this is a crucial day because apparently you can survive for 96 hours in the submarine that is equipped with a bathroom and apparently had internet, but all communications ceased shortly after it got sent down. There's a working theory on the internet that the sub itself might be lodged inside the Titanic wreckage. That would be crazy. And all I'm here to tell you is, James Cameron has been working his entire life for this moment.
Starting point is 00:04:54 So Mike, as the world's foremost expert on this mission... And on everything else. Yes. Well, thank you. Thank you. Is the person who's driving with the PS3 controller are they inside the submarine or are they above the water? Above the water, thank you. Thank you. Good. Is the person who's driving with the PS3 controller, are they inside the submarine or are they above the water? Above the water, I believe. So there's no captain inside the submarine?
Starting point is 00:05:10 No, there's a mission specialist. There's five people in there. That's what they call the Dan May. David's in one of them. Dan made the mistake. No, he's not. But the people on it, that was space. Were you just sending random celebrities? Well, this guy's actually,
Starting point is 00:05:26 one of the guys has actually been a space. He's a daredevil billionaire, Hamish Harding. Hey billionaire, you got it made. What are you doing going down to the submarine in the Titanic? Seriously? You don't have to worry about anything anymore, go buy a private angle, hang out. These names do sound rich. Hamish Harding and Shazada Dawood.
Starting point is 00:05:44 Oh my God. Yeah, those are reported amongst the missing. And today's a very crucial day. I don't even know how, like, say you even find the sub. Then there's the whole deal of rescuing it. How do you bring it to shore? It all depends. If it's actually lodged inside of Titanic, how do you go about navigating that two miles beneath the ocean surface? This is a fascinating rescue mission right now. It also makes me wonder aloud, how is any of this allowed? How are we just allowing? International water, though, Mikey.
Starting point is 00:06:18 Well, I guess that's the answer. That's how it's allowed. But for $250,000, you can afford a spot on these subs that take you down two miles beneath the surface. And this is one of the risks. One of your questions is about licensing. How does this get licensed? And another, because you're speaking of this with a certain detachment, it is fascinating
Starting point is 00:06:42 and you're making my stomach hurt when you talk about it because I believe the reason that one of the reasons this story resonates with people is because we can all imagine ourselves even if you don't have that kind of money. Wait a minute. With a tourist extraction, I could with a tourist attraction, I could end up being in the worst kinds of horrors where America is captivated by my story because I'm literally running out of air. Right. Two thoughts on this. First, this is the underwater version of billionaires
Starting point is 00:07:11 starting their own space program, independent of the government. And with really, Do you know this, are you just speaking hype, like have you read it all about this, or are you just, I just wanna know, do you have any facts here? Are you just giving your opinions on
Starting point is 00:07:25 things without any fact no i've read of it i mean i'm not i'm not uh... exceptionally versed on up but i've read enough to have a big but i don't know what you're saying what you're saying is factual it's not you just talking out of your ass like you've read enough read of it you've read of it doesn't make me feel very confident that you're about to speak with authority on this rescue mission because you've read all of the report. I've read enough to say what I just said. The second part of my statement is a question, not a statement, which is, where isn't the government involved in here?
Starting point is 00:07:55 Isn't the coast guard? We know where the wreckage is. We know where the Titanic is. Why isn't the Coast Guard sending missions down there? They are. The Coast Guard is assisting in all of this, as is the company that is doing this. I don't believe Greg Cody knows much of anything about this story. That's a good question. It's a private company. Am I wrong? Where did it put the blame?
Starting point is 00:08:16 It's a private company. Who can I start blaming for? It's also heart impossible to get to. It's 900 miles off of Cape County. His suggestion was someone should be looking for these people. That's right. Can I get the government on this? The Coast Guard has been the one sending out the releases right now.
Starting point is 00:08:30 Thank you, great. Someone should look for these people. The government's taken my advice, and they're all in the case. Thank you, welcome. You're concerned. Yeah, right. If you want to issue a challenge, you should... It's a private sub.
Starting point is 00:08:41 You issue it to James Cameron, who's got approximately 24 hours to make this all about him. Sub schmub. I mean, there's an inherent risk. Cameron has moved on to Avatar Mike. I don't know why you think he's still talking about it. No, this is the mission. This is the culmination of his being. Yeah, he's back underwater with you.
Starting point is 00:08:58 Mark my words. James Cameron will make this all about him. He definitely said at one point, I wish I thought of this. It's already serialized. Mark my words. Mark my words. It's only a matter of time before James Cameron makes this potential tragedy all about him.
Starting point is 00:09:11 He knows what he's talking about now. No one says, well, first thing this story is me. Look around, who's your ally? Mr. I've read of it. I know. I have read of it. And by the way, Jacques Cousteau is also has his antenna up in heaven.
Starting point is 00:09:23 He's like, wow, this is how it's supposed it was. Wasn't Jack Kustow accused of fraud? Not to my knowledge. Like I read of it. Like a lot of the great footage that he had, he actually filmed in Tite Quarters and it wasn't actually in the wild. I may have to owe his assay to huge colleges. I'm gonna say, wait a minute, smurch the name of the great explorer, the great underwater explorer great under one or four
Starting point is 00:09:47 quick google what happened nothing right out of here no uh... this is a i'm in a submarine cocoon casket as well my entire career right here next to this one i think that's it that's what it is
Starting point is 00:10:02 i you think i'm trying to get i'm lost at. This would have been my coach instead of stugots. Yeah, I got stugots phoning in from wherever he is to do weekend observation. Well, he normally phones it in from here. Oh, Greg, I asked you before the show. Can I get you to be alert? Yeah, can I get you to be? Can I get? I need you to play the stugots role today. Great. Are up. You've been lost three times today. You're, you're saying those times, you're son and I were waving at you the way you would wave an airplane happening.
Starting point is 00:10:32 And you couldn't see either one of us. Everyone in the audience, because we're broadcast was could see me and your son doing this. And you were like, if you were staring at my day, did you were, look at your focus on the job at hand. Look at here. Look at here. Look at here. Like most human beings, I have eyes looking in the front of my head.
Starting point is 00:10:51 I'm not a frog. I don't have eyes on the side of my head that can look peripherally. To look peripherally, I got to cock my head a little bit. Your son is right in front of you. He was waving like you would waving an airplane. He's not a frog, Dad. I'm not a frog. Billy, He's not afraid. I'm not a frog Billy. Certainly you have thoughts I'm just a man of all our careers losing air by the second as we broadcast it lost it see Surely on your careers sure all of our careers yours included, but you don't get to be outside this particular sinking submarine
Starting point is 00:11:20 We all go down together. She's I know you you would like to be outside I you're like you're the guy who wants the controller from the outside, who wants to be above the surface, while the rest of us drown, but I'm gonna need your help on this story. Let's leave the Titanic being the Titanic at the bottom of the sea. Hey, you're a billionaire. How about just enjoy your money on land?
Starting point is 00:11:37 What are we going into space for? What are we going into the ocean for? He's just looking for reasons to die. That guy, to be honest with you. And I'd look something You look I don't I don't this is reckless. I would just say this is this is reckless Gotta find that one. All right. Don't worry. We'll just assume that it played Let's look into some life insurance policies, you know what I mean? See what's going on there.
Starting point is 00:12:06 Maybe some reason someone just wanted to disappear. Maybe things. What was going on around this billionaire before he decided to just disappear in a submarine down to visit the old Titanic? You know what I mean? He's got the means to disappear forever, Dan. But why? What's the motive? I was asking the right question. I honestly can't believe that on a really horrific,
Starting point is 00:12:26 fear-based story, all of you are going straight to the second guest. There's gotta be a family member somewhere. There's something's up here. All mortifying that you guys are just going straight to the second guest. That's what we said about Balloon Boy. Remember, the only person here that thought that Balloon Boy was real, Dan, as I recall, was you. We're worried about that poor kid.
Starting point is 00:12:42 We said there's no way that that's going on. Not a chance in heck, right? Sounds like a chapter in... This is inu, and unimproved and levatar show with the stugas. Gamble on by draftkins. Hello, someone's listening. I need help. I'm in Barcelona, and the creatures are everywhere.
Starting point is 00:13:02 If you listen to me, tapados los ojos. En la calle vamos todos a ciedas, pero lo más aterradores no saber en que confiar. Uy de las personas que os piden que mireis, si queréis seguir convido. Estreno en Netflix el 14 de julio. Te atreves a ver. sound better it sounds he is absolutely slurring his hey everybody by the way not surprising at all that he would answer the phone and think just everybody is that it's only one person calling it's everybody still got's he's performing baby everybody he was 19 Miller lights deep. It's everyone calling everybody. He's doing a little show.
Starting point is 00:14:08 A little show. Everything is good content. The Greg Cody. It's like he's trying Greg Cody. Hi, everybody. This is the Don Lebertar show with this two gods. I love having Greg Cody here on Tuesdays. It makes me see what I imagine 20 years ago. I thought I would be hosting this show with Greg Cody.
Starting point is 00:14:32 And that would have aged very poorly. It doesn't age much better with Stugots, but it is slightly better in that he's not frightened of the lights in here or confused and disoriented by someone talking in his ear. However, he often doesn't show up for work. He takes advantage of our vacation policy and the most recent pictures I've seen of him from again, another grateful dead concert as he descends into a summer of poisons and aging. Holy crap is a bad picture. It is terrible. I'm worried about him. We're all worried about his physical health. He sounds terrible. He's smoking his breakfast and it's
Starting point is 00:15:12 not because it's grilled. His breakfast is an asterisk that can't provide the nutrients he needs. Neither can the mushrooms Allegedly okay protein I'm to throw away all your holistic credibility and get reckless Here is something we like to call rugless speculation You're good. I mean he's high all the time Wow, I'm not in show. I never sober. He's I have no proof. I have no proof that he's right after though It's a whip it's right. That's what they do they do come on they do whip it. So that's what Billy look at this look at this photograph Let's a whip you don't let that slide remember that
Starting point is 00:15:53 Remember that time we went to coconut grove Go sit right now Even talking good Good now. Good job. You're even talking about good. Good. Good. Good. A devote lots of jokes. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Get grateful. Devo. Yeah. Thank you. The one about my dog was good. Remember that one time we went to tavern in the grove before it closed and we stumbled upon like a bunch of whip it canisters.
Starting point is 00:16:17 That was that guy you went to college with. Everyone knows. There were a couple of guys I went to college with who were in the same place that I'd left them back at the tavern and cook and a grove back then. One of them was the kicker for the University of Miami football team. I couldn't believe the sheer number of wipits on the floor of the now defunct tavern. But Greg Cody just asked, he doesn't know what a whip it is. It's sort of, and I'm forgive my ignorance here.
Starting point is 00:16:39 It's sort of taking the content of a whipped cream container and sort of whatever the hallucinogens are in it, sucking them so that you alter your brain chemistry. Okay. It's just the air that comes from those cans. You just sss. Wow. If you've ever wondered why are there so many balloons here when you go to a dead and company and show that's why.
Starting point is 00:16:59 But what do we to make of what Stugots looks like here in this photograph that was circulated on Twitter from a grateful dead concert? The day after both teams were eliminated, he came in here, he was eating a sandwich, left crumbs all over the table and said vacation mode, Dano, as it felt, you know, as the crumbs fell into a beer that had been shaved in seven days under a hat that he's been wearing nonstop for four weeks.
Starting point is 00:17:25 Unchanged, uncleaned. He's falling apart and he wants to do his weekend observations from wherever he is. I was told he's in New York at the moment that he went to a show last night and I think he has, I think he said city field today or tomorrow. He's doing, I believe, if I remember this correctly,
Starting point is 00:17:44 he told me he has either nine or ten more shows this summer. So I think that this weekend knocked out one or two of those. And then he says that that's it forever with the dead and that he can't miss it. He's doing three back to back in San Francisco. I don't know when that is. I don't know if he's told you the vacation schedule because he hasn't been very crystal clear with that to me, but he just said, I'm taking the summer off. Ha ha!
Starting point is 00:18:08 Okay. Good for stugunth. He's my hero. I live vicariously through him because I don't do any of that stuff. I've never been to a dead show, but it sounds like a lot of fun. Whipits, by the way, my neighbor, the Petrosky's, had Whipits. Ah. So when you're talking about Whippets all over the place,
Starting point is 00:18:25 I'm thinking back to the 1440 days, Bill Petrosky had three wippets, which are like small gray hounds, they're like miniature gray hounds, beautiful, wiry little dogs, faster than a light bulb. When you turn on a light switch, and the light comes on,
Starting point is 00:18:43 the whip is faster than that. It's the fastest land animal on earth other than the Cheetah I think McGill would would Ignore that's another one that abuses the vacation policy. He's not coming in today. I'll let turtles go into the ocean Yes, he's releasing seed turtles. He can't be in today Billy where are we though? Okay, so he's going to take the summer off, the summer of deterioration. Yes, thank you. The Elser Hotel, we come live on every day, Monday through Thursday from the Elser. Thank you for answering that question.
Starting point is 00:19:15 I always appreciate your help and grateful for what you do when KOS has emerged and you're totally not helpful in any way whatsoever. But Stugat's general condition as the producer of God Bless Football and other vehicles that require his not lazy support of mailing it in, you are headed for a summer of chaos. You realize that, right? Like if you don't get control of this, well, you're summer before football season and then angling into football season, you're going to feel like you're spending the entire rest of the year in the useless sound montage because you can't even wrangle him.
Starting point is 00:19:49 Here's the thing that I'm kind of curious about, is I'm somehow like been put in charge of Sugatsu's life and I don't understand why that's the case. It seems like no one wants to deal with him. So I've been like whenever he does something wrong, it's my fault and it's like, no, like I'm not in charge of him. I just have to corral him to So I've been like, whenever he does something wrong, it's my fault. And it's like, no, like, I'm not in charge of him. I just have to corral him to do things like twice a week, but the rest of the thing, that's not my problem.
Starting point is 00:20:10 Is it impeding your assent at the company? 100%. I've been told as much by management multiple times. Whoa. That your inability to wrangle Stugas is hurting your career? Yes. Just like that. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:24 It's not the best. I could be honest with you. Probably not an on-air conversation, but you know, here we are. So I don't know what's going on with him. The long and the short of it is he says he's in New York. I think he's coming back next week. He's going to do weekend observations at some point in time, but Chris Cody, no, this is the thing, though. Chris Cody just came to me and said, hey, Stu got's available. And I'm like, but what about the fact that whenever he does it from the road, it's about 10 times slower. And we can't do it as well. And it takes 40 minutes to do the weekend observations
Starting point is 00:20:50 because he's on drugs and it's too slow. I can tell you this, when I spoke to him to record something an hour ago, he seemed coherent and his microphone sounded good. Now, I don't know if he's gonna be in the same place that he was at that point in time, but he was in a hotel room. The microphone was working. It sounded good. There wasn't much of a lag, but I don't know. One of the reasons Mike Ryan has stepped back at least in part because he's dealing with two deteriorating hosts is how did the standard for Stu got to get lower than I come here
Starting point is 00:21:23 man. I come here man was the lowest bar. and now he can't be bothered to come here man because he's got ten dead shows this summer that will kill him. Like we have seen his falling apart, his voice that he has to protect. The only valuable thing in this market for him is if you can hear him, he cannot write, he cannot dance. He is smoking his insides. Imagine if that was his redeeming quality though. Like he put everyone through all of this but he could dance. That would be great. Yes, if the resurrection of his career is he's gonna carry us to the finish line dancing, I
Starting point is 00:22:00 would love that. Dan, why do you put up with that? He's just such a good dancer. Stoo a stare. Ha ha ha ha ha. Stoo a stare. Stoo a stare. Dan, after all these years, Dan, why have you put up with that for 20 years? You should see him, Dan. Just got a gift. Greg, I have a question for you. Yeah, Billick.
Starting point is 00:22:19 What band or musical act would you follow around the country the way Stoo gots does if you didn't have the responsibilities of having to cover all these teams day in and day out well that's a good question um... probably uh... glenn Miller uh... the glenn Miller band back in that day holy shit yeah because you know i'm only shitting out the steve miller google and miller band and miller yes go ahead and google that and see when it's last member died.
Starting point is 00:22:45 No, here's why. That was my dad's favorite big band guy was Glenn Miller. I'm too young for the big band era, believe it or not, but I would like to have experienced it. So that's why I say that instead of, you know, the rolling stone. Please give me all the, I mean, you somehow going older than the rolling stones. I guess isn't an upset, but still once Jeremy,
Starting point is 00:23:04 give me some facts on the Glenn Miller band when it is their heyday was. The first fact for you, they were active from April 1938 to September 1942. Chattanooga Chuchu, pardon me boy. Are you the Chattanooga Chuchu? What, won't you go to me, huh? I feel bad for you.
Starting point is 00:23:24 I've dad's been doing it my whole life. That's Won't you go to me, oh. I've got to be doing it in my whole life. That's a great Cody song to me. Glenn Miller died in 1944. Damn, right, he did. Ah! At 40. Right in the middle of the war, went young, but he was my dad's favorite.
Starting point is 00:23:36 But, that, pardon me, boy. For this. Is that the only one you know? I want to carry you home. Yeah, I haven't seen them. That's why I want to go see them. What, you can? I'm sure they had many hits. There's probably an incarnation.
Starting point is 00:23:53 There's probably still a Glenn Miller band. Moonlight cocktail is one of their hits. Moonlight serenade or Moonlight cocktail. How's that go? I'm a few bars. There's actually both. I've heard of Moonlight serenade. We'll sing that one. I don't know it. I've heard of it. Shockinger! Little Brown Jug.
Starting point is 00:24:05 Oh yeah, that's right. I think my dad used to sing that. American Patrol. My aunt would sing it in the French. I never knew that song. He died serving our country. In the war, right? In the war, right?
Starting point is 00:24:18 Yeah. Nimon Elvis, who were in the war 20 years apart, actually Elvis was never in the war, was it? I think he never went overseas. In movies. In movies. In movies. In the war right? In the war right? Yeah. Neman Elvis were in the war 20 years apart. Actually Elvis was never in the war, was it? I think he never went overseas. In movies. In the movies you were right.
Starting point is 00:24:31 That was quite the ride we just went on. He was a toy soldier. Although in real life he was in the military as well. De-rail the couple of years of his prime, early prime. Shokiter! Ted Williams also. Ted Williams, that's right imagine if modern day athletes had to do that
Starting point is 00:24:48 like mic trout all of a sudden is missing three years of his career i mean he has been missing this season in jesus to be a fighter pilot i know in that crazy to imagine that no athlete looks more like a fighter pilot than like trout there is a modern day there is a modern day ted williams and just happen to play down here yeah great did you know Glenn Miller was awarded the bronze star medal posthumously?
Starting point is 00:25:08 You know what, it doesn't surprise me. Yeah. It doesn't surprise me. He earned it. What did they award that for? I have no idea. Ted Williams head still. It's under Disney's rule.
Starting point is 00:25:20 Just like the last hit. It's Frozen. By a genix. Last you checked in Arizona right Glenn Miller was born in 1904 doesn't say that date disappeared in December of 1912. Well, that's one of those maybe who's in a five-man submarine You never know What I think we do know cuz you know how we went missing exactly serving the country.
Starting point is 00:25:46 It's true. Yeah. I'm not making fun of the people in the submarine. I pray that they- Or the military. Let's just get ahead of that as well. Right. You said a prayer for that.
Starting point is 00:25:56 But they don't make them like Miller anymore. Imagine that a big band leader who goes off to war disappears under weird circumstances, you could write a book about that. You should. I should. Yeah. The Glenn Miller story. I gotta come up with a better name than that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:14 What was the name of his song? Maybe you're tying his song name. I think Chattanooga Chuchu. Shokkider is his biggest hit. Look up, whether that was his DCC new and unimpro improved and levatar show with the stugas gamble on by draft Kings. Don levatar. If you lob a 30 mile an hour fastball to a major leaguer, of course they're going to hit a home run.
Starting point is 00:26:37 The worst major leaguer in baseball is going to hit 10 or 12 home runs under that format. Being pitched that way. Today should be throwing curve balls. No, what's your solution here? It's a fake event. It's like not even real. Stugats. Dad, you had a shootner. Those are my deck shoes of long standing. Real event in the real shoes. Right. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:27:02 No, no, no, no, I am with you, Greg. What's wrong with that? He got me on that one. This is the Don Lebertar Show with his two gods. I'm not totally sure, but I think what is presently happening with two gods as we try and fail to onboard him from whatever drug soaked landscape he joins us from. I'm pretty sure it's what made Whitty quit. And now Chris Cody is in that chair, Mike Ryan, his step back.
Starting point is 00:27:30 We can't get the audio we need right from Stugat, so that will have to wait a segment and we will get to him in a segment from now. Whittingham probably executed the strangest quitting I've seen of anyone because I walked out today and I was going to do something here in the lobby and who do I see on the Draft King's channel with the Coolagins today. Whitty seems like Whitty just quit coming here because he's still buzzing about, yeah, washing checks from someone doing something. But also doing the things that he wants to which include not having to deal with Stugots' schedule
Starting point is 00:28:05 and having his career harm the way that yours is. Yeah, how did he escape that? Well, he just quit and took the parts of the job that he wants to start doing soccer. We will get to Stugots in a moment, but I want to go back for a second. This Messi's coming to town, maybe. It is a good gig.
Starting point is 00:28:23 Attach yourself near the Messi phenomenon. It's probably gonna skyrocket and take care of a whole lot of people in this economy. The fact that that guy somehow at this age is still at maximum leverage while it all fell apart for Ronaldo in like 18 months. They were equals and then Ronaldo threw it all away and Messi is still at maximum leverage.
Starting point is 00:28:44 Anyone attaching themselves to him is gonna to make a lot of money. Do you hear this Sergio Busquets is coming to town too? I mean, I'm a big soccer guy. Big time. He'll be coming. Easy. Mm-hmm. From Spain. Wow.
Starting point is 00:28:55 Espanya. How many people got the reporting wrong on all of this? Is this allowing you to take another victory lap? Well, like for, I guess one of the criticisms, if any, that I received was that you never actually said messy was coming here You just said that he wasn't resigning with PhD. I flat you told I flatly told everybody that Bouskets was coming Told you it's like in a winner. So yeah, he's coming and we told the subs I told the subs I told everybody on Twitter too and I told people on the show that Bouskets that deal was fully negotiated and done
Starting point is 00:29:22 Twitter too, and I told people on the show that Bouskets, that deal was fully negotiated and done months ago. So yeah, he's coming here and someone else is coming here too because Jorge Moss finally spoke to the media, confirmed a lot of these things. Remember, Messi has not yet signed. So that's why when you see graphics, the E is inexplicably missing because they can't come out and tell you Messi is here because he hasn't fully agreed.
Starting point is 00:29:42 But Bouskets, Messi, and there is a third jersey up there. Go on. No, no, we're not doing that. You haven't earned it. That's right. Wow. Where can people purchase the right to have exclusive insider information if they care?
Starting point is 00:29:55 They're all emoji hints on my. From the globe's international insider on all things messy. You can super follow up, Michael Ryan Ruiz, and give half my money to Elon Musk. One of the things that I wanted to get to as we try to onboard Stuga Tear, because I don't want to lose the humanity of what I'm about to say here, because we just talked an hour ago about, my grind is demanding that Mickey Erison not run his business like a responsible business that has to worry about money, but that he spend the maximum amount of money in order to run his business, the dollars of it poorly, but the part that feeds the fans, the way that fans and columnists want it fed. When
Starting point is 00:30:40 people say sports is just a business, when the players, when you hear them say that we all kind of know it, it's a cliche. But I simply want to point to you in the glory and the frenzy of the transaction. We're going to head into the draft and you just saw the league taken away from LeBron. This is how it's going to happen. They've been dominating this news cycle. These old guys for a long time. LeBron just had it taken from him and is arguing on instagram with michael malone who's taunting him with with making fun of him looking like a ridiculous
Starting point is 00:31:13 drunken person who looks like an aged white wrapper uh... looks like Fred bit of Fred uh... for the nurse from limp biscuit that that he's taunting lebron because they took the leg from him, and now it's drunken, flat brim, sunglasses, bleep off Lebron, I got the big giant young guy. From that space where the league gets taken by the young people, Chris Paul endured what I would say would be a hurtful transaction to anybody who cares about an
Starting point is 00:31:48 employer caring about them. It was a year ago that Chris Paul got that team to the finals and helped that team get where they were. Was a hero in Phoenix revived his career after Oklahoma City. Chris Paul goes down as a legend for these times. But because he never won, he will be disgraced and furthermore, no one cares that without any respect whatsoever. At the end of his career, the sons are like, yeah, we don't care that your family is here. We don't care about what you want. Get the hell out of here. You're an expiring
Starting point is 00:32:20 contract. We're going to waive you. Thanks for the memories. Get out of here. Time for the young people. And what I would add, and the young people is Bradley Beale. Like, it's not really young people. It's just eight years younger than you. And from within that conversation, I want to ask you the group, what is Chris Paul's place in history? Because I understand it's a business, but it feels to me like the sons in the name of business just wronged what is a legend for our times. Because Chris Paul's one of the 10 best players to have played during this period, but because he wasn't LeBron, because he wasn't Wade, hell, he's better than Carmelo. He doesn't get the same send off. And in fact, at the end gets hurt by his employer.
Starting point is 00:33:04 Is he allowed to be hurt by his employer? Because Greg, this person, for those of you who do not know, just wrote a book with Michael Wilbon because he is boys with Iger. Was a power broker during player empowerment, the head of the union, got to the top of the sports business where he collaborates with silver and Iger over what's the next deal look like for players and is an afterthought within the context of, well, you weren't as good as LeBron,
Starting point is 00:33:30 you weren't nearly as good as LeBron, you weren't as good as Durant, you weren't nearly as good as Durant, but you're in the top 10 and at the end, get the hell out of here, we don't need Jeny more, see if you can figure it out on your own, you're old time for the young people.
Starting point is 00:33:46 It's a cruel ecosystem, man. It's cold. It's ridiculous the way he found out that they didn't have the courtesy to speak to him directly. But to me, you compare them with other point guards, not with big guys. And in his place, he's third all time in steals, third all time in assists. The fact that he didn't win a championship for me it it matters very little
Starting point is 00:34:10 he's one of the greatest ever without equivocation one of the greatest ever for his size for sure yeah so he's a time at point guards right yeah I'm just talking about players I'm talking about players this is a guy who for 15 years during the LeBron era was as good as any of them, like a few notches below, but by degrees for his size incomparable almost. You gotta say it Thomas, winning championships on a broken foot. And then you go Chris Paul is second best,
Starting point is 00:34:39 but we'll be a loser in the eyes of many people because he suffers the great shame of what you weren't nearly as good as LeBron. It's been most of his pro career with no cartilage in that knee. Yeah. Yeah, he's one of the all-time greats. Also, this is the third time he's been jettisoned because of his age. And he had a career resurgence at one of those destinations in Oklahoma City that made
Starting point is 00:35:02 him a desirable contract. I understand that he's a little sour on it. We get to ask him about this. He's scheduled to join us this week and the timing on that is pretty good. But yeah, he was caught off guard by this, but the reports were that he knew his time in Phoenix was ending. If anything, I'd feel a little flattered that it just wasn't a salary cap dump the way that I've been previously in my career.
Starting point is 00:35:22 I'm here. My contract's a piece, an attractive piece to help lore and Lord make the money workout to get Phoenix to that next level. At least psychologically that has to help, right? Because you look at some other point guards who have been traded in the last few years who are also great players of their time. Russell Westbrook is an example and Russell Westbrook played for the thunder for so many years, brought them so close, remained loyal in a way where Chris Paul's been on a number of different teams throughout his career, and he ended up getting shipped to Houston and then flipped, of course, for Chris Paul. It's a cold business.
Starting point is 00:35:55 I don't think people care though, Cody, I think they say, well, you make a lot of money, Chris Paul, and sorry, you got to move your family or you got to figure it out. You got to all summer to do it. Wherever you built a home, that's nice. But Phoenix was your home and you got to move your family or you got to figure it out you got all summer to do it wherever you built a home that's nice but Phoenix was your home and you got so close so close yeah this away you were you were right there and then it blows up and your window closes and now you're an afterthought again they're just enhancing his real estate portfolio you know he's gonna keep it in Phoenix get one and watch and now the man my man's just spread out more I'm going to be a little bit more careful. Yeah. You know, he's going to keep it in Phoenix, get one and watch. And now the man, my man's just spread out more.
Starting point is 00:36:25 I'm good on him. I do find it fascinating. The triangle is now complete. The permute a triangle for aging point cards of their generation. They all have stops in Washington, Houston, and the Clippers. It's just like John Wall, Westbrook, and Chris Paul just constantly shifting the triangle. Kendrick Perkins, who has become a voice that is being heard on ESPN, says that Westbrook would be better for the heat than Bradley Beale.
Starting point is 00:36:51 I disagree. That is the silence that I expected. I was going to say that's about right. That's about right. Is it a disagree? But neither would be Lillard. Let's be clear about that. Lillard?
Starting point is 00:37:02 Lillard, and I stopped complaining about everything. I understand Dan's point. Like, it's funny how clear about that. Lillard, Lillard and I stop complaining about everything. I understand Dan's point, like, it's funny how you frame that. I don't want him to run responsible business for a team that he got from his dad. You know, how much money did he pay for the Miami Heat? Oh, nothing. Right, I'm sure he worked hard for what he got.
Starting point is 00:37:18 Whatever, no, it's like how much money is he gonna get eventually when the payday comes? And you may leave it for his on the way that he got that but I'm not asking for much I'm really not luxury tax. I think asking for much is asking him to spend more than any other owner. That's what you're asking for. I mean, if not, would it be the owner that had didn't pay for the team? Like if he could ask that reasonably, he should have a bad concept when it comes to money. Like as somebody who was, who grew up spoiled,
Starting point is 00:37:47 I can speak to this. He should be willing to just add to the, yeah, texture, whatever. He had, there was a rough pandemic on Carnival Cruise Lines, we all know the, the interest that the Saudis bought in Carnival Cruise Lines, but it's, if you look at the, the teams that have capitalized on their championship window, recently,
Starting point is 00:38:06 a lot have done so by going into that luxury tax. And Mickey Ererson decided to avoid that luxury tax by jettison Mike Miller, a shooter, around a prime LeBron James. It is a valid criticism. Just to be clear, this is the fourth time you've made this valid criticism. I was talking about Chris Paul.
Starting point is 00:38:24 How did you bring it back to the heat? I was talking about... Well, you're the one that mentioned here. Well, but this is what you do, though, and it's not just you. I believe it's sports fans in general. You're always off to the next transaction. No time to celebrate the career of Chris Paul. Get out of here. What are we supposed to do, though, with Chris Paul? It was a bad contract. We all knew that. Congratulations, Phoenix. You got off of one bad contract. That's what the great teams in this league do.
Starting point is 00:38:50 When you're the general manager of the team, you and no one else wanted Chris Paul the last four years when that contract was a bad contract. Do you realize? Oh, I wanted Chris Paul down here. And that was another, actually let me add Chris Paul. No, I'm talking to my poor kid. No, I do realize how the Miami Heat would have been better if they had the last four years of chris paul
Starting point is 00:39:08 instead of kai alaurey and assortment of others they had that opportunity this is an in exact thing that might want to be perfect yeah and and it it bears saying that since this is a new and improved that since this is in new and unimproved and levator show with the stugas gamble on by craftkins

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