The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz - The Big Suey: What Is Going On?

Episode Date: November 28, 2023

Pablo Torre joins us to give his best ideas for a Greg Cote mascot and to rail against the new Meadowlark Media logo before discussing the right's attack on Deadspin after a child in a racist costume the Kansas City Chiefs game (just slightly less racist than we thought) was posted to their site. Then, the crew gets into a heated debate over the merits of the NBA In-Season Tournament ahead of tonight's showdown between the Heat and Bucks. Plus, Mike's group chats are out of control, Dan and Mike are still outraged with Texas A&M, and we negotiate space on Greg Cote's tombstone. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You're listening to Giraffe King's Network. Welcome to the big, sweet, presented by Giraffe King. Why are you listening to this show? The podcast that seems very similar to the other Dan Levitard podcast. I'm sorry, I'm not going to apologize for that. In fact, the only difference seems to be this imaging. I have been tempted in restaurants just walking past tables to grab somebody's fries that if they're just there.
Starting point is 00:00:34 That hasn't happened to you guys. I've done it. And now, here's the marching man to nowhere, that face and the habitual liar. Today's episode of the Dan Levitard Show with Stugots is brought to you by Palatine, party on a bike, or roar, for treadmill, or app, or walk, or weight room, or anywhere. Palatine.
Starting point is 00:00:52 We are presently trying to climb into the infrastructure of Max. We're living here, Greg Cody, is the future of sports media. Look at him. Max wants to be cutting edge. They want to be the future of sports media. Look at him. Max wants to be cutting edge. They want to be the future of sports. There he is. This guy Greg. Looking at the wrong camera Greg. Yeah. He doesn't care. I mean, he just doesn't care. This guy Greg Cody is with us to take us into the future. As we take Max and we ascend to new heights and they ascend to new heights and and Stugots is
Starting point is 00:01:26 here saying, hey, God bless football, when that's when's that going to be on Max? And Pablo Tories here from Pablo Tories finds out and he's like, when do I get to be on on Max? Yeah. And we're just it's baby steps. We're taking one one hour into Max, but we want to get everybody over here. What Greg? What about the Greg Cody show on max? Zig-Aki. Exactly, Taylor made. Does it have a video component? It can, we're as soon as we buy a video machine.
Starting point is 00:01:55 Our soonest trafficking networks learn to play reels. You'll have the mascot money, so you'll be good. Exactly, right. Exactly. Yeah. I ain't gonna play a moving camera. A video machine.
Starting point is 00:02:08 Yeah. Whatever works. You're a computer. We'll get it done. Well, I can't make too much fun here, because the other day I was talking about Ron Washington, making fun of Ron Washington saying that they were going to chase down the West, and you could take that to the bank and deposit it. And I was making fun of how old he was and that people don't do that at banks anymore. And I said, I was going to go to a bank and video tape myself asking a teller to take that deposit of Ron Washington's guarantees. So I'm in no position to mock what's happening here to Greg Cody. However, Pablo, something I did want to put before you here.
Starting point is 00:02:46 Pablo Tory finds out has rocketed up the charts. It is a very successful podcast. He's tackling all sorts of strange things that are super curious and weird and interesting. But I wanted to ask you about Greg Cody's idea, which is that metal-ark media should have a Greg Cody mascot, an actual mascot that represents just Greg Cody. Yeah, it's, you know, I was listening to that.
Starting point is 00:03:12 It's rare when you find a human being who wants to be mascotded in the era in which we are declaring many mascots problematic. And here is Greg saying, I want nothing more than to be your circus animal. Please reduce me to a caricature. Thank you. And I think that's...
Starting point is 00:03:27 So when I go to the office in New York and hello, love you guys. Thanks for building a real media company for me. Appreciate it. Appreciate it. No, I mean that. I go on max now and it's like, oh, look, it's white lotus, Jennifer Coolidge, great. And then it's Greg Cody, live, at a Thank you. The local hour. It's remarkable. It's remarkable how we got in there.
Starting point is 00:03:48 I didn't sign up for that. I gladly embrace it. But what I'm saying is when I walk up to New York, just a metal arc media, I walk into a fancy conference room. We are in West Soho, OK? Incredible real estate. John Skipper loves real estate. Sweeping views, Florida ceiling windows, everyone's
Starting point is 00:04:04 impressed when they walk in, and you walk in, and there's kind of this like, metal oxide couple of logo changes. I don't know if people on the outside realize this. It started off with a bit of like an illustrated bird. Now, and I apologize to John Skipper, I assume this is his call. The bird is kind of like a judge dread logo.
Starting point is 00:04:24 It's almost like an XFL team. It's like a golden eagle against a black backdrop. It's very dystopian. So all of which is to say that Greg Cody might be an upgrade over the current kind of vibe, which is post apocalyptic media landscape, although that is appropriate for various reasons. This thing's really taken off.
Starting point is 00:04:41 This mascot then, thank you Pablo for endorsing the mascot, which I think you did. It's really taken off. Well, what is the mascot? It hasn't taken off. We're talking about where entertaining your absurd idea, but it hasn't gone anywhere. And if you're familiar with what metal arc media does other than change logos, all it does is dream up big ideas and then not do them. Well, the thing is, and I've been thinking about this as we do the show. I keep saying, like size, like I'm five-nine. It should be some sort of an elastic mascot that enables smaller people and taller people to wear it.
Starting point is 00:05:18 It has to fit one size fits all. I don't know if that's possible in the mascot game, but that's something Metal art could look into. What are you talking about? What is anybody talking about right now? Okay, Judge Dredd Burr. Yes, it was just on the screen and I just saw it. I saw it in Hunger Games admittedly, now that I see it again. But, you know, kind of like, there it is.
Starting point is 00:05:39 Oh, I'm looking at it now. I'm seeing that for the first time. I did not know we were doing a load of changes. It looks like the Seth Curry shoe logo. The mocking jay. I like that. Sharp. The thing we were talking about Mike Ryan is trying to figure out how to execute the idea. You have to understand early in the show. I need to engage
Starting point is 00:05:58 this old man. I will lose him for the show. He's been pedering out in our two again and again because we're not talking about him to stay on the mask. And his things are not talking about him to stay on the mask and his things Enough still talking about Mike if I I've got Mike we brought him Pablo I've missed this honestly Mike. I've missed this just walking into a to a show in which nothing is really happening I really appreciate joining you guys. Yeah, I'm just having control of the show Pablo look This is what we're dealing with and his glass office is there with fancy logos. Pablo has got a head show. It's a legitimately successful show. Pablo Torrey finds out and he is
Starting point is 00:06:33 coming in here right now to show off. Look, look at him making a bunch of faces and he's also here to bring us the smart. So let's because we don't have very much of that here. Well, thank you. Thank you. So Pablo, when you see immediately last night, the right picks up Sue Deadspin. Let's bankrupt them like Gawker because a five year old kid at a game has been dressed in face paint and he is wearing Native American gearies at a chief game half of his face is red half of his face is black. He should be punished because he's wearing black face and you're only seeing half of his face and then you see, no, there's also red face and the right has picked this up and said, Sue deadspin, bankrupt deadspin.
Starting point is 00:07:22 And I can't help but laugh at the center of this. I can't help but laugh somehow at the idea of they want him sued for one racism while the kid is still in full racist garb. The only part of them that's not intentionally kind of racist is the black part. The rest is team colors and he's going for just being a fan but the racism is already in there just not the kind that the right is picking up and vlogging dead spin with over a five year old kid like the stupidity of this is remarkable. Yeah, it honestly makes me wonder if their hearts are really in it anymore. You know, like the culture war was real gangbusters for a while.
Starting point is 00:08:05 People got real mad. I was on Twitter trying to compete in the Dunk Donnell Trump Derby. I was trying to like agitate. I got blocked by, or whatever it was, Clay Travis and I got in a war at some point. Now it just feels like everyone's just kind of like trying to trot out the hits.
Starting point is 00:08:19 It feels like we're in the biggest residency phase of like, you know, racism, policing, whatever the opposite of that is. And so for me, I'm just like, in the Vegas residency phase of like racism, policing and whatever the opposite of that is. And so for me, I'm just like, oh great, deadspin, you're back. And whatever it is attacking you now, they clearly have some energy, that's cool.
Starting point is 00:08:35 Because largely, it just feels Dan like, I don't know, we're all just kind of exhausted by this. Well, the only people who might actually care about this truly, truly, truly are the people who are like, yeah, as you alluded to, the Native Americans who are like, so the red face headdress thing, like we're just, okay, yep, we're just still, we're still over here in the corner. But Pablo, help me with this part though,
Starting point is 00:08:58 when Elon Musk and Ted Cruz are signaling, yes, go get deadspin and the greatest platform you can have even in 2023 is yeah bleep the media everything's untrue like all of that like you can't get tired of fighting that like you it's it's it's it's kind of like um the you know there's a bit of like basketball analytics strategy here where it's just like they're just hammering corner threes. You know, like, ah, finally, dead spin, dead spin may have ignored the fact that half of this kid's face was painted red. And so Ted Cruz is going to do this. And my true like again, if you want to hopefully smart political take on this is that the larger country is not online in the way that Ted Cruz is.
Starting point is 00:09:45 And so the idea that Ted Cruz is camp, he's campaigning against in 2023. It's like, I don't know if that would have mattered at any point, but certainly now it just feels like it's, when I watch the midterm elections and I'm fearful of Donald Trump, of course, becoming president again, but I watched the midterm elections in which the GOP was repudiated largely after running on a platform of like internet brain. We're gonna run on trans kids. We're gonna run on the fact that the people you hate
Starting point is 00:10:13 on Twitter are really annoying. We get all these politicians doubling down on that. It didn't really work, because I think a lot of just like older people didn't get the reference. And now I just, I laugh at the idea of Ted Cruz trying to explain like, look, dead spin was a thing.
Starting point is 00:10:27 Before Galker was destroyed by Hall of Coke and it was really a thing people cared about it, and Dan Levitard sold their hall of fame. He bought their hall of fame from Dan Levitard, and it's like, what are you talking about? That's how I feel like most people in America are responding at this point to the internet brain grandpas at your Thanksgiving dinner.
Starting point is 00:10:44 Watching the victory lap from Elon Musk over community notes on Twitter, signifying, hey, actually the other half of his face is red, so not black face, not racist, when the kids literally in a headdress. It's just perfect comedy. It is unbelievable. I'm sure an Adam McKay would write that.
Starting point is 00:11:03 It is so stupid and amazing. Like, they would write that and nobody would believe it because it's it's Asanine that that would work as a political trick and when it's just pure comedy, but at the end of it, it's oh and democracy's dead. Because because because that's been. Yeah, that's the spin because everyone that's going to be the spin on guns. I just think it's intellectually lazy, don't you, Pablo, because, I mean, like you said, when the culture wars were, felt more real and authentic,
Starting point is 00:11:32 when they were on the cutting edge, it actually felt like there was genuine outrage and the right would get mad at the left for being so sensitive, they would call them snowflakes. And now the right has kind of taken that playbook and just tried to outrage in a weird way to prove the left's hypocrisy, I guess, but genuinely trying to damage companies,
Starting point is 00:11:52 such as TARDIS and Bud Light. And it actually has a real punitive effect, but this was the same type of behavior that they would openly lament a couple of years ago. Well, everybody, the name of the game now, and this is the layup, right? This is the corner of three. This is the easiest way to do politics. Now, online is to play hypocrisy detective.
Starting point is 00:12:13 So everyone is looking for that. And meanwhile, it's like playing a proxy detective while a guy is taking a shit in your front lawn, right? And that guy is Jim Jordan. So for instance, the idea, I just took be clear for all people who are not up on like the politics of all of this, the right really cares about protecting kids. We care about kids so much.
Starting point is 00:12:30 How dare you attack this young half black face to young kid, because he was only half black faced. How dare you? How dare you take the scholarships away from the girls playing girl sports against these trans monsters? And meanwhile, Jim Jordan allegedly, although reportedly now exhaustively,
Starting point is 00:12:47 according to various teammates, on his wrestling team in college, denied and rejected the premise that there was a child slash rather, young adult molestation scandal of foot, because that was happening, of course, where Jim Jordan was as the assistant wrestling coach. So that guy's trying to play hypocrisy detective,
Starting point is 00:13:07 going all in on this stuff the way the Ted Cruz is, and meanwhile, that's the dude with an actual minor abuse scandal. That's where we are, and that's why is a very popular target, right? You just flippantly threw out their half black face. That's what we're talking about. That's a good jump off point. I need to talk about sports.
Starting point is 00:13:33 Pablo, thank you for joining us. Pablo Torrey finds out and Stugaz as always. The Dan La Pata was to got to sponsor by BetterHelp. The holiday season can stir a wide range of emotions and the specific emotions experience can vary from person to person. While many people associate the holidays with feelings of joy, warmth and togetherness, it's essential to recognize that the holiday season can also evoke various other emotions, both positive and negative.
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Starting point is 00:14:55 Like I could go skydiving or Rocky Mountain climbing. Still got seven seconds on a full name. Roy does bring up a point. Like you might be risking paralysis and that's totally terrible. Oh my best. Just totally totally trying to put my life. What if God forbid it's I'm gonna die in the go. What if it says a week though like or two days or a month? I don't want to know that well then you just love deeper and speak sweeter and give Forgiveness is those that you've been denying
Starting point is 00:15:21 Someday I hope you get the chance to leave like you were dying Do you have more is that it? No, thank you guys for letting me go through that smoothly. VCC Don Limita show with this two gods. Believe they're giving us seven points on Lexington. That's fair. Resilble. I mean, which of the two teams won the Bahamar Hoop Challenge? You're explaining to me. You're a blue blood. Nobody wants to hear you on the University of Miami basketball. Oh, this is amazing what's happening.
Starting point is 00:15:54 So bad. This is a game. A couple of prestige programs, again, together. Blue blood. This, Layton, the C's, you can't even make it. I cannot take it any longer. I mean, this is usually pre-season stuff. This is scheduled. Yeah a true road game with no preseason who blah around it We go Chris Cody. Why is it called preseason tournaments when it's very clearly regular season?
Starting point is 00:16:15 Yeah, they got against your record. You're right. I don't know. I never understood that right when they look back in season When they look back at the resumes they will look at this win or loss for Miami Of course, well, it's gonna be a win it's weird i don't know what the odds makers are thinking draft kings what are we doing all right we're not in the local hour anymore but we might as well as a national story it's Kentucky but this is my amian's Kentucky that where i come from that mean something this is well we have not look man it's been unfortunate we have spent many years down here not having the big stories the big national stories in sports but i can't believe i'm saying this on two's day night in december i got winters has got here it's sixty
Starting point is 00:16:53 degrees out i can't believe what i'm about to say huge basket ball night in town because you've got Kentucky and my area my name is a dog on the road this my any team thinks it wants to be Kentucky. This Miami team has made a couple of final fours recently. They made one last year, Dick and Tucky. And then the lead eight, rather a couple of the lead eights, one final four.
Starting point is 00:17:15 And don't forget the Bahamur Hoops challenge. Yeah, man. And what Mike Ryan is calling, and I was stunned to hear him say this. I didn't even understand it. It was as if he were speaking another language. He has not cared about the heat enough for a couple of seasons now, even though he's irrational, but he called a regular season game tonight a do or die heat game. Yes, that's absurd. Do or die. Excuse me. He's
Starting point is 00:17:39 absurd. Because if they die, they still play like 75 more games. No, no, no more in the in season tournament. Oh, what a big title. They have to do. They cannot die. No one have to play the bucks. Right. And if they lose the bucks, they die.
Starting point is 00:17:54 Unless the nicks also die, but by a certain number of points. Right. Do or die. Greg and I were discussing this before the show, and I know Chris Cody is going to fight back on us, but no one cares about the in-season tournament. Nobody cares about the in-season tournament. It's not true. You tell that to Jimmy Butler.
Starting point is 00:18:13 You tell that to Jimmy Butler right now who's taking the last couple of games off, but he's coming back. For this one. If it's Mike is being sarcastic about this. What? I love how you're mocking the, oh, point different. This is how the World Cup works.
Starting point is 00:18:24 You're okay with it. I'm mocking. What mocking the oh point different. This is how the world cup works. You're okay when I'm not mocking What about my toe and suggest mocking it's do or die. I'm literally all in on this game. It's a two TV night I Did not care about he didn't care. I think he missed playoff games. Didn't he miss bucks games again? There is a playoff game Damn with it. Yeah, do or die a prestige prestigious yet to be corporate sponsored cup is potentially on the line. Mike, do you think if the heat when the insides had torn him in Greg and I were discussing this because no one loves to hang things from the rafters like the Miami heat? That's a better.
Starting point is 00:18:57 Yes. Well, they hang the back. Are you suggesting it's better? How about a parade? Yes, I would have an insides parade. Get in there. I'm insides a paper. He's in parade. Yes. Jump his game, ball of art? Yes, I would have an in-season parade. Get in there, in-season, in-season, in-season, in-season. Yeah, dump this game, Boulevard.
Starting point is 00:19:07 Yes, really. That's what a cop is. Oh, you are. You are. So my up. I get, we are in the business where you gotta have a take. Greg and two gods are doing the, I'm gonna rip it. Mike's doing the sarcastic.
Starting point is 00:19:19 I'm super excited about it. Why can't we just take it for what it is? It's a little, it's not necessary. That's what it is. But it's made up. Then don't pay attention about it. Why can't we just take it for what it is? It's a little, it's not necessary. That's what it is. But it's made up. Then don't pay attention to it. Hey, guess what, if you don't care about it, it's just the regular season tonight.
Starting point is 00:19:32 And it's got a bad name. It's just the regular season for you guys. You're right. You don't have to care about it. Thank you, Nari. The IST. What is your tone? Chris Cody, I care about it more than you.
Starting point is 00:19:41 My tone is, why can't we just take it for what it is? Fans tonight at the arena are gonna be chaining. It's, ah, yes, T. Ah it more than you. My tone is, why can't we just take it for what it is? Fans tonight at the arena are gonna be chanting. It's, ah, yes, T. Ah, yes, T. It's not the champion, it's just, but it's more important than a regular season game. There can be something in the middle. It doesn't. It counts the same, right?
Starting point is 00:19:56 Let me tell you something. Those words painted on the Kaseya Center key, they mean nothing. See, I'd rather have a win tonight. What you're doing is the worst of ever all. What? You're doing this, I'm super sarcastic. I'm not doing this.
Starting point is 00:20:10 Dan, you gotta put the kids to bed tonight. I'm a soccer fan. I love mid-season cups. My dad doesn't even know what it is and he was ripping it on the bike. I do know what it is. Right, it's stupid. It's stupid.
Starting point is 00:20:21 I'm playing the format. How does it work? Tonight is important. Not only because it's Milwaukee, not because's a made-up tournament with a bad day. Explain the format of the in-season tournament. It's like group play and then you know you you've finished first in your group or you make a wild card first two then then you advance I mean you do it well. Yeah, they're they're you know they're patterning it they're patterning it off after World Cup and various other competitions, and they're trying to make something out of nothing good
Starting point is 00:20:48 for them, I guess, but it's totally unnecessary. There's no reason for it. Don't do this to your dad, because he knows everything about it. He just thinks it's a bad idea, and it is. And that's why I yelled at Christopher on my own podcast, because he's trying to tell me that I'm making up stuff that I don't really believe in.
Starting point is 00:21:04 I don't think you give two shits about the tournament either way. You're on the you're on your podcast like it's it's a disgrace. It's like you don't give a shit. Okay, I didn't call it a disgrace. I called it totally unnecessary. It's a made up something for no reason. How do we give you something else that you can care about? We're not saying it's as good as important as the championship, but it's more meaning than a regular season game. It doesn't know.
Starting point is 00:21:27 Love your passion. It's great passion. It's more meaningful because you buy into it. It's because of cup. That's great passion. The NBA is trying to sell you something and you're there gobbling it up just like they want you to. You know, and I'm there going, why are we having an in-season tournament? And if we're having one, couldn't you come up with a better name for it than in-season tournament? You're criticizing him. Greg, outside of the Milwaukee Bucks, can you name one other team in East Group B
Starting point is 00:21:51 with the Miami Heat? Oh, knock it off. Who cares? I don't follow the standards because I don't care. No, but this is no, this is no, but what he, Jeremy just did a surgical thing. The New York Knicks. How about that?
Starting point is 00:22:03 How about that? Who said that in his ear? Nobody. Nobody said that in my ear. So is huge tournament game on Friday. That was wildly exciting. No one knows the IST, like Greg Cody. It was exciting because they blew a 45 point lead.
Starting point is 00:22:16 Go heat. They really, they really, the meaningful title for the heat. They really lost that title. They probably cost, if they lose tonight, that loss against Knicks costs them the since he's in nobody cares i care i care deeply no they have they've happened i've seen some right i just hate everything i want to leave this conversation makes me want to go really are you
Starting point is 00:22:38 gonna be good to live there i think i'm gonna like you're like your like your old man look man you got to analyze some of these coding family issues you know because your old man is is a lunatic and he did answer a couple of questions correctly thank you Jeremy did a surgical strike on Greg Cody and this is the move that Greg Cody and stugots have been doing for ten years they could just always rip everything and not care and everything is stupid and then when you start asking questions Give me some of the details about this thing their story will start to unravel
Starting point is 00:23:09 I didn't ask for these details. I didn't ask for the IST. I don't care about the IST I know you have you have you have chosen in your late career Profound in difference to not care about anything. I think you're rummaging through your pocket right now for what sounded like a packet of cigarettes No, they're in the car. It sounded like you were, but Greg, you are someone who is not necessarily faking your way through caring or not caring about this stupid thing. Right.
Starting point is 00:23:39 But you have a strong opinion about something that you're not actually paying attention to. Okay, that's that point. You're not pouring, that point. You're not pouring any caring into it. Okay, I was asked about the format of the tournament. I recited it. I was asked name another team in the group. I said the next. East Bay three years. Do I care about the tournament? No. In advance of the tournament, I wrote a column saying all of the reasons that I didn't like it and why I thought it was unnecessary and not to mention it has a dumb name.
Starting point is 00:24:07 Oh, legacy media. They have 10 years to come up with this idea. And this idea, by the way, dated all the way back to the previous commissioner. So it's not all on Adam Silver. They have 10 years to come up with a better name than in-season tournament and they can't do it. May I make one final attempt to sway you? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:23 Only two teams have punched their ticket to the next round of the Inseas tournament. You have final day of group play happening today. 16 teams are still a lot. You have something potentially today if you care about these results with point differentials and whatnot, you essentially have a witching hour for the NBA
Starting point is 00:24:44 if you assign any sort of value to this cup, if you assign any value to it, tonight could be really exciting, especially as you get to the fourth quarter, and you see all the permutations like, oh, Miami has to make up a seven point differential. This is exciting stuff. Why can't heaten box just be exciting on its own? Why do we need gimmicks in the NBS? It is exciting on its own. You're complaining about something that's not taking away from your enjoyment of it, unless you find the courts garish. Hands off to you.
Starting point is 00:25:13 I understand that. But this is Bucks Heat Regular Season Game. That'll always kind of matter considering the recent history between these two teams. And now you have an added layer of window dressing if you don't care, fine. God bless you. People like me who care deeply about this,
Starting point is 00:25:27 a whole system very high regard. We're gonna be locked into that. And a clash of blue bloods and Lexington. All right, Kentucky. I've got two sets of players that can potentially intrigue you into what's been going on here. So Steph Curry, when they played against the Kings
Starting point is 00:25:41 in their game, said it felt like the playoffs. And that's somebody who's been to as many championships as anybody who's in the league right now outside of the pro-Jay. Company man. We go player. And then outside of that, I'll give you somebody who you'll likely agree with. Jason Tatum, who doesn't like the in-season tournament, specifically because of the point differential factor, because he feels like
Starting point is 00:26:00 players trying to score at the end of the game and what should have been blowouts is disrespecting the game and what should have been blowouts is disrespecting the game. Can either one of you old men jump on this take disrespecting the game? Anybody? No, but I'll jump on Steph Curry. No one's going to convince me that game seven of the NBA finals feels like an in season tournament game.
Starting point is 00:26:18 No, but and you're buying it. You're falling for it. I mean, that guy is a funny. My bad. They are just so full of shit. They do not give a crap. And Stugot's probably doing the thing. We're all his fingers are the same size.
Starting point is 00:26:29 He's waving them everywhere. And he just, he doesn't get, and my dad, he's just mailing it in at this point. I mean, he's just, I had to tell him about the tournament right before we had to take on the great- I don't mail anything in. Although, quite frankly, I did buy a book of stamps yesterday. Oh nice.
Starting point is 00:26:46 The first time in a year. That had to feel good. Yeah, my wife asked me to buy stamps, and then all of a sudden, do I want a flag? Do I want a Christmas Carol? Yeah. Christmas tree on my stamp. I don't care. Just give me a book of stamps.
Starting point is 00:26:56 But this in-season tournament, I'm not violently against it. I just personally think it's dumb. I do not respect the title. If my team wins that title, I'm not gonna go to a parade. I don't wanna see the banner up here. You just don't like parades? It's a made up title. I understand. It's actually a real meaningful money
Starting point is 00:27:14 for two-way contract. What? You would be embarrassed if they have a parade. This is what Lillard said. What? Lillard said this. This is what's great about what is today. And they can be sour about it,
Starting point is 00:27:24 but this is the explanation. What is today? It's Tuesday. Yeah, okay, but Stugat, this is what's great about what is today and they can be sour about it but this is the explanation is today it's Tuesday yeah okay but still got this is called switer once half a million dollars how do you think sports is going to involve the NBA want in on the action red zone NFL is way out in front give people just hit him with a bunch of action money running up and down the court drama excitement this is the evolution hockey's already way ahead they already they just did it this season all the game frozen friends all the games at once here what are you gonna do to addicted america on its phones overstimulate them throw a hundred games at em thousands of dollars running up and down the court yesterday's funds to gods
Starting point is 00:28:04 Let's go Islanders, bum bum bum bum bum bum bum Stugats! Let's go Islanders, bum bum bum bum bum bum This is the Don Lebatar Show with this Tugats! North Carolina has a merch as a school to keep an eye on as a possibility for Max Johnson. Mike Ryan hates Max Johnson. Mike Ryan hates Max Johnson. Mike Ryan, Mike Ryan, I hold resentment against his dad. I watch so my hate Brad now, Texas A&M football this year. No, it's Mike Ryan's fault.
Starting point is 00:28:36 Lucy, you make that face, but it's Mike Ryan's fault. It's because Texas A&M gave Miami the belief, hold that blessed week to the best week of mario christibals life in my signature dub uh... uh... that he tried to spend the rest of the season convincing himself how good the aggis actually were on defense and if not
Starting point is 00:28:55 for their quarterback play texas a.m. would have been a quality win for the university of Miami micrime tried to convince himself all season with his money and i was betting tex&M too. I was betting Texas A&M too and I was losing because that defense wasn't as good as he thought it was. I think we ended up in the black. Dan, you got to start running this stuff by me ahead of time. I would've told you no way. This is money in the bank. I was saying M. I text Chris fix every Saturday. Yeah, Max Johnson was a... He's a type of quarterback that'll make you sweat a bad.
Starting point is 00:29:25 And I don't like those types of quarterbacks. It's a talented Texas A&M Aggie team, which I'm really excited about the new hire. You know, I went to college station last year. I was forever changed. I am low key and Aggie fan now. I have a Texas A&M group chat. And initially, look, it's been a rough week.
Starting point is 00:29:42 This is, I'm gonna have a and I'm a group chat conversation. Give me Mike. This is the problem. I'm in eight with him. This is the problem. And on Aggie land, your life sounds like a prison. Oh, no. And I left the XFL chat like six months.
Starting point is 00:29:54 Mine you did? You did? Congrats. Right before the merger. I'm the most annoying group chat over mom. Oh, why? I'm adding you back. That's not cool.
Starting point is 00:30:06 He loves my, Taylor asked me yesterday. He's like, are you out of that thing? I was like, dude, a long time. I just got a DC defender. It's signed to a practice squad. I think I had Atlanta. Is there an in-season tournament group chat? No, that's just like the regular central hub one.
Starting point is 00:30:20 So how much of a fan are you really? I love them. You can have a group chat. But let me get back to my Aggie group chat. My beloved Aggies. How many people are in this chat? Six. Okay.
Starting point is 00:30:30 How many people want to be in this chat? Hey, one thing I've got to, are you gonna read that Chris Cody does that? I'm sure it's six because it sounds like Chris Cody's no longer in the chat. No, that's the XFL chat. Yeah, I've read it. I have 15 for the merger.
Starting point is 00:30:39 Yeah. 15 people on the XFL chat. Mike, this is what I need. I need for you before you. You're gonna change in the name. I don't want to descend to your church. As brand equity. I've had enough.
Starting point is 00:30:47 Why would they do that? Mike, Mike, listen. Hombsities. I hate hombsities. He's crazy. He's as crazy as those Aggie people are. Let's play that video because he's as nuts as that cult because they have a cult there.
Starting point is 00:31:00 Stugats, they're paying Jimbo Fisher so many millions to go away. And Mike Alco just learned what it is that place is he was a decoordinate in there before he knows what he's getting himself into and you impressed I knew that huh yes my call of buyout he knows it's yes in my college station fighting Texas a.m. Aggies group chat there are seven of us fighting Texas a.m. Aggies right none of which actually went to Texas a.m. Aggies group chat there are seven of us fight in Texas a.m. Aggies right none of which actually went to Texas a.m. How many besides you have sent an actual text though no no no this was pretty active you got my buddy Chi cowboy corals in there do you want to Cody I think you should get back there Cody I think I'm right you should be with your you should be with your son do Do you have you not seen the video? Do you not know what is going on is perfect? We're gonna put it on your tombstone, okay?
Starting point is 00:31:48 You don't know why she goes crowded Do you know any of what we're talking about do you understand what we're talking? Okay, you don't know any of it you actually did do this on the On the right Straight coach, you know you build out his tombstone. Where you know me. It's me What? I had a great idea. It had a salt shake or something. It had a great idea. Hold on, let's say it's me.
Starting point is 00:32:07 Hold on, let's do it. Live remote, let's plan it right now. It's crowded. Let's plan the funeral right now. Who needs me is going on the tombstone? Yeah, and that kind of thing. It also says owner of AM, FFT. What was the, yeah, America's most famous fantasy football.
Starting point is 00:32:21 Yeah, that's a gacky. Uh, the gacky's got a spot on there. And you'll have a mascot there. It's not just catchphrases, you got this. The foot with the toenail. It's not a NASCAR. It's not a NASCAR. You got to put a couple of meaningful things on there.
Starting point is 00:32:34 It's forever. Front and center is BBWAAA baseball hall of fame voter. That's what I don't even need my name on the tombstone. I just want that. And, you know know calmly racehorse owner You know what time you want to be a champion? You want race horse owner? This is your obituary not your tombstone. No, this is I'm telling his tombstone
Starting point is 00:32:56 He wants all his just whatever it's a resume said it was crowded. It's a resume straighter Dan Marino Yeah, I get I get to you know Concoct my own tombstone. What about that? Can we throw that on and it's an asterisk at the bottom of it? Can we make a bet that negotiates the ability to put on that tombstone, an asterisk that says, one straighter Dan Marino for Scott Mitchell. No, no, that didn't have a...
Starting point is 00:33:19 He didn't have a... He did write Fins at 50. I mean, I can't... And, uh, and, uh, Proud of a Lion. The new book. He goes that, uh did write fins at 50. I mean right again and Pride of a lion the new book that That book I wrote The title The title I didn't our listeners have come so strong buying that book Yeah, they have and thank every one of you. Yeah, I always forget whether it's got a the on the top or not
Starting point is 00:33:40 It's just be pride of the lion, but it's the pride of a lion. You're criticizing your book title. In my dad's defense, they did put the the very small. Yeah, pride of a lion. Good book. Only second to the pride of a fight in Texas A&M. Well, let's look at this, because Greg Cody doesn't know what we're talking about. Greg, they need you in the back row to reenact
Starting point is 00:34:01 the Elko Pressor. They have weird pressors there. It's a cult. It's clearly a cult. It's a cult. It's a cult. It's clearly a cult. It's a cult. It's like Arkansas. It's a plain sight. My wife can't stop watching these things.
Starting point is 00:34:10 They can't. Mother God's over here. These cults are fascinating. I love the midnight yell. I love the culture over there. This is the one. This is the one. Valor of it.
Starting point is 00:34:19 Lucy, you're getting out there. You're getting, I don't know where you're going this week. Not there. Yeah, it's not going station. But you, you're I don't know where you're going this week. Not there. Yeah, it's not going station. But you you know what I'm talking about here. The cultish nature of college football. Is it represented better anywhere than it is at Texas A&M? No, Texas A&M is absolutely perfect. You take the cult aspect and then throw in a bunch of oil money and you have Texas. Put it in the middle and go wear in Texas. No, know where you get PTSD. No where.
Starting point is 00:34:45 It's like, tumbleweed you. It's like wake up, but with more money. Yes, this is fun to do that. Yes. Oh, it's a good way. It's fun. I think everyone,
Starting point is 00:34:53 I think everyone can agree that if you're going to sway as a Texas A&M fight naggy, this is a week because everything has gone great. Yeah, go. Yeah, this whole search, expertly done, amazing stuff from our Aggies. And I know Mike Elko isn't the sexiest name hell I just had a Google to remind myself of it but after after tune on it a little bit
Starting point is 00:35:14 I actually think it can be our Spirits What do you Lucy? This was a good hire everybody's excited another stoop's not another stoop Oh, this is a good hire We had a brief moment. No, Lucy, I'm sorry for giving you. You're gonna need to sway if you don't mind. The analysis has to be good, but yes.
Starting point is 00:35:32 This is gonna be nauseous. So, we had a brief moment on Saturday where we thought they were gonna hire dabbo-sweeny. That would have been awesome, but this is a close second. This is fun. Yeah, we're having a good time. I love it. I love a good sway. Not too rippy, but this is fun. The most having a good time I love a good time I love a good time I'm not a good rippy but this is fun the most exercise I've got in the 10 years
Starting point is 00:35:48 we did no it is fun oh it is it is there uh there's celebration kept going for a while there there's a lot of videos from that it's uh it's a it's a it's a cool little place Arkansas can do the same stuff though no they they do hog calls they are a little different but still special special we're all introduced to that with a Bobby Patrino I think
Starting point is 00:36:20 presser where he left in the middle of the night and I think he left post it notes on players lockers Left the Falcons. Yes. Yeah, he just taped a letter up. I Arkansas that but there is a oh geez awful They went on to sing and chant some more great traditions over college station I Chris I like you I like you supporting his bad dad jokes or his bad jokes like that way. We'll try that toss again. Great traditions over at Texas A&M. Yeah!
Starting point is 00:36:53 I was singing it for a week. That character is so good. That character is so good. That show is so good. Who was it that said the other day that no one watched righteous gemstones? That can't be true. That cannot be true. Well, you got four of them right here. I like that show.
Starting point is 00:37:15 I mean, how can you not like that show? Five, ARMYS GROWIN. That show did two and a half minutes to open with Baby Building. A song that was well done, cheesy, awful, wonderful as he was a poolside preacher in one of the smartest religion shows ever done. And you're going to tell me nobody watched it, that can't be true. There will come a baby, I'll let you go a baby, there will come a baby someday, someday
Starting point is 00:37:44 it's such a good song. I was in get every night. We got to get my man coached Elko a tailor in college station. The fit did not inspire confidence. What are you talking about? Oh, you should see the pictures. You don't need to look present. My man had to get put together real quick and we'll excuse him on that one. But honey, where's my suit? Time to play that game. Does it still fit? Oh, the football season a ravage one of some of these coaches on the eating habits. Yeah, I mean the sweat suit It gets bigger and bigger as a perennial loser of Does that suit still fit? I can I can really empathize with all the work this top button is doing right now in Coach L. Go.
Starting point is 00:38:27 That is such a funny game. What did the pandemic do to this body? Ha ha ha ha ha ha. It's all that. It's like my first, I told you. My first thought when someone that I love dies is not, oh, it's like crap, I gotta fit in a suit. But Mikey, you just had a presser a year ago and Duke,
Starting point is 00:38:43 didn't he? Like two years ago. You did a good job at that. Right. Oh, Mike and I were actually talking about this off air yesterday because I know these things seem great fun. Look at this. Power broker, middle of Texas.
Starting point is 00:38:54 He's going to rule the world. Look at this buyout money. They're kings. College football is king. These jobs seem awful, awful. With NIL money, like these jobs were awful before. But now you're bringing all the problems that come with money and now you got players
Starting point is 00:39:12 who deserve to be paid and you don't have the power you used to have, I would not want to be a college football coach right now. If you paid me all of the money in the world, that's a dumb decision by you. I've got a choice. You want to be Tom Allen. I've got a chase around kids. I've got a choice. You want to be Tom Allen? I've got a chase around kids, and I've got a win.
Starting point is 00:39:28 At some point, around like $300 million, it's like fine. I mean, Dan, you lose, and they buy you out, you're dumb working. I mean, that's a hits. I mean, you're almost incentivized to lose, but if you're competitive and want to win, and money isn't the winning, if money's not the winning,
Starting point is 00:39:43 if you want to be smarter than the next guy, more competitive, more noble, like If money's not the winning, if you wanna be smarter than the next guy, more competitive, more noble, like if money's not the game, you actually care about football from there. I wanna win, I wanna be the best, not about money. Like if it's there that you care, you will make yourself a crazy person. Think about the vacation, Frank Raid is planning though right now.
Starting point is 00:40:00 Fighting all of these people for money. You have a lot of them doing it for the love of the game. You have Mario Christ crystal ball taking vacations No, there is no such thing as work-life balance if you are an effective college football coach There's barely even life work Integration there's a reason why and it goes unreported if you're a top program or fancy yourself to be a top program You're paying coordinators more than they pay them in the NFL your analyst and your assistant coaching staff You're paying coordinators more than they pay them in the NFL. Your analyst and your assistant coaching staff,
Starting point is 00:40:24 they're going to the NFL for lesser paying jobs because of the nightmare that is college football now in this NIL landscape. And the COVID years also screwed it up. You'll actually get a little bit of relief once that leverage goes away, but it's not an easy job at all. Why did you add me back to this XFL chat?
Starting point is 00:40:37 This XFL chat.

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