The Date with Confidence Podcast - Single For 5 Years & Celebrating ONE YEAR Of The Podcast!

Episode Date: September 23, 2024

EPISODE 54: Single For 5 Years & Celebrating ONE YEAR Of The Podcast!HAPPY ONE YEAR OF THE DATE WITH CONFIDENCE PODCAST!!In this episode, I reflect on my personal journey through relationships, br...eakups and self-discovery. From overcoming codependency to setting healthy boundaries, I share some of the most transformative lessons I’ve learned while navigating love and loss over the past 5 years.I open up about how fear of abandonment affected my past, the importance of respecting myself and why love alone isn’t always enough to sustain a relationship.This episode is for anyone who’s ready to take ownership of their emotional well-being and create healthier relationship dynamics in their life.Here’s a peek at what we discuss:1. Codependency and Self-Worth: Recognising how my happiness depended on someone else and reclaiming my self-worth2. Fear of Speaking Up: How fear of abandonment silenced me and the power I found in voicing my truth3. Setting Boundaries: Learning to stick to my boundaries without fear of being left, and walking away when my boundaries aren’t respected4. Why Love Isn't Always Enough: Understanding that love alone doesn’t guarantee a healthy relationship5. Embracing Self-Respect: Prioritising my own well-being and learning to respect myself in love6. Moving on with Peace: Letting go of resentment and looking back at my relationship with gratitude and acceptance7. Trusting in My Own Timeline: Finding peace in my own journey and trusting that everything will unfold in the right timeTune in to hear my raw reflections on love, healing, and creating a future rooted in self-love.CELEBRATE ONE YEAR OF THE DATE WITH CONFIDENCE PODCAST! From now until 1st October, save 50% on any of the resources here when you enter code DWCCELEBRATEMentioned:I Know What I Deserve NowThe Nose Picker Date StoryWeird Comments I’ve Received on HingeThis Simple Concept Will Help You Date with ConfidenceGet Involved!You can contribute your stories to the Date with Confidence Podcast here. Share your best or worst dating stories, your biggest icks, dating tips you think everyone should know or ask me anything about my dating life or a burning question you need an answer for.  Visit The Date with Confidence website here. Subscribe to our YouTube channel.Follow your host Rebecca Hawkes on Instagram and TikTok. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome back to the Date With Confidence podcast and happy one year! Oh my god, I cannot believe it's a year. Okay, like technically 363 days or was this year a leap year? Okay, technically it's a year on Wednesday the 25th but we're practically at a year and I'm really fucking excited about it because I, like when I first decided to launch the date with confidence podcast it was only ever going to be three series like three seasons of 10 episodes so it was only supposed to be 30 episodes in total and the whole plan was to record the episodes, launch them, and then never touch the podcast again. But I had so much content. And then when you started asking me questions, and you started getting involved, and we brought in the community episodes, I just got so much more excited about
Starting point is 00:00:58 the podcast. Like, I obviously became obsessed with it for a really long time, took that little summer break. But I can't believe we're here. And it's been a year. And I love it for a really long time, took that little summer break, but I can't believe we're here and it's been a year and I love it. I really want to go back and listen to some of my older episodes because I think I am somebody that grows quite rapidly, I evolve quite rapidly, so who I was even at the start of 2024 is not who I am now. So it'd be really interesting for me to go back and listen to those episodes and hear like the things that I'm saying the things I'm talking about my perspective on things I think that would be so interesting so maybe I'll do that at some stage every now and then I do go
Starting point is 00:01:39 back and listen to previous episodes like the other week I listened to How To Level Up In Love Again, because that was such a big episode, and something that I, like when I recorded that, I was in the midst of, I just started seeing that guy, and listening back to me being like giddy about it made me cringe so much, because I was like, oh my god, my perspective on things have changed that they've done a complete 180 it is wild that that's how I felt then and like when I listen back to other episodes what other one did I listen to the other day I listen back to my we need to talk one um like loads of different things I go back and listen to my old stuff one of the episodes I really want to listen to again is the one that I recorded with my granddad last Christmas.
Starting point is 00:02:27 So his viewpoint on dating. That one will forever be my absolute favourite episode. Just because we got to sit and have that conversation. And I think if it wasn't for the Date With Confidence podcast, we would never have sat down and discussed that. Like we might have discussed things um here and there I'm very open with my family especially with my nan and granddad because like I've grown up like they've always been my safe space I've grown up with them I've always been very open with them about like my dating life so it would be very um like yeah I'm very very grateful that I got to have the podcast episode like the podcast recording with my granddad because I would never have had such an in-depth talk um had it not been
Starting point is 00:03:11 for the pod I've obviously got that forever which is amazing so it's been an incredible year I'm also celebrating like celebrating like five years of being single at some point this month it has been five years since my five-year relationship ended so we have officially got to the point where we've been separated longer than we were together which is wild unless you count the like 18 months where we were just sleeping together before we were official in which case we've still got another 18 months to go but officially I've been single for the last five years. Welcome to the Date With Confidence podcast a place to come for dating advice support and stories that'll either fill you with hope or relief that your dating experience wasn't as bad as it could have been with practical episodes that'll provide you with
Starting point is 00:04:01 easy to implement tips to help you feel confident af on your next date alongside light-hearted catch-ups where your host rebecca that's me by the way shares her own experience dating after four years of the single life you are guaranteed to end each episode feeling less alone in your dating struggles empowered to never settle again and confident that the best is yet to come and if it all falls to shit there's a special first season dedicated to breakups you are welcome my friend subscribe review and share with your single friends so before i talk about the biggest lessons i've learned i just want to remind you that until the first of october so you've got one more week you can save 50% on all the products and programs on the date with confidence podcast resources page which is linked in the show notes and to save that 50% you just need to enter code DWCcelebrate all one word in the coupon box and you can save 50% until the 1st of October and that is
Starting point is 00:05:08 a special thank you from me to celebrate you being here with me for the past year so whether you have been an OG from the start or whether you've recently found the podcast I am so grateful for you being here. I'm grateful for you listening, for you contributing, for you sharing. It means the absolute fucking world to me. So thank you so much. Okay, the biggest lessons that I've learned since being single over the last five years, maybe these aren't the biggest ones, but these are the ones that kind of came to my head when I was just brainstorming some notes for this episode. So the first one, which I think is really important, is how unhealthy my behaviour was in my past relationship. Now, I loved my ex so much. I would have done anything for him. I was completely and utterly head over
Starting point is 00:06:09 heels for him for years. I sacrificed a lot to be in the relationship. I compromised a lot. I would have done anything for him. And it's only in the last few years where I've been reflecting on the part that I played in that relationship that I was able to see where my unhealthy behavior was because there were things about us that weren't right like things like gaslighting and I don't know not listening like there were just a lot of things on his part that made the relationship unhealthy and there were a lot of things on my part that made the relationship healthy and I think it took me a long time to be able to see that and to be able to take responsibility for my part but as I'm getting older and as I'm doing more work on myself it is so important that we look at our own habits and
Starting point is 00:07:15 our own patterns and we look at where we're going wrong in relationships we cannot blame every single thing that has happened on the other person we have to take our own responsibility if we want a healthy relationship so some of the bad behaviors I had were things like being super codependent how happy I was depended on how happy he was and how happy he made me. So I, for a very long time, didn't, I'd have like moments where I would focus on my own happiness, but the majority of the time I would rely on him to make me feel good, on him to make me feel happy, on him to make me feel beautiful and if he wasn't doing those things the way that I wanted him to do them then I would feel like I wasn't good enough I would feel anxious I would feel depressed like a lot of the way that I felt about myself was very much down to how he made me feel about him and that is not healthy going into any other dating scenario or any other relationship now,
Starting point is 00:08:29 my own happiness is my priority and is my responsibility. It is not the responsibility of my partner to make sure I am happy all the time. Another thing that I noticed about my behavior was if something had happened and he'd really upset me I would ignore him I would give him the silent treatment and I mean to be honest quite often he didn't actually notice that I was like there was a time where it was like a good few days before he actually was like, what's going on? But I would give him the silent treatment. I would be rude. I would be short. I would ignore him. And I've now reflected on that and seen how damaging that can be. And at the same time, I'd never known any different like silent treatment is what I received growing up repeatedly and I didn't understand how unhealthy that was I
Starting point is 00:09:36 understood that when someone gave me the silent treatment I hated it it made me feel really upset it made me feel guilty it made me feel ashamed of. It made me feel guilty. It made me feel ashamed of myself. It made me feel like I was a terrible person. So I suppose subconsciously, when I was giving him the silent treatment, I wanted him to feel guilty for what he'd done. But that's such an unhealthy way to communicate, and it's something that I won't do now at all, I actively communicate whenever there's conflict, I refuse to go down the silent treatment path, because I know how much it's affected me, and I'm very much working on my conflict styles, as it were, I definitely think speaking openly honestly and communicating in a calm way is the best way to communicate now obviously we're all human beings and we're all
Starting point is 00:10:34 going to fuck up at some point but silent treatment is not something that I ever intend to do again another thing was that I was very scared to speak up because I was so trapped in my fear of abandonment that I was scared if I spoke up, he would leave me. And there's so, there's a lot surrounding this. Like if I spoke up and he left me he was obviously not my person anyway because you should be able to say whatever you want to your partner without the fear that they're going to leave if you tell them how you're feeling and they walk out the door they weren't invested in the relationship the way that you are and this is a conversation that I had with my best mate and his partner just before me and my ex split up so me and my ex had had this um conversation around something that had happened
Starting point is 00:11:32 and my best mate who was a mutual friend of ours at the time um my best mate and his partner had come down to visit me and I explained to them what had happened and I was like I'm so upset by this but I can't tell him like I'm so scared to tell him like how damaging this is and how much this has affected me and they were like Beck that's not a relationship like you cannot be in a relationship like that where you are frightened to tell someone that they have hurt you they were both like we could literally say anything we wanted to the other person and we know for a fact the other person isn't going to leave and I was just like but I've never been in a relationship where that's not the case and part of that is very much is very much down to my own fear of abandonment.
Starting point is 00:12:27 But part of that is to do with the fact that whenever I've spoken up in previous relationships, it's always been met with gaslighting, with telling me I'm wrong, with telling me I'm being dramatic, with storming out and slamming the door with turning the argument around me being the bad person for speaking up so I'd never experienced any different and I didn't know any different I didn't even know what it was like to be in a healthy relationship so recognizing that my fear of speaking up came down to the fear of abandonment and then working on that and getting myself to the point now where me speaking my truth and being honest about something that's hurt me is so much more important to me than the fear of being abandoned because now I'm at the stage of my life and at the point of like I'm at a place where I'm so content with who
Starting point is 00:13:28 I am me speaking up is more important to me in a relationship than being left like I would rather speak openly and honestly and vulnerably and that person walk out the door than me hold things in and build up that inner resentment and that inner you know I don't know if this has happened to you but when I keep quiet about things I shrink I feel myself shrinking because there's almost like a shame around why can't you just speak up it's like all my power goes and I'm I'm not available to be there anymore I would much rather stay single and speak up than be in a relationship with someone where I'm too frightened to speak up again and then the final thing um from the unhealthy behavior aspect was allowing my boundaries to be crossed. So I think in multiple relationships, I've had certain boundaries that have been overstepped
Starting point is 00:14:36 and allowing that behavior to happen without speaking up and without actually sticking to my boundaries because again I was so scared that if I stuck to my boundaries I'd be left because that's happened in previous relationships and now I have my boundaries I will not let them be crossed and when anyone tries to challenge them or disrespects them I walk away another thing is it a lesson I don't even know if you'd call it a lesson but another thing that I've reflected on a lot is the idea that sometimes love just isn't enough like love isn't enough of a thing to keep a relationship together. I was head over heels in love with my ex, he was in love with me, yet our love for each other was not enough to keep us together, and I think from that I've learned that you need to respect yourself more than the love you have for the other person.
Starting point is 00:15:49 And I think if I'd respected myself more, I would have walked away a long time ago. But I was so in love with him. I didn't want to. I said to him, even when we split up, I said to him, if you hadn't have ended it, I never would have done, I mean, maybe, maybe I would have got to the place where I was like, I'm not taking this anymore, like, I am done with this relationship, but I was so committed to our relationship, and committed to the love that I had for him and I was also very committed to our story and our history and the life that we'd had together that I didn't want
Starting point is 00:16:33 things to end so we'd met in Thailand we had traveled the world together we'd lived in Australia we'd lived in Honduras we'd had a pregnancy when we were younger that we terminated like we had been through a lot of really big things in our relationship together and I don't think I ever wanted to let that go because of the hardships that we'd had and because of all the positives we'd had as well because of our romantic story that we'd met in Thailand and we were friends and then we yeah moved to Australia all this stuff and there are times where I look back on it with the rose-tinted glasses and I see all the happy moments and I forget a lot of the trauma that happened as well. A lot of the negative things that happened even before we were even in a relationship. But I think, yeah, I think love just isn't enough sometimes. And even though I think you have to get to the point where you look
Starting point is 00:17:43 at things and maybe this is what you did, maybe this is why you ended it, I will never know, but I think you have to look at things and ask yourself, am I holding on to this for the right reasons? And unfortunately, love isn't a big enough reason to hold on to something, love and a shared history isn't enough of a reason to hold on to something love and a shared history isn't enough of a reason to hold on to things um so yeah I think I I feel like now I respect myself so much more than I ever have have yeah so much more than I ever have that I would never end up in a situation again where I'm disrespecting myself and choosing the love that I have for someone else over choosing myself I like to think that
Starting point is 00:18:35 I've learned that by now again I thought I'd learned lessons when I dated delusional guy I thought I'd learned lessons with the guy that was dating at the start of the year there were some things that I missed but we're all a work in progress all the fucking time aren't we so there we go um another lesson that I've learned and something that again I've done a lot of work on is recognizing that I was always enough, I just wasn't enough for him. And that doesn't mean that I am not enough as who I am. I know to my core, I am an incredible person. I am such a loving, kind, intelligent, funny, beautiful person and I add so much to the lives of the people that
Starting point is 00:19:31 love me, whether they are family, whether they are friends, whether they are partners, I have so much to offer people in this world, even when it comes down to community and clients, I know how valuable I am just for existing. So not even the things that I do for people, like just for who I am, I am enough, I am valuable, I am, yeah, like I am, I am worthy, like I am enough for who I am, just as you are enough for who you are as well and you will always be enough to the people who love you but in this scenario I wasn't enough for him and that doesn't subtract from my value that doesn't make me any less than it just means what he desired in the end changed and it wasn't me. And when someone chooses themselves over choosing you, it doesn't mean anything about you. He didn't choose himself because I'm a terrible person, he didn't choose himself because I put on weight.
Starting point is 00:20:47 He didn't choose himself because I stopped being funny. He didn't choose himself because I'd said the wrong thing for him. He chose himself because he had a path that he desired to follow and he couldn't see me in that path anymore and however much that absolutely fucking sucked at the time I understand it now and I also understand how if I was in that scenario me choosing myself wouldn't mean that the other person was a terrible human being or any of the other reasons I mentioned before and I think that's one of probably the biggest one of the biggest things that I've learned because that's helped me see things so differently and I've also got myself to this point where no matter what happens in the future I know that I can handle it because this was one of the this
Starting point is 00:21:56 breakup was one of the worst things I'd ever been through in my life up till that point losing my dog three years later was the worst thing that's ever happened to me. But at the time of the breakup, it was the worst thing that I'd ever been through for the second time. And I genuinely didn't think I would see my way out of it. There was the tiny little intuitive voice inside me that was going, you're going to be fine. But when it happened, I remember saying to my mum, I cannot do this again again I can't get through it there's no way I can make it out of this and lo and behold here we are five years later and the growth that I have had personally has been phenomenal and I never would have arrived at this place had we stayed together not only that I wouldn't have been at home for
Starting point is 00:22:48 the pandemic I wouldn't have spent the last four years being able to care for my granddad who is getting progressively worse and who hasn't got that much longer to live I would have missed out on four years or five years with him five extra years with him if I'd still been with my ex we would have moved to Bali then we would have moved elsewhere I would have still been traveling I wouldn't have had that family time I wouldn't have been here for the birth of Lily and Harry my niece and nephew I wouldn't be here for baby number three that's coming in November I wouldn't have been so involved in their lives and I see them on a weekly basis I see them at least once a week at least I would never have been so involved in their lives I would never have spent the oh dear
Starting point is 00:23:37 I would never have spent the last three years of Jasper's life with him. And I would have really missed out on that. And at the time, I didn't understand the breakup. At the time, I didn't understand. And I knew that one day I would get to the point where I could look at it and go, this is why it happened. And now I can reflect on that like I'm not gonna lie the
Starting point is 00:24:07 past five years have not been easy at all they've been really hard in terms of processing the breakup but the growth and the things that I've learned and the opportunities I've had and the relationships that have been strengthened from it I am so grateful for them and it is so nice to be able to reflect back and be like wow look at where you are and to be able to look back on the relationship with peace and the breakup with peace and to have let go of all the resentment and the hatred and the anger and the confusion like I have nothing but peace around the whole situation now and now I'm able to look back on our relationship and some of the happier memories and I can look back on them with fondness without that feeling of, oh my God, why did it have to end? Or without that sick feeling of he's moved on with his life kind of thing.
Starting point is 00:25:18 And that's really fucking nice. The last thing that I wanted to talk about was not the last thing I wanted to talk about the last lesson was that there's no timeline on you being able to have what you want. So when the breakup happened, I was it was like three months before I turned 29. And it was a big deal for me because I thought I was going to be engaged by the time I was 30. I was so desperate to be engaged by the time that I was 30, because to me, that was a really big milestone. And that made me feel like I had my shit together, because at this point, I'd obviously lived abroad from the age of 21. And so I didn't own a home. I didn't have my own house apart from when we were living abroad and we obviously lived together um we weren't married we didn't have kids none of that
Starting point is 00:26:12 so I felt like if I'm engaged by the time I'm 30 then I've got my shit together that's good and then when the relationship ended at 28 just before I turned 29 I felt like I was so behind in my life my best mate announced that he was having his baby having a baby with his partner two months after the breakup or even a month after the breakup two months and then my brother got engaged we split up in the September my brother got engaged I think it was the December and maybe it was the end of November and I was just devastated like I was happy for them obviously but I was so much in this like why isn't it me state and I felt like everyone was moving on with their lives and I had just gone back 10 paces because I was back at home again but now that I'm at 33 I don't have any worries about that I don't feel like I'm behind I feel so content with where I am and I also was able to recognize that the only reason I wanted to
Starting point is 00:27:19 be engaged by the time I was 30 is because society fucking hates women who are single any older than 30 so I was like well I didn't want to be engaged because I wanted to be engaged I wanted to be engaged because society are telling me that I'm only worth something if I'm a married woman so then I was like oh well I don't really care about that now that's society's opinion I couldn't give a fuck about that um so now I feel a lot more content with where I am I am still living at home through choice and I'm enjoying living here although at the moment we're getting like the whole house is being renovated so it's fucking chaos but I'm enjoying still living at home I'm enjoying spending time with my family regularly. I get to
Starting point is 00:28:06 go and see my now granddad multiple times a week. Like I've even been building a better relationship with my dad over the last couple of years. I've been seeing him more often. Like I'm, I'm really happy with where I've arrived. My business is flourishing. Things are going really well for me and none of that is to do with me being engaged or having a boyfriend or being married or having kids or buying a house or any of the other milestones that we are made to feel like we have to have to be successful I feel pretty fucking successful in myself not all day every day, there are moments where I go, oh my god, why am I still living at home, of course there are, especially when my mum's irritating me, and I'm just like, I just want to be on my own, but also I'm so grateful to be here,
Starting point is 00:28:59 because again, there is gonna come a stage where my mum isn't here anymore because obviously we all get older and we die I am going to be able to look back on the last few years and go oh my god I'm so glad I got all that extra time with her because for the majority of my 20s I was out of the country so yeah we messaged but I didn't spend a lot of time with her because I was living abroad from 21 to 28 I was out of the country so now I feel like I'm not making up for lost time because I definitely wouldn't see my 20s as lost time but I feel like we've got a much better relationship now especially as we had quite a rocky one when I was a teenager and in my early 20s Whereas now we've got a really good relationship. And I get to, yeah, prioritise family relationships and friendships.
Starting point is 00:29:50 I've got a really good, I mean, I've got multiple groups of friends. Because I don't have one, like, big group. I've got lots of friends dotted around. But I have really solid friendships now. So I feel like I've arrived at a really good place and what I've also put in my notes here the reason that I don't feel like I'm left behind anymore is because I have specifically sought out evidence to show me that it's not too late for me so for example celebrities who have got married, or met their
Starting point is 00:30:27 partner and got married in their late 30s or 40s, people who've had babies in their late 30s, 40s, 50s, people who get engaged older, like, and this comes from celebrities, yes, but also conversations that I've had with people that I've met in real life, where they met their partners later on in life. And seeing that evidence and seeking that evidence means that I'm not living every day going, Oh my god, it's too late for me, or I'm so behind, or I need to find a husband now because my clock's ticking, and I need to start pumping babies out now. Like, I'm so relaxed, maybe too relaxed, I don't know, maybe relaxed isn't the now. Like, I'm so relaxed. Maybe too relaxed. I don't know. Maybe relaxed isn't the right word. Like I'm so peaceful around my future, because I'm also so trusting. And I have such an inner knowing that it's going to happen for me in the most beautiful way, exactly when it's supposed to
Starting point is 00:31:27 that I don't need to stress about where I am right now in my everyday life like I know it's going to happen and I also very much believe that when it does happen for me it's going to happen very quickly when I meet the one I feel like it's going to be a quick engagement a quick marriage children are going to come within a couple of years, like don't ask me how I fucking know it, like I just do, like I have it so embedded deep within me that it's all going to work out in the most magical way and I don't need to stress about it and so that's the energy that I live in and it's so nice to live in that state so forget the timeline trust trusting where I am and then I suppose to like finish since I've been single just a couple of steps I guess I didn't start dating until two and a half years after the breakup so yeah I had two and a half years after the breakup. So yeah, I had two and a half years without dating.
Starting point is 00:32:28 And then I started dating. I've dated nine people in that time, which isn't really a lot. So in the last two and a half years, I've dated nine people. The longest has been for three and a half months. And some of those have been one day, some of those have been one day some of those have been longer there was also the guy that I spoke about in the um I know what I deserve now episode where we never even made it to a date but we had a bit of a uh what's the word like a bit of a text situationship going on for a while um and yeah I've like dipped in and dipped out of dating I definitely go through a phase where I'm kind of well into it and then I am not and then when I lost my dog I didn't date for a long time because I was just too emotionally unavailable for it
Starting point is 00:33:18 um so yeah that's that's kind of where I am there. And what I like about dating is that with each new match, I learn something else about myself and what I want. So that means, in my opinion, every time I date someone, I, now I've got to start again. I don't look at it like that. I see every date or every match or I see every person that I'm meeting as one step closer to the one. So I see it as like, yeah, I don't know, like as a good thing, really. Because with each bad date, you learn something else about yourself. With extended dating period you learn something about what you want in a relationship these are all positive things for me so that when I eventually meet the person that I want to be with forever my god forever feels like a really long time but when I eventually meet the person that I want to be with I'm I'm gonna be so certain on who they are and what like what they bring to the table like I'm not I'm never ever going to settle in a relationship again and I've already proved
Starting point is 00:34:33 that to myself from the experience at the start of the year I proved to myself that I will never settle again because had I continued in that I would have settled and I would have ignored a long list of standards that I have for myself and I won't do that for myself anymore so that's it really I'm so happy like I started the podcast to really help you feel confident dating again as a confidence coach that's always been my priority is to help you feel confident dating again as a confidence coach that's always been my priority is to help you feel confident and then because I've been dating as well I was really hoping that my stories and my experiences would make you feel less alone in your struggles with dating and would also fill you with hope and encouragement and just lift you up a bit um and also like maybe
Starting point is 00:35:26 make you laugh like we've got some episodes that I think would really make you laugh like the um I mean the nose picker date story like that is I've often had feedback that that one's hilarious and things like the messages that I've had from people on hinge those kind of things like I've got a few pretty funny episodes I think so hopefully you've had from people on Hinge, those kind of things. Like I've got a few pretty funny episodes, I think. So hopefully you've had a laugh along the way, you've felt less alone, and at least one of the episodes I've shared has made you feel more confident when it comes to dating. I would love to hear from you. If you haven't left a review for the Date With Confidence podcast on iTunes yet, please go and do that I would really
Starting point is 00:36:05 really appreciate it I know it might seem like a little bit of effort or it might seem like not a big deal to you but the more reviews we get the more people the podcast will be in front of and the more people I can help increase their confidence with dating so I would so appreciate it if you could just take a few minutes just to go and leave me your thoughts on iTunes you can rate it on Spotify but you can't leave an actual review on Spotify so if you could do it on iTunes I would be so grateful um share this with your friends please share it on social media tag me you can either tag date with confidence podcast although I don't always say media tag me you can either tag date with confidence podcast although I don't always see those notifications or you can tag at your confident 30s and if you want to get
Starting point is 00:36:53 involved with the podcast then you can go to slash contribute where you can contribute your own stories where you can ask me for my advice, where you can share stuff, that would be amazing. And if you're also listening and you'd like to sponsor the podcast, then get in touch with me privately, go to hello at, because I'm going to be opening up sponsorship for the podcast soon as well. don't forget until the 1st of October you can save 50% on all the products and programs on the date with confidence podcast resources page I will link to it in the show notes use code DWC celebrate allate, all one word, to save 50% off all the products and programs. But there are multiple courses on there, including the Breakup Bounce Back course, the Manifest the One course,
Starting point is 00:37:56 which I released this year, and also Loved Up the Membership. So there's lots of resources that will really support you either during a breakup or with your dating life or even if you want some support in your relationship if you're in a new relationship then loved up will be great for that so go and save yourself 50% until the 1st of October with code DWC celebrate all one, everything is in the description for you so go check out the show notes and yeah tag me on your socials, share the episodes, share the podcast, tell your friends, leave a review. Thank you so much for being here for the past year I'm like I'm obsessed I love it I'm so grateful to you for listening the fact that you listen so consistently and the fact that you contribute to the episodes so often
Starting point is 00:38:54 is why I've continued doing it like it brings me so much joy that you get involved it's why the podcast has been so successful and I am so grateful to you for being here keep listening keep downloading keep sharing keep doing all the things I love you enjoy your 50% discount and I will see you in the next one thanks so much for listening to the date with confidence podcast I hope you've enjoyed this episode subscribe rate and review and share it with your single friends you

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